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TEST I a. strainerssen/ingbarhub
Q.1) Size of w:ater piping shall be based on tfie &rtal b. slraiuersservingshower
a watercnnsumptioa
c. sfrainersservinglavamry
b. waterdemand
d- noneoftheabove
c. warer portability Q.l2)CopperUrbingshall be supported at approximately m
intervals for piping 38mm diameter & sraller& m interuals br
d. noneoftheabove
piping 51mm& larger in dia.
Q.2) Water closet howls for_ use shall be elongated bowl types
equipped with open-front seats. a- 1.8/ 3.0
a publir b. 1.913.s
b. private
c 1,.5 / 2.5
c. governme[t
d. noneoftheabove
d. noneoftheahove Q.13) Continuous waste fixture teilpiece @ilrcctiorrs were exposed or
accessible may be of seamless drawn brass mt less tban Ga 20 B&S or
Q.3) Wastewaer drain for _ cupsink at church altar& mmtlk
baptiseries funt oudet shall disdrarge direct to the ground & not
connecEd to any sanitary or drainage systern- a- 0.90
a holysink
b. 0.80
b. lav"atory
c 0.70
c. baPtimal shdas
d- 0.60
d. sacrarium Q.14) All porrelaiu enamel surhces on plumbing fixtures shall be
Q.4) Tuonels shall have: the following except
L a clear height of 0.6m above the pipe & shall be limited in
a" mold resistant
leng6 to 1/2 the depth of the trench.
b. acid resistant
b. driven pipes shall have at least one pipe size larger than the c, corrosionresistant
pipe to be laid
d noneoftheabove
c. shall be back-filled in thin layers of0.3m above the top ofthe Q.15) An pipe determinations shall be based on eighty percent t ) the
reduced pressure.
pipe with clean earth which shall not contain stones, b_oulders,
cinders or other materials which can damage cr break the pipes or a TAVv
cause corrosive action. b. 60%
d. noneof&eabove c- 80%
Q.5) The minimum cross sectional area at the seat of the @nEol valve or d 90%
the srrpply pipe or tubing which feeds the device outlet. If two or Q.f6) must be supported at least every o&er ioint except that wlren
more lires suppl5r one oudeq the effective opening shall be the s;um of the developed length between supports exceeds 12m, they shall be
tle cross-ectional areas of the individual zupply lines or the area or pmvided at each joint
the single oudet wLichever is smaller. a couplings and compression johts
a. eflbctiveopening b. hubless or compression gasket ioints
b. efiectivedepth c capsandplugs
c, eftctive area il noneoftieabove
d. eftctive invert Q.lQ shall be supported by stiffmeAI or urood backing with hangers
Q.6) Suspended Gstimn soil pipe shall be supported at not more than in its entire leqgth for small-sizr tubingF up to 38mm diarnercr &
m interv"alr except that pipe exceeding 1.5m length may be without backings but wift spaced metal hangers at approved spacing
supported at not more than m intervals. Supports shall be hrlarger-size tubing.
adequate to maintaitr altgrment & to prevent sagging & shalt be placed a. steeltube
witiin 0.45mof the hub or joint \
b. plastic tube
a. 1,-Sl 3 c. aluminumtube
b. rsl+ d. concretetube
c 3/ 1.5 Q.lB) maximum length of supply piping in metem
d. 4l L-5 A" 61
Q.7) No water chset or bidet shall be set closer thaa m from its B. 62
center to any side of the w"all or obsuuction or closer tlran m c. 63
center to cener b atrysimil,ar fixture. D. 64
a. .375 10.75 Q.19) If water closeB or other plumbing fixturesqre irstalled in the
b. .3vs I o-7a buildings where there is no sewer wiftin a reasonable distance,
c .,{0 / 0.70 suitable provision shall be made for disposing of the building sewage
d. .s0 / 0.60 by some accepted merhod of seurage treafmemand disposal, smch as;
Q.8) Lead Pipe silrall be supported at by-for entire length with a- wastetank
hangers properlyspild ii. septictank
a. stiffaluminumorwoodenbacking c. sewage disposal sSrsem
b. sti.ffretal orrpooden backing d- noneoftheabove
c. stiffplasticor metal sheet Q.20) Drainage pipes shall be run in prctiel alignments & at a
& noneoftheabove uniform slope betr,r,een manholes of not less -lrrn _ toward
Q.9) Fixtures haviag mncealed slip joint connections shall be provided the poimof disposal
with an acces panel or utility at Ieast m in its least dimension for iL ?0mm/morZo/o
inspection & repair. b. 30mm/mor396
a. 0-30 c. 40mm/m o1496
b. o.28 d. 10mm/mor1%
c. 0.10 Q.21) Changes in direction of prping shall be made by the use of
d 0.,r0 approved pipe fittings & shall be &e angles presented by the following
Q.10) Excessine waterpressure - wat€r pressure greater rhan _ Kpa except
a. 55[ L 22 %degreesbend
b, 552 b- 4Sdegreesbend
c. 553 c 60degreesbendorotherappmvedftttingsoflonger
d 554 sweeps
Q.l1) Drains shan have a waterruay equiv.alert area of t[e'tailpiece" - & 3$degreesbend
rnsaning, the glm of all tb areas of tle perforation of the strainer is

Q.22) All pipiqg of plumbing systems shall be of durable Q.33) In prohibited fitting and practices under t}lis rule no
approved macrials Fee from defective wor'-ranship, desigrred and shall be threaded,
constructed by Registered Master Plumbers b ellslrre satisfactory
a gisoilpipe
b. cast imn soil pipe
a. nampap c" pvcsoilpipe
b. dilc d^ noneoftheabove
c dpwh Q.34) Further, a _ and bathurb or shower shall be imtalled o
d. denr meet tte basic requirements of sanitation and permnal hygieue.
Q.23) A physical separatiotr, which may be a low inlet into the indirect a- sink
waste .ecepmr frum tre ftture, appliance or device indirecdy b. lavatory
c. basin
a- airseparation d" noneoftheabove
b. airbreak Q.35) fixture directly connecred to the draiaage system shall be
c. airdsdsor equipped with a
d noneof&eabove
a- ventilatingsystem
Q.24) a length ofsoil or wase slack corresponding in the general to a b. watersealedtrap
storey heighl, but in no case less than 2.43m within which the q soil pipes
horizontal bramtes from one floor or storey of a building are
connected to the srck d. waste pipes
Q.36) Any such pipe or piping ___mm or larger ir diameter may
a. branch intern'al have a slope of
10mm/m or 196 provided it is approved by
b. futerv:al Administrative Authority
c. bramh
a 100 mm
d tength
b. 102mm
Q.25) Each hmily dnelling unit otr premises abutting on a sewer or c 101 mm
with a private sewerdisposal system shall have at Ieast _ water d. 104mm
closet and kiden-grpe sink
Q"37) Vrfabr pipes & fittings with a le*d content that exceed _ shall
a12 be prohibied & shall not be used in potable piping Systems.
b. 1,1
c. 2,L
b. 9%
d. 2,3
c 10%
Q,26) Horimntal dninage lines connecting to a vertical stack shall d l1o/o
enter &mugh dre foIlowing excepq
Q3B) Water Closet & urinal tanks shall be equipped with a listed
A 4Swyebranches _ & shall be installed with the aitisal Ievel at least 25mm above
B. combinationwye&1/Sbendbranches the firll opening ofthe overflow pipe.
C. 30 rqe bend a. corporationcock
D. or o&er approved fittings of longer sweeps.
b. gate valve
Q.27) Horizontal lines connecing to other horizontal c. ballcock
drainage lines shall enter through the following given below except:
d- none ofthe above
A. 4Sw1rcbranches Q39) fhe total numbers of set of sanitary/plumbing plans required by
B. combinationur5re & 1/B bend branches the building official when applyiag fur permit are;
C. or other approved fittings oflonger sweeps.
D. 30 wye heod
Q28) Birtfr of plumbing proftssion in the Philippines c,3
A lutramuros d.6
L Barmatn Q.,10) The enitary and plumbing permit wil
be revoke if the pmiect
C- BaEn has been abandoned or suspended for how many days?
D. Cebu
a. 120
Q.29) Vetical drainage lines connecting to other horizontal drainage b. 60
line shall enter through
c. 30
A 4Swyebranches d. 100
B. or other appmved fittings oflonger sweeps. Q.41-) The quantity of water required to be supplied to every plumbing
cL' ffi degree branches or offsets (only for pipes installed in trfrnre shall be represented by_
D. 45 degree brarches a' rlxn,re umB
h' fixture drain fd
e.30) No DrainageFittingshefl use, c. fixturetrapft
A. Double hub fitting for leak-caulked joint in vertical position d. none ofthe above
B. Singteordoubleteebranch Q.a2) The minimum airgap for effemive openhgs not greater tlun
C. Single or double tapped tee branch 25mm in diameter. affected by walls
D. side iulet q*arer saddle
bend, Running thread, band or
a 2 dmes rriameter of efuive opening
E. alloftheabove
4 times diameterofeftctiveopening
e.31) may be used on vertical lines as a fixture connection (approved :' 5 times diameur of eftcti're opening
stainless sreel bands with neoprene gaskets for ,"i"ti;;r;ffi"; f
iron soil pipes are amprable for use)
D' 3 times diameter of effective opening
Q.a3) The minimum airgap for effective openings not greater thatr
A single hub sanitary tapped tee 25mm in diameter. not affected by uralls
B. doublehubsanitarytapped tee . 3 dmesdiameterofeffectiveopening
c' triple hub saniery tapp"a tuu
;: z times diamerer of effective opening
D. noneoftheabove
e.32) A mtuimum srandard quanrity of plumbing fixrures trat S'
lJ' i*::*:::::ofeftctiveopening
5 times d'iameter of elfuctirrc opening
discharge wastes into a plumbing ilstallation
Q,*a) Ihe minimum height requircd frsmfinish grade line the siarnese
A" plunrbingunit inletmlnedion of a stand pipe.
B. plumbirgfutures A" 2.0 m
C. plumbingrysbm B- 12rgt
D. plumblngminimum C- 1-5m
D" 2-5 m
PLUMBINGAND SANITARYELEMENTS eag e I+ The minimum air gap for Over rim bath fillers & other fixtures c. 0.30
with effective openings trot greater than 25mm in .liameter. affected by D. 020
walls Q.56) No builditrg water seryice pipe shall be less than mm in
A. 76mm diameBr
B. TVrnm A" 2l
C. 78mm B. 20
D. 79mm c25
Q.a6) The minimrrm ai1'gap fpr Over rim bath fillers & otier fixturcs D- 19
wirh effective operiugs mt greater than 25mm in dirmeter. not Q5CIIdeqtrate water pressure - rlt aterpressrre lsss -' qn_ Kpa
affected bywalls
a 103
A 54mm B- 104
B. 53mm c. 105
C. 52mm D. 106
D. 51msr Q.sB) In screwed prpe - IPS shall be supported at approximately The minimum air gap for Laratories & other fixtures urith m irErvals for piptng 19rnm rliameter & smaller & m
effective openings not greater than 13mm h diameter if not affected intervals fur piping 25mm & larger in diameter.
a 3.s /
A. 25 B. 3.0 /
B. 24 c 3.6/ 3.0
c. 23 D. 3.0 13.6
D. ZZ Q.59) In Ground- piping buried on the ground shall be laid on the _
Q.aB) The minimum air gap for Lavatories & otier fixurrcs wirh for its entire length, except where corcrete cradle support is pmvided
effective openirgs Dot greaEr tban 13mm in diameter if affected by which is adequate & approved by the Adminisirative Authority.
A firmbed
A 36mm B. strata
B- 37mm C. compacted eardt
C. 38mm D. noneoftheabove
D. 39mm Q.60) brexcreta drainage system, no vitrified claypipes or fittings for
Q.a9) The minimnm air gap for Sinks, laundry trays, goosenecks bath buitditrg drain or sewer shall be used above gmund or whenever
faucets& other fixurres with effective opetrings not greater than 19mm pipmg is pressurized by a pump or eiector- Thelr shall be kept m
in diameter- if notaffected by wall below 6nish ground level
A 4{)mm a 0.30
B. 39mm B. 0.,+0
C. 38mm c- 0.50
D. 37mm D. 0.60
Q.50) The minimum air gap for sinks, laundry trays, goosenecks bath Q-61) for excreta drainage system, m galvanized !ffsrrght iron or
f;aucets & otlrer fixurres with efuive openings not greater than 19mm Galvauized Sfeel Pipe shall be used underymund & shall be kept ar
in diameter. if affe<tedbywall least_mm above ground.
A 56mm a 155
B. 57mm B. r52
C. 58mm c. 153
D. 59mm D, 154

TEST II Q.62) for vertiel pipin& screwed pip€ - imtr pipe size (lPS) shall be
supportedat not less than everyothersbrey
Q.51) The expiration of the permit for sanitary plumbing/ will be
A drift
expired after hour mny years from the date of issuance?
B. height
A2 C. Ievel
B. 1 D- dimension
c. 1-5 Q.63) for vertical pipin& - shall be supported at each storey or
D.3 ata maximum intenrals of 3m o,c.
Q.52) The dmwing; specification, calculations and etc for A leadtubing
plumbirg/sanitary permit will be signed by a registered and licensed,
B. -
A Drainqeengineer
C- steel tubing
B. Masterplurnber
D- c.I. rubing
C. Sanitary engireer
D. Architect Q.6a) for vertical piping cast iron pipes- Bell& Spigot & Hubless pipe
shall be supported at_orcloser.
o q?\ Restauratrt kitben & other
special-use sink may be made of A everyZ storey
approved-grped sh€et st€el not less than Ga.16 U.S. B&S or B- everystorey
l.6mmthick C. every3 storey
A. bonderized&galuanized
D. every4storey
B. aluminum Q.65) For the set of sadtary/plumbing plam requircd by the building
official when applyiag for permitr how many set/s of drawing witl be
C. stel rehrrned on the applicant?
D. noneoftheabove
Q.Sa)No urinal shallbe setdoserthrn m centerto center A-1
A- B-Z
c. 0.50
D. 0.65 Q.66) For the set of sanitary/pl,rmhing plans required by the building
official when applyrng for permiq how mny set/s of dralving will be
or other drainage pipings or part thereof
Q.55) No building seryer provided hr the administrarive authority?
construcd ofmaterials other than that approved for use under or
within the buildin& shall be installed under or widdn _ m of any A. I
building or strmturq nor less than 0.3m below the finish gmurrl B-4
surfdtr c.3
& fi AIr D.2

official when appb,rqg for permif, how many set/s of drawing will be A. 1
kept atiob sire? 8.2
A2 c. 1-5
B.3 D. 2.5
c. 1 Q.B1) In ercreta dratuage sysrem, what piping installations shall be
D.4 used ir high rise buildings
Q.6B) Fixture unit lawn SprinHers (standard type, each head) A ABS Acrylonitrile-Butadiere-Styrere
8.2 C Vitrified claypipe
c. 1.5 D' ab
D. 2.0 Q.Bz) Comists of two independendy acting inernally or exhrnally
Ioaded check valves, four properly located Est cocks with conrrfitors
Q.69) Fixnre unit WaEr Goset (economical flush) private use
& two isolation gate valves.
B.4 a atmosphericvacuumbreaker(avb)
c.3 b- doublecheckvalvebackflowpreventionassembly(dc)
D. - pressure vacuum breaker bacldow prevention
2.5 u
E.2 assembly
Q.70)fixture unitof Urinal (stall &wall) d- noneoftheabove
Q-83) Consists of two independendy acting interrally loaded checlt
A,5 valves, a differential presflre reliefualve, four properly located test
8.4 coc}s &two isolation gate valves.
D.2 a- pressure cuumbreakerbacldowpreventionassemb$
Q.71)fixture nnitof Urinal (pedestal or similar type) .
tL reduced pressure principle bmkllow prevention
A. 10
c- atrnospheric vacuum breaker (avb)
B. 15 d double check valve bacldow prevention assembly (dc)
c. t2
Q-8a) Consists of a loaded air inler valvq an intemally loaded &ed(
D.9 valve, trryo pmperly located testcod<s&two imlation gaEyalves.
Q.7z)fixtltre unitof Uriaal (flush tank)
L atmospheric vacuumbreaker (avb)
A2 b. double checkvalve baddowprevention assembly [dc)
8.3 c. pressure vaotum breaker bacMow prevention assembly
c.4 d. noneoftheaboye
D.5 Q"BS) Consist of a body, a checking member & an atmospheric opeuing
Q.73) fixture unit ofwater Closet (flush tank & flushometer-tank),
Hose Bibb or Sill Cock (sutrdard type) private use a. atmospheric vacuum breaker (avb)
b. double check valve baddow pr:evention assembly (dc)
a.2 c. pressure vacuum breaker bacldow prevention assembly
b.3 d. noneoftheabove
c.4 Q.B6) All pipings passing under or trougb walls shall be protected
d.5 from breakage with embedded
Q.74) fixture udt of Water Closet (8ush tank & flushometer-tank), a. concretepipemetalsleeyes
Hose Bibb or SiIl Cock dstadard type) public use
b. pvcpipesleeves
A.5 c metalpipesleeves
d- noneoftheabove
8.4 - or under cinders or other corrosive
Q.B7) All pipes passing tfuough
c.3 materials shall be protected &om exter':nal aorrosion by encasing same
D.2 wi& or in any other approved manner"
Q.7s)fixtue unit of watercloset (economical flush) public use a- metal sheath
A.5 - b. polybu&ane sheath
8.4 c. polyethylenesheath
c.3 d plasticsheath
D.Z Q.8B) shatl be zupported at every 1m intenral
Q.76) fixture unit of mobile home (each) - temporary facilities L plasticpipe
A5 b. pvcpipe
8.6 c. steelpipe
c.7 d lead pipe
D.B Q.89) In vertical piping shall be suppor&d at interyals not
Q.7A fixturc uoit of bider, batitlrb (with or without shower over), exceeding 1.20m at centers with a rigid vertical back-up
laundry tub or dothes w.asher (each pair of faucets), shower (each
a pvc pipe
head), sinkor didrwasher prftrat€ use
b. lead pipe
AZ c, steel pipe
8.3 d- gr prpe
c, .* Q-e0) Ia ptohibited fittings and under this rule, no drainage or
D.5 shall be drilled& tappd for making onnections rhereto
Q,78) fixulre unit of bideL bathtub (with or $.ithout shower over), a suppty piping
laundry tub or dodres washer (each pair of faucets), shower (each b, vertpiping
head), sinkor dishwasher public use
c. drainagepiping
A2 d noneoftheabove
8.3 Q.91) No _ shall be located in a room or compartrnenL which
c.4 is not pmperly lighted & ventilated,
D.5 a catch
Q.79) Fixture udtbarsink drinkiug buntairy lavatory private use b- lavatory
A-1 c. bibb
B.2 d r+?terr-l0set
c. 1-5 q94 In grade horizontal pipiry if ilr fo Euopracticable to obtain sudr
D" 25 slope due m dre foIlowing mmdiitiioms me6,

b. structural andr/orgeological features ofthe terrain underground talk or well for the collection of waste matter and water,
c. existingdrerse in arrangements ofbuilding structurre especialt5r sewage.
d. reasooablecilangebecauseofexistingweather
a cistern
either for the collection of \6,.ater without
b. sumppit/cesspool
Q.93) May be c tank
consideration of prEssure, or for storing water under air pressure or
under a static head for distribution by pneumatic or gravity
d noneoftheabove
means. Materials are PVC, GJ., reinforced concrete, stainless sbel or Q"105) Turbidity is another problerns of water for waEr distributio4
because SiIt or mud in surhce or in ground, which can.ruqe of
plain steel
discolation ofwater and bad taste, wtat is the best solution ficr this
a. ci*ernr/cistern talk
a- aeration
b. watertank
b. sedimentation
c. waterdam
c. filtration
d. coferdam
d. boiling
Q.94) fue holes in the earth from which a fluid may be withdrawn
using manual or mechanical means such as draw bucket pump,etc. Q.106) To reduce water hammer?

^ put noise reduction insulation to absorb noise that will

a. wells L be created by the pipes
b. pits
an additional 0.30m to 0.90mlengthofpipe is addedto the
c, fiox *
riser to give air pressure which absorb it
d- none of&e atrove
c additionalvenrpipe
Q.95) Which is not one of the components of plumbing? d. noneoftheabove
a. water supply disb:ibution system Q.107) To insure no leakage, a G-1. pipe when thre3flsd has to use lead
b. sanitary drainage and disposal system or_tape around t-he thread beforefighcning the fittingr
c. stormdrailagesystem
a^ solvent
d. elecuicalpipingsystem
b. teflon
Q.96) What is &e best fixurre for a public comfort room c. packaging
a- d- eleca-ical
b. flushometer Q.108)This water source is often in springs and wells as a souyce ol
c. f,auet water
d. noneoftheabove
a groundwater
Q.97) What can disharqe directly to the sewer system b. rai[water
a. building sewer
c. natural water
b. oilandgrease
A noneoftheabove
c. ashes
d. noneoftheabove Q.109) Itis pumps are used in applications wlrere excess water must
bepumped away from a particularareaApurnp used to remove water
Q.98) Water ls spraled inb the air to release any trapped gases and that has accumulated in a water collecti[g suilp pic
absorb additional ox5ryen for better taste.
A. Aeration
iL iet (eiector) pump
b. sump pump
B. Sedimentation c- turbinepump
d. piston pump
c. chlorination Q.110) This is a portion of the rainwaerwhich has percolated into the
d. hltration earttrto form underground deposits
Q.99) Water is purified by In various processes, so as to
remove the particles of vegetable matter, mud and other particles of a aquifers
matter present in &e ltratel] most commonly used materials are sand b. well
and gravel c. cistern
- d soilbearing
a. filtration Q.111) This is a kind of pump attached to the end of deep well pipe
b. purification enclosed in a casing where the pump is capable of functioning while
c. sedimentation submerged.
d. noneoftheabove
Q.100) Water is passed ilrrough layers of sand and gravel in concrete
a force pump
basins in order to reruove the finer suspended particles.
b. submersible pump
c. liftpump
a. coagulation d. noneoftheabove
b. ffocculation Q.112) This consists of a wedge-shapedplqwhidr is screwed downb
c. sedimentation seat bet$/een two brass rings surrounding the inlet pipe so that a
d. filraticn double seal is obtained. The inlet and oudet are in a straight line, This
valve is used when a normal fully open or c}osed position is desired.
TESTIII Either end may be used as inlet
Q.101) ltVater cyde is consis{s of 3 stages of process, which is not a gatevalves
included b. checkvalves
a. evaporation c. globevalves
b. ondensation d" noneoftheabove
c. precipitation Q.113) These ralves are used wlren it is desired that the flow thmugtr a
pipe be always in one direction and there is a possibility of a flow
d. hydration
taking place in the oppositr dirEdiolt- Ore qrp hx a pivoted flap
Q.102) Use erdrerc w?ter pressure so as not to affect existing
foundation in the vicinity. It makes use of a suction pump above, while
which is redily pushed open by &e prcssure of water from one side
casing acts as the pump riser.
but is tigldydosed by the force of a reraerse flow.

