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Matthew Paley AP Euro Mr. Chordas December 13, 2013 Take Home Sherman Secondary Sources 1.

An event somewhat comparable to the French Revolution from recent history is the Iranian Revolution. The Iranian Revolution is similar mainly because of the end result. Like the French Revolution, in the Iranian Revolution, a monarchy was overthrown for the formation of a republic. The Coming of the French Revolution and The Revolution of the Notables 2. Lefebvre and Sutherland had different interpretations of the causes of the French Revolution. Lefebvres interpretation are part of the social-economic classical view of the origins of the revolution, but many historians now agree with Sutherlands more political analysis. Lefebvre traces the main cause of the revolution to be the aristocratic social structure of France, where the bourgeoisie were becoming increasingly alienated from society due to exclusive restrictions placed on them. Sutherland claims that most of the signs of noble exclusivism show that the restrictions were often aimed at the already rich nobles, not the rising bourgeoisie. Loaves and Liberty: Women in the French Revolution 3. Women played an important role in the French Revolution, and gained a lot from it. They gained laws protecting their rights in marriage, property, and education. They were denied political rights, but women and men didnt share political rights anywhere at this time. However, Napoleons code of laws took all of these rights away from women again. 4. Napoleons code of laws harshly affected womens rights. The laws took away all rights that women gained during the revolution, except for the right to divorce (which was taken away after Napoleon left power). The laws strengthened the authority of the husband and father of the family as the safeguard of private property, making women obey their husbands unconditionally. An Evaluation of the French Revolution 5. The French Revolution was considered the first modern revolution mainly because of the impact it had on the world. Nothing in the European world remained the same after it. It also completely changed the social structure of France, where there was no longer a monarchy, and property counted for more than birth. Many enlightened reforms were also brought about. 6. I believe the French Revolution is a revolution of the peasants. The peasants were one of the main causes of the revolution because they were treated more unfairly than the nobility and clergy, having to pay more taxes while having less money. They also had less political

privileges. The revolution represented the peasants standing up and trying to gain more rights. France Under Napoleon: Napoleon as Enlightened Despot 7. I think Napoleon is a destroyer of the revolution. When Napoleon rose to power, he crowned himself emperor of France. This completely destroyed the goals of the revolution for a republic. He was even more autocratic and strict than the monarchy before the revolution. 8. Napoleons ideas were regressive at the time. Not only did he make himself emperor, which was regressing back to the monarchical regime before the revolution, but he also greatly restricted the rights of women. Napoleon Bonaparte and the Legacy of the French Revolution 9. Napoleons regime was different from the Bourbon dynasty in the ways that they are viewed. There are similarities in that they were both enlightened absolutists, but Napoleon was brought about from the French Revolution where the social order had been completely transformed. The Bourbons had no intentions of changing society while in power, and Napoleon represented all the changes that came through the revolution. Women and the Napoleonic Code 10. The Napoleonic Code was the French civil code established under Napoleon. It embodied many principles of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution. It also was not kind to women. 11. The Code made women more dependent on their husband because women acquired the nationality of their husbands upon marriage. Also, a woman had to reside where her husband desired. 12. I think that Napoleon mostly preserved, but somewhat undermined the enlightenment ideals. His Napoleonic Code gave many new rights, like the freedom of religion, and the ending of privileges based on birth. He undermined the enlightenment ideals in that he was so harsh towards women, especially in his Napoleonic Code.

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