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Biome Project

Due Date: ___________

Directions: You will choose between 1 of the following Biomes. Information can be presented in a power point or poster. As you complete each section put a check mark in the box on the rubric sheet. The Rubric Sheet will be handed in with your project. Biome List: Tropical Rain Forest Taiga Grassland Desert Temperate Forest Savanna Chaparral Tundra

Part 1-Introduction Define: Biome, climate, latitude, altitude, adaptation What Biome did you choose to do? Part 2Climate/Temperature What is the average climate? What is the average precipitation? Where is your biome located and list specific places. (At least 3) Include a picture of your biome. Part 3Plant Adaptations Name 3 plants that are native to your biome. For each plant include specific adaptations that help that survive. Include a picture of each plant. Part 4Animal Adaptations Name 3 Animals that are native to your biome. For each animal include specific adaptions that help it survive. Include a picture of each animal. Part 5Human Interactions Describe a typical day living in your biome. What types of hobbies or what you would do for recreation? Do humans in your biome have specific characteristics? What are they? Describe 2 threats or environmental issues in your biome.

Name: _____________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _______

Biome Project-Rubric
Biome: _________________________ Completed Part 1 Define: Biome, climate, latitude, altitude adaptation (2pts each) Your Biome (1pt) Part 2 Average climate (3pts) Average precipitation (3pts) 3 locations/Places (6pts) Picture of biome (3pts) Part 3 3 plants (9pts) Adaptations for each plant (12pts) Picture of each plant (6pts) Part 4 3 Animals (9pts) Adaptations for each animal (12pts) Picture of each animal (6pts) Part 5 Typical Day (5pts) Hobbies/Recreation (2.5pts) Specific Human characteristics (2.5pts) Two threats to the biome (10pts) Possible Points 11 points Earned Points

15 points

27 points

27 points

20 points


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