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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

This shot is from the first preliminary task we shot at the beginning of the school year. However because it were our first time it was very basic, boring and the editing was poor.

Our second preliminary task had some improvements such as: we had a range of different shots however we mainly improvised and lacked planning and our 180 degree rule is the result of this.

Our last preliminary task of the 180 degree rule was very successful because we planned out a story board of each shot and we were more creative with our shot types.

The non-diegetic sound of the lyrics "Happy" was very successful because it's very contrapuntal in the sense that it opposes the characters emotionless act. This shows that I can now use contrapuntal sound effectively.

My media course has really showed me the important of Mise-en-scene especially for our opening sequence because we have used a bowl with no food, a kettle not pouring water, and different size spoons to show the characters OCD and to create a sense of enigma.

Cinematography has played a huge part in our opening sequence and you can see this through our very brave mirror shot which proved to be successful. Also our pan shot from the character to the doll.


Considering I have never experienced Media Studies before I think my editing skills have really improved since the beginning of the course. I have managed to cut shots correctly so the continuity of the sequence flows nicely and I am able to add transitions between shots and increase or decrease

When I started this course I had very little experience in order to do things successfully but with my hard work and dedication I have made inprovements with my analysis and editing shot duration effectively.

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