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Team Building Plans Renae Curless, 7th grade, Feb. 7-Mar.

14 Lesson 4: Walk the Line

Objective: Students will complete the Walk the Line activity to get to know each other and recognize similarities and differences.

Walk the Line questions (1) Walk the Line reflections (32)

Introduction (3 min) o Explain purpose of activities and the hopeful goal Walk the Line (20 min) o Set expectations: Total silence Respect Safe space nothing anyone says will leave the room Only step over the line if you feel comfortable You define what each statement means example: someone close to you can be anyoneuncle, family friend, etc. o Rules everyone stands in a line; when I read the statement, everyone for who the statement applies should take two steps forwards out of the line, everyone for who the statement does not apply should take two steps backwards o Transition to gym or hallway o Teacher reads statements. Pause after each one. Students can clarify/explain if they so desire. o Complete reflections; when done, read SSR book

Walk the Line 7-1 Edition

1. I prefer day to night. 2. My favorite season is summer. 3. I have visited another country. 4. I have lived somewhere other than Pennsylvania. 5. I would like to own a car. 6. I have a pet. 7. I like to dance. 8. I am a good dancer. 9. I have had a crush on someone who did not return the feeling. 10. I have fought with a friend. 11. I sleepwalk or talk. 12. My family celebrates our cultural heritage. 13. I get a ride to school 14. I take a bus to school. 15. I take a train to school. 16. I take multiple methods of transportation to school. 17. Sometimes, I struggle with class work. 18. I have experienced rejection. 19. I live with a member of my extended family a grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. 20. Some days, I dread coming to school. 21. I have lost someone close to me. 22. Someone has treated me differently because of the color of my skin. 23. At one time, I have felt insecure about my appearance. 24. Sometimes, I feel judged by my peers.

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