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Team Members: This is the rubric in which you will be graded.

Please write all of your team

members below.
Team Members:
___________________, ___________________, ___________________
___________________, ___________________, ___________________
1 Point 2-3 Points 4 Points
Above and
Beyond +
Dream Zoo
Overall, you had too many
mathematical errors when
calculating the basic costs of
animals, buildings, etc.
You had a fe$ or severa!
errors in calculating the
basic costs of animals,
buildings, etc.
You had very !itt!e errors
in calculating the basic
costs of animals, buildings,
etc. Nice work!
Wow! You had no errors
in calculating the basic
costs of animals, buildings,
etc. !cellent effort!
Dream Zoo
'evera! (&estions lacked
thought and were not
thoroughly answered and"or
were not answered in
com#lete sentences where it
was re$uired.
2-3 (&estions seemed to
lack thought and were not
thoroughly answered
and"or were not answered in
com#lete sentences where it
was re$uired.
%u#er! Most (&estions
were well thought out and
were thoroughly answered
and were answered in
com#lete sentences
where it was re$uired.
&wesome! A!! (&estions
were well thought out and
were thoroughly answered
and were answered in
com#lete sentences
where it was re$uired.
'( Partici#ation)
Your team rea!!y seemed
to !a* coo#eration and"or
#artici#ation skills.
At times, yo&r team
seemed to !a*
coo#eration and"or
#artici#ation skills.
*ongratulations! +o&r
team rea!!y seemed to
coo#erate and #artici#ate.
Your team really seemed to
coo#erate and #artici#ate.
ach member eno&ra,ed
others to do the same.
Thanks for all your efforts!
You did not .o!!o$ a !ot
o. the ,&ide!ines for the
+oo design ', million for
animals, totals on
#age, etc.).
You .o!!o$ed most o. the
,&ide!ines for the +oo
design ', million for
animals, totals on
#age, etc.).
You .o!!o$ed a!! o. the
,&ide!ines for the +oo
design ', million for
animals, totals on
#age, etc.).
You followed all of the
guidelines for the +oo
design ', million for
animals, totals on
#age, etc.). /t $as a!so
obvio&s that yo& a!so
are.&!!y !oo*ed over a!!
o. yo&r $or*0
Dream Zoo
Your +oo design was either
inom#!ete and"or either
!a*ed some neatness,
color, or #ro#er labeling.
-or the most #art, your +oo
design was om#!ete but
may have either !a*ed
some neatness, color, or
#ro#er labeling.
Your +oo design was
om#!ete and was neat,
colorful, #ro#erly labeled.
Nice effort!
Your +oo design was
com#lete and was
e1treme!y neat, colorful,
#ro#erly labeled.
.ery well done!
&/ 0123, 4/ 35236 */ 37238 9/ 3:230
Name *ircled above '3 #oint) ;;;; %tudent grade< ;;;;;;;
"vera!! ratin, .or 2oo desi,n #ro#osa! by 3ZA 41-1567 ______
=4ased on overall +oo design, animals #urchased, etc.
*o#yright > Wise ?uys 013:

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