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abandoned drechtach (drechtae)

abandoning (a place, thing or person) fcbil (a)

abandoning legitimate line of succession lne
abandoning tradition lne
abandoning indirge
abandoning liciud
abandonment dirge
abandons dlsid (dles)
abandons do-rig 1 (a)
abandons do-lci III
abandons druitid (d) (drut)
abandons irgid (h) a(s)
abandons fo-ceird (cuirid), do-beir druim(m) IV (e)
abandons in-drig
abandons licid
abasement sliugud
abases (?) fo-beir (a)
abases derilid (deril)
abases deriligid (deril)
abases insligid (insel)
abasing dorugad (dor)
abasing insliugud
abatement maithemnas
abates (intrans.) do-airindi II (b)
abates (trans. and fig.) do-airindi I (b)
abates do-tuit 1 (b)
abates frithbailid
abates sligidir (sel)
abates maelaid (mael)
abates maelaigid (mael)
abates maithid
abating maithem
abbatial luamda (luam)
abberration merbal(l)
abbess abatisa
abbot ap 1 (a)
abbotship apdainecht = adpaine
abbreviation athchummairecht (athchummair)
abdomen blonac
abdomen br 1 (a)
abdomen bruinne (b) (br 1)
abdomen medn
abducting (?) fothla(e)
abducting fatach (also ftach ?)
abduction fochsal (foxal) (b)
abducts fo-tien vx tlenaid
abducts lm
aberrance folaimnige
aberration ccall
aberration meraige (mer)
aberration merballach (merbal)

abhorrence distin
abhorrence fath
abhors adathaigid
abhors fathaigid (fath)
abides anaid 1 (a)
abides drbaid (drb)
abides feidligidir (feidil 1)
abides foaid (c)
abiding (?) fois
abiding by airisem for
abiding folk foss (fos)
abiding comnaide
abiding drb (a)
abiding fossad
abiding-place manir
ability accmaing (b)
ability cemachtu
ability clistecht (cliste)
ability commus (b)
ability cumang 1
ability forcumang
abjures fo-ceird (cuirid), do-beir druim(m) IV (e)
abjures fris-toing
ablative case (gramm.) dupartach (b) (dupart)
ablative case fochsal (foxal) (d)
ablaze lasad
able (?) aipil
able (person) folaid
able to be traversed imthechta
able to beget idna, indna
able to fly etegail I
able to perform feats monach (mon)
able to perform tricks monach (mon)
able to see faicsenach (faicsin)
able coimsech 2 (commus)
able commusach (commus)
able cuimgech (cumang 1)
able tir, ter 1
able fedmmar (feidm)
able imm-cumaing
able murrach
able-bodied (?) fedmach (feidm)
ablution dnech 2 (a)
abode (oft. of a chiefs residence) domgnas, domnas (dom + gns)
abode in general imdae
abode 1 adba
abode aite 2
abode rus
abode bruig (c)
abode domsod
abode drb (b)

abode etsad, estad, autsad, itsad (b)
abode fossad
abode fuiriud, -ed
abode inotacht
abolishes do-lega
abominable aditig
abominable distinech (distin)
abominating aditched
abomination (?) cuillend
abortion in cattle forleg, farrleg
abounding in (?) waggons fnach (fn)
abounding in [little] trees (?) fidnach (fid)
abounding in acorns dercnach (dercu)
abounding in ale = hospitable coirmech (cuirm)
abounding in ale cormach (cuirm)
abounding in animals mlach (ml)
abounding in animals mlta (ml)
abounding in beasts bledech (bled)
abounding in brakes muinech (muine)
abounding in cattle mlta (ml)
abounding in cups ? anach
abounding in drinking-cups bleidech (bleide)
abounding in ducks lachnach (lachu)
abounding in faggots calach (cal)
abounding in feasts fledmar (fled)
abounding in firewood calach (cal)
abounding in fish bratnach (bratn)
abounding in fish ascach (asc)
abounding in flocks eltach 1 (elta 1)
abounding in foliage duillech (a) (duille)
abounding in food badmar (biad)
abounding in game mlta (ml)
abounding in graves lechtach (lecht)
abounding in holy men rlamach (rlam)
abounding in horsewhips echlascach
abounding in hosts (?) dnech 1 (dne)
abounding in islands ailnach (ailn)
abounding in little lakes lochnach (lochn)
abounding in mast mesta (mes)
abounding in mead medach
abounding in milk lachtmar (lacht)
abounding in monsters bledech (bled)
abounding in oaks dairbrech I (dairbre)
abounding in oaks dairech II (dair)
abounding in patron saints rlamach (rlam)
abounding in pools linnmar (linn)
abounding in produce mothach
abounding in provisions fuirigech
abounding in rapidly flowign streams es(s)ach (es 3)
abounding in river-mouths inberach (inber)
abounding in roots frmach (frm)

abounding in salmon bratnach (bratn)
abounding in salmon icnech 2 (icne)
abounding in salmon icnedach
abounding in salmon maigrech
abounding in scrub? muinech (muine)
abounding in shoots or branches (freq. epithet of woods) flescach I (flesc 1)
abounding in sloes irnech (irne)
abounding in treasures disech (dis)
abounding in tree-fruit mesta (mes)
abounding in trees bilech 2 (bile 1)
abounding in trees fidach I (fid)
abounding in trout breccach (brecc 2)
abounding in waterfalls es(s)ach (es 3)
abounding in whales bledech (bled)
abounding in wheat cruithnechtach (cruithnecht)
abounding in wild garlic cremach (crem)
abounding in yews ibrach (ibar)
abounding in imdugud
abounding with calves legach (leg)
abounding imdae
abounds (?) ercaid 1 (b)
abounds do-lin (b)
abounds imdaigid(ir) (imdae)
abounds indbadaigid (indbad)
about (of approx. time of an occurrence) fo, fa, f II (l)
about (of stories, books, reading etc.) ar 1 II (i)
about on imm, imb
about spine imdruim
about to engage in fri
about to agad
about to los
about amair
about icin II (b)
about fo, fa, f I (f)
about i n-airthimchell (timchell)
about imm, imb
about imm, imb
about imthimchell
about los
above (in a book) anas (d) (s 1)
above clouds ? fornlach (fornl)
above her (?) ? fortius
above anas (a) (s 1)
above anasan = anasana
above s 2 = s 1
above for
above for-t
Abraham Abracham
abridgement cuimbriugud
abroad immach > ammach
abroad immaig

abrogates do-aithbig, -boing (a)
abrogates imm-fuich (imb-fo-fich)
abrogates imm-si
abrogating contracts imfoichid, imfochaid
abrogating covenants imfoichid, imfochaid
Absalom Absaln
Absalom Absoln var Abisoln
abscess aillsiu
absconder (from law or legal obligations) ldach, -dach, -dach II (b) (ld)
absconds (legal) as-lu (b)
absconds (legal) laid, -id, -id, -id
absconds fo-luathar
absence from home deoraidecht, -adacht (deorad)
absence of evidence ainfadnaise (fadnaise)
absence of inflection ainrimm (1 rimm)
absence of lenition lommad
absence of liability ? indlse (indles)
absence of reasonable cause indeithbire (indeithbir)
absence of reasonable cause indeithbirius (indeithbir)
absence of sickness dgal(l)rae (galrae)
absence dth (b)
absence cmais I
absence cndairc 1 II
absence cndarcus
absence ingnas
absent (CW) cenathe
absent from ingnas
absent cndairc 1 I
absinth aipsint
absolution absolid
absolution esbalit
absorbent ibthech
absque inchenadid
abstaining loccad
abstaining from fuirech
abstaining abstanugud
abstains from licid
abstains loccaid (locc)
abstemious antech (2 an)
abstemiousness antige (antech)
abstinence from food ainmne (b)
abstinence abstanait
abstinent abstainech
abstract cummair (com + berr)
abstracts dthlid (dthle)
abstracts focoisle (a)
abundance (?) dramm
abundance (?) fl 3
abundance (?) ls (lth)
abundance ? barc
abundance ? imdatus (?imda)

abundance ? mr
abundance all round, O little band of reapers ? meithln
abundance of conveniencesxxx airechaib
abundance of food imbed, imbad
abundance of reward ilar
abundance of riches imbed, imbad
abundance of tonsures ? immadus (?immad)
abundance of wealth imbed, imbad
abundance of wine fnmaire
abundance accmaing (d)
abundance briugas (briugu)
abundance cip (b)
abundance dgainde (dgaind)
abundance dgaindecht (dgaind)
abundance fairsinge (b)
abundance fsach 3 (fs 2)
abundance fala
abundance flirse
abundance foril, furil, (fulir)
abundance il(l)rad (ilar)
abundance ilar
abundance ilardacht (ilardae)
abundance imbed, imbad
abundance imdae
abundance imdugud
abundance immadamlacht (immadamail)
abundance imrl (imb-ro-l)
abundance imsitiu
abundance intlem
abundance ln
abundance ler
abundance lomnn
abundance mann
abundance mr
abundant yield of milk blichtmaire (blichtmar)
abundant inbech (b)
abundant blicht 2
abundant flirsech
abundant fras
abundant fras-, frais-
abundant ilardae (ilar)
abundant imdae
abundant lnmar (ln)
abundant lnmar (ln)
abundant lrda (lr)
abundantly immarcach (immarca)
abuse (?) doible
abuse esmail(t)
abuse imlat
abuse malartchae
abuses aithisigid(ir) (aithis)

abusing imchined
abusive airbirech (airbire)
abusive aithisech (aithis)
abusive dothengthach (tengae)
abusive maslach
abusive maslaigthech
abysmal duibecnach (duibecn)
abyss aibis
abyss crn
acacia acasia
accelerates latha(ig)id (lath)
accelerating lath(ug)ad
accent aiccend
accents with acute accent acuitigidir
acceptability (?< CW) airitniche
acceptable ? ingablach
acceptable comchirte
accepting (a process of law) air\.femad
accepting airitiu (b)
accepting femachtain
accepting femad, emad
accepts (ill-treatment) ar-fom (c)
accepts (ill-treatment, etc) fo-eim, -fom, fem (c)
accepts law daimid II
accepts the faith creitid
accepts ar-eim
accepts ar-fom (a)
accepts do-fcaib I (n)
accepts fo-eim, -fom, fem (a)
accepts for-fom vx ar-fom, fo-eim
accident aiccidit
accident amantur (a)
accidental aicdech
accommodating isech (is)
accommodation for the night feis(s) 2, fess (b)
accommodation ingaire (ingar)
accomodated dchomadasaigthe (comadas)
accomodated dochumlechtigthi
accomodation iostas
accomodation loisdmed
accompanied by archangels archainglech (archaingel)
accompanies (?) do-im(m)tht
accompanies in song fo-acain
accompanies cemthechtaid 2 (comthecht)
accompanies comthanaid
accompanies con-itet
accompanies con-imthet
accompanies con-tat
accompanies dechraid 3 I (dechair)
accompanies do-comthet
accompaniment (CW) coimitechtas (coimitecht)

accompaniment cuitechta (con + techt 1 or 2)
accompaniments fosair
accompanying coimitecht (c)
accompanying comair (a)
accompanying comlenmain
accomplice comlthar (lthar)
accomplices comlucht (lucht)
accomplish in theft comgataige (gataige)
accomplish confaeltis
accomplished (of person) cerdach (cerd 1)
accomplished airbertach (a) (airbert)
accomplished fthacda
accomplished forbaide
accomplished lr
accomplishes foirbrigid
accomplishing imfolang, imfulang
accomplishment cerd 1 (b)
accomplishment lm
accord comchtfaid (com + ctfaid)
accordance coib(f)innt(ech)us
accordant with reason dligthech (a) (dliged)
accordant with rule dligthech (a) (dliged)
according to crime and age imchommus
according to rank madaigecht
according to the most expert knowledge we could find il
according to the number of the tribe imbed, imbad
according to the sense of the judge ? inchalla
according to the will of an idolater working magic dal, dol
according to their fashions imdnam
according to 1 adas
according to 1 ar
according to de 1, di
according to fo, fa, f II (g)
according to fri
according to imchommus
according to la
according to leth
accordingly amein (b)
accordingly amlaid 1 (a) sin
accordingly dano II
accordingly aru
accords to daimid IV
accosting frithchomarc
account irem (f)
account aithris (a)
account cominnisin (indisin)
account cuntas
account indisin
account? indas
accounting for frecra(e)
accounting for indrithne, indrichne

accounts as do-gn II (j) mr (bec, etc.) de
accounts do-rmi (d)
accoutrement bert 1 II (beirid)
accoutrement escrimm
accoutrements ada(e) II (b)
accrues folethaid vx folethnaid, -naigid
accumulates (?) ar-said (b) (saidid)
accuracy in calculating or estimating foimsige
accuracy of aim airmaisnige (airmaisnech)
accuracy bechta 3 (becht)
accuracy certus (cert 1)
accurate (?) frithgrind ?
accurate becht
accurate bechta 2 = becht
accursed ainfechtnach (fechtnach)
accursed contrachtach (contracht)
accursed escainte
accursed mallachta(e)
accursed mallachtach
accursed mallachtnach
accursed miscadach (miscaid)
accusation dtil
accusation iligud II
accusation imchossat
accusation ltechus (ltech)
accusation lud
accusative case insid 2 (ad-nessa)
accused person lthech (lii/d, lud)
accuser iligtheir
accuses (?) ar-reith
accuses (CW) cosatid
accuses (trans.) cintaigid II (cin)
accuses ad-gair
accuses cairigid(ir) (caire)
accuses dtilid (dtil)
accuses cndaigidir, cn(d)aigid II
accuses iligid I
accuses ilmid
accuses ilmigid
accuses lamnaid (lamain)
accuses lii/d > ld
accusing x to y cosat (a) x fri y
accusing insem
accusing cairiugad
accusing cintugad (b)
accusing cndach II
accusing iligud II
accusing imchossat
accusing immardad
accusing lud
accustomed surroundings el 1 I (c)

accustomed to slander cunnamain 1
accustoms oneself to clechtaid (clecht 1)
achievement ? indrem, indram
achieves reputation do-gn enech 1, ainech II (a)
achieves for-fen
achieving airmaisniugad = airmaisiu
acidic aigidide (aigd)
acidity aigidecht (aigd)
acknowledement of ownership (legal) aititiu (a)
acknowledement of transaction (legal) aititiu (a)
acknowledement aititiu (b)
acknowledged (?) ardata
acknowledgement aititnech 2 = aititiu (?)
acknowledger atmach
acknowledges (?) (legal) fasitnigid (fasitiu)
acknowledges (?) fasmigid
acknowledges ad-daim
acknowledges aitit(ig)id = aititnigid
acknowledges aititnigid (aititiu)
acknowledges ditnid (ditiu)
acknowledges fasmid 1
acknowledges fo-sisedar
acknowledging (an obligation, etc.) (legal) fasitiu (c)
acknowledging (fully?) comd(e)itiu (ditiu)
acknowledging (legal) fasitnigud
acknowledging in concert comatmil (atmil)
acknowledging aititiugad
acknowledging atmil
acknowledging atmlach (atmil)
acknowledgment comd(e)itiu (ditiu)
acme dcenn 1 (c) (d + cenn)
acme druim(m)chlae (c)
acme forba, forbae
acme mullach (mul)
acolyte 2 aclaid(e)
acolyte caindleir (a)
acolyte clirech (c)
acorn (CW) aiss
acorn crop corthmes
acorn daurgne
acorn dercu
acorn mesc (mes)
acorn-bearing dercnach (dercu)
acorns dairge
acquaintance (with a person or thing) el 1 I (a)
acquaintance with aithentas (aithnid 3)
acquaintance with etargne I
acquaintance aithnid 3 II (aithne 2)
acquaintance elas, eulas (a)
acquainted with (way, place, person, etc.) olach, ulach (b)
acquainted with el 1 II

acquainted aithnid 3 I (aithne 2)
acquainted muintremail
acquired craft elada, elatha (a)
acquired knowledge ecna(e) 1 I
acquired learning foglaimm (b)
acquired skill elada, elatha (a)
acquires do-fcaib I (m)
acquires logaid
acquiring ? arumthoracht
acquiring airec (a)
acquiring t 2
acquiring ftachtain
acquiring logad
acquisition logad
acquisitive cns(t)uigthech
acre acra
acred acrach
acrobat clesamnach II (clesamain)
acrobatics clesaigecht (a) (clesaige)
acrochordones cocorrinds
across 1 ar
across airtharsna (tarsna)
across ar (dar) farlat
across ar (dar) farut
across for
act ? icht
act of aiding fortacht
act of answering frecairt vx frecrae
act of answering frecra(e)
act of ascending fresgabl
act of attacking ? fuba
act ofmaintaining imfastad, imfostad, imfastd
act 2 acht
act acta
act imbert
acting with a view to benefitting another lesugud
acting with a view to remedying a situation lesugud
acting with a view to repairing lesugud
acting without asking permission imbert
acting 1 gnm
acting imbert
action 1 gnm
action 2 acht
action abras (a)
action bert 1 III (a) (beirid)
action gnmugd
action imlad
action(s) maill(e) (d)
active (?) banda 2 (bann 1?)
active (?) bertach (bert 1)
active (?) dinmech 2 (dnum)

active (?) fedmach (feidm)
active and eager luithe = lithech
active life achtil
active part in crime lm
active verb 1 gnm
active voice 1 gnm
active voice gnthech
active warrior engnamaid (engnam)
active ? gnthe
active achtlta
active ith 1 I (c)
active bodae (a) (bo)
active bresta (bres 1)
active daith 1
active fobaid
active foidmen (-min)
active fras
active fras-, frais-
active fadrach
active gestlach, geslach (gestal)
active gnthech
active gnmach (1 gnm)
active gnmarthach (gnmrad)
active gnmchtach
active grot 1
active imladailech (imladail)
active lagaillech (lagal)
active lamnach, laimnech (lamain)
active lthbasach (lthbas)
active monarach (monar)
active? desclach (descol?)
activity (?) ? gnmcha (gnmach)
activity (?) lth
activity 1 gnm
activity coibled 2
activity corrugad
activity feras (fer)
activity fadar
activity gnmaige (gnmach)
activity imlad
activity imlad
activity lagal
activity ls (lth)
acts (intrans.) do-gn III (a)
acts according to the wish or advice of do-gn III (b) ar
acts as fosterer to altram(m)aid 1 (altramm)
acts daringly litmigid (litmech)
acts deceitfully fellaid (fell 1)
acts harshly borbaigid (borb)
acts in the interest of les
acts roughly gairigid (1 gaire)

acts rudely borbaigid (borb)
acts towards (mod.) do-gn III (c) le (r)
acts gnid
acts gnmaigid (gnm)
acts gnmrad
actual corpthae, -dae
actual driuch (c)
actually a bunad (f) (bun 1)
actually darrib
acumen fige (fig)
acute (?) finnitnech
acute (fig. of mental and moral qualities) fig (f)
acute (of mental powers) ith 1 I (b)
acute accent acuit
acute aicbil
acute fachda
acute glicc
acuteness graigecht (gr)
ad fri
adage derbrosc
Adam Adam
Adam`s gift idnacul
adamant adamas
adamant-stone adamaint
Adamnn Adamnn
adapts ar-cuibdig (cubaid)
adapts cuibdigid(ir) (cubaid)
addicted to concubinage lennnda (lennn)
adding (?, CW) coicelta (con-ceil)
adding to forrm
adding to fuilled, -iud, -ned
addition of a vowel at the end of a word deichned (b)
addition barr 1 (j)
addition bisech
addition comman (d) (com + man)
addition fuilled, -iud, -ned
addition imthrmach
additional (?) company fordm
additional (?) letter forfid
additional (?)retinue fordm
additional branch of a tribe forgabul (gabul)
additional building ?* fortech
additional business fordl (-dil)
additional fine exacted by the chief forbach (-bech)
additional fine armbrethemnas
additional hostageship (?) airgallnae (gallnae)
additional judgement armbrethemnas
additional labour foropair
additional name comainm (a) (ainmm)
additional name forslondud
additional number forrm

additional period of stay (on distress) athanad (anad)
additional pledge (?) forgiallna
additional population fortath (tath)
additional price forlg
additional securities (?) armacc (macc 2?)
additional service (?) airgallnae (gallnae)
additional st ? forst
additional stock forrath (rath)
additional tribute fothril
additional value forlg
additional verses fordl (-dil)
additions of falsehood fuillmed
address acallam: accallam, agailt
address air\.fuigell (c) (fuigell)
addresses ad-gldathar
addressing acallam: accallam, agailt
adds for-maig
adds to do-lna
adds to eillgid
adds to forfuillid
adds to fuillid
adds to mtaigid (mit)
adds do-formaig (b)
adds imm-trmaig
adduces (of an author) do-beir I (g)
adduces (of arguments, facts, etc.) beirid I (b)
adequacy coimse
adequate reason deithbire 1 (deithbir 1)
adequate supply lrtu
adequate lr
adherent aurraidecht (aurrae)
adherent lorgaire (lorg)
adherent muinter
adherents duine
adherents muinter
adheres (?) dofoglen
adheres to (?) gaibid
adheres to 2 adraid
adheres to ad-len
adheres to attobi, atobi (ad-tobi)
adheres to dechraid 3 II (dechair)
adheres to do-glen
adheres to gaibid
adheres to lenaid
adheres 2 gledid (2 gled)
adheres fo-glen
adheres glenaid
adhering (?) gledal
adhering (?) glenail
adhering (to) len(a)main
adhering to 2 adrad

adhering to forlenmain
adhering to i mbun
adhering to len(a)main
adhering attobed
adhering glenamon
adhesive stuff 1 gli
adhesiveness gumamlacht (gum)
adjectival form ending in -mar imdugud
adjectival form terminating in -ach imdugud
adjective adiec(h)t(a)
adjective molad
adjoining i n-cmais (f)
adjoins comars[a]naigid (comarsa)
adjourning athchor (c)
adjudge achtaigthe
adjudges brethaigid = brethnaigid
adjudges brigaid
adjudges brithemnaigid (breithem)
adjudges con-midethar (b)
adjudges facair (fo-acair, fcair)
adjudges mes(s)aid (<mes)
adjudges mesraigid
adjudges midithir
adjudicated cocraithe
adjudicates (legal) con-certa (b)
adjudicates eter-gl
adjudication breithemnacht (breithem)
adjudication breithemnas (a) (breithem)
adjures or besseches y by or for the sake of x ad-teich
adjusted glsta
adjusting certugud (a)
adjusting coicert (a)
adjusting crugud, crgud
adjusting gleod
adjusting indell
adjustment of a claim (legal) comardugad (b)
adjustment feiste
adjustment indell
adjusts certaigid (a) (cert)
adjusts comarda(ig)id (a) (comard)
adjusts con-drig (b)
adjusts cuibdigid(ir) (cubaid)
adjusts dessigid, dessaigid (a) (dess)
adjusts glsaid (gls)
adjusts immarchraigid
adjusts indlid (indell)
administering follamnugad (follamnaigid)
administers (something) do-im(m)thiret
administers ministrlaid
admirable moltach
admiral ambrail

admire ad-machdathar
admiring adamrugud
admission atmil
admits (v. freq. in neg.) ceilid (c)
admits of daimid III
admits ad-daim
admits fo-sisedar
admits gaibid
admits gaibid
admitting of no stay danta (anad)
admitting atmil
admitting ditiu
admonishes certaigid (d) (cert)
admonishes comairligid (b) (comairle)
admonishes for-cain
admonishing cosc (a)
admonishing forcetal (-cital) (vn. of for-cain)
admonition comairle (a)
admonition forchanad
adopting (legal) fasitnigud
adoption athargad
adopts do-gisi
adopts glacaid (glac)
adoration 1 adrad
adored with many figures il
adores 1 adraid
adoring 1 adrad
adorned in various ways il
adorned with images (of heathen deities)? dlaide (dal)
adorned with insertion esnadach (esnaid?)
adorned with inset work esnadach (esnaid?)
adorned with much ornamental work il
adorned ecortha, ecairthe II (ecraid)
adorned imdnmach (imdnam)
adorning (?) drad (dr)
adorning with precious metals or stones dathugud II
adorning amlad
adorning cumtach (d)
adorning ecor, ecar II
adornment brechtrad 1
adornment imchumtach
adorns amlaid 2
adorns ecraid II (ecor)
adorns ercaid 2 (b)
adorns gormaid (gorm)
adorns imm-dni
adorns maisigid
Adriatic Adriadecda var: Adriat
adroitness in encounter (?) fonnad
adroitness airgige (airgech 1)
adulation aipile (b) (aipil)

adulation aiplugud
adult caithir
adult caithrech (caithir)
adult codnach I
adult conn (c)
adulterer adaltair
adulterer adaltrach
adulterer adaltrannach
adulteress adaltrach
adulterous adaltrach
adulterous adaltrannach
adulterous imthach (immad)
adultery adaltrannas
adultery adaltras
adultery cilechas (cile)
adumbration foscad
advanced a wave before every ship muirchrech
advances (a suggestion) ind-saig ?
advances (in hostile manner) (trans.) do-fapair (-fabair, -fbair) (b)
advances (intrans.) brogaid
advances on ar-saig (a)
advances towards one another coimindsaigid (indsaigid, see ind-saig)
advances upon ind-saig ?
advances do-cing
advances dringid
advances fris-cing
advances mrogaid
advances, proceeds fo-cing
advancing ( a propoal) imlad
advancing cimniugad
advancing comchimniugad (cimniugad)
advantage ? innlas ?
advantage ? lesn
advantage or benefit gained by anything brabach
advantage breis 3
advantage brg (b)
advantage baid 1 (c)
advantage cuimlecht
advantage foril, furil, (fulir)
advantage greimm
advantage immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
advantage les
advantage lg also lag
advantageous forsta vx sa
advantageous lesach (les)
advantages do-rorban 1 II
Advent Aduent
adventure dl 2 V (b)
adventure imths
adventurer (?) echtraid 1
adventures aus

adventures imthecht
adventurous journey echtra
adventurous amantrach (amantur)
adverb dobrathar 2 (do 1 + brathar)
adverbial dobratharda (dobrathar 2)
adversary adbairt
adversary adbartaigthe
adversary aidbertaid
adversary aidbirseir
adversary cotarsnaid (cotarsnae)
adversary escarae
adversary fresndid
adverse people (?, CW) doinmech
adverse cotarsnae (com + tarsna)
adverse doinmech
adverse doirb 1 (b)
adversity cotarsnae (com + tarsna)
adversity doinmige (doinmech)
adverts to laidid (lad)
advice airle 1 (a)
advice coindelg (b) (com + delg?)
advice comairle (a)
advice comcaisiu
adviser comairlech 1 II (comairle)
adviser comairlid (comairle)
adviser comairlige = comairlid
adviser laig
advises airlithir (a)
advises comairligid (b) (comairle)
advises con-airlethar (airlithir)
advises molaid
advising etc. airliud = airle 1
advising airbrathrad (brathar)
advising airle 1 (a)
advising comairliugud (b)
advocacy (Laws, Gloss.) fchemnas (fchem)
advocacy adcitecht
advocate abcite
advocate aidbredaid
advocate aigne
advocate airlabraid (airlabrae)
advocate eperthith
advocate etarguidedir, -dtheir
advocate fchem (c)
aenraging lonnugud
Aeolian eolda
Aeolic eolensta
aequor muir
aerial aerda
aestimatio mes(s)
aetheris chtar

afar immach > ammach
affability bdaige (bdach)
affability mchaire
affable 2 grennaigid (grenn)
affable bdach, bidech (bid)
affable michair
affable mornta
affable muinterda
affair caingen (c)
affair cis 1 (c)
affair dl 2 V (a)
affair fth (b)
affair gnugud (gnthugud)
affair les
affecting (emotions, physical or mental state) for
affecting (med.) cintugad (b)
affecting injuriously ? fuba
affection (?) cmais II
affection ? muinecht
affection for kindred condalb(d)us = condalbae
affection for kindred condalbae (condalb)
affection 2 grd ?
affection annsa
affection annsacht 2 (ansu)
affection bid (a)
affection bade (a) (bad)
affection cdus (c) (cid)
affection cenl (g)
affection cin III (e)
affection combid (com + bid)
affection commann
affection cride (c)
affection cridechaire (cridechair)
affection dela 1 (b)
affection dgrais II (b) (d + gress 2)
affection falchaire (falchar)
affection grdugud
affection grenn
affection imbide
affection inmaine (inmain)
affection inmainecht (inmaine)
affection lanchaire (lanchar)
affection muirn
affectionate remembrance (?) cmais II
affectionate bdach, bidech (bid)
affectionate bad (a)
affectionate cenchair (cin)
affectionate muirnech (muirn)
affects injuriously gaibid
affects prejudicially imm-beir
affects gaibid

affects gaibid
affects laigid
affidavit derbforgell (derb 1 + forgell)
affinity (with = fri (re)) dthchas (e) (dthaig)
affinity clemnas (clamain)
affirmation forgell, forgal(l)
affirmation indidit (ind-fiad-)
affirmative aindiltach (diltach)
affirmative deimnigthe
affirmative deimnigthech = deimnigthe
affirmed (?) bechtaigid (becht)
affirms coimderbaid (derbaid)
affirms derbaigid (b) (derb 1)
affirms foclaid
affixes gremmaigid (greimm)
afflicted person lobrn (lobur)
afflicted l 2
afflicted fochaidech
afflicted imnedach (imned)
afflicted lobur, lobor
afflicting (emotions, physical or mental state) for
afflicting drennach 2 (drenn 2)
affliction ? mr
affliction 2 gortugud (vn. of gortaigid)
affliction aiccidit
affliction amgar (b) (gar 1)
affliction amlad (lad 1)
affliction brat 1 (c)
affliction craidenus
affliction croch 1 (a)
affliction cros (e)
affliction deccair III
affliction dograing (dodr-)
affliction doilgius (a) (doilig)
affliction drenn 2
affliction es(s)acd
affliction ingar
affliction ingra (ingar)
affliction lettromn (lettrom)
affliction loscud
affliction muich (mich, muich)
afflicts (of mental anguish) cnad
afflicts fo-saig
afflicts loiscid
affluent foltach (folud) vx anfoltuch
affronts do-autat, do-etat
affronts maslaigid
aflame from lasaid
aforesaid ct- 1 (a)
afraid eclach II (ecla or ecal)
Africa Afraic

African Afracdae
African Afraicech
after (of place) degaid 1 (a)
after (of time) degaid 1 (b)
after Candlemas (rough was their herding) imbolc, imelc
after confusion of tongues il
after delivering me mo
after plying the scourge imbert
after that 1 ar
after that arma, armo, armu
after the departure of di, do is 2 (d)
after the departure of tar (dar) is 2 (d)
after the Jews had hidden thee bal
after the manner of intamail
after 1 ar
after aithbricht bricht
after aithilte = aithle
after ar is 2 (a)
after degaid 1 (c)
after di, do is 2 (a)
after di, do is 2 (b)
after for
after for
after i ndead, i ndiad (a)
after i ndead, i ndiad (b)
after armob
after armoth
after tar (dar) is 2 (b)
after-ale arlinn
afterbirth ? ? fuilce
after-blade 2 arlann, arlonn
after-contract arumchor
after-dealing att(i)l (dl)
afterdye ? folman vx foilmen
afterdye ? arcain (? arcin)
after-effects arsma
after-glow ar(n)glus
after-grief arnduba, arnduibe
after-health arsline (arsln)
after-immunity ? arumdlse
after-judgement armbrethas
after-judgement armbrethemnas
after-last armindidenach
aftermath condall
after-milking armblegon
afternoon armedn
after-notice arumthsc
after-produce arloss
after-profit arloss
after-repentance armaithrechus
after-repentance armaithrige

after-report arumthsc
after-rising armrge
after-satisfaction ? ? arumdge, arumdirge
after-soundness arsline (arsln)
after-stock arumrath
after-swarm arsaithe
after-taste armblas
afterwards an athair (air)
afterwards frithissi > (f)ridis(s)i
afterwards armoth
afterwards aru
afterwine luirecha
after-wisdom ar(n)ges
after-world? armbethaib
again aithirriuch
again an athair (air)
again beus (b)
again darsse
again frithissi > (f)ridis(s)i
again frithissi > (f)ridis(s)i
against (hostile action) fri
against (violence or hostile) fri
against (with verbs of defending) ar 1 II (k)
against craft ? of idolatry imchellacht
against deceit imdell
against inclinations (?) of nature ? irnechtaib
against the dark-blue battle array idna, indna
against the disputing of his judgement ? imchosnam
against the occurrence of dry blemish in the horse or of rotten material or a tendency to split in
the iubar. ibar > iubar, iobar
against the rock that stopped the chariot furis
against agad
against airchomair a(s)
against ar ammus
against dime (imbe)
against fo, fa, f I (c)
against fri
against fri
against i coinne (b)
against i n-arrthaisc
against i n-enech 1, ainech I
against imm, imb
against indsaigid, innaigid
against monmar (monbar)
agaric agairc
agaricus fungus agairc
age ? ? as
age agedxxx adna(e)
age has taken away from me my motion imlad
age of the world 1 es
age 1 es

age estacht
age aimser (c)
age bith 1 II
age dne (a)
age tte
aged person arsaid II
aged esach
aged esmar
aged arsaid I
aged crnna (crn)
aged foirbthe I (c)
aged forarsaid
aged forus
aged lath
ageless dase (as)
agent fedmannach (feidm)
agent gnmaigtheir (gnmaigid)
agglutination gledamlacht (gledamail)
aggregation dlm
aggresive combgach (combg)
aggression (legal) brach (a)
aggressive (?) crchach (crch)
aggressive (?) dbartach, dubartach (dbart 2)
aggressive airrechtach (airrecht)
aggressive com\.fabartach (fbartach)
aggressive cosantach (cosaint, see cosnam)
aggressive fbartach (fabartach)
aggressive forrnach
aggressive forrnta
aggressive frithgonach (frithguin)
aggressive frithoircnech (frithorcun)
aggressive fachtnach (fachtain)
aggressive fachtnaigid
aggressive grendmar (1 grend)
aggressive indredach (indred)
aggressive indsaigthech, innsaigech (indsaigid,
aggressiveness ammsige (ammus)
aggressiveness indsaigid, innaigid
aggressor indsaigthech, innsaigech (indsaigid,
agile athlom
agile limnech (limm)
agile lithech (lth)
agile lthmar (lth)
agile mer
agility athlaime (athlom)
agility limnige (limnech)
agility lthmairecht (lthmar)
agitated anfadach 1 (anfud)
agitated fasnaide

agitates ? for-ladi
agitates fo-fasna (a)
agitating foscnad (fo-scanna)
agitating imlad
agitation of mind imlad
agitation 1 grith
agitation cuiligthe
agitation failfed
agitation faitriud
agony in(n)tinne
agreeable adlaic
agreeable aitt (a)
agreeable comentadach (comentu)
agreeable dess (d)
agreeable il
agreeable mellach
agreeable m
agreed cet 1 I
agreeing with coimitecht (b) do
agreeing comentugud (a)
agreeing comchubaid (cubaid)
agreeing cubaid I (a)
agreement (?) com\.sansa
agreement (?) comarc (c)
agreement cinniud II (b)
agreement coib(f)innt(ech)us
agreement coimthecht (com + techt)
agreement comentu (a) (oentu)
agreement comentugud (a)
agreement comal 1 (a)
agreement comchtfaid (com + ctfaid)
agreement comchall (call)
agreement comthoil (tol)
agreement condar
agreement crus (cir)
agreement cuibdius (a) (cubaid)
agreement dl 2 IV (b)
agreement dlmaines (a) (dlmaine)
agreement indell
agrees (ar, imm = upon) comentaigid (comentu)
agrees (fri = with) comentaigid (comentu)
agrees to (a proposal) ar-fom (b)
agrees to (a proposal) fo-eim, -fom, fem (b)
agrees to anaid 1 (a) for
agrees with con-itet
agrees for-fom vx ar-fom, fo-eim
agrees? ad-cocrat
agricultural produce ingnam
agrimony water hemp murdraigen
agrimony agremonia
agrimony? madrogen

ahead agad
ahead airchomair ar (for)
aid (?) fem(m)or
aid congnam
aid cuitiugad (b)
aid fuirired, -iud (fuired)
aiding congnam
aiding cumsanad (b)
aids cuiti(gi)d (b) (cuit)
ailing galraigthech (galraige)
ailing loburda (lobur)
ailment involving swelling or inflammation of parts of the body atchomall (att 1 + comall)
ailment involving swelling or inflammation of parts of the body atchomlacht = atchomall
ailment ainces (a)
ails daas
aim ? inrige ?
aim bire (b)
aim crch (a)
aim cuspir
aiming against frithaigid
aiming at ? inrige ?
aiming at aimsiugud (a)
aims (of weapons) certaigid (c) (cert)
aims (trans.) drgid I (b) (driuch)
aims at ad-midethar
aims at aimsid (ammus)
aims at aimsigid (a) (ammus)
aims at airmaisid (a) (airmaisiu)
aims at ar-midethar (a)
aims at athaimsid (aimsid)
aims at imrige ?
aims in-midethar
air aer
airiness aerdacht
air-spinner = spider aer-s.nthid
airy aerach
airy tromm, -umm (a)
akin coibnestae (coibnius)
akin falchar
akin gelmar (i gel)
alacrity dthrachtaige (dthrachtach)
alarm alrum
alarms (?) forbotha
alarms (trans.) fo-botha II
alas for the fame of an absent one who is satirized ? ? ath
alas monuar
alas! athcha (ca)
alas! fae 1
alas! monuarn (monuar)
alb alba
Albanians Albnnai

alder fernae = fern 1
alder-tree fern 1 (a)
alder-tree fernc (< fern 1)
ale (?) donn 6
ale (?) fairr
ale cuirm (a)
ale farrad 1, farruth
ale flaith 2
ale laith
ale linn
ale-feast cuirm (b)
ale-house cuirmthech (cuirm + tech)
alert scaid
alert frithlmach (frithilem)
alert fuirechair, furachair
alert gasta (gas)
ale-shout cremnaill
Alexandria mr (mr)
alien boar allathorc (al 1 + torc)
alien comaithech I (comaithe)
alien comaithech II (b) (comaithe)
alien echtrann
alien echtrannach (echtrann)
alienated comdles (dles)
alienates (property) in mortmain marbaid
alienates (trans.) echtrannaigidir I (echtrann)
alienates property (CW) bidid (e)
alienates echtrannaid II (echtrann)
alight lasad
alight lasta
alights (esp. of dismounting from a chariot or horseback) do-airling (-aur-?)
alights (intrans.) do-airindi II (a)
alights on do-fuirmi
alike inunn, in(n)onn
alike inunn, in(n)onn
alit for-ecmaing
alive bo (a)
alive i mbethu (a), mbethaid (bo)
all (who) cch (e)
all but (did) fabair, fbair
all is well till the moment of parting imchim
all members of a trade as a body dn V
all of cch (c)
all others cch (a)
all over (?) fot, fat
all over fait
all that cach, cech II (c)
all the corn and stock (?) imb (imm)
all the fishermen of Erinn ascairecht (ascaire)
all the mysteries of the broidering art the wife possessed, skill to manipulate the silver and the
gold imbert

all things are but confusion meithel?
all cch (a)
all cach, cech I
all cach, cech II (a)
allegorical parable fathscl
allegorical tale fathscl
allegorical ? forscithe
allegorical irdecnach (aird + ecnach?)
allegorical fithchallach (fithchall)
allegorical forscthaigthe vx forscithe
allegory figurdacht
Alleluia aillir
Allen-like Almunda (Almu)
alleviates trummaigid (tromm)
alleviation etararad, -\.farad
alleviation trummugud
alliance (?, CW) corachus (cor 1)
alliance (with) ctluth
alliance bid (b)
alliance cairdes (b) (cara 1)
alliance cairdine (cara 1)
alliance caratrad (a) (cara 1)
alliance comentu (a) (oentu)
alliance combid (com + bid)
alliance comchairde (cairde)
alliance cominsce (insce)
alliance commann
alliance comrann (b) (rann, cf. con-ranna)
alliance muinteras
allies (CW) cairdigidir (cairde)
allies with cairdinigidir (cairdine)
allocutive comlabridi
allots dilid II (dl 4)
allotted task dn VI
allow our ...guardians to be banished from us fulang
allowable cet 1 II (a)
allowable cetaigthech (cetaigid)
allowed comairlicthe
allowed licet
allowing (to go) to liciud
allowing an escaped criminal to remain on ones land apaid
allowing to escape from liciud
allowing comairlciud
allowing damthain
allowing denugud
allowing femachtain
allowing fulang
allowing imfolang, imfulang
allowing liciud
allows (?) (legal) eiscid 1
allows (to go) licid

allows (v. freq. in neg.) ceilid (c)
allows (with do) con-itet
allows of imm-cuirethar
allows to come upon do-lci I (c) for
allows to enter licid
allows to escape liciud
allows to go to licid
allows to pass licid
allows to remain licid
allows to remain licid
allows to licid
allows to lenaid
allows ar-fom (d)
allows cetaigid (a) (cet)
allows con-airlici
allows daimid IV
allows denaid (dein 1)
allows derlaicid
allows dlmainid (dlmain)
allows fo-eim, -fom, fem (c)
allows fo-eim, -fom, fem (d)
allows fo-loing
allows licid
allows licid
Allows licid
alludes to aillid(ig)id (aillidech)
allurement magar
allusion aillidech
ally coibne (com + fine)
ally compnach = compn
almanac flire (fil 1)
almond almont
almost = seizes do-aig
almost as much as emid
almost 1 acht (f)
almost menid
almost mr (mr)
alms (concrete) deercc III (dia 2 + sercc)
alms almsa
alms caisced
alms idbart
almsgiver almnsach
alms-giving almsanach (almsa)
alms-giving deercc II (dia 2 + sercc)
aloes aloe, alon
aloft etarbas, etaras, -ais
aloft etarbasach (etarbas)
alone annam (a)
aloneness inathad
along by la
along with (= imm) fo, fa, f II (o)

along with fare, far
along with farrad 2 II (a)
along with for
along with fri
along with fri
along with i fail 2 (b) (+ gen.)
along with i farrad 2 I (a)
along with i ndil 2 I (b)
along with imm, imb
along with immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
along with immaren
along with la
along with leth
along with maidir
along 1 ar
along imm, imb
alongside fri
alongside fri
alphabet aibgitir
alphabet aibidil vx aibgitir
alphabet alfabet
already c(h)ene (c)
also beus (b)
also dano I
also didiu (c)
also for-t
also fs (bs, bes)
altar altir
altar-stone lecc
alteration of consonant in a word for arcane or etymol. purposes cenn\.fochrus (cenn + fochrus)
alteration dechor III
alterative clechlaigt(h)ech (clechlaigid, see con-
altercation (?) ? frithnas (ns?)
altering aitherrach (b)
altering athrugad
alternate eitrech
alternating ailigud
alternating fechtasugud (fechtas)
alternation (?) amlad
alternation ailidetu (ailide)
alternation comchloud (a)
alternation imchlud
alternation imthnad, imthnud
alternation imthoniud
alternative assembly (?) frithchondl
alternative comroga (rogu)
alters (intrans. and trans.) aithrigid (a)
alters (trans. and intrans.) con-imchlo (a)
alters ainmesraigid (mesraigid)
althea lemach (lemnat)

although 1 g vx c
although 4 g
although 4 g vx cia
although ca 2 I (c)
although is
altogether immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
alum alamu
alum atramail
always caidchi (b)
always i comnaidiu
am glad of garit
amalgam of copper (?) or gold (?) with silver findruine
amasses (?, CW) dlmid (dlm)
amasses do-airchomraicci
amasses do-ecmalla
amasses do-immoirg (c)
amazed ingantach (ingnad)
amazement mrbaldacht
amazement moth
amazes ingantaigid (ingnad)
amazing? Mothach
ambassador ambasadir
ambassador legit
ambidextrous comdes 1 (dess)
ambidextrous comlmaid (lmaid 2)
ambiguous imfaebair (-uir)
ambuscade etarnaid, -e
ambush (?) ccell
ambush celg (b)
ambush erelc (airelc?)
ambush eroloch (= airfolach?)
ambush in(n)tled
ambush luigechn (lige)
ambusher in(n)tled
ambushes intledaigid(ir) (intled)
ambushes intledaigid(ir) (intled)
ambushing party etarnaid, -e
ambushing in(n)tled
amending lesugud
amends (?) dge
amends lesugud
amentum of a javelin airall (all)
amercement meirse
amethyst ametis
amiability bdaige (bdach)
amiable bdach, bidech (bid)
amiable genamail (2 gen)
amiable minemail
amity cairdine (cara 1)
amity crae (c) (cir)
ammunition muinision

among the hosts of battlesome warriors frthach
among eter, etir II
among I
among la
among lr
amongst la
amongst for
amongst for
amongst la
amorous appetite drs (b) (drth 1)
amorous desire drs (b) (drth 1)
amorous disposition drs (a) (drth 1)
amortises marbaid
amount of any thing done at a time (?) 2 gres (s)
amount irem (b)
amount airet II (a)
amount bann 1 (b)
amount cil 1 (d)
amount cim (-mm) I (i)
amount arracht
amount imbed, imbad
amount lnmaire (lnmar)
amount mite (mte, mide)
ample eslabar
ample fairsing (a)
ample fairsing (b)
ample ln
ample lnmar (ln)
ample lr
ample lrda (lr)
amplifies (trans. and intrans.) do-formaig (a)
Amplifying Speech ilugud
amplitude fairsinge (a)
amused (?) erfetech
amusement aer
amusement ine 1 (d)
amusement inechas (1 ine)
amusement inius (b)
amusement airerdacht (airerda)
amusement antls (tls)
amusement cane 1 (b) (can 1)
amusement canes (can 1)
amusing is the description fuirside
amusing airgairdiugad
an absonder fondledach (-ethach) (b)
an account of fri
an addition forlnad
an addition fuilled, -iud, -ned
an additional bond fornaidm
an additional or extern kindred foirfine
an additional quatrain forrann

an additional road forrt
an admonition forngaire, forgaire
an affair of minor importance fodl
an answer frecra(e)
an area of more or less defined extent forrach
an artificial formation fodinti
an assault fpairt, fbairt, fabairt
an attack forathar
an attempt forathar
an easy bearing airtromma (airtromm)
an enclosing shelter amdabach (dabach) = damdabach
an end idna, indna
an enlarging forlethne
an ephod formnaide
an ephod forormna vx formnaide
an estate foirb
an evil maile
an exile indarbthach (indarbad)
an illuminator forosnaid
an indefinite number of persons foirenn (a)
an Indian Indecdae
an inferior bondsman foder
an inferior grade or rank fograd (-grd?)
an instrument used for puncturing mill-stones breccaire
an offence fachtain
an offering idbarthaide (idbartha)
an old or threadbare cloak or garment? foilmen
an onset 2 gres (s)
an opprobrious epithet (?) frithainme
an ornament grith (mod.)
an outlaw indarbthach (indarbad)
an outrage 2 galgat
an under king for
an under-chieftain forgn
analogy airlann 3
analogy aithgein (c)
analogy analach, analag
analogy cosmailius (b) (cosmail)
analyses dluigid 1 (dluige)
analysis ? argelad (gelad, vn. of gelaid)
analysis of number into factors coitidecht (coitide)
analysis imchomarc
analysis indaithmech
anbrosia ibar > iubar, iobar
ancestor cepp (d)
ancestors (in pl.) athair 1
ancestral atharda I (athair)
anchor ancaire 2
anchor ingor
anchorage accarsit
anchorite ancair

anchorite ancharae
anchorite dsertach (dsert)
ancient and venerated tree bile 1 (a)
ancient fort aithles (les)
ancient foundation andit 1
ancient lore inim
ancient one? arsan
ancient esach
ancient esta
ancient arsaid I
ancient arsanta (arsan)
ancient arsata(e) I (arsaid)
ancients arsata(e) II (arsaid)
and (between two comparatives) assa 1
and (in compd. numerals) ar 1 I (c)
and a half leth
and his kindred finech = fine-ch
and no more amin (a)
and nothing else amin (a)
and -ch-
and co 3
and es 2
angaged foichlide
angel aingel 1
angelic aingelda (1 aingel)
angelic ainglecda (1 aingel)
angelic ainglech = ainglecda
angelic ainglide = ainglecda
angels of the West fuined, -iud
anger (?) br 2
anger (?) buirre (borr)
anger (?) dardain I
anger (?) drac
anger (?) fach 2
anger (?) fithnes
anger fury com\.ferg (ferg)
anger aininne (1 inne)
anger bruth 1 I (b) (berbaid)
anger combruth
anger dod
anger doirr
anger dorrn (dorr 2)
anger ferg 1
anger fch 2
anger goim
anger grc (grig)
anger inire (inir)
anger r
anger lonnus (lonn)
anger luinne (lonn)
angered tailngigthe

angering lonnugud
angers (trans.) fergaigid(ir) II (ferg)
angers ? lonnaid, loinnid (lonn)
angers grndaigid (grndae)
angers loinnid (lonn)
angers lonnaigid(ir) (lonn)
angle airbacc (1 bacc)
angle bacc 1 (a)
angle cern 1 (a)
angle cornl
angle eng 2 (a)
angle frithbac
angling dubnacht (dubn 1)
Anglo-Norman 1 Gall
angrily inirech (inire)
angry (?) br
angry (?, CW) fchdaide = fchda?
angry excitement fasnad
angry aindaraid
angry aindarda = aindaraid
angry aininnech (aininne)
angry aininnid = aininnech
angry ainmin (2 min)
angry bairnech (a) (barainn see barae 1)
angry com\.fergach (fergach)
angry degrach
angry dardain II
angry dric
angry fergach
angry farnach
angry fchda (fch 2)
angry fchmar (fch 2)
angry lonn
anguish 1 argn, argn
anguish crd
anguish dogail
anguish doirbes (doirb 1)
anguish glfit
anguish goim
anguish loscud
angular (?) garmnach (garman)
angular cernach (a) (cern 1)
angular cinnech (cinne)
animal fat 1 geir
animal ainmide 1 I
animal ainmide 1 II
animal ainml
animal ainmin(n)t = ainmide
animal anmandae (a) (ainimm)
animal anmandae (b) (ainimm)
animal anmann 1

animal bethach 2 = bethadach
animal bethadach (betha)
animal feithide 2
animal ml
animals paw dernu (b)
animals cethrae (cethir)
animate bodae (a) (bo)
animate mithech
animated (i.e. engraved or adorned with figures of animals) ainmidech (1 ainmide)
animated ainmide 1 I
animated cliste
animated merda (mer)
animated muirnech (muirn)
animates boaigidir (bo)
animates bethaigid (a)
animates dchraigid (dchra)
animating bethugad (a)
animating in(n)tlas (tls) > intls
animation in(n)tlas (tls) > intls
animation merdacht (merda)
animosity ainseirce (ainserc)
animosity digugra
anise aineit
anise, aniseed ainis
ankle mudorn
ankle mudorn
ankle mudornn
ankle-bone mudorn
ankle-bone mudornn
ankle-bone mugdorn vx mudorn
annal ann(i)l (a)
annal annlach = ann(i)l
annal annlad (a)
annal callann (c)
annealed fobride
annealing fothrucud
anneals (metal) foibrigid
annihilates (trans.) dbaid 2 II
annihilates (trans.) dbaigid I
annihilating derdbad
anniversary (in computing a date) ann(i)l (b)
anniversary comainm (d) (ainmm)
announced esngairthe
announced i callairecht (callaire)
announcement (CW) dlum = dlomad
announcement aithesc (b)
announcement aslonnud
announcement craidail
announcement dlomad (a)
announcement fcra(e) (c)
announcer air\.fcarthid

announcer facarthaid
announces (to = for, later do) ar-fcair (a)
announces beforehand forfcraid
announces ad-fcair
announces canaid (b)
announces dlomaid (a)
announces do-fsaig
announces do-fcair
announces do-inmlig
announces esgairid
announces -fsaig
announces for-indet vx forndis, forndisse
announces facair (fo-acair, fcair)
announces indisid (indise)
announcing dlomad (a)
announcing fcra(e) (a)
annoy listaigid (lista)
annoyance ainces (b)
annoyance anebdacht (anebda)
annoyance athmultas (athmulta)
annoyance frithorcun
annoyed (?, CW) do\.fola (do + fola 2)
annoys fo-saig
annul imfoichid, imfochaid
annulling (a contract, etc.) dindell (--?) (indell)
annulling dlgend, dlgen (c)
annulling imfoichid, imfochaid
annulling impd, impd
annulling indlsiugud
annuls do-aithbig, -boing (a)
annuls faslaici, fasailci
annuls imm-fuich (imb-fo-fich)
annuls imm-si
anointing ? imgnae
anointing cosmad
anoints cosmaid
another disgrace athoil (ail 2)
another sentence aithbreth (breith)
another Tara aithTemair
another time (?) attain
another aitherrach (c) (with gen.)
another malart (malairt)
answer aithesc (a)
answer com\.frecra (frecra)
answer fuigell
answerer frecraid
answering (a challenge, attack) frecra(e)
answering back imlabrad
answering for frecra(e)
answering to aithaisndsnech (aisnis)
answering to frecra(e)

answering to frecra(e)
answering com\.frecra (frecra)
answers back fresnsid (fresnds)
answers for fris-gair, -frecair
answers to fris-gair, -frecair
answers to fris-indlea
answers frecraid vx fris-gair
answers fris-gair, -frecair
answers fris-gair, -frecair
answers fris-gair, -frecair
answers fris-tt
answers imm-frecair
ant moirb
antagonist comchatha (cath)
Antarctic Ainteiricc
antepenult antepeneuilt
anthem antium
anthrax antrax
Antichrist Ainc(h)rist
Antichrist Ainticrst
anticipated foichlidi
anticipates fris-ilethar
anticipating fochell 1 (b)
anticipating foimtiu
anticipating frescisiu, frescsiu
anticipating frestal
anticipating frithilem
anticipation eclaige (eclach)
antidote airchosc (cosc)
antiphon aintemain
antiphon air\.focal (focal)
antiquarian lore coimgne
antiquary (?) crchaire (crch)
antiquary arsata(e) II (arsaid)
antiquity arsidetu (arsaid)
antler (?) drend (rind?)
antler congna (-ae) (a)
antlers congna (-ae) (a)
anus (Pokorny) inne
anus arcomla
anvil indein
anvil-block cepp (b)
anxiety broc 1
anxiety ceist (b)
anxiety deithiden I
anxiety dls
anxiety eterln, etarln (ln)
anxiety faitches (-ius), faitigus (b) (faitech)
anxiety gasacht (gas)
anxiety imlad
anxiety imned

anxiety? meiriden
anxious brocach 3 (broc 1)
anxious gibthech
anxious imritech (imrd)
anxious imsnmach (imsnm)
any extraneous building attached to a larger one airdam (dom)
any one in whom all these characteristics were united and concentrated imchothaigid
any other cach, cech II (a)
any preparation aidbden
any cach, cech II (a)
any icin II (a)
anyone duine
anything gapped bernn (bern)
anything given out on hire ingaire (ingar)
anything indented bernn (bern)
anything pointed colg (a)
anything pre-eminent (fig.) dindgna (d)
anything remaining over arsma
anything dim
anyway c(h)ene (a)
anywhere leth
anywhere leth
apart from the case that cen IV co (a)
apart from cen I (a)
apart from cenmoth (a)
apart from i n-cmais (e)
apart from ingnas
apart leithlig
apart leth
apartment in a great house or palace imdae
apartment cubal 1 (a)
apartment imscing, imsceng
ape apa 2
apex febar II
apex formna
apex mullach (mul)
aphorism afforaise
apiary lestrae (lestar)
apocalypse abcolips
apocrypha apocraib
apodictic maxims (?) forus
apophthegm (?) fth (d)
apophthegm derbrosc
apostate dsceinmech (sceinm)
apostle apstal
apostle axal
apostle esbal
apostleship apstalacht (apstal)
apostolate apstalacht (apstal)
apostolic apstalacda (apstal)
apostolic apstalda (apstal)

apostolic esbalach (esbal)
apostrophe apostroiph
apostrophe comthd (b)
apparatus accmaing (c)
apparatus airmert (a)
apparatus gls
apparatus in(n)struimint, indstraimint,
in(n)strum(a)int, indstruiment
apparel bert 1 II (beirid)
apparel congraimm
apparel deise (dess)
apparel errad 1, erriud (-ed), irrad II
apparel tgud
apparent arthaig(th)ech
apparently a correction fosgenid ?
apparition (?) elpait, elpoid
apparition arracht 1 (b)
apparition fath
appeal etarguide
appeals to ad-sluindi
appearance (of health or the reverse) fth 5
appearance ? ? iubar
appearance of countenance gn
appearance abaise
appearance agad
appearance cl (b)
appearance congraimm
appearance cruth 1
appearance delb 1 (a)
appearance dercad
appearance ccosc (c)
appearance fgsain (b)
appearance for
appearance forcsi (farc-, foirc-, fairc-)
appearance forgn
appearance forgnis
appearance imcaisiu
appearance indas
appearance rna (?i)
appearance lxaire (lx)
appearance muad
appearing arthrugud
appears (intrans.) do-fcaib II (b)
appears (intrans.) do-furgaib II (b)
appears (intrans.) do-roich II
appears (of vision, apparition, or other sight) do-adbat (b)
appears (to = do) arthraigid(ir) (a)
appears ad-c
appears as-todi
appears do-aitni (b)
appears irgid (a)

appeasement (?) dge
appeases dlaid (a) (dl)
appeases do-laig
appellation ainmmnigud
appellation di\.ngrae
appellation fis 1, fius I (d)
appellative (gramm.) doac(c)aldmach (acaldam)
appellativity (gramm.) doac(c)aldmaiche (doac(c)aldmach)
appends fommaigid vx follg
appertaining to war badbda (badb)
appertaining to dr 1 (b)
appetite br 1 (b)
apple (?, CW) bloa
apple tree 1 ablach
apple ablachc
apple forcn
apple-branched gc
apple-tree aball
apple-tree ceirt 1
apple-tree cl 4
appliance congaisib
applicable comchoitchenn (coitchenn)
application of words airbert (e)
application frithgnam
applied labour frithgnam
applied skill in any art or craft elada, elatha (b)
applies a procedure ar-beir II (a)
applies one`s mind to fris-cuirethar
applies to as-beir do
applies to fris-cuirethar
applies do-aidbir
applies fris-gn, -frithgn- (-frichn-)
applies gaibid
applies gaibid
applies imm-beir
applies ind-aig
applying massage to (the skin) bleith I (c)
applying ones mind to frecor
applying oneself lige
appointed place inad < ined
appointed airdalta
appointed cet 1 II (a)
appointed cinnte (a)
appointed coimchinte (cinnte)
appointed do-urnestar
appointing dlgud
appointment coinne (a)
appoints (?) do-forgill
appoints (legal) comarda(ig)id (b) (comard)
appoints con-midethar (b)
appoints dlaigidir (dl 2)

appoints do-gn II (l)
appoints inadaid, inaidid
apportions ad-ranna
apportions airrannaid (airrann)
apportions coibdeiligid (fodeiligid)
apportions con-fodlai
apportions con-ranna (a) (rannaid)
apportions fo-dli (a)
apportions mesraigid
apposition comaisnds, -dis (aisnis)
appraisement meisemnacht
appraisement mes(s)
appraises mes(s)aid (<mes)
appraises midithir
appraises molaid
appraising meisemnugad
appraising mes(s)ad
appreciates is dattae III leis
apprehends gremmaigid (greimm)
apprehension ceist (b)
apprehension faitches (-ius), faitigus (b) (faitech)
apprehension frithmius (mess)
apprehensive faitchesach (faitches)
apprentice (to an art or craft) felmac
apprentices foglamanta
approach foicserad (foicse)
approaches (intrans.) do-saig I
approaches (trans.) do-saig II
approaches ad-ella
approaches com(\.f)oics(ig)id(ir) (com(\.f)ocus)
approaches do-aidlea
approaches do-ascnai
approaches do-etha
approaches do-icc I
approaches druitid (c) (drut)
approaches fo-cosnai
approaches imfoicsigid (imfoicse)
approaches ind-saig ?
approaching airrecht
approaching cim (-mm) I (a)
approaching com(\.f)oicsiugud
approaching drut (c)
approaching indsaigid, innaigid
approaching innsach ?
approbation molad
appropiates dlsigid, dsligid (c) (dles)
appropriate aintechta (tachta)
appropriate cem 1 I (b)
appropriate coimse
appropriate coimtig (c)
appropriate comchert

appropriate dles 1 II (a) (d- + les)
appropriate immaircide
appropriated tree fulacht
appropriateness immaircidetu (immaircide)
appropriates (?) for-cuirethar
appropriating dlsigud, dsligud (c)
appropriating ellach 1 II (b)
appropriation dlse (a) (dles)
approval molad
approved forglide
approves do-gisi
approximate judgement fomus
approximately cinntech II ar cinntech
appurtenances (?) falas
appurtenances ada(e) II (b)
appurtenances fosair
apricot bricc
April April
apron fathrc
apt at questioning farfaigthech (a)
Aquarius Aquair
aquatic fodobarda
aquiring cennach (b) (cenn)
arabesque creb (c)
Arabia Araib
Arabian Arabdae
Arabic Arabdae
arable land etham 2
arable land ithir
arbiter (?) frmedach
arbiter medam
arbitration eterbreth (breth)
arbitrator fuigleir
arbour erber
arc arc 6
arcade irse
arch irse
archangel arc(h)aingel
archangelic archainglide (archaingel)
archdeacon archideochain
archdeacon fairchideochuin
archduke arsadiuc
archer irseir
archer bogatir (boga)
archers bow fidbocc (a)
archideclyne arsedeclinus
architrave cennbart
ardent (?) femenda(e) 1
ardent desire elscoth, elscud (c)
ardent 1 galach (gal)
ardent 2 grsach (grs)

ardent bruthmar (bruth 1)
ardent fiuchair
ardent forloiscthe
ardent loiscnech (loscain ?)
ardent? foillsech
ardour bruthmaire (bruthmar)
ardour dechraidecht I
ardour goirthige (goirthech)
ardour greit
ardour grs
ardour indmus
ardour lasardacht (lassardae)
ardour muirn
arduous ard 1 I (i)
are to get their attendance fee (sent) to them to their house lgacht (lg)
area capable of being claimed in
area cairt 1 I (b)
area fir 1
arguement imfochlaige
argues do-accair (a)
arguing against frithtacre
arguing aignes (aigne)
argument aignes (aigne)
argument aithairec (airec)
argument argam(a)intensive (a)
argument dioscurs
argument dliged I (d)
argument imcheist
argument imthacra
argumentative conspidech (conspid)
argumentative menmchasach
arguments argnta (argin, see argamaint)
arises (esp. of dissension, war, etc.) said (b) (s 1)
arises (intrans.) (fig.) do-fuissim III (c)
arises (intrans.) do-furgaib II (b)
arises (intrans.) do-roich II
arises and sets forth irgid (g)
arises between (of a quarrel) irgid (h) eter
arises at-reig
arises con-irig
arises do-rig 2
arises do-icc II
arises do-tt (c)
arises irgid (c)
arises esirgid (es(s)irge)
arises gainithir
arises maidid
aristocrat cem 1 II (b)
arithmetic airitmetig
ark of the covenant rc
arm or inlet of the sea forming a creek or river estuary gabul

arm athargab
arm brac
arm do 1 (b)
arm farc
arm lm
armed conflict debuith II
armed man ? idnaid (?idna)
armed or skilled with the spear or javelin gaithlennach I
armed with a manais manasech
armed with a spear gade (ge)
armed with many weapons il
armed with weapons idnach, indnach (idna, indna)
armed armach (arm)
armed armda (arm)
armed armtha(e)
armed lainnech (lann)
Armenia Arm(i)n
Armenian Arminech (Armin)
Armenian Armiannae = Arminech
armful airber 1
armful brog 2
arming armdacht (armda)
arming tigud
arming tiud, ted (b)
Armoric Gaul letha
Armorica Armairc Letha
armour arm (a)
armour armil (b) (arm)
armour tiud, ted (b)
armour arn
armour arnaide (arn)
armpit ascall = ochsall
armpit coidche 2
arm-ring buinne (c)
arm-ring fail 1, foil
arms (?) ailech 3
arms airgal (c)
arms airmertach
arms armaid 1 (arm)
arms armil (b) (arm)
arms armrad (arm) ?
arms athargab
arms tid (b)
arms gaisced
army in encampment dnchaire (dn + cuire)
army arbar 2
army arm (c)
army armil (a) (arm)
army congab (b)
aroma arime
aromatic armata

around which many graves have settled ilar
around you on every side imm, imb
around cartaigthid (cartaigid)
around fo, fa, f I (f)
around i n-airthimchell (timchell)
around imm, imb
around imma(c)cairt
around imthacmang, imthacmac
around imthimchell
aroused lasaid
arouses (?) (trans.) con-ala
arouses (of anger or other emotion) do-fuschi II (d)
arouses do-duschi (b)
arouses musclaid
arousing diuchtrad
arraignment immardad
arranged (?) i n-ecrus
arranged together comchirigthe (cirigthe)
arranged airecartha
arranged craigthe, cirigthe
arranged custal
arranged ecortha, ecairthe I (ecraid)
arranged glsta
arrangement (?) ? frithortud (ordad)
arrangement to meet airis (b)
arrangement airimbert (b)
arrangement airlthar (lthar)
arrangement aradu (a)
arrangement certugud (a)
arrangement com\.sreth
arrangement condar
arrangement crugud, crgud
arrangement des
arrangement ecor, ecar I
arrangement for
arrangement gls
arrangement indell
arrangement indell
arrangement lthar
arranges (?) con-indle
arranges (of forces) do-fcaib I (f)
arranges in due order fo-sern (sernid)
arranges together (gramm.) con-suidigedar (suidigidir)
arranges underneath (?) fochraigid
arranges airlthr(aig)id (airlthar)
arranges airlithir (d)
arranges certaigid (a) (cert)
arranges coimsigid (coimse, commus)
arranges comarda(ig)id (a) (comard)
arranges comecraid (ecraid)
arranges con-cuirethar

arranges craigid, cirigid, cirgid (cir)
arranges cuibdigid(ir) (cubaid)
arranges dlaid III (dl 2)
arranges do-ecra
arranges do-gn II (l)
arranges ecraid I (ecor)
arranges glsaid (gls)
arranges immarchraigid
arranges indlid (indell)
arranges in-l
arranges lthraid (lthar)
arranging (properly) comchrugad (crugad)
arranging in folds forfilliud (filliud)
arranging airecar (ecor)
arranging certugud (a)
arranging commus (a)
arranging crugud, crgud
arranging cuibdiugud
arranging delb 1 (b)
arranging ecor, ecar I
arranging ecrad
arranging fuirmiud, -med
arranging immordugud
array (of persons, places, things) ecor, ecar I
array comecar (ecor)
array crugud, crgud
arrayed in many colours il
arrays oneself gaibid
arrays oneself gaibid
arrays airbrigid (airbre)
arrays certaid (cert)
arrays dessigid, dessaigid (a) (dess)
arrays do-ecra
arrays indlid (indell)
arrest airgabl
arresting fostugud (fast-)
arrests ad-reith
arrives (intrans.) do-airret, do-irret II
arrives (intrans.) do-roich II
arrives at con-ricc
arrives do-rorban 1 I
arriving at airmaisiu (a)
arrogance (?) annln
arrogance ainmad (mad)
arrogance ardae, airde (d) (ard 1)
arrogance bocsach 2 (bocs)
arrogance cennsel
arrogance comdummus (dumuss)
arrogance d(u)msaige (dummusach)
arrogance dummus
arrogance immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid

arrogance indocbl, inducbl
arrogance modmenna vx menma
arrogance mrdatu (mrda)
arrogant (?) baibthech (bafad)
arrogant aintenn (1 tend)
arrogant anaibrech (anabar)
arrogant bocsach 1 (bocs)
arrogant borb (b)
arrogant dummusach (dummus)
arrogant forallach
arrogant immarcach (immarca)
arrogant immarcrach, imforcrach
arrogant labar
arrogant modmech (modem)
arrow from a bow of yew ibraide (ibar)
arrow daiger 2
arrow gesadn
art (?) cuird
art (?) fth 6 (feth?)
art of computus compidecht
art of designing or illuminating (?) gibe vx gebech
art of playing fidchell fidchellacht (a) (fidchell)
art of riding marcachas
art of the fili filidecht (a) (fili)
art of the laig leiges (laig)
art of writing liter
art of yawning mnfadach (mn)
art bas 1 (b)
art cerd 1 (b)
art dn II
art elada, elatha (a)
art ft
art man
artery airtire
artery cuisle (c)
artful ceirdide = ceirdech
arthritis idu
artichoke blisn
article (gramm.) articol, airtecal (a)
article made of yew ibrach (ibar)
article made of yew-wood ? ibar > iubar, iobar
article of an agreement, etc. articol, airtecal (c)
article of faith articol, airtecal (b)
article of wood crann (c)
article which to some extent falls short of the value of the object for which it is given in pledge
article ball (c)
articulate forbriste (for-brissi)
articulation (in humans and animals) alt 1 I (a)
artifex ceirbele
artifice admat

artificial (?) dnmasach (b) (dnmas)
artificial (?) forramanda
artificial doubling of the final consonent of a word deichned (a)
artificial eladnach (elada)
artificial forcmachtae
artificially aicdech
artisan cerd 1 (a)
artistic (of work) cerdach (cerd 1)
artistic faculty dn II
artistic work 1 grs
artistic ceirdech (cerd)
artistically constructed eladnach (elada)
artistically contrived eladnach (elada)
artistically wrought cerdamail (cerd 1)
artistically aicentach
arts -dnacht 2
as (correl. of Lat. am, ita) fu II (b)
as (lit. for the purpose of) do 1 A
as (of manner) fo, fa, f III (c) (f mar)
as ... as com- 2
as ... bushy comdos (dos 1)
as a feat of speed or agility imdrech
as a matter of fact a bunad (f) (bun 1)
as a result of los
as a test of arable land? echall
as agent fedmannas
as an offset to agad
as big as mit, mt
as compensation for absconding from the territory ? imchim
as compensation for not being crowned cc
as contending on behalf of immarbg
as equivalent of ar 1 II (e)
as far as co 1
as far as con(n)icci
as far as cot (co 3 + t)
as far as in com\.fot
as far as mit, mt
as ferthigis fert(h)igsecht
as ferthigis fert(h)igsed
as fitted to indell
as for maidir
as he had come from shooting birds in(n)tsecd ?
as idols are served dal, dol
as if amail, amal II (b)
as if immar
as if innamail
as is fitting ina chirt 1 (h), i cirt, cert
as it were emid
as long as ...moons wax and wane imlat
as long as he existed fot, fat
as long as salmon are stirring it imlad

as long as (in) cin III (a)
as long as in com\.fot
as long as, as far as airet I (b)
as majordomo fert(h)igsecht
as many as ln
as many as mit, mt
as many comln (ln 1)
as metrical term ccoitchenn b
as minister fedmannas
as much as (folld. by gen., less oft. acc.) fu I (c)
as much as one wants folortatu
as much as airdail
as much as airet II (e) (with gen. in neg. and condit.
as much as coib(i)s
as much as mit, mt
as much as mit, mt
as numerous as lirithir = lir
as people in confidence tell me icht
as plentiful as lilithir
as price of ar 1 II (e)
as regards 3 a
as regards fo, fa, f II (n)
as regards imm, imb
as regards imths
as regards leth
as regards leth
as regards maidir
as soon as immar
as substitute for ar 1 II (d)
as the price of my maiden-head imdergad
as their movement there was no disorder imlad
as they said to him ind
as though they ate an idol-offering daltae, dolde (dal, dol)
as though amail, amal II (b)
as though immar
as to sharing the property of the father ? inin
as well as fare, far
as well as i n-cmais (e)
as well as la
as well as maidir
as well dano I
as well immach > ammach
as yet cedacht
as ? inairdriuch
as amail, amal I
as amail, amal II (a)
as feb II
as immar
as immar
as immrgain

as indas
as innamail
as meirge
asbestos aspeist
ascendance cennsel
ascendancy barrachas (barrach 1 or 2)
ascending drim I
ascending irge (c)
ascends fris-rig
ascends (intrans.) con-ala
ascends irgid (c)
ascends -fresgaib
ascends fris-caib
ascensions of Christ fresgabl
ascent drim III
ascertaining fis 1, fius I (a)
ascertains (?) cinntigid (cinnte)
ascertains do-sc(u)lat (a)
ascertains for-finnadar
ascetic antech (2 an)
asceticism cacht 1 (c)
asceticism lommae (lomm)
ascribes (?) bait(h)sid, baistid (d) (baithis)
ascribes (to = do) do-aissilbi (a)
ascribes to leth
ascribes ad-rmi
ash ? fulach (folach)
ashamed mlach
ashen laithremail (laith)
ashes laith
ashes laithred (laith)
ash-tree fuinnsec
ashtrees fuinnside
Asia Aissia
aside ft
aside leithlig
aside leth
asking (a request) imchomarc
asking about (a thing) frecmarc
asking again (CW) aithimchomairc (imchomarc)
asking again aith\.farfaigid (farfaigid)
asking again athchuingid 2
asking back athchuingid 2
asking each other coim\.farfaige (farfaigid)
asking for (a thing) frecmarc
asking for (with gen. of obj.) fochmarc
asking pardon dgde
asking permission cetugad (b)
asking 1 arraid
asking 1 arraid
asking il (a)

asking athchomarc
asking athchuingid 2
asking cuingid 1
asking eised
asking farfaigid
asking fochmarc
asks advice of airlithir (b)
asks again ad-athcomairc
asks again aitharraid (arraid)
asks back aitharraid (arraid)
asks for an omen (CW) clmainigid = claid
asks for an omen claid (cl 1)
asks for something guidid
asks for 2 arraid (arar)
asks for ar-guid (?)
asks for do-im(m)gair (b)
asks for fris-comairc, -frecmairc
asks leave cetaigid (c) (cet)
asks pardon do-guid
asks questions of fris-comairc, -frecmairc
asks ad-comairc
asks con-deig
asks do-comairc
asks do-im(m)gair (a)
asks do-tluchedar (a)
asks eis(s)idir
asks imm-comairc
asks imm-foacht
asks imm-said
asks inarcaid
asks inchuindgid (ind-com-di-saig-)
asks, inquires fchtaid
aslant clen I (a)
a-smashing brtchad
asp aspid
aspect (astron.) cil
aspect 1 gnis
aspect comgnis (gnis)
aspect cucht 1
aspect cuin(n)siu
aspect ccosc (c)
aspect faicsin II (aicsiu)
aspect forcsi (farc-, foirc-, fairc-)
aspect fordrech
aspen bad (a)
aspen edad
aspen-tree fidot I
asperity frechdacht (frechda)
asperity garbe (garb)
aspersion guth
aspires to imrige ?

ass asal
ass asan
ass es(s)al
assailing violently (?) fachad
assailing fpairt, fbairt, fabairt
assailing fachtain
assailing imfoichid, imfochaid
assails (?) do-scara II ar (for)
assails (intrans.) do-ella 1 I (d) for
assails (trans.) do-fapair (-fabair, -fbair) (a)
assails aimsigid (a) (ammus)
assails do-autat, do-etat
assails frithardaid
assails fabair, fbair
assails gaibid
assails gaibid
assails gaibid
assails gaibid
assails imm-fuich (imb-fo-fich)
assault (on person, property, territory) forrn
assault asalt
assault fecht I (c)
assault fras (fros) > frais
assault intururas
assaulting airorgain (orgun)
assaulting comirge (irge)
assaults (trans.) bailid, balaid
assays drimid (drim) fri
assays fo-saig
assemblage congab (b)
assembled (of armies) cruinn
assembled cruinnigthe
assembles (?) do-airecmalla
assembles (army) do-inla
assembles (intrans.) do-immoirg (d)
assembles clasaigid (clas 2)
assembles comchruinnigid (cruinnigid)
assembles comthinlaid (tinlaid, see do-inla)
assembles cruinnigid (cruinne)
assembles do-airchomraicci
assembles do-ecra
assembles imm-tecmalla
assembles mraid (mr)
assembling comchruinniugad
assembling comthinl (tinl)
assembling comthinlad
assembling cruinniugad
assembling imtheclamad
assembling mrad
assembly ? lothar (--?)
assembly airecht 1 (a)

assembly airechtas (a) (airecht 1)
assembly canndl
assembly cite (d)
assembly clas 2
assembly comchruinniugad
assembly comdl (dl 2)
assembly commar
assembly comtherchomrac (terchomrac)
assembly comthinl (tinl)
assembly comthinlad
assembly condl
assembly connln
assembly dl 2 II
assembly, gathering, meeting airechtas (a) (airecht 1)
assents by a decision daimid II
assents con-ctban (ceta-b)
assertion (?) (legal) bim (c) (-mm)
assertion of authority? forsmailt, fursmailt
assertive lugach (luige)
asserts bigid (a) (bg)
asserts brigaid
asserts commadid (modid)
asserts derbaid 2 (c) (derb 1)
asserts derbaigid (b) (derb 1)
asserts fo-gella (c)
asserts fo-sisedar
asserts modid
assessed at gablta (gabl)
assessment (?) cocair
assessment comthomus (tomus)
assiduity lire (lir)
assiduous frithgnamach > frichnamach (frithgnam)
assiduous gringalach
assiduous leinnne (lenn)
assiduously leinnne (lenn)
assignation airis (b)
assigning liability fortach
assigning comarthugad
assigning dlgud
assignment dlsigud, dsligud (c)
assigns (?) bait(h)sid, baistid (d) (baithis)
assigns (a day, meeting) gaibid
assigns (legal) comarda(ig)id (b) (comard)
assigns (to = do) do-aissilbi (a)
assigns to ad-rmi
assigns to leth
assigns dilid II (dl 4)
assigns dlaigidir (dl 2)
assigns erbaid 2 (d)
assigns gaibid
assigns imm-nai

assigns imnaid (imna)
assigns midithir
assimilating cosmailech (cosmail)
assimilation cosmailig(i)ud
assistance cobair (a)
assistance com\.firithin (firithin)
assistance comthennta (tennta 1)
assistance cuitiugad (b)
assistance fir 2
assistance fir 2
assisting cobair (b)
assisting congnam
assisting la
assists con-gn
assists cuiti(gi)d (b) (cuit)
assists for-tt
associate comdne (dne)
associate compn
associated muinterda
associates comdne (dne)
associates con-tt (tit)
associating physically (with) comentugud (b)
association cemthach 2
association coitreb (com + treb)
association comentu (b) (oentu)
association comchimthe
association comchaitreb (coitreb)
association comgns (gns)
association muinteras
assonance (metr.) cubaid II (a)
assonance (metr.) cuibdius (b) (cubaid)
assonance (of metre) ammus (f)
assuagement fes(s)am II
assuages fortaigid, furtaigid
assuages fasclaid
assuages mnigid (mn)
assuaging fthnugud
assuaging mnigid (mn)
assuidity (?) (fig.) fochrabe (b)
assumed appearance aimricht (a) (richt)
assumed form (?) crothaidecht
assumes (?) gaibid
assumes responsibility for ar-net (c)
assumes ar-fom (a)
assumes gaibid
assumes gaibid
assumes gaibid
assuming gabl
assumption of humility ? insle (insel)
assurance 2 gein
assurance irithe II (a)

assurance brathar (c)
assurance dnatus II (dnae)
assurance deimin II
assured deimnech (deimin)
assured derbtha (a)
assured i nirithe III
assures oneself deimnigid(ir) (c) (deimin)
assures imm-trnaigedar
Assyrian Assardae
Assyrians Assair
asterisk aistrisc
asthma asma
astonishment ingantus (ingnad)
astonishment ingnad, ingnth
astonishment machtad
astray (?) essel, -il
astray 1 arraid
astringent (med.) dintech (dnaid)
astringent dlthaigthech (dlthaigid)
astringent fastthach
astrolabe astrolaib
astrologer astrolacda = astrolaic
astrologer astrolaic
astrological astrologthach (astrolaic, -e)
astrology astrolaice
astrology astrolaigecht (astrolaige)
astronomical cycle cicul
astute gesach (ges)
astuteness (in good sense) amainse (b) (amnas)
astuteness fille (b)
astuteness glicce (glicc)
asylum 1 accarda
asylum d\.sert
at (occupation or task) for
at (of approx. time of an occurrence) fo, fa, f II (l)
at (of price) de 1, di
at a disadvantage i n-etarbegal
at a disadvantageous time i n-antrth (trth)
at all (?) i gctir
at all etir
at all immanetar, immenetar
at any other time armoth
at any rate cipindus (b) (ca 1 + indas)
at any rate dirithe (b)
at any rate icin I (b)
at close quarters dlthmar (dlth 1)
at ease deid II
at fact (?) i gctir
at hand (?) fuiride (-the) firide
at hand fochrab 1 I
at home foss (fos)

at large fo chaill 1
at last asennad
at last fo deud, fo diud (a)
at last fo deud, fo diud (b)
at least co h-irithe
at length fo deud, fo diud (b)
at night dadaig
at odds with (with re) aimrid I (b) (rid)
at once ar (an m)ball (d)
at once fo chtir
at once i gctir
at once i n-ellma (a)
at once inad < ined
at one draught she drank the royal grace ibid
at peace canchomracach (canchomrac)
at present frecnarcus
at rest fois
at rest forus
at rest i comnaidiu
at the approach of fo brigit 1 II
at the back of for, iar cl (b)
at the bottom chtar
at the command of furilem
at the discretion of lm
at the disposal of la
at the end fo deud, fo diud (d)
at the hands of la
at the hands of la
at the instigation of furilem
at the last gasp for anamthaig
at the mercy of one vessel icht
at the mercy of icht
at the mutual casting of weapons imdburcud, imdbracad
at the same time immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
at this tome indosin (ind-foiss-sin)
at variance esentach I (esenta)
at fo, fa, f I (c)
at fo, fa, f II (j)
at for
at for
at fri
at fri
at fri
at I
at imm, imb
at imm, imb
at la
Athenians Aithnensta(i)
Athens Athain
athletics lth
athwart airtharsna (tarsna)

athwart ar (dar) farlat
athwart ar (dar) farut
athwart fotharsna vx tarsna
atmosphere aer
atom atam
atom dadom, dad, dada, dadaid
atom gead
atonement made on the Cross cc
atonement cdachas (cid)
atonement cin (b)
atonement dl II (a)
atonement cc
atoner that pays or makes amends ccaid > ccaide (cc)
atones (for) citigid
atones for dlaid (c) (dl)
atones for ccaid (cc)
atoning for anything ccaidecht (ccaid)
atrament arrament
atriplex or goose-foot (name of a plant) elefleog, elefreog, elethreog
attached to 7 a III (a)
attached to for
attached to fri
attaches importance to dchaid III iarmairt
attachment due to descent (with = fri (re)) dthchas (e) (dthaig)
attachment due to long standing (with = fri (re)) dthchas (e) (dthaig)
attachment bid (a)
attachment bade (a) (bad)
attack (?) d\.fothach
attack (direct or indirect) on ones honour enechgreiss, ainechgreiss (a)
attack (of disease) aixis
attack ? indrecht (? recht)
attack of illness aiccidit
attack on the honour 2 gres (s)
attack ? fothach
attack ? fuba
attack ? immammus
attack 1 grith
attack 1 arraid
attack 2 gres (s)
attack ammus (c)
attack balad 1
attack brach (a)
attack clathach (b) (clath)
attack cominnsaigid, -ge (indsaigid)
attack comthetarracht
attack comthururas
attack conas
attack congal 1
attack cuinn(d)scle
attack drim II fri (re)
attack fecht I (c)

attack feidm (c)
attack fogal
attack fras (fros) > frais
attack imrathar
attack indsaigid, innaigid
attack intururas
attack lamachtain
attack muscul
attack? ? mathcosan
attacking (?) fbra
attacking circle (of foes) circul bodba
attacking ? immammus
attacking aimsiugud (a)
attacking ammus (c)
attacking balad 1
attacking com\.fogal (fogal)
attacking com\.fabairt (fpairt)
attacking comirge (irge)
attacking drim II fri (re)
attacking dul 1 II (c) fo
attacking irge (e)
attacking fpairt, fbairt, fabairt
attacking indlach
attacking indsaigid, innaigid
attacking ingreimm, ingraimm, ingrimm
attacking limm
attacks (?) confolmastar
attacks (?) do-aimsi
attacks (in hostile sense) con-mesca (c)
attacks (insidiously) fo-ben
attacks (trans.) do-fapair (-fabair, -fbair) (a)
attacks him atnarat
attacks mutually imm-frisaig (imb-trith-saig)
attacks ? fubaid (fuba)
attacks ad-reith
attacks aimsigid (a) (ammus)
attacks at-etha (a)
attacks combidgaid (bidcaid)
attacks con-meil
attacks do-beir V
attacks do-ben 2 (a)
attacks do-fich 2
attacks irgid (f)
attacks irgid (h) do (1)
attacks fo-fich (b)
attacks fo-fasna (b)
attacks for-gaib
attacks fabair, fbair
attacks gaibid
attacks gaibid
attacks gaibid

attacks gaibid
attacks gaibid
attacks imm-fpair
attacks imm-si
attacks imm-si
attacks ind-saig ?
attacks istech
attacks lingid
attainment (?) imchor
attainment ? indrem, indram
attains maturity foirbthigid(ir) II
attains to (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (e)
attains to 2 ad-cumaing
attains to ad-reith
attains to ar-midethar (b)
attains to con-ricc
attains ind-oisci
attempt to humiliate enechgreiss, ainechgreiss (a)
attempt to reach arracht
attempt to slander enechgreiss, ainechgreiss (a)
attempt 1 arraid
attempt 2 gres (s)
attempt airbert (b)
attempt airthrall (b) (trall)
attempt ammus (a)
attempt arracht
attempt indas
attempted do-armairt (a)
attempter aimmsid (ad-midethar)
attempting (?) comaimsiugud
attempting to pass fpairt, fbairt, fabairt
attempting airimbert (c)
attempting fochaid (a)
attempting fpairt, fbairt, fabairt
attempting imthaircsiu
attempting imthrall
attempts (?) ? fris-comraic
attempts (?) con-ruidethar
attempts 2 arraid (arar)
attempts do-fairget (b)
attempts do-inscanna I (b)
attempts fo-lmathar (-limethar ?)
attempts fo-saig
attempts fabair, fbair
attempts lmaigid (lm)
attendance (?) finne 2
attendance 2 goire (gor)
attendance comrar (rar)
attendance fonaidm
attendance frestal
attendance frithiled, -lad, -elad

attendance frithgnam
attendance arsla, -shile
attendance inaltas (inailt)
attendance manchaine
attendant (at arms ?) forbfer vx forbor
attendant troops muinter
attendant amus
attendant ara 3 (-ae) (b)
attendant bachaill (c)
attendant comthechtaid (comthecht s. coimitecht)
attendant echlach 1
attendant foss
attendants (?) cemthai
attendants coim(m)ite
attended by throngs (?) drongach (drong)
attended by troops canach (b) (can 1)
attended on ? ? fris-saig
attending on frithiltech (frithiled, -em)
attending to (the wants of) forruma
attending to (with gen. or for, ar) fethem (c)
attending to com\.frestal (frestal)
attending to fochell 1 (a)
attending to forfethem (fethem)
attending to frecor
attending to frecor
attending com\.frithilem (frithilem)
attending frithilem
attending imfrithilem
attends on comrara(ig)id (comrar)
attends on frestlaid (frestal)
attends to (?) fris-acci (frith-ad-ci/-)
attends to ? for-tuisi=for-tuaisi
attends to ar-foichlea (b)
attends to fris-ilethar
attends to fris-cuirethar
attends to lirigid(ir) (lir)
attends ? fris-eillig
attends istid, itsid
attention (?) fochell 1 (a)
attention ? inrige ?
attention to aire do
attention to cs 1 (c) i n-
attention 1 aicned
attention aird 2
attention aire 1 (b)
attention coitsecht
attention deithiden I
attention in(n)tinn
attention indithem, indfethem
attention menma
attentive (?) dulannach (dulann)

attentive to sound istechtach (tsecht)
attentive airech 4 (aire 1)
attentive coitsech (coitse)
attentive deithidnech (deithiden)
attentive indithmech, indfethmech (indithem)
attenuation (of vowels) celad
attestation (legal) fadnaise (a) (fada 2)
attestation fr 1 II (c)
attestation forgell, forgal(l)
attested forglide
attesting deimnigud (a)
attesting fadnaisiugad
attests (?) fortaigid (fortach) vx for-tuigethar, for-toing
attests as-fena
attests derbaid 2 (a) (derb 1)
attests fadnaigid (fada 2)
attests for-gella
attests for-toing (tongid)
Attic Atacdae
Attica Attic
attire bert 1 II (beirid)
attire cula(i)d
attire ccosc (d)
attire errad 1, erriud (-ed), irrad II
attraction attairngthe (tarraing)
attractive (med.) attairngtech (tarraing)
attractive clanach (clain 2)
attributes (to = do) do-aissilbi (a)
audacious anbal (an +fal)
audacious dnae 1 I (c)
audacity bethar (beth 1)
audacity dnacht 1 II (danae)
audacity dnae 2
audacity dnatus II (dnae)
audacity liten(a)
audience audiens
augmentation formoladeulogy
augmentation imfuillned, imfuilled
augur clmanaigtheir (clmainigid)
augur mathmarcir
augural clmainech (clmaine)
auguring cailleracht (cailleir)
augury cl 1
augury clmaine
augury fitsine, fithsine (fith)
August Agustus
August Auguist
Augustine Aibisdn
auspicious bodae (b) (bo)
auspicious imchubaid > imchuibe
austere mcna

austerity dire (dr)
austerity mcnatu
authentic cttamail (cttu)
author augtar (c)
author litrid (liter)
authoritative (?) follomda
authoritative pronouncement ? fuigled
authoritative source augtarts
authoritative statement dliged I (c)
authoritative augtarda (augtar)
authoritative cennasach (cennas 1)
authority ? ? ius
authority ? inchomus
authority airchinnecht (airchinnech)
authority augtar (d)
authority augtaracht = augtarts
authority augtarts
authority brg (a)
authority cl 1 (b)
authority commmus (mmus)
authority forgell, forgal(l)
authority forsmailt, fursmailt
authority greimm
authorization dispensid
authorship augtarts
autumn fochmuine
auxiliaries firithin (c)
avails (?) gnaigid (gndhaigid, gnthaigid)
avails aingid
avails fo-gn I (c)
avails ccaid (cc)
avenger cairigthech
avenger dachtid (do-fich 1)
avenger diechtaid
avenger dgaltir (dgailt)
avenger dglaid 1 (dgal)
avenges (an offence) (on = ar, for) (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (f)
avenges aithnigid 2
avenges comdglaid (dglaid)
avenges dglaid 2 (dgal)
avenges do-fich 1
avenges ccaid (cc)
avenges in-deich
avenging aithbe (b)
avenging dgailt
avenging dgal
avenging dglaide (dgal)
avenging indechad
average mesarda (mesar)
average midba(e)
average midba(e)

avers derbaid 2 (c) (derb 1)
averse to labour deid I
aversion 1 grin
aversion m-
averter adchosaire
averts (?) ? frithid
averts (a disease, danger, etc) firid (b)
averts (di = from) do-ingaib (a)
averts ? imm-cuir(a)
averts fris-slig
averts? adchois
avid cccarach = cccar
avoidance of prolixity imgabil
avoiding imchimnigud
avoiding imgabil
avoiding ingabl
avoiding lm
avoiding loccad
avoiding loccad
avoids ar-ingaib
avoids imm-imgaib (im-gaib)
avoids in-gaib
avowal (of faith) fasitiu (a)
avowing modem
avows ad-daim
avows fasmid 1
avows fo-sisedar
avows modid
awaiting air\.feithem
awaiting fr
awaiting indnaide
awaits air\.feithid (fethid 1)
awaits ar-net (a)
awaits ind-ne/at
awakening diuchtrad
awakening musclaid
awakens do-duschi (a)
awakens do-fcaib I (k)
awakens musclaid
awakes (?) dchraid 2
awakes (trans. and intrans.) do-fuch(t)ra, do-foch(t)ra
awakes ? fordiuchtrathar
awakes disigid (do-fuschi)
awakes musclaid
awaking diuchtrad
awaking dsacht
awaking dscad (-ud)
award dl 2 IV (a)
award lann
awards (legal) con-certa (b)
awards (to) facair (fo-acair, fcair)

aware ctfadach (a) (ctfaid)
aware cuimnech (a) (cuimne)
aware fes(s)ach (a)
away from immaig
away immach > ammach
awed foramnach
awesome aicbil
awful igthide
awful anapaig (d) (apaig)
awful bistecht (bast)
awfulness 1 grin
awkward fellow brelln (a) (brell)
awkward person lice
awkward aindeis (b) (dess)
awkward cittach
awl (?) cosnais
awl menad
awn colg (d)
awry lebach
axe (?) eipit
axe bail, biil
axe laime
axioms forus
axis crann (c)
axis milaire
axle ? gamul
axle mol
azure asir

babbler (?) bablir
babbling (?) belgach
babe lenab
bachelor basillr
back (of house or room) arcl
back of head cl (a)
back of neck clad
back of thigh esca(i)t
back the same way frithst
back ais 1
back cl (a)
back druim(m) I
back druim(m) II
back druimne (a) (druimm)
back for, iar cl (b)
back formna
back frithing, -eing
back arthar
back artharach
backbiter cndaigthid
backbiters? abarthaig

backbiting aithimrd (imrd)
backbiting aithimritech (aithimrd)
back-biting doithnge (do + tengae)
backbiting cndach II
backbiting foiscenach
backboneless meirb
back-door fann 1
backdoor fodorus
back-security clrith (cl + rith, see rth 1)
backslider forfec(c)aid ? vx fecaidecht
backward kicks ? arlib
backward mit
backwards for, iar cl (b)
backwards frithing, -eing
backwards frithrosc
bacon bacn
bacon bluch, blach
bad (?) amban (ban 2)
bad (?) drenn 6
bad (?) elc
bad (of things) daig (g?)
bad (with nouns) an- (b)
bad appearance dodath (dath)
bad colour dodath (dath)
bad conduct ainrad (1 rad)
bad contract donaidm (naidm)
bad fence ainimme (imbe)
bad fosterage m-
bad husbandry trebaire
bad is that friendship (?) imbert
bad land aintr (tr)
bad language m-
bad leather? milethar
bad matter (?) dodomnae (damnae)
bad omen aincl (cl)
bad person an(d)gaid (andach 1) II
bad person doduine (duine)
bad reading m-
bad reputation aintestas (b)
bad share doroind (rand 1)
bad stealing away doetlo = do + etlo
bad suing anacra 1 (b) (acrae)
bad suretyship dorthas, doirthes (do + rthus)
bad tidings lach
bad use aindl (dl)
bad weather derdan, dertan
bad weather do\.sn (sn)
bad weather doaimser (aimser)
bad weather imrima
bad welcome (materially) anfilte (b) (filte)
bad woman doben (ben)

bad ampromthai
bad bil 3
bad cl I (b)
bad di 3
bad dmaith 2 (d- neg. + maith)
bad do-, du-
bad droch 1
Badb-like badbda (badb)
badger brocc
badger brocrad (brocc)
badger-hole (?) broclas (brocc + clas 1 ?)
badger-warren broic(th)enach (brocc)
badly aimed cast imroll
badly aimed shot imroll
badly armed doairm (arm)
badly equipped doairm (arm)
badly injured (?) athmudaigthe (mudaigid)
badness of character dobsaige (dobsach)
badness andach 1
baffles mairnid
baffoonlike (?) fuirside
bag (?) baes
bag (?) bulchre
bag (for chess-men?) ferbolg
bag baga
bag bolg 1 (a)
bag bolgn (bolg 1)
bag bas 3
bag cilfing
bag clera (-- ?)
bag cril
bag fetan
bag adach
bag ls
bag menbolg
bags ?melog
bail 1 aicdech
bail arnaid 2
bailiff bille
bait magar
baked fonaithe (part. of fo-no)
bakehouse bcs
baker bcsdir (bcs)
bakes airgoirid (goirid)
bakes fo-no
bakes imfuinid
baking and cooking imfuine
baking implement cert 3 \.fuine
baking fuine
baking fuine
baking fulacht

baking imfuine
baking-flag fuine
balance for weighing med
balances comthroma(ig)id (comthrom)
balancing of claims (legal) comardugad (b)
balancing of liability (legal) comardad (b)
balancing commtugad
balancing cutrummugud
balcony ailiff
bald in front (?) airmel (mel)
bald mael (moel, mal)
baldness in front (?) airmale (airmel)
baleful imnedach (imned)
balks loccaid (locc)
ball (?) gl
ball of thread ceirtle
ball bolg 1 (g)
ball foph
ball lathrit
ball mell
ball-playing immin
Ballsamita ibar > iubar, iobar
balm balsam(m), balsaime
balm cce
balsam balsam(m), balsaime
ban airgart
ban bang 1
band (?) daime
band (?) dis II
band (of men) caine = can 1
band (of metal?) forflesc
band (of persons) cuibrenn (c)
band (of warriors etc.) cana(i)rt 1, cona(i)rt (b) (can, c)
band (of warriors) muirn
band (used for a belt or a garter) ferenn
band for a barrel fonnsa
band of cloth brit (a)
band of emigrants immirge, immirc(h)e
band of fighting-men ceithern
band of followers? ? masrad
band of guests 1 gres(s)
band of horsemen grafand
band of household followers meschuire
band of household retainers meschuire
band of lepers clamrad (clam)
band of marauders dberg (b) (d + bergg)
band of mercenaries amsach 2 (amus)
band of persons engaged in some common occupation meithel
band of persons engaged in some common service meithel
band of persons ceithern
band of persons drcht I

band of reapers meithel
band of roving men fan (a)
band of sea rovers loinges (long)
band of soldiers, etc. elta 1 (b)
band of warriors (?) ainfallach (fanlach)
band of warriors (metaph.) damrad III
band or troop of warriors fanlach, fiallach (a)
band 2 all
band amm 2 (b)
band arnaid 2
band braine 1
band brainech 2 (braine 1)
band buiden
band clar (b)
band coibden (com + fedan)
band coinnem (a)
band commann
band connln
band can 1 (c)
band cuitechta (con + techt 1 or 2)
band dne (c)
band drimm (b)
band drma
band drem(m)
band drong
band is 1
band fedan II
band fednach 2 (a) (fedan)
band fir 3
band foirenn (b)
band fonasc
band laine
band lorg
band mocol
bandel beinndil
bandit ceithernach (ceithern)
bandit danar V
bandit dbergach (a) (dberg)
bandit meirlech
bandying ( of words) imlat
bane befell him ilach
bane airbaid
baneful airbadach (a) (airbaid)
baneful malartach
baneful malartnach
baneful milltech (millid)
banished man loingsech (loinges)
banished deoradach (deorad)
banished indarbthach (indarbad)
banishes (over sea) loingid (long)
banishes (trans.) echtraid 2 II

banishes cominnarbanaid (in-rban)
banishes dbrid
banishes dbrigid = dbrid
banishes dchuirid (dchor)
banishes echtrannaid II (echtrann)
banishes facair (fo-acair, fcair)
banishes loingsigid (loinges)
banishing ? indarbanad
banishing dbert
banishing dbra = dbert
banishing dchor 1 (d + cor)
banishing imracad
banishment dbert
banishment fcra(e) (g)
banishment indarba
banishment indarbach
banishment indarbad
banishment indarbad
banishment loinges (long)
bank (of land) (?) colba(-ae) (c)
bank airimell (imbel)
bank br 3
bank bruach (br 3)
bank dumach (a) (duma 1)
bank libenn
bank les
banner ? idna, indna
banner brattach 2 (bratt)
banner gunnfund
banner meirge
banquet banais (b) (ben + feis 2)
banquet bangcd
banquet cisir
banquet fsta
banquet fled (a)
banqueting comithe (ithe)
banqueting-hall cuirmthech (cuirm + tech)
banqueting-hall fletech (fled + tech)
banqueting-house fletech (fled + tech)
baptised person (?) baistedach
baptises bait(h)sid, baistid (a) (baithis)
baptising bait(h)sed, baisted (a)
baptism bait(h)sed, baisted (a)
baptism baithis, baithes, bathais (a)
baptismal rite baithis, baithes, bathais (a)
bar to an action at law (a delict which must must be atoned for before one obtains justice) (legal)
bar barra
bar crann (c)
bar drol 1 (a)
bar inber, indber

barb clipe
barb forrind
barbarian barbr
barbarity ainicht (icht)
barbarous allmarda (-ae) (allmuir)
barbarous barbarach (a)
barbed (?) dtamail (dt 1)
barbed corrnach (corrn)
barbed frithbacanach
barber barbairib
barber berrbir
barber berrthaid (berraid)
barber berrthir = berrthaid
barbering berrthracht (berrthir)
barberry barbrch, barbrg
bard of the fifth degree 2 admall
bard bard
bardic company dm II
bardic composition bairdne (bard)
bardic craft bairdne (bard)
bardic metre bairdne (bard)
bardic order icse (c)
bardic pupil felmac
bare (?) fem 2
bare (of ground) eichrid
bare (of weapons) airnocht (nocht 2)
bare pasturage luimpre
bare pasture athlumpaire
bare place (a flaw ) folmugud (vn. of folmaigid)
bare surface (of the human skin) grian
bare twig foloman (cf. lomman)
bare ? fomael
bare drechtae
bare folomm
bare formel
bare fornocht
bare frithnocht
bare leis vx licid
bare lochairthe, -artha, -arda?
bare lomda (lomm)
bare lomm
bare lommartha, -da
bare mael (moel, mal)
bareness imm
bareness lomdatu (lomda)
bareness lommae (lomm)
bares (?) derscnaigid (c) = derscaigid
bares the teeth drantaigid (drant)
bares do-rig 1 (b)
bares do-nochta (nochtaid)
bares femaid

bargain cennach (a) (cenn)
bargain coibche 1 (b)
bargain cundrad (b)
baring fuidrech
baritone etarsonde
bark (?) farc
bark (?, CW) etarsnam
bark (of tree) crottball (b) (crott + ball)
bark of a tree (?) feilisc
bark brc 1 (a)
bark coirt 1
bark croiccenn
barking (?) comirsire (airsaire)
barking (of dogs etc.) donl (do + nall)
barking of dogs ilach
barking amastrach (amastar)
barking glimnach (gloimm)
barks glommaid (gloimm)
barks do-seinn
barks glammaid vx glommaid
barley erna
barm descad, descaid (b)
barn gairnl
barn itech
barn ithlann, ithla (ith)
barnacle goose cadan
barnacle goose cauth
barnacle goose gigrann, giugrann
baron barn
baronetcy barntacht (barn)
barony barntacht (barn)
barque ciil 1
barrel bairille
barren aimbrit
barren ainsil (sol)
barren dsc (d + sesc)
barren dthoraid (torad)
barren essuthach (suthach)
barren toirthech
barren folam, falam vx folomm
barren meschu
barrenness aimbrite (aimbrit)
barrenness aimbritecht = aimbrite
barrenness dsc (d + sesc)
barrenness fise (fs)
barrier (?) frithecoirse
barrier airleng
barrier imbe
barring airadad
barrow duma 1, dumae (a)
bars (?) follaigid, failligid (follach, faill)

bars ar-cuilli (a)
bars barraid 2
bartering imchennaigecht
barters malartaid
base (?) duthair
base (of a mill) fothach
base (of armies) bun 1
base (of mountains) bun 1
base (of physical and moral qualities) dor (b)
base (of trees etc.) bun 1
base calling docherd (cerd)
base of vessel (?) loistin (? listn)
base person cithrumach
base bun 1
base domne, domnae (b) (domain)
base fonn
baseness dochenlaige (dochenlach)
baseness doscaire (doscair)
bases (on = for) con-suidi (suidid)
bases (on) costa(ig)id = con-suidi
basic bunad (e) (bun 1)
basic bunitech (bunit)
basic bunatta (-ae) (bunad)
basilic (vein) basilica
basilisk basalixa, basailic, basailist
basin bisn
basin cachn (cach, see cach)
basin labar
basis (of law, etc.) ail 1 (d)
basis ? fothad, -ud
basis of a claim (legal) colainn (d) [sic]
basis ailech 1
basis all 1 (b)
basis bunad (a) (bun 1)
basis bunit (bun 1 + itt)
basis forus
basis fotha
basis fundam(e)int (fond-)
basis grian
basis grunda
basket (?) casal (-ll) (c)
basket bascaid
basket ces 2 (a)
basket clab (a)
basket crannc (a) (crann)
basket cairt 2
bastard bastard
bat altc
bat atlu
batallion airgal (c)
bath fothrucud

bathes (hands or feet) ind-aim > indmaid
bathes fothraicid
bathing balad 2
bathing fothrucud
bathing fothrucun
bathing-place fothrucud
bath-tub lothommar (?--)
battalion ? imdrong
battalion baitl
battalion batille
battalion cath 1 (b)
battalion crugud, crgud
battalion cairt 1 I (a)
battalion idna, indna
battering-ram which is used in demolishing walls lund = lth
battering-ram lithe
battle (?) airbg
battle (?) dbart 2, duba(i)rt
battle (in the morning?) matan (maiten)
battle (poet.) dorar
battle array indell
battle became closer imfoicsigid (imfoicse)
battle line idna, indna
battle 2 g
battle airgal (b)
battle augra (-ae) (b)
battle blr 2
battle cm 1
battle cath 1 (a)
battle cathlann
battle cathugud (b)
battle cidiol
battle cith 1
battle clathach (b) (clath)
battle clathad
battle clathar (clath)
battle comlann II (b)
battle comrac 1
battle comraicthe
battle conblicht
battle cr 1 I (d)
battle cuinn(d)scle
battle cummasc (c)
battle ellach 1 I (c)
battle imbalad
battle imguin
battle immairecc > immairg
battle imslige
battle maidinn (maidenn?)
battle mairbill
battle(?) airichill (b)

battle-array batille
battle-axe bail, biil
battle-cry comarc (a)
battle-equipment arm (a)
battlefield rmag
battle-field lerg
battlefields meirbligthe
battle-fury confa(i)d (c + buith)
battle-line cippe
battle-standard confing
battle-standard meirge
battling together comthroit (troit)
battling cathugud (a)
bay can 2
bay luir (--?)
baying (of dogs etc.) donl (do + nall)
bayonet baiginet
be got to ad-cota
be overthrown -esarlaither
be raised to the altar altrad (altir)
beach ? muirthend
beach-combing cnasacht = cnasach
beacon maeln (mael)
beagle gadar
beak gop
beak guilbend
beak gulba
beak gulban
beaked gulbanda (gulba)
beaked gulbnech (gulba)
beam (?) desleinn
beam airge 2
beam bairrn (barr)
beam crann (c)
beam etal 2
beam gabul
beam gabul
beam gae
beam gathn (gath)
beam maide
beams clrach 2 (clr)
bear art 1
bear beithir
bear math
bear mathgamain
beard (?) foltchp-chp
beard of corn broth 1
beard 1 grend
beard fsc
bearded (?) fesach
bearded fsach (fs 2)

bearded fscach (fsc)
beardless wheat mael (moel, mal)
beardless amul(ch)ach (ul(ch)ach)
beards grendaigid (1 grend)
bearer imbert(h)ach (imbert)
bearer imchoraid (imchor)
bearer immarchorthid
bearing (?) beiriotas (beirid)
bearing (?) foram, -aim, -om(o)
bearing (of animals) doth
bearing emblems comarthach (a) (comartha)
bearing signs comarthach (a) (comartha)
bearing testimony fada 2 (b)
bearing up under (?) fes(s)am I (a)
bearing witness fada 2 (b)
bearing witness forgell, forgal(l)
bearing breth (a)
bearing breth (b)
bearing congraimm
bearing foditiu (a)
bearing foir (a)
bearing fuilngthe
bearing fulach (folach)
bearing fulachtain (fulach)
bearing fulang
bearing fulang
bearing imchor
bearing imchor
bearing imchor
bearing imchrad
bearing immachor, immochor
bearing immarchor
bears (?) do-so III
bears (offspring) do-fuissim II (b)
bears aloft -fortairci
bears down foirrgid 1
bears over (?) -fortairci
bears twins emnaid 1 (c) (emon 1)
bears with fo-daim (daimid) (b)
bears beirid II
bears con-beir
bears fo-loing
bears immaircid, immairchid
bears imm-archuirethar
bears imm-cuirethar
bears imm-cuirethar
beast of burden im(a)int, iment
beast ainmide 1 II
beast anmandae (b) (ainimm)
beast bast, bist
beast brit

