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Jinnah Coaching Centre

Physics X-B Mid-Term Examination 16/12/2013 Section A Multiple Choice Questions - 10 marks
1. Kg.m/s2 can also be expressed as: A. Joule B. Newton C. Watt D. Newton.sec

2. !e ".# un$t o% lengt! $s: A. Km B. &etre C. m$cro metre D. Ampere

'. !e %ounder o% algebra a %amous musl$m sc$ent$st born $n ()* AD was: A. Al+Berun$ B. Al+K!war$,m$ C. #bn+e+"$na D. Al+K$nd$

-. W!$c! $s t!e .ector /uant$t01 A. &ass B. or/ue C. D$stance D. $me

2. #% t!e %orce act$ng on a bod0 $s doubled t!en t!e accelerat$on produced $s: A. 3al% B. 4ne+%ourt! C. Double D. 5uadrupled

6. !e centre o% gra.$t0 o% a bod0 $s a po$nt w!ere: A. or/ue acts B. We$g!t acts C. 7xternal %orces acts D. None

(. #% t!e speed o% a bod0 $s doubled $ts 8$net$c energ0 becomes: A. %our t$mes B. double C. !al% D. 9ema$ns same

). !e un$t o% momentum $s: A. 8g.m/s2 B. N.s C. N/s D. Newton

:. ;ower $s de%$ned as t!e: A. rate o% c!ange o% pos$t$on B. rate o% c!ange o% %orce C. rate o% do$ng wor8 D. None

1*. W!$c! $s t!e best approx$mat$on o% t!e we$g!t o% an ob<ect o% mass )** gm1 A. ))N B. )*N C. )N D. *.)N

Section B Short Questions (Attempt any five) - ! marks 51= Der$.e "econd e/uat$on o% mot$on 52= A bo0 start$ng %rom rest ac/u$res a .eloc$t0 o% 1* m/s $n 2 seconds. Calculate >a= t!e accelerat$on >b= t!e d$stance co.ered b0 t!e bod0 $n 2 seconds. 5'= A gun o% mass 2* 8g %$res a bullet o% mass 2*g w$t! a .eloc$t0 o% 2** m/s. Calculate t!e .eloc$t0 o% t!e reco$l o% t!e gun. 5-= A ball t!rown .ert$call0 upwards %all down. W!01 52= D$%%erent$ate mass and we$g!t 56= An ob<ect we$g!$ng 1*N %alls t!roug! a d$stance o% 1*m. W!at $s t!e .eloc$t0 <ust be%ore $t str$8es t!e ground1 Assume t!ere $s no %orce o% %r$ct$on 5(= Der$.e t!e %ormula %or mass o% eart! and calculate $ts .alue $n 8g. Section C" #on$ Questions (Attempt any 1) (1! Marks)

51=a. De%$ne an0 2 branc!es o% p!0s$cs. b. Der$.e t!e %ormula %or ens$on and accelerat$on w!en bot! bod$es mo.e .ert$call0 connected b0 a str$ng pass$ng a %r$ct$onless pulle0 OR 52=a. "tate law o% un$.ersal gra.$tat$onal and der$.ed $ts %ormula. b. Der$.e t!e %ormula %or ens$on and accelerat$on w!en one t!e bod$es mo.e .ert$call0 w!$le t!e ot!er !or$,ontall0.

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