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Juarez 1

Diana Juarez
Professor Jorgenson
English 114 B
10 May 2014
Left Behind
Adam, Get up. Youre late! I hear my mother yell out from a far. I open my eyes
and look up and around into the void of an empty room. With a sigh in my breathe I launch
myself from my bed to hurry out the door. As I enter the kitchen I see Suzy sitting on the table
with her face stuffed with oatmeal. My mother was across the room brewing fresh herbs into
medicine for Mayor Stone. Mayor Stone is tall man and unlike that most people in the town, he
is obviously fed well. Hes always buying some type of medicine from my mother, even though
hes healer than a horse.
As I enter the room, I say with sarcasm in my voice, Well Good Morning my family,
Isnt today a great day. My mother looks up and at my direction with a glare in her green eyes,
knowing that today was the opposite of great. I kiss my sweet little sister on the head and my
mother on the cheek and say I off. Not allowing her to say a word.
As Im half way out the door I hear my mother yell out, Take Care Now! Oh and make
sure you come home. You hear! I walk down the narrow road leading into town with my
mothers words lingering in my head. The suns rays beaming through the branches the oak trees
lined up on both sides of the road. I look up and see the stillness of the air and the life around me.
I imagine of the world my mother told stories about. A time when technology ruled and war was
but history, I try to picture the crafts soaring through the sky as if they were driving on this the
very same road I walked on. I kept walking to the edge of town where Jake was waiting for me;
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Jake is my best friend and the son of mayor Stone. He and I have been friends for as long as
could remember, despite him being couple of years younger than me.
As I approached Jake his light brown hair shined gold in the morning rays as he
waved me to hurry up. When I finally get to him I smile and say with a smirk, Why dont you
look cheerful. Happy to get rid of me are you? Shut up youre not going anywhere. I bet you
fail your evaluation. he says with his smile fading away. I look to the road in front of us and
say, Well lets just hope I do just that. As silence fall upon us. Jake says, Come on lets go
were going to be late, again! hitting slightly on the shoulder.
We walk down to the training camp where all ages between 14 and 19 were obligated
to go for surviving and fighting tactics. After World War Sector what was once a country
became separate republics with their own individual laws and military power. Once you're
nineteen the Pennsylvania Republics Militia captains come from Philadelphia and evaluate if
you're fit to serve in its militia. I was the top of my age group meaning that I was a shoo in
despite I never really cared for fighting.
Jake and I finally arrived at the gates. As we walked in I caught a glimpse of Katherine
Andrews; Not only was she beautiful she was also one of the most skilled fighters in the camp
aside from me. Jake saw me looking at her and said, Why dont you man up and ask her out.
Youve been madly in love with her since we were kids. This might be your last chance. I sigh
and say, I am not madly in love with her. And besides you know Id like to. But every time I get
near her I I ...I dont what happens to me. Im just a fool around her. Jake just laughs at the
We walked in to find all the senior trainees lining up for their evaluations. One by one we
were called to face the captains. Unlike the others I wasnt nervous I just really didnt care if I
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did well. I knew if I tried my best I would most likely pass and have to leave my family and
thats the last thing I wanted. So as carelessly and effortlessly as I could went through the
evaluation. Despite my efforts I got top scores, yet unlike many others I was able to go home. It
was a shock. I didnt know why but I didnt question it. I walked out of those gates with Jake like
every day as if nothing of that day happened.
As we walked out I notice a crowd in front of the camps gates. It seemed like everyone
who went through the evaluation had someone waiting for them outside of the gates. I saw Mr.
and Mrs. Andrews hugging Katherine as if they havent seen her in years. As I watched families
all around me I suddenly felt a pair of tiny arms surrounding my waist. I looked down and see
that its Suzy. I pat her head and say, You didnt think I was going to leave you all alone did
you? Remember squirt I made you a promise She cuts me off and says, Always together
Right? I sigh and say, Yeah thats right. Now lets go home. When we got home I saw my
mom waiting at the door in a frantic panic. She didnt realize that my sister had left the house.
She was so angry yet happy to know that I came home.