a boredwells a gatevalves
b. drilledwells b. checkvalves
c. ietredr#ells
c- globevalves
d. dugwells d" noneoftheabove
Q-114) These are dug with earth angc"s arre usually less than 30 meters
Q.103) UPVC means:
{1CI0 ft) deep-'Ite diameer rarges from 2 b 30 irches. The well is
a unplasticizedpolyv'inylchloride tined wie metal vitrified tiie ormmefie"
b- plasficiuedpotrviryIchloridepipe
c. potywirylchbridepipe a- dug*vells
h tnerl welle

d. shore wells b. laeer

Q.115) There is a sptic tank insralled on &e rDp of a mck by the c- chloride
seashore. The tank is exposed on low tide, and overed in sea water d purified waer
during high tide. Which of the following would be an appmpriate Q.12Q physical process in which the sediment particles collide with
water proofingforiu each other and sticktogether.
A waGr proofall surface, exterior and interior a coagulation
b. ficcculation
B. water pmof all interior surfuce except the floor c- sedimentation
C. rlraterproofthewallsonlyexteriorandinterior d aeration
D. noneoftheabove Q.128) is a device used to move ffuid$ such as liquids or slurries
Q.l-16) There are serueral reasons why soil stacks are not allowed in a rechanical equipment displaces a reolune by physical or mechanical
columns. Whidr is l{0T the reason? action-
a. pipes will inerfere with reinforcing bars a pump
b. the size of the columns will be larger b. motor
c. crad<s and leaks cannot be detected c' propeller
d. tte gas emitted will deteriorate concrete d- machine
Q.117) The pipe from the public water main or source of water supply Q.129) One end is 0.30M and the o&er end is 0.90M long. This
to the buildingserrred prevents the pipe from snapping (hreaking?)wher tle soil setdes [U-
a. servicepipe shaped?l
b. main service pipe a- gooseneck
c. distributionpipe b. corporationcock
d disributionpipe c. trallcock
Q.118)'Ite other physiol properties of water is ability to climb up a d- longneck
5urf;ags againstthe pull ofgravity Q.130)hiAMPAP means?
a surfacetension a- national masteral plumbingassociation of the philippines
b. heatabsorption/capacity b. rutional master plumbers assciations of the philippines
c. capillarity c. national master plumbing associate ofthe philippines
d. disolvingability d. noneoftheabove
Q.119)The abilr'tyto stickitself togetler and pull itself togetler Q.131) method of inEoducing a cotrmll€d amount of chlorine to the
a. surfxeEnsbn water in order to attain a desired degree of disinfection-
b. heatabsrption/capacity a rhlorai126on
c. capillarity b. flocculation
d. disslving ability c, filEation
Q.120) Suspended solids are removed fiom the water by gravit5r d sedimentation
settling and deposition water is passed through basins so sediments Q.132) fet pumps are centrifugal pumps rypically used for drawing
can setde through a period oftime water up finm a well.
L coagulati,on a submersible pump
b. Boculation b. turbine pump
c. sedirentation c. iet (ejector) pump
d. aeration d- reciprocatingpump
Q.121) Requires rnore elatrorate equipment depending on the geolory Q.133) Itis drc ability to absorb heatwithoutbecomingwarmer
ofthe site. Used for drilling oil and can reach up to 1000 meters in
a, surfacetension
b. heatabsorption/capacity
a. boredwells L capillarity
b. drilled wells d. dissolvingability
c. shorewells Q.134) It contains an impeller rnounted on a rotatirlg shaft The
d. dugwells mtafhg impeller increases the water veliociqr while forcing the water
Q.122) refers to the public waEr system laid underground along the in to a casing thus converting ttre water's yelocity into higher pressure.
sEeets where the house senrice is cotrnected,
a. cenrifugal pump
a. main servioe b. reciprocating pump
b. w:rErsourtre c. turtine pump
c. watermain d. submersiblepump
d. noneof&eabove Q.135) Is the art and technique of instatling pipes, fixtrrres and other
Q.123) Raw water is made to pnss on pipes of tiny sieves (strainers) apparah$€s in buildings & bringing the supply liquids substances &/or
and exposed to air offne mist to pudry it ingredients and removing them
a. sedimentatiol a sourcedistribution
b. reversed osmosis b- plumbing
c. aeration c. mechanics
d. noneoftheabove ,d- noneoftheabove
Q.124) Pump haviug a plunger that move back and forth witlin a Q136) is plumbing system which carries water from the water source,
cylinder equipped widr check valves. The cylinder is best located near stneet rnain or a pump to the building and to the various poitrts in rhe
orbelow the ground level buildiugatwhich water is used
a. cenfifugalpump a seu/agesystem
b. reciprocatfugpump b. watersupply and distribution qrserr
c Ufbilepump c draiaagesystem
d. submersiblepump d" noneoftheaborre
Q,125) properties of water: that can dissolved everything , lmown as Q.137) Is basically a centrifrrgal pump complete with electric motors
the "universal solvenf which are positioned under water h a suitable bored hole that delivers
a surface temion the water to the surface
b. heatabsoption/capacity a- centrifugal pump
c. capillarity b. reciprocatingpump
d. dissolvingability c turbine pump
Q.126) Pla5rc an important part in the plumbing systenl providing rhi{ d- submersiblepnmp
is the mmtcritir:al utiligr requirement, and also lmown as a 'uniraersa! Q-X38) Is an5r method &at wiB !e@r!ae orrc or more maErials &at
solverf luka tle wrtpr rrnqrilrlJa &rr: afiw re

b. war3rt*eatIrrent d. stackvent
c. llIaErboiling Q.149) Arnount of waste discharged fur a waste lrrater treauent
d' noneofdreabove facility
Q.139)Is a tank @mhurd
of riveted or welded steel plate; the larger
a 300gpm
tanks often being diyided irto two compartments They should be
h- 500gpm
large enough o ontaitr s least one day's supply for rhe entire building
in case the city min is temporarily shuf off. The pipe ftrom the pump to
c. 30 cu.m./day
the tank should be asoss connected to the city main so t}lat the water
d 50 c.u. m. /day
may be pumped direcdy fiom tte main in case of fire. These tanks are Q.150) Advantage of using rain water is?
used so that the pleumatic tank or other pumps suck the water foom ^ water is soft & pure and is suitable for the hot rvater
this tank and mt fum the public s1ain, so that it will not deprive the
a' supplysystem
neighbors ofwaer due to pressure. b. waterisavailableeveryday
a. wa@rtank c water that is natural and purified by naurral means
b. cisternank d. noneoftheabove
c. suctiontank
d. pneumatkunk
Q.la0)Is a pump used to deliver water at a point higher than the TESTIV
position of &e pump itself. When the plunger (a piston) descends,
valve 'A'is closed atrd lrrater irr t]e cylinder is forced out through valve Q-151) Acidity is one of the most problem iD \ryater distribution and
water purificatiorL which can cause Corrosion ofnon-ferrous pipes and
'B' and up to the storage. When the plunger is raised, valve 'B' is closed
Rusting & cloggrng of steel prpes, rflrhi& is the best solution for this
and 'A open to admit water to the rylinder. [A pump that uses problem?
pressure to move lftpid]
a liftpump - passing the water through a tred of cmshed noarble
b. submersiblepump
limestone to achieve alkalinity, or dding sodium silicate.
c. force pump
b. chlorinationforremovingsaltcootents
d. pneumatictank
c. aeration
d. noneoftheabove
Q.141) Is a positive displacement reciprocating pump in which a
plunger is driven bad<wards and forwardg or up and down by a Q.152) A turbine pump ha s a vertical trrrbine located below ground
water levels and a driving motor located at ground
mechanical working head.
Water is sucked into a sealed vacuum by use ofa piston. a. centrifugal pump
a- b- reciprocating pump
Pistonptrmp c- turbine pump
b. reciprocating pump
d submersible pump
c. iet(eiector) pump q.153) A tank using air pressure from a suction tank to distribute
d turbinepnmp
water fur tall buildings which cannot be readred by normal pressure.
-\is ft6 snly group/ organization for plumbing worla
Q.142) ln 1935,
and ordinances L watertank
a. nampap
b. cisterntank
b. n2pap
c" suction tank
c. dilg
d. pneumatic tank
d, denr Q.154) A stop valve in a service pipe doses to ils connection with a
Q.1a3) Hardness is another pmtrlem for water distribution because of
Presence of magmium and calcium sals, which can cause Clogging of L gatevalve
pipes Impaired laundry and cooking which is the best solution for b. corporation cock
this? c. checkvalve
A. Chemicalkeatrnent
d. globe valve

B. Boiling Q.155) A steel drive-well point is fitted on one end ofthe pipe section
and driven into the earth. The point may be driven into the ground to a
C. Sedimentatiotr
depth ofup to15 meters (50ft).
D. aeration
a driven wells
Q.144) A fiuing instaled at a branching tee from a horizontal soil b. dugwells
branch to a horizontal waste branch. c. deep wells
a a- 4'x2" urye andZ UB" bend combination
d. shore wells
b. b- 4'x,1" tee Q.156) a pump consist of a piston traveling up and down within a
cylinder which is connected wi& a pipe exEnding down into the
c. c4"xZ'tee
source. Tte piston and the bottom oftfte qylinder are each pmvided
d. d. 4k4" urye and 4 1/8- bend combination
with a valve opening upward- Upon tfoe piston's upstroke, vahne A'
Q.145) Excessive pressure produces a rumbling sound called; closes and valve 'B' opens. Upon tLe pistor's dowo stroke rralve 'A'
a. water hamrner opens and
b. w:rBrpr€ssure
L liftpump
c. water dissemination
b. submersible pump
d. noreoftheabove
c. force pump
Q.146) chemical process in which the coagulant reacts with the d. noneoftheabove
sediment to mahe itcapable of combining into larger particles.
Q.157) A mixture ofsurface run-offand ground water. Surface sources
a. coagulation include rivers, lakes, ponds and impoundhg reservoirs.
b. floaulation
a groundwater
c. sedimentation
b. naturalsurfacewater
d aeration
c. rain water
Q.14O A_ is water equipment used whenever the water supply at
d Datura] water
its naural pressure camot be dircctly piped to a building tank or
reservoir- Q.158) A method of puri$ing waGr wkreir particles of matters tlat
are suspended in the water are allowed to stay in a container so dnt
a. pump they rvill setde in the bottom, then drawing the water out leatring
b. tatrk drese marters in the container.
c. motor
a aeration
d. bibb
b- sedimentation
Q.1,+8)the horizoltal pipes that serve the faucets are called c reverse osmosis
a. brarr*rcs d- puriEcation
h ***k A irn\ A t:-)

a. foushing a. pressurereducingvalve
b. rEducer b. vaanumbreakervalve
c. fitting c. airvolume control rralne
d. noneof-\-above d. pressure reliefvalve
Q.160) A kind of GJ- fitting that has one end exrernal threads, while Q.172) Ufhat does PE pipe stands for?
the other end has inernal *rreads. :L polyethylene pipe
a. streetelbowortee b. polythylenepipe
b. vv,te c- polyvinylextrapipes
c. elbow il plasticsextra pipe
d. none of &e above Q.173) Water as delivered by NAWASA is no longer sah for drinking
of of several conBminants ftom the water soufE presetrt in
Q.161) Which ofthe fultowing locations Do NoT require installation
acleanoup tle environment It is now therefore frat lv-ater to be
anyhorimntalwasteorsoilpipeexceedinglSmeters What is a
srage in water purification, which removes mineral
c. anychangeindirectionofasoilbranch22.5degreesandover deposits, salts, heayy metal,-totall5r dissolves solids while some
d. at every etrd ofevery soil tlranch usefirl rninerals are retained?
Q.162) Which in the list is NOT a standard commercial size of GI pipe
forwarersupp\r? a- carbon filtration
b. aeration
a- a-21/2'diameter c. ukravioletradiation
b. b.3" diameter d. reverse
c. c.4".liameter
Q.17,{) The term used to t}re main trmter pipe deliveriag potable waEr
d. d.5" diarneter to a building is called
Q.163) Which criterion is NOT needed in sizing a vent pipe for
individual branch and circuit vent based on the total linear footage a water service pipe
of the pipe making up the yent? b- nawas:r
c- main pipe
a developedlengthoftheventpipe d" water utility pipe
b. oumberof fixDure unit
Q-175) The sandard size ofan oudet ofa dry standpipe located for
c. slope ofthe drain pipe each floor is _mm. diameter-
d. size of the drain pipe
Q.164) Where are damper':s installed to regulate the amount of cool air a 51 mm (2)
for an even disEibution to oudets? b. 76mm(3)
c. 38 mm (1 1/2J
a. at&etmnkducts d. 6amm(ZL/2")
b. ata practical location atangles and elbows
Q.176) The minimum height of fire srcice connection from the grade
c. at the branch supply duct as far as practical from the outlet line is _cms.
d. attheairbootfitting
Q.165) Whatisthe size of supply v-alve for tank type water closet?
L 50 cms.
b. 100 cms.
a 3/{ c. 46cms.
b. Llz' d- 35 cms.
c. 3/A' Q.177) The maximum horizontal developed length between the trap
d- seal and the vertical vent inlet at the fap amr.
Q.166) What is the minimum size of a trap or branch of a residential
kitchen? a. 6 feet
b. 5 feet
a. ll/2' c 4feet
b. 1314" d. 3 feet
c. I lltf Q.178) The maximum height of a fire sersice connection from &e
d. 2' grade line is _ cms.
Q.167) Whatis the minimum size of a tap or branch for a lavatory?
a 120 cms.
a. lU4" b. 130 cms.
b. Luq c- l2Zcrirs
c- 1l/2' b. 102 cms.
d. 2-
Q.179) The location of a fire hose cahinFtconnefted to a standpipe for
Q.168) What is a type of vent applied on installations witi multi- buildings shall be at every floor lereel above ttre first floor at
branch interval where the yertical vent pipe takes off in front of the
first fixhtre ard crnnectsto a main vent stack? a storeroom
b. inside a mechanicafelectrical mom
a reliefvent c- a landing ofan enclosed srairrvay
b. yokevent d. at any private mom or rentable space
c. loopvent
d. cirEaitvent
Q.18t))The general term for the hot or cold water pipes containirg
Q.169) ltrltrat is a GI Etting to ioin two threaded fittings as close as potable water
possible but not exceeding 3 inches?
a water plumbing pipes
a. nipple b. water distribution pipes
b. none oft-he three c. hot or cold water line
c. union d- watersupplypipes
d. coupling
Q"181) Single lever valves ased in kitclren silk and lavatory fuucets or
Q.170) What is a fire line qfstem witJrout a constant water supply and at shower valves has gain populariS ia plumbing installation today-
is equipped with a fire service inlet and outlet connection and "lfhis is because these valves are beautifrrl and are maintenance-fre€.
installed exclusircly for the use of the Fire Service? These valnes workbythe principle of,
a firedeparUnenthouseconnection a- gate\ralve
b. combiuationstandpipe b- anglewalve
c. drystandpipe c hall v-alve
d. wetstaldpipe d- globe valve
Q.171) What is a&vice imtalled on top of a pressure tank used o Q-L82) Minimum water delin'er5r im trims per minute for an outlet of a
pmtect ,gaiEst rydloEfratic mllapse due to suction or ryative siet$ardpipe at a residua[pesmem !^E kilos per sq. mts.
pr€Nwe resdttmg kom back-siphonage in a downfted urffi
e- l32litersmmim*p
c. litersper minute
155 the purpose future tap.
d. 126liters per minute
a. tril piece
Q.183) It is custommy ftat a fulI open type of valve is used in several b. bramh
locations io a water distribution system. Which location in the
following list DOES t{OT require one?
c. cleanout
d. shrbout
a. oneverl,bsebibb Q.194) A suilable and economical tlpe of water pumps for a 200 ft
b. onrnlatsrsrpplistopressurizedtank drivea wall to deliver 10gpm against 200 fo The llevelop Height
c. on the w'ater service pipe near the source connection (IDff) *ftere 6e motor and pump is located is at the surfue.
6a 'Irg roin water distrihution pipe near the water
d. servrce
a- sump pump
Q.184)In a rarabrqnem with constant water supply supplying series b. iet pump
of plumbing fixues, waer zupply drop is experience when the c. submersible pump
fixurcs in the series are simultaneously opened. Which poor design d. turbinepump
in the plumbing qrstem causes this? Q.194) A slow draining ofrnrater from a fixture down a plumbing
system indicates a poor senting qrsem This poor veuting
a. choice in the qrctem ofwat€r distribution qrstem is caused b5r:
,-U. insufficiency in the size of the water seryice and a over loaded fixture unitin the soil stack
distribution pipe
c. too mary fixurres opened simultaneously
b. change inthe atmosphericpressure inthe prpe
d. useofpvcorotherplasticpipes
c wrongchoiceofventtype
Q.185) In a water disrribution sysGm, a location such as supply pipe to
d. inadequate drain pipe
every waerheater requires a till open valve. Which of the following Q.195) A residence with 12 fumi\rmemkrs requires 3.6 cu. meters of
in tlre listis a lirll open valve? cold water daily with peak demand.Illlhat is the maximum hot water
probable hourly demand?
a, checkvalve
a- 110 liters
b. ballvalves
b- 100 liters
c" globevalve
c 120 liters
d. anqle rzlve
d 140lite6
Q.186) Brarch vents are required to have at least a slope l/4" lfeet
'Ihe purpose ofwhich is: Q"196) A female GI threaded pipe reduer fitting use to coDnect a
reducing branch fi,om a main water distribution
a fur convenience in installing the pipe
a bellreducer
b, to hrilir"rte aA movementwitl lesser air resistance
b. teereducer
c. forpurposesofeconomy
c elbowreducer
d. to allow any rrraste to drain into the drain pipe
d. couplingreducer
Q.187) Any pipe in the plumbiry system provided to ventilate a house
drainage q6tem and b preveilt trap siphonage and back pressure. Q"194 A female GI threaded pipe reduer fitting use to cotrnect a
reducing branch pipe at an angle
a. waste pipe
a- elbowreducer
b. yentpipe
c. milpipe bushingreducer
d. housuap c couplingreducer
Q.1BB) A vent used in a battery of plumbi+g fixtures where the vent is
c. tee reducer
insblledinfrontof the lastfixture of the battery. Q.198) A female GI pipe reducer fining used in a straight pipe
connection where the fitting's both ends are threaded inside
a. yokevent
a- coupling reducer
b. cirflrit vent
b. bushingreducer
c. stackvent
c. elbowreducer
d. stackvent
d teereducer
Q.189) A type of w:rbr pump witlr its pump motor installed on the
surfrce attached m a lift and push rod to activate a submerged Q.199) A device used to confol an iacoming high water pressue into
the water distribution system by rcchanical means so as to bring it
to a working pressure of80 psi.
a. reciprocation pump
a pressure reliefrralve
b. sumpprrmp
b. pressure reducer
c- iackpump c. pressurereducingvalve
d. oenuifrrgal pump
d. pressure regulator
Q.190) A type of pump which delivers high water discharge with high
pressure drawn from a shallow source like a cistern, best suited as Q.200) By gravity, water is distribued fr,osr oyerhead water tanks and
is supported either by structural frames or on *re roof decks. fixEues
fire p'mp or tznsbr pump. The pump motor is installed on the
are below the gravity Anlc these eleyared tanks are installed when
surf;ace for eary mrintenance coupled with a shaft to turn the
normal water supply from mein public service pipes is not frequent
impellers, wldch are suhmerged below.
and when norrnal pressure from city rnain is not enough to force the
a. centrifrrgalpurup waEr to the highest fixtures.
b. submersiblepump
a upfeedsystem
c. ietpump h. dornrn feedsystem
d turbinepump
c' pressuresyslem
Q.191) A type of pump which comprises essentially an impeller or set
of rranes enclosed ia fu6s5ing or casing close coupled with the pump
d directsystem
motor. lts firndamental principle is it adds energy in the form of
velocity tD atr alread5r flowing liquid.
a reciprocating p'tmp TETY
b. centrifugal pump
c. pismnpump Q-201) Water is disn'ibuted fionn tte mrmal water pressure coming
d. turbinepump from&e public water main, forlowriebuildings.
Q.192) A type of pump for driven well from 150 ft to 200 ft \A,hich L upfeedsystem
works by a prinriple of venhrri where water of high pressure is b. dovsnfeedqrstem
pump into Be vmll to draw $r,ater upwards through the return pipe. c. pressuresystem
L submersible pump d. directsystem
b. ietpurup Q202) A reservot tank orvesl &rmriug or holding water or other
c. iackorpistonpump
d- reciprocatiugpurp a cisern/cisrerntaak
n 1O?l A tm mcwl &rr { a:'b a*ancina +}-* a k .-
d. coferdam Q.213) Used to connectthe wo ends of two pipes, nei&er of which can
Q.203) Water is tre*d by gvins ro kill the hamful be turned
bacteria present ad m cure the nrrbid taste or'mud taste",remove
a- coupling
clay, salts, iron, s6 6mmonly used treating liquids is chlorine.
b. caulking
a. chemicalpowder c. uryple
h. chemrcal Eeatments d tread
c, batreria Q214) This rnaerial is used to threaded pip connectiotrs to prerert
Q.204) The vertlal srpptypipe which extends upward from one floor leakage
to the next is called
a- teflon tape
a. servicepipe b- solvent
b. riser G fitting
g \retrt d. plumbing tape
d. stac*vent QJ15) fhe standard water prcssilre from nawasa, maynilad, manila
Q.205) Can be camtmcted wi& hand tools or power tools with a depth wateretc.
ofabout 15 rneters (50 ft), Can have the greatest diameter that a space
a- 20 psi
b. 40 psi

a. dug rvells
c 60psi
b. dmpwells
b. 40 psi
c. hole wells
d foxhole Q216) The principal artery of the venting $ystem ro which vent
brarches may be connected

