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Blaize Meyerholtz 3-31-14 ENGL 10600-670 Halliday Ever-Shifting Jargon Another example of our shifting language is freshman as in the

freshman class or freshman English. This line from Olson relates to me very well and anyone else who is at this school as a freshman. The author is talking about language change and how that saying all freshman classes are the same and making it appeal to some people as a sexist term. This article can relate to anyone, it talks about women and the terms that fit them as first lady, which is sexist to them. It can relate to anyone that goes to college and how everything is being updated with new improved word. Example, cafeteria is now considered and called a dining hall. The author is trying to get the point across that the terms that are changing today are changing with the times and how our values change. This articles was made to demonstrate and inform us on what is happening with Jargon today. Academic Writing is Convoluted Dont use the first person. Say as much as you can on any given subject. Repeat rephrase if you dont get it right the first time. These lines from Kidder explain what I do in writing every time, and what I try to do and not do when I am writing. He is giving everyone the basis on how you should write a paper like this. This can relate to anyone when they are writing and how their paper will turn out in the end. He is also strongly referring to journalism and the difference there is between footnotes and actual writings for a newspaper. He believes there is a way that you can combine the two

professions and make them better and benefit each other. This paper was written to inform us on the differences between journalism and footnotes, and how they are similar.

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