beast cethir (cethair)
beastly bastaide (bast)
beat one another imm-esoirg vx imma n-
Beati biait (b)
beating rain clagairnech (-arnach)
beating bin
beating balad 1
beating balad 1
beating crad
beating esorcon
beating flescad
beating indarcan
beatitude (CW) bennaigthecht (bennaigthe s.v. bennachaid)
beatitude biait (a)
beats (intrans.) bailid, balaid
beats (trans.) bailid, balaid
beats (with a stick) flescaid (flesc 1)
beats back frithbailid
beats as-oirc
beats benaid I (a)
beats caoirlid
beats craid
beats do-fairc
beats gaibid
beats gredaid (mod.)
beats ind-oirg
beauteous mlla (<mnla)
beautifies maisigid
beautiful (?) cadb 1
beautiful (?) gnach (gn)
beautiful ? il
beautiful at the back arlind
beautiful complexion (of face or skin) dath 1 III
beautiful complexion lxaire lx
beautiful object cem 1 II (c)
beautiful person cem 1 II (c)
beautiful warfare mlte (ml)
beautiful ? indaide
beautiful 1 gnae vx gne
beautiful admas(s)
beautiful cadla 1
beautiful cem 1 I (b)
beautiful cemdae 1 = cem
beautiful can 1
beautiful cruthach (cruth 1)
beautiful cruthamail (cruth 1)
beautiful dinde (din)
beautiful dattae I
beautiful delbach 1 (delb 1)
beautiful delbdae (a) (delb 1)
beautiful gne (> gn, gne, gna, gnaoi)

beautiful lxaire (lx)
beautiful lgech (l)
beautiful lgmar (lg)
beautiful mlla (<mnla)
beautifying fornamad
beauty (?) fulln
beauty (?, CW) delbaide = delbdae
beauty of form cruth 1
beauty of form delbdacht (delbdae)
beauty 1 gnae vx gne
beauty ille (laind)
beauty illecht = ille
beauty ine 1 (c)
beauty bregdacht (bregda 1)
beauty bres 1 (d)
beauty came (a) (cem)
beauty cane 1 (a) (can 1)
beauty cumtacht = cumtach
beauty delbad (delb 1)
beauty desse (b) (dess)
beauty gne (> gn, gne, gna, gnaoi)
beauty lichet
beauty lxaire (lx)
beauty lxaire (lx)
beaver (hat) bbar, baver
beaver (otter?) dobrn (dobur 2)
because of the fact that not cen IV co (a)
because of 3 a
because of ar 1 II (c)
because of dig 1 I
because of dg I
because of fo bth, fo bthin I
because of for
because of immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
because of la
because of prep. + dgain, digin
because 3 g
because 7 a II (b)
because dig 1 II
because dath 4
because dg II
because dul 1 II (g)
because fo bth, fo bthin II
because mit, mt
becherfrmiges Fadennetz cach(\.s)naidm (cach 1 + naidm) =
become rational codnaigthe
becomes accustomed to clechtaid (clecht 1)
becomes angry com\.fergaigid (fergaigid)
becomes angry lonnaigid(ir) (lonn)
becomes aware of mothaigid (moth)

becomes bare lommaid (lomm)
becomes bloated borraid (borr)
becomes bright glid (gl)
becomes calm cinaigid (ciin)
becomes clear as-todi
becomes clear glid (gl)
becomes complete foirbthigid(ir) II
becomes corrupt linaigid
becomes customary gnth
becomes excited meraigid
becomes exhausted dedaid II
becomes extinct (intrans.) dbaid 2 I
becomes extinct (intrans.) do-dbda (b)
becomes extinct do-ba
becomes extinct do-bdi II
becomes extinguished bidid (f)
becomes forfeit -dthat
becomes forfeited dthmaid (dthim)
becomes frequent mincigidir
becomes full again aithlnaid (lnaid)
becomes furious with anger dechraid 1
becomes furious with excitement dechraid 1
becomes furious distir I
becomes furious dsachtaigidir (dsacht)
becomes greatly afraid imm
becomes greatly afraid imm
becomes grey lathaid (lath)
becomes hard draigid(ir) (dr 1)
becomes human duinigid (duine)
becomes intelligible as-todi
becomes invalid (legal) brnaid (brn)
becomes mad distir I
becomes mad distir II
becomes mad dsachtaigidir (dsacht)
becomes manifest do-aitni (b)
becomes moist (?bleareyed) fliuchaigid (fliuch)
becomes numerous for-lna
becomes oppressive fortrommaigid
becomes perturbed meraigid
becomes responsible for fo-sisedar
becomes rigid draigid(ir) (dr 1)
becomes ripe aipgigid (a) (apaig)
becomes rough garbaid (garb)
becomes rough garbaigid (garb)
becomes savage fadaigid 1 (fad 2)
becomes sick lobraigidir
becomes solid con-tici
becomes straight (intrans.) drgid II (a) (driuch)
becomes strange (intrans.) echtrannaigidir II (echtrann)
becomes swollen borraid (borr)
becomes visible do-aitni (b)

becomes waste fadaigid 1 (fad 2)
becomes weak lobraigidir
becomes weary dedaid II
becomes white finnaid 1 (b) (finn 1)
becomes wild fadaigid 1 (fad 2)
becomes yellow blaicfithir (bl 2)
becomes yellow buidid (buide 1)
becomes yellowish glasaid (2 glas)
becomes gaibid
becoming (?) slender (of vowels) celad
becoming (?) delb 2
becoming (of conduct or behaviour) fal 1 (a)
becoming acquainted with etargnthugud
becoming angry rugud (r)
becoming calm cinugad
becoming clothes imchubaid > imchuibe
becoming converted impd, impd
becoming extinct dbad I (c)
becoming extinct dbugud
becoming forfeit dthim, -aim
becoming liquid legad
becoming mad bailiugad, bailiud (baile 2)
becoming perverted impd, impd
becoming red dergad
becoming rough fogarbad
becoming swollen (with rage, wrath, fury) borrfad (borr)
becoming to a bishop esbogtha
becoming wild (CW) fadugad 1
becoming worn out (?) dbled (dbell)
becoming cosmail I (c) (com + samail)
becoming cubaid I (b)
becoming dess (d)
becoming dul 1 II (c) i n-
becoming immaircide
becoming/behaving like a wolf (?) felad 2
bed of lake grindell
bed of sea grindell
bed airl
bed clath (d)
bed cos(s)ar
bed crann (c)
bed cuilt
bed drgud 1 (b)
bed feis(s) 2, fess (b)
bed imdae
bed imscing, imsceng
bed lepaid
bed lige
bed long
bed-chamber cotultech (cotal + tech)
bedclothes colcaid

bed-clothes drgud 1 (b)
bed-covering brothrach 2
bed-death of wealthy ib
bedding drgud 1 (b)
bedding esrad (esair?)
bedding flocus
Bede Bit
bedewed cithach (cith 1)
bed-fellow cemthach 1
bed-fellow coimlepthach (comlepaid)
bed-post lrac
bedrock grindell
bed-rock lecc
bedroom (?) cuile
bedroom cumaid 1
bed-room imscing, imsceng
bed-witchkraft ? fuba
bee swarms (?) bethamain 2, bethemain
bee bech
bee bibe
bee erc 6
bee-filled bechach (bech)
beehive (?) bethla
bee-hive ces 2 (c)
bee-hive clab (b)
bee-hive corcg (corca ?)
beehive milten (mil)
bee-hive? melltiuch?
beehives lestrae (lestar)
beer beir
beer cuirm (a)
beer flaith 2
beer linn
beestings maethal (maeth)
beet battas
beetle bunnn = bonnn
beetle carann
beetle carc
beetle dael
beetle dol
beetle forcha (farcha)
beetle-coloured dolta (dol)
beetle-like dolach (dol)
befalling irge (g)
befalls do-cuirethar III (e) do
befalls irgid (h) do (2)
befalls imm-cuirethar
befalls imm-ricc
befalls imm-tit
befitting a champion midachda (midach)
befitting to a warrior mleta (ml)

befools betha(ig)id (beth 1)
before (prepositional phrase) aird 1 (b)
before fencing time imbe
before her overthrow ? lotta
before (i) ar fad 4
before agad
before air-
before airchomair a(s)
before anair 2 (a)
before ar (for) bl III
before ar 1 I (a)
before ariu = resu
before fad 1 (a)
before fri
before i n- bl III
befriending cairdechas (cairdech 1)
begemmed gemmach (gemm)
begets (children) on (fri) clannaigid (c) (clann)
begets (fri = on) do-gn II (m) (claind)
begets anew aithgeinid (aithgein)
begets children clannaid (b) (clann)
begets aithrid (athair)
begets con-beir
begets do-fuissim II (a)
begets gainithir
begetting children clannugud
begetting compert (b)
beggar (?) doguittech (guidid)
beggar (?) lopach
beggar foigdech 1
beggar itge, itche
beggarly condition mindchecht (mindech)
begging foigde, faigde (a)
begining to be ct- 1 (b)
beginning adannad
beginning airths (ts)
beginning andud (c)
beginning bunadas (bunad)
beginning ctrud
beginning indrem, indram
beginning inotacht
beginning intinnscanad (in-tinnscana)
beginning intinnscann (in-tinnscana)
beginning intinnscetal
beginnings aibgitir
begins (employment or occupation) gaibid
begins (intrans.) bailid, balaid
begins (of a battle) do-fcaib I (f)
begins ad-aig (h)
begins ad-annai
begins airthosaigid (airthosach)

begins do-furgaib I (g)
begins do-inscanna I (a)
begins do-inscanna II
begins feccaid (c) for, oc
begins fabair, fbair
begins fabair, fbair
begins gaibid
begins gaibid
begins gaibid
begins gaibid
begins gaibid
begins in-tinnscana
begins in-toscaig
begrudging inchessacht
begs earnestly ar-guid (?)
begs eis(s)idir
begs fo-guid
begs mindchigidir (mindech)
beguiler clesach II (cles)
beguiler clanaide
beguiler melltir
beguiles (in favourable sense) celgaid (b) (celg)
beguiles do-gatha (geth 1)
beguiles mellaid
beguiling airbrcad (brcad)
behaves imm-cuirethar
behaving imchor
behaviour 1 abn
behaviour 1 aicned
behaviour abairt (b)
behaviour laig
behaviour maill(e) (d)
behaviour bert 1 III (a) (beirid)
behaviour costud
behaviour cuing
behaviour dnum II (b)
behaviour imbert
behaviour imchor
beheading dchennad
beheading dchennugad
beheading dchned (a) (= dchennad)
beheads dchennaid (a) (cenn)
beheads dchnid = dchennaid
behest aithne 1 (b)
behind (of place) degaid 1 (a)
behind di, do is 2 (a)
behind for, iar cl (b)
behind muin
behind tar (dar) is 2 (a)
behold asso
beholding fchsain

beholding fchsanach (fchsain)
beholding fgad (a)
beholding fgain, fchain (a)
beholding forcsi (farc-, foirc-, fairc-)
beholding imcaisiu
beholds (trans.) do-ccai (a)
beholds amarcaid (amarc 1)
beholds con-fga (fgaid)
beholds dercaid 1 (derc 2)
beholds fc(c)id
being ?, CW closely knit com\.sdad sdud
being a bedfellow (esp. to a king) ctluth
being amazed mothugud
being an accessory comlithre (comlthar)
being an accomplice comlithre (comlthar)
being as venomous (?, CW) coimneim (neim)
being at a distance etercanud (etercan)
being at one`s wit`s end? meraigecht (meraige)
being attentive (fri = to) coitsecht
being beside ones self dechrad 1 I
being brandished (?) comlaided (laded)
being carried imchor
being carried immachor, immochor
being carried immarchor
being circumspect about ingabl
being compressed carcrad
being converted creitem (a)
being convulsed athchumscugud (cumscugud)
being crippled craipille
being crossed (?, CW) crosradach (cros)
being crucified csad (b)
being disturbed athglasacht (glasacht)
being due (de = from, do = to) dlestin
being equal to frestal
being ferried immarchor
being forbidden com\.fcra (fcra)
being hungry 1 gortugud (vn. of denom. < gortae)
being in labour of idnugud
being in readiness for fochell 1 (b)
being in readiness for foimtiu
being in the service of i farrad 2 I (a)
being lawful (de = from, do = to) dlestin
being lost dul 1 II (d)
being made to suffer csad (b)
being near folmaisse (vn. of fo-lmathar)
being of many different shapes ildelbaige (ildelbach)
being off ones guard faill 1 (b)
being on ones guard against foimtiu
being on ones guard faitches (-ius), faitigus (a) (faitech)
being on the offensive ? fuba
being on the point of folmaisse (vn. of fo-lmathar)

being peculiar dlsetu (dles)
being prepared to face (dangers, enemies, etc.) fochell 1 (b)
being present fadnaise (b) (fada 2)
being present frecnarcus
being proper dlsetu (dles)
being puffed up (with pride) borrad
being punished together coimphanad (panad)
being ready to do airichill
being scattered dedail II
being scutched (of flax) ailgubad
being slain again athaidid (aided)
being special (to) dlsetu (dles)
being stationary fois
being subject fommugud (vn. of fommaigid)
being unable (to do something) fm(m)ed (a)
being violently hacked antarcon (tarcon)
being worn (weapons, ornaments) for
being worn for
being buith 1 (a)
being d 3, da
being dchsnigthetu (dchsnugud)
being dil 1
being ese 1
belabours gaibid
belauded molbda
belches forth brchtaid (brcht)
belching forth brchtad
belching brchtach = brchtad
belching brchtach = brchtad
beleaguered and enclosed fordnad
beleaguering forbais
beleaguering forbaise
beleaguering impuide, im(p)suide
beleric (?) beiliritse
belfry clocs (cloc + cs)
belief creitem (b)
belief dchus (b) (dig?)
belief ires(s)
belies (CW) brcnaid = brcnaigid
belies brcnaigid (brc)
belies gigid (gau, g)
believer creitmech (creitem)
believer crsen
believer iressach, ir(i)sech
believes creitid
believes mes(s)aid (<mes)
believing (?) crednach
believing in idols dlach (dal)
believing cribdech (crbud)
believing crdach, -ech (crda 1)
believing credal

believing creitem (a)
believing creitmech (creitem)
believing crsen
believing iressach, ir(i)sech
belittled him concistis
belittles ceisid 1 (d) for (ar)
belittles comthinsigid
bell ? ath
bell celn (cel)
bell cloc (a)
bell e 4
bell ath
bellicose cathach 1 (cath)
belling of a stag blsar
belling of a stag damairecht II = damgairecht
belling of a stag damgairecht (damgaire)
bellower biredn (biriud)
bellowing of a stag damgaire
bellowing bir(f)edach 1 (biriud, birfid)
bellowing bir(f)edach 2 (biriud, birfid)
bellowing birech 1 = bir(f)edach 1
bellowing birech 2 = bir(f)edach 2
bellowing birechda = bir(f)edach 1
bellowing birfid = biriud
bellowing biriud
bellowing gimnech (gim)
bellowing gisecht (gisid)
bellowing gnsachtach (gns)
bellows bccaigid
bellows biccid
bellows birid 1
bellows do-bri
bellows(?) blairid
bellows-blowing bolgairecht (bolg 1)
bell-ringer lachtaire (lacht)
bell-ringing aistirecht (aistire)
belly bolg 1 (b)
belly bolgn (bolg 1)
belly br 1 (a)
belly gaile
belly mtal
belonging by imprescriptible right (legal) dles 1 I (a) (d- + les)
belonging equally by hereditary right comdthaig (dthaig)
belonging equally comdal (dal)
belonging to (wild) beasts bastaide (bast)
belonging to a "muinter" muinterda
belonging to a company of ten deichenborach (deichenbor)
belonging to a court cuirtaide (cuirt)
belonging to a family canna 1 (can 1)
belonging to a horn adarcdae
belonging to a horse echda 1 (ech)

belonging to a major group (?) fothechtus
belonging to a man ferda(e) (fer)
belonging to a man ferdaide
belonging to a neighbour comaithech I (comaithe)
belonging to a pack canna 1 (can 1)
belonging to a stranger kindred ainfinech (1 ainfine)
belonging to an article articoldae (articol)
belonging to an axe biilde (bail)
belonging to another (CW) coimthech = comaithech?
belonging to another comaithech I (comaithe)
belonging to books lebarda (lebor)
belonging to books lebrach (lebor)
belonging to Brega Bregach (Brega)
belonging to Brifne (district approx. corr. to mod. Cos. Cavan and Leitrim) Brifnech
belonging to Britain Bretnach (Bretain)
belonging to by descent dal 1 (c)
belonging to by right dal 1 (c)
belonging to by virtue of descent or heredity dthaig I (a) do
belonging to dew bronde (bren 1)
belonging to early mourn matindae
belonging to Hades ifernaide, ifren(n)aide (ifern, ifrenn)
belonging to hell ifernaide, ifren(n)aide (ifern, ifrenn)
belonging to hell ifernda, ifren(n)da (ifern, ifrenn)
belonging to heredity dthaig I (b)
belonging to Hy Many mainech
belonging to le i.e. Islay lech
belonging to many races ilar
belonging to Meath midech
belonging to milk astae (as 1)
belonging to Munster muimnech (mumu)
belonging to poetry drchtach (b) (drcht)
belonging to race cenlach 2 (a) (cenl)
belonging to song drchtach (b) (drcht)
belonging to springtime errchaide (errach 1)
belonging to the "muinter" muinterach
belonging to the church eclasach, -aisech (a) (eclais)
belonging to the class of fer midbad midbadach
belonging to the day laithide
belonging to the depths inchtarach (inchtar)
belonging to the evening fescorda (fescor 1)
belonging to the family cem 1 I (a)
belonging to the Fni fnech (Fne)
belonging to the first time ct\.fechtach (ct\.fecht)
belonging to the forest fidbadach (fidbad)
belonging to the fork of the hand glacach
belonging to the front brainech (b) (braine 1)
belonging to the game of fidchell fidchelda
belonging to the heavens flaithesach (flaithius, -es)
belonging to the Isle of Man manannach
belonging to the Lord comdedach (coimdiu)

belonging to the morning dawn dedltae (dedl)
belonging to the number 12 ddcdae (d + deec)
belonging to the original stock bunadach (bunad)
belonging to the river Anio Aniendae
belonging to the sea muirech (muir)
belonging to the sea muiride (muir)
belonging to time aimserdae (aimser)
belonging to us ar 5
belonging to winter gemreta (gemred)
belonging to dr 1 (b)
belonging comdles (dles)
belonging dles 1 II (a) (d- + les)
belongings falas
belongings gustal
belongs to con-dlig (dligid)
belongs to la
beloved object dile (dil 1)
beloved person inmain
beloved 2 grdach (2 grd)
beloved ansam
beloved ansu
beloved cem 1 I (a)
beloved carthanach (carthain)
beloved cenamail (cin 1)
beloved cridechair (cride + car 5)
beloved dail = dil
beloved dgraisech (dgrais)
beloved dil 1
beloved inmain
beloved lennach
beloved lennn
beloved muirnech (muirn)
below the status of a warrior midlach (-laech)
below allans do (alla(e) + ans)
below allaths (a) (alla(e) + ts)
below allaths (b) di (alla(e) + ts)
below ans (a) (s 1)
below chtar
below chtarach (chtar)
below s
belt cris
belted (?) celtach
bemusing eisciallugud
bench bein(n)se, binse
bench bord (c)
bench colba(-ae) (a)
bench forma
bench farma vx forma
bend (?) caimme 1 (camm)
bend of the arms baclainn
bend bacc 1 (a)

bend crommad
bend frencaid
bending cammad
bending clen I (a)
bending clenad (a)
bending crommad
bending feccad
bending filliud (a)
bending lbach (lb)
bends (intrans.) cammaid (camm 1)
bends (intrans.) clenaid II (clen)
bends (intrans.) do-ella 1 I (a)
bends (intrans.) faraid
bends (intrans.) fillid II (a)
bends (trans.) cammaid (camm 1)
bends (trans.) clenaid I (a) (clen)
bends down do-airbir I
bends over fillid I (b)
bends casaid (cas)
bends crapaid (crap)
bends crommaid (cromm)
bends caraid (car 1)
bends cbaid
bends dallaid (a) (dall)
bends do-airbir I
bends feccaid (a)
bends fillid I (a)
bends lebaid (leb)
bends lbaid (lb)
beneath ans (a) (s 1)
beneath fo, fa, f I (a)
beneath fo, fa, f III (b) (f, fo)
benefice beinifs
beneficent lesach (les)
beneficial action lesugud
benefit be, b(a)
benefit baid 1 (c)
benefit comman (b) (com + man)
benefit derlacad
benefit grs
benefit les
benefit man
benefit maith
benefit maithes, -ius
benefiting dasad (das 1)
benefits one irgid (h) le (re)
benefits maithigid
benevolence to the poor deercc II (dia 2 + sercc)
benevolence caindrecht
benevolent cennais
benign (words) bennachtach (bennacht)

benign can\.fairrech (can + farrech)
benign cridechair (cride + car 5)
bent with age crannda (crann)
bent camm 1 I (a)
bent com\.fillte (fillte)
bent cromm
bent car 1
bent far
bent fillte (a)
bent lbtha
bent min
bent muirnech
bent-grass muirn (< muir ?)
bequeathed fo-lci (vn. of do-lci ?)
bequeathing (someone) fcbil (d) oc (ag)
bequeaths (with do) do-im(m)na (a)
bequeaths ad-opair
bequeaths imm-nai
bequeaths imnaid (imna)
bequest aidacht
bequest cennaithe (cenn + aithe)
bequest imna
bereft of sense dchillid(e) (dchill)
bereft dlechtae
berried one (the rowan-tree) caeirechn (cer)
berry bolg 1 (f)
berry cer (a)
berry derc 3
berth (?) cumaid 1
Berwick Beroig
beryl beirel
beseeches comitchid (itg(a)id)
beseeches do-tluchedar (a)
beseeches itg(a)id (itge)
beseiges imm-said
beseiging force liger
beside her laiream, lairiom, lair
beside oneself ccalla (call)
beside oneself ccallaid, -e (b) (call)
beside farrad 2 II (a)
beside fri
beside fri
beside fris-cathaigedar
beside i fail 2 (b) (+ gen.)
beside i farrad 2 I (a)
beside i farrad 2 I (b)
beside i mbun
beside la
beside la
beside lm
besides beus (b)

besides c(h)ene (a)
besides cen I (a)
besides cenmnom
besides cenmoth (a)
besides dano I
besides fare, far
besides i n-cmais (e)
besides arma, armo, armu
besides armob
besides armoth
besides immach > ammach
besides immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
besides immurgu
besides ingnas
besieges foaid (d)
besieging party (?) forbais
Besorgungslohn coslach
besought (?) do-airmgert
bespatters (?) fo-sla
besprinkled frasach, frossach (fras)
best part forglu < forgla
best dech
best maith
bestiehlt contide
bestirs oneself (?) clichid
bestirs oneself ? imm-cuir(a)
bestowal of gifts bronntanas (bronnad 2)
bestowal of gifts bronntas (bronnad 2)
bestowal dn I
bestowed by favour deolaid (a)
bestower bronntir (bronnaid 2)
bestower rnedach (rned)
bestowing (esp. from God to man) dnaigiud 1
bestowing ? idnacul
bestowing ? irad
bestowing bronnad 2
bestowing dl 4 II
bestowing derlacad
bestowing eslabrigud
bestows dilid II (dl 4)
bestows dnaigidir 1 I (dn)
bestows do-indnaig (a)
bestows ernaid
bestows rnid I (a)
bestows fo-dli (a)
bestows ind-anich ?
bestows in-loing
betakes oneself (intrans.) do-fcaib II (c)
betakes oneself (intrans.) do-lci V
betakes oneself stealthily tla(id) II
betakes oneself fo-ruimi, -fuirmi

be-tasselled (?) dremnech (drmne?)
Bethlehem Bethel
Bethlelem Bethelm = Bethel
bethrothed one airnastaid
betony beitionn
betony bitoine
betrayal ? imbrath
betrayal ? murbrath ?
betrayal brath (a)
betrayal? mairn
betrayer braithem = mraithem
betrayer braithteir (braithid)
betrayer mairnem
betrayer mraithem
betraying (?) esbrath
betraying aith\.fell (fell 1)
betraying brath (a)
betraying celgad
betraying mairn
betraying mairne
betraying mairned
betraying mrath
betrays greatly ? immairnid
betrays ? fris-mairn
betrays braithid (brath)
betrays mairnid
betrothal air\.snaidm (b) (snaidm)
betrothal airnaidm (b)
betrothal dl 2 IV (b)
betrothes airnaidmid (b) (airnaidm)
betroths ar-naisc
better maith
betterment bisech
bettle-browed ? mailgech
between many tribes il
between the two ends ? of the battalions idna, indna
between eter, etir I
beverage fled (b)
bevy binne
bewailing imchaned
bewails (death of) canid (a)
bewails (trans.) cid II
bewails ad-cani : accanid
bewails gernaigid (gern)
bewails achtaid
beware (?) nde
beware eimde
bewares fris-ilethar
bewildered meraigthe
bewildered mescda (mesc)
bewildering escallugud

bewildering mescad
bewilderment meirblige
bewilderment mescae
bewilders imm-cuirethar
bewilders medraigid
bewilders meraigid
bewilders mescaid
bewilders mescaigid (<mesc)
bewitches gaibid
beyond doubt (?) geis
beyond expression doinniste (indisid)
beyond measure dochoimsech (coimsech)
beyond measure dochoimsigthe = dochoimsech
beyond measure forbrig, fairbrig (brg)
beyond mention dolabartha (labraithir)
beyond ones capacity ccumachta
beyond ones power ccumachta
beyond telling il
beyond the earth`s borders imbel?
beyond the sea ler
beyond their strength fulang
beyond 1 ar
beyond al 1
beyond armob
beyond armoth
bias cil II
bias clane (e) (clen)
bias ccomthromm II
bias fire (far)
biassed cil I
biassed clen I (d)
biassed ccoitchenn (a)
bible bbla
Bible canin (a)
biblical bbalta (bbla)
bibulous mescamail (meisc-) (mesc)
bidding farewell celebrad (e)
bidding erbud (b)
bids farewell celebraid (c)
bier rach 2
bier rad (b)
bier capp
bier crchar
bier eiletrum
bier fat
bifurcation or angle in a glen gabul
big and long mr (mr)
big drink aindeoch (deoch)
big pig fororc
big borr
big maigne

big mogda
big mr (mr)
big-bellied bruasach
big-bodied (?) credma(i)r
big-chested cchech (cch)
big-chested cchmar (cch 1)
big-eared clasach (c) (clas)
big-headed calbach (calb 1)
big-headed cennmar (cenn)
big-kneed glnmar (gln + mr)
big-lipped blmar (bl)
big-mouthed (?) clapach (clap 1)
big-mouthed blmar (bl)
big-pail muad
bilberry frechg (frech)
bill bille 3
billeted soldier banna (ban 1)
billeting bannacht (banna)
billeting coinnmed
billets on coinnmid (coinnem) for (ar)
bill-hook bacc 1 (c)
bill-hook fidba 1
bill-hook? ? meileg
billow murthonn
binding a contract fonaidm
binding an obligation fonaidm
binding mutually imfastad, immastad
binding obligation 1 glinne
binding one as security fonaidm
binding airnaidm (a)
binding rach 1 (a)
binding astaigthi
binding cengailtech (cenglaid)
binding cengal (a)
binding cengal (b)
binding cenglad
binding connlugad
binding crapall
binding cuimrech (a)
binding damnad 2 I
binding dlthad
binding dlthaigthech (dlthaigid)
binding fonaidm
binding fonaidm
binding fornaidm
binding gemled (gemel)
binding adad
binding imnaidm
binding imnasc
binding imsnaidm
binding mac(c)ad (mac)

binds fornaidmid
binds (?) crochligid
binds (both physical and legal) ad-rig
binds (legally) ad-suidi var: adsuigidter
binds (someone to do something) fo-naisc (nasc-`bind`)
binds ? ? allaid
binds a condition fornaidmid
binds a condition for-naisc (naiscid)
binds a pledge fornaidmid
binds a pledge for-naisc (naiscid)
binds again ath\.snaidmid (snaidmid)
binds by obligation con-srenga (srengaid)
binds firmly com\.snaidmid (snaidmid)
binds round imm-naisc
binds together con-rig
binds ?for-imrig
binds -acobair
binds ad-naisc = naiscid
binds air\.snaidmid (air\.snaidm)
binds airnaidmid (a) (airnaidm)
binds ar-naisc
binds cenglaid (a) (cengal)
binds craplaid (crapall)
binds daingnigidir I (b) (daingen)
binds do-dmen
binds do-naisc
binds fo-rig
binds fostaigid, fastaigid
binds fris-naisc
binds listid
birch-land beithech 1 (beithe)
birch-tree beithe (a)
birch-wood beithe (a)
bird (?) elln
bird n 1
bird ethait, ethaite
bird meirn
bird-cage clabn (b) (clab)
bird-cap nchendach
bird-catcher (?) lemnith
bird-catcher eittigthid
bird-catching cuidich
bird-catching nairecht (n 1)
bird-covering nchendach
bird-haunted eltach 1 (elta 1)
bird-haunted eltanach (elta 1)
bird-like namail (n 1)
birds (collect.) nach 2 (n 1)
birds in general nlaith
birds wing clathn (c) (clath)
birds athaide

birdseer (?) fachaire (fiach)
bird-species nlaith
bird-trap clabn (b) (clab)
birth 1 gein
birth braracht
birth breth (b)
birth genemain
birthright dthchas (a) (dthaig)
biscuit briscad
bishop epscop 1
bishopric epscopite
bishopric epscopitecht (epscopite)
bishopric espocitecht
bismalva lemach (lemnat)
bissextile bisex
bit blog (a)
bit blire
bit boim(m)
bit greimm
bit mr
bite greimm
bite mr
bites creimmid (creimm)
bites ithid
biting one another immithe
biting daintech II
biting frithgrind ?
biting gremanach (greimm)
biting grotach (grot)
biting gulbnide (gulba)
biting gulbniugad (gulba)
bits bruar
bits bruscar
bitter ? quarrell grew up between them concerning the jewels imforrach back of muin
bitter ? imforrach
bitter domblas II (do + mlas, blas)
bitter domilis (milis)
bitter gibthech
bitter goirt
bitter grot 1
bitter ingar
bittern bbaire
bittern bunnn = bonnn
bitterness domblas I (b) (do + mlas, blas)
bitterness goirtius (goirt)
bitterness gorte (goirt)
bitumen bitamain
black (?) andath (dath)
black (?) bethb
black bell calcofanus
black pigment dub II (a)

black ? 3 ar
black car 1 I
black dub I (a)
black fias
black fordub
black gorm
black loch (--?)
black-beetle (?) dega 1
blackberries mes(s)
blackberry? mr
blackbird (?) cirsech
blackbird eonasc
blackbird lon
blackbird? mer
blackbird`s cry longaire
blackbird-haunted (?) lonach (lon)
blackening airdubad (dubad)
blackens (trans.) dubaid (b) (dub)
blackens (trans.) dubaigid (dub)
blackfox fuinche
black-limbed dupall
blackness duibe (dub)
blackness loiche (loch)
blackthorn draigen
bladder lmannn (lmann)
bladder ls
blade of a reaping-hook glede
blade of grass feirnn
blade of grass feithne 1
blade of young corn foichne
blade ailt 2
blade bas 1 (b)
blade frecolla
blade lann
blade mind
blade? mes(s)
blades (of spears) duille (b)
blame (?) col (d)
blame aisc 1
blame aithber
blame cron (a)
blame guth
blame masn
blame milln
blameless one bn II (a)
blameless dascach (daisc)
blames (?) do-inchrecha
blames greatly imchinid
blames y for x ad-rmi
blames aiscid 1 (aisc 1)
blames aithbiraid 2, -aigid (aithber)

blames cairigid(ir) (caire)
blameworthy cintach I (cin)
blameworthy lochtach (locht)
blaming insem
blaming aithber
blaming cined
blaming dimmolad
blaming iligud II
blaming fasat
bland (?) blenaide (blegon)
blank (of a page) bn I (a)
blank space (of a page) bn II (a)
blanket brothrach 2
blarney magar
blasphemer aithiseir (aithis)
blasphemes aithimridid (aithimrd)
blasphemes blaisphimid (blaisphim)
blasphemy blaisphim
blast (of trumpet) buille
blast (of wind) idlann, idlang
blast of wind d 1 V
blast ? fothach
blast athach 1
blast daiger 1 (daig)
blaze (?) fochnod (-nad)
blaze bruth 1 I (a) (berbaid)
blaze comlasair (lasar)
blaze daig I
blaze daiger 1 (daig)
blaze lem
blaze loise
blazes up comlasaid (lasaid)
blazes lasaid
blazing lamps lasamnach
blazing angal (gal 1)
blazing breda (bre)
blazing coimthe (te)
blazing comlasad
blazing comlasta (lasta)
blazing forlas(s)arda
blazing lemda (lem)
blazing lasad
blazing lasamain (lasaid)
blazing lasardae (lasar)
blazing loise
blazing lachda (lch)
bleaches gelaid (gel)
bleat ?mitteag
bleat meigel
bleating ?mitteag
bleating meigel

bleating meiglech
bleats meiglid
bleeding wound crlinn (cr 1 + linn)
bleeding comthilgen (teilgen, see telcud)
bleeding fuilred
blemish (in physical sense) ail 2 (a)
blemish ainim
blemish ainmed 1
blemish aisc 1
blemish aithis (c)
blemish ball (e)
blemish bim (e) (-mm)
blemish brell
blemish cide 2
blemish cim
blemish ce 1 (b)
blemish dainim
blemish gron
blemish menn
blemish mennar(-air?)
blemished dainimech (dainim)
blemished lochtach (locht)
blemished lochtaigid (locht)
blemishes (by satirising?) ainmid (ainim)
blemishes anaid 2
blemishes laigid
blessed gainithir
blessed (esp. in relig. sense) findbadach, -fadach (findbad)
blessed (freq. in relig. poetry) finn 1 (d)
blessed is x mad-cin x
blessed object cretair
blessed bn I (a)
blessed bennachtach (bennacht)
blessed cosecarthae
blessed fechtnach (a)
blessed mochen (-chin)
blesses (?) bait(h)sid, baistid (b) (baithis)
blesses bennachaid I (a)
blesses bennachtaid = bennachaid
blesses cretraid (cretair)
blessing (Laws. Comm.) apartu
blessing bennach 1
blessing bennachad
blessing bennacht
blessing betchennacht = bennacht
blessing brathar (b)
blessing cosecrad
blessing mann
blessings beatusa
blight (?) ceiss
blight (?) doblath (doblth?)

blight ? meithine
blight meth
blight methaid (meth)
blighting (injuring by magic) aidmilled
blights methaid (meth)
blind (of nuts) cutal
blind combative fury? mellgal
blind creature cechn (cech)
blind nut engrige
blind of one eye goll
blind person dall III
blind person dalln 1 I (dall)
blind cairg
blind dall I
blinding (?) guilliud (goll)
blinding completely airdallad
blinding of an eye cechad
blinding dallad
blindness (of one eye) guille (goll)
blindness daille
blindness dallbach 1 (dall)
blinds of an eye cechaid (cech)
blinds ar-dalla (dallaid)
blinds dallaid (a) (dall)
blink of eye 1 abra (b)
blink 1 abra (b)
bliss fechtnaige (a) (fechtnach)
bliss findbad, -buth
blister (raised on the face by satire or moral blemish) ferb 2
blister ballsgit (ball)
blister bolg 1 (e)
blister bolgadach (bolg 1)
blistered (?) lsach (ls)
blistering (by satire) grsad (grs) (vn. of grsaid)
blisters lsach (ls)
blithe medarda
block genn (geinn)
block bloc
block cepp (a)
block maisled?
blockade imchumang
blockading forbaise
blocking the torrent imchomt
blocks (med.) dnaid (b) (dn)
blocks fris-dna
blocks adaid
blood (poetic word) flann (b)
blood letting foladirecht (fuil)
blood of battlefield lubgort
blood red fuilide (fuil)
blood relationship cairdes (c) (cara 1)

blood relationship caratrad (b) (cara 1)
blood relationship coibnius (a) (coibne)
blood stained fuilech (fuil)
blood thirsty ? fuilechair
blood thirsty ? fuilchar
blood vessel cuisle (c)
blood will gush from headless necks mderad
blood cr 1 (a)
blood fuil
blood fuil
blood imchri
blood? melgtheme
bloodhound (?) brotch
bloodiness ? fuilige (fuilech)
bloodless (?) dchr (cr?)
bloodless (of a fight etc.) bn I (b)
bloodless es\.fuilide
blood-red croderg (cr 1 + derg)
blood-redness crdeirge (croderg)
blood-relation (CW) com\.fuilidecht (com\.fuilid)
blood-relationship cobfuil (com + fuil)
blood-relationship fuil
blood-relative com\.fuilid
blood-shedding fuilech (fuil)
blood-shedding fulachtad
bloodstained crdatta (cr 1 + dattae)
bloodstained forderg
bloodstained fuilide (fuil)
blood-stained fuiltech
bloodthirstiness crdacht (crdae)
bloodthirsty fuilechda
bloody crimes of men fuilechair
bloody crdae (cr 1)
bloody crlinn(t)ech (crlinn)
bloody crach 2 (cr 1)
bloody derg (b)
bloody folamail (fuil)
bloody forderg
bloody forramanda
bloody fuilech (fuil)
bloody fuilechda
bloody fuilide (fuil)
bloody fuiltech
bloody fulradach
bloom blth (b)
blooming borrad
bloomless lochairthe, -artha, -arda?
blossom (?) cocn
blossom blth (a)
blossoming (of vegetation) escar 1 I
blossoming blthugud

blossoms gelaigid (gel)
blossomy blthmar (blth)
blots out loingid (long)
blow (?) ct 2
blow ? icht
blow with the fist dorn (d)
blow with the heel la
blow bim (b) (-mm)
blow bres 1 (a)
blow balad 1
blow buille
blow esorcon
blow fasma
blow fuirmiud, -med
blow gred
blowing a bellows bolgairecht (bolg 1)
blowing bolgfadach (bolg 1)
blows against fris-tinfet
blows on (trans.) do-infet
blows do-infet
blows imbolgaid (bolg)
blue 2 glas
blue 2 glas
blue gorm
bluebell (?) buga 1
blue-bottle gormn (gorm)
blueness glase (2 glas)
bluish 2 glas
blundering comroircnech (comrorcun)
blunt hillock maeln (mael)
blunt aimgr (gr)
blunt garg
blunt mael (moel, mal)
blunt mael (moel, mal)
blunting barrad, bairred
bluntness (of a warrior) 2 gairge (garg)
bluntness male
blunts (?) fris-tuairc
blunts (of weapons) (trans.) clod I (b)
blunts formelaid
blunts maelaid (mael)
blunts maelaigid (mael)
blush spot ls
blush ell, ella (b)
blush gorad (vn. of guirid, goirid)
blush imdergad
blush imderge (imderg)
blushes imm-derga
blushes loise
blushing bloscach
blushing gorad (vn. of guirid, goirid)

blushing imdergad
blustering 2 gledach
boar (?) aintrellach
boar ? morc
boar cullach (a)
boar? mugna
board bord (b)
board clr (a)
boardgame brandaigecht
boardgame ceslan cam
boards clrach 2 (clr)
boards clrad (a) (clr)
boast airbg
boast bg (a)
boast badnas (baid)
boast modem
boaster glugaire
boastful (?) baibthech (bafad)
boastful (?, CW) bclta = bclach
boastful (of persons) bras
boastful aidbil
boastful airbgach (airbg)
boastful balamail
boastful bladmannach (bladmann)
boastful bclach (bcil)
boastful glrmar (glir)
boastful labar
boastful modmech (modem)
boastfulness (?) balamlae (balamail)
boastfulness bocacht (boc 1)
boastfulness braise (b) (bras)
boastfulness immarbg
boastfulness modmenna vx menma
boastfulness modmige (modmech)
boasting (?) bruidem
boasting (?) bafad
boasting (?) cocraid 2 (cocur ?)
boasting ? indldad
boasting about aidbsiugad
boasting of commadem (modem)
boasting ibis
boasting aidbliugud
boasting airbg
boasting bladmann
boasting bocaes = bocs
boasting bocs (boc 1 (see s. bocaid))
boasting bocsach 1 (bocs)
boasting bocsach 2 (bocs)
boasting bragairecht
boasting braise (b) (bras)
boasting cennsel

boasting commadmech (commadem)
boasting immarbg
boasting indbgad (bgad)
boasting moded, -iud
boasting modem
boasts (?) -formaith vx formaithem
boasts ? ind-lidi
boasts of as-bigi (?)
boasts of commadid (modid)
boasts ar-bigi (b) (bigid)
boasts bigid (c) (bg)
boasts commadid (modid)
boasts maoidhidh
boasts modid
boasts modigid
boat arthrach 1 (b)
boat as 3 = es(s) 4
boat bt
boat coblach 4
boat coite 1
boat cul 2
boat culad (--?)
boat curach 1
boat es(s) 4 (b)
boat ethar
boat ladeng
boat lestar
boat long
boat lthar
boats canarad
boatsman curchach (curach)
bodily sense call (b)
bodily corpthae, -dae
body (in general) corp (e)
body (or part of it) consuming food br 1 (b)
body of horsemen marcsluag
body of mounted soldiers marcsluag
body arc 2
body cl 3 (a)
body cnim
body cnes (b)
body coim 1 (a)
body colainn (a)
body cr 1
body cretach
body crett
body cr
body fednach 1
body luba
body menma
body-attendant (?) gaillide (gala)

body-fine corpdre (corp + dre)
bodyguard cr 1 I (d)
body-hair brechtn (b) (brecht)
body-hair caithir
bog ? mormuir
bog 1 grellach
bog andomain (domain?)
bog bocach 2 (boc 1)
bog bocthach 2 = bocach 2
bog cechar
bog enach I (a) (en)
bog esca
bog escaid 1
bog min
bog mintech
bog mualach
bog-berry ? monarn
bog-berry mnann (min)
bog-berry mnannn
bog-berry mng (min)
boggy (CW) cecharda (cechar)
boggy place bocn 1 (boc 1)
boggy wasteland crathrach (crathar)
boggy bocach 1 (boc 1)
boggy gothamail
boiled bruithe (b)
boiled mes(s)e
boiling heat bruth 1 I (a) (berbaid)
boiling movement of water cuiligthe
boiling together comberbad (berbad, see con-berba)
boiling airgal (a)
boiling berbad (a)
boiling broth 3 = bruth 1, bruith
boiling brothach (bruth 1)
boiling brothal (bruth 1 or broth 3)
boiling bruith (b)
boiling bruth 1 II (b) (berbaid)
boiling combruth
boiling combruthach (combruth)
boiling fichud
boiling fiuchach
boils (intrans.) (of liquids) fichid 2 (a)
boils together con-berba (berbaid)
boils beirbigid = berbaid
boils berbaid (a)
boils berbaigid = berbaid
boils bolgach 2 (bolg 1)
boils bruithid (bruith)
boils galaigidir (gal)
boils milliud (milled)
boisterous (?) 1 grenach

boisterous (?) muirnech (muirn)
boisterous 1 girechtach (gir ?)
boisterousness glraige (glrach)
bold man dnae 1 I (b)
bold arrachta (arracht 1)
bold borrfadach (borrfad)
bold brotla (a)
bold dnae 1 I (a)
bold dnaige 1
bold dnamail (dnae)
bold danardae III
bold dtlach (dtlae)
bold dtlae
bold dscir (a)
bold es(s)amain (omun)
bold forrnta
bold lamchar
bold litmech
bold lonn
bold menmnach (manma)
boldness (in favourable and unfavourable sense) braise (a) (bras)
boldness 2 gairge (garg)
boldness bg (c)
boldness dnacht 1 I (danae)
boldness dnae 2
boldness dnatu (dnae)
boldness dtlacht (dtlae)
boldness dtlatus (dtlae)
boldness es(s)amnae (a) (essamain)
boldness litmige (litmech)
Bolg Bolg
bolster adart
bolster cerchaill
bolt (?) coinle
bolt 1 gerrcend
bolt 1 glas
bolt bulta
bolt lthrach (lth)
bolt mimasc
bolting alpad
bolting fascor
bond (?) comal 1 (b)
bond ? imdernam
bond 1 aicde
bond airnaidm (a)
bond airnasc (nasc)
bond rach 1 (a)
bond rach 1 (b)
bond cacht 1 (b)
bond cengal (a)
bond cengaltn (cengal)

bond comal 1 (a)
bond comchengal (cengal)
bond comthaithmech (taithmech)
bond crapall
bond cuimrech (b)
bond daingen II (d)
bond fonaidm
bond fonasc
bond forchengal
bond frithecoirse
bond gbend
bond greimm
bond imnaidm
bond indell
bond mac(c)
bondage boing = bain (c)
bondage brat 1 (b)
bondage cacht 1 (b)
bondage carcar
bondage cumalacht (cumal 1)
bondage dore (a) (dor)
bondage dorse (a) (dor)
bondage dorsine (dorse)
bondage fodore
bondage mogad
bondage mugsaine (mog-) (mug)
bondmaid inailt
bondman bachlach 1 (a) (bachall)
bondmen mugraide ?
bondsman cile (a)
bondsman coicile (a) (com + cile)
bondsman dorsech (dorse)
bondsman dorsinech (dorsine)
bondsman mogaid
bondwoman cumal 1 (a)
bondwoman cumalach (cumal 1)
bond-woman dair-be = dir-be
bondwoman darba 2
bone of the ankle mudorn
bone of the wrist mudorn
bone cnim
bones are put away to be stored in their hutches inargaib ?
bones cnimred (cnim)
bonfire mael
bonfire morc
bonnets buinid
bony cnmach
bony cnmaide = cnmach
bony-legged luirgnech (lurga)
boo (sound of cows) bu
book of antidotes ainntidair

Book of Genesis genis
Book of Leviticus leuitic
book brc 2
book bc, budc
book cairt 1 (a)
book canin (a)
book cn
book dil 3
book lebor
book-cover lebor
bookish lebarda (lebor)
booklearning literdacht (literda)
booklet cn
booklet duillechn (duille)
bookmark astal
book-pedlar lebrir (lebor)
books liter
booley (at times of summer pasturage) baile 1 (a)
boon companion (esp. to a king) ctluth
boon demanded drinnrosc
boon aiscid 2 (a)
boon athchuingid 2
boon comman (b) (com + man)
boon foigde, faigde (b)
boon imchomarc
boon itge, itche
boor aithech 1 (b) (aithe)
boor bethlach (beth)
boor doste
boor diste
boorish aithechdae (aithech 1)
boorish bramnta (broimm)
boorishness bachlachus (bachlach 1)
boorishness botachamlacht (botach)
boorishness burbae (b) (borb)
boot bat(a)is
booty amantur (b)
booty athgabil (e)
booty cin III (c)
booty crech 1
booty crechad (a)
booty til (b)
booty-laden tlach (til)
borage borritse
Bordeaux Bordgal (a)
border (of land) (?) colba(-ae) (c)
border ? immaimm (imm+aimm)
border of a garment fithimm (-emm?)
border region airer 1 (b)
border ? imdel
border bil 1

border bord (a)
border br 3
border bruach (br 3)
border bruig (b)
border cimas (d)
border coicrch (com + crch)
border cor(r)thar
border eochair 7, ochair
border imbel?
border imbel?
border imbel?
border immarach
border immrgain
border immor
border imthacmang, imthacmac
border leth
bordered cor(r)tharach (corrthar)
bordering territory immarach
bordering coicrchthae (coicrch)
bordering immellach
border-slope imbel?
border-territory imbel?
bore ? ad
bore ar-sisbis
Boreas (the north wind) Boir
borer used for drilling holes menad
born without nose or eyes visible clrainech (a)
borough buirgs, (-)is
borough-town buirgs, (-)is
borrows (?) ar-lici (c)
bosom brollach (br 1)
bosom bruinne (a) (br 1)
bosom cl 3 (b)
bosom clab (e)
bosom cnes (b)
bosom coim 1 (a)
bosom glotta
boss (of shield) cobrad 1
boss of a drinking cup imliu, imbliu
boss of a shield bocit
boss of a shield imliu, imbliu
boss bolg 1 (g)
boss foph
bossed brainech (a) (braine 1)
bossed cobradach (cobrad 1)
both ... (and) eter, etir III
both ... and emid ... emid
both ends imbel?
both of them leth
both of cechtar (a)
both of cechtardae (a)

both cechtar (a)
both ln
bothach-ship (legal) bothas (both 2)
bothers (?) broicid
bothy both 2
bottle buidl
bottom (of a vat, the sea, etc.) domain II
bottom domne, domnae (b) (domain)
bottom fonn
bottom forus
bottom fotha
bottom grindell
bottom chtar
bottom ms
bough (?) caince (b)
bough creb (a)
bough gc
boughs (coll.) fedach (fid)
boulder ail 1 (a)
bound airnisi
bound bedg
bound cengalta
bound crapai(l)te
bound cuimrechtae
bound folim (m) (vn. of fo-ling)
bound idlann, idlang
bound limm
boundaries crchairecht (crchaire)
boundary mark bl 4
boundary bl 4
boundary crch (a)
boundary marg(g)
bounding etellad
bounding limnech (limm)
boundless anfoircnedach (foircnedach)
boundless drim (b) (rm)
boundless dochrchnaigthe (crchnaigid)
boundless dochrchnaigthech = dochrchnaigthe
bounds crchaid (crch)
bounds do-ling
bounds do-sceinn
bounds fo-sceinn vx fo-scain
bounds limm
bounteous (?) degthach
bounteous bronntach 2
bounteous deolaidech (deolaid)
bounteous lnmar (ln)
bountiful aiscech (aisc 2)
bountiful rnedach (rned)
bountiful gartaid (1 gart)
bountiful irach (ir)

bounty deoladchaire (deolaid)
bounty enech 1, ainech II (d)
bout of fighting gls
bout 2 gres (s)
bovine animal ag
bow (weapon) boga
bow frencaid
bowed crottach (crott)
bowels br 1 (a)
bowels gaile
bowels inathar
bowels inne
bower erber
bower grann (gran)
bowing down lr
bowing cirtisige
bowing filliud (a)
bowl (?) ca 1 (b) = cad
bowl with a cover mas
bowl bulla 2
bowl cuch (a)
bowl cachn (cach, see cach)
bowl mul
bowman bogatir (boga)
bows (intrans.) clenaid II (clen)
bows down in-tairbeir
bows down ltaoil
box used to carry vessels and other insignia used in the Divine Service meinistir
box bocsa
box comrar (a)
boy bachaill (d)
boy fomac
boy lenab
boy mac (macc)
boy maccom
boy maccucn
boyhood gillaidecht (gilla)
boyhood mac(c)ntacht
boyhood mac(c)rae
boyhood maic(c)e (mac)
boyish maccomda
boys javelin (as oppd. to weapons used by adults) bun(n)sach
boys spear (as oppd. to weapons used by adults) bun(n)sach
boys mac(c)rad (mac)
brace (of yoked animals) crait
brace or strap used to fasten one yoke to another or the oxen to the yoke in ploughing es(s)em
bracelet buinne (c)
bracelet dornasc
bracelet fail 1, foil
braces of a sail achtam
braggart badgaire

braggart bladmannach (bladmann)
bragget brocit
bragging bladmann
bragging bcil
bragging bocs (boc 1 (see s. bocaid))
bragging bocsach 2 (bocs)
bragging bragairecht
Brahmans Bra(g)main(t)
Brahmans Bragmanda (cf. Bragmaint)
brahmins Abraiamini
braid clecht 2
braided (?) clechtach 2 (clecht 2)
brain inchinn
brains inchinn
brake dristenach (dristen)
brake falasach
bramble dris
bramble drisec (dris)
bramble drislech 2 (dris)
bramble dristen (dris)
bramble fairdreis
bramble feirdris
bramble ferdris
brambles drisech 2 (dris)
brambly (CW) driside (dris)
brambly drisech 1 (dris)
bran 1 garbn (garb)
bran bran 2
branch (?) caince (b)
branch (of a tree) bengn
branch in genealogy gsca
branch of a family tree creb (c)
branch of a river gabul
branch of a tree 1 gabln
branch or division of a subject 1 gabln
branch or division of a subject gabul
branch or offshoot (of a family or race) 1 gabln
branch or ramification of a family gabul
branch barrgal (barr 1)
branch cinemain
branch creb (a)
branch ernail (b)
branch gc
branch gsca
branch glac (c)
branched wand or staff from which bells were suspended creb (c)
branches (coll.) fedach (fid)
branches (of trees etc.) cab
branches off (family tree) gablaigid (gabul)
branches out gablaid (gabul)
branches crebach 2 (creb)

branches crabred (creb)
branches fogla
branchiness crebaige (crebach 1)
branching decorative work creb (c)
branching in locks (of hair) crebach 1 (creb)
branching off 1 gabln
branching off gablnugud
branching portion (of trees) barr 1 (b)
branching 1 gablach (gabul)
branching bengnach (bengn)
branching gablnach (gabln)
branching gcach (gc)
branching gcnach (gcn)
branching gscach (gsca)
branching-wood gc
branch-wood crebach 2 (creb)
branchy barrach 1 (barr 1)
branchy crebach 1 (creb)
branding (?) crechad (b)
branding crechairecht (crechaire)
brandishes bertaid 2 (bert)
brandishes cresaigid (cres 2 ?)
brandishes crothaid (a)
brandishing bertnaigti
brandishing bertugad
brandishing cres 2
brandishing crothad
brands (?) crechaid (crech 1)
brandy branda 2
bran-like branamail (bran 2)
brass brs = prs
brass crdumae (cr 1 + umae)
brass iris
brave (CW) dnatae = dnae
brave (of actions) dnae 1 II
brave chieftain forthain ?
brave deed cras (craid)
brave warrior beithir
brave 1 galach (gal)
brave airramanta
brave calma 1
brave crdae (cr 1)
brave cuimlengach (cuimleng)
brave curata (caur)
brave dnae 1 I (a)
brave dtlae
bravery arrachtas (b) (arracht)
bravery calma 2
bravery calmatus = calma 2
bravery cingthecht
bravery cras (craid)

bravery curatacht (curata)
bravery dechrad 1 II
bravery dechraidecht I
bravery eisimal, eisembul II
bravery galus (gal)
braving dnaigiud 2
brawny felaide
breach (?) bracht 2
breach (?) et(a)im, aitim II
breach (?) folmugud (vn. of folmaigid)
breach of friendship athchairdes (cairdes)
breach of friendship athcharatrad (caratrad) = athchairdes
breach aidirbe
breach airbach
breach bern
breach lott
breaches bernaid (bern)
breaches letraid
breaching letrad
bread arn (ar 4)
bread bairgen (a)
breadth (?) ? lee
breadth comleithet (leithet)
breadth lait
breadth leithe (lethan)
breadth leithet
breadth leithne (lethan)
break bris(s)ed (a)
break commaidm (maidm)
breakage brtach (brit)
breaker (?) blogaid 2
breaking (?) buimigthe
breaking (?, CW) bocht 2
breaking (a battle) maidm
breaking (CW) -bach 5
breaking (laws, etc.) bris(s)ed (d)
breaking (of a battle) mebsain
breaking (of a horse, an ox) damnad 2 II
breaking (partic. of persons, parts of body) bris(s)ed (b)
breaking completely combrised
breaking down forbrissiud (for-brissi)
breaking forth maidm
breaking forth mebsain
breaking in pieces (CW) brited
breaking in pieces blogad
breaking into his kitchen foranu vx forrn
breaking loose fascor
breaking mutually combrised
breaking out brcht
breaking uniformity of brechtad
breaking up dscaled (b)

breaking bracht 2
breaking bris(s)ed (a)
breaking bristech (bris(s)ed)
breaking brd
breaking bain (a)
breaking bug
breaking combach
breaking combrised
breaking comorguin
breaking dupa
breaking fuidbech
breaking maidm
breaking maidsiu
breaknig to pieces (?, CW) cominugud (minugud)
breaks (?) dreisid (a)
breaks (intrans.) bris(s)id II
breaks (laws etc.) coillid 1 (a) (coll 2)
breaks (oath, pledge, justice, etc.) (trans.) bris(s)id I (d)
breaks (trans.) bris(s)id I (a)
breaks (vows, oaths, etc.) blogaid 1 (blog)
breaks an animal indlid (indell)
breaks completely combrisid (brisid)
breaks down (?) dmaith 1
breaks down (intrans.) bris(s)id II
breaks down for-brissi (brissid)
breaks forth (?) as-maid
breaks forth do-brchta
breaks forth do-maid
breaks in (of animals) damnaid 2
breaks in pieces blogaid 1 (blog)
breaks in pieces blogaigid = blogaid 1
breaks in pieces brtaid (brit)
breaks in pieces brud 1
breaks mutually combrisid (brisid)
breaks ore manaigid (manach)
breaks out (?) blairid
breaks to fragments menbaigid
breaks up (?) ? gunnataigid
breaks up dscalid (b) (scalid)
breaks up do-aithbig, -boing (a)
breaks abbaing
breaks boingid (a)
breaks bristid = bris(s)id ?
breaks com\.snoidid (snaidid)
breaks combladaid (blogaid)
breaks combrisid (brisid)
breaks con-boing
breaks con-scara (a)
breaks do-boing (a)
breaks do-boing (b)
breaks for-boing vx forbach

breaks gelaid
breaks gelaigid
breaks ind-oirg
breaks maidid
breaks maidid
breaks maidid
breaks maidid
breaks millid
breaks minaigid (min)
breakwater murbach and muirbech
breast (?) compar
breast airbrollach = brollach
breast airbruinne = 1 bruinne
breast brollach (br 1)
breast bruinne (a) (br 1)
breast bruinnechor (bruinne + cor)
breast cch 1 (a)
breast clab (e)
breast clathach (c) (clath)
breast cnes (b)
breast coim 1 (a)
breast mm
breast mama
breastplate lirech
breasts bruinne (a) (br 1)
breastwork of a chariot clr (b)
breastwork foscemel (sceimel)
breath (as something unpleasant and oppressive) anlfadach (a) (anl)
breath anl
breath d 1 VI
breathes on (trans.) do-infet
breathes do-infet
breathing heavily anlfadach (b) (anl)
breathing heavily imthinfise
breathing anl
breeches (?) (pl.) brc
breeches braitsi
breeches brste
breeze (?) fth 2
breeze ahel
breeze athach 1
breeze fethan
breezy (?) fethan(n)ach
Bregia Brega
brevity aithgirra (aithgirra)
brevity athchummaire (athchummair)
brevity athchummairecht (athchummair)
brevity cuimbre (cummair)
brevity gairte (garit)
brevity girra, gire (gerr)
brew brbirecht (brbir)

brew linn
brewer (?) gruadaire
brewer brbir
brewer ceirbseir = cirpsire
brewer cirpsire
brewing magic potions fulacht
brewing brbirecht (brbir)
brewing bruth 1 II (b) (berbaid)
brews ale imdellaid (imdell)
briar dris
briar drisec (dris)
briar dristen (dris)
briar ferdris
bribe breb
bribe brb
bribe coma
bribe comthach 2 = coma
bribe-taking brebitech (breb)
brick brce
brick later
bride-price ? imchutail
bride-price given by the bridegroom to the bride or her father ellam 2 (a)
bride-price coibche 1 (a)
bridge biraitse
bridge clath (d)
bridge drochet
bridge-maker drochtech (drochet)
bridge-maker droichetir (drochet)
bridle adastar
bridle all 2
bridle cennas 2
bridle loman
bridle-bit glomar
bridle-bit glomraige (glomar)
bridle-bitted glomrach (glomar)
brief space of time fithisin
brief space brathad, brafad = brothad
brief athchummair (cummair)
brief cummair (com + berr)
brigand berg (b)
bright (?) cmer
bright (?) icside
bright (?) glanbda
bright (?) gllethar
bright (?) gregda
bright (freq. in relig. poetry) finn 1 (d)
bright ? ? lachur
bright ? gelbdaide
bright colour blth b
bright ? goor (goar, gor, goour)
bright 1 gel

bright 1 glr (earlier form of gluair)
bright 1 granach (gran)
bright 3 gabor
bright airglan = glan
bright n 2 I
bright bn I (a)
bright caindeldae (caindel)
bright daith 2
bright dellraigthech (dellraigid)
bright trocht, -acht
bright trochta 1
bright trochtach
bright faicelach
bright finn 1 (a)
bright foillsech
bright gelbdae
bright geldae (gel)
bright gelfine
bright glan
bright glandae (glan)
bright glanradach (glanrad)
bright gleir (gler, o, a/)
bright glerach (gler)
bright glthech
bright glair (1 glr)
bright goar vx goor
bright lainnerda (lainner)
bright lainnrech (lainner)
bright lgda = lgach
bright lch
bright lcharnach (lchrann)
bright lchrannamail (lcharnn)
bright la(i)cht(h)ide
bright luchair
bright luchardae (luchair)
bright luisnech (luisne)
bright? foglas (b)
brightening caindled
brightens caindlid (caindel)
brightens com\.soillsigid (com\.soillse)
brightens do-gl
brightens gelaigid (gel)
bright-mantled lxaire (lx)
brightness ? ? iubar
brightness 1 gl
brightness ine 1 (a)
brightness airglaine (airglan)
brightness caindlige (caindlech 1)
brightness com\.soillse (soillse)
brightness trochta 2, -achta
brightness finne 1 (finn 1)

brightness forsoillse
brightness geln (gel)
brightness gile (1 gel)
brightness gleir (gler, o, a/)
brightness gleraidecht
brightness glerdacht (glerda)
brightness glsse
brightness glaire (glair)
brightness lainner
brightness lainnerdacht (lainnerda)
brightness lainnrech (lainner)
brightness lainnred (lainner)
brightness lgdatu (lgda)
brightness lacha(i)r
brightness luchra (luchair)
bright-wooded coillech (caill)
brilliance (lucidity) of words (?) deroscad (derosc?)
brilliance ine 1 (b)
brilliance comthaitnem (taitnem)
brilliance del(l)rad
brilliance lasamnae (lasamain)
brilliance lgdatu (lgda)
brilliance loise
brilliance lacha(i)r
brilliance luchair
brilliancy ? ? iubar
brilliancy ? glanrad (glan)
brilliant (?) (of the morning) amnas (b)
brilliant n 2 I
brilliant del(l)radach (del(l)rad)
brilliant drithlennach 1 (b) = drithlech
brilliant glair (1 glr)
brilliant grannda
brilliant granda (gran)
brilliant granmar (gran)
brilliant lainnerda (lainner)
brilliant lasamail
brilliant lxaire (lx)
brilliant lgda = lgach
brilliant lgmar (l)
brilliant lachda (lch)
brimful forln
brine (?) bach 4
bringing ? immcbl (? imb-fo-uss-gabl)
bringing about fuirired, -iud fuired
bringing all of them that could not travel over the hard road imdoraid
bringing back atairbert
bringing discomfiture on (?) dimbladach (dimblad)
bringing down heavily comthoirnem (tairniud)
bringing forth (?) beiriotas (beirid)
bringing forth (of animals) doth

bringing forth breth (b)
bringing forth dothad
bringing into action imlad
bringing low clenad (a)
bringing to a head aipigthech
bringing to rest feisted
bringing together accomol
bringing up (?) boaid
bringing up imchor
bringing up imthcbl
brings (?) do-r 1
brings (?) do-srenga I (e)
brings (a result, etc.) do-irci (a)
brings (on oneself) do-gair I (c)
brings (upon) in-tirci
brings about (a state, etc.) erilid (b) (eril)
brings about (by fraud or magic) dolbaid (d)
brings about ar-ili (b)
brings about do-irci (a)
brings about do-fed (c)
brings about do-srenga I (d)
brings about ellmaigid, ollm-, ullm- (b) (ellam 1)
brings about for-gn
brings about immanair, immonair
brings about laidid (lad)
brings along con-feid (feidid)
brings an end to for-cenna
brings around imm-fedat
brings back to life do-duschi (a)
brings back ad-tairbir
brings close (fri (la) = to) dlthaigid (a) (dlth 1)
brings cross actions imm-acair
brings down (trans.) clenaid I (d) (clen)
brings down clisid (cles) (ar, tar)
brings down sligtheir
brings forth (?) do-airbir III
brings forth (?) do-so III
brings forth (of animals) dothaid (doth)
brings forth (offspring) do-fuissim II (b)
brings forth afterwards armi-suthigedar
brings forth young -induth
brings forth ?for-lmna vx lmnaid
brings forth beirid II
brings forth -cessair
brings forth con-beir
brings forth do-irci (b)
brings forth do-cuirethar I (b)
brings forth do-gn II (n)
brings forward do-aidbir
brings home to in-snaid
brings in in-cuirethar

brings in ind-saig ?
brings into a discussion do-beir anas (c) (s 1)
brings into action (of forces) do-fcaib I (f)
brings into being do-duschi (b)
brings into being gainithir
brings into play imm-beir
brings into the fold (?) connlaigid (connlach?)
brings low (trans.) clenaid I (b) (clen)
brings low sligidir (sel)
brings near com(\.f)oics(ig)id(ir) (com(\.f)ocus)
brings oneself con-beir
brings out fo-fera I
brings over do-fochsla (b)
brings to (co, do, dochum, etc.) beirid IX
brings to a standstill fossaigid(ir) (foss)
brings to an end for-fen
brings to an end adaid
brings to bed asatid (asat)
brings to feed ingeltid (ingelt)
brings to naught clisid (cles) (ar, tar)
brings to nought mairnid
brings to pass (a promise, prophecy) comalnaithir
brings to pass (freq. with vn. obj.) ar-icc (b)
brings to pass fo-fera I (b)
brings to pass imm-firea (imm-fo-fera)
brings together con-beir
brings together do-ecmalla
brings together do-immoirg (c)
brings together in-loing
brings up the rear (?) do-sern
brings up do-fcaib I (h)
brings up do-furgaib I (e)
brings upon imm-forbair
brings ad-aig (e)
brings ad-anaig
brings aistrigid (a) (astar)
brings do-beir III
brings do-dat
brings do-fed (a)
brings do-fcaib I (b)
brings do-indnaig (b)
brings fidid
brings imm-cuirethar
brings imm-ladi
brink airbruinne = 1 bruinne
brink bord (a)
brink br 3
brink bruach (br 3)
brink bruinne (c) (br 1)
brink imbel?
brink imbel?

brink imbruach
brink immrgain
brink immor
brinklike immarach
brisk ethidemail (ethait)
brisk mergnta
bristle 1 gaire
bristles 1 grend
bristles 1 gaire
bristles gasid
bristles gairech (1 gaire)
bristling frithchassad
bristling (?) colgach (colg)
bristling with yew-trees ibar > iubar, iobar
bristly delgnach 1 (delga)
bristly gasitech (gasid)
bristly gimach (gim)
bristly grendach (1 grend)
Britain (?, CW) Brit(t)n
Britain (orig.) Albu
Britian Britain
British (language) Britais
British language Bretnas (Bretain)
British mare gaillit
British Bretain (a)
British Bretnach (Bretain)
Briton Bretnach (Bretain)
Briton Britainech (Britain)
Briton Britt
Britons Bretain (a)
Brittany letha
brittle (?) felc
brittle matter brisce (brisc)
brittle aiprisc (ad + brisc)
brittle brisc
brittle car 2
brittleness aiprisce (aiprisc)
brittleness aipriscecht = aiprisce
brittleness brisce (brisc)
brittleness briscecht = brisce
brittleness brisclech (brisc)
broad above forlethan
broad bottomed fonn
broad part lethan
broad dchol (col)
broad fairsing (a)
broad lethan
broad mall
broad-bosomed brach 1 (br 1)
broadening lethnugud
broadening lethnugud

broadheaded spear ligen
broad-loined gngach (gnga)
broiling imfuine
broiling indenad
broils imfuinid
broils indenaid (indein)
broken (?) boimech (boimm)
broken in (of living beings) dnta(e) I (b)
broken pieces brtach (brit)
broken to pieces aithbriste (briste)
broken ? fuidbechta
broken bernach (bern)
broken blogtha
broken -bochtae
broken breite
broken minaigid (min)
bronchi (med.) (in pl.) fetn (b)
bronze crda 2 (cr 1)
bronze crdumae (cr 1 + umae)
brooch (?, CW) dalldai (dal 2)
brooch fastening the mantle on the breast delg (b)
brooch bretnas (Bretain ?)
brooch briar
brooch britse, briste = priste 1
brooch brotga (bratt + gae ?)
brooch casn 2 (as casn 1)
brooch della 1
brooch e 2
brooch mlech
brood (of men, etc.) callacht (b)
brood of pigs? muc(c)lach
brood l 1
brood caine = can 1
brood lne
brooklime lochall
brooks foditnigid
brooks fo-loing
broom (plant) feclug
broom plant getal, gedal
broom gilcach
broth anbruith(e)
broth brothchn (brothach)
broth enbruithe, enbraithe
brothel meirdrech (meirtrech)
brother (by blood) derbrthair (a) (derb 1 + brthair)
brother (religious) brthair (b)
brother in religion combrthair (brthair)
brother in religion derbrthair (b) (derb 1 + brthair)
brother bertrosar
brother brthair (a)
brotherhood br(i)thres (brthair)

brotherhood brthardacht (brthardae)
brotherhood brthirse (brthair)
brotherhood combrithre = combrithres
brotherliness br(i)thres (brthair)
brotherliness brthirse (brthair)
brotherly brithrech = brithremail
brotherly brithremail (brthair)
brotherly brthardae (brthair)
brotherly combrithrech (combrthair)
brought about for-cumaing
brought forth ar-sisbis
brought under judgement mes(s)e
brow br 1
brow tan
brow forad (-od, -ud)
brow gruad
brown crn
brown donn 1 (a)
brownness duinne (donn)
bruise brd
bruise combrd, -gad
brush bruis
brutal condae (c)
brute instinct britemlacht (britemail)
brute brit
brute britemail (brit)
brute britide (brit)
brute indligthech (indliged)
brutish britemail (brit)
brutishness ainmide 2
bubble bolg 1 (d)
bubble bolgaigid (bolg 1)
bubble dlom
bubbles (intrans.) (of liquids) fichid 2 (a)
bubbles meirbligid
bubbling bolgach 1 (bolg 1)
bubbling bolgfarnach = bolgfadach
bubbling fichthech, figth-
bubonic plague (?) blefed
buccinator culaire
buckle (for cloak, hair, etc.) cach 1 (a)
buckle bcla
buckle cennrach (cenn ?)
buckle cnairre
buckram bucarem
buckrams crem
bud bolg 1 (f)
bud buired (-- ?)
budding 1 geint
budget inntile
buff fobuide

buffalo (?) bugul
buffalo baball (a)
buffet dorn (d)
buffeting coimbimnech (bimnech)
buffets caoirlid
buffets do-fairc
buffets durnid (dorn)
buffoon braigire (braigid)
buffoon crosn 1 (cros)
buffoon crosnach = crosn 1
buffoon doscair (a)
buffoon fuirseir vx fuirsire
buffoon fuirsire
buffoonery braigetracht (braigetir)
buffoonery dride (drth)
buffoonery drthacht (drth 2)
buffoonery fuirseracht
buffoonery fuirsirecht
bug mlchumae (ml)
bugle baball (a)
bugle baball (b)
bugle bugil
build dnmas (a) (dnum)
build dnum II (a)
builder of a mill ibrracht
builder of chariots culmaire (cul 1)
building (walls) mraid
building an earthen rampart claide (a)
building for worhip eclais, eclas (d)
building in front of a dn airdn
building in yew-wood ibrracht
building up follamnugad (follamnaigid)
building 2 aicde
building ailtirecht (ailtire)
building clithe (c)
building cumtach (a)
building cumtach (a)
building dnmas (c) (dnum)
building dnta(e) II
building forgnem, -gnam
building forgnem, -gnam
building lann
builds (an earthen mound and vallum) claidid 1 (d)
builds to ad-cuimtig
builds up ar-utaing
builds up mraid
builds ailid 4
builds ittigid (b) (itt)
builds con-utainc (a)
builds damnaigidir 1 (damnae)
built of reeds curcallacda

built cumtachtach = cumtachtae 1
built cumtachtae 1
built foirgenta
bulb-roots igemna ?
bulge conn (a)
bulging mellach
bulk corp (f)
bull calf dartaid
bullaces bolais
bulling (?, CW) dairigud
bulling dir
bulling dairt 2, dart
bulling darmna
bullock bulg
bulls dairid
bulrush boic\.simin (boc 1 + simin)
bulwark (?) foscemel (sceimel)
bunch (?) congal 2
bunch (of nuts, fruit, etc.) croba(i)ng (a) (crob)
bunch borrach 2 (borr?)
bunch cenglachn (cengal)
bunch dlocht
bundle of firewood (?) aires 2
bundle of firewood brosna (-ae)
bundle of sticks (firewood) cal (a)
bundle 2 grinde
bundle airber 1
bundle bert 1 I (beirid)
bundle cenglachn (cengal)
bundle cuairsce
bundle cal (b)
buoyant tromm, -umm (a)
burden (?) galaire (1 gala)
burden aire 2
burden bert 1 I (beirid)
burden bertrach (bert)
burden brn (a)
burden cuing
burden dorse (a) (dor)
burden dolud, dolaid (b)
burden imchor
burden ld
burden muirer
burden muirer
burden muirigin (-din) (muirer)
burdened erech (aire, ere)
burdened ldaigthe (ld)
burdensome fortromm
burdensome muirach
burdensome muirig(i)nech
burdock ? gleslige

burgess buirgisech (buirgs)
burgomaster bourgomaigistir
burial (?) eillged
burial (?) fuin
burial place loc
burial adnacul
burial lecht
burial-cairn ailad (a)
burial-place adnacht
burial-place martrae
buried fo-luigi
buries ad-anaig
buries claidid 1 (e)
burn loscud
burning fiercely imloscud
burning fire luise
burning heat adntes
burning in it is utter overwhelming imbdud
burning sensation felscuchud, -scugud = felscud
burning sensation felscud
burning spot ls
burning airloscad (loscad)
burning bloscach
burning bread (a)
burning comloscad
burning daigerdae (daiger 1)
burning dd, dd
burning follscad, foillsged (vn. of fo-loisci) vx
burning forloiscthe
burning gorad (vn. of guirid, goirid)
burning gorloscud (vn. of for-loisci)
burning grsad (grs) (vn. of grsaid)
burning lasad
burning lasardae (lasar)
burning loiscech
burning loiscnech (loscain ?)
burning loisct(h)ech (loiscid)
burning loscud
burning-pit clas 1(b) (claidid)
burnished fagairthe
burnished lainnrigid (lainner)
burnished lmtha
burnishes gormaid (gorm)
burnishing foigred
burns bre(a)id (a) (bre)
burns bruthnaigidir (bruth 1)
burns comloiscid (loiscid)
burns dergaid I (b) (derg)
burns dd
burns fo-loisci

burns for-loisci
burns fris-loisc
burns guirid (goirid)
burns loiscid
burns loiscid
burnt out athloiscthe (loiscthe)
burnt combruithe
burnt dit(h)e
burnt loiscthe
burrowing fochla 2 (a)
burrowing fochlaid (a)
burst (of sunlight) idlann, idlang
burst brcht
bursting forth airgal (a)
bursting forth bloscad
bursting forth intuile
bursting out (?) esruth (ess-rith?)
bursting out maidm
bursting out mebsain
bursting brcht
bursting gartadh
bursting maidm
bursting maidsiu
bursts (?) (of a rock) fichid 2 (b)
bursts (?) dreisid (a)
bursts forth bloscaid (blosc 1)
bursts forth do-maid
bursts forth madmaid and maidmid
bursts forth maidid
bursts open dscalid (b) (scalid)
bursts brchtaid (brcht)
bursts maidid
bursts maidid
burthen for a raven imchor
burying adnacul
bush (?) fadair (fad 2?)
bush barrn (barr 1)
bush creb (b)
bush falasach
bushel buisl
bushy barrach 1 (barr 1)
bushy curchanach
bushy dairech III (dair)
bushy dosach (dos 1)
bushy dosmar = dosach
business 2 gn
business caingen (c)
business cis 1 (c)
business dn IV
business dn VI
business fadar

business gnugud (gnthugud)
busy gestlach, geslach (gestal)
busy gnthech
busy gnmach (1 gnm)
busy gnOthaigech
but 1 acht II (g)
but cenmoth (b)
but dano V
but aru
but immurgu
butcher (?) cerb 2 II
butcher feldnmaid
butchery felairecht (feil)
Butler Builtrach (Builtr, see buitilr)
butler buitilr
butt bun 1
butt los
butt-end of a spear (?) fochair 1
butt-end airlann 2 (lann 1)
butter (spread on bread) brechtn (a) (brecht)
butter imb (imm)
butter-cup (of a flower) buidn (buide 1)
buttercup buiderad (buide 1)
butterfly etel(l)achn (etel(l)ach 1)
buttermilk blthach (blth)
butting cenngail (cenn + gal)
buttock (?) fothin (ton)
buttock cochae
buttock conn (a)
buttock les
buttock ln
buttock ms
buttocks conn (a)
buttocks lrac
buttocks les
button cnap
buyer crthid (crth)
buying and selling cre(i)cc (c)
buying and selling cundrad (a)
buying in ? inchreicc (creicc)
buying cennach (b) (cenn)
buying cre(i)cc (a)
buying crth
buying lg also lag
buys back do-aithchren
buys jointly comchennaigid (cennaigid)
buys cennaigid (cennaige, cennach)
buys creccaid (creicc)
buys crenaid
buys fo-cren (a)
buys in-cren

buys laigid (lg)
buzzing dord 1
buzzing dordn = dord 1
buzzing dordnach 1 = dordn
by immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
by los
by (in adjurations and invocations) ar 1 II (b)
by a cast ? folmach
by a shooting ? folmach
by compulsion ar icin (c)
by day fri
by degrees fil (fil) (b) I
by dint of inquiries ? fuiriud, -ed
by dint of fri
by dint of los
by direction of la
by force ar icin (c)
by God`s permission fulang
by long forbearing imchor
by means of (?) fuirired, -iud (fuired)
by means of (food, diet) for
by means of inquiries ? fuiriud, -ed
by means of ritual ? imlad
by means of a (as) dalgas (c) (dalach 1)
by means of ar 1 II (g)
by means of de (do) druim(m) IV (d)
by means of fri
by means of fri
by means of I
by means of immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
by means of immaltar
by means of la
by mistake mer
by name of los
by order of la
by reason of 1 ar
by reason of 7 a II (b)
by reason of immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
by reason of la
by right of their good character indracus (indraic)
by right of a (as) dalgas (c) (dalach 1)
by sufferance fulang
by the hands of la
by the post of her bed imdae
by the torments they are to suffer there ccaid (cc)
by the year bladnamail (bladain)
by uttermost effort fuinnem
by virtue of being possessor leth
by virtue of ar 1 II (g)
by virtue of los
by way of for

by way of lerg
by whom forts shall be ruled with glorious... ? lundug
by 7 a II (b0
by de 1, di
by fo, fa, f II (j)
by fo, fa, f II (p)
by for
by fri
by imm, imb
by la
by la
by lm
by leth
by-path arset
byre (?) airle 2
byre baile 1 (a)
byre irge (a) (rach?)
by-road ? arconaire
by-road forrt
by-road frithrt (rt)
by-word ann\.focal)
by-word forfocal (focal)

cabbage cabiste
cabbage cilis
cabin of ship cubuc(h)a(i)l
cabin both 2
cabin bothna(i)t (both 2)
cabin bothc (both 2)
cabin cbn
cabins crescinib (crescae)
cable cbla
cadence (of a verse) estecht, etsecht
caerulean gorm
Caesar Cesar (-- ?)
caesura anad (c)
cajolery clain 2
cake ablann var oblae
cake betroisgenn
cake cca
cake cste 2
calamanco cailimenco
calamint cailement
calamitous dirsan
calamitous dograingech (dograing)
calamitous glfitech (glfit)
calamity (?) dobra (= dogra?)
calamity (?) glfit
calamity 2 galgat
calamity anfaithches (faithches)

calamity bt (b)
calamity crech 1
calamity doccra(e) (doccair)
calamity doccumail (accomal)
calamity donas (dona)
calamity icen (b)
calamity icen (b)
calamity fochaid (b)
calculates imm-rmi
calculating (beforehand) foimsiu
calculating airdmes
calculating comirem (a) (irem)
calculating foimsech
calculating fomus
calculation comirem (a) (irem)
calendar of religious festivals flire (fil 1)
calendar cailendar
calendar flire (fil 1)
calendar? msach
calender of matyrs martarlaic
calends callann (a)
calf (?) 2 glond
calf of leg colptae II
calf of the leg gairr
calf ? gergara (gerrgara)
calf 1 gamain vx gamuin
calf aithirne
calf bethn (beth 1)
calf bennacn (benn)
calf bennn (a) (benn)
calf bbn
calf boinn (b)
calf damn (dam 1)
calf deidel
calf fergara (-gaire)
calf fthal
calf leg
calf.. to be boiled fulacht
calf.. to be roasted fulacht
call gairm
call (of cuckoo) cchairecht (c 2)
call back ad-togair
call gir
called out? ad-gair
calling gairm
calling (upon) ducrae, ducaire
calling aloud igem
calling by all comgairm (gairm)
calling of a monk manchaine
calling of a poet icse (b)
calling out gairmnech (gairm)

calling to mind foraithmet
calling 1 gledach
calling dn IV
calling dn IV
calling gairm
calling gothgal (guth)
callingof a fuirseir fuirseracht
calls (by a name) do-gair II
calls (by a name) do-ingair 1 (a)
calls down do-gair I (c)
calls down do-gair I (c)
calls for in(d)-asaig (in(d)-ad-saig)
calls loudly con-gair (a-c)
calls on ?for-imtht
calls on 3 gairid
calls on ad-muinethar
calls on ad-teich
calls on do-gair I (b)
calls out con-gair (a-c)
calls out do-gair I (e)
calls out gairmid (gairm)
calls to account for lenaid
calls to mind ad-muinethar
calls to mind do-aithmuinedar
calls to mind for-aithminedar
calls to witness for-gella
calls to 3 gairid
calls together confcartha
calls up do-fuschi II (c)
calls up do-fuschi II (c)
calls 1 girid
calls 3 gairid
calls ar-saig (c)
calls as-beir do
calls as-beir fri
calls comgairmid = con-gair
calls con-biri (birid)
calls con-gair (a-c)
calls con-gair (d)
calls do-gair I (a)
calls do-gair I (a)
calls do-im(m)gair (b)
calls do-im(m)gair (b)
calls gairmid (gairm)
calls ingairmid (gairm)
calm (?) feithemail (b)
calm (?) feithine (--?)
calm (?) fta
calm (esp. at sea) fth 3
calm (of water, weather, etc.) balb (b)
calm weather calmuain (calma 1 + ain)

calm aithrid (rid)
calm cailm
calm ciin
calm fthaigthe
calm fthamail (fth 3)
calming cennsugad (a)
calming fthnugud
calmness cinas (ciin)
calmness fthamla(e), fthemlae
calms (of sea) (trans.) fthnaigid I
calomint ? morach
calumnious satire foraer
camaraderie cemna (a)
came to (trans.) do-rlaid
came to be short of corn and sustenance fulang
came to -rlaid
came upon for-ecmaing
camel camall
camomile camamil
camp followers foslag
camp campa
camp foslongphort (foss + longphort)
camp longphort
campfollowers gillanrad (gilla) vx gillanraid
camphor compora
camping fulacht
can (?) 3 gand
can (+ vn. (phr.)) ftaid
can ad-cota
can cann
can con-icc
can ftaigid = ftaid
can giusta
Canaan Cannn
Canaanite Cannandae (Cannn)
canal canl
cancelling (a contract, etc.) dindell (--?) (indell)
cancels (legal) (trans.) do-inta II (c)
cancels (legal) (trans.) do-inta II (c)
cancels do-lega
cancels do-lega
cancels millid
cancer cainncer
cancerous (?, CW) canncrach (cainncer)
candelabrum (?) caindelbrae
candle caindel
candle ide
candle tharnae
candle-bearer caindleir (a)
candle-lighter adann(t)aid
candle-stick caindelbrae

candlestick caindleir (a)
candy caindi
cane berrach 1
cane gilcach
canine tooth fastd, -d, -d II
canine condae (c)
canine madramail (madrad)
cankerous ? goillsech
cankerworm foich (a)
cannon cann
cannon gonna vx gunna
cannot (could not) sustain fo-loing
canon law canin (c)
canon of cathedral chapter cannach (canin)
canon of Scripture canin (a)
canon regular cannach (canin)
canon canin (b)
canonical text canin (a)
canonical cannta (canin)
canonisation canonssion
canopied gemnide (gemen)
canopy canab
cantankerous person? mcnaid (mcna)
cantankerous crimnach
canter (of a horse) forim (m)
canticle cantaicc
canvases ?for-imtht
cap caipn
cap cen(n)barr (cenn + barr)
cap meile
capable of bearing burdens muirig(i)nech
capable of comparing in(n)tamlaigthech (intamlugud)
capable of endurance fuilngech, -thech
capable of hearing tside
capable of proof (?) bechta 1
capable of in
capable coimsech 2 (commus)
capable coimsid (a) = coimsech 2
capable commusach (commus)
capable cuimgech (cumang 1)
capable fta
capable fortail (foirtil(l))
capable inemail
capable murrach
capacious hood forcrach (=forcradach ?)
capacious luchtmar (lucht)
capacity to endure fulang
capacity to withstand fulang
capacity accmaing (b)
capacity commus (b)
caparison (?) dlta, dlda

caparison dllat (b)
cape ? fort
cape cba
capital (legal) colainn (d) [sic]
capital cennbart
capital cennphort 1 (cenn + port 1)
capital centat (cenn)
capon ? gailln (<gallinus ?)
capon cabn
caprates (name of a stone) cabartes
caprates capri
capricious (?) amantrach (amantur)
capsizing (?) cuithiugad (cuithe?)
captain caiptn
captain imguin
captivates cenglaid (b) (cengal)
captive and fettered ? innasctha
captive brga 2
captive cimmid
captive cuimrechtae
captive cuimrechtaid 1 (con-rig)
captive gemlech (gemel)
captive(s) as spoil brat 1 (a)
captive-taking gallach (2 gall)
captivity airgabl
captivity ansare (sare)
captivity brigdenas (brga 2)
captivity brat 1 (b)
captivity cacht 1 (b)
captivity carcar
captivity cimmidecht (cimmid)
captivity cuimrech (a)
captivity dore (a) (dor)
captivity dore (a) (dor)
captivity dorecht = dore
captivity forcomol
captivity gbend
captivity gallaige (gallach)
captivity gallaigecht (gallaige)
captivity gallnacht (gallna)
captivity gallnad
captivity gallnus (2 gall)
captivity arnachad
capture airgabl
captures ar-gaib
captures ar-reith
captures gaibid
captures lingid
capturing airgabl
capturing forgabl (forngabl)
capturing gabl

capuchins capuisnech
caraway carabaid
carbuncle (stone) carbuncail
carbuncle (stone) carmocol
carcass 2 ablach
carcass colainn (b)
carcass con(a)blach (c + ablach)
card crta 2
cardinal cairdinl
cardinal cairdinlta
care (?) frithaire
care (?) les
care ? indermill (? ind-air-mill)
care of a number of individuals muirer
care of providing for a number of individuals muirer
care 2 goire (gor)
care airechas 2 (airech 4)
care cennsel
care cram
care deithiden I
care deithiden I
care lire (lir)
care lesugud
cared for (?) fossaimther
careful cramach (cram)
careful deithidnech (deithiden)
careful deithidnech (deithiden)
careful armartach (armairt)
careful inill
careful leinnne (lenn)
carefully inill
carefully leinnne (lenn)
carefulness (for = fri (re)) dullann
careless (?) anaire (aire 1?)
careless (?) bronntach 1
careless anfaitech (faitech)
careless deid II
careless dnnim (snm)
careless indthrachtach
careless mainnechtach
carelessness anfaithches (faithches)
carelessness anfochell (fochell 1)
carelessness dnnime (dnnim)
cares for ar-callathar
caresses do-atailci
caresses do-atailci
caressing bruinned 2
caressing inmaille (inmall)
caressing muirnech (muirn)
caressing muirnnecht
cargo of ship luchtlach

cargo ldil (ld)
cargo last
cargo lucht
caring for aire 1 (a)
caring for lesugud
caring of 2 goire (gor)
Carmelite Carmach
carnage (?) brgaine (-o- ?)
carnage (?) cos(s)ar
carnage (of slaughtered bodies) cos(s)ar
carnage r
carnage rbach
carnage carnail
carnage crach 3 (cr 1)
carnal desire accobar (c)
carnal desire comaccobor (accobar)
carnal person colnaide II (colainn)
carnal colnaide I (b) (colainn)
carnality collaidecht (b) (colnaide)
carol corolt, -lta
carousal carbus
carousal coml (l 1)
carousal fled (a)
carouses fledaigid (fled)
carousing (at a wedding feast) bibsugad
carousing song arcae
carousing athl (l)
carousing coml (l 1)
carpenter`s plane locar
carpenter`s rule ingor
carpentry ailtirecht (ailtire)
carpets fonn
carping (?) crimnach
carping ingnech (ingen)
carriage abaise
carriage cariste
carriage fedan I
carriage imfeda(i)n
carried by for
carried by la
carried by la
carried off the food they had cooked fulacht
carrier imbert(h)ach (imbert)
carrier immarchir
carries imm-cuirethar
carries about imm-archuirethar
carries around imm-beir
carries around imm-beir
carries around imm-cuirethar
carries around imm-fedat
carries away (?) fo-cessa

carries away from (a, ar, di, etc.) beirid VIII
carries away beirid IV
carries away imm-cuirethar
carries into effect comalnaithir
carries off (esp. of distraint) do-fochsla (a)
carries off (esp. of distraint) do-fochsla (a)
carries off forcibly fataid
carries off forcibly fataigid
carries off forcibly fataing (fo-uss-deng)
carries off the honour of (by satire, etc.) berid enech 1, ainech II (a)
carries off ar-cela
carries off beirid V
carries off benaid I (f)
carries off brataid (brat 1)
carries off focoisle (a)
carries on imm-cuirethar
carries out do-gn I (c)
carries out do-gn I (c)
carries out foirbrigid
carries over for-feid
carries round imm-tabair
carries ad-aig (e)
carries beirid I (a)
carries -cessair
carries -fortairci
carries immaircid, immairchid
carries imm-archuirethar
carries imm-cuirethar
carrion 2 ablach
carrion con(a)blach (c + ablach)
carrot cerrbaccn (cerr + baccn)
carry on licid
carrying (CW) brn (b)
carrying about immarchor
carrying around imfeda(i)n
carrying away (from, etc. with meaning limited by prepp.) breth (e)
carrying away breth (c)
carrying into effect comalnad (-ll-)
carrying off (a game, etc.) breth (d)
carrying off (from, etc. with meaning limited by prepp.) breth (e)
carrying off at night fatach (also ftach ?)
carrying off without asking consent fatach (also ftach ?)
carrying off fochsal (foxal) (a)
carrying out comall
carrying strap aires 1
carrying breth (a)
carrying brethaid ? = beirid
carrying fedan I
carrying imchor
carrying imchor
carrying imchrad

carrying imfolang, imfulang
carrying immachor, immochor
cart 1
cart cairt 2
cart capp
cart carr 1
cart fn (a)
cartilage between the nostrils etar\.srn (srn)
cartilage between the nostrils etar\.srn (srn)
cartilage maethn (maeth)
cartilages cartilaginib
carved grenta (part. of grenaid)
carved grsta (1 grs)
carver (?, CW) ceirbir
carves 1 grennaigid
carves do-inben
carves do-inben
carves grenaid
carving (?) of food badbach (biad)
carving boing = bain (a)
carving cummae
case (?) caise 2
case (gramm.) filltech II (filliud, fillte)
case for holding a book lebor
case for holding a book lebor
case in which either the patten only, or both the paten and chalice are kept impetir
case in which either the patten only, or both the paten and chalice are kept impetir
case name given to a noun governed fothad, -ud
case cs 1 (a)
case cs 2
case coimt (b)
case cis 1 (b)
case cumtach (c)
case dl 2 III
case dl 2 III
case dl 2 V (a)
case dl 2 V (a)
case les
case les
cask casc
casket comrar (a)
casket cril
cast (of a spear) (?) focherd
cast airchor (b)
casting (?) brona
casting missile caithem (d)
casting of lots accrus
casting of lots crannchor (crann + cor)
casting cor 1
casting dbirciud
casting dbirciud

casting imdburcud, imdbracad
casting immarchor
casting imthelcud
casting-weapons imthelcud
casting-weapons imthelcud
castle borg
castle bruig (c)
castle caisln (caisel)
castle caistl
castle cathair 1 (a)
castle cloch (f)
castled (?) (of God) borgach (borg)
cast-off cloak athbrat 1 (bratt)
cast-off smock aithline (line)
castrated gerr
castration coll 2 (b)
casts (missile) caithid 1 (c)
casts (often of missiles) fo-ceird I (b)
casts (with obj. of thing cast) do-bidci (a)
casts (with obj. of thing cast) do-bidci (a)
casts a shadow against foscad
casts down do-lci II (d)
casts down do-lci II (d)
casts down fo-ceird I (c)
casts in ones mind do-lci IV
casts in ones mind do-lci IV
casts in in-l
casts in in-l
casts lots crannaigid (crann)
casts off dchrechnaigid
casts off dchrechnaigid
casts out -indsoirg (?ind-ess-org-)
casts out -indsoirg (?ind-ess-org-)
casts up (from below) fo-brchta (brchtaid)
casts upon for-ceird
casts upon for-cuirethar
casts do-cuirethar I (c)
casts do-cuirethar I (c)
casts do-lci II (a)
casts do-lci II (a)
casts fo-cuir, fo-cuirethar
casualty (in battle) cht II
casualty (in battle) cht II
cat caipist
cat catt
cat meoinne
catalogue dglaim
catalogue dglaim
cataract (?) blosc 4
cataract (?) finn 3
cataract es(s) 3

cataract es(s) 3
catches (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (a)
catches (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (a)
catches (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (c)
catches (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (c)
catches do-autat, do-etat
catches do-autat, do-etat
catches fris-ilethar
catching mice when mousing lochad
catching mice when mousing lochad
catching mice luch
catching mice luch
catching up on breth (f) for (ar)
catching frithilem
catechumen cathchoimnid
category ernail (b)
category ernail (b)
category foirenn (a)
category lucht
category lucht
cathedral caitedrlta
catholic (?) cathaloc
catholic cathlac, cathlacda I
Catholic cathlac, cathlacda II
Catholicity Catoilcecht (catoilce, see cathlac)
Cato Caid
cattle of any kind fuirim, fuirem
cattle of various kinds il
cattle of various kinds il
cattle parasite firdeg
cattle trespass (legal) feis(s) 2, fess (d)
cattle airnis
cattle blach = blacht
cattle bar 1 (b)
cattle cethrae (cethir)
cattle crod 1 (a)
cattle it
cattle it
cattle indile
cattle indile
cattle indiles (indile)
cattle indiles (indile)
cattle innam
cattle innam
cattlefold baile 1 (a)
cattlegorings (?) cethras
cattle-pen baile 1 (a)
cattle-pound comann 1
cattle-pound forus
cattle-pound gobang
cattle-tribute braime