Q.206) When water comes out as soon as the fire sprinkler is activated, a main vent
tJle system is b. Iocalvent
a wetpipe
c. groupvent
b. pre-action
d. looporcircuitvent
Q217)The length along the centerof '\e pipe and fitting
c. deluge
d. dryprpe a embedmentlength
Q.207) When there is low pressures from the water main, what will b. development length
you use b supplyhigher levels? c. developedlength
a- boosterpump
d. span
b. sumppmp Q.2L8) The exension of a soil or waste stack above the highest
horizontal drain connected m the stack horizontal drain, the
c. pDerm:rkpump
uppermost ertd above the roof
d. ietpuilp
Q.208)What tjrp€ of material used for the base of a septic tank c. reliefvent
a. mascotrCrete
d. dryvent
b. rehbred concrete
c. sttrk vent
c. lightweightoncrete
d unitvent
d. earthbase
Q219) Sbong flushing action is created by a iet of water directed into
Q.209)liVhat is &e typical slope of a waste pipe tile rim and jet The force of the iet draws the bowl conrents into tle
a. lYo rear Eap. It doesr't use siphonic actiou but relies on the diving force
b. ?% ofiet actioL At flush valve 25 psi is needed with 1.5-in. inlet spud
c 396 Iarge water surf;ace and large trapwa5l size make -\is model efficient
d. 4% and suitable fur commercial use- Flushing is very noisy. Expensive.
a reverse-Eap
Q,210) Water enGrs through rim punchings ard jets placed in an up- b. pressure/tankless
leg ofthe riear trap, filling the trap way and creating an instant siphon
action withom rise of water level. The result is quick water
c pressure/tank
wi&drawal l,arge water surface provides an efhcient and clean d siphon-vortex
operation Yttith quiet flushing and moderate cost, this Q.220) Refers to any group of tralo or mre similar adiacetrt fixurres
is the most which dish2rge into a common horizontal waste or soil branch
popular residential model
a revrerse-Eap
a circuitoffixture
b. siphon-vorbx
b. group offixture
c. siphoo-iet
c. baneryoffixture
d. washdown
d- noneoftheabove
Q.211) Water enters through diagonal punching around the rim ofthe
bowl. creating a rmrtex that draws the water down into the rear trap Q.221) Water enters through rfun prrnchings 3n{ thmugh a iet that fills
the rear trapu,ay completely,clpgting a siphon action and resulting in
with a swir{ing actioo tbat scours the walls of the bowl. Water sEikes quick widdrawal of water ftom the hwl A water jet is located at the
two parallel ridges and folds over forming a jet, pmducing siphonic
fulet of dle trapway. Most of the bowl srrrfae is covered with water.
action LarEe water surhce provides a very efficient and clean procesg
This nrodel is efficient trut moderately noisy. Its cost is reasonab\r low.
and the flushing is extremely qniet This model is mostly of one-piece
construction wi& a lowprofile. Eryensive. a wash-down
a. siphon-vortex
b. ret'erse-trap
b. siphon-iet
c. siphon-jet
c. reverse-trap
d. siphon-vortex
Q.222) Pltrmhing permit shall be inv"alid if wor*s not commenced after
d. washdown
Q.212) Water erters &mtrgh an open rim, as though a bucket of water a 120 days
were dumped into the bowl, filling the front tapway and creating b" lyear
siphon action Thls model prcvides quick removal of water with c. 2years
minimum water rise- Small waEr surface makes t}re model more d- 3years
vulnerable 1e 5piling and clogging. This is the least efficient and most Q223)it is added to water to rcdue sliniry
noisy type bur lowest in cosl- a. disinfectant
a ura&docrrfi b- solvent
b. <fiFemn-,rt c. elecUolysis
c- rHr@{wm; d saltrurifi€r
not vertical d. reliefvent
a. invert Q.237) Aventftatdoes notserge asdrain and is located where if is not
b. under exposed to back up ofwaste &tm a drainage pipe
c. based L dryvent
d. noneofdreabove b. branchvent
Q.225) Is the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances c. circuitvent
into tte distributing pipes of a supply of water from any source other d. mntinousvent
than its intended source, QJ3B) A vent installed so as b permit additional circulation of air
a backsiphonage between the drainage and veut systemslafuere the drainage sysbms
b. bacldow might ott€ni/ise be air bound
c. backpressure a reliefvent
d. behindflow b. localvent
Q.226) ls the extended portion ofa pipe that is closed at one end to c. groupvent
which no connections are made on rhe extended portion d. loop or circuitvent
a. Iastline Q.239)A vent connecring one or more iadividual vents with a veft
b. deadend stackor stackvent
c. fioalprp. a branchvent
d. noneoftheabove b" localvent
Q.227) Is the bmkflow of use{ contaminated or polluted water from a c. groupvent
plumbing fixture due to negative pressure d. loop orcircuitvent
c. backsiphornge Q.24O)A vent connecting at the junction of taro fixture drains and
d- bacldow serving as a vent for bot}| fixtures A single vent that ventiliates
c. bxkpressure multiple traps, in the case of back to back fixurre
d. behind flow & @mmonvent
Q.228) Is a pipe on the fixture side ofthe trap through which vapor or b. branchvent
foul airisrcmoved fromaroom fixture c. circuitvent
a. mainvem d- continousvent
b. local vent Q-241)a rralve permitting a liquid or gzs to flow in one direction
c. groupvetrt a. checkvalve
d. loop orciruritvent b" gatevalve
Q.229) Is a pipe contrecring several fixtures c. floatvalve
a. fixtue hramh d- globevalve
b. fixhrcline
c. fixturepipe Q.242) A st€el tank is Iocated inside the drina tank Uses pressure
d. noneoftheabove from the water supply system- A 15 in water supply line provides ZS
Q.230) Is a derrice locaEd at the bottom of the tank for the purpose of psi pressure, compressing trapped air in the tank When flushed the
flushing waterclosts and similar fixtr.rre compressed air forces the water out" The bowl is desigaed to accept
a. floodline the torrent of water. The crest of the surging lr,ater empdes &e bowl
b. floodlevel through the enlarged trap. Large lrrraEr surface makes this model
c floodnreasured efficienL Design features make it suitable for residential use. Flushing
c. noneoftheabove is very noisy. Low water usage (1.S W0 helps conserve water.
Q.231)Is plugginganopening witt oakum,lead or other materials
a pressure/tank
a. coupling b. siphon-vortex
b. caulkbg c. pressure/tanHess
c. nipple d reverse-trap
d. tread
Q.243) A short internally tfueaded section of pipe used to join rwo
Q.232) Installation of all parts of ttre plumbing system which can be pipes ofconduits
completed priorto tte imtallation of fixtures
a. coupling
a, lsrrg-h in
b, caulking
b- rorghout c. nipple
c erection d- tread
d. installation
Q-244) A pipe installed to vent, a fixnre trap and w/c connects with
Q.233) Includes all piprng within public or private which conveys the ventsystem above the fixhrre served or erminates in the open air
sewage, rain rl,"ater or often liquid waste to a Iegal poirit of disposal but
does not indude &e main 6f 2 public sewer system or private or or a. Ioop or circuitvent
public sewerage trealmetrt b- branchvent
c. indvidual vent
a. drainagesystem b. gloupvefi
b. sewersytem
Q.2a$ A pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack to a vent
c. StormdrainSyStem stack for the purpose of preventing pressure changes in the stack
d- noneof6eabove
Q234) How cen you differentiate between soil pipe and waste pipe L yokevent
when laid side by side b. stackvent
c reliefvent
d- uretvent
b. marerial
Q-246)A flrnge that is not drilled
c, smell
d. diarneter a blankflange
Q.235) An arrangemert ofventing so installed that that one vent pipe b. flange
will serve ttrro traps c. frontflange
d- backflange
a. groupvent
Q.244 A flange that closes dre ed of a pipe line used to discharge
b. dryvent water
c. reliefvent
d. unitvem L backflange
Q.236)A vertwhich als senres as a drain b- btriffl flrn8e
c. bmkflange
.L dryvelot d flange
b. wetvent

a. continousvent d. d.2.59 cum

b. grotrprcrt Q260) The reftrene in measuring &e depth of a tap seal of the
c bradnent trap:
d. drlrreert
vefitthat seryes two or more traps and extends from crownweirto bottom dip
Q.249) A brarrcIr
in kont of&e last fixnrre connection ofa horizontal branch m rhe vent b. inlettooudet
c. bottomdiptotopdip
d. crown weirto top dip
a. commoovent Q.261)the quality ofgalvanized iron pipes are rated by:
b. bramhvent
a dass-steel
c. circ'uitvent
d. continousvetrt
b. schedule

Q.250) A vertical vent &at is &e continuation of the drain to which the
c mm,
vents connect
d. gauge
Q262)the minimum soil pipe size for a urater closec
a. c0ntinousvent
b. circuitvent
a. 3" diameter
c- branchyent
b- 4" diameter
c. dr5rvent
c 2" diameter
d. 6" diameter
Q:63) he minimum distance (ir meters) of well from a septic
Q,251) a metallic sleevg lointo an opening of pipe, into which a plug is b. 10
screwed *rat can be removed for the purpose of cleaning c25
L seleeve d20
b. pludsleeve Q26a) The length of a pipeline measurd along the center lone
c. fernrle ofthe pipe and pipe fittings.
d X{oneof&e above a- roughing-in
Q.252) a circuit vert which loop backs to connect witi a stack vent b. nominal diameter
instead of a vent stack any vent connecting a horizonta_l branch or c- developed length
fixture drainwith the stackvetrt of the originating waste or soil stack d branch interval
a individualvent Q.265) Sediment that settles out of sewage, formilg a semi-solid
b. groupvent mas oa the bottom of a septic tank
c. looporcircuitvetrt a asludge
d- bmmhvent b. b.effiuent
Q.253) How many gall615 of water for the water closet flushing c. cscum
requirements? d.d.leechingchamber
L 30gallons Q265) Prwena water hammer:
b. 0.75-2gallons a a water meterseal
c. 3 - 5gallons b. b.floatvalve
d. Z-25gallons c c.checkvalve
Q.254)A bathmom containing a water closet and a lavatory d. d. air chamber
a. toiletandbatL Q267) Qne of the first steps in &e selection of a suitable water
b. powderroom supply source is:
c- Ibllbath a potability
d. halfbatr b. topography
Q.255) \Vater u&ich undergoes treabnent, eidter physical, biological or c. budgetarycost
chemical reans b impnove water quality. d demand
L contaminatedwater Q.268)minimum fixture drains size for rp-ater closets.
b. purified water a- 1.5"
c. nauraluater b. 2"
d. purEwater c. 3-
Q.256) The lorivest portion of ttre inside top surface of the channel
tlm'rgh trap.
a- cTowl!
b. spring line Q269) location of cleanouts should be plae at every _ run
c. dip of horizontal soil or waste piping-
d. spring line L 25m
b. 10m
Q.257) To caus water or other liquid to percolate tlrough c. 20m
something so as to dissolve out soluble constituents. d. l5rr
a aeration Q-270) tiquid
sewage that has been treated in a septic tank or
b. aquifur sewage treatment plant
c sand filter L sludge
d. Ieadr b. scum
Q.258) These are fixtures tlat are installed in janitor's closets c. effiuent
and building maintenance areas for use by the building d' wastewater
ffrain[gnance pgrsonnel Q.271)In NPCP, it is the lowest portion of &e interior parr of any
a abroomcloset pipe or onduit that is not vertical
b. b.servicesink a aindirect
c. cmastercontrolpanel b. b.culvert
d- d-washbasin c. citrvert
Q.259) The septic tatrk has a total volume of 6.48 cum, what d- dinverted
should be the required volume of its leaching chamber? Q27Q Ifow many gallons do an armrye daily consumption of a
a. a-Z16cum batfuub?
b. c324cum a Smllons

c. 40gallom a. building sewer

d. l00gallors b. septictank
Q.Z73)fluoride as additive in water supply is a chemical for: c. srlEtrp
a. purifurdlorire d. cistern
b. @agulart Q284) A piece of pipe lesser than 12" Ieagth / ttreaded on both
c .liqinftrtant ends,
d. dental a- bushing
Q.274) faucet fited wift norzle curving downward used as a b. airchamber
draw-offtap: c nipple
a firehouse d. coupling
b. lavatoryhuct Q.285) A device installed in pipug b prevent the reverse flow
c. hosebibb ofstorm or sewage into the drairage sys:tem oftlreir branches.
d. gardenhose a checkvalve
Q.275) A rigid type of pipe lcrown to have a good chemical b. backwater valve
resistance, excellent impac strength, especially at low c. downspout
temperatures and mahtains rigidity athigh temperatures. Olack d. catchbasin
/ Sraypipe) Q2B6) minimum fixture drains siz-e fora bathtub
a- cpvc a 1.5"
b. abs b. 2"
c. acetal c3"
d. ppr d-q
Q.276) A pipe Etting to change in one single direction (course) Q287) waer from laundries, wash basins, sinks, shower, and
the followingofwater: batlrtub.
a- tee & softwater
b. crrlssEe b. greywater
c, rvye e blackwater
d. elbow * stormwater
q277) A flexible type pipe that is excellent in chemical and Q.288) tn the NPCP, it is a metallic sleeve caulked or joined m
crush resistare h:s impact suength and flexibility and good low an opening in a piping into which a plug is sewed drat can be
temperature perfo rmance. (black-bluish pipe) remved for cleaning the interior of&e pipe.
a upvc a- caulking
b. coppertubing b- oakum
c. polyethylene c. femile
d. polybuthylene d- lead
Q.289) ln &e NPCP, a tanklocated above or integral with water
closeL urinal or similar fixtures for flushing or removing
Q.278) A flexible type of pipe }nown to have the only flexible excrements in &e fixture
plastic tubing suitable for use with hot and color water pressure
system" and it also known as an excellent chemical resistance to
.L dischargetank
acids and alkalis but is not suited for fud oil, gasoline or b. flushometertank
kerosene distributior q/s-Em. (blue orgray pipe)
c- flushtank
d- watertank
a polyethylene Q.290) In the NPCB it is the law of rhe plumbing practice in the
b. polybutylene Philippines.
c. polyvinytchloride
& r.2no.7379
d. upvc
b. r:,no.1278
Q.279) A flange that dosed the end ofa pipe. there is no opening
for the passage of water.
c. rano.1378
L cap Q.291) In the NPCP, it is a device, which discharges a
b. plug predetermined quantity of water into fixtures for flushing
c. blindflange purposes and is activated by directwater pressure.
d. blankflange
a- globevalve
Q.280) A device fur regulating the supply of water in a flush tank
by means ofhallow floating ball which by its rise or fall shuts or
b- gatevalve
opens a supplyvalve.
€. flushvalve
d flushometervalve
a. ballcorl Q.292) Ia the NPCP, is the top @e of a recepucle from where
b. compressioncock rlfirEr overflows
c. keycock
a floodedarea
d. selFdosingcock
b. flooded
Q.281) a cast irotr pipe in which the carbon is reformed by
magnesium inoculatiou resulting in a material having high
c floodlevel
strength wi&out otherwise changing its basic properties. 4 floodlevelrim
good cormsion resistance makes this type of pipe especially Q293) In tle NPCP, individual venr is pipe installed to venr a
fixture trap & which connecls with the vent system above
usefu I in underground installations.
the fixture sewed or termitrates in &e open air. a term i. p.
a acid r5istance cast iron pipe means_
b. gakani"€ steel pipes
a individual pipe size
c. gahr-anizewought iron pipe
b. internationalpipesize
d. ductileircnpipe
c ironpipesize
Q.282) A 180 degree bend in a pipe.
d- indusEial pipe size
a elbow Q-29a) In tlre NPCB a pipe connected Erm building gutter to
b. returnbend the downspout or conductor-
c c. dropelbow
a- guidepipe
d. &wye
b. storm waterpipe
c- Ieader

Q.283) A pit or resenroir serving as a drain or receptacle fur d verticalpipe

0 79Sl Cnmmon orrrc nf mi'sEnih de in grm nrul

b. rain water Q.307)trap seals for urinal through

c. gr0utrdrrater
a 1U7'
d. alloftheabove
b. |rl4"
Q.296) Assumfug tie waste plpe of a fixture is 50 mm, what c3"
should be the size ofis vent pipe?
d. 2*
a, 32 mm Q.308)trap seals brurinal stall
b. 25mm
L 1U2"
c. 38 mm
b. Lu4"
d- 50mm c.J
Q"297) Theaters or movie houses' water requirement is d. 2'
determined or estimated at 5 gallons ofwater per day per
Q.309)nap seals for urinal pedestal
L toBl numbers of moviegoers a day a 11/2"
b. floorareaspaeofauditorium b. 11/4"
c. total numberofauditorium seat
c. 3'
d. box-office record
Q.298) the part of a vetrt line which connects directly with an
Q.310)trap seals for urinal lip
individual trap underneath or behind the fixture and extends to
the branch or main pipe at and point higher than the fixture trap: L 7U2"
a. hlow-offpipe
b" 1u4"
b, ventthru mof
c. 3"
c unitvent
d. 2"
d. backvent Q311)trap seals for slops sinks (ordinaty)
Q.299) the clear vertical distame between the spout of a faucet a 11/2"
or other supply pipe and the flood level ofa receptacle. b. 11"/4"
L air chamher
c 3"
b. rrap
Q.312) trap seals for slops sinks (combine trap)
c. ventstack
d. airgap a t1/2"
Q.300) An outlet, pipg or receptacle for excess liquid. b. 1.114"
a. bacldow
b. overflow
d. 2"
c. backspill Q.313)trap seals for sinks (small pantry or bar)
d. overspill a 1t/2"
b. 11,14'
Q.301) A valve rlat supplies a fixed quantity ofwater to fixtures
Q.314)trap seals for si-nks (kitchen or residence)
for flushing purposes when actuated by direct water pressure.
a- rUZ"
flush ralve assembly
b. Lu4'
g. mixing\ralve
d. flushometeryalve
d. 2'
Q.315)rap seals for sinks (hoel or public)
Q.302) A type of private sewage disposal that has a vault
constructed ofconcree for the collection or raw sewage and a a rllz"
wooden shelter. b. rt/4"
a cesspool
c. 3"
b. priry
Q.316)rap seals for sinks (dish washer)
c. latrine
d. septictank L t ll2"
Q.303) A coupling device for connecting 2 pipes neither of which b- LU4"
can be turned, cusistiug of two internally threaded end piece c3'
which are tightened around the pipes ends to be joined, and an d- 2"
externally threaded center piece, which draws the two end Q.317)trap seal for floor drain
pieces togedler as it is rotated a 1t/2"
a reducer b. 1L/4"
b. union c. 3"
c. nipple d. 2'
d. coupling Q.318)trap seal for bidet
a- ltlz"
Q.304) Use in hot water storage tank, controlled outlet/pipe use to b. L1/4"
discharge water detritus alrd steam, one type ofreleifvenl c3'
a blowon d. 2"
b. blowofl Q.319)trap seal for bath tub
c. hotvalve L lUZ'
d. pressure valve b. 1114"
Q.305)trap seals for water closets c.3"
a. 11t4" d- 2'
b. r1l2' Q.320)trap seal for laun&ytray:s
c. 3" a IUZ-
d2' b. 1.u4'
Q.306)frap eerk filr wash basin lavatories c.3"
L 7U{ d^ 2*
b. 1.u2- Q321)trap sal for fountaiaorp s&lers
c-"$ a- LU2'
il2" b. ttf4'

d. 2" c. bendingjoint
Q.322) Trap seat fbrfbotba& siu d. pin
a. llz
b. L1,W
c. 3' Q.336) a length of soil or waste sta& that branch into the main at
d. 2' storey height one branch not Iess than I feet
Q.323) Trap seal furfootbath shower stall a bauery
a. 1U4' b. branch
b. 1u4- c- branch interval
c. 3' d. noneoftieabove
d. 2' Q.337) a plumbing fixture use to trrash the genitals, also called a siE
haft {toolbadr)
Q.324) Trap seal for foot bath
a.J a. bidet
b. 2' b. lavatory
c. 1,1/2" c. water closet
d. Lu+' d- bibb
Q.325) Trap seal for drinking fountain Q.338) in storm drain syster4 it is used to prevent aggregates, debris
a, ll/2' and other ulwanted objects from enterfug the draitrage system
b. rt/4" a trap
c. 3' b. strainer
d2' c catchbasin
Q.326) Trap seal for conrbination fixture d- floordrain
a. I L/2' Q.339)wlere are srorm sewer usua\r pld
b. Lu4' a attkegate
c. 3' .D' under the side walk on ftrrolr road and under the road
d. 2" wide road
Q..327) There are different types of bideg which is not the following c atthe cenGr of the mad
a. stall d. nearthecurb
b. srand
c. recessed
d. latte Q.3,10) Tefloa a white, soft, waqr, and non adhesive polymer is used as
a leak prevention material for pipes partiarlarly galvanized iron pipes.
Q.328) Tbat portion of a pipe which for a short distance, is sufficiently
enlarged to receive the end of another pipe of the same diameter for it is placed between the threaded pipe end and fitting what is the
the purpose of making a ioinl chemical name of teflon?

a. bellorhub a triflourorthane
b" elbow b. polyethylene
c. anglepipe c. teuaflouroethylene
d. noneoftheabove d.pentaflourocarbon
Q.329) known today as hose bib (hb), part of water line and is a faucet Q.341) Ao engineered materail created througlr a patented procedure
foundin servie areaand gardens, that bods glossy porcelain enameled meEl b a structural composite
ftmugh an injecrion moulding proc€ss, used particularly in
L bibb manufacarring bathubs. what is the paented material used in the
b. faucet martettoday?
c. service pipe
d noneoftheabove a- xpelor
Q.330) for w c without nrater storage tank, a cup like shell ball in cup-
b. dacmn
Iike shell that allow movement c- Iucite
d. americast
a. joint
Q3a2) In a typical Uap, what should be the correct
b. angle isint arrangemem of its inlet al0d oudet in its elevation
c. ball ioim
d. cockloint a the inlet should be higfrer rhan the outlet
Q.331) faucet opened and closed by a ball floating on the water, also
b. theoutletshould be higherrhan the blet
both inlet and oudet should be at the same elevation
called ball mckvalve. c specifically at &e upper section of the rap
a. ballcock d- any elevation will do
b. ball rralve
Q3a3) a standard piping material used by the local water utility
c. checkvalve company to connect the water servie pipe of any establishment to &e
d cock lt ater mrin what is this plastic piping maErial?
Q.332) air pressure in drainage pipe greater than atmospheric
pressure. a polyvinylchloride(pvc)
b" unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (pvc)
a. backpressure L acylonitrile butadine $5rrere (abs)
b. backflow d polyethylene(pe)
c. backsiphonage
Q-344) when desiping a septic tank u&ici of the following practices
d. behindpressure is not aaeptable in so far as standard trade practice and code
Q.333)A vertical pipe br water supply requirement is concerened
a. riser a. aventisnecessary
b. stack b" inlet pipe connected atlhe lexhing chamber
c. branch L no airspacebetr,veennrqdersideofslabandscumline
d. servicepipe d- all ofthese
Q.334)A vertical pipe for drainage
L riser
b. stack Q345) Rdio of water closets for male population for elementa4r and
c branch semdaryschool
d- serricepipe a- ratioofl:3s
Q.335)a bol straiglening or expanding Iead pipe.
used for
b- ratioofl:Z0
a- fuslexpnndon c. ra6oofl:30

