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EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson plan Growing Up Brittany Rains Grade: Kindergarten / Subjects: Language arts, art, math

and science and social studies

Common Core Standards: Language Arts: Reading: Literature Key Ideas and Details: RL.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. Speaking and Listening: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas: SL.K.5 Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail. SL.K.6 Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Math: Counting and Cardinality: Count to Tell the Number of Objects: K.CC.B.5 Count to answer how many? questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 120, count out that many objects. Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from: K.OA.A.1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations. Science: Life Science Physical and Behavioral Traits of Living Things 2. Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival. Social Studies: History Strand: Historical Thinking and Skills: 2. Personal history can be shared through stories and pictures Arts: Perceiving/Knowing:

4PE Distinguish between common visual art forms (e.g., painting, drawing, sculpture). 5PE Identify and name materials used in visual art. Producing/Performing: 6PR Create artwork that explores a central theme across disciplines

Lesson Summary: During this lesson students will learn about butterflies and will learn how they sort of relate to us. I will use the story first to read it and then they will do some art. Then they will do some math relate to this they will do a game online with math and we do a graph in circle time with foods in the story. Then with science we will learn about moth and butterflies. Then we will use all this together to present a project of ourselves growing up to where they are now with family in it and at the very last page draw what they want to be when they grow up. Then they will take a quiz to close the week lesson.

Estimated Duration: I have broken it up into an all week lesson. With one thing a day type of deal so I dont bored my students out. Mon: Book and Graph assignment for circle time will take 15 minutes for book and questions about book and knowledge and graph 30 minutes for lesson and questions Tues: Art assignment: 50 minutes Wednesday: Science about moth and butterflies: 50 minutes Thursday: Game: 45 minutes Friday: Present their stories and quiz : 60 minutes Then at home with their parents present a story of their family with pictures. Then around free time I will give them the option unless they want to do at home to draw a picture of what they want to be when they grow up. Commentary: I plan on getting my students interested in this by asking questions before the story. Ask questions all the way through. I will present this assignment around them. Children love bugs around this time anyways and we will do a nature walk when its science day. It will give them an idea that one day they can make a difference and be whatever they want to be like this caterpillar. He was hungry and small then at the end he became a butterfly. Some challenges is using technology and teaching the students using technology. Also keep my students focus and learn. Also not knowing if my parents will help their child do their homework assignment. To fulfill this, I will show my students how to use it and be on the stand by if they need help. I will make groups with some of my assignments and mix them with peer mentorship. I will write a letter to my parents letting them know 2 weeks prior what we will be doing and let them know we will present a book about them. Then that Friday before the lesson week send home the assignment so the parents can help their child out.

Instructional Procedures: Day 1 (Monday): Book and Graph Day: 45 minutes Before I introduce book: Ask question: Have you ever seen a caterpillar? Have you ever seen a butterfly? Present story: I brought in a book (show it). Its called The Very Hungry Caterpillar. What do you think this title means? Do you think this caterpillar eats a lot? Read the story.(10 min) After the story: What do you think about this story? What do you like about the story? So what do you think about the caterpillar becoming a butterfly? This week we are going to learn about butterflies and do activity based on this book. At home I want you all to make a story about you. I also want you to think about this week what you want to be when you grow up. All of this will be in your story. We will do this because like the caterpillar you are also growing and how amazing will it be when you blossom into a young lady or gentlemen you will want to be somebody likes this caterpillar did when it became a butterfly. Saying that right now we are going to do a group activity. I am going to walk over to my hand dandy computer and we going to answer some questions. Graph: I am going to use software call PowerPoint. We are going to make a bar graph on my white board. I am going to write every food item on the board then on my PowerPoint I will be asking questions that I type on the PowerPoint. The children will look at the graph and answer them. The graph will be filling out with the students favorite food from the book. Questions: Which food has the most likes? Which food has the less likes? Which one has more apples or watermelon? Which one has the less pears or oranges? Which one has the equal amount? (30 min) Day 2 (Tuesday): Art project:55 minutes I will refresh what we read and learn from yesterday (Book and Graph). Then I will present the art assignment. I will say We are going to make our own butterfly and caterpillar today. Then we will take pictures with my camera of art designs. One of the tables will have colorful cotton balls for the caterpillar. It also will have glue sticks and pipe sticks and wooden spatulas. Markers and glitter. Directions for that are to pick 6-7 balls on the spatula and glue them on. Then cut some pipe sticks and glue them on top of the caterpillar head. Then they can use the markers and glitter to decorate. (27 min) Then on one of other tables there will be paper, tissue paper, paint, markers, glitter and glue. Directions for that are to draw their own butterfly and use the tissue paper, glitter and markers to decorate their butterfly.(27 min)They will rotate doing this. On this table we are going to make our own caterpillars. I will write the directions on the board. But to make sure we clear you will use 67 cotton balls glue them on these spatulas then you cut some of this pipe sticks and glue them on your caterpillar head. Then you can decorate your caterpillar whatever you want. Then on this table we will make our butterflies. You will draw your butterfly and then use the tissue paper, markers and glitter to decorate. After you are done come to me and we will take pictures of our art and then at the end of the day I will make a place out in the hall for our friends to see what we done. I will add the pictures to our computer. Day 3 (Wednesday): Science lesson on moths and butterflies and nature walk: 50 minutes I will have my students face me at their desk on the PowerPoint which will be a prezi. We will talk about differences between the two, talk about bodies and are they like other insects and we will talk about the Life Cycle. We will talk about how they hide from their predators,