Caucasus Gugasg
Caul lnn (ln)
Caul lnn (ln)
cauldron bige
cauldron bruin
cauldron coire
cauldron cuch (b)
cauldron ebrn (b)
cauldron ebrn (b)
cauldron ln
cauldron ln
cauldron long
cauldron long
causal aicsenach
causal aicsendae
causally aicsendaid
causative cisid (cis)
cause (?, CW) com\.fochain
cause ? indgnam
cause ? indgnam
cause of dispute (?) dgenn
cause of dispute (?) dgenn
cause of enmity fola (fala)
cause of fear inbedcad
cause of fear inbedcad
cause of joy lthgir(e)
cause of joy lthgir(e)
cause of postponement fondad
cause of reproach frithchoirb
cause of shame mebal(mebul)
cause of sorrow lach
cause of sorrow lach
cause of surprise machtnugad
cause of wonder machtnugad
cause 3 g
cause accais (a)
cause adbar
cause apa 1
cause cestad (ceist)
cause call (c)
cause cis 1 (a)
cause cis 1 (b)
cause dl 2 III
cause dl 2 III
cause damnae III, domnae
cause damnae III, domnae
cause deithbir 1 II
cause deithbir 1 II
cause fth (a)
cause fochain 2
cause fochonn (-unn, -ann)

cause folud (> fola)
cause fotha
cause imfolang, imfulang
cause imfolang, imfulang
cause les
cause les
cause mana
causes (a state, etc.) erilid (b) (eril)
causes (a state, etc.) erilid (b) (eril)
causes (something to be done) fo-fera II (b)
causes (something to be done) fo-gaib, fo-geib (d)
causes an excrescence in (?) cernaigid (cern 1)
causes enmity (?) fchaigid (fch 2)
causes harm frithorcnigid (frithorcun)
causes jointly (?) comim\.fuilngi (imm-foilngi)
causes offense to (with do) ailbimnigid (ailbimm)
causes pain galraigid (galar)
causes to advance ind-saig ?
causes to advance ind-saig ?
causes to be contained in connlaigid (connlach?)
causes to bend fo-clena
causes to blush dergaid I (c) (derg)
causes to blush dergaid I (c) (derg)
causes to blush grsaid (grs)
causes to blush imm-derga
causes to blush imm-derga
causes to come to pass immanair, immonair
causes to come to pass immanair, immonair
causes to decay methaid (meth)
causes to glow grsaid (grs)
causes to hasten danaigid (a) (dan 1)
causes to hasten danaigid (a) (dan 1)
causes to hasten latha(ig)id (lath)
causes to hasten latha(ig)id (lath)
causes to meet casaid (cas)
causes to move aistrigid (a) (astar)
causes to take root frmaigid, prm (frm)
causes to tremble crothaid (a)
causes to tremble for-critha
causes adb(a)raid
causes ar-ili (b)
causes cuirid 1 (a)
causes cisigid (cis 1)
causes do-irci (a)
causes do-irci (a)
causes do-fed (c)
causes do-fed (c)
causes do-fcaib I (p)
causes do-fcaib I (p)
causes do-furgaib I (f)
causes do-furgaib I (f)

causes fo-fera I (b)
causes fo-fera I (c)
causes imm-beir
causes imm-beir
causes imm-fo(i)lng(a)i
causes imm-fo(i)lng(a)i
causes in-l
causes in-l
causes in-tirci
causes in-tirci
causeway (over marsh, etc.) drochet
causeway (over marsh, etc.) drochet
causeway leading to a house airdrochat (drochet)
causeway of hurdles ces 2 (d)
causeway clochn (cloch)
causing a blemish (esp. by satire) ainmed 1
causing constipation (med.) dintech (dnaid)
causing constipation (med.) dintech (dnaid)
causing delay imfuirech
causing discomfort an\.socair I (a) (socair)
causing dissension indlach
causing fear eclach I (ecla or ecal)
causing fear eclach I (ecla or ecal)
causing fear imm
causing fear imm
causing inflamation loiscnech (loscain ?)
causing inflamation loiscnech (loscain ?)
causing obstruction (med.) dintech (dnaid)
causing obstruction (med.) dintech (dnaid)
causing to be flecked breccad
causing to bleed fodergad
causing to blush gorad (vn. of guirid, goirid)
causing to blush grsad grs vn. of grsaid
causing to blush grsad grs vn. of grsaid
causing to blush imdergad
causing to break blogach 1 (blog)
causing to clatter? foseinm (seinm)
causing to jingle ? foseinm (seinm)
causing to tremble combocad (bocad)
causing to tremble crith(n)ugud
causing imfolang, imfulang
causing imfolang, imfulang
causon causon
cauterizer crechatir (crech 1)
cauterizing (?) crechad (b)
caution airige (airech 4)
caution faitche (faitech)
caution faitches (-ius), faitigus (a) (faitech)
caution ft
cautioning fait(g)igud (faitches)
cautious airech 4 (aire 1)

cautious faitchesach (faitches)
cautious faitech (a)
cautious foichlech I
cautiousness fuirechras, furachras
cautiousnessxxx 1 aicclech
cavalcade (?) echrad, echraid II
cavalcade (?) echrad, echraid II
cavalier cabailiara
cavalry marcachas
cavalry marcadacht
cavalry marcrad (-raid)
cavalry marcsluag
cave 1 garad
cave brothlach
cave cas (ca 1)
cave casn (cas)
cave cuife (b)
cavern cabarn
cavern cas (ca 1)
cavernous (of a rock split asunder) cabach 1 (cab)
cavernous casach 1 (cas)
cavernous casamail (cas)
cavity (?) fulacht
cavity (in the earth) fochla 2 (b)
cavity or socket gibis
cavity br 1 (c)
cavity cocas 1 (com + cas)
cavity ca 1 (a)
cavity cas (ca 1)
cavity casal (-ll) (a)
cavity etarpoll
cavity etarpoll
cavity fochlaid (b)
cavity forfolam
cavity fachais
cawing (?) graccallach
cawing grc
ceases (intrans.) con-secha
ceases anaid 1 (c)
ceases con-osna
ceasing from (= fri) dedail III
ceasing from (= fri) dedail III
ceasing from irge (g) as, de
ceasing from irge (g) as, de
ceasing to exist dbugud
ceasing to exist dbugud
ceasing to rule aithrge (rge)
ceasing anad (c)
ceasing cumsanad (a)
ceasing dscor 1 (b)
ceasing dscor 1 (b)

cedar ced(a)ir, cedrus
cedes law daimid IV
cedes law daimid IV
cedes right to (= do) daimid IV
cedes right to (= do) daimid IV
ceding liciud
ceiling dpla
ceiling dpla
celebrated in lays ladech (lad)
celebrated in lays ladech (lad)
celebrated airdirc I (b) (2 derc)
celebrated clach (cl 1)
celebrates (a festival )? gaibid
celebrates (a religious ceremony, etc.) celebraid (a)
celebrates (games, rites, etc.) aigid (b)
celebrates a festival? gaibid
celebrates a festival? gaibid
celebrates ad-cain
celebrates airdaigid
celebrates airdircigidir (a) (airdirc)
celebrates ar-sluindi (sluindid)
celebrates commadid (modid)
celebrates commraid (mraid)
celebrating (a religious ceremony, etc.) celebrad (b)
celebrating aige 1 (b)
celebrating aiged 2 (?)
celebrating airdercugud
celebrating airtach (b)
celebrating celebrad (a)
celebrating commadem (modem)
celebrating commrad (c)
celebrating laded
celebrity d\.fisse (fis 1)
celebrity d\.fisse (fis 1)
celery imus
celery imus
celestial flaithesach (flaithius, -es)
celibate dlnamain (lnama)
celibate dlnamain (lnama)
cell (of a monastery, etc.) cubuc(h)a(i)l
cell behind the yew-house instead of the yew-house itself which had been taken from him ibrach
cell behind the yew-house instead of the yew-house itself which had been taken from him ibrach
cell formed of four large stones indelb (delb)
cell formed of four large stones indelb (delb)
cell clsal 1 (b)
cell cr 1 I (b)
cell casal (-ll) (b)
cell cub
cell cubal 1 (a)

cell lepaid
cell lepaid
cellar (?) claustra
cellarer cellir
Celtiberians Celtiberdai
cement barracht
censers censaidib
censure clmaithis (clm = glm + aithis)
censure glm
censure guth
censure imchined
censure imchined
censures ad-nessa
censures do-athara (to-ath-ar-)
censures do-athara (to-ath-ar-)
censures imchinid
censures imchinid
censures in-gaib
censures in-gaib
censuring comainsem (b)
censuring crostil
censuring dimmolad
censuring dimmolad
censuring imchined
censuring ingabl
censuring lochtugud
censuring lochtugud
centaur centauir
centaury dedga
centaury dedga
central court midchuairt
central part corp (f)
central point of a place imliu, imbliu
central point of a place imliu, imbliu
central territory comindell (indell)
central boillscnach (boilscn)
central mednach
centre (?) bruinne (c) (br 1)
centre ? muad
centre of virginity (?) cominad
centre boilcsn (bolg?)
centre bolgn (bolg 1)
centre cobrad 1
centre cride (b)
centre etermedn (medn)
centre etermedn (medn)
centre immaltar
centre immaltar
centre inathar
centre inathar
centre inmedn

centre inmedn
centre inne
centre inne
centre medn
centre mid
centre mide
centurion centir
centurion cetuir
centurions cenntuir
ceremony airtach (b)
certain collective quantity irem (b)
certain distance mag
certain form of assault (techn. term) argain airdslechta
certain manner of wielding arms ? imbert
certain number icin II (b)
certain space mag
certain airchenn (a) (cenn)
certain airdalta
certain irithe I (a)
certain irithe I (b)
certain irmigthe = irithe
certain alaile, araile
certain becht
certain bechta 2 = becht
certain bunad (e) (bun 1)
certain cen cuntabart (a)
certain cinnte (b)
certain cruthaigthe
certain dig 3
certain dig 3
certain dirithe (a)
certain dirithe I
certain deimin I
certain deimin I
certain deimnech (deimin)
certain deimnech (deimin)
certain derb 1 I
certain derb 1 I
certain derbda(e) (derb 1)
certain derbda(e) (derb 1)
certain derbtha (a)
certain derbtha (a)
certain icin II (a)
certain erchennchaide (air-?)
certain erchennchaide (air-?)
certain i nirithe III
certain i nirithe III
certain menann(-nd)
certainly adama(i)r
certainly bs 2
certainly cen cuntabart (a)

certainly darrib
certainly darrib
certainly icin I (b)
certainly icin I (b)
certainly erchennchaide (air-?)
certainly erchennchaide (air-?)
certainly in demin I
certainly in demin I
certainty (?) deimne (deimin)
certainty (?) deimne (deimin)
certainty 2 gein
certainty airchenn (a) (cenn)
certainty irithe II (a)
certainty cinniud II (a)
certainty cinnte (c)
certainty deimin II
certainty deimin II
certainty derb 1 II
certainty derb 1 II
certainty derba 1 (derb 1)
certainty derba 1 (derb 1)
certainty derbthacht (derbtha)
certainty derbthacht (derbtha)
certainty derbthas (derbtha)
certainty derbthas (derbtha)
certifies deimnigid(ir) (a) (deimin)
certifies deimnigid(ir) (a) (deimin)
certifies derbaid 2 (a) (derb 1)
certifies derbaid 2 (a) (derb 1)
certifying derbad (a)
certifying derbad (a)
cess cs
cessation of fear es(s)omon I
cessation of fear es(s)omon I
cessation anad (c)
cestimating fomus
cestimating fomus
ceterach cetrac
ceterae oves immach > ammach
ceterae oves immach > ammach
chafed tailngigthe
chafed tailngigthe
chafer cenbair
chafer dol
chafer dol
chaferling dolne (dol)
chaferling dolne (dol)
chafes (under) tailngigidir
chafes (under) tailngigidir
chafes fo-geir 1
chaff bran 2

chaff cith
chaff cithlech (cith)
chaff lch
chaff lch
chaff lchith
chaff lchith
chaff lochn (lch)
chaff lochn (lch)
chaffering marg(g)il
chafing (?) duais 2 = dabais?
chafing (?) duais 2 = dabais?
chafing (the skin) bleith I (c)
chafing mleith
chain (?) fam 1
chain of iron id
chain of iron id
chain of the world`s salvation id
chain of the world`s salvation id
chain conchlann (c)
chain cuimrech (b)
chain gemel
chain gemel
chain id
chain id
chair cathar (a)
chalcedony calcidonia
Chaldean Callacda
Chaldean Gallachda
Chaldee Caldaide
chalice cailech 1
chalice cailice = cailech 1
chalice cails
chalk 1 el
chalked calcda (cailc)
chalkwhite cailcech (cailc)
challenge arfaigid
challenge arfaigid
challenge immardad
challenge immardad
challenges (a statement) do-fcaib I (o)
challenges (a statement) do-fcaib I (o)
challenges (someone) to battle facair (fo-acair, fcair)
challenges grendaigid (1 grend)
challenging fcra(e) (f)
challenging arfaigid
chamber (1x) camra
chamber airecal
chamberlain caimberling
chamber-pot faln (fal)
chamois chamois
champing (?) foseinm (seinm)

champion (?) carr 3
champion (?) dis (b)
champion (?) dis (b)
champion (?) galann (gal ?)
champion (?) gaillide (gala)
champion (?, CW) con\.greit (greit)
champion of the west (land) fuin
champion 1 galgat
champion 1 glond
champion 2 gna
champion ainching (cing)
champion airchingid (cingid)
champion angcl
champion anglond (b) = glond 1
champion nrad (c)
champion arg 2 II
champion caimper
champion cing 1
champion cl 1 (b)
champion cocthir (cocad)
champion colamnach 1 (columa)
champion columa (-oma, -amu, -umu) (b)
champion cuingid 3 (cuing)
champion cumall
champion dam 1 III
champion dam 1 III
champion dtid
champion dtid
champion drettel (b) = treitell, q.v.
champion drettel (b) = treitell, q.v.
champion ccland, cclond
champion ccland, cclond
champion eirr
champion eirr
champion engnamach (engnam)
champion engnamach (engnam)
champion fnnid
champion fuilngid
champion gaiscedach (gaisced)
champion grat (gr) vx grait
champion greit
champion immarbg
champion immarbg
champion indsaigthech, innsaigech (indsaigid,
champion indsaigthech, innsaigech (indsaigid,
champion midach
champions borbraige (borb)
championship coradacht, coraidecht
championship cuingidecht (cuingid)

championship eirredacht
championship eirredacht
chance (of taking by surprise, inflicting an injury) begul (a)
chance amantur (a)
chance cinnemain
chance cuntar
chance et(a)im, aitim II
chance et(a)im, aitim II
chance faill 1 (c)
chance gas (guais)
chancellor cancellar
chancel-screen caingel
chancel-screen crchaingel (cr 1 + caingel?)
chances 1 ad-cumaing
change (gramm.) cumscugud
change of covenant athchundrad (cundrad)
change of forus? imforus
change of forus? imforus
change of subject imlat
change of subject imlat
change ailidetu (ailide)
change aitherrach (b)
change comchloud (a)
change cumscnugad
change cumscugud
change dechor III
change dechor III
change imchlud
change imchlud
change imlat
change imlat
change imlat
change imlat
change malart (malairt)
changeable impidech (impd)
changeable impidech (impd)
changeable athraigthech (athrugad)
changeable corraigthech (corraige)
changeable il
changeable il
changeful imchlithech (imclud)
changeful imchlithech (imclud)
changes (intrans. and trans.) aithrigid (a)
changes (intrans.) con-to (b)
changes (trans. and intrans.) con-imchlo (a)
changes (trans.) con-to (a)
changes for the worse con-imchlo (b)
changes into do-so I (b) i n-
changes into do-so I (b) i n-
changes ad-eirrig
changes ailigid (1 aile)

changes ar-clo
changes con-oscaigi
changes con-so (sod)
changes cumscnaigid = cumscaigid
changes fillid I (e) i n-
changes fo-scuichi
changes imm-clemchli
changes imm-clemchli
changes imm-cli
changes imm-cli
changes imm-dni
changes imm-dni
changes imm-si
changes imm-si
changes imm-tit
changes imm-tit
changes in(d)scuchaid, in(d)scuichid
changes in(d)scuchaid, in(d)scuichid
changes malartaid
changes malartaigid
changing (from one position to another) imlat
changing (of a letter) comthd (c)
changing (rank, position) in(d)scuchud
changing place foscugud (vn. of fo-scuichi)
changing position foscugud (vn. of fo-scuichi)
changing the order of immord
changing the order of immord
changing ailigud
changing aitherrach (b)
changing athrugad
changing cld (c)
changing comchloud (a)
changing com\.sd (soud)
changing cumscnugad
changing cumscugud
changing imchlud
changing imlat
changing imlat
changing intd, intd
changing malart (malairt)
changing, or removing my clothes imlat
changing, or removing my clothes imlat
channel canl
channel fithis (b)
channel? metuir(e)
chant (?, CW) comdord (dord)
chant (bibl., eccles.) ctal
chant andord (dord 1)
chant canamain (b)
chant cantain (b)
chant cantairecht (cantaire)

chant canthus
chant dchann
chant dchann
chanter or verses danaire (a) (dan)
chanter or verses danaire (a) (dan)
chanter canta
chanter cantaire
chanting (?) lxaidecht (lx)
chanting (?) lxaidecht (lx)
chanting (bibl., eccles.) ctal
chanting (prayer)? imbert
chanting (prayer)? imbert
chanting of choirs claischtal (clas 1 + ctal)
chanting of litanies litnach (litn)
chanting of litanies litnach (litn)
chanting prayers fersaigecht (fersa)
chanting psalms fersaigecht (fersa)
chanting aiccetal
chanting canamain (a)
chanting cantain (a)
chanting cantairecht (cantaire)
chanting cantol
chanting ctlach 2 = ctal (?)
chanting fochetal
chants (a spell, incantation or magic formula) do-cain (a)
chants (a spell, incantation or magic formula) do-cain (a)
chants (in religious contexts) canaid (a)
chants a dchetal dchetlaid (dchetal)
chants a dchetal dchetlaid (dchetal)
chants ar-cain
chants do-inchain
chants do-inchain
chants fo-cain
chants fo-cain
chants fo-cain
chants gaibid
chants gaibid
chapel dairthech II
chapel dairthech II
chaplain caipelln
chaplet corann (b)
chapman marg(g)laidh
chapter (eccles.) cora (c)
chapter of book caiptel (a)
chapterhouse caiptel (b)
character 1 aicned
character crachtar
characteristic badge or emblem (of office or class) fethal (a)
characteristic behaviour cerd 1 (b)
characteristic function dles 2 (c)
characteristic function dles 2 (c)

characteristic airde 1 (b)
characteristic aiste (a)
characteristic aithne 2 (a)
characteristic cil 1 (b)
characteristic comartha (a) (airde 1)
characteristic dlsecht (b) (dlse)
characteristic dlsecht (b) (dlse)
characteristics of a genit genidecht (genit)
characterized by monosyllabic verse-endings (of a metre) daltach, dealtach (dalt)
characterized by monosyllabic verse-endings (of a metre) daltach, dealtach (dalt)
characterizes do-farascaib
characterizes do-farascaib
charcoal gal
charcoal galach (gal)
charge (legal) cis 1 (b)
charge of metal bruth 1 II (a) (berbaid)
charge dtil
charge dtil
charge dolud, dolaid (b)
charge dolud, dolaid (b)
charge echrais II
charge echrais II
charge fotha vx fothad
charge faimm, famm
charge idlann, idlang
charge idlann, idlang
charge imchor
charge imchor
charge ld
charge ld
charge ltechus (ltech)
charge ltechus (ltech)
charge lud
charge lud
charge lucht
charge lucht
charge muirer
charge muirigin (-din) (muirer)
charges (?) erbirigithir I (airbire?)
charges (?) erbirigithir I (airbire?)
charges (in hostile manner) (trans.) do-fapair (-fabair, -fbair) (b)
charges (in hostile manner) (trans.) do-fapair (-fabair, -fbair) (b)
charges (trans.) cintaigid II (cin)
charges at gaibid
charges at gaibid
charges ? fo-erba
charges iligid I
charges iligid I
charges ilmid
charges ilmid
charges ilmigid

charges ilmigid
charges erbaid 2 (c)
charges erbaid 2 (c)
charges lamnaid (lamain)
charges lamnaid (lamain)
charges lii/d > ld
charges lii/d > ld
charging along (?, Celtica vi 232) anblth
charging cintugad (b)
charging iligud II
charging iligud II
charging imchossat
charging imchossat
charging lud
charging lud
chariot cul 1
chariot drub
chariot drub
chariot-driving araidecht (ara 2)
charioteer ara 3 (-ae) (a)
charioteer culmaire (cul 1)
charioteers seat on the right hand side of the chariot faitse, foitse (b)
charioteers wand deil 2 I (a)
charioteers wand deil 2 I (a)
charioteership aradnach (aradu)
charioteership cairptige (cairptech)
chariot-fighter cairptech II (carpat)
chariot-fighter eirr
chariot-fighter eirr
chariot-maker cairpteir (carpat)
chariot-riding host (?) echrad, echraid II
chariot-riding host (?) echrad, echraid II
chariot-warrior cairptech II (carpat)
charitable almsanach (almsa)
charitable deerccach (deercc)
charitable deerccach (deercc)
charitable deercdae (deercc)
charitable deercdae (deercc)
charitable idbartach (idbart)
charitable idbartach (idbart)
charitableness deercc II (dia 2 + sercc)
charitableness deercc II (dia 2 + sercc)
charity (i.e. mans love of God) deercc I (b) (dia 2 + sercc)
charity (i.e. mans love of God) deercc I (b) (dia 2 + sercc)
charity 2 grd ?
charity came (b) (cem)
charity carthanacht (carthanach)
charity cartit
charity drcaige (deerccach)
charity drcaige (deerccach)
charm (?) gne (> gn, gne, gna, gnaoi)

charm 1 grinde (grind)
charm ilgen
charm bricht 1
charm le
charm le
charm elas, eulas (g)
charm elas, eulas (g)
charm epaid, aupaid
charm epaid, aupaid
charm felmas (-bas)
charm filidecht (b) (fili)
charming gnoech (gne)
charms brechtrad 2
charter lebor
charter lebor
chase milrad (?mlrad) (ml)
chases away fataigid
chases lenaid
chases lenaid
chasm (?) failc 1
chaste cast
chaste genmnaid
chaste genmnaide
chaste idan
chaste idan
chastens (trans.) con-secha
chastisement cosc (a)
chastiser certaigtheir (certaigid)
chastiser condrigthid
chastiser cuindrigid 2 (con-drig)
chastiser crthir (craid)
chastises craid
chastises crsagaid
chastises do-immoirg (f)
chastises do-immoirg (f)
chastising cosc (a)
chastising cuindrech
chastising crad
chastity 1 genas (< gein)
chastity castit
chastity cunnla = cunnlacht
chastity denma (dainme)
chastity denma (dainme)
chastity genmnae
chastity genmnaidecht (genmnaide)
chasuble alba
chasuble casal, casar
chattels (?) elba 2
chattels (?) elba 2
chattels errad 2, irrad
chattels errad 2, irrad

chattels gustal
chattels imb (imm)
chattels imb (imm)
chattels immirge, immirc(h)e
chattels immirge, immirc(h)e
chatterer buirrcech
chattering bresnaigecht (bres 1)
chatters cannrnaid (cannrn)
chatty comritech (comrd)
cheated imdiupartai
cheated imdiupartai
cheated imthogete
cheated imthogete
cheating (?) dul 5
cheating (?) dul 5
cheating ? melbach
cheating dupart (b)
cheating dupart (b)
cheating mangairecht
cheats do-tlen 1
cheats do-tlen 1
check (esp. of preservative or prophylactic against disease) airchosc (cosc)
check airgaire
checking bascad (a)
checking costud
checking etrnad
checking etrnad
checking frithgabl
checking imfastad, imfostad, imfastd
checks (trans.) con-secha
checks ar-gair (a)
checks ar-trotha (traethaid)
checks bascaid (basc 2?)
checks comchoiscid (con-secha)
checks con-drig (a)
checks do-airmesca
checks do-airmesca
checks dochtaid 2 (docht)
checks dochtaid 2 (docht)
checks do-immoirg (e)
checks do-immoirg (e)
checks etrinid
checks etrinid
checks fris-gaib
checks frithbailid
cheek cuirre (corr 1)
cheek gruad
cheek lecca
cheek lecca
cheerful filid, falid
cheering meisnemail

cheers up airgairdigid = gairtigit
cheers meisnigid
cheers menmnaigid (menma)
cheese curds compressed...and baked for food mulchn
cheese 1 grs
cheese cise
cheese fiscre 2
cheese labu
cheese labu
cheese maethal (maeth)
cheese-curds (?) bintn (a) (binit)
chelonites celumten
chequered cloth (CW) briccn (brecc)
chequered stuff breccn (brecc 1)
chequered bomman(n)ach (boimm)
chequered breccradach (breccrad)
chequering breccad
chequering brechtad
cherished ones cemthai
cherished lesaigthe
cherished lesaigthe
cherishes dislike miscaisigid
cherishes cemaid (cem 1)
cherishes gerta (gertha, giarta, giartha)
cherishes lesaigidir (les)
cherishes lesaigidir (les)
cherishing carthain
cherishing gorigud (2 gor)
Cherub c(h)erup(in)
cherub ir(r)uphn
cherub ir(r)uphn
Cherubim c(h)erup(in)
cherubin ir(r)uphn
cherubin ir(r)uphn
chervil cumogall
chessboard bertrach (bert)
chessmen (?) (coll.) fidchellacht (b) (fidchell)
chest rc
chest arg 3
chest brollach (br 1)
chest bruinne (a) (br 1)
chest ciste
chest clathach (c) (clath)
chest cfra
chest comrar (a)
chest falmir
chest huiste vx uiste
chestnut castn
chewing accnam
chewing cocantach (cocaint, see cocnam)
chewing cocnam

chewing creimm
chews again athchocnaid (cocnaid)
chews the cud athchocnaid (cocnaid)
chews con-cna (cnad)
chick irn(e)
chick irn(e)
chief (?) ardrach 1
chief (poet.) donn 2 I
chief (poet.) donn 2 I
chief ? muirech (muire)
chief counsellor cenn athchomairc
chief demon airdeman (demon)
chief is not competent to forgive meisech
chief virtue airmind (mind 1?)
chief airchenn (b) (cenn)
chief aire 3
chief airech 1
chief airech 1
chief aurrae (b)
chief bire 2
chief barr 1 (i)
chief bres 1 (c)
chief bunadasach (bunadas)
chief cenn III
chief cenna (cenn)
chief cennphort 1 (cenn + port 1)
chief cennrachn (cennrach ?)
chief clithe (h)
chief cleth 1 (e)
chief codnach II (b)
chief conn (b)
chief ml
chief mullach (mul)
chiefs codnaib
chieftain (in native conntexts) airr (a) (r)
chieftain trees ibar > iubar, iobar
chieftain trees ibar > iubar, iobar
chieftain balar
chieftain grb
chieftainship (?) donn 7
chieftainship (?) donn 7
chieftainship condacht 1 (conn 1)
child whose father dies during its infancy lommn (lomm)
child whose father dies during its infancy lommn (lomm)
child clann (c)
child crislach (cris)
child lenab
child lenab
child(ren) compert (c)
childbirth asat
childhood (?) lusca

childhood (?) lusca
childhood lenbdacht (lenab)
childhood lenbdacht (lenab)
childhood mac(c)dacht
childhood mac(c)rae
childhood maic(c)e (mac)
childish play lenbaidecht (lenbaide)
childish play lenbaidecht (lenbaide)
childish pursuits lenbaidecht (lenbaide)
childish pursuits lenbaidecht (lenbaide)
childish lenbaide (lenab)
childish lenbaide (lenab)
childish lenbda (lenab)
childish lenbda (lenab)
childishness lenbaidecht (lenbaide)
childishness lenbaidecht (lenbaide)
childless aimbrit
childlessness aimbrite (aimbrit)
child-place macloc
children ciniud (a)
children clann (c)
children artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)
children artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)
children mac(c)rad (mac)
chill fairneim
chillblain or sore on the hand or foot fochma
chilly ind(f)ar
chilly ind(f)ar
chimaera cmra
chime (of bell, clock) buille
chine (in animals) dronn (a)
chine (in animals) dronn (a)
chink 2 gnis
chink gg
chip berraide (berr)
chips casnad
chiromancy dernatracht (dernu)
chiromancy dernatracht (dernu)
chisel (?) ceram
chisel fonsura
chitterlings findracht
chivalry lechdacht (lechda)
chivalry lechdacht (lechda)
choice leganda
choice leganda
choice (?) comraignech
choice (honorific?) portion of food airigid 1 (b)
choice ? glr
choice dish as preliminary to a meal (hors doeuvre?, CW) airigid 1 (b)
choice gathering comdiglaim (diglaim)
choice comrognach (comroga)

choice forg(g)u, forgo
choice forglu < forgla
choice formna
choice gane
choice gsca
choice glre (glr, glir)
choice immuccu
choice immuccu
choir (?) coirin
choir (eccles.) cora (c)
choir clas 2
choir-cape cantarchapa
choir-singing claischtal (clas 1 + ctal)
choir-singing claischtlud
choler coilera
choleric coilerda
chooses (a day, meeting etc) gaibid
chooses (a day, meeting) gaibid
chooses do-goa 1
chooses do-goa 1
chooses for-eclainn (glenn-)
chooses goaid
choosing between etarrogu (rogu)
choosing between etarrogu (rogu)
choosing forglu < forgla
chopping indarcan
choral music cr
choral singing cr
chorus cr
chosen forglide
chosen leganda
chosen leganda
chrism crisma
Christ Crst
Christendom Crstaidecht (Crstaide)
Christian religion creitem (b)
Christian Crstaide (Crst)
Christian Crstaide (Crst)
Christian Crstamail (Crst)
Christianity Crstaidecht (Crstaide)
Christianity Crstamlacht (Crstamail)
chronic pain of the stomach idu
chronic pain of the stomach idu
chronicle croinic
chronicle croinicecht (croinic)
chronicle croinicil = croinic
chronicler airisech (airisiu)
chronicler croiniceir = croinicid
chronicler croinicid (croinic)
chronology aimserdacht (aimserdae)
chrystal (material and stone) cristall

chuckles fo-itbi
Church benefice bethugad c
Church benefice bethugad c
church having a special connection with a patron saint and from which other have been founded
(?) andit 1
church under the tutelage of the same patron saint or founder compairche (pairche, fairche)
church andin
church baislec 4, baslec
church cell (a)
church crsine (crsen)
church cros (b)
church domnach (b)
church domnach (b)
church eclais, eclas (d)
church eclais, eclas (d)
church lann
church lann
churchman mac (macc)
churchyard cell (b)
churchyard immaig
churchyard immaig
churl (as term of contempt) bachlach 1 (b) (bachall)
churl doste
churl doste
churl diste
churl diste
churl limnech
churl limnech
churlish dbech (dbe 1)
churlish dbech (dbe 1)
churlish dbidach = dbech
churlish dbidach = dbech
churlish dothchern(a) (tigern, tigerna)
churlish dothchern(a) (tigern, tigerna)
churlish dabais
churlish dabais
churlish arclta (arcl)
churlish arclta (arcl)
churlishness botachamlacht (botach)
churlishness deiles, delas
churlishness deiles, delas
churlishness dbe 1
churlishness dbe 1
churlishness dochle (dochell)
churlishness dochle (dochell)
churlishness dothchernas (dothchern)
churlishness dothchernas (dothchern)
churlishness? mang
churn (?) cerm
churn cuinnec
churn derb 2

churn derb 2
churn derba 2
churn derba 2
churn-dash loinid
churn-dash loinid
churning milk mescad
churning maistred
churning maistriugad
churns maistrid
cicatrizing cnesugud
Cimmer Cimmer
Cimmerian Cimmerda (Cimmer)
cinnamon cainl
cinnamon cinamon
cinquefoil (plant) cicedach (ciced)
circle for a barrel fonnsa
circle circul
circle comps
circle corann (b)
circle cairt 1 I (a)
circle imroth
circle imroth
circle lb
circle lb
circlet (late sense) flesc 1 (e)
circlet buinne (c)
circlet droch 2
circlet droch 2
circuit (?) fithis (a)
circuit ? imths
circuit ? imths
circuit in road cor 1
circuit inne
circuit ceis 3
circuit cairt 1 I (a)
circuit cairt 1 I (b)
circuit cairt 1 I (c)
circuit cairt 1 I (d)
circuit fail 1, foil
circuit imchairt
circuit imchairt
circuit imthoichell
circular (?) bechtach 1
circular (?) circlach = circulda
circular (?)/rounded (?) comchar (car)
circular band or ring on a spear (?) fthan
circular band fonnsa
circular course (?) fithis (a)
circular hanging lamps forid
circular hoop fonnsa
circular opening in the roof of an early Irish dwelling forls

circular circulda (circul)
circular comchruinn (cruinn)
circular compsach (comps)
circular cruinn
circumambulates imm-tit
circumambulates imm-tit
circumcises imgerraid
circumcises imgerraid
circumcises imm-dben
circumcises imm-dben
circumcises imm-tesc
circumcises imm-tesc
circumcising imgerrad
circumcision or his non-circumcision imdibe
circumcision or his non-circumcision imdibe
circumcision imdibe
circumcision imdibe
circumcision imthescad
circumcision imthescad
circumference comps
circumference cairt 1 I (a)
circumference imthacmang, imthacmac
circumference imthacmang, imthacmac
circumference imthimchell
circumference imthimchell
circumflex (accent) circunflex
circumspect fchsanach (fchsain)
circumspection imdissin ?
circumspection imdissin ?
circumspection ingabl
circumspection ingabl
circumstance alt 1 III (d)
circumstance cs 1 (a)
circumstance dl 2 V (a)
circumstance dl 2 V (a)
circumstance dl 2 V (b)
circumstance dl 2 V (b)
circumstances in which the conbatants part imscar
circumstances in which the conbatants part imscar
circumstances indell
circumstances indell
circumvallation (poet.) do 3
circumvallation (poet.) do 3
circumvents imm-cing
circumvents imm-cing
cisalpine cenalpande
citadel dind (b)
citadel dind (b)
cites (of an author) do-beir I (g)
cites (of an author) do-beir I (g)
cites aithligid

cites do-beir anas (c) (s 1)
citizen caithreir (cathair)
citizen catharda 1 II (cathair 1)
citizen cathraigtheir (cathair)
citizen cathrar
city of refuge cathir attaig I (b)
city baile 1 (b)
city borg
city cathair 1 (c)
civil law ciuil
civil law lx
civil law lx
civil catharda 1 I (cathair 1)
clad in armour idigthe
clad in armour idigthe
claim (?) caise 2
claim (quasi-legal) cert 1 (i)
claim (with subj. gen.) dlse (a) (dles)
claim (with subj. gen.) dlse (a) (dles)
claim by descent dthchas (a) (dthaig)
claim by descent dthchas (a) (dthaig)
claim due to heredity or established by tradition dthchas (b) (dthaig)
claim due to heredity or established by tradition dthchas (b) (dthaig)
claim caingen (a)
claim cairt 1 (b)
claim clim
claim cir 7
claim crae (a) (cir)
claim cron (b)
claim cairt 1 I (f)
claim dlug (a)
claim dlug (a)
claim iligud I
claim iligud I
claim foth
claiming aidbred
claiming ilem
claiming ilem
claiming iligud I
claiming iligud I
claiming indsaigid, innaigid
claims (?) cronai(gi)d (cron)
claims ad-dlig
claims ad-firi
claims do-im(m)gair (a)
claims do-im(m)gair (a)
claims ind-saig ?
claims ind-saig ?
claims in-ellaig, inellgither
claims in-ellaig, inellgither
claims lenaid

claims lenaid
clambering drep(p)airecht (drep(p))
clambering drep(p)airecht (drep(p))
clamorous 1 girech (gir)
clamorous congirech (a) (congir)
clamorous garrb(h)aiceach
clamorous gsachtach (-echtach)
clamorous glegrach
clamorous grednach (gredan)
clamorous mongarach
clamorous muirnech (muirn)
clamorous(?) glmach (glm)
clamour broscur (a) (brosc)
clamour cathais (cath + feis)
clamour crgal
clamour comgein (gein)
clamour congir (a)
clamour glm
clamour gredan
clan clann (c)
clan corc 3
clan fine 1 (b)
clan finedach (fine)
clandestine inidil, inithil
clandestine inidil, inithil
clangour dresachtach 2 (dresacht)
clangour dresachtach 2 (dresacht)
clanking dresternach
clanking dresternach
clansman dthchasach (b) (dthchas)
clansman dthchasach (b) (dthchas)
clapper basc(h)rann (bas + crann)
clapping of hands (in grief) basgaire
claret claird
clash of arms (?) letgaire
clash of arms (?) letgaire
clashing noise masladach
clashing sound dresachtach 2 (dresacht)
clashing sound dresachtach 2 (dresacht)
clashing bimnech 2 (-mmn-) (bim)
clashing comchoicetal (coicetal)
clashing comchomairt (comairt)
clashing comthairmnech (toirm)
clasp ? fora (fora)
clasp 1 glas
clasping adad
clasping adad
clasping imdnad
clasping imdnad
clasping imnasc
clasping imnasc

clasps dnaid (c) (dn)
clasps dnaid (c) (dn)
clasps adaid
clasps adaid
class (of performance) aiste (a)
class of persons lucht
class of persons lucht
class or category fodail (c)
class aicme
class ernail (b)
class ernail (b)
classification (?) cuimrecht
classification for
classifies ? fo-ranna vx fo-roind
clatter (?) airsaire
clatter (?) blesbarnach
clatter dresachtach 2 (dresacht)
clatter dresachtach 2 (dresacht)
clattering noise masladach
clattering cainntech (cainnt)
Claudius Clid 1
clause of an agreement, etc. articol, airtecal (c)
clause guin (vn. of gonaid)
claw crob
claw crob
claw crb
claw fuince
claw fuinche
claw grb
claw ingen
claw ingen
claws crobail (crob)
claws ingnech (ingen)
claws ingnech (ingen)
clay cr 1
clay crfc
clayey crda 2 (cr 1)
clayey cradaide = crda 2
clayey cradamail = crda 2
clean glan
cleaner glanaige
cleaning out cartad
cleaning out coclaid
cleaning erglanad (r-?)
cleaning erglanad (r-?)
cleanness 1 glaine (glan)
cleans out ar-scarta
cleans comglanaid (glanaid)
cleanser glanadir (glanad)
cleanser glantir
cleanses ar-nig (nigid)

cleanses con-nig
cleanses fo-glana (a)
cleanses fo-nig (fonach, funech)
cleanses glanaid (glan)
cleansing (beneath?) foglanad
cleansing (esp. of removing vermin) escaid 2
cleansing (esp. of removing vermin) escaid 2
cleansing (i.e. ennobling) fonach (diunach, tonach)
cleansing esclad
cleansing cartad
cleansing dun(n)ach
cleansing dun(n)ach
cleansing glanad
cleansing glantach
cleansing glantugud
clear (?) deil 4
clear (?) deil 4
clear (?) delgnaid 1
clear (?) delgnaid 1
clear (?) lomm
clear (?) lomm
clear (of sounds) finn 1 (f)
clear ? gelbdae
clear bottomed fonn
clear sky (?, CW) anandac
clear sound (?) cel II (c)
clear ?forglan
clear 1 gl
clear 1 glr (earlier form of gluair)
clear 1 glrda (1 glr ?)
clear 1 glarda (glair)
clear airglan = glan
clear blosc 2
clear ecna(e) 2
clear ecna(e) 2
clear ecnach 2
clear ecnach 2
clear fig (b)
clear follus
clear glainide (glain)
clear glan
clear glandae (glan)
clear gleir (gler, o, a/)
clear glerda (gler)
clear glair (1 glr)
clear menann(-nd)
clear menn (mend)
clear(?) glanbda
cleared scrub-land (?) fuithirbe
clearing away (?) dgle 2
clearing away (?) dgle 2

clearing away of stones dchlochad (cloch)
clearing away of stones dchlochad (cloch)
clearing away airscartad (a)
clearing away fochartad
clearing away foglanad
clearing oneself by oath glanad
clearing out a building (emptying it of persons) airglan(ad)
clearing out foscardad
clearing out glanad
clearing up (of weather) aitherrad = aitherrach
clearing up dglod
clearing up dglod
clearing airglan(ad)
clearing airscar (c)
clearing airscartad (b) = airscar (b)
clearing aurba
clearly visible forril
clearly cen cleth 2 (b)
clearly leinnne (lenn)
clearly leinnne (lenn)
clearness 1 glaine (glan)
clearness 1 gl
clearness airglaine (airglan)
clearness follaise (follus)
clearness glain
clearness glainidecht (glainide)
clearness glaire (glair)
clears (land, roads) ar-glana
clears ? imm
clears ? imm
clears away do-gl
clears away do-gl
clears away fo-carta (a) (cartaid)
clears away? fo-glana (b)
clears off fo-glana (b)
clears out glanaid (glan)
clears up ? gleithid
clears up do-gl
clears up do-gl
clears up glid (gl)
clears up glid (gl)
clears ar-scarta
clears glanaid (glan)
clear-voiced luincech (luinniuc)
clear-voiced luincech (luinniuc)
cleavage indlach
cleaver claidige = claidid 2
cleaves away dlongid (b)
cleaves away dlongid (b)
cleaves to lenaid
cleaves to lenaid

cleaves to (?) dallaid (d) (dall) fri (re)
cleaves to (?) dallaid (d) (dall) fri (re)
cleaves to do-glen
cleaves to do-glen
cleaves to fo-len vx foilenmain
cleaves to lenaid
cleaves to lenaid
cleaves to lenaid
cleaves to lenaid
cleaves ar-dlong (dlongid)
cleaves dluigid 1 (dluige)
cleaves dluigid 1 (dluige)
cleaves glenaid
cleaves gremmaigid (greimm)
cleaves in-dloing
cleaves in-dloing
cleaving (to) len(a)main
cleaving to (?) dall, dell (d) fri (re, le)
cleaving to (?) dall, dell (d) fri (re, le)
cleaving to comlenmain
cleaving dluige (a)
cleaving dluige (a)
cleaving gledal
cleaving indlach
cleft (?) dlugais
cleft (?) dlugais
cleft airdlochtae
cleft bolg 2
cleft dlochta
cleft dlochta
cleft dlochtnach (dlochtn 2, q.v.)
cleft dlochtnach (dlochtn 2, q.v.)
cleft gg
cleft gibis
cleft glac (c)
clemency can\.fairrige (can\.fairrech)
clemency enech 1, ainech II (c)
clemency enech 1, ainech II (c)
clemency fuarrachus (fuarrech)
clemency fuarrige, fuarraige (fuarrech)
clemency icht
clemency icht
clement can\.fairrech (can + farrech)
clement ichtach (icht)
clement ichtach (icht)
clement ichtmar (icht)
clement ichtmar (icht)
clement ichtmar (icht)
clement ichtmar (icht)
clenched fist mell
clenching barrad, bairred

clergy clar (a)
clergy eclais, eclas (c)
clergy eclais, eclas (c)
cleric of a certain grade cictach (cica)
cleric who arranges order of services lachtreir
cleric who arranges order of services lachtreir
cleric cairnech (b) (corann)
cleric clirech (a)
cleric credal
cleric mac (macc)
clerical state clirchecht (clirech)
clerical student macclirech
clerical students ligenn
clerical students ligenn
clerical clirchemail (clirech)
clerical ec(c)ailsech
clerical ec(c)ailsech
clericalism clirchecht (clirech)
clerk clirech (b)
clever (?) clestae (cles)
clever amainsech = amnas
clever amnas (b)
clever callait
clever druin
clever druin
clever rgnaid
clever rgnaid
cleverness (in good sense) amainse (b) (amnas)
cleverness gethe (1 geth)
cleverness glicce (glicc)
cleverness gliccus (glicc)
clew ceirtle
clewing up or slackening a sail allsad
clew-lines eibil
clew-lines eibil
client (?) comaicille (aicill(n)e)
clientship (?) comaicille (aicill(n)e)
clientship aicill(n)e
clientship aicill(n)echt
clientship aicillnius
clientship cilsine (cile)
clientship coicilsine (coicile)
cliff (?) allad 2
cliff (?) forscamon
cliff all 1 (a)
cliff alt 2
cliff drim III
cliff drim III
cliff-climber allaige (all 1)
cliffs ailltech
climata (i.e. plots of land sixty feet square) icht

climata (i.e. plots of land sixty feet square) icht
climax barr 1 (h)
climax dcenn 1 (c) (d + cenn)
climax dcenn 1 (c) (d + cenn)
climax forar
climax formna
climax mael
climbing drim I
climbing drim I
climbing drep(p)airecht (drep(p))
climbing drep(p)airecht (drep(p))
climbing dringthach (dringid)
climbing dringthach (dringid)
climbs around imm-dring
climbs around imm-dring
climbs upon for-dring
climbs drep(p)aid (drep(p))
climbs drep(p)aid (drep(p))
climbs dringid
climbs dringid
clinches gllinnigid (glinn)
clinging to len(a)main
clinging to len(a)main
clings to dechraid 3 I (dechair)
clings to dechraid 3 I (dechair)
clings to do-glen
clings to do-glen
clings to fo-glen
clings to lenaid
clings to lenaid
clings to lenaid
clings to lenaid
clings to lenaid
clings to lenaid
clipper lommarthir
clipper lommarthir
clipping (hair) berrad (b)
clipping their wings imdibe
clipping their wings imdibe
clipping giunad
clipping imdibe
clipping imdibe
clips berraid (a) (berr)
clitoris brilln (brell)
cloak ? fan
cloak arat
cloak berrech
cloak birbill
cloak bratt
cloak brattn (bratt)
cloak cba

cloak casal, casar
cloak celtair 1
cloak clca
cloak coim 1 (a)
cloak deichelt
cloak deichelt
cloak fallaing
cloak fola
cloak forbrat
cloak fuidir
cloak imthacht
cloak imthacht
cloak leinnne (lenn)
cloak leinnne (lenn)
cloak lumman
cloak lumman
cloak matal (mattal)
cloaked clcach (clca)
cloaked fallaingech
cloaked luimnech (lumman)
cloaked luimnech (lumman)
clock cloc (b)
clod cep
clod ft
clodof earth ftbach
cloister claustra
close confinement imchumang
close confinement imchumang
close fighting (?) cnapgal (cnap + gal)
close proximity ath\.focus focus
close proximity ath\.focus focus
close proximity imfoicse
close proximity imfoicse
close ranks of men (and weapons) in battle clath (d)
close to (a place) i farrad 2 I (a)
close to fochrab 1 I
close clithach (clith)
close cls
close comdnta
close cumung
close dlth 1, dlith
close dlth 1, dlith
close dlthach (dlth 1)
close dlthach (dlth 1)
close dlthmar (dlth 1)
close dlthmar (dlth 1)
close druit 1
close druit 1
close-cut hair mael
closed fordnta
close-eaten pasture athlumpaire

closefisted docht (b)
closefisted docht (b)
closely fitting ? imm
closely fitting ? imm
closely woven coim\.figthe
closeness (?) faiscsiu
closeness (of units in a mass or crowd) dls (dlth 1)
closeness (of units in a mass or crowd) dls (dlth 1)
closeness (of units in a mass) dlthe (dlth 1)
closeness (of units in a mass) dlthe (dlth 1)
closeness dochta 1 (docht)
closeness dochta 1 (docht)
closes (a transaction) adaid
closes (a transaction) adaid
closes (against) ar-dna (dnaid)
closes about adaid
closes about adaid
closes around ? fo-lmna vx for-lmna
closes around comadaid (adaid)
closes around adaid
closes around adaid
closes in adaid
closes in adaid
closes round imm-ada
closes round imm-ada
closes up adaid
closes up adaid
closes up imm-druid
closes up imm-druid
closes druitid (a) (drut)
closes druitid (a) (drut)
closes dnaid (a) (dn)
closes dnaid (a) (dn)
closes dnaid (d) (dn)
closes dnaid (d) (dn)
closes fo-ada
closes for-dna
closes for-ada vx iadaid
closes glasaigid (1 glas)
closes adaid
closes adaid
closes adaid
closes adaid
closes adaid
closes adaid
closeserried (?) gibis
closing one eye (?) guilliud (goll)
closing or ending a poem with the word which it begins dnad 2 (b)
closing or ending a poem with the word which it begins dnad 2 (b)
closing round imdnad
closing round imdnad

closing comdnad
closing drut (a)
closing drut (a)
closing dnad 2 (a)
closing dnad 2 (a)
closing fodluthad
closing adad
closure adad
closure adad
closures adaid
closures adaid
clot buiri
clot cep
cloth (?, CW) bis
cloth bratt
cloth brit (a)
cloth ln
cloth ln
cloth mengul vx menglach
clothes ? inaraid
clothes ? inaraid
clothes bert 1 II (beirid)
clothes taigid (tach 1)
clothes taigid (tach 1)
clothes tid (a)
clothes tid (a)
clothes imm-tuigethar
clothes imm-tuigethar
clothes in-tuigethar
clothes in-tuigethar
cloth-figurer (?) ? gebenach
clothing (as vn.) tiud, ted (a)
clothing (as vn.) tiud, ted (a)
clothing ? inarad ?
clothing ? inarad ?
clothing bert 1 II (beirid)
clothing brattach 2 (bratt)
clothing brotlach (bratt ?)
clothing celt 1 (ceilid ?)
clothing cltad
clothing comtiud (tiud)
clothing tach 1
clothing tach 1
clothing tgud
clothing tgud
clothing tugud 2
clothing tugud 2
cloths menglach
clotted milk maethal (maeth)
cloud muad
clouds (trans.) dorchaigid (b) (dorchae)

clouds (trans.) dorchaigid (b) (dorchae)
clouds muad
clout gibal
clouts (?) fochra
clove of garlic ingen
clove of garlic ingen
cloven fodluigthe
cloves claus
cloves clous
clove-scented pinks (?) clous
clown (as term of contempt) bachlach 1 (b) (bachall)
clown fuirseir vx fuirsire
clown lice
clown lice
club garman (garma)
club liber
club liber
club lorg
club lorg
club lorg
club lorg
club maglorg
club mtn
clue eochair 1, echair (b)
clue eochair 1, echair (b)
clump of reeds curchas
clumsy cittach
clumsy litarda (litor)
clumsy litarda (litor)
cluster (?) congal 2
cluster (?) congar
cluster (of nuts, fruit, etc.) croba(i)ng (a) (crob)
cluster cnasach I (cnas)
cluster mocol
clustering dairech III (dair)
clustering dairech III (dair)
clutch (of eggs) lne
clutch (of eggs) lne
clutch l 1
clutch forc
clutch forgabl (forngabl)
clutch glac (c)
clyster clistere (-ire)
coach ciste
coagulated blood fulracht
coagulation coiteiciud (--?)
coagulation gledamlacht (gledamail)
coal gal
coal galach (gal)
coal-black galda (gal)
coal-black ingalach

coal-black ingalach
coarse brassica garbg
coarse meal 1 garbn (garb)
coarse stubbly hair gasid
coarse wool (?) cillches
coarse 1 garb
coarse ainmn (mn)
coarse escartach (a) (escart)
coarse escartach (a) (escart)
coarse-haired gasitech (gasid)
coast airer 1 (a)
coast csta
coat of an onion inar
coat of an onion inar
coat of mail cotn (b)
coat of mail tiud, ted (b)
coat of mail tiud, ted (b)
coat of the eye inar
coat of the eye inar
coat cta 1
coating ? imchassal
coating ? imchassal
coating of wax on the outside imdnam
coating of wax on the outside imdnam
coaxer clanaire (a) (clain 2)
coaxes brcaid (brc)
coaxing bladar
coaxing brcad
cobwebs of spiders lusna
cobwebs of spiders lusna
cock 4 Gall
cock cailech 2
cock firn (fer + n)
cockade cnota
cockle cocal
coctana coctana
code cda
codex? manuail
codex? manuail
coerces imm-oirg
coerces imm-oirg
coercion fiscre 1
co-estimation comthomus (tomus)
co-eternal com\.suthain (suthain)
coeval with comes II (es 1)
coeval comesta (comes)
coeval comaimser (c) (aimser)
coeval comdne (dne)
coevals comdne (dne)
coffer rc
coffer cfra

coffin comrar (b)
co-fosterage comaltar
co-fosterage comaltas (comalta)
co-fosterage comaltram (b) (altramm)
cogender coicenl (cenl)
cogitation imrdud
cognate comchoibnesta (coibnestae)
cognizance (of someth. hidden) doich (dich?) II (c)
cognizance (of someth. hidden) doich (dich?) II (c)
cognizant fes(s)ach (a)
cognomen comainm (a) (ainmm)
co-grazing comingelt (ingelt)
cohabitation (in sexual sense) cairdes (a) (cara 1)
cohabitation cemdae 2 (com + immdae)
cohabitation coiblige
cohabitation comattrab (a) (attrab)
cohabitation comlepachus (comlepaid)
cohabiting cemthach 2
cohabiting ctluth
cohabiting comlepaid (lepaid)
co-habiting cortan
cohabiting dul 1 II (c) co
cohabiting dul 1 II (c) co
cohabiting foechtain
cohabiting i farrad 2 I (a)
cohabits with (+ la, seldom fri) foaid (b)
cohabits with (fri) coibligid (coiblige)
co-habits con-laig
cohabits fresligthid
co-heir comoigre (eigre)
cohesion (gramm.) coibge
coif brit (b)
coif copchaille (copp + caille 1)
coiffure ? frithlacht (frith-tlacht ?)
coil (?) (of hair) fathmann
coil (of metal?) forflesc
coil cor 1
coin (stamped with cross) crosc (cros)
coin bonn 2
coin marg(g)
coin? monadn
coin? monadn
coincidence of occurrence for
coincidence comesargain (esorcon)
coins combailid (bailid)
cold fit 2 grend
cold facht vx acht
cold far
cold fuit
cold idig
cold idig

cold-prostrate men luigech (lige ?)
cold-prostrate men luigech (lige ?)
colewort cabln, cobln
collapse 1 grith
collapse cutaim
collapsing cutaim
collar (?) culpai
collar airnasc (nasc)
collar coilr 1
collar id
collar id
collar muince (muin)
collar-bone (?) delgnach 1 (delga)
collar-bone (?) delgnach 1 (delga)
collaring muinlad
collation colision
collation collait
collation frithairigid (airigid)
collected cordait
collected cruinnigthe
collecting together coimthimsugad (timsugad)
collecting together comthinl (tinl)
collecting together imtheclamad
collecting cnasach II (cnas)
collecting cruinniugad
collecting dglaim
collecting dglaim
collection (?) clichet
collection (liter.) dglaim
collection (liter.) dglaim
collection (of things; less freq.) buiden
collection of bones cnmarlach (cnim)
collection of ecclesiastical buildings cell (a)
collection of persons buiden
collection of persons ceithern
collection of pools linntech (linn)
collection of pools linntech (linn)
collection of sandhills on the seashore or near the sea dabach IV
collection of sandhills on the seashore or near the sea dabach IV
collection of weapons aidmmedach
collection cnasach I (cnas)
collection coitreb (com + treb)
collection comtheclamtha (teclaimid)
collection comtherchomrac (terchomrac)
collection comthinl (tinl)
collection congab (b)
collection descn (descad)
collection descn (descad)
collection dglaim
collection dglaim
collection dthat

collection dthat
collection mul
collective comthiniltech (comthinlad)
collector cnastir (cnas)
collects together comthinlaid (tinlaid, see do-inla)
collects together imm-tecmalla
collects together imm-tecmalla
collects ? glamaigid
collects cnasa(ig)id (cnas)
collects con-greinn
collects con-terchomraic(i) (do-airchomraici)
collects cruinnigid (cruinne)
collects do-ecmalla
collects do-ecmalla
collects do-ecra
collects do-ecra
collects do-glenn
collects do-glenn
collects do-immoirg (c)
collects do-immoirg (c)
collects do-inla
collects do-inla
collects etar-comla
collects etar-comla
college coliste
collision (?, CW) com\.frithorcun (frithorcun)
collision comesargain (esorcon)
collision imlssad
collision imlssad
collocation com\.fuirmiud (fuirmiud)
collops colg
colloquy acallam: accallam, agailt
colloquy immacaldam, immacaldaim
colloquy immacaldam, immacaldaim
colocynth colacinda
colonel coirnil
colour (?) fis 2 (fs?)
colour of milk lachtna
colour of milk lachtna
colour of the wind dath 1 IV
colour of the wind dath 1 IV
colour of unbleached wool lachtna
colour of unbleached wool lachtna
colour of lerg
colour of lerg
colour dath 1 II
colour dath 1 II
colour dathan (dath)
colour dathan (dath)
colour denn
colour denn

colour lxaire (lx)
colour lxaire (lx)
coloured like an idol dal, dol
coloured like an idol dal, dol
coloured like an image ? dal, dol
coloured like an image ? dal, dol
coloured dathach (dath)
coloured dathach (dath)
coloured dathaigthe
coloured dathaigthe
colouring matter dath 1 I
colouring matter dath 1 I
colouring comdathad (dathad 1)
colouring dathad 1
colouring dathad 1
colouring dathugud I
colouring dathugud I
colours blue gormaid (gorm)
colours dathaigid (dath 1)
colours dathaigid (dath 1)
colt of a British (or foreign?) mare gaillire
colt bromach (broimm)
coltsfoot adann (b)
coltsfoot comann 2 gall
columbine coluimpin, -bin (?-n)
column (?) bodaing
column columa (-oma, -amu, -umu) (a)
column letraim
column letraim
colure colar
comapny (of persons) cuibrenn (c)
comb (?) dochasail
comb (?) dochasail
comb cr (a)
combat waged by deceitful means muinchomrac(c)
combat waged by unfair means muinchomrac(c)
combat combg
combat debuith II
combat debuith II
combat drenn 1
combat drenn 1
combat fossaigid(ir) (foss)
combat gleo
combat gleten
combat Gletnechn (dimin. of gletnech<gleten)
combatant cumsclaig (cumscle, see cuinndscle)
combative (?) colamnach 2 (columa)
combative 1 galach (gal)
combative aindsclech (aindscle)
combative airgalach (airgal)
combative cuimlengach (cuimleng)

combative drennach 1 (drenn 1)
combative drennach 1 (drenn 1)
combative frithgonach (frithguin)
combative gletnide (gleten)
combative golach vx 1 galach
combative gontach
combative imgonach (imguin)
combative imgonach (imguin)
combative immarbgach (immarbg)
combative immarbgach (immarbg)
combative matnamail
combativeness (?) golaige (golach ?)
combativeness gmaire
combed crtha
comber of cloth crmaire (cr)
comber crthir (crad)
combination ellach 1 I (a)
combination ellach 1 I (a)
combines comdltha(ig)id (comdlith)
combing (wool) bocad
combing crad
combining cuibded = cuibdiugud
comb-maker crmaire (cr)
combs craid (cr)
come hither (in commands) al(l)ra
come up (in commands) al(l)ra
come ye hither ille, illei
come ye hither ille, illei
come doreccaid
come doreccaid
comedian cluithcheir (cluiche)
comeliness of hair foltmaise
comeliness dathamlacht (dathamail)
comeliness dathamlacht (dathamail)
comeliness desse (b) (dess)
comeliness desse (b) (dess)
comeliness maise
comely (?) builid
comely (?) lamain
comely (?) lamain
comely blith (b)
comely cadla 1
comely delbdae (a) (delb 1)
comely delbdae (a) (delb 1)
comely delbnaide (delb 1)
comely delbnaide (delb 1)
comely drechach (drech 1)
comely drechach (drech 1)
comely gnoech (gne)
comely grind
comemoration comarc (b)

comes (fig. of mental and abstract relations) do-tt (b)
comes (fig. of mental and abstract relations) do-tt (b)
comes (intrans.) do-foichell (b)
comes (intrans.) do-foichell (b)
comes (intrans.) do-roich II
comes (intrans.) do-roich II
comes (of time) do-icc II
comes (of time) do-icc II
comes (upon) do-autat, do-etat
comes (upon) do-autat, do-etat
comes about (?) do-im(m)chuiredar
comes about (?) do-im(m)chuiredar
comes about do-icc II
comes about do-icc II
comes about imm-ticc
comes about imm-ticc
comes across fo-ricc
comes after do-armrat
comes after do-armrat
comes after lenaid
comes after lenaid
comes against fris-tat (fris-to-tet)
comes back do-icc II
comes back do-icc II
comes back do-tt (a)
comes back do-tt (a)
comes down (intrans.) do-airindi II (a)
comes down (intrans.) do-airindi II (a)
comes forth (intrans.) do-furgaib II (b)
comes forth (intrans.) do-furgaib II (b)
comes in contact with (?) dupgaid
comes in contact with (?) dupgaid
comes in the way of (intrans.) do-ecmaing III (b) do, fri, ar (for)
comes in the way of (intrans.) do-ecmaing III (b) do, fri, ar (for)
comes into being do-icc II
comes into being do-icc II
comes into being for-cumaing
comes near to com(\.f)oics(ig)id(ir) (com(\.f)ocus)
comes near to fo-lmathar (-limethar ?)
comes off do-tt (d) as
comes off do-tt (d) as
comes short methaid (meth)
comes to (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (b)
comes to (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (b)
comes to (trans.) do-roich I
comes to (trans.) do-roich I
comes to a stand do-airissedar (c)
comes to a stand do-airissedar (c)
comes to an end (intrans.) bris(s)id II
comes to an end do-airicc (d)
comes to an end do-airicc (d)

comes to an end do-icc II
comes to an end do-icc II
comes to an end for-cenna
comes to an end istech
comes to an end istech
comes to know (usu. process rather than state) aithnid 2 (a) (aithne 2)
comes to life again aithbeaigid (a) (aithbe)
comes to life gainithir
comes to pass do-cuirethar III (f)
comes to pass do-cuirethar III (f)
comes to pass do-icc II
comes to pass do-icc II
comes to pass istech
comes to pass istech
comes to the aid of fris-gair, -frecair
comes to do-aidlea
comes to do-aidlea
comes to do-ascnai
comes to do-ascnai
comes to do-doichb
comes to do-doichb
comes to do-foscaig
comes to do-foscaig
comes to do-icc I
comes to do-icc I
comes together comracht(an)aid (comrachtain)
comes together con-tt (tit)
comes together imm-icc
comes together imm-icc
comes up (intrans.) do-airret, do-irret II
comes up (intrans.) do-airret, do-irret II
comes up with (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (a)
comes up with (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (a)
comes up with forraid = do-rraid
comes upon unawares (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (a)
comes upon unawares (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (a)
comes upon airmaisid for (airmaisiu)
comes upon ar-icc (a)
comes upon do-cuirethar III (c) do (also ar, fri)
comes upon do-cuirethar III (c) do (also ar, fri)
comes upon do-tuit 1 (g) for
comes upon do-tuit 1 (g) for
comes upon in-otat
comes upon in-otat
comes with con-ticc (do-icc)
comes ad-roich
comes comit
comes con-ticc (do-icc)
comes do-airicc (a)
comes do-airicc (a)
comes do-cing

comes do-cing
comes do-feth
comes do-feth
comes do-icc II
comes do-icc II
comes do-rorban 1 I
comes do-rorban 1 I
comes do-saig I
comes do-saig I
comes do-tt (a)
comes do-tt (a)
comes do-tt (c)
comes do-tt (c)
comes imm-tit
comes imm-tit
comfort clithmaire
comfort com\.fortacht (fortacht)
comfort comddnad
comfort comprd
comfortable cluthmar
comforter com\.furtaigtheir (com\.furtaigid)
comforter comddantaid (comddnad)
comforter laig
comforter laig
comforting cobrugad = cobair
comforting com\.fortacht (fortacht)
comforting comddnad
comforting ddnad
comforting ddnad
comforts (med.) com\.furtachta(ig)id (com\.fortacht)
comforts comddnaid (ddnaid, see do-dona)
comforts do-dona
comforts do-dona
comfrey cumpori
comic fuirside
coming at the end deiredach (deired 1)
coming at the end deiredach (deired 1)
coming back athchasad (casad)
coming between etartuidecht
coming between etartuidecht
coming into existence genemain
coming near to com(\.f)oicsiugud
coming round imthoniud
coming to an end legad
coming to an end legad
coming to believe creitem (a)
coming to recognise aithne 2 (b)
coming together immaltar
coming together immaltar
command (?) 2 gair
command aithne 1 (b)

command codnachus (codnach)
command cmanda
command forcongra
command forcongur (for-congair)
command forgell, forgal(l)
commanded forngarthe
commander (?) fednach 2 (b) (fedan)
commander commandar
commander constabla
commander forcongarthid
commander forcongraid
commander forlmaid
commander muirech (muire)
commanding (?) comaithne 1 (aithne 1)
commanding aithne 1 (b)
commanding codnugud
commanding forcongrad
commanding fulir < furil
commanding fulirem, fulram
commanding furilem
commands (?) codnaigid (codnach)
commands aithnid 1 (d) de
commands do-im(m)na (c)
commands do-im(m)na (c)
commands erilid (c) (eril)
commands erilid (c) (eril)
commands erilid (d) (eril)
commands erilid (d) (eril)
commands forctu (ctu ?)
commands for-congair (gairid)
commands for-gella
commands facair (fo-acair, fcair)
commands fulirid
commands furilid vx erilid and fulirid
commemorates ad-muinethar
commemorates for-aithminedar
commemorating cuimniugud (a)
commemoration (of a saint) foraithmet
commemoration ? imchomarc
commemoration ? imchomarc
commemoration aithmet
commemoration coimmebair (mebair)
commemoration comaithmet (aithmet)
commences gaibid
commences gaibid
commences in-tinnscana
commences in-tinnscana
commendation ? molas
commending together commolad (molad)
commending comairled
commending eril (c)

commending eril (c)
commending furilem
commending imthrnugud
commends to ad-no
commends to aithnid 1 (b)
commends ? fris-saig
comment coimint
commentary (?) foaccept, -accecht
commentary glas
commentator mnigtheir
commerates imm-rdi
commerates imm-rdi
commerce cennaigecht (cennaige)
commerce cundrad (a)
commerce imchennach
commerce imchennach
commingles con-mesca (a)
commingling cummasc (a)
comminutes minaigid (min)
commission coimision
Commissioner comesirecht
Commissioners comessieraib
commissions ? fo-erba
commiting to memory mebrugud
commits (a fault, crime) do-rogaib
commits (a fault, crime) do-rogaib
commits (someth. to someone) erbaid 2 (b)
commits (someth. to someone) erbaid 2 (b)
commits (with do) do-im(m)na (a)
commits (with do) do-im(m)na (a)
commits an offence fo-fich (a)
commits depredation foglaid 2
commits for preservation aithnid 1 (a)
commits to memory mebraigid
commits to the care of aithnid 1 (b)
commits trespass foglaigid
commits comaithnid 1 (aithnid 1)
committing a mischief or crime with deliberate intention elgon, elguin
committing a mischief or crime with deliberate intention elgon, elguin
committing an outrage on com\.srugud (srugud)
committing crime cintugad (a)
committing sin cintugad (a)
committing dnum I (a)
committing dnum I (a)
common (gramm.) coitchenn I (d)
common (gramm.) doac(c)aldmach (acaldam)
common (gramm.) doac(c)aldmach (acaldam)
common arum (name of a plant) 1 gegar
common bed comlepaid (lepaid)
common charge against all imchined
common charge against all imchined

common choice comroga (rogu)
common covering (of malt) cotuige (com + tuige)
common descendants comartraige (artaige, etc.)
common dislike commiscais (miscais)
common dog matad
common dwelling-place comaite (aite 2)
common glory comindocbil (indocbil)
common hatred commiscais (miscais)
common marriage contribution comthinchor (tinchor)
common name com\.slonnad (slondud)
common nature comaicned (aicned)
common noun (gramm.) coitchenn II (a)
common place-name, Meelick Miliuc
common property (legal) cumthus
common property coitchenn II (b)
common rule comragal (ragal)
common stock com\.slonnad (slondud)
common surname com\.slonnad (slondud)
common yoke commm (a) (mm)
common coimn
common coitchenn I (a)
common comchoitchenn (coitchenn)
common cumaide 1
common dergna
common dergna
common doscair (b)
common doscair (b)
common esconn 1, escon
common esconn 1, escon
commonage coitchenn II (b)
commoner aithech 1 (a) (aithe)
commoner amr (r)
commoner anflaith (b) (flaith 1)
commons cumunta
commotion ainfthaige (1 ainfthach)
commotion comchorrugad (corrugad)
commotion comglasacht (glasacht)
commotion esgal
commotion esgal
communicates commanchigid (comman)
communicating commanechad
communication forar
communion cobodlus (cobodail)
communion comman
communion cominion
Communion corp (c)
community (?) clsal 1 (c)
community (relationship) coitchennas (coitchenn)
community of persons connected by some common bond muinter
community coitchenn II (c)
community coitreb (com + treb)

community comentu (c) (oentu)
community muinteras
compact body of persons mocol
compact mass cer (d)
compact mass comdlm (dlm)
compact cennach (a) (cenn)
compact comal 1 (a)
compact comdlith (dlith)
compact comdls (dls)
compact commaid (a) (com + buith)
compact compirt (pairt)
compact cruinn
compact daingen II (d)
compact daingen II (d)
compact daingniugud IV
compact daingniugud IV
compact dlmaines (a) (dlmaine)
compact dlmaines (a) (dlmaine)
compact dlth 1, dlith
compact dlth 1, dlith
compact dosach (dos 1)
compact dosach (dos 1)
compact estoaiscthe
compact estoaiscthe
compactness (of units in a mass or crowd) dls (dlth 1)
compactness (of units in a mass or crowd) dls (dlth 1)
compactness dgainde (dgaind)
compactness dgainde (dgaind)
compactness dlthe (dlth 1)
compactness dlthe (dlth 1)
companion (?) fada 2 (c)
companion (?) gaillide (gala)
companion cemthach 1
companion cile (e)
companion coicile (b) (com + cile)
companion comthechtaid (comthecht s. coimitecht)
companion comthechtaige = comthechtaid
companion com\.fer (fer)
companion comchompnach (compnach)
companion compn
companion comthach 1 (commaid)
companion cuibrennach (cuibrenn)
companion gaillid (gala)
companionable compnta (compn)
companions (collect.) comladar
companions comlucht (lucht)
companionship (legal) cumthus
companionship cemthach 2
companionship comchemthach (cemthach 2)
companionship comgns (gns)
companionship comladar

companionship commaid (a) (com + buith)
companionship comoige
companionship compnacht (compn)
companionship compntas (compn)
companionship comthanas
companionship cuitechta (con + techt 1 or 2)
companionship gns (gnth)
companionship gaillidecht (gaillid)
company (?) daime
company (?) daime
company (of people or objects) br 1 (b)
company (of warriors etc.) cana(i)rt 1, cona(i)rt (b) (can, c)
company of banished men loinges (long)
company of banished men loinges (long)
company of equal size comdm (dm)
company of five cicer
company ? masrad
company 2 grinde
company 2 all
company 2 all
company binne
company braine 1
company brainech 2 (braine 1)
company cemthach 2
company cemthachas = cemthach 2
company clar (b)
company coim(m)ite
company coitchennas (coitchenn)
company coitreb (com + treb)
company comentu (c) (oentu)
company comgns (gns)
company comladar
company commann
company complacht
company comthocht (tocht 1)
company crugud, crgud
company callacht (b)
company can 1 (c)
company cuire
company cuitecht 2 = cuitechta
company cuitechta (con + techt 1 or 2)
company- cuitechtach (cuitechta)
company dm I
company dm I
company dmrad I
company dmrad I
company dne (c)
company dne (c)
company drem(m)
company drem(m)
company fedan II

company fan (b)
company fir 3
company foirenn (b)
company falas
company laine
company laine
company lorg
company lorg
company minne
company muirer
compar. ? fortamlaigthe
comparable coimmesta 1 (coimmes)
comparable in(n)tamlaigthech (intamlugud)
comparable in(n)tamlaigthech (intamlugud)
comparableness cuibde 1 (cubaid)
comparative degree (CW) comparitit (comparit)
comparative degree (gramm.) coindelg (c) (com + delg?)
comparative degree (gramm.) comparit (a)
comparative degree forrn
comparative of the adjective immarbg
comparative of the adjective immarbg
compared (with) i commaid (b) (com + buith)
compared with farrad 2 II (b)
compared with i farrad 2 I (b)
compares (?) aith\.fgaid (fgaid)
compares (CW) compridigid (comprit s. comparit)
compares (fri, do = with) con-delca
compares to do-fed (d) fri
compares to do-fed (d) fri
compares with (?) do-ben 2 (d) fri
compares with (?) do-ben 2 (d) fri
compares with fris-samlathar
compares con-fora
compares cosmail(ig)id(ir) (cosmail)
compares cutrummaigid(ir) (cutrummae 2)
compares in-samlathar
compares in-samlathar
comparing coimmes (com + mes 1)
comparing comardad (a)
comparing commesrugud (mesrugud)
comparing commrad (d)
comparing comparit (b)
comparing conchlannacht (conchlann)
comparison (betw. two things) aith\.fgad (b)
comparison (CW) comchutrummaichthi (cutrummugud)
comparison aith\.fcmais = aith\.fgad
comparison aithgein (c)
comparison coimmes (com + mes 1)
comparison coimmesta 2 = coimmes
comparison coindelg (c) (com + delg?)
comparison commrtas (commrad)

comparison comparit (b)
comparison conchlann (b)
comparison cosmailecht (b) = cosmailius
comparison cosmailig(i)ud
comparison cosmailius (b) (cosmail)
comparison in(n)t(s)amlugud
comparison in(n)t(s)amlugud
comparison insamlad
comparison insamlad
comparison intamail
comparison intamail
compartment in the large hall containing a couch or couches for sleeping imdae
compartment in the large hall containing a couch or couches for sleeping imdae
compass comps
compassers of death ? indlema
compassers of death ? indlema
compassion airchissecht (a)
compassion coicsed
compassion compis
compassion comthraige (traige)
compassion condircle (condircel)
compassion dondaidecht (dondaide)
compassion dondaidecht (dondaide)
compassionate warrior ichtmar (icht)
compassionate warrior ichtmar (icht)
compassionate condircel
compassionate condirclech = condircel
compassionating airchissecht (a)
compatriot coimthrthach (coimthr)
compelled them to shift their ground imlat
compelled them to shift their ground imlat
compelling comicniugud
compelling icnigud (a)
compelling icnigud (a)
compels to do-immoirg (h) n for nech
compels to do-immoirg (h) n for nech
compels con-icnigedar (icnigid)
compels do-immoirg (g)
compels do-immoirg (g)
compels icnigid (a) (icen)
compels icnigid (a) (icen)
compels etarturtigid
compels etarturtigid
compels foricnigid
compensates for ar-tt
compensates for ccaid (cc)
compensates for ccaid (cc)
compensates dlaid (b) (dl)
compensates dlaid (b) (dl)
compensates gaibid
compensates gaibid

compensates in-ren (in-ess-ren)
compensates in-ren (in-ess-ren)
compensates maithigid
compensating for lesugud
compensating dlad
compensating dlad
compensation (?) ? frithrecht
compensation (?) dge
compensation (?) dge
compensation (for something done or suffered) ric, raic (d)
compensation (for something done or suffered) ric, raic (d)
compensation (legal) aithgein (d)
compensation (legal) comardugad (b)
compensation due for dishonour to a person ... (legal) enechrucce, ainechrucce I (b) (enech 1 +
compensation due for dishonour to a person ... (legal) enechrucce, ainechrucce I (b) (enech 1 +
compensation for insult, loss or injury eneclann, aineclann (a)
compensation for insult, loss or injury eneclann, aineclann (a)
compensation for offence to a persons honour enechlg
compensation for offence to a persons honour enechlg
compensation 1 artach
compensation 1 artach
compensation cir 7
compensation citiugad
compensation cumal 1 (d)
compensation dlaidecht (dl)
compensation dlaidecht (dl)
compensation eneclann, aineclann (b)
compensation eneclann, aineclann (b)
compensation fochraic (c)
compensation frithire
compensation cc
compensation cc
compensation indric, indraic
compensation indric, indraic
compensation indracus (indraic)
compensation indracus (indraic)
compensation lesugud
compensation lesugud
compensation lg also lag
compensation lg also lag
compensatory payment due for an attempt to defame enechgreiss, ainechgreiss (b)
compensatory payment due for an attempt to defame enechgreiss, ainechgreiss (b)
compensatory lr
compensatory lr
competence (?) codnaige (codnach)
competence codnachus (codnach)
competent ? (person) folaid
competent to decide fuiglech (fuigell)
competent to judge fuiglech (fuigell)

competent comimmaircide (immaircide)
competent indraicthi (indraic)
competent indraicthi (indraic)
competent lr
competent lr
competent meise (meisi)
competing comardad (a)
competing comrith (b)
competition combg
competition commrtas (commrad)
compilation (liter.) dglaim
compilation (liter.) dglaim
compilation cocangab
compiles (of lit. composition) figid
complacency bladmann
complacent bladmannach (bladmann)
complained of cndaithe
complained of cndaithe
complainer fadech II (fad)
complaining (?) clamprach (clampar)
complaining (?) com\.foirbech (com\.foirb)
complaining (?) dordnach 2 (dordn)
complaining (?) dordnach 2 (dordn)
complaining (about, for) cesacht (b)
complaining about x to y cosat (a) x fri y
complaining about indlach
complaining about indlach
complaining of one person to another etarchossat (cossat)
complaining of one person to another etarchossat (cossat)
complaining of cndach II
complaining of cndach II
complaining 1 accantech
complaining 2 accantech = accane
complaining accane
complaining airchissecht (a)
complaining airigem
complaining ceisnem
complaining cesnaige ?
complaining cosatech (cosat)
complaining crimnach
complaining ccan 2
complaining ccan 2
complaining cndach III
complaining cndach III
complaining fochnet (cnet)
complaining fogem
complaining fasat
complaining monmar (monbar)
complaining murmur
complains (of) cn(d)athir, cn(d)aid II
complains (of) cn(d)athir, cn(d)aid II

complains about con-sadi
complains of (persons) ceisid 1 (c) for (ar)
complains of ceisid 1 (b) for (ar)
complains of cronai(gi)d (cron)
complains of ccanid
complains of ccanid
complains of cndaigidir, cn(d)aigid II
complains of cndaigidir, cn(d)aigid II
complains of gernaid (gern)
complains of gernaigid (gern)
complains ad-cani: accanid
complains ar-ceissi (b)
complains ar-egi
complains csaigid (cs 1)
complains ceisid 1 (a)
complains ceisnigid
complains cronai(gi)d (cron)
complains gernaid (gern)
complaint (?) com\.foirb
complaint of Conall`s kindred imchossat
complaint of Conall`s kindred imchossat
complaint accane
complaint ainces (a)
complaint airigem
complaint cesacht (a)
complaint cesngail
complaint cadn
complaint gern
complaint imchin
complaint imchin
complaint imchossat
complaint imchossat
complaisant foditnech (b)
complement (of food) fotha vx fothad
complement of men (?) ferchuitred
complement comln (ln 1)
complement dl II (d)
complement dl II (d)
complement forlnad
complement furthain
complement ln
complement ln
complement ln
complement ln
complete certainty imdemna
complete certainty imdemna
complete freedom (from liability) comdlmaine (dlmaine)
complete health imm
complete health imm
complete liberty comdlmaine (dlmaine)
complete restoration immaisec

complete restoration immaisec
complete bocht
complete cen cridim
complete comln (ln)
complete comlann I
complete crchnaigthech (crchnaigthe)
complete dingblta (a) (dingbil, -la)
complete dingblta (a) (dingbil, -la)
complete ellam 1, ullam, ollam II (b)
complete ellam 1, ullam, ollam II (b)
complete foirbthe I (a)
complete glan
complete imln
complete imln
complete inich
complete inich
complete ln
complete ln
complete lnmar (ln)
complete lnmar (ln)
complete lomnn
complete lomnn
completed comlnta
completed crchnaigthe
completed forbachaid
completed forbaide
completely circular comchruinn (cruinn)
completely destroying aidmilled
completely destroys aidmillid
completely full lomnn
completely full lomnn
completely round comchruinn (cruinn)
completely bun barr 1 (b)
completely cen cridim
completely leinnne (lenn)
completely leinnne (lenn)
completeness foirbthecht (a)
completeness foirbthetu
completeness imline (imln)
completeness imline (imln)
completeness indracus (indraic)
completeness indracus (indraic)
completeness inichus (inich)
completeness inichus (inich)
completeness line (ln)
completeness line (ln)
completeness lire (lir)
completeness lire (lir)
completes cinnid (b) (cenn)
completes comlnaid (comln)
completes con-igi (aigid)

completes crchnaigid (crch)
completes foirbthigid(ir) I
completes for-fen
completes imlnaid (imln)
completes imlnaid (imln)
completes imm-foircnea
completes imm-foircnea
completes in-comla (in(d)-com-la)
completes in-comla (in(d)-com-la)
completing sense lnad
completing sense lnad
completing comalnad (-ll-)
completing comlnugud
completing comlnad
completing crch (a)
completing crchnugad
completing foirbthigud
completing forba, forbae
completing forbad vx forba
completing forlnad
completing fuilled, -iud, -ned
completing fuirired, -iud fuired
completing fuirired, -iud fuired
completing gleten
completing lnad
completion comline (comln)
completion crchnugad
complex coimplexamail (coimplex)
complexion (med.) coimplex
complexion (of face or skin) dath 1 III
complexion (of face or skin) dath 1 III
compliance comentugud (a)
compliancy (?) fec(c)aidecht
compline coimplit
compline coimpln = coimplit
complying with certain requirements indraic
complying with certain requirements indraic
complying with frecra(e)
comports oneself imm-cuirethar
comports oneself imm-cuirethar
compos mentis codnach I
compose comella
composed of elements dilech 1 (b) (dil)
composed of elements dilech 1 (b) (dil)
composed of 7 a III (a)
composed cumtha
composed dechtaigthe
composed dechtaigthe
composer augtar (c)
composer diltech
composer diltech

composes (of lit. composition) figid
composes (of verse) dlthaigid (c) (dlth 1)
composes (of verse) dlthaigid (c) (dlth 1)
composes ar-icc (c)
composes cummaid (cummae)
composes dechtaid 2
composes dechtaid 2
composes dechtaigid I
composes dechtaigid I
composes in-ellaig, inellgither
composes in-ellaig, inellgither
composes in-loing
composes in-loing
composes innigid (indech)
composes innigid (indech)
composing in metre (?) fuirim, fuirem
composing verses danairecht (danair)
composing verses danairecht (danair)
composing cuibdiugud
composing cummae
composing cumtach (a)
composing dechtad 2 I
composing dechtad 2 I
composing fuirmiud, -med
composite Ogham letter ng getal, gedal
composite ogham letters formcesta
composition (?) comlithre (comlthar)
composition (?) fth (d)
composition from all the many parts il
composition from all the many parts il
composition of crosn crosnacht (crosn 1)
composition com\.suidigud
composition composision
composition cummatirecht (cummatir)
composition ellach 1 I (a)
composition ellach 1 I (a)
compositor comascnaidid (ascnaide)
composure foistinecht
composure fosta (fossad)
composure fostacht
compound com\.focal (foccul)
compound com\.suidigthe
compound fillte (d)
compounded com\.suidigthe
compounded cummascdae, -thae
compounding com\.suidigud
compounds (gramm.) con-suidigedar (suidigidir)
comprehending engnae, ingnae
comprehending engnae, ingnae
comprehends (?) con-alla
comprehends (trans.) do-acmaing, -aic (b)

comprehends (trans.) do-acmaing, -aic (b)
comprehends do-beir VI (a)
comprehends do-beir VI (a)
comprehends do-etarrat
comprehends do-etarrat
comprehends gaibid
compressed (?) decht 1
compressed (?) decht 1
compressed comdl(th)ta
compressed cumung
compressed estoaiscthe
compressed estoaiscthe
compresses ar-ding (dingid)
compresses dlthaid (dlth 1)
compresses dlthaid (dlth 1)
compresses do-immoirg (a)
compresses do-immoirg (a)
compresses imm-oirg
compresses imm-oirg
compressing comdlthad, -ugud
compressing dinge
compressing dinge
compressing fscud
compressing fordinge
compression dechtad 1
compression dechtad 1
comprises con-tetarrat (do-etarrat)
comprises con-tethaig
comprises do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a II (a)
comprises do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a II (a)
compulsion cacht 1 (c)
compulsion coimicentach (icentach)
compulsion comicniugud
compulsion icen (a)
compulsion icen (a)
compulsion foricen
compulsory drinking (?) cupanacht (cupa?)
compulsory icen (a)
compulsory icen (a)
compunction (relig.) conguin
compunctious adanta
compurgatory oath imthach
compurgatory oath imthach
computation (?) dliged I (e)
computation (?) dliged I (e)
computation annlach = ann(i)l
computation annlad (b)
computation comirem (a) (irem)
computation cuntas
computes ad-rmi
computes comrmid (comrm)

computist compoidige (compoid)
computus compoid
comrade cem 1 II (a)
comrade comchoicle (coicle 1 s. coicile)
comrade compnach = compn
comrade cuibrennach (cuibrenn)
comrade gaillid (gala)
comtemptible dimbrgmar (dimbrg)
comtemptible dimbrgmar (dimbrg)
concave cocasta (cocas)
concavity fochuas
concavity glotta
concealed peril (?) ccell
concealed peril (?) ccell
concealed anfoillsigthe (foillsigthe)
concealed dchlethe
concealed dchlethe
concealed fortuigthe vx fortgide, fortchide
concealed inchlide, inchl(e)ithe
concealed inchlide, inchl(e)ithe
concealing (of cloth) clith I (a)
concealing ceilt
concealing cleth 2 (a)
concealing com\.folach (folach)
concealing damlugud
concealing damlugud
concealing damrugud (a) (damair 1)
concealing damrugud (a) (damair 1)
concealing dchelt
concealing dchelt
concealing dchleth
concealing dchleth
concealing dlsigud, dsligud (d)
concealing dlsigud, dsligud (d)
concealing dthlad
concealing dthlad
concealing daithnigud (daithne)
concealing daithnigud (daithne)
concealing forcleith
concealing imchumtach
concealing imfolach
concealment (?) cel 1
concealment (?) fuin
concealment (legal) dchell 1
concealment (legal) dchell 1
concealment air\.folach (folach 1)
concealment celtair 1
concealment cleth 2 (a)
concealment damair 1 II (c)
concealment damair 1 II (c)
concealment dchelt

concealment dchelt
concealment dcheltair 1
concealment dcheltair 1
concealment dchleth
concealment dchleth
concealment dlsigud, dsligud (d)
concealment dlsigud, dsligud (d)
concealment foilches
concealment imfolach
concealment imfolach
concealment inchleth
concealment inchleth
concealment infolach (folach)
concealment infolach (folach)
conceals (ar = person or thing from whom concealed) do-ceil (a)
conceals (ar = person or thing from whom concealed) do-ceil (a)
conceals (of facts etc.) ceilid (b)
conceals (of objects) ceilid (a)
conceals con-ceil (a)
conceals damlaigid
conceals damlaigid
conceals dchlethid (dchleth)
conceals dchlethid (dchleth)
conceals dlsigid, dsligid (d) (dles)
conceals dlsigid, dsligid (d) (dles)
conceals fo-luigi
conceals gaibid
conceals gaibid
conceals imm-imgaib (im-gaib)
conceals imm-imgaib (im-gaib)
conceals in-foilgi
conceals in-foilgi
concedes (?) (legal) eiscid 1
concedes (?) (legal) eiscid 1
concedes (v. freq. in neg.) ceilid (c)
concedes ... to (of persons) do-lci I (b) do
concedes ... to (of persons) do-lci I (b) do
concedes to licid
concedes to licid
concedes ad-daim
concedes fo-eim, -fom, fem (d)
concedes logaid
concedes logaid
concedes maithid
conceding dmachtain I
conceding dmachtain I
conceding ditiu
conceding ditiu
conceding femachtain
conceding femad, emad
conceding logad

conceit (?) barragid
conceivable mesta (mes)
conceives (a feeling) glacaid (glac)
conceives (a passion etc) gaibid
conceives (offspring) gaibid
conceives (offspring) gaibid
conceives (passion or emotion) gaibid
conceives (trans.) delbaid I (a) (delb)
conceives (trans.) delbaid I (a) (delb)
conceives con-beir
conceives gainithir
concentrating fscud
concentration mednugad
conception 2 genas
conception compert (b)
conception cotad = catd
concern 2 gn
concern deithiden I
concern deithiden I
concerned in imm, imb
concerned in imm, imb
concerned with art eladnach (elada)
concerned with art eladnach (elada)
concerned with poetry eladnach (elada)
concerned with poetry eladnach (elada)
concerned with los
concerned with los
concerning imm, imb
concerning imm, imb
concerning imths
concerning imths
concerning leth
concerning leth
concerning los
concerning los
concerns (trans.) deithidnigidir (a) (deithiden)
concerns (trans.) deithidnigidir (a) (deithiden)
concerns oneself (intrans.) deithidnigidir (b) (deithiden)
concerns oneself (intrans.) deithidnigidir (b) (deithiden)
concerns imm-airicc
concerns imm-airicc
concerted attack comdortad
concession (?) eisced
concession (?) eisced
concession logad
Conchobar Conchobar (c + cobar)
concise athchummair (cummair)
concision athchummaire (athchummair)
concludes comdnaid (dnaid)
concludes glid (gl)
concluding word arcomarc, arcomrac

concluding word arcomarc, arcomrac
concluding foriadad
conclusion of a period of time ecmong, ecmoc II
conclusion of a period of time ecmong, ecmoc II
conclusion of a period arteistimin, arteistemin
conclusion of a period arteistimin, arteistemin
conclusion of a poem arcomarc, arcomrac
conclusion of a poem arcomarc, arcomrac
conclusion clsal 1 (a)
conclusion conc(h)lid
conclusion conglais
conclusion dead
conclusion dead
conclusion deired 1 (b)
conclusion deired 1 (b)
conclusion foriadad
conclusion len(a)main
conclusion len(a)main
concord (of music) coimthecht (com + techt)
concord coicetal
concord coicridetu (com+ cride)
concord comentu (a) (oentu)
concord crae (c) (cir)
concord cubaid II (b)
concord cuibde 1 (cubaid)
concord cuibdius (a) (cubaid)
concourse cite (d)
concubinage dormaine 1
concubinage dormaine 1
concubinage dormainecht (dormaine)
concubinage dormainecht (dormaine)
concubinage lennn(t)acht (lennn)
concubinage lennn(t)acht (lennn)
concubine of a certain grade carthach II (caraid)
concubine dorman
concubine dorman
concubine lennn
concubine lennn
concupiscence ainman (1 man)
concupiscence comaccobor (accobar)
concupiscence drs (c) (drth 1)
concupiscence drs (c) (drth 1)
concupiscence trad
concupiscence trad
concupiscent comaccobordae (comaccobor)
concussion comthulcad (tolgad)
condemnation dammain, dammaint II
condemnation dammain, dammaint II
condemnation damnugud
condemnation damnugud
condemned (CW) damantae

condemned (CW) damantae
condemned person cimmid
condemned person dammantach
condemned person dammantach
condemned dor (d)
condemned dor (d)
condemning to eternal punishment (theol.) damnad 1 (a)
condemning to eternal punishment (theol.) damnad 1 (a)
condemning damnad 1 (a)
condemning damnad 1 (a)
condemning dmicem
condemning dmicem
condemning dmicen
condemning dmicen
condemns con-nessa
condemns damnaid 1
condemns damnaid 1
condemns damnaigidir 2 (dammain)
condemns damnaigidir 2 (dammain)
condemns dmicn(ig)id (dmicen)
condemns dmicn(ig)id (dmicen)
condemns dimmolaid (dim- (see d-) + molaid)
condemns dimmolaid (dim- (see d-) + molaid)
condemns dspecai(gi)d (dspec)
condemns dspecai(gi)d (dspec)
condemns do-insea
condemns do-insea
condemns doraid (b) (dor)
condemns doraid (b) (dor)
condemns do-meiccethar
condemns do-meiccethar
condensed calcaigthe
condensed comdl(th)ta
condenses comdltha(ig)id (comdlith)
condenses dlthaid (dlth 1)
condenses dlthaid (dlth 1)
condenses dlthaigid (b) (dlth 1)
condenses dlthaigid (b) (dlth 1)
condensing dlthad
condensing dlthad
condign airchesda = oirches (?)
condiment ? indiud
condiment ? indiud
condiment ? inmar
condiment ? inmar
condiment annland
condiment fonaidm
condition (legal) rosc
condition of a deorad (legal) deoraidecht, -adacht (deorad)
condition of a deorad (legal) deoraidecht, -adacht (deorad)
condition of a gamnach gamnachus (gamnach)

condition of a man feras (fer)
condition of a mother mthrathatu
condition of a woman banas (ben)
condition of being a battach or under obligation to supply food battachas (battach 1)
condition of being different dechor I
condition of being different dechor I
condition of being possessed by a demon dsacht II
condition of being possessed by a demon dsacht II
condition 3 acht
condition 6 acht
condition achtugad
condition alt 1 III (d)
condition bal (a)
condition cil 1 (a)
condition coingell (a) (com+ gell)
condition coingell (b) (com+ gell)
condition cor 1
condition cuntar
condition dl 2 V (a)
condition dl 2 V (a)
condition dliged I (f)
condition dliged I (f)
condition doich (dich?) II (d)
condition doich (dich?) II (d)
condition echt 1
condition echt 1
condition indas
condition indas
condition indell
condition indell
condition indme (indeb)
condition indme (indeb)
condition indrem, indram
condition indrem, indram
condition(s) (military) coma
condominium cuitchernas (cuitcherna)
condones (?) gaibid
conduct feras (fer)
conducts (CW)q do-aircesthar
conducts (CW)q do-aircesthar
conducts do-indnaig (b)
conducts do-indnaig (b)
conduit guitar
cone-producer (?) fintadbirtid
confabulation cocur (a)
confederacy comentu (c) (oentu)
confederacy combid (com + bid)
conference (?) comairecht, -ain (airecht 1, airechtain)
conference comdl (dl 2)
conference dl 2 II
conference dl 2 II

conference immacaldam, immacaldaim
conference immacaldam, immacaldaim
conferring immunity dlmainiugud
conferring immunity dlmainiugud
conferring callid
conferring cocur (a)
confers (a name) on (do, for) bait(h)sid, baistid (c) (baithis)
confers con-tirci (do-irci)
confers fo-ruimi, -fuirmi
confess (?) donigem
confess (?) donigem
confesses ad-daim
confesses fasitid (fasitiu)
confesses fo-sisedar
confessing atmil
confessing atmlach (atmil)
confessing coibse(nu)gud
confession (of belief) fasitiu (a)
confession (of sins) fasitiu (b)
confession atmil
confession cobais
confession com\.fesam (fes(s)am)
confession confesion
confession cuibiter
confession culpa
confessor (of the faith) fasmedach
confessor anmcharae (ainim(m) + carae)
confessor confesir
confessor credal
confessor fasitech (fasitiu)
confessorship confisracht (confesir)
confidant lepaid
confidant lepaid
confidence (?) doiche
confidence (?) doiche
confidence cobais
confidence dgrais II (b) (d + gress 2)
confidence dgrais II (b) (d + gress 2)
confidence doich (dich?) II (b)
confidence doich (dich?) II (b)
confidence es(s)amnae (a) (essamain)
confidence es(s)amnae (a) (essamain)
confidence icht
confidence icht
confidence intib
confidence intib
confidence ires(s)
confidence ires(s)
confidence laimthinche (laimthenach)
confidence laimthinche (laimthenach)
confidence muinigin

confidence muinigin
confident of the success laimthenach (lamaid)
confident of the success laimthenach (lamaid)
confident dles 1 II (d) (d- + les)
confident dles 1 II (d) (d- + les)
confident dchusach (dchus)
confident dchusach (dchus)
confident laimthenach (lamaid)
confident laimthenach (lamaid)
confiding erbud (a)
confiding erbud (a)
confine dor 1
confine dor 1
confine fir 1
confined space imchumge (imchumang)
confined space imchumge (imchumang)
confined imchumang
confined imchumang
confinement cacht 1 (b)
confines cachtaid (a) (cacht 1)
confines carcra(ig)id (carcar)
confines ceppaid (b) (cepp)
confines crch (b)
confines crislach (cris)
confines cumgaigid (cumung)
confines do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a II (b)
confines do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a II (b)
confines do-immtha(i)s
confines do-immtha(i)s
confines imbel?
confines imbel?
confines mainder
confining ceppad (a)
confining dlthad
confining dlthad
confirmation (?) coim\.signiugad (signugad)
confirmation crismad
confirmed confirmatige
confirmed dingblta (b) (dingbil, -la)
confirmed dingblta (b) (dingbil, -la)
confirmed focoisle (b)
confirming (?) ferta
confirming (legal) dlthugad
confirming (legal) dlthugad
confirming oath fortach
confirming comdaingniugad
confirming comnert(ug)ad
confirming cosmad
confirming daingniugud I (a)
confirming daingniugud I (a)
confirming deimnigud (a)

confirming deimnigud (a)
confirming dlsigud, dsligud (c)
confirming dlsigud, dsligud (c)
confirming frad (b)
confirming frnugud
confirming fortach
confirming imm
confirming imthrnugud
confirms (?, CW) con-deimnigedar (deimnigidir)
confirms (faith etc.) calmaigid (calma)
confirms (legal) brogaid
confirms athdaingnigid (daingnigid)
confirms brigaid
confirms comdaingnigid (comdaingen)
confirms comnerta(ig)id (nertaid 2, nertaigid)
confirms daingnid II (daingen)
confirms daingnid II (daingen)
confirms daingnigidir I (b) (daingen)
confirms daingnigidir I (b) (daingen)
confirms deimnigid(ir) (a) (deimin)
confirms deimnigid(ir) (a) (deimin)
confirms derbaid 2 (a) (derb 1)
confirms derbaid 2 (a) (derb 1)
confirms derbaid 2 (b) (derb 1)
confirms derbaid 2 (b) (derb 1)
confirms fraid (b) (fr 1)
confirms for-tt
confirms fossaigid(ir) (foss)
confiscated (legal) dlsech (dles, dlse)
confiscated (legal) dlsech (dles, dlse)
conflagration daig I
conflagration daig I
conflagration lem
conflagration lem
conflagration loscud
conflagration loscud
conflagration luisne (loise, luise ?)
conflagration luisne (loise, luise ?)
conflagration? mael
conflagrations forloscud (vn. of for-loisci)
conflict (?) flmaine
conflict (poet.) dorar
conflict (poet.) dorar
conflict ? comdec
conflict of testimony imsna
conflict of testimony imsna
conflict with them will be fighting a shadow imguin
conflict with them will be fighting a shadow imguin
conflict airgal (b)
conflict augra (-ae) (b)
conflict caismert (b)

conflict cm 1
conflict cendabach
conflict cocad (com + cath)
conflict conblicht
conflict congal 1
conflict cummasc (c)
conflict deibech
conflict deibech
conflict imguin
conflict imguin
conflict immairecc > immairg
conflict immairecc > immairg
conflict maidinn (maidenn?)
confluence com\.siled (siled)
confluence commar
confounded imsnmach (imsnm)
confounded imsnmach (imsnm)
confounding mescad
confounds anfainnid (anfaine?)
confounds bascaid (basc 2?)
confounds domescaid (mescaid)
confounds domescaid (mescaid)
confounds mairnid
confounds mlachtnaigid
confounds mescaid
confounds mescaigid (<mesc)
confrre combrthair (brthair)
confronts con-feid (feidid)
confused in mind muirbellach (muirbell)
confused murmur? mingur
confused noise 1 gein
confused noise griccas
confused bailedach (bailiud see bailiugad)
confused badarthae (a)
confused combaidertha
confused cross-aidlennach
confused cummascdae, -thae
confused mesc(c)
confused mescda (mesc)
confused mesctha
confuses bodraid (bodar)
confuses baidrid (a) (baidre)
confuses combaidrid (baidrid)
confuses domescaid (mescaid)
confuses domescaid (mescaid)
confuses mescaid
confuses mescaigid (<mesc)
confusing baidred (a)
confusing combaidred
confusing mescad
confusion (?) baidir

confusion (?) longar, langar
confusion (?) longar, langar
confusion athbac (bac 1)
confusion bailiugad, bailiud (baile 2)
confusion baidre (baidir)
confusion ce 1 (a)
confusion cabair
confusion clethrm (a)
confusion in(n)tinne
confusion in(n)tinne
confusion mell
confusion merugad
confusion mesc(c)
confusion mescbaid
confusion? meirblige
confutes rassaigidir (raise?)
confutes rassaigidir (raise?)
confutes fresnsid (fresnds)
confuting fresnds (-ndeis)
congealed coiteicthe (--?)
congealing coiteiciud (--?)
congealing cottirmugud
congeals con-tici
congestion (med.) dnad 2 (c)
congestion (med.) dnad 2 (c)
congregation comchruinniugad
congregation comtherchomrac (terchomrac)
congregation maths/luag
congruent (CW) coindlithech
congruity immaircidetu (immaircide)
congruity immaircidetu (immaircide)
conical pile crach 1
coniunx ctmuinter
conjecture ammus (d)
conjecture doich (dich?) II (a)
conjecture doich (dich?) II (c)
conjecture ecmong, ecmoc I
conjecture menmarc
conjectures do-moinethar
conjugation (gramm.) coibedan
conjunction (astrol.) dl 2 VI
conjunction (astrol.) dl 2 VI
conjunction (gramm.) comaccomol (b) (accomol)
conjunction com\.focal (foccul)
conjunction comchengal (cengal)
conjunction imsnaidm
conjunction imsnaidm
conjuration coniursion
conjurer clesaige (cles)
conjuror comal 2
Connacht Connachta

Connacht-man Connachtach (Connachta)
connected with woods caillide (caill 1)
connected with woods cailltemail = caillide
connected comchengailte
connecting dlthad
connecting dlthad
connection (?) dlthaige (dlth 1)
connection (?) dlthaige (dlth 1)
connection (with = fri (re)) dthchas (e) (dthaig)
connection (with = fri (re)) dthchas (e) (dthaig)
connection comchengal (cengal)
connection commmdacht (commm)
connection ennaidm
connection ennaidm
connexion cobs (com + s, fs 2 ?)
connexion muinteras
connives at con-itet
conniving at coimitecht (b) do
conquering arm lm
conquering congbaid
conquering forbasach (forbais ?)
conquers (of desires, vices) clod I (h)
conquers (trans.) clod I (c)
conquers damnaid 2
conquers do-fich 2
conquers fobaigid
conquers lingid
conquest congcas
conquest gabl
conquest gabltas
consanguinity coibne (com + fine)
consanguinity falus (a)
consanguinity fuil
conscience cocubus (com + cubus)
conscience coinsias
conscience cubus 1 (com + fis)
conscienceless (?) ccobsaid 2
conscientious cocsach (cocubus)
conscientious coinsiasach (coinsias)
conscientious cuibsech (cubus)
consecrated by fri
consecrated cannta (canin)
consecrated cosecarthae
consecrates (a church, etc.) bennachaid I (a)
consecrates (in rel. contexts) cinnid (a) ige (cenn)
consecrates con-secra
consecrates cretraid (cretair)
consecrating consecrait
consecrating cosecrad
consecration consecrait
consecration consecrtion = consecrait

consecutively ? immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
consecutively ? immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
consent is
consent cemnta
consent cet 1 III
consent comentugud (a)
consent comchtfaid (com + ctfaid)
consent comdein (dein)
consent dein 1
consent-in-court airechtaige
consenting to (a process of law) air\.femad
consenting to femad, emad
consenting comentugud (a)
consenting femachtain
consents (to do something) fo-eim, -fom, fem (b)
consents to ar-fom (b)
consents to comentaigid (comentu)
consents con-ctban (ceta-b)
consents deinid (dein 1)
consequence (usually in a bad sense) artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)
consequence aithle
consequence comimmaircidetu (immaircidetu)
consequence armairt
consequence len(a)main
consequence len(a)main
consequence los
consequence los
consequences (?) aithlige
conserves manigid
consideration com\f.gad (b) (fgad)
consideration folud (> fola)
consideration imcaisiu
consideration mod
considering airle 1 (b)
considering aith\.fgad (a)
considering brethnugad
considering fgad (c)
considers (?) do-airbir III
considers (?) do-airbir III
considers as ad-rmi
considers carefully grindigid (grind)
considers to be enough to lr
considers to be enough to lr
considers to be ad-rmi
considers aith\.fgaid (fgaid)
considers braithid (brath)
considers brethnaigid (c) (breth)
considers dchaid II (b)
considers dchaid II (b)
considers dchaid III iarmairt
considers dchaid III iarmairt

considers do-aith\.fga
considers do-aith\.fga
considers do-beir VI (c)
considers do-beir VI (c)
considers do-lci IV
considers do-lci IV
considers do-rmi (d)
considers do-rmi (d)
considers fgaid I (b)
considers imm-acci
considers imm-acci
considers imm-rdi
considers imm-rdi
consigns to doom brthaigid (brth)
consistent fossad
consisting of brothers brithremail (brthair)
consisting of cheese labainde (labu)
consisting of cheese labainde (labu)
consisting of lengths britech (brit)
consisting of members of the same kin-group brithremail (brthair)
consisting of strips britech (brit)
consisting of the elements dileta (dil 1)
consisting of the elements dileta (dil 1)
consisting of two elements (with sg. noun) cechtardae (b)
consisting of two dide I
consisting of two dide I
consists in con-suidigedar (suidigidir)
consists con-tairisedar (do-airrissedar)
consolation com\.sls (sls)
consolation com\.slsugad (slsaigid)
consolation comairle (a)
consolation comprd
consolation cumsanad (b)
consolation ddnad
consolation ddnad
consolation donad
consolation donad
consoles comddnaid (ddnaid, see do-dona)
consoles do-dona
consoles do-dona
consolidates dlthaid (dlth 1)
consolidates dlthaid (dlth 1)
consolidates forfaigid
consolidating comdlthad, -ugud
consolidating dlthugad
consolidating dlthugad
consoling comairliugud (c)
consoling ddnad
consoling ddnad
consoling donad
consoling donad

consonant com\.fogur (fogur)
consonant conson
consonantal value consonacht (conson)
consonantal com\.fograigthe
consonantal com\.fograigthech (com\.fograigthe)
consonantal com\.fograigthid = com\.fograigthech
consortium comchrannchor (crannchor)
consorts with clechtaid (clecht 1)
consorts with comthanaid
conspicuous (?) badba
conspicuous (?) delgnaid 1
conspicuous (?) delgnaid 1
conspicuous (?) delgnaide 1
conspicuous (?) delgnaide 1
conspicuous (?) icside
conspicuous (?) icside
conspicuous (?) fechamail
conspicuous aircsinach (aircsiu)
conspicuous airecna (ecna(e) 2)
conspicuous cen cleth 2 (b)
conspicuous derscaigthe 1
conspicuous derscaigthe 1
conspicuous derscaigthech (derscaigthe)
conspicuous derscaigthech (derscaigthe)
conspicuous elg 2
conspicuous elg 2
conspicuous faicelach
conspicuous fadnach (fada 2)
conspicuous fodirc
conspicuous foillsechda
conspicuous foillsigthech (b)
conspicuous formenn
conspicuous forril
conspicuous menn (mend)
conspicuous menn (mend)
conspicuous? ?mennaid (menn)
conspicuousness airgnatu (airgnae)
conspiracy (?) lothar
conspiracy (?) lothar
conspiracy cocur (b)
conspiracy coimadad (adad)
conspiracy comentu (a) (oentu)
conspiracy comairle (a)
conspiracy comgellad
conspiracy imdell
conspiracy imdell
conspires cocraid 1 (cocur)
constable constabla
constableship constablacht (constabla)
constance cunnla = cunnlacht
constancy (?) bithecht (bith 1 + icht?)