Q.3aQ Ratio of water closets for female population for principal c. illumination
worship places d. airtrap
a. ratioofl:7S Q.358) The luminous flux density incidentoa a surface
b. ratio of 1:85 a. floodlevel
c. ratioofl:7O b- illumination
d. ratioofl:60 c plumbing system
Q.347) ratio of lavabry to number of occupants d. fixurrebranch
a. raUo of 1:5 Q.359) An undergrund structure for draimge into which water from
b. ratioofl:3 the mof or floor will drain through se*er
c. ratioofl:4 a absorptionEench
d ratioofl:2 b" catch basin
Q.348) Minimum number of water closet required for female office c. cistern
and publicbuildings d- corporationstop
a. 1 closets Q.360) Atype of fitting foryoke bent
b. 2 closets a- coupling
c. 3 closets b. siameseconnections
d. 4closets c culvert
Q.349) Minimum head of water required in section of plumbing for d wyefitting
watertest Q.361) Minimum discharge pipe and fitting for bath tubl 1/2"
a Sheads a 2L/2"
b. 4heads b. ruz"
c. 3 heads cz
d. 2heads d t714"
Q.362) Trap size offixtures for bath frot
Q.350) An underground tank reservoir to store water. a 1I/2-
a catchbasin
b. 21/2',
b. absorptiontrench
c. cistern
d- L1/4"
Q.363) Trap size offixtures for bath shower stall
d. corporationstop
a 2t/2"
c. 2-
Q.351) Tap used in high pressure water system with an interval valve d. 2L/4"
to control dre flow ofwater
Q36a) Trap size offixtures for batt siu
a compression rralve a LUz'
b. pressurecock b. t'
c. pressurtreducingvalve c. u4"
d rmionpatent d. t/2"
Q.352) A yalve which maintains uniform pressure otr its outlet side Q.365) Trap size of fixtures for bafr tub
regardless of its pressure fluctuations on the inlet side above the
pressure level a- 1"
b. 2"
a. compressionvalve c tllZ'
b. traporwaterseal d. L7/4"
c. pressurereducingvalve
Q.366) trap size of fixtures for bidet
d. flushomeGr
Q.353) A pipe fitting wittin the interconnection of pipes for the
a- 1U2'
purpose ofeasy dismanding ofthe connection when needed b. 1"

c u4"
unionpatent d- L/2-
b. absorptiontrench
Q36A trap size of fixtures for combination fixhrre
c, waBrFesenruir
d. a1"
b. ruz'
c- u2"
Q.354) A device that discharge a predetermined volume of water to
d- u4'
fixture for flushing purposes and is activated by direct water pressure Q.368) trap size of fixhrres for drinking fourain
a illrrminetion a. Llz'
b. flushometer b. u4'
c. siphon-jet c tU*'
d. urinals d, 1'
Q.3S5)another nam for colroration cock Q.369)trap size of fixtures for floor drain
a. reversetrap a^z
b. siphon-vortex b. 21/2"
c. blowout c3'
d. corporationstop d. 4"
Q.356) A u-s;haped pipe filled witr water and located beneath the Q.370)trap size offittures for fountain cupsiders
plumbing fixtures to form a seal against the passages of gases and a- u2'
odors b. 1L12"
a. airtrap c. lL/4"
b. bidet d-
c. washdown Q.371)trap size of fixtures for lauldralz t-a5n
d. siphon-iet a LLlz'
Q.354 A trerh 6strtailring course aggregate aad a distribution tile b. 1'
pipe ttrough w'tich sptic lrnk efluent may flow covered with earth c2'
L ahrsorptfuntrerrch d- Ll'l4',

d. siphon-jetski
Q.386) Moderably noisy. similar rD siphotr iet except that tap
Q.372) Trap size offxtres for sinks (dishwashers) passagewayand waEr zurface area are smaller
a. 1U2' a bidet
b. b. blowout
c. 1Ll4' c. rpash down
d. L/z' d reversetrap
Q.373) Trap size offixtures for sinks (kitchen or residence) Q.387) ltinimum cost. Lea$ emcient subiect to dogging, noisy. simple
a. | 1/2' washoutand emptying through small irregular passageway, pmhibited
b. 1' try sonre health codes
c. 2" a wash down
d. u4' b. reversetrap
Q.374) Trap size offixtures for sink (hotel or public) c blowout
a. 2" d. bidet
b. 21,12' Q.3BB) Noisy but highly efficient strong iet inm leg forces contents out
c. 1' a blowout
d. 2L14" b. bidet
Q.375) Trap size offixurres br pantry or bar c- reversetrap
a ttlZ" d siphon-iet
b. 1u4" Q"389) A basin like fixurc design to be srruddled for bathing the
genitals and post€rior parts ofthe body
c. 1'
d.2 a urinals
Q.376) Trap size of fixurres for slop sinks (ordinary) b. bidet
a.z c siphon-vortex
b. 3' d- wye fitting
c. 4' Q-seo)uz', 3 / 4", t", L 1 / 4", 1 U Z-, 2, ?. U 2" 3', 4", 6", 8", 10", 12"
d. 7' a pvc pipe sizes
Q.377) Trap size of fixhrres for slop sinks (with combine trap) b. gi pipe sizes
a.3' c wastepipesizes
b. 2' d. tap sizes of fixfir-res
c- rLlZ' Q391) No buitding supply pipe shall be les than what size in diameter
d- 2Ll2' a 19.05mm or 3/4"
Q.378) Trap size of fixtures for urinals fuedestal) b. 19.00mm or 3/B'
a. 2' c. 18.00mmor3/16'
b. 2u2' d- 19.50mmor3/4"
c. 3' Q392) Minimum height of fire service connection from the grade/floor
d. 2u4' a 35 mm.
Q.379)trap size offixtures for urinals (up) b. 45mm.
a. tU2' c. tl6 mm.
t. 1" d 36 mrn
c t7t4' Q.393)Maximum heightoffire service connection from the gradelfloor
d. uz' L L22mm
Q.380) Trap size offixtur:es for urinal (stall) h. 125mm
a 2U2' c- 130mm
b. 3' d. 118mm
c. lUZ' Q.394) Minimum height of dry standpipe oudet from the floor line
d. 2' a 53 mm.
Q.381)trap size offixtures for urinals (through) b. 50mm.
a 2U4' e 60 mrn.
b. 1" d. 61 rnm-
c rrl2' Q.395)Considered extension oftruilding drain outside the building wall
d. 2' a 6feet
Q.382)trap size offixtures for wash basin (avatories) b. 5 feet
c Tfeet
b. I u4' d 4feet
c. Q39O ffting for base or mil stmk ard building drain
d. 2u4' a l/2'bend
Q.383) Trap size of fixhrres fur water closets b- 1/4'bend
a, c. 71/4"bend,
b. 3" d- 1 1/2"bend
c. 6' Q-397) Wet standpipe for a riser not more than 15m
d. a 51mmor2"
Q.384) Quieg extrremely saniury. like the siphon jet but having the b. 76mmor3"
flushing water direcEd through the rim to create a vortex that scours c' 101mmor4"
thebowl d- 26mmr1"
a. siphon-iet Q.398) Wet standpipe for riser rnore than 15m
b. siphon-vorBx a 64mmor?t/2'
c. siphon-sat b- 51mmor2 "
d. siphon-ietski c. 26mmor1"
Q.385) Sanitary, efficieut very quiet a toilet bowl into which the d 101mm614"
flushhg water enters thmugh the rim and siphonic action initiated by Q399) Ilry stardpipe for a riser be{oraa 2ilm
a wateri€t draws the corEnts of the bowl through Sre trapyyay
a- 6'
a siphon-jet b. 3'
L d-L---*:
Q.400)dry standpipe for a riser more than 23m vent branches may be connected
a.b a. tFinvetrt
b. 3' b. reliefvert
c. 4' c. unitvent
c. Z* d. yokevent
Q.411) A vent iustalled so as b permit additional circulation o{
TESTIX air beSryeen tte drainage and vent systems where the drainage
s5rerns migfut ofi rcrwise tre air bound
Q.401) A velt cotrnecting one or more individual vents with a
ventstackor sttrkvent iL reliefvent
a" branchvent b- stackvent
b. comrtron vent c- $rupvent
c. circaitvent d. stackvent
d. contiouousvent Q.412) An arrangement of venting so imtalled that that one vent
Q.402) A branch ventttat serses two or more traps and extends pipe will erve two traps
fiom in frontofthe last fixnrre connection ofa horizontal branch a yokevent
to the vent stack b. stackvent
a, brarrchvent c. Iocalvent
b. commorl vent d, unitvent
c. circuitvent Q-aB) The extension of a soil or wase sack above dre highest
d. continousvent horizonal drain mnnected to &e stack horizontal drairl the
uppernrostend above tie roof
Q.403) A vent connecting at ttre iunctior of two fixture drains
and serving as a velrt for both fixtures a single vent tlat a sEckvent
ventilates muhiple traps, in the case ofback to back fixture b. yokevent
a brarch vent c. individualvent
b. com[ronvent d. looporcircuitvent
c. continousvent Q.414) A vent which also serves as a drain
d. dryvent a drSrvent
b. dualvent
c. wetvent
Q.404) A vent tlat does not serve as drain and is located where iI d- reliefvent
is not exposedto backup ofwaste from a drainage pipe. Q.415) A pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack to a
a. circuitvent vent stack for the purpose of preventing pressure changes in the
b. dualnent stack
c. individualvem L dryvent
d. dryvent b. yokevent
Q.405)See commonvent c. localvent
a d4rvent d wetvent
b. dual veut Q.416) Is the flow of water or o&er liquids, mixtures or
c looporcircrritvent substarrces into the distributiag pipes of a supply of water from
d. loml vent any source othertltan its inte[ded source
a bacldlow
b. backsiphonage
Q.406) A branch vents that performs its functions for two or c. baueryof fixture
more traps d- blarkflange
L COntinOUSVent Q.414 Is &e bacldow of use4 contaminated or polluted water
b. maitrvent from a plumbing fixture due to negatine pressure
c. unityeflt a- buksiphoruge
d. groupvent b. bacldow
Q.4OA A pipe insalled to vent, a fixture trap and w/c connects c. blind flange
with the vent q/stem above the fixture served or terminates in d- yokevent
the open air Q.418) rcfers to any group of two or rnore similar adiacert
a. individualvem fixtures which discharge into a comrmn horizontal waste or soil
b. looporcircuitveat brarch
c. reliefvent L blankflange
d. skkvent b- union
c. deadend
d- batteryoffixture
Q.408) A circuit vent whidr loop backs to connect with a stack Q.419)a flange that is not drilled
vent irstead of a vent stack any vent connecting a horizontal
branch or fixure drain with the stack vent of the originating
a blarkflange
waste or soil stack
b. coupling
c. caulking
a. looporcircuitvent d drainagesystem
b. localvent Q.a20) a flange that closes drc end of a pipe line used to
c. circuitvent didargewater
d unitvent
a- drainagesystem
b. nipple
c backflow
Q.a09) Is a pipe on the fixture side of the trap through which d. btrind Eange
vapor or foul air is removed fiom a room fixture
Q.421) Is plugging an opening with oal<ro, lead or other
L mainvent marerials
b. Iocalvent
a cauking
c. skkvent h" deadend
d wetvem
c fuurcbramt
d ftrrul€

a. trap seal
Q.422) A short internalltrr ttreaded section of pipe used to ioin b. siarreseconnections
two pipes ofconduits c. couPling
L invert d. batEryof fixture
b. developed leryth Q.a35) Is arry pipe which conveys the disdrarge of water closets
c. floodlevel of fixture having similar function w/ or w/o the discharge of
d. coupling other fixhres to the building drain
Q.423) Used to cormect the trro ends of two pipes, neither of a water reservoir
which canbeturned b. ts'ap seal
a. union c. soil pipe
b. rcughin d. recessed
c. soil pipe Q.a36) Is the maximum vertical depth of liquid that a uap will
d. fernrle retain reasure between fhe crown weir and the top of the dip oI
the trap
Q.424) A short length of pipe with threads at each end; used to
join couplings or fittings a- trap seal
L deadend b. nipple
b. nipple c fernrle
c. fixurre branch d- traporwaterseal
d. plumbingsystem Q.437) Install to be able to meet the water requiremens during
peak demands fiom a low yielding rArater weil
Q.425) Is the extended portion ofa pipe that is closed at one end
to which no connections are made on the extended portion a shock reliefand expansion chamber
a. deadend b. blackwater
b. drainagesystem c. compressionvalve
c. fixnrrebraach d. waterreservoir
d. plumbing slrsem Q.a3Q The device being used to eliminate the noise cause try
Q.426)the Iength along the cenrcr of the pipe and fitting
a. soil pipe a shock reliefand exparsion rhemher
b. develo@leqgth b. pressurereducingvalve
c. fixturebranch L overheadstormdrain
d. invert d- absorptiontrench
Q.427) lncludes all piping within public or private which conveys Q.439) The location of water well to trearest sptic vault
sewage, rain water or often liquid waste to a legal point of a 80 feetor more
disposal but does not include the main of a public sewer system b. 50 feet or more
or private or or public sewerage treatuent c. 20 feet or more
a. drainagesystem d- 45 feet or more
b. trapseal Q.aa0) Slope of house sewer cormectd from the building to the
c. siamese connections main sewer
d. plumbingrystem a Spercent
Q.a28)is a pipe connecting several fixtures b. 2 percent
a warerreservoir c 3percent
b. corporationstop d. 6percent
c. fixUrrebranch Q.441) A pasege under a road, embanlanent or canal which
d. overheadstormdrain allow for the flow of water
Q.429) is a device located at the bottom of the tank for the a culvert
purpose offlushing waterclosets arld similar fixture b. cistern
a. floodlevel c airtrap
b. invert d. catchbasin
c. roughin Q..+az) The third kind of water afur the sbrm water and area
d. soilprpe water
Q.430) A metallic sleeve, join to an opening of pipe, into which a L yellowwater
plug is screwed that can be removed for the purpose of cleaning b. greenwater
a cistern c blue water
b. Ibrnrle d. blackwater
c. Irapseal Q.,fa3) The type of badrtub over thatr sunkerl square, free
d. invert sranditrg
Q.431) ts the lowest portion of the inside of any pipe or conduit :L recessed
that is notvertical b. inside
& roughix c. corner
b. invert d embed
c. fixhrrebratrch Q.,t44) Color coding of high pressure sEam
d. soilprpe a black
Q.432) includes water supply and distribution pipe; plumbing b. blue
fi,xture and faps, soil waste and vent pipes; house drain and c white
house sewers including their respective connections d green
L plumhiagsystem Q.tt45) Colorcoding for fuel oil division
b. siamesecounections L black
c. trap seal b- blue
d. water reservoir c- green
Q.433) Installation of all parts of the piumbing system which can d. white
be completed priorto the installation ofExtures Q..+,[5) The water column thet seals the escape of unhealthy
a deadend gas in the sanitary drainageqrsem
b. blindflange a traporwaterseal
q mughin b- cisern
Q.a3a) A wye conffiiotrs used on fire lines so that two lines of c- airtrap

a. 2.50 m. b. L 1,/4inch
b. 3.00 m c.7ll?ir{r
c. 3.50 m- d.2 inches
d 2.00 m-
Q.,t4B) A valve which in the water flow is shut off by a flat disk
that is screwed dor*rn onto iB seat Q.,160) Is used to prevent bends or folds when working with soft
copper piping.
a. compression valve
a chrome support
b. overheadstormdrain
c. presu€reducingvalve b,
bending spring
d. unionpatent
d. bulkhead fitting
Q.449)an undergrcund tank reservoir to store water
a corporationstop Q.,t61) Is used to connect copper with galvanized pipe.
b. cistern a. push fit connector
c. absorptionfench b. dialectric union
d. catch basin c. coupling
Q.450) Another classification ofstorm drain, besides from inside d. nipple
drain and ouside drain
Q.462) The minimum trap size of a bidet is
a. overhead storm drain a 1 1/4 inch
b. union patent b.1 1/2 inch
c. flushometer
c.1 3/4 inch
d. caEh basin d.2 inches

TESTX Q.467) a kitchen sink needs what size p-trap?

Q.451)Ratio of water closets for female population for elementary and a tr 1/2 inch
secondary school b. 1 3/4 inch
c.2 inches
a ratio of1:75
d.2 1/4 inches
b. ratio of1:25
c' ratioofl:45
d. ratio of1:55 Q,168) Is is used to connect a p-tmp b a drairl
Q.452)ratio ofurinals for elementary schools a. compression
a. ratioofl:8s b, trap adapter
b. ratio of1:75 c. coupling

c. ratio ofl-:65 d. valve

d. ratio of1:70
Q.,+69) The maximum spacing of a horizcntal hanger for 7z inch cpvc
Q.453) A lavatory needs at least what flow rate? piping is _.
a.0.50 gpm a. l inch
b. 1.0 gpm b.2 inches
c.2.0 gpm c.3 inches
d. 10.0 gpm d.4 inches

Q.454) What is the minimum drain size for a toilet?

a. l inch Q.470) Size drain is needed for a clothes washer.
b.2 inch a 1 inch
c.3 inch b. L l/2 inch
d.4 inch c- 2 inches
d.2 L/2 inches
Q.455) a lavatory drain tailpiece has what diameter?
a 1 1/8 inch
b.1 1/4inch Q.471) A fow bedroom house should have a septic tank that holds how
c. 13/4 inch manygallons?
d.2 1/4 inches a,300
Q.456) A _ is used to stop gases from getting into a d.1200
a. ball valve
b. gasket
Q-472) Water enters a residence at what pressure?
a.30 - 40 psi
d. quicktee adapter
b.50 - 60 psi
Q.457) What type of piping sends water tirough a hot water heater? c.70 - B0 psi
a. supply d.85 - 90 psi
b. water transfer
c. diverter
d. manometer Q.473) An "a valve" is a manual
a. coldwater valve
b. hot water valve
Q.458) size drain is needed for a shower stall. c. air valve
a.LL/2inch d. gasralve
b.2 inches
c.3 inches
d.4inches Q,475) An air Iock is caused by
a. an air bubble
b. hotwater valve
Q.459) wtat size drain is required for a one piece tub/shower? c airvalve

Q.486) What is the miaimum nrrmb€rr of approved slip joints fittings

rnay be used on the outlet side ofthe rap?
Q.476) Is an sacrificial rcd installed in a water heater to protect the
tank fiom corrosion a tiree
a dip tube b. two
b, alpba rod c. none
c. anode rod
d- one
d. insulation tube
Q.,t87) Whenever the piping is pressurized by a pump or eiector, what
kind ofpipe should not be used in the excrea drainage systern?
Q.477) Barlow's formula is expressed as
a'P=dxt a vitrifiedclaypipe
b. p =11-+ 6 b, hubless cast iron
c.P=sstxd c. galvanized wrought iron
d'P = Zst -: d none ofthese
Q.478) Which of tle following results with friction loss? Q.4BB) IrVhat is the minimum horimntal clear distance from the septic
a. Ioss ofseal talk to the property line of the adoining private property?
b. loss ofpressure
c. loss ofsuction
a. 1.0 m
d. loss ofventilation b. 1-2 m
c. 1-5 m
d- 1.8 m
Q.479) Hard water is _.
a frozenwater Q.,189) What is the minimum total net inl€t area of noof deck drairx on
b. processed waterwith no dissolved minerals roofdeck used as sun decks asd parkiag decks?
c. natural water with dissolved minerals
d. natrrralwaterwith no dissolved minerals
a- equal to the area ofoutletpipe
b- equal m 4 dmes the area ofoudet pipe
c equal to 2 times the area of oudet pif
Q.480) The most common minerals in hard water are calcium and d. equal to 1 1/2 times the area of oudet pipe
a, Eue
wi[ be used to cover void spaces
Q"490) The appropriate sealant that
between pipes and sleeves through concr€te floors in the
b. tulse
c. maybe
d. none ofthe above a bitumen
b. epoxy
c. grease
Q.481) Soft water has d, putry
a. Iess than 1 gpg
b. 1-3.5gpg
Q,491) Unless serving sinks or urinals, cleanouts may be omitted on a
horizontal drain line that is
c.3.5 - 7 gpg
d.7 - L0 spg a. equal to 2.0 meters
b- greaterthan 2.0 meters
Q.482) Vibrating pipes are most likely caused by c. Iess than 1.5 meters
a. foundationsettling
b. high water pressure d- none oftlese
c. low water preszure Q.492) To allow cleaning ofthe soil and waste line each cleanout should
d. a small leak drawing air hto t}le pipes be inshlled
a- in the direction of flow
b. opening upward
Q.483) What type of fittiings should be used on an island vent and what
order should be used to make a return bend under the drain c. vertically above flow line
board? d. all ofthese
a. a 45 degree, 90 degree, 45 degree and 90 degree bend
b, four 45 degree bends Q.a93) &e following are tle data required whenever a registered
master plumber sign t-he blueprint of ttre building plan except
c. two 90 degree bends
d. a 45 degree,90 degree and 45 degree bend a ofprc registration
b. ptrdate
c. n€isu-ation expiry date
Q.484) A pmiect uses 360 feet of 3 1/2 inch pipe. a 3 1/2 inch pipe has
9 times t}te capacity of a L I / 2 inch pipe. how m any feet of L I / 2 d- none oftlese
inch pipe are needed in an equivalent project?
Q.494) Aside from bell and spigo! b & s in rhe code means
a.60 feet
b. 1550 feet a ballandsocket
c.2840 feet b. bmwningandsmith
d.3240 feet c. butt and soldered
d- brownandsharp

Q.aBs) lte building code stated that all dry standpipe outlets shall be Q-495) What is the maximum height should a water closet have if it is
equipped with valves having substantial chains. what kind of intended for a disabled persnn-
valve is this? a 0.40m
a checkvalve
b- 0-50m
b. globe valve
c. gate valve c 0.45m
d. baII yalve d- 0"35m

Q-a9Q Or the hot and cold $aater disihrtlm sys:tem, on what side

a. left b. desipanatysis and plans of the origiaal installation

b. right c. isomeEicdrawing
c. center d- guide specifications and bill ofmaterials
d. noneofthes Q.507) In the excreta drainage systeq which ofthe followiug pipe
7) Who is emponrered to administer the provision of rep. maerials should not be used underground?
Q.49 act- 1.378?

of&e president
a" office
a virrified clay pipe
b. hubless cast iron
b. congres ofthe Philippines
c- galvanized wrought iron
c. the board of examiners for master plumbers
d- professional regulation commission
d- none ofthe above
Q.508) What is the minimum number of water closet in a floor level
Q.498) What portion of the rap should the vent pipe opening will not go wherein you have to provide I waer closet for disabled
below from a soil or waste pipe? persons as provided by batas pambansa ble. 3,14? in excess
a. slip joint ofthis numberyou have to provide Z.
b. weir a- tZ
c. sleeve b. 15
d. seal c20
Q.499) What is the maximum water pressure must standpipe fittings d. 10
and connertions must wifhstand to when ready for service? Q.509) U/hat kind of concealed connections on fitnrres that it is
a.Ztlq/cmz required to provide an access panel or utility at least 0.30
meter in its least dimension for eaqr inspection and repair?
b. 34kg/an2
c.15kg/on? a slip ioint
d. I kg/cmz b, ball and socket
c hubless
Q.500) What congress of the republic of the Philippines approved
after the thtd reading rep. act 1378 otherwise known as the d- flanged
plumbing law ofthe Philippines? Q.510) What is the minimum age r€quirement for an appointee to
become a member of the board of master plumbers?
a. third congress
b. sixth ongress a thirqryears old
c. second congress b. twenty eightyears old
d. fifth congess c thirtytwoyearsold
d. thirtyfiveyearsold

Q.50 1) When car a vertical piping be considered to be wet vented? Q.511) if ever pipes are to pass through masonry by using pipe sleeves,
a. between openings of vent pipes how far must each pipe be from each other?
b. between any two consecutive inlet levels a. minimum of three diameters, ceuterto cetrugr
c. onstackvent h-miaimum ofthree diameters flushed from each hole
d. when sewing two water closets at different levels c minimum of 0.15 m on centers
Q.502) In the water test of the entire plumbing system aII openings d maximum of two diameters flushed from each hole
should be tighdy closed except at Q,512) a fitting for lead-caulked joint that ls prohibited when in
vertical position
a. producing cleanouts
b. highestopening a singlehub
c. shckvent b. doublehub
d. bleeders c. doubletappedtee
d- allofthese
Q.503) Which ofthe following is not included in a plumbing unit?
a- weErmeter
b. floordrain
Q.513) Where the number of water closets in a floor level exceeds 20,
c. urinal how many ofthese shall be provided to rhe disabled persons?
d. laundry tray
Q.504) A kind of cleanout plrrgs 11s1 will be installed in case where raised b.2
heads may cause hazards to passing personnel or vehicles.
a depressed
b. countersunk
Q.514) wterc should the overflowpipe lead for overhead tank
c. embedded
installed on buildings?
d. recessed

Q.505) What is the minimum pipe size of tlte standpipe if the highest oudet a soilsack
is located 23 meters or Iess above the fire service connection?
b. scuppers
a.3inches c- storm drain
b. 6 inches d gutter
c. 5 inches Q.515) who shall set the criteria for the qualigr of drinking water from
d.4inches meeoric, $rrfiace or undergtrund sources?
Q.506) for new, additional or altered plumbing installation not
20 uni6 the building code stated that a licensed a- national water resourcs board
masler plumber muld sign and affx his seal on dre fullowing b- departnrent of hea&re
engineeritrg documenrs except
c. tratiotral staldards for drinkinswefpr

Q.516) What is the minim-m dimension for a Urrabg space in a d- resno.962

waEr doset stall intended for disabled persons?
Q.526) For how rmny days shall the revised national plumbing code
a. 2.00 m will take efiect following its complete publication in the official
b. 1.20 m
c. 1.00 m a 100days
d. 1.50 m b- ffidays
Q.517) Who has the power to remove any member of the board o{ c S0days
maser plumbers for neglect of
duty, incompetence, d. 3Odays
malpratice and unprofessional or dishonorable conduct?
a. president of tle philippines
b. civil service cornmisioner Q.527) How many units do the conlroversial article 3,2.2.2 of
c. chairman of prc commisioners pd 1096 otherwise loown as the national building code
d. commision on appointrnents limits the practice of maser plumber?
Q.518) What institution standard used as a reference for joining a- 2O
pipes? b. 10
a. asse c.5
b. aspe d- 50
c. ansi Q.528J Accordingto batas pambansa blg. 311,1, what type of
d. iapmo urinal should be provided for disabled persons?

