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Lesson Plan in Science Grade 8

Content Standard: The digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory,
respiratory, and excretory systems in providing the body with nutrients for energy
Performance Standard: present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases resulting from
nutrient deficiency
Learning Competency and Code: explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion
Quarter: 4 Week: 1 Day: 1 s

I. Objectives: At the end of 60 minutes, 100% of the learners are expected to:
1. identify the organs that make up the digestive system; and
2. describe the function of each organ.

II. Content:
Subject Matter: The Digestive System
Integration: MAPEH- Taking care of the digestive system
Strategies: Inquiry- based learning, Cooperative learning, 7E’s Learning Model
Materials: Worksheets, Power point presentation and Mock up Human Torso
References: Science 8 Learners Module pp. 291-296.
Science 8 Curriculum Guide and Teachers Guide

III. Learning Task

Elicit: (Access prior knowledge) 5 minutes Materials

To elicit prior knowledge, the teacher will ask the students Power point presentation
the guide questions below;
 How does food play a vital role in the survival of species?
 How does the digestive system break down food to
nourish the body?

Engage: ( Get the students’ minds focus on the topic)

 The students will watch the video titled “How your Power point presentation
digestive system works - Emma Bryce’’
Explore: (Provide students with a common experience) 15
1. Organize class into small groups Power point presentation
2. Distribute the worksheets every group
Activity sheet
3. Introduce Activity 1. Part 1A. A gutsy game (please refer
to Activity 1, Learners Material page 292-294)
4. Give other necessary instructions in doing the activity, the
data to be accomplished, group presenter, member’s role/
responsibility, precautionary measures to take, etc.
5. Let the students do Activity 1. Part 1A. A gutsy game.
Where they should be able to identify organs that make up
the digestive system.
6. Supervise the students as they do the activity.
Explain (15 min)
Students will deepen their knowledge based from their activity by Worksheets
presenting their outputs to the class.
Guide Questions:
Q1. What do the tokens represent?
Q2. What do the spaces on the board game represent?
Q3. What do the directions on some of the spaces tell you about
the digestive system?
Q4. Why do we need to take good care of our digestive system?

Elaborate: 10 mins

The teacher will give inputs to deepen the understanding of the Powerpoint presentation
Human Torso Mock up
Key concepts:
 Digestive system: The system of organs responsible for
getting food into and out of the body and for making use
of food to keep the body healthy
 Digestive system includes the salivary glands, mouth,
esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small
intestine, colon, rectum
2. Let the students manipulate the mock up human torso.
3. Let them identify the organs that make up the digestive system
and describe the functions of each organ.
Evaluate: 5 mins
Direction: Read and choose the letter of the best answer of the Power point presentation
test items below.
1. Which is NOT included in the Digestive system of
a. Esophagus
b. Gastrovascular cavity
c. Mouth
d. Small intestine
2. In which of the following part of the digestive system do
mechanical digestions occur?
a. Mouth
b. B. Large intestine
c. Small intestines
d. Stomach
3. The muscular tube extending to the stomach.
a. Stomach
b. Large intestine
c. Esophagus
d. Small intestine
4. Holding station of food while being mixed and grinded
until becomes consistency of liquid or paste.
a. Stomach
b. Small intestine
c. Large intestine
d. Mouth
5. Holding Area of undigested food until being excreted.
a. Stomach
b. Small intestines
c. Large intestines
d. Mouth
Make a flow chart that shows the digestive system process. Assignment Notebook

Digestive system

Lesson Plan in Science Grade 8

Content Standard: The digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory,
respiratory, and excretory systems in providing the body with nutrients for energy
Performance Standard: present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases resulting from
nutrient deficiency
Learning Competency and Code: explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion
Quarter: 4 Week: 1 Day: 2 s
I.Objectives: At the end of 60 minutes, 100% of the learners are expected to:
a. describe the process of mechanical digestion; and
b. explain how the physical breaking down of food helps in its digestion

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Digestive system
Integration: English- through reporting students’ communication skills is enhanced.
Strategies: Inquiry- based learning, Cooperative learning and 7E’s Learning Model
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, Worksheet and Human torso mock up
References: Science 8 Learners Module pp 291-296

