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Cindy Rodriguez 1984

Cindy Rodriguez is a teacher in the UTN for the course expresiones idiomticas y perfrasis verbales II has studied two majors in English teaching and Photography, and two masters in translation and administracin educativa. Cindy was born on August 29th, 1984 in the San Jose Hospital, but she has lived her whole life in Alajuela. She has one sister and two older brothers who have had a big influence in her life. Pets are one of her passions. When she was a child, her family used to have different types of pets. Cindys family had two dogs, Reina and Cherry. Then, her mother always bought chickens, dogs, and bunnies. Once Cindy had her favorite pet ever; it was a goat. She had to feed it; his name was Casquito. Finally, they had to give it away because it was destroying everything. When Cindy was in the university, she got into so many extracurricular activities. She was the president of the English student association at the UCR of San Ramon. She used to be the co-editor of a small newspaper. Also, she helped her best friends when they needed models as part of their art classes. Cindy managed all of these tasks while she was studying the two majors. Cindy really enjoys teaching; it is something that she loves. If she could choose again her academic path, she would not change her profession. She only would choose different masters.

Cindys first job was her favorite job. She worked as a teacher and researcher for the University of Costa Rica Educational Center. What she loved is that she worked with kids from eight months to five years old. According to her opinion, this job was the best work and place ever. Her ideal job is to be a training teacher. Cindy loves her family; this word means for her support, fun, comfort, and love. Her greatest fear is to die young because she wants to have many kids, at least three. She wants to raise them and show them the world. The main lesson she has learned in life is that you cannot trust everybody. Even though people look nice, and they seem to have the best intentions with you, you cannot trust everyone, she expressed. But it does not mean that she is not going to trust people. She still believes in trust people, but not to everyone.

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