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POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Programme: BE Semester Spring Year : 2010 Full Marks: 100 Pass Marks : !

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"ourse: Pro#essional Practice

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt all the questions. 1& a' ,' (e#ine social change& )hat are the theories o# social change* E+plain a,out the c-clical theor-& .$echnolog- is the in/icator o# /evelopment&. 0elate it 1ith societies o# the 1orl/& )rite technological achievement o# 21st centur- that has greatest impact on human& 4o1 /o -ou /e#ine moral an/ non5moral actions* )rite the co/e o# ethics #or engineers& (e#ine pro#ession6 pro#essional an/ pro#essionalism& E+plain the #eature o# pro#essionals& 4o1 /o -ou 8u/ge the ethical stan/ar/ o# Engineers in 9epal* (escri,e the role o# 9epal Engineering "ouncil in maintaining ethical stan/ar/ o# 9epalese Engineers& )rite a,out the impact o# computer in societ-& (e#ine lia,ilit-6 negligence an/ /ut-& E+plain the /etaile/ /uties an/ lia,ilities o# /esigners& (e#ine contract la1& )hat is the importance o# contract /ocuments in the e+ecution o# pro8ect* )hat are the t-pes o# ,usiness enterprises* E+plain characteristics o# compan- ,usiness organi:ation& )hat /o -ou mean ,- intellectual propert- right* (i##erentiate ,et1een the cop- right an/ patent right& 2 %3


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,' 4. a' ,' 5. a' c' 6.

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(uring ;ualit- control visit in a remote village6 it has ,een #oun/ that a ,uil/ing is ,eing constructe/ on the ,ank o# a river an/ it 1ill ,e /amage/ /ue to #loo/& <ppro+imatel- 2!= o# the construction 1as complete/& $he surve- 1as /one ,- -our #rien/ 1ith the consent o# the

local people& 4o1ever6 the ;ualit- o# construction 1as as per the speci#ication& Your 8o, is limite/ to control the ;ualit- o# ,uil/ing onl-& (iscuss the case an/ recommen/ -our vie1s on 1hether to continue the construction or not& 7. )rite short notes any two: a' Ethical la1s ,' c' )el#are provision in la,or la1 "haracteristics o# /eveloping countries 2>!

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