Two days passed before my mother finally stop giving Suzy grief for leaving like that. I
mean I cant blame my mom for acting the way she did. Its too dangerous for girls like Suzy to
be walking alone. You see there is a rebel army two towns over always looking for small kids to
take and make into either slaves or soldiers. Ten to thirteen year olds like my sister are the ideal
age since they arent required to attend the training camp yet. It happened couple of months ago
to several boys from town. No one has heard anything from them since. My moms afraid that
will happen to Suzy, so she never really lets out of her sight.
Now that Im nineteen and didnt get taken by the militia I had to look for a job. I wasnt
very liked in town I didnt know why. I think it had to do with my father, he left just before my
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sister was born. I was only six. I dont really remember him. All I know it that his name is like a
taboo in Anderson. So being his son I had always been looked down upon. I use to hate the town
for the same reason, but as I grew older I made friends and learned to ignore those who disliked
I walked to the center of town where most of the shops were I asked every single one
but no one would give me a job for some reason or other. I was finally going to give up when I
saw a flyer in front of the trading post the Andrews ran. Bounty Hunters Wanted. my eyes
brightened up, I pulled the flyer and asked Mr. Andrews, Excuse me, do you know who I talk to
for the hunting job? Mr. Andrews looks up and says, Mayor Stone. Hes the one who
commissions the towns hunters. I smile and run off saying Thank You!
I go to Jakes house to talk to Mayor Stone about the job, at first he wasnt too keen to
the idea considering how young I am. I partly think it had to do with who my mother was. My
mother was an ex-solider in the U.S. Marines, way back when there was a United States. She
was a combat trainer and before Suzy was born she trained those in the camp. So everyone knew
not to make her angry. So Mayor Stone was hesitant but in the end he allowed it after a few
hours of pleading. I knew this job wasnt going to be easy hunting is a very dangerous job
especially for the inexperience.
That next morning I wake up to a lonely home. I found it odd but I gave no importance to
it. As I got ready I heard gun shots from a distance coming from town. I grabbed my jacket and
ran towards town. Ten minutes later I get to the town square where I see chaos all around me. I
see my mother screaming. I run to her and ask, Where is Suzy!? I shook her as she said
hysterically, They took her! They took her! Adam, Drakes rebels took her! All I could say is,
Ill bring her back. I promise. Ill get her back. Now go get somewhere safe.
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I run towards the training camp in look for Jake and some weapons. When I get to the
camp on the other side of town I see Jake passed out on the ground. Jake! Jake! Are you okay?
Coughing he says Yeah Im fine but...Adam they took your girl. Wide eye I say Katherine!?
Are you sure? Yeah, Yeah. I try to stop them but they were just too many of them. Katherine
couldnt even fight them all off by herself. he says. They took my sister too. Im going after
them. I want you to take care of my mom for me while Im gone. I say. He looks at me and just
chuckles then says, Do you really think Im going to let you go after Dakes men by yourself?
No. Those guys are ruthless; you dont stand a chance by yourself. I dont care if you were the
top of the class. Im going with you. I simply smile say, Fine. Lets go.
We run into the arms vault and grab the weapons then took the two fasted horses we can
find. It took three days until we caught a sign of Drakes Army. Drake was region's most wanted
man. He was the leader of the rebel armies in the Pennsylvania Republic. No one really knows
where he came from; just that he was a ruthless man. When we finally found the rebels camp we
found ourselves surrounded by rebels. It seemed like the saw us coming and set a trap for us. I
managed to escape and hid in the nearby forest. Jake was sadly captured in the process.
I waited in the forest till the sun went down then made my way into the rebels camp.
I was able to sneak all the way into wear the kept their captives. I killed the guard in the front of
the tent by sliding his throat, even though I had the training I never really ever killed anyone
before. At that moment I froze and someone managed to come behind me and knock me out.
When I came to I was in a tent different from the captives tent. Thats when someone
says, Im impressed. No one has been able to sneak this far into my camp. Whats your name?
