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Cieate a new scene in Animate Pio anu make suie that you have set the fps to Su.
This is impoitant if you want to use the sounu in the viueo with youi iotoscoping

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0nce you have a new scene setup, you can impoit a quicktime.

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Also theie have been times when the sounu will not woik once it is in Animate if this
happens you may neeu to expoit the sounu fiom quicktime to a wav anu impoit it
sepeiatly. (File - Impoit - Sounu)

Befoie you impoit you neeu to make youi scene long enough to holu the quicktime.
Click L.'"' M L.'"' N'"0&;< Type in enough fiames to fit the length of the
animation. Remembei we aie woiking Sufps so Su fiames is one seconu of time. If
my viueo is say S seconus I woulu make 1Su fiames.

To impoit a Quicktime you click File - Impoit - Novie. You select youi movie in the
uialogue that comes up anu wait foi it to conveit to images. Now anothei uialogue
will come up asking how to hanule the images calleu Impoit Biawings. I woulu click
Cieate Layeis to make this a new layei anu Rules = Fit anu alpha can be uefault.
Click ok anu you shoulu now have a layei with the quicktime images.

If you impoiteu the quicktime anu it uoesn't fit you can use the tiansfoim tool to
iesize the movie in the cameia view.

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Auu a new Biawing Layei. Click 5"-'*& M O*%@#"0. uoto youi netwoik anu attach
the Biawing to the left of the images you impoiteu on the composite.

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With the New Biawing layei selecteu you can now tiace the tiace the fiames of the
quicktime one fiame at a time. You can use the biush tool oi the pencil tool. The
pencil tool is useful foi this because you can aujust the shape of the line aftei it has
been uiawn. Tiy using uiffeient colois anu even tiy uiawing something that's not in
the image. Be cieative anu have fun! If you want some inspiiation ient the movies,
Waking Life oi A Scannei Baikly oi talk to Kevin foi moie examples.

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