Q.519) what is &e maximum length of the fire hose that shall be
a wall-hungtype
equipped on wet standpipes? b. pedestaltype
a 12 meters c. Eoughqpe
b. 23 meters d noneofthese
c. 1-7 meters Q.529) What is the maximum distance as wherc supports of vertical
cast iron soil pipes are made?
d. 25 meters
a- every3.0m
Q.520) What is not needed to be installed when a combination
standpipe systsm is insalled in accordance with the fire b. everymeter
code? c- everystorey
a. drystandpipe d. everyjoint
b. wet standpipe
c. sprinHerqrstem
d. siamese connection Q.531) Po what provision does tle design, construction and operation
of deep wells for the abstraction of gound water will have to
Q.521) When shall the irstalladon of plumbing equipment to supply follow?
building or structures from existing water supply system
only be allowed to? a- national plumbing code of the Philippines
a. if the water demand is inadequate b. national standards for drinkingwaer
b. whenever the water supply is scantity availbale c watercode of the philippines
c. when there is always water in the main d code ofsanitation
d. when water is not available in the vicinity

Q.522) except br plastic piping system, hot and cold water piping
Q532) Aside from galvanized steel, what is tie other material for dn
may be tested with _ sEndpipe that the building code allows?
50 psi of the working pressure of the water in the system
*" for at least I5 minute5 a pvc pipe

b. 100 psi air foratleast 10 minutes b. vrroughtiron

c. 35 psi air br at least 15 minutes
c. peprpe
d. 40 psi airor 150 psi water for 10 minutes d brass

Q.523) What is the minimum height of raised letters on an iron or Q.533) Ufhat is the maximum allourable lead content of pipe and
bronze sip that will read 'connection to dry standpipe"? fitting for potable piping rystem?

a.20mm a0%
b.1/4inch b. zVa

c.25mm c. 596

d.30mm d8%
Q.524) For at Ieast how many working days shall a required for
inspection of the plumbing works be filed before such Q.53a) Which of the followiag is not coDsidered as suds-producing
inspection be intended? fixnrre?
a. Tworkingdays a kitchensink
b. 5 working days b- batLurb
c. 3 working days c washingmachine
d. 10 working days d. bidet
Q.525) what is tte prc resolution number is issued by the board of mast&535) pd no. 1185 is anotler Law Sat master plumbers used as
plumbing for the adoption and promulgation of the revised national their guide in the practice of the ptumbing prcfession.what
plumbing ode of the philippines? ispdno. ll85?
a resno-Z a- ressibilqrlaw
b. res-no1378 b. fire ode of the philiprpim
a uml .--k--l^^r*--LL---

d. codeofsanitatiol b. circle

Q.536) According to rep. act 1378 for at leasrt how many years c triangle
must the appofutee m &e board of master plumbers must d. rectangle
have been actively engaged in the trade ofplurnbing?
a. tenyears
b. eightyears
Q.S $ Within how many meters aw:ry shall unisns be insalled from
regulating equipment, water heater, conditioning tank and
c. twoyears similar equipment which require remonal for servicing or
d. fiveyears replacement?
Q.537) Unless prohibited by stmcnrral conditions, what is rhe a-Zft
reference of each vertical vent pipes before offsetting b.1m
horizontallyto join the stack vent or vent stack?
c" 5ft
a invertoftrap d.0.3 m
b. airgapoffixture Q.5.t6) ldhat shall be issued by the administrative authority for the
c. waterlevel inside the trap consfirction of a part of a large and/or complicated plumbing
d. highest flood level rim of fi.xnre system before the entire plans and specifications for the
whole system have been submitted or apprcved?
Q.538) A plumbing perrnit shall expire and become null and void if
the plumbing work authorized therein if not started for how a. restrainingorder
manydays? b. partial permit
a. 30 days c, summon
b.45da5n d. evaluation sheet
d. 365 days
Q.547) the following are grounds for non-issuance of &e certificate of
Q.539) Article of pd 1096 acrually allows a registered regisEation by the board ofmaster plumbers except
master plumber to sign and seal plans for new sanitary a- convicted by court for any criminal offense
installations of more than twenty (20) plumbing units.
b. ofunsound mind
Aside fiom being a registered master plumber what is the
other requirement that you must have before you can sign c guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct
and seal it? d- failure to pay the required fees

a. a registered engineer
b. an engineering graduate Q.548) Of the four board subjects given fur mxrer plumber's
c. having a minimum experience of 5 years examinatio& which of this subiect was originally split into two
d. a memberof nampap sublects?
a practical problems
b. design and installations
Q.540) Drainage piping serving fixtures located below the crown
level of the main sewer shall discharge into an approved c plumbing code
water trght d, plumbingari&metic
a septictark
b. sump Q.549) wetventing is applied whenever
c. cesspool a Srere are 1 or 2 flxhrres at every level
d. leachingtank
b. fixtures are ofthe same level
Q.5a1) The minimum requirement for the slope of horizontal c. fixtures are not vented individually
drainage pipes bctween manholes is
d. noneoftiese
a. 2%t
b. 21l2Vo
c. 396 Q.550) Vtrhat is the type of siamese connection that all 125-
millimeter dry sUndpipes shall be equipped wi&?
d,. 4Vo
a three-nray
b" two-way
Q.542) Except on what fixuue does the vent pipe opening from the c. four-way
soil or waste pipe must not be below the weir of the trap?
d one'way
a, lavatory
b. kitchen sink
c. badltub
d. water closet TESTXII
Q.551) One of the code of ethics for masler plumber states "take
advaltage of a salaried _ position to complete unfairly with a
Q.5a3) In accordance to the building code, what must be provided practici[g master plumber.' whatis the missing word?
in addition b sepdc tanks by building located in areas
where there is no sanitary sewerage system whenever they a higher
will dispose their waste? b. government
a baffe plate c prirate
b. subzurface absorption filed d. competent
c. imhofftank
d- settlingchamber
Q55Q Who was awarded as the mst outsunding registered master
plumber fo r the year 2011?

Q.5.+a) what shape of signage is shown for men's showroom? a davevela


c. albertocatrael b. 0.60 m to 0.80 m

d. thelmaeardente c- 0-{0mto0.70m
d. 0.60 m o 0.70 m

Q.553) A type ofdrairage and venting system with universal branch

line tlatis prohibited
Q.562) What is t-he minimum number of years of experience must a
a single registered master plumber be before he can tre a teduricat
b. dual staffofa building office?
c. dependent a. oneyear
d. alternate b. tlree years
c twoyears
d. fiveyears
Q.554) How does a pneumatic tank be designed to supply adequate
water pressure in all floors of a building that will be in
accordance withthe building code?
Q.563J According to art of pd 1096 w[at scope of work in plan
a, the maximum total d5mamic pressure required preparation for new sadtary installations with more than 20
b. equal to the total water supply fixture units udts does a sanitary engtneer dilfers with a registered master
c. twice the total demand per capita
deL all drawings of septic tanks in the abserrce of disposal
, equal to the total
o'lr.o, dynamic head and minus aII the head *- field
b. sanitary plan, layout and details
c. costestimate
Q555) The cover ofgravity tanks shall be vented using a screened d- isometric drawings of roughingin-
a reUrrnbendpipe
b. uprightpipe
Q564) in what year did nrmpap was itrcorporated as a professional
c. horizontal nipple organization?
d. allofthese
a- 1935
Q.556) What is the fee if an expired plumbing permit is renewed? b. 1956
a. p 150.00 c 1946
b. equal to tle original fee d. 1968
c. double of the original fee
d. 1/2 ofthe original fee (correct answer)
Q.565) Under what law plumbing did became a duly recognized
profession by the philppine government?
Q.5571 Where practical, all pipes from fixhrres shall be run in what a nat'l plumbing code of the phil of 1959
direction with respectto tle learest wall or building line? b. tydings mcduffie act of 1905
a offset c loneslawof 1907
b. parallel d- republicactl3TB
c. across
d. perpendicular
Q-566) what type of pvc female screws hr rraer piping is prohibited
under the code?
Q.55BJ Who was the first charter president ofnampap? a tapped
a a-ntonio mansueto sr. b. job fabricated
b. comelio g. odvina c searnless
c. iesus tanghal dera d. schedule 20 screws
d. catalino c. casupanan

Q.564 ffirat should be done whenever a partition contains some

piping and runs parallel to the floor foist underneath?
Q.559J A stack as defined in the code, is _
a. the nrainvent a. notching should be introduced into tie joist
b. any vertical vent adiust the ioist to make it perpendicular with the direction ol
c. the horizontal main of soil, waste, or vent stack
c- space the joist wider to acaommodate the pipe
the vertical main of soil, wastg or vent piping that extends
O. d. double the ioist
one or more smnes

Q.560) What is the minimum diameter of vent pipe is allowed in tle Q56B) What kind of joint is not allowed in cast imn pipe?
revised code? a- welded
a. linch b. ftreaded
b. 1 1/4inch c. soldered
c. 2 inch d. ballandspigot
d. 1 1/2 inch

Q-56q Wie what standard specifiation must all pipe materials must
Q.561J In order as not to impede the movement of a person in wheel
chair and to have a conveilient access on the lavatory, what is a productsrrandard of the philipim
the albwabtre lmee recess vertical clearance that will be b- interational produms rdrrmaterd
c philippire stadard qoamiJl

Q.578) what is &e minimum allowable interval for the support of

plastic pipes when installed vertically
Q.570 Building serers shall be tested by completely fiIling tire sewer
with water from the a" Zft
a. lowestto thehighest point b.sft
b. Iowestb atleast ground
- level c. l meter
c. lowestto atleast a l0-foot head d. 1.5 meter
d. lowestto atleast a S-foot head

Q.579) What is the shape for tle signage for women's comfort room in
Q.571) Who is the current chairman of the board of examiners for order to aid visually impaired women readily determines
masterplumber? whether a washroom is hr men or women?

a. forhrnato amosco a circle

b. virgilio simbulan b. rectangle
c. jessie mariano c. triangle
d. valerinmaogila d. square

Q.572) In 1966- 1969, the board of masrer plumbers and nampap Q.580J aside from the number of fixnrre units connected to iL the size
prepared a curriculum for ptumbing engineering and approved of the vent piping is determined by its
by tie deparunent of education. what was the first school that a aumberofinlets
intmduced tle plumhing engineering curriculum?
b. length
a. feati university c discharge
b. universit5r of the philippines d- loading
c. mapua instituB of echnology
d. national university
Q.581) What is tie name of the professional orginazation for the
registered master plumbers here in t}le philippines?
Q.573) Who among the board examiners is not a signatory to prc a national association of masBr plumbing of the philippines
resolution 04 that request for the adoption and promulgation
b. national association of master plumbers of the phillipines
of the revised national plumbing code of ttre philippines in
L999? c national master plumbers association ofthe philippines
d. national master plumbing association of the philippines
a. imelda perez
tr. aida emely luz
c. fortunato amosco Q.582J Which of the following is a prohibited fixure inside a public
d. iesus pacheco toiletroom?
a. f;aucet
b. drinking fountain
Q.574) For a vertical drainage line that is installed to be truly in vertical
positio4 what is the allowed degree ofthe branch to be used? c. slopsirok
d. bidet
a. 10
c. 30 Q.583) Under the accessibilty law, what is &€ minimum area of water
d. 60 dost stalls?
a 1"7 x 1.8 meters
b. 2.0 x 2.0 meters
Q.575) If the discharge of a fixture or drain may contain solids or
semisolids heavier than water that would be harmful to the c. 1.5 x 1.8 meters
drainage system or cause stoppage within the system, where the d. 1.2 x 2.0 meters
discharge must pass first?
a. sand intercepbr
Q.SBa) In sizing the grease interceptors, four elements are being used.
b. screen wire mesh Two of these elements are aumber of meals per peak hour and
c. woodenbaflle the waste flow rate. What are the olher two elements?
d. none ofthe above a slope and retention time
b. storage factor and time of colcetrtration
is a professional organization of registered master c. retention time and storage factor
Q.576J nampap
plumber under prc. what is the prc accreditation number ol d. percolation rate and time of conceltration
a10 Q.585) Who is aurhorized to issue rules and regulations to carry into
b. 14 effdct the objectives ofrep. act 1378?
c. 18 a board of master plumbers
d. L2 b. congress of the philippines
c presidentof the philippines
Q.57f What installation standard is followed in joining plastic pipe and d. professional regulation commision
fittings by mlvent oement?
a. iso tte desigp ofroofgutters is based on tJre
Q.586) According to the code,
b. ansi maximuil roof area. What is tre *a1le of the gutter does the
c. iapmo design uble for orm sancr is beiry bM b?
d ashrae a- rimrlar

c. ovate d baffiewallisadded
d. semi-circular

Q.595J What kind of septic tank is pnchibited?

Q.5B[ Which of the bllowing is ttre primary basic for sizing vertical a corEret€
rainwaterpipingin the revised national plumbing code?
b. st€el
a. intensity of rainfall
c plastic
b. wind direction
d' wooden
c. slopeofroof
d. roofarea
Q.596) Which of the following could be omitted if dre trap arm changes
direction that does not exceed 90 degrees?
Q.SBB) l{hat is tie minimum floor area in every storey which is used a. wye
for habitatioq recreatior! dining study ofwork and which has
an occupied load of not more than 20, wherein a standard b. deanout
automatic extinguishing system is a c, Iongsweep
a. 300 sq.m d. combination of 1/B bend and wye
b. 200 sq.m
c. 400 sq.m Q.59[ VYhen permitted by denr, which of tle following below
d. 500 sq.m is not used as a basis in determining the type of the
privaE sewage disposal systemto be used?
a soilporosity
Q.589) Which of the following plumbing code in use does the national
plumbing code of the Philippines was being patterned for? b. ground waGr level
c. numberofoccupants
a. standard plumbing code
d. location
b. aspecode
Q.598) Hub and spigot cast-iron piping in 10-fioor lengths, installed
c. uniform plumbing code horizontally, shall be supported at iatervals of not more than
d htemational plumbing code
L 10 feet
Q.590J Within how many fl2y5 upon the approval of rep. act no. L37B b. 12 feet
does it require to have board examiners for master plumbers c. 5 feet
d 15 feet
a thirty days Q.599) Except for plastic piping sysrems, hot and cold water
b. forty five days piping maybe tested with_.
c. sixtydays L 100 psi air for atleast 10 minutes
d. fifteendays b. 35 psi air for at least 15 minutes
50 psi air or the working pressure of the water in
" the system for at least 15 minutes
Q.591) According to the fire code of the philippines what is tie
required slope of all horizontal runs of dry standpipes system d. 40 psi air or 150 psi water for 10 minutes
for purpose ofdrawing?
Q.600) One material not apprcved for the installation of an
x 70Vo external trap for a urinal is _.
b. ZlVt a abs
c. SVo b. castbrass
d.2%, c. drawa-brass tubing traps
d- castiron
q.592] What goverrment agency is tasked to set the criteria in the
discharge of sni14y sewage from buildings or prefreated
industrial rvastewater directly into the nearest sanitary sewer
main? TESTX]II
a. national pollution contTol commission Q.601) Vitrified clay building sewer pipe md fittings are _.
b. dept of environmelt and natural resources iL unrestricted in usefordraillines
c. departrnentof health b. unrestricGd in u5s ficl ysaf lims
d. department of public works c approved for use inside ofbuildings and aboveground
d. approved for use at least 12 itrIes belowground
Q.602) foints at the roof around pipes shall be made watertight by the
Q.593) What is the minimum pipe size of the standpipe if the highest
outlet is located more than 23 meters above the fire service use of_.
connection? a. epoxyglue
a. 3 inches b. flashings
b.6inches c" waGrproofpaint
c.Sinches d. Erandpaper
Q-603) For a vertical drainage line that is installed to be truly in
Q.594) If a septic tank has a compartrnent that exceeds 3.7 m in vertical positiorl what is tle ailoqred degree ofthe branch to
length, what should be the additional requirement? be used?
a anadditionalmatrhole a15
b- increase the size ofthe leaching chamber b. 60

22-5 a. a traponly
b. atrapandvent
Q"604) Unions shall be installed in a water supply system $/ithin _ c. notraporvent
to awaterheater d- aveutonly
a. 36inches Q.615) Threequarter inch or f-inch gas piprng installed horizontally
b. 12 inches shall be supported at interrals Dotto exceed _.
c. 24 inctres a- 6 fieet
d. 48 inches b. 4feet
Q.605) Soil and drain pipes locaed above food-handling
c. B feet
establishments shall be subjected to a standing water test oI d. 5 feet
not less than _
a. 12
Q.616) Chemical or indusrrial liquid wases that are likely to damage
b. ?5 the public sanitary sewer system shall _.
c. 10 a. be pretreated to rendertheminnoc-uous
d. 15 b. notbeusedunderanyconditiou
c. bedrainedintoaholdingtank
Q.606) Water heater veEts terminate above a roof surface at least _ d. bedrainedintoastormdrain
foom a vertical wall.
a. 12 inches
Q.617) a _ trap is not self-clearring
b. 6inches
a- plaster
c. B feet
b. cast-iron
d. 3 feet
c. bell
Q.607) Water sewice pipeq or any underground water pipes, shall not d. grrase
be run or laid in the same trench with _.
a. piping for a lawn sprinkler
b. asbestos cement building sewer piping Q-618)A water heater (except direct vent water heaters and fuel
burning water heaters installed in a closet with a listed,
c. cast-iron building sewer piping gasketed door assembly and listed self-closing device) that
d. any other water pipe depends on the combustion of fuel ficr heat shall be installed in
Q.608) fVhat is the minimum age requirement for an appointee to anv
become a member of the board of master plumbers? a. garage
a. thirtyfrveyears old b. kitchen
b. thirty two years old c basement
c. thirtyyearsold d. bedroom
d. twentyeightyearsold
Q.609) A domestic dishwasher drain shall first connect to _. Q.619) A w:rter sj.stem containhg storage water-heating equipment
L an appmved air gap fitting will require a _.
b. adouble<heckvalve _
Iisted combination temperature and pressure relief
c. atriple-checkvalve valve
d. an approved valve b. checkvalve

Q.610) Cast-iron soil pipe shall not be _. c. hotwaterrehrrnline

d mixing valve
a. usedbelolvground
b, painted
c. usedfordrainlines Q.620) The total number of closets on a 3-inch stack is _.
d. threaded a. four
Q.611) Gas piping with pres$tre less than 1/4-inch water column shall b. three
stand an air test of _, c. two
a. 50psi d. six
b. 30 psi
c. 15 psi Q.621) A device to prevent trackflow futo the potable water system is
d. notlessthan 3 psi called a_.
Q.612) pex piping installed horizontally must be supported every_ a- bacldowconaection
inches. b. siphonleg
a. 4B c. bacldow preventer
b. 24 d- back-siphonage
c. 36
d. 32
Q.622) Ferous gas piping installed underground in exterior Iocations
Q.613) Buil.llng sewers shall be tested by completely filling the sewer shall have at least _
with water from the_. a. swingiotut
one double
a. lowest b the highest point b. twomndensatioldripleg
b. lor,yesttoatleastgrou:rdlevel c. 1 footofeartt cover
c, IowesttoatleastaS-foothead d- four90degpeelbows
d lowesttoatleastal0-foothead

Q.623) When siziag a copper fuel-gas piping system that has an inlet a 0.S304iaches
pressure of less -' -n 2 psi with a pressure drop of 0.3 inch w.c., b. 0.0505 inches
the maximum cubic feet per hour of gas flow allowed through a
c 0.0500inches
S/B-inch o.d. acr tube 75 feet in developed length is _. d. 0.0450 inches
b. 48
c. 27 Q.633) Concealed slip ioint connection require a (an) _.
d,. 68 a Bx 12 accesspanel
b. 10 x 12 access panel

A vent in a combination waste and vent c. 12 x 12 access panel

Q.624) system shall be
approxirnately equal in area to one-half the _. d. 18 x LB access panel

a" areaofthehousesewer
b. cross-sectional ofthe drain pipe served Q.fia) The developed length between the t'ap of a water closet and
c. area of &e public sewer
its vent shall not exceed

d. diameter of the drain pipe served a^ 4 feet

b. 12 inches
c. 30 inches
Q.625) The minimrrm size trap iltrd trap arm for a kitchen sink is
d 6feet
a. 1-L/2 inches -.
b. 2 inches
c. 3 inches Q.635) The sizing of gas vents for category ii, iii and iv shall be in
d- 2-112 inches
accordance witJr _.
a. themanufacturersguide
b. the manuhcturer's instructions
Q.626) What kind of concealed comections on fixtures that it is c" the gas company
required to provide ;ln access panel or utility at least 0.3 meter
in lts Ieast dimension for easy inspection and repair? d, theventconnectorcompany

a. slip ioint
b. huhless 4.636) The. minimum size of gas prping supply to a mobile home is
c. ball and socket
d. flanged L 3/4inch
b. l/Zinch
40 pvc and abs dwv plastic piping
c. 2 inches
Q.627) Above ground schedule
installed horizontally shall be supported at intervals of no to d- 1Lrch
exceed _.
a. L0 feet Q.637) The ruximum horizontal distance of a trap arm is measured
b. 6 feet hom the inner edge of the vent b fre _.
c. Zfeet a. outlet
d. 4 feet b. weir of the trap
c. dip
Q.628) The maximum length for a1-1/2-inchvent pipe is _. d. tulet

a. 50 feet
b. 60 feet Q.638) The buitding sewer shall be detemircd on the basis of the
c. 20 feet total number of fixture units drained by such sewer in
d. 30 feet
accordance with _.
;L noneoftieabove
b. tle maximum fixture load only
Q.629) The depth of the finished dam of &reshold for any shower, c. the same table(s) as rhe buitdiqg drain
measured from the top of the drain, shall not be less than _. d table 7-B fltnrre unitloading
a, 4inches
b. 12 inches
c. 2 inches Q.639) Because of stucmral conditions, a 4-inch house drain is
installed with a slope of L/8 inch per foot This installation will
d. 9 inches
result ir a(an) _.
Q.630) Drinking fountains may be installed with _. L increased scouring and cleansing action
a. steelpipe b. reduction in fixture unitloadingallowance
b. indircct wastes c. separationofsolidsandliquid
c. yokeventirg
d increased allowance in fixhue unit loading
d. belltraps
Q.631) Each drainage stack that extends 10 or more stories above the
building drainshall be served by_. Q.6,+0) Single-wall metal pipe shall terminate at leasr 5 feet in vertical
a cleanoutsateachfloor
height above the highest cormected equiprnent _.
b. aparallelvefistack a. within a horizontal disance of 10 fu+t
c extra-hearryfittings b. drafthood
d. strapseveryS feet c. drafthoodoudetorfluerplh
mea| oonstiuting
d^ orappmwdcapon&ermf
Q.632) Sheet a part of any vent connec0r, shall be

a. 6inches Q.651) The. developed leagth of L-1/2-irchtrap arms shall not exceed
b. l8inches
c. 12 inches a" 2feet,Binches
d. 24 indres b, 5 feet
c. 6 feet

