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Rap Music and Gender Concerns - there is much interest in how rap lyrics may contribute sexism within

the family, community and society today - male rap artists will include more profane words in their lyrics compared to female artists

Results - more profane words expressed toward the language generally than toward females and males - general profanity appeared minimum of 248 times in our songs; followed by profane words directed to men and the least frequently were profane words toward women

Origins of Rap Music - emerged in New York in the mid- 1970s - specifically, rap was a story of life on urban streets in the United States from the perspective of lowincome minority groups - fans were primarily Black and Latino

Rap Music: Gender Difference in Derogatory Word Use

Summary and Conclusion - gender differences in rap lyrics exists if you define profane words narrowly - female rappers were less likely to use profane words in their lyrics compared to male rappers - rap has become a type of consumer cultural commodity

Abstract - rap music contains violent and misogynic lyrics

- male artists would use more profane words compared to female artists

History of Telecommunication Early Communication - speech - symbols i. Cave paintings

- the transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of communication

eg. using smoke signal and drums in Africa, America and parts of Asia

History of Communication

ii. Petroglyphs iii. Pictograms iv. Ideograms (alphabet)

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