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Curs istorie si civilizatie engleza

British Insularity Great Britain Englend: The South, the Middle and the North Scotland Wales Northen Ireland ( slter!ca"itala# The Isle o$ %an and &nglesey (in the Irish Sea# The Isle o$ Wight, 'ersey and Guernsey (the Channel Island# The Scily Islands Consi(uences o$ British Insularity Britain)s "eculiar geogra"hical "osition has in$luenced: Its cli%ate * the +or% &tlantic Current, %ild +inters and +ar% su%%ers Its "eo"le! they are reserved, the consider theirselves as ,eing su"erior In history! a "rotection ,arrier or $acilitator o$ invasions. Invasions and /atterns o$ Settle%ent in British Isles &ncient Britain! Stone &ge : the %egalictic Man0 Bronze &ge: the Bea1er "eo"le0 Iron &ge: the Celts and the 2o%ans Stone &ge (3 444 BC# The $irst settler "ro,a,ly co%ing $ro% the I,erian /eninsula, o$ even $ro% the North &$rican cost This $irst +ave o$ invaders settled in the +est "art o$ Britain and Ireland $ro% Corn+all 2e%ains that reveal the huge organisation o$ la,our in "rehistoric Britain, the henges as centres o$ religious, "olitical, econo%ic "o+er e-g- Stonehenge in Salis,ury /lain5 %ade o$ %unu%ental circles o$ %assive vertical stones ta""ed+ith i%%ense horizontal sla,s (%egaliths65 the na%e o$ the "rehistoric "eo"le# Bea1es /eo"le! Bronze &ge (7 844 BC# Ne+ grou"s o$ "eo"le ca%e $ro% Euro"e (9rance, the :o+ Countries# and settled in south!east Britain Caracteristics: round!headed, strongly, taller Iron &ge! Celts (;44 BC# <- Galic Celts= Goidelic: settled in Ireland, +hence they s"read to Scotland and the Isle o$ Man ( Galic dialect! it is e>tinguished no+# 7- 7 centuries later, Brythonic Celts= Britons settled in England and Wales 3- Belgie (<44 BC#5 settled in the east o$ Britain The Celts:

S1ills: they 1no+ ho+ to +or1 +ith iron- They ,uilt hell!$orts +ich re%ained econo%ic centres $or local grou"s long a$ter the 2o%ans ca%e to Britain 2eligion: "olytheistic- Their "riests, the ?ruds, could not read or +rite ,ut they %e%ories all the religious teachings the tri,al la+s, history, %edicine and other 1no+ledge necessary in the Celtic societyGender roles5 +o%en, es"ecially $ro% u""er strata, had %ore inde"endence, and they +ere res"ected $or their courage and strength in ,attle (e-g- Boadicca, @< &-?-#

Curs < :iteratura engleza

@th! <Ath century: Migration ends niversities and "ro$essional schools :anguages and national literatures 2o%an and Gothic style in art In <4@@, the Nor%an con(uest !5 they ,rought their language, their +or1s;44 BC, The Celts: Goidels= Gael, Brythons=Britons, Belgae= BelgicSi%ilarities +ith &nglo!Sa>ons: Brganised in ?i$$erent tri,es Warriors /olytheistic Sacred tree Bral culture, there$ore stress on the value o$ the vo+ /rice $or ,loodshed outside ,attle The i%"ortance o$ druids AA!A8 BC Iulius Caesar 83 &?! The 2o%ans: Claudius con(uers the south!5 ,egin the "rocess o$ ro%anisation o$ the Celts Cueen Boudicca o$ the Scene dies in @< &? The +all o$ Dadrian 84;!8<4 &? 2o%an legions +ithdra+ Ath century the anglo!sa>ons: 'ates, &ngles and Sa>ons 88E &? Dengest and Dorsa against the /icts Bdin6 the one eyed god5 t+o ravens (thought and %e%ory#, t+o +olves and a horse +ith eight legs 9rigga6 the +i$e o$ Bdin and Baldr Thor6 god o$ thunder and "rotector o$ %a1ing the ha%%er MFolnir, a ,elt and iron gloves:o1i6 god o$ %ischie$, $ather o$ Del, the +ol$ o$ 9enrir and the ser"ent 'or%ungand 9reya6 goddess o$ love and ,eauty Tyr=Ti+6 the one!handed god o$ Fustice Norns6 rdeer ("ast#, Gervandi("resent#, S1uld ($uture#, the giant '%ir and Hggdrasil, the ash! tree($rasin# +ith nine +orlds (a%ong +ich &sgard, Midgrad, Del#

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