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The State is neither the handiwork of God, nor the result of a superior physical force, nor the
creation of a resolution or contract, nor the mere expansion of family. The state is not a mere artificial
mechanical creation but an institution of natural growth or historical evolution says Professor Garner.

The historical evolutionary theory, holds the view that the state has originated through a
gradual evolutionary process. According to this theory, the state is the product of growth, a slow and steady
evolution extending over a long period of time and ultimately shaping itself into the complex structure of
a modern state. This theory is more scientific.
There were a number of factors which contributed towards the evolution of the state. The more
significant factors are examined below:
Kinship – McIver says, ‘Kinship creates society and society at length creates the state.’ Kinship is the most
important and was based upon blood relationship and kinship was the first strongest bond of unity. Family
constituted the first link in the process of the evolution of the state with the expansion of the family arose
new families and the multiplication of families led to the formation of clans and tribes. Kinship was the only
factor which bound the people together.
According to Professor Mac Iver, the magic of names 'reinforced the sense of kinship, as the course of
generations enlarged the group. The blood bond of sonship changed imperceptibly into the social bond of
the wider brotherhood. The authority of the father passes into the power of the chief once more under the
aegis of kinship new forms arise which transcend it. Kinship creates society and society at length creates
the state'.
Religion – Allied with the factor of kinship is religion. Wilson said that religion ‘is the sign and seal of
common blood, the expression of its oneness, its sanctity and its obligation.’

Religion provided the bond of unity in early society. It also affected all walks of life. The worship of a
common ancestor and common goods created a sense of social solidarity. There was fear in the hearts of
men as far as religion was concerned. Even today we see religious practices, affairs and faith in uniting
people. In the early days a number of races are united by religion and unity was essential for the creation
of state.

Force – As the role of kinship and religion weakened, force became essential to maintain peace and order.
The tribal chief had to make use of force to get compliance from the members of the group. Similarly in
order to prevent external aggression aswell as to expand his own territory and to keep those who were
defeated under his control, force was necessary to be exercised by the leader of the particular tribal group.

It was the use of physical force that was responsible for the growth of kingdoms and empires.

Economic factors – The appearance of private property was a big leap forward for the formation of the
state. The institution of private property gave rise to class distinctions. For the settlement of property
dispute and particularly to protect the property rights and interests of the propertied class against the
have-not class, state came into existence.
Political consciousness – “Political consciousness is an indispensable factor for the origin and
development of the state”. Aristotle said that man is essentially a political animal. It means that man by
nature is conscious of the fact that he has to live in the political organization. The realization of men that
the advantages of living together in the politically organized institution are greater than living an
independent life played an initiative role in the formation of the state.


So long as social sciences had not made any development and it was very difficult to determine the
correct theory the origin of the state. The advancement of the fields of history, anthropology and
archaeology helped in finding out various forces and factors responsible for the creation of the state. The
Evolutionary Theory so far is regarded as the most plausible theory regarding the origin of the state. This
theory helps in understanding the forces and factors, which created the state and historical stage through
which it passed. However, it yet remains a theory and not a fact of the origin of the state and as such can be
a subject of discussion, argument and interpretation especially as students of political science.

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