constancy baine (bun 1)
constancy cunnlacht (cunnail)
constancy fedalrad
constancy feidle (feidil 1)
constancy forsaide
constant bawling or crying glmmairecht
constant practice grsche (grsach)
constant 1 glinne
constant ban 1
constant comnaidech (comnaide)
constant cunnail (com + dil 1)
constant feidlech 1 (feidil 1)
constant fostadach, fostodach
constant gnthach (gnth)
constant grsach (2 grs)
Constantinople Constantinopoil
constellation airndrethach
constellation com\.soillse (soillse)
constellation compall
constellation grcn
consternation anbth
consternation anbthad (bthad) = anbth
constipation (med.) cengal (a)
constipation fostad
constitutes do-gn II (b)
constitutes do-gn II (b)
constitutes fo-reith (reth-)
constrained cumung
constraining aindenugad
constraining comicniugud
constraining etarturtugud
constraining etarturtugud
constrains con-rig
constrains do-immoirg (g)
constrains do-immoirg (g)
constrains icnigid (a) (icen)
constrains icnigid (a) (icen)
constrains etarturtigid
constrains etarturtigid
constrains imm-oirg
constrains imm-oirg
constraint cacht 1 (c)
constraint comicen (icen)
constraint d/uite (b) (d/uit)
constraint d/uite (b) (d/uit)
constraint d/uitecht (c) (d/uit)
constraint d/uitecht (c) (d/uit)
constraint icentatu
constraint icentatu
constricted cumung
constricting cumgugad

constriction cumgugad
constricts cumgaigid (cumung)
constructed cumtachtae 1
constructed foirgenta
constructing cumtach (a)
constructing ellmugud, ollm-, ullm-
constructing ellmugud, ollm-, ullm-
constructing gnmugd
constructing imdnam
construction of stone cloch (f)
construction com\.sreth
construction cumtach (a)
construction imfognam
construction imfognam
constructs (an earthen mound and vallum) claidid 1 (d)
constructs (trans.) delbaid I (a) (delb)
constructs (trans.) delbaid I (a) (delb)
constructs con-utainc (a)
constructs do-claid (b)
constructs do-claid (b)
constructs do-gn II (a)
constructs do-gn II (a)
constructs gnid
constructs in-gaib
constructs in-gaib
constructs mraid
construed (with) imm-fogni (fri)
construed (with) imm-fogni (fri)
con-substantial com\.folbthaige, comm-
consubstantial com\.substaint (substaint)
consubstantial com\.substaintech (com\.substaint)
consul consal
consulship consulacht (consal)
consultation ? imchocur
consultation ? imchocur
consultation cocur (a)
consultation comchocur (cocur)
consultative body comairle (c)
consulting cocur (a)
consulting comairliugud (a)
consulting frecmarc
consulting frecnarcus
consults ? armi-foich, armi-foig
consults ? armi-foich, armi-foig
consults airlithir (b)
consults comairligid (a) (comairle)
consults con-airlethar (airlithir)
consults cridid comairle (crd 1)
consumed by fire comloiscthe
consumed by fire loiscthe
consumed by fire loiscthe

consumed dmelte
consumed dmelte
consumes (trans.) fedaigid II
consumes (wholly) imm-tomail
consumes (wholly) imm-tomail
consumes by fire loiscid
consumes by fire loiscid
consumes with fire comloiscid (loiscid)
consumes bronnaid 1 (a)
consumes caithid 1 (a)
consumes cnad
consumes con-caithi (caithid)
consumes con-meil
consumes credba(ig)id
consumes do-caithi
consumes do-caithi
consumes do-meil (a)
consumes do-meil (a)
consumes do-meil (e)
consumes do-meil (e)
consumes fo-cn
consumes fo-geil
consumes fo-meil
consumes gelid
consumes imm-credba
consumes imm-credba
consumes loingid (long)
consumes loingid (long)
consumes meilid (melaid)
consumes? methlaid
consuming (food) longud
consuming by fire loscud
consuming together comthomailt (tomailt)
consuming with fire comloscad
consuming caithem (a)
consuming comlongad (longad)
consuming meilt
consumption (med.) comthraethad (traethad)
consumption (of food etc) imthomailt
consumption (of food etc) imthomailt
consumption cnatige (cnadtech)
consumption cnm
consumption forfomailt
consumptive anfabrachta (anfobracht)
contagious gabltach
container (?) corrc (corr 3?)
container for oats or porridge cachn (cach, see cach)
container coim 1 (a)
container coimt (b)
container creithir
container lestar

container lestar
container long
container long
containing blood fuilide (fuil)
containing elements dilech 1 (b) (dil)
containing elements dilech 1 (b) (dil)
containing goblets cupach (cupa)
containing lands or territories athach (ath)
containing lands or territories athach (ath)
containing lengths britech (brit)
containing many habitations ? iostamail (istad)
containing many habitations ? iostamail (istad)
containing many milking enclosures ? innsech (?indes)
containing many milking enclosures ? innsech (?indes)
containing many persons (?) duinech (duine)
containing many persons (?) duinech (duine)
containing many words il
containing many words il
containing sods fitech (ft)
containing strips britech (brit)
containing congbil (-l) (a)
contains (?) do-ceil (c)
contains (?) do-ceil (c)
contains con-gaib (a)
contains con-tetarrat (do-etarrat)
contains do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a II (a)
contains do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a II (a)
contains do-airmchella
contains do-airmchella
contemns do-beir islis
contemns do-beir islis
contemplates ? imcaisnid (imcaisiu)
contemplates ? imcaisnid (imcaisiu)
contemplates ar-imbir (imm-beir)
contemplates indithmigid (indithem)
contemplates indithmigid (indithem)
contemplating airimbert (c)
contemplating imcaisiu
contemplating indithem, indfethem
contemplating indithmigud
contemplating midemain
contemplation of penalties so as to avoid them imcaisiu
contemplation of penalties so as to avoid them imcaisiu
contemplation imcaisiu
contemplation indithem, indfethem
contemplation indithem, indfethem
contemplative imcaisnech (mcaisiu)
contemplative imcaisnech (mcaisiu)
contemplative indithmech, indfethmech (indithem)
contemplative indithmech, indfethmech (indithem)
contemporaneity com\.sned (b) (sned)

contemporaneity comaimser (a) (aimser)
contemporaneity comrim (rimm)
contemporaneity comrimniugud (rimniugud) = comrim
contemporaneousness com\.segul (segul)
contemporary generation comdne (dne)
contemporary rule comrge (rge)
contemporary comes I (es 1)
contemporary comesta (comes)
contemporary comaimser (c) (aimser)
contemporary comreimis (reimes)
contempt (?) dardain I
contempt (?) dardain I
contempt (?) dindis 2
contempt (?) dindis 2
contempt dairmitiu, dermitiu
contempt dairmitiu, dermitiu
contempt dgna(e)
contempt dgna(e)
contempt dimbrg I (b) (brg)
contempt dimbrg I (b) (brg)
contempt dmess 1 (neg. d- + mess)
contempt dmess 1 (neg. d- + mess)
contempt dmicdetu (dmicthe)
contempt dmicdetu (dmicthe)
contempt dnsem
contempt dnsem
contempt dspec
contempt dspec
contempt dimann
contempt dimann
contempt islis
contempt islis
contemptible dmicnech (dmicen)
contemptible dmicnech (dmicen)
contender (for the crown) of Ireland imchosnamaid (imchosnam)
contender (for the crown) of Ireland imchosnamaid (imchosnam)
contender (for the kingship) of Ireland imchosnamach (imchosnam)
contender (for the kingship) of Ireland imchosnamach (imchosnam)
contender airbgaid (airbg)
contender cosnamach (cosnam)
contender cosnamaid = cosnamach
contender imchosnamach (imchosnam)
contender imchosnamach (imchosnam)
contender imchosnamaid (imchosnam)
contender imchosnamaid (imchosnam)
contending (in battle) cothad (a)
contending against frithchathugud
contending for cosnam (a)
contending for imchosnam
contending on a battlefield (?) blired (blr)
contending together in the water trying to duck or drown one another imbdud

contending with (fri) combg
contending with coimrige (rige)
contending with combartas = combaidred
contending with cotarsnad
contending with drim II fri (re)
contending with drim II fri (re)
contending with imguin
contending with imguin
contending airbg
contending bg (b)
contending com\.sned (c) (sned)
contending comchosnam (cosnam)
contending comlth
contending comrith (b)
contending comthecmil (tecmil)
contending crncn
contending freslach = frestlach
contending imforrn > ammarrn vx forrn
contending immad, immaid
contending immarbad
contending immarbad
contending imrascil, imarscil
contending imrascil, imarscil
contends (?) bigid (d) (bg)
contends together imm-airbig
contends together imm-airbig
contends ar-bigi (a) (bigid)
contends con-sn
contends imm-cosnai
contends imm-cosnai
contends imm-fresnai
contends imm-fresnai
contends imm-tuinsea (imm-to-ness-)
contends imm-tuinsea (imm-to-ness-)
content buidech 2 (buide 2)
content inne
content inne
contenting retainersxxx emthach
contention (?) cerbala
contention (?) comairecc
contention augra (-ae) (a)
contention cellach
contention cennairc(e)
contention coinglecc
contention com\.fachta(i)n = com\.fachad
contention comram
contention conas
contention contan
contention cosnam (a)
contention cuimleng
contention debthaige (debthach)

contention debthaige (debthach)
contention debuith I
contention debuith I
contention deibech
contention deibech
contention esard
contention esard
contention imcheist
contention imcheist
contention imchosnam
contention imchosnam
contention immarbg
contention immarbg
contention imres
contention imres
contention imresan
contention imresan
contention mesbaid
contentious (?) colamnach 2 (columa)
contentious (?) dbartach, dubartach (dbart 2)
contentious (?) dbartach, dubartach (dbart 2)
contentious (?) glfitech (glfit)
contentious person cosnamach (cosnam)
contentious person imresnaid (imresan)
contentious person imresnaid (imresan)
contentious gda(e)
contentious aimrid I (b) (rid)
contentious bgach (bg)
contentious caingnech (caingen)
contentious cennaircech (cennairce)
contentious caplach (capil)
contentious coinglecach (coinglecc)
contentious comlannach (comlann)
contentious comramach (comram)
contentious conasach (conas)
contentious cosatech (cosat)
contentious cosantach (cosaint, see cosnam)
contentious cosnamach (cosnam)
contentious cuimlengach (cuimleng)
contentious debthach (debuith)
contentious debthach (debuith)
contentious drennach 1 (drenn 1)
contentious drennach 1 (drenn 1)
contentious frithchertach
contentious imresnach, imrisnech (imresan)
contentious imresnach, imrisnech (imresan)
contentious lugach (luige)
contentious lugach (luige)
contentious? desclach (descol?)
contentious? desclach (descol?)
contentiousness aimri(d)tech (aimrid)

contentiousness aimrid II (b) (rid)
contents of the pit fulacht
contents argam(a)intensive (b)
contents imthairecc
contents imthairecc
contents lucht
contents lucht
contest galais (gal ?)
contest (?) comairecc
contest (?) cuingedaig
contest 2 g
contest airgal (b)
contest aithge
contest bg (b)
contest bruiden 2
contest comgoil (gail)
contest comlann II (b)
contest comraicthe
contest comram
contest cuimleng
contest glecc (gleic)
contest grilla
contest imforrn > ammarrn vx forrn
contest imforrn > ammarrn vx forrn
contest immarbg
contest immarbg
contesting com\.sned (c) (sned)
contesting comlth
contesting cuimleng
contests con-sn
context (gramm.) coibge
contiguity freslige
continence continaitt
continence fedbdacht
continence genmnaidecht (genmnaide)
continence imfogbaidetu
continence imfogbaidetu
contingent csamail (cs)
continually caidchi (b)
continuance 2 grs
continuance grsche (grsach)
continuance grsgugud (grsach)
continue licid
continue licid
continues in lenaid
continues in lenaid
continues comnaigid (comnaide)
continues feidligidir (feidil 1)
continues fo-rig
continues lenaid
continues lenaid

continues lenaid
continues lenaid
continuing in existence marthanach
continuing banugad
continuing foss (fos)
continuity (gramm.) coibge
continuity continit
continuous comnaidech (comnaide)
continuous continitech (continit)
continuously duirgres = do grs?
continuously duirgres = do grs?
contorted (?) feingc-bl
contorting gatsnmach (gatsnm)
contortion gatsnm
contorts fengaid
contract (fig.) cengal (a)
contract (legal) cor 1
contract regulated by custom bsgnae (b) (bs 1 + gn)
contract 6 acht
contract coibche 1 (b)
contract coindelg (a) (com + delg?)
contract coraigecht (cor 1)
contract cundrad (b)
contract dl 2 IV (b)
contract dl 2 IV (b)
contract arumchor
contract arumchor
contract indell
contract indell
contracted comthairrngthe
contracting cengal (b)
contracting crap
contracting crapad
contracting feiscre, feiscred
contraction (med.) comtharraing (tarraing)
contraction crapn (crap)
contracts mutually (?) ?for-imrig
contracts con-cuirethar
contracts crapaid (crap)
contradicted -fathgathar
contradicting ithche(d)
contradicting iligud III
contradicting iligud III
contradicting fresnds (-ndeis)
contradiction contrr(d)ugad
contradicts ithche(id)id (ithched)
contradicts ithchid
contradicts iligid II
contradicts iligid II
contradicts fresnsid (fresnds)
contrariety contrrdacht (contrrda)

contrary ? frithraingech
contrary contrrda (contrir)
contrary cotarsnach (cotarsnae)
contrary cotarsnae (com + tarsna)
contrary cotarsnae (com + tarsna)
contributes (?) do-inecra
contributes (?) do-inecra
contribution ? airchor (e)
contribution coimthidlacad (tidlacad s. tindnacol)
contristates brnaigid (brn)
contrite heart with pain-fraught bitterness imthoimnech
contrite heart with pain-fraught bitterness imthoimnech
contrite aithmlach (b) (aithmla)
contrite comgonta (gonta)
contrition (relig.) conguin
contrition doilgitiu (doilig)
contrition doilgitiu (doilig)
contrition doilgius (a) (doilig)
contrition doilgius (a) (doilig)
contrivance (?) dlug (d)
contrivance (?) dlug (d)
contrivance (?) fuiriud, -ed
contrivance admat
contrivance airec (b)
contrivance gls
contrivance immertas (imbert)
contrivance immertas (imbert)
contrivance indell
contrivance indell
contrives (by fraud or magic) dolbaid (d)
contrives (by fraud or magic) dolbaid (d)
contrives (freq. with vn. obj.) ar-icc (b)
contrives dlaid III (dl 2)
contrives dlaid III (dl 2)
contrives do-tt (d) ar
contrives do-tt (d) ar
contrives ellmaigid, ollm-, ullm- (b) (ellam 1)
contrives ellmaigid, ollm-, ullm- (b) (ellam 1)
contrives for-gn
contriving ? indell
contriving fuiriud, -ed
contriving int(s)liucht
contriving int(s)liucht
control amm 2 (a)
control cennsel
control comrar (rar)
control cuindrech
control imchommus
control imchommus
control immin
control immin

control lm
control lm
controller coimsid (b)
controlling (CW) cuindrigud
controlling certugud (b)
controlling codnugud
controlling commus (a)
controlling cuindrech
controls (?) codnaigid (codnach)
controls (?) con-alla
controls con-drig (a)
controls con-midethar (a)
controls do-immoirg (e)
controls do-immoirg (e)
controls mesraigid
controversial speech conrancum
controversy caingen (b)
controversy controueirs(i)
controversy cis 1 (b)
controversy dl 2 III
controversy dl 2 III
controversy debuith I
controversy debuith I
contumely es(s)onir (onir)
contumely es(s)onir (onir)
convenes commraid (mraid)
convenes con-terchomraic(i) (do-airchomraici)
convenience (?) (of a territory) comdeise (comdes)
convenience (through proximity) 1 gaire (gar)
convenience comgar II (b) (gar)
convenience (i)mechas
convenience (i)mechas
convenient 1 gar
convenient cnesta (cnes)
convenient comgarach (comgar)
convenient dess (d)
convenient dess (d)
convenient imech I
convenient imech I
convenient ingar
convenient ingar
convent conuent
convention dl 2 II
convention dl 2 II
conversation (?) cobraim
conversation cainnt
conversation celebrad (c)
conversation cobrae
conversation coimbrathar (brathar)
conversation comchaint (cainnt)
conversation immacaldam, immacaldaim

conversation immacaldam, immacaldaim
conversation medar (medair)
conversation mn
conversation? magar
converse together imm-acallatar
converse together imm-acallatar
converse? midrera
converses with ad-gldathar
converses comridid (comrd)
conversing agreeably bresnaigecht (bres 1)
conversing with comlabairt (labairt)
conversing acallam: accallam, agailt
conversing comlabrae (labra)
conversing comrd (rd)
conversing immacaldam, immacaldaim
conversion (relig.) comthd (d)
conversion com\.sd (soud)
converting cld (b)
converting com\.sd (soud)
converts (intrans.) con-to (b)
converts (trans.) con-to (a)
converts (trans.) do-inta II (a)
converts (trans.) do-inta II (a)
converts imm-si
converts imm-si
converts imm-si
converts imm-si
convex surface (?) forscemel (scemel)
convex surface maoilenn
convex dronnach (dronn)
convex dronnach (dronn)
convexity dronn (b)
convexity dronn (b)
conveyance of some kind fn (a)
conveyance arthrach 1 (a)
conveying fedan I
conveying idnacul
conveying idnacul
conveys ad-anaig
conveys do-indnaig (b)
conveys do-indnaig (b)
conveys imm-cuirethar
conveys imm-cuirethar
conveys ind-anich ?
conveys ind-anich ?
convinced about laimthenach (lamaid)
convinced about laimthenach (lamaid)
convivial cisrech 1 (cisir)
conviviality fledachas
conviviality medar (medair)
conviviality? ? mescrad (mesc)

convocation comgairm (gairm)
convocation comthogairm (togairm)
convokes mraid (mr)
convoluted (of ear) cimmennach, cimnech (cim)
convoy conuaidh
coo c 2
cooing (?) gringur
cooing (of dove) cchairecht (c 2)
cooing c 2
cook cocaire (coic)
cook coic 1
cook cuchtrir = cuchtaire ?
cook fuirid
cook fulachtir (fulacht)
cook luchtaire
cook luchtaire
cooked meat mandac?
cooked bruithe (b)
cooked fonaithe (part. of fo-no)
cooked mes(s)e
cooking again ath\.fuine (fuine)
cooking or roasting spit bir 1
cooking berbad (a)
cooking bruith (b)
cooking cocairecht (cocaire)
cooking cuicnecht (cucann)
cooking fuine
cooking fuined
cooking fulacht
cooking fulacht
cooking fulachtad
cooking gorad (vn. of guirid, goirid)
cooking imfuine
cooking luchtairecht (luchtaire)
cooking-booth fulacht
cooking-pit brothlach
cooking-pit clas 1(b) (claidid)
cooking-pit fulacht
cooking-plate lann
cooking-plate lann
cooking-vessel aigen 1
cooks together con-berba (berbaid)
cooks berbaid (a)
cooks bruithid (bruith)
cooks fuinid vx fo-no, fuine, fuined
cooks fulachtaid
cooks imfuinid
cooks imfuinid
cool ind(f)ar
cool ind(f)ar
cooling pond for cattle gelestar

cooling etararad, -\.farad
cooling etararad, -\.farad
cooling farthach
cooling ind(f)arad
cooling ind(f)arad
cooling ind(f)arad
coolness ind(f)aire (ind(f)ar)
coolness ind(f)aire (ind(f)ar)
coolness ind(f)arad
coolness ind(f)arad
coolness indardacht (indarad)
coolness indardacht (indarad)
cools etar-ara (araid)
cools etar-ara (araid)
co-operates comoibrigid (oibrigid)
co-operating comoibriugad
co-operating congnmugad (gnmugad)
co-operation comgnm (gnm)
co-operation comgnmrad (gnmrad)
co-operation comopred (oipred)
co-operation imchongnam
co-operation imchongnam
coping with acallam: accallam, agailt
coping with fgain, fchain (b)
coping with frestal
coping with frithilem
copious dgaind
copious dgaind
copious fairsing (b)
copious fras
copious fras-, frais-
copiously lnmar (ln)
copiously lnmar (ln)
copper copar
copper iris
copper iris
copse dos 1 (a)
copse dos 1 (a)
copulation coiblige
copulation comrachtanas (comrachtain)
copy (of book, etc.) cip (a)
copy lebrn (lebor)
copy lebrn (lebor)
copying aithris (b)
coracle clab (d)
coracle curach 1
coracle grotn (grot)
coral coirl
coral croibel etc.
corbel coirbl
cord of some kind (?) foloman (cf. lomman)

cord cadla 2 (a)
cord corda
cord loman
cord loman
corded cadlaide (cadla 2)
cordial cridech (cride)
cordial michair
cordiality (in welcoming) filtige, faltige (filtech, faltech)
cordialness (?, CW) cordia
co-responsibility comlithre (comlthar)
co-resurrection comeisirge (eisirge)
coriander coriandruim
Corinthian Corintecdae
Corinthians Corinti
cork arc 4
cork corc 5
Cormac Cormac
cormorant ? 1 gairge vx gercc
corn in the blade dasach (das 1)
corn in the blade dasach (das 1)
corn in the blade gemar
corn arbar 1
corn ith
corn ith
corn-abounding fochnach
corn-banishment ithloinges
corn-banishment ithloinges
corn-crop 1 gort (gart)
cornel cherry mucor
corner (of building, etc.) benn (b)
corner bacc 1 (a)
corner cern 1 (a)
corner cornl
corner corr 1 II
corner cil
corner cinne
corner clire
corner frithbac
corner arcl
corner arcl
cornered (?) cirnech
cornerstone eochair 6
cornerstone eochair 6
cornflower ? gormn (gorm)
corn-land ithir
corn-land ithir
cornlands itharachas (ithrach, ithir)
cornlands itharachas (ithrach, ithir)
corns? foirbech
Cornwall Corn
coroner cruiner

corporal corporil
corporal corporlta = corporda
corporal corporda = corpthae
corporas corporas
corporeal colnaide I (a) (colainn)
corporeal corpthae, -dae
corporeality collaidecht (a) (colnaide)
corporeality corpthadid (corpthae)
corporeality corpurdachta (corporda)
corpse (?) meirb
corpse 2 ablach
corpse apach 1 (a)
corpse colainn (b)
corpse corp (b)
corpse corpn (corp)
corpses? mairbne
corpulent (?, CW) corpach (corp)
corpulent collach (colainn)
corpulent corpanta (corp)
corpulent corporda = corpthae
corpus delicti (legal) colainn (d) [sic]
correct form (of) cir 8
correct way of doing something cert 1 (l) + gen.
correct cert 1 (a)
correct cir 2
corrected coiscthe
correcting certugud (b)
correcting coicert (a)
correcting cosc (a)
correcting cuindrech
correcting crsagad
correction (to text) coicert (b)
correction cosc (a)
correction cuindrech
correction glanad
corrective comthimaircthech (timaircthech)
correctness (?) certaige (cert)
correctness (CW) crta = crae
correctness (CW) crtacht = crae
correctness cert 1 (g)
correctness cert 1 (n)
correctness cir 8
correctness crae (a) (cir)
correctness crdacht, c- = crae
correctness drgidetu (drge, cf. drgetu)
correctness drgidetu (drge, cf. drgetu)
corrector lesaightheir (lesaigidir)
corrector lesaightheir (lesaigidir)
corrects (of texts etc.) certaigid (e) (cert)
corrects (person) con-certa (a)
corrects (trans.) con-secha

corrects crsagaid
correlative rrethach (as-ren)
correlative rrethach (as-ren)
correspondence (metr.) comardad (c)
correspondence (metr.) comardugad (c)
correspondence airlann 3
correspondence com\.frecra (frecra)
correspondence imchomarc
correspondence imchomarc
correspondence imfrecrae
correspondence imfrecrae
correspondence infreccr(a)e
correspondence infreccr(a)e
corresponding (equal) age immes
corresponding (equal) age immes
corresponding amount furthain
corresponding letter com\.fid (fid)
corresponding number of horses furthain
corresponding structure frithdnta
corresponding to agad
corresponding to fo, fa, f II (h)
corresponding to frecarthach (frecra)
corresponding to frecra(e)
corresponding to frithindledach
corresponding verse-foot comdeach (deach)
corresponding com\.frecarthach (frecarthach)
corresponding rrethach (as-ren)
corresponding rrethach (as-ren)
corresponds (with) cuibdigid(ir) (cubaid)
corresponds to fris-gair, -frecair
corresponds imm-frecair
corresponds imm-frecair
corroborates for-tt
corroborating frad (b)
corroded cnate
corroded cremmannach (creimm)
corrodes creimmid (creimm)
corrodes creinnid
corrodes fo-cn
corrodes imm-credba
corrodes imm-credba
corroding (?) ? fotheinm
corroding ? goillsech
corroding credbad
corroding cridim
corroding cridmniugud (cridim)
corroding creimm
corrosion cridim
corrosion meirg (meirc)
corrosive cnadtech (cnaded)
corrupt airdruilide

corrupt ilnithech
corrupt ilnithech
corrupt ingcert
corrupt ingcert
corrupted ilnithe
corrupted ilnithe
corruptible fuilingthe
corruption brntatu = brntu
corruption coirpthecht (coirpthe)
corruption ilned, il(l)ed
corruption ilned, il(l)ed
corruption lobthacht (lobtha)
corruption lobthacht (lobtha)
corruption lobthadus (lobtha)
corruption lobthadus (lobtha)
corruption morgaid
corruptor (i)lnithid
corruptor (i)lnithid
corrupts (?) ar-cuilli (b)
corrupts corbbaid
corselet (of armour) coilr 1
corselet lirech
corselet lirech
corset ? girsd
Coruna Cruinne
corve dlestanas (b) (dlestin)
corve dlestanas (b) (dlestin)
co-seat ctad
cost costa 1
cost costus (b)
costliness costusaige (costusach)
costliness dore (b) (dor)
costliness dore (b) (dor)
costly dor (f)
costly dor (f)
cot both 2
co-tillage comar (ar 4)
cottage bothc (both 2)
cottier tenancy (legal) bothas (both 2)
cottier bothach 2 (both 2)
cotton (?) cadas
cotton grass (Eriophorum) canach
cotton cotn (a)
co-tutor frithoide (aite)
couch (?) airide 1
couch (?) cuisin (---?)
couch ? ? imdile
couch ? ? imdile
couch airl
couch airimda 2 (imda 2)
couch ctad

couch colcach
couch cos(s)ar
couch fatlach
couch imdae
couch imdae
couch imscing, imsceng
couch imscing, imsceng
couch lige
couch lige
cough cosachtach
cough fothach
coughing cosachtach
coughing fothach
coulter of a plough coltar
council comairle (c)
council immacaldam, immacaldaim
council immacaldam, immacaldaim
counsel airle 1 (a)
counsel coindelg (b) (com + delg?)
counsel comairle (a)
counsel cuisil
counsellor in wisdom (?) fogeth, fogethad
counsellor athchomarcthid (athchomarc)
counsellor comairlech 1 II (comairle)
counsellor comairlid (comairle)
counsellor comairlige = comairlid
counsellor comairligtheir (comairligid)
counsellor connsailir
counsels airlithir (a)
counsels comairligid (b) (comairle)
count comit
count cuntas
countenance 1 gnis
countenance agad
countenance cuin(n)siu
countenance cuntans
countenance drech 1 (a)
countenance drech 1 (a)
countenance fordrech
countenance forgnis
counter charge of defeat frithrosc
counter claiming ? indlsiugud
counter collection (?) frithteclamad
counter obligations cobfolaid
counter rule fresmacht
counter selection frithteclamad
counteracts (?) frithoibrigid
counter-advice frithairle
counterbalances fris-gair, -frecair
counter-balancing frithire
counter-binds ? fris-raig

counter-binds fris-naisc
counter-blow athbuille (buille)
counter-boon frithaiscid (aisced)
counter-course frithsel (sel)
counter-deed frithbt
counterfeit (?) delbdae (b) (delb 1)
counterfeit (?) delbdae (b) (delb 1)
counterfeit brcach (brc)
counter-feud frithfala
counter-illegality frithindliged
counter-judgement frithmius (mess)
counterkindling frithadd, -atd
counter-love frithserc
counter-oath frithnoll (noll)
counterpart frecarthach (frecra)
counterpart frecra(e)
counter-plea (?) frithchross
counter-pleading frthacre
counter-pleading frithtacre
counter-pledge frithgille
counter-pledges ? fris-raig
counterpoise med
counter-problem aithchest (cest)
counter-purchase frithchrec
counter-reckoning frithrm
counter-reward frithdas
counter-right ? frithrecht
counter-rule frithragal
counter-service frithrar (rar)
counter-service frithriaras
counter-structure frithdnta
counter-suit fritha
counter-twisting frithchassad
counter-valuation ? frithmius (mess)
counter-wages frithtarastal (tarastal)
counter-wall frithde
counter-wall frithmr (mr)
counter-way frithst
counter-wisdom (?) frithgas
counter-wounding frithguin
countess contas
counting irem (a)
countless number drime II (drim)
countless number drime II (drim)
countless dirim (d 2 + irem)
countless dirim (d 2 + irem)
countless dirme
countless dirme
countless dirmide, -the (a) (irmide)
countless dirmide, -the (a) (irmide)
countless drim (a) (rm)

countless drim (a) (rm)
countless drime I (drim)
countless drime I (drim)
countries which are at strife imderg
countries which are at strife imderg
country coimthr (tr)
country domun 1 II
country domun 1 II
country dthcha(e) (b) (dthaig)
country dthcha(e) (b) (dthaig)
country eng 2 (b)
country eng 2 (b)
country ath
country ath
countrymen duine
countrymen duine
country-side mruig
counts (?) do-rmi (a)
counts (?) do-rmi (a)
counts (as) mes(s)aid (<mes)
counts as ad-rmi
counts ad-rmi
counts irmigid (irem)
counts comirid = comirmid 1
counts comirmid 1 (comirem)
counts inrinid
counts inrinid
counts ionrinid
counts ionrinid
county contae
couple (of persons) das 2 (a)
couple (of persons) das 2 (a)
couple (of yoked animals) crait
couple cocrait
couple cuingir (cuing)
couple cpla
coupled cplach (cpla)
courage aige 2 (?)
courage coriste
courage crdacht (crdae)
courage dnatus I (dnae)
courage dnatus I (dnae)
courage feramlacht
courage in(n)tinn
courage in(n)tinn
courage meisnech
courage mellgal
courage menma
courage menmanrad
courage menmnaige (menma)
courage mrmenma

courageous aicentach
courageous aicnetae
courageous cennselach (cennsel)
courageous cridemail (cride)
courageous dnae 1 I (a)
courageous dnae 1 I (a)
courageous mrmenmnach
courier cursur
courier echlach 1
courier echlach 1
course (?) rma
course (?) rma
course (?) fball 1
course hair frech
course of conduct ires(s)
course of conduct ires(s)
course bire (a)
course ce (c)
course crsa
course dl 2 V (b)
course dl 2 V (b)
course drimm (a)
course drimm (a)
course dul 1 II (e)
course dul 1 II (e)
course rimm, raimm (b)
course rimm, raimm (b)
course rimm, raimm (c)
course rimm, raimm (c)
course fecht I (a)
course foram, -aim, -om(o)
course forgarb
course fatn
course imrimm
course imrimm
course imthecht
course imthecht
course indrem, indram
course indrem, indram
course lorg
course lorg
court (legal) dl 2 II
court (legal) dl 2 II
court of law cuirt
court airecht 1 (a)
court cuirt
court dind (d)
court dind (d)
court garrda (ON garor)
court indless
court indless

courteous cirtisech
courteous mn
courtesy cirtisige
courts blanndairid (blanndar)
cousin brthair (b)
covenant without property concerning her imfolad
covenant without property concerning her imfolad
covenant caingen (d)
covenant cairde (a) (cara 1)
covenant cairdes (b) (cara 1)
covenant coindelg (a) (com + delg?)
covenant comchotach (cotach)
covenant comluige 1 (luige 1)
covenant comthach 2 = coma
covenant cotach 1
covenant cumnant(a)
covenant cundrad (b)
covenant daingen II (d)
covenant daingen II (d)
covenant dl 2 IV (b)
covenant dl 2 IV (b)
Covenanter cvenantair
cover (of vessel) cibir
cover bratt
cover clit
cover cumtach (c)
cover damdabach
cover damdabach
cover dtiu
cover dtiu
cover forcle (far-, foir-, fair-)
cover imchassal
cover imchassal
cover imfolach
cover imfolach
cover mudn
covered (with) lnta
covered (with) lnta
covered with blood fuilrigthe
covered with boughs gcach (gc)
covered with clods cepach (cep)
covered with grass frmar (fr)
covered with heath frechda (frech)
covered with hide gemnide (gemen)
covered with laminae ecclandach (eccland)
covered with laminae ecclandach (eccland)
covered with plates ecclandach (eccland)
covered with plates ecclandach (eccland)
covered with silver (?) forargit
covered with vegetation clmdae (clm)
covered with vegetation mongach (mong)

covered with warts or corns (?) 2 gartach
covered with welts foirbech
covered with wounds crchtach (crcht)
covered with ln
covered with ln
covered brattrad (bratt)
covered fortche
covered fortchide
covered fortuigthe vx fortgide, fortchide
covered lomnn
covered lomnn
covering fortched
covering (?) diolad
covering (?) diolad
covering (?) fath 1
covering (concrete) air\.folach (folach 1)
covering completely comthuige (tuige s.v. tugae)
covering for the hand braccaille (brac + caille 1)
covering of (sick) animal camthir
covering of a hide used as a cere-cloth geimnn (gemen)
covering arat
covering berrech
covering bert 1 II (beirid)
covering bla 2, ble
covering bratt
covering brotlach (bratt ?)
covering celt 1 (ceilid ?)
covering celtair 1
covering cltad
covering cltugud
covering coim 1 (a)
covering comla (-ae)
covering cuilche
covering cumtach (b)
covering dcheltair 1
covering dcheltair 1
covering dn (b)
covering dn (b)
covering dtiu
covering dtiu
covering dla, dlu (b)
covering dla, dlu (b)
covering errad 1, erriud (-ed), irrad II
covering errad 1, erriud (-ed), irrad II
covering tach 1
covering tach 1
covering tgud
covering tgud
covering tiud, ted (a)
covering tiud, ted (a)
covering folach

covering folach
covering folach
covering forbbaid
covering fortche
covering fortuge vx fortche
covering imchomt
covering imchomt
covering imchumtach
covering imchumtach
covering imdnam
covering imdnam
covering imdnam
covering imfolach
covering imscing, imsceng
covering imscing, imsceng
covering imthach
covering imthach
covering imthacht
covering imthacht
covering imthuige, imthugae
covering imthuige, imthugae
coverings (?) drgud 1 (c)
coverings (?) drgud 1 (c)
coverlet brothrach 2
coverlet cuilt
covers (?) do-ceil (c)
covers (?) do-ceil (c)
covers (?) do-eim 2 = do-eim 1
covers (?) do-eim 2 = do-eim 1
covers over con-utainc (d)
covers over mchaid (mch)
covers round imm-tuigethar
covers round imm-tuigethar
covers with stones clochaid (b) (cloch)
covers cltaid, -aigid (clt, see clit)
covers drgaigid
covers drgaigid
covers do-ecrathar
covers do-ecrathar
covers do-eim 1 (a)
covers do-eim 1 (a)
covers tid (a)
covers tid (a)
covers falaigid (fal 2)
covers fo-luigi
covers fo-luigi
covers for-tuigethar (-tugathar)
covers gaibid
covers gaibid
covers imm-tecrathar
covers imm-tecrathar

covers in-tuigethar
covers in-tuigethar
covers lnaid (ln)
covers lnaid (ln)
covers lnaid (ln)
covers lnaid (ln)
covert clithar II (a) (clith ?)
covert fochlithar (clithar)
covert foithin (also fuithin, fothain)
covetousness (?) trad
covetousness (?) trad
covetousness accobar (b)
cow (?) bethan
cow (poetic) ferb(b) 1 (a)
cow slaughtered for meat mart
cow which is milked for repast ? imblegar
cow with a year old calf gamnach
cow ag
cow b
cow dam 2
cow dam 2
cow erc 4
cow erc 4
cow mart
cow`s milk lacht
cow`s milk lacht
coward (?) bill, bell (bille ?)
coward (?) drochlaige
coward (?) drochlaige
coward aith\.fer (b) (fer)
coward midlach (-laech)
cowardice met(t)acht (meta)
cowardice met(t)achus
cowardice midlachas
cowardice midlaigecht
cowardly met(t)a
cowardly midlachda
cow-balance? med
cow-dung baccat
cowdung bchar (b + cor)
cow-house baile 1 (a)
cowl cochall (a)
cowl culpait
cowl hatn
cowlike bda
cows (?) ercne
cows (?) ercne
cows milk bmlacht (b + mlicht)
cows bar 1 (b)
cowshed irge (a) (rach?)
cozens mairnid

crack or chap in the skin gg
crack cnag
crack dursan 1
crack dursan 1
cracked or chapped ggach (gg)
cracking (?) gartadh
cracking noise dresacht
cracking noise dresacht
cracks cnagaid (cnag)
cradle (?) lusca
cradle (?) lusca
cradle clibn(e) (clab)
cradle clab (c)
cradle clabn (a) (clab)
cradle lascn = lasc
cradle lascn = lasc
craft (?, CW) ceirdne = cerd
craft (in bad sense) amainse (c) (amnas)
craft ? imchellacht
craft ? imchellacht
craft or calling of a smith goibnecht (gaibnecht)
craft dn IV
craft dn IV
craft elada, elatha (c)
craft elada, elatha (c)
craft gethrige (1 geth ?)
craft melltirecht
craft meng
craft? aicidecht
craftmanship creth
craftsman (?) monach (mon)
craftsman 2 aicdech
craftsman cerd 1 (a)
craftsman`s work imcherd
craftsman`s work imcherd
craftsmanship elada, elatha (d)
craftsmanship elada, elatha (d)
crafty amnas (b)
crafty clesach I (cles)
crafty fillte (d)
crafty fochelgach (celgg)
crafty mengach
crag benn (a)
crag crec
cramp crap
cramp crapn (crap)
cramp crumpa
cramping crap
cramping crapad
cramping crapall
crane corr 2

crash blosc 1
crash breisimnech (breisim)
crash cchanach 1
crash comblosc (blosc)
crash dresmaidm
crash dresmaidm
crashing bloscad
crashing briscarnach
crashing briscemnech = briscarnach
crater airchel
craven spirit midlachas
craves for food do-tluchedar (b)
craves for food do-tluchedar (b)
craves do-tluchedar (a)
craves do-tluchedar (a)
craves manaigid (manach)
craving to wield their weapons imbert
craving to wield their weapons imbert
craving ? fonnrad
craw ecn
craw ecn
crawling mgra
crazes meraid (mer)
crazy person living in the woodsand suppossed to be endowed with the power of levitation
1 geilt
crazy person mer
crazy geltach (geilt)
crazy mer
creaking noise dscn
creaking noise dscn
creaking noise drested = dresacht
creaking noise drested = dresacht
creaking sound dresachtach 2 (dresacht)
creaking sound dresachtach 2 (dresacht)
creaking dresternach
creaking dresternach
creaks (of things) cneitid (cnet)
creaks gnisid (gns)
cream crch 2
cream croth
crease or wrinkle in the forehead 2 gnis
created for-cumaing
creates crutha(ig)id (a) (cruth 1)
creates cummaid (cummae)
creates delbaigid (delb 1)
creates delbaigid (delb 1)
creates do-fuissim III (a)
creates do-fuissim III (a)
creates do-gn II (a)
creates do-gn II (a)
creates for-cumaing

creating cruthugud (a)
creating dnum I (c)
creating dnum I (c)
creation fuismiud
creative cruthaigthech (cruthugud)
creator (?) credair
Creator (CW) dntoir = dntaid
Creator (CW) dntoir = dntaid
creator (used of God) dntaid (dntae)
creator (used of God) dntaid (dntae)
creator cratur
creator cruthaigtheir (cruthaigid)
creator cruthaigthid = cruthaigtheir
Creator delbthir (delbad)
Creator delbthir (delbad)
creator dnmaid (dnum)
creator dnmaid (dnum)
Creator dilem (dil 1)
Creator dilem (dil 1)
Creator`s viceregent imchor
Creator`s viceregent imchor
creature (?) ? fuismid
creature of the dust (?) laithremn (laith)
creature of the dust (?) laithremn (laith)
creature bethadach (betha)
creature crtir
creature c 1 (e)
creature dil 1
creature dil 1
creatures of varied shape il
creatures of varied shape il
credibility creitem (c)
credible mesta (mes)
credit creitem (c)
creditor fchem (b)
creed baithis, baithes, bathais (a)
creed crda 1
creed ires(s)
creed ires(s)
creeping on all fours lmacn (lm)
creeping on all fours lmacn (lm)
creeping mgra
crescent at the base of the finger-nail dubn 2 (b) (dub?)
crescent at the base of the finger-nail dubn 2 (b) (dub?)
cress birarn (birar)
cresset (?) caindelbrae
crest (?) cuirce
crest (of a helmet, etc.) benn (f)
crest benn (a)
crest cr (b)
crest crn (cr)

crest crn (cr)
crest clithne, clithn (clithe)
crest copp
crested crach (cr)
crested cochlach (cochall)
crested mongach (mong)
crew (?) fallait
crib mainnsr
crier bollsaire
crier callaire
crier comgarmach (comgairm)
crier erdonl, erdanl (donl)
crier erdonl, erdanl (donl)
cries (intrans.) cid I
cries aloud comnallaid (nallaid)
cries loudly con-gair (a-c)
cries out together comgirid (girid)
cries out 1 gledid (1gled)
cries out 1 gledid (1gled)
cries out 3 gairid
cries out ar-egi
cries out comaircid (b) (comarc)
cries out con-gair (a-c)
cries out ducraid
cries out ducraid
cries out igid
cries out igid
cries out igmid
cries out igmid
cries out gisid
cries out grchaid
cries out achtaid
cries out achtaid
cries biccid
cries bledaid (bled)
cries con-gair (a-c)
cries do-gair I (e)
cries do-gair I (e)
crime (?) foll
crime (legal) cin III (a)
crime 1 glond
crime 2 galgat
crime anfolad II (c) (folud 1)
crime anglondas (anglond)
crime bt (a)
crime bibdanas (a) (bibdu)
crime bin 1 =bine
crime bine
crime caire 1
crime cin I and II
crime cron (a)

criminal ? gemlech (gemel)
criminal bibdu (a)
criminal binech (bine)
criminal bithbinech (bith + binech)
criminal cairech (a) (caire 1)
criminal cairech (b) (caire 1)
criminal cairthech (caire)
criminal cairthech (caire)
criminal cil I
criminal colach (col)
criminal colach (col)
criminal cuirpeir (coirpthe)
criminal chtaid
criminal chtaid
criminality bibdamnacht (bibdu)
criminality bithbinche (bithbinech)
criminality cintaige (cintach)
crimson (?) cranda (cran)
crimson cloth corcair
crimson flower corcair
crimson corcarda (corcair)
crimson corcrach = corcarda
Crnc crnc (crn)
cripple hand mainchn
cripple clirnech
cripple mairtnech
crippled losc
crippled losc
crisis (in a fever of illness). fethugud
critical ingnech (ingen)
critical ingnech (ingen)
criticises inchrechaid
criticises inchrechaid
criticism inchrechad
criticism inchrechad
croaking grc
crocodiles corcarduill
crocus sativus crch 1
crofter bothach 2 (both 2)
crone caillech (c) (caille 1)
crones? ? maidi
crook (person) cammn (b) (camm 1)
crook airbacc (1 bacc)
crook-backt [sic] cruitn (crott)
crooked below (?) focham(m) (camm)
crooked camm 1 I (a)
crooked camm 1 I (b)
crooked camm 1 I (c)
crooked cerr (a)
crooked clen I (a)
crooked cromm

crooked cac
crooked car 1
crooked far
crooked leb
crooked leb
crooked lbnach (lb)
crooked lbnach (lb)
crooked-fingered mr
crookedness caimme 1 (camm)
crookedness caise 1 (a) (cas)
crookedness cirre (cerr)
crookedness clane (a) (clen)
crookedness cruimme (cromm)
crookedness fire (far)
crookedness indrge (indrech)
crookedness indrge (indrech)
crooked-toed ladrach (ladar)
crooked-toed ladrach (ladar)
crooning andordn (andord)
crooning crnn
crooning crnnach (crnn)
crooning crnnacht (crnn)
crop barr 1 (f)
crop bain (a)
crop ecn
crop ecn
crop-headed mael (moel, mal)
cropped (?) forbaide
cropped head mael
cropping or grazing gebbad
cropping or grazing gebbad
cropping the hair maelad
cropping the varied pains of hell il
cropping the varied pains of hell il
cropping ingelt
crops (the grass) con-geil (geilid)
crops ingnam
crops ingnam
cross (as relig. symbol) cros (a)
cross action frithchross
cross croch 1 (a)
cross cruceda
cross-action fritha
cross-bar 1 gerrcend
cross-beam (?) of the gallows garman (garma)
cross-bearer crosaire
cross-belt (?) crostal
crossed crosach (cros)
crosses crosaid (cros)
cross-stick for churning the milk crosn 2 (cros)
cross-vigil cros\.figel(l) (cros + figell)

crossway blat
crossways airtharsna (tarsna)
crosswise fotharsna vx tarsna
crotch airbacc (1 bacc)
crow aidircliu
crowd (?) drraim (b)
crowd (?) drraim (b)
crowd (of people or objects) br 1 (b)
crowd (of persons) cuibrenn (c)
crowd 2 grinde
crowd drong
crowd drong
crowd maths/luag
crowd mullscid
crowded lomnn
crowded lomnn
crowded congirech (b) (congir)
crowding (?) drraim (a)
crowding (?) drraim (a)
crowds cainebar (caine)
crowfoot (name of a plant) ferbn
crowfoot gairgin
crown (of head) clithe (f)
crown of head corann (a)
crown of head mael
crown of the head baithis, baithes, bathais (b)
crown of the head mullach (mul)
crown barr 1 (h)
crown corann (b)
crown forba, forbae
crown forclithe (clithe)
crown fossad
crown ath
crown ath
crown mind (minn)
crown mullach (mul)
crowned cornta
crowning cornugad
crowns corna(ig)id (b)
crows gairmid (gairm)
crozier bachall (a)
crucified person crochaide (croch 1)
crucified csta
crucified crochthae
crucifies crochaid 1 (croch 1)
crucifies crosaid (cros)
crucifix csad (c)
crucifix cros\.figel(l) (cros + figell)
crucifying crochad
cruel and ferocious barbarian danar V
cruel and ferocious barbarian danar V

cruel and ferocious foreigner danar V
cruel and ferocious foreigner danar V
cruel hearts goimemail
cruel ain\.serc
cruel ainchridech (ainchride)
cruel ainichtach (ainicht)
cruel ainsercach = ainserc
cruel amnas (a)
cruel an(d)gaid (andach 1) I
cruel anarmartach (armartach)
cruel arnaid 1
cruel condae (c)
cruel crdae (cr 1)
cruel cradach
cruel cradlach (cradil)
cruel engbaid
cruel engbaid
cruel trcairech (trcaire)
cruel trcairech (trcaire)
cruel trcar
cruel trcar
cruel goimech (goim)
cruel? gemlech (gemel)
cruelty ainicht (icht)
cruelty amnas (c)
cruelty boirbecht = burbacht
cruelty crdacht (crdae)
cruelty crdatu (crdae)
cruelty crdatus = crdatu
cruelty croibeil
cruelty cradil (cra(id) + dl 2)
cruelty gargad (garg)
cruet cruibt
cruet crisce
crumbles combladaid (blogaid)
crumbles legaid
crumbles legaid
crushed together combrit(h)e
crushed breite
crushes (?) ar-bri
crushes (fig.) dingid (b)
crushes (fig.) dingid (b)
crushes ar-ding (dingid)
crushes bleithid 2 (bleith)
crushes bre(a)id (b) (bre)
crushes brud 1
crushes con-oirg
crushes do-fairc
crushes do-fairc
crushes do-nessa 2
crushes do-nessa 2

crushes for-brissi (brissid)
crushes for-ding (di-n-g)
crushes grid
crushes imbrid
crushes imbrid
crushes ind-oirg
crushes ind-oirg
crushes meilid (melaid)
crushing (?) br 4 = brd or bruth
crushing together combrd, -gad
crushing together comtharcon (tarcon)
crushing bascad (b)
crushing bread (b)
crushing brd
crushing combach
crushing commailt
crushing comtharcon (tarcon)
crushing dechtad 1
crushing dechtad 1
crushing dinge
crushing dinge
crushing forbrissiud (for-brissi)
crushing fordinge
crushing fortige (vn. of for-ding)
crushing fortrommda (fortromm)
crushing fuidbech
crushing meilt
crust crusta
crustaceous crustamail
cry (of cuckoo) cchairecht (c 2)
cry of delight ilach
cry of delight ilach
cry of exultation ilach
cry of exultation ilach
cry bl 1
cry bled
cry cle 1 (b)
cry comnall (nall 1)
cry donl (do + nall)
cry donl (do + nall)
cry igem
cry igem
cry igme
cry igme
cry fad
cry fochain 1
cry gir
cry gairm
crying aloud achtach (acht)
crying aloud achtach (acht)
crying out 1 gledach

crying out bicced
crying out comarc (a)
crying out dgaire
crying out dgaire
crying out ducrae, ducaire
crying out ducrae, ducaire
crying out igme
crying out igme
crying out igmech (igme)
crying out fadem
crying out grithugud
crying out achtach (acht)
crying out achtad
crying out achtad
crying biccech
crying biccech
crying bicnech = biccech
crying fachas
crying achtad
crying achtad
crypt cripta
cryptic ? forscithe
cryptic fortchedach (fortched)
cryptic fortchide
crystal 1 glaine (glan)
crystal bus 1
crystal glain
crystalline quality glainide (glain)
crystalline quality glainidecht (glainide)
crystalline cristillinach
crystalline glainide (glain)
C Chulainn Ca
C Chulainn Ccn, Ccuc, Ccucn
cub cana 1 (a)
cub cuiln
cubebs cubibe
cubicle cubuc(h)a(i)l
cubicle lepaid
cubicle lepaid
cubiclein the large hall containing a couch or couches for sleeping imdae
cubiclein the large hall containing a couch or couches for sleeping imdae
cubit comed
cubit cubat 1
cuckold (?) drthlach (drth 1)
cuckold (?) drthlach (drth 1)
cuckold fuich and fuiche
cuckoldom facht vx fuichecht
cuckoldry fuiche
cuckoldry fuichecht, also fuchacht
cuckoo ca 2
cuckoopint (name of a plant) 1 gegar

cucumber cucumer
cucumber cularn
cudgel (?) garman (garma)
cudgel fidot II
cudgel liber
cudgel liber
cudgel lorg
cudgel lorg
cudgel lorg
cudgel lorg
cudgel maglorg
cuff baisec (bas)
cuff cufa
cuirass lirech
cuirass lirech
culling eipe II
culling eipe II
cullis (a broth made from meat or fowl) cuilis
culminating point dcenn 1 (c) (d + cenn)
culminating point dcenn 1 (c) (d + cenn)
culmination clithe (h)
culmination forba, forbae
culprit bibdu (a)
culprit dlsech (dles, dlse)
culprit dlsech (dles, dlse)
cultivated (lit. inhabited) aittrebugud = aittrebad
cultivated land ar 4 (b)
cultivated land bruig (a)
cultivated land mag
cultivated muinterda
cultivates (?) (trans.) brogaid
cultivates frecorthid (frecor)
cultivates fris-cuirethar
cultivating ar 4 (a)
cultivating frecor
cultivating frecor
cultivating lesugud
culumniating lochtugud
culumniating lochtugud
cum lase
cumin comain 1
cummin cuimn 1 (-in?)
cunning (in bad sense) amainse (c) (amnas)
cunning (rare) olach, ulach (e)
cunning brcairecht (brcaire)
cunning callait
cunning comthuaichlius (taichles)
cunning elada, elatha (c)
cunning famach, fimach
cunning fil (fil) (b)
cunning ilaide

cunning lbach (lb)
cunning menntol (-toil)
cup (?) 2 gnod
cup (?) cuipe = cupa?
cup or ladle for distributing drink dilem
cup with a cover mas
cup airdech
cup n 3
cup bige
cup cailech 1
cup cingit
cup coidiu
cup coppn
cup ca 1 (b) = cad
cup cuch (a)
cup cachn (cach, see cach)
cup cad
cup cuib 3
cup cupa
cup escar 2
cup escar 2
cup-bearer dilem
cup-bearer dilem
cupbearer deogbaire (deog)
cupbearer deogbaire (deog)
cupboard cupard
cupped cachda (ca 1, cuach)
cupping horn 1 adarc
cupping-horn (?) 2 gibne
cupsidated corr 1 I
cup-vessel coplestar (cup(a) + lestar)
cur matad
curative treatment frepaid
curative imleigis
curative imleigis
curbed frithgabthe
curbs (name of a disease of horses) crupus
curbs cachtaid (b) (cacht 1)
curbs fris-gaib
curcurbita lusn (lus)
curcurbita lusn (lus)
curds (?) grisle
curds and whey (?) drchtn (drcht)
curds and whey (?) drchtn (drcht)
curds binit (a)
curds croth
curds fothna vx fothana
curds gruth
curds gruthrach
curds maethal (maeth)
cure ? cce

cure ? cce
cure bal 2
cure frepaid
cure cc
cure cc
cure leiges (laig)
cure leiges (laig)
cure lesugud
cure lesugud
cured him ccaid (cc)
cured him ccaid (cc)
cured coirtchide (coirt 1)
cured incc
cured incc
cured leigiste
cured leigiste
cured lesaigthe
cured lesaigthe
cures coirt(ig)id (coirt 1)
cures ccaid (cc)
cures ccaid (cc)
cures leigisid, -esaid (leiges)
cures leigisid, -esaid (leiges)
curing bal 2
curing balad 2
curing cc
curing leiges (laig)
curing lesugud
curiosity ciraltacht (ciralta)
curious ciralta
curious damair 1 I
curious damair 1 I
curl of hair 1 gibne
curl of hair bachall (c)
curl of hair corn (c)
curl cuirnn (corann? corn?)
curl finne II
curl id
curl id
curled (of hair) failgech 1 (a) (fail 1)
curled camarsach
curlew (?) corcach 2 mara
curling (of hair) far
curling bachlach 2 (bachall)
curling finnech II (finne)
curls casnaigid (cas 1)
curly (of hair) cas 1 (a)
curly around ? imchass
curly around ? imchass
curly casta
curly forchas (forcas)

curly glennach (glenn)
curly-haired one (Christ) cas 1 (c)
curly-haired cas 1 (a)
curly-headed forchas (forcas)
currach clab (d)
currency argat (b)
current of wind (?) 6 gen
current 3 glas vx glais
current buinne (a)
current gaise
current glais, glaise, glas
curse (?) br 2
curse anorit (orit)
curse brathar (b)
curse cuirse
curse cursa
curse escaine
curse escaine
curse mallacht
curse miscad (-scath, -scaid)
cursedness mallachtnaige
curses escainid
curses escainid
curses mallachaid
curses mallachtaid
curses mallaigid
cursing escaine
cursing escaine
curtailed cummair (com + berr)
curtailing imdibe
curtailing imdibe
curtails cuimbrigid(ir) (cummair)
curtails dchennaid (b) (cenn)
curtails dchennaid (b) (cenn)
curtain (in wide sense) fal 2
curtain cirtn
curve (?) caimme 1 (camm)
curve airbacc (1 bacc)
curve glotta
curved end of the blade (?) frithchorr
curved camm 1 I (a)
curved clen I (a)
curved coirnecda
curved car 1
curving camthach
curving clen I (a)
curving far
cushion cerchaill
cushion cuisin (---?)
cushion fortche
cushioned? seat of some kind mellsuide vx suide

cusp or point fograinne (--?)
custard caibdel 1
custodian (?) fada 2 (d)
custodian coimt (c)
custodian coimtaid 2 (coimt)
custodian costudach (costud)
custodian foichleir
custody airlm (lm)
custody airlmas (airlm)
custody coimded
custom (?) fidrad 2
custom (due to someone) dalgas (b) (dalach 1)
custom (due to someone) dalgas (b) (dalach 1)
custom due to heredity or established by tradition dthchas (b) (dthaig)
custom due to heredity or established by tradition dthchas (b) (dthaig)
custom 1 ad
custom aibit
custom airbert biuth
custom bs 1 (a)
custom bsad (a) (bs 1) = bs 1 (a), (b)
custom bsgnae (a) (bs 1 + gn)
custom clecht 1
custom comacnabad (accnabad)
custom custam
custom gns (gnth)
custom gnth
custom gnthach (gnth)
custom gntham (gnth)
custom gnthugud
custom ms
customary (annual) (food-)rent bs 1 (c)
customary clechtach 1 (clecht 1)
customary coimtig (a)
customary gnth
customary gnthach (gnth)
customary gnthmar (gnth)
customs duty coicd
customs custam
cut off (?) cuimthe
cut off airdbide (a)
cut piece (of wood) berraide (berr)
cut sods ftbach
cut 2 gein
cut bim (b) (-mm)
cut eipe I
cut eipe I
cut-out furbaide
cuts imm-tesc
cuts imm-tesc
cuts (from) below? ? fo-tesc vx tescaid
cuts (of crops) benaid I (d)

cuts (off) lonaid
cuts (off) lonaid
cuts (off) letraid
cuts (off) letraid
cuts (off) lommraid
cuts (off) lommraid
cuts (out of, off) do-eipen (a)
cuts (out of, off) do-eipen (a)
cuts a dike dgaid (dc)
cuts a dike dgaid (dc)
cuts away dlongid (b)
cuts away dlongid (b)
cuts away do-ben 1 (*d-ben)
cuts away do-ben 1 (*d-ben)
cuts away do-im(m)diben
cuts away do-im(m)diben
cuts cards berraid (c) (berr)
cuts down as-oirc
cuts down benaid I (b)
cuts down failligid 1
cuts down fo-slechta
cuts him ? -fuga
cuts in half lethaid (leth, lethan)
cuts in half lethaid (leth, lethan)
cuts off (?) (trans.) do-dbda (a)
cuts off (?) (trans.) do-dbda (a)
cuts off (with acc. of thing and imm of pers.) eterimdibid
cuts off (with acc. of thing and imm of pers.) eterimdibid
cuts off ar-dben
cuts off benaid I (b)
cuts off cerbaid (a)
cuts off con-ben
cuts off deornaid
cuts off deornaid
cuts off do-alla 1
cuts off do-alla 1
cuts off do-bidci (c) de
cuts off do-bidci (c) de
cuts off do-esc (b)
cuts off do-esc (b)
cuts off do-fuiben
cuts off do-fuiben
cuts off eiscid 2
cuts off eiscid 2
cuts off esbaigid
cuts off esbaigid
cuts off imm-scara
cuts off imm-scara
cuts out do-fuiben
cuts out do-fuiben
cuts round imm-tesc

cuts round imm-tesc
cuts short cerbaid (b)
cuts with a sword claidbid 1 (claideb)
cuts 1 ad-cumaing
cuts ad-cuimben
cuts as-ben
cuts boingid (b)
cuts cerbaid (a)
cuts con-sela 1, -lg-, -slechta
cuts dlongid (a)
cuts do-esc (a)
cuts do-fuiben
cuts do-inben
cuts epid
cuts epid
cuts for-ben
cuts gerraid (gerr)
cutter gerrthach
cutting (?) bracht 2
cutting (?) ercad
cutting (?) gerrandach (=gr-rendach ?)
cutting (?) lethad
cutting (hair) berrad (b)
cutting (off) lod
cutting (off) letrad
cutting down (plants) bain (a)
cutting down foillged 2
cutting down ledairt
cutting down ledairt
cutting off the initial or final letter of a word (metr.) dchned (b) (= dchennad)
cutting off cerbad (a)
cutting off eterimdibe
cutting off eterimdibe
cutting off fodiuba, fodiubad
cutting off imdibe
cutting off imdibe
cutting out eipe II
cutting out eipe II
cutting out furbad
cutting round imdibe
cutting round imdibe
cutting sods ftbach
cutting stroke cerb 2 II
cutting turves ftbach
cutting er
cutting erad
cutting airdbe
cutting athchumma (a)
cutting bim (a) (-mm)
cutting bimnech 1 (-mmn-) (bim)
cutting bin

cutting br 4
cutting bain (a)
cutting cerb 2 I
cutting cerb 2 II
cutting cerbad (a)
cutting combach
cutting cummae
cutting dupa
cutting dupa
cutting eipe I
cutting eipe I
cutting isced
cutting isced
cutting fodb (fadb) (2)
cutting forbba (-e)
cutting fuidbe
cutting gerrad
cutting gerrad
cutting imdibe
cutting imdibe
cutting imled
cutting lothach (lod)
cutting lothach (lod)
Cyclades Ciclaid
cyclical (?) bechtach 1
cylindrical (?) fetnach I (a) (fetn)
cymbal cimbal
cynosure menmarc
cypress tree cuipris
cypress cuibrisc
cypress cuipris

daer-stock food-rent air\.fognam (fognam)
dagger (?) claidbne, -bne
dagger (?) cleittne (cleitte)
daily (CW) coididiana
dais along inside walls colba(-ae) (a)
dam aire 4
damage aidgell
damage aircht
damage cridim
damages coillid 1 (a) (coll 2)
damaging aidgell
damaging cremmannach (creimm)
dandelion caiserbn (cas + serbn)
danger 3 g
danger aicbil
danger cuntabart (b)
dangerous (nature) aicbile
dangerous cuntabartach (b) (cuntabart)

daring cripeach (crip)
dark yellow crn
dark 2 abra
dark car 1 I
Dark car 1 II
darkening airdubad (dubad)
darling cridiscl (cride + scl)
darling culicn (cuil 1?)
dart discharged airchor (d)
dart cleittne (cleitte)
dawn camir, -ar
day after tomorrow airther II
daybreak camir, -ar
dead body corp (b)
dead body corpn (corp)
dead abaidi
dead amb
deadly night-shade athaba
deaf athal
deafness athaile (athal)
dealer crechatir (crech 1)
dealing with acallam: accallam, agailt
dear (term of endearment) cridecn
dear one cride (c)
dear one cridn, -en, -n (cride)
dear tutor (little tutor (?, CW)) aitn (aite 1)
dear ansam
dear ansu
dear cem 1 I (a)
dear carthach I (caraid)
dear canna 1 (can 1)
dearer ansu
dearest ansam
dearth ascalt
death (?) crd
death altbu
death apthu
death cel 1
death ciuchain
death combs (bs)
death creidill
deathbed crlige bis (cr 1 + lige)
death-chant cepc
death-dealing (?) contarrach
debarred airlengaid
debars ar-fen
debate cis 1 (b)
debility aimnert 1 (nert)
debility ces 1
debility claime (b) (clam)
decadent cutmaide (cutaim)

decaptiated? aicennach
decay airchrae (a)
decay aithbe (a)
decay aithmes
decay crannacht (crannda)
decay crne (crn)
decay crinhed = crne
decayed crn
decays ara-chrin
deceases craigid (cr 1? cr 1?)
deceit (?) maill(e) (b)
deceit celg (a)
deceit celgairecht = celg
deceit clain 2
deceit clanairecht (clanaire)
deceitful celgach (celg)
deceiver celgaire (celg)
deceiver clesach II (cles)
deceiver clanaige (clain 2)
deceiver clanaire (a) (clain 2)
deceives celgaid (a) (celg)
deceives con-soba (saebaid)
deceiving annsechad (an + sechad)
deceiving celgad
deceiving clanairecht (clanaire)
deception cermnas
deception clen II (b)
deception clesaigecht (b) (clesaige)
deception cleth 2 (a)
deception clain 2
deception clanairecht (clanaire)
decided cinnte (b)
decides (on a course of action) cinnid (c) (cenn)
decides on anaid 1 (a) for
decides on ar-icc (d)
decides comairligid (c) (comairle)
decides con-molathar (molaithir)
deciding cinniud I
decision air\.fuigell (b) (fuigell)
decision cinniud II (b)
decision coicert (b)
decision comairle (a)
declares (about, of = do, de) as-indet
declares (v. freq. in neg.) ceilid (c)
declares ad-daim
declares con-scara (c)
declensional form (of noun or vn.) (gramm.) cert 1 (m)
decline (med.) comthraethad (traethad)
decline airchrae (a)
decline aithbe (a)
decline aithmes

decorated with comthinlta
decorated amlach 1
decorated comarthach (a) (comartha)
decorated cumtach (e)
decorated cumtachtae 1
decorates con-utainc (b)
decoration amlad
decrease amlos (los 1)
decree 6 acht
decree cinniud II (b)
decrees 2 achtaigid (b)
decrees airlithir (d)
decrepit anarrachta 1 (arrachta)
decrepit crn
decrepitude crannacht (crannda)
decrepitude crottball (a) (crott + ball)
dedicates con-secra
dedicating cosecrad
deed cim (-mm) I (k)
deed comscrbenn (scrbend)
deeds of valour calma 2
deep (?) (of the sea) ard 1 I (c)
deep (of colour) ard 1 I (e)
deep entrenchment comdomain (domain)
deep sleep com\.san (san)
deepened comdomnaigthi (comdomain)
deepset cochlach (cochall)
deer ag
deer closach
defames mchlothaigid
defaming er
defaming anchaint (caint)
defaults (intrans.) cintaigid I (cin)
defeat airchrae (c)
defeat r
defeat combrised
defeat cor 1
defeated cloithe 1
defeating cinned 1
defeating commadem (modem)
defeating cor 1
defeatism clotecht (clod)
defeats (with for) con-boing
defeats beirid/cuirid coscar
defect ainim
defect airbern (bern)
defective (?) ainmide 4 (ainim?)
defective (of nuts, metre) cech I (b)
defective fence ainimme (imbe)
defective aininnraic (indraic)
defective airbernach (bernach)

defects (?) as-ingaib (b)
defence cosnam (b)
defender of border territories caithchid crche(e) (cathach 3 ?)
defender columa (-oma, -amu, -umu) (b)
defender cosantach (cosaint, see cosnam)
defender cosnaige = cosnamaid
defender cosnamach (cosnam)
defender cosnamaid = cosnamach
defending airsclaige
defending cosnam (b)
defends ar-clich
defensive cosnamach (cosnam)
deference airraim
deferential airramach (airraim)
defers cuirid ar athl
defiant aindiit (diit)
deficiency airchrae (b)
deficiency airesbaid (esbaid)
defiles as-lena
defiles comilnid (as-lena)
defiles corbbaid
defined crchnaigthe
definer of territories (?) crchaire (crch)
defines (of territory) con-drig (b)
defines as-rocholi
defines cinnid (a) (cenn)
defining cinniud I
defining crchnugad
definite pronoun cinntech II = cinnte
definite things (CW) airchinnte (cinnte)
definite airchenda (airchenn)
definite airchendach = airchenda
definite airchendchaide (a) (airchendach)
definite airchenn (a) (cenn)
definite airchenta = airchenda
definite cinnte (a)
definite cinntech I = cinnte
definition cinniud II (a)
definition crchnugad
deflowering coll 2 (c)
defrauds celgaid (a) (celg)
defying coimgrennugad (grennugad see grendaigid)
degrades athordaigid (ordaigid)
degree (?) coimchim (cim)
degree (astron., etc.) cim (-mm) I (f)
degree of kinship as impediment to marriage col (c)
degree cim (-mm) I (h)
degree cim (-mm) I (i)
deity ana(i) (?)
dejected anfann (b) (fann 2)
dejected anfann (b) (fann 2)

delay air\.fuirech
delay airisem (a)
delay cairde (b) (cara 1)
delaying airrech 1
delaying anmain (b) (anamuin)
delaying comanad 1 (anad)
delays (with refl. inf. pron.) ar-coat
delenition (gramm.) cotut
delibation (CW) airigid 1 (a)
deliberates cridid comairle (crd 1)
deliberating airle 1 (b)
deliberating crd 1
deliberation comairliugud (a)
deliberation comimrd (imrd)
delicate cel I
delight ine 1 (c)
delight airer 2
delight aireras (airer 2)
delight airerdacht (airerda)
delight airgairdes (gairdes)
delightful airerda (airer 2)
delightfulness inius (a)
delighting airfitiud
delights airfitigid (airfitiud)
delimitation of territory coicrchas (coicrch)
delimiting boundaries crchad
delimits crchaid (crch)
delineating comtharraing (tarraing)
delivers back ad-tairbir
delivers to aithnid 1 (a)
delusion comrorcun
demand (in legal sense; usually made by poet) ilges (a)
demand (legal) attach II (c)
demands (?) comaircid (a) (comarc)
demands ilid (b) (il)
demands comairser
demands con-deig
demeanor abaise
demolition combrised
demonstrating ittiugad (c)
den cas (ca 1)
den cuife (b)
denies ithchid
denouncing comainsem (b)
dense woods (?) cotut
dense comdlith (dlith)
denunciation clmaithis (clm = glm + aithis)
departs as-comlai
departs con-irig
departs con-sela 2
departs con-sl

departure celebrad (e)
deplores canid (b)
deposed king aithr (r)
deposes as chieftain attosech (tosech)
deposes aithrgaid (aithr)
deposing aithrgad
depositing aithne 1 (a)
deposition from office ath\.suide (suide)
deposits with aithnid 1 (a)
depreciates anaibsigid (aidbsigid)
depression containing water corr 3
depth (?) airdomain (domain)
derision cuitbiud
derivative com\.filltiugud (filltiugud)
descendants (?) athmuinter (muinter)
descendants ciniud (a)
descendants clann (c)
descendants comartraige (artaige, etc.)
descending aineda
descends (from) cinid
descends conscescing (scingid, see sceinnid)
descent creb (c)
desert cobfsach (com + fs ?)
deserves ad-roilli
deserves ilid (c) (il)
deserves iriltnigid
deserves ar-dlig (dligid)
deserving irilliud
design comraite
designation aus
designer (?) cicht
designs ar-berta
desirable adlaic
desirable? adguide
desire accobar (a)
desire accobras
desire accor
desire adlaic
desire airc 2
desire comaccobor (accobar)
desires ad-cobra
desires ad-saig
desires il(gi)gid (il)
desires asa-g(si)
desiring -cobar
desirous accobrach
desisting from airisem (b)
desisting from cl (b) fri
desists from (actions) con-ceil (d)
desists anaid 1 (c)
desists con-osna

desolation crech 1
despairing aicbil
despises (?) (Plummer MS notes) ar-corpai
despises ceisid 1 (d) for (ar)
despises comainsigid
despising comainsiugud
destiny airchenn (a) (cenn)
destiny irithe II (b)
destiny cinnemain
destiny cinniud II (c)
destiny crann (d)
destitute (Meyer Contribb.) antoiscthech
destroyed airdbide (a)
destroyer coillid 2 (coillid 1)
destroying airdbdud
destroying coll 2 (a)
destroying collud
destroying combach
destroying commudugad (mudugud, see mudaigid)
destroying coscrad
destroying crod 2
destroying cummae
destroys (?) aithbid (aithbe)
destroys (?) ar-bri
destroys (trans.) clod I (c)
destroys ad-coilli
destroys ar-dbdai
destroys ar-oirg (oirgid)
destroys ceilid (e)
destroys coillid 1 (a) (coll 2)
destroys comloitid (loittid)
destroys con-bru (brud)
destroys con-meil
destroys con-scara (a)
destroys crnaid (crn)
destruction (?) cerbach
destruction (?) crd
destruction aidmilled
destruction airbach
destruction airbaid
destruction altbu
destruction r
destruction coll 2 (a)
destruction collud
destruction combrised
destruction crod 2
destruction? 2 adarc
destructive ailcech
destructive airbadach (a) (airbaid)
destructive cailltech 2
destuction comdth (dth)

detaining astud (a)
detains ad-suidi var: adsuigidter
detention astaithe (ad-suidi)
deteriorates con-imchlo (b)
deterioration airchrae (a)
determined airchenda (airchenn)
determined airchendach = airchenda
determined airchendchaide (a) (airchendach)
determined airchenta = airchenda
determines airlithir (c)
determines as-rocholi
determines cenglaid (b) (cengal)
determines cocraid 1 (cocur)
determines cummaid (cummae)
determining airec (d)
determining coimsiugad
determining crchnugad
detestable aditchide
detesting aditched
detests ad-itchethar
dethronement aithrge (rge)
dethrones aithrgaid (aithr)
dethroning aithrgad
detour cor 1
detraction aithimrd (imrd)
devastates crnaid (crn)
devastating comlommad (lommad)
develops (esp. of dissension, war, etc.) said (b) (s 1)
deviating clenad (c)
deviation clenad (c)
device admat
device airec (b) menman
device cir 8
devil aidbirseir
devilish power anchumacht (cumacht)
devises ar-icc (c)
devises cummaid (cummae)
devising airec (b)
devoid of reproach ainmide 3 = ainmige (ainmech)
devoid of science ana (a 2)
devoid of skill ana (a 2)
devoted to celebrating (Mass) ceilebarthach (celebrad)
devotee cribdech (crbud)
devotion candthracht (can 1 + dthracht)
devotion crbud (a)
devotion cribthecht (crbud)
devotional practice crbud (a)
devouring comithe (ithe)
devours creinnid
devout airnaigthech (airnigde)
devout cribdech (crbud)

devout credal
dew-drop cruinniucc (cruinn)
dexterity aiccilidecht
dexterity airgige (airgech 1)
dexterity athlaime (athlom)
dexterity athlaimecht = athlaime
dexterity clistecht (cliste)
dexterous adma
dexterous cliste
diadem cathbarr (cath 1 + barr)
diagnosis comcaisiu
dialogue comlabrae (labra)
dialogue comrd (rd)
diamond adamaint
die at-beb-
dies at-bail(l)
dies con-beba = at-beb- (A. 443.79)
dies con-imchlo (b)
dies tit for cel 1
difference ailidetu (ailide)
different aitherrach (c) (with gen.)
difficult (to do) ansae 1 I (a) (ass(a)e)
difficult case (legal) ainces (d)
difficult decision (legal) ainces (d)
difficult amgar (a) (gar 1)
difficult amgarach = amgar
difficult ard 1 I (i)
difficulty aidilccne (b)
difficulty aidilccnige = aidilccne (b)
difficulty ainces (b)
difficulty airc 1
difficulty amgar (b) (gar 1)
difficulty anacair
difficulty anforlann (b) (forlann)
difficulty annsacht 1 (ansae 1)
difficulty ansae 1 II (ass(a)e)
difficulty ansatus 1 (ansae 1)
difficulty cradc (craid)
difficulty cumgach 2 (cumung)
difficulty cumgae (b) (cumung)
digging out claide (a)
digging airchlaide (claide)
digging claide (a)
dignified cimmennach, cimnech (cim)
dignity (?) airgnithe (airgnae?)
dignity airdircus (airdirc)
dignity airmitiu 1
dignity cttu (cid)
dignity cim (-mm) I (h)
digs a grave claidid 1 (c)
digs a trench round clasaid (clas 1)

digs up claidid 1 (b)
digs claidid 1 (a)
digs con-claid
dilates attaid (att 1)
dilatory 1 admall
dill aineit
diminishes airbernaid (airbern)
diminishes cerbaid (b)
diminishing (?) clenad (a)
diminishing airbernad
diminution airbernad
diminution cridim
dimple clas 1(e) (claidid)
dimsighted cech I (a)
din (?) airsaire
din caismert (b)
din crip
diocese cathar (b)
direct route athgairit (gairit)
directing coimthrerugad
directing comdrgiud (drgud)
directing commus (a)
director commendatr
dirge adnacul
dirt cide 2
dirt cechar
disadvantage aimles (a) (les)
disadvantageous circumstance cs 1 (b)
disadvantageous aimlesach (aimles)
disagreeable aditig
disagreeable anabinn (obind)
disagreement aimride (b) (aimrid)
disarray clethrm (a)
disarrayed aindeis (b) (dess)
disbelief am(a)ires (c) (iress 1)
disbelief amairse = amaires
discarding cor 1
discerns ad-c
discharges (a duty, etc.) comalnaithir
discharging (a duty, obligation, etc.) comall
discipline cuing
disciplines cachtaid (b) (cacht 1)
disciplining certugud (b)
discloses ar-oslaici (b)
discomfiture aithmla (a) (mla)
discomfiture clotecht (clod)
discomfort amchubaid (cubaid)
discomfort an\.sdailecht (an\.sdail)
discomfort an\.socair II (socair)
discomfort an\.socracht = an\.socair (subst.)
discomfort anacair

discomfort aneb 1 (ob)
discomfort athmultas (athmulta)
discord anentu (entu)
discourages ainmeisnigid (meisnigid)
discourse celebrad (c)
discourtesy aneb 1 (ob)
discovery airechtain
discriminator coibdeiligthid (coibdeiligid)
discusses secretly cocraid 1 (cocur)
discusses cestnaigid (ceist)
discussing (unfavourably) crad
discussing acallam: accallam, agailt
discussing aith\.frital (frital)
discussing ces(t)nugud
discussion cocur (a)
discussion comchocur (cocur)
disdains aininnracaigidir (aininnraic)
disease accais (b)
disease aiccidit
disease aimride (b) (aimrid)
disfigured ainmech (a) (ainim)
disfigured comarthach (c) (comartha)
disfigurement aithis (c)
disfigurement aneb 1 (ob)
disfiguring comarthach (c) (comartha)
disgrace ail 2 (a)
disgrace aisc 1
disgrace aithis (b)
disgrace aithisige (aithisech)
disguise aimricht (a) (richt)
dish ceirnn(e) (cern)
dish cern 2
disloyalty aindlse (dlse)
dismay anbained = anbaine?
dismembers con-scara (b)
disobedience aimrar (1 rar)
disobedience anerlatu (aurlatu)
disobedience anumaldit (umaldit)
disobedience anumla (anumal)
disobedient aimrarach (aimrar)
disobedient anirlithe (airlithe)
disobedient anumal (umal)
disobeying aimrarugud (aimrar)
disorder anordugad = anord
disorder clethrm (a)
disordered anordaigthe (ordaigthe)
disparages comthinsigid
dispatches cartaid
dispelling athchor (d)
dispelling ceilt
dispensation airlthar (lthar)

dispenses crenaid
disperses cnad
dispersing crebscaled
display abaise
displeasing anaitt (aitt)
displeasure anaittes (aittes)
displeasure canntlam
disposal aradu (a)
disposes certaid (cert)
disposes coimsigid (coimse, commus)
disposition (?) certrad (cert 1)
disposition 1 aicned
disposition airlthar (lthar)
dispute (?) comairecc
dispute achrann (b)
dispute caingen (b)
dispute callid
dispute cestad (ceist)
dispute clampar
dispute comdebaid (debaid)
dispute congir (b)
dispute conspid
dispute cosat (b)
dispute cis 1 (b)
disqualification (Laws, Plummer)/schlechtes Gehaben (Thurneysen) (legal) anfolad I (folud
disrespect anumaldit (umaldit)
disrespect anumla (anumal)
disrespect anumlacht = anumla
disrespect anurraim (airraim)
disrespect athairmitiu (airmitiu)
dissembling clanairecht (clanaire)
disseminates crebscalid (creb + scalid)
disseminating crebscaled
dissension achrann (b)
dissension aimride (b) (aimrid)
dissimilarity comaithches (c) (comaithech)
dissolution cel 1
dissolution comurchra (airchra)
dissolving comscaled (scaled)
dissonant ainfrecarthach (frecarthach)
distaff cuicl
distance cana (can)
distance canamlas
distant can I
distasteful (?) rlius
distension attmaracht (attmar)
distinction (?) airgnithe (airgnae?)
distinction airdeirce (airdirc)
distinction airegdacht (airegda)
distinction airgnas (airgnae)

distinguished (of rank or superior quality) ard 1 I (f)
distinguished 1 acrad
distinguished comarthach (b) (comartha)
distinguished comrognach (comroga)
distinguishes comdeiligid (deiligidir)
distorting clenad (d)
distortion clethrm (b)
distress aiccidit
distress amgar (b) (gar 1)
distress anacra 2 (anacair)
distress aneb 1 (ob)
distress annr
distress cathugud (c)
distress cesnad = ceisnem
distress cruth 1
distress cumgach 2 (cumung)
distress cumgae (b) (cumung)
distress cumgrach (cumung)
distressed airbadach (b) (airbaid)
distressed an\.socair I (b) (socair)
distressed anbainech (anbain 1)
distresses cumgaigid (cumung)
distressful amgar (a) (gar 1)
distressful anebda (aneb 1)
distressful ansta
distressful csmar (cs)
distressing anbainech (anbain 1)
distributes ad-ranna
distributes ar-dili (a) (dilid)
distributing cliriu
distribution coibdeiliugud
district cennadach
district cenntar (b)
district cethramthu (e) (cethramad)
district crch (b)
district cairt 1 I (b)
disturbance aimrid II (b) (rid)
disturbance cummasc (c)
disturbance cummascach = cummasc
disturbing anbainech (anbain 1)
disturbing combaidred
disturbing corrach (corr 1)
disturbing coscrad
disturbs (?) con-alai
disturbs ainmesraigid (mesraigid)
disturbs combaidrid (baidrid)
disunion anentu (entu)
disused encampment athlongport (longport)
disused field (?) athgort (gort)
disused fort aithles (les)
disused milking-stead athbaile (baile)

ditch airchlaide (claide)
ditch clad (a)
ditch claide (b)
ditch clas 1 (a) (claidid)
ditcher cladaire (a) (clad)
ditcher clasaige (clas 1)
diversion cane 1 (b) (can 1)
diversity aitherrach (d)
divided comroinnte
divides airrannaid (airrann)
divides coibdeiligid (fodeiligid)
divides con-fodlai
divides con-ranna (a) (rannaid)
dividing again athrann (rann 1)
dividing equally cobodail
dividing territories crchad
dividing athrann (rann 1)
dividing cliriu
dividing coibdeiliugud
dividing comrann (a) (rann, cf. con-ranna)
dividing cuitiugad (a)
divination cailleracht (cailleir)
divination clmainecht (clmaine)
division (of a discourse etc.) articol, airtecal (d)
division aird 1 (b)
division airrann (rann 1)
division airrannus (airrann) = airrann
division aisil
division athrann (rann 1)
division crugud, crgud
division cuitiugad (a)
divisions airdluige
docile airlithe
docile isech (is)
dock-leaf coppc
documents (?) cipis
Dodder clamn (a) (clam)
dodder clamn (b) (clam)
doe ag
does battle ar-fich (a)
does the like penance compennid (pennaid)
dog c 1 (a)
dog-collar ard 2
dog-fight (?) conroithi
dog-headed one coinchennach = coinchenn
dog-headed coinchenn (c + cenn)
dog-like condae (c)
dogs leek crem
doing battle comthcbil (b)
doing equally comdnam
doing penance (religious sense) aithrige (a)

domesticated cennaid
dominates comdemnigedar
donkey asal
donkey asan
door of a ship (h)aiste
doorkeeper in a monastery aistire
door-post airsa
dormitory cotultech (cotal + tech)
double bed cemdae 2 (com + immdae)
doubling (or repetition) cairched
doubt ainces (c)
doubt am(a)ires (c) (iress 1)
doubt cuntabart (a)
doubtful cuntabartach (a) (cuntabart)
doubtfulness (CW) (?) cuntabartaige (cuntabartach)
doubting amairsech (b) (amaires)
doubtless 4 acht
doubts cuntabartaigid (cuntabart)
doughtiness esmairecht
doughty coim\.ferda (ferda)
dove colum 1
down of plants canach
down allaths (a) (alla(e) + ts)
down anas (a) (s 1)
down clm, clim (a)
down clmach 2 (clm)
downfall airchrae (c)
downwards (in chronology) anas (b) (s 1)
downy clm(th)ach (clm)
downy clmdae (clm)
downy clmdaide = clmdae
dowry crod 1 (c)
doxology conc(h)lid
dragging airrach (b)
drank as-l
draught-horse capall 1
draws nears comgairid (comgar)
draws out (?) -cessair
draws out comthairrngid (do-srenga)
dread airath (b) (ath 1)
dreaded igthide
dreadful appearance ainricht (a) (richt)
dreadful gasta
dreadful igthech (igthiu)
dreadful athathaigthe (adathaigid)
dreadfulness airgrin (grin)
dreadfulness airath (a) (ath 1)
dreads ad-gathar
dreads adathaigid
dream aislinge
dreamer aislingtheech (aisling)

dreamer aislingthid = aislingthech
dreams aislingid (aislinge)
dregs amasc
drenches com\.fliuchaid (fliuchaid)
dress aibit
dress-fringe cimas (a)
dried fig caric
dried stick crnlach (crn)
drinking horn 1 adarc
drinking horn corn (a)
drinking together coml (l 1)
drinking athl (l)
drinking coml (l 1)
drinking-cup creithir
drinking-vessel n 3
drinking-vessel cad
dripping with blood crlinn(t)ech (crlinn)
drivelling crontsailech (crontsaile)
driver cennaire (cenn)
drives away as-(s)carta
drives off (of animals) cartaid
drives 1 achtaigid
drives ad-aig (a)
drives aigid (a)
driving (animals etc.) in (a)
driving (of balls etc. in games) in (a)
driving a chariot cairpteracht (cairpteir)
driving along comglasacht (glasacht)
driving in clannaid (d) (clann)
driving aige 1 (a)
drollery bacht
drone andord (dord 1)
drone crnn
drop (of various liquids) cer (b)
drop arg 1
drop crithir 1 (b)
dropsical comaillech (comalne)
dropsy comalne (a)
drowning combdud
drowsiness aidleisce
drowsy cldae (cl 1)
drowsy cotaltach (cotlud)
drunkenness (?) ceobach(a)
dry measure airmed (med)
drying up crnad
drying airthrad (trad)
drying-kiln (for grain) ith 2
due (legal) crus (cir)
due honour comonir (onir)
due portion cin III (d)
due airthechta (tchtae?)

due coimse
due cir 6
due cir 7
due comman (b) (com + man)
dues cairt 1 I (f)
dull ain\.fig (fig)
duly measured comthoimsige (toimside)
dumb person aimbil (bil)
dumb amlabar (labar)
dumb cerr (b)
dumbness amble (aimbil)
dumbness amlabra (amlabar)
dung alech
dung cacc
dungeon cuithe (c)
dunghill crumdoma (cruim 1 + duma)
duration aimserad (aimser)
duress cacht 1 (c)
dust caindebar
duty coicd
duty cuing
dwarf abacc
dwarf abcn
dwarf arcachn
dwelling (in) attrab (c)
dwelling in ittiugad (a)
dwelling place 1 adba
dwelling together comattrab (a) (attrab)
dwelling aite 2
dwelling itt (a)
dwelling ittiugad (a)
dwelling rus
dwelling attrab (d)
dwelling cathair 1 (a)
dwelling comattrab (a) (attrab)
dwelling comnaide
dwellling in aittrebad (attrab)
dwellling aittrebad (attrab)
dwells in ittigid (a) (itt)
dwells ad-treba
dwells ittigid (a) (itt)
dwells comnaigid (comnaide)
dyeing brown comdonnad
dyeing purple corcrad
dyke clad (a)
dysenteric ilgeasach

each (CW) cechtarnae = cechtardae
each (with du. and pl) cechtardae (c)
each of cechtar (a)
each one cch (a)

each cach, cech I
each cechtar (a)
eachother cch (b) ... alaile
eager ilgesach (ilges) (b)
eager athlom
eager bodaide (bodae)
eager bodaide (bodae)
eagerness (?) cichardacht
eagle aicil
eagle cubar 2 = caubar = cupar
ear of corn broth 1
ear of corn broth 1
ear clas (c)
earlier inheritance (i.e. prior right to inh.) airdbad (b) (dbad)
early morning barach 1 (b + rach)
early morning barach 1 (b + rach)
early ct- 1 (a)
earnest-money ainnsile
earnings irilliud
earns iriltnigid
earth cr 1
earth crfc
earthen rampart clad (a)
earthern crda 2 (cr 1)
earthern cradamail = crda 2
earthworm cuitec
easily broken brisc
easily broken brisc
easily seen aircsinach (aircsiu)
easiness (of language, etc.) bucae (b) (boc 1)
easiness (of language, etc.) bucae (b) (boc 1)
east of allanair (b) do (alla(e) + anair)
east of anair 2 (b)
Easter csc
eastern plain airmag (mag)
eastern airtherach (airther)
easy airassa (2 assae)
easy assa(e) 2
eating (?) bronnad 1 (b)
eating (?) bronnad 1 (b)
eating gluttonously cresachad (cres)
eating together comlongad (longad)
eating up (?) bronnad 1 (b)
eating up (?) bronnad 1 (b)
eating with comithe (ithe)
eats ar-beir I (b) biuth
eats celaigid (cel 1)
ebb aithbe (a)
ecclesiastical chapter caiptel (b)
ecclesiastical clirchemail (clirech)
ecclesiastical clirchide (clirech)

echo allabair, allobair
echoing claicnech (cloicenn ?)
echoing comgothach (gothach)
echoing cumiscech (cummasc?)
eclipsis (gramm.) airrdiugad
edge (?) baile 2
edge (?) baile 2
edge (of drinking-vessel, etc.) braine 1
edge (of drinking-vessel, etc.) braine 1
edge ailt 2
edge bilfhlesc (bl + flesc)
edge bilfhlesc (bl + flesc)
edge bl II (a)
edge bl II (a)
edge bil 1
edge bil 1
edge bord (a)
edge bord (a)
edge br 3
edge br 3
edge bruach (br 3)
edge bruach (br 3)
edge cimas (d)
edged (?) crumlata
edged weapon (?) ailt 2
edged bilech 1 (bil 1)
edged bilech 1 (bil 1)
edged cor(r)tharach (corrthar)
edging cor(r)thar
edict 6 acht
education ailemain
eel asc = ascong
effects (freq. with vn. obj.) ar-icc (b)
effeminate banamail (ben)
effeminate banamail (ben)
effeminate banda 1 (b) (ben)
effeminate banda 1 (b) (ben)
efficacious aithim\.fol\.ngide (im\.fol\.ngide)
efficacious brgmar (brg)
efficacious brgmar (brg)
efficacy of a sacrament or judgement bal (c)
efficacy of a sacrament or judgement bal (c)
efficacy aithim\.fol\.ngidetu (aithim\.fol\.ngide)
efficacy brg (b)
efficacy brg (b)
effort airbert (c)
effort airmert (b)
effort airthrall (b) (trall)
effort ammus (a)
effort bann 1 (a)
effort bann 1 (a)

effort bert 1 III (a) (beirid)
effort bert 1 III (a) (beirid)
effort bres 1 (a)
effort bres 1 (a)
eft airc luachra
eggshell blesc
eggshell blesc
eggshell blescach (blesc)
eggshell blescach (blesc)
eight pages cairt 1 (a)
either (of two) cechtar (e)
either (with du. and pl) cechtardae (c)
elated borrfadach (borrfad)
elated borrfadach (borrfad)
elbow aistell ?
elderly woman caillech (b) (caille 1)
elect confirmatige
election comthoga (toga)
elegant cirisech (ciris)
elements aibgitir
elevated ard 1 I (b)
elevating (in Mass) airthcbil
elides (a vowel) (gramm.) bidid (d)
elides (a vowel) (gramm.) bidid (d)
elision (gramm.) bdud (d)
elision (gramm.) bdud (d)
lite comroga (rogu)
elopement aithed 1
eloquence airlabrae (b)
embedded clanntae
embellished cumtachtae 1
embellishes con-utainc (b)
embossed bocitech (bocit)
embossed bocitech (bocit)
embossed bailtech 2 = baledach
embossed bailtech 2 = baledach
embrace barrc (barr 1)
embrace barrc (barr 1)
embraces brslaid (brsil)
embraces brslaid (brsil)
embroidery (?) brdchur
embroidery (?) brdchur
embroidery brdil
embroidery brdil
embroidery bridinlacht = brdil
embroidery bridinlacht = brdil
emendation (to text) coicert (b)
emending certugud (a)
emends (of texts etc.) certaigid (e) (cert)
emends (text) con-certa (a)
emends ad-eirrig

emerald as-miron
eminence airard (ard)
eminence airdircus (airdirc)
eminence cite (a)
eminent airramanta
emits a sound con-fograigedar (fograigidir)
emitting a scent bolt(a)nugad
emitting a scent bolt(a)nugad
emitting a smell bolt(a)nugad
emitting a smell bolt(a)nugad
emphasizing airbrg (brg)
employing airbert (a)
employs ar-beir I (c) biuth
empty (of nuts) cutal
empty expanse ca 1 (a)
empty cocae (com + cae)
empty cacca
empty cuindbech
empurples corcraid (corcair)
emulating comardad (a)
enamel amille
encamped campamail (campa)
encircles comdnaid (dnaid)
encircles cartaid (cairt)
encircling band cr 1 I (d)
encircling accmaing (a)
enclitic (gramm.) barr 1 (g)
enclitic (gramm.) barr 1 (g)
enclosed religious person clsenir
enclosed space cls
enclosing wall (for protection of cattle?) badn
enclosing wall (for protection of cattle?) badn
enclosure made of hurdles clathach (a) (clath)
enclosure of screens (?) crchaingel (cr 1 + caingel?)
enclosure airles = airlise
enclosure airlise (lis)
enclosure bl 4
enclosure bl 4
enclosure baile 1 (b)
enclosure baile 1 (b)
enclosure cairt 1 I (b)
encompassing accmaing (a)
encounter airches 1 (b)
encounter cm 1
encounter comairc(h)les (-c(h)eist) (b) (airches 1)
encounter comchomlann (comlann)
encounter comrac 1
encounter comraicthe
encounter comrachtain (rachtain)
encountering comrachtain (rachtain)
encounters con-ricc

end airchinn (cenn)
end airlann 2 (lann 1)
end barr 1 (a)
end barr 1 (a)
end barr 1 (h)
end barr 1 (h)
end buiresc
end buiresc
end cenn II
end clsal 1 (a)
end corr 1 II
end crch (a)
end crchnugad
endangering beglugud
endangering beglugud
endangering bar(r)thain
endangering bar(r)thain
endangers beglaigid (a) (begul)
endangers beglaigid (a) (begul)
endeavour airmert (b)
endeavour airthrall (b) (trall)
ending crchnugad
endive aindiuia
endows with crodaigid (crod 1)
end-point cenn II
ends in (gramm.) con-osna i n-
ends crchnaigid (crch)
endurance cobsaidecht = cobsaide
endured ad-ruib
endures (intrans.) beirid VII (b)
endures (intrans.) beirid VII (b)
endures (trans. and intrans.) csaid (a)
enduring (?) airnaide
enduring ban 1
enduring ban 1
enduring csad (b)
enduring can I
enduring comnaidi
enemy (?) badbda (badb)
enemy (?) badbda (badb)
enemy aidbirseir
enemy bibdu (c)
enemy bibdu (c)
enfeebled breite
enfeebled breite
enfeeblement anfannugud
enfeebles anfainnigid (anfainne?)
enfeebles bre(a)id (b) (bre)
enfeebles bre(a)id (b) (bre)
enfeebling bread (b)
enfeebling bread (b)

enforces (?) ar-dltha (dlthaid)
enforcing aithne 1 (b)
engagement (?) corar
engages in (battle, etc.) commraid (mraid)
engaging in (?) costud
English language blrae I (c)
English language blrae I (c)
English-speaking(?) brlach
English-speaking(?) brlach
engraved coimrinnta
engraver (?) cicht
engraves benaid I (e)
engraves benaid I (e)
engraving coimrinnad (rindad)
enhances the beauty ailligid (ille)
enhancing aidbsiugad
enjoins ar-ili (a)
enjoying (length of time etc.) caithem (a)
enjoying airbert biuth
enjoyment inius (b)
enjoys caithid 1 (a)
enlarges aidbligid (adbal)
enlarging aidbliugud
enlistment bannaigthe (banna)
enlistment bannaigthe (banna)
enmity accais (b)
enmity aidbirseirecht
enmity ainchin (cin)
enmity aincride (b) (cride)
enmity aininne (1 inne)
enmity anfolad II (b) (folud 1)
enmity bibdanas (b) (bibdu)
enmity bibdanas (b) (bibdu)
enmity comaithches (d) (comaithech)
enormous anmr (mr)
enquires (?) con-deig
enquires coim\.farfaigid (armi-foich)
enquiry athchomarc
enshrines con-utainc (d)
entails (?) ar-saig (b)
entangled (of ground etc.) aimrid I (a) (rid)
entangled place aimrid II (a) (rid)
entertainer (?, CW) airitid 2
entertaining airfitiud
entertaining airgairdiugad
entertaining congbil (-l) (a)
entertainment (legal) congbil (-l) (b)
entertainment airfitiud
entertainment airgairdiugad
entertainment cuired (b)
entertainment cuirm (b)

entertainment cundoman
entertains ar-peiti
entertains coinnmid (coinnem)
entices brcaid (brc)
entices brcaid (brc)
enticing brcad
enticing brcad
entitlement (quasi-legal) cert 1 (i)
entombed adlaicthe
entombed adnaicthe
entombs ad-anaig
entrails apach 1 (b)
entrails br 1 (a)
entrails br 1 (a)
entrance (?) airport (port 1)
entrance bl II (b)
entrance bl II (b)
entreating arguide (guide)
entreats (in forms of address) ilid (a) (il)
entreats ad-slig
entreats ad-teich
entrusting (?) comaithne 1 (aithne 1)
entrusting aithne 1 (a)
entrusts oneself con-erbai (erbaid)
entrusts to aithnid 1 (b)
entrusts ad-no
entrusts comaithnid 1 (aithnid 1)
entry for a year callann (c)
entwining catd
entwining cengailtech (cenglaid)
entwining clechtad 2
enumerating irem (e)
enumeration irmidetu
envisages aith\.fgaid (fgaid)
epaticaxxx 1 e aba
episcopal chair cathar (b)
episcopal see cathar (b)
epitome athchummair (cummair)
epoch aimser (c)
equal (?) cosmailse
equal (full?) justification comdeithbires (deithbires)
equal age com\.segul (segul)
equal amount of stock comirem (b) (irem)
equal amount cobodail
equal amount coib(i)s
equal amount commit (mit)
equal amount commr (mr)
equal amount comthrom II (a) (trom 3)
equal amount cutrummae 1 (com + trummae)
equal amount cutrummugud
equal amount cutrummus = cutrummae 1

equal anxiety (?) com\.faitches (faitches)
equal army com\.sochraite (sochraite)
equal braveness comchalmacht (calmacht)
equal breadth comleithet (leithet)
equal brightness com\.solus (solus)
equal brightness comglaine (glaine)
equal choice comroga (rogu)
equal colour comdath (dath)
equal course comrim (rimm)
equal course comrimniugud (rimniugud) = comrim
equal debt com\.fach
equal dignity comthigernada (tigernaide)
equal dre fine comdre (dre)
equal dislike commiscais (miscais)
equal division cobodail
equal duration com\.sned (b) (sned)
equal iric comiric (iric)
equal eneclann comeneclann (eneclann)
equal excellence commaithius (maithius)
equal experience in arms comgaisced (gaisced)
equal family comchenl (a) (cenl)
equal fixed stipend comtharastal (tarastal)
equal force comlann II (a)
equal freedom com\.sare (sare)
equal hardship comdochar (dochar)
equal hatred commiscais (miscais)
equal height comard (b) (ard 1)
equal height comardae 1 (ardae)
equal honour-price comdre (dre)
equal honour-price comeneclann (eneclann)
equal hostageship comgall(n)a (gallnae)
equal in size cutrummae 2
equal in status comairechthae (airegda)
equal in weight cutrummae 2
equal land comgrian (grian)
equal length (?, CW) comlebar (lebar)
equal length (of time or space) com\.fot (fot)
equal length com\.fota (fota)
equal length com\.sn
equal length cubat 2 (a) (com + fot)
equal liability com\.fach
equal love comgrd 2 (grd 2)
equal manner comdelb (delb)
equal marvel comamrae (amrae)
equal means comman (a) (com + man)
equal measure comchomus (commus)
equal miracle com\.fert (fert, see fiurt)
equal nobility com\.sare (sare)
equal nobility comaisle (aisle 1)
equal number comlann II (a)
equal number comln (ln 1)

equal offence comchol (col)
equal payment comligidecht (ligidecht)
equal pride comaill (all 1)
equal property (?) comthothchus (tothchus)
equal protection com\.fesam (fes(s)am)
equal prowess comgnm (gnm)
equal prowess comgnmrad (gnmrad)
equal quantity (?) aimeid (mit)
equal quantity commit (mit)
equal rank comairechas (airechas)
equal rank comchenl (a) (cenl)
equal rank comgrd 1 (a) (grd 1)
equal rank comaisle (aisle 1)
equal rank cuitchernas (cuitcherna)
equal rate comrim (rimm)
equal respect comchta (cttu)
equal restitution comthaisic (taisecc)
equal return comman (a) (com + man)
equal richness (?, CW) com\.soman (soman)
equal right (?) comrecht (recht)
equal right of heredity comdthchas (dthchas)
equal right cuindliged (com + dliged)
equal shape comdelb (delb)
equal share (?) canairt 2
equal similar shape comdelb (delb)
equal size commit (mit)
equal size commite = commit
equal sovereignty com\.flaithius (flaithius)
equal speed comlas (las)
equal standing comchenl (a) (cenl)
equal standing comgrd 1 (a) (grd 1)
equal status in urradus law comurradus (airradus)
equal status comairechas (airechas)
equal strength comnert (nert)
equal suretyship comrith (rth 1)
equal testimony com\.fadnaise (fadnaise)
equal to the size of coimimda (imdae 1)
equal trouble coimdeccair (decair)
equal validity (?, CW) cominnraice (indraice)
equal valour in arms comgaisced (gaisced)
equal value comlg (lg)
equal vigour comlth
equal wealth comman (a) (com + man)
equal weight comthrom II (a) (trom 3)
equal weight cutrummae 1 (com + trummae)
equal com- 1
equal comard (b) (ard 1)
equal comchomthrom (comthrom)
equal comduine (duine)
equal cominann (inunn)
equal comlannaid 2 (comlann)

equal commitius = commit
equal comthrom I (a) (trom 3)
equal cutrummae 2
equalises cutrummaigid(ir) (cutrummae 2)
equalising cutrummugud
equality (fri = with) comardad (a)
equality com\.suide (suide 2)
equality comard (b) (ard 1)
equality comthrom II (c) (trom 3)
equality cummatu
equality cutrummus = cutrummae 1
equalling coimeltain (elta 1?)
equally (very) strong comrad (rad)
equally adjusted (legal) comdligthech (dligthech)
equally agile comlimnech (limnech 1)
equally bad comolc (olc)
equally bare comlomm (lomm)
equally base comder (dor)
equally binding comastaithe (astaithe part. of ad-suidi)
equally brave comchalma (calma)
equally bright com\.solus (solus)
equally bright comgel (gel)
equally broad com\.forlethan (forlethan)
equally broad comlethan (lethan)
equally clever comstamda (stamda)
equally complete comlann I
equally courageous combeda (beda)
equally dangerous coimneimnech (neimnech 1)
equally dear to comdil (com + dil)
equally dense comdlith (dlith)
equally displeased coimdimdach (dimdach)
equally divided com\.fodlaide
equally eager comdchra (dchra)
equally endowed combada (baid)
equally explaining comaisnitech (aisnitech)
equally fair comchem (cem)
equally fair comchan (can)
equally fair comgel (gel)
equally fearsome comaicbil (aicbil)
equally fierce comgarg (garg)
equally firm comthend (tend)
equally fitting comchir (cir)
equally forfeit comdles (dles)
equally free of liability (?) com\.slintius
equally free com\.ser (saer)
equally full comlann I
equally good commaith (maith)
equally great comard (b) (ard 1)
equally great commr (mr)
equally guilty comchintach (cintach)
equally hard comchraid (craid)

equally high comard (a) (ard 1)
equally huge comadbal (adbal)
equally inadmissible to give legal evidence comindligthech (indligthech)
equally just comchir (cir)
equally just comiir
equally killing commarbad (marbad)
equally known comderb (derb)
equally lasting com\.suthain (suthain)
equally lasting comban (ban)
equally lawful comthechta
equally learned combasach (basach)
equally legal coitechta (-chta?) (com + tchtae)
equally legitimate (legal) comdligthech (dligthech)
equally liable com\.fiachach (fachach)
equally likely comdig (dig, see doich)
equally long com\.fota (fota)
equally long-lived com\.seglach (com\.segul)
equally lucky comlth (lth)
equally near comgar I (gar)
equally nimble one com\.solam (solam)
equally noble com\.ser (saer)
equally noble comard (b) (ard 1)
equally noble comasal (asal)
equally noted fo chomnait
equally numerous comlnmar (lnmar)
equally pleasant com\.sairc (sairc)
equally pure comcadluig
equally ready comgar I (gar)
equally reliable comindraic (indraic)
equally renowned comairdirc (airdirc)
equally severe coimthind (tinn)
equally sharp comamnas (amnas)
equally sharp-pointed comrindithe (rindith, R 73.37)
equally skilful comstamda (stamda)
equally skilled comolach (olach)
equally skilled comsubeis
equally slaughtering commarbad (marbad)
equally smooth com\.slemun (slemun)
equally sorrowful comthoisech (toirsech)
equally speedy comlath (lath)
equally straight comdrech (drech)
equally strong comthend (tend)
equally strong comthrn (trn)
equally swift comlath (lath)
equally thick comthiug (tiug 2)
equally to be praised (?, CW) comsolbthi = com\.folbthaige
equally to be praised com\.folbthaige, comm-
equally upright comdrech (drech)
equally valid (?) contechta (tchtae?)
equally valid comthechta
equally venerable com\.sruith (sruith)

equally very eager comdchra (dchra)
equally very fearsome comaicbil (aicbil)
equally very hard comchraid (craid)
equally very level comrid (rid)
equally very smooth com\.slemun (slemun)
equally very smooth comrid (rid)
equally very zealous comdchra (dchra)
equally visible com\.solus (solus)
equally wealthy (?) comdindba (dindba 2?)
equally well-known comairdirc (airdirc)
equally well-proportioned comchir (cir)
equally wise comolach (olach)
equally wounding comguinidech
equally zealous comdchra (dchra)
equally zealous comdthrachtach (dthrachtach)
equally cummae
equal-strong com\.fortail (fortail)
equating cutrummugud
equidistant com(\.f)ocus I (ocus 1)
equilibrium cuibdius (d) (cubaid)
equipment adbar
equipment aidme = aidemm
equipment airmert (a)
equipment airmertach
equipment armil (b) (arm)
equipment comopar (opar)
equipment congab (c)
equipment congraimm
equipment cula(i)d
equipped with metal plates clrdae (clr)
equipped with swords claidbech I (claideb)
equips armaid 1 (arm)
equitable comthrom I (c) (trom 3)
equitable cuibdech = cubaid
equity comthrom II (d) (trom 3)
equivalence comchutruma (cutrummae)
equivalence comthrom II (c) (trom 3)
equivalent (?) cuitred (cuit)
equivalent amount airdail
equivalent article (legal) anarra (arrae)
equivalent aithgein (b)
equivalent coib(i)s
equivalent coibne (com + fine)
equivalent coimmesta 1 (coimmes)
equivalent comchumang (cumang 1)
equivalent comman (a) (com + man)
equivalent comthrom I (a) (trom 3)
equivalent comthrom II (a) (trom 3)
equivalent cutrummacht = cutrummae 1
equivalent cutrummae 1 (com + trummae)
equivalent cutrummae 2

era 1 es
era aeoir
erected cuindrichthe
erection comthurcbil (turcbl)
erects a boundary pillar coirthigid (coirthe 1)
erects a fence before ar-fen
erects ar-rcaib
erroneous comroircnech (comrorcun)
error clen II (b)
error clenad (c)
error comrorcun
errs comroircnigid (comrorcun)
eructating brchtach = brchtad
eructating brchtach = brchtad
eructation brchtach = brchtad
eructation brchtach = brchtad
eruption of pustules on the skin bruitnech
eruption of pustules on the skin bruitnech
escape (?) aurld
escapes as-comlai
escapes as-lu (a)
escapes as-roinni
escapes con-sela 2
escort coim(m)ite
escorting coimitecht (c)
escorts ad-anaig
espouses airnaidmid (b) (airnaidm)
-ess ben I (c)
-ess ben I (c)
essays ad-midethar
essays comthrallaid (trallaid)
essence 1 aicned
established by evidence (?) bechta 1
established by evidence (?) bechta 1
established bunad (e) (bun 1)
established bunad (e) (bun 1)
established conopartatar
establishes (legal) brogaid
establishes (legal) brogaid
establishes (trans. and intrans.) clannaid (e) (clann)
establishes ad-suidi
establishes ittigid (b) (itt)
establishes clannaigid (b) (clann)
establishes con-suidi (suidid)
establishes con-utainc (c)
establishes costa(ig)id = con-suidi
establishes crutha(ig)id (b) (cruth 1)
establishing (for, ar = to, against) cruthugud (b)
establishing ittiugad (b)
establishing astud (b)
establishing costudach (costud)

establishment congbil (-l) (c)
estate betha (e) (bo)
estate betha (e) (bo)
esteem cdus (c) (cid)
esteem cttu (cid)
esteem cin III (f)
esteem com\f.gad (b) (fgad)
estimate (?) coimsiugad
estimate airdmes
estimates ad-midethar
estimates con-midethar (b)
estimating airdmes
estimating irem (a)
estimation irem (f)
estrangement comaithches (d) (comaithech)
estuary (of rivers) bun 1
estuary (of rivers) bun 1
eternal (?) brthach (brth)
eternal (?) brthach (brth)
eternal com\.suthain (suthain)
Eucharist corp (c)
eulogizes admolaid
eulogy amrae II (d)
eunuch coilltnach (coillte)
evades (legal) as-lu (b)
evaluates ad-midethar
Evangelienbuch cotur
eve 1 adaig
even (of things) cert 1 (c)
even if 1 acht II (d)
even if ca 2 I (a)
even though 1 acht II (d)
even though ca 2 I (c)
even airet II (e) (with gen. in neg. and condit.
even ctamus (c)
even cir 1
even comard (a) (ard 1)
even comchomthrom (comthrom)
even comthrom I (a) (trom 3)
even cutrummae 2
evening meal cuit
evenly matched comlaindech (comlann)
evenly matched comthrn (trn)
evenly-matched (of battles) comthrom I (b) (trom 3)
even-matched comath (ath 1)
evenness cutrummae 1 (com + trummae)
event airisiu (b)
ever helps comchabraid (cabraid, see cobraithir)
ever since anas (b) (s 1)
ever caidchi (b)

every cach, cech I
everyone (who) cch (e)
everyone cch (a)
evidence argam(a)intensive (a)
evident (?) badba
evident (?) badba
evident airgnae
evident airgnaid = airgnae
evident arthaig(th)ech
evil appearance ainfth 2
evil aspect amgn (gn)
evil consequence ainarmairt (armairt)
evil consequence ainarsma (arsma)
evil course ainrad (1 rad)
evil custom aimbs (bs)
evil custom angnthad (gnthad)
evil deed ainbert (bert)
evil deed aincht (cht)
evil deed aingnm (gnm)
evil hour anair (ar 2)
evil impulse (?) ainchtfad (ctbuid)
evil inclination clenad (c)
evil influence ammaitecht (a)
evil lust antoil (tol)
evil motive an\.fochain (b) (fochonn)
evil omen anmana (mana 1)
evil passion antoil (tol)
evil person ammail
evil person anduine (b) (duine)
evil plight ainricht (b) (richt)
evil plight anchruth (cruth)
evil report aimles (b) (les)
evil spirit ainspirut (spirut)
evil way ainran (ran)
evil aprainn
evil bil 3
evil bil 3
evil-doer cairech (b) (caire 1)
ex- (with nouns indicating persons) aith-, ath-
exact (of numbers) cert 1 (d)
exact balach 1 (bal)
exact balach 1 (bal)
exact becht
exact becht
exact bechta 2 = becht
exact bechta 2 = becht
exact cel I
exacting (?) comarc (d)
exacting tribute (of nobleman) csach (cs)
exacting boing = bain (b)
exacting boing = bain (b)

exaction cin III (b)
exactitude certus (cert 1)
exactly similar comchosmail (cosmail)
exactness (?) certa (-ae) (cert)
exacts (tax) benaid I (f)
exacts (tax) benaid I (f)
exacts (tribute) caingnid (caingen)
exacts from (?) comthobaigid (comthobach)
exacts boingid (c)
exacts boingid (c)
exaggarates aidbsigid
exaggerating aidbsiugad
exalted cimmennach, cimnech (cim)
exalted cumgabthae
exalter ardaigtheir (ardaigid)
exalting in (?) commrad (a)
exalting ardugad (a)
exalting celebrad (a)
exalting cumgabl
exalts (trans.) ardaigid (a) (ard 1)
exalts clothaigid (cloth)
exalts con-ocaib
examination comcaisiu
examines (medically) con-aicci
examines as-gleinn
examines brethnaigid (a) (breth)
examines brethnaigid (a) (breth)
examines cestnaigid (ceist)
examines cartaigid (a) = cartaid
examining (documents, etc.) cartugad (d)
examining brethnugad
examining brethnugad
examining comcaisiu
examining comchsnech (comcaisiu)
example aithris (b)
ex-captive (?) aithchimbid (cimbid)
excavates claidid 1 (a)
excavates con-claid
excavating coclaid
excavation brach (b)
excavation brach (b)
excavation claide (b)
exceeds as-ingaib (a)
exceeds cingid 1(d) [sic]
excellence (?) bregrad (Brega ?)
excellence (?) bregrad (Brega ?)
excellence airegdacht (airegda)
excellence airgnas (airgnae)
excellence baid 1 (b)
excellence baid 1 (b)
excellent airegda (-ae) (aire 3)

excelling cinned 1
excels ar-t (b)
excels cingid 1(d) [sic]
excels clisid (cles) (ar, tar)
except 1 acht (a)
except cen I (a)
except cenmoth (b)
exception (to a gramm. rule) aurba
exception cuimlecht
excess (?) anaibse
excess ainble (anbal)
excess ainmesair (mes(s)ar)
excess ainmesardacht (mesardacht)
excess airin (c)
excess anbarr (barr)
excess barr 1 (j)
excess barr 1 (j)
excess barraigecht (barr 1)
excess barraigecht (barr 1)
excessive (?) brogmar = brogda
excessive (?) brogmar = brogda
excessive (wordly) care anchram (cram)
excessive arrogance comdummus (dumuss)
excessive burden anmuirer (muirer)
excessive desire anmacnas (macnas)
excessive eating cres (b)
excessive heat aintes (2 tess)
excessive lust anmacnas (macnas)
excessive power anchumas (cumas)
excessive pride ainmad (mad)
excessive pride anaill (a(i)ll)
excessive rage anra/ig
excessive aidbsech
excessive aindlistenach (dlestanach)
excessive anbil (an + fill)
excessive anordaigthe (ordaigthe)
excessiveness anbile (anbil)
exchange of hostages (?) comaitirecht (aitirecht)
exchange of objects between persons comchloud (b)
exchange clechld
exchange comchloud (a)
exchange comman (b) (com + man)
exchanges con-imchlo (c)
exchanging cld (c)
exchanging comchemchld (comchloud)
excitement bruth 1 I (b) (berbaid)
excitement bruth 1 I (b) (berbaid)
excitement badraise, badris, badirse (a) (baidrid)
excitement badraise, badris, badirse (a) (baidrid)
excites con-sadi
exciting brostadach (brostad)

exciting brostadach (brostad)
ex-cleric aithchlirech (clirech)
excludes ar-fen
excludes ar-ada
excluding airadad
excluding airscar (a)
excluding cen athgabil (d)
excommunicated caindelbithte
excommunication caindelbthad (caindel + bdud)
excrement cacc
excrement caindebar
excrement caithen
excrescence (on the body) cern 1 (b)
excretes caccaid (cacc)
excuse airchoimted
excuses oneself ar-coimtimm, -iu
excusing airchoimted
executioner bsaire (bs)
executioner bsaire (bs)
executioner cstnach (csad)
exemplar angraib
exemption bla 1
exemption bla 1
exempts 3 achtaigid
exercises ecclesiastical functions (of a cleric) bennachaid II
exercises ecclesiastical functions (of a cleric) bennachaid II
exercising airbert (a)
exercising airimbert (a)
exertion airbert (c)
exertion airmert (b)
exhortation comairliugud (b)
exhorting airgresacht (gressacht)
existence betha (a) (bo)
existence betha (a) (bo)
existence bith 1 I (c)
existence bith 1 I (c)
existing buith 1 (a)
existing buith 1 (a)
exists att (ad-t)
ex-layman athlech (lech)
ex-nun athchaillech (caillech)
exorbitant cenntromm (cenn + tromm)
exorcism coniursion
exorcist astarceist
expanding borrfad (borr)
expanding borrfad (borr)
expanse of ground achad
expanse or stretch of water can 2
expanse ca 1 (a)
expectation coinne (a)
expectation comoirchill (oirchill)

expects ar-net (a)
expects ar-sali (salid)
expedient isig
expedient comgar II (b) (gar)
expediting comgrotad (grotaid)
expedition argraige
expelling (of persons, animals) cartad
expelling (person) athchor (e)
expels ad-cuirethar
expels cartaid
expending crenamain
expends as-ren
experienced clechtach 1 (clecht 1)
experienced crnna (crn)
expert airbertach (a) (airbert)
expert augtar (b)
expert comdes 1 (dess)
expiates citigid
expiration (of breath) airathchor (athchor)
expiring for anamthaig
explaining aisnis (a)
explaining callugad
explains callaid (b) (call)
explanation aisnis (a)
explodes bloscaid (blosc 1)
explodes bloscaid (blosc 1)
exploit (?) cern 3
exploit airbert (b)
exploit ithes (b) (ith 1)
exploit anglond (a) = glond 1
exploit bann 1 (a)
exploit bann 1 (a)
exploit bert 1 III (a) (beirid)
exploit bert 1 III (a) (beirid)
exploit cim (-mm) I (k)
exploring cartugad (b)
exposed to danger beglach (begul)
exposed to danger beglach (begul)
exposes con-scara (c)
expounding aittecht (b) (aith + techt 1)
expresses (gramm.) ar-beir II (c) a
expresses as-toasci
expression (?, CW) airbertad (airbert)
ex-priest (?) ath\.sacart (sacart)
extending (of lands, riches) brogda (bruig)
extending (of lands, riches) brogda (bruig)
extending airchor (a)
extending brogad
extending brogad
extending comoslucud (oslucud)
extends (intrans.) brogaid

extends (intrans.) brogaid
extends (trans.) brogaid
extends (trans.) brogaid
extends to 2 ad-cumaing
extends ar-cuirethar (a)
extends as-cid
extension airchor (a)
extensive (?) ard 1 I (g)
extent bann 1 (b)
extent bann 1 (b)
extent cim (-mm) I (i)
extent comps
external appearance cucht 1
extinction bdud (b)
extinction bdud (b)
extinction cel 1
extinguishes ar-dbdai
extinguishes bidid (b)
extinguishes bidid (b)
extinguishing (of fire, thirst, etc.) bdud (c)
extinguishing (of fire, thirst, etc.) bdud (c)
extinguishing completely airdbad (a) (dbad)
extinguishing airdbdud
extolling airdercugud
extols ad-cain
extols admolaid
extols airdircid (airdirc)
extols bladaigid (blad 1)
extols bladaigid (blad 1)
extracting bain (e) amach
extracting bain (e) amach
extracting crd 1
extracts cridid (crd 1)
extraneous comaithech I (comaithe)
extraordinary (of natural phenomena) anaicenta (aicenta)
extraordinary amrae I
extreme (Gloss.) antoiscthech
extreme brightness comglire (glire)
extremity of the body barr 1 (c)
extremity of the body barr 1 (c)
exulting in commadem (modem)
exults at (?) badaid (baid)
exults at (?) badaid (baid)
exults at badaigid (c) (baid)
exults at badaigid (c) (baid)
ex-warrior (?) aithgna (gna 2)
ex-wife aithben (ben)
eye (of needle) cr 1 I (f)
eyebrow br 1
eyebrow br 1
eyebrows (of humans) clm, clim (c)

eyelash 1 abra (a) var fabra
eyelash abratchor
eyelid 1 abra (b)

