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Multiple Intelligences Lesson Plan Design

The Parable of the Lost Son- Seventh through Twelfth Grade Verbal/Linguistic Read and then summarize, in your own words, the parable. Visual/Spatial Create a comic strip or iMovie about the parable. Do not tell the story as written; put your own twist on the parable (be careful not to leave out parts of the story). Musical/Rhythmic Use Garageband to create an emotional, serious movie soundtrack for the reunion part of the parable. Logical/Mathematical If the pen, that pigs the son were feeding were in, had a width of 10 feet and a length of 17.3 feet what is the perimeter and area of the pen? Use P=2l+2w and A=lw. Bodily/Kinesthetic To show how vital it was for the father it was to run to the son, based on previously learned information about the culture, act out what would happen if the townspeople had got to the younger son before the father. Intrapersonal Explain how you would have reacted if you were in the fathers shoes, based on your own personal morality. .

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