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Chari Mayes

1 February 2014
Period 7

Assignment: Look up the definition of respect and, in a Word document,
write it down. Then describe ways you have acted respectfully or
disrespectfully during the week.
1. esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability,
or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability
2. the condition of being esteemed or honored
Respect can be shown in many forms and can be given to anyone of any age. One moment
throughout the week when I demonstrated respect was when my sister told me that my sweater
was ugly. Even though I thought my sweater was gorgeous I respected her opinion and simply
said thank you Maya. Another time when I was respectful was when my friend and I were
debating on a topic. I was urged to get my point across but I patiently waited for her to finish
because I was showing her that I was listening and I cared about what she was saying. Rather I
agreed with her or not it is important to give her the respect she deserved. It is very rare that I am
disrespectful but I am human so of course it happens. This week my mother was fussing at me
about helping my sister with her homework. I had my own homework to do and I was stressed
enough. I told her that not realizing that I was being rude and disrespectful. Respect is a common
courtesy. It should be given no matter the circumstances. Respect must be given in order to be
received. If everyone is contributing their respect to the world then we will be at peace.
Assignment: Watch the Attitude in the Workplace video. Then in the
same Word document as the previous Respect assignment, write down at
least 5 positive things (strengths) you can think about yourself, as well as
identifying at least 2 negatives (weaknesses). After youve identified you
strengths and weaknesses, write a mantra (look it up) that you can live by
each day.
Positive (strengths):
1. No matter the circumstance I have a smile on my face
2. I am able to put differences aside and communicate with my peers on a respectful manner
3. I have a great personality
4. I carry leadership qualities and I act on them, therefore; I am a leader
5. I am respectfully blunt

Chari Mayes
1 February 2014
Period 7

Negative (weaknesses):
1. I can sometimes be demanding
2. I do not always consider others ideas because I am confident in my own
1. often repeated expression or idea: an expression or idea that is repeated, often without
thinking about it, and closely associated with something
My Mantra: Let your weakness be you strength to get through the conflict. Never let the conflict
take your strength and create a weakness.
-Chari Mayes

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