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THE 3 Rs

1. Here you have some ideas that you can do to reduce, reuse or recycle.
Classify them into one of these 3 Rs

1. Buy and use less ..

2. Buy bottles that can be used again
3. Take a reusable bag when you to the supermarket
4. Try to repair something before buying a new one
5. Throw the paper you use to the blue container
6. Donate the clothes you dont want .
7. Throw the cans to the yellow container
8. Turn off the tap when you dont need the water
9. Take showers instead of baths
10. Turn off the lights when you leave a room .
11. Separate the organic food and throw it into the brown container
12. Use papers from both sides ..
13. Make new items from old or broken things .
14. Throw the glass items into the green container
15. Swap books, toys, clothes with your friends

2.Write a definition of:

- Reduce:

- Reuse:

- Recycle:

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