fable fball 2
fable faibled
fabricated comgnide
fabricates (of something false) dolbaid (c)
fabulous fbalta (fball 2)
fabulous forfiblige (-ide ?)
face (of things, places) drech 1 (b)
face to face (with) agad
face 1 gnis
face agad
face airdrech 2 (drech)
face cuin(n)siu
face cuinsel
face drech 1 (a)
face enech 1, ainech I
face forgnis
face-flushing enechgrs
faces aigde
faces mig
facing (an enemy, difficulty, etc.) fgain, fchain (b)
facing (of things) dchsain I
facing fri
facing fri
faction facsoin
factor (of number) coitide
faculty of cognition etargne II
faculty of comprehension engnae, ingnae
faculty of discernment int(s)liucht
faculty of divination icse (a)
faculty of hearing cloistecht (c)
faculty of hearing tsecht, stecht
faculty of intellect int(s)liucht
faculty of judgement midemnus
faculty of memory cuimne 1 (cuman)
faculty of memory foraithmet
faculty of reason dliged VI
faculty of sight amarc 1 (b)
faculty of speech airlabrae (c)
faculty of understanding etargne II
faculty of understanding int(s)liucht
fade (?) ? loat
faded 2 glas
fades crnaid (crn)
fading fedaidecht (fedaide)
fading feugud
faeces ferad (a)

faeces imthelcud
faery place without delusion fulla
faggot 2 grinde
faggot cal (a)
faggot(s) brosna (-ae)
faggot(s) brosnach = brosna
faggots connad
faggots crnach
fail (ar of person) do-eipen (d) ar
failing (?) cinned 1
failing (to do something) fm(m)ed (a)
failing (to perform) loccad
failing to hit the mark m-
failing to obtain mercy m-
failing to recognise anaithne 2 (aithne 2)
failing dbugud
failing dgbad
failing imded, fimded II
fails (?) fo-feiscren, fo-faiscren
fails (intrans.) bris(s)id II
fails (to do or get something) at-ro
fails (to do something) fo-mid, for-mid (I) (a)
fails (to do) follaigid, failligid (follach, faill)
fails in (mod.) do-eipen (c)
fails to loccaid (locc)
fails ? fris-mairn
fails ara-chrin
fails do-tuit 1 (b)
fails imdid, imid, im(d)igid II
fails mainnigid
fails methaid (meth)
fails methaid (meth)
failure (to fulfill an obligation) meth
failure to redeem a pledge (?) lobthaige (lobthach)
failure to redeem lobad
failure to submit a claim to legal decision (legal) ld, -d, -d
failure aindebaid (debaid)
failure airchrae (b)
failure imded, fimded II
failure meth
faint and woeful ? lucair
faint anfainne (b) (anfann)
faint-hearted mifir
faintness fanntaise (fann + taise?)
fair (?) cadb 1
fair (in moral sense) finn 1 (e)
fair (of complexion, hair, etc.) finn 1 (b)
fair dealing cert 1 (j)
fair object cem 1 II (c)
fair of hogs morc
fair one bn II (a)

fair person cem 1 II (c)
fair swan Gelgis
fair treatment comthrom II (d) (trom 3)
fair warrior cathar
fair 1 gel
fair bn I (a)
fair blasta (-ae) (blas)
fair blosc 2
fair bregda 1
fair cem 1 I (b)
fair cemdae 1 = cem
fair can 1
fair cert 1 (b)
fair cruthach (cruth 1)
fair drechach (drech 1)
fair finn 1 (c)
fair gelbdaide
fair geldae (gel)
fair-booted imbel?
fairly often meincn
fairly idan
fairness (?) dessa 2
fairness (of hue, complexion) finne 1 (finn 1)
fairness ? 2 galla
fairness bregas (Brega)
fairness bregdacht (bregda 1)
fairness desse (b) (dess)
fairness galda vx 2 galla
fair-rimmed imbel?
fair-robe lenn
fairy lover lennn
fairy-flax minmach
fairy-flax msach
faith baithis, baithes, bathais (a)
faith cocubus (com + cubus)
faith creitem (b)
faith ires(s)
faith ires(s)
faith ireschae (iressach)
faithful (?, CW) coillemnach
faithful (of people) dles 1 II (c) (d- + les)
faithful Gentiles genti
faithful coingellach (coingell)q
faithful comailltech (comalnad)
faithful cribdech (crbud)
faithful creitmech (creitem)
faithful idan
faithful indraic
faithful iressach, ir(i)sech
faithfulness ireschae (iressach)
faithless (?) dochommaind (communn)

falcon fabcn I
Falernian falernecda
fall (esp. fall from horseback) escar 1 II
fall crinner
fall cutaim
fallacious fallsach (falls)
falling at each others hands (of combatants) comthuitim (tuitim cf. con-tuit)
falling down cutaim
falling down lectha
falling on both sides imthothaim
falling thickly com\.siltech (siltech)
falling together comthuitim (tuitim cf. con-tuit)
falling cutmaide (cutaim)
fallow field (?) athgort (gort)
fallow land branar 2
falls (trans.) (pass.) escaraid II (escar 1)
falls asleep con-tuili
falls asunder dechraigidir I (dechor)
falls away lethaid (leth, lethan)
falls in with do-cuirethar III (c) do (also ar, fri)
falls on do-beir V
falls on do-scara II ar (for)
falls silent balbaigid, balbaid (b) (balb)
falls to (of possession) do-fil do
falls to the lot of do-cuirethar III (e) do
falls to fabair, fbair
falls together ? imm-tuit
falls together con-tuit
falls upon do-tuit 1 (g) for
falls upon fabair, fbair
falls do-tuit 1 (a)
falls do-tuit 1 (c)
falls do-tuit 1 (h)
falls laigid
false (?, CW) anbd
false accusations and complaints were carried between them imchossat
false alliteration (?) ccaimm
false alliteration ccomaimm
false balance melltach (<mellaid)
false charge aimles (b) (les)
false custom aimbscna (bscna)
false gender (gramm.) ccenl (a) (cenl)
false gender (gramm.) ccenlas (ccenl)
false god dal, dol
false judgement gu (also go, go, g)
false leap (?) lm
false oath thech
false pregnancy (?) forleg, farrleg
false prophecy (?, CW) cremla
false reading m-
false reckoning girim

false rhyme (metr.) i n-ccuibdes (b) (ccuibde)
false 4 g vx g
false brcach (brc)
false brinnach (b) (brinn)
false dalbdae
false dolbaide (dolb)
false eismech 1
false fallsa I
false forbannach (forbann)
false gach (g, gu)
false g
false gach vx gach
falsehood without restraint imchommus
falsehood 3 g (go) vx gu
falsehood ainfr (a) (fr)
falsehood brc
falsehood brcairecht (brcaire)
falsehood brinn (b)
falsehood dalb 1
falsehood dalbad
falsehood erc 7
falsehood falls
falsehood gangaid
falsehood gu (also go, go, g)
falsehood immarbrc
falseness fallsa II
falseness fallsacht (a) (fallsa)
falseness immarbae
falsified? millte
falsifies ithchid
falsifies gaigidir (gu)
falsifying (?) fallsacht (b) (fallsa)
falsifying brcnugad
falsifying fallsugad
falters forlamainigid (forlamain)
fame (?) clothgae
fame ? ath
fame adbchlos
fame ine 1 (c)
fame airchlos (clos)
fame airdeirce (airdirc)
fame allatas = allud
fame allud
fame blad 1
fame bladaige (bladach 1)
fame cil 1 (c)
fame ctfaid (d)
fame clois
fame cloth (b)
fame clothaige (clothach)
fame clothbad (cloth)

fame cl 1
fame cludrad
fame comairdercus (comairdirc)
fame deilm II
fame fsc
fame gne (> gn, gne, gna, gnaoi)
fame imrd
fame lag
fame loise
famed clothach (cloth)
famed clach (cl 1)
famed glrmar (glir)
famed molbthach
familiar affection 2 goire gor
familiar friends gnth
familiar occupations? muinterdacht
familiar surroundings elas, eulas (e)
familiar with mebrach
familiar aithenta 1
familiar aithnid 3 I (aithne 2)
familiar olach, ulach (d)
familiar gnth
familiar gnthach (gnth)
familiar muinterda
familiar muinterda
familiarity muinterdacht
family group (?) finechaire
family group of 4 generations derbfine (derb 1 + fine)
family kin-group (legal) brthirse (brthair)
family name aus
family relationship cairdes (c) (cara 1)
family aicme
family bunad (c) ceiniuil (bun 1)
family clann (c)
family comchenl (b) (cenl)
family corp\.fine (corp + fine)
family croba(i)ng (b) (crob)
family callacht (b)
family can 1 (c)
family duine
family falus (b)
family muinter
family muirer
family-stock finedach (fine)
famine icen (d)
famine gortae (goirt)
famine gortaige (gortach)
famous (?) cloethech
famous deeds (pl.) blad 1
famous person airdirc II (2 derc)
famous place airdirc II (2 derc)

famous places (?) clothra 2, -raig (cloth)
famous resort, gathering, assembly Bordgal (b)
famous resorts (?) clothra 2, -raig (cloth)
famous tale airscl (scl)
famous adbchlosach
famous ainmmnech (ainmm)
famous ainmmnemail = ainmmnech
famous airchlothach (clothach)
famous airdirc I (b) (2 derc)
famous airgnae
famous airgnaid = airgnae
famous irmech (b) (irem)
famous allata (-ae) (allud)
famous bladach 1 (blad 1)
famous bladmar = bladach 1
famous clach (cl 1)
famous clitech (cl 1)
famous clmar (cl)
famous cuimnech (b) (cuimne)
famous elg 2
famous imritech (imrd)
famous lgda = lgach
famous mr (mr)
fancies ar-fera
fantastic mer
far (of time or space) etercan (can)
far away fot, fat
far extending grave imchan
far from everyone imchana
far limits cr 1 I (c)
far raiding race of Colla imchan
far removed from comcmais (cmais)
far can I
far fot, fat
far fota, fata
far ingar
fare fran
faring afar (?) fechtaide (fecht)
farm gabltas
farmer that pays or makes amends ccaid > ccaide (cc)
farmer aiccid
farmer battach 1
farmer briugu
farmer coiln(ech) = coloman
farmer coloman
farm-house bruig (c)
farming (taxes) fermrecht
farming the hiring of a farm ccaidecht (ccaid)
farming the hiring of a tenement ccaidecht (ccaid)
farming the renting of a farm ccaidecht (ccaid)
farming the renting of a tenement ccaidecht (ccaid)

farmland mruig
farm-law mruig
farmstead baile 1 (a)
farrier (?) marascl
far-seeing dchsanach (dchsain)
fart broimm
fart deilm I (c)
farter (CW) braigetir = braigire
farter braigire (braigid)
farthing feirling
farting braigetracht (braigetir)
farting broimm
farting broimnech (broimm)
farts braigid
farts bramaid = braigid
fashion doich (dich?) II (d)
fashion imdnam
fashion mod
fashioned (?) cuchtai (cucht 1)
fashioned cepptha
fashioned dnmach (dnum)
fashioner cummatir (cummae)
fashioner delbatir (delb 1)
fashioning cummae
fashioning frithgnam
fashionings frithdnta
fashions a poem locraid (locar)
fashions ceppaid (a) (cepp)
fashions cummaid (cummae)
fashions do-fuissim III (a)
fashions dolbaid (a)
fast hold barrc (barr 1)
fast of two days dedan 1
fast an 2
fast corgus
fast daingen I
fast dogabla (gabl)
fastener (for cloak, hair, etc.) cach 1 (a)
fastening (?) cennrach (cenn ?)
fastening (of two working animals) crait
fastening ? indell
fastening of some kind (?) foloman (cf. lomman)
fastening of some sort mimasc
fastening barrad, bairred
fastening cengal (a)
fastening comchengal (cengal)
fastening conchlann (c)
fastening cuimrech (a)
fastening damnad 2 I
fastening forchengal
fastening fornasc

fastening imfastad, imfostad, imfastd
fastens cenglaid (a) (cengal)
fastens for-dna
fastens gemaid
fastens gremmaigid (greimm)
fastens adaid
fastidious (?) isdelbhach
fasting for imm, imb
fasting comthroscad (troscad)
fasting for ctlongad (ct- 1 + longud)
fastness clithar II (a) (clith ?)
fastness daingen II (a)
fastness dcenn 1 (d) daingin (d + cenn)
fasts anid (2 an)
fasts do-cin
fat (?) geraine (geir ?)
fat (spread on bread) brechtn (a) (brecht)
fat man damdabach
fat meat foirches
fat meat mthas (mth)
fat of grain (?) ? 2 geir (gearr, grenn)
fat underside of the shoulder chtar
fat ? indaide
fat b(o)laid(e) (boil)
fat boil (a)
fat bloingech (blonac)
fat blonac
fat bracht 1
fat brachtach (bracht 1)
fat foirches
fat foirchesamail
fat inmar
fat th
fat ln
fat mth > mith
fat mth > mith
fat mthas (mth)
fat mthrad (mth)
fat mucclass
fatal (?) airc 1
fatal badbda (badb)
fatal bstae (bs 1)
fatal cinnemnach (cinnemain)
fatal cinnte (a)
fatal marbthach
fatality 3 g
fatally caillemnach (caillemain)
fate (?) ftal
fate irithe II (b)
fate cinnemain
fate cinniud II (c)

fate crann (d)
fate dach (a)
fate dl II (e)
fate dlug (b)
fate artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)
fate imths
fate indrem, indram
fated cinnemnach (cinnemain)
fateful cinnemnach (cinnemain)
father (in pl.) athair 1
father dait 1
fatherland atharda II (athair)
father-like aithremail (athair)
fathers (?, CW) aithrigidir (athair)
fatigue cor 1
fatigue cuirthecht (cuirthe)
fatlings mthasrad
fatness inmaire (inmar)
fatness mithe
fatness mthas (mth)
fatness muirtill
fatted lnaichthi
fatted mucclass
fattens methaid (mth)
fatty membrane blonac
fatty gerthide (geir)
fatty inmar
fatty thardae (ith)
fault of character dalig
fault to be avoided by poets anocht 1
fault ? fuba
fault 2 e
fault bim (e) (-mm)
fault bine
fault cim
fault caire 1
fault ce 1 (b)
fault cil II
fault cin I and II
fault cron (a)
fault dainim
fault inchrechad
fault lamain
fault locht
fault? mennar(-air?)
faultfinding aithimrd (imrd)
faultless dlacht (d + locht)
faultless dlochtaigthe (lochtaigid)
faultlessness dainme (dainim)
faultlessness dlachta(e) 1 (dlacht)
faulty arrangement locht

faulty locda (locht ?)
faulty lochtach (locht)
favour (?) eisimal, eisembul I
favour 2 gen
favour aiscid 2 (a)
favour cinltus (cineolta)
favour comman (b) (com + man)
favour deoladchaire (deolaid)
favour deolaidecht (deolaid)
favour deolchaire = deoladchaire
favour fbar
favour fogar (foghar) 2
favour grs
favour grsa (grsda, grdsa)
favour muirn
favourable (?) comainech
favourable auspice (?) esclae
favourable sign or omen (?) etarport 2, -bort
favourable imchubaid > imchuibe
favouring coimitecht (b) do
favourite haunt mennatn
favourite drettel (a) = treitell, q.v.
favourite lennn
favourite lepaid
favourite leg
favourite muirnn (muirn)
fawn (?doe) mang
fawn bagliu
fawn bennn (a) (benn)
fawn damn (dam 1)
fawn gaimnn (gamuin)
fawn arndoe, arroe
fawning ltaoil
fealty (?) gillius
fear agar
fear comecla (ecla)
fear ecla (ecal)
fear gas (guais)
fear gasacht (gas)
fearful gasta
fearful airmetta (metta)
fearful l 2
fearful beglach (begul)
fearful ecal I
fearful eclach I (ecla or ecal)
fearful eclach II (ecla or ecal)
fearful faitech (b)
fearful grinemail (1 grin)
fearful insamain
fearfulness (?) fiam
fearfulness eclaige (eclach)

fearing igthine = igthiu
fearing igthiu
fearing eclugud
fear-inspiring faitech (c)
fear-inspiring imm
fearless es(s)amain (omun)
fears greatly imm
fears ad-gathar
fears ad-ais
fears eclaid (ecla)
fears eclaigid (eclach)
fearsome forgrinne
fearsome forgrnda
fearsomeness forgrin
fearsomeness grindecht (1 grin)
feasible tir, ter 1
feasible fola (fala)
feasible folaid
feast ? imdell
feast aurgnam (c)
feast banais (b) (ben + feis 2)
feast coibled 1 (com + fled)
feast coml (l 1)
feast cuired (b)
feast feis(s) 2, fess (e)
feast fsta
feast fled (a)
feast forcam, -gam, -gab
feast lang
feast ln
feast-day fil
feast-day lth
feast-giver (?) feisteoir
feasting party (?, CW) congirige (congirech)
feasting cisrech 1 (cisir)
feasting fledach II (fled)
feasting fledachas
feasting fledugud
feasts fledaigid (fled)
feat (?) finbert
feat at arms (?) focherd
feat of prowess 1 glond
feat abairt
feat abairt (a)
feat adabair
feat bert 1 III (a) (beirid)
feat cim (-mm) I (k)
feat cerd 1 (b)
feat cles (a)
feat clesrad (a) (cles)
feat clisiud (a)

feat gane
feat mon
feather bed (CW) coilc(th)ech 1, colc(th)ach = colcaid
feather mantle nchendach
feather cleitte
feather cleittech (a) (cleitte)
feather etec I (ette)
feather ette II
featherbed colcaid
feathers cleittech (a) (cleitte)
feathers clm, clim (a)
feathers clmach 2 (clm)
feathers nchendach
feat-performance clesamnaige (clesamnach)
feat-performer (?) clesamain (cles)
feat-performing clesamnach I (clesamain)
feats of arms cluiche (c)
feats of arms gaisced
feats of strength cluiche (c)
feats clesrad (a) (cles)
feats gnmrad
febrile fabrasamail
February febra(e)
fecund combrit
fecundity combrite (combrit)
fed (?) by her loingthe
fee deice
fee fach 1 (c)
fee fochraic (a)
fee lg also lag
fee ligidecht (lg)
feeble (?) tlith 2
feeble aimnirt (nert)
feeble airmeirb (meirb)
feeble anfann (a) (fann 2)
feeble ctha(i)l
feeble daidbir II
feeble dthre 1
feeble dochma 2
feeble elcmar (b)
feeble indron
feeble laca(ig)id (lac)
feeble meirb
feeble methach (meth)
feeble-handed dolmaig (lm)
feebleness bill, bell (bille ?)
feebleness dbell II
feebleness dnirte (dnert)
feebleness dochma 1 (do + cuma)
feebleness meirb
feebleness methach

feed fotha vx fothad
feeding (animals) on mast mesrugud
feeding (cattle) fogeltad
feeding (of cattle) fogelt
feeding with mast mesrad
feeding 1 gelt
feeding airbiathad
feeding bethugad (b)
feeding bathad
feeding combathad (bathad)
feeding cothad (b)
feeding fothus
feeding gleth (gleith, geilt)
feeding ingelt
feeding ingelt
feeds on fo-geil
feeds up methaid (mth)
feeds ar-biatha (a) (biathaid)
feeds bethaigid (b)
feeds bathaid 1 (biad)
feeds bathaigid = bathaid
feeds bathnaigid = bathaigid
feeds cothaigid (b) (coth)
feeds gelid
feeds lnaid (ln)
feeling of oppression (?) do\.fulang
feeling 1 aicned
feeling ctfaid (a)
feeling mothugud
feelingly bodmar (bodae)
feelings menma
feels horror grinid (grain)
feels ceta-b (ceta- + subst. vb.)
feigned doilbthe, dolbtha (a)
feigned fathaigthe
feigning (?) dolbanrad (dolb)
feigns do-crecha (a)
feigns licid
felicity fechtnaige (a) (fechtnach)
felicity findbad, -buth
fell upon doforthrom
felling (trees) esorcon
felling fuirmiud, -med
felling gerrad
felling letrad
fellow craftsman comcheirde (cerd 1)
fellow feeling comrichne
fellow member of the same kin-group brthair (b)
fellow member comball (ball)
fellow tenant (monk?) commanach (manach)
fellow cile (e)

fellow coicile (b) (com + cile)
fellow-citizen comchatharda (catharda)
fellow-combatant comchatha (cath)
fellow-fighter comnma(e) (nmae)
fellow-habitant comaittrebthach (aittrebthach)
fellow-leader comthasech (tosech)
fellow-oarsman comgaillid (gaillid)
fellow-prisoner comphrsnach (prsnach)
fellow-servant com\.serbfogantaige (serb(f)ntaid, -aige)
fellowship of heart coicridetu (com+ cride)
fellowship cobodlus (cobodail)
fellowship coicile (c) (com + cile)
fellowship coicilsine (coicile)
fellowship coitreb (com + treb)
fellowship comarsanacht (b) (comarsa)
fellow-soldier comml (ml 2)
fellow-warrior com\.fan (fan)
fells letraid
felon filn 2
female accomplishments 1 grs
female bondage cumalacht (cumal 1)
female breast cch 1 (a)
female breast cch 1 (b)
female commoner amrgan (rgan)
female deer ferb(b) 1 (b)
female duck lachu
female ex-layman athleches
female leper claimsech (clam)
female member of a religious community derb\.siur (b) (derb 1 + siur)
female mythical being of malevolent powers genit
female of birds cerc
female of horses lir
female pig two years old deil 3
female pudenda bandacht (b) (banda 1)
female sex bandacht (b) (banda 1)
female slave inailt
female banda 1 (a) (ben)
female ben I (c)
female boinenn
female cumal 1 (a)
female femen 1 (b)
female mnamail
feminine gender femen 1 (a)
feminine banamail (ben)
feminine banda 1 (a) (ben)
feminine femenda 2 (femen)
feminine mnamail
fen cuirrech
fen enach I (a) (en)
fence (?) f 2
fence (?) felm

fence (?, CW) denall = anall
fence (?, CW) fthe II
fence (on a stream) aire 4
fence aile 2
fence airbe 1 (a)
fence airimme (air + imme)
fence clethchor (cleth 1 + cor 1)
fence daingen II (b)
fence eirbe
fence etarbae
fence fl 1
fence felmad (a)
fence felmae (felmad)
fence imbe
fenced fthe I
fencer basbaire
fences (a field) immid (imbe)
fences around do-farcai (a)
fences defectively ainimmigid (ainimme)
fences flaid (fl 1)
fences imm-fen
fencing (?) flad
fencing imbe
fending comersclaige (airsclaige)
fennel fenel
fenny gothamail
ferment descad, descaid (b)
fermented fiuchta
fermented gablta (gabl)
fermentum laibn
fernhalten do-airb
ferocity confa(i)d (c + buith)
ferry arthrach 1 (b)
ferry imlochtad, imluchtad
ferry immarchor
ferry-boat ethar
ferrying arthrach 1 (a)
ferrying imlochtad, imluchtad
ferrying immarchor
ferryman immarchorthid
fertile meadow ath
fertile soil mne (mn)
fertile mth > mith
fertility combrite (combrit)
fertility fsach 3 (fs 2)
ferule fiugh
feruore inderb ?
fervent dedgair
fervent dchra
fervent dubartach (dubart, see dbart 1, dbartach)
fervent dthrachtach (c) (dthracht)

fervour (fig.) derge (derg)
fervour bruth 1 I (b) (berbaid)
fervour dchracht (dchra)
fervour dchratu (dchra)
fervour dgrais II (b) (d + gress 2)
festers linaigid
festgefgt comgaibthe
Festival of Lug Lugnasad
festival airtach (b)
festival fil
festival feis(s) 2, fess (e)
festival lth
festive ? ? anach
festive mirth muirn
festive party cisir
festive bleidech (bleide)
festive fuirigech
festive gairdech
festive lthech (lth)
festive lttae (lth)
festivity lth
fetid brn
fetter between head and fore-leg laingfitir
fetter between the fore and hind legs of cattle laingfitir
fetter 1 glas
fetter 1 glasn (1 glas)
fetter aircholl
fetter rach 1 (a)
fetter cacht 1 (b)
fetter cengal (a)
fetter crapall
fetter cuimrech (b)
fetter eis 3
fetter gbend
fetter gemel
fetter arnaide (arn)
fetter id
fettered person gemlech (gemel)
fettered crapai(l)te
fettered cuimrechtach
fettered cuimrechtae
fettered gemlech (gemel)
fettering (?) gbennach (gbend)
fettering carcrad
fettering crapall
fettering cuimrech (a)
fettering gemled (gemel)
fetters 1 arnach
fetters cachtaid (a) (cacht 1)
fetters cocraid 3
fetters craplaid (crapall)

fetters gemligid (gemel)
fetters arnaid (arn)
fetters arnaigid (arn)
feud anfolad II (b) (folud 1)
feud anman (man)
feud fch 2
feud fola (fala)
feud imresan
fever febra
fever fabras
feverish breite
feverish fabrasta
few men are my equal in retaliating imlat
fewness bec
fewness lagat
fan-band fanlach, fiallach (a)
fan-lore fanaigecht (b)
fiat molad
fibre brothairne (brothar)
fibre fith 1 (b)
fibrous texture (?) fithide
fickle anbsaid (fossaid)
fickle corrach (corr 1)
fickle impidech (impd)
fickle malartach
fickleness trommacht (tromm)
fictile crda 2 (cr 1)
fiction dalb 1
fiction dolbud (b)
fiction fball 2
fiction faibled
fictitious brinnach (b) (brinn)
fictitious doilbthe, dolbtha (a)
fictive thing brinn (b)
fidchell-player (?) fidchellaige
fidchell-player fidchellach
fidelity coingell (b) (com+ gell)
fidelity dlse (d) (dles)
fidelity ires(s)
field (of arable or pasture land) 1 gort (gart)
field of battle 1 gort (gart)
field of slaughter rmag
field achad
field fuithirbe
field macha
field mag
field maignes
fielded Meath? maignech
fierce (?) aingech
fierce (?) cicharda
fierce (?) colgach (colg)

fierce (?) grind
fierce (of warrior) conamail (c)
fierce (very rarely used of purely physical qualities) garg
fierce and active luithmech (lth ?)
fierce and strong lonn
fierce attack comrathar (rathar)
fierce fury com\.ferg (ferg)
fierce impetuosity dsachtaige II (dsachtach)
fierce onslaught comrathar (rathar)
fierce warrior grb
fierce youth frech
fierce 2 gegar (gegair ?)
fierce acarb
fierce aicbil
fierce aicher
fierce aidbil
fierce aindaraid
fierce aindarda = aindaraid
fierce aininnech (aininne)
fierce aininnid = aininnech
fierce ainmer (mer)
fierce ainmn (mn)
fierce aintrennda (aintrend)
fierce angbaid
fierce barbarach (b)
fierce borb (b)
fierce borrfadach (borrfad)
fierce com\.fchda (fchda)
fierce comgarg (garg)
fierce condae (c)
fierce crdae (cr 1)
fierce daigerdae (daiger 1)
fierce danardae III
fierce degrach
fierce dardain II
fierce dscir (a)
fierce dremanda (dremun)
fierce engbaid
fierce feochair
fierce feochrach (feochra)
fierce ferchonta (ferch)
fierce fchda (fch 2)
fierce frech
fierce frech
fierce frechda (frech)
fierce gailbech
fierce garbdae (garb)
fierce gargda (garg)
fierce grbda (grb)
fierce lasamain (lasaid)
fierce lomanta (-da) (lo)

fierce loiscnech (loscain ?)
fierce lonn
fierce, fiery herd ? 4 gor
fierceness (?) dardain I
fierceness (?) gerga
fierceness (of persons) amainse (a) (amnas)
fierceness of its flame lamnaige (lamnach)
fierceness 1 gus
fierceness 2 gairge (garg)
fierceness aicbile
fierceness aichre
fierceness aindardacht (aindarda)
fierceness aintrenndacht (aintrenda)
fierceness ithige = ithe
fierceness angbaidecht (angbaid)
fierceness barbardacht (barbarda)
fierceness borblachas (borb)
fierceness buirre (borr)
fierceness burbae (b) (borb)
fierceness dsc(i)re (dscir)
fierceness feochra(e) (feochair)
fierceness feochracht
fierceness frech
fierceness frechdacht (frechda)
fierceness gallacht (galdae)
fierceness garbe (garb)
fierceness gargad (garg)
fierceness icht
fierceness lasamnacht (lasamain)
fierceness luinne (lonn)
fiery glow bruth 1 I (a) (berbaid)
fiery 2 grsach (grs)
fiery n 2 I
fiery bruithenda (bruithen)
fiery bruthach (bruth 1)
fiery bruthmar (bruth 1)
fiery bruthnaigthech (bruthnaigidir)
fiery daigerdae (daiger 1)
fiery daigrech (daiger 1)
fiery daigthech (daig)
fiery degrach
fiery loisct(h)ech (loiscid)
fiery-red (?) gorm
fifteenth cindecim
fifth day before the Ides cingtid
fifth part ciced II (cic)
fifth ciced I (cic)
fiftieth (?, CW) cictide (cica)
fiftieth cocatmad (coca)
fifty coca (cic)
fifty-fold cictach (cica)

fig fc (a)
fig fge
fig fgn (fc)
fig frm > prm
fig. of boat-shaped structures on land brc 1 (b)
fight (poet.) dorar
fight was keen gibis
fight with fists dorngal (dorn + gal)
fight 2 g
fight augra (-ae) (b)
fight bg (b)
fight bres 1 (a)
fight bruiden 2
fight cath 1 (a)
fight cathugud (b)
fight coimescar (escar 1)
fight comlann II (b)
fight comrac 1
fight conblicht
fight congal 1
fight cuinn(d)scle
fight debuith II
fight fecht I (c)
fight gleo
fight grilla
fight immargal
fight imsreng
fight matan (maiten)
fighter cathaige 1 (cath 1)
fighter cathar
fighter cocthir (cocad)
fighter gleccaide (glecc)
fighting (fri, for = with, im = about) debuith II
fighting again athchathugud
fighting against inchathugud
fighting along with imguin
fighting castles ids
fighting mutually with swords imchlaidbed
fighting with swords comchlaidbed (claidbed)
fighting airgal (b)
fighting balad 1
fighting cathugud (a)
fighting coidech
fighting coimescar (escar 1)
fighting comchathugud (cathugud)
fighting comraigthech
fighting coradacht, coraidecht
fighting immairgnechus
fighting immarbad
fighting-man banna (ban 1)
fighting-man ccland, cclond

fights (?) bigid (d) (bg)
fights (?) con-sn(i) (snid)
fights (intrans. or with cognate acc., f. cath, etc.) fichid 1
fights (intrans.) cathaigid (cath 1)
fights again athchathaigid (athchath)
fights against fris-cathaigedar
fights on behalf of fris-cathaigedar
fights ar-bigi (a) (bigid)
fights ar-fich (a)
fights con-bga
fights debthaigidir II (debuith)
fights do-fich 2
fights gleoaid (gleo)
fights imm-goin
figment foscad
fig-tree fc (a)
fig-tree fcuilne
figurative doilbthe, dolbtha (a)
figurative fithchallach (fithchall)
figurative figairemail
figurative figurda, -arda (figair)
figure of speech ccosc (f)
figure delb 1 (a)
figure dolbud (c)
figure figair 2, figar, fiugair (a)
figure foirm (a)
figure fir
figured fathaigthe
figured gebechda (gebech)
figures ? fuigir
filament (nerve?) of a dead persons eye blinn, blind
filches as-tlen
file gaoin
files airlmaid (lmaid)
filial 2 gor
filial mac(c)amail (mac)
filled (with) ln
filled with ... ensnaring wiles lnach (ln)
filled with courts cirtech (cirt, see cuirt)
filled with troops in battle array idnach, indnach (idna, indna)
filled lnta
fillet worn by men, especially charioteers, to keep the hair from falling over the eyes 1 gibne
fillet fild
filleted gibnech (1 gibne)
filling up comlinius = comline
filling up comlnad
filling up forlnad
filling up fuilled, -iud, -ned
filling lnad
fills up comlnaid (comln)
fills up fo-lna

fills up lnaid (ln)
fills with disease galraigid (galar)
fills with lnaid (ln)
fills ercaid 1 (a)
fills lnaid (ln)
fills lnaid (ln)
fills lnaid (ln)
fills lnaid (ln)
filtering ? imscacad
filth (?) fafall
filth brocnaigthecht
filth cide 2
filth fochall
filth inglan
filth mosar
filthy asalach (adtsalach?)
filthy brocach 1 (brocc)
filthy brodach (brod 1)
filthy cidech (cide 2)
filthy mosach
fin ette I (a)
final (in time or succession) didenach, ddenach (a) (diden-, dden)
final limit forcenn
final payment artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)
final rhyming or consonating syllable in the metre rinnard ard 1 II (d)
final up to the present didenach, ddenach (b) (diden-, dden)
final cenna (cenn)
final crchnaigthech (crchnaigthe)
final dcenn 1 (e) (d + cenn)
final immechtrach (immechtar)
finality cinntecht (cinnte)
finally adjusting imglod
finally settling? imglod
finally asennad
finally fo deud, fo diud (e)
finding fault with lochtugud
finding fault inchrechad
finding out coibse(nu)gud
finding out finnachtain, findachtain
finding out finnad
finding out fis 1, fius I (a)
finding airec (a)
finding airechtain
finding airnecht
finding fagbl (a)
finds (?) *etar-trat (-reth)
finds (in a certain condition) fo-gaib, fo-geib (b)
finds (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (d)
finds fault with dimmolaid (dim- (see d-) + molaid)
finds fault with do-athara (to-ath-ar-)
finds fault with inchrechaid

finds fault with locht
finds out ar-finnathar
finds out do-airscli (to-air-scl-)
finds out do-sc(u)lat (a)
finds out etar-gnn
finds out for-finnadar
finds room (in) do-alla 2 (b)
finds winter quarters geimrigid (geimred, gemred)
finds airmaisid for (airmaisiu)
finds ar-icc (a)
finds at-etha (b)
finds do-airicc (c)
finds fo-gaib, fo-geib (a)
finds fo-ricc
fine (?) (of hair) fathmannach (fathmann)
fine (of weather) can 1
fine appearance maisige
fine for a fatal injury marb
fine for an attack on a persons honour (1/21 of eneclann) enechgreiss, ainechgreiss (b)
fine for cutting rushes ? forscach
fine for trespass (legal) cathach 3
fine gravel muirgrian
fine powder men(min)
fine thing gane
fine inle
fine laind
fine bregda 1
fine cel I
fine cain 1
fine can 1
fine canna 1 (can 1)
fine cumal 1 (d)
fine din
fine dattae I
fine dess (d)
fine fach 1 (a)
fine fnlta
fine fil (fil) (a)
fine gelfine
fine gne (> gn, gne, gna, gnaoi)
fine mais(s) vx mass
fine mass
fine meirse
fine midbad (-ba, -baid, -botha)
fine min
fine modmar (mod)
fine modmarach
finely bladed (?) ailtech
finely formed cuchtach (cucht 1)
finely formed cuchtaide = cuchtach
fineness (?) dmaisse 1 (dmaiss)

fineness bregas (Brega)
fineness bregdacht (bregda 1)
fineness fnltas
fineness maise
fineness mine (min)
finger next to his little finger ltucn = ltu
finger trick maill(e) (c)
finger bise 1
finger mem(m)ar
finger mr
fingered mr
finger-like appendages merach
finger-ring finne I
fingers luibne
finger-tip imbel?
fining fachugud
finish (?) (of craftmans work) fth 4
finished (of things) airlam (b)
finished ellam 1, ullam, ollam II (b)
finished forbaide
finishes off (kills) athmarbaid (marbaid)
finishes up glid (gl)
finishes cinnid (b) (cenn)
finishes foirbthigid(ir) I
finishes for-cenna
finishes for-fen
finishes adaid
finishes imm-foircnea
finishing crchnugad
finishing foirbthigud
finishing forba, forbae
finishing forbad vx forba
finny eithrech (eithre)
fins (collect.) ettech, ittech II
fir (?) 2 gort
fir gisach (gis)
fir gisach (gis)
fire (?) ed 6
fire ? ? molc
fire against cold fuit
fire ed
fire bot 2
fire daig I
fire drac
fire gorn
fire grs
fire lasar (lasaid)
fire loscud
fire luisne (loise, luise ?)
firebrand ? grond
firebrand aithinne

firebrand brann 3
firendlessness dchairdes (cairtes)
firendlessness dchairdige (dchairdech)
fireplace fulacht
firewood (?) glaith
firewood connad
firewood connadach = connad
firewood crnach
firm (?) (of things) dles 1 II (e) (d- + les)
firm (?) coltra 2
firm (?) de(i)n
firm (?) drenn 5
firm (below) fochobsaid (cobsaid)
firm (of persons and moral qualities) dr 1
firm grasp imm
firm set fonn
firm ? fostn
firm 1 glinne
firm balc I
firm ban 1
firm banasach (banas)
firm cobsaid (com + fossad)
firm com\.fos(s)aid = cobsaid
firm comthairise (tairise)
firm cothaigthech (cothaigthe)
firm daingen I
firm dedairnn II
firm docht (d)
firm dogabla (gabl)
firm dron 1
firm forc
firm forsaid
firm fortenn
firm forusta
firm fossaid
firm fossaigthech
firm fothamail (fotha)
firm glinn
firm glinnide (glinn ?)
firm laice (lac)
firmament beneath a canopy of darkness (?) imbel?
firmament clithe (e) nime, etc.
firmament firmimint
firmarius il
firmess comdeise (comdes)
firmly closed airadta (adta)
firmly fixed achrannach
firmly fixed fossaigthe
firmly fixed fothaigthe
firmly founded fonn
firmly set indsmaigthe (indsma)

firmly wrought comthaircnide
firmly gennaid (genn)
firmness bailce (balc)
firmness balc II
firmness cobsaide (cobsaid)
firmness cobsaidecht = cobsaide
firmness comirim (irim)
firmness daingne (daingen)
firmness daingnecht = daingne
firmness deimne (deimin)
firmness deimnecht = deimne
firmness druine 1 (dron 1)
firmness foiste ; foistecht (fossad) vx fosta, fostacht
firmness forsaide
firmness forus
firmness fostacht
first binding (legal) airaccomol (accomool)
first choice (?) erthogae (air + togu?)
first choice airigid 1 (d) + gs.
first comer (CW) ctgnisid (ct- 1 + gnis 1)
first day of the month callann (a)
first fruits airigid 1 (d) + gs.
first instruction airaiccecht (aiccecht)
first matter of the universe le (
first of August Lugnasad
first of May Bel(l)taine
first paroxysm ctgrinne
first payment ainnsile
first pick airigid 1 (d) + gs.
first slayer (?) ctguinid (ctguin)
first Sunday in Lent init
first time ct\.fecht (ct- 1 + fecht)
first wounding ctguin (ct- 1 + guin)
first ct- 1 (a)
first ct- 1 (c)
first ceta-, cita-, ciata-
first ctnae I
firstly ctamus (b)
first-mentioned ct- 1 (a)
fir-timber gisach (gis)
fir-tree (?) geibe
fir-tree aibet
fir-tree gis
fir-wood gisach (gis)
fish dag 3
fish asc
fish ascach (asc)
fish ascrad (asc)
fisherman ascaire (asc)
fisherman lnaige (ln)
fishers net cochall (b)

fishes ad-claid
fish-hook cath
fishing weir asc
fishing with hook and line dubnacht (dubn 1)
fishing acclaid (a)
fishing ascach (asc)
fishing ascach (asc)
fishing ascairecht (ascaire)
fishing ascairecht (ascaire)
fishing-hook dubn 1
fishing-hook dubnach = dubn 1
fishing-net ln
fish-scales lann
fissure 2 gnis
fissure dlochta
fist half-opened glac (c)
fist airdorn (dorn)
fist dorn (a)
fist/army (?) can 4
fistful dornn (dorn)
fisticuffs debuith III duirn
fistula (med.) fetn (b)
fistulation (med.) fetnacht II (fetn)
fistulous (med.) fetnach I (b) (fetn)
fit (of feeling) etal 3
fit for mockery ? fuirside
fit for ploughing in
fit for sale indraic
fit for service (?) fedmach (feidm)
fit for in
fit occasion dal 1 (h)
fit of frenzied rage dsacht V
fit to be bound ? innasctha
fit to be pressed esto(a)iscthi
fit to be refused rtha
fit to mate with in
fit 1 adas
fit 1 grith
fit dr 1 (a)
fitness cuibde 1 (cubaid)
fitness cuibdecht = cuibde 1
fitness deithbir 1 II
fitness imchuibde (imchubaid)
fitness immaircidetu (immaircide)
fits out ecraid II (ecor)
fits ailid do
fits comadasaigidir (comadas)
fits do-alla 2 (b)
fits gaibid
fits gaibid
fitted with ladders radach (rad)

fitted custal
fitting (CW) cuibdesach = cubaid
fitting (gs.) dingbil II
fitting ? idan
fitting ? mes(s)ad
fitting in connlugad
fitting object dl II (d)
fitting out errad 1, erriud (-ed), irrad I
fitting time inam
fitting ? fortchtae (tchtae)
fitting ada(e)
fitting attchta (ath + tchtae)
fitting cem 1 I (b)
fitting cert 1 (a)
fitting cnesta (cnes)
fitting coimse
fitting coimsech 1 (coimse)
fitting coimtig (c)
fitting coindfe
fitting cir 2
fitting comadas (adas)
fitting comchubaid (cubaid)
fitting cosmail I (c) (com + samail)
fitting cubaid I (b)
fitting deithbir 1 I
fitting dla
fitting fu I (a)
fitting foimse
fitting fomais vx foimse
fitting idan
fitting imchubaid > imchuibe
fitting immaircide
fitting imnairc
fitting indraic
fitting mit, mt
five half-ounces (?) cuicliunn, cuclann
five persons cicer
five cic
fixed (?) i n-ecrus
fixed (firm) fossad
fixed ? cosaiti
fixed by custom iubaile, iubail
fixed by law iubaile, iubail
fixed by mutual agreement iubaile, iubail
fixed period of exemption iubaile, iubail
fixed period of prescription iubaile, iubail
fixed period ige 3
fixed position etartuinide (tuinide)
fixed position fossad
fixed 1 glinne
fixed 1 glinne

fixed achrannach
fixed airchenda (airchenn)
fixed airchendach = airchenda
fixed airchendchaide (a) (airchendach)
fixed airchenn (a) (cenn)
fixed airchenta = airchenda
fixed airdalta
fixed airdbide (b)
fixed cinnte (a)
fixed cinntech I = cinnte
fixed derb 1 I
fixed derbda(e) (derb 1)
fixed doglaiste, doglasta (glaisid)
fixed fossad
fixed fossaigthech
fixed fuirmigthe
fixed(?) fothaide
fixes (a camp) gaibid
fixes (a day, meeting) gaibid
fixes (a day, meeting) gaibid
fixes (legal) ad-suidi var: adsuigidter
fixes bounds to crchaid (crch)
fixes on anaid 1 (a) for
fixes cinnid (a) (cenn)
fixes daingnigidir I (a) (daingen)
fixes daingnigidir I (b) (daingen)
fixes dingblaid (dingbil)
fixes do-dmen
fixes ecraid I (ecor)
fixes fossaigid(ir) (foss)
fixes gennaid (genn)
fixing between etarsamugud (samugud)
fixing in int(s)dud, int(s)thud
fixing mutually imfastad, immastad
fixing of boundaries crchairecht (crchaire)
fixing astud (b)
fixing cengal (b)
fixing cinniud I
fixing clannaid (d) (clann)
fixing daingniugud I (a)
fixing feisted
fixing indell
flaccid meirb
flag iris ailestar
flag meirge
flagon flaign
flagstone billic (bl + lecc)
flagstone lecc
flagstones muddied all the road ? loithed
flake (of snow) l, le
flame for its beauty ? log

flame bre
flame br 2
flame bruithen
flame daig I
flame daiger 1 (daig)
flame lasar (lasaid)
flame loise
flame luisne (loise, luise ?)
flames lasrach
flaming breda (bre)
flaming comlasamain (lasamain)
flaming lemda (lem)
flaming lasamail
flaming lasamnacht (lasamain)
flaming lasrach (lasar)
flaming lasta
flaming loiscnech (loscain ?)
flaming loisct(h)ech (loiscid)
flank ces 4 (-- ?)
flank csn
flank arshliss (1 sliss)
flapping (?, CW) brattgal
flapping? meirbligud (-iud)
flares up comlasaid (lasaid)
flash of lightening forcha (farcha)
flash of lightning lichet
flash casar
flash crithir 1 (a)
flash daiger 1 (daig)
flash geln (gel)
flash lem
flash laisrn
flash lasn (lasaid)
flashes forth (?) diuailsid
flashing laisrn
flashing luisnech (luisne)
flask ampaill
flat of his hand (?) lomm
flat (of land-surface) clrainech (b)
flat ? fortan(for+tenn?)
flat board mas
flat burial space lige
flat hillock maeln (mael)
flat part of the body clr (d)
flat slab of rock lecc
flat slab of stone lecc
flat surface fossad
flatfish leithech (leithe ?, leth?)
flattened lechta
flattens maelaid (mael)
flatterer bladaire (bladar)

flatterer brcaire (brc)
flatterer clanaire (a) (clain 2)
flattering aiplugud
flatters aiplaigid (aipile)
flatters blanndairid (blanndar)
flattery aipile (b) (aipil)
flattery bladar
flattery blanndar
flattery clain 2
flattery clanairecht (clanaire)
flattery midal
flat-topped hillock mael
flatulence gethamlacht (2 geth)
flatulence gethmairecht
flavour blasacht (c)
flavour forblas
flaw (of persons or things) lang I
flaw carad
flaw cinnas
flayed fennta
flaying fennad (a)
flays fennaid (a)
flea cuil 1
flea dergnat (derg?)
flea-bane? millsn (<milis?)
flecked with spots bocitech (bocit)
fleece of a cloak l, le
fleece cna
fleece comthlacht (tlacht)
fleece cotuige (com + tuige)
fleece l, le
fleece lommrad
fleecy lmar (l)
fleeing headlong madmannach (maidm)
fleeing lugud
flees from ar-ingaib
flees to ad-teich
flees fo-luathar
flees maidid
fleet coblach 1
fleet ethidemail (ethait)
fleet loinges (long)
fleet muiriucht
Fleming flmendach
Flemish flondrusach
flesh (of slaughtered animals) felbach (-mach) (feil)
flesh of an animal which has died from natural causes? moirtchenn
flesh broth 2
flesh carna
flesh cnes (b)
flesh colainn (a)

flesh cr
flesh ca 2 (a) = ce
flesh culuiam, -n
flesh feil
flesh fuil
fleshfork 2 el
fleshiness felmairecht (felmar)
fleshless dchollna (colainn)
flesh-meat felbach (-mach) (feil)
fleshworm cert 4
flesh-worm frige
fleshy carnamail (carna)
fleshy felaide
fleshy feldae (feil)
fleshy felmar (feil)
flexibility (?) fec(c)aidecht
flexibility (?) femen 2
flies etel(l)aigid(ir) (etel(l))
flies etil(l)id (etel(l))
flies floaimnigid (folamain)
flies fo-luathar
flies for-lathar
flies lui/d
flight of birds 2 all
flight airngabl
flight aithed 1
flight bristed = bris(s)ed
flight etel(l)
flight etel(l)ach 2
flight etec II (ette)
flight imlamain
flight lamain (lui/d)
flight maidm
flightiness namlacht (namail)
flightiness folaimnige
flinching corracht = corraige
flings off imm-teilci
flint gainae
flippant doscair (a)
floating (in competition) com\.snm (snm)
flock (of birds) (CW) clar (d)
flock of any kind of animal elta 1 (b)
flock of birds 2 all
flock of birds elta 1 (a)
flock of birds nlaith
flock of birds feochaine (fiach)
flock of sheep ceraigecht (a) (cera)
flock alam
flock caine = can 1
flock elba 1
flock ell 3

flock flocus
flock immirge, immirc(h)e
flockbed colcaid
flocks cethrae (cethir)
flood of water murthola
flood buinne (a)
flood dliu, dle (d)
flood far
flood intla
flood intuile
flood la
flooded falraigthe ?
flood-like dlennda (-ta) (dliu)
floods ? falraigthe ?
floods lnaid (ln)
floods lnaid (ln)
flood-surrounded rock imthuile
floor (of a vat, the sea, etc.) domain II
floor airlr (lr)
floor grindell
floor lr
flotsam murchuirthe (-choirthe)
flounder (?) leithech (leithe ?, leth?)
flour men(min)
flour min vx men
flourishes (intrans.) escaraid I (escar 1)
flourishes bertaid 2 (bert)
flourishing appearance (of physical condition) fth 5
flourishing appearance blth (b)
flourishing condition blth (b)
flourishing blthmar (blth)
flourishing caithriugad (caithir)
flourishing foglas (b)
flow (of water) bas 1 (a)
flower of the pomegranate iubrn
flower blth (a)
flower-head (of plants) barr 1 (b)
flowing (?) (freq. of hair) clen I (b)
flowing at the back arlebar (lebar)
flowing copiously com\.siled (siled)
flowing rapidly (?) drraim (a)
flowing together comthuile (tuile)
flowing blicht 2
flowing brisiu
flowing buinnech 1 (buinne)
flowing dbairsiu
flowing folcmar (falc-) (folc)
flowing lebar
flowing lectha
flowing lnad
flows copiously comdortaid

flows forth dubrinn
flows bruinnid 1
flows do-bruinn
flows do-eprinn
flows do-fuisli
flows do-lin (a)
flows dosnai
flows lnaid (ln)
fluent brlamail (blrae, brla)
fluent lmtha
fluid falrad ?
flummery (?) gruthrach
flummery (Gloss.) baidren
flush ell, ella (a)
flush gorad (vn. of guirid, goirid)
flush ls
flushed with pride (fig.) derg (d)
flushes (intrans.) dergaid II (b) (derg)
flushes loise
flushing derge (derg)
fluster gigil
flute cuisle (b)
flute-player cuislennach 1 (cuisle)
flute-playing cuislenacht = cuislennach 2
flute-playing cuislennach 2
flutter faitriud
fluttering (?) ettech, ittech I (b)
fluttering (?) gethrad (2 geth?)
fluttering about imlaimnech (imluaimnecha)
fluttering motion forlamain
fluttering etarlamnach
fluttering etegail II
fluttering etel(l)
fluttering etel(l)ach 2
fluttering folaimnech (folamain)
fluttering folaimnigud
fluttering folamain (abstr. of fo-lu) vx fulumain,
fluttering forlamain
fluttering fulumain
fluttering fulumain
fluttering lamnach, laimnech (lamain)
flutters aloft etarbasaigid (etarbas)
flutters floaimnigid (folamain)
flutters forlamainigid (forlamain)
flutters for-lathar
flutters lamnaigid (lamain)
flux flux, -a
flux indrem, indram
fluxus humoralis lennmar (linn)
Fluxy Barannach (barainn)

fly corrml (corr 1 + ml 1)
fly cuil 1
fly cuilec (cuil 1)
flying (?) ettech, ittech I (b)
flying etarlamain
flying eted (ette)
flying etegail II
flying etel(l)
flying etel(l)ach 1 (etel(l))
flying etel(l)ach 2
flying etellad
flying etec II (ette)
flying folaimnech (folamain)
flying folaimnigud
flying folamain (abstr. of fo-lu) vx fulumain,
flying fuluth -d ? vn. of fo-lu, fo-lathar
flying imlamain
flying lamain (lui/d)
flying lamnach, laimnech (lamain)
foal bromach (broimm)
foal lurn
foal lurchaire
foam coipp
foam cubar 1 (a)
foam cubrach 2 = cubar 1
foam dos 3
foam enbarr
foaming (of a waterfall) brenfadach (bren 1)
foaming cubrach 1 (cubar 1)
foaming cubrnach 1 (cubar)
foaming cubrnach 2 = cubar 2, cubrach 2
foaming fichdach (fichid 2)
foam-like cubarda (cubar 1)
foam-like cubrnach 1 (cubar)
focus cride (b)
fodder (for animals) biad (a)
fold (for animals) cr 1 I (a)
fold dal 2
fold mainder
fold mainrechta?
folded fillte (b)
folded forcipol, forcepol
folded forfillte (fillid)
folding dablad, dablud (b)
folding filliud (b)
folding forfilliud (filliud)
folds together con-filli (fillid)
folds fillid I (b)
foliage (of trees etc.) cab
foliage clm, clim (e)

foliage duille (a)
foliage duillebad (duille)
foliage duillebar (duille)
foliage duillerad
foliage folt (falt)
folk that abide in foss (fos)
folk 2 es
follower dthchasach (b) (dthchas)
follower fothoscaigid
follower armrthaid
follower lenamnach (lenamain)
follower lentir (lenad)
follower lorgaire (lorg)
followers (?) cuilidech
followers falas
followers lenad
followers muinter
following len(a)main
following (a leader) len(a)main
following (levying?) comsechem (sechem)
following after i ndead, i ndiad (a)
following after lorg
following generation argrd (grd)
following immediately on (of time) degaid 1 (b)
following leap-year ? fuirbisech, -bisext vx bisech
following of deorads (?) deoradas (deorad)
following on muin
following the course of la
following up or prosecuting (a claim) foilm
following 2 adrad
following airlenmain
following ar druim(m) IV (c)
following comlenmain
following cuitechta (con + techt 1 or 2)
following dm I
following dechrad 3
following di, do is 2 (b)
following dle (*d-len-?)
following foilenmain (a)
following forlenmain
following fuilliucht (sliucht)
following glenail
following len(a)main
following len(a)main
following len(a)main
following len(a)main
follows (?, CW) comaithigid 1 (aithigid 1)
follows (a leader) lenaid
follows (a track) lenaid
follows closely coimlenaid (lenaid)
follows *fo-tochoisgedar

follows 2 adraid
follows ad-len
follows con-tochoisgedar
follows dechraid 3 I (dechair)
follows do-coisgedar
follows do-armrat
follows fo-glen
follows fo-len vx foilenmain
follows armi-frat (? armi-fo-uss-reth)
follows in-tet (in-in-tt)
follows in-len
follows in-tt
follows lenaid
follows lenaid
follows lenaid
folly ammatnacht (ammatn)
folly bes, bas (a) (beth 1)
folly besrad (bes)
folly bethn(t)acht (bethn)
folly bethar (beth 1)
folly btgnad (bt + gnth)
folly d/uitecht (b) (d/uit)
folly dchall (call)
folly dthuisce (tuicsiu)
folly ccondacht (ccond)
folly esba(e)
folly forbaise (-baise ?)
folly inges
folly leime (lem)
fomentation fobairt II
fomorian fomir
fomorian fomrach
fond of blood ? fuilchar
fond of buying coibchech (coibche 1)
fond of gatherings (?) comdlach (comdl)
fond of horse-racing graifnech (grafand)
fond of learning icsech (icse)
fond of poetry danach (dan)
fond of poetry icsech (icse)
fond of slaughter corpchar (corp + car)
fond of -car 5 (caraid)
fond of dlmar (dil 2)
fond 2 grdach (2 grd)
fond bdach, bidech (bid)
fond bad (a)
fondles do-atailci
fondling inmaille (inmall)
fondling muirnech (muirn)
fondling muirnnecht
fondness 2 gen
fondness 2 grd ?

fondness bid (a)
fondness dil 2 (a)
fondness fonn
food cooked fulacht
food given to a chief as due fuirired, -iud (fuired)
food of the waiting furnaide
food refreshment fothad, -ud
food accnabad
food accnamacht
food bairgen (b)
food betha (d) (bo)
food bethamnas (b)
food biad (a)
food badbach (biad)
food colt 1
food coth
food cothad (b)
food es 7
food es(s)air II
food feis(s) 2, fess (c)
food fad 7
food fuirec
food ln
food(-rent) due from client to lord (legal) biad (b)
foodless ascaltach (ascalt)
food-levy (legal) biad (b)
food-rent payable to the lord about harvest (?) fer II
food-rent bathad
food-supplies airbert biuth
fool ainecnae 1
fool amal 1
fool amln (amal 1)
fool ammatn (ammait)
fool bethn (beth 1)
fool bethlach (beth)
fool buic(n)e
fool buicell
fool buicelln = buicell
fool ceptha
fool du 1
fool, idiot beth 1 II (a)
fool? meile
foolhardy act anglond (a) = glond 1
foolhardy mer
foolish (?) feth 2
foolish act (?) bethla
foolish person borb (c)
foolish woman ammait (b)
foolish aincillide (cillide)
foolish ainecnae 1
foolish ainfth

foolish ammatnach (ammatn)
foolish ammatnta (ammatn)
foolish besach, basech (bes)
foolish beth 1 I (a)
foolish bethnta (bethn)
foolish bethrach (bethar)
foolish borb (a)
foolish dchillid(e) (dchill)
foolish dchuind (cond)
foolish ccallach
foolish ccnaid
foolish cconda (ccond)
foolish fortromm
foolish ingeth
foolish inglicc
foolish lem
foolish, blabbering man glugaire
foolishness ainecnae 2 (ecnae)
foolishness ammaite = ammaitecht
foolishness ammaitecht (b)
foolishness bairseca
foolishness bathe (beth)
foolishness ccrnnacht (ccrnna)
foorpad lergaire (lerg)
foot (CW) (metr.) cos (c)
foot (of mountains) bun 1
foot bonn 1
foot bun 1
foot cos (a)
foot imbel?
foot los
foot la
foot-cloak futcloc
foot-cloth futcloc
foot-gear coisbe(i)rt (cos + bert)
foothills air\.slab (slab)
footman coisid = coisige
footman coisige (cos)
footpath casn 1 (cas 1)
foot-soldier coisige (cos)
foot-soldiers cos (d)
footstool (?) forscemel (scemel)
footstool foscemel (sceimel)
for (introducing a dative) do 1 B
for (of time) de 1, di
for (the purpose of) comair (c)
for a long time diu 1
for a long time fota, fata
for all that callic (a)
for as long as (in) cin III (a)
for attack imfoichid, imfochaid

for certain co h-irithe
for certain dirithe (b)
for exemption from being tormented imddnad
for fear of being put to shame by them imdergad
for good unto maith
for how long cairet
for long distances muirdrecht (-drcht ?)
for long spaces muirdrecht (-drcht ?)
for mousing (?) athacht ?
for other adornment imdnam
for the benefit of les
for the crime of an idiot...or madwoman ? inngi
for the first time ct- 1 (c)
for the last time fo deud, fo diud (c)
for the mastery of the country imchosnam
for the most part formr=airmr
for the ostensible purpose of lerg
for the present callic (b)
for the purpose of agad
for the purpose of ar 1 II (f)
for the purpose of ar ammus
for the purpose of dig 1 I
for the reason that ar 2
for the sake of (?) muin
for the sake of shunning comparison between themselves and Jews dal, dol
for the sake of 3 a
for the sake of ar 1 II (a)
for the sake of ar cndairc 1 III
for the sake of dig 1 I
for the sake of fo bth, fo bthin I
for the sake of for
for the sake of gell
for the sake of imm, imb
for the sake of maith
for the sake of prep. + dgain, digin
for the thing which is fixed for the satire imchommus
for the year bladnamail (bladain)
for thereby the mortality is prevented (cured) from coming ccaid (cc)
for which half-penances with half-arrea atone...others which an arreum with one third of penances
atones for... ccaid (cc)
for whom the yew branch bends ibar > iubar, iobar
for agad
for air-
for al 2 = ol 2
for ar 1 II (a)
for ar 2
for ar is 2 (b)
for dig 1 II
for de 1, di
for didiu (b)
for do 1 A

for fo bth, fo bthin II
for fo, fa, f II (q)
for I
for maith
for tar (dar) is 2 (e)
foraging (?) foraigecht
foray (?) dbart 2, duba(i)rt
foray indred
foraying foraigecht
forbade atrorbe
forbearance ? imchor
forbearance ainmne (a)
forbearance foditiu (b)
forbearance foditnige
forbearance fuarrige, fuarraige (fuarrech)
forbearance imchor
forbearance immairchissecht
forbearing ainmnetach (ainme)
forbearing fuarrech
forbearing maithmech
forbidden (?) dching
forbidden air\.fcartha
forbidden airchoillte (a)
forbidden airgarthae
forbidden coiscthe
forbidden crosta
forbidding crosad
forbidding crostlta (crostil)
forbidding daibsech (dabais)
forbids ar-cuilli (a)
forbids ar-gair (a)
forbids crosaid (cros)
forbids do-airgair
forbids do-airmesca
force (?) fersechas (fersech)
force (?) fersige (fersech)
force (i.e. exercised by persons upon others) icen (b)
force a combat on me furilem
force 1 gus
force brg (a)
force brgmairecht = brgmaire
force brgrad = brg
force brosnn (brosna)
force cuit
force icentas II
force icnige (icnech 1)
force forecor
force foricnige
force forndecht
force fortresse
force fuinnem

force gailidecht (gal)
forced loan airrach (a)
forceful ? fuinnemda (fuinnem)
forceful bras
forceful brgach (brg)
forceful dan 1
forceful forbrigach (forbrg)
forceful frslach
forces comthcbil (c)
forces con-icnigedar (icnigid)
forces dingid (c)
forces icnigid (a) (icen)
forces foricnigid
forcible seizure forgabl (forngabl)
forcible icnech 1 (a) (icen)
forcible esentadach II (esenta)
forcible foricnech
forcing ? frsil
forcing aindenugad
forcing dobrgad (brg)
forcing icnigud (a)
forcing foricnigud
ford th
fords (?) foirthiu
forefinger corrmr (corr 1 + mr)
forefront airin (a)
forefront airbruinne = 1 bruinne
fore-front airenach (a)
fore-grinding (lit.) aurbleith (bleith)
forehead (?) forad (-od, -ud)
forehead tan
fore-health (= former health?) ar\.sline (sline)
foreign (Norse or English) gallda ( 1 gall)
foreign dog allach (al 1? + c)
foreign mercenaries franc, frangc
foreign parts allmuir (c)
foreign people ainfine 1 (fine)
foreign settler deorad
foreign soldier cnicht
foreign territory coicrch (com + crch)
foreign woman 1 gaillsech
foreign ailitherdae (ailithir)
foreign allmarach (a) (allmuir)
foreign allmarda (-ae) (allmuir)
foreign allmuirede = allmarda
foreign andthaig (dthaig)
foreign barbarach (a)
foreign comaithech I (comaithe)
foreign deorata (deorad)
foreign echtarda
foreign echtranda (echtrann)

foreign echtrann
foreigner mercenaries for combat 1 Gall
foreigner *foirtir
foreigner 1 Gall
foreigner allmarach (b) (allmuir)
foreigner allmuir (a)
foreigner ambuacht = ambuae
foreigner ambuae (buae)
foreigner coicrch (com + crch)
foreigner comaithech II (b) (comaithe)
foreigner danar III
foreigner echtrann
foreigner echtrannach (echtrann)
foreigner murchuirthe (-choirthe)
foreignness allmardacht (allmarda)
foreignness galldacht (gallda)
fore-knowledge airis (a)
fore-knowledge imbas, imbus
foremost brainech (b) (braine 1)
foremost ct- 1 (a)
fore-part (?) airrainn (rind 1?)
forepart airenach (a)
forepledge airgell (gell)
fore-purchases do-aurchren
foreshadowing foscad
foresight ? imcaisiu
forest caill 1
forest fidba(i)d
forest foras (foraois)
foretells do-airchain
foretells do-airngir (b)
foretoken figrad, fiugrad
foretokens figraid, fiugraid (figair)
forewarning forfcra
forfeit (legal) dlsech (dles, dlse)
forfeit comdles (dles)
forfeited (legal) dlsech (dles, dlse)
forfeited by () (legal) dles 1 I (b) (d- + les)
forfeited to (do) (legal) dles 1 I (a) (d- + les)
forfeited luigid
forfeiting dlsigud, dsligud (b)
forfeits dlmainigidir (b) (dlmain)
forfeits do-eipen (a)
forfeiture dlse (b) (dles)
forfeiture dthim, -aim
forfex bise 2
forge or furnace foirnis 2
forgetful dermatach (dermat)
forgetful ccuimnech
forgetfulness ainmebair (mebair)
forgetfulness dermat

forgetfulness dermatche (dermatach)
forgetfulness dchuimne (cuimne)
forgetfulness ccuimne
forgets (?) do-callathar
forgets (?) fo-ceird III (c)
forgets dermataid, dermaitid (dermat)
forgets do-ruimnethar
forgetting dermat
forgetting dchell 1
forging bruith (a)
forgiveness dlgadche, dlgedche (dlgudach)
forgiveness dlgud (a)
forgiveness dlogad = dlgud
forgiveness logad
forgiveness maithemnas
forgiveness maithmechas
forgiveness maithmige
forgives (?) do-maithi (b)
forgives dlgaigid (do-luigi)
forgives do-luigi
forgives logaid
forgives maithid
forgiving dlgud (a)
forgiving dlgudach (dlgud)
forgiving loigthech (logad)
forgiving maithem
forgiving maithmech
forgiving maithmedach
forgoes do-eipen (a)
forgoing maithem
fork between the fingers and the rest of the hand ladar
fork between the fingers and the thumb ladar
fork of a gallows gabul
fork of the body gabul
fork 1 gabal vx gabul
fork 1 gabln
fork forc
fork gabul
fork glac (c)
forked ? gabul
forked branch of a tree gabul
forked branch 2gablach (gabul)
forked 1 gablach (gabul)
forked gablnach (gabln)
forlorn comduilig (doilig)
forlorn esbadach, -aidech (e) (esbaid)
forlorn inraithech
form (?) fir
form a plural number ilaigidir
form of great ruggedness mordraige
form of word litred (liter)

form 1 gnis
form agad
form alt 1 III (b)
form cl (b)
form cr
form cruth 1
form cruthugud (a)
form cucht 1
form cummad
form cummae
form delb 1 (a)
form dnmas (a) (dnum)
form dnum II (a)
form ccosc (e)
form is 4
form foirm (a)
form for
form forgn
form forgnis
form forma
form foscad
form farma vx forma
form fath
form fath
form glsnithe (glnthe, glnsnithe,
form gn
form mig
form imdnam
form muad
formal notice of opposition foguir(r)iud, fogurrad
formal delbthach (delbad)
formal foirmemail
formation com\.sreth
formation dnmas (b) (dnum)
formation dolbud (a)
formative dnmasach (a) (dnmas)
formed like the havens of Paradise imdnam
formed delbtha
former wife aithben (ben)
former ct- 1 (a)
formidable (attrib.) ansae 1 I (c) (ass(a)e)
formidable task anobair (opar)
forming a "muinter" muinterda
forming a part of for
forming a portion of for
forming hasty judgements (?) forbrethach
forming superficial judgements (?) forbrethach
forming ceppad (b)
forming cruthugud (a)
forming cummad

forming delbad (delb 1)
forming dolbud (a)
formless matter from which creation proceeded mass
formless ccruta (a)
formless ccruthach (a)
formless ccruthaigthe
forms (by aggregation of units) do-gn II (b)
forms (by magic) dolbaid (b)
forms (ling.) do-gn II (f)
forms (trans.) delbaid I (a) (delb)
forms a manner mainnrid
forms a plan do-lci IV
forms an estimate of fo-midethar
forms an opinion do-lci IV
forms flesh (?) felaigid (feil)
forms into bands drongaid (drong)
forms into herds drongaid (drong)
forms ?formaigid
forms ceppaid (a) (cepp)
forms crutha(ig)id (a) (cruth 1)
forms damnaigidir 1 (damnae)
forms delbaigid (delb 1)
forms do-gn II (a)
forms dolbaid (a)
forms foirmid
forms fathaigid (fath)
forms glacaid (glac)
formula airrosc
formulated? foirmthe
formulates foirmid
fornication trad
fornication fuichecht, also fuchacht
fornicator tradach (trad)
forsaken drechtach (drechtae)
forsakes do-rig 1 (a)
forsakes irgid (h) de
forsakes licid
forsakes licid
forsaking dirge
forswearing fretech
forswears fris-toing
fort (CW) car
fort borg
fort caistl
fort dn
fort dnlis (dn + lis)
forthwith (of an action commanded or about to begin) festa (a)
forthwith fo chtir
forthwith fri athlad na henaire
forthwith fuirech
fortieth cethrachatmad (cethracha)

fortification daingniugud II
fortification rmr = airmr
fortifications mrach (mr)
fortified city cathair 1 (c)
fortified dwelling dnphort (dn + port)
fortified enclosure (for protection of cattle?) badn
fortified hill dind (b)
fortified residence dnrus (dn + rus)
fortified town borg
fortified town caistl
fortified town dind (b)
fortified cladach 1 (a) (clad)
fortifies (milit.) daingnigidir I (b) (daingen)
fortifies daingnid I (daingen)
fortifying daingniugud I (b)
fortifying deimnigud (b)
fortifying gabl
fortifying mraid
fortnight cicthiges
fortress cathair 1 (a)
fortress cloch (f)
fortress daingen II (a)
fortress daingniugud II
fortress longphort
fortress-like (?) dindgnach (dindgna)
fortunate dmar
fortunate ar bail (bal)
fortunate bennachtach (bennacht)
fortunate bil 2
fortunate gainithir
fortunate mad
fortunate maraid and mairid
fortunate mochen (-chin)
fortunately mad
fortune conch
fortune feb I (b)
fortune fortn
forty cethracha (cethair)
forward (of persons) bras
forward position airenach (a)
forward agad
forward dnae 1 I (c)
forwards innonn
foster parents 2 goire (gor)
fosterage merits annulling imfoichid, imfochaid
fosterage aicce
fosterage ailemain
fosterage altram(m)
fosterage altrannas (altra)
fosterage comalt 1
fosterage daltacht

fosterage daltus
fosterage? aicidecht
fosterage-fee arrath, -rad, -raith, -raid
foster-brother comalta (con-ail)
foster-brother comdalta (daltae)
foster-brother derbchomalta (derb 1 + comalta)
fosterbrotherhood comaltas (comalta)
fosterer ailemnir (ailemain)
fosterer ailtre
fosterer altram(m)aid 2 (altramm)
foster-father aite 1 (a)
foster-father altra
foster-father dait 1
foster-father data
fostering ailemain
fostering alt 4, altae
fostering altram(m)
fostering altrannas (altra)
fostering banaltrannas (banaltra)
fosterling (?) alt 4, altae
fosterling daltae I
fosterling mes(s)
foster-mother banaltra (ben + altra)
foster-mother datnat
foster-mother frithmuime
fostermother muim(m)e
fostermother muim(m)ech
fosters ailid 1
fosters do-fcaib I (h)
foster-sister comalta (con-ail)
foster-son daltae I
foudroyer laithren = laithred
fought cathaigthe
foul water dorbuisce (dobur 1 + uisce)
foul water fal
foul weather doinenn
foul brn
foul-mouthed (?) gensalach
foulmouthed dobeil (bl)
foulmouthedness doithnges (doithnge)
foulness (?) fall 2
foundation (of armies) bun 1
foundation (of law, etc.) ail 1 (d)
foundation ailech 1
foundation all 1 (b)
foundation bunitecht = bunit
foundation congbil (-l) (c)
foundation durthach
foundation duthrach
foundation fonn
foundation forus

foundation fotha
foundation fotha
foundation fothad, -ud
foundation fuirmiud, -med
foundation fundam(e)int (fond-)
foundation grian
foundation grindell
foundations of virtues futhu
founder (in general) (?) rlam II (c)
founder (of a church or monastery) rlam II (a)
founder fundir vx fondir
founding ittiugad (b)
founding fothad, -ud
founding fothugad
founds (a building) fothaigid (fotha)
founds ittigid (b) (itt)
founds con-gaib (b)
founds do-fuissim III (b)
fountain-head genemain
four carrying him imfolang, imfulang
four persons cethrar (cethair)
four things cethardae (cethair)
four cethair
fourfold cethardae (cethair)
four-footed animal cethir (cethair)
fourness cethardatu (cethardae)
four-sided cetharchair (cethair + eochair 7)
fourth part of a quatrain (metr.) cethramthu (g) (cethramad)
fourth part cethramthu (a-d) (cethramad)
fourth subdivision of the fine indfine
fourth cethramad (cethair)
four-wheeled carriage cethairrid (cethair + rad)
four-wheeled chariot cethairrid (cethair + rad)
fowl ethait, ethaite
fowler eittigthid
fowler nadir
fowler goisteir (goiste)
fowling enach II (en)
fowling nairecht (n 1)
fowling goisteirecht (goisteir)
fox clan ? loarn
fox coin\.fad (c + fad 2)
fox crimthan(n)
fox loisinnn
fragile (character) bristech (bris(s)ed)
fragile brisc
fragile daingen I
fragility bristige (bristech)
fragment blog (a)
fragment blogradach (blog)
fragment boim(m)

fragment brosnach = brosna
fragment bruan = bruar
fragment combach
fragment ledbg (ledb)
fragmentary? menbach (menb)
fragmented aicmeidech
fragments (?) bairne 2
fragments brit (c)
fragments brtach (brit)
fragments braid
fragments bruar
fragments brirech
fragments bruscar
fragments menaige
fragments minbach
fragrance (?) blth (a)
fragrance bolad
fragrance bolt(a)nugad
fragrance boltanad
fragrance boltanas
fragrance bolthaigthetu
fragrance cumrae
fragrance? midchlos
fragrant (?) bolorda
fragrant bud? foilleagn
fragrant like honey milide (mil)
fragrant plant cumrae
fragrant balsamach (balsam)
fragrant boladmar (bolad)
fragrant boltanach (bolad)
fragrant boltnaigthech (bolt(a)naigid)
fragrant cumrae
fragrant cumraide = cumrae
frail aiprisc (ad + brisc)
frail fil (fil) (a)
frailty aiprisce (aiprisc)
frailty aipriscecht = aiprisce
frame (?) comblaid
frame (?) cuing
frame of a door imdorus
frame crett
framer delbatir (delb 1)
framer delbthir (delbad)
frames (in mind) do-gn II (d)
frames foirmid
framework of shield clath (d)
framework fuirmiud, -med
France franc, frangc vx Onom
Franciscan minr
Frank franc, frangc
Frank frangcach

Frankish mercenaries frangcach
Frankish frangcach
frantic dremun
frantic ccalla (call)
frantic ccallaid, -e (b) (call)
fraternal brthardae (brthair)
fraud celgad
fraud comdupairt (dupart)
fraud dupairtche (dupartach)
fraud fomraith, -raid
fraud in(n)recht
fraud lobais
fraudulent dupartach (a) (dupart)
fraudulently (?) fo-serba (serbad)
frauenhaft (?) cuinde
fray fuirrsceo
fray mellgal
freckle (?) brecce =bricce (?)
freckled (?) fobrecc
freckled ballach (ball)
freckles bricce (a) (brecc)
freckling bricce (a) (brecc)
freckling briccne (brecc)
free (?) dchomais
free (of persons) dlmain (d)
free (to act) (of agent or instrument) dlmain (b)
free circuit of youth maccomnacht
free from difficulty dchest (ceist)
free from error doerridech (errid)
free from guilt dchinaid (cin)
free from reproach dascach (daisc)
free from sin ? imnocht
free from storm and gloomy skies imduibe
free from the craven fear of defeat maetnd
free of debt ainfich (fach)
free of obligation ainfich (fach)
free of obligation ainfachach = ainfich
free quarters coinnmed
free victuals foigde, faigde (c)
free will is
free fras
free lthmar (lth)
free, at large (?) fodlmain
freebooter dbergach (a) (dberg)
freebooting dberg (a) (d + bergg)
freedom (?) dlmainecht (dlmaine)
freedom (from liability) dlmainetu (dlmaine)
freedom (of speech) dlmaines (b) (dlmaine)
freedom from guilt enncae (ennac)
freedom from guilt enncus
freedom dlmaine (a) (dlmain)

freedom dlmaine (b) (dlmain)
freedom laxae (lax)
freeholder fondire vx fundir
free-lance dlmainech (dlmaine)
freeman aire 3
free-will offering dthracht (d)
freight ld
French language fraingcis
French language franc, frangc
French tongue franc, frangc
French frangcach
Frenchman franc, frangc
frenzied rage dsacht V
frenzied bailedach (bailiud see bailiugad)
frenzied dchell 2
frenzy (?) airbuile
frenzy (?) dible
frenzy 1 grith
frenzy bes, bas (a) (beth 1)
frenzy baile 2
frenzy badraise, badris, badirse (a) (baidrid)
frenzy falang
frenzy mire (mer)
frequency gns (gnth)
frequency gnthaige (gnthach)
frequency gnthche (gnthach)
frequency gnthe (gnth)
frequency meince (mince)
frequency mincecht
frequent assemblies meinic(c)
frequent coimtig (a)
frequent meincichtech
frequent meinic(c)
frequentation comthataige (tathaige s. taithigid 1)
frequentation gns (gnth)
frequentation immaithigid
frequented by boats ethrach (ethar)
frequented by many bands of clerics clarach (clar)
frequented by many bands clarach (clar)
frequented by many bands clarach (clar)
frequented by many choirs clarach (clar)
frequented by many poet-bands clarach (clar)
frequented by ships ? lestrach (lestar)
frequenter of camps longphortach (longphort)
frequenting meetings (CW) dltach I = dlach
frequenting meetings dlach I
frequenting aithigid 2 (a)
frequenting gnthugud
frequenting immaithigid
frequenting imthathaige, imthathaigid
frequents (intrans. with prep. or adv. of place) do-aithigi (b)

frequents (trans.) do-aithigi (a)
frequents aithigid 1
frequents athathaigid = aithigid 1
frequents clechtaid (clecht 1)
frequents con-treba (trebaid)
frequents gnthaigid (gnth)
frequents immaithigid
fresh (of wounds) anapaig (c) (apaig)
fresh attack athamus (ath + ammus)
fresh foliage athchlm (clm)
fresh judgement aithbreth (breith)
fresh slaughter (?) athr (r)
fresh 2 glas
fresh 2 glas
freshet farlach vx loch
freshly strewn lachrad
freshness tath
fretting crintech (creinn)
Friar Minor minr
friction imchommailt
fried (?) brothrach 1
friend aithnid 3 II (aithne 2)
friend cem 1 II (a)
friend cemn (cem 1)
friend cemthach 1
friend cara 1
friend coicile (b) (com + cile)
friend comdil (com + dil)
friend comdile (dile)
friend commaid (c) (com + buith)
friend compn
friend comthach 1 (commaid)
friend eiris
friendless dchairdech (carae)
friendless dochraitech (dochraite)
friendlessness dochraite (a) (dochrait)
friendliness cairdemlacht (cairdemail)
friendliness comarsanacht (b) (comarsa)
friendliness comrichne
friendly relations comchairde (cairde)
friendly relationship concairdes (c + cairdes?)
friendly surroundings caratrad (a) (cara 1)
friendly cairdech 1 (cara 1)
friendly cairdemail (cara 1)
friendly cairdide (cairde)
friendly comrichnech (comrichne)
friendly muinterach
friendly muinterda
friendly muintremail
friendlyness icht
friends (?) finechaire

friendship cemna (a)
friendship cairdes (a) (cara 1)
friendship cairdine (cara 1)
friendship caratrad (a) (cara 1)
friendship carthanacht (carthanach)
friendship cenl (g)
friendship coicile (c) (com + cile)
friendship comaltas (comalta)
friendship commann
friendship compnacht (compn)
friendship compntas (compn)
friendship comthanas
friendship condalb(d)us = condalbae
friendship cotach 1
friendship cundu
friendship muinteras
fright ? fubthad
fright bidgad
frightening fubthad
frightening fubthad
frightens (?) bubthaid = fo-botha
frigid aigretta (aigred)
fringe (of army in battle-array) cimas (b)
fringe of tassels luban
fringe cor(r)thar
fringe fabra (b)
fringed cor(r)tharach (corrthar)
Frisian fresen
frivolous (?) dthrom (trom)
frivolous (?) felesach 2 (feles 2)
frivolous aerach
frivolous cuitbedach (cuitbiud)
frock cubal 2
frog frog
frog lafan
frog loscann
from (with verbs of depriving, lacking, etc.) ar 1 II (j)
from (with verbs of protecting, saving) ar 1 II (k)
from a far country imchan
from a person for absconding imchim
from a person for deserting imchim
from A`s generous line ichtmar (icht)
from above anas (a) (s 1)
from above denas = anas
from across the sea ler
from behind anar (a)
from below ans (a) (s 1)
from below chtar
from below inds
from beyond anall
from here asu

from here di\.su
from home immaig
from neck to rump ?midid
from outside ammaig
from outside anechtair (an +echtair)
from plural cases ildae (il)
from several heirs il
from that time forward immach > ammach
from that di\.sin
from the blade dsach (das 1)
from the east (implying motion) anair 2 (c)
from the front anair 2 (a)
from the great cattle-killing is named B.B. martgal
from the irregular life imlat
from the lowest man of the geilfine division chtarach (chtar)
from the north ataid (a) (taid)
from the opposite side anall
from the outside danechtair (prep. de + an + echtair)
from the place ath
from the point across which the middle cut goes midba(e)
from the right andess (a) (dess)
from the sound of the digamma inmth ?
from the south andess (b) (dess)
from the west (very often implying position rather than motion) anar (b)
from the wounding furbad
from this place adu
from this time on festa (b)
from which there is no escape dthrnam (trnam)
from without danechtair (prep. de + an + echtair)
from without mag
from you let a salutation to them be taken imchomarc
from 7 a
from 7 a IV
from de 1, di
from fri
from immaig
from la
from lr
from leth
front (of things, places) drech 1 (b)
front iron (some part of spear) airarn (arn)
front of the knee (kneecap?) airgln (gln)
front of the shoulder airgala (gala)
front part airther I (a)
front spout (of bellows) airbuinne (2 buinne)
front thong of a javelin airall (all)
front agad
front airbruinne = 1 bruinne
front airdrech 2 (drech)
front airtherach (airther)
front braine 1

front brainech 2 (braine 1)
front br 1 (c)
front bruinne (c) (br 1)
front enech 1, ainech I
front tan
frontage of buildings etc. airenach (b)
frontal position braine 1
fronted brainech (a) (braine 1)
frontier blat
frontier methas, -us
fronting fo chomardus, i ccomardus (comard)
front-wall rmr = airmr
frost 2 adar
frost cuisne
frosty cuisnech (cuisne)
froth cubar 1 (a)
froth dos 3
froth enbarr
frothing blinnach (blinn)
frothing cubrach 1 (cubar 1)
frothy cubrnach 1 (cubar)
frown 2 gnis
frowning at the brow grangach (grainc)
frowning ? graincemail (grainc)
frowning muisech
frozen aigretta (aigred)
frozen cuisse
fructus iuniperi ibar > iubar, iobar
fruit of the blackthorn irne (a)
fruit of the sloe (prunus spinosa) draigen
fruit airthorad (torad)
fruit cnas
fruit fogla
fruitful blichtmar (blicht 1)
fruitful clannach (b) (clann)
fruitful intorthach
fruitful ithmar (ith)
fruitful mes(s)ach (mes)
fruitless dman (a) (man)
fruitless dtharba (torbae)
fruitless dtharbach = dtharba
fruitless madach (madae)
fruitlessly madach (madae)
frying pan ? frithoigen (aigen)
frying friil, priil
fuel ? ? molc
fuel brosna (-ae)
fugitive (from law or legal obligations) ldach, -dach, -dach II (b) (ld)
fugitive host fuidrecht
fugitive dbertach (dbert)
fugitive laigthech

fugitive ldach, -dach, -dach II (a) (ld)
fulfilled crchnaigthe
fulfilling (?, CW) comaltach (comalnad)
fulfilling comall
fulfilling comalnad (-ll-)
fulfilling comlnugud
fulfilling comlnad
fulfilling crch (a)
fulfilling frad (a)
fulfilling frugud
fulfilling frecra(e)
fulfilling lnad
fulfills comlnaid (comln)
fulfills fraid (a) (fr 1)
fulfills fraigid (fr)
fulfills for-fen
fulfilment comall
fulfilment comalnad (-ll-)
fulfils comalnaithir
fulfils crchnaigid (crch)
fulfils do-gn I (c)
fulfils for-lna
full (in B. na f.) fliuch (b)
full (of a mill) fotha vx fothad
full (of a vessel) fotha vx fothad
full (of) ln
full account of the proceedings imline (imln)
full amount lnad
full complement ln
full health com\.slinte (slinte)
full justification (?) condethbire (deithbire)
full number ln
full of bees bechda (bech)
full of cairns carnnach (carnn)
full of chinks ggach (gg)
full of darkness (?) ainglse
full of fear foramnach
full of fish ascmar (asc)
full of fleas dergnatach (dergnat)
full of good-will dthrachtach (d) (dthracht)
full of grain grnmar (grn)
full of graves fertach 2 (fert 1)
full of herds cethrach (cethrae)
full of huts bothach 1 (both 2)
full of longing elscothach (elscoth)
full of mounds fertach 2 (fert 1)
full of nuts cnmar (cn)
full of packs (of wolves etc.) canach (a) (can 1)
full of problems cestach (ceist)
full of protection imdegail
full of reptiles crumach (cruim 1)

full of retreats clach (cl)
full of robbers latranda (latrann)
full of sparks drithlennach 1 (a) = drithlech
full of thought imritech (imrd)
full of troubles are the plains of Ireland athach (ath)
full of wailing golfartach
full of wailing golmar (gol)
full of wounds cnedmar = cnedach
full of years bladnach (bladain)
full pace deiscimm (dess + cimm)
full quarter forba, forbae
full speed comlath (lath)
full to visions brinnach (a) (brinn)
full airln (ln)
full comlann I
full comlnta
full folln, falln
full inich
full ln
full ln
full ln
full lnmar (ln)
full lnmar (ln)
full-blooded (fig.) derg (d)
full-eared grnmar (grn)
fuller of cloth crmaire (cr)
fuller glanadir (glanad)
fuller ladaige (lad)
fuller ladaire (lad)
full-grown forbartach
full-grown forbartach
fulling (cloth) lad
fullness comline (comln)
fullness comlintius = comlinius
fullness line (ln)
full-subduing (?) airchloithmech
fulmination bloma = bladma
fulness indracus (indraic)
fulness inichus (inich)
fulness lomnn
fume d 1 I
fume dethach (a)
fumes (?) muad
fumes of the concoction fulacht
fuming fichthech, figth-
fuming fichud
fumitory fuimiter
fun grenn
function of a briugu briugas (briugu)
function of a briugu brugachus
function of a confessor anmchairde (anmchara)

function of a confessor anmchairdes = anmchairde
function of a fuirseir fuirseracht
function of a teacher forcetlaidecht
function dn VI
function engracus (engraic)
function engraic
function feidm (b)
function frithgnam
function arfeidm
function mm
function mod
fundament ms
fundamental doctrine forus
fundamental principles of knowledge or science forus
fundamental bunad (e) (bun 1)
fundamental bunitech (bunit)
funeral cry lgairecht (--?)
funeral song adnacul
funeral adnacul
funeral fataide (-aige)
fur (?) fethan
fur cloak lthar
fur of an animal l, le
fur of animals clm, clim (b)
fur brothar (broth 1 ?)
fur finnfad
fur gr
furious (?) barrannta
furious (?) combruithin (bruithen)
furious (?) dois
furious (CW) cuthachtach (cuthach)
furious battle mer
furious bruthach (bruth 1)
furious bruthmar (bruth 1)
furious biremail (bire)
furious comtholg (tolg 2)
furious confadach (confaid)
furious confaite = confadach
furious daigerdae (daiger 1)
furious danardae III
furious dsachtach (dsacht)
furious dsachtaigthe
furious degrach
furious dremun
furious fchda (fch 2)
furious fchmar (fch 2)
furious frech
furious frechda (frech)
furiously ? friuchaigbech
furnished with bridges (?) drochtech (drochet)
furnished with cups cachach 1 (cach, see cuch)

furnished with goblets cachach 1 (cach, see cuch)
furnished with linen cloths anartach (anart 1)
furnished with loops (?) drolach (drol 1)
furnished with rings (?) drolach (drol 1)
furnished with thongs or cords 2 allach (1 all)
furnishes (a table) do-fcaib I (g)
furnishes enough for feraid I (a)
furnishes proof concerning imm-dni
furnishing frestal
furniture errad 2, irrad
furniture fointreb
furniture inchrud (crod)
furniture intreb
furrow (?) fuithirbe
furrow clas 1 (a) (claidid)
furrow etarche, etrige, eitre
furrow immaire
furrowed claidech
furrowed dlochtnach (dlochtn 2, q.v.)
furrowed etrigech (etarche)
further (with nouns) aith-, ath-
further part arthar
further setting out attochomlad (tochomlad)
further alltarach (alltar)
further beus (b)
further dano I
further didiu (c)
further fs (bs, bes)
further artharach
further immechtrach (immechtar)
further, outer, on the other side alltarach (alltar)
furthering commrad (b)
furthermore for-t
furthermost part chtar
furthermost parts of the sea ? chtar
furthermost artharach
fury (?) bach 2
fury (?) drecma
fury (?) dris
fury of arms armgal (arm + gal 1)
fury 1 gal
fury ainbthen (b)
fury anfud (b)
fury anra/ig
fury brag
fury bruth 1 I (b) (berbaid)
fury bruthgal = bruth 1
fury bire
fury brach (a)
fury crgal
fury colg (e)

fury combruth
fury confa(i)d (c + buith)
fury cuthach
fury dsacht I
fury dsacht V
fury dsachtaid (dsacht)
fury dsachtaige II (dsachtach)
fury dremna(e) (dremun)
fury frech
Fury fir
fury lorg
fury lthbas (lth)
furze aittenn
furze-like (of an animal) ait(t)enda (aittenn)
furze-like aittnech (aittenn)
fustrates madaigid
futile (transf, fig.) fs 1 (b)
futile nature forbs
futile cutal
futile madach (madae)
futility dmanche (dmanech)
futility dmane (dman)
futility dmanes (dman)
futility feles 2
future spouse coimlamain (lamain)

g rules follamnaigid (follom-)
gable (?) gbla
gable benn (b)
gadding coimrethach (rethach)
gadfly (?) gadmuin
gadfly creb
gadfly crebar (a)
Gael Godel Gadel
Gael godelach (Godel)
Gaelic language Godelc
Gaelic godelach (Godel)
Gaelic godelta (Godel)
Gaelic-speaking godelach (Godel)
gaiety muirn
gain athnam
gain buidne
gain til (a)
gain fagltas (fagbl)
gain fuillem
gain indeb
gain los
gained ttae
gainful fagblach (fagbl)
gaining cosnam (a)
gains (a destination) gaibid

gains supremacy over gaibid
gains supremacy over gaibid
gains the victory beirid bire (b)
gains con-sn
gains do-irci (c)
gains do-gn II (p)
gains fo-gaib, fo-geib (c)
gains imm-tuilli
gainsaying comchontrrda (contrrda)
gainsays imm-fresnai
gait fochim(m)
gait foim(m)thecht
gait foram, -aim, -om(o)
Galatia Galit
Galatian Galt
Galatian Galatacda
gale lithne
Galilee Galaill
galingale gailingan
gall domblas I (a) (do + mlas, blas)
gall dub II (b)
gall mairc
gallant forbar (-bair)
galled maircech
galley libern
Gallic gallecda
gallo-greek (?) galladagda
gallon galn
galloon galline
gallop rimm, raimm (a)
gallows croch 1 (b)
gallows-bird crochaire (b) (crochaid [1])
Galway Gaillem
gambler cerrbach
gambles imm-beir
gambling cerrbachas (cerrbach)
gambling imbert
gambolling gnmrad
game (?) fatacht (fata)
game (living or dead) fadach (b) (fad 2)
game chess? fidchell
game of hurling bire (c)
game abairt
game abairt (a)
game bert 1 III (b) (beirid)
game cane 1 (b) (can 1)
game cluiche (a)
game enach II (en)
game fad 2
game fadrad (fad 2)
game imbert

game mell
gaming-board clr (b)
gaming-table imbert
gander ganndal
gang complacht
gap (?) bracht 2
gap (?) failc 1
gap (inlet) gobl (goibhl, gaibhl)
gap aurba
gap belach (a) (bel)
gap bern
gap bernas (bern)
gap bolg 2
gaping ? ginach gin, ginech, genech, genach
gaping genech vx ginach
gaping mnagud
gapped airbernach (bernach)
gap-toothed person (?) failc 1
gap-toothed mantach
garb ccosc (d)
garden herb lubgort
garden herbs lus
garden airlise (lis)
garden garda vx garrda
garden garrda (ON garor)
garden ithlann, ithla (ith)
gardener garrdadir (garrda)
gardener lubgartir (lubgort)
gardener lubgortaid (lubgort)
gargoyle gurgn
garlic (?) borrlus (borr + lus)
garlic cainnenn
garlic girleg
garlic-growing cremach (crem)
garment (?) fath 1
garment of religious or ecclesiastic cubal 2
garment bla 2, ble
garment brotbla (bratt + bl ?)
garment brothrach 2
garment brotlach (bratt ?)
garment celt 1 (ceilid ?)
garment celtair 1
garment cta 1
garment cuilche
garment dllat (a)
garment tach 1
garment tgud
garment tiud, ted (a)
garment faidern
garment imscing, imsceng
garment imthacht

garment imthuige, imthugae
garnet granado
garrison brda
garrison garasn
garrisoning brdacht (brda)
garrulity glugairecht (glugaire)
garrulous garrb(h)aiceach
gasconading badgairecht (badgaire)
Gascony Gascin (also Gascine)
gash 2 gein
gash letrad
gasping ? fuidbech
gate (?) lu(i)th (--?)
gate 1 geta vx geata
gate dor 1
gate fordorus
gate geata
gate gepta
gate-bolt lthrach (lth)
gateway dorus
gatherer cruinneochthir (cruinnigid)
gathering produce cnasach II (cnas)
gathering together comchruinniugad
gathering ? lothar (--?)
gathering airecht 1 (a)
gathering airechtas (a) (airecht 1)
gathering brosnad 2
gathering comchruinniugad
gathering comthinl (tinl)
gathering congab (b)
gathering congir (c)
gathering cruinniugad
gathering dglaim
gathering mrad
gathers (?) -ciallathar
gathers (intrans.) do-immoirg (d)
gathers (of crops) benaid I (d)
gathers about adaid
gathers around aigid (e)
gathers together attairgid
gathers together con-greinn
gathers together dglaimid (dglaim)
gathers ? glamaigid
gathers boingid (b)
gathers cnasa(ig)id (cnas)
gathers comchruinnigid (cruinnigid)
gathers cruinnigid (cruinne)
gathers do-ecmalla
gathers do-glenn
gathers do-immoirg (c)
gathers do-inla

Gaul 1 Gall
Gaul franc, frangc vx Onom
Gaulish mercenary franc, frangc
gauntlet (?, CW) bolard
gauntlet lmann (lm)
gave up fath
gay aerach
gaze dchsain III
gaze imcaisiu
gazes (intrans.) do-ccai (b)
gazes (intrans.) fgaid II (a)
gazes at do-incai (a)
gazes on fris-sella
gazes ? fordercaid
gazes dchaid I
gazes dercaid 1 (derc 2)
gazes dercaigid (derc 2)
gazes do-incai (a)
gazing at dechain
gazing at fchsain
gazing upon dchsain I
gazing dicsiu
gazing dercad
gazing diuderc
gazing forsilliud
gazing imdicsiu
gear adbar
gear cula(i)d
gear foirnis
gear inchrud (crod)
gear indell
Gedrnge cres 1
gelded coillte
gelding (?) 1 gerrn (gerr)
gelding (?) caisrianda
gem cloch (d)
gem gemm
gemeinsames Joch coibdil
gemini gemin vx geimin
gender (gramm.) cenl (f)
gender insce
genealogical branch gc
genealogical stock cepp (d)
genealogy creb (c)
genealogy genelach
general assembly mrdl (-dil)
general humility comumla (umlae)
general name for an assembly ?mithal
General of a Religious Order generl
general cenlach 2 (b) (cenl)
general coitchenn I (a)

general comchoitchenn (coitchenn)
general comchoitchinne (coitchinne)
general generlta (generilte)
generality cenlche (cenlach 2)
generality coitchennas (coitchenn)
generality coitchinne (coitchenn)
generally short lapse of time mithis and mithise
generates do-fuissim II (a)
generating (?) andud (d)
generation (?) cenlugad (cenl)
generation dne (a)
generation forbdine
generation fuismiud
generation genelach
generation gln
generation lne
generative power genemain
generosity (?) aithne 2 (d) + subj. gen.
generosity (?) digruaide
generosity (CW) bronnthachas = bronntanas
generosity (in B. na f.) fis 1, fius I (e)
generosity 1 gart
generosity bronntacht
generosity bronntanas (bronnad 2)
generosity bucae (a) (boc 1)
generosity caithem (c)
generosity cloth (c)
generosity coible (com + file)
generosity egnam
generosity enech 1, ainech II (d)
generosity eslabrae (eslabar)
generosity fle (c) (fal 2)
generosity innire
generous (?) falmar (fal 1)
generous (late) fal 1 (b)
generous (of persons) boc 1
generous bestowal fle (c) (fal 2)
generous man laigthech (logud)
generous person eslabrae (eslabar)
generous ? gart
generous 1 gartach (1 gart)
generous aiscedach (aiscid 2)
generous bronntach 2
generous caithmech (caithem)
generous com\.fal (fal)
generous derlaicthech (derlacad)
generous dthrachtach (d) (dthracht)
generous rnedach (rned)
generous eslabar
generous gartaid (1 gart)
generous liberlta

generousity libralthecht (liberlta)
genial filtech, faltech (b) (filte, falte)
geniality donchaire
genital genemnach (genemain)
gentian crem
gentile etnic
gentile gent
gentile gentide I
gentile gentilech
gentile gentlide
gentile gentlide
Gentiles genti
gentilism gentliucht
gentle (?) (of women) fta
gentle (?) clmaide (cl ?)
gentle (of persons) ciin
gentle (of speech, etc.) can 1
gentle breeze lithne
gentle wind fogaeth II
gentle 1 aclaide
gentle ail 4
gentle aindimmsach (dummsach)
gentle airid 1
gentle amlonn (lonn)
gentle anarnaid (arnaid 1)
gentle blith (b)
gentle boc 1
gentle cerchamail (cera)
gentle cennais
gentle cennsaigthe
gentle cineolta (b) (cenl)
gentle condircel
gentle dna I
gentle fuarrech
gentle lagach
gentle maillech
gentle mlla (<mnla)
gentle mn
gentle mn
gentle? mall
gentle? mall
gentleness (?) lichet
gentleness ilgine (ilgen)
gentleness inlecht (inle?)
gentleness blithe (blith)
gentleness cane 1 (a) (can 1)
gentleness canes (can 1)
gentleness cennsacht = cennsae
gentleness cennsae (cennais)
gentleness cennsaigecht = cennsae
gentleness com\.suilge (suilge)

gentleness condircle (condircel)
gentleness felles
gentleness mac(c)ntacht
gentleness mac(c)ntas
genuine stock frm > prm
genuine cineolta (a) (cenl)
genuine fr 1 I (b)
genuine fre (b) (fr)
genuine frinnech (b) (frinne)
genus aicme
geometry iomitre
Geraldine geraltach
Gerede (?) fiamuchraid
gerfalcon grb
German language Germin
German 1 Germn
German Almainech (Almain)
German germinech (Germin)
German germinech Germin
Germany Almain
Germany Germin
germination fuismiud
gerund gerind
Geschwollen Bauch cruachaige
gesture abras (a)
get the apostle to commend me furilem
gets (an opportunity of doing) fo-gaib, fo-geib (f)
gets (something) ready fo-callathar (c)
gets (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (e)
gets (with inf. pron. obj. or acc.) do-airicc (b)
gets away do-rni (a)
gets back an equivalent fo-fen
gets back ad-gaib
gets into lying position laigid
gets ready beforehand ar-foichlea (a)
gets ready do-gn II (c)
gets ready fo-callathar (b)
gets rid of dgbaigid (dgbad)
gets the better of (?) barraid 1, bairrid ar (barr 1)
gets the mastery (?) for-aisligid(ir)
gets the mastery (over) fortamlaigid (fortamail)
gets to know beirid (or do-beir) aithniu 2 (b) + acc./clause
gets up con-irig
gets up con-ocaib
gets up fris-caib
gets ad-cota
gets at-etha (b)
gets beirid VI
gets comaimsigid (aimsigid)
gets do-airicc (c)
gets do-beir IV

gets fo-gaib, fo-geib (c)
gets fo-gaib, fo-geib (d)
getting a hold dul 1 II (c) ar
getting dark comdorchugad (dorchugad)
getting ready airmert (a)
getting ready fr
getting rid of athchor (d)
getting the upper hand forlmugud
getting to know aithne 2 (b)
getting up airirge
getting airnecht
getting t 2
getting fagbl (a)
geum mac(c)all
Gewaltspruch ambracht
ghastly (?) fataide (-aige)
GHOST (?) airramantach (airramanta)
GHOST (?) aithne 3
GHOST (?, CW) ceird 1
ghost allcaille
GHOST cail 1
GHOST ceisid 2
GHOST cer 3
GHOST comain 2
GHOST comal 3
GHOST dae 1
GHOST dig 4
GHOST dairchis
GHOST dalcn
GHOST damun
GHOST dndae
GHOST darb 1
GHOST de 6
GHOST dechrad 4
GHOST dechtaid 1
GHOST decleithi
GHOST decraid
GHOST dedeng
GHOST dedgarcha
GHOST degir
GHOST dr 2
GHOST drubad
ghost fantais
GHOST foacht
ghost gsta
GHOST(?) cep(t)imus
GHOST(?) debsus
GHOST? airlachair (lachair)

GHOST? amrath 2
GHOST? amtorc
GHOST? animal (?)
GHOST? anmoltach (moltach)
GHOST? ar-dloma (dlomaid)
GHOST? armaid 2
GHOST? as 4
GHOST? as-cren
GHOST? athan
GHOST? atharc
GHOST? athfir
GHOST? balach 3
GHOST? bennachaig
GHOST? besta
GHOST? b 3
GHOST? baid 2
GHOST? cairgdech
GHOST? cansi
GHOST? cl 2
GHOST? cabat
GHOST? calchaid
GHOST? cim 2
GHOST? ciuraid
GHOST? clre
GHOST? clan
GHOST? cnuid
GHOST? cobcan
GHOST? com
GHOST? comradach
GHOST? comuaige
GHOST? contrata
GHOST? cran 2
GHOST? cretla
GHOST? cruisich
GHOST? digmech
GHOST? daleic
GHOST? dastaid
GHOST? debra
GHOST? dcrath
GHOST? demein
GHOST? dirinn
GHOST? dochta 2
GHOST? dodruib
GHOST? doenaigid
GHOST? dofaicet
GHOST? dograta
GHOST? doile
GHOST? dolad
GHOST? dolar
GHOST? dolith
GHOST? domim

