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Digital Library Program

Project Proposal Form

Date Submitted: _______________ Please e-mail this form with all supporting documents to DLP_PROJE !SL"#$D#%$%&ED' Your Name: ____________________________________________________ Your Phone: _________________ Your email:______________________

Department/Campus: ____________________________________________ Project Name: ___________________________________________________ (& Please describe )our pro*ect&


Describe the significance of this pro*ect to the #' communit) and be)ond& ,ill this complement or enhance other digital resources-


Describe current and potential users& #s there facult)/ librar)/ or departmental interest and support for digiti0ing these materials for either research or teaching purposes-


Describe t)pes of materials to be digiti0ed and number of each 2i&e&: 3 boo4s with a total of 566 pages/ 366 blac4 and while photographs7& #nclude format/ condition/ and an) special handling re8uirements&


Do )ou ha:e an) e;isting descripti:e information that could be used for searching these materials- #n what form does this descripti:e information e;ist 2on paper/ in a ,ord document/ in an E;cel file/ etc&7


<ow do )ou en:ision people accessing )our materials- %re their similar resources that )ou could gi:e as e;amplesDescribe the contribution )ou and )our staff can ma4e to this pro*ect& Please name the pro*ect manager for )our pro*ect&


=& %re )ou e;pecting to recei:e e;ternal funding for this pro*ect- Do )ou ha:e funding sources in mind- ,hat is the date for submission for these opportunities-

>& Other general comments/ issues or concerns&

(6& op)right Status Please refer to the op)right ?anagement enter at http:@@www&cop)right&iupui&edu@8uic4guide&htm for information to help )ou determine the cop)right status of )our materials& Aelow/ please e;plain )our understanding of the cop)right status of the material& _______ Public domain _______ Owned and controlled b) #ndiana 'ni:ersit) _______ Owned b) someone else/ but permission secured _______ Situation un4nown or unclear op)right e;planation:

Revised April 2. 2008

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