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I have decided that Bauer Media might distribute my media product.

My product is different to some of the other products that this media institution already distribute, as; my magazine contains a different regular contents to what other magazines do. My product has a section that focuses on new bands that aren't that well known by the public, instead of just focusing on the popular well known bands.

Kerrang My magazine

Also, my front cover, contents page and double page spread, have a 'simple' design into other magazines that are produced by Bauer Media, such as Kerrang. Kerrang for example, their front covers tend to get very busy with colours, different shapes, a lot of writing and other factors. Whereas my magazine is presented in a nest way, with only a few different styles of fonts, not too many shapes and kept the colour scheme attractive but yet also simple.

My product also differs to other media products from this institution, as the colour scheme is different to those. The pages that Kerrang produce are usually dull of bright colours that are used to attract attention. Whereas my media product is not absolutely full of colour, but yet does attract the audience by the colours used as they standout with each other. The niche for my magazine is; Males, aged 16-19 years of age, English speaking, British ethnicity (as the same style/culture may not be shared abroad or in different ethnic types).

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