Q.6a2) The taitpiece for a lavatory shall nor be less t}lan _" d 3fuet6inches
a. L-114 inch Q.652)A fixUrc vent pipe increased one pipe size its entire length
b. L-t/2inch
may exceed the maximum horizonal lengttr limited by
c. l inch a-:
d. 1-3lBinch b. will be a betterworlimanship job
c will increase the venting efficiency
Q.6a3) The vertical distance between a fixture outlet and the uap weir d will reduce the costofinstallation
shall not exceed _.
a lBinches
Q.653) Three.inch horizontal drainage piping shall be run in practical
b. 36inches alig:rnent and at a uniform slope of not less than _.
c. 12 inches
a tl4 inch per foot
d. Z4inches
b. 1/16 inch per foot
Q.644) What kind of loint is not allowed in casr iron pipe? c. 7/2 inch per foot
a. welded d. 118 inch perfoot
b. bellandspigot Q.65a) The distance from the center of a waEr closet to any side wall
c. threaded or partition shall not be closer than _.
d. soldered a- lSinches
b. 1.2 inches

Q.645) The exit terminals of mechanical draft systems shall be _. c 24inches

a. in the same story

d. 30 inches
Q.655) The minimun cornmon horizonEl waste pipe serving a
b. notover 10 feetfromthevent bathtub, a lavatory, and a kitchen sink shall be at least _.
c. not less than 7 feet above grade
d. notover 20 ftetfromthevent
a. 3 inches
b. 1 -1l2 inches
c- 2- l/Zinches
Q.646) A water heater vent may have one offset of not more than 60 d 2 inches
degrees from the _. Q.656) A_ may be installed with indirect waste
a. heater
a watercloset
b. horizontal
b. domestickitchersink
c. roof
c. drinkingfountain
d. vertical
d- Iavatory

Q.6af The maximum nurnber of Iavatories on a 2-l/2 inch

Q.657) All renches deeper than the footing of any building or
horizontal waste line is
stnrcnrre and paralleling the same must b€ at least _.
a10 a. 2 feetdeep
b. 14 h. 45 degreesthere from
c. 2O c. 4feetthereon
d.6 d. 2 feetwide
Q.648) That portion ofa venting system that connects a water heater Q.658) No trap for any clothes washer standpipe shall tre installed _.
to a vent is a_.
a 18 inches abovethefloor
a chimneyconnector
b. inapartition
b, ventcontre{tor
c 6inchesabovethefloor
c. typebvent
d- belowtLe floor
d. vem
Q.659) The aggregate cross-sectional area of all vents for a system
Q.649) Wall-mounted water closet fixtures shall be securely bolted with a required 4-inch sewershall be atleast_.
a 12.56squareinches
a.-. theventpiping b. 4squareinches
b. the drain piping c. T.06squareinches
c. aclosetbend d- 18 square inches
d. metal supporting members

Q.650) an ejector discharge line shall be provided with a _ Q.660) The maximum distance a qas shuoffvalve may be from a gas
a. gatevalveonly appliance (except for range and dqrer connectors) is _.
b. backwatervalve and gate valve a 6feet
c. backwatervalveonly h- 1Ofeet
d, swing chect valve and a globe valve c. 3fuet
d zf€et
TFSTYTTI O,661) The terminal end of tte &afrm fur" a nressure-relief valve chell

a. painted d. one layerof15 pound felt

b. reamd
c. threaded
Pilo8 and burners of gas-fired tyater heaters (except sealed
d. open clmbustion chambers) in residential garages shall be _ above
Q.66?) A drain connecting the compartrnents of a set of llrnrres to its the floorlevel.
trap is called a(an) _. a Z4inches
a, continuouswaste b. l2inches
b. special waste c lSinches
c. indircctwaste d. 6inches
d. combination waste and vent

Q.673) Sleeves shall be provided to proect all piping through _

Q"663) The minimum size waste pipe for a residential kitchen sink is and_walls.
a concrete,masonry
a. 3 inches b. ceilingwooden
b. 2-l/2inches c. wood,concrete
c. 2 inches d. floot concrete
d. 1-112 inches
Q.67a) A seamless drawn-brass fxhrre tailpiece shall be _.
Q.664) Cast-imn soil pipe stacks shall be supported at_. a 24b&sgauge
a. their base and each floor b. ?0 b&sgauge
b. intervals of L0 feet c. Z2b&sgauge
c. intervals of 5 feet d. 26b&sgauge
d. everyother story
Q.675) In each run of horizontal drain piping, the distance between
Q.665) Minimum clearance of listed appliances to any combustible waII deanouts shall not exceed
or partition is _. a- 50 feet
a. Sinches b. 300 feet
b. 1 inch c. 75 feet
c. specified in listing or rating plate and nfpaZLl standard d. 100 feet
d. 3 inches

Q.676) Unless serving sinks or urinals, cleanouts rray be omitted on

Q.666) A refrigerator used to store food and that requires drainage a horizontal drain line that is
shall he dreined bY means of
a. greaterthan2.0meterc
a. an indirect waste pipe -. b. less than 1.5 meters
b. botlaandb c. equal to 2.0 meters
c. a directconnection d. none ofthese
d. nodrainrequired Q.677) In the water test of the entire plumbing system all openings
Q.667) The minimrrm requirement for the slope of horizontal drainage should be tightly closed except at
pipes betrveen manholes is
a. profudingcleanouts
a. 4Vo b. bleeders
b. 2-u2oh c. stackvent
c. 2o/o d. bighestopening
d. 30/o

Q.668) Fixture traps sha-ll have a water seal of not less than _.
a. 12 inches
Q.678) One trap may serve a set of not more ttan _.
b. 2 inches
a tlreesingle-comparunentsinks

c. 6 inches
h. twodouble<omparmentsinls
d. 4inches
c. two lavatories
d. three lavatories

Q.669) The minimum horimntal distance between a water supply

Single-wall metal pipe shall be constructed of _ not less
well and the building sewer is _. Q.67e)
thar 0.0304 inch thick
a. 50 feet
a. pvcsch40
b. 100 feet
b. galvanized, sheet steel
c. 10 feet
d. 15 feet
c coppersheetmetal
d. castironcastiron
Q.670) Under no circumstances may gas appliance pressure
regulators be vented _.
a to the gas utilization equipment flue or exhaustsystem Q.680) The addition ofleak-sealing additives to ioint packing shall be
b. using black imn pipe a legal
c. to the combustion chamber near the pilot b. by approval ofthe englneer
d. tottreatrnosphere c. byapprovaloftlearchitect
Q.671) Nonmetallic shower sub-pans or linings may be built up on the iob site ol d prohibited
not less than _.
a. three layersof15 pound felt
Q,681) Except for plastic piping piipiry systems may be tested
h- twn lewn nf 1 E mrrnd fclt

a. 10 psi air pressure a. l2inches

b. 50 psi air pressure b. L8 indres
c. l0psicaftondioxide c. 24 inthes
d. 50 psi carbon dioxide d. 3Oinches
Q.682) A horizontal drain pipe has an existing load 30 fixture units,
after connecting the discharge pipe flom an eiector rated 60
gpm, t}re total load on the horizontal drain pipe will be _ Q.692) Horizontal termination of yents from any openable window,
a. 90 fixtures
door opening, air intake or vent shaft shall be not less tran _
b. 120 fixtures a- 1ft
c. 130 fixtures b. Zft
d. 150 fixrures c. 10ft
Q.683) A solidly furmed subbase is required as to pitch shower pan
d,. 12ft
Iinings to weep holes in the subdrain wit} a fall of Q.693) An indirect waste receptor shall not be installed in a _
a. 1/B inch per foot a. toiletroom
b. I/4 inch per foot b. boilerroom
c, L/LG inch per foot c. commercial kitchen
d. 1/32 inch per foot d air compressor equiprnent

Q.684) The diameter of an individual vent shall not be less than _ Q.694) The olor stripe on type 'k" harddrawn copper tuhing is _
a. 1-114 inches a. green
b. 1-1/2inches b. blue
c. 2 inches c. red
d. 3 inches d. yellow
Q.685) No chemical waste shall be discharged into the ground, local
sewer, or other means without _
Q.695) Cleaaous shall be designed to be _
a beingproperlyvented
a. threaded
b. approved ofthe local authority having jurisdiction
b. gastightadwatertight
c. first going thmugh a chemical waste separator
c. easyopening
d. being properly o'apped
d. concealed
Q.686) foints at the roof around vent pipes shall be made watertight
by the use of-
a. waterproof epoxy sealer Q.696) The maximum fixture units allowed on a 4-inch horizontal drain
b. three Iayers 15 pound felt with a 1/B inch per footslope is
c. hottarcompound a- !73
d. flashings b. 225
Q.687) Devices that are not regularly classified as plumbing fixtures, c. 2L5
but which have a drip or drainage outlets, shall be drained try d" 256
Q.697) After allowing for friction and other pressure losses, the
a. a connection directly to the building residual water pressure shall be atleast_.

indirect waste pipes discharging into an open receptor a 0.433 psi
through an air gap or air break b. 7.5 psi
c. directconnectionto a storm sewer c. 15 psi
d. indirect r,easG piping connected to the building drain d. 29psi

Q.688) Except for alleys and streets, vent termination from property Q.698) Macerating toilet system shall be restricted to single batlmoms
lines shall not be less than for _
a 1ft a privaeuse
b. zft b. public use
c. 3ft c- no restriction
d. 4ft d. notallowed
Q.689) The developed lengtl from the fixture ourler ofa bar sink to a
receptor shall not exceed _ ft?
a.6 Q.699) Flexible comrgated cormectors of copper or stainless steel for
water heater connectors shall be limited to
c.3 a 12 inches

d. 15
b. L8 inches
c. 2nl inches
d. 36 inches
Q.690) A standpipe for a clot]rcs washer shall have a minimum and 'm'
maximum length of _ Q.700) Copper u/ater tube qpe may be installed within a building _
a. 4in and 12in.
a. belowslabonly
b. 18in. and 30irr b- above gmund only
c. l8in-anrr24in c. forcoldwateron\r
d- 12in and 36in- d- ifitiswrap@

a the drain shall discharge through an airgap or airbreak into
an approved receptorttrat is vented
All receptors receiving the discharge from indirect b- fhe fixnrre must be relocated
Q.701) waste
PiPing shall [s c. the discharge may be pumped m an approved receptor
a. approved furthe proposed use
d. a dnlmtrap shall be used

b. shaped and sized to preveut splashing or flooding

_ located where they are readily accessible for inspection
c'andcleaning Q"71! Sewer and water piping may be installed in tie same rrench
(wifh the proper clearancesJ if &e sewer piping is _
d. alloftheabove a iron
Q.7021 tube shall not be used for chemical or industrial b- pvc
waste, as defined in section 811.1.
c. extra sEength vitrified clay
- glass d. anyoftheabove
b. pvc Q.712) Eacb pressure relief valve imtalled inside of the building shall
c castimtr have a_
d. copper a. hrll sized drain extended to oudet
b- checkvalve to prevent bacldow
Q.703) Each vent pipe or stack shall extend through its flashing and c. trapped drain ltue
shall terminate vertically above the roof at least _ d. drain tlat terminates 30 incles or more above grade
a. 6 inches
b. 12 inches Q.713) All indirect waste pipitrg &at requires an airgap shall
c. 18 inches discharge into the building drainage system through_
d. 24 inches a an automatic vent
Q.704) Above all downstream piping for lawn sprinkler system b- a drainage airgap of 1 inch minimum
a&rospheric vacuum breakers fin inches]
c. atrap
a. 1 d- an airgap of two pipe diameters
b.6 Q.714) cpvc water pipe may be used for hot and cold water
c- 12 disu-ibution systems _
d.24 a- inresidencesonly
Q.705J The piping material no approved in the code for water piping b" within a building
located inside a building is _ c. belowgroundonly
a brass d. abovegroundonly
b. cpvc
c. asbestos cement
d. pex Q.715J pex tubing shall not be installed within the first _ of piping
connected too a water heater fin iEhesJ
Q.706) Condensate from fuel-burning condensing appliances shall be b. 18
collected and discharged _ e24
a. to a planter box to a public way d. 36
b. to an approved plumbing fixture or disposal area Q.716J Ballcocks in water closet tanks shall be installed so that the
c. directly connected to the building sewer critical level of the water inlet is above the full opening of the
overflow pipe at least

Q.707] The drainage fixture unit value assigned to a bathtub or a l/Zitrch

combination bath/shower is _ h. linch
a 1.5
c 3inches

b. 2.0 d. 6inches
c. 2.5 Q.71[ Fittings on screwed pipe shall be of [the]
d. 3.0 a caulkdrainagepipe
b. galvanizedsteel
c. recessed drainage type
Q.708) The Brye ofvalve required on a building zupply to any building
isa d- duroiron
Q718) Copper tube shall not be used for
a firllwayvalve
b. butterflyvalve a clemicalwaste
c. globevalve b. aboveground drainage piping

d. corporationvalve c water piping

d underground drainage piping

Q.709J Building supplies shall be no smaller than that required for

installation and. in no case, smaller tJran _ a.719J Condensate or wastewater shall not drah over
a- t/zittch a drywells
b. 3/4inch b- apublicway
c. l inch c leaclpits
d. 2 hches d- the tailpiee of plumbiry frerre
Q.720) no demical wasb vetrtduil

b, connected to any vent from water service lines d. 4inches

c. intersectvents for other services Q.731) The minirnum size drain line for wall-hung urinal is _
d. connectb any waste line ilches
Q.721J The available pressure at the water meter is B0 psi. at the az
highest suppty oudet, 36 feet above the water meter, the b. t-t/4
pressure would be _ psi
c. 1-L/2
a- 62 d.3
b. 44
c. It6
Q.732J The maximum fixture unit loading allowed on a 2-inches
d. B0
waste stack is _
Q-722) rhe pipe size for the common vent serving lavatories installed
back-to-backshall notbe less than _ inch/es a.4
a. 1 b.6
b. r-u4 c.B
c. 1-1,/2 d. 16

d.2 Q.733) Condensate waste shall discharge to the drainage system by

meam ofa[anJ _
a indirectwaste pipe
Q.723) Parallel vent stacks are required for drainage stacks that b. direct waste pipe
extend above the building drain _ c. johnsontee
a. five stories or more d. bacldowpreventer
b. 10 stories or more tubin& mad(d with a blue sh-ipe, is
Q.734) Hard-drawn copper
c. 50ft referred to as _
d. 100 ft a. type"k"
Q.724) Cast-iron fittings, up to and including two inches in size, when b. type'l"
used in connection with potable water piping shall be _ c. type "m"
a. exEa hearry d type "dwv"
b. flanged
c. disaUowed
d. galvanized Q.735) Changes in direction of coppertubings may be made with _
Q.725J The distance from the vent pipe opening to any vertical surface abendingequipment
shall be at least_ b. plasric fittings
a. 6inches c, metallic fittings
b. 1.2 inches d. heatannealing
c. 18 inches Q.736J The minimum size trap and trap arm for a bathtub is _
d- Z4inches a. 1-l-y'2 inches
Q726) A drainage stack extends 14 stories above the building drain b. 2 inches
and is served by a parallel vent stack a relief yoke vent c. 2-112 inches
connectiou between the vent stack and the drainage stack is
3 inches
required at_
a. floors 5 and 10
Q.737) Water piping system shall be designed on the basis of the _
b. floors4and9 a maximumpressure

c. floors4and 10
b- average service pressure

d. floors5and9
c. average residual pressure
d. minimum pressure

Q.727J Above the overflow rim of a vat (in inches)

a, 1
Q.738) One factor for determining the size of a vent pipe is _
b.2 a iSaccessibility
b. itslength
d. 12
c. tie type of building
d- the price of material
Q.72BJ Increasing vents one pipe size will
Q.739J Sumps for macerating toilets shall be _
a. provide increased drainage
a- atroveground
b. allow a uniform installation
b. a miuimum of 10 gallons
c. allow vents of longervents
c. watertightand gastight
d. allowvents to be shorter
d- in the same room as the toilet
Q.729J The distance between a water heater and the union on the Q.7,+0) The rnaximum trap loading for a 3-inch rrap is
water lines shall not be more than
a. l ulrit
a. 6 inches
b- 3 mits
b. 12 inches c. rl units
c. 18 inches d 6utrits
d. 24 inches
Q-741) The owner shall make and keep a _
Q-730) The minimrrm size vent that may serve a 4-inch trap is
a blueprintofthe consructirm
b" Iog of all chemicalsnqd
b. 1-1l2inches ml..tEmntffirrl nf dl niaim rrl wrrnm r:mnnc rhari/5l

d. record ofmaterials used for all chemical waste a 50ft

b. 100ft
Q,742J A water piping system with a pressure of 110 psi will require c. 200ft
a(an) _ d_ 300 ft
a. reduced preseare backflow device
b. extra-heavypipe and fittings Q.752) Building sewers 8 inches or larger may have a slope of nct
c, pressureregulatorandstrainer lesstlan
d.pressure-relief valve a. 1116 inch per foot

Q.743J Water lifts, expansiell 666, cooling iackets, sprinkler system, b. 112 inchperfoot
drip or overflow pans, and other similar devices t}Iat discharge c. 1/4 inch per foot
clear wastewater into the building drainage system shall _ d. 1/B inch per foot
a. bedirectlytrapped
b. be discharged into an interceptor Q.753) Floor drains in walk-in coolers shall discharge
c. discharged into an indirect waste receptor a to a grease interceptor
d. beindividuallyvented b. directly to the exterior of the building
Q.744) Vents terminating in mof areas used for sunbathing shall be c. directlyto thatmain buildingdrain
extended above the roofatleast
d to a separate drainage line discharging into an outside
a.7ft *' receptor through an airgpp or airbreak
c. 12ft Q.754) Drinking fountain rnaybe installedwi&
d. 15ft a. a hose connection
Q.7a5) The combination of vent pipes that will provide zufficient b. acondensatepump
aggregate cross-sectional vent area for required a 4-inch
house sewer is _ c. ahardordloop
d. indirect waste
a 1-2 inch and 4 - L-l/2inch
b. 3-2 inch and 1- L-L/Zinch
c. 2-2 inch and L - 1-112 inch Q.755) No draiq overflow, or relief vetrt tum a water supply
system. or any other discharges under pressure shall be
d. 4- 2 inch discharge to the drainage qrsEm
Q.746) Horizontal vent pipes shall be level or so graded as to drip a by means of indirect waste through an atgap or airbreak
back by gravity to _ b. bydirectconnection
a. the main vent pipe c. through the garbage dispoml
b. thedrainagepipetheyserve d withabranchwyetailpiee
c. theloopvent
d- themainsoilstack
Q.756) No plumbing fixtures that is receiving discharge from
indirect waste pipes shall be ifftalled until fordt approved
Q.747) Combination temperature and pressure relief valve shall be by the
installed _ a. architect
a on all non storage-tJrye water heaters b. Iocal health deparhera
-o' based on their listing requirements and the manufacturer's c authority having jurisdiction
iort r.tioo d mechanical engineer
c. within 3 inches to 6 inches of the water heater
d. in lieu of pressure-reliefvalves The maximum horimntal length permitted for a required 2-
Q.74BJ Showers in all buildings shall be provided with individual inch vent pipe is
control valves ofthe
a 20ft
a. a- pressure balance t5rpe
b. .+0 ft
b. b- thermostatic mixing valve type
c. 60ft
c. c- 140 degree f limit confol type d. 120 ft
d. aandbapply
The minimum size condensate waste pipe from a 12-ton minimrrm 5izes of vfiical and horizontal drainage shall
Q.749J Q.758) fhs
refrigeration unit is _ be determined from the
a. 3/4 inch a locationoffixtures
b. l inch b. typeofbuilding
c.1-114inches c total hxture units
d. 1-112 inches d. total bathrooms
Q.750] Every indirect waste interceptor receiving discharge
containing particles t}rat would clog the receptor drain shall _
Q.759) Pipes carrying wastewater from swimming or wadding
a. have a readily removable beehiv€ sts'ainer pools, including pool drainage, brckwash fuom filters, and
b. drain into a funnel connected to the floor sink fischarge from pumps, shall be
c. be connected direcdy into the drainage system a- installedasanindirectwase
d. both a and b b. connectedto aholdingank
c connectedtoanitrtereptor
,t direcdy connected to the building drain and properly
- trappedandvenEd

plrmbing fixture shall be represented by a. fastiioa

a. gallons per minute b. clay
b. fixture uits c. asbestoscement
c. feetpersecond d. bituminized fiber
d. availableheadpressure
Q.V70) Every abandoned building sewer shall be plugged or capped

Q.761) The clearance required in front ofa 2-inch cleanout shall not a. at the sidewalk or curtr
be less than b. within 5 ft of the property line
a. 6 inches c. attJlesueettap
b. 12 inches d. whereconvenient
c. 18 inches
d. 24inches q77D Immediately ahead of each water-supplied appliance and each
slip joint or nonmetallic water supply connection required a

Q.762) Lead waste pipe that may receive discharge containing acid a control valve
or corrosive chemicalg and each vent pipe connected to it, b. checkvalve
shall be notless than wall thickness c. baclnalatervalve
a. 1/16 inch d. solenoidvalve
b. 3/32inch
c. l/Binch
Q.772) ABS and PVC DWV piping installation shall be Iimired to
d- 5/32incb structures of
a. noncombustible construction
Q.763) Copper tubing used for water piping under concrete slab b. unlimited height
within a building shall be
c. fi^rostoriesinheight
a. installed with brazed joints with cast brass fittings d. combustibleconstructioo
b. proGcted with a factory applied coating
c. installed without loints where possible Q.773) The tailpiece diameter for lavatories and drinking fountains
d. installed with type k copper tube with brazed joints shall notbe less than
a- 1-1/4 inches
Q.764) An approved material for closet screws or bolts is b. 1-3lB inches
a. steel c. 1-1/2 inches
b. aluminum d. L-314 inches
c. lead
d. brass Q.774) Whenever practicable all piprng receivitg chemical waste
shall be

Q.765) Sheet lead used for flashins ofvents terminals shall be not a. concealed
Iess than _ h. readilyaccessible
a.2lbspersq.ft c. covered
b. 3 lbs persq. ft d. inclearview
c. 4lbspersq.ft
d. 5 lbs per sq. ft Q.775) Under certain conditions, traps sewing sinks tlat are part of
the equipmentofbars, soda fountains, and counters

Q.766) Water shall not be discharged under pressure directly to the a. need notto be vented
waste system if it has a temperature of _ or more b. need reliefvents
a 2l2degf c. maybewetvented
b. 180 deg f d. shallbevented
c. 140 degf
d,.232degf Q-776) Except for plastic pipe, in lieu of water test, drainage piping
maJrbe tested with
q.767) A domestic dishwashing machine shall be connected to the a. air
d;ainage slstem by using b. etier
a. an approved air gap fitting c. smoke
b. ahartfordloop d. gas
c. adoublecheckvalve
d. adirectconnection q.77n ABS or PVC-DWV piping installations exposed within ducts
or plenums shall be limit€d to a flame-spread index of not
more than 25 or a smoke index of50 except for
Q.768) Wall-hung lavatories shall be supported by
a, theirconnections a two-storeybuildings

b. metal hangers b. structures notoverthree floors above grade

c. rigid U'aps c. the resEiction found in is 5 and 9

d. woodenlegs d. single hrrily homes

Water piping may be installed in the same trencb with sewer Q-V78) Galvanized steel pipitrg insaalkd under a concrete floor
Q.769) slab witiin a building dre[n
pipins made of

b. have aspiral r,urap d- 15 ftpersecond

c. be installedwittrout joints
d. be installed with brazed joints Q.78s) above dre highest part of a urinal equipped with a
flushometer valve (in inches)
q.779) Allbacldowdevicesorassembliesshallbetestedbya a 1
a. licensedagent b- 6
b. representative from the authority having iurisdiction c. 3
c. certified bacldow tester d' 12
d. third-party certified agenry
Q.789) 3 inch horizontal drainage piping shall have a grade ofslope
of notlessthan
Q.7S0) With few exceptions, all horizontal drainage piping shall be
providedwithacleanoutat- a- l/4inchperfoot
a. each 4s-degree fitting b' 1/B inch per foot

b. itsupperterminal c' 1/Zinchperfoot

c. eachoffset d- linchperfoot

e.781) water valves Z:L/Z nches and larger may have bodies that Q'790) vents terminals in locations having minimum design
are ' temperatures tlelow 0 deg F shall be a minimum of

a. galvanized a 2inches
b. die-cast b. 4inches
c. aluminim mre c. one pipe size largerthanthe required

d. castiron d. aandcapply

Q-791) StiIIs, sterilizers and similar equipment that produce waste

e.7Sz) A domestic dishwasher, with independent drai& has a shall be-
drairnge fixture unitvalue of
a. Z a. connecteddircctlytothebuildingdrains
b. 3 b. indirectlycomectedtoalavatoryEilpiece
c.4 c indirectlyconnectedbymeansofanairgap
d. 1 d- directlyconnectedtot-hebuildingdrainusinganairbreak