I say without looking up, Adam Jackson. Your Danielas boy? the man voice says with a
surprising tone. I was startled at the fact that he mentioned my mother. How do you know my
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mom? I asked. For a split second I heard nothing thats when the mans voice says Well how
do I put this...she was, well she was my wife. Im Drake Jackson. Your Father.
NO! You cant be! No my father cant be a murderer! I said shockingly. I look up and
look into the piercing grey eyes of the man whose blood runs through my veins. The Man who
has killed and kidnapped so many, including my own sister. Understanding why everyone in
Anderson treated me with discontent. I was a splitting image of him and everyone knew it.
I stare at him for a moment then just burst into tears yelling, NO! NO! NO! IT CANT BE! you
cant Drake cuts me off and says, Believe it or not thats the truth. Im your father. Now tell
me, why are you here? Suzy. You have Suzy. Your men attacked Anderson three days ago
and took her. I came to I say before he cut me off and says, My baby girl. Suzy. It cant be
Anderson is off limits. I laugh and say Well then someone defied the all-powerful Drake. Now
let my sister and the people from Anderson go! He looks at me and walks out.
As he leaves I manage to get the knife hidden in the sole of my boot and cut myself
free. I grab my weapons that were lying on the table beside me and go to the captive tent. I fight
my way through everyone that got in my way. Almost everyone there was not older than me.
Barely men. Most of them were probably boys kidnapped and brained washed into fighting for
the rebels.
When I finally get to the tent I see my father coming out with Suzy by his side. I yell
out, Let her go you bastard! swinging my sword at him. He pushes Suzy out of the way pulling
his sword to defend himself. Adam Stop! I dont want to hurt you... he says. I punch him
before he could get another word out. I grab Suzy and ask her, Where are the others? she hugs
me and says, Theyre all in the middle of the camp. I was kept behind for some reason. She
stops and sighs Is that man really who he says he is? Is he our I stopped her from finishing
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and tell her, Even if he is. Hes been dead to us for the last ten years. Now come on lets go save
the others. I pull her away.
We get to the center of the camp where everyone who was captured was being put into
wagons. I run toward them knocking anyone in my way. When Jake yells out, Adam stop! They
arent the bad guys here! Jakes words stop me at my feet. I put my sword down. Jake walks up
to me and explains everything to me. How the government is the one kidnapping children
making it seem like it the doing of rebels. Forcing children into slavery as workers in south
lands. He explained that my father and others fight to free those kidnapped.
And Adam...My father, my father was the one who ordered the attack on Anderson.
Anderson has been where all the money from each kidnapping ends up. Thats why my father
and I live so luxuriously compared to the rest. says Jake with shame in his voice. I put my hand
in his shoulder and say, Thats not your fault. We dont choose our parents. Now what are we
going to do about this? My father cuts me off and says Youre not going to do anything.
Youre going to take Suzy here and everyone back to Anderson. Let us handle it. You just make
sure you dont say anything that you learned here today.
But dad! You cant expect me to sit by and do nothing. I say. Adam! Its too
dangerous. He says. He continues to say, Look Adam. Just knowing this makes you a target.
Thats why I left. To keep you, Suzy and your mom safe. Now I want you to go and take care of
your mom and sister for me. I look at him with admiration and sadness and say Fine. Ill take
everyone back to Anderson, but Im coming back. To fight alongside of you. Dont try to stop
me; Im not going to change my mind. My father realized that no matter what he said I wasnt
going to listen and gave in.
Im staying too! I hear someone yell out. I look to who it was and see it was
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Katherine. NO! Youre not. This is no place for you. I say. Her eyes staring right at me she
says Try and stop me. I didnt even try and argue. I knew it was pointless. She way to stubborn
to listen. Others decide to stay as well. I told Jake to take Suzy and the other young ones back
home and tell everyone that they were the only ones that managed to escape. Jake, tell my mom
Im with my father. That I love her but this is where I belong. Oh and Jake take care of them for
me. I say.
I set Suzy on the wagon and say my goodbyes, Now listen squirt, we will always
be together. No matter how far apart we are...You got that. I set them off not letting her say a
word. As they leave Katherine stands beside me and says, So were left behind. I look straight
into the empty road and say Yeah I guess we are...Left Behind.

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