III. Learning Task

Elicit: (Access prior knowledge) 5 minutes Materials

To elicit prior knowledge, the teacher will ask the students the Power point presentation
guide questions below;
 What have you eaten this lunch? Breakfast?
 How does your body digest the food you eat?
Engage: ( Get the students’ minds focus on the topic)

 Scrambled words Power point presentation

1. Group students into two
Scrambled words
2. Let them arrange the scrambled words given:
 Guide questions:
What is mechanical digestion?
What is physical digestion?
How they differ with each other?
Explore: (Provide students with a common experience) 15 minutes
1. Organize class into small groups Power point presentation
2. Distribute the worksheets every group
Activity sheet
3. Introduce Activity 1 Part 1B. A sweet break! (please refer to
Activity 1, Learners Material page 297-298) Rubrics
4. Give other necessary instructions in doing the activity, the data
to be accomplished, group presenter, member’s role/
responsibility, precautionary measures to take, etc.
5. Let the students do Activity 1 Part 1B. A sweet break!
6. Supervise the students as they do the activity.

Students will deepen their knowledge based from their activity: The Human torso mock up
Students will present their output from the activity by group.
Guide Questions:
 How does crushing the candy to smaller pieces affect its
 What does crushing the candy represent in the process of


 Students will watch the video entitled “Mechanical v Chemical https://

 if you placed a piece of food (lettuce, meat, bread) into your
mouths without chewing, would it completely dissolve in the
mouth so that the body could absorb the nutrients in it?

Key concepts:
 Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth as the food is
chewed. Involves breaking down the food into simpler
nutrients that can be used by the cells.
 Chemical digestion: enzymes break down food into the
small molecules the body can use.

Tell if it’s either Mechanical or Chemical Digestion.
1. Chewing food with the teeth.
2. Breaking down proteins into amino acids.
3. Fats break down into fatty acid.
4. Swallowing a bread.
5. Mastication of a pizza.
Fill the venn diagram below

Chemical digestion Mechanical Digestion

Lesson Plan in Science Grade 8

Content Standard: The digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory,
respiratory, and excretory systems in providing the body with nutrients for energy
Performance Standard: present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases resulting from
nutrient deficiency
Learning Competency and Code: explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion
Quarter: 4 Week: 1 Day: 3&4 s

I. Objectives: At the end of 60 minutes, 100% of the learners are expected to:
1. describe the process of chemical digestion; and
2. explain how enzymes affect digestion; and act as catalyst during digestion.

II. Content:
Subject Matter: The Digestive System
Integration: MAPEH- Taking care of the digestive system
Strategies: Inquiry- based learning, Cooperative learning & 7E’s Learning model
Materials: Worksheets, Power point presentation
References: Science 8 Learners Module pp. 291-296.
k-12 Curriculum Guide
k-12 Teachers guide

III. Learning Task

Elicit: (Access prior knowledge) 5 minutes Materials

To elicit prior knowledge, the teacher will ask the Power point presentation
students the guide questions below;
 What do you think are the substances that aids digestion?
 What are enzymes?
Engage: ( Get the students’ minds focus on the topic)

 Let the students watch a video entitled “Students will Power point presentation
watch video titled “Biology- What are the enzymes of
the digestive system?”
Explore: (Provide students with a common experience) 15
1. Organize class into small groups Power point presentation
2. Distribute the worksheets every group
Activity sheet
3. Introduce Activity 2 & 3How do enzymes affect
digestion? and How does pH affect enzyme activity
(please refer to Activity 2 and 3, Learners Material page
4. Give other necessary instructions in doing the activity,
the data to be accomplished, group presenter, member’s
role/ responsibility, precautionary measures to take, etc.
5. Let the students do Activity 2 and 3.
6. Supervise the students as they do the activity.
Explain (15 min) Presentation of outputs
Q1. How did bromelain affect the protein in gelatin?

Q2. Which of your observations show this effect?