GHOST? dono 2
GHOST? dorchra
GHOST? doroltad
GHOST? dothamaisc
GHOST? dothar
GHOST? dotharnach
GHOST? drech 2
GHOST? driamll
GHOST? drochar
GHOST? druba
GHOST? drungar
GHOST? duma 2
GHOST? dus
GHOST? dutaithib
GHOST? echlanta
GHOST? eguide
GHOST? idecht
GHOST? enechtres
GHOST? eoda
GHOST? erroi
GHOST? esnach 3
GHOST? fithbim
GHOST? falla
GHOST? fedem
GHOST? fadaid
GHOST? fob
GHOST? fobaid
GHOST? fochain 3
GHOST? fochli
ghost? meis
giant (?, CW) curach 3 = caur
giant aithech 1 (c) (aithe)
giant fomrach
giant fonascad
gibbet gabul
giddiness didn
giddiness muirbell
giddy muirbellach (muirbell)
gier-eagle ilar
gift (?) airgais (b)
gift (?) ellad
gift ? idnacul
gift in return frithaiscid (aisced)
gift of divination (?) fithchall
gift of prophecy fitsine, fithsine (fith)
gift of prophecy fthaige (fthach)
gift of speech labairt
gift of speech labra
gift of talkativeness labra
gift to a minstrel, etc. (?) ellam 2 (b)
gift ? innair

gift ? ir
gift ? issa
gift aisc 2 = aiscid 2
gift aiscid 2 (b)
gift breb
gift bronnad 2
gift bronntanas (bronnad 2)
gift bronntas (bronnad 2)
gift baid 1 (b)
gift caisced
gift coma
gift dn I
gift don 3
gift das 1
gift imman(n)
gift imna
gift man
gift? fricell (> frith-gell?)
gift-bestowing dasach (das 1)
gifted badach
gift-maker mandnmid
gifts ? ie
gifts rendered to a monastic community mainche
gigantic aithechdae (aithech 1)
gilded drdae (dr)
gilding comrad (rad)
gilding dr (r)
gilding drad (dr)
Gilead Gald
Gillialmus Gilliam
Gillibertus Gilliberd
gillies malraid
gills of the fish geolbach
gilly gilla
gilt drdae (dr)
gilt forrda
gin 1 goiste
girding cresrugad (cris)
girding fonnsad
girdle crinna
girdle cris
girdle fern
girdle fathrc
girdle gernn
girds crisaigid (cris)
girds crisla(ig)id (crislach)
girl (poet.) der
girl 3 gen
girl bairt
girl bruinnell
girl femder

girl feme
girl ingen
girl-child bunc
girls ingenrad
girth gernn
girth giorta
gittern (?) gitart
give battle frithiled, -lad, -elad
give quarter maithem
give them to his own witnesses at
given over to (legal) dles 1 I (a) (d- + les)
given to bearing daughters ? ingenach (ingen)
given to boasting badnasach 1 (badnas)
given to changing one`s mind ? ar(n)gesach (arnges)
given to complaining cesachtach (cesacht)
given to conviviality fledach I (fled)
given to distributing forscaltech
given to distribution fodailtech
given to drink mescamail (meisc-) (mesc)
given to estimating airdmesach (airdmes)
given to evil deeds ainchtach (aincht)
given to excess forcradach (forcraid)
given to extremes forcradach (forcraid)
given to feasting fledach I (fled)
given to feasting fledmar (fled)
given to fighting gach
given to fighting bruidnech 2 (bruiden 2)
given to gadding about cartaigthech (cartaigid)
given to inquiry fafraigthech (fafraigid)
given to invading indredach (indred)
given to kicking luach (la)
given to leaping up at? foilmnech
given to making attacks indsaigthech, innsaigech (indsaigid,
given to making plots indil(l)tech (indell)
given to making requests athchuingech (athchuingid 2)
given to murmuring cesachtach (cesacht)
given to offering sacrifice idbartach (idbart)
given to over-eating ithemar (ithe)
given to plunder or pillage foglach (a) 1
given to plunder crechach (crech 1)
given to plunder dbergach (a) (dberg)
given to plunder meirlech
given to plundering aircthech 2
given to plundering indredach (indred)
given to putting corach 1
given to questioning farfaigthech (a)
given to raping dbergach (a) (dberg)
given to robbery meirlech
given to roving (?) fechtaide (fecht)
given to scattering forscaltech

given to singing ctlach 1 (ctal)
given to slaying urthunach (urad)
given to smacking the lips (= greedy) blaisechtach 1 (blasacht)
given to song danach (dan)
given to swearing lugach (luige)
given to the King of France by the Jews bal
given to trafficking cundradach (cundrad)
given to violent deeds ainchtach (aincht)
given to visiting cilidech (cilide)
given to weeping gulnach (gol)
given to working spells ipthach (ipaid)
giver of life (Gloss.) boaigthid (boaigidir)
giver of wages duilgenach (dlchinne)
giver bronntir (bronnaid 2)
giver rnedach (rned)
gives (?) bronnaid 2
gives (?) bronnaigid = bronnaid 2
gives (battle) feraid II (c)
gives a decision (legal) con-certa (b)
gives a part to cuiti(gi)d (b) (cuit)
gives a share to cuiti(gi)d (b) (cuit)
gives allegiance creitid
gives and equivalent for (something) fo-cren (a)
gives as a name to as-beir do
gives attention to dchaid III iarmairt
gives away mandraid
gives back aisicid (aisec)
gives battle (intrans.) cathaigid (cath 1)
gives battle imm-goin
gives birth lmnaid (lmann)
gives expression to (a feeling, etc.) feraid II (b)
gives homage creitid
gives hostages to ad-gall(n)a
gives hostages to ar-galla
gives hostages gallaid (2 gall)
gives in marriage (do = to) ar-naisc
gives in payment dnaid II (dn)
gives in pledge gellaid
gives instruction (in) minid
gives judgment concerning fo-gella (b)
gives light to gelaigid (gel)
gives notice (to quit) dlomaid (b)
gives notice ad-boind
gives notice as-congair
gives notice fascaigid (fasc)
gives oneself over to licid
gives out on hire ingairid (ingaire)
gives out on loan ingairid (ingaire)
gives out imm-ladi
gives pledge fo-caib athgabil (c)
gives pledges (for a thing) do-airgella

gives public notice of esgairid
gives rise to do-gn II (o)
gives security (?) con-gella (gellaid)
gives security fo-caib athgabil (c)
gives stock to do-aurchren
gives superior testimony for-gella
gives thanks ad-tluichethar
gives up (of persons) do-lci I (b) do
gives up dlsid (dles)
gives up irgid (h) de
gives up licid
gives up maithid
gives warning of forfcraid
gives warning ad-boind
gives warning do-escair
gives way maidid
gives ad-aig (d)
gives as-ren
gives beirid XI
gives dnaid I (dn)
gives dnaigidir 1 I (dn)
gives do-airbir II
gives do-beir I (a)
gives do-icc III
gives do-indnaig (a)
gives dotall
giving (esp. from God to man) dnaigiud 1
giving back aisec
giving back athchor (a)
giving birth to idnugud
giving birth lmnad
giving counsel airle 1 (a)
giving etc. (see feraid) ferthain (b)
giving gifts aiscech (aisc 2)
giving good advice comairlech 1 I (comairle)
giving a reason or a cause aicsenugud
giving in payment dn VII
giving information (against) (legal) aisnis (b)
giving light together comls (ls)
giving light fursundud (-sannad)
giving milk linnad (linn)
giving notice ? inbleoga(i)n, inableogain
giving notice of battle fcra(e) (f)
giving notice air\.fcra(e) (a)
giving notice apad 1
giving notice fcra(e) (a)
giving quarter anacul (b)
giving thanks aille
giving thanks attlugud buide
giving the lie to brcnugad
giving to refusing diltadach (b) (diltad)

giving to trysting dodlach (dodil)
giving verbal expression to inscigud (insce)
giving way maidm
giving wrong judgement ainbrethach (ainbreith)
giving bronnad 2
giving dnad 1 I
giving derlacad
giving rned, rniud I
glad filid, falid
glad filtech, faltech (a) (filte, falte)
glad lthgirech (lthgir(e))
glad menmnach (manma)
gladdening gairdechad (gairdech)
gladdens (trans.) filtnigid, faltnigid I (filte, falte)
glade clain 1
gladness forfaltechus
gladness forfaltius
gladness gairdechas (gairdech)
gladness gairtiugud
gladsome brilliant idlannach (idlann)
gladsome loud idlannach (idlann)
gladsome lyre idlannach (idlann)
gladsome passionate idlannach (idlann)
glance inchosc
glances (intrans.) fgaid II (a)
glancing forsilliud
gland 3 glaine
glanders blonndras
glandular mescach (mesc)
glans penis brell
glnzend (?) dgle 1
glass 1 glaine (glan)
glass bus 1
glass fuither ?
glass fuither ?
glass glain
Glastonbury Glostimber (Glastimbir)
gleam of light lichet
gleam lainner
gleaming ? foscadach (foscad)
gleaming caindeltach = caindeldae
gleaming lainnriugad
gleaming lasamain (lasaid)
gleaming lugamair
gleaming luisnech (luisne)
gleaner (?) grinseir
gleaner cnasta
gleaning between etergleimm
gleaning cnasach II (cnas)
gleaning dglaim
gleanings descn (descad)

gleans cnasa(ig)id (cnas)
gleans dglaimid (dglaim)
gleichgearteter coimchnis (cnes?)
glen ? foithir, fuither (also fothair (<fo-thr?)
glen comglenn (glenn)
glen gibis
glen-rover glenntaidhe
glides do-fuisli
glimmer (?) fols (ls)
glimmer foscad
glistening lainnrech (lainner)
glitter caindlech 2 (caindel)
globe (of heaven, earth) cairt 1 I (b)
globe mocol
globular mass mocol
globular mass mul
globular cruinn
gloom (?) dimbuile
gloom ce 1 (c)
gloom cabair
gloom camaire (camair)
gloom damalta
gloom do\.soillse (soillse)
gloom dobur 1 (d)
gloom domenma (menma)
gloom dorchae II (a)
gloom daibsige (daibsech)
gloom dubachas (dubach 1)
gloom dubae (dub)
gloom foscad
gloom gruaim
gloom gramdacht (gramda)
gloom muich (mich, muich)
gloomy (?) doithir
gloomy (?) dorchae I (d)
gloomy (?) gruamnach (gruaim)
gloomy weather dorb\.sn (dobur 1 + sn)
gloomy camair
gloomy dogar (gar 1?)
gloomy doilb 1
gloomy domenmach (domenma)
gloomy dorchae I (a)
gloomy dorchaide = dorchae
gloomy dabair (-ur)
gloomy daibsech (dabais)
gloomy dub I (b)
gloomy dubach 1 (dubae)
gloomy etardorcha (dorcha)
gloomy foscadach (foscad)
gloomy gramda (graim)
glories (pl.) blad 1

glories bigid (c) (bg)
glorification airbg
glorified inducbaide
glorifies glraigid (3 glr)
glorifies glrmaraigid (glrmar)
glorifies ind-ocaib
glorifies mraid (mr)
glorifying clugud
glorifying indocbl, inducbl
glorious 3 glrda (3 glr)
glorious n 2 I
glorious glraide (1 or 3 glr)
glorious glrmar (glir)
glorious inducbaide
glory 1 glir
glory adbchlos
glory ine 1 (c)
glory allud
glory n 2 II
glory glire
glory indocbl, inducbl
glory lxaire (lx)
glory loise
glory madamlae
glory madamlatu
gloss glosa
gloss glais vx glas
gloss glas
glosses logaid
glove bracann (brac)
glove braccaille (brac + caille 1)
glove lmann (lm)
glove manama
glove? manic
glow ine 1 (a)
glow bruth 1 I (a) (berbaid)
glow grs
glowing mass bruth 1 II (a) (berbaid)
glowing n 2 I
glowing brothalach (brothal)
glowing bruithenda (bruithen)
glowing crithrech (crithir)
glowing elscoth, elscud (b)
glowing gairthe
glowing goirthech (gairthe)
glows bruthnaigidir (bruth 1)
glows do-fich 3 = fichid 2
glow-worm lampur
glue 1 gli
glue 2 gled
glue barracht

glue-like glaodamail vx gledamail
glutinous gledamail (2 gled)
glutton cresach (cres)
glutton gragaire
gluttonous caithmech (caithem)
gluttonous cresach (cres)
gluttonous ithemail (ithe)
gluttonous loingthech (loingid)
gluttony (?) golus
gluttony ? fuillnedche
gluttony angbus
gluttony br 1 (b)
gluttony cres (b)
gnarled adbronnach
gnashes dtnaigid (dtnach)
gnashes dresternaigid (dresternach)
gnashes gscnaid (giscn)
gnashing (of teeth) dechtad 1
gnashing (of the teeth) dscn
gnashing (the teeth) dresternach
gnashing of teeth dtnach (dt 1)
gnashing of teeth gscn
gnashing or grinding of teeth gscarnach
gnashing comchocnam (cocnam)
gnashing dscad
gnashing lmn (lm?)
gnat cuil 1
gnat mltg
gnawed by clothes-moths lmann
gnawing of my many fancies il
gnawing pain ithe
gnawing caithtech
gnawing cna(ded)
gnawing cnm
gnawing cocnam
gnawing cridim
gnawing creimm
gnawing cremmannach (creimm)
gnawing crinad = creimm, etc.
gnawing crintech (creinn)
gnaws away cnad
gnaws con-cna (cnad)
gnaws credba(ig)id
gnaws creimmid (creimm)
gnaws creinnid
gnaws fo-teinn
gnaws imm-cn
gnaws imm-credba
Gnossian (Cretan) gnoissecda
go to (?) ataut
goad ad-tirndea

goad brot
goad bruitne (brot)
goad cleth 1 (d)
goad deil 2 I (a)
goading brotad (brot)
goading gressacht (2 gress)
goads (?) do-molt(a)
goads bruitid (brot)
goads bruitigid = bruitid
goal bire (b)
goal bire (c)
goat 1 gabor (gabar, gabur)
goat cadla 3
goats mannn
gobbles con-caithi (caithid)
goblet bleide
goblet cailech 1
goblet cingit
goblet coppn
goblet corn (a)
goblet cuch (a)
goblet cupa
goblet eredech, eridech
goblet escar 2
goblin gracach (grac)
god (gloss.) art 3
god suffered not thy body to be held fulang
god ana(i) (?)
God deacht II (dia 2)
God da 2 (a)
god da 2 (b)
god dan 2
god duiu
goddess da 2 (b)
godfather amgoisti
Godhead deacht I (dia 2)
Godhead dadacht (a) (dadae)
godliness dadacht (b) (dadae)
godly fear imm
godly deoda (da 2)
godly dadae (da 2)
godparent (CW) cairdes (d) (cara 1)
godparent goistibe
Gods love to man deercc I (a) (dia 2 + sercc)
god-send mann
goes (intrans. or with cogn. acc.) fethid 2
goes (intrans.) do-lci V
goes about imm-tit
goes about ?for-imtht
goes about imm-tit
goes after do-armrat

goes after in-tet (in-in-tt)
goes along laidid (lad)
goes around ?for-imtht
goes around do-immchella (a)
goes around imm-cing
goes around imm-imgaib (im-gaib)
goes around muinithir
goes astray (intrans.) do-ella 1 I (b)
goes away con-sl
goes away do-rni (b)
goes away do-ingaib (d)
goes away laid, -id, -id, -id
goes away imm-tit
goes bail for fo-sisedar
goes before (esp. legal) do-fed (b)
goes beyond as-dingaib = as-ingaib
goes beyond as-ingaib (a)
goes beyond immach > ammach
goes down sligidir (sel)
goes faster latha(ig)id (lath)
goes forth from (?) as-ingaib (b)
goes forth do-rig 2
goes forth in-drig
goes forward (intrans.) brogaid
goes in the place of ar-tt
goes in ind-la
goes into exile ailithrigid (ailithir)
goes into exile do-longet = doloinsich
goes into exile loingsigid (loinges)
goes mad dstaigidir, dstaigthir
goes off do-slui = as-lui
goes on con-lu
goes out (?) echtrannaid I (echtrann)
goes over forderet
goes round protectingly imm-tit
goes round cartaid (cairt)
goes round cartaigid (a) = cartaid
goes round do-airmchella
goes round imm-saig(a)
goes round imm-tit
goes to (trans.) do-saig II
goes to see (trans.) do-aithigi (a)
goes to do-etha
goes to ind-saig ?
goes towards ar-saig (a)
goes towards at-etha (a)
goes towards fris-tt
goes under ? fo-tt
goes up (intrans.) con-ala
goes up fris-rig
goes with con-itet

goes with con-tt (tit)
goes ad-aig (i)
goes ad-cosnai
goes cimnigid (cim)
goes cingid 1(a)
goes do-coisli
goes do-feth
goes do-gn III (d)
goes do-saig I
goes do-tt (e)
goes ethaid I
goes fo-ruimi, -fuirmi
goes gaibid
goes gaibid
goes glasid
goes imm-r
goes imm-si
goes imm-tit
going (a road etc) gabl
going about imthecht
going around cartugad (a)
going around imchim
going astray clenad (c)
going astray dall, dell (b)
going astray merblad (<merbal)
going astray merthas (<mer?)
going astray merugad
going beyond dul 1 II (c) tar
going convertly fosiubal vx sibal
going down sliugud
going forth escomld, -d, -&(-ad
going forth essimthecht
going on foot imthecht
going on one`s way forimthecht
going out of one`s way fordul, -dal
going out of inocht, intocht
going out ld, -d, -d
going round (evading) the fast imchim
going round imchellacht
going round imthoichell
going to bed (in sexual sense) lep(th)achas (lepaid)
going to bed lepthugud
going to meet innsach ?
going to war comthcbil (b)
going to imthrall
going together coimitecht (a)
going towards ? fritecht
going towards ascnam (a)
going towards foscnam (=O.Ir. ascnam)
going under fosiubal vx sibal
going with comdul (dul)

going dnum I (f)
going dul 1 I
going dul 1 II (a)
going escomld, -d, -&(-ad
going ethamain
going fball 1
going imdol
going imthecht
gold afost
gold-coloured forrda
golden fern buiderad (buide 1)
golden trumpet-shaped torque id
golden forrda
Gollan`s son free from dishonour imduibe
gone astray meraigthech (meraige)
gone astray merbal(l)
good maith
good (?) ban 2
good action cangnm
good at sword play imbert
good behaviour bs 1 (b)
good breed manach (man)
good cheer cemna (b)
good condition maithe
good deed cangnm
good disputer ? fuibdid
good effect bal (b)
good food cemna (b)
good for nothing? meile
good for maith
good fortune conch
Good Friday l
good habit laig
good judgement idicecht idic
good land irmar
good law maith
good luck d
good luck bal (b)
good name cl 1
good proportion cutrummae 1 (com + trummae)
good proportions crae (b) (cir)
good proportions cutrummae 1 (com + trummae)
good qualities maithe
good quality coingell (b) (com+ gell)
good repute cl 1
good sense conn (d)
good services dthracht (c)
good standing creitem (c)
good taste blas b
good thing maithes, -ius
good thing maith

good valour icht
good wishes brathar (b)
good ? id
good bil 2
good bon 1
good baid 1 (c)
good bun 2
good cain 1
good can 1
good da 1
good dag 1
good dag- 1
good febdae (feb)
good fern 3
good f 1
good les
good ma
good maith
good maith
good maith
good m
good? addech
goodfellowship donchaire
goodliness maise
goodliness(?) lichet
goodly buidenda = buidnech
goodly mass
goodness (?) deine (dein)
goodness maithe
goodness maithes, -ius
goods (?) elba 2
goods acquired in exchange for something frithchrec
goods taken as payment of debts (legal) athgabil (a)
goods crod 1 (b)
goods crodach (crod 1)
goods ellach 2
goods indmas < indbas (indeb)
goods maith
goods maithes, -ius
goodwill canchomracaige = canchomrac
good-will candthracht (can 1 + dthracht)
goose 2 g vx gd
goose gd
gooseberry bush ? iphn, ifn
goose-flesh driuch (b)
gore cr 1 (a)
gore fulracht
gorge gibis
Gorgon (Medusa) Gorgan (Gorgain)
gormandizer fledaichthid (fled)
gorse aittenn

gory crlinn(t)ech (crlinn)
gory crach 2 (cr 1)
gory fuilrigthe
gossip Britais
Goth 1 goth
Goth Geidh
gourd ucurbita
gout 1 gta
gout artetica
governing object of blessing for
governing object of cursing for
governing object of punishing for
governing follamnugad (follamnaigid)
governing guibernracht
government follamnacht (follom-)
government guibernracht
governor (in foreign contexts) airr (b) (r)
governor follamnaigtheir
governor goibhernir (also goibhernir)
governor guibernir
governorship airrge (airr)
governs con-midethar (a)
governs follamnaigid (follom-)
gown gna
grace 1 grinde (grind)
grace buidechus = buide 2
grace deolaidecht (deolaid)
grace grs
grace grsa (grsda, grdsa)
graceful dathamail (dath 1, daith 2)
graceful drechach (drech 1)
graceful innelda (indell)
graceful mlla (<mnla)
gracefulness dathamlacht (dathamail)
gracious aspect mn
gracious form mn
gracious deolaidech (deolaid)
gracious grsach (grs)
gracious grsamail (grs)
gracious mnla
gracious modamail (mod)
graciousness forchane
gradale (book of antiphons) gredil
grade of dignity madlicht
grade 1 grd
gradual forfeiture lobad
graft eochair 3
grain by which it is measured midba(e)
grain 1 grinne (grn)
grain arbar 1
grain grn

grain ith
grains grngal (grn)
gramm. length of sounds and syllables aimser e
gramm. xxx gairm
grammar grammatach
grammar grammatic
grammatical number irem (d)
Granard Grnard
Granard, Co. Longford Grnairet
granary airle 2
granary gairnl
granary grinnsech
granary itech
granary ithlann, ithla (ith)
grand (?) brotla (a)
grandeur mrdacht
grandeur mrdl (-dil)
Graney ( in Kildare) (?) Grnairet
grange grinnsech
granting dl 4 II
granting dmachtain I
granting damthain
granting ditiu
granting denugud
granting liciud
grants to licid
grants ad-opair
grants cetaigid (a) (cet)
grants con-tidnaich (do-indnaig)
grants daimid IV
grants ditnid (ditiu)
grants denaid (dein 1)
grants denaigid (dein 1)
grants derlaicid
grants dlmainigidir (b) (dlmain)
grants do-indnaig (a)
grants erbaid 2 (d)
grants ernaid
grants rnigid (rnid)
grants fo-eim, -fom, fem (d)
grants maithid
granulous grinnech (1 grinne)
grape grpa
grappling-irons lithe
grasp (in literal sense) greimm
grasp airgabl
grasp crob
grasp forc
grasp glac (c)
grasp glacad
grasp greimm

grasper glacach
grasping (?) glacnach
grasps (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (c)
grasps mentally gremmaigid (greimm)
grasps do-etarrat
grasps gaibid
grasps gaibid
grasps gremmaigid (greimm)
grass fr
grass-grown (?) fraigthe
grass-grown frach (fr)
grassy frach (fr)
grassy frnach (fr)
grassy frmar (fr)
grassy mongach (mong)
grate 1 grta
grateful buidech 2 (buide 2)
grates gscnaid (giscn)
gratification airfitiud
gratifying buidech 2 (buide 2)
grating ? indain
grating noise gscnach (gscn)
grating of teeth lmn (lm?)
grating sound gscarnach
grating 1 grta
grating gscn
grating grt
gratuitous deolaid (a)
gratuity deoladchaire (deolaid)
grave accent 3 graif
grave cairn carn (a)
grave clothes aistach (tach)
grave adnacad
grave adnacht
grave adnacul
grave clas 1(c) (claidid)
grave comir (ir)
grave cubat 2 (b) (com + fot)
grave cuithe (e)
grave imdae
grave lec(h)tus (lecht ?)
grave lecht
grave lechtn (lecht)
grave lige
grave loc
grave-digger claidid 2 (claide)
gravel (in the kidneys) gainem
gravel 1 garbn (garb)
gravel 2 grenach (grian)
gravel gainem
gravel graibl

gravel grian
gravel grindell
gravelly 2 granach (grian)
grave-mound fertn
grave-stone ail 1 (b)
grave-strewn lecht
grave-strewn lechtach (lecht)
graveyard cell (b)
gravy (?) boil (b)
gravy bochail
grazes (?) doforgelat
grazes fo-geil
grazes fogeltaid
grazes gelid
grazes geltaid (gelt)
grazes glethid (gleth)
grazes ingraid
grazes ithid
grazing land ingelt
grazing on a farm ingraide ?
grazing together comgleith (gle(i)th)
grazing 1 gelt
grazing 2 geilt vx 1 gelt
grazing fogelt
grazing gleith vx gleth
grazing gleth (gleith, geilt)
grazing ingelt
grazing ingeltrad
grazing ingeltrad
grazing inger
grease boil (a)
grease blonac
grease bracht 1
grease gris
grease th
grease mthrad (mth)
greasing (of wool) blad (bl)
greasy b(o)laid(e) (boil)
greasy gerthide (geir)
great excellence ? il
great (?) ard 1 I (g)
great (CW) brasta = bras
great (of intensity) dub I (c)
great ? lrda (lr)
great abundance immaril
great affection forbaid
great affliction ? imm
great age arsaidecht (a) (arsaid)
great amount dermit (der- + mit)
great amount mr (mr)
great and lofty muar

great anger ? imferg vx imserg
great anxiety imsnm
great apprehension airscth (scth)
great army (?) air\.slag (slag)
great assembly mrdl (-dil)
great assistance imchobair
great baldness imbuille
great bashfulness imm
great beauty airilde (ille)
great beauty airchane (cane)
great beauty imm
great blackness airduibe (duibe)
great bravery imm
great briar ? imdres
great brightness air\.finde (air\.find)
great bulk daln
great burden analach (alach)
great caprice immarbes
great captivity anbroit (broit)
great city archathru
great clearness ? ? inminde
great conflict ? forcongal (congal)
great confusion imchummasc
great cowardice airmettacht (airmetta)
great crash ? imthoram
great danger imm
great darkness imduibe
great darkness imtheimel
great deal mr (mr)
great debt ainfach (1 fach)
great defect imm
great deficiency imm
great delay of five years imfuirech
great delay imfuirech
great delight airabnius (abnius)
great delight imtholtu
great desire antoil (tol)
great desire comthnth (tnth)
great desire imtholtu
great destruction imm
great destructiveness ? immairgnechus
great difference mr (mr)
great difficulty imdoraid
great dispute ? imforrach
great distance etercne (etercan)
great distance imchine (imchan)
great distance imchan
great distance imchanugud
great diversification il
great doer morgnethid
great draught imrl (imb-ro-l)

great dread adath
great dread imm
great dreadfulness adathmaire
great drinking deolcha
great drought aintirmach (tirmach)
great drove immertin (imb-ro-tin ?)
great Easter mr (mr)
great effort aindchell (dchell)
great envy imthnth
great error imfordol
great error imm
great esteem airmess (mess)
great exertion imsaeth
great falsehood (?) angae (gu?)
great fatigue imsnm
great fault anlocht (locht)
great fear adomnae
great fear ainecla (ecla)
great fear airecla (ecla)
great fear airomun (omun)
great fear airscth (scth)
great fear comecla (ecla)
great fear imfaitches
great fear imm
great fear imm
great feast coibled 1 (com + fled)
great fierceness ingairge (ingarg)
great fight immargoin
great fire morc
great firmness comdaingne (comdaingen)
great flame airlasair (lasair)
great folly forbes
great force soldiery forln
great fortitude comchras (cras)
great fright ? imm
great fright airscth (scth)
great fruitfulness intorad
great fury andsacht (dsacht)
great grief (?) immarln
great grief ? ? imchuma
great grief aithguba (guba)
great grief anmarg (ma(i)rg)
great grief athguba (guba)
great grief imsnm
great happiness com\.sonus (sonus)
great hardship (?) anuais (ais 2 or 3?)
great height airairde (2 airde)
great hero ainching (cing)
great hesitation imm
great hexad mrfeiser
great horror airgrin (grin)

great horror airathbs (athbs)
great hospitality ainfile (c) (fle)
great host ? imm
great hosteller (?) combrugaid (briuga)
great humility airsle (airsel)
great humility airslecht = airsle
great hunger ithemraige
great increase (?) airthrmach (tormach)
great injury (?) immarln
great interval etercne (etercan)
great is your size maignes ?
great jealously ? imm
great jealously imformat
great jealousy airt (t)
great jealousy comthnth (tnth)
great keeness imm
great keenness ? imrind
great knowledge imbas, imbus
great levying (?) antobach (tobach)
great liability ainfach (1 fach)
great lightness imm
great load anlucht (lucht)
great love imbide
great lowness imm
great many mr (mr)
great marvel deramrae (amrae)
great misfortune anpudar (pudar)
great moisture (?) ? falcecht
great movement imgluaisecht
great nimbleness imm
great noise allguth (all 4? + guth)
great noise imthoram
great number forln
great number ler
great number ln
great onset imracad
great oppression imm
great outburst (of anger, passion) ainrecht 2 (2 recht)
great overhanging? cloud fornl
great overhanging? mist fornl
great perfection ? imm
great pleasantness airmellchae (airmellach)
great pleasure imtholtu
great poverty angbocht
great power airbrg (brg)
great power anchumas (cumas)
great power comthracht (trcht 3)
great praise admolad
great pride aindummus (dummus)
great pride comabar (abar)
great pride imm

great prosperity aneb 2 (ob)
great prowess ant\.soidecht (sadecht)
great purity inglaine (inglan)
great quantity anba 2
great quantity il
great quarrel digreis (d + gress 2)
great rage anbuirbe (buirbe)
great rebuke immaithber
great repentance imm
great respect imm
great reward imm
great rigour immarchras
great ruinous (?) comlaithre
great sadness attoirse (toirse)
great sage (?) airdocht
great satisfaction com\.ssad (ssad)
great sea ? imsile
great shame adnire
great shame imloscud
great shamefacedness imm
great sharpness aithgire (aithgr)
great sharpness imm
great shedding imdortad
great shortness dgairde (gairte)
great sickness ? imserg
great size ainmit (mit)
great skill ? imm
great skirmish imscainner
great slaughterer athguinech (guinech)
great slowness imm
great smiting airbimnech (bimnech)
great smiting imbalad
great smoothness (CW) aithride (aithrid)
great sorrow airbrn (brn)
great sorrow deirbile
great sorrow dchuma (cuma)
great sorrow imm
great steward mormaer
great stiffness imm
great stream imsruth
great strength ainnert (nert)
great strength comnairte (comnart)
great strength comnert (nert)
great strength dnert 1 (nert)
great strength fortresse
great strength imm
great stripping ? imdrech
great suffering aithchned (cned) ?
great superiority in numbers anforlann (a) (forlann)
great swiftness athlas (las)
great swiftness imm

great swiftness imm
great terribleness imm
great thanks muar
great their varied beauty in gold ildelbaige (ildelbach)
great treachery ? imbrath
great treachery anbrath (brath)
great trembling comchrithnugad (crithnugad)
great triumph airbaid (baid)
great trouble imsnm
great ugliness aditche
great ugliness airgrine (airgrin)
great variegation il
great vast magda
great victory airbaid (baid)
great violence ainicin (icen)
great violence imforrn > ammarrn vx forrn
great wasting imserg
great water-plantain corrchopc (corr 1 + copc)
great weakness anfainne (a) (anfann)
great weakness innlaige
great weariness aithscs (scs)
great weariness attoirse (toirse)
great weight antrom (b) (trom 3)
great weight antromn = antrom (b)
great wonder (?) ? immachtad
great wood immorros
great wrath aindardacht (aindarda)
great wrath forluinne (luinne)
great wrath/non-wrath (?) ainferg (ferg)
great wrong (?) angae (gu?)
great wrong erchol (r-?)
great zeal airt (t)
great ? moaigech
great adbal
great aidbsech
great aidbsenach = aidbsech
great allmar = ollmar
great an- (c)
great anfill (fill)
great arg 2 I
great borr
great bras
great bres 2
great dmr (mr)
great r 1
great etar
great il
great immarg
great lr
great maige
great maigne

great mochta
great mochtaide
great mogda
great mr (mr)
great mr (mr)
great mr (mr)
great mrda (mr)
great? ? mog
greater amount immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
greater number of territories il
greater number immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
greater part fortailln (fortail+ln)
greater il
greater il
great-grandchild arma, arm
great-grandson arma, arm
great-great-grandson inda
greatly afraid imm
greatly arouses anadnaid (adnaid)
greatly encouraging imnertad
greatly lamenting imchaned
greatly strengthening imnertad
greatly il
greatly mr (mr)
greatly mr (mr)
greatness of deeds glonnacht (glonnach)
greatness of mind mrdacht
greatness aidble (adbal)
greatness anfille (anfill)
greatness ard 1 II (c)
greatness ardae, airde (d) (ard 1)
greatness dermile (dermil)
greatness dermire (dermr)
greatness dermit (der- + mit)
greatness mit, mt
greatness mra (mr)
great-voiced (?) calmr
greave (?) brc
greave erochorda (erochuir)
greaves (pl.) brc
greaves allaccrann
Greece grebic
greed accobar (b)
greed airc 2
greed aithgire (aithgr)
greed ampall, ampla
greed cccaras (cccar)
greed cres (b)
greed ginach (gin, ginech, genech, genach)
greediness deiles, delas
greediness ginaige (ginach)

greedy (?) dulasach
greedy (?, CW) ddach (dd)
greedy aircesach
greedy amplach (ampall)
greedy cccar
greedy cccarach = cccar
greedy cccarda = cccar
greedy cresach (cres)
greedy cresta (cres)
greedy dilech 2 (dil 2)
greedy elscothach (elscoth)
greedy ginmar (gin)
greedy ithemar (ithe)
Greek language grebic
Greek language gricis
Greek word grebic
Greek grebic
greek grcach (grc)
Greek grcach grc
greek grcde (grc)
green bank (?) ferann
green corn gemar
green meadow or playingfield faithche, faidche
green or lawn in front of a fort or residence or church faithche, faidche
green shoreland (?) ferann
green sod forscrath vx forscrs
green 2 glas
green bl 3
green breiche
green gorm
green mag
green-bladed fonn
green-bordered imbel?
greeness 2 glasse vx glase
greeness glase (2 glas)
green-fringed plain ? luibenglas
greenish (?) etarglas
greenish blue 2 glas
greenish hue 2 glas
greenish or bluish tint foglas a
greenstuff 2 glasn (2 glas)
green-surfaced forglass
green-surfaced foraine
greeting to Flann imchomarc
greeting arraid
greeting bennachad
greeting filte, falte fri (a) (filid, falid)
greeting forfaltigud
greeting imchomarc
greets bennachaid I (b)
grey beneath folath

grey wolf 2 glas
grey 2 glas
grey lachtna
grey lath
grey-haired grant
grey-haired lath
greyhound mlch
greyish (?) 1 glasach (2 glas ?)
greyish blue 2 glas
greyness lithe (lath)
greyness las (lath)
grid indain
griddle fuine
griddle gretel
griddle indein
griddle lann
grid-iron brannrad
gridiron indein
grief (?) doimln
grief (?) el 2
grief ? lettromn (lettrom)
grief for one dead 1 argn, argn
grief ? fuire
grief ? mr
grief airchrae (c)
grief aithmla (c) (mla)
grief aprainn
grief brn (a)
grief brnn (brn)
grief cs 1 (b)
grief ce 1 (c)
grief coimche (ce 1)
grief cuma 1
grief dainit, daithnid
grief derbile
grief dimbg, dimbig (-bid) (bg)
grief dobrn (brn)
grief dogailse
grief doilge (b) (doilig)
grief doirbes (doirb 1)
grief dls
grief domenma (menma)
grief dubae (dub)
grief elchaire (b)
grief goim
grief ingar
grief monuar
grief muich (mich, muich)
grief muich (mich, muich)
grief-stricken aithmlach (b) (aithmla)
grievance anfolad II (b) (folud 1)

grievance fola (fala)
grieved airbadach (b) (airbaid)
grieved dogailsech (dogailse)
grieves for ccanid
grieves brnaid (brn)
grieves do-brni (?)
grieves dogailsigidir (dogailse)
grieves fo-ceird III (d) for
grieves fo-saig
grieves galraigid (galar)
grieves goillid
grieves mairgid
grieving (?) brocad
grieving over cndach III
grieving brn (a)
grievous plight ing
grievous attrom (trom 3)
grievous brnach (a) (brn)
grievous cesnadach (-aidech) (cesnad)
grievous deccair II
grievous doccair I
grievous doccamlach (doccumail)
grievous dodaing
grievous doilig (b)
grievous dlsach (dls)
grievous ccande (ccan 2)
grievous icnech 1 (a) (icen)
grievous ingar
grievous lach
griffin grb
griffin-like grbda (grb)
griffin-like grobach (grb)
grim dorrda
grim dothaim
grim dairc
grim forgruamda
grim larda (lar)
grimness airspraic = forspraic
grimness darcus (dairc)
grimness gramdacht (gramda)
grinder meilteir
grinding (?) br 1 (a)
grinding ? ? frigec vx frige
grinding of teeth dtbach (dt 1)
grinding upon the whet-stone imbleith
grinding bleith I (a)
grinding cocantach (cocaint, see cocnam)
grinding coimeltach (commailt)
grinding comblethad (mleith)
grinding commailt
grinding formailt

grinding imbleith
grinding inbleth
grinding meile
grinding meilt
grinding mellbleith
grinding mleith
grinds for ar-meil (meilid)
grinds to dust laith
grinds con-meil
grinds do-fairc
grinds lmad
grinds meilid (melaid)
grinds meilid (melaid)
grindstone br 1 (a)
grindstone forcad
grip (?) ergraimm
grip airgabl
grip forgabl (forngabl)
grip graimm vx greimm
grip imnasc
griping pains letarthach (letrad)
gripping by the neck muinlad
grips (?) fiscid (b)
gristle maethn (maeth)
grizzled lubanach (luban)
groan cnet
groan acht
groaning coimchnetach (cnetach)
groaning 2 achtach (acht)
groaning cnetach (cnet)
groaning ccan 2
groaning ccane
groaning ccaniud
groaning girfedach (gir)
groaning grifing
groaning achtach (acht)
groaning achtad
groans cneitid (cnet)
groans achtaid
groat bonn 2
groat cta 2
groin bln
groin loch
groins aiblenaib
gromwell gurmaille (botan.)
groove (of a sword) clas 1(e) (claidid)
grooved engach 3
gross gresda
grossness fem(m)achus
ground achad
ground adbar

ground don 1
ground fonn
ground fotha
ground grenta (part. of grenaid)
ground grunda
ground lann
ground lr
ground maignes
group of persons connected by descent dne (b)
group of persons connected by some common bond muinter
group of persons of the same family or kindred fine 1 (a)
group of seven beasts (??) culgaib
group of seven persons mrfeiser
group buiden
group com\.slechta (slicht?)
group dglaim
group foirenn (a)
grouse (?) gercc
grouse frech
grove of birch beithech 1 (beithe)
grove of oak-trees dairbre II
grove crannach (crann)
grove daire, doire II (dair)
grove fid (c)
grove garrn
grove arbaib
growing again ath\.fs (s)
growing angry fergugud I (ferg)
growing child blaicce
growing cold (?, CW) com\.farad (arad)
growing dark dubad
growing grey lathad
growing less dgbad
growing pale imbnad
growing up irge (d)
growing up ins
growing weak nirt(n)igud
growing weak fannugud
growing s 1
growing fs 2
growing fsamail (fs 2)
growling carsn
growling gnsachtach (gns)
grows for-beir
grows (of plants, people, etc.) said (a) (s 1)
grows angry (intrans.) fergaigid(ir) I (ferg)
grows black dubaigid (dub)
grows blunt maelaigid (mael)
grows calm (intrans.) fthnaigid II
grows dark (intrans.) dorchaigid (a) (dorchae)
grows dark (intrans.) dubaid (a) (dub)

grows dark dubaigid (dub)
grows dusky forramnaigid (ramnaigid)
grows fierce feochraigid (feochair)
grows high (intrans.) ardaigid (b) (ard 1)
grows high dgsigidir (dgas)
grows larger mtaigid (mit)
grows livid glasaid (2 glas)
grows old arsadaigidir (arsaid)
grows old arsaidid (arsaid)
grows pale glasaid (2 glas)
grows purple comchorcraid (corcraid)
grows red (intrans.) dergaid II (b) (derg)
grows red forramnaigid (ramnaigid)
grows slack mainnigid
grows small lagdaigid (lagat)
grows smooth (intrans.) fthnaigid II
grows stiff cataigid (cotut)
grows stiff crannraigid (crann)
grows thin celaid (cel)
grows towards evening fescrigid
grows up esaid
grows up irgid (d)
grows weak (intrans.) fannaigid II (fann 2)
grows weak ccraidigid (ccraid)
grows weak laca(ig)id (lac)
grows weak maelaigid (mael)
grows white (with blossom) gelaigid (gel)
grows white gelaid (gel)
grows wild feochraigid (feochair)
grows ? folosaid
grows for-sa
grows insaid (ins)
grows infoirbrid, inforbraid
grows lossaid (los)
growth s 1
growth fs 2
growth fors
growth forbair
growth forbart (> forbairt)
growth genemain
growth ins
growth inforba(i)rt
grub of clothes-moth legam
grubbing grafadh
grubbing grafil
grub-hoe bacc 1 (c)
grudge ancairde (cairde)
grudge anfolad II (b) (folud 1)
grudge digugra
grudge ccraites
grudge fola (fala)

grudge goim
grudge grc (grig)
grudging (?) doinech (?)
grudging disposition dbe 1
grudging 1 gand
grudging cesacht (a)
grudging cesachtach (cesacht)
grudging dbech (dbe 1)
grudging diltadach (b) (diltad)
grudging dochell (call?)
grudging dochlech (dochle)
grudging rthach (raid)
gruel (?) enbroth
gruel made of meal and water menadach
gruel brothchn (brothach)
gruel cribechn
gruel littiu, lichtiu
grumbles at ceisid 1 (b) for (ar)
grumbles ceisid 1 (a)
grumbles fo-dorda
grumbling (?) com\.foirb
grumbling cannrnach (cannrn)
grumbling cesnaige ?
grumbling monmar (monbar)
grumpy muisech
grunt gns
grunting grafand
guagmire loth
guarantee 1 glinne
guarantee ad-guid
guarantee airnaidm (a)
guarantee airthach
guarantee rach 1 (b)
guarantee coraigecht (cor 1)
guarantee dl II (d)
guarantee enech 1, ainech II (b)
guarantee fr 1 II (b)
guarantee fonaidm
guarantee fonaidm
guarantee fornaidm
guaranteeing (a contract or other legal obligation or transaction) rach 1 (b)
guarantees by oath (?) ar-toing
guarantees ar-naisc
guarantor (?) fada 2 (d)
guarantor (legal) cor 1
guarantor aitire (b)
guarantor commairge (c)
guaranty aurradus (c) (aurrae)
guard between the hilt and the blade elta 2
guard on cattle, lest they injure a neighbours property forruma
guard brda

guard coimt (c)
guard enec(h)rus
guard forcomus
guard imchomt
guarded against foimti
guardian (?) cumtaigtheir (cumtaigid, see con-utaing)
guardian (?) cumtaigtig = cumtaigtheir
guardian (of a religious order) gairdian
guardian bachaill (b)
guardian coimtaid 2 (coimt)
guardian feithmeir (fethem)
guardian inill
guardianship (?) brda
guardianship ? imchomt
guardianship brdacht (brda)
guardianship inilligud
guarding (?) giant fuirmech
guarding (ar = against) fethem (b)
guarding (esp. at night) airne
guarding (tradition) imchomt
guarding against frecomt
guarding the door or gate doirseracht (doirseir)
guarding ? forairechad
guarding aire 1 (a)
guarding brdacht (brda)
guarding bachaillecht (bachaill)
guarding coimt (a)
guarding comad 1
guarding cudnd, -ud (a) = congnam
guarding dingaire
guarding r 3
guarding faire
guarding foichlige 1
guarding foimditiu
guarding forairech (foraire)
guarding forcma
guarding forcomt
guarding arfaigid
guarding imchomt
guarding imdtiu
guarding ingabl
guarding ingaire
guards (ar = against) (trans.) fethid 1 I (b)
guards ... against in-gaib
guards ? imm-anich
guards airid 2 (aire 1)
guards bachaillid (bachaill)
guards coimtaid 1 (coimt)
guards con-o
guards do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a II (b)
guards do-farcai (a)

guards do-ingair 2
guards foraire (aire)
guards for-snidi
guards fris-comai, -frecmai
guards imm-comai
guards imm-fen
guards imm-fen
guards imm-tit
guardsman costudach (costud)
guerdon fach 1 (c)
guess ammus (d)
guest 1 gres(s)
guest coinnem (a)
guests coinnem (a)
guidance (place) elas, eulas (c)
guidance el 1 I (d)
guidance imths
guidance indrem, indram
guide (?) elaire
guide eochair 1, echair (b)
guide olach, ulach (c)
guide elaige
guider (?) rmach II (rma)
guides (trans.) drgid I (b) (driuch)
guides imm-ladi
guiding principle dliged I (a)
guiding comdrgiud (drgud)
guiding drgud (b)
guiding follamnugad (follamnaigid)
guiding follamnus
guiding imths
guiding lamairecht (lamaire)
guile celg (a)
guile clesrad (c) (cles)
guile clain 2
guile dalb 1
guile dalbad
guile fomraith, -raid
guile mebal(mebul)
guile melltirecht
guile meng
guile mraithemnacht
guileful clesach I (cles)
guilt (?) col (d)
guilt (legal) cin III (a)
guilt ainennac (ennac)
guilt ainenncae (enncae)
guilt bibdamnacht (bibdu)
guilt bibdanas (a) (bibdu)
guilt cin I and II
guilt cinadus (cin)

guilt cintas
guilt fola (fala)
guiltless ennac (a)
guiltlessness indracus (indraic)
guilty party cintach II (cin)
guilty party lthe
guilty person ainennac (ennac)
guilty person dlsech (dles, dlse)
guilty person lthech (lii/d, lud)
guilty cairech (a) (caire 1)
guilty cairthech (caire)
guilty cintach I (cin)
guilty dor (d)
guilty lochtach (locht)
guise ccosc (e)
guise indell
guitar (?) gitart
gulf (?) can 2
gulf mn
gull (?) filtec
gullet brga 1 I (a)
gullet cres (a)
gullet dbechn
gullet forcrach
gullet gibis
gullet long
gulping alpad
gulps diurnaid
gum arabic acasia
gum carpat (c)
gum gum
gum menann
gums mant
gun gonna vx gunna
gun gunna
gurantor aurrae (c)
gurantor comallach (comall)
gush (of water) bas 1 (a)
gush fras (fros) > frais
gushes forth do-brchta
gushes do-eprinn
gushes maidid
gushes meirbligid
gushing forth limm
gushing buinnech 1 (buinne)
gushing buinniugad
gushing dbairsiu
gushing folcmar (falc-) (folc)
gust (of wind) cle 1 (a)
gust of air d 1 V
gust of fire daiger 1 (daig)

gust of wind daiger 1 (daig)
gusty (?) fethan(n)ach
gut celn
gutter guitar
guttural chatter (?) gic-goc (onomatopoeic ?)
gyve gemel
gyves gemaid

ha! ap 2
habit aibit
habit airbert biuth
habit laig
habit bs 1 (a)
habit bsad (a) (bs 1) = bs 1 (a), (b)
habit cubal 2
habit gnssad (gns)
habit gntham (gnth)
habit? mainnrid
habitation aittrebad (attrab)
habitation attrab (d)
habitation congbil (-l) (c)
habitation dra(i)s
habitation loc
habitual criminal bithbinech (bith + binech)
habitual fault (?) anlocht (locht)
habitual saying ann\.focal)
habitual viciousness bithbinche (bithbinech)
habitual acnapthe
habitual grsach (2 grs)
habitually criminal bithbinech (bith + binech)
habitually vicious bithbinech (bith + binech)
hacked cerbtha
hacked coscarthae
hacking (off) lod
hacking cerbad (a)
hacking comchirrbad
hacking comthollad (tollad)
hacking coscrad
hacking cummae
hacking imthescad
hacking letrad
hacks (off) lonaid
hacks down comchirr(b)aid (cerbaid)
hacks brtaid (brit)
hacks cerbaid (a)
hacks con-ben
hacks con-scara (b)
hacks do-inben
hacks letraid
Hades ifern, ifrenn

haemorrhoids (in pl.) (med.) fc (b)
haevy rain (of blows) clagairt
haft of a knife luiseag
haft em, eb
hag ammait (a)
hag caillech (c) (caille 1)
hag caillechn (caillech)
hag cairling
Hagar Agar
haggard agart
hail casar
hail casarnach (casar)
hails bennachaid I (b)
hail-shower casar
hair (?) cairche 2
hair (?) fethan
hair (coll.) fs 2
hair (coll., gen. of hair on body) finnfad
hair (of animals) 1 gaire
hair (of head) forfolt
hair (of men or animals) finna
hair (of the head) foltne
hair of animals clm, clim (b)
hair of poll worn in Irish fashion cln (cl)
hair of the head airla
hair of the head cab
hair of the head folt (falt)
hair of the head folt (falt)
hair of the head folt (falt)
hair of the head foltchp-chp
hair of the head grac
hair standing on end frithchassad
hair ? fraic
hair 1 grend
hair berrad (d)
hair brothar (broth 1 ?)
hair corc 2
hair cach 1 (b)
hair foiltn
hair foiltnn
hair falasg
hair gr
hair mong
hair-beauty foltmaise
haircloth cilic
hair-cutter berrthaid (berraid)
hair-like (?) foltnide
hairy (?) fesach
hairy (?) findchaide
hairy (?) findnech
hairy clm(th)ach (clm)

hairy finnach, -ech (finna)
hairy finnfadach (finnfad)
hairy grendach (1 grend)
hairy gracach (grac)
hairy litarda (litor)
hairy mongach (mong)
halberd (h)alabard
halbert gunbuinne
hale folln, falln
half and half lethach (leth)
half blind losc
half dark, half bright (?) brechtaige (brechtach)
half of ? innleth
half leth
half leth
half leth
half-furious ?midrecht
half-hearted (?) isledach
halftern (?) leithriu (?--)
halfwit buic(n)e
half-wit buicell
half-wit ceptha
half-witted person (?) finelach, fenelach (?)
half-witted buicnech (buicne)
halidom ? ath
halidom cretair
halidom fethal (c)
halidom mind (minn)
hall midchuairt
hall alla 1
hall bruig (c)
hall indless
halt losc
halter or fastening made of withes or osiers 1 gat
halter 1 goiste
halter adastar
halter brigdech 1 (brga 1)
halter cennas 2
halter loman
halting costud
halting foss (fos)
halting fossad
halting fossugud
halting imfuirech
halting-place fossad
halts do-airissedar (c)
halts fossaigid(ir) (foss)
halves lethaid (leth, lethan)
ham esca(i)t
hames (of oxen) amma
hamlet grig-baile

hammer casr
hammer geannaire
hammer gennaire (genn)
hammering indarcan
hamper bardg
hamper ces 2 (a)
hand (as a measure of length) dorn (b)
hand as measure of length or breadth bas 1 (c)
hand rest frithadart
hand to hand encounter dorngal (dorn + gal)
hand brac
hand cp 2
hand crg
hand crob
hand crb
hand dernu (a)
hand do 1 (c)
hand dorn (a)
hand duais 1
hand farc
hand forc
hand frac
hand glac (c)
hand lm
hand lm
hand luis
hand man
hand mt (?mat)
handbook lebrn (lebor)
hand-burden lmaire
-handed dornach (dorn)
handful dla, dlu (a)
handful dorlach (dorn?)
handful dorn (c)
handful dornn (dorn)
handful imglaice
handful lmaire
handful mullscid
handicraft (?) feis 3
handicraft 1 grs
handicraft cerd 1 (b)
handing over (?) logad
handing over aithne 1 (a)
handing over furilem
handing over idnacul
handiwork abras (b)
handiwork druine 2 (druin)
handiwork frithgnam
handiwork lmdae (lm)
handle (?) of a bell doirnn (dorn)
handle (of a weapon) airlann 2 (lann 1)

handle bas 1 (b)
handle cos (b)
handle dorn (e)
handle em, eb
handle lorg
handler (?) bertaid 1 (bert)
handler glacach
handles fris-ilethar
handles imm-beir
handles limsigid (lmh)
handles lmaigid (lm)
handless andit 2 (do 1)
handless anditech = andit 2
handling a tool imbert
handling a weapon imbert
handling airle 1 (c)
handling comairle (a)
handling dl II (c)
handling glacairecht
handling limsiugad
handling lmach (lm)
handling lmachtad
handling lmugad
handmaid inailt
hands down (a statement, etc.) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (j)
hands over to licid
hands over dlsid (dles)
hands over do-airbir II
hands over do-indnaig (a)
hands over facair (fo-acair, fcair)
handsel ainnsile
hand-sluggish mr
handsome (?) canmar (can ?)
handsome canna 1 (can 1)
handsome dathamail (dath 1, daith 2)
handsome finn 1 (c)
handsome fulln
handsome mass
handsomeness (?) dmaisse 1 (dmaiss)
handsomeness fulln
handsomeness maisige
hanged crochthae
hanging down (?) banganaig = banganacht
hanging down (?) bangancht
hanging freely lascach (lasc)
hanging crochad
hangman crochaire (a) (crochaid [1])
hangs up ar-rcaib
hangs crochaid 1 (croch 1)
hangs goistigid (goiste)
hank of thread rna

happened (to be) for-ecmaing
happening to irge (g)
happening airisiu (b)
happening ecmong, ecmoc I
happens (intrans.) do-ecmaing III (a)
happens (intrans.) do-roich II
happens (to be) do-airissedar (b)
happens to be do-cuirethar II
happens to be do-cuirethar III (a), (b)
happens to be do-ecmaing II
happens to come do-cuirethar III (a), (b)
happens to do-cuirethar III (e) do
happens to do-rorban 1 I
happens to irgid (h) do (2)
happens to imm-comraic
happens to imm-cuirethar
happens upon? in-otat
happens 1 ad-cumaing
happens at-reig
happens do-cuirethar III (f)
happens do-icc II
happens for-cumaing
happens imm-airicc
happens imm-ecmaing
happens imm-icc
happens imm-ricc
happens imm-tit
happiness filte, falte (filid, falid)
happy (?, CW) fechtnaigthe
happy (esp. in relig. sense) findbadach, -fadach (findbad)
happy is x mad-cin x
happy fechtnach (a)
happy gainithir
happy mad
happy maraid and mairid
harasses baidrid (a) (baidre)
harasses crothaid (c)
harassing again athbaidred (baidred)
harassing frithirecht (frithir)
harassing frithorcun
harassing imlad
harassing len(a)main
harbour caladphort (calad + port)
harbour can 2
harbourage lepaid
harbouring a criminal unknowingly (?) bnapad (bn + apad 1)
harbouring an escaped criminal apaid
hard (of moral qualities) drda (dr 1)
hard (of persons) calad 2 I (a)
hard (of persons) doilig (c)
hard (to do) ansae 1 I (a) (ass(a)e)

hard (to do) doilig (a)
hard drinker otach (ota vx t(t)u)
hard ground (?) cratan (craid)
hard or unfortunate death dobs (bs)
hard to accomplish deccair IV
hard to ascend dodrim (drimm)
hard to avoid doingabla (ingabl)
hard to be got do\.fagbla (fagbl)
hard to be wrought from (CW) dobenta (benaid)
hard to bear deccair II
hard to bear dic
hard to bear doilig (b)
hard to bear doimchuir (imchor)
hard to bear doirb 1 (b)
hard to bear dr 1
hard to believe dochreitte 1 (creitid)
hard to bind (that cannot be pledged?) do\.snadma (snaidm)
hard to climb dodrim (drimm)
hard to cure doctha (ccaid)
hard to cure doleigis (leiges)
hard to deal with (?) doglactha (glacaid)
hard to do decmaing II
hard to do dodnta (dntae)
hard to entreat doitgi (itge)
hard to expel dodchuir (dchur)
hard to extinguish domchta (mchaid)
hard to fight dothroide (troit)
hard to get on with dic
hard to go dodulta (dul)
hard to handle (?) doglactha (glacaid)
hard to obtain (?) dot 1
hard to pay for dodla (dl)
hard to please (of persons) doirb 1 (c)
hard to put up with dic
hard to speak to douragall (air\.fuigell)
hard to take dogabla (gabl)
hard to take dogabtha (gaibid)
hard to travel over doimthechta (imthecht)
hard amnas (a)
hard calad 2 I (b)
hard caladphort (calad + port)
hard cotut
hard cradach
hard craid I
hard cisech 1 (cis 1)
hard deccair I
hard dedairnn II
hard doccrach (doccra)
hard dodaing
hard dor (e)
hard doirb 1 (a)

hard dr 1
hard-edged imbel?
hardened calcaigthe
hardened calcugad
hardened coirtchide (coirt 1)
hardening coiteiciud (--?)
hardening cradugud
hardening fagairt
hardens (trans. and intrans.) crad(aig)id (craid)
hardens crannraigid (crann)
hardens draid (dr 1)
hard-fighting cradbach
hardihood galma
hardly at all mr (mr)
hardly infechtain
hardly ing
hardly mod
hardly mr (mr)
hardness (?) gainne (gann)
hardness caite 1
hardness craid II
hardness craide (craid)
hardness cras (craid)
hardness dsacht VI
hardness dire (dr)
hardness dracht (dr 1)
hards of flax barrach 2 (barr 1)
hardship amgaire (amgar)
hardship an\.sd (sd 1)
hardship annr
hardship brat 1 (c)
hardship cacht 1 (c)
hardship calad 2 II
hardship cith 1
hardship cradil (cra(id) + dl 2)
hardship cradlacht = cradil
hardship cradc (craid)
hardship cruaitech
hardship cratan (craid)
hardship deccair III
hardship doccair II
hardship doccra(e) (doccair)
hardship doccumail (accomal)
hardship dochracht (dochor)
hardship dochraite (b) (dochrait)
hardship doilgius (b) (doilig)
hardship drobl
hardship talang
hard-turf min
hardy (?) drmar
hardy (of persons and moral qualities) dr 1

hardy craid I
hardy fuilngech, -thech
hare lornn
hare ml
harl ? hrla-hrla
harl ? hrla-hrla
harlot blesc
harlot dorman
harlot gabur
harlot lot
harlot meirdrech (meirtrech)
harlotry dormaine 1
harlotry meirdrechas
harm (?) airdubad (dubad)
harm aimles (a) (les)
harm airbaid
harm aircht
harm amnas (c)
harm bine
harm dochonn 2
harm doman (man)
harm domane = doman
harm domiste
harm gortadh
harm liniud, lnad (-e-?)
harm mulaid
harmful (?) (with pejorative sense) brotla (b)
harmful airbadach (a) (airbaid)
harmful airchitech (aircht)
harmful goimech (goim)
harming ? fuba
harming airchitiugud
harming aircht
harming bar(r)thain
harmless ennac (a)
harmlessness enncae (ennac)
harmonious (?) dbind
harmonious music coicetal
harmonious airfitech 1 I (airfitiud)
harmonious binn
harmonious comentadach (comentu)
harmonious comchubaid (cubaid)
harmonious comoiremnach (oiremnach)
harmonious cubach = cubaid
harmonious cubaid I (a)
harmonious cuibdech = cubaid
harmoniousness (of heaven) celmaire (celmar)
harmoniousness imchuibde (imchubaid)
harmonisation (?, CW) coccaelad (com + celad)
harmonizes with cuibdigid(ir) (cubaid)
harmonizing cuibdiugud

harmony coicetal
harmony comentu (a) (oentu)
harmony cuibde 1 (cubaid)
harmony feith 1
harmony imchuibdius (imchubaid)
harmony imchuibdius (imchubaid)
harmony imm-aimm
harmony infreccr(a)e
harms airchitid do (aircht)
harness (?) cuindscle
harness (?) ellach 1 III
harness errad 1, erriud (-ed), irrad II
harnessed (horse) cengalta
harnessed (of horses) gablta (gabl)
harnesses indlid (indell)
harnessing indell
harp cis 2
harp clirsech
harp crott
harper clirseir
harper cruitt 1
harper cruittire = cruitt 1
Harpies Airpi
harpoon murga
harp-playing cruittirecht (cruittire)
harrier ingrentid, ingraintid (in-greinn)
harries crothaid (c)
harries foglaid 2
harrow clath (d)
harrow daintech III
harrower airctheir (oirgid)
harrowing foirsed
harrows foirsid
harrows fuirsid vx foirsid
harrying (?) faitriud
harsh (?) crach
harsh (?) fron
harsh (of physical and moral qualities) 1 garb
harsh person ainmn (mn)
harsh aicbil
harsh ainmn (mn)
harsh arnaid 1
harsh borb (b)
harsh cotut
harsh cradach
harsh cradlach (cradil)
harsh craid I
harsh dcheil (cel)
harsh dobtha, dobuigthe (opad)
harsh dorr 1
harsh ccendais (b)

harsh goirgech
harshness (of persons) amainse (a) (amnas)
harshness acairbe
harshness aindiitecht (aindiit)
harshness ainicht (icht)
harshness ainmne (mne)
harshness borblachas (borb)
harshness burbae (b) (borb)
harshness crdatu (crdae)
harshness craide (craid)
harshness dsacht VI
harshness doilge (c) (doilig)
harshness darcus (dairc)
harshness eccendsa
harshness gairbsin (garb)
harshness galma
harshness mcnatu
harvest arblann
harvest bain (a)
harvest fochmuine
harvest fogamar (b)
harvest-man banaige = banaid
has a claim on ad-dlig
has a claim on ar-dlig (dligid)
has a right to (do) la
has a right to dligid I (a)
has a share in con-ranna (b) (rannaid)
has conpassion on (di) ar-ceissi (a)
has consumed me atomrolscai
has dealings with etraigid
has departed (ro)-fith, -fid, -fad
has displayed (?, CW) contaisle
has done cuirid 1 (a)
has ended do-esta (b)
has experience of blaisid
has gone (ro)-fith, -fid, -fad
has in common con-tethaig
has injured (?) dosraid
has intercourse comracht(an)aid (comrachtain)
has joint grazing with con-geil (geilid)
has need of them fo-ricc
has perished do-esta (b)
has recourse to do-aithigi (c)
has recourse to muinigin
has regard to (intrans.) fgaid II (b) do
has setlled (?) con-rodastar
has sworn comluigestar (comluige 1)
has the same honour price ibrracht
has to do with it imm-tit
has to do with etraigid
haste aururas

haste deibed 2
haste deinmne (di + ainmne)
haste deinmnetche (deinmnetach)
haste deithbir 2 II
haste deithnes
haste fadar
hastening comthinnenas (tinnenas)
hastening cudnd, -ud (b) = congnam
hastening deithbrigud (b)
hastening lath(ug)ad
hastens to (intrans.) do-reith I
hastens to (trans.) do-reith II (b)
hastens deithbrigid I (deithbir 2)
hasty deibedach (deibed 2)
hasty deinmnetach (deinmnit)
hasty deithbirech (deithbir 2)
hasty deithnesach (deithnes)
hasty grot 1
hat att 2
hat birrt
hat hata
hatch of a ship (h)aiste
hatches (of animals) dothaid (doth)
hatchet bail, biil
hatching (of animals) doth
hatching dothad
hate aincride (b) (cride)
hated miscsech (miscais)
hated? person miscnechn
hateful person miscnechn
hateful comgrinemail (grinemail)
hateful dabais
hateful fataide (-aige)
hateful fathmar (fath) vx athmar
hateful grnda (grin)
hateful miscaisech
hateful miscnech (miscais)
hateful miscsech (miscais)
hates fathaigid (fath)
hates miscnigid
hates miscsigidir (miscsech)
hatred of books, love of sleeping, the one who practises these is a long way from becoming a
learned man ? imderc, ? imtherc
hatred ? miscaisne
hatred accais (b)
hatred aininne (1 inne)
hatred anman (man)
hatred fath
hatred fathmairecht
hatred miscais
hatred miscnige

haughtiness ? mrthu
haughtiness mrdatu (mrda)
haughtiness mrdatus
haughty bacach (baic)
haughty dummusach (dummus)
haughty foraibrech
haughty forallach
haughty mrda (mr)
haughty mrdlach
hauling airrach (b)
haunch (of meat) (?) ces 4 (-- ?)
haunch cairn(e) (cara 2)
haunch cara 2
haunch cochae
haunch esca(i)t
haunch lrac
haunch les
haunch ln
haunt of badgers broic(th)enach (brocc)
haunted by birds nach 1 (n 1)
haven can 2
having (children) comthuismed (tuismed)
having (long or abundant) hair foltach (folt)
having a (thick?) neck muinlach
having a belly brach 1 (br 1)
having a bitter taste domblasta (domblas)
having a blemish ainmech (a) (ainim)
having a border bilech 1 (bil 1)
having a border cimsach (cimas)
having a border imlech (imbel)
having a cloak brattach 1 (bratt)
having a coif (?) copach 2
having a company dmach (dm)
having a cover or lid forclech. fairclech (forcle)
having a following dmach (dm)
having a foundation fundamintech
having a fringe cimsach (cimas)
having a hood culpatach (culpait)
having a hundred ears ctclastae
having a language (CW) blrach (blrae)
having a large belly bronnmar (br 1)
having a large family muirach
having a large household muirach
having a large retinue muirach
having a lintel fordoirside (fordorus)
having a long point indfoda
having a mantle (CW) casaldae (casal)
having a overporch fordoirside (fordorus)
having a prow brainech (b) (braine 1)
having a retinue dmach (dm)
having a rim bilech 1 (bil 1)

having a small hat (CW) atnach (atn)
having a sour taste domblasta (domblas)
having a tail erblach, erblech (erball)
having a withered or shrivelled trunk (i.e. bark?) (or trees) feochos
having abundance of wine fnmar (fn)
having abundant hair mongda (mong)
having altars with beautiful statues migech (mig)
having an edge imlech (imbel)
having an excrescence (?) cernach (b) (cern 1)
having an ill taste domblas II (do + mlas, blas)
having appendages eithrech (eithre)
having apple trees 1 ablach
having arts -dnach
having bands buidnech (buiden)
having big claws crbach (crb)
having big hooves crbach (crb)
having borders (e)ochrach (eochair 6 or 7)
having bracelets failgech 1 (a) (fail 1)
having branches crebach 1 (creb)
having buckles bclach (bcla)
having cavities casach 1 (cas)
having chariots cairptech I (carpat)
having children clannmar (clann)
having claws crbach (crb)
having command of language brlamail (blrae, brla)
having corners (e)ochrach (eochair 6 or 7)
having corners cernach (a) (cern 1)
having cows (?) ferbach 2
having cups cupach (cupa)
having deep set eyes glennsilech
having dregs descamail (descad)
having fair lands ath
having fifties cictach (cica)
having fingers merach
having fins (of fish) ettech, ittech I (a)
having fins eithrech (eithre)
having flags meirgech
having flocks eltanach (elta 1)
having followers (?) airechtach (airecht)
having fords thach (th)
having gaps bernach (bern)
having glens glenntach (glennta)
having grades 1 grdach (1 grd)
having growth fsamail (fs 2)
having hair (CW) (?) cachach 2 (cach 1)
having harbours canach 2 (can 2)
having havens canach 2 (can 2)
having herds almach (alam) ?
having hilt guards eltach 2 (elta 2)
having hollows glennach (glenn)
having hoofs or claws basach (bas 1)

having hooves crbach (crb)
having horns adarcach
having horn-skin (CW) conganchnesach (conganchnes)
having hostages 2 galla (=giallda ?)
having hosts airbrech (airbre)
having impetus ? fuinnemda (fuinnem)
having knights cnichtach (cnicht)
having lack of judgement (CW) (legal) beth 1 I (b)
having large buttocks msach
having large teeth or tusks faclach (facail)
having learning icsech (icse)
having links millech
having little to say dulbair (do + labar)
having little wealth foltach (folud) vx anfoltuch
having locks dalach 2 (dal 2)
having long fingers formrach (mr)
having long fingers? luibnech (luibne)
having long hair airlach (airla)
having long locks cabach (cab)
having long toes formrach (mr)
having many accomplishments il
having many bands of clerics clarach (clar)
having many bands clarach (clar)
having many boats curchach (curach)
having many branches dosach (dos 1)
having many children clannach (a) (clann)
having many children clannmar (clann)
having many choirs clarach (clar)
having many companions (?) cilech (cile)
having many crosses crosach (cros)
having many descendants il
having many divisions il
having many does brach 2 (br 2)
having many drinking-horns baballach (baball)
having many followers (leaders, etc.) donech (c) (duine)
having many friends cairdech 1 (cara 1)
having many gifts il
having many outstanding qualities badach
having many outstanding qualities il
having many poet-bands clarach (clar)
having many points imrinde (imrind)
having many pools linnide (linn)
having many rivers aibnech
having many shapes il
having many troops drmach (drma)
having many words brathrach (brathar)
having many wounds ? il
having men ferach 1 (fer)
having momentum ? fuinnemda (fuinnem)
having monks ? manchach
having much hair (?) findnech

having much to say? molmar
having much water linnmar (linn)
having nails ingnech (ingen)
having no family ambunach (bunach)
having no family ambunad (bunad)
having no land dthr (tr)
having no male issue dbaid 1
having no security (?) ainglinnech
having no standing in the tath ambunach (bunach)
having no standing in the tath ambunad (bunad)
having nothing to tell dsceil (scl)
having numerous herds irgech (a) (irge)
having phlegm (CW) crontsailech (crontsaile)
having poetry icsech (icse)
having pointed ears (of animals) berach (b) (bir 1)
having professions -dnach
having profits tlach (til)
having prominent teeth or tusks faclach (facail)
having prophetic powers fidemail (fith)
having protruding joints adbronnach
having pupils (?) felmacach (felmac)
having ramifications gablnach (gabln)
having regard to consequences armartach (armairt)
having rings brifnech (brifne)
having rings failgech 1 (a) (fail 1)
having rings millech
having sediment descamail (descad)
having similar feats comchliss (cles)
having sleeves muinchillech
having sores maircech
having spawn iuchrach (iuchair)
having spears lignech (ligen)
having springs or wells Birra (bir 2)
having standards meirgech
having statues migech (mig)
having stretches of water canach 2 (can 2)
having teeth daintech I
having teeth dtach (dt 1)
having the aicill pattern of rhyme 2 aicclech
having the breath of life ainmide 1 I
having the love of kindred falchar
having the same accomplishment(s) comdna 1 (dn)
having the same colour comdathach (dathach)
having the same form (?) comgne (gn?)
having the same lot cocrann (com + crann lot)
having the same metrical time or length comaimserdae (comaimser)
having the upper hand fortail (foirtil(l))
having thick foliage dosach (dos 1)
having to do with farms (?) brogda (bruig)
having to do with lands (?) brogda (bruig)
having to fear (CW) igthi

having tops barrach 1 (barr 1)
having tresses dalach 2 (dal 2)
having troops buidnech (buiden)
having troops canach (b) (can 1)
having two wheels dirath (roh?)
having udders delech (deil s.v. dela)
having vales glennach (glenn)
having walls mrdae (mr)
having warriors cnichtach (cnicht)
having wealth tlach (til)
having windows fuindecach
having wing-like appendages ettech, ittech I (a)
havoc dolud, dolaid (a)
havock ? lesrach
hawk (?) cubar 2 = caubar = cupar
hawk ? lachur
hawker mangaire
hawking imlad
hazard ? fogais
hazard begul (a)
hazard? matha
haze d 1 IV
hazelnuts cnas
hazel-rod cuillesc (coll 1 + flesc)
hazel-set cuillech (coll 1)
hazel-tree coll 1 (a)
hazel-tree colln (coll 1)
hazel-wort asarabacara
he answers fursaintid
he boasted not of them nor reviled them imchinid
he bound a circular folf round the earth with two divisions imbe
he cannot impugn the contracts of the fine imfoichid, imfochaid
he censured Finachta imchinid
he did not allow A to rob him of it imdiupart
he did not know that a man was trying to strike him imforgab > imforgam
he directs his subjects chtarn (chtar)
he does not consider it clean dealing.. idan
he forced an alliance by marriage furilem
he has no respite while he is burying or conveying (the corpse of) an adaltrach idnacul
he has reached the country (where) night is not seen ath
he hid (?) laithnius
he hid (?) laithnius
he is able to impugn foichid
he is consulted -frecnairc
he is to be supported fulang
he killed three hares, he went to cook them on the brink of a rock imfuine
he left ill-feeling between them imdell
he met with a repulsive reproachful...reception imdergthach (imdergad)
he must not forget lingthe
he must not stir to roam or to stray imchoss
he overthrew a tribe il

he proceeded to call those who were flying to stand their ground imfuirech
he purified Ireland`s meadow-lands ath
he put his taffrail upon the helm of one of the two ships imbel?
he raised himself asidrocaib
he shall drown the brimming river imln
he should be left licthi
he solves that ccaid (cc)
he spoke of the treachery of Fergus imdell
he visited transports of stores and munitions imlat
he warred on cities (?) with boards and feet and hands and broad shields lmach (lm)
he was carried imchor
he was generous logthanach (logad)
he was healed afterwards ccaid (cc)
he was unable to effect a movement imlad
he who believes without material circumcision imdibe
he who goes with the top of his thong in his cheek, the leather bottle maker inol
he who makes alive (of God) bodaigtheoir (boaigidir)
he who cch (e)
he will be a wolf of every great forest indros (ros)
he will have many fines il
he cch (e)
he 1, h
head of cattle anmandae (b) (ainimm)
head of fine (in Laws) conn (b)
head of hair barr 1 (d)
head of hair barrn (barr 1)
head of hair berrad (d)
head of hair foltn (dim. of folt)
head of hair mong
head of many chiefs il
head of spear gop
head person cenn III
head support adart
head 2 gart
head aicenn
head airchinn (cenn)
head airchinnech (airchinn?)
head ca
head calb 1
head capat
head caut
head cenn I
head clithe (h)
head coll 3
head cud 1 (-th)
head fulang
head menma
head-band cannadas
head-covering att 2
headdress (?) cuirce
head-dress worn by a king (in his priestly capacity?) bairrn (barr)

head-dress cathbarr (cath 1 + barr)
headdress ceinnbeirt (cenn 1 + bert)
head-dress cen(n)barr (cenn + barr)
headdress cennide
head-dress eobrat
head-dress? meile
headgear cennide
headheaviness (a brooch) cenntruimme (cenntromm)
headland imrind
headless person dchennach
headless person midech
headless spear dcheltair 2
headless mael (moel, mal)
headpiece celbarr
heads (of decapitated enemies) cendail
heads cendar
headship airchinnchecht (airchinnech)
headship cennacht (cenn)
headship cennas 1 (cenn)
headship cetus
headstrong ccallaid, -e (b) (call)
head-veil copchaille (copp + caille 1)
heady mescamail (meisc-) (mesc)
healed cnesaigthe
healed cnesta (cnes)
healed leigiste
healer ccaid > ccaide (cc)
healer lesaightheir (lesaigidir)
healer laig
healing cnesaigthech (cnesaigthe)
healing art leiges (laig)
healing draught dnech 2 (b)
healing herb cc
healing balad 2
healing cnesugud
healing frepaid
healing cc
healing cc
healing leiges (laig)
healing leigesamail (leiges)
heals ? frepthanaigidir
heals cnesaigid (cnes)
heals firid (a)
heals fris-ben
heals ccaid (cc)
heals leigisid, -esaid (leiges)
health essaeth (saeth?)
health follinecht (folline)
healthy appearance (of physical condition) fth 5
heap of bodies carnail
heap of bones cnimred (cnim)

heap of bones cnimredach = cnimred
heap carn (b)
heap carnail
heap carnn = carn
heap crach 1
heap cal (b)
heap daiss
heap duma 1, dumae (b)
heap dumach (b) (duma 1)
heap ft
heap moil (?mil)
heap mol vx mul
heap mul
heap mulln
heaping up carnad
heaps (?) desi
heaps together do-airchomraicci
heaps up carna(ig)id (carn)
heaps crachaid (crach 1)
hear thou auchaide
heard ba clos 2
hearer coistide (con-suidi? con-taisi?)
hearer tsid, stid
hearing cloisin
hearing cloistecht (b)
hearing cloistin
hearing clos 1
hearing clas (a)
hearing cluinsin
hearing cluintech
hearing comitsecht (itsecht)
hearing tsecht, stecht
hearing forcluaisin (for-cluinethar)
hearkens (with fri) con-taisi
hearkens istid, itsid
hears at-cluinethar, at-cluin = ro-cluinethar
hears cloistid, cloisid
hears con-taisi
hears for-cluinethar, forcluin
hears, overhears fo-cluinethar
heart (?) cor 2
heart (us. as seat of emotions) cride (a)
heart cl 3 (b)
heart corc 1
heart fulang
heart inne
hearth (for taxing purposes) dethach (c)
hearth detach
heartlet cridn, -en, -n (cride)
hearty cridemail (cride)
heat (?) fath 3

heat brothal (bruth 1 or broth 3)
heat bruithen
heat bruth 1 I (b) (berbaid)
heat combruth
heat gorad (vn. of guirid, goirid)
heat grs
heat lth
heated dergtha
heath (?) fadair (fad 2?)
heath frech
heathberry frechg (frech)
heath-bird gercc
heath-dog frech
heathen (?) ticech
heathen lore gentliucht
heathen Norsemen genti
heathen spells gentliucht
heathen temple dal, dol
heathen ainchrstaide (crstaide)
heathen etnic
heathen gentide I
heathen gentide I
heathen gentilech
heathen gentlide
heathen gentlide
heathen gentlidecht (gentlide)
heathen dlach (dal)
heathen dlaide (dal)
heathendom ainchrstaidecht (ainchrstaide)
heathenish contrivances gentlidecht (gentlide)
heathenish engines gentlidecht (gentlide)
heathenism gentlidecht (gentlide)
heathenism gentliucht
heathenism dlacht (dal)
heathens genti
heather frech
heath-fruit frech
heathy plain frech
heating bruithned (bruithne)
heating foigred
heating gorad (vn. of guirid, goirid)
heats dergaid I (b) (derg)
heats fo-geir 1
heaven (fig.) fochraic (a)
heaven and earth cethardil (cethair + dil)
heaven cel 2
heaven celam
heaven erc 1
Heaven flaithius, -es (c)
heavenly reward fochraic (a)
heavens clithe (e) nime, etc.

heaviness dubachas (dubach 1)
heaviness dubae (dub)
heaviness muich (mich, muich)
heaviness muirtill
heavy (?) (of sky) docht (d)
heavy (?) bair 2
heavy in front airthrom (trom 3)
heavy on one side lettrom
heavy rain clagairnech (-arnach)
heavy rain folc vx foilc
heavy muirig(i)nech
heavy muirtill
heavy-browed brmar (br 3)
heavy-ended artrom
Hebrew language ebrae I
Hebrew berda (ber I)
Hebrew ebrach
Hebrew ebrae II
Hebrew ebraide
Hebrew ebraide
Hebrew ebraidech
hectic fever etic
hedge airbe 1 (a)
hedge fl 1
hedge imbe
hedges round imm-fen
hedges flaid (fl 1)
hedging imbe
heed (?) fochell 1 (a)
heed (for = fri (re)) dullann
heed of cs 1 (c) i n-
heed aird 2
heed aire 1 (b)
heed airechas 2 (airech 4)
heed indithem, indfethem
heedful (?) dulannach (dulann)
heedful airech 4 (aire 1)
heedful faitech (a)
heedful fethmech (fethem)
heedfulness faitche (faitech)
heedfulness faitches (-ius), faitigus (a) (faitech)
heedless person bethn (beth 1)
heedless anairech (airech)
heedless ccundail, ccundla
heedless indthrachtach
heedlessness (?) ccondus
heeds (intrans.) fgaid II (b) do
heel la
heels ? arlib
heese gruth
hegemony forflaithius

he-goat boc 2
he-goat bocaide (boc 2)
he-goat bocn 2 (a) (boc 2)
he-goat Buccaite
heifer (?) bach
heifer (?) can 3
heifer ? maccom
heifer of one year dairt 1 I
heifer collaid 1
heifer dartaid
height (of person or thing) ardae, airde (b) (ard 1)
height 3
height ailt 3
height alt 2
height ard 1 II (a)
height ardae, airde (a) (ard 1)
height comardae 1 (ardae)
height dgas
height dgsa (dgas)
height dind (a)
height dindgna (a)
height immard
heir (?) festid
heir apparent adbar
heir comarb(b)ae (orbbae)
heir craid (cr 1)
heir damnae II, domnae
heir eigre, oigre, eiger, eigir, oigir
heirs (?) forbdine
heirship comarbus (comarbbae)
held in common comchoitchenn (coitchenn)
held in custal
helenium bad (b)
hell crn
hell ifern, ifrenn
hellebor athaba
hellnism grcdacht (grc)
helm falmaire 2
helmet att 2
helmet barr 1 (e)
helmet cathbarr (cath 1 + barr)
helmet ceinnbeirt (cenn 1 + bert)
helmet celbarr
helmet cennide
helmet clocat (cloc + att 2)
helmet diniath
helmet feilm 1
helmeted cathbarrthaige (cathbarr)
help cobair (a)
help com\.firithin (firithin)
help com\.fortacht (fortacht)

help congnam
help cuitecht 1 = cuitiugad
help cuitiugad (b)
help fir 2
help fortacht
helper (?) comthoirnd(ig)ech (toirned, toirndide)
helper (CW) cobarthanach = cobarthach
helper cobairech (cobair)
helper cobarthach II (cobair)
helper cobarthaid = cobarthach
helper congantaid = congnamaid
helper congnamaid (congnam)
helper fortachaigtheir
helper fortachtaid
helper fortachtaid
helper fortachtaigthid
helper fortaigtheir
helpful cobarthach I (cobair)
helpful firithnech
helpful fortach
helpfulness firithnige (firithnech)
helping cobair (b)
helping com\.fortacht (fortacht)
helping comchongnam (congnam)
helping comddnad
helping commrad (b)
helping congnam
helping cuitiugad (b)
helping cumtach (b)
helping fired
helping firithin (a)
helping firithnigud
helping imfortacht
helpless person fann 2
helpless anfainnech (anfainne)
helpless dchumgach (dchumce)
helpless fann 2
help-loving cobarchar (cobair + car)
helps (med.) com\.furtachta(ig)id (com\.fortacht)
helps mutually ? imm-fortit
helps mutually imm-cobrathar
helps the guilty (?) for-tt
helps cobraithir (cobair)
helps com\.furtaigid
helps con-gn
helps cuiti(gi)d (b) (cuit)
helps do-fir
helps do-rorban 1 II
helps firid (a)
helps firithnigid
helps fo-reith (reth-)

helps fortachtaigid(ir) (fortacht)
helps fortaigid, furtaigid
helps for-tt
helps lm
hem of a garment fithimm (-emm?)
hem cimas (a)
hemlock bindmer (binn + mer 1, mr 1?)
hemlock mongach (mong)
hemlock muinmer
hemp agrimony ? murdraigen
hemp cnip
hems in do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a II (b)
hen cerc
hen frangcach
henbane gafann
hen-blackbird lonach (lon)
hence adu
hence di\.su
hence didiu (a)
hence innonn
henceforth caidchi (b)
henceforth festa (b)
henceforth armoth
henceforth immach > ammach
heptad mrfeiser
heptasyllabic line claidemne = claidemnas
her alternative is all unequal imlat
her modesty, her hospitality imdergad
her -das-
her -dos- (a)
her -dus-
herald air\.fcarthid
herald bollsaire
herald callaire
herald erdonl, erdanl (donl)
herald facarthaid
heraldic arms armas
Herb luib
herb avens mac(c)all
herb mint minntus
herb ox-eye, daisy aspagn
herb trees lus
herb luisne (lus)
herb lus
herbage (?) forrsc
herbage clm, clim (e)
herbalist lusrachn = lusrad
herb-garden lubgort
herbs luibred (luib)
herbs lusrad (lus)
herd of cattle irge (b) (rach?)

herd of cattle dne (e)
herd of cattle it
herd of deer damrad II
herd of oxen damrad I
herd of young pigs banbrad (banb)
herd alam
herd bar 1 (b)
herd elba 1
herd immirge, immirc(h)e
herd-dog brotch
herding swine muc(c)aidecht
herding bachaillecht (bachaill)
herding ingaire
herding ingelt
herds crook cammn (b) (camm 1)
herds ar-gair (b)
herds bachaillid (bachaill)
herds bar 1 (b)
herds cethrae (cethir)
herds crod 1 (a)
herds in-gair
herdsman irgech (b) (irge)
herdsman bachaill (a)
herdsman buicnecht (buicne)
herdsmen ceraigecht (b) (cera)
herdswoman bachaill (a)
here is asso
here c 1
here foss (fos)
hereafter armoth
hereditary bee-keeper bechatir bech
hereditary land dthaig II (a)
hereditary property cr 1 II
hereditary proprietor dthchasach (a) (dthchas)
hereditary right dthchas (a) (dthaig)
hereditary stock? ? lathrath
hereditary territory finechas (a) (fine)
hereditary bunad (e) (bun 1)
hereditary dal 1 (a)
hereditary dthaig I (b)
hereditary dthchas (g) (dthaig)
heresiarch heresiarca
heresy eiricecht, eithricecht
heresy eiriticecht
heresy eres
heresy erise 1
heretic eirice, eithrice
heretic eretecda
heretic eretecdach (eretecda)
heretic eretic, eritic
heretic erisech

heretical opinion eiricecht, eithricecht
heretical sect eiricecht, eithricecht
heretical eiric-
heretical eiriticemail
heretical eithricemail
heretical eretecda
heretical eretecdach (eretecda)
heretical erisech
heretofore (of time) anall
heritage comarbus (comarbbae)
heritage eigrecht, oigrecht (eigre)
heritage forbbad
heritage indme (indeb)
heritage innorba
hermit dsertach (dsert)
hermit dthrubach (dthrub)
hermitage dsert
hermitage dthrubacht (dthrub)
hermits life dthrubacht (dthrub)
hero (?) indle
hero (fig. meaning of weapons rack) aidlenn
hero achlann
hero adlann
hero anglond (b) = glond 1
hero nrad (c)
hero arg 2 II
hero art 1
hero beithir
hero bile 1 (b)
hero bres 1 (c)
hero caindel
hero caur
hero ca [3]
hero cuingid 3 (cuing)
hero dam 1 III
hero galann (gal ?)
hero grat (gr) vx grait
hero greit
hero grb
hero`s leap idlann, idlang
Herod Irath
heroes (?) alt 4, altae
heroic (?) coradmar (caur?)
heroic action curatacht (curata)
heroic deed airbert (b)
heroic deed anglond (a) = glond 1
heroic practice dretla(ch)t (drettel)
heroic argda (arg 2)
heroic curata (caur)
heroic erecdae
heroic grata (grat)

heroines for group B after the same procedure (or method) imbert
heroism argdacht (argda)
heron corr 2
heron lnae
herpes (name of a skin-disease) deir
hers 1 a
hesitancy in speech luithe (luith)
hesitancy dolma (dolam)
hesitant (?) lonnach (lonn)
hesitant ? lonn
hesitant locach (locc)
hesitating imchomaircech (imchomarc)
hesitation locc
hewer (?) gerrthach
hewer (of timber) gerrthir
hewer banaid (bain)
hewer letarthach (letrad)
hewing down (in battle etc.) airlech 2
hewing bim (a) (-mm)
hewing combach
hewing comchirrbad
hewing imscothad
hewing lod
hewn down airlechtae
hews down comchirr(b)aid (cerbaid)
hews down fo-slechta
hews benaid I (b)
hews con-sela 1, -lg-, -slechta
hews lonaid
hey 5 (a)
hiccup fail 3
hiccup falec
hidden (?) clith I (b)
hidden place (?) dchelt
hidden shamefulness? ? fotairecht (ft?)
hidden thing damair 1 II (a)
hidden thing inchlide, inchl(e)ithe
hidden thing infolach (folach)
hidden ceiltech (ceilt)
hidden clithe 1
hidden clithemail (clith ?)
hidden derrit, derrait
hidden damair 1 I
hidden damarda (damair 1)
hidden damlaigthe
hidden damrach (damair 1)
hidden dchelta
hidden dchlethe
hidden fo cleth 2 (b)
hidden folaigthech
hidden fortche

hidden fortchide
hidden inchlide, inchl(e)ithe
hide (of animal) codal 1
hide integument gemen (gaimen)
hide or pelt ? fogaimen
hide 2 gaim
hide ban
hide croiccenn
hideous form fath
hideous ainitig (tig)
hideous forgrinne
hideous grinech
hideousness (?) tches (tig?)
hideousness grinecht (1 grin)
hides (?) ar-ceil
hides (below) > buries (the dead) fo-ceil
hides (below) > hides (the dead) fo-ceil
hides (of facts etc.) ceilid (b)
hides (of objects) ceilid (a)
hides con-ceil (a)
hides dchlethid (dchleth)
hides dlsigid, dsligid (d) (dles)
hides do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a I
hides do-eim 1 (a)
hides fo-luigi
hides gaibid
hides in-foilgi
hiding (?, CW) celad
hiding place clith II
hiding ceilemain
hiding ceilt
hiding cleth 2 (a)
hiding damair 1 II (c)
hiding damlad
hiding dlsigud, dsligud (d)
hiding dthlad
hiding eroloch (= airfolach?)
hiding foilches
hiding folach
hiding folach
hiding forcleith
hiding fuin
hiding-place fochlach 1 (= fochla 2?)
hiding-place folach
high (?) (of the sea) ard 1 I (c)
high (?) moorland rmin = airmin
high above ground ard 1 I (b)
high at one side leth
high castle agruin
high ground airard (ard)
high land air\.slab (slab)

high lands (?) fonn
high place ard 1 II (a)
high place ardae, airde (c) (ard 1)
high rank (?) (legal) clithe (g)
high spirit menmnaige (menma)
high spirit mrmenma
high spirit muirn
high spirits forfaltechus
high spirits forfaltius
high spirits in(n)tinn
high spirits menma
high water mark adart
high ard 1 I (a)
high comard (a) (ard 1)
high croch 2
high dgas
high-backed muire
higher part of stern of ship lipting
highest offence lai
highest part formna
highest part mual ?
highest point forba, forbae
high-handed forbrigach (forbrg)
highly renowned combladach (bladach)
high-mettled (of horses) febarda (febar)
high-minded mrda (mr)
high-mindedness menmnaige (menma)
Highness alteiss
high-placed person ard 1 II (b)
high-spined muire
high-spirited (?) ferach 2
high-spirited aicentach
high-spirited borrfadach (borrfad)
high-spirited lthgirech (lthgir(e))
high-spirited mrmenmnach
highway robbery irge (h) sliged
highwayman lergaire (lerg)
hill (?) canna 2
Hill of Allen, Co. Kildare. Almu
hill ?mes(s)
hill br 1
hill cite (a)
hill citech = cite
hill cnocc (b)
hill cnoccn (cnocc)
hill crachn (crach 1)
hill dind (a)
hill druim(m) III
hill druimne (b) (druimm)
hill mm
hillock brn (br)

hillock carn (c)
hillock cnuchae
hillock drumman (b) (druimm)
hillock mulln
hillside lerg
hilly cnoccach (cnocc)
hilt ? mudorn
hilt of a sword imdorn
hilt of a sword imdornchor
him 10 a
him -da\!n-
him -das-
him -dn-
himself 10 a
hind ag
hind baiscell
hind dam 2
hind elit, ailit
hind ferb(b) 1 (b)
hinder part of an animal ? argaile
hinder part of house ardom
hinder part 2 ar
hinder part ais 1
hinder chtar
hindered coiscthe
hindering (?) erchailed
hindering aidmilled
hindering airgaire
hindering bacc 1 (d)
hindering baccad (b)
hindering baccil
hindering bar(r)thain
hindering cosc (b)
hindering faitriud
hindering imthairmesc
hindering liniud, lnad (-e-?)
hindering loccad
hinder-part err 1 I
hinders (?) ? linid, ? lnaid (-e-?)
hinders ad-suidi var: adsuigidter
hinders ar-coat
hinders ar-gair (a)
hinders baccaid (a) (bacc 1)
hinders barraid 2
hinders crosaid (cros)
hinders do-airmesca
hinders do-rorban 2
hinders faitrid
hinders gaibid
hinders imm-fuirig (imb-fo-reg)
hinders loccaid (locc)

hind-legs ? arlib
hind-quarter arshliss (1 sliss)
hindrance (esp. of preservative or prophylactic against disease) airchosc (cosc)
hindrance bacc 1 (d)
hindrance baccad (b)
hindrance baccil
hindrance cros (d)
hindrance derbaid 1
hindrance locc
hindrance loccad
hinge crca
hinge lthrach (lth)
hinge merlach
hinge mimasclach
hinge-hook corrn (corr 1)
hint doich (dich?) II (c)
hip ? imdae
hip les
hip ln
hippodrome? ? magrand
hire fochell 2
hire fochraic (a)
hire formil
hired (military) service amsae (amus)
hired (military) service amsaine = amsae
hired (military) service amsainecht = amsaine
hired band dolud, dolaid (c)
hired out as a mercenary, on military service amsach 1 (amsae)
hired soldier amus
hired soldier banna (ban 1)
hired soldier dlmainech (dlmaine)
hired troop dolud, dolaid (c)
hired foichlide
hireling soldier (?) gomnach
hireling amus
hireling fochrach
hireling formlach (formil)
hireling formlaide formil
hires fo-cren (b)
hires fostaigid, fastaigid
hires glacaid (glac)
hiring (of soldiers) fostad
hiring fastd, -d, -d I (b)
hiring? foichled
hirsute mothlach
his kings in the neighbourhood imfoicse
his kinship while he bore it imchor
his own (?, CW) fo choim 1 (c)
his presence is increased according as ilaigidir
his property is not decreased by it maid
his tutor with the sense of an ollamh fursaintid

his very clear (?) gorm
his 1 a
his 2 a
hiss fetn (a)
hissing sound fet 2 (a)
hissing sound fetgaire
hissing fedalach (fet)
hissing fetugud (fet)
historian croinicid (croinic)
histories liter
history of Britain bretnachas (Bretnach)
history croinic
history croinicecht (croinic)
history el 1 I (b)
history imths
history linn
hit cramp idu
hither and thither ba 4 cha
hither al(l)e = ille
hither anall
hither ille, illei
hitherto (of time) anall
hitherto cos(s)e (co 1 + so)
hitherto m (ma)
hits ( a mark, etc.) do-ecmaing I
hits (a mark) ar-midethar (a)
hits a second time athaimsid (aimsid)
hits on airmaisid for (airmaisiu)
hits on do-tt (d) ar
hits the mark airmaisid (a) (airmaisiu)
hits aimsid (ammus)
hitting (?, CW) ctach 2 (ct 2)
hitting back immaithbe
hitting the mark ammus (e)
hitting upon airmaisiu (a)
hoard ? innfolach vx folach
hoard folach
hoarding coimtach 2 (coimt)
hoarding cruinne (c) (cruinn)
hoarding? foichlige 1
hoards ceilid (e)
hoards con-ceil (c)
hoarse cries carnfadach (corn ?)
hoarseness branchus
hoarseness carsn
hobgoblin (?) elpait, elpoid
hoc mantile lmtheoir
hog mugart ?
hog (?) fororc
hoisting airthcbil

hold (in wrestling) cach(\.s)naidm (cach 1 + naidm) =
hold games ? for-clechta
hold greimm
holder glac (c)
holding (?) licad
holding (a religious ceremony, etc.) celebrad (b)
holding (of functions, battles, etc.) commrad (c)
holding assemblies dlach I
holding back air\.fuirech
holding back astud (a)
holding back fastd, -d, -d I (a)
holding back fostad
holding back imfastad, imfostad, imfastd
holding back imfuirech
holding back loccad
holding festivals aige 1 (b)
holding lightly dimbrg I (b) (brg)
holding ones own against (used of an enemy) dingbil I
holding out against fulachtain (fulach)
holding out against fulang
holding out com\.fosugud (fossugud)
holding bruig (a)
holding congbil (-l) (a)
holding congblach (congbil)
holding gabl
holding gabltach
holding gabltas
holds (a festival )? gaibid
holds (a religious ceremony, etc.) celebraid (a)
holds (feast, etc.) commraid (mraid)
holds back (trans.) con-secha
holds back from con-secha di
holds back ad-suidi var: adsuigidter
holds back ar-fuirig
holds back ar-net (d)
holds back fo-rig
holds back fostaigid, fastaigid
holds back gaibid
holds back gaibid
holds back gaibid
holds back gaibid
holds back imm-fuirig (imb-fo-reg)
holds back loccaid (locc)
holds fast 2 gledid (2 gled)
holds fast gleta vx 2 gledid
holds fast gremmaigid (greimm)
holds in bondage gemligid (gemel)
holds jointly con-techta (techtaid)
holds out against (an evil, enemy) fo-loing
holds out against gaibid

holds out against gaibid
holds out daimid I
holds out gaibid
holds out gaibid
holds sway over apdanaigid do (apdaine)
holds sway follnathir
holds sway gaibid
holds sway gaibid
holds to fostaid
holds gaibid
holds gaibid
hole (?) corrc (corr 3?)
hole (?) dercnech = derc 1 (?)
hole (in the earth) fochla 2 (b)
hole brife
hole brocach 2 (brocc)
hole derc 1
hole fochlaid (b)
hole fachais
hole ad
holiness cide 1 (cid)
holiness dadacht (b) (dadae)
holiness etla I
holiness foirbthidecht
hollow (blister?) claig
hollow brothlach
hollow cabnach (cobfn)
hollow cisl
hollow cobfn (com + fn)
hollow cocae (com + cae)
hollow cocas 1 (com + cas)
hollow ca 1 (a)
hollow cachda (ca 1, cuach)
hollow cas (ca 1)
hollow casach 1 (cas)
hollow casach 2 = cas
hollow casachtach 1 = casach 1
hollow casal (-ll) (a)
hollow casamail (cas)
hollow casn (cas)
hollow dabach II
hollow fn
hollow forbs
hollow forfolam
hollow gim(h)eas
hollow glenn
hollow imtholl
hollow sel
hollow slen
hollow loc
hollow loch

hollowed (?) gibsech (gibis)
hollowed out cabnach (cobfn)
hollowed cocasta (cocas)
hollowed casta (cas)
holly-tree cuilenn
holm-oak lec
holy man rlam II (b)
holy Writ comscrbenn scrbend
holy bn I (a)
holy cdnech
holy cid 1
holy credal
holy creitmech (creitem)
holy dadae (da 2)
holy frnda (frn)
homage ? gillnae
homage foms, oms
home 1 adba
home detach
home dom, dam
home el 1 I (c)
home inad < ined
home maigen
homely muinterda
homestead baile 1 (a)
homeward athlorg (lorg)
homicide (?, CW) fell 1 (b)
homicide duinorcnid (duinorcun)
homicide dnmarbthir (dunmarbad)
honest ? id
honest comindraic (indraic)
honey meild (?meill)
honey mil
honeycomb? milten mil
honeysuckle (?) edlenn
honeysuckle fithleg (a)
honey-sweet milide (mil)
honoring fadugad 2
honour (in B. na f.) fis 1, fius I (e)
honour bestowed on a guest according to his rank fad 5
honour price midbad (-ba, -baid, -botha)
honour ? ath
honour airmitiu 1 fid
honour cdus (a) (cid)
honour cttu (cid)
honour dnite
honour enech 1, ainech II (a)
honour fad 5
honour gradam
honour indracus (indraic)
honour madaigecht

honour madamlacht
honour madamlae
honour madamlatu
honour mid
honour mod
honourable (of persons) fal 1 (b)
honourable behaviour 1 gart
honourable indraic
honourable madach
honourable madamail
honoured (?) airmitiu 2
honoured airmitnech (airmitiu 1)
honoured cdusach (cdus)
honoured cttamail (cttu)
honoured mata
honouring (?) commrad (a)
honouring (CW) comonrugad (onrugad)
honouring airmitiu 1 fid
honouring airmitniugad
honour-price dre (a)
honour-price enechlg
honour-price eneclann, aineclann (a)
honours airdircigidir (b) (airdirc)
honours airmitnigid(ir) (airmitiu 1)
honours ar-muinethar (+/- fid)
honours madaigid
hood of coat of mail worn under the helmet maelat
hood att 2
hood cochall (a)
hood culpait
hood forbrat
hood hatn
hood hda
hooded cloak cochall (a)
hooded cochlach (cochall)
hooded culpatach (culpait)
hoof (?) cr 1 I (h)
hoof of horse bonn 1
hoof crb
hoof ingen
hoof la
hoof-track ingen
hook (?, CW) digna 2
hook (for cloak, hair, etc.) cach 1 (a)
hook or rack for holding weapons aidlenn
hook used as brake frithbacn
hook baccn (bacc)
hook brigin
hook clipe
hook corrn (corr 1)
hook crommn (cromm)

hook crca
hook dubn 1
hooked (of chainmail) drolmnach (drolam)
hooked instrument corrn (corr 1)
hoop (late sense) flesc 1 (e)
hoop (of barrel, vat etc.) circul
hoop (of lance) cr 1 I (f)
hoop for a barrel fonnsa
hoop airdrolam (drolam)
hoop cris
hoop-shaped object id
hooves ingnech (ingen)
hope dchus (a) (dig?)
hope doich (dich?) II (b)
hope dil 2 (b) fri (re, le)
hope muinigin
hope muinigin
hopeful (of) muinignech
hopeful dchusach (dchus)
hopes in digid 1 (doich)
hopes dchusa(ig)id (a) (dchus)
hopes fris-acci (frith-ad-ci/-)
hops folim(m)id (folim)
hops hp
horde androng (drong)
horn (CW) culorn
horn (of animal) benn (d)
horn (the material) congna (-ae) (b)
horn (trumpet) 1 adarc
horn 1 adarc
horn baball (a)
horn baball (b)
horn congna (-ae) (a)
horn corn (b)
horn-blower cornaire (corn)
horn-blowing cornairecht (cornaire)
horn-blowing cornairecht (cornaire)
hornbook clirn (clr)
horned (of animals) berach (b) (bir 1)
horned or peaked object bennn (b) (benn)
horned viper ceraiste
horned adarcach
horned bennach 2 (benn)
horned cornach (corn)
hornet cerndubn (b) (cern 1 ? + dubn 4)
hornless mael (moel, mal)
horns congna (-ae) (a)
horn-skin conganchnes (congna + cnes)
horny baballda (baball)
horny congnaide (congna)
horrible (?) grancuigthe (grainc)

horrible andracht
horrible grinech
horrible grnda (grin)
horrifies grndaigid (grndae)
horripilation driuch (b)
horror (?) fiam
horror 1 grin
horror aditche var aditige
horror adath
horror comgrin (grin 1)
horror forgrin
horror grainc
horror grinemlacht (grinemail)
horror grndatu (grndae)
horrors aicbil
horse race grafand
horse rugs ? fortche
horse with a white spot on the forehead (?) blr 1
horse 1 gabair vx gabor
horse capall 1
horse cursun (--?)
horse ech 1
horse est
horse fell 2
horse gobar vx 2 gabor
horse gobur vx 2 gabor
horse marc
horse meile
horse-cloth (?) echlas, echlais I
horse-cloth ceis 1
horsecloth dllat (b)
horse-collar brigdech 1 (brga 1)
horse-fair (?) echrais I
horse-groom echaire (ech)
horse-keeper echaire (ech)
horse-load marclach
horseloads ? martlaige
horseman marcach
horseman marcaid
horsemanship (CW) ainech 1
horsemanship marcachas
horsemanship marcaigecht
horsemanship marcdacht
horsemen marcachas
horsemen marcrad (-raid)
horse-race (?) echrais I
horse-racing graifne (grafand)
horses bit blbach
horses graig
horse-shoe cr 1 I (h)
horse-switch echlasc 1, echlaisc

horsetail (name of plant) currudan
hose (in du. or pl.) assn
hose as 2
hose braitsi
hospitable (?) lesach (les)
hospitable (late) fal 1 (b)
hospitable 1 gartach (1 gart)
hospitable cornach (corn)
hospitable cuiredach (cuired)
hospitable filtech, faltech (b) (filte, falte)
hospitable fuirigech
hospitality (?) fala
hospitality 1 gart
hospitality battachas (battach 1)
hospitality briugamlacht = briugas
hospitality briugas (briugu)
hospitality brugaide (briugu)
hospitality brugaidecht = brugaide
hospitality brugamnus = brugachus
hospitality coible (com + file)
hospitality enech 1, ainech II (d)
hospitality filtige, faltige (filtech, faltech)
hospitality foigde, faigde (c)
hospitality forreith
hospitality fuirec
hospitaller briugu
hospitallership battaigecht (battach)
host (?) dis II
host (?) dimad
host (?) ellabair
host in encampment dnchaire (dn + cuire)
host of fuidir tenants fuidrecht
host of ten thousand millions agmen
host amm 2 (b)
host arbar 2
host batille
host brainech 2 (braine 1)
host cip (b)
host congab (b)
host congir (c)
host cuire
host drimm (b)
host laine
hostage (?) gillchaide
hostage 2 gall
hostage aitire (c)
hostage brga 2
hostage gemlech (gemel)
hostages gallnae (2 gall) vx gallae
hostage-security gallnae (2 gall) vx gallae
hostageship aitirecht (aitire) = aitires

hostageship aitires (aitire)
hostageship brigdenas (brga 2)
hostageship brigtechas (brga)
hostageship gilsine (giall, gill)
hostage-ship gallacht (gallach)
hostage-ship gallachus (gallach)
hostageship gallaigecht (gallaige)
hostageship gallcherd
hostageship gallcherdacht (gallcherd)
hostageship gallcherdae
hostageship gallnacht (gallna)
hostageship gallnad
hostageship gallnae (2 gall) vx gallae
hostageship gallnus (2 gall)
hostageship gallus (gall)
hostel bruiden 1 (a)
hostile act ? imderg
hostile encounter on land or sea debuith II
hostile encounter 2 gres (s)
hostile encounter comthecmil (tecmil)
hostile encounter dl 2 I (b)
hostile meeting dl 2 I (b)
hostile visitation immadall
hostile adbartnaigthech
hostile ain\.serc
hostile ainsercach = ainserc
hostile ainsercda = ainserc
hostile ascatae (ascae)
hostile ccradach
hostile escairdech
hostile escairdemail
hostile esentach II (esenta)
hostile esentadach II (esenta)
hostile freslach = frestlach
hostile frithbertach (frithbert)
hostile grendmar (1 grend)
hostile imderg
hostility (?) facht
hostility aidbirseirecht
hostility ainseirce (ainserc)
hostility bibdanas (b) (bibdu)
hostility ccraite
hostility ccraites
hostility essd, -th
hostility imderg
hostility imdergad
hostility inire (inir)
hostings fecht I (b)
host-leading drmannach (drimm)
hot (?) dergthach (derg)
hot ashes grs

hot baths (?) ? gretha
hot fighting (?) 2 galach (gal)
hot 1 galach (gal)
hot 2 grsach (grs)
hot brothach (bruth 1)
hot-blooded disposition drs (a) (drth 1)
hot-tempered fergach
hound c 1 (a)
hound cuib 1
hound lan
houndlike conamail (c)
house of yew-wood ibrach (ibar)
house alt 3
house attrab (d)
house beith 3
house bruiden 1 (a)
house bruig (c)
house ce (d)
house clithe (b)
house dom, dam
house lann
house-builder ailtire (3 alt?)
housed ? iostaigthe
household servant echlach 1 urlir
household falas
household gillanrad (gilla) vx gillanraid
household intreb
household losat
household lucht
household muinter
household muinteras
household muirer
housekeeper airnbertach
housekeeper caillech (b) (caille 1)
houseless person eistech
houseless eistech
house-post cleth 1 (b)
house-post cl 1 (a)
house-room lepaid
house-room lepthanas (lepaid)
houses enclosed by a bank les
houses enclosed by a rampart les
house-steward ministrlaide
house-wright ailtire (3 alt?)
hovering (?) etarlamnach
hovering (above) folamain (abstr. of fo-lu) vx fulumain,
hovering above etarbasach (etarbas)
hovering forlamain
hovering imlaimnech (imluaimnecha)
how (CW) cia fu II (c)

how (explic. cj. with adv. force) amail, amal II (d)
how (great, etc.) ca 1 A I (d)
how far cia airet
how long ? fot, fat
how long ? fot, fat
how long cia airet
how many ? lir
how many lacht
how many? mit, mt
how much mit, mt
how that (explic. cj. with adv. force) amail, amal II (d)
how they would be atoned for ccaid (cc)
how thou didst requite every quality ccaid (cc)
how ca 1 A I (b)
how ciac(h)ruth
how cindas (d)
how immar
how indas
how indas
how? co 4
howbeit this setting at loggerheads paid her somewhat ccaid (cc)
however immurgu
however (?) m 1 = im 1
however great mit, mt
however little lagat
however much lagat
however much mit, mt
however 3 a
however acht amin
however ar apa 1
however arecha = ar a (a 3)
however callic (a)
however cammaiph (camm 1 + ob)
however ctamus (c)
however ca 1 B (c)
however cid ed
however cindas (e)
however cipindus (a) (ca 1 + indas)
however cich (c)
however dano V
however aru
however immurgu
howl of dogs conall (c + all 3)
howling (of dogs) ilchugud
howling of dogs ilach
howling donlach (donl)
howling glimnach (gloimm)
howls at coimigmid (igmid)
howsoever cipindus (a) (ca 1 + indas)
hubbub giorac
hue (of face or skin) dath 1 III

hue dath 1 II
hue denn
hue for
hue fordath
huge old woman forais ?
huge anba 1
huge anfill (fill)
huge anmr (mr)
huge bledech (bled)
huge comadbal (adbal)
huge dermr (der- + mr)
huge dmr (d- intens. + mr)
huge dmesraigthe
huge dmr (mr)
hugs (fatally, as a bear) ar-cridethar (cride)
hum crnn
human being (poet.) do 2
human being (poet.) don 1 (duine)
human being duine
human body corp (a)
human pledge 2 gall
human race cenle (a) (cenl)
human donda (a) (don 1)
human dondaide = donda
human duineta (duine)
humane (?) donech (d) (duine)
humane (?) donechair (duine, don-)
humane (?) duineta (duine)
humane feeling dondaidecht (dondaide)
humane donda (c) (don 1)
humane dondachtach (dondacht)
humane duinechair (duine + car)
humane duinemail (duine)
humaneness dondacht (b) (don(d)a)
humanity dondacht (a) (don(d)a)
humanity dondacht (b) (don(d)a)
humble (?) dogba
humble one becn (b) (bec)
humble becda (bec)
humble insel
humble sel
humbles (trans. and fig.) do-airindi I (b)
humbles airsligid (airsel)
humbles insligid (insel)
humbles sligidir (sel)
humbling sliugud
humerus do 1 (a)
humid inbech (a)
humiliates berid enech 1, ainech II (a)
humiliates deriligid (deril)
humiliates dirgnaid

humiliating insliugud
humiliation doglir (glir 1)
humility becdacht (becda)
humility becdatu = becdacht
humility insle (insel)
humility sle (sel)
humming sound (?) certn 1 (cerd 1?)
humming crnnach (crnn)
humming dord 1
humoral cause lennaide (linn)
humoral lennmar (linn)
humorous 2 grennaigid (grenn)
humour bacht
humour grenn
humouring? fonblegon
hump crott
hump dronn (b)
hump-backed crottach (crott)
humped (?) back drumman (a) (druimm)
hunch crott
hunchbacked dronnach (dronn)
hundred thousand cuinia
hundred arcat 1
hundred ct 1
hundredfold ctach 1 (ct 1)
hundredth ctmad (ct 1)
hunger (?) gin
hunger accobras
hunger aithgire (aithgr)
hunger ampall, ampla
hunger dbe 2
hunger gorta vx gortae
hunger gortae (goirt)
hunger gortaige (gortach)
hungry goirt
hungry gortach (gortae)
hunter (?) fadach (d) (fad 2)
hunter cuthchaire
hunter fadaige (fad 2)
hunters calling fanachas
hunting hound mlch
hunting acclaid (a)
hunting enach II (en)
hunting fadach (a) (fad 2)
hunting fadaigecht
hunting fadrad (fad 2)
hunting foram, -aim, -om(o)
hunting milrad (?mlrad) (ml)
hunting-dog gadar
hunting-ground (late) fadach (c) (fad 2)
hunting-hound archocaid

hunting-hound archoige = archocaid
hunting-net ln
hunting-party clar (c)
hunting-rights? milrad ?mlrad ml
hunts ad-claid
hunts do-seinn
hurdle airleng
hurdle clethchor (cleth 1 + cor 1)
hurdle clath (a)
hurl hrla-hrla
hurley (?) lbc (lb)
hurley player immnaide
hurley cammn (a) (camm 1)
hurley immnaide
hurley-stick bachall (b)
hurley-stick cammn (a) (camm 1)
hurling down of fire fuilged
hurling missiles imlad
hurling together coimimin (immin)
hurling together comimmin (immin)
hurling dbirciud
hurling imdburcud, imdbracad
hurling immin
hurling imthelcud
hurling lmach (lm)
hurling liciud
hurls (missile) caithid 1 (c)
hurls (with obj. of thing cast) do-bidci (a)
hurls at licid
hurls ar-scali (scalid)
hurls comdubraicid (do-bidci)
hurls do-lci II (a)
hurls insdaim
hurried deibedach (deibed 2)
hurried deithbirech (deithbir 2)
hurries (intrans.) danaigid (b) (dan 1)
hurries comthennaid (tendaid 1)
hurries fabair, fbair
hurries latha(ig)id (lath)
hurry deibed 2
hurry deithbir 2 II
hurry dgire (dgir)
hurry dgirse (dgir)
hurry fadar
hurt inflicted cht IV
hurt ? lesrach
hurt 2 gortugud (vn. of gortaigid)
hurt aidgell
hurt airchitecht (airchit)
hurt amarc 2
hurt dochor I (cor)

hurt frithortae
hurt gortadh
hurt ln
hurtful (?) doltach (dolud?)
hurtful dgblach (dgbl)
hurtful dochrach (dochor)
hurtful ccenl (b) (cenl)
hurtful mailsech
hurts gortaigid (goirt)
husband (opp. to ben wife) fer (b)
husband (usually) airnastaid
husband cile (g)
husband ctmuinter
husband coim\.fer (fer)
husband lennn
husbanding dn (c)
husbandman coairt
husband-man coloman
husbandman cradaire (cr 1)
husbandry ar 4 (a)
hush ! ist
hush (?) ataut
husk (of corn) mocol
husk (of nut) crottball (b) (crott + ball)
husk cochall (b)
husk croiccenn
husk forcroicenn
husks cith
hut airboth (both)
hut both 2
hut cr 1 I (b)
hut cub
hut mainrechta?
hutch huiste vx uiste
huts caprach
hyacinth (?) buga 1
hyacinth iacingctis
hydrophobia conach 1
hyle le (
hymn for the dead ? imman(n)
hymn of praise aille
hymn comad 2
hymn imman(n)
hymnody imnuide
hyperborean (?) gaimscedach (1 gaim ?)
hypocrite brcaire (brc)
hyssop sip

