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The Odyssey

By Homer
Ultra-Condensed by Samuel Stoddard and David J. Parker

I rule.
For your sin of pride, I curse you for all eternity.
(Unfazed, Odysseus boards his ship and sets SAIL for Greece, where his family is awaiting his
RETURN from Troy. A STORM happens, and it drives them off course into the
MEDITERRANEAN, where they come upon a strange LAND owned by the giant Cyclops
POLYPHEMUS who eats some of the men ALL UP, but then they ESCAPE. Still lost, they run
into the island of the sorceress CIRCE who turns some of Odysseus' men into ANIMALS, and it
takes YEARS before they escape, and then they sail by some singing SIRENS, but they can't hear
because they have STUFF in their ears. Then they come upon an island where there is a field of
HERBS, and they all get HIGH, until Odysseus says it's time to GO. Then Odysseus' men let a
WIND out of a BAG, and some more men DIE. And they sail on to HADES to talk to some
DEAD people, and some more men DIE. And they steer the ship between the six headed monster
SCYLLA and the torrential whirlpool CHARYBDIS, and Scylla makes some more men DIE, and
Charybdis makes the rest of them DIE. Then the ship busts up into a JILLION pieces, but
Odysseus is SAVED by the nymph Calypso who confines him to her ISLAND because she thinks
he's HOT, and she wants his BODY. Then years later she lets him GO, but Poseidon is
determined to terrorize him FURTHER. And then SUDDENLY Odysseus has an IDEA.)
Poseidon, I am sorry.
Ok, you can go home now.
(Odysseus goes home.)


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