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Florida A&M University Department of Chemistry CHM 1045 Lab yllab!s Co!rse '!mber: CHM 1045 L07 (rere)!

isite*s+, Co-re)!isite: Co!rse Credit: 1 Colle/e: Arts an !"ien"es Department: Chemistry Fa1!lty 'ame: !haron *ones "ffi1e Lo1ation: C"U# $ %LLA&U Co!rse .itle: General Chemistry I Laboratory Co!rse Ho!rs: 3 per week #e)!ired .e0t*s+: #he laboratory man$al% &'periments In General Chemistry% (th & ition by )eter Cottrell% *esse & war s% + ,i"har A.or % *r-% .erm and %ear: .all /01/ (la1e and .ime: 401 *ones Hall .elephone: 0 1 $-mail: !haron-*ones2.AM3-e $ Subject line : CHM 1045 L07 6e nes ay #h$rs ay .ri ay !at$r ay

455i"e Ho$rs

Mon ay

#$es ay

C!rri1!l!m tat!s, ,e7$ire 5or "hemistry% biolo8y% pharma"y an en8ineerin8 ma9ors2'.#"DUC.2"' General Chemistry I Laboratory 0CHM 1045L1 is the 5irst "o$rse o5 a se7$en"e o5 two laboratory "o$rses primarily 5or st$ ents who are in s"ien"e or s"ien"e:relate ma9ors- In this laboratory "o$rse% st$ ents will ha;e an opport$nity to obser;e some o5 the phenomena o5 matter an obtain pra"ti"al skills in $sin8 ;ario$s items o5 laboratory e7$ipment- 3pon "ompletion o5 this "o$rse st$ ents sho$l ha;e a eeper an more "on"rete $n erstan in8 o5 the e'perimental s"ien"e o5 "hemistry#here are ten 0101 i55erent laboratory e'er"ises s"he $le to be one $rin8 the weeks spe"i5ie in the !CH&<3L& se"tion o5 this o$tline- =e"a$se o5 the lar8e n$mber o5 laboratory se"tions an the 5$ll $se o5 time a;ailable $rin8 the semester% there will be no opport$nity to make in i;i $al laboratory e'er"ises- 4nly in "ases o5 emer8en"y% yo$ m$st noti5y yo$r instr$"tor be5ore the "lass session- In s$"h "ase% the laboratory e'periment sho$l be ma e $p $rin8 the week that it was assi8ne - In or er to make $p the e'periment% these pro"e $res sho$l be 5ollowe :

'otify yo!r instr!1tor and /et a note from them statin/ their approval and a3areness of yo!r absen1e4 "btain an offi1ial e01!se from yo!r dean4 &rin/ the e01!se and the note to laboratory 1oordinator5s offi1e *6ones Hall #oom 405+ At this time7 yo! 3ill re1eive a form 3ith the time that yo! 1an ma8e yo!r e0periment !p4

