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What human actions affect the balance of an environment

It is so important balance because a total biome can change without one resource it needs
like for example if one biome doesnt get enough rain for its plants the plants can grow and other
species of plants can grow. Another reason it is important is because if the biome changes a lot of
animals can become extinct.
Some ways humans affect the balance in biomes is by maybe like overhunting that it can
make some animals extinct or endangered. Also they can do login and that can make that animals
lose their homes. Another way it can affect is that they can make some fires like it happens on
It is important that we take action because4 if not all the biomes in the world can be
totally changed and billions of species of animals can become extinct or endangered. Some things
we can do are to stop login because if not many animals can die and also we can do less hunting to
keep a balance in the populations of animals.

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