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Quiz 5

(Type your answers on a separate piece of paper)

1. What was the contribution of Charles Lyell to the Darwinian revolution?

2. What is the Uniformitarianism / Catatrophism debate and which side did Lyell

3. Explain the difference between Neptunism and catastrophism.

4. What or who is Etna and what did Lyell learn from Etna?

5. Distinguish between ‘natural selection’ and ‘inheritance of acquired


6. Another Darwin proposed a form of evolution in his book ‘Zoonomia’

What was his proposal?

7. How does the Malthusian principle provide Darwin with the mechanism for
evolution of the species?

8. What are Vulcanists and what are Neptunists?

9. Is the HMS Beagle the same breed as Charlie Brown’s dog Snoopy?
Explain your response.

10. What is Lamarckism?

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