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American Tongues Viewing Guide Questions

After viewing the video take a moment to consider your responses to the questions below. In
your response feel free to incorporate ideas from any of the other questions.
!. "hen you travel someplace outside of the region is there anything in particular people notice
about your speech#
$. %otice how word like pau hana &'work is finished( from )awaiian* snickelfrit+ &'rowdy
child( from German* and ,ambalaya &'spicy rice dish( from -rench* are used in areas where
there is fairly close contact with other languages. .an you think of other words from other
languages that are used in certain regions# "hy are certain foreign words used in some
regions and not in others#
/. )ow might you account for the differences in a dialect like 0lack 1nglish#
2. )ow have dialects been used to create stereotypes in the movies and the media#
3. The film frequently shows e4amples of pre,udices directly or indirectly related to language.
"hat are some e4amples you remember from the film# )ave you ever encountered such
pre,udices elsewhere# )ow do people feel about themselves when they are constantly told
that their dialect is inferior#
5. %ot all attitudes about local dialects are negative. In fact these dialects may serve some very
important positive functions within a community. "hat are some of the positive reasons for
using a local dialect#
6. )ow would you define '7tandard 1nglish(# "hat in the film could be used to support your
8. 7peaking a standard dialect certainly has advantages in certain settings but it can also
present a dilemma for a person in terms of local community norms. "hat are some
advantages to speaking a standard dialect# Are there any disadvantages to speaking standard
1nglish in certain conte4ts#
9. :ne of the people appearing in the film says that we 'automatically( ,udge people from the
way they talk. ;o you agree# 7uppose you get a phone call from someone you have never
met< would you form an opinion of that person based on speech#
!=. This film was produced almost $3 years ago. ;o you think the various attitudes found in the
film can still be found in American society today#

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