I aim at menmarc
I allow him to depart in peace imchlud

I am competent (?) foma
I am heaved (?) up atomannar
I am richer in knowledge il
I am unworthy of forgiveness inchire ?
I beseech arcu
I deem the time short garit
I desire menmarc
I drink in ignorance ? ibid
I enjoy garit
I have been accused of abducting lmnugud
I have fled to thy protection icht
I have heard comchala (ro-cluinethar)
I have no reason for avoiding your warriors imgabil
I have no trouble in telling it imlad
I have paid for my honour-today ccaid (cc)
I have received (?) do-ruid
I intend fo, fa, f III (a) (at ... fm)
I light (a fire) -rlr
I ought to mr (mr)
I require mr (mr)
I shall cause horror mduall
I shall cause strife between the two breasts of every woman in Ulster so that they (the breasts)
will smite one another imchossatid (imchossat)
I shall raise strife between the father and son so that they will kill one another imchossatid
I should barter it for beholding the kingdom I see imcaisiu
I think it excessive mr (mr)
I think it much mr (mr)
I think much (highly) of mr (mr)
I will describe...a perfect circle to represent the earth imdnam
I will turn him back to heathenism and to (the service of) Mathous Matha
I would exchange with thee imlat
Iberian Iberda
ice aig 1
ice aigred
ice cuisne
ice eigrec
ice lecc
iceblocks aigre
ice-floe lecc
iciness aigrettacht (aigretta)
icy aigide (aig)
icy aigretta (aigred)
icy cuisnemail = cuisnech
idea call (c)
idea indithem, indfethem
identical appearance comchruth (cruth)
identical coiminann (inunn)
identical inunn, in(n)onn
identical inunn, in(n)onn
identity comentu (a) (oentu)

identity inunnus (inunn)
ides d
idle (?) felesach 2 (feles 2)
idle deid I
idle dman (b) (man)
idle dmanech (dman)
idle esbach II (esbae)
idle lorgnta (lorgn)
idle-folk lex
idleness deaithe (daith)
idleness dess
idleness dmane (dman)
idleness esba(e)
idleness esbatu (esba)
idleness leisce (lesc)
idleness ln
idleness lorgntacht (lorgnta)
idler lorgnach (lorgn)
idlers lescach (lesc)
idol (?) ainda (a) (2 da)
idol arracht 1 (a)
idol dal, dol
idolater dal, dol
idolater dal, dol
idolater dal, dol
idolatrous image arracht 1 (a)
idolatrous dal, dol
idolatrous dal, dol
idolatrous dlach (dal)
idolatry dal, dol
idolatry dlacht (dal)
idol-offering dal, dol
idol-offering daltae, dolde (dal, dol)
idol-worshipping dlach (dal)
Idumaean Iadomdae, Idumdae, Iddomdae
if a man`s allowance be suddenly diminished, that will cause sickness imfolang, imfulang
if any care to hear tell of him imlad
if anyone boasteth him in nobility and circumcision imdibe
if aught be will be made good per... ccaid (cc)
if clothes have gone into prescription, all things that appertain to them go into prescription also
? inrudracht
if he promised that (the animal) would be a milch-cow lulgachas (lulgach)
if his brother turns..pale imbnaid
if I had fine clothes and I (were) on a visit to your house, I should desire to pay court to your wife
(?) mennata
if I were damsam
if it be making a gentlewoman blush by imputing unchasity to her imdergad
if it existed m (ma)
if it is that m (ma)
if it should happen to be your watch imfaire
if it were dmad, damad

if perchance in
if perchance in
if so m (ma)
if they have belonged to various owners il
if they were damdis = MIr. dambdis
if thou perform it cc
if we were to act justly towards you imbert
if 1 acht II (b)
if ca 2 I (a)
if da n- 1 (b)
if m (ma)
ignoble (of physical and moral qualities) dor (b)
ignoble one (?) anbais
ignoble airsel (sel)
ignoble anasal (a) (asal)
ignoble de\.sruith (sruith)
ignoble indatta
ignominiously aithmlach (a) (aithmla)
ignominy aithis (b)
ignoramus du 1
ignorance (frequ. of the way) ainel (el)
ignorance aimecna (ecne)
ignorance ainelas (elas)
ignorance ainelchaige
ignorance ainfis (1 fis)
ignorance ainligenn (ligenn)
ignorance amros (ros 3, cf. rs)
ignorance burbae (a) (borb)
ignorance dos (do + fis)
ignorance duthe (du)
ignorant person (as term of contempt) bachlach 1 (b) (bachall)
ignorant person ainelach (elach)
ignorant person ainfisn (ainfis)
ignorant person ainfissid (ainfis)
ignorant ainb
ignorant ainela (ela)
ignorant ainelach (elach)
ignorant ainfesach (a) (fesach)
ignorant ainfthach 2 (3 ainfth)
ignorant ana (a 2)
ignorant borb (a)
ignorant dall I
ignorant essel, -il
ill behaviour dobs, dobus (bs)
ill behaviour misimbert
ill conduct? misceird
ill fate cconch
ill fortune dochnch (do + conch)
ill fortune dochonch (conch)
ill luck (CW) dodcadchae (dodcadach)
ill luck ainsn (sn)

ill luck amrath 1 (rath 1)
ill luck dobarthu, dobarthan
ill luck dochnch (do + conch)
ill luck dodcad (do- + tocad)
ill luck mchnic?
ill nuture m-
ill repute doblad (blad)
ill success dochonch (conch)
ill use aindl (dl)
ill will domin (min 2)
ill will m-
ill galrach (galar)
ill-bred dobsach (dobs)
ill-breeding dobsaige (dobsach)
ill-breeding mang
ill-conditioned ainindustae
ill-conduct (?) elgainecht
ill-disposed donaide (dona)
illegal indligthech (indliged)
illegal act indliged
illegal proceeding (?) fallscad 1
illegal seizure forgabl (forngabl)
illegal dthchta (tchtae)
illegality (?) fallscad 1
illegality aindlecht (dlecht)
illegality aindliged (dliged)
illegality indliged
illegality indligthige (indligthech)
illegality infaebar
illegitimate (of offspring) dlmain (c)
ill-endowed with land dothr
ill-fated anarmartach (armartach)
ill-favoured ?midrecht
ill-favoured dognisech (gnis)
ill-featured dognisech (gnis)
ill-feeling aininne (1 inne)
ill-feeling goim
ill-feeling inire (inir)
ill-feeling r
ill-formed doichme (cuma?)
ill-gotten possession do\.selb (selb)
ill-health an\.folline (folline)
ill-humour gruaim
illiberal (?) doinech (?)
ill-luck ainfn
ill-luck and (d)
ill-luck cl II (b)
ill-luck dimba(i)d (c) (baid, bad)
ill-luck donas (dona)
ill-luck dabais
ill-mannered dobsach (dobs)

ill-met dodil 1 (dl 2)
illness dot 2
illness eslinte (esln)
illness galrugad
illogical (?) dchisech (cis)
ill-omened (?) antuarad
ill-omened cl I (b)
ill-omened dochomartha (comartha)
ill-omened dabais
ill-shaped gngach (gnga)
ill-shapen (?) ccruthach (b)
ill-temper muisech
ill-treatment forlann, -lonn
illuminates com\.soillsigid (com\.soillse)
illuminates in-sorchaigedar
illuminating adannad
illuminating com\.soillsiugad
illuminating fursundud (-sannad)
illuminating inshorchugud
illumination fursundud (-sannad)
illumination inshorchugud
illumination luminnair (--?)
illuminator (?) gebire
illuminator gebech (also geibech, gibech, gibiach,
gebiach, geibiach)
illumines for-osna (for-osnda)
illumines fursunnaigid
illumines in-sorchaigedar
illumines lsaigid (ls)
ill-use anchaithem (caithem)
ill-using (CW) anchaithmech (anchaithem)
ill-using (CW) anchaithtech = anchaithmech
illusion (?) badraise, badris, badirse (b) (baidrid)
illusion dolb
illusion forbs
illusion fulla
illusive forbs
illustrate the cause fursundud (-sannad)
illustration desimrecht (b)
illustration eisim(p)lir (b)
illustrator fursaintid
illustrious (?) gorm
illustrious 3 gn vx gne
illustrious gne (> gn, gne, gna, gnaoi)
illustrious gorm
illustrious gormaid (gorm)
illustrious lgda = lgach
illustrious lgech (l)
ill-visaged? ?midrecht
Illyrian Ilirecda
image cair 3

image comdelbaid (comdelb)
image delb 1 (b)
image figair 2, figar, fiugair (d)
image mig
imageful dlaide (dal)
imaginary form foscad
imagination migiugad
imagination menmanrad
imagines mignid (mig)
imbecile (legal) drth 2 II
imbecile dochonn 1 (cond)
imbecile ccodnach (a)
imbecile ccond
imbecile esconn 2 (conn)
imbecility escuinde (esconn 2)
imbibes delaid (dil-) (del)
imbiding ibthech
imitate the kindness icht
imitates aithrisid (b) (aithris)
imitates dallaid (c) (dall) fri (re)
imitates in-samlathar
imitating aithris (b)
imitating in(n)t(s)amlugud
imitating intamail
imitation aithris (b)
imitation in(n)t(s)amlugud
imitation intamail
immature anesmar (esmar)
immaturity anullmacht (anullam)
immeasurable value domestacht (a) (domesta)
immeasurable dmesraigthe
immeasurable domesta 1 (mess)
immediate liability as against a remote liability 1 artach
immediate d\.ft
immediately ar (an m)ball (d)
immediately cen chairde (c) (cara 1)
immediately fo chtir
immediately fri athlad na henaire
immediately fuirech
immediately lath
immediately maigen
immense d\.frecra
immense? mogda
immersed foibdide
immersing foibred
immersion ? imbdud
immersion fobdud
immersion fobairt I (a)
immersion lothrugud
immigrant from overseas 2 glas
immoderate (?) ainmesach (1 mes(s)ach)

immoderate gluttony (?, CW) coimside (coimse)
immoderate ainmesarda (mesarda)
immoderate anordaigthe (ordaigthe)
immoderate dchoimsech (coimsech)
immoderate dochoimsech (coimsech)
immodesty ainfile (a) (fle)
immoral dobsach (dobs)
immortal (in spiritual or mythological sense) bo (b)
immortal bithamla
immortal domarbtha (marbaid)
immortality domarbthacht (domarbtha)
immovable property anscuichthe (scuithe)
immovable anscuichthe (scuithe)
immovable anscuichthech = anscuichthe
immovable dchumscaigthe (cumscugud)
immovable dochlachluigthe (clachlaigid)
immovable dochumscaigthe (con-oscaigi)
immovable dochumscanta
immovable doglaiste, doglasta (glaisid)
immune from legal consequences (legal) dles 1 I (c) (d- + les)
immune ennac (b)
immunity (from an obligation) dlmaine (b) (dlmain)
immunity bla 1
immutable doatharraid (aithrigid)
impaires fo-goin
impairment airbernad
impairment liniud, lnad (-e-?)
impairs (?) ? linid, ? lnaid (-e-?)
impairs (?) do-callathar
impairs (?) fo-beir (a)
impairs ? mesairthe
impairs airbernaid (airbern)
impairs baccaid (a) (bacc 1)
impairs dthrachtaid (dthracht)
impairs fo-ben
impairs lnaid (ln)
imparted foiride
impartial (legal) deorata (deorad)
impartial coitchenn I (c)
impassable dchonair (conar)
impassable doimthechta (imthecht)
impatience aindethbir (b) (2 deithbir)
impatience deinmne (di + ainmne)
impatience deinmnetche (deinmnetach)
impatience deinmnit = deinmne
impatient (?) deinmnide = deinmnetach (?)
impatient deinmnech (deinmne)
impatient deinmnetach (deinmnit)
impatient icnech 1 (b) (icen)
impatient fota, fata
impeacher iligtheir

impeaches iligid I
impediment in speech forminde
impediment ailbimm (c)
impediment frithtaidchor
impells ad-aig (a)
impels aigid (a)
impels do-sn 2 (?)
impels imm-ladi
impels ind-rban
impends ar-t (c)
impends in-tairissedar
impenetrability doscalte 2
impenetrable congnaide (congna)
impenetrable doelais (elas)
impenetrable doscalte 1 (scalid)
impenitence aindiite (aindiit)
impenitent aindiit (diit)
imperative mood forngarthid, forgarthid
imperative mood fulirem, fulram
imperfect (of numbers) anfoirbthe (b) (foirbthe 1)
imperfect (of persons or abstract qualities) anfoirbthe (a) (foirbthe 1)
imperfect rhyme (of metre) ammus (f)
imperfect ang (g)
imperfect ccomln
imperfection anfoirbthetu (anfoirbthe)
imperial power imperecht, impirecht (imper)
imperial Cesarda (-- ?) (Cesar)
imperial imperlta (imper)
imperial imperda (imper)
imperils beglaigid (a) (begul)
imperishable dochaithme (caithem)
impermanent dimban (ban)
impermanent ldach, -dach, -dach I (ld)
imperturbable fossaid
impetuosity ? ingairge (ingarg)
impetuosity 1 gus
impetuosity dine (dan)
impetuosity dgire (dgir)
impetuosity dgirse (dgir)
impetuosity dsc(i)re (dscir)
impetuosity merdacht (merda)
impetuous (?) dulchanta
impetuous or high-spirited cuilgnech (colg ?)
impetuous deibedach (deibed 2)
impetuous dan 1
impetuous dgir
impetuous dlennda (-ta) (dliu)
impetuous former
impetuous merda (mer)
impetuous moch
impetus fras (fros) > frais

impetus muscul
impiety (?) deochrad
impiety angaire = ingoire
impiety ccrbud
impiety ingoire (ingor)
impious (?) deochraid
impious person ingor
impious deochraitech
impious ccribdech
impious ingor
implacable (?< CW) bidbaide (bibdu)
implacable doetrna (etrin)
implants clannaigid (b) (clann)
implants inchlandaid
impleads ad-gair
implement of iron arn
implement aidemm
implement comaidemm (aidemm)
implement in(n)struimint, indstraimint,
in(n)strum(a)int, indstruiment
implements (collect.) airnise
implements aiced
implements foirnis
implied foitsecht
implorer eisid
implores athgoirid (gairid 3)
implores etarguidid (etarguide)
imploring (?) dgaire
imploring eis 1
import airbert (e)
importance airechas 1 (airech 1)
important ifechtach II (ifecht)
imported foreign treasure or curiousity gaillit
imported goods (so Laws Comm.) allmuir (b)
importunate (?) dogdech (do + guidech?)
importunate request ilges (b)
importunate wish ilges (b)
importunate ilgesach (ilges) (a)
importunate comgibthech (gibthech)
importunate doguittech (guidid)
importunate icnech 1 (b) (icen)
importunate lenamnach (lenamain)
importuning ledrn
importunity (?) letrnacht (letrn)
importunity ainlenmain
importunity listacht
importunity listatus (lista)
impose her love fulir < furil
imposes (a contract or obligation on someone) in-loing
imposes (an obligation) fo-naisc (nasc-`bind`)
imposes a bond (on) (with rach) do-airret, do-irret I (g)

imposes a pledge (on) (with rach) do-airret, do-irret I (g)
imposes on ad-aig (c)
imposes certaid (cert)
imposes fo-ruimi, -fuirmi
imposes in-cuirethar
imposes indlid (indell)
imposes in-loing
imposing fuirmiud, -med
imposition dolud, dolaid (b)
imposition fuirmiud, -med
impossibility of suing anacra 1 (a) (acrae)
impossibility decmainge (decmaing)
impossibility ccumachtge
impossible to do decmaing II
impossible to do dodnta (dntae)
impossible to injure dolenta (lenaid)
impossible to wound dolenta (lenaid)
impossible decmaing I
impossible decmaing II
impossible dochumacht (cumacht)
impossible ccumachta
impossible cmacht II
impotence ccumang
impotence leime (lem)
impotent (?) dibrai
impotent dchumaic, dchumaing I
impotent dchumgach (dchumce)
impotent ccumachtach
impotent trerach
impotent lem
impotent meschu
impounding (?) goibnged
impounds (cattle tc.) cuimnigid(ir) 2 (comann)
impoverishes bochtaigid (bocht 1)
impregnable d\.foglaigthe (foglaigid)
impregnable dthogail (togail)
impregnable dthogla = dthogail
impregnable dthoglaide = dthogail
impregnable dobriste (brissid)
impregnable dochlote (clod)
impregnating compertnugad (compert)
impress fuilliucht (sliucht)
impresses on modid
impresses upon in-snaid
impression cl (b)
impression lorg
impressive arg 2 I
imprint cl (b)
imprint lthrach
imprisoning cuimrech (a)
imprisonment cimmidecht (cimmid)

imprisonment limdechus (lmh)
imprisons cachtaid (a) (cacht 1)
imprisons carcra(ig)id (carcar)
imprisons arnaid (arn)
improbability (CW) amprome (amprom)
improbability ingnthaige (ingnthach)
improbable amprom
improbable decmaing I
improbable ccosmail (b)
improbable dig, dig
improper (?) anfoltach (anfolad)
improper behaviour impartan
improper procedure anord (ordd 1)
improper anairches (a) (airches 2)
improper ccir, ccir I
improper ccrach (ccir)
improper techta (tchtae)
improper techtaide (techta)
improper toich
improper indeithbir
improper indr
improper indles, indles
impropriety anairches (a) (airches 2)
impropriety ccir, ccir II
improvement bisech
improver lesaightheir (lesaigidir)
improves ad-eirrig
improves lesaigidir (les)
improves lesaigidir (les)
improves maithigid
improvident (?) antoiscthech
improvident trebar
improving lesugud
imprudence approaching insanity dsacht III
imprudence trebaire
imprudent aimglicc (glicc)
imprudent ccrnna
imprudent tachail (tachail)
impudence ainfile (a) (fle)
impudence dnatus II (dnae)
impudent anbal (an +fal)
impugning ? immammus
impugning iligud III
impugning frecor
impugning imfoichid, imfochaid
impugns (a contract, etc) fo-fasna (b)
impugns iligid II
impugns fo, fa, f III (a) (do-icc fo)
impugns faitrid
impugns imm-fuich (imb-fo-fich)
impulse bann 1 (a)

impulse fuinnem
impure ainetta(i)l (eta(i)l)
impure ainidan (idan)
impure amglan (glan)
impure anglan (glan)
impure esidan (idan)
impure inglan
impurity ainetla (ainettal)
impurity ainidan (idan)
impurity ainidna (idnae)
impurity anglaine (anglan)
impurity escomna 1 (escoman)
impurity esidna (esidan)
impurity inglaine (inlan)
impurity inglan
imputes to lii/d > ld
imputing lamain
in (a state, condition) for
in a case (which, in which) bail 1 (a)
in a condition (which, in which) bail 1 (a)
in a direction contrary to frithselad
in a dying state epeltnech (epeltu)
in a law-suit aicsendaid
in a situation (which, in which) bail 1 (a)
in a state of rest foss (fos)
in accord cubaid I (a)
in accordance with the customs of the Fni fnech (Fne)
in accordance with what has already been said amein (a)
in accordance with fo, fa, f II (g)
in actu ? fuismiud
in addition to it c(h)ene (a)
in addition to cenmoth (a)
in addition to for
in addition to for
in addition to fri
in addition to la
in addition to muin
in addition beus (b)
in addition c(h)ene (a)
in addition dano I
in addition fs (bs, bes)
in addition immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
in agreement with fri
in agreement with fri
in agreement imchubaid > imchuibe
in all probability bs 2
in all immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
in alliance (with) i commaid (b) (com + buith)
in an inverse direction frithrosc
in anguish idu
in any case c(h)ene (b)

in any case etir
in any direction leth
in armour tedach I (tiud)
in arms comgaiscedach (comgaisced)
in at la
in bands canach (b) (can 1)
in charge of i mbun
in charge of los
in clusters crobaingech (crobaing)
in cold gout idu
in compensation for cc
in confusion mesc(c)
in consequence of de 1, di
in consequence of fuirired, -iud (fuired)
in consequence of idna, indna
in consequence of los
in consequence of muin
in construction and in order of reading imfognam
in contact with fri
in custody of la
in cute et lacertis laicert
in danger of being drowned imbdud
in danger gasachtach (gasacht)
in defence of green-soiled Ireland ath
in distant relationship imchan
in divers forms ilardae (ilar)
in doubt about imm, imb
in eager longing imbide
in earnest dirrib
in evidence frecnairc, frecndairc
in evidence frecnarcus
in exchange for ar 1 II (e)
in fifties cictach (cica)
in flight etarlamain
in fond desire imbide
in fragments minta
in front of agad
in front of ar (for) bl III
in front of ar (for) dreich 1 (c)
in front of ar 1 I (a)
in front of ar enech 1, ainech I
in front of comair
in front of comair (b)
in front of fo chomardus, i ccomardus (comard)
in front of frithchtfaid (ctbuid)
in full fruit comthorthach (toirthech)
in general ar chch (g), a chch, sa chch
in general etir
in general i gcoitchennas
in good spirits menmnach (manma)
in hiding fo chaill 1

in hiding folachta ?
in high spirits forfalech
in high spirits medrach
in his fist ? mudorn
in interrogation imchomarc
in jeopardy beglach (begul)
in keeping with 1 adas
in Laws takes the place of fo-reith (reth-)
in locks or coils (?) (of hair) fathmannach (fathmann)
in lying position lige
in mane lu (l)
in matrimony lnamnas
in meaning of ar 1 II (d)
in mid-air etarbas, etaras, -ais
in milk blicht 2
in milk mlicht
in moderation mesardacht
in motion with la
in motion lamain (lui/d)
in name of a weapon anfud c
in need aidilccnech (a)
in obedience to fri
in opposition to airchomair a(s)
in opposition to frithchtfaid (ctbuid)
in opposition to i n-enech 1, ainech I
in order that ara 1 (a)
in order that co 3
in order that i cruth
in order to obtain ar 1 II (f)
in order to dochum II
in outlawry fo chaill 1
in particular co h-irithe
in particular dirithe (b)
in partnership (with) lnamanda
in payment for ar 1 II (e)
in permanent state i comnaidiu
in pieces (?) brianda
in place of ar (for) bl III
in place of ar 1 II (d)
in place of inad < ined
in place of loc
in potentia ? fuismiud
in preparation for comair (c)
in preparation for frestal
in presence of fad 1 (a)
in proportion (as) mit, mt
in proportion to imchommus
in proximity (to) dlth 1, dlith
in pursuit lorg
in ragged garb (?) gibnach (gibn)
in readiness (for) foimte

in readiness for airchomair a(s)
in readiness fr
in reality a bunad (f) (bun 1)
in rear troops arcl
in regard to I
in relation to farrad 2 II (b)
in requital for his poverty cc
in respect of 1 ar
in respect of ar 1 II (h)
in respect of fo, fa, f II (n)
in respect to fisc vx isc
in respect to I
in retreat madmannach (maidm)
in return for ar 1 II (e)
in return for dg I
in safety inill
in satisfying thy mind cc
in seclusion fo cleth 2 (b)
in secret fo choim 1 (c)
in sense fo-mid, for-mid (II) (a)
in short 3 g
in so far as mit, mt
in sooth im 1, m
in spite of that beus (c)
in spite of the fact that ca 2 I (c)
in spite of di, do is 2 (f)
in spite of ingnas
in squadrons arcl
in stead of loc
in store for i nirithe III
in subjection to mmus
in submission fo chuing
in succession to ar druim(m) IV (c)
in succession to ar is 2 (a)
in succession to for
in succession to for
in succession to i ndead, i ndiad (b)
in succession to inad < ined
in succession druim(m) IV ar druimm (a)
in support of leth
in tail lu (l)
in that manner indell
in that way amein (a)
in that way amla 1
in that way amlaid 1 (a) sin
in the absence of di, do is 2 (d)
in the absence of i n-cmais (a)
in the absence of ingnas
in the absence of tar (dar) is 2 (d)
in the bottom of the cave chtar
in the case of leth

in the case that ca 2 I (a)
in the centre (?) ? fortus
in the claim (?) folmugud (vn. of folmaigid)
in the company (of) i commaid (b) (com + buith)
in the company of fare, far
in the company of i cuibrenn (b)
in the company of i farrad 2 I (a)
in the company of la
in the conflict imbalad
in the day-time fri
in the direction of agad
in the direction of leth
in the direction of leth
in the direction of leth
in the east airthius
in the end fo deud, fo diud (a)
in the event that ca 2 I (a)
in the eyes of fad 1 (b)
in the first place ceta-, cita-, ciata-
in the first place ctneithib (ct- 1 + n 2)
in the flesh i ccl 3 (c)
in the fore-front of the mutual smiting imbalad
in the form of (?) caislechta
in the future (?) indall
in the grave`s bed imdae
in the hope of righting her wrongs ? imgaire
in the house istig
in the interim (?) etarport 1, -bort
in the intermixture of various cattle il
in the land of Erin of green meadows ath
in the lifetime of linn
in the lower part aetheris chtar
in the manner indell
in the matter of 3 a
in the matter of ar 1 II (h)
in the matter of I
in the matter of imm, imb
in the matter of leth
in the mazy land of poesy il
in the middle ? fortus
in the morning and at bed time mothrach
in the morning mocha (mucha)
in the north allathaid (a) (alla(e) + taid)
in the north ataid (c) (taid)
in the opinion of fad 1 (b)
in the opinion of fri
in the opinion of fri
in the opinion of la
in the outermost part of the assembly imbel?
in the pains of death crligech (crlige)
in the plain istig

in the play of yew-wood shields ? ibar > iubar, iobar
in the power of lm
in the presence of airchomair a(s)
in the presence of comair (b)
in the presence of i fochair 2
in the press or confinement of the hosts imchumang
in the rear fo deud, fo diud (d)
in the reign of linn
in the reverse direction frithing, -eing
in the reverse direction frithissi > (f)ridis(s)i
in the round multiform cloud il
in the royal land ath
in the same direction as la
in the same way cummae
in the same way fenan cumma
in the south allathes (a) (alla(e) + tes)
in the talons of the eagle ilar
in the trembling hand crithlamach (crithlam)
in the way that feb II
in this side cenntarach (cenntar)
in time (?) i n-ellma (b)
in torrents cepach (cep)
in tranquility linn
in tresses dalach 2 (dal 2)
in troops canach (b) (can 1)
in truth darrib
in truth immurgu
in turn immanetar, immenetar
in vain ainarraid (1 arraid)
in vain madach (madae)
in virginity idan
in virtue of a (as) dalgas (c) (dalach 1)
in want esbadach, -aidech (d) (esbaid)
in what consists? cote
in what manner (explic. cj. with adv. force) amail, amal II (d)
in what manner indas
in what place? cairm
in what place? ca airm
in what way cindas (d)
in whatever way cipindus (a) (ca 1 + indas)
in whatsoever (?) immaig
in words ? fuiglecht
in 7 a III (a)
in ammaig
in fo, fa, f II (b)
in for
in for
in I
in immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
in istech
in la

inability (?) anfacht
inability dchumce (dchumaic)
inability dochma 1 (do + cuma)
inability ccumang
inaccessible ainintaithige (1 taithigid)
inaccurate ccir, ccir I
inaccurate igrinn
inactive anathlam 1 (athlam)
inactive deid I
inactive dinmech 1
inactivity deaithe (daith)
inactivity dess
in-addition (?) ler
inadequate ccum(m)a
inadvertence anfaithches (faithches)
inadvertence anft (ft 2)
inadvertent fuiride (-the) firide
inanimate dbe (d + be)
inanimate dimbeoaigthe
inanimate marb
inanimate morbdae
inanimate? marblach
in-anticipation of fr
inappropiateness (?) aindlse (dlse)
inappropriate indles, indles
inappropriateness indlse (indles)
inarticulate (?) (of speech) balb (a)
inarticulate menn (mend)
inarticulateness balbae (balb)
inartistic do (do + a 2)
inasmuch as mit, mt
inaugurates 3 gairid
inauguration feast of a king banais (a) (ben + feis 2)
inauspicious cl I (b)
inauspicious dabais
incalculable domesta 1 (mess)
in-calf indleg
incandescent derg (c)
incantation bricht 1
incantation cantain (b)
incantation dchetal
incantation le
incantation geis
incapable of making a contract dchor 2 (cor)
incapable dchumaic, dchumaing I
incapable esconn 2 (conn)
incapacity (legal) bes, bas (b) (beth 1)
incapacity dochma 1 (do + cuma)
incarnation incholnugud, inchollugud
incense inceiss
incense ingchis

incest col (b)
incises benaid I (e)
incising er
incision eipe I
incisor tooth grn (gr)
incitement brosnad 2
incitement com\.fadd (fadd, see atd)
incitement glasacht
incites (?) do-urgair
incites (a feeling, conduct, etc. in someone) erilid (a) (eril)
incites ad-annai
incites brosnaid = brostaid
incites brostaid
incites brostaigid = brostaid
incites comgresid (gressaid)
incites do-drig
incites glasid
incites grendaigid (1 grend)
incites gressachtaigid (gressacht)
incites gressaid (2 gress)
incites grsaid (grs)
incites grsaigid (grs)
incites inmuillid
incites ladid (lad)
incites laidid (lad)
incites muillid
inciting to battle laded
inciting adannad
inciting airgresacht (gressacht)
inciting brostad, -d, -d
inciting brostugad
inciting comglasad = comglasacht
inciting glasacht
inciting gressacht (2 gress)
inciting grsad (grs) (vn. of grsaid)
inciting inmuilled
inclemency ainicht (icht)
inclement doinennta (doinenn)
inclination clen II (a)
inclination clenad (a)
inclination dil 2 (a)
inclination menma
inclination menmanrad
inclination mam
inclined (to) ellam 1, ullam, ollam II (c)
inclined to laughter girithech (gire)
inclined to clen I (e) fri (chum, do)
inclined fillte (a)
inclined licthe
inclined leithreta (leithred)
inclines (intrans.) clenaid II (clen)

inclines (trans.) clenaid I (a) (clen)
inclines (trans.) clenaid I (d) (clen)
inclines do-airbir I
inclining to sin clenta
inclining to dall, dell (d) fri (re, le)
inclining clenad (a)
includes (?) do-im(m)tht
includes (?) for-tuigethar (-tugathar)
includes (trans.) do-acmaing, -aic (b)
includes con-gaib (a)
includes do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a II (a)
includes gaibid
includes gaibid
including (= imm) fo, fa, f II (o)
including ... (and) eter, etir III
including co n-athgabil (d)
including imm, imb
inclusion in a major group (?) fothechtus
incoherence m-
incoherent caidrisech (caidris)
income ionncam
incompact tiug
incomparable d\.frecra
incomparable dochoimmesta (coimmes)
incomplete (of persons or abstract qualities) anfoirbthe (a) (foirbthe 1)
incomplete airbernach (bernach)
incomplete ang (g)
incomplete ccomln
incomprehensible coimsigthe
incomprehensible dbrethe
inconceivable dbrethe
incongruity ccuibde
incongruous ccir, ccir I
incongruous ccubaid
inconsiderable dchuid (cuit)
inconsiderateness dsacht VI
inconspicuous anerdairc (airdirc)
inconstant (?) ctludach (ctluth)
inconstant anbsaid (fossaid)
inconstant tarisse 1 (tarisse)
inconstant impidech (impd)
inconstant lamnach, laimnech (lamain)
incontinence drs (c) (drth 1)
inconvenience amgar (b) (gar 1)
inconvenience doccra(e) (doccair)
incorrect ingcert
incorrigible dominte (minid)
increase (?) fidrad 2
increase (of cattle) indad, indoth
increase ? inne
increase in cattle ins

increase arthrach 2
increase s 1
increase attarba (ath + torbae 1)
increase bisech
increase breis 3
increase com\.fs (fs 2)
increase fors
increase forbart (> forbairt)
increase forbartaige (forbartach)
increase formach
increase fuilled, -iud, -ned
increase ilugud
increase imfuillned, imfuilled
increase imthrmach
increase indad, indoth
increase indeb
increase indlos, indlas
increase inforba(i)rt
increase innlas ?
increase los
increased amount corrad (corr 1)
increases (?) do-im(m)daig- (imbed)
increases (?) ercaid 1 (b)
increases (?) forbartach
increases (intrans.) brogaid
increases (trans. and intrans.) do-formaig (a)
increases (trans.) brogaid
increases greatly imchlannaigid
increases their number imbed, imbad
increases ? folosaid
increases aidbligid (adbal)
increases aidbsigid
increases ar-cuirethar (a)
increases said (a) (s 1)
increases attaid (att 1)
increases clannaigid (d) (clann)
increases do-lna
increases irgid (h) le (re)
increases folethaid vx folethnaid, -naigid
increases fo-lethna (lethan) vx folethaid
increases for-sa
increases for-sa
increases for-beir
increases for-beir
increases for-beir
increases for-beir
increases for-beir
increases for-beir
increases for-beir
increases forfuillid
increases fuillid

increases ilaigidir
increases imdaigid(ir) (imdae)
increases imdaigid(ir) (imdae)
increases imm-trmaig
increases insaid (ins)
increases infoirbrid, inforbraid
increases lossaid (los)
increases mtaid (mit)
increases mtaigid (mit)
increases mtaigid (mit)
increases maigid
increases mogaid vx maigid
increases mogaigid
increases mogthae
increases mraid (mr)
increases(?) for-maig
increasing (of lands, riches) brogda (bruig)
increasing in men (?) ferachad
increasing twofold dbailt
increasing twofold dblad
increasing aidbliugud
increasing borrfad (borr)
increasing brod 2
increasing brogad
increasing crasc(r)ad
increasing ilrugud
increasing ilugud
increasing imthrmach
increasing imthuilled
increasing mtugad, -ud
increasing mrad
incredibility dochreitte 2
incredible dchretmech (b) (dchretem)
incredible dochreitte 1 (creitid)
incredulity am(a)ires (c) (iress 1)
increment formach
increment fuillmed
inculpates ad-claid
inculpating acclaid (b)
incurability doleiges (leiges)
incurable doctha (ccaid)
incurable doleigis (leiges)
incurable doleigiste = doleigis
incurableness dleges, -is (leiges)
incurred penalty (legal) cin III (a)
incurs (?) ar-saig (b)
incurs a debt or liability fachaigid(ir) (a) (fach 1)
incurs do-sl
incurs fo-sl vx fuillid
incursion ? in(n)techt
incursion comthururas

incursion indred
incursion inrimm
indebtedness ? infachas
indebtedness fachaige (fachach)
indecorous dochraid (do + cruth)
indeed ! indeo
indeed (?) ang (gu)
indeed adde
indeed m 1 = im 1
indeed amae, -ai
indeed ate
indeed bs 2
indeed c(h)ene (d)
indeed ctamus (c)
indeed icin I (a)
indeed icin I (b)
indeed im 1, m
indeed aru
indeed immurgu
indeed immurgu
indeed immurgu
indeed in demin I
indefinite lapse of time mithis and mithise
indefinite number of individuals grouped together drong
indefinite number of people drem(m)
indefinite stretch of land fch 1
indefinite ainbecht (becht)
indefinite anairchend (airchend)
indefinite ccin(n)te (b)
indefinite ccin(n)tech (a)
indefiniteness ainbechta (ainbecht)
indented around imnaise
indenture deintiur
inderdict bang 1
indescribable d\.foillsigthech (foillsigidir)
indescribable daisndse (aisnis, as-indet)
indescribable doaisnis(e), do\.faisnis(e) (ais\.nds)
indescribable doaisnithe = doaisnis(e)
indescribable dotharascbla (tarascbil)
indestructible dthogail (togail)
indestructible dthogla = dthogail
indestructible dthoglaide = dthogail
indestructible dobsaigthe (bsaigid)
indestructible domudaigthe (mudaigid)
index clr (f)
index-finger colgg (colg)
India India
Indian indecach
Indian Indecdae
indicates comartha(ig)id (comartha)
indicates in-coisig (in(d)-com-sech)

indicating comarthugad
indicating inchosc
indication comarc (c)
indication comartha (a) (airde 1)
indication inchomartha
indication inchosc
indication mana
indicative mood indidit (ind-fiad-)
indiction indecht
indictment insce
indifference aidleisce
indifferent dnnim (snm)
indigenous ingeinde
indigent daidbir I
indigent delam
indigent deolaid (b)
indigent dindba 1 (--?) (indeb?)
indigent doinmech
indigent mindchichthe
indigestible dodlegaid (dlegad)
indigestible dodlegtha = dodlegaid
indignant failgech 2
indignation anra/ig
indignation corrugais
indignity andthcha (dthcha)
indignity dochraite (b) (dochrait)
indiscreet ccundail, ccundla
indiscretion antuicse (tuicse)
indiscretion tachle (tachail)
indiscriminate action? merballach (merbal)
indiscriminate fury? mellgal
indisputable deimin I
indissoluble dthaithmech, -ig (taithmech)
indissoluble doscalte 1 (scalid)
indistinct (?) foscadach (foscad)
indistinct (of sound) (?) bodar I
indites dechtaid 2
individually (?) csamail (cs)
individually leth
individuals forming collectively a charge to be maintained muirer
indivisible dodelaigthe (deiligidir)
indivisible doidedla (dedail)
indivisible doscalte 1 (scalid)
indocile dochoisc (cosc)
indocile dothecuisc (tecosc)
indolence deaithe (daith)
indolence dess
indolence lintaige (lintach)
indolent dimbeoda (beoda)
indomitable feochair
indomitable inathdomant(a)e

induces (a feeling, conduct, etc. in someone) erilid (a) (eril)
induces (a state, etc.) erilid (b) (eril)
induces (some one to do something) fo-gaib, fo-geib (d)
induces ar-ili (b)
induces cisigid (cis 1)
induces do-irci (a)
induces do-fed (c)
induces do-srenga I (d)
inducing aslach
inducing glasacht
indulgence (?, CW) isige (isech)
indulgence airraim
indulgence coimitecht (b) do
indulgence condircle (condircel)
indulgence condircles = condircle
indulgence cuifre (com + ?)
indulgence dlgadche, dlgedche (dlgudach)
indulgence dlgedas = dlgadche
indulgence dlgidetu = dlgadche
indulgence fogar (foghar) 2
indulgence logad
indulgence(s) ligidecht (lg)
indulgent condircel
indulgent condirclech = condircel
indulgent dlgudach (dlgud)
indulgent loigthech (logad)
indulgent maithmech
indulges con-itet
industrious monarach (monar)
ineffective dimbrgach (dimbrg)
ineffective meirb
ineffectiveness meirbe
ineffectual madach (madae)
inefficacious madach (madae)
inequality ? immard
inequality clethrm (b)
inequality ccutrummus
inequality lettrom
inert ceppdae (cepp)
inert meirb
inertia(?) ln
inertness (?) dimbeodacht (dimbeoda)
inertness meirbe
inescapable doimgabla (imgabl)
inestimable domesta 1 (mess)
inexcusable indeithbir
inexhaustible do\.folmaigthe (folmaigid)
inexhaustible dochaithme (caithem)
inexhaustible dolomarthach (lomraid)
inexorable (of persons) doilig (c)
inexperience anarsaidecht (anarsaid 1)

inexperienced ccrnna
inextinguishable domchta (mchaid)
infamous dochla (do + cl)
infamy dochlatu (dochla)
infancy at law ccodnaigetu (ccodnaige)
infancy lenbdacht (lenab)
infant at law ccodnach (b)
infant 1 gein
infant clabaire (clab)
infant lenab
infant lenbn (lenab)
infantry cos (d)
infatuation minia
infatuation mire (mer)
infectious gabltach
infects (med.) (trans.) cintaigid II (cin)
infects galraigid (galar)
inferior ale arlinn
inferior god (?) ainda (b) (2 da)
inferior line athchlann (clann)
inferior poet (?) ainfile (file)
inferior chtarach (chtar)
inferior chtarn (chtar)
infernal fury ifernaide, ifren(n)aide (ifern, ifrenn)
infernal regions ifern, ifrenn
infernal ifernaide, ifren(n)aide (ifern, ifrenn)
infernal ifernda, ifren(n)da (ifern, ifrenn)
infers gaibid
infers (of arguments, facts, etc.) beirid I (b)
infers gaibid
infidel amairsech (c) (amaires)
infidelity amairse = amaires
infidelity ccretem
infilleted insnthech (snthech)
infinite (?) dirmech (dirme)
infinite ccin(n)tech (b)
infinite ccrchdae
infinitive mood infinit
infinity ccintige (ccintech)
infinity ccrchdatu
infirm ccraid
infirm iglide
infirm galraigthech (galraige)
infirm lobur, lobor
infirmity claime (b) (clam)
infirmity ccras
infirmity iglidecht
infirmity lobrae (lobur)
infirmity lobrugud
inflamation 1 gor
inflamation loise

inflamed lsach (ls)
inflames fo-geir 1
inflames grsaigid (grs)
inflames loiscid
inflammable material lasamain (lasaid)
inflammable stuff comlasamain (lasamain)
inflammable lasamain (lasaid)
inflammation flegmon
inflammation lasad
inflation infisse
inflected (gramm.) fillte (c)
inflected (gramm.) filltech I (filliud, fillte)
inflecting (gramm.) filliud (c)
inflection (gramm.) etargaire II
inflection (gramm.) filltech II (filliud, fillte)
inflection (gramm.) filltiugud
inflects (gramm.) fillid I (c)
inflexibility dire (dr)
inflexible (of moral qualities) drda (dr 1)
inflicting burning pain loscud
inflicting harm or damage ? foiche
inflicting of wounds guinige
inflicting fuirmiud, -med
inflicting imbert
inflicts (on) meilid (melaid)
inflicts a wound indergaid (derg)
inflicts martyrdom on martraid
inflicts on imm-forbair
inflicts pain gortaigid (goirt)
inflicts punishment imm-beir
inflicts ad-aig (c)
inflicts conairg(eba)
inflicts fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (i)
inflicts fo-ruimi, -fuirmi
inflicts imm-beir
inflicts in-loing
inflicts in-tirci
inflicts lecaid
influences glasid
influencing clenad (b)
information (?) airisecht (airis)
information (?) gne (> gn, gne, gna, gnaoi)
information (appar., legal) allabair, allobair
information (legal) fasc (-?) (a)
information el 1 I (d)
information elas, eulas (a)
information fis 1, fius I (a)
informer mairnem
informer mairntid
informing (against) (legal) aisnis (b)
informing (on a person) mairne

informing against mairned
informs on mairnid
informs dechtaid 2
informs do-inchoisc
infrequency ? ingnas
infrequency ainmeince (meince)
infrequently ainmeinic (meinic)
infringement col (a)
infringing collud
ingathering (late) fogamar (b)
ingenious (?) aircech (airec?)
ingenious (?) glsach (gls)
ingenious airbertach (a) (airbert)
ingenious aircthech 1
ingenious airgdech 1
ingenious aistech (aiste)
ingenious ciralta
ingenious grchisech
ingenious glicc
ingenious intliuchtach (intliucht)
ingenuity gliccus (glicc)
ingenuity int(s)liucht
inglorious part dimbide (dimbid, see dimbg)
inglorious dimbgach, -bidech (dimbg)
inglorious dochla (do + cl)
ingot? mann (mand)
ingrafting esnaid
ingrafts in-snaid
ingratitude dimbuidechas (dimbuidech)
ingratitude dimdaige (dimda)
ingratitude dobuidechus (dobuidech)
ingressive case inotacht
inhabitant (?) duthach
inhabitant of a fch fchire (fch 1)
inhabitant of Albu Albanach (a) Albu)
inhabitant of Islay lech
inhabitant of May line Linech
inhabitant of Tr n-Ailella Ailellach
inhabitant ittigtheir (ittigid)
inhabitant aittreb(th)aid (ad-treba)
inhabitant aittrebthach (a)
inhabitant ittreir (itt)
inhabitant dthchasach (c) (dthchas)
inhabitants of Britain Bretain (a)
inhabitants of Connacht Connachta
inhabitants of the lands and the tribes in their vicinity collected behind and before them ath
inhabitants fer (d)
inhabited land fossad
inhabiting (with prep. or obj. gen.) comnaide
inhabiting ittiugad (a)
inhabiting aittrebachan = aittrebad

inhabiting aittrebad (attrab)
inhabiting attrab (c)
inhabiting comattrab (a) (attrab)
inhabiting inotacht
inhabits ad-aittreba
inhabits ad-treba
inhabits ittigid (a) (itt)
inhabits ar-treba = ad-treba
inhabits con-treba (trebaid)
inhabits gnthaigid (gnth)
inhabits imm-attrebea
inharmonious dcheil (cel)
inharmonious dobinn (binn)
inherent (difference) dodelaigthe (deiligidir)
inherent quality 1 aicned
inherent bunad (e) (bun 1)
inheritance comarbus (comarbbae)
inheritance comorbb (orbb)
inheritance cr 1 II
inheritance dbad II
inheritance dthchas (c) (dthaig)
inheritance eigrecht, oigrecht (eigre)
inheritance forbbae
inherited aptitude dthchas (f) (dthaig)
inherited instinct comdthchas (dthchas)
inherited instinct dthchas (f) (dthaig)
inherited possession eigrecht, oigrecht eigre
inheriting of the noble blood ibe > iobad
inheriting forbdine
inheritor eigre, oigre, eiger, eigir, oigir
inhibits ar-cuilli (a)
inhospitable dobadach (bad)
inhospitable dochlech (dochle)
inhospitality ainfile (b) (fle)
inhospitality dochell (call?)
inhospitality dothchernsa = dothchernas
inhospitaliy dothchernas (dothchern)
inimical escairdech
inimical escairdemail
iniquitous person clen II (e)
iniquitous clen I (d)
iniquity andach 1
iniquity anlochta (cf. anlocht)
iniquity bibdanas (a) (bibdu)
iniquity clen II (b)
iniquity clentu
iniquity clane (e) (clen)
initiates in-toscaig
initiates laidid (lad)
initiation of the legal process air\.fuigell (a) (fuigell)
injudicious ainbrethach (ainbreith)

injunction aurchail(l)
injunction forngaire, forgaire
injured breite
injured cremmannach (creimm)
injured esbadach, -aidech (c) (esbaid)
injured frithortae
injured lenta
injurer (by spells) ipthach (ipaid)
injurer foirrgid 2
injures ? fubaid (fuba)
injures airchitid do (aircht)
injures bre(a)id (b) (bre)
injures bronnaid 1 (b)
injures cridid (crd)
injures do-rodba
injures foglaigid
injures frithortaid
injures fachtnaigid
injures gortaigid (goirt)
injures lnaid (ln)
injures lochraid
injures loittid (lott)
injures loittid (lott)
injuring (partic. of persons, parts of body) bris(s)ed (b)
injuring a fellow-citizen (?) elgon, elguin
injuring aidgell
injuring aircht
injuring airorgain (orgun)
injuring bascad (b)
injuring bread (b)
injuring coll 2 (a)
injuring frithorcun
injuring lenad
injuring lenad
injuring loittithe
injuring lott
injuring malart (malairt)
injuring mert
injurious airchitech (aircht)
injurious athmulta
injurious crchtach (crcht)
injurious dgblach (dgbl)
injurious foglach (b) 1
injurious fachtnach (fachtain)
injurious goimech (goim)
injury (?) 3 gel
injury (?) anatechta
injury ? imfogal
injury from disease ? fuba
injury incurring highest mulct crlige bis (cr 1 + lige)
injury 2 gres (s)

injury accais (b)
injury aidgell
injury aincride (a) (cride)
injury aircht
injury amarc 2
injury an\.fochain (b) (fochonn)
injury anfolad II (a) (folud 1)
injury bt (a)
injury bine
injury coll 2 (a)
injury combrd, -gad
injury dberg (e) (d + bergg)
injury dgbl (c)
injury dochonn 2
injury dochor I (cor)
injury frithorcun
injury fachtain
injury indred
injury liniud, lnad (-e-?)
injury ln
injury lenad
injury lochrad
injury lott
injury malart (malairt)
injust ccert II
injustice ? forbann
injustice aincride (a) (cride)
injustice aindliged (dliged)
injustice ainfr (b) (fr)
injustice ainfre (fre)
injustice ainfrinne (frinne)
injustice ainrecht 1 (1 recht)
injustice anfolad II (a) (folud 1)
injustice anforlann (c) (forlann)
injustice clen II (b)
injustice ccert I
injustice ccir, ccir II
injustice ccire
injustice ccomthromm II
injustice immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
injustice in(n)igthecht
injustice in(n)recht
injustice inchrechad
injustice indliged
ink or similar substance arrament
ink dub II (a)
ink dubach 2 (dub)
inkhorn 1 adarc
inlaid ? intla(i)sse ?
inlaid decoration ecor, ecar II
inlaid or decorated with findruine findruinigthe (findruine)

inlaid ornament ecor, ecar II
inlaid ? intnaise ?
inlaying ecor, ecar II
inlaying ecrad
inlaying int(s)laide
inlays ? in-l
inlet of the sea 1 gabln
inlet of the sea loch
inlet muincend
inmeasurable drim (b) (rm)
inmoderate ccuimsech
inmost part of anything inne
inmost part inne
inner meaning ? ? inmednaige (inmednach)
inner part of a less arless
inner part of roof dpla
inner parts inmednach (inmedn)
inner space cairt 1 I (b)
inner surface (of a wall, etc.) escan
inner inmednach (inmedn)
innocence enncae (ennac)
innocence indracus (indraic)
innocent (CW) andac(h) 2
innocent (of animals, wind) beth 1 I (a)
innocent child idan
innocent person indlsech
innocent dchinaid (cin)
innocent ennac (a)
innumerable dirme
innumerable dirmide, -the (a) (irmide)
innumerable danairmide = dirmide
innumerable drim (a) (rm)
innumerable drime I (drim)
innumerable dscrtain (scrtain)
innumerable doirim (irem)
innumerable doirme (ram)
innumerable doirmithe (irmithe)
innumerable dormtha (rmid)
innumerable ccin(n)tech (b)
innumerable idrmtha
inopportune ainimech (2 im)
inordinate pride anabar (abar)
inordinate inordaigthe
inquire ? -frisnid vx fresnds, fresnsid
inquired do-frecmairc
inquired fissi
inquires (into) cestnaigid (ceist)
inquires (with de of pers.) fisraigid (a) (fis 1)
inquires about (somebody or something) armi-foich, armi-foig
inquires of imm-comairc
inquires cescaid (cesc, see ceist)

inquires comaircid (a) (comarc)
inquires comairser
inquires fafraigid 2
inquires fo-comairc
inquires for-comairc
inquires imm-foacht
inquiring (?) finnitnech
inquiring (with do of person) fochmarc
inquiring about arfaigid
inquiring for (a person) (?) fisrachan
inquiring for com\.fis (a) (fis)
inquiring into ces(t)nugud
inquiring of frecmarc
inquiring fafraigid 1
inquiring finditech
inquiring fisrugad (a)
inquiring arfaigid
inquiring armracht
inquiry ceist (a)
inquiry arfaigid
inquiry armracht
inquiry lorgairecht (lorgaire)
inquisition findigecht (-itecht?)
inquisitive ciralta
inquisitive fafraigthech (fafraigid)
inquisitiveness ciraltacht (ciralta)
inroad imgluaisecht
insane dsachtach (dsacht)
insane geltach (geilt)
insanity dsachtaige I (dsachtach)
insatiability dolntaige (lnaid)
insatiable an\.ssta (ssta)
insatiable do\.ssaigthe (ssaigid)
insatiable do\.ssta = do\.ssaigthe
inscribed ornament inscrbend
inscribes inscrbid
inscription inscrbend
inscrutable drn (rn)
inscrutable dscrtain (scrtain)
inscrutable dochartaigthe (cartaigid)
inscrutable doloirgthe (loirgid)
inscrutable doscrdaigthe (scrtaigid)
insect c 1 (e)
insecure place eisin(n)ill
insecure place islinn
insecure daingen I
insecure eisin(n)ill
insecure islinn
insecure islinnech (islinn)
insecure indlith
insecurity daingne (daingen)

insecurity islinn
insecurity islinne
insecurity inglinne
insensibility anmothaig[thig]e (anmothaigthech)
insensible anmothaig(th)ech (mothaigthech)
insensible marb
inseparable (?) d\.fodlai (fodail)
inseparable detarscartha(ch) (etarscarad)
inseparable doidedla (dedail)
inserting esnaid
inserting etarsamugud (samugud)
inserting etarsuidigud
inserting indsma
insertion ? indled
insertion esnaid
inserts ad-indsma
inserts etar-suidigedar
inserts indsmaid (indsma)
inserts in-snaid
inset (of embroidery, inlaid metal, etc.) esnaid
inset ? intnaise ?
inside allastig (a) (alla(e) + istig)
inside allastig (b) di (alla(e) + istig)
inside inmedn
insigficant (?) dibroig
insignia (used both of dress and ornaments) fethal (a)
insignia ? ath
insignificance derile (deril)
insignificance derilecht, -lacht (deril)
insignificance dnnimecht (dnnim)
insignificance dnnimus (dnnim)
insignificance disse (diss?)
insignificant de\.sruith (sruith)
insignificant dergna
insignificant deril
insignificant derlach (deril)
insignificant dnnim (snm)
insignificant dscir (c)
insignificant diss
insignificant raise
insolence cmailte (cmailt)
insolent (against) for-beir
insolent cmailt III
insolent maslach
insoluble dthaslaicthe (do-fasailci)
inspecting dicsiu
inspecting forcsi (farc-, foirc-, fairc-)
inspecting indrithne, indrichne
inspection imcaisiu
inspects (trans.) dchaid II (a)
inspiration dechtad 2 II

inspiration glasacht
inspiration imbas, imbus
inspired frenzy dsacht IV
inspired person bailedach (bailiud see bailiugad)
inspires with hope dchusa(ig)id (b) (dchus)
inspiring fear eclach I (ecla or ecal)
inspiring adannad
inspiring andud (b)
inspiring meisnemail
inspiriting in(n)tlas (tls) > intls
instability anbsaide (anbsaid)
instability ccobsaidecht
instalment ? ? fuluach (=fo-luach ?)
instance inad < ined
instant mmint
instead of ar 1 II (d)
instead of ar is 2 (b)
instead of inad < ined
instead of tar (dar) is 2 (e)
instigates (a feeling, conduct, etc. in someone) erilid (a) (eril)
instigates do-airdelba
instigates inmuillid
instigates laidid (lad)
instigates muillid
instigating aslach
instigating eril (a)
instigating inmuilled
instigation (of) fulirem, fulram
instigation gressacht (2 gress)
instigation grsacht (grs)
instigator augtar (a)
instigators of treacherous deeds furilem
instituted conopartatar
institutes insuidigid(ir)
instructed person ? frecar vx frecor
instructed fisid 2 (a) (fis 1)
instructed foircthe
instructer forcetlaid (forcitlaid)
instructing foglaimm (c)
instructing forcetal (-cital) (vn. of for-cain)
instructing mnad
instruction aiccecht
instruction aitecht 1 (aite 1)
instruction aittecht (b) (aith + techt 1)
instruction direcsion
instruction foglamacht
instruction forcantus
instruction forcath (=forcad)
instruction inchosc
instruction inmuilg
instruction ligenn

instructor inchosthaid (inchosc)
instructor mintid
instructs dechtaigid II
instructs do-inchoisc
instructs forcetlaid (forcetal)
instructs for-osmen
instructs ligenn
instruement for stirring ? ? inberb
instruement in(n)struimint, indstraimint,
in(n)strum(a)int, indstruiment
instruement instrim
instruements in(n)struimint, indstraimint,
in(n)strum(a)int, indstruiment
instrument accmaing (c)
instrument aidemm
instrument aidme = aidemm
instrument gls
instruments aidne 3 = aidmi
instruments comopar (opar)
insufferable tailngech (talaing)
insufferable talaing (tualang)
insult 2 gres (s)
insult aithis (a)
insult dmicen
insult dnsem
insult enechrucce, ainechrucce II (enech 1 + rucce)
insult es(s)onir (onir)
insult imdergad
insult masla(maslad)
insulting (causing a blemish?) ainmech (b) (ainim)
insulting aithisech (aithis)
insulting esonrach II
insulting esonrugud
insulting fachad
insulting imdergad
insulting maslaigthech
insults ailid 3 (2 ail)
insults aithisigid(ir) (aithis)
insults dnsemaid (dnsem)
insults esonraigid
insults maslaigid
insupportable (?) dchma (= dchuma?)
integrity idnae (idan)
integrity indracus (indraic)
integrity indracus (indraic)
integument farc
intellectual calla (call)
intellectual intliuchtach (intliucht)
intelligence (of persons) call (a)
intelligence conn (d)
intelligence ecna(e) 1 I

intelligence inchinn
intelligence mebair
intelligent man intliuchtach (intliucht)
intelligent 1 geth
intelligent cillid(e), callaid(e) (b) (call)
intelligent ctfadach (a) (ctfaid)
intelligent callach (call)
intelligent callamail (call)
intelligent gesach (ges)
intelligent gesmar (ges)
intelligent intliuchtach (intliucht)
intemperance carbus
intended (?) con-rodastar
intended do-armairt (a)
intending airimbert (c)
intends ar-berta
intends ar-drg(a)
intends midithir
intends midraid
intends muinithir
intense (?) fuirechair, furachair
intense cold adaire
intense desire imm
intense heat elscoth, elscud (a)
intense pallor imbine
intense suffering martrae
intense denocht (a) (d 2 + nocht)
intense dgir
intense do\.fulachta (fulachtae)
intense domain I (b)
intense frithir
intense gr
intense gibis
intensifies dchraigid (dchra)
intensifies gargaigid (garg)
intensifies graigid (gr)
intensifying (gramm.) aidbliugud
intensifying brogad
intensity (?) fachdacht
intensity (fig.) derge (derg)
intensity of its heat loiscnige (loiscnech)
intensity dermire (dermr)
intensity dchracht (dchra)
intensity graigecht (gr)
intensity gorte (goirt)
intensive abar-
intensive amar-
intent grind
intent indithmech, indfethmech (indithem)
intention to damage (legal) eisce
intention to slay (legal) eisce

intention to wound (legal) eisce
intention airdrgud 2
intention call (c)
intention coicell
intention comimrd (imrd)
intention comraite
intention imrdud
intention in(n)tinn
intention indithem, indfethem
intention? inchinn
intentional slaying (legal) eisce
intentional wounding (legal) eisce
intentionally los
intently fixed infeite ?
intently crtha
intentness 1 grinde (grind)
intentness indithem, indfethem
intercalary (year) ambolis
intercalary day bisex
intercalated etarsuidigthe
interceder etarguidedir, -dtheir
intercedes do-etarcuirethar
intercedes etarguidid (etarguide)
intercepting etargabl
interception etargabl
intercepts (?) *etar-trat (-reth)
intercepts etar-gaib (gaibid)
intercession etarguide
intercession impide
intercessor etarguthid (etarguide?)
intercessor impidech (impide)
intercessory prayer cndairc 2
interchange of blows imlat
interchange of words imfochlaige
interchanges con-imchlo (c)
interchanging commalairt (malairt)
interchanging imchlechld, imchlechmd,
interchanging inchumscugud (cumscugud)
interconnects imm-naisc
intercourse comthataige (tathaige s. taithigid 1)
intercourse gns (gnth)
interest in cs 1 (c) i n-
interest 2 accarda
interest fuilled, -iud, -ned
interest fuillem
interest fuillem
interest ionncamas
interest ionntrust
interest les
interest lg also lag

interference with etrin I
interferes with etraigid
interferes with etrinid
interfering (between two persons) etargaire I
interfering on behalf of someone etrin II
interfering with frithardad
interfering with intsechinnad
interior wall fraig
interior br 1 (c)
interior crislach (cris)
interior lr
interjection interiacht, interiecht
interlocutor fresnidid
interlocutor frisnsid
interlodgement etartuinide (tuinide)
intermediary between poet and patron? meiscetlach
intermediate (subordinate?) chief etarflaith (flaith)
intermediate inmednach (inmedn)
intermediate mednach
intermediate medndae
intermediate medntach
intermittence bernad
intermittent (?) etrantach (eter-ana-)
intermittent cithmar (cith 1)
internal division of word by the insertion of meaningless syllables condail 1
internal inmednach (inmedn)
interpolation etaraisnis
interposing between etargin, atreagin
interposing etartetarcor (cor)
interposition etartetarcor (cor)
interpretation (of a name) dnum II (c)
interpretation ctfaid (b)
interpretation etargne III
interpretation etercert I (cert)
interpretation etergled (n)
interpretation frital
interpretation glosa
interpreting (?) frital
interpreting falsely (?) fallsacht (b) (fallsa)
interpreting etargnad 2, -d, -d
interpreting etargnugud
interpreting etercert I (cert)
interprets (dreams) beirid III
interprets (trans.) derscnaigid (b) = derscaigid
interprets etargnaigidir I (b) (etargne)
interprets eter-certa I
interprets mnigid (mn)
interr. part. cair 2 a
inter-relation etaraisnis
interrogation arfaigid
interrogation imchomarc

interrogation? aircomairc
interrogative (?) farfaigthech (b)
interrogative imchomairsnech
interrogator fochmarcid
interrogatories imchomairsne, imchomarsna
interruption bernad
interruption indlach
intertwined figthe
intertwined insnthech (snthech)
intertwines figid
intertwining fige
interval (?) etarball
interval (between two points of space) ed 2 (a)
interval (of time) ed 2 (c)
interval airet I (a)
interval athaig, athach, athad
interval etartetarcor (cor)
interval etaruall
intervenes between etargnaid (etargin)
intervening (?) foraslaigech
intervening between (persons quarreling) etrin I
intervening empty space etarfsach
intervening space etaruall
intervening etargaire I
intervening eterlimm (limm)
intervening etrnad
intervention etarscn
intervention etartuidecht
interweaving ? indled
interweaving indech
interwoven ? insnthech (snthech)
intestinal worm fedomon
intestine celn
intestines (of some part thereof) fobach 2
intestines drlann
intestines inathar
intestines inathrach (inathar)
intestines inmednach (inmedn)
intestines inne
intextum infige
intimate friendship comaltas (comalta)
intimate muinterach
intimates gnth
intimidates methaid (meth)
intimidating fubthad
into following a king ? luna
into the house istech
into the plain immach > ammach
into the plain istech
into the presence of ar enech 1, ainech I
into fo, fa, f I (b)

into imm, imb
into istech
intolerable (?) tachtaide
intolerable oppression anfulang (fulang)
intolerable pain (?) do\.fulang
intolerable *cclaind
intolerable dchumaic, dchumaing II
intolerable do\.fulachta (fulachtae)
intolerable do\.fulaing = do\.fulachta
intolerable do\.fulangaigthe = do\.fulaing
intolerable do\.fulingthe (fo-loing)
intolerable dochoitreba (cotreb)
intolerable talaing (tualang)
intolerable forbrig, fairbrig (brg)
intoning dord 1
intoxicated meiscech
intoxicated mesc(c)
intoxicated mescda (mesc)
intoxicated mesctha
intoxicates inmescaid
intoxicates medraid
intoxicates mescaigid (<mesc)
intoxicating (of liquor) medb
intoxicating beverage? medan (-n)
intoxicating drink laith
intoxicating drink linn
intoxicating gabltach
intoxicating inmescda vx in-mesca
intoxicating mesc(c)
intoxicating mescamail (meisc-) (mesc)
intoxicating mescmar (mesc)
intoxicating? mescda (mesc)
intoxication (?) bach 2
intoxication mescae
intractability (?) 1 garbad (vn. of garbaid)
intractable (of persons) doilig (c)
intractable dorartha (raraid)
intrepid imm
intricacy caise 1 (a) (cas)
intricate gablnach (gabln)
intricate confusion meirblech
intricate problem mothar
intricate cas 1 (b)
intrinse/co inmth ?
introduces (?) (with acc. of thing) fo-beir (b)
introduces comchuirid (cuirid)
introduces in-cuirethar
introduction cennpha(i)rt, -phort (cenn + pairt, port ?)
Introit of the Mass introit
introspects eter-dccai (do-cci)
inured (to service, war, etc.) (of living beings) dnta(e) I (b)

invader ? immechtraid (immechtar)
invaders loinges (long)
invades ind-reith
invading indred
invalid contract ancor (cor)
invalid suit (?) ane 1 (e 2)
invalidates rassaigidir (raise?)
invalidates fo-ben
invaluable dodla (dl)
invasion by sea loinges (long)
invasion gabltas
invasion imracad
invasion imrathar
invasion inrimm
invasion murbrucht (muir)
invective ailech 2 (2 ail)
invented form foscad
inventing (?) fuirmiud, -med
inventing airec (b)
invention ? immairechtain
invention admat
invention airec (b)
invention cummatirecht (cummatir)
invention dolbud (b)
inventions (?) fuillmed
inventive (?) aircech (airec?)
inventive aircthech 1
inventor aircthid (airec)
invents (of something false) dolbaid (c)
invents ar-icc (c)
invents fo-gaib, fo-geib (h)
inverse route frithst
inversion impd, impd
inversion imths
invested with magical powers cumachtach (cumachtae)
invested with powers cumachtach (cumachtae)
investigates ad-rmi
investigates as-gleinn
investigates cestnaigid (ceist)
investigates cartaigid (a) = cartaid
investigates do-airscli (to-air-scl-)
investigates lorgairid (lorgaire)
investigating com\.sethrugud (saethrugad, see
investigating etercert II (cert)
investigating fisrugad (a)
investigation of first principles forus
investigation eclaimm
investigation examen
investigation indaithmech
investigation lorgairecht (lorgaire)

investigator lorgaire (lorg)
invests imm-said
inveteracy (in sin) arsaidecht (b) (arsaid)
invidious comthnthach (comthnth)
invincibility ansatu (ansae 1)
invincible dobsaigthe (bsaigid)
invincible dochlote (clod)
invincible dochoscrach (coscar)
inviolability dguine (dguin)
inviolate (?) clith I (b)
invisibility dcheltair 1
invisible do\.faicse = do\.faicsina
invisible do\.faicsig = do\.faicsina
invisible do\.faicsina (faicsin)
invisible do\.fchsuna (fgain)
invitation cuired (b)
invites (?, CW) dofocuirther
invites 3 gairid
invites con-gair (d)
invites cuirid 1 (a)
invites do-cuirethar IV
inviting cuired (b)
invocation comarc (b)
invoke sureties ad-guid
invokes x against y ad-teich
invokes 3 gairid
invokes ad-muinethar
invokes ad-sluindi
invokes do-gair I (b)
invokes for-gella
invoking attach II (a)
involution (?) fathi (--?)
inward inmednach (inmedn)
Ionian Iond
Ionians Ionnai
irascability fergaige (fergach)
irascible (?) frithnasach (frithnas)
irascible crithrech (crithir)
irascible lonn
Ireland riu
iris of the eye imlissen, imlessan
Irish speaker godilgid
Irish godelach (Godel)
Irish godelta (Godel)
Irishman of Norman descent 1 Gall
Irishman finn 4
Irishman Godel (Gadel)
Irishman godelach (Godel)
irksome amnas (a)
irksome athmulta
irksome dodaing

irksome emilt I
iron bar lorg
iron fitting arnaide (arn)
iron implement arnaide (arn)
iron ore (?) ernmin
iron point foriarnn
iron tip foriarnn
iron tool arnach = ernach
iron tool ernach (arn)
iron utensil ernach (arn)
iron ebrn (a)
iron arn
iron arnaide (arn)
iron arndae (arn)
iron-like arnamail (arn)
iron-like arnamail (arn)
iron-like arnamail (arn)
irony r(i)n
iron-yellow ernbude
irratation (?) gigil
irrational (of animals, wind) beth 1 I (a)
irrational ? indligthech (indliged)
irrational bethnach (bethn)
irrational ccallaid, -e (a) (call)
irrational indligthech (indliged)
irreconcilable doetrna (etrin)
irrecoverable by () (legal) dles 1 I (b) (d- + les)
irrecoverable comdles (dles)
irrefutable dobriste (brissid)
irregular movement faitriud
irregular amragalta
irregular anordamail = anordaigthe
irregular ccomthromm I
irregular ccrach (ccir)
irregular techta (tchtae)
irregular techtaide (techta)
irregular inordaigthe
irregularity anordaigthech = anord
irregularity ccomthromm II
irreligion ccrbud
irreligious inirisech (iress)
irremovable dodchuir (dchur)
irrepressible dosmachtnaigthe (smachtaigid)
irresistibility ansatu (ansae 1)
irresistible (?) d\.frecra
irresistible dgrais I (d + gress 2)
irresistible do\.frecartha (frecraid, fris-gair)
irresistible do\.frecarthach = do\.frecartha
irresistible do\.frestall (frestal)
irresistible dochoiscthe
irresistible doingabla (ingabl)

irresponsible (?) antoiscthech
irresponsible ccodnach (a)
irresponsible ccond
irresponsible ccundail, ccundla
irretire inlnaigidir (ln)
irreverence esurraim (airraim)
irreverence esurramacht (esurramach)
irreverent dairmitnech, dermitnech
irreverent deirmitnech (deirmitiu)
irreverent esurramach (esurraim)
irrigating fliuchad
irritable frithnasach (frithnas)
irritable ogmar, ogar
irritated farnach
irritates bruitigid = bruitid
irritates fo-geir 1
irritating (?) dresad
irritating sensation giglechus (gigil)
irritating athmulta
irritating bruiternach 1
irritation ? frithnas (ns?)
irritation athmultas (athmulta)
irruption of any kind murbrucht (muir)
irruption dimaidm
is a cause of anger lonn
is a defence against ? imm-dben
is a fool betha(ig)id (beth 1)
is a match for ar-gair (a)
is a match for do-ingaib (a)
is a matter of regret to lesc
is a mendicant mindchigidir (mindech)
is able (+ vn. (phr.)) ftaid
is able to cope with do-ingaib (a)
is able ad-cota
is able con-icc
is able ftaigid = ftaid
is able fo-gaib, fo-geib (f)
is able for-cumaing
is able for-ta
is about to fo-lmathar (-limethar ?)
is about imm-t
is absent do-esta (a)
is accustomed to be gnthaigid (gnth)
is accustomed to clechtaid (clecht 1)
is accustomed to gnthaigid (gnth)
is accustomed gnthaid (gnth)
is acquainted with elchaigid (elach)
is affrighted bidgaid (bedg)
is afraid of eclaid (ecla)
is afraid of eclaigid (eclach)
is alarmed (intrans.) fo-botha I

is alienated (intrans.) echtrannaigidir II (echtrann)
is alight lasaid
is allotted (?) drimnigid (drim)
is alongside of imm-t
is amazed at machtaigid (machtad)
is amazed at machtnaigid (machtnad)
is amazed ingantaigid (ingnad)
is amazed mothaigid (moth)
is an accessory comlithr(ig)id (comlithre)
is analogous with fris-gair, -frecair
is angry (with) tailngigidir
is angry lonnaigid(ir) (lonn)
is apportioned (?) drimnigid (drim)
is appropriate to imm-airicc
is around imm-t
is aroused bidgaid (bedg)
is at hand do-fil
is at the head of ar-t (b)
is at variance with (CW) cosatid
is at variance with fris-tat (fris-to-tet)
is attained (?) drimnigid (drim)
is aware of ad-gnin
is aware of do-beir VI (b)
is before ar-t (a)
is beneath fo-t
is between etar-b
is beware fo-moinethar vx foimnidi, foimte
is blighted methaid (meth)
is born (pass.) beirid II
is born cinid
is born gainithir
is born in-gainethar
is born lmnaid (lmann)
is bound (?) comeillgither etc.
is bound to dligid III
is brought forth in-gainethar
is brought forth ingeinid
is certain of laimthenach (lamaid)
is certain deimnigid(ir) (c) (deimin)
is circulated fo-sern (sernid)
is coming do-fil
is compassionate (?, CW) con-fodaim
is competent con-midethar (a)
is completed do-airicc (d)
is composed of con-suidigedar (suidigidir)
is congenial to (with fri, re, and later le) do-aitni (c)
is considered profitable as compared with a beast intorbaigidir ?
is conspicuous do-rscai I
is construed with the accusative it applies to vengeance imfognam
is contained (in) do-alla 2 (b)
is contrite (?, CW) comrpaid (rpaid)

is converted creitid
is cut off dupanar
is decided upon by fo, fa, f III (a) (do-icc fo)
is declined gaibid
is delivered ?for-lmna vx lmnaid
is delivered lmnaid (lmann)
is derived gainithir
is desolation confsaigfither (fsaigid)
is destroyed bidid (f)
is different from dechraigidir III (dechor)
is dispersed dechraigidir I (dechor)
is distinct from (?) etar-b
is distinct from eterdeligid, -delaigid II (deligid)
is distinguished (?) ardraigidir
is divided (intrans.) deiligidir II (a) (deil 1)
is done for imm-tit
is done with glid (gl)
is drained to the dregs descaigid (descad)
is drowned bidid (f)
is due from for-t
is eclipsed (intrans.) dorchaigid (a) (dorchae)
is engaged in imm, imb
is ennobled (?) consoer
is enough for the purpose for doing lr
is enough for lr
is entilted to for-dlig
is entitled to ad-roilli
is entitled to ilid (c) (il)
is entitled to ar-dlig (dligid)
is entitled to dligid I (a)
is entitled to do-sl
is equivalent to fo-reith (reth-)
is equivalent to fris-suidi
is exacted do-esta (c)
is exhausted do-airicc (d)
is exhilarated medraid
is extant dchsnigidir
is extant maraid and mairid
is extinguished do-bdi II
is filled with lnaid (ln)
is finished do-airicc (d)
is finished for-cenna
is forfeit (legal) at-bail(l)
is forfeited do-tuit 1 (h)
is formed gainithir
is fought with swords on either side imchlaidbid
is found (?) ? for-rig vx fo-ricc, fo-rig
is free dlmainigidir (a) (dlmain)
is frightened (intrans.) fo-botha I
is fulfilled do-icc II
is furious bruthnaigidir (bruth 1)

is glad (intrans.) filtnigid, faltnigid II (filte, falte)
is glad of filtigid(ir), faltigid(ir) I fri (a) (filtech,
is glad buide 2 b la
is gracious towards cemaid (cem 1)
is grateful buide 2 b la
is gratified buide 2 b la
is greatly afraid adathmaraigid
is halved lethaid (leth, lethan)
is hard by for-aicci
is hiding fulacht
is hot bruthnaigidir (bruth 1)
is humbled (intrans.) do-airindi II (b)
is idle espanaigid (esba)
is in base clientship gallaid (2 gall)
is in clientship to ad-gall(n)a
is in danger of fo-lmathar (-limethar ?)
is in front of ar-t (a)
is in harmony (with) cuibdigid(ir) (cubaid)
is in lying position laigid
is in motion corraigid (corrach)
is in store for ar-t (c)
is in the habit of doing meinicnigid
is in the way of (intrans.) do-ecmaing III (b) do, fri, ar (for)
is in in-dixnigedar
is incumbent on for
is incumbent on for-t
is indignant (with) tailngigidir
is inopportune ainimigid (ainim)
is insolent cmailtigidir (cmailt)
is inspired by (?) (an emotion) ellmaigid, ollm-, ullm- (c) (ellam 1)
is intent on ind-feith
is it of benefit to lesaigidir (les)
is jealous taigidir (t 1)
is joined (?) comeillgither etc.
is joyful (?) filtid (filid)
is killed do-tuit 1 (c)
is killed marbaid
is lacking do-esta (a)
is lacking esbaid* 2
is left (intrans.) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) II (a)
is left for-t
is left maraid and mairid
is liable for (?) fo, fa, f III (a) (at fo)
is liable for service (?) air\.fognamaid (air\.fognam)
is liable to fo-loing
is lifted up con-ocaib
is lost do-tuit 1 (h)
is lost imm-tit
is loth to lesc
is lowered (intrans.) do-airindi II (b)

is made for-cumaing
is my object do-tuit 1 (i) limm fair
is my wish do-tuit 1 (i) limm fair
is needed caithid 1 (d)
is not belonging indles, indles
is not to be drunk at (the) sacrifice lsta
is of advantage ccaid (cc)
is of use (to) do-airgni
is of use to fo-gn I (c)
is of use to? meilid (melaid)
is on one`s guard against fo-moinethar vx foimnidi, foimte
is on ones guard against fo-callathar (d)
is on ones guard foimtenaigid
is on the look out for fris-ilethar
is on the offensive ? fubaid (fuba)
is on for-t
is on for-t
is one and is manifold ildae (il)
is oppressive fortrommaigid
is out of patience (with) tailngigidir
is over do-esta (b)
is over for-t
is over for-t
is overthrown (trans.) (pass.) escaraid II (escar 1)
is owed (as a debt) dligid I (a)
is powerful cumachta(ig)id(ir) (cumachtae)
is pre-eminent do-rscai I
is prepared for fris-ilethar
is present ar-t (a)
is present in-tairissedar
is produced comgeinid (gainithir)
is produced insaid (ins)
is produced lossaid (los)
is proud dummussaigidir (dummus)
is putrid brnaid (brn)
is reborn ad-gainethar
is reckoned as equal (?) cotaimsigther (cotomus, see comthomus)
is refulgent do-aitni (a)
is reluctant to lesc
is reluctant to lesc
is remiss of lesc
is required caithid 1 (d)
is required do-esta (c)
is responsible (?) con-gella (gellaid)
is responsible for (a duty, payment) fo-loing
is responsible for conairg(eba)
is resurrected irgid (b)
is rich indbadaigid (indbad)
is rooted out (?) dchlannaigid(ir) (clann) = dchlannaid
is rotten brnaid (brn)
is routed madmaid and maidmid

is routed maidid
is sad dogailsigidir (dogailse)
is scared forscthaigid
is scattered dechraigidir I (dechor)
is seated ? fo-sern (sernid)
is seized with (an emotion) ellmaigid, ollm-, ullm- (c) (ellam 1)
is sent? ad-fodi
is separated from dechraigidir II (dechor)
is serviceable to (folld. by direct obj. or prep. do) ar-fogni (a)
is set on aire do
is shared concuiter
is silent con-taisi
is slow to lesc
is slow to lesc
is so imm-t
is sorry for ar-callathar
is spent do-icc II
is startled bidgaid (bedg)
is subject to (a person) fo-gn I (a)
is surety for do-tt (d) ar
is to be as wide as ara-letha (lethaid)
is to be studied fretede
is to cet 1 II (b)
is triumphant fortaillid (fortail)
is triumphant fortallaigid (fortail) vx fortamail
is troubled galraigid (galar)
is turned back in(d)sathar
is unable fo-mid, for-mid (I) (a)
is uncertain (?) anfossaigidir (?) (anfoss)
is unoccupied dlmainigidir (a) (dlmain)
is upon for-t
is used (by) fo-gn I (d)
is used to elchaigid (elach)
is vain espanaigid (esba)
is victorious beirid/cuirid coscar
is wanting do-esta (a)
is wanting esbaid* 2
is wise ecnaigid 1
is zealous for ind-midethar
is att (ad-t)
is do-airissedar (b)
is do-fil
island used as a fort inis
island used as a storehouse inis
island ailn (1 ail)
island inis
isolation leithechas
Israel Isra(h)l
Israelite Isra(h)ldae (Isra(h)l)
Israelite Israeltach

Israelitish Isra(h)ldae (Isra(h)l)
issue of an encounter imscarad
issue dcenn 1 (b) (d + cenn)
issue forcindiud
issue armairt
issue artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)
it is a beautiful church made of yew ibrach (ibar)
it is a reproach to tell imchined
it is according to the average that it is measured midba(e)
it is all the same for x is cummae do x
it is almost a panacea (?) cc
it is bound focoisle (b)
it is cold fuit
it is for me he accepted the draught ibe > iobad
it is graded ? fris-dring
it is ill fortune to oppose them mochenn
it is known far and wide furfcra, -facra
it is much mit, mt
it is not (too) much for me mr (mr)
it is not fleshly sins which are paid for there ccaid (cc)
it is not incumbent to grant the protection idnacul
it is not many gifts to one man il
it is not much that (if) mr (mr)
it is not shirking it I am imgabil
it is open to me foma
it is possible for him (impers.) do-alla 2 (c) d (fair)
it is time mithig
it is to their own disgrace immortan
it is unlawful for is col (a) do
it lay open to wolves ? imrulaig
it matters not aindethbir (a) (2 deithbir)
it was a long fight that was made there imbert
it was avenged by Aedh ccaid (cc)
it was for fencing and weeding it the distress was taken imbe
it was noble proportions muirech
it was not to avoid the liability imgabil
it was settled imm-said
it was speckled with the hilts of the gold-hilted swords imdornchor
it were drinkable lsta
it would be well for us to prepare it imdell
it -das-
it ed 1
Italic etalacdae
Italy idile vx Etil
itch bruithida (bruth 1 + idu)
itching sore gerb
item for-t
iterates emnaid 1 (b) (emon 1)
its borders imbel?
its material was stowed away fuismiud
its shade covers for-tuigethar (-tugathar)

its 1 a
its 2 a
iudica imfognam
ivied eidnech I (eidenn)
ivory turnings iboire
ivory ebur
ivory burn
ivory eburnete
ivory iboire
ivory omg
ivory-like (?) dtamail (dt 1)
ivy (?) fithle
ivy (?) fithlenn
ivy 2 gort
ivy eiden(n)
ivy-bushes (?) (collect.) eidnech II (eidenn)
ivy-clad tree (, etc.) eidnechn (eidnech)
ivy-clad eidnech I (eidenn)
ivy-clad eidnnach (eidnn)
ivy-plant eidnen (eidenn)
ivy-plant eidnn (eidenn)

jacinth iacingctis
jack of all trades il
jackdaw cac
Jacob Iacb
jade cuil(l)esg
jaded meirtnech
jades melene?
jakes faltech (fal 1?)
jamb airsa
James Iacb
January enir
January Ianir, Enir
Japheth Iafeth
jargon gib-gab
jasper iesper
javelin ? gaithlenn
javelin 2gablach (gabul)
javelin 3 goth
javelin crusech
javelin foga
javelin gan
javelin gan
javelin gae
javelin ginne
javelin-feat cles cleittnech (cleittne)
jaw ? ginl (-il, -il) < gin
jaw 1 gall
jaw 2 glaine

jaw coll 3
jaw drant
jaw gibis
jaw glainne
jaw gulba
jaw lecca
jawbone 2 glaine
jawbone glainne
jaws ginl (-il, -il) < gin
jaws mant
jealous ? ? ididi
jealous person (?) tach 2 II
jealous taid (t 1)
jealous tmar
jealous imthach (immad)
jealously immad, immaid
jealousy (in good as well as bad sense) t 1
jealousy tach 2 I
jealousy tugud 1
jealousy format
jealousy imthnth
jeer cnid
jeering doscair (a)
jeering fonmat
jeering fonitiud
jeering magad
jeers fuirsid
jeopardy gas (guais)
jerk (?) firt 2
jerkin (of cotton) cotn (b)
jerking (of dying warriors) brebgal = prapgal
jerking bidgarnach (bedg)
jerking clisemnach
jest (?) grenchas (1 grenach)
jest cluiche (b)
jest gane
jester crosn 1 (cros)
jester cuitbide
jester doscair (a)
jester forcuitbid
jester fuirseir vx fuirsire
jesting doscair (a)
Jesus having commanded it to him fulirem, fulram
Jesus s(s)u, sa
jet black dolta (dol)
jet cir 1
Jew ? Iubdae
Jew bal
Jew dal, dol
Jew Id(a)ide
Jew Idaid

jewel grith (mod.)
jewelled (?) gemmach (gemm)
Jewish ? balta (bal)
Jewish ? Iubaide
Jewish balach (bal)
Jewish Iblach (? bal)
Jewish dalach (dal)
Jewish Id(a)ide
Jew-like ? Iblach (? bal)
Jews Id(a)ei
jingling cchanach 2
jingling foseinm (seinm)
Joannes Ihain, Ihen, I(i)n
join battle frestal
joined cengalta
joined comchengailte
joined ellachte
joining and fastening that helmet into the hooks of the hauberk on every side imfastad,
imfostad, imfastd
joining closely imm-aimm
joining in battle ellach 1 I (c)
joining together comaccomol (a) (accomol)
joining together comrrachtain (rrachtu)
joining together faigl (aigl)
joining accomol
joining dlthad
joining ellach 1 I (a)
joins (?, CW) comurilid (erilid)
joins (of persons) con-mesca (b)
joins issue with (in hostile sense) con-mesca (c)
joins together forfaigid
joins with (?) dallaid (d) (dall) fri (re)
joins ad-comla
joins com\.faigid (aigid)
joins comchenglaid (comchengal)
joins commmaid (commm)
joins comththaid (tthaid 1)
joins con-l
joins con-ricc
joins dlthaid (dlth 1)
joins do-immtha(i)s
joins dnaid (c) (dn)
joins eillgid
joins adaid
joins imm-naisc
joins in-ellaig, inellgither
joins in-loing
joint (in humans and animals) alt 1 I (a)
joint accusation comlud (lud)
joint action comgnm (gnm)
joint actions comgnmrad (gnmrad)

joint adjudication combreith (breith)
joint approach cominnsaigid, -ge (indsaigid)
joint attendance com\.frichnam (frithgnam)
joint battle comirgail (airgal)
joint begetting comthuistiu (tuistiu)
joint birth comthuistiu (tuistiu)
joint command com\.furilem (fulirem)
joint confidence comrn (rn)
joint contribution comthabairt (tabairt 1)
joint effort com\.feidm (feidm)
joint epoch comr (r 1)
joint equal effort com\.feidm (feidm)
joint equal payment (legal) cuibdius (c) (cubaid)
joint equal right (?) comrecht (recht)
joint exertion com\.feidm (feidm)
joint fetter comglas 1 (glas 1)
joint forfeiture comlobad (lobad)
joint fraud comdupairt (dupart)
joint friendship com\.falchaire (falchaire)
joint grazing comingaire (ingaire)
joint herding comingaire (ingaire)
joint husbandry (legal) coimse
joint joy com\.filte (filte)
joint law (?) comrecht (recht)
joint levying comthobach (tobach)
joint lord cuitcherna (com + tigerna)
joint lordship comthigernas (tigernas)
joint lordship cuitchernas (cuitcherna)
joint marriage-contribution (legal) comthinl (tinl)
joint motion comimlad (imlad)
joint oath comluige 1 (luige 1)
joint occupation comthuinide (tuinide)
joint of meat aisil
joint payment comcc (cc)
joint payment comlg (lg)
joint pledge congillne (gille 1)
joint plunder (?) comfatach (fatach)
joint portion commaid (d) (com + buith)
joint possession com\.selb (selb)
joint possession comthuinide (tuinide)
joint prayer comguide (guide)
joint rearing comaltram (a) (altramm)
joint recollection conchuimne (cuimne)
joint reign comr (r 1)
joint repelling (?) cominnairbe
joint reponsibility for rearing comaltram (a) (altramm)
joint responsibility for fosterage comaltar
joint restitution comthaisic (taisecc)
joint rule com(\.f)laith (flaith)
joint rule comragal (ragal)
joint sacrifice comidpairt (idbart)

joint same time comr (r 1)
joint secret comrn (rn)
joint security comglinne 1 (glinne)
joint seeking comarraid (arraid)
joint service (?) commanchad (commanach)
joint service (?) congallna (gallnae)
joint service com\.frichnam (frithgnam)
joint sovereignty com\.flaithemnas (flaithemnas)
joint sovereignty com\.flaithius (flaithius)
joint sovereignty comrge (rge)
joint speech comlabrae (labra)
joint theft comgait (gait)
joint third coimthrian (trian)
joint time comr (r 1)
joint transgression comchin (cin)
joint use comchaithem (caithem)
joint welcome com\.filte (filte)
joint witness com\.fadnaise (fadnaise)
joint ige 1
joint aisil
joint comaimm (aimm 1 and 2)
jointed altach (alt 1)
jointed altmar (alt 1)
jointly erects comthcbaid (do-fcaib)
jointly raises comthcbaid (do-fcaib)
jointly ruling comraglugad (raglad)
jointly satisfying coimdl (dl)
jointly immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
jointly immaren
joints min
joist capar
joist lesgailte
joisting gsdil
joke bacht
jollity muirn
Joshua su
journey (of a peaceful or warlike nature) fechtas I (fecht)
journey ? ? imderc, ? imtherc
journey that rescued ? foraid ?
journey airthrall (a) (trall)
journey argraige
journey astar
journey cairt 1 I (d)
journey rimm, raimm (b)
journey fecht I (a)
journey immadall
journey imrimm
journey imthecht
journeying continuously comaister (astar)
journeying on foot (?, CW) comchoisigecht (coisige)
journeying with comaister (astar)

journeying aistrech (a) (astar)
journeying aistriugad
journeying astar
journeying imthecht
journeys over (trans.) do-foichell (a)
journeys ? instaigid
journeys aistrid (aister)
journeys astaraid = aistrid
journeys cartaigid (a) = cartaid
jousting giustl
Jove Ioib (Iou)
jowl geolbach
joy (?) gairte (garit)
joy airgairdes (gairdes)
joy ithes (c) (ith 1)
joy aittes (aitt)
joy comprd
joy filte, falte (filid, falid)
joy forfalte (filte)
joy forfaltechus
joy forfaltius
joy gairdes
joy lth
joy lthgir(e)
joyful filid, falid
joyful filtech, faltech (a) (filte, falte)
joyful gairdech
joyful lithech (lth)
joyful lthgirech (lthgir(e))
joyfully (?) has the news been told ? li
joyless anfilid (filid)
joylessness anfilte (a) (filte)
joyous at increase of hospitality fuilted
joyous anfiltech (filtech)
joyous forfalech
joyous forfalid, forb(f)aelid
joyous medrach
joyous muirnech (muirn)
jubilee iubaile, iubail
Judas f(o)bas
judge (?) desruith
judge ? fuiglid
judge barn
judge bera
judge breithem (breth)
judge breithemnach = breithem
judge balann, badl-
judge coicertach (coicert)
judge fuigleir
judge medam
judge midem

judge midid
judge? foimsid
judged mesta (mes)
judgement ? idic
judgement basal 1
judgement brth
judgement idicecht (idic)
judgement lad (lth)
judgement me(i)s(s)idecht
judgement medamnus
judgement meisem (mesam)
judgement meisemnacht
judgement mes(s)
judgement-giving fuiglech (fuigell)
judgements on the various farms vary il
judgements midera
judges ? imm-dni
judges beirid III
judges breithemnaid = brithemnaigid
judges brethaigid = brethnaigid
judges brethnaigid (a) (breth)
judges fo-midethar
judges medaigid
judges meisemnaigid
judges menmnaigid (menma)
judges mes(s)aid (<mes)
judges midithir
judges midraid
judges molaid
judgeship idicecht (idic)
judging between eterbreth (breth)
judging severely dmicem
judging breithemnacht (breithem)
judging breth (g)
judging brethach (breth)
judging brethnugad
judging brad
judging coicert (a)
judging imm, imb
judging idicecht (idic)
judging meisemnugad
judging mes(s)
judging mes(s)ad
judging mesrugud
judging midemain
judging midemnus
judgment breithemacht = breithemnacht
judgment breithemnacht (breithem)
judgment breithemnas (a) (breithem)
judgment breth (g)
judgment coicert (b)

judgment coicertad = coicert
judgment dl 2 IV (a)
judical decision (following on the giving of pledges)? argellad
Judicial Bench bein(n)se, binse
judicial pronouncement fuigell
judicial sentence ? fuigled
judicial brethach (breth)
judicial brethamail (breth)
judicial brithemandae (breithem)
judicial brithemda = brithemandae
judicial me(i)s(s)ide (mes)
juggler clesaige (cles)
juggler clesamnach II (clesamain)
juggling clesaigecht (a) (clesaige)
juggling clesamnacht (clesamain)
juice bracht 1
juice inmar
juicy b(o)laid(e) (boil)
juicy bochlaide (bochail)
juicy inmarda (inmar)
Julius I(i)l
July I(i)l
jumped foralatar
jumper ? lengach
jumping forward (?) (not attested?, CW) airlimm
jumping bedgach 1 (bedg)
jumping bidgad
jumping limnech (limm)
jumping linged
jumping lingemain
jumps about ? imscibaid
jumps forward ar-ling (lingid)
jumps to and fro do-lim
jumps up con-clich
jumps ar-ling (lingid)
jumps bidgaid (bedg)
jumps folim(m)id (folim)
jumps limmid (limm)
jumps lingid
jumps lingid
junction accomol
junction comaimm (aimm 1 and 2)
juncture (of time etc.) alt 1 III (a)
juncture cobs (com + s, fs 2 ?)
June Iin
June meithem vx mithem
June mithem
jungle mothar
juniper ibar > iubar, iobar
juniper ibar > iubar, iobar
Juno Iunaind

Jupiter Ioib (Iou)
jurisdiction breithemnas (a) (breithem)
jurisdiction me(i)s(s)idecht
jurist breithem (breth)
jurist balann, badl-
jury coiste
just (?) dessa 2
just (fig.) dess (c)
just (in moral sense) finn 1 (e)
just (of persons) dligthech (c) (dliged)
just cause deithbire 1 (deithbir 1)
just cause deithbires 1 (deithbir 1)
just cause dal 1 (h)
just now i mbaruch (barach)
just now indossa
just reason dal 1 (h)
just ? id
just cacaid (con + cid ?)
just cert 1 (b)
just certmar (cert)
just cir 2
just comdrech (drech)
just comthrom I (c) (trom 3)
just crach (crae)
just driuch (b)
just dligthemail (dliged)
just fechtnach (b)
just frda (fr)
just frn, fran
just frnach (frn)
just frnta, -da (frn)
justice (?) certa (-ae) (cert)
justice (?) cle 2
justice (?) dessa 2
justice (?) fechtnaige (b) (fechtnach)
justice ? ? ius
justice cert 1 (j)
justice certus (cert 1)
justice cir 6
justice comthrom II (d) (trom 3)
justice comthromas (comthrom)
justice crae (a) (cir)
justice desse (b) (dess)
justice frinne (a)
Justice iusts (? )
justiciary giusts
justiciary iusts (? )
justification cuibdius (d) (cubaid)
justification frinugud
justification frinnigud (frinne)
justification fuigell

justified frinaichthe
justifies glanaid (glan)
justifies (legal) brogaid
justifies frnaigid (frn)
justifies frinaigidir (frin, frn)
justifying reason dlug (a)
justifying frnugud
justifying frinnigud (frinne)
justly speaking fuigell
justness cir 6
justness crus (cir)
jutting out corr 1 I
jutting up corr 1 I
juvenile mac(c)thae
juxtaposition comaisnds, -dis (aisnis)
juxtaposition freslige

kale (?) brasach 1 = braisech ?
kale braisech = praisech
kale cabln, cobln
Kalends callann (b)
kalends callanraid (callan)
keel (of ship) cle
keeler clir
keen (?) aig 3
keen (?) cicharda
keen (?) ccmar = cccar (?)
keen (?) ficht
keen (?) finnitnech
keen (fig. of mental and moral qualities) fig (f)
keen (of horses) febarda (febar)
keen (of mental powers) ith 1 I (b)
keen (of weapons, etc.) fig (d)
keen ? fachtnaide (fachtain)
keen aicher
keen ith 1 I (a)
keen amainsech = amnas
keen amnas (b)
keen bechtaide = becht
keen cerb 2 I
keen cccar
keen cich
keen febarda (febar)
keen febrach I (b) (febar)
keen fiuchair
keen fogr
keen frithir
keen fachda
keen fuirechair, furachair
keen fuirechair, furachair
keen gr

keen goirt
keen gr
keen lainn
keen lmtha
keeness aichre
keenness (CW) ith 1 II
keenness 1 grinde (grind)
keenness ithes (a) (ith 1)
keenness comdchracht (comdchra)
keenness daillsigud (allus?)
keenness febar II
keenness febraige (febrach)
keenness fige (fig)
keenness fachdacht
keen-sighted fig (a)
keen-sighted grradarcach (gr-radarc)
keeper (CW) coimtaige = coimtaid 2
keeper of the calendar calladir (callann)
keeper coimtaid 2 (coimt)
keeper congblaid (congbil)
keeping (CW) coimttacht = coimt
keeping (in a place) astud (a)
keeping (in a place) fossugud
keeping (in a place) fostad
keeping (in service) fastd, -d, -d I (b)
keeping a hostile outlook forbais
keeping a look-out airdchsin (dchsain)
keeping a look-out fethem (a)
keeping a watch forbais
keeping aloof dingbil I
keeping aloof dognas 2 (gns)
keeping an outlook frecomt
keeping annals annlad (a)
keeping apart airdedail (dedail)
keeping away from fuirech
keeping back indlsiugud
keeping equal watch com\.forchoimt (forcomt)
keeping guard foraire (aire)
keeping hostile watch forbaise
keeping in congbil (-l) (a)
keeping pace with coimimthecht (imthecht)
keeping silent airthasacht
keeping up with frestal
keeping up fothugad
keeping vigil cros\.figel(l) (cros + figell)
keeping vigil figled
keeping vigil fuirechras, furachras
keeping watch against frithaire
keeping watch on comaire (aire 1)
keeping watch over (ar = against) fethem (b)
keeping watch over (for the purpose of leading astray) ingaire

keeping watch over imchomt
keeping watch air\.faire (faire)
keeping watch dercaidecht (dercaid 2)
keeping watch fethem (a)
keeping watch forcma
keeping watch frecomol
keeping watch fuirechras, furachras
keeping watch imfaire
keeping airchomt (comt)
keeping cemna (a)
keeping coim 1 (b)
keeping coimedus = coimt ?
keeping coimt (a)
keeping comad 1
keeping congbil (-l) (a)
keeping congblach (congbil)
keeping cudnd, -ud (a) = congnam
keeping cl (a)
keeping dingaire
keeping r 3
keeping forcomt
keeping forcomt
keeping forcomtas
keeping arfaigid
keeps fo-rig
keeps (a festival) airdircigidir (a) (airdirc)
keeps (in possession) for-comai
keeps (intrans.) beirid VII (b)
keeps a fast anid (2 an)
keeps a look-out (intrans.) fgaid II (a)
keeps away (di = from) do-ingaib (a)
keeps in check do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a II (b)
keeps silence ar-taisi
keeps up fossaigid(ir) (foss)
keeps vigil (intrans.) figlid I (figel)
keeps vigil fris-airi
keeps waiting fo-rig
keeps watch (intrans.) figlid I (figel)
keeps watch over airid 2 (aire 1)
keeps watch fris-airi
keeps cemnaid (cemna)
keeps coimdigid (coimge, coimtig?)
keeps coimtaid 1 (coimt)
keeps coimircid (commairge)
keeps con-gaib (a)
keeps con-o
keeps do-coisig
keeps do-foscai
keeps for-comai
keeps forcomtaid (forcomt)
keeps forcomtaid (forcomt)

keeps fostaid
keeps fris-comai, -frecmai
keeps manigid
kerchief cirse
kerchief carsr
kern(e) (as collect.) ceithern
kernel (of a nut) irne (b)
kernel etne
kernel mac (macc)
kettle coirn (coire)
key eochair 1, echair (a)
key-stone eochair 6
kick la
kicking habits (of a horse) bailtige (bailtech 3)
kicks for-nessa
kid menn
kidney ru
kidney dubn 2 (a) (dub?)
kidney fith 1 (a)
killer guinid
killing (?) epeltu
killing (+ obj. gen.) aided (b)
killing or putting to death twice bibsach 2
killing airdbe
killing bsugad
killing commarbad (marbad)
killing urad
killing marbad
killing martad
kills outright athmarbad
kills bsaid (bs 1)
kills bsaigid (bs 1)
kills con-oirg
kills con-scara (b)
kills getaid (past pass. of gonaid)
kills imm-marba
kills marbaid
kills marbaigid
kills mortaigid
kin (?) caibnide
kin (?, CW) comguisech (comgus, see com(\.f)ocus)
kin 1 gel
kin coibdelach I (coibdil ?)
kin coibne (com + fine)
kin com\.falus (b) (falus)
kin comchenl (b) (cenl)
kin comdalas (dalas, see dalgas)
kin comnesam (b)
kin corp\.fine (corp + fine)
kin fal 3
kind of chanting aidbse

kind of cress glern (gler)
kind of disease of horses aife 1
kind of edible sea-weed duilesc
kind of grain CW cuinfec
kind of herb glern (gler)
kind of lute mennchrott
kind of metre belonging to the group called dian fodan
kind of metre dechnad
kind of metre de-chubaid
kind of mock weddings at wakes fronsa
kind of mockery (?) dulsan
kind of offence etged
kind of officer at the imperial court decn
kind of ogam in which the strokes were dotted focosach
kind of ointment agripa
kind of play at wakes fronsa
kind of pledge legal etaim, aitim III
kind of poetical composition arcae
kind of satire (?) dulsan
kind of satire dallbach 2 dall
kind of small cannon called falcon fabcn II
kind of small harp mennchrott
kind of sprite or goblin (?) dlochtn 3
kind of trespass or offence fodraime
kind of wild goose cadan
kind of with follg. gen. cenlach 1 b = cenl
kind or strain of music which moved those who heard it to sorrow and tears goltraige
compd. of gol
kind 1 aclaide
kind 1 gnis
kind alt 1 III (c)
kind cenl (e)
kind cenle (c) (cenl)
kind cennais
kind comrichnech (comrichne)
kind cridechair (cride + car 5)
kind cridemail (cride)
kind daimech
kind dliged I (f)
kind donda (c) (don 1)
kind dal 1 (g)
kind dthrachtach (d) (dthracht)
kind ccosc (b)
kind ernail (b)
kind gn
kind ichtach (icht)
kind ichtmar (icht)
kind indas
kind inne
kind mainner (mainer)
kind minemail

kind monad
kind muinterach
kind muinterda
kindled adannta
kindles ad-annai
kindles ad-da
kindles andaid
kindles dergaid I (b) (derg)
kindles dd
kindles for-osna (for-osnda)
kindliness came (b) (cem)
kindliness cuindmine
kindliness cunnlacht (cunnail)
kindliness dailbe
kindliness dondacht (b) (don(d)a)
kindliness mchaire
kindling adaint
kindling adannad
kindling andud (b)
kindling atd
kindling fursundud (-sannad)
kindling? foichned
kindling-wood (?) foithne
kindly (?) donechair (duine, don-)
kindly (?) duineta (duine)
kindly feeling dondaidecht (dondaide)
kindly carthanach (carthain)
kindly cineolta (b) (cenl)
kindly condalb
kindly condalbach = condalb
kindly condircel
kindly dalb 3
kindly dondachtach (dondacht)
kindly michair
kindly(?) ilgech (laig?)
kindness ?() cuipre
kindness inlecht (inle?)
kindness bucae (a) (boc 1)
kindness can\.fairrige (can\.fairrech)
kindness canes (can 1)
kindness carthanacht (carthanach)
kindness cenl (g)
kindness cinltus (cineolta)
kindness comman (c) (com + man)
kindness comrichne
kindness condalbae (condalb)
kindness condircle (condircel)
kindness condirclige = condircle
kindness cridechaire (cridechair)
kindness icht
kindred feeling falchaire (falchar)

kindred cenl (a)
kindred croba(i)ng (b) (crob)
kindred falus (b)
kindred finechas (b) (fine)
kindred gelfine
king gercc
king (?) fl 2
king cing 2
kingdom of Heaven flaith 1 I (b)
kingdom of Heaven flaithemnas (c)
kingdom of Heaven flaithius, -es (c)
kingdom flaith 1 I (b)
kingdom flaithemnas (b)
kingdom flaithius, -es (b)
kinglet forgn
kingly inrgda
kingship aithrgthech (aithrgaid)
king-sonship mac(c)acht
kinsfolk 1 gel
kinship 1 gel
kinship br(i)thres (brthair)
kinship brthirse (brthair)
kinship cairdes (c) (cara 1)
kinship coibdelach III (coibdil ?)
kinship coibdelachus (coibdelach)
kinship coibne (com + fine)
kinship com\.falus (a) (falus)
kinship combrithre = combrithres
kinship combrithres (combrthair)
kinship comgel (gel)
kinship dela 1 (b)
kinship falus (a)
kinsman brthair (b)
kinsman coibdelach II (coibdil ?)
kinsman coibnestae (coibnius)
kinsman com\.sloinntech (com\.slonnad)
kinsman combrthair (brthair)
kinsman comnesam (b)
kinsmanship br(i)thres (brthair)
kinsman-surety inbleoga(i)n, inableogain
kinsmen com\.falusta = com\.falus (b)
kinsmen comchenl (b) (cenl)
kinswoman coibdelach II (coibdil ?)
kiss bc = pc
kiss mem(m)
kissing each other compcad (pcad)
kitchen cistenach
kitchen cucann (a)
kitchen cuchtair
kitchen cuchtar
kitchen cuilne ?

