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Master Student

Art is more than a hobby; its a way of life
My education began two weeks after my high school graduation when the Project
Success program for the summer of 2013 at Delaware State University started. I was not
excited about this program because this program is for students that just missed the
required SAT minimum of acceptance score. To attend Delaware State University I would
spend a majority of my summer within the four walls of a English Composition I and a non
credit Mathematics classroom. By participating in this program I would not only proved that I
am capable of college by I would demolished the allusion that the SATs determine a
persons intelligence or collage potential. I paved the way for my Fall semester after
completing the Summer section of the Project Success program.
A few people inspired me to attend collage and strive for a successful future. The first person being my father. My
father went to collage and I know it would make him proud if I followed in his footsteps. The next person was an illustrator
named Alex Pardee. His work inspired me to not give up on what I not only am passionate about but what I am actually
good at. The last person was my self. I wanted to go to collage because I wanted to learn more about Art. Actually I
wanted to learn everything I could about art. Techniques, stylings, printmaking, histories, painting, sketching...ect. I
wanted to be the best which to translates to me as learning from and about the best.
I graduated in May 11th 2017 with a 3.9 grade point average and a bachelors in Art Education. The following Fall I
began my first job working as a art teacher at Lake Forest High School.
Currently I reside in New York City with my husband working as a freelance artist holding art shows in large
galleries and flying back and forth from Los Angelus, Chicago, and Philadelphia.
Im not quite sure what the future will hold me but I strive to continue creating art and possibly starting a family.
Because of all the hard work I placed into collage I am living the kind of life I have always imagined. I am successful.

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