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HALF-LIFE WORKSHEET Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

1. How long does it take a 100.00g sample of Au-l 98 to decay to .!"g# $Half life is !. 9" days%

!. How many &alf-li'es will pass (y t&e time a 0.0g sample of )o- 0 decays to *."9# $Half-life is ".!*1 yea+s%

,. -&at f+action of a sample of N-1 +emains undecayed afte+ .,.! seconds# $Half-life is *.1, sec%

.. -&at is t&e &alf-life of a +adioacti'e isotope if a "00.0g sample decays to !."g in !.., &ou+s#

". How old is a (one if it p+esently contains 0.,1!"g of )-1./ (ut it was estimated to &a'e o+iginally contained 80.000g of )-1.# $Half-life is "*1" yea+s%

. 0f you a+e in1ected wit& 1.0000 mg of 2c-99/ &ow long will it take fo+ t&e sample to decay to 13 . of its o+iginal mass# $Half-life is .0018 &ou+s%

*. -&at is t&e &alf-li'e of a +adioacti'e isotope if it takes .! days fo+ a *!g sample to decay to 18g#

8. How many &alf-li'es of 4-,* will pass afte+ .1" seconds# $Half-life is 1.!, sec%

9. 0f a *00.00g sample of 0-1,1 decays to .,.*"g/ &ow muc& time &as passed# $Half-life is 8.0!1 days%

10. How long will it take a ,."g sample of 5+-!!0 to decay so t&at only 13. of t&e o+iginal amount of 5+-!!0 +emains# $Half-life is !*.. sec%

11. How many yea+s would it take fo+ a 1.000g sample of 6-!,8 to decay to a(out ,.9 mg# $Half-life is ...*7109 yea+s%

1,. 0f 1,.1!"g of 4-.! +emains undecayed afte+ !.0 &ou+s/ w&at was t&e o+iginal sample si8e# $Half-life is 1!., &ou+s%

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