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Pipeline Quiz:

what is your final answer?

1) What large structure has Kinder Morgan said it is
planning to put in East Dracut?
a) Pig Farm b) Power Plant
c) Compressor Station d) IKEA Store

2) How is Kinder Morgan hoping to finance the $2.7
billion pipeline?
a) bake sale b) increases in utility bills
c) apply for grants d) sell bonds

3) How wide an area will be clearcut if the pipeline
path through the State Forest is approved?
a) 75 feet or more b) 50 feet
c) 20 feet d) 10 feet or less

4) About how many Dracut residents live within 400
of the proposed route?
a) 300 b) 900
c) 1800 d) 3500

5) How many other pipeline routes exist to bring
more natural gas into MA not affecting Dracut?
a) 3 b) 2
c) 1 d) 0

6) What is the date of Dracuts town meeting at LJHS?
a) Sunday June 1 b) Monday June 2
c) Friday July 4 d) Monday July 7

(answer key on reverse)
Pipeline Quiz:
what is your final answer?

1) What large structure has Kinder Morgan said it is
planning to put in East Dracut?
a) Pig Farm b) Power Plant
c) Compressor Station d) IKEA Store

2) How is Kinder Morgan hoping to finance the $2.7
billion pipeline?
a) bake sale b) increases in utility bills
c) apply for grants d) sell bonds

3) How wide an area will be clearcut if the pipeline
path through the State Forest is approved?
a) 75 feet or more b) 50 feet
c) 20 feet d) 10 feet or less

4) About how many Dracut residents live within 400
of the proposed route?
a) 300 b) 900
c) 1800 d) 3500

5) How many other pipeline routes exist to bring
more natural gas into MA not affecting Dracut?
a) 3 b) 2
c) 1 d) 0

6) What is the date of Dracuts town meeting at LJHS?
a) Sunday June 1 b) Monday June 2
c) Friday July 4 d) Monday July 7

(answer key on reverse)

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