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Criterion D: Evaluating

Write at least ONE PARAGRAPH (at least seven sentences) to answer each question.

1. Describe the challenges you faced in this unit.

We did not encounter many challenges in this unit because we collaborated and discussed
with each other well. However, there are still difficulties we face. For example, we
initially think about how the chosen song relates to and can be applied to real life. More
specifically, the song is about isolation and loneliness and staying connected, inspiring us
to associate with the COVID quarantine, which is similar to our theme. Additionally,
some parts of my video cannot be shot in school due to specific limitations (the photo file
is on another computer at home), making it inconvenient and costing time. Because I am
the only one to shoot myself at home, I find it difficult to adjust the camera angles and
brightness on the phone, which is sometimes frustrating and requires patience. It is also
hard to place my phone at an angle that can shoot me clearly at a suitable height and
direction, so I have to use my music stand or shelf to stable my phone before shooting.

2. What went well during the writing and shooting process?

Our collaboration is excellent as we allocate different parts for every team member when
writing the proposal. I think my time management skills improved because I finished my
part of the proposal and script and shot the videos in advance before the due date, which
is the part I did great. Whenever we encounter problems or have something to remind
others of, we will discuss it with teammates face-to-face in school or through Gmail text.
For example, my teammates remind me to bring clothes to school the next day because
we will shoot the video, and I ask them questions about camera angle techniques.
Mentioning clothes, we all brought clothes to school in the performing arts class,
meaning we communicated effectively with each other. Besides, we chose the right song
because its theme is easy to associate with real life, as COVID is a current issue the world
faces. We experienced the quarantine period and online learning, making the inspiration
rich and creative and the overall process smooth. Despite several retries on the video
shooting, I eventually got the ones I was satisfied with without needing additional energy
and effort adjusting the videos.

3. What went wrong during the project?

In the script writing, I originally wrote the entire script, including what I would say and
other scenes and descriptions. However, I later found that the video should focus more on
our actions and emotions because the song’s lyrics cover the sound. This means I spent
too much time deciding my speech and did not consider the music play’s overall form.
Besides, for video shooting, there are several times I have to refilm again when someone
is nearby me at home and makes noises and disruptions, affecting the videos’ quality.
There are also limitations in equipment and resources. For example, because no one
could assist me with the shooting, my scene was fixed without camera movement, and
not all applied the rule of thirds technique. Therefore, the video may not be vivid,
creative, and attractive enough for the audience.

4. How does your video’s quality compare to the other classmates’?

After watching other groups’ videos, one group has smooth editing about people living in
a material world with excellent camera angle movements like moving along with
characters. There is a certain part that was shot straight and did not fit the scene ratio,
meaning they can improve the overall composition. Another group’s video has creative
shots from top to bottom, effectively capturing each person’s actions, while the
transitions were great. For example, the scene changes when one person comes and
covers their hands on the screen and switches to another scene. Their video’s use of black
and white scenes is more touching and creates a unique style and feeling for people. In
comparison, our video lacks variation in camera angles because it is too tight and uses
many close-up shots that make some viewers uncomfortable. Moreover, when it comes to
the end of the walking and traveling around the world part, we should make the stepping
pace match the song’s fast tempo.

5. How could you improve your video if you had to do it again?

I could improve the video by finding helpers to assist with the camera movement
technique on my part. For instance, the camera should move right or left when I am
walking and get closer for the close-up when I am depressed in the video, making the
overall impact more touching to connect to the audience’s minds. Moreover, I should
practice a few times and remind myself to be confident and take it easy before shooting
so my actions will be smoother with strong facial expressions. More specifically, I should
improve the part I am surprised because it is not vivid enough, and the audience may not
understand what I am doing in the video. For the rule of thirds technique, I could research
in advance and understand the concepts. Then, I can use a more professional camera
rather than my phone with a higher resolution and include grids to shot so that the video
quality will be higher. I could try a few times to plan my shots by seeing the important
elements of the scene and placing them on the intersection of the points, applying the rule
of thirds technique.

6. How can you use the skills you acquired in this unit in other subjects?
Before shooting the video, I will tell myself to take it easy, take deep breaths, and act
normally. Similarly, when having presentations on other subjects, like English and I&S, I
can apply the skill of being prepared, confident, and calm. Therefore, I will not be
nervous and do not know what to say during the presentation. I paid more attention and
became more careful with details such as camera angles, lighting, and overall
composition in this unit. The skill can be applied to science experiments or other exams
where precision and accuracy are crucial. Besides, I bettered communication with team
members and effectively controlled time in the unit. For example, I learned how to ask
questions through Gmail, describe my problems, and consider the content suitable. This
can be applied to all other subjects because I can communicate with classmates and
teachers more effectively and smoothly without creating misunderstandings of messages.

7. What ATL skills did you improve in this unit?

I improved my communication skills in this unit because I discussed with other
teammates face-to-face and through Gmail. Besides communicating ideas, we also share
reminders, ask questions, and make the conversation smooth. For example, I picked up
my courage to ask my teammates about the script timeline, and they said I needed to
shoot my video according to the timeline of the chosen one’s lyrics. By communicating, I
also become more confident to speak up and less afraid to say something wrong. I
developed my social skills by collaborating with my team members. I actively listened to
their suggestions, respected their perspectives, and contributed to group discussions. I
also developed my self-management and organization skills because I effectively
managed my time wisely to submit tasks before the due date (so there would be less
burden). Therefore, I can have the remaining time to recheck and ensure they are perfect
and detailed enough. Lastly, I enhanced my thinking skills by critically analyzing the
song’s theme and relevance to our real-life experiences, making connections and
associations with the COVID quarantine.

8. The following is the statement of inquiry for this unit:

“Modern artists can create stylish and aesthetically appealing artwork inspired by
their interpretation of highly acclaimed or popular masterpieces of the past
generations.” What does it mean to you now? Explain!
It shows the importance of modern artists carefully studying and appreciating the artistic
techniques and presentation methods from masterpieces of previous generations. Modern
artists can draw inspiration from the work, understand the techniques, emotions, and
messages conveyed by the previous artists, and interpret the concept in their artworks.
They can then add their unique perspectives, experiences, and emotions and create stylish
and aesthetically appealing artwork. In this unit, we referred to the works of Message in a
Bottle by The Police and integrated the idea of loneliness and connection into our
creations. Overall, we explored famous classic songs and connected the theme to our
modern life experiences. The proverb, “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing
upon the shoulders of giants,” aligns with the statement of inquiry. Both means our work
comes from the knowledge and accomplishments of those who came before us.

Evaluate your project using MYP Arts Criteria: Understanding, Developing Skills,
Creativity, and Responding.
Points 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
How well did we write our script/ ✓

How well did we produce the video? ✓

How creative was our video?

How much effort did we put into the ✓

creation of our video?

 7-8 Excellent, it is a world-class masterpiece

 5-6 Substantial, but it could have been even better
 3-4 Adequate, but I could have done more
 1-2 Limited, I need to do more

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