eyespots on wings, viceroy being like the monarch. Lastly how us humans become threat to their creatures and how can we help.(20 min) Then after the presentation, I will take my students outside and we will hunt for butterflies and moths and talk about what we see together. (30 min) Day4 (Thursday): Game:45 minutes This will be a review of what we learn this week so far. I will have game on the screen and it will have cards that I will click on for them. When they pull one it will give them math problem addition or subtraction and the answer will tell them how many moves they can make. When they get to their spot some of the spots have review questions which will be on the other set of cards. The class will be dividing into two groups and they can choose their team name and whoever reaches to the end of the finish line which is a butterfly will win the game. Students can play it also doing free time if they want. I will have it available for them. Day5 (Friday): Present their story and small quiz:60 minutes Class I hope you enjoy your homework this week and enjoy what we learn this week. I also hope you parents have fun too. Who wants to go first with their presentation to the class? We will be seating around a circle because it is circle time. (45min.) At the very end of class I will do a small quiz on what we learn and I hope that only takes about 15 minutes. It is multiple choice and only 10 questions.

Pre-Assessment: Every day I will pre-assess my students by asking questions about what we did the day before and review what we know about the book. If I dont get enough hands to answer the questions I know by judgment that we need to review what we learned all ready. If I get enough hands raise and the answer are close as much the same of what I am trying to reach at I know we are good to move on and the kids are taking it very well. Like the learners, they are like sponges who are absorbing everything I am teaching them. Scoring Guidelines: Most of pre-assessment will be my teaching judgment. I will continue to ask questions all week but the review which is the game will help me understand if my students are getting it and it will also help me be aware of what we need to review. No scoring on this part of the deal.

Post-Assessment: The post-assessment will be on their stories which about them and what they want to be when they grow up and the small quiz. The quiz will have 10 questions. 5 questions will be on the book and 5 questions will be about what we learn about moths and butterflies.

Scoring Guidelines: With the stories of them, I will be looking at how much effort they put into it. I will also see if they put pictures in it and their drawing of what they want to be when they grow up. With the presentations, I will be looking at how they present it; and if they explain it good so everyone knows their peer is. I will make it a 30 point assignment. 5 points each one I just said I was looking at and 5 more points for the creativity. Then with the quiz it will be 10 questions for 20 points. It will be multiple choices. If they pass 3 out of 10 they pass. 6 out of 10 I need them to go through the game again by their selves and retake test. If they get 7-10 wrongs they fail and I need to review with them again.

Differentiated Instructional Support With my students who are gifted or accelerated, I will use them to help my other students out but they still have to do what the others are doing. I will have them help me with the technology parts. But on free time I will have them partner up with one of my students who are struggle and have gifted help the struggle understand the concepts and have them work on small study homework together so the struggle starts to understand it. With the struggle students, I will partner them up with the gifted peers and have them review what we learn through small activities. I will also help them myself by walking around when they are doing some of the assignment as a class and to see if they need help and ask questions. I will also be there away from the students like at recess if they have a question for me to answer. But with the homework assignment they have their parents who will help them.

Extension Most of my assignments came from my head. I look at what other classes did and common standards so I will add those pages. The Very hungry Caterpillar This gives you some ideas on science, math and language arts. I have to admit I use some of the ideas to present the book from this website. I use this website to find common core standards plus the one under fine arts.

Homework Options and Home Connections I will have my students do a little book on them. It will have pictures of them and drawing at the end of what they want to be when they grow up. I will use technology-based by adding in

their grade for this assignment because most homes may not have computers to type up their story. I will give them that option if they want too. My parents will be involved in this assignment because my students are too little to do it on their own because they are kindergarteners. So two weeks before this assignment goes home to them my plan is to type out a letter and send home the letter letting the parents know what we will be doing in class so they are prepared for this assignment. Then I will send it home the Friday before we do the lesson on The Very Hungry Caterpillar I will send home the assignment and have it due the next Friday. So they have a week to prepare the assignment. Then the day it is due the student will present their stories to the class.

Interdisciplinary Connections Two more learning activities you can use for this is language arts by writing your own story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. You can do a math activity by sort out the foods in the book and counting the items and writing each one out. Materials and Resources:

For teachers

Need: a computer, dry erase board markers, book of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Cotton balls, pipe sticks, wood spatulas, glitters, color markers, paper, Tissue paper, glue sticks

For students

Need: a computer, pipe sticks, wood spatulas, glitters, color markers, Paper, tissue paper, glue sticks Stories need: Paper, pictures, drawing of their self when they grow up ( Crayons, markers, paper)

Key Vocabulary Caterpillar, butterfly, title, story, grow up, blossom, computer, PowerPoint, bar graph, most, less, more, equal amount, camera, moths, prezi, Life cycle, predators, eyespots, viceroy, addition, subtraction, presentation

Additional Notes

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