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and neither _____ I. Roland doesnt like it when students come late, and neither do I.

He wouldnt like to work Sundays, and neither would I. Roland isnt here on Sunday, and neither am I. Tell me you are the same. Use and neither _____ I. 1. He doesnt have any health insurance, and neither _________. 2. He never gets a flu shot, 3. He isn't allergic to any medications, 4. He didnt need any stitches ( , puntos de sutura, ), 5. She wouldnt like to work in a morgue (, depsito de cadveres, ) 6. She didnt feel very well last weekend, 7. She cant explain complicated problems to her doctor in English, 8. She hasnt had a mammogram1 within the last six months2,

in a morgue

9. Her family doesnt have a history of heart disease, ____________

X, mamografa,

in the time between six months ago and now

getting a mammogram

and neither _____ I. Roland doesnt like it when students come late, and neither do I. He wouldnt like to work Sundays, and neither would I. Roland isnt here on Sunday, and neither am I. Tell me you are the same. Use and neither _____ I. 1. He doesnt have any health insurance, and neither _________. 2. He never gets a flu shot, 3. He isn't allergic to any medications, 4. He didnt need any stitches ( , puntos de sutura, ), 5. She wouldnt like to work in a morgue (, depsito de cadveres, ) 6. She didnt feel very well last weekend, 7. She cant explain complicated problems to her doctor in English, 8. She hasnt had a mammogram1 within the last six months2,

in a morgue

9. Her family doesnt have a history of heart disease, ____________

1) and 6) and 1) and 6) and

X, mamografa,

in the time between six months ago and now

getting a mammogram

neither do I. 2) and neither do I. 3) and neither am I. 4) and neither did I. 5) and neither would I. neither did I. 7) and neither can I. 8) and neither have I. 9) and neither does mine. neither do I. 2) and neither do I. 3) and neither am I. 4) and neither did I. 5) and neither would I. neither did I. 7) and neither can I. 8) and neither have I. 9) and neither does mine.
2002fallflexhealth07Repaired Roland Trego 08/30/2002 rev. 4/16/2014 6:28 PM

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