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Hammond, 2014

Unit: Digestion & Nutrition

Grade 11 Biology
Unit Duration: ~5 weeks Unit Dates: ~March 17th April 25th *Note: Spring Break March 31st April 7th Contact Information: Class Website: Student Background: In Grade 5, you identified the following structures of the digestive system: teeth, mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines. In Grade 8, you compared the structure of digestive organs in a variety of organisms. Unit Overview: Over the course of this unit, you will learn about the digestive system, and how it works with the rest of the bodys systems to create and maintain homeostasis. You will learn how to identify the major structures and functions of the digestive system, the processes involved in digesting the food and drinks they consume (including the role of mechanical & chemical digestion, secretions, and digestive enzymes), how the nutrients necessary for the body to function are absorbed from the food they eat into their body, how to evaluate and regulate their food intake, and how to prevent and treat an array of digestive disorders. In addition to studying and understanding a variety of concepts involved in digestion and nutrition, you will be required to use the inquiry process to investigate a health-based issue related to digestion and nutrition, and to make a visual representation of their learning throughout the unit. Formative Assessment: Notes Booklets (including small activities) Mini-Assignments Quizzes (potentially) Summative Assessment: Concept Map (structures & functions) Dietary Analysis (diet & nutrition) 3-2-1 Group Inquiry Project (digestive disorders) Final Test (entire unit) Grading Breakdown: Assignment Concept Map Dietary Analysis 3-2-1 Group Inquiry Project Final Test Unit Grade % 15% 25% 25% 35%

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