Q.783) tlan Q'792) Joints between steel and cast-iron pipe shall be
If, due to strucnrral conditions, horizontal vents are less
6 inches above the overflow rim ofthe fixture, the horizontal a. threaded only
portion shall be installed with b. caulked or threaded
a. ventingmaterialandfittings c. caulkedonly
b. drainage material and fittings and grade to drain d. brazed
c, smaller diameter piping Q.793) The size of the yoke vent that making tle yoke vent
d. larger diameter piping intersects with the drainage stack is

^ not less in diameter than eidrer &e drainage or tlre vent

Q.7S4) The maximum discharge capacity (for intermittent flow only), stack, whichever is smaller
in gallons per minute, for one fixture unit is equalto b. a minimum of 4 inches
a. 7-l/Z gpm c. two pipes sizes larger than 8re drain line
b. l5gom d. twopipessizessmallerthanthedrainline
c. 30gpm
d. 50 gpm q794) Bacldow prevention devices installed in the water supply
line to steam boilers shall be installed

Q.785) Each outlet in a non potable waterline that may be used for a 6 inhes abovethe floor
drinking purposes shall be posted b. 6 inches above the boiler

a danger-pmcessedwater c l2inchesabovethefloor
b. danger-contaminated water d' 12 inches above tJre boiler

c. danger-pollutedwater
d. caution-nonpotable water do not drink Q'795) Abmospheric'type vacuum breakers shall not be subjected to
a backpressure
Q.786) Allmalleableironwaerfittingsshallbe b. hotyvater
a.2inchorsmaller L useinalaboratory
b. galvanized d' intermittentuse
c. flanged
d- removed Q.796) Flaringtoolsareusedtomakeioinsfor
a hardtypekcoppertubing
Q.78, Other tfian system sized by the use of Table 6-6, the b. softcopperwatertuhing
maximum velocity of a cold water system containing copper c yellow brass water pipitrg
and copper alloy tube and fittings shall be limited to _ d. aluminum water piping
a Sftpersecond
b' B ft per second Q.7971 Threads in drainase frttfrmm dralt be hooed to allow for

b. grade b- 10 minutes
c. expansion c 15 minutes
d. economy d- 30 minutes

Q.807) The drainage line from an eiector shall be provided witi a _

Q.798) Approved strainers having an approved waterway area are a- badrwater or swing check valve, ard gate valve
not required for
b. backwater valve or double check valve and globe valve
a. kitchensinls c backwater valve, gate valve and flaoge
b. Iavatories
Q.808) Draim, overflows, or relief pipes from a water distribution
c. urinals system shall be connected to the building drain by _
d. bathtubs
a indirect waste piping thmugb a vented trap
b. indirect waste by means of atr air g:ap
Q.799) AII melleable iron vert or water fitting shall be
c direct connection to the buildiag drain
a, concealed d direct connection to the buildilg drain through a trap
b. erposed
c. galvanized
Q.809) A straight run of building seurcr will require cleanout at
d. painted
futerv'als notto exceed
a- 50ft
b. 75ft
Q.800) The fitting that is required for making the yoke vent
c, 100 ft
intersection wit}l t}re drainage stack is a
d. 300 ft
a sanitarytee
b. tappedtee
c. doubleteebranch Q.810) The primary reason for ilstalling baddow prevention
d. wyebranch
assemblies is to _
a preventscalding
prevent pollution and contamiration ofthe potable water
b. s:uppty
TESTXVII c. prevent mixing of hot and cold water
Q.801) The code requirement for "and adequate supplyofpotable d. prevent excessive pressure
running water" is for
a. deansingandsadtation
Q.811) Whenever fixtures and/or fixture fittings are installed that
b. protectionoftrapseals require a residual water pressure higher than 15 pounds per
c. water-cooledequipment square inch (103.5 kPa)_
d. hydmnic systenrs a that minimum pressure shall be provided
. provision shall be made to use fixtures that do not require
cusidered suds-producing fixtures
"' higher residual preszure
Q.802) _ are
c. the piping sytem shall be notless thaa copper tubing type I
a. kitchensinks
d. aandcapply
b. ba&tubs
c. washingmachinestandpipes
d. alloftheabove Q.812) Yent pipes protect fixture taps against _
a evaporation

wifin b. siphonage
Q.803) Unions shall be installed in a water supply system 12
inches of_ c clogging

A acontrolvalve
d cross-connections

B. ahousevalve
C. regulatingequipment q.813) Changes in direction of vent piping shall be made by_
D. transitionfittings a heatingthepipeandbending
b. welded joints where possible

Q.804) A Z-inch vent pipe will serve a total of _ c threaded fittirgs ofcaulked loiats

a. 14 bathtubs d. appropriate use offittings

b. 15 showers
c. 24lavatories Q.814) lvhatvents are pipesthatserve asthe drain ofone fixture
d. lSwatercloset while venting another fixture?
a stackvents

The acceptablefitting forconnecting a horizontal drain line

b- wet vents
with another horizontal drain line is a c. reliefvents

a. sanitaqrtee d. reliefvents

b. cmss tee
c, combination y and 1/8 bend Q.815) Whkh of the following illustrated inthe plan bi cirmlar
d. sideirletL/4bend template?
a sideview90degreesrenrard

Water piping pressure shall be for a period of not less than

b. isometric90@reesry

d. plan v.iew 90 degrees away a traF

b. regulators

Q.816) What device prevents excessive vacuum in a pressure vessel? c. interceptors

d. separators
a, vacuumpnmp
b. vacuumbreaker
c. vacuumpressurepreventer Q.825) On rllllat point of &e pipe cross-section is the pipes elevation

d. vacuumreliefvalve referredto?
a. topofpipe
b. centerofpipe
Q.817) What common support is used to keep vertical pipe in
c. fuvert
a. ventpiping
d. bottompipe

b. vertical
c. horizontal Q.826) Why do mostwall-hung urinals Not require a trap?
d. waste piping a they are designed to have integral trap
b. because such fixtures seldom receive solid waste
c. traps are already provided down the soil pipe
Q.818) What do you call the lines tJrat are made of short and thick
dashes and are used to show the location ofrecessed objects ,-' siphonic action that occurs in wall-hung urinals during
in the plan? flushing prevents rhe usage ofu-aps

a. invisible
b. cuttingplane q.gZn When two or more fixhrres are permitted to use a single trap,
c. recessed what is tlre waste pipe for installation called?

d. hidden a individual
b. continous waste
c common waste
Q.819) What step must be undertaken to avoid encountering airline
cracks on ttre soldered joint of a hot water supply system d. sewer
when the water is turned on?

,. use a solder type tlat is suited for a particular fitting and Q.BzB) Which fitting is NOT necessar5r in the insrallation of the house
prpe service?
* apply heat evenly on the fitting before placing the solder a corporation stop
'' onslotholes b. meter stop
c. thoroughly clean the joint to be soldered c. curbstop
, faucets should be opened on tl)e downstream side to d- water mater
"' relieve pressure on tlre line before soldering

Q.820) What tool is used for expanding the ends of lead pipe? Q.829) What is rhe minimum length of time (in hours) before a
jointed plastic pipe be subjected to pressure test?
a. driftplug a. 1
b. turn pin b.3
c. dresser c.Z
il shavebook
Q.821) What mechanical operation is done to cut or form the fixture
or individual parts ofthe fixture? Q.830) What are used to keep harmfirl substances from entering the
sanitary drainage system?
a. injection molding
a interceptors
b. drawing
b. separators
c. reaming
c, valves
d. stamping
d- traps

Q.822) What minimum clear distance is required whenever the

water seryice supplypipe will be laid on the same trench Q.831) In a plumbing plan, how is the hot water return represenGd in
witJrin the sewer line? between dashes?

a. 2 foot a. single dot

b. t foot b. doubledot
c. 3 foot c. continuousdottedline
d. 2 LlZ foot d. tripledots

Q.823) What is the tool for straightening or bending lead pipe? Q.832) What is the best tool for cutting cast ircn soil pipe that is
rigidly in place?
a. bendingpin a- hacksaw
b. coupling b. soil pipe ortter
6. fusnrliogwrench c. ginder
d. ofl3et
d. hammerandchisel

iron pipe rust? combination of pressure balancing and thermostatic control?

a. oxidation a. complex
b. cavitation b. combination
c. tuberculation c compound
d. sublimation d. double

Q.834) When water heater is a combination potable water heater and Q.843) What is the recommended support spacing of vertically
space heater, ho must potable water be maintained? installed pipe?

a. atmoderaGtemperature a4ft
b. atacooltemperature b. 3ft
c. atawartrtemperafur€ c. 6ft
d. throughoutthesystem d- zft

Q.844) Which of tlre following pipes is a vertical exteffion of the soil

Q.835) Whattool is used to make holes in stainless steel sinlis?
waste, or vent pipe?
a. cutterwheel
b. wood chisel a leader

c. boltcutter b. drain

d. knockoutset c. riser
d. stack

Q.836) Which of the following does the feed cister supply water?
Q.845) Which of t}re following statements is NOT true in water
a thecolddistributionpipework heaters?
b. the hot storage vessel a the discharge pipe from a reliefvalve must be fapped.
c. asetofboosterpumps when water heaters are fustalled in locations where
d. a wc pan or urinal b. leakage of the tank or connections will cause damage, the
water heater must be instailed in a pan.
all water heaters mustbe provided with an approved, self-
Q.837) What is the suitable gasket material for a flange union used in
gasoline conduction?
c. closing (levered) pre*sure relief valve and a temperature
reliefvalve, or a combination thereof.
a metallicorrubbercomposition , water heaters must be protected to prevent siphoning of
b. merallic d' io -r*nar.
c. rubberorasbestossheet
d. rubberorasbestos composition Why is it that the house sewer is usually the first phase of tlre
plumbing layout that must be installed?
Q.B3B) What is the most appropriate method in the connection of a
- as basis ofthe basementelevationand plotplan ofthe
commercial black steel pipe which is less than 2 inches in '' brilditrg
diameer? excavation of the building may be drained during
a. caulking -' inclement weather

b. soldering c. to serve as a starting point fior the house drain

c. welding d. to be the reference point of the building elevations
d. threading
Q.847) What tool is used to grip pipe and fining wben installing and
removing piping?
Q.839) What is meant bythe term plumbo-solvent?
a. the ability of lvaterto dissolve copper a. pipewrench
b. the addition of chlorine to the water supply b. hacksaw

c. the ability of water to dissolve lead c. tubing

d. &e use oflead-free solder fittings d. cuttervise

Q.848) Aside from lavatory, what is dre otler common fixture that is
Q.840) When fixtures are constructed of previous material, what
provided with overfl ows?
specific condition is permitted?
a unsatisfactoeyquallty a- kirchen sink
b. inaccessitrility ofparts to be cleaned b. slopsink
c. waste outlet that catr rEtain water c. urinal
d. smoodr subs-tance d- batlrub

Q'849) In plumbing plan, what rcpresents pipe going down with the
Q.841) What thin line in the plan determines the depth requirements
of sewers and water services? open side or sides ofthe cirde being at tlre higher elevation?

a cross-hatch a semicircle

b. contour b. broken circle

c. broken c solidcircle
d. phantom d- closedcircb

and stain-resistantqualities of the fixture? c. nickel

a. nickel d titr
b. copper
c. iron Q.859) lVhat tool is favored by some phrmber for cutting plastic
d. aluminum pipe?
a universalsaw
b. circlesaw
c adiustablewrench
d. pipewrench
Q.851) Which are parts of water closet?
a mounting nut, housing faucet, flange assembly
What type of shower provides a means for quick rinsing of a
b. closet bolts, wax ring, seat, ballcock person's skin that may have been exposed to a toxic or
.-' nailing flange, sponge gasket, cross-bar srrainer, harmftl chemical?
overflow fitting
a. healthcare
d. metal washer, drain assembly, lift-rod, supply tubes
b- emergency
c. vaniry
Q.852) Towhatpurposeare faucetdesigned? d. quick
a access to other fixtures
b. setup fastinstallation Q.861) l lhat must a pipe pass tlrough whea it penetrates an exterior
c. pmvide for easy replacement and maintenance of parts wall?
d. conEol the flowofwater a- controlvalve
b. protection pad
Q.853) Which of the water closet is the most efficient, the quietest c. adapter
and t}te most expensive? d. sleeve
a. siphonjet
b. reversetrap Q.B6Z) What do lines on isometric drawing represent?
c. valve
a- valves and vents
d. siphon action
b. pipeand fittings
c. pipe and fixtures
Q.854) What conveys foul air from a plumbing fixture or a room to d. fixtures and fittings
t}re outer air?
a. stackvent
Q.863) What is the function of bypass valve?
b. leader
c. riser
a. to controlthe flowofwater

d. localvent
b. to act as relief valve in case of failure of the other valves
to equalize the pressure and temperature on boti sides
"-' of the main valve
Q.855) Other than nraking a quiet and peaceful house, what is d. to act as balancing valve
prevented when water hammer will be eliminated?
a. slowflowofwater
Q.864) Which is NOT an essential need in desigrdng and in reading a
b. damage to piping trlueprint?
c. decreaseinwaterpressure a. abbreyiations
d. loseofairventilation b. binoculars
c. blueprintsymbols
Q.856) Riser diagram which are elevations or perspective views d. mathematical table
showing stacks an risers generally indicate what kind of
Q.865) What pipe indicated in the plumbing plan with a solid line?
a simple
b. non-complicated a drain
c. complicated b- hotwater recirculation
d. easy c. vacuum
Q.857) When are Eaps prohibited? d. fire prorccrion
a. ifthey are of inverted type Q.866) What device utilizes the water delivered by the water supply
if thul do not depend on interior partitions or moving
b. parts lor acEon a plumbing riser
c. if they are over 4 inches in diameter b. plumbing fixture
if they depend on concealed interior partitions or c plumbing pipe
-' d" plumbing vent
moving parts for action

Q.BSB) Copper has several a-lloys such as brass that are used as Q.B6A What strength ofa hookshouldyou choose in selecting a hook
plumbing materials. What is t-he principal alloy found in and chair that are to be ued for lifting pipes?
a alittle bitstrongerthrm&echain
e- aluminum b. twice as stnongas{hecftaiin

d. wealert}aa the chain b. sewerpipe

c. ventpipe
Q.B6B) Which of the following is NOT a cause why water closet
d. floordrain
flushes poorly?
a. cloggedflushholes Q.877) \rlIhat are the products of complete combustion of natural gas?
b. enoughwaterintank a hydrogenandmethane
c. ventisclogged b. watervapourandcarbondioxide
d. partialdrainblocAage c. oxygena-ndcarbon monoxide
d. carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
Q.869) What type of level is used by plumbers to install
undergmund plumbing?
Q.B7B) Which of the following pipes pmvides a flow of air to or fiom
a. line level a drainage system to provide a cirrulation of air within the
b. pipe system?
c. grade level a. soil
d. standardlevel b. vent
c" drain

Q.870) How should fixtures be located in order to ensure of the d- waste

most economical installauon?
a. parallel to teach other Q.879) What device is used to raise the temperature of some of the
b. with less bends and curves domestic water supply fur use invarious fixtures?
c. along a straight line a. temperatureincreaser
d. as close together as possible b. hotwaterheater
c. drermostat
Q.871) What is the term given to the letter/number designation
d. heating element
assigned to each type offixture?
a. fixture schedule Q.BBO) What plans are useful in planning the installation of sewerg
b. item number/etter water seryices, building drains, and hose bibs?
c. fixturelabel a site plans
d. fixtureid b, floorplans
c conbur plans
Q.872) What is the name of the tool used to remove pits or rough d. cross-section plans
surfaces foom valve or faucet seats?
a seatdriver Q.BBI) What type of a joint is a compression coupling?
b. seat r€amer a mechanical
c. seatdressing b. &readed
d. seatplanning c. illegal
d. screw
Q.873) If one of the two weights associaGd with cast-iron is seryice
weigh! what is Se otherweight?
Q.BBZ) lilhat pipe is indicated in the plumbing plan having a series
a. extraheavyweigbt of dashes with letter V separating the dashes?
b. doubleextraserviceweight a. vacant
c. lightweight b. vent
d. Iightweight c. vinyl
d. vacuum
Q.874) What do you call the drains which serve one or more
fixtures that discharge into another drain or into a stack? Q.BB3) What kind of plumbing tool is cheaply used for cutting cast-
iron pipes, brickor stone?
a. fixuredrains
b. horizontal branches a. coldchisel
c. wetvents b. diamond nose chisel
d. fixture branches c. capechisel
il gouge

Q.875) What is the most common repair required on fixture

faucets? Q.BB4) What is the minimum size (in inches) of traps used on a
kitchen sink waste pipe?
a. replacewasher
b. controlwaterflow a-Z
c. tighten the lock nut b. 2.5
d. replacesteampacking c. 1
d- 1.5

q.876) On a sanitary waste line, what is located is Iocated in an

accessible area and attaches to the end ofthe waste pipe in Q.885) tdlhattypeof rigid€opperoipeisligbtweight?
the dir,ectionopposite of flow? a typ€dwv

c. tyepm c. u-usafeconditions
d. typek d. iporance

Q.BB6) What is Se maximum distance (in feet) between hangers for Q.895) l,t hat is the purpose of an air gap of a water distribution
3 inches plastic pipe installed in 20 foot lengths? system?
a' 5 -
& d:mpens the shock wave created imide the rvarer
b. 4 distributionpiping
c. 2.5 b- elrsures that water will not rise in the fixture ino the
d. 6.5 water supply ouilet.

."' prevent domestic water in the building Fom flowing

baclnrrrards and returning to the pipe main.
Q.BB7) What do you call the primary vent in a venting system to d. guardsagainstsiphonage
which various vent in a venting system to which various vent
branches are connected?
a. main venr Q.896) Which of the following materials compositior describe a 95/5
b. yoke vent
c. ventstack a. 9Soatin_Solozinc

d. stackvert b. 9596lead-50/ozinc
c 95%tin-5% antimony
d. 95% lead-59o antimony
Q.BBB) Which of the following fixtures does NOT belong to the
a. hosebibb Q.B9A Whatistheprimarypurposeofvalve?
b. \raterspigot a changethedirectionoffluidflow
c. watercooler tr. adjustpipesizes
d. water faucet c. deliver fluid
d. regularfluid flow

Q.BBg) What prpe is represented on drawing with alternating long

and short Q.B9B) What type of rigid copper pipe is the heaviest and is used for
a drainpipe undergroundwaste?
b. hotwaterpipe a tyPek
c. coldwaterpipe b. typel
d. ventpipe c. typedwv
d- typern
Q.890) \&hat type offixture operates under pressure from the water
supply and requires a higher supply flow rate? Q.899) What could be a solutjon to a resEicted water flow of faucet?
a. flushvalve a replaceorfilterscreen
b. flushfixtures b. smoothoutlevernut
c. flushpressure c. re-adiustvalve
d. flushtank d" cleanorreplacehoseheadvalve

Q.891) The overfiow passageway from a fixture must be connected to Q.900) Which of the following factors is NOT considered in sizing the
whatportion of the plumbing system? wa&r supply piping?
a. bottomsideoftLefixturetrap a. lengthofthepipeiuthebuilding
b. inlet side of the flxture trap b- pressure of the water supply at the source
c. uppersideoftleflxturetrap c. numberandkindoffixturesinstalled
d oudetsideoftheftxturetrap d pipcfriction

Q.892) What are designed to collect and drain water entering the
a catchbasins
Q.901) Whattool is used to open plugged or sluggish drain piping?
b. sewerpipes
c. subsoi! drains a- drainauger
d. drairnge pipe b. forcecup
c, hand-spinnerdraincable
d. plunger
Q.893) Which of the following is NOT a rype of sink?
a service
Q.902) What type of pipe joints consisrs of a soft meral alloy of tin
b. perforated and lead with a low melting point?
c. flushingrim a butt-weld
d. scullery b. solder
e threaded
Q.894) 'ltllhat cause roiority of all accidenrs in plumbing work? d- compression
a^ maErialdeftct

distribution and for other underground sen/ices? b. sLes

3. 166ugh1ip6 pip6 c. bels
b. plasticcoatedsteelpipe d. goggles
c. terrarotta pipe
d. tin pipe Q.913) Whatdrain serves a single fixarre trap?
a tudividual drain
Q.904) Which of the following is acceptable procedure when b. fixture branch
installiug piping in a load-bearing wooden partition? c. horizontal branch
a. do notdrillornotchthe studs d. fixturedrain
b. drill a hole at the sides of the snrds
c. make a notch not more than one-half the thickness Q.914) What tool is used to cut copper, brass, aluminum, or plastic
d. drill hole through the center ofthe studs tubing and thin-wall conduit?
a hacksaw
Q.905) On the outside, a globe valve looks similar to what or-her b. flaringtool
valve? c. pipe tap
a. stopandwastevalve d. tubingcutter
b. anglevalve
c. gatevalve Q.915) What is rhe CORRECT and MOST accurate way to measure
d checkvalve outlengths ofpipe?
a. center-to-face
Q.906) Atwhat angle do ventstacks attachto horizontal ventpipes? b. center-to-center
a 9Odegrees c, end-to-end
b. 45 degrees d. end-to-center
c. 22-1/2degrees
d. 60 degrees Q.916) Which can cause obstmction of the flow of wastes in
drainage piping?

