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Preamble Phrase We the people of the United States,


Justification A diverse group of students visiting a statue of a native American shows our history and our future

in order to form a more perfect union

The joining together, or union, of people, just as these people have joined physically

establish justice

The gavel in a symbol of our judiciary system, which establishes justice in our country

insure domestic tranquility

This a very calm, or tranquil night, in Washington D.C., our capital

provide for the common defense

This picture shows a police officer, which is someone who defends us daily

promote the general welfare

This picture shows these children being joyful and enjoying their general welfare

and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of independence and liberty in America

Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

This photo shows the beginning of the Constitution, including the Preamble, which is one of our countrys most important documents.

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