kitchener cuchtaire
kitten caittn(e) (catt)
kitten catn (catt)
kitten cuiln
kneaded (?) fuine
kneading fuined
kneading mleith
kneading-slab lecc
kneading-trough leithech, lethach (leithe)
kneading-trough losat
knee gln
knee-cap (?) ailmne
kneeling fen (a)
knell clinn
knife glede
knife mes(s)
knife midg
knight cnicht
knightly cnichtda (cnicht)
knits together (of verse) dlthaigid (c) (dlth 1)
knits together con-igi (aigid)
knob cnap
knobbly cnapach (cnap)
knobby fist? mell?
knobby mellach
knock cnag
Knockaulin, Co. Kildare, seat of the king of Leinster Ailenn
knocked down coscarthae
knocking against a stone ailbimm (a)
knock-kneed (?) glicorchossach
knocks (trans.) bailid, balaid
knocks down con-scara (a)
knocks down do-scara I
knocks on (trans.) bailid, balaid
knocks cnagaid (cnag)
knop bucaide
knot arnaid 2
knot cas 1 (c)
knot cnota
knotgrass (?) 2 glinech
knots air\.snaidmid (air\.snaidm)
knotty adbronnach
knotty alpach (alp)
knowest thou ? ? let
knowing (?, CW) aithenta 2, -acht (aithnid 2) = aithnid 2
knowing person ? frecar vx frecor
knowing aithne 2 (a)
knowing aithnech (aithne 2)
knowing el 1 II
knowing ola, ula
knowing olach, ulach (a)

knowing olach, ulach (b)
knowing elgach = elach
knowing elgaisech
knowing rgnaid
knowing etargnthugud
knowing fes(s)ach (a)
knowing festae
knowing grat (gr) vx grait
knowledge (?) fth 6 (feth?)
knowledge (?) fidur
knowledge (as an intellectual acquisition) fis 1, fius I (b)
knowledge (esp. of occult or druidic lore) fisidecht (fisid)
knowledge (of a person or thing) el 1 I (a)
knowledge gained by experience or practice elas, eulas (a)
knowledge of the law ? idicecht (idic)
knowledge of the way (place) elas, eulas (c)
knowledge of etargne I
knowledge which illuminates imbas, imbus
knowledge 1 aicned
knowledge airis (a)
knowledge aithne 2 (a)
knowledge aithnius
knowledge aurderg
knowledge bas 1 (b)
knowledge com\.fis (b) (fis)
knowledge ecna(e) 1 I
knowledge ecnaidecht
knowledge elas, eulas (a)
knowledge fethaige
knowledge fis 1, fius I (a)
knowledge foglaimm (b)
knowledge ft
knowledge gne (> gn, gne, gna, gnaoi)
knowledge man
knowledgeable adma
knowledgeable ilmar (el)
knowledgeable! ilaide
known (as pred. with cop.) fes(s)ach (b)
known (only as pred. with cop.) fes(s) 1
known aithnid 3 I (aithne 2)
known comaithnid 2 (aithnid 3)
known olach, ulach (d)
known etargnad 1 (gnth)
known etargnaid
known etargnaigthe
known fis 1, fius II
known, familiar aithenta 1
knows (immediately) (by) aithnid 2 (b) (ar) (aithne 2)
knows (usu. process rather than state) aithnid 2 (a) (aithne 2)
knows beforehand ar-finnathar
knows not the hidden things dal, dol

knows ? gninid
knows ad-gnin
knows as-gnin
knows con-fitir
knows con-gnin
knows etargnaigidir II (etargne)
knows etar-gnn
knows fo-fitir
knows i(o)nnaid
knows in-gnin
Kontrahent (legal) cobach 1 (b)
Koran Acurn

labio imbel?
laborious ard 1 I (i)
laborious bachlamail
laborious dor (e)
labour (?) com\.sethar (saethar)
labour in child-birth ? idnacht
labour of animals in harness fedan I
labour astar
labour dad
labour frithgnam
labour gnmrad
labour lubair
labourer bachlach 1 (a) (bachall)
labouring fognamach
labour-pangs comidnaib (idu)
labours gnaigid (gndhaigid, gnthaigid)
labyrinth griobn
lace braid galline
lace gimn
lace larum
laced lsaithe (lsa)
lacerated cerbtha
lacerated fortchide (fortched)
lacerated letartha
lacerates ad-cuimben
lacerates cerbaid (a)
lacerates letraid
lacerating one another imletrad
lacerating cerbad (a)
lacerating crrbaigthech
lacerating dlochtad
lacerating letarthach (letrad)
lacerating letrad
laceration imled
laceration letrad
lack (?) doinnme (doinnim?)
lack of beauty (?) dab (d 1 + ab)
lack of belief (in a person) am(a)ires (b) (iress 1)

lack of caution anfaithches (faithches)
lack of clothing dtgud (tgud)
lack of colour (?)/evil appearance (?) aml (l)
lack of discipline ainragal (ragal)
lack of discretion trebaire
lack of drink luga(e) (l?)
lack of energy (?) dimbeodacht (dimbeoda)
lack of enlightenment ainecnae 2 (ecnae)
lack of faith (in theol. sense; O. Ir.) am(a)ires (a) (iress 1)
lack of fervour (irresolution) aindchracht (dchracht)
lack of honour to a guest in welcome ainfad (5 fad)
lack of hope andig (dich)
lack of humility anumaldit (umaldit)
lack of humility anumla (anumal)
lack of judgement (legal) bes, bas (b) (beth 1)
lack of legal standing of a flaith (?) anflaithius (flaithius)
lack of motion trice
lack of nobility anaisle (aisle)
lack of peace essdchin (sdchin)
lack of power anarrachtas (arrachtas)
lack of privilege dimba(i)d (b) (baid, bad)
lack of recognition anaithnius (aithnius)
lack of strength aimneirte = aimnert 1
lack of strength aimnert 1 (nert)
lack of trust andig (dich)
lack of understanding antuicse (tuicse)
lack of understanding dos (do + fis)
lack of vigour amlth (lth)
lack of welcome anfilte (b) (filte)
lack of zeal indthracht
lack airesbaid (esbaid)
lack esbaid 1, esbud
lackey ? laithigi
lackey leacaid
lacking (of things) i n-cmais (c)
lacking astuteness tachail (tachail)
lacking certain quaifications infoltach
lacking in understanding antuicsech (antuicse)
lacking knowledge ainfth
lacking power fann 2
lacking strength fann 2
lacking to i n-cmais (d)
lacking esbadach, -aidech (a) (esbaid)
lactiferousness blichtmaire (blichtmar)
lad maccom
ladder rad (a)
ladder drimire (drim)
ladder drep(p)
ladder-like radach (rad)
laden erech (aire, ere)
laden ldaigthe (ld)

laden luchtmar (lucht)
lading ldil (ld)
lading ldairecht (ld)
ladle lach
ladleful lach
ladles out (?) lothaid
lads malraid
lady ladig
lagenian Gaileonach (Gailioin)
lagenian gailianach (Gailian)
laid flat (of hands or arms, esp. in prayer) fen (a)
laid prostrate ft
laid seige to imchomt
laid upon them ? furmada
lair of wolves (?) cainmr (can 1 + ?)
lair cas (ca 1)
lair foil (fail) 1
lake linn
lake loch
lake-fence 1 galam
lamb citn
lamb dnu (-i(-?)
lamb lubn
lame person baccach II (a) (bacc 1)
lame baccach I (bacc 1)
lame losc
lameness baccaige (baccach)
lameness baccaigecht = baccaige
lament 1 guban
lament 1 argn, argn
lament ciuln
lamentable brnaide = bronach
lamentation 4 glas
lamentation accane
lamentation accaned
lamentation airigmech (igmech)
lamentation athguba (guba)
lamentation brn (a)
lamentation ca 1
lamentation deiprecit, diprocit (b)
lamentation derchoniud (b)
lamentation da 4, de
lamentation dogra(e) (dogair, dogar)
lamentation elchaire (b)
lamentation golfadach (golfad ?)
lamentation golfartach
lamentation golgir
lamentation golgaire
lamentation golmaircc
lamentation golmairccnech (golmaircc)
lamentation mairgnech

lamenting together comchaned (caned)
lamenting ? gubadach (guba)
lamenting basgaire
lamenting basgarnach = basgaire
lamenting cane 2
lamenting caned
lamenting comacane (accane)
lamenting ccaniud
lamenting ccantech
lamenting cndach III
lamenting fadech I (fad)
lamenting fadiud (fad)
lamenting guba
lamenting mairgtenach
laments (intrans.) canid (c)
laments (intrans.) cid I
laments ad-cani: accanid
laments ar-egi
laments athchanid = ad-cani
laments canid (a)
laments do-coni (?)
laments ccanid
laments cndaigidir, cn(d)aigid III
laments gernaid (gern)
laments gubaid (guba)
laments achtaid
lames baccaid (b) (bacc 1)
lames baccaigid (baccach)
lamina (?) eccland
laming loscud
Lammas Lugnasad
lamp lcharn(n), lacharn(n), lchrann
lamp lichet
lampoon or satyr (sic) bardas (bard)
lampoon er
lampoon foraer
lampoon glm
lampooner cinte
lampooners ainmed 2
lampooning er
lampooning cintecht (cinte)
lampooning immerad
lampoons ad-nessa
lampoons eraid
lance crusech
lance lannsa
lance luibne
lance lin
lance luinech
land (?) duth
land (as opposed to sea) calad 1

land (held by an individual) grian
land (in poetry with follg. gen.) fad 3 II
land and possessions held by a fine finechas (a) (fine)
land around a town coimn
land bordering a lake imlech
land bordering a marsh imlech
land held in full fee flesc 1 (d) lma
land holder gabltach
land inhabited by a tribe dl 1 II
land law bruigrecht
land of bewilderment (?) ft
land of the West fuined, -iud
land owned by heriditary right aiccidecht
land ploughed ar 4 (b)
land to which claim is estimated from the wealth of the mother muinchorach
land 1 gort (gart)
land bith 1 I (b)
land bruig (a)
land cennadach
land crch (b)
land dis I (c)
land dthaig II (c)
land dthcha(e) (b) (dthaig)
land fag
land ferann
land ft
land ath
land ath
land riu
land lann
landed property feranntas
landed property ferannus
landed property foirb
landed proprietor mruigech
landholder brugamnus = brugachus
landholder coairt
landing place ? ath
landing-place calad 1
landless man (?) esurrad, -id (airrad)
landless person dthr (tr)
landless vagrant imramach (imram)
landmark dindgna (b)
landowner aurrae (a)
landowner briugu
landowner mruig
lands gaibid
lands gaibid
land-tenure gabltas
langour (?) dimbeodacht (dimbeoda)
language blrae I (a)
language blrae II

language brlacair
language bsgnae (c) (bs 1 + gn)
language insce
languid dimbeoda (beoda)
languishes anfainnid (anfaine?)
languishes lobraigidir
languor maeith (maoith)
lantern lcharn(n), lacharn(n), lchrann
lapdog mes(s)n
lapful brog 2
lapse ecmong, ecmoc II
lapses (legal) at-bail(l)
lapses -dthat
lapses do-ba
lapses do-tuit 1 (h)
lapsing equally (?) comlcad (-egad?) (liciud, legad)
lapsing dthim, -aim
lapwing adaircin
lapwing filbn
lard which lines the intestines of a pig muine
lard 1 geir
lard blonac
lard th
larder cistenach
larder cuile
large banqueting-hall bruiden 1 (a)
large bed cemdae 2 (com + immdae)
large body of soldiers ligin (-en)
large cave (?) dderc
large field machaire
large field maignes
large flock murthrt
large heap morc
large herd ? murthrt
large mass drna (a)
large mass morc
large number of deaths mortlaid
large number imbed, imbad
large number mrn (mr)
large pile morc
large plain machaire
large quantity imbed, imbad
large quantity mrn (mr)
large sea-bird murrech
large spear with broad head and sharp point manas
large stone bairenn
large stone carrac
large tree baiscne
large tree bile 1 (a)
large tub with two handles dabach I
large tub damdabach

large upright stone galln
large vat amdabach (dabach) = damdabach
large vat damdabach
large vessel for holding liquid lothommar (?--)
large vessel or measure for wine escop 1
large vessel cuch (b)
large wave murthonn
large wine-vessel cuife (a)
large borr
large-bellied brach 1 (br 1)
larks ? ladain
lascivious (?) druith
lasciviousness girseamlacht (girseamail)
lashes (?) listid
lashes gredaid (mod.)
lashing lascad
last (in time or succession) didenach, ddenach (a) (diden-, dden)
last big people icht
Last Judgement mes(s)
last night irrir
last deiredach (deired 1)
last deirenach, deirennach = deiredach
last fo deud, fo diud (d)
lasting (?) bach 3
lasting (in remembrence) marthanach
lasting ? imchan
lasting grave imchan
lasting ban 1
lasting banach = ban 1
lasting banasach (banas)
lasting com\.suthain (suthain)
lasting comnaidech (comnaide)
lasting comnaidi
lasting continitech (continit)
lasting drad
lasting feidil 1
lasting grsach (2 grs)
lasting r
lasting marthain
lasting marthanach
lastingness (?) banfad
lasts (intrans.) beirid VII (b)
lasts maraid and mairid
latchet (?) ? fora (fora)
late afternoon arnin
lately inn
lateness diden(a)cha(cht) (didenach)
later edifiying story airscl scl
later in time than di, do is 2 (b)
later in time than tar (dar) is 2 (b)
later parable airscl scl

latest deiredach (deired 1)
Latin language Laiten
Latin speaker Laitneir
Latin Lainnemuil (Laitin)
Latin Laitind(a)e
Latinist Laitneir
Latinity Laitindecht (Latindae)
Latium letha
latratu ladan
latter part of winter fuidlech (fuidell)
lattice caingel
lattice(s) laitisi
lauded molta
laugh 1 gen
laugh 2 genam (1 gen)
laugh gire
laughing ? ginach gin, ginech, genech, genach
laughing ar imm, imb
laughing 2 girechtach (gire)
laughing 3 girechtach (girecht)
laughing giretach
laughing grthach (gire)
laughing-stock (?) bill, bell (bille ?)
laughing-stock genaide (1 gen)
laughs at con-tibi (tibid)
laughs at magad
laughs 2 girid (gire)
laughs con-tibi (tibid)
laughs fo-itbi
laughter 3 girechtach (girecht)
laughter 3 genas (1 gen)
laughter gire
laughter-producing music gentraiges (1 gen)
launches (a boat) fo-ceird I (f)
laurel labral
laurel laur
laurel luir (--?)
lavender labodur
laver labar
lavish (of persons) caithmech (caithem)
lavish flirsech
lavishing eslabrigud
lavishness caithmige (caithmech)
lavishness fairsinge (b)
law (?) ed 3
law (legal) crus (cir)
law as a system cin (a)
law breaking indligthech (indliged)
law case cis 1 (b)
law of construction of parts imfognam
law of relationships between couples lnamain

law suit cis 1 (b)
law suit? athagra acrae
law 1 ad
law bsgnae (b) (bs 1 + gn)
law cin (a)
law cis 1 (b)
law dl 2 IV (a)
law deidmea
law dliged I (a)
law dliged II
law iir
law lig
law lx
law-abiding dligthech (a) (dliged)
law-agent fchem (c)
law-case dl 2 III
lawful (?) dles 1 II (b) (d- + les)
lawful (?) dleg-
lawful (?) dalach 1 (dal 1)
lawful claim dligthenas
lawful right dligemnas
lawful dlecht
lawful dlechtach (dlecht)
lawful dlechtanach (dlechtain)
lawful dlesta
lawful dlestanach (dlestin)
lawful dlestanas (a) (dlestin)
lawful dligedach (dliged)
lawful dligthech (a) (dliged)
lawful dligthemail (dliged)
lawful dligthide (dliged)
lawful ladamail (lag)
lawful licet
lawgiver dligthe(m)nach (dliged)
lawless person (?) anurrad (aurrae)
lawless person ainrechtaid (rechtaid)
lawless indligthech (indliged)
lawless indligthech (indliged)
lawlessness indligthige (indligthech)
lawlessness meirlechas
lawn bl 3
lawsuit ? lorg
law-suit 2 e
lawsuit crae (a) (cir)
lawsuit imfuigell
lawyer aigne
lawyer dligtheoir (dligid)
lawyer lxaire (lx)
lax dlith
lax lax
laxation lacad

laxative bocthach 1 (bocad)
laxative lacad
laxity (of composition or arrangement) dls
laxity laxae (lax)
laxity mainnecht
lay brother (?) bachlach 1 (c) (bachall)
lay out indell
lay state lechdacht (lechda)
lay with her laigid
lay lad
lay lad
layer (pile) of slain? ? martlaige
layer or row of sheaves cisl
layer lann
laying aside dscor 1 (b)
laying bare airnochtad (airnocht)
laying bare dnochtad
laying bare lommad
laying low fuirmiud, -med
laying low lacad
laying seige to impuide, im(p)suide
laying seige forbais
laying snares goisteirecht (goisteir)
laying waste cnm
laying waste crnad
laying waste fsugud (b)
laying waste indred
laying waste lommad
laying dothad
layman lech
lays (? lies) against ? fris-lig
lays (? lies) beside ? fris-lig
lays (a charge, duty on someone) erbaid 2 (b)
lays (a table) do-fcaib I (g)
lays (on) (with rach) do-airret, do-irret I (g)
lays an ambush indlid (indell)
lays bare dnochtaid (nocht)
lays bare do-rig
lays bare lommad
lays bare lommaid (lomm)
lays hands on for-cuirethar
lays hold of do-etarrat
lays hold of gaibid
lays hold of gaibid
lays hold of glacaid (glac)
lays in a tomb mem(m)raid (memra)
lays low (trans.) escaraid II (escar 1)
lays low do-scara I
lays low fo-lgi
lays low lecaid
lays out lecaid

lays prostrate fo-ruimi, -fuirmi
lays together comluigid
lays up again aithlecaid (lecaid)
lays upon in-loing
lays waste by fire loiscid
lays waste like a wolf (?) falid
lays waste arfsaigid (fsaigid)
lays waste bnaigid, bnaid (b) (bn)
lays waste crnaid (crn)
lays waste fsaigid (b) (fs 1)
lays waste folmaigid (folam)
lays waste ind-reith
lays waste loittid (lott)
lays waste lommaid (lomm)
lays coimlecaid (lecaid 1)
laywoman laches (lech)
laziness leisce (lesc)
lazy antach (anad?)
lazy dinmech 1
lazy laiste
lazy lesc
lazy lorgnta (lorgn)
lea bn II (b)
leaden laidemail (laide)
leader (?) ardrach 1
leader (?) crichid
leader (?) dis (b)
leader (?) fednach 2 (b) (fedan)
leader of a ceithern ceithernach (ceithern)
leader of a marauding band coibdenach (coibden)
leader ? irra
leader airchenn (b) (cenn)
leader airchinnech (airchinn?)
leader airech 1
leader aurrae (b)
leader bire 2
leader barr 1 (i)
leader cenn III
leader cennphort 1 (cenn + port 1)
leader codnach II (b)
leader conn (b)
leader dic, di(i)c(e) (a)
leader imguin
leader muirech (muire)
leadership ? muirigecht (muirech)
leadership airchinnchecht (airchinnech)
leadership aurradus (b) (aurrae)
leadership cennacht (cenn)
leadership cennas 1 (cenn)
leadership codnachus (codnach)
leading astray brcad

leading astray cld (b)
leading person ap 1 (b)
leading to or towards aidbden
leading troops aidbden
leading airchenn (b) (cenn)
leading brainech (b) (braine 1)
leading imths
leads (intrans.) drgid II (b) (driuch)
leads (to) ad-feid
leads astray (trans.) clenaid I (d) (clen)
leads astray brcaid (brc)
leads astray clod I (g)
leads astray meraigid
leads down do-dat
leads down do-dchid
leads ad-indnaig
leads con-feid (feidid)
leads do-beir III
leads do-dat
leads do-dchid
leads do-fed (a)
leads fidid
leaf (of a book) billn (bille 2)
leaf for writing on duillend (b)
leaf of a book duilleg (b) (duille)
leaf bilec 1 (bile 1)
leaf duille (a)
leaf duillend (a)
leaf duilleg (a) (duille)
leaf-like duillenda (duillend)
leaf-shaped blade of a spear duillend (c)
leaf-shaped duillech (b) (duille)
leaf-shaped duillenda (duillend)
leafy (?) barrnach (barrn)
leafy billecach (bilec 1)
leafy duillech (a) (duille)
leafy duilledach = duillech
league cotach 1
league daingniugud IV
league lice
league leo
league leuc
lean bln
leap (?) et(a)im, aitim I
leap (in wrestling) cor 1
leap at folim (m) (vn. of fo-ling)
leap in the dark folim (m) (vn. of fo-ling)
leap bedg
leap clisiud (b)
leap idlann, idlang
leap limm

leap limmennach (limm)
leap linged
leaped (?) foralatar
leaping (like a goat) bocach 3 (boc 2)
leaping between eterlimm (limm)
leaping in confusion ? misclemanach
leaping on forlaim(m)
leaping over forlaim(m)
leaping bedgach 1 (bedg)
leaping bedgach 2 (b) (bedg)
leaping bidgamail (bedg)
leaping bonncach
leaping comlaimnech (laimnech)
leaping folim(m)ech (folimm)
leaping limmennach (limm)
leaping limnech (limm)
leaping limnech (limm)
leaping lingemain
leaps against (?) conclethi
leaps down (esp. of dismounting from a chariot or horseback) do-airling (-aur-?)
leaps on for-ling
leaps over for-ling
leaps over imm-ling
leaps clisid (cles)
leaps comsceinnid (sceinnid)
leaps cuimlenga(ig)id (cuimleng)
leaps do-ling
leaps fo-ling
leaps limm
leaps limmid (limm)
leaps lingid
leaps lingid
leap-year bisex
leap-year bliadain bisich
learned (?) bolmar (bol)
learned (?) basach 1 (bas 1)
learned man (?) (transfd.) fis 1, fius I (f)
learned man (mod., esp. in poetry) dru (c)
learned man dochtir
learned man drth 2 I (b)
learned man ices
learned man lignid (ligenn)
learned man, skilled in literary composition in Irish fili
learned augtarda (augtar)
learned ecnach 1 (ecna(e) 1)
learned ecnaid
learned ecnaide 2 = ecnaid
learned ecnaidech
learned olach, ulach (a)
learned fisid 2 (a) (fis 1)
learned foglamda

learned foglamtha
learned foircthe
learned ilmar (el)
learned lebarda (lebor)
learned ligenta (ligenn)
learner charioteer foara
learner of icse icsne
learner foglaimthid
learner foglainntid
learner foglamaid
learning (GHOST) fl 4
learning 2 a
learning com\.foglaimm (foglaimm)
learning icse (b)
learning felad 1
learning foglaimm (a)
learning forcetal (-cital) (vn. of for-cain)
learning lgthracht (-irecht) (lgthir)
learning ligenn
learning ligentacht (ligenta)
learning mebrugud
learns ? minid
learns etar-gnn
learns foglaimid
learns mebraigid
lease las
leash 1 all
leash loman
leather ? muinir (? muiner)
leather harness lethrad (lethar)
leather coidlide (codal)
leather gllethar
leather lethar
leather-wallet maker cliaraige (cliar s.v. cril)
leather-worker cairem
leathery crocnaide (croiccend)
leave quickly lath
leave airasacht (asacht)
leave escail
leaven (late) gabl
leaven descad, descaid (b)
leaven laibn
leavened descaigthe (descad)
leavened descata (descad)
leaves (behind) licid
leaves (in a certain state) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (c)
leaves (instructions, a charge, command, etc.) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (g)
leaves (intrans.) etar-scara II (scaraid)
leaves (on record) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (j)
leaves (trans.) (a thing, place or person) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (a)
leaves a word (i.e. blessing, malediction, etc.) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (h) brithir

leaves at the mercy of (of pers.) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (d) la, oc
leaves behind (at death) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (f)
leaves behind (on a battle-field, etc.) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (e)
leaves behind dermataid, dermaitid (dermat)
leaves behind licid
leaves for licid
leaves in possession of (of pers.) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (d) la, oc
leaves in the hands of (of pers.) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (d) la, oc
leaves in the lurch mairnid
leaves mutually ? imm-fcaib
leaves off imm-scara
leaves off licid
leaves out fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (k) immuig
leaves over licid
leaves pledge fo-caib athgabil (c)
leaves security fo-caib athgabil (c)
leaves to licid
leaves with (of pers.) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (d) la, oc
leaves do-rig 1 (a)
leaves do-lci III
leaves licid
leaves licid
leave-taking celebrad (e)
leaving alone liciud
leaving no male issue dbaide
leaving to (as a charge or responsibility) fcbil (b) for
leaving drut (d)
leaving fcbil (a)
leaving inocht, intocht
leavings ? fde
Lebanon leuain
lechery fuichecht, also fuchacht
lection lachtu
lector lgthir (lgaid)
lector lachtir
lector lachtreir
lecturer lgthir (lgaid)
ledge ? immellach
leech 3 gil
leech dallc
leech fithliaig
leech fisice, -id
leech laig
leek (?) borrlus (borr + lus)
leek cainnenn
leek foltchp-chp
leeks cainnenn
lees of olive oil amarc 3
lees amasc
lees descad, descaid (a)
lees drodar

lees muirt
left hand cl II (a)
left over furgratae
left side cl II (a)
left aindeis (a) (dess)
left cl I (a)
left di, do is 2 (c)
left fo-lci (vn. of do-lci ?)
lefthanded cittach
leg 5 gaire
leg cara 2
leg cos (a)
leg erochuir
leg grad
leg? ? lthag
legacies armairt
legacy aidacht
legacy dbad II
legacy fcbil (c)
legacy legid
legal action for recovery of payment acraidecht
legal bar imbe
legal claim (?) ardarc 1 (b) dligid
legal competence codnachus (codnach)
legal custom bsgnae (b) (bs 1 + gn)
legal due cin (b)
legal due fach 1 (a)
legal idiom (?) gaibid
legal interpretation breth (g)
legal meeting dl 2 II
legal obligation as regardentertainment (legal) congbil (-l) (b)
legal phrase? gaibid
legal pleading aimsiugud b
legal pleads aimsigid b ammus
legal precedent fsach 1
legal procedure conar (c)
legal process conar (c)
legal pronouncement rcholiud (b)
legal relationship between two parties lnamnas
legal representative lesach (les)
legal right as regards entertainment (legal) congbil (-l) (b)
legal ruling breth (g)
legal science?xxx esa
legal situation of a comaithech comaithches (a) (comaithech)
legal status airechas 1 (airech 1)
legal sues aimsigid b ammus
legal suing aimsiugud b
legal coitechta (-chta?) (com + tchtae)
legal indraic
legally incapacitated person on mental grounds beth 1 II (b)
legally qualified meise (meisi)

legateship legitecht (legit)
legend ligint
legging bat(a)is
leggings (?) colptae II
leggings (pl.) brc
leggings coisbe(i)rt (cos + bert)
leggings allaccrann
legion ligin (-en)
legislators (?) lataire
legitera ligitera
legitimate (of offspring) dlestanach (dlestin)
legitimate number of guests dm I
legitimate dlechtanach (dlechtain)
legitimating dlmainiugud
legs fulang
Lehre (?) argais
Leinster ligen
Leinsterman Laignech
leisure deaithe (daith)
leisure fois
leisurely maillech
lemon limin
lending airlicthech (airlicud)
lending asacht
lends ar-lici (b)
length (of cast etc.) bann 1 (b)
length (of sound) fot, fat
length and breadth fot, fat
length by nature fot, fat
length by position fot, fat
length of cloth brit (a)
length of space fot, fat
length of time cana (can)
length of time comairet (airet)
length airet I (a)
length cana (can)
length canamlas
length com\.fota (fota)
length cubat 2 (a) (com + fot)
length ed 2 (a)
length foite (fot)
length fot, fat
length fot, fat
length faid vx fait
length libra (lebar)
lengthened (of vowels) airdxa (-ae)
lengthening (of a syllable) airdden
lengthening forsail
lengthening fotugad (fat-)
lengthens fo-fuir

lengthens fotaigid, fataigid (fot, fota) > fait- vx
lengthy banamail = ban 1
leniting (of consonants) bocad
lenity cotadud (cotut?)
Lent Corgus
Lent gorgus vx corgas
leopard lipard
leper bill, bell (bille ?)
leper clam II (a)
leper lobur, lobor
lepers wallet billc
leprosy claime (a) (clam)
leprosy clamsaine (clam)
leprous clam I
-less cen I (b)
lessening dgbad
lessening dgbl (a)
lessening dgbchn
lessening dgbugad
lessening lagdugad
lessening maithem
lessens becaigid (bec)
lessens bernaid (bern)
lessens dedlaid I (b) (dedail)
lessens dgbaigid (dgbad)
lessens do-gaib (b)
lesser folk foslag
lesson aiccecht
lesson aittecht (b) (aith + techt 1)
lesson cecht = aiccecht
lesson lachtu
lessons lechtain
lest the army pen me in the house imchumang
lest there be added to thy numerous sorrows the sorrows of a sick bed il
let him not neglect ? ? -inruide ?
let it not be more than il
let none come to trouble me imforrn > ammarrn vx forrn
let not the violence nor the many prevail ilar
let notice be sent back by the reverse track ? frithsreth
let them be faithful idan
let them practise purity idnae (idan)
let us induce her to eat the fruit..that she may induce A. to do the same fulirid
let your recompense be multiplied imdaigid(ir) (imdae)
lethargic cenntromm (cenn + tromm)
lethargy ces 1
lethargy litairgia
lets alone licid
lets away from licid
lets come do-lci I (a)
lets down (trans.) do-airindi I (a)

lets down do-lci II (d)
lets down do-scara I
lets down lecaid
lets fall (on) (often in hostile sense) do-lci I (d)
lets fall do-lci II (e)
lets fall do-scara I
lets go (often in hostile sense) do-lci I (d)
lets go ... to (of persons) do-lci I (b) do
lets go together (?) (rhet.) con-lici (licid)
lets go with licid
lets go ar-lici (a)
lets go con-airlici
lets go do-lci I (a)
lets go licid
lets go licid
lets go licid
lets loose (often in hostile sense) do-lci I (d)
lets loose do-lci I (a)
lets loose immach > ammach
lets out ar-lici (b)
lets daimid III
lets licid
lets licid
letter (of the Ogham letter s sail) gutte (=guth+de)
letter D dair III
letter f fernae = fern 1
letter l in Ogham alphabet luis
letter m in Ogham muin
letter of the alphabet crachtar
letter of the alphabet liter
letter of the Ogham alphabet fid (d)
letter q in linn-ogam cusrat
letter used as a charm or spell epistil
letter bille 3
letter epistil
letter liter
lettered lebarda (lebor)
letters (of alphabet) fidrad 1 (b) (fid)
letting down lecad
letting go with liciud
letting go cor 1
letting go imlecad
letting liciud
lettuce leitis, letus
level (of land-surface) clrainech (b)
level country imm
level expanse clr (e)
level field bl 3
level ground fortan(for+tenn?)
level land ath
level strip of land along the sea-coast murbach and muirbech

level surface airlr (lr)
level comard (b) (ard 1)
level comardae 1 (ardae)
level comthrom I (d) (trom 3)
level forrid
level fossad
level ingor
level lerg
level lethan
level mn
Level(unbroken) expanse libenn
Level(unbroken) surface libenn
levelling (?) locrad
levelling demolishing mraid
levelling razing mraid
levelling the ground mraid
levelling comardugad (a)
levelling comlithriugad 2
levels claidid 1 (b)
levels coimlecaid (lecaid 1)
levels mraid
lever ? lithe
lever liber
Leviathan lebedn
levies (?) (legal) do-greinn (b)
levies (a tribute or tax) do-fcaib I (i) de, for
levies (fine or tribute) do-boing (c)
levies boingid (c)
levies imm-togrinn (imm-to-grenn)
levies in-omblig
levity 1 gen
levity bes, bas (a) (beth 1)
levity besrad (bes)
levity bathe (beth)
levity cluchaige (cluiche)
levity failfed
levy cin III (b)
levy irge (h) amach
levying a fine lommrad
levying a payment lommrad
levying boing = bain (b)
lewd colach (col)
lewd graosda
liability (legal) cin III (a)
liability for trespass (legal) cathach 3
liability to err (?) beglaige (beglach)
liability to maintain (?) artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)
liability bibdamnacht (bibdu)
liability cinadus (cin)
liability cintas
liability comchin (cin)

liability fachaige (fachach)
liable for the payment of inrcech
liable to decay airchraide
liable to pay (debt, fine, etc.) irentach (as-ren)
liable to rust meirgide
liable cintach I (cin)
liable irrithi
liable fachaigthe
liar brcaire (brc)
liar gach (g, gu)
liberal (?) fras
liberal of cups (of nobility) copach 1 (cupa)
liberal amgann (gann)
liberal bronntach 2
liberal cuimlechtach (cuimlecht)
liberal dondachtach (dondacht)
liberal duinemail (duine)
liberal eslabar
liberal liberlta
liberal lnmar (ln)
liberality caithem (c)
liberality eslabrae (eslabar)
liberality fle (c) (fal 2)
liberality libralthecht (liberlta)
liberties liberti
liberty (of acting or being acted on) dlmaine (a) (dlmain)
Liburnia Libuirn
licence (of acting or being acted on) dlmaine (a) (dlmain)
licentious (?) droblsach
licentious beth 1 I (c)
licentious graosda
licking around imlge
licking lige
licking lige
licks honey milchobur?
licks ligid
lid comla (-ae)
lid forcle (far-, foir-, fair-)
lida Lid
lidded cubairchre
lie brc
lie cermnas
lie dalb 1
lie dalbad
lie immarg
liege cile (d)
lien (fig.) cengal (a)
lien (legal) airaccomol (accomool)
lien la
lies down laigid
lies in wait for intledaigid(ir) (intled)

lies in wait for intledaigid(ir) (intled)
lies on -forlaig
lies with con-laig
lies with laigid
lies gaigidir (gu)
lies laigid
lies laigid
lieu place leo
lieutenant leptinont (?-ph-)
life (?) feib 1
life of a layman lechdacht (lechda)
life ainim(m) (b)
life beth = betha (?)
life betha (a) (bo)
life bethamnas (a)
life bith 1 I (c)
life bratn bethad (brat 1)
life buith 1 (b)
life corp (d)
lifeless airmarb (marb)
lifeless amb
lifeless es(s)anmide (anmide)
lifeless meirb
lifeless morbdae
lifelike quality boamlacht (bo)
life-period (?) feib 1
life-story linn
lifetime 1 es
lifetime betha (b) (bo)
life-time febtan
lifting up imthcbl
lifting airgbl
lifting cumgabl
lifts off do-fcaib I (c)
lifts up ?*for-tcaib
lifts up con-ocaib
lifts up do-fcaib I (a)
lifts up do-furgaib I (a)
lifts do-ecaib
ligament ligament
light as air aerda
light green 2 glas
light insignificant fellow fainge
light of the day ls
light repast colision
light repast collait
light ? glus
light assa(e) 2
light caindel
light coimtrom (tromm)
light daithe 2

light daithen (daith 2)
light daithgen
light tromm, -umm (a)
light firse 2
light goar vx goor
light lainner
light ls
light lsbaire (ls)
light lcharn(n), lacharn(n), lchrann
light lan
lighted adannta
lightening trommad (tromm)
lightening trummugud
lightens (?) comscuir (scuirid)
lightens trummaigid (tromm)
light-giving fursaintech
light-giving fursanta
light-hearted aerach
light-hued (of complexion, hair, etc.) finn 1 (b)
light-hued 3 gabor
lighting fursundud (-sannad)
lighting (?) foithned
lighting faggot lasg
lighting for four fursundud (-sannad)
lighting together comadnad
lighting adaint
lighting adannad
lighting andud (a)
lighting atd
lighting caindleiracht (caindleir)
lightless dolus (do + ls)
lightness aerdacht
lightness ithe (b) (ith 1)
lightness trommacht (tromm)
lightness trumme (tromm)
lightning casar
lightning casarnach (casar)
lights (up) lasaid
lights up (trans.) dellraigid
lights up again athlasaid (lasaid)
lights up comadnaid (adnaid, see ad-annai)
lights up for-osna (for-osnda)
lights up lasaid
lights ad-annai
lights ad-da
lights andaid
lights for-osna (for-osnda)
Liguria Liguist
Ligurian Liorda
liitle cart cairrine (carr 1)
like (of) mac(c)samla

like a candle caindeldae (caindel)
like a champion cclandach
like a champion midachda (midach)
like a fan-warrior fanachtach
like a grouse (?) gercaide (gercc ?)
like a hedge or wall (?) flaide (fl 1?)
like a hen (CW) cercdae (cerc)
like a son mac(c)amail (mac)
like a stray hound imfaenledaige
like a tent blsclnach (blscln)
like a wand: pliant (?) flescda (flesc 1)
like a wand: slender (?) flescda (flesc 1)
like a wand: youthful (?) flescda (flesc 1)
like a weaver`s beam garmnach (garman)
like a winged creature ethidemail (ethait)
like an open hut blsclnach (blscln)
like as amail, amal II (a)
like as immar
like excellence com\.febsa (febsa)
like interest (?) comirim (irim)
like passions with you fulangad
like pipes cuislennach 1 (cuisle)
like prosperity com\.sinmige (sinmige)
like that immar
like to seaweed lstrach
like wrestlers corramail (corr 1?)
like amail, amal I
like cosmail I (a) (com + samail)
like fo chosmailius (a) (cosmail)
like fo, fa, f II (h)
like immar
like indas
like indas
like innamail
like intamail
like intamail
likeable doich (dich?) I (b) la
likelihood dchus (c) (dig?)
likelihood ingra (ingar)
likely track ? fuilecht
likely 1 gar
likely coimtig (b)
likely cosmail I (b) (com + samail)
likely doich (dich?) I (a)
likely ingar
likely mesta (mes)
likeness aithgein (b)
likeness coimmes (com + mes 1)
likeness comarthaigecht
likeness comdelbaid (comdelb)
likeness conchlann (b)

likeness cosmail II (com + samail)
likeness cosmailecht (a) = cosmailius
likeness cosmailius (a) (cosmail)
likeness cosmailius (b) (cosmail)
likeness delb 1 (b)
likeness figair 2, figar, fiugair (d)
likeness fath
likeness mig
likeness insamlad
likeness intamail
likeness intamlacht (intamail)
likeness leithit
likening in(n)t(s)amlugud
likens to fris-samlathar
likens cosmail(ig)id(ir) (cosmail)
likens in-samlathar
likes caraid
likes is dattae III leis
likewise fenan cumma
likewise fs (bs, bes)
likewise immar
likewise immar
liking 2 gen
Lilium Medicinae lile
limb ball (a)
limb leo
limb mem(m)ar
limbs ballrad (ball)
lime quarries elbach
lime 1 el
lime cailc
limed elta
Limerick Luimnech
limestone cailc
lime-white (CW) cailcide = cailcemail
limewhite elta
lime-white cailcemail (cailc)
limit (of territory) crch (a)
limit of territory cimas (c)
limit airchenn (a) (cenn)
limit bruinne (c) (br 1)
limit cimas (d)
limit cinniud II (a)
limit crchaigecht (crch)
limit forar
limit mes(s)ar
limit mod
limited (of quantity) 1 gand
limited ? mesairthe
limitless anfoircnedach (foircnedach)
limitless forcennach (forcenn)

limpet bairnech 2 (bairenn)
limpets (sic) bairnech 2 (bairenn)
limpid glerda (gler)
limpid menn (mend)
ln imbed, imbad
linaria minmach
line (metr.) cethramthu (g) (cethramad)
line of battle airgal (c)
line of battle cr 1 I (d)
line of four syllables feles 1
line cinedach 2 = ciniud
line flesc 1 (b)
line lne
lineage folaidecht
lineage lne
lined lnech (lne)
linen cloth anart 1
linen cloth line
linen ln
linen lnide (ln)
ling langa
lingering savour armblas
lingering faddlach
lingering fodrb
lingers drbaid (drb)
lingers fo-drba
lining lnn
link mille
linked together conglonnta (conchlann)
linked millech
linking of the long lines (of a stanza) imrind
linking conchlannad (conchlann)
linking faigl (aigl)
linquid linn
lintel (?) imdorus
lintel (?) imdorus
lintel (?) imdorus
lintel fordorus
lion lo
lion-like lomanta (-da) (lo)
lions gnga
lip bl I (a)
lip bus 4
lip cailbe 2
lip fs 1
liquefying (?) gleod
liquid (?, CW) clithith (clith)
liquid falrad ?
liquifying legad
liquor flaith 2
liquor laith

liquorice licoris
lisping 1 got
lisping lidach
list of names comainmniugud (comainm)
list liosta
listen ! ist
listener coistechtach (coitsecht)
listener tsid, stid
listening (to) comitsecht (itsecht)
listening attentively airistecht (stecht)
listening to cloistecht (a) fri
listening cloistecht (b)
listening coitse = coitsecht
listening coitsech (coitse)
listening coitsecht
listening tsecht, stecht
listens (to) in-taisi
listens (with fri) con-taisi
listens to ar-taisi
listens ? for-tuisi=for-tuaisi
listens cloistid, cloisid
listens istid, itsid
listless aimnertach (aimnert 1)
listlessness listacht
litany litn
literage of silver litargium
literal literda (liter)
literary composition 2 aicde
literary composition drcht II (b)
literary extract lommrad
literary man literda (liter)
literary literda (liter)
literature lgthracht (-irecht) (lgthir)
literature liter
literature literdacht (literda)
lithe forseng
lithe-limbed (?) gcda (gc)
litigation 2 e
litigious (?) corach 1
litigious frithchertach
litter (?) crithail
litter (?) fosair
litter (?, CW) cetoth
litter (for cattle, etc.) esrad (esair?)
litter (of pups or other young animals) can 1 (a)
litter (of wolf cubs) callacht (a)
litter of pigs? muc(c)lach
litter l 1
litter rach 2
litter clath (d)
litter crchar

litter eiletrum
litter es(s)air I (a)
litter fat
littered es(s)artha, e[s](s)arda
littering (for cattle, etc.) esrad (esair?)
little ? woman fraccnatan
little abode mennatn
little altar altirnat
little angle ascalln (ascall)
little apple trees ablachc
little bag miln
little ball gln (dim. of gl, glau ?)
little basket cronnign (crannc)
little bee bechn (bech)
little bell clocn (cloc)
little bell cluicne (cloc)
little bend ascalln (ascall)
little bird nn (n 1)
little bit mrn
little blackbird lonn (lon)
little blade lainnn (lann)
little boat curchn (curach)
little bog minn (min)
little bolt 1 glasn (1 glas)
little book lebrn (lebor)
little box (CW) boigsn (bocsa)
little boy grat (gr) vx grait
little branch crebn (creb)
little branch crebnatain (creb)
little branch gcn (gc)
little branching one crebachn (crebach 1)
little brother brithrn (brthair)
little bunch bertn (bert 1)
little bundle broisnn (brosna)
little cabin bothn (both 2)
little cave casn (cas)
little cell airiucln (airecal)
little cell cilln, -n (cell)
little chariot cairptn
little chariot cairptne
little child leinbn (lenb)
little church cilln, -n (cell)
little clamourer biccedn (bicced)
little cleric (derisive) clrchocn (clirech)
little cleric clirchn (clirech)
little cleric clirechn (clirech)
little cloak broitne (bratt)
little cloak clicn (clca)
little coracle (?, CW) curchn = curchn [sic?, CW]
little coracle curchn (curach)
little cow boinn (b)

little crane corrucn
little crop of hair (?) berrthn (berrad)
little doe eltec (elit)
little dwarf abcn
little eye (CW) dercuill
little father datiuc (dait)
little father datiucn (dait)
little fawn eltec (elit)
little feat ?lthn (lth)
little female dove colmnat (colum 1)
little finger ltu (lu-?)
little flame (CW) bren (bre)
little flying creature etel(l)achn (etel(l)ach 1)
little fool drthn (drth 2)
little foot cribn (crb)
little fort (CW) dnn (dn)
little foster-child daltn
little fostermother muim(m)ecn
little foster-son dailtn (daltae)
little fox cremthannn (crimthenn)
little garden guirtine (gort)
little gift dnn (dn)
little goat gaibrn gabor
little handful glacn (glac)
little head (CW) cinnchucn
little hermitage dsertn (dsert)
little hollow casn (cas)
little hollow locn (loc)
little hood (CW) cochline etc. = cochln
little hood cochln (cochall)
little hoof cribn (crb)
little horn adaircin
little horn adercne
little horned one bennacn (benn)
little hostage 2 gilln (gell)
little hostage galln (2 gall)
little hut bothn (both 2)
little javelin ga-n (ga, gae)
little jester drthn (drth 2)
little joint aislen (aisil)
little jug crisce
little jug criscn (crisce)
little juggler (CW) clesamnachn
little knee glnn (gln)
little lad gillgugn (gilla)
little laugh grne (gire)
little load (?) ern (= airn?)
little lock of hair (?, CW) cabn (cab)
little lock 1 glasn (1 glas)
little long legged one luirgnechc (luirgnech)
little lump cnoccn (cnocc)

little man (CW) duinn (duine)
little man fern
little mare (?) echnat
little monk (CW) bachlc (bachall)
little monk manuc
little mother mtharnat
little mother mtharnat
little mouse luchc luch
little oak-grove dairecn (dair)
little old person (CW) arsidn
little one becn (b) (bec)
little peak beinnn(e) (benn)
little person duinn (duine)
little pig muic(c)n
little pilgrimage ailethrn (ailithir)
little pillar columnat (columa)
little plant lusn (lus)
little point beinnn(e) (benn)
little pool lodn
little rag certn 2
little raven fiachn
little reward fochricnet (fochricc)
little ridge-pole (?) clithne, clithn (clithe)
little rock carracn (carrac)
little rod goithne (3 goth)
little roof-tree (?) clithne, clithn (clithe)
little room airiucln (airecal)
little saying astn
little seagull falennn
little servant (CW) amsn
little servant of God (CW) ciln D
little sheltering one clithmarn
little short one of the coracle ? 2 gerrn (gerr)
little skiff curchn (curach)
little sloe irnechn (irne)
little sloe-tree irnechn (irne)
little snarl (CW) drantn (drant)
little son mac(c)n
little son maccucn
little soul anamn (ainimm)
little spear birn (bir 1)
little spear gan
little spear gan
little spear goithne (3 goth)
little spike birn (bir 1)
little stick (CW) (name of a drinking-horn) flescn
little sword claidbne, -bne
little thief braidn (brat 1)
little thorny one delgnachn (delgnach 1)
little toe ltucn = ltu
little tribute csucn (cs)

little trout (?) brecigi
little tub daibchn
little uncouth person aithechn (aithech 1)
little urchin blaiccne (blaicce)
little vat coimdn (coimde 1)
little vat daibchn
little verse fersn (?)
little vessel (CW) cochmne (cochmae)
little vessel coimdn (coimde 1)
little while bec
little white-headed one (= wren) cenannn (cenann)
little wild place altn (alt 2)
little woman beinn (ben)
little woman benacn
little word guthn (guth)
little bec
little bec
little becn (a) (bec)
little betengort
little biucatn bec
little cel I
little cert 2
little comlaiget (lagat)
little dinetn
liturgical fan cuilebad (cuil 1 + bath 1)
livelihood very bare imchumang
livelihood very narrow imchumang
livelihood bethamnacht = bethamnas
livelihood bethamnas (a)
liveliness bodacht (bodae)
liveliness bodas (bodae)
lively (?) failbe
lively in rage frech
lively is their contention lamnaide (lamain)
lively bodae (a) (bo)
lively bodaide (bodae)
lively bidgamail (bedg)
lively brgmar (brg)
lively brotla (a)
lively rmach I (rma)
lively fadrach
lively ogmar, ogar
lively mer
lively? merda (mer)
liver 1 e
livery libr
lives (through) fo-gaib, fo-geib (g)
lives to see maraid and mairid
lives ar-beir I (a) biuth
livestock (?) bethamnas (b)
livid 2 glas

living (in) attrab (c)
living a nomad existence (?) folachta ?
living being bo (b)
living creature (beast, bird or insect) ethait, ethaite
living creature ainmide 1 II
living creature anmandae (b) (ainimm)
living creature bothach (bo)
living in comnaide
living ox mart
living together with i farrad 2 I (a)
living bo (a)
living bodae (a) (bo)
living bothach (bo)
living i ccl 3 (c)
llyffant lafan
lo! (?) n 2
lo! che
load of a beast of a burden marclach
load aire 2
load asclang
load bert 1 I (beirid)
load bertrach (bert)
load galaire (1 gala)
load ld
load luchtlach
load muirer
loads luchtaigid (lucht)
load-stone adamas
loaf (of bread) bulbing
loaf arn (ar 4)
loaf bairgen (a)
loamy land 1 grellach
loan (?) eiscd
loan of money, corn, butter, meal imb (imm)
loan should be returned with increase idnacul
loan airlicthech (airlicud)
loan asacht
loath aidlesc
loathes (?) grnaigid (grin)
loathes erlissaigidir
loathing 1 grin
loathing distin
loathing fathmairecht
loathing grainc
loathing lius
loathing m-
loathly grinech
loathsome distinech (distin)
loathsomeness 1 grin
lobster balloiscthech
local church eclais, eclas (b)

local community of believers eclais, eclas (b)
local community relations after land has been cleared and apportioned comaithches (a)
local peace (legal) cairde (a) (cara 1)
locality locdacht (loc)
locality locdatu (loc)
location bunit (bun 1 + itt)
location locdatu (loc)
loch-forming lochach (loch)
lock (?) (of hair) fathmann
lock (of hair, flax. etc.) dal 2
lock of hair 1 gibne
lock of hair cab
lock of hair cach 1 (b)
lock of hair loca
lock of hair mong
lock 1 glas
lock airla
lock, stock and barrel bun barr 1 (b)
locks (of hair) cleth 1 (f)
locks glasaigid (1 glas)
locust brecnat (brecc)
locusts brucha
locusts locuiste, -usta
lodestone magnit
lodestone magns
lodging loisdmed
lodging listn
loft lota
loftiness airairde (2 airde)
lofty banner idna, indna
lofty ard 1 I (b)
lofty dgas
lofty mrda (mr)
log to which a snare or trap was attached cepp (c)
log cepp (a)
log maide
logic loica
logic loigic
logical division fodail c
logician loigceir (loigic)
log-wood ? luingit
loin of meat clathn (b) (clath)
loin fordronn
loins fathrc
loins lesrach (les)
Loire Ligir
Lombard Longbard
Lombardy Lumbaird
London Lundain(n)
loneliness annmacht (annam)

loneliness damair 1 II (c)
loneliness imm
lonely place damair 1 II (b)
lonely annam (a)
lonely damair 1 I
lonely esbadach, -aidech (e) (esbaid)
long (clipped?) hair dechrum
long (in quantity) fota, fata
long (of vowels) airdxa (-ae)
long ago fota, fata
long at the back arlebar (lebar)
long back hair airla
long before fota, fata
long distance up from the sea-haven imchan
long drawn out faddlach
long during slaughters imchan
long enduring imchan
long gazing at (?) fot, fat
long headed fot, fat
long hose pl. brc
long lived fot, fat
long lives maraid and mairid
long of distance fota, fata
long of space fota, fata
long period (?) ainr (1 r)
long period of time imchine (imchan)
long period can II
long quantity fot, fat
long shield ? fotal -scath (f-?)
long spancel id
long time can II
long wooden pole or staff (spear?) fidcheis (fid + cess 3?)
long can I
long diu 1
long fotach (fot)
long imdae
long r
long lang
long lebar
long loing
long long
long-bladed com\.sntech (sntech)
long-continued fota, fata
long-fingered mr
long-haired cuircech (cuirce)
long-haired gracach (grac)
long-haired gruacamail
long-haired mongach (mong)
longing (?) cmais II
longing for home elchaire (a)
longing com\.sanntach (santach)

longing dlgus
longing dthracht (a)
longing elscoth, elscud (c)
longing elscothachad (elscothach)
longing elchaire (a)
longing inmaille (inmall)
long-lashed mongach (mong)
long-lasting comchan (can)
longlegged (?) cosach (cos)
long-lived bladnach (bladain)
long-maned gracach (grac)
longs for diligid (dil 2)
longs for manaid (man)
longshanked deer lurganda (lurga)
longsuffering foditiu (b)
longsuffering foditnech (a)
long-suffering fuilngech, -thech
look how long I`ve neglected ce
look of them from afar imcaisiu
look out (ipv.) as-midethar
look dccain
look dchsain III
look! aire!
looked (?) duais
looking after airitiu (d)
looking after forfethem (fethem)
looking after frithilem
looking after lesugud
looking around imcaisiu
looking around imdicsiu
looking at (+ obj. gen.) amarc 1 (a)
looking at death far away imchan
looking at comdscin (dicsiu)
looking at dechain
looking at fgad (a)
looking at fgain, fchain (a)
looking at fethem (a)
looking at frescisiu, frescsiu
looking for (a person) cartugad (c)
looking forward to frescisiu, frescsiu
looking on aircsiu
looking out for aire 1 (a)
looking out for frithilem
looking out for fuirechras, furachras
looking upon dchsain I
looking dicsiu
looking dercad
looking diuderc
looking imchachad
look-out man dercaid 2 (derc 2)
look-out man dercthaid (dercaid 1)

look-out man fethmid (fethem)
look-out party ? forairechad
looks (at) dercaid 1 (derc 2)
looks (intrans.) do-ccai (b)
looks (intrans.) fgaid II (a)
looks (of health or the reverse) fth 5
looks after (?) ar-fet (b)
looks after ar-foichlea (b)
looks after fris-acci (frith-ad-ci/-)
looks after imm-acci
looks after lesaigidir (les)
looks around imm-dcci
looks at (trans.) dchaid II (a)
looks at (trans.) do-ccai (a)
looks at ad-dci
looks at fc(c)id
looks at fgaid I (a)
looks at for-c
looks back armi-dcci
looks closely at (trans.) figlid II (figel)
looks down on do-farcai (a)
looks for cartaigid (b) = cartaid
looks forward to fris-acci (frith-ad-ci/-)
looks forward to fris-ilethar
looks out for (esp. of aniticipating danger) ar-foichlea (c)
looks out forfethmigid
looks to (intrans.) fgaid II (b) do
looks towards fris-sella
looks ? fordercaid
looks ar-derca (dercaid)
looks dchaid I
looks dchaid II (b)
looks dercaigid (derc 2)
looks do-incai (a)
looks, gazes fo-derca
loop brife
loop lb
looped around ? imnaise
loose mass alp
loose dlith
loose esredach (esrd? or esrad?)
loose tiug
loose forscalte
loose laiste
loosened airsclaicthe
looseness (of composition or arrangement) dls
looseness (of nails, rivets) (?) etallas, etfollas
loosening dscal
loosening fasclad
loosens (a sword) do-fasailci (c)
loosens ? for-oslaici (-lic-)

loosens do-aithbig, -boing (b)
loosens do-fasailci (b)
loosens tendigidir (tend)
loosens faslaici, fasailci
loosens faslaicthech
looses ar-scali (scalid)
looses faslaici, fasailci
loosing comscaled (scaled)
loosing dchenglad
loosing forfaslucud
loosing fascailt
loosing faslucad
loosing liciud
looting folom (m) rad
lopping aurba
lopping cermnad
lopping cichlad
lopping gerrad
lopping imscothad
lops off deornaid
lops off do-esc (a)
lops cermnaid 1
lops do-fuiben
lops eiscid 2
lops imscothaid
lopsided lettrom
loquacious cainntech (cainnt)
loquacious forlabar
loquacious medraid
loquacious molmar
loquaciousness (CW) brestaide (bresta)
lord (poet.) f 2
lord of wide domains (?) coicrchach (coicrch)
lord ap 1 (b)
lord codnach II (b)
lord coimdiu
lord coimsid (b)
lord cumachtaid 1 (cumachtae)
lord fad 6
lord fada 1 (-o, -u)
lord arla
Lord loard
lord maigister (maigistir)
lord muiredach (muire)
lordly name maignech
lordly coimdettae (coimdiu)
lordly muirech
lordship (?) donn 7
lordship airchinnecht (airchinnech)
lordship airrge (airr)
lordship comdemnacht

lordship flaith 1 I (a)
lordship follamnus
lordship muirigecht (muirech)
lore icse (b)
lore el 1 I (b)
loses (?) do-gaib (d)
loses (of persons and things) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (e)
loses ? immach > ammach
loses self-control meraigid
loses coillid 1 (b) (coll 2)
loses do-eipen (a)
loses? malartaid
losing cailled = caillem(ain)
losing caillem(ain)
losing coll 2 (a)
losing collud
loss (?) lang II
loss (in battle) cht II
loss ? ? 1 armo
loss of beauty ccruth
loss bt (b)
loss breis 2
loss coll 2 (a)
loss conithi
loss dammain, dammaint I
loss dgbl (b)
loss dth (a)
loss dupart (a)
loss dochor I (cor)
loss dolud, dolaid (a)
loss doman (man)
loss domane = doman
loss domanes = domane
loss esbaid 1, esbud
loss indrigne
loss ingnas
lost coillte
lot (?) ftal
lot crann (d)
lot crannchor (crann + cor)
lot dl II (e)
lot dlug (b)
lot-casting (?) (legal) cocrann (com + crann lot)
loth lesc
lotion folcud (vn. of folcaid)
lotion laimsion
lots accrus
lots crannchor (crann + cor)
loud (of sounds) ard 1 I (d)
loud bursting forth bledmaidm (bled + maidm)
loud call 1 gled

loud confused sound muirn
loud continuous boom mongar
loud continuous din mongar
loud continuous noise mongar
loud continuous roaring mongar
loud creaking coimgised (gised)
loud cry acht
loud discordant noise fothronn
loud noise brosc
loud noise dresmaidm
loud singing airessnad (esnad 1)
loud voice glraige (glrach)
loud 2 glrda (2 glr)
loud, confused or rumbling din (of things) deilm I (a)
loud, confused or rumbling noise (of living things) deilm I (b)
loud, confused or rumbling noise (of things) deilm I (a)
loudness (of sound) ardae, airde (e) (ard 1)
loud-shouting foscarda
loud-voiced glrach (2 glr)
loud-voiced guthmar
louring fordorcha
louse ? frige
louse ml
lousewort millsn (<milis?)
Louth Lt
Louvain Labin
lovable 2 grdach (2 grd)
lovable 2 grennaigid (grenn)
lovable genamail (2 gen)
lovage lubaitse
love (?) cmais II
love (for a person) cuit
love (in sexual sense) cairdes (a) (cara 1)
love of humanity donchaire
love of humanity donchairecht = donchaire
love 2 grd ?
love annsa
love annsacht 2 (ansu)
love cairdige (cairdech 1)
love cartit
love cin III (e)
love commann
love condalbae (condalb)
love cride (c)
love drcaige (deerccach)
love grdugud
love inmain
love inmaine (inmain)
love inmainecht (inmaine)
love muinecht
loveable inmain

loveless d\.serc (serc)
loveliness came (a) (cem)
loveliness genamlacht (genamail)
loveliness grdmaire (grdmar)
lovely (?) condolbtha
lovely laind
lovely cem 1 I (b)
lovely grind
love-making lennn(t)acht (lennn)
lover of ale lennmar (lenn)
lover cemthach 1
lover cechrir (caraid)
lover lennn
lover lennn
loves each other comcharaid (caraid)
loves caraid
loves grdaigid (2 grd)
loving (?) carmar
loving daring enterprises (?) liten(a)
loving equally (?, CW) cominmain (inmain)
loving ones fine or kindred (?) finechar (fine)
loving truth or right (?) frechar
loving 2 grdach (2 grd)
loving -car 5 (caraid)
loving carthach I (caraid)
loving carthain
loving carthanach (carthain)
loving cenchair (cin)
loving dgraisech (dgrais)
loving grdmar (2 grd)
low bed folepaid
low couch folepaid
low estimation domestacht (b) (domesta)
low in despair chtarach (chtar)
low in rank airsel (sel)
low lying place sel
low lying sel
low murmur fodordn
low noise fogarn
low place slen
low stature sel
low value domestacht (b) (domesta)
low chtarach (chtar)
low chtarach (chtar)
low sel
low sel
low-born dochenlach (dochenuil)
low-born dochenuil (cenl)
lowborn dor (a)
low-class woman ainben (ben)
lower (one) chtarach (chtar)

lower gut chtarach (chtar)
lower part of neck at its union with the trunk mide
lower part of the leg fergara (-gaire)
lower part chtar
lower stone chtar
lower surface fochlr
lower table fochlr
lower chtar
lower chtarach (chtar)
lower inchtarach (inchtar)
lower? slope of a hill leittir
lowering airinned
lowering sliugud
lowering lecad
lowermost inchtarach (inchtar)
lowers (trans. and fig.) do-airindi I (b)
lowers (trans.) do-airindi I (a)
lowers do-airbir I
lowers doimnigid (domain)
lowers do-lci II (d)
lowers do-scara I
lowers sligidir (sel)
lowers lecaid
lowest part fudumain
lowest part immchtar
lowest part inchtar
lowest chtarach (chtar)
lowest chtarach (chtar)
lowing gimnech (gim)
lowing gnsachtach (gns)
lowliness airsle (airsel)
lowliness airslecht = airsle
lowliness becdacht (becda)
lowliness derile (deril)
lowliness derilecht, -lacht (deril)
lowliness insle (insel)
lowliness sle (sel)
lowly becda (bec)
lowly deril
lowly insel
lowly sel
low-lying coastland muiresc
low-lying sea-board murrasc
lowness doscaire (doscair)
lowness sle (sel)
lows gimid (gim)
loyal (of people) dles 1 II (c) (d- + les)
loyal comailltech (comalnad)
loyal dimraith (mrath)
loyality ires(s)
loyalty dlse (d) (dles)

loyalty dslidecht = dsle
lubberly contention lumparnach
Lucifer dabul 2 (a)
Lucifer Lucifur
luck fortn
luck lth
luckless one antocad (tocad)
luckless dodchaid
luckless inraithech
lucky dmar
lucky bodae (b) (bo)
lucky mochen (-chin)
lugubrious drach 1 (dr)
lukewarm (?) lem
luke-warm elte
lulling cotludud
luminary lsbaire (ls)
luminous fig (b)
luminous fursaintech
luminous fursanta
luminous gleir (gler, o, a/)
lump (?) gln (dim. of gl, glau ?)
lump of butter imb (imm)
lump of butter mescn (mesc)
lump alp
lump bruth 1 II (a) (berbaid)
lump cep
lump cnapn (cnap)
lump cnocc (a)
lump cruinne (a) (cruinn)
lump ft
lump mescn (mesc)
lump mul
Lumpenkerl (?) certach 2
lumpmass mass
lumpy (?) faithnemail
lumpy cnapach (cnap)
lumpy cnapnach (cnapn)
lumpy cnoccach (cnocc)
lunacy (?) ain\.sis (sis)
lunar scaide (sca)
lunar scamail (sca)
lunar lunir
lunar lnarda
lunatic 1 geilt
lunatic dsachtach (dsacht)
lunatic fulla
lunatic geltn (geilt)
lunatic geltucn (geilt)
luncheon (?) frithairigid (airigid)
lurking-place airchel

luscious foirchesamail
luscious inmar
lust accobar (c)
lust ainman (1 man)
lust bes, bas (c) (beth 1)
lust drithe = drs
lust drs (c) (drth 1)
lust trad
lustful (?) ctludach (ctluth)
lustful person tradach (trad)
lustful abbath
lustful drisech (drs)
lustful drisemail = drisech
lustful tradach (trad)
lustful manach (man)
lustration lustred
lustre caindlech 2 (caindel)
lustre del(l)rad
lustre trochta 2, -achta
lustre lxaire (lx)
lustrous caindlech 1 (caindel)
lustrous trocht, -acht
lustrous finn 1 (a)
lustrous fornamda (fornam)
lustrous lgech (l)
lusts antoiligid (antoil)
lute crott
lute liit
luxuriant ? forfolt
luxuriant mth > mith
luxurious (as epithet of hair) clannach (c) (clann)
luxurious macnasach (macnaisech)
luxury macnas
-ly (forming adverbs) de 1, di
lye folcud (vn. of folcaid)
lying (?) belgach
lying bare imlommad
lying beside freslige
lying down (?) aithlige
lying down freslige
lying down lep(th)achas (lepaid)
lying down lige
lying in ambush intlide (intled)
lying in gore crlige (cr 1 + lige)
lying in wait comairc(h)les (-c(h)eist) (a) (airches 1)
lying in wait etarnaid, -e
lying in wait in(n)tled
lying in wait luigechn (lige)
lying on ones back fen (a)
lying together comluige 2 (lige 1)
lying with comlepaid (lepaid)

lying with freslige
lying 4 g vx g
lying brcach (brc)
lying dalbdae
lying thchech (thech)
lying thech
lying gach (g, gu)
lying g
lying gach vx gach
lying gachach
lying lige
lying-in (?) aith\.solta
lympha imbel?
lynx lince

mace ms
Macedonian parsley elestront
machination lthar
mad (?) dois
mad dsachtach (dsacht)
mad mire (mer)
made from the wood of holm-oak lecde (lec)
made from wood of the holm-oak lignide
made it whole ccaid (cc)
made of beechwood fagde
made of electron electarda (electair)
made of fir or pine-wood gisda (gis)
made of glass or crystal glainide (glain)
made of hair of lynx ? lug
made of iron ? 2 arnach (arn)
made of iron arnaide (arn)
made of iron arndae (arn)
made of linen lndae (ln)
made of linen lnecda (ln)
made of linen lnide (ln)
made of marble marmarda
made of pieces bomman(n)ach (boimm)
made of silver airgdide (argat)
made of skin bannaide (ban)
made of tow escartach (a) (escart)
made of twigs or wattles flescach I (flesc 1)
made of woodbine (?) fithrennach
made of yew ibarda (ibar)
made of yew ibrach (ibar)
made of yew ibraide (ibar)
made of yew ibraide (ibar)
made out -becht
made void rassaigthe, rsaigthe (rassaigidir)
made void fsaigthe 2
made dnta(e) I (a)

madman 2 gelt vx 1 gelt
madman dsachtach (dsacht)
madman fulla
madness (?) doise
madness in a horse merechduin
madness baile 2
madness bailiugad, bailiud (baile 2)
madness dsacht I
madness dsacht III
madness dsachtaige I (dsachtach)
madness dremna(e) (dremun)
madness escuinde (esconn 2)
madness geltachas (geltach)
madness minia
madness mire (mer)
madwoman dsachtach (dsacht)
madwoman geltc (geilt)
maere Morrgan and Morrgu
mafors mafort
magic (?) fulla
magic lore imbas, imbus
magic mist, which renders those under it invisible fth 1 fada (fad, fa)
magic power anchumacht (cumacht)
magic spell bricht 1
magic veil, which renders those under it invisible fth 1 fada (fad, fa)
magic wisp fulla
magic demnacht (demon)
magic gentlide
magic gentlidecht (gentlide)
magical doilbthe, dolbtha (b)
magical gentide I
magician draoidtheir (dru)
magician dru (b)
magister maigister (maigistir)
magistrate giusts
Magnanimity mrdacht
magnanimous mrmenmnach
magnate? mochtaid
magnet magnit
magnet magns
magnificence mrgnethetu (< mrgnethe)
magnificent mrgnethe
magnified? mochtaide
magnifies (trans.) ardaigid (a) (ard 1)
magnifies (trans.) brogaid
magnifies aidbsigid
magnifies airdircid (airdirc)
magnifies maigid
magnifies mraid (mr)
magnifies mraigid (mr)
magnify mraigid (mr)

magnifying mrad
magnitude mit, mt
magus mug (mog)
maiden ainder (b)
maiden bruinnell
maiden ingen
maiden maigden
maidenhood ingenas
maidenhood maigdenas
maidens ingenrad
mail arnaide (arn)
mail mla
maimed in a hand bacclm I (bacc 1 + lm)
maimed in a hand bacclmach (bacclm)
maimed ainmech (a) (ainim)
maiming athchumma (a)
main force (?) (of armies) bun 1
maintaining 2 goire (gor)
maintaining airitiu (d)
maintaining bethugad (b)
maintaining bathad
maintaining fo-loing
maintaining fothugad
maintaining fulacht
maintaining fulang
maintaining gabl
maintaining gorigud (2 gor)
maintaining imchongbl
maintaining imchor
maintaining lesugud
maintains fossaigid(ir) (foss)
maintains (against an enemy) gaibid
maintains a claim in-loing
maintains honour do-gn enech 1, ainech II (a)
maintains reputation do-gn enech 1, ainech II (a)
maintains airitid 1 (airitiu)
maintains fo-suidethar, -fothadar
maintains fothaigid (fotha)
maintains gaibid
maintains? manigid
maintenance of a number of individuals muirer
maintenance of parents 2 goire (gor)
maintenance betha (d) (bo)
maintenance fulach (folach)
maintenance gairitecht (goire)
maintenance lesugud
majestic mrda (mr)
majestic mrdlach
majesty dathamlacht (dathamail)
majesty mrdacht
major mig(h)r, eir

major-domo marascl
majority fortailln (fortail+ln)
make acute fachaid
make reparation for ? imm-dni
make dnum II (a)
maker (?) dingantach
maker or verses danaire (a) (dan)
maker dnmaid (dnum)
maker dntaid (dntae)
makes (?) donaid
makes (changes) x into y do-gn II (i) x i n- y
makes (in mind) do-gn II (d)
makes (of literary composition) do-gn II (e)
makes (sound, noise) fo-ceird I (h)
makes a assignation with (intrans.) dlaid II (dl 2)
makes a bed drgid
makes a circuit of do-airmchella
makes a circuit of do-immchella (a)
makes a claim (on or against) (legal) fachaigid(ir) (b) (fach 1)
makes a claim against (?) (legal) do-greinn (b)
makes a contract fo-naisc (nasc-`bind`)
makes a dam immid (imbe)
makes a dash maidid
makes a deposition ? ? in-toing
makes a difference (?) do-etarcuirethar
makes a distinction (trans.) dechraigidir IV (dechor)
makes a dord-sound dordaid (dord 1)
makes a gap in airbernaid (airbern)
makes a gap in bernaid (bern)
makes a mistake in judgement (CW) beglaigid (b) (begul)
makes a protective fence airimmid (airimme)
makes a stand against fris-tairissethar
makes a tryst with (intrans.) dlaid II (dl 2)
makes a tryst with ar-dili (b) (dilid)
makes acknowledgment (?) (legal) fasitnigid (fasitiu)
makes alive boaigidir (bo)
makes an attack fachtnaigid
makes an inquiry armi-foich, armi-foig
makes angry daas
makes ashamed adnirgid
makes bald maelaid (mael)
makes bare fornochtaid
makes bare lommartaigid (lommairt, vx lommrad)
makes black (trans.) dubaid (b) (dub)
makes blind (of one eye) gollaid (goll) vx guilliud
makes blue gormaid (gorm)
makes blunt maelaid (mael)
makes bold dnaigidir 2 (dnae)
makes bright in-sorchaigedar
makes brilliant lainnrigid (lainner)
makes brown donnaid 1 (donn 1)

makes calm glanaid (glan)
makes calm (lit. and fig.) fthaigid (fth 3)
makes certain derbaigid (a) (derb 1)
makes chequered breccaid (brecc)
makes clear (?) lirigid(ir) (lir)
makes clear ?mennaid (menn)
makes clear glid (gl)
makes close dlthaid (dlth 1)
makes compact dlthaigid (b) (dlth 1)
makes compensation ccaid (cc)
makes compensation in-ren (in-ess-ren)
makes dark (trans.) dorchaigid (b) (dorchae)
makes dark (trans.) dubaid (b) (dub)
makes double emnaid 1 (a) (emon 1)
makes dull maelaid (mael)
makes eager dchraigid (dchra)
makes entry do-ellai(n)g 1
makes equal inunnaigid (inunn)
makes even (trans.) fthnaigid I
makes evident fadnaigid (fada 2)
makes excessive (surreptitious?) foimmrimmid
makes fair glanaid (glan)
makes fast daingnigidir I (a) (daingen)
makes fast do-dmen
makes fast fostaigid, fastaigid
makes fiercer gargaigid (garg)
makes firm fothaigid (fotha)
makes firm gllinnigid (glinn)
makes flesh (?) felaigid (feil)
makes for (trans.) do-saig II
makes for ad-cosnai
makes for at-reig do
makes for do-beir V
makes for do-gn III (d)
makes for fabair, fbair
makes forfeit dlsigid, dsligid (a) (dles)
makes glad (trans.) filtigid(ir), faltigid(ir) II (filtech, faltech)
makes gloomy geimrigid (geimred, gemred)
makes go fo-glaisi I (trans)
makes good frnaigid (frn)
makes good gaibid
makes good gaibid
makes good imm-dni
makes good lesaigidir (les)
makes good maithigid
makes great mraid (mr)
makes great? mogaigid
makes greater mtaigid (mit)
makes greater maigid
makes greater mraid (mr)
makes green glasaid (2 glas)

makes grey lathaid (lath)
makes happy findbadaigidir (findbad)
makes harmonious binnigid (binn)
makes haste (intrans.) danaigid (b) (dan 1)
makes haste latha(ig)id (lath)
makes heavy do-tromma (trom 3)
makes human dondaigid (donda)
makes human duinid (duine)
makes human duinigid (duine)
makes intelligible etargnaigidir I (b) (etargne)
makes known (?) fo-sisedar
makes known ad-daim
makes known airdircid (airdirc)
makes known airdircigidir (c) (airdirc)
makes known do-farascaib
makes known do-sc(u)lat (b)
makes known enaid
makes known ercaid 2 (b)
makes known etargnaigidir I (a) (etargne)
makes known facair (fo-acair, fcair)
makes known in(d)-ft (in(d)-fiad)
makes lamentation achtaid
makes larger mtaigid (mit)
makes lasting (?) banaigid 1 (ban 1)
makes lawful dlmainid (dlmain)
makes level mnigid (mn)
makes level mraid
makes liable (for a debt or fine) fachaid (fach 1)
makes liable (legal) fachaigid(ir) (b) (fach 1)
makes lowly derilid (deril)
makes luke-warm eltesaigidir
makes manifest (trans.) arthraigid(ir) (b)
makes mortal dondaigid (donda)
makes much (etc.) of do-gn II (j) mr (bec, etc.) de
makes oath fortaigid (fortach) vx for-tuigethar, for-toing
makes off (intrans.) do-fcaib II (c)
makes off (legal) laid, -id, -id, -id
makes off tla(id) I
makes ones way (intrans. or with cogn. acc.) fethid 2
makes percolate licid
makes perfect foirbthigid(ir) I
makes permanent or legal ad-suidi var: adsuigidter
makes powerless aimnertaigid (aimnert 1)
makes provision lin(n)id (ln)
makes provisions (for) ln
makes quake bertaid 2 (bert)
makes quake bertaigid(ir) = bertaid
makes quiver fo-crotha
makes ready (trans.) airlamaigid (airlam)
makes ready dessigid, dessaigid (a) (dess)
makes ready ellmaigid, ollm-, ullm- (a) (ellam 1)

makes ready glsaid (gls)
makes ready glsaigid (gls)
makes red (esp. of bloodshed) dergaid I (a) (derg)
makes red airdergaid (airderg)
makes red donnaid 1 (donn 1)
makes red fordergaid (forderg)
makes red forramnaigid (ramnaigid)
makes red imm-derga
makes red-hot dergaid I (b) (derg)
makes rejoice (trans.) filtnigid, faltnigid I (filte, falte)
makes renowned airdircigidir (b) (airdirc)
makes restitution do-aisicc
makes return fillid I (d)
makes righteous frinaigidir (frin, frn)
makes rough acarbaigidir
makes rough aimridigid (aimrid)
makes secure dingblaid (dingbil)
makes slow mallaigid
makes small becaid (bec)
makes smooth (lit. and fig.) fthaigid (fth 3)
makes smooth (trans.) fthnaigid I
makes smooth blithigid (blith)
makes smooth mnigid (mn)
makes soft bocaid I (a) (boc 1)
makes sour graigid (gr)
makes spring out (?) do-aithsceinn
makes stable fossaigid(ir) (foss)
makes straight (trans.) drgid I (a) (driuch)
makes sure deimnigid(ir) (b) (deimin)
makes sure glinnid (glinn)
makes sweet binnigid (binn)
makes terms ar-suidi (b)
makes to disappear (of consonants in compounds, etc.) (gramm.) bidid (d)
makes to shine (trans.) dellraigid
makes to shine lainnrigid (lainner)
makes to wonder ingantaigid (ingnad)
makes true fraigid (fr)
makes turbid (of water) baidrid (b) (baidre)
makes uncertain inderbtha ?
makes uneven (CW) dorthaigid (doraid 1)
makes uneven aimridigid (aimrid)
makes up do-gn II (b)
makes up fo-lna vx fuillid
makes use of ar-beir II (a)
makes use of do-meil (d)
makes vain madaigid
makes valid dlsigid, dsligid (b) (dles)
makes very pale imbnaid
makes void rassaigidir (raise?)
makes void fsaigid (a) (fs 1)
makes water mnaid (mn)

makes water mnigid (mn)
makes white finnaid 1 (a) (finn 1)
makes white gelaid (gel)
makes worse ? mesairthe
makes yellow buidigid 1 (buide 1)
makes ar-gn
makes do-gn II (a)
makes do-gn II (k) + adj.
makes for-cumaing
makes gnid
makes gnid
makes gormaid (gorm)
makes imm-fo(i)lng(a)i
making (becoming?) calm fthugud
making (oneself) ready for airichill (a)
making ... of dnum I (e)
making a bed drgud 1 (a)
making a burial-mound fertad (fert 1)
making a circuit imthoichell
making a clattering sound dresachtach 1 (dresacht)
making a condition achtugad
making a creaking sound dresachtach 1 (dresacht)
making a dam aire 4
making a noise faimnech (faimm)
making a reckoning of indrithne, indrichne
making a rustling sound dresachtach 1 (dresacht)
making a slaughter imguin
making adj.s -de, -dae -the, -thae
making an mistake in judgement (legal) begul (b)
making an over-riding oath fortach
making angry fergugud II (ferg)
making bald maelad
making bare drgud 2
making bare lommrad
making cautious fait(g)igud (faitches)
making common esconigud (escon)
making compact dingin
making crooked lebad
making dearer = auctioning dorad (b)
making entry (legal) ecor, ecar III
making even fthugud
making excuses leithsclach (leithscl)
making fast daingniugud I (a)
making firm deimnigud (b)
making foolish escallugud
making for airrecht
making for foscnam (=O.Ir. ascnam)
making good in the sense of proving imdnam
making good lesugud
making great mrad
making known airdercugud

making known etargnad 2, -d, -d
making known etargnugud
making known finnachtain, findachtain
making known finnochtad
making known fcra(e) (a)
making known foillsigud
making known furfcra, -facra
making liable fachugud
making lighter imm
making merry gairtiugud
making naked lomnochtad
making oath in compurgation imthach
making of verses fersaigecht (fersa)
making or becoming white elad
making out dnum I (d)
making perfect foirbthigud
making perverting lebad
making proved gold imfolang, imfulang
making provision for frithilem
making quite healthy imm
making ready (?) frad (fr?)
making ready ellmugud, ollm-, ullm-
making red dergad
making red fordergad
making rotten (trans.) brnad
making scarce gannugud (vn. of gannaigid ?)
making smooth fthugud
making space airglan(ad)
making towards dnum I (f)
making trial of gls
making turbid baidred (b)
making unclean esconigud (escon)
making unfavourable contract(s) (legal) dochrach (dochor)
making use of fomeilt, -mailt (vn. of fo-meil)
making valid dlmainiugud
making vile dorugad (dor)
making void fsugud (a)
making wretched donogad (dona)
making dnmas (b) (dnum)
making dnum I (c)
makings of adbar
male (of animals) firend
male being moth (mod)
male bird firn (fer + n)
male descendant mac (macc)
male horse midach
male hound ferch
male person ferscl
male pig or boar (?) fithend
male pig two years old deilethorc (deil 3 + torc)
male pudenda ferdacht (b) (ferda)

male servant mug (mog)
male slave mug (mog)
male ferda(e) (fer)
male firenda
male firennach (firend)
male masculda
malediction escaine
malediction mallacht
malediction miscad (-scath, -scaid)
malefic milledach (milliud)
malevolent (of persons) daig (g?)
malevolent fithnaisech, -nasach (fithnaise)
malice (?) elgna
malice (?) facht
malice prpense elgon, elguin
malice aingidecht (aingide)
malice inire (inir)
malice mails
malice m-
malice miscnige
malicious envy (?) dothnth (tnth)
malicious injury elgnas (a)
malicious inir > infir
malicious mailsech
malignance mails
malignant tumour filn 1
malignant fithnaisech, -nasach (fithnaise)
malignant mailsech
malignant milltech (millid)
mallet aircenn
mallet forcha (farcha)
mallet geannaire
mallet gennaire (genn)
mallow holihoc
mallow lemnat (lemach)
mallow milmecn
malodorous fuluthur
malt liquor braich
malt braich
malt grutt
malt mille
malt mraich
maltreating folmach
maltreating malart (malairt)
maltreating m-
maltreatment 3 g
maltreatment immadall
maltreats m-
maluam hocus
malva lemach (lemnat)
mammy mtharnat

mammy mtharnat
man (as opp. to a woman) fer (a)
man (poet. or cryptic) fern 2
man ? ? lorg
man from Denmark danar I
man from the borders of Aifi imbel?
man kinds il
man of discontent fola (fala)
man of law dligtheoir (dligid)
man of letters litrid (liter)
man of many desires il
man of Meath midech
man of much delay il
man of science felsu
man of the soil fonn
man of tribulations imnedach (imned)
man outside =plaintiff immaig
man who inflicts the wound is at liberty to determine whether meisech
man who is qualified by land but not by stock fuithirbe
man who owns no chief dcenn 3
man who watches a swarm ? metet
man gad
man duine
man ferscl
man s
man moth (mod)
management airle 1 (c)
manager airnbertach
manages to airmaisid (b) (airmaisiu)
manages dlaid III (dl 2)
managing frithgnam
managing guibernracht
man-at-arms fergnia
mandrake mandrc
mandrake mandrogair
mane vigilans fuinide (fuin, fuined)
manes of briars mong
mange gerb
manger mainnsr
mangled (?) ? fuidbechta
mangled mass ascarnach
mangled fortchide (fortched)
mangles letraid
mangling fuidbe
mangling letrad
mangy gerbach (gerb)
manhood ferdacht (a) (ferda)
manhood ferdatu (ferda)
mania minia
manifest airdirc I (a) (2 derc)
manifest ecna(e) 2

manifest foidreich
manifest foillsigthech (b)
manifest follus
manifest follusach
manifest forcsenach (forcsi)
manifest fordarc
manifesting foillsigud
manifestness foillse
manifold (?) lerda
manifold combat il
manifold course ? il
manifold division il
manifold equipment il
manifold heirships il
manifold music il
manifold powers il
manifold prosperity il
manifold science il
manifold variety il
manifold il
manifold il
manifold ilardae (ilar)
manifold ildae (il)
manifold imdae
manikin duinn (duine)
manikin duinenet (duinn)
maniple (sacerdotal vestment) manipal
manipulates lm
manipulating lamairecht (lamaire)
mankind duine
manliness feramla
manliness feramlacht
manliness ferdacht (a) (ferda)
manliness inire (inir)
manly (?) fernaide
manly spirit (?) ferachas
manly feramail (fer)
manly ferda(e) (fer)
manly ferdaide
manly inir > infir
manly masclach
manna mann
manna manna
manner (?) feb I (c)
manner of indas
manner abaise
manner alt 1 III (e)
manner bs 1 (a)
manner bsad (a) (bs 1) = bs 1 (a), (b)
manner dliged I (f)
manner doich (dich?) II (d)

manner dul 1 II (e)
manner ccosc (e)
manner indas
manner indell
manner inne
manner mainder vx mainner
manner mainner (mainer)
manner mod
manner ms
mannerly bsach (bs 1)
manners bsmnad
manners gns (gnth)
mannikin fern
mannikin firne
manor grgn
manor mainr
manor-house mainr
mans length ? a cubit ferchubat
man-servant foss
mansion bruiden 1 (a)
mansion bruig (c)
mansion dind (d)
mansion dnrus (dn + rus)
mansion longphort
mansion manir
manslaughter duinorcun (duine + orcun)
manslaughter dunmarbad = duinemarbad
mantle arat
mantle brel
mantle bratt
mantle brattn (bratt)
mantle faidern
mantle fallaing
mantled brattach 1 (bratt)
mantled luimnech (lumman)
manual dexterity druine 2 (druin)
manual skill lmdae (lm)
manual work (carried out by a monk) lubair
manufactured article 2 aicde
manufactured article dnta(e) II
manure (?) les
manure alech
manure indebar
manure lesugud
manure maslach
manuring alechar (alech)
manuring lesugud
manuscript ? imligend
manwolflike ferchonta (ferch)
many a foreign hen and gander is borne by the man of Offaly imchor
many a one travels it imdae

many il
many imdae
many imdae
many-hued brecht(g)na (brecht + gn ?)
mara Morrgan and Morrgu
marauder dberg (c) (d + bergg)
marauder dbergach (a) (dberg)
marauding dberg (a) (d + bergg)
marble marmar
march marg(g)
march methas, -us
march mruig
marchantia polymorpha (plant) 1 e aba
marches to the encounter ar-cing (air-cing-)
marching marsil (mirsl)
mare lir
mare muir
margin (of a book) margan
margin or rim of a vessel (?) errbu
margin bruach (br 3)
margin imbel?
margin imbel?
margin ir(i)ud
Maria Muire
marine fomuiride
marine muiradach (muir)
marine muirech (muir)
marine muiride (muir)
mariner mairnlach
mariner maraide
mariner muirech (muir)
mariner muiride (muir)
mariner murthaide
maritime muiride (muir)
mark (?) errend
mark ball (e)
mark bocit
mark fuilliucht (sliucht)
mark lorg
mark marg(g)
marked with lines lnech (lne)
marked with lines lnide (lne)
market marg(g)ad
market-place marg(g)ad
marks off eterdelbaid
marks off fris-tirndea
marks out (a design, site, etc.) do-foirndea (b)
marks out (trans.) dechraigidir IV (dechor)
marks out dechraid 2 I (dechor)
marks out do-rinda
marl marla

marl marlad
marquis marcus (-is)
marriage airnaidm (b)
marriage lnamnas
marriageable in
marriage-feast banais (a) (ben + feis 2)
married couple lnamain
married laywoman laches (lech)
married woman ainder (a)
married woman ingen
marries ad-aig (g)
marries airnaidmid (b) (airnaidm)
marries inbothaigidir
marrow led
marrow legan (led)
marsh mallow lemach (lemnat)
marsh pennywort deneraile (?)
marsh ? loith
marsh bocach 2 (boc 1)
marsh fith 3
marsh gethlach (3 geth)
marsh gothlach vx gethlach
marsh loth
marsh lachair
marshal bollsaire
marshal marascl
marshalled by the horseboys mairescad
marshalling indell
marshalling marasclacht
marshals airbrigid (airbre)
marsh-mallow ailthin
marshy edge of a lake farlach vx loch
marshy edge of a river farlach vx loch
marshy land andomain (domain?)
marshy place ? lachrach (lachair)
marshy ascach = escach (?)
marshy bocach 1 (boc 1)
marshy innsech (?indes)
martial prowess mletacht
martial bgach (bg)
martial gaiscedach (gaisced)
martial idnach, indnach (idna, indna)
martial mldemail
martial mleta (ml)
martydom martrae
martyr mairteir
martyr mairtrech
martyr martir(-r)
martyr martrae
martyr`s cloak martra =
martyrology flire (fil 1)

martyrology martarlaic
martyrs martraid
martyrs martraigid
marvel adamrae
marvel adamrugud
marvel amrae II (a)
marvel deccair V
marvel ingnad, ingnth
marvelling machtnamh
marvelling machtnugad
marvellous amrae I
marvellous mrbail
marvellous mrbalda (mrbail)
marvels at ingantaigid (ingnad)
marvels at ingantus (ingnad)
marvels ad-amraigedar
marvels machtnaigid (machtnad)
masculine form (of a word) mascul
masculine gender mascul
masculine gender moth (mod)
masculine ferda(e) (fer)
masculine firenda
masculine mascul
masculine masculda
masculine masculinda
masculine mod vx moth
mash braichles (-lis) (braich)
mask dubaige 1 (dub)
mass of groans ? ? achtland
mass bruth 1 II (a) (berbaid)
mass dlm
mass dumach (b) (duma 1)
mass ft
mass mass
mass mescn (mesc)
mass moil (?mil)
massacre fortbe, fairtbe
massacre mart also mairt
massacring martad
masses together dlmigid (dlm)
massive mall
massy dlmda (dlm)
mast (?) braiches (braich ?)
mast fernae = fern 1
mast mesrad
master of a house, husband aithech tige (a)
master fada 1 (-o, -u)
master maigister (maigistir)
master muirech (muire)
master muiredach (muire)
masterful forsmachtach

masterfulness forspraic (spraic)
mastering forlmugud
mastery fortail (foirtil(l))
mastic mastic
mastiff brotch
mastiff maistn
match for (gs.) dingbil II
match for fulang
match mac(c)samla
match maiste
match med
matching frestal
material existence buith 1 (b)
material for a plough (?) arad
material 2 aicde
material abras (b)
material adbar
material adbarda
material folud (> fola)
materialises damnaigidir 1 (damnae)
materiality adbardacht
materials aiced
materials ellmugud, ollm-, ullm-
maternal kinsfolk mithre
maternal uncle amnair
maternal mthardae
matins armrge
matins maitn
matins matan and maiten
matter (gore?) 1 gor
matter for glorying modem
matter for wonder machtnad
matter of importance legal clithe g
matter of cuit
matter 2 gn
matter adbar
matter bunadas (bunad)
matter dl 2 V (a)
matter damnae III, domnae
matter fth (b)
matter ingor
matter les
mattock bacc 1 (c)
mattock lige and lga
mattock matg
mature (of mental qualities) apaig (c)
matured (of fruit etc.) apaig (a)
matures aipgigid (a) (apaig)
matures irgid (d)
maturing aipgigud
maturing aipigthech

maturing borrad
maturing irge (d)
maturity esmairecht
maturity aipche (apaig)
maturity aipchecht = aipche
matutinal matindae
matweed muirnech
Maundy mandl, mandil
maxim (?) fth (d)
maxim rosc
may be (?) dofomaing
may God requite it ccaid (cc)
may it be (deemed) fitting for us (?) imm-airicc
may the sea give its fishes ascrad (asc)
May Bel(l)taine
May ma
maybe bs 2
mayor mra
mayoralty muirigecht (muirech)
mayst thou not suffer me to be without faith fulang
maze griobn
maze meirblech
mazer masal
me -dam- 8
me m
mead loving medach
Mead mid
meadowland lnae
meadow-sweet (plant) airgat feda (gat 1?)
meagre fothana
meal between other repasts (?) frithairigid (airigid)
meal aurgnam (c)
meal bile
meal dnr
meal longud
meal men(min)
meal mr
meal-bag menbolg
meal-consuming bordmar (bord)
mean (?) dergnaid (d + ergnaid)
mean (?) duthair
mean estate derile (deril)
mean 1 gand
mean ainfal (b) (1 fal)
mean airsel (sel)
mean brodach (brod 1)
mean de\.sruith (sruith)
mean deolaid (b)
mean dergnaide = dergnaid
mean deril
mean dscir (c)

mean diss
mean diir
mean doscair (b)
mean inmedn
mean sel
meandering (?) meraige (mer)
meaness insle (insel)
meaning (of words, sayings, etc.) brg (c)
meaning uncertain gait
meaning ifecht
meaning inne
meaning int(s)liucht
meanness (of appearance) diire (diir)
meanness sle (sel)
means (?) dlug (d)
means (usually in pass.) do-beir VI (d)
means by which an assumption is made clear argam(a)intensive (a)
means of access eochair 1, echair (b)
means of entertainment iostas
means of support imfolang, imfulang
means accmaing (c)
means esrais, esrus
means gls
means in(n)struimint, indstraimint,
in(n)strum(a)int, indstruiment
means indell
means med
mean-spirited ? inuait
meantime (?) etarport 1, -bort
measles bruitnech
measure (of milk etc.) bochtan
measure containing twelve times the full of a hen`s egg-shell meisrn
measure of grain airmed (med)
measure of land containing thirty-six traighthi in(n)trit
measure of land dabach III
measure of land indle
measure of land iger
measure of length 1 grinne (grn)
measure of plough-land actus
measure of quantity mat
measure of some kind groipn
measure of weight mat
measure used as a standard drna (a)
measure lach
measure med
measure med
measure mes(s)ar
measure mes(s)ar
measure metar
measure misr
measure mod

measured mesarda (mesar)
measurement mes(s)ar
measures by (as a standard) (?) do-ben 2 (d) fri
measures *for-midethar
measures do-midethar 1
measures mes(s)aid (<mes)
measures midithir
measures midithir
measuring mes(s)ad
measuring misirecht (misr)
measuring-line doruba
meat broth 2
meat es(s)air II
meat feil
meath of the mead? midech
Meath mide
meat-juice (?) boil (b)
medal bonn 2
medal medille
meddlesome (?) etrnach
meddling with etrin I
meddling broicid
medial position medntacht
mediator etargnaide
mediator etarguidedir, -dtheir
mediator etarguthid (etarguide?)
medical science fisicecht (fisice)
medical treatment leiges (laig)
medical treatment midchuine
medicament leiges (laig)
medicinal leigesamail (leiges)
medicine leiges (laig)
medicine midchuine
mediocre inmednach (inmedn)
meditates (on) imm-rdi
meditates brethnaigid (c) (breth)
meditates medaigid
meditates midithir
meditates muinithir
meditation indithem, indfethem
meditation? mednugad
medium of exchange monad
medium inmednach (inmedn)
medium medndae
medley of soft sounds mingur
meekness midlocht?
meet (fig.) dess (c)
meet a challenge follaigid, failligid (follach, faill)
meet il b
meet dela 1 (c)
meet dr 1 (a)

meet fu I (a)
meet imchubaid > imchuibe
meeting (with = fri) dl 2 I (a)
meeting place forrach
meeting together immaltar
meeting accomol
meeting airches 1 (b)
meeting airdl (1 dl)
meeting airechtas (a) (airecht 1)
meeting airis (b)
meeting dl 2 II
meeting frestal
meeting frithaigid
meeting imchomrac
meeting immairecc > immairg
meeting-place (?) echrais III
meets (intrans.) do-ecmaing III (b) do, fri, ar (for)
meets together imm-toirg (imm-to-ro-saig)
meets with fo-gaib, fo-geib (a)
meets with fo-gaib, fo-geib (e)
meets with imm-comraic
meets aircisid (airches)
meets ar-icc (a)
meets do-cuirethar III (c) do (also ar, fri)
meets irgid (h) do (1)
meets fris-gair, -frecair
meets fris-indlea
meets fris-tt
meets imm-ascnai
meets imm-ecmaing
melancholic melincech
melancholy (?) dulas
melancholy doilb 1
melancholy dabais
melancholy dub I (b)
melancholy mifrech
melancholy muich (mich, muich)
melancholy muichnech (much-)
melancholy muichnechas (much-)
mele (?) fuirrsceo
mle dorngal (dorn + gal)
mele rna
mle? mellgal
mellifluous milis
melodious adbannach
melodious amarach (amar)
melodious binn
melodious fonnmar
melodious luincech (luinniuc)
melodious melaid
melodiousness binne (binn)

melodiousness binnius (binn)
melody (?) drenn 3
melody dchann
melody feith 1
melody fonn
melody luinniuc
melon melbucn
melted legtha
melting (away) legad
melts (?) do-loba
melts (away) legaid
melts away dedaid I
melts berbaid (b)
melts legaid
member of a community ball (b)
member of a ferchuitred ferchuitredach
member of a fian fnnid
member of a fan fanaige
member of a troop or band (?) feidhneir
member of an inferior class in the early Irish social organizations fuidir
member of noble grade aidbden
member ige 1
member ball (a)
member mem(m)ar
members of a household minne
members mem(m)rad (< memar)
membership of a "muinter" muinteras
membership of a fan fanachas
membership of the same fine (legal) brthirse (brthair)
membranaceous britnech (britnech)
membrane of the eye inar
membrum virile ? moth (mod)
membrum virile gae
membrum virile lorg
membrum virile mem(m)ar
memorial (?) ail 1 (c)
memory mebair
men (?, CW) aindada
men of the soil fonn
men of West Munster armuna
menacing badnasach 1 (badnas)
men-at-arms lechrad (lech)
mendacious gach (g, gu)
mending again athaim (aimm 1)
mends ccaid (cc)
menial service (?) folubair (lubair)
menial dor (a)
mental capacity airmaisiu (b)
mental capacity engnae, ingnae
mental confusion merbal(l)
mental derangement falang

mental disorder esline (esln)
mental disturbance meracht (mer)
mental faculty airmaisiu (b)
mental suffering galar
mentally defective ccond
mentioning imlad
mentioning imrd
mentioning imrdud
mentioning indisin
mentioning lad (lth)
mentions (as items of a list) do-rmi (b)
mentions ad-rmi
mentions do-aithmuinedar
mentions do-rmi (c)
mentions imm-ladi
mentions imm-rdi
mentions indisid (indise)
mentions labraithir (labar)
mentions laidid (lad)
mercenary amsach 1 (amsae)
mercenary amus
mercenary banna (ban 1)
mercenary dlmainech (dlmaine)
mercenary fochrach
merchandise errad 2, irrad
merciful dlgudach (dlgud)
merciful ichtach (icht)
merciful ichtmar (icht)
merciful ichtmar (icht)
merciful-judgements icht
merciless ones (?) ainechtach (ichtach?)
merciless ain\.serc
merciless ainichtach (ainicht)
merciless ainsercach = ainserc
merciless an(d)gaid (andach 1) I
merciless trcairech (trcaire)
mercilessness trcaire
mercury bcherb (bo + cerb 1)
mercury bchim (bo + cim 1)
mercy airraim
mercy enech 1, ainech II (c)
mercy fuarrachus (fuarrech)
mercy grs
mere cuit
merely ? innamm
merely 1 acht (c)
merges (gramm.) bidid (d)
merit irilliud
merit dingbil IV
merit fochraic (d)
meriting irilliud

merits iriltnigid
merits dligid I (b)
merits do-sl
merlin meirillin
mermaid ? muirmru
mermaid murdchu
merriment antls (tls)
merry 2 girechtach (gire)
merry girithech (gire)
merry grthach (gire)
merry medarda
merry medrach
merry medraid
merry-making fastum
mesh mocol
mess (?) baidrn (a) (baidre)
mess es(s)air I (b)
message aithesc (b)
message fis 1, fius I (c)
message immarchor
messenger ara 3 (-ae) (b)
messenger echlach 1
messenger fodem
messenger gilla
metal ? min
metal aberration muirbell
metal lead laide
metal nail ingen
metal mtal
metal metal vx mital
metal mital(l)
metaphorical metaforde, metaforecde
metathesis of letters or syllables (gramm.) deilidin
methar metar
metheglin mid
methinks da 5 lim
methinks dalim
methinks dar 2 lim
method ? ? imrt
method of indicating short quantity in a vowel by accent dinin dsail
method of spear throwing forgabl (forngabl)
method indas
method int(s)liucht
metr. term gabul
metre (?) ellach 1 I (b)
metre (type of composition?) alt 1 II (c)
metre used by an oblaire poet buaiblerach (baball ?)
metre bacht
metre aiste (b)
metre metar

metri gratia lassa
metrical bond fornaidm
metrical composition 2 a
metrical composition airchetal
metrical composition lad
metrical form metardacht (metar)
metrical metarde (metar)
metropolis metrapoll
metropolitan (bishop) metrapolitan
mettlesome barbarach (b)
mettlesome daigerdae (daiger 1)
mettlesome garg
mettlesome gargda (garg)
mettlesome muirnech (muirn)
meurtriers ? losgairt
mew (of a cat)? ?miu
mid- medn
mid mid
mid- mid
mid-court midchuairt
midday (?) etarthrth
middle cut midba(e)
middle cut midmr
middle offence lai
middle part of the body medn
middle piece midmr
middle trench midchlais (-chlas?)
middle boilcsn (bolg?)
middle boillscnach (boilscn)
middle bolgn (bolg 1)
middle etermedn (medn)
middle imlecn
middle inmedn
middle inne
middle inne
middle lr
middle lr
middle medn
middle medn
middle mednach
middle medntach
middle mid
middle mid
middle mide
middle muad
middle-stroke muadal ?
middling mid
midge mltg
midnight armrge
midriff bolgn (bolg 1)
midsummer mithem

mighty (?) aindind (dind)
mighty (?) brogaide = brogach 1, brogda
mighty deeds lthach (lth)
mighty ? moaigech
mighty adbal
mighty borr
mighty bres 2
mighty brgach (brg)
mighty brogda (bruig)
mighty fornairt
mighty gusmar (gus)
mighty maige
mighty mochta
mighty mochtaide
mighty mr (mr)
migrates do-coisli
migrating household immirge, immirc(h)e
migrating tribe immirge, immirc(h)e
migrating immirge, immirc(h)e
migration allaitrebad (al 1 + aittrebad)
migration echtragad
migration ld, -d, -d
migration escomld, -d, -&(-ad
milch cow herd lacht
milch cow adech
milch cow blegnach (blegon)
milch cow deilech 2 (dela)
milch blicht 2
milch mlicht
milch-cow delech (deil s.v. dela)
milch-cow lulgach
milch-cows blichtach (blicht)
mild eyebrows ornamented his face imchumtach
mild ilgen
mild ilgenach = ilgen
mild bdach, bidech (bid)
mild bthe (b)
mild mac(c)nta
mild mlla (<mnla)
mildew in wheat (?) glasar (2 glas)
mildew milcho
mildness (?) airge 1
mildness ilgenaige (ilgenach)
mildness ilgine (ilgen)
mildness blithe (blith)
mildness mac(c)ntacht
mildness mac(c)ntas
mildness maeithe (maeth)
mile mle
military forces mltnecht
military hire bannacht (banna)

military prowess arsaidecht (c) (arsaid)
military prowess mltne (ml)
military service in a fan fanas
military service bannacht (banna)
military service irge (h) amach
military service mlte (ml)
military service mltnecht
military service mltnidecht
militia mlte (ml)
milk (?) finn 2
milk (B. na f.) flaithri (-r?)
milk -cow ? indesc
milk diluted with water englas, anglas
milk water (?) assen
milk as 1
milk blicht 1
milk fr 3
milk gert
milk lacht
milk laithre
milk lemnacht
milk loimm
milk melg
milk milc
milked inbuilg ?
milker bligre
milker bligreir, etc. = bligre
milk-giving blechtach 1 (blicht)
milk-giving blicht 2
milk-giving blichtaide (blicht 1)
Milkikin, son of Lactulus lachtmarn (lachtmar)
milkiness blechtas (blicht)
milking field ? macha (machad)
milking into? inmuilg
milking time barach 1 (b + rach)
milking yard macha (machad)
milking blegon
milking blegon
milking blicht 1
milking etrud II
milking mlicht
milking-pail (?) etrud I
milking-place (?) etrud II
milking-time etrud III
milklessness (of cows) dsce, -sca (dsc)
milk-producing linnmar (linn)
milks in from in-omblig
milks blegnaid = bligid
milks bligid
milks bluigid = bligid
milks mligid

milk-vessel mrnn
milkwort (?) 2 glinech
milky lacttmar (lacht)
milk-yielding lachtach (lacht)
mill ? mual
mill muilend
mill-construction muilleracht
millennium mle
miller bleithid 1 (bleith)
miller muilleir
milling bleith I (a)
million mars
million millin (-in)
milliugud = milliud
millstone br 1 (a)
milt (of fish) lebn
mime fuirsire
mime geocach
minced minta
mind 1 aicned
mind in(n)tinn
mind inchinn
mind inne
mind int(s)liucht
mind minne
mind menma
mind menma
mind menmanrad
-minded menmnach (manma)
mindful (of) mebrach
mindful foraithmetach (foraithmet)
mine ? muin
mine airgetlach (argat)
mine m
mine manach (man)
miner manaige
mineral min
mingling with the sun`s bright shafts idlann, idlang
minister ministir
ministeration ministrlacht
ministerial in(n)strumentech
ministering to the needs of frithilem
ministering to frestal
ministering frithiled, -lad, -elad
ministering ministrlacht
ministers to (folld. by direct obj. or prep. do) ar-fogni (a)
ministers to frestlaid (frestal)
ministers to fris-ilethar
ministrant frithiltech (frithiled, -em)
ministrator ministrlaide
minnow or sprat (?) geasn

minor (?) fer domun 2
minor (legal) ferdoman
minor festival fosollomain
minor husbandry fothrebad
minor of the freeman class 2 gairid (gairig, garaid)
minor or occasional? fodl
minor story foscl scl
minor tale foscl scl
minor whose father dies during its infancy lommn (lomm)
minor ccodnach (b)
minor ccond
minor fomac
minstrel airfitech 1 II (airfitiud)
minstrelsy airfitech 2 (airfitiud)
minstrelsy airfitiud
mint ? monad
mint ? morach
mint minta
minute menbach (menb)
minute min
minuteness mine (min)
minutiae menbach (menb)
miracle (?) finbert
miracle adamrae
miracle amrae II (b)
miracle fiurt (firt, fert)
miracle ingnad, ingnth
miracle mrbail
miraculous nature mrbaldacht
miraculous mrbailech
miraculous mrbalda (mrbail)
mire 1 grellach
mire lp
mire lpn (lp)
mire lathach
mire loth
mire millech
mire muirt
mire mr
mirth grenchas (1 grenach)
mirth grenn
mirth medar (medair)
miry gothamail
miry lpda (lp)
misbecomes amdlugaid
misbehaves btaigid (bt)
misbehaviour anord (ordd 1)
misbirth michoirthe
miscalculation ainrm (1 rm)
miscalculation imrim
miscarries (of childbrith) do-gluaisi (b)

mischance (?) dodil 2 (dl 2)
mischance an\.fochain (a) (fochonn)
mischief (?) elcae
mischief maker imchossatech (imchossat)
mischief aimles (a) (les)
mischief-making doithnge (do + tengae)
mischievous (?) elc
mischievous foglach (b) 1
misconduct (?) dulaige
misconduct? misimbert
misdeed aindliged (dliged)
misdeed bt (a)
misdeed dgnm (gnm)
misdeed dobedg (bdeg)
misdirection ain\.sol (sol)
miserable (?) amgar (a) (gar 1)
miserable (?) dobraig (dobra?)
miserable creature dreoilecn
miserable person lorn
miserable aindeisech (aindeise)
miserable an\.sdach (an\.sd)
miserable anacrach (anacra 2)
miserable delb 3
miserable docharda (dochor)
miserable imnedach (imned)
miserly lochaill
misery (?) beille
misery (?) dobra (= dogra?)
misery (CW) dochairt(e) = dochraite
misery ?miliaig
misery aindeise (aindeis)
misery an\.sd (sd 1)
misery anacra 2 (anacair)
misery annr
misery bill, bell (bille ?)
misery delbas, delmas (delb 3, delam)
misery dochor I (cor)
misery dochraite (b) (dochrait)
misery doinmige (doinmech)
misery ingra (ingar)
misery mairge
misery milin?
misery mindchecht (mindech)
misformation michorp
misfortune (?) drad (rath)
misfortune (?) dodil 2 (dl 2)
misfortune (?) lang II
misfortune (esp. of death or wounding in battle) ail 2 (c)
misfortune ?miliaig
misfortune ainfechtnaige (ainfechtnach)
misfortune ainsn (sn)

misfortune amgaire (amgar)
misfortune and (d)
misfortune anbain 1 (ain 2)
misfortune anain (uin 2) = anbain 1
misfortune bt (b)
misfortune dimba(i)d (c) (baid, bad)
misfortune dochnch (do + conch)
misfortune dochonch (conch)
misfortune dodcad (do- + tocad)
misfortune dogn (gn)
misfortune doinmige (doinmech)
misfortune don 2
misfortune donas (dona)
misfortune cconch
misfortune imforrn > ammarrn vx forrn
misfortune langa
misfortune ln
misfortune maile
misfortune mchnic?
misfortune(?) ammarthan
misguidance do\.selad (selad)
mishandles m-
mishandling folmach
mishaps ? immordaig
misleads mairnid
mismanagement amlaigecht
misnaming? immarsloinned
misplaced (?) aintchta (tchtae)
misrepresentation anfocal (focal)
misrule anflaith (a) (flaith 1)
miss (of one`s aim) imroll
misshaped ccruta (b)
misshapen amragalta
misshapen dodeilb (delb)
misshapen dodelbda (dodelb)
missing 1 arraid
misstatement gu (also go, go, g)
misstatement michorp
mist ? muad
mist 1 gal
mistake aimricht (b) (richt)
mistake imlat
mistake imracul, imracal
mistake imraichne (?imm-ro-aithne)
mistake imroll
mistake imrosc
mistake merbal(l)
mistaken erridech, erradech (errid)
mistaking merblad (<merbal)
mistress of a house, wife aithech tige (b)
mistress drithsech (drth 2)

mistress lennat
mistress maigistres
mistrustful amairsech (b) (amaires)
misty (?) detfadach, detbudach
misty dethmar
mitigates maethigid (maethaigid)
mitigating anger fot, fat
mitigation (?) airthrethad (trethad)
mitre bairrn (barr)
mixed up mesc(c)
mixed with for
mixed brechtnaigthe
mixed forcumascda
mixed mesc(c)
mixed mesctha
mixed mistum
mixes oneself (with) mescaid
mixes mescaid
mixing ? ? fomescad
mixing mescad
moaning amar (b)
moaning grifing
moat dc
mob grisc
mob grscar
mobile rmach I (rma)
mobile glaistech
mobile imm
mobility lamnaige (lamnach)
mock genaide (1 gen)
mockery (?) dulsaine
mockery 1 gn, gne
mockery 