Q.907) According to the international Plumbing Code, above what a. pocketofneutral pressure
temperature can you consider water as hot water? b. pressuredifferential
a 60degc c. pocket of positive and negative pressures
b. 120 deg f d. pocket of low or high pressure
c. aboveroomtemperature
d,. 212degf Q.914 Which of tie following is NOT among the basic angles
necessary to express the sanitary planning system in an
isometric drawing?
Q.908) What part of a pipe curves like the neck of a goose, and is
flexible? a. horizontal pipe
a. e-curve b. sixty degree angle pipe
b. snake c. verticalpipe
c. goose neck d. forty-five degree angle pipe
d. auger
Q.918) Which of the following plumbing fixures is tlre MOST
commonly used?
Q.909) What device is used to ream burs out of pipe that has treen
cut? a kitchensink
a boltcutter b. water closet
b. pipe reamer c. lavatory
c. wood chisel d, shower
d. cutterwheel
Q.919) When joints are necessary in a copper gas piping system,
what type of solder must be used?
Q.910) What happens when moist air is trapped in a horizontal vent
pipe? a hard

a. can block the passage of warm air into the system

b. soft

b. being dense, the plumbing system is disturbed

c. malleable

c, can cause corrosion on the pipe

d. ductile

d. can lead to the creation of vacuum spaces

Q.920) Which of the following pipes receives the discharge fiom a
water closet and conveys it to a soil stack or the building
Q.911-) What kind of test is used in determining whether galvanized &ain?
pipe is made of wrorrght iron or wrought steel?
a rd/aste
a. smoke b. drain
b. hammer c. vent
c. water il soil
d gas

QS21) In aplumbing plan whiclof thefiolhwing is represented by

Q.912) Whatsafttydevice should plumbing construction workers double dots in bctrceenaadl*?

b. coldwater d. common bricks

c. ve[t
d. hotwater

Q.922) What is the name of rhe washer that seals the bottom of a Q.931) The provisions of the code allow an alternate material or
lavatorybowl? metiod of consruction provided it is _.
a. cushion a. approved by the architect as an alternae
b. compression b. accepted by the owner as anlternaG
c. delta
t'^ approved by the authority having jurisdiction as
d. mack alternat"
d. manufachrred by a reputable organization

Q.923) Identify the equipment in No. 42 of the Wet Standpipe

Schematic Riser Diagram in Drawing 3. Q.932) In seismic zone 1 and 2, hubless cast iron piping 5 inches or
larger suspended in exposed locations over high traffic areas,
a fireextinguisher
and over four feet in length, shall be provided with support on
b. firepullbox both sides ofthe coupling
c. fire hose cabinet a tnle
d. fire enunciator b. falsr
c, maybe
Q.924) Which are prevented by fi,xnrre t:ap seals? d. none ofthe above
a excessivedraining Q.933) Voids around piping passing through concrete floors on the
b. siphonage and backpressure ground shall be _
c. free-flowing effluents a. flanged
d. overflows b. protected
c. sealed
Q.925) Which of the following does NOT determine the size of the d. packed
a. pressure ofwaste flow
Q.934) PEX is the definition for_
b. type ofplumbing fixtures to be vented
a. polyethylene
c. maximum fixture unit load
b" polybutylenex
d. developedlength ofthe ventpipe
c. cmss-linkedpolyetlylene
d. noneoftheabove
Q.926) What is the name of the tool used to remove a bur from the
inside ofa water pipe?
Q.935) The discharge from clinical sinks ard conveyed to the buildirg
a. pipe vise drain is defined as a waste pipe.
b. pipe reamer
a true
c. pipe offset b. false
d. pipethreaded c. maybe
d. none oftle above
Q.927) Which of the following methods of jointing plastics used
for discharge pip€ worksystems is BEST described as a
Q.936) The restroom facilities in a privaG day care center are
cold welding process?
classified as public use.
a solventwelding
b. fusionwelding a- tnle
c. compressionwelding b. false

d. branch welding
c maybe
d. none ofthe above

Q.937) An outlet on a boiler to permit emptying or discharging of

Q.92q A permanently installed mechanical device, other than an
sediment is called a(an) _
eiector, for removing sewage or liquid waste from a sump
is called a sewage pump. a boilerblowoff
a. true b.
b. false c.
c. maybe d.
d. none ofthe above Q.938) Drain pipes subiect to condensation over food storage in

Q.929) The joint of a wall-hung lavatory, where it is in contact with

food-handling establishment shall be _.
the wall, shall be _ a installed with a spill pan
a, smooth b. thermally insulated
b. painted c remouled outofthe area
c, concealed d. tested with 5 psi of air
d. watertight
Q.939) All design, consruction, and worlmanship shall be in
Q.930) Piping in the ground shall be laid on _
conformity wit}r _
a^ practices of &e conuactor
a aErmbed
b. acceptedengineeringpractfoIs
b. concree bloclss
r- *trndard shonnrrxqlm

a 4ft
Q.940) Water that is safe for people to drink is referred to by this b. 10ft
code as _ c. Bft
a. industs-ia.l water d. 6ft
b. potable water
c. soft water
Q.950) Mechanical devices may be used to complete backfilling
d. hard water where covering above any piping is atleast_imhes
Q.941) AII trenches deeper than the footing of any building or *6
strucnre and paralleling the same shall be at least _. h. 72
a. S-foot intervals c- 30
b. everyotherstory d. 36
c. each floornottoexceed 15 ft
d. Lo-footintervals
Q.942) To provide watertight ioint in the floor, shower drains and Q.951) Tanks flushing more than one urinal shall be _ .
floor drains are required to be _
a. automatic in operation
a. extra-heavycastiron
b. acid-resistant
b. suitably flanged
c- enamel
c. coated wit}t asphalt d- manualinoperation
d. setinwaterproofcement
Q.952) Sleeves shall be providedto protectall pipingthrough_
Q.943) No dry or chemical closet (toilet) shall be installed in any and_walls.
building used for human habitation unless first approved by
ttre a floors,concrete
a. owner
b. wood,concrete

b. plumbing inspector
c. concrete,masonry

c. cityclerk d- noneoftheabove

d. healtlr officer
q.944) Closet bends or stubs shall be cut off so as to present a Q.953) The overflow pipe flom a fixture shall tre connected on t}re _
smooth surface, even with the _. a. house or inlet side ofthe Etture trap
a- topoftheroughfloor b. operation side of the fixture trap
b. top ofthe closet ring c. sewer or outlet side of the fixture trap
c. top ofthe finish floor
d. bottomoftheclosetring
When a bacldlow prevention device does not bear a critical
level marking the part ofthe device that shall constitute the
Q.945) The length along the centerline ofthe pipe and fittings is the critical level is the
a top
a. diameter length b. center
b. ciranmferential length c. botmm
c. developed length d. outletinvert
d. diagonallength
Q.955) Unsanitary and insanitary share the same meaning
Q.946) That portion of a drainage system that does not drain by
gavity into the building sewer is known as a a true

a. stormsewer
b. false

b. buildingsubdrain
c. maybe
d. none ofthe above
c. sewerejector
d. buildingsupply
Q.956) Galvanized sheet steel of not less than 16 U.S. gauge may be

Q.947) A pressure surge-absorbing device operating through the

used to make disfiqr25hing sinks for_
compressibility of air is called a(an) _ a restaurants
a. flushometervalve h. Iunch counters
b. hammer arrestor c. commercialbuildings
c. air chamber d- residentialbuildings
d. bacldowpreventer
Q.957) By code definition, a stack is always _.
Q.948) Threaded pipe (l.P.S.) 3/4 inch, except for gas piping installed a. straight
horizontally shall be supported at approximately _. b. vertical
a. S-foot intervals c. horizontal
b. 10-foot intervals d. exposed
c. lZ-footintervals
d. L5-foot intewals
Q.gsB) All pipe, prpe finings" trapq ftores, marerials, and devices
used ir plunhing qr*m Sam be _

b. approved by the authority having jurisdiction a. permissible if constructed of concrete

c. freefromdefecs b. prohibited
d. allofdreabove c. allowedinbusstations
d. required in large associations
Q.959) A combination building sewer is (a)_
Q.968) Solder and fluxes used in piping system corveying potable
-'- and outsideofthebuilding
combiration of all sewer and drainage piping fuom inside
water are prohibited when the lead content exceeds.
buildingsewerthatconveysindustrialwaste and a. 0.2 of1 percent
domestrc sewage b. 1 percent
c. building drains that convey waste and storm water c.0.5of1percent
d. building sewer tha[ conveys both sewage and storm water d. less thal 10 percent

Q.969) hdividual responsible for

The organization, office, or
Q.960) Gutters in public showerrooms shall be sloped not less than enforcing the requirements ofa code or standard is the _
a. SD/o
a authority having jurisdiction
b. L00/o b. plumbing inspector or departrnent
c. Zori c" buildingdeparunent
d,. 30/o
d. administrativeauthority

Q.961) A device integated within an air accumulator vessel that is

Q.970) A connection to the public sewer, orprivate sewage disposal
designed to discharge a predetermined quantity ofwater to
fixhrres for flushing purposes is a (an) _ *
system, is required for _
a. buildings with plumbing fixtures
a. surgetank
b. buildings with emergency drain systenrs
b. daytank
6. lgildings with storm drain systems
c, expansiontank
d. buildings with or without plumbing fixtures
d. flushometertank

Q.971) A pipe that makes an angle of not more than 45 degree with
Q.962) Fixture connectionsbetween drainage pipes and water the vertical is considered
closets shall be made with_.
a vertical
a. expansionioints b. horizontal
b. unions c. crookedpipe
c. flanges d. diagonalpipe
d. hotpouredcompound

Q.972') A standard tlat is an extensive compilation of pmvision

Q.963) Piping fixtures, or equipment rhat are installed so that they covering broad subiect matter is the definition for _
interfere with normal operation and use of windows or doors
shall he_. a. listed

a. identified for restricted use

b. legaldocument

b. protectedfromdamage c code

c. approved ifacceptable by the owner

d. standards

d. relocated to avoid interference

Q.973) AII piping fixtures and equipment shall be adequately

The building drain from t}le front building may be extended

supported in accordance with the _.
to the rear building when bo& buildings are located _. a. contractor
a. on an interior (when driveway cannot be used)
b. code
b. 300 ft from tle public sewer c. owner
c. 200 ft fiom the public sewer d. engineer
d. onacornerlot
Q.974) Test gauges shall not have a pressure range more than _ the
test pressure.
Q.965) Fixtures havingconcealedslip-jointconnections shallbe
providedwith-. a. equel

a. a utility space or access panel b. twice

b. a ladderand alightfixture c. 15 psi

c. redbrassfittings d. 60psi
d. rubbergasket
Q.975) All rrnterials, fixnrres, or devices used or ertering into the

The minimum wall thickness for tlreaded plastic pipe shall

construction ofplumbing and drainage systems shall _ .
be _. a- conform to approved applicable sandards

a. schedule40
b. conform to the job specifications

b. scheduleS0
c. conformtopriceiob
c l/8inch d- conform to materials availability
d- U16imh

eliminat€d_. a ironpipestandard
a. to complywith accessibility standards b. imnpipesize
b. forgangshowers c insidepipestandard
c. inhospiralsonly d. insidepipesize
d. notpennitted
Q.986) When installing the Authority Having lurisdiction shall

Q.977) Tub waste openings in framed construction shall be protected

require evidence ofthe competency ofthe installers.
by-. a. potable water piping
a. completely covering the opening with plywood collars b. fuel-gaspiping
b. metal collars or screens c. medical gas piping
c. filling the annular space witi approved fiber material d. plumbingappurtenance
d. flashings
Q,987) Surlaces to be joined by soldering or brazed shall be cleaned

Q.978) Burred ends of aII pipe and tubing shall be _.

bright by _.
a. painted to reduce friction a. mechanical or manual means

b. reamed to the frrll bore of the pipe of tube b. aself-cleaningflux

c. avoided by use of special cutting tools

c. a corrosive flux

d. confined to exposed and readily accessible locations

d. sulfuricacid

Q.988) A joint obtained by ioining of metal parts with metallic

Q.979) Two-inch horizontal mpper tubing drain pipe shall be
mixtures of alloys that meh at a terperahrre up to and
supported at_ including 840 degree F is a _*
a. 4 foot intervals
a. brazedjoint
b. 6 foot intervals
b, solderedjoint
c. L0 footintervals
c. metallic joint
d. L2-footintervals
d. flaredjoint

Q.980) Everywatersupplyto aurinal shall be protected byan

Q.989) Disposal of sewagg or other liquid waste, shall be by means of
approved _-
a. reliefvalve
a. the drainage system ofthe building or premises
b. vacuumbreaker
b. sewageretainingtanks
c. meteringvalve
c subsurfaceleachingpits
d. autornatic switch
d chemical toilets

Q.gBl") The minimum distance from a side wall or partition to the

centerofa urinal shall be
Q.990) A device installed in a drainage system to prevent reverse
flowis a
a6 a -
b. 12 b. checkvalve
c. 18 c. backflowpreventor
d, 24
d. bacldlowvalve

Q.982) Any pressure less t}tan thatexerted byafinospheric is a(an) _ Q.991) The distance between the centerofurinal shall not be less
a. vacuum than
b. negativepressure -
a L2"
c. atmosphericpressure b. 15"
d. positivepressure c. 24*
d- 30"
Q.983) Theverticaldeptlofatrapseai is measuredfrom_
a. the outlet of &e trap to the bottom of the trap Q.992) Wall-mounted water closets shall be securely bolted to _.
b. the inletof the trap to Ule outletofthe trap a the wall
c. the crown weirto the top of the dip of the rrap b. double nrro by six studs
d. the inlet of the trap to the botrom of the tlap c. acarrierfitting
d. aclosetbend
Q.984) With two noted exceptiong all shower compartments and
receptors shall be capable of encompassing a _ diameter
cirde. Q.993) A drinking fountaininstalled outside shall be connectedto an
approved drainage system.
a 24-inch
a true
b. 33-inch
b. false
c. 30-inch
c rnaybe
d. 3Ginch
d. nore ofthe above
Q.994) Screws or bols for seuing fur mounted fixhrres shall be

a. brass
b, alumirum
c. gdvasizedsteel
d, die-castaim

Q.995) The bwestportionof&ein*ide of ahorizontalpipe iscalled

a itryertmass
b. invert
c, flatye.nt
d. bottom

E996) Wipedioints are permittedwith *.

a. lead
b. steel
c. plastie
d. castircr

Q-99n Whenbrazirgthe alloysslullhaveamelfingtemperaurreof at

least- degrees F.
a 800
b. BitO
c. 10fi)
d" 1200

Q.998) Shower pan linings may be consfructed \pith

a Z6b&sgangecopper -
b. zinc-o*dse-el
c. 15poudsasphdtElt
d, 3 pounds per square foot lead

Q999) A pipe iaside a building that conveys storm water ftom tle
rcof b a sftm drair is called a(an) _
:L corducbr
b. buildingstonndrain
c. rainleader
d. adduc-tor

Q.1000) No plumbing systen, draiuage system, building sewer,

privab se$,"agedisposal system, or partsthercof, shall be
locared in-
any lot orher
-' -n dre lot
that is the site of the building
"- servedbysuch hcilities
b. the nalls, floors, or undergrouad in any building
c. pipeac(€ssqraeswhere accessiblefurrepair
d. arygarage, orequipmentor locker mom

a. brass
b. aluminum Q.1003) The principal artery ofthe venting system to which
c- galvanized steel branches may be connected is called the _
d. die-castzinc a. branchvent
b. vertical vent
Q.995) The lowestportion oftle inside ofahorizontal pipe is called c. vent
the _ d. main vent
a. inyert mass
b. invert Q.1004) PEX piping may be coupled together with shielded
c, flatvent couplings.
d. trottom a. true
b. false
q.996) Wiped joints are permitted with _. c. maybe
a. lead d. none oftie above
q.10os) A device and system ofpiping that maintains a water seal in
b. steel
a remote trap is called a trap primer.
c. plastic
d. castiron a. true
b. false
c. maybe
Q.997) When brazing, the alloys shall have a melting temperature ofat
least degrees F. d. noneoftheabove
- Q.1006) A mixing valve that senses outlet temperature and
a. 800 compensates for fluctuations in incoming hot or cold water
b. 840 temperature is a _.
c. 1000 a. combination t}termostatic/pressure-balancing valve
d. 1200 b. thermostatic (temperature confol) valve
c, pressure-balancingvalve
Q.998) Shower pan linings may be constructed with _ d. none oftle above
a. 26 b&s gauge copper
b. zinc-coated steel Q.1007) The distance between the wall to the center of water closet
c. 15 pounds asphaltfelt shall not be less than
d. 3 pounds per square foot lead a. 12"
b. 15'
Q.999) A pipe inside a building that conveys storm water from t]le
c. 24"
roofto a strom drain is called a(an) _ d. 30'
a. conductor Q.1008) Automatically controlled flushometer valves may tre
substituted for _
b. buildingstormdrain
c. rain leader a. flushtanks
d- adductor b. flowcontrol
c. gatevalves
d. lever valves
Q.1000) No plumbing system, drainage system, building sewer,
private sewage disposal system, or parts tlrereoi shall be Q.1009) Static pressure is pressure existing without any flow.
located in a. true
any lot otier than the lot that is the site of the building b. false
^ served by such flacilities
o' c. maybe
b. the walls, floors, or underground in any truilding d. none ofthe above
c. pipe access spaces where accessible for repair Q.1o1o) A documen! the main text of which contains only
d. any garage, or equipment or locker room mandatory provisions using the word "shall" to indicate
requiremen6, is best described as a
a. code
b. standard
c. law
Q.1001) When supporting horizontal piping S-inches in diameter with
hangers, a _ inch diameter rod shall be used,
d. Iegal document

b. r/2 Q.1011) It is p€rmitted to drill and tap a vent pipe to connect an
indirect waste pipe.
c 5/8 rit
d. 3/8 a. true
b. false
c. maybe
Q1002) The combination of fittings that may be used to make an
offset and is considered a vertical pipe are: d. noneoftheabove
Q.1012) Drinkingfountains shall notbe installed in
a. 1-45 degree and 1-45 degree
b. 1-60 degree and 1-45 degree a. public toilet rooms
c. 1-90 degree and 1-45 degree b. schoolyards
d. 2-90 degree and 1-45 degree c. bars

Ryan A Escote

d. restaurants a. solventwaste andventsystem

Q.1013) Joints at the roo{ around pipes, shall be made watertight

b. combination waste and vent system
by the use of _. c. continuous waste system
a. a sealing compound d, durhamwasteandventsystem
b. flashing material
c. l5poundfelt Q.1024) Horizontalhublesspipeshallbebracedatnotmoret}ran
d. oakum 40-foot intervals to prevent_.
a. noise

An unconfined space is a room or space havingavolume

b. leaking
equal to at least ofthe aggregate input rating ofall c. vertical movement
tlre fueltrurning appliances in the space. d. horizontal movement
a. 10 cu. ft per btu/hr
b. 25 cu. ft per 1,000 btu/hr Q.1025) Connections between drain and floor outletplumbing
c. 50 cu. ft per 1,000 btu/hr fixtures must be made with rvhich of the following?

d. 100 cu ft per btu/hr a, mechanicalioints

Q.1015) The type of acceptable joints for PEX shali Lre _ b. electromericseal
c. schedule-40joints
a. metal insert or metal compression
d. floor flanges
b. solventcemented
c. sheildedcoupling
d" mechanical Q.1026) If ever it is impractical to install the horizontal drainage
piping following the required minimum slope due to some
Q.1016) Water closet set side by side shall be no closer tlan _ reasonable constraints, what is the least required slope that
a, 15 inches centerto center is allowed?
b, 30 inches center to center a. O.Sa/o
c. 24 inches center to center b. 1,.5Vo
d. 18 inches center to center c. Z.Ot/o

Q.1017) Pipe,ointmaterial shallbe insoluble inwater, nontoxic, and d. 1.0

a. -. tlreads only
on male q.1027) \4/hat type of sewage has not received any treatrnent?
b. on pipe tlreads and inside fittings
c. oninsidefittingthreadsonly
a. crude

d. in warm weather only

b. oxidized
c. clarified
Q.1018) Roofs, inner courts, vents shafts, lightwells, or similar
d. carbonized
areas having rainwater drains shall discharge to a _
a. outside of t]le buildingor to the gutter
Q.1028) Whattype ofvalve in a water system comt ines to protect
b. sanitarysewage system against excessive temperature and pressure build-ups?
c. private sewage disposal system
a. temperature and pressure reliefvalve
d. sump with pump discharge into the house drain
b. stopvalve
Q.1019) Manually controlled flushometer valves shall be used to c. ter,nperingvalve
flush more than
d. temperature relief valve
a. one urinal
b. two urinals
q.1029) What is a group ventpipe?
c. three urinals
d. four urinals
a. circuitvent
b. drain
q.1020) Joints in copper shower pan liners shall be _. c. continuous vent
a. burned d. cross connection
b. swaged
c. sealed with epoxy cement
Q.1030) What is the term used which implies siphonage in piping
d. soldered or brazed system?
Q.1021) The diameter ofwaste and overflow for a batltub shall not a. deoxygenation
be less than _ b. carbonation
a. 1-1/4 inches od c. vacuum
b. L-3/8 inches od d- flushing
c. 7-1/2 inches od i1
d. 1-114 inches od
Q.1031) What sewage includes the wastes from mehl and chemical
Q.1022) gutters in public shower rooms shall be sloped not less plants, oil refineries, laundries, diary plants and breweries?
than a. residential
a. Zoh h. commercial
b. 3o/o c. industrial
c. 5o/o d. institutional

Q.1023) Ahorizontal drainthatis sizedto provide free movement Q.1032) Unless prohited by structural conditions, what is the
ofair above the flow line ofthe drain is called a reference ofeach vertical vent pipes before offsett-ing
horizontally to join the stack vent or vent stack?

RyanA Escote

a. invertoftrap
b. highestflood level rim of fixture Q.1041) What system describes soil or waste system where all
c. water level inside the trap piping are ofthreaded pipe, tutring or other such rigid
construction using recessed drainage fittings to correspond
d. airgapoffixture
to the types of piping?
a. durham
Q.1033) For a discharge capacity in the excreta drainage system of
1.0 to 1.89 per second, what is its assigned equivalent
b. schulu
fixture unit when there is an intermittent flow in the c. smith
system? d. drake
d. -)

b.2 Q.1042) Whatinterior pipes are used to conveystorm water from a

c.4 roof drain to appoint of disposal?
d.6 a. Ieaders
b, conductors
Q.1034) What do you call a drainage piping tiat extends fiom the trap c. wetstacks
ofa fixture to appoint connection with another drain pipe? d. stacks
a. horizontal stack
b. branch supply Q.1043) tlVhattype ofwater closetis installed in sucha waythatit
c. trap arm does not touch tJre floor?
d. fixture drain a. hanger
b. wall-hung
Q.1035) Which of the following commonly carries both storm water c. carrier
or sewage? d. handy
a. mixed drain
b. subsoil drain Q.1044) Which of the following is a common form of protection
c. combined sewer from corrosion for pipes passing through concrete?
d, sanitary sewer a. protectiveconcreting
b. protective coating
Q.1036) Ifthe potable water supplyisbeingconnected to a non- c. protective handling
potable water source, with what reduced pressure device d. protective wrapping
should connections be made?
a. back flow preventer
Q.1045) How do you call an auxillary ventwhich provides
b. airgap additional circulation ofair in or between a drainage
c. vacuum breaker system classified?
d. doublecheckvaives a. common vent
tr. reliefvent
c. island vent
Q.1037) A device integrated within an airaccumulator vessel thatis d. branchvent
designed to discharge a predetermined quantity ofwater to
fixtures for flushing purposes is a(an)
-. Q.1046) What does NAMPAP mean
a. expansion tank
a. national master plumbing association ofthe philippines
b. surge tank
b. national agency ofmaster plumtring in the philippines
c. flushometertank
c, national master plumbers association of the philippines
d. daytank
, national
d. , _..
association of masters plumber of the
Q.1038) What device is usedto preventbackflow into a potable
water supply?
Q.1044 What tank is integral with water closet, urinal, or similar
a. backflowvalve fixtures for flushing or removing excrements in the fixture?
b. backwatervalve a. flush(correctanswer)
c. baclclvaterpreventer t,. septic
d. backflow preventer c. drain
d. cistern
Q.1039) What is the process by which suspended matter in sewage
subsidies and is deposited by gravity?
Q"1048) Whatdo youcall a receptacle installedto collectand drain
a. clarification store water from an open area?
b. filtration a. combination sewer
c. dilution b. splitdrain
d sedimentation c, area drain
d. floor drain
Q.1040) The length alongthe centerline oftle pipe and fittirgs is
the Vyhat pipe carries potable water fiom t}te water meter or
a. diagonallength other source ofwater supply to a building or other point of
use or distribution on tlre lot
b. diameter length
c. circumferentiallength a. building supply
d. developed length b. liquifier

Ryan A Escote

c, water distributor
d. waterregular

Q.1050) Which of the following types of traps allowed?

- traps which depend upon moving parts to maintain a

b. p-traps
c. crown-ventedtrap
d. bell traps




RyanA Escote

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