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Unit: Theme: Topic: Activity:

2(a) World of Stories Stories To retell stories heard before with expression.

Notes o! the Te"che! Teacher asks pupil to look at the pictures in sequence. S"mp#e $nte!"ction TEA !E": $%$&': TEA !E": $%$&': TEA !E": $%$&': TEA !E": $%$&': that the What did the crow do to the peacock# He plucked the peacocks feather. Wh( do (ou think the crow did that# He wanted to look like the peacock. / He wanted to look beautiful. After that) what did the crow do# He stuck the feathers onto his body. What happened at the end of the stor(# The crow thought he looked beautiful. He was very pleased with himself. However, the dog laughed at him. The dog thought crow looked so foolish.


THE &O' AND THE STORK *ne da() a fox in+ited a stork for dinner. The fox was not +er( nice. !e onl( ser+ed so,e soup in a +er( flat dish. The fox easil( drank his soup but not the stork. She had a lon- thin ,outh) so she was unable to drink her soup. She was still hun-r( after dinner. E+en thou-h the fox said that he was sorr( that the stork drank so little) he was lau-hin- to hi,self. The stork said little but thanked the fox politel(. .efore she went ho,e) she in+ited the fox for dinner the next da(. The next e+enin-) the fox arri+ed for dinner. !e was hun-r( so he was lookin- forward to dinner. When the fox sat down to ha+e dinner) he was surprised to see that the food was ser+ed in a tall thin container. While the stork ate easil() the fox could not eat an(thin-. !e onl( watched as the stork ate her food. Still feelin- hun-r() the fox thanked the stork and went ho,e. !e knew that the stork was lau-hin- at hi,.

Unit: Theme: Topic: Activity:

2(b) World of Stories /ables To -i+e details about the people or ani,als in a stor( heard) read and +iewed

Notes o! the Te"che! Teacher asks pupil to read the stor( and -i+e details about the ani,als. S"mp#e P(pi# Response One day, a stork had dinner with a fox. The fox was not very nice. He served soup in a flat dish. o, the stork could not drink the soup using her long think mouth. The stork was polite. he thanked the fox and invited him for dinner the next day. !t dinner, the fox was served food in a very tall thin container. He was unable to eat. He thanked the stork, but he knew that the stork was laughing at him.


Unit: Theme: Topic: Activity:

0(c) World of 1nowled-e 2irections To -i+e and understand instructions and ,essa-es

Notes o! the Te"che! 0. 2. 5. 6. Teacher shows pupil and a peer a picture with four steps. $eer asks pupil to -i+e instructions on how to ,ake a 3i-saw pu44le. Teacher re,inds pupil to follow the proper sequence when -i+ininstructions. Teacher -i+es a list of questions to peer.

S"mp#e $nte!"ction $EE": $%$&': $EE": $%$&': $EE": $%$&': $EE": $%$&': $EE": $%$&': $EE": $%$&': What is the first step# "irst, # cut out a picture from a maga$ine. What is the shape of the picture (ou ha+e chosen# The picture is rectangular. What do (ou do next# Then, # stick the picture on a card. What do (ou do after that# !fter that, # draw a %igsaw pattern on it. Which side of the card do (ou draw the pattern on# # draw the pattern on the back of the card. What is the last step# "inally, # cut along the lines. Then, the %igsaw pu$$le is ready.


Unit: Theme: Topic: Activity:

5(c) World of $ersonal "elationships 7ei-hbours To ask for help fro, nei-hbours and friends

Notes o! the Te"che! Teacher asks pupil and peer to read the ad+ertise,ent and -i+es a list of questions to peer. S"mp#e $nte!"ction $EE": $%$&': $EE": $%$&': $EE": $%$&': $EE": $%$&': 8ou want to bu( a -ift for (our father. !ow would (ou ask (our nei-hbour) 9r :uan) for help# &an you help me choose a shirt for my father' 8ou want a shirt that (our father can use for the office or when he -oes out. !ow would (ou ask 9r :uan# (lease show me a shirt that is suitable for office and outdoor wear. 8ou want to bu( the correct si4e. What would (ou sa(# &an you try on this shirt for me, please' Which colour would (ou choose# Help me choose a nice shade of blue, please.


Unit: Theme: Topic: Activity:

0(d) World of 1nowled-e *b3ects To request

Notes o! the Te"che! 0. 2. 5. Teacher shows a picture of a shop. Teacher tells pupils to role pla(. Teacher chooses one pupil to pla( the role of a ;shopkeeper< and the other as the ;custo,er<. Teacher re,inds pupils that the( should request and respond politel(. $upils in the role of the ;custo,er< should: = request infor,ation about the ite,s the( want to bu( = ask for ,ore infor,ation about the ite,s the( want to bu( = decide on which ite,s to bu(

S"mp#e $nte!"ction $%$&' A: $%$&' .: $%$&' A: $%$&' .: $%$&' A: $%$&' .: $%$&' A: $%$&' .: $%$&' A: $%$&' .: $%$&' A: )ay # look at some erasers' *hich eraser would you like' )ay # see the blue one' # also have some blue erasers with cartoon designs on them. Oh+ )y brother will like those. # will take one. &an you show me some sharpeners' *hat about these' (lease show me the green sharpener. This one is a little expensive. # would like to buy it. &ould you give me a discount' !ll right. # will give you a ,-. discount. Thank you.


Unit: Theme: Topic: Activity:

5(a) World of $ersonal "elationships $eople To talk about personal experience

Notes o! the Te"che! Teacher tells the pupils to read the si-ns and asks the,: = to talk about where the si-ns can be found = to talk about where the si-ns can be found S"mp#e +!o(p $nte!"ction TEA !E": $%$&' A: $%$&' .: $%$&' : $%$&' A: $%$&' .: $%$&' : Where do (ou usuall( see these si-ns# # saw the first sign once when # passed a mining pool. # see the third sign every day when # take the train. # think # will see the second sign at a park. # saw that sign at the forest reserve. # think the fourth sign is found at buildings. # saw the sign when # visited my uncle and aunt at their condominium. TEA !E": Wh( is it i,portant to follow these si-ns# $%$&' A: The mining pool is very deep, so its dangerous to swim there. $%$&' .: *hen # go to the train station, #m careful not to go near the tracks. # may get electrocuted. $%$&' A: /ast week, # went to a park. # had to register for a guide at the office. The guide took my friends and # through the trails, so we did not get lost. $%$&' .: What about the sign you saw at your uncle and aunts building' $%$&' : )y uncle told me that # shouldnt use the lift when there is a fire in the building. The lift will get stuck.

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