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Land Pollution Study Guide

1. Define urbanization. - The increase of population numbers in urban areas. - Cities and urban areas are getting busier and more populated. 2. List all the things that are included in infrastructure. Infrastructure All of the things a society builds for public use Sewers Railroads Bridges Canals Fire Station Police Station Rescue Squad Library Schools Water Mains Power Lines Roads

3. What is urban sprawl? - Cities getting larger and expanding into once rural areas. 4. When people move into the suburbs what was the previous land used for? - Agriculture 5. Why is land-use planning important? (Include how you developed your city) - To ensure that schools are near neighborhoods - To ensure that emergency services can reach anywhere in the town promptly. - To ensure that all land in the town is used. 6. What is sick-building syndrome? - Caused by buildings that have poor ventilation 7. Where is sick-building syndrome most common? - Hot/poorly ventilated rooms or areas.

8. List some indoor air pollutants. - Carbon Monoxide - Gasoline - Tobacco Smoke - Household Cleaners (Bleach/Ammonia)

9. What is asbestos? Why is it so dangerous? - Used through the 1960s in building materials, as insulation and a fire retardant. - If inhaled, can cut lungs and cause asbestosis. Can also lead to heart failure. 10. What is deforestation? - The cutting down of forests to develop homes and businesses on. 11. What have been the negative effects in the environment caused from deforestation? - Air Quality is getting worse because there are less trees to purify the air. - Reduces Wildlife habitat - Soil erodes faster without trees anchoring them. 12. What is reforestation? - The replanting of forests that have once been cut down due to deforestation 13. What is arable land and how much land on Earth is arable. - Land that can be used to grow crops. - 10% of the land on Earth is arable. 14. What is erosion? - The movement of rock and soil by water and wind. 15. Why is erosion a problem? - Without soil, crops cannot be grown. 16. Describe the process of desertification. - The process by which land in arid or semiarid regions becomes more desertlike - The land is either being overused or being deforested too rapidly, and the soil cannot hold. When the soil disappears, the area becomes more like a desert.

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