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Over the summer of 2021, when I was in transition to go into grade 12, I decided my future
career path. I wanted to apply for a post-secondary education about architecture, more
specifically architectural and interior design. However, I was blocked by a difficult hurdle that I
had to overcome, the portfolio. I had to make a portfolio of my best artworks. It was to show
my capabilities in the subject I am applying for. I had 5–6 months to finish a minimum of 8 final
art pieces. It was something huge that I had to finish in such a short amount of time, but
everything comes with a price. I had to do it to achieve what I wanted. I applied to an art studio,
to receive guidance from a professional. From then, I went to the studio 4 times every week for
4 hours each. It was difficult to work on both schoolwork and the portfolio, but I somehow
made it through. As of now, 6 months have passed since the time I made this decision, and I am
proud of myself. I have finished applying for 5 schools and I am almost done with the last one.

Personal Relevancy
During the time I spent creating my portfolio, I had so much fun. Even though I thought it would
be something impossible to complete. I had the chance to try many new styles of art using
varied materials. By using a variety of materials, I honed skills that I already had and learned
new skills that will be useful in the future I chose to be in.

Skill Development
I used many different art materials and practiced a wide variety of art techniques. From pencils
and colored pencils to paints and markers for drawings. I had developed a steadier hand while
drawing lines and making efficient designs. Other than art skills, I also needed perseverance to
go through the hard work and I had to be responsible to work on the artworks outside studio
time to make as much progress as possible.

I had forgotten about my hobby and passion. When I was young, I would spend my free time
making legos by the direction books and by my imagination. But as I grew older, I stopped
playing with legos. As I was building my portfolio, I made some 3D models. It helped me
remember how entertaining it is to build out of my imagination and create something physical
using my hands.

Future Connections
This achievement directly connects with my future because it was something I did to follow my
career plan. I want to become an architectural designer and post-secondary education is
needed to become one. This achievement is required to apply for post-secondary. The skills I
developed from this experience is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. It will help me
significantly in the future, near and far.

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