Appointments 5or o55i"e ;isits other than $rin8 s"he $le o55i"e ho$rs may be ma e on an in i;i $al basis 5or the m$t$al "on;enien"e o5 the st$ ents an instr$"tor- #he instr$"tor may also be rea"he by phone at 5>>:?4/7 or 5>>:?17(LA&"#A."#% "&6$C.29$ #here are se;eral ob9e"ti;es o5 the laboratory "o$rse- Amon8 these are to: a- #rain st$ ents to obser;e an 5ollow the stan ar sa5ety pra"ti"es while oin8 e'perimentsb- )ro;i e a means 5or st$ ents to e'amine% analy@e% an ;eri5y "hemi"al prin"iples by "arryin8 o$t simple e'er"ises in the laboratory"- )ro;i e an opport$nity 5or st$ ents to pra"ti"e makin8 "are5$l obser;ations an meas$rements% an to per5orm "riti"al analyses o5 the obser;ations ma e an ata obtaine - #rain st$ ents to "arry o$t laboratory e'er"ises $sin8 stan ar te"hni7$es% while keepin8 a re"or o5 the obser;ations ma e an ata obtaine A1ademi1 Learnin/ Compa1t As a res$lt o5 yo$r e'perien"e at .AM3% "hemistry st$ ents sho$l be able to "omm$ni"ate "hemi"al "on"epts in oral an written laboratory reports- Ao$r reports sho$l is"ern what yo$ think happene 5rom what in ee i o""$r base on so$n "hemi"al reasonin8- Ao$ are to interpret laboratory ata% meas$rements% pro"e $res an res$lts- &;ent$ally% yo$ sho$l sol;e "hemi"al problems an esi8n an e;al$ate e'periments- A5ter takin8 this "lass yo$ will be able to re"o8ni@e potentially ha@ar o$s s$bstan"es an rea"tions- Ao$ sho$l be able to make e55e"ti;e $se o5 in5ormation reso$r"es an $se a "omp$ter to 8ain in5ormation abo$t "hemi"al "ompo$n s an rea"tionsLA&"#A."#% MA.$#2AL #he 5ollowin8 materials will be re7$ire 5or the laboratory: a- #he laboratory man$al% &'periments In General Chemistry% (th & ition by )eter Cottrell% *esse & war s% + ,i"har A- .or % *r-% which is available at the University Boo store! b- Laboratory "oat "- Laboratory sa5ety 8lasses - ,$ler afety

!t$ ents m$st always wear eye prote"tion an laboratory "oats when they are oin8 the laboratory e'er"ises- .here are no e01eptions to this re)!irement4 !t$ ents not ha;in8 eye prote"tion an laboratory "oat "annot remain in the laboratory- !t$ ents are e'pe"te to "omply with the 5ollowin8 r$lesa- 6ear appro;e eye prote"tion at all timesb- Be;er eat% rink or smoke in a "hemi"al laboratory"- I5 any 8lassware is broken% it sho$l be "leane $p by the st$ ent- Be;er per5orm an $na$thori@e e'perimente- Be;er work in a "hemi"al laboratory witho$t proper s$per;ision5- Be;er pipette by mo$th or inhale 8ases or ;apors8- &'er"ise proper "are in heatin8 or mi'in8 "hemi"alsh- =e "are5$l with 8lass e7$ipment(#"C$UDU#$ &a"h laboratory e'periment m$st be rea an "are5$lly st$ ie be5ore "omin8 to the laboratory#his m$st be one to ens$re that ea"h st$ ent is thoro$8hly 5amiliar with the prin"iples% pro"e $res% "al"$lations% an anythin8 else in;ol;e with the e'er"ises3nless otherwise ire"te to o so% st$ ents sho$l work alone in oin8 the laboratory e'er"ises#ake e'treme "are when $sin8 the analyti"al balan"es% thermometers% an other items o5 e7$ipment that are e'pensi;e an Cor may be easily broken- 6hen the laboratory e'er"ise is "omplete % all e7$ipment sho$l be "leane an p$t in its proper pla"e or in the lo"ker in an or erly way- #he ben"h top an "ommon work areas sho$l also be "leane LA&"#A."#% #$("#. #he pre:laboratory assi8nments o5 ea"h laboratory e'periment m$st be t$rne in to the instr$"tor be5ore the be8innin8 o5 the laboratory- Laboratory reports are to be "omplete an t$rne in as ire"te by the instr$"tor- #he laboratory report will $s$ally "onsist o5 the ata sheet 5rom the laboratory e'periment% 7$estions an "al"$lationsStu"ents who "o not actively #artici#ate in the laboratory e$#eri%ent will be subject to #oint re"uction! THERE ARE NO MAKE UP LABS, SO DO NOT MISS A LAB DATE. LATE LAB REPORTS WILL NOT BE GRADED. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE GRANTED AND NO EXCUSES ARE ACCEPTABLE. (U&L2C H"L2DA% A'D LA& I. A43, LA= .ALL! 4B ABA )3=LIC H4LI<AA 0&DC&)# #HABE!GIFIBG 6&&E1 4, 3BIF&,!I#A C4BF4CA#I4B% )L&A!& &B<&AF4, #4 A##&B< AB4#H&, !&C#I4B 4. #H& LA= 6I#HIB #H& !AM& 6&&E- #H& MI!!&< LA= 6ILL B4# =& ,&)&A#&< #H& .4LL46IBG 6&&E- )L&A!& &B!3,& #HA# #H& LA= IB!#,3C#4, 4. #H& LA= A43 A##&B<&< .4, MAE&3) !IGB! A43, 64,E A! &FI<&BC& 4.