Q3. There are other kinds of enzymes in your digestive

system. How do these enzymes affect digestion?
Q4. What role do the digestive enzymes have in
Q5. In which test tube did you observe the greatest
amount of protein digestion?
Q6. In which test tube did you observe the least amount
of protein digestion?
Q7. How do you explain your results?
Q8. Did your results support your hypothesis? Explain
your answer.
Q9. In the human digestive tract, where is protein
digested chemically?
Elaborate: (10 mins)

The teacher will give inputs to deepen the understanding of the Teacher made Powerpoint
students. presentation
 What is the difference between mechanical digestion and
chemical digestion?
 how enzymes affect digestion?
 how enzymes acts as catalyst in digestion?

Evaluate: 5 mins
Direction: Read and choose the letter of the best answer of the Power point presentation
test items below.
1. An enzyme that is present in fresh pineapple
juice and in bromeliad plants.
a. Bromaine b. Bromine c. Bromelain
d. Bromilein
2. Also called amino acids in the stomach.
a. Fats b. lipids c. Proteins d.
3. When lipids are digested they form_____?
a. Monosaccharide
b. amino acids
c. glycerol and fatty acids
d. oligosaccharides
4. Amylase is a digestive enzyme that will
a. Fats
b. Proteins
c. Carbohydrates
5. Lipase is a digestive enzyme that will
A. fats b. proteins c. carbohydrates
Lesson Plan in Science Grade 8

Content Standard: The digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory,
respiratory, and excretory systems in providing the body with nutrients for energy
Performance Standard: present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases resulting from
nutrient deficiency
Learning Competency and Code: explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion
Quarter: 4 Week: 1 Day: 5
I. Objectives: At the end of 60 minutes, 100% of the learners are expected to:
1. Infer how the organs of the digestive system work together to carry out digestion of
food and assimilation of nutrients; and
2. explain what happens to food as it gets digested.
II. Content:
Subject Matter: The Digestive System
Integration: MAPEH- Taking care of the digestive system
Strategies: Inquiry- based learning, Cooperative learning, 7E’s ws
Materials: Worksheets, Power point
References: Science 8 Learners Module pp. 291-296.
Science 8 Teachers guide and curriculum guide.

III. Learning Task

Elicit: (Access prior knowledge) 5 minutes Materials

To elicit prior knowledge, the teacher will ask the Power point presentation
students the guide questions below;

 What do you think will happen to the food after

 How does digestive system work with other organs?

Engage: ( Get the students’ minds focus on the topic)

 What is the function of the pancreas? liver? Power point presentation
 Do you know that it plays a vital role in digestion?

Explore: (Provide students with a common experience) 15

1. Organize class into small groups Power point presentation
2. Distribute the worksheets every group
Activity sheet
3. Introduce Activity 4 A journey into the digestive
system (please refer to Activity 1, Learners Material
page 303-304)
4. Give other necessary instructions in doing the activity,
the data to be accomplished, group presenter,
member’s role/ responsibility, precautionary measures
to take, etc.
5. Let the students do Activity 4 A journey into the
digestive system. Supervise the students as they do the
Explain (15 min)
Students will deepen their knowledge based from their Worksheets
The students will narrate what they have learned from the
video by group.
Guide Questions:
Q1. What does the movie clip say about the digestion of
Q2. What changes happened to the food as it was moved
through the digestive tract?
Elaborate: 10 mins

Teachers Discussion about the topic. Powerpoint presentation

The teacher explain Figure 5. The process of digestion on
Learners Module page 305.
Key Points:
 Digested molecules of food are absorbed through the
small intestine.
 During absorption, these nutrients pass through the
walls of the intestine and into the bloodstream where
they get transported to the different parts of the body.
 The undigested parts of food or those that were not
absorbed by the body are eliminated as feces. This
process is called elimination or defecation.

Evaluate: 5 mins
1. Muscle contractions that help to squeezed food Power point presentation
through the esophagus are known as:
a. Chemical digestion
b. Peristalsis
c. Chime
d. Microvilli
2. Most absorption of the end products of digestion
into the circulatory system occurs
a. In the mouth
b. Through the lining of the esophagus
c. In the stomach
d. Through the villi of the small intestine
3. It produces enzymes that break down
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.
a. Kidneys b. pancreas c. bile d. colon
4. _______ produces bile.
a. Pancreas b. intestine c. liver d. mouth
5. The ______ is specially adapted for the absorption
of nutrients.
a. Anus b. small intestines c. colon d. esophagus

List down diseases resulting from nutrient deficiency. Assignment Notebook

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