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Shrimp Stocking, Salmon Collapse, and Eagle Displacement

Cascading interaction in the food web of a large aquatic ecosystem

In 1949, Opossum shrimp were introduced experimentally into Kootenay Lake, British Columbia, to enhance rainbow troat. Increasing growth rate and size of kokanee salmon. The shrimp drifted downsteam, and in 1981 they appeared in Flathead Lake, in western US, and began to alter the exiting food web.

Impact on zooplankton and phytoplankton

Opposum Shrimp are voracious predators of zooplankton Zooplankton decrease, phytoplankton increase Algal blooms

Impact on fish
Within two years , Kokanee population was noticeably reduced. WHY ? Kokanee normally found nearer the surface in the top 30 m of water, feeding activities during the day Conversely, opposum spend the daylight on or near the bottom at depth below 30 m, and migrates at night to feed on zoo plankton

Impact on birds and mammals

Numbers of eagle decline precipitously concomitant with the demise of kokanee food resource

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