A##&B<ABC&- #H&B !3=MI# A43, LA= ,&)4,# #4 A43, LA= IB!#,3C#4, A! 3!3AL#he total s"ore 5or the "o$rse will be base on laboratory reports% e'aminations% an 7$i@@es&a"h laboratory report will ha;e e7$al ;al$e b$t not ne"essarily the same n$mber o5 points- #he laboratory reports will "o$nt between (0 : 70G o5 the total s"ore- #wo laboratory e'aminations will "o$nt between /0 :30 G o5 the total s"oreAt the en o5 the semester% an o;erall 5ra"tional s"ore will be "al"$late - It is anti"ipate that the 8ra e will be base on the 5ollowin8 s"ale 5or 5ra"tional s"ores: A: =: C: <: .: 0>0G or abo;e1 0?0:>0G1 070:?0G1 0(0:70G1 0=elow (0G1 0>?0:11001 0?70:>7>1 07(0:?(>1 0(50:75>1 0(4> + =elow1

!ome 8eneral items to be "onsi ere in 8ra in8 the reports will be the neatness an le8ibility o5 the report% the "orre"t $se o5 &n8lish% an the proper $se o5 si8ni5i"ant 5i8$res an $nits- 4ther items that may be "onsi ere % epen in8 on the spe"i5i" e'er"ise% will be the "loseness o5 a res$lt obtaine to what the res$lt sho$l beH the "orre"tness o5 any "al"$lationsH an the "ompleteness o5 any obser;ations that may be e'pe"te - A s$b9e"ti;e e;al$ation will also be in"l$ e o5 the st$ entIs attit$ e towar the laboratory e'er"ise an the "orre"t $se o5 the laboratory e7$ipment-

A1ademi1 Calendar, Fall :01: Mon ay Mon ay Mon ay Mon ay .ri ay .ri ay Mon:.ri A$8$st / !eptember 3 Bo;ember > Bo;ember 1/ <e"ember 7 <e"ember 7 <e"ember 10:14 Classes be8in 0.$ll:#ime !t$ ies1 Labor <ay Last ay 5or with rawal 5rom Co$rseC3ni;ersity FeteranIs <ay Last ay to s$bmit I "han8e o5 8ra e Last ay o5 "lasses .inal e'aminations week

$0periments in ;eneral Chemistry CHM 1045 Labs Fall :01:

$0periment < Date 0=>:? 0=>:? 0@>10 0@>1? 0@>:@ @,A0 AM 10>01 10>0= 10>15 10>:: 10>:@ 11>05 11>1@ 11>:C 1:>0A

1 : A 4 5 1: ? = 10

.itle of $0periment Laboratory "rientation afety 9ideo> M D &asi1 laboratory te1hni)!es 2dentifi1ation of s!bstan1es by physi1al properties eparation of the 1omponents of a mi0t!re Chemi1al rea1tions of 1opper and per1ent yield .he stoi1hiometry of a rea1tion Mid-term $0am De1omposition of odi!m &i1arbonate B!alitative-Analysis 1heme Colorimetri1 determination of iron &ehavior of /ases, Molar mass Mole1!lar /eometry, 9 $(# Final $0am

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