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Contingency Plan

Location: Media Studio

Props: Drugs/Sofa/Macs/Lamp/Space-hoppers/Mirrors/Rucksack

Talent: Actor/Actresses

Contingency Situation 1: Actor/Actress does not arrive
Response 1: Telephone him/her on mobile check his estimated time of arrival.
Response 2: Postpone filming day, and change it.
Response 3: Find an immediate replacement.

Contingency Situation 2: Band doesnt arrive
Response 1: Call them if they have not contacted us about their whereabouts.
Response 2: Postpone shoot day if necessary.
Response 3: Re-arrange the day for filming.

Contingency Situation 3: Filming location is double booked
Response 1: Find out when the location will be available for our use.
Response 2: Arrange another date that we can film.
Response 3: Re-locate our filming to another location.

Contingency Situation 4: Injured actors/band members
Response 1: Carry around a medical kit and try to treat injuries.
Response 2: Take actor/actress to hospital as soon as possible to get treatment
depending on the severity of the injury.
Response 3: Replace the actor with a member of our group and re-film any parts that
the injured actor appeared in close ups.

Contingency Situation 5: Broken equipment
Response 1: Attempt to fix the problem ourselves.
Response 2: Get a replacement as soon as possible.
Response 3: Take it to a professional to get the equipment fixed.

Contingency Situation 6: Unavailable instruments
Response 1: Check is schools music department has spare instruments.
Response 2: Postpone shoots until instruments become available.

Contingency Situation 7: Disruptive noise in the corridors
Response 1: Close the door and re-film the shot.
Response 2: Momentarily close-off the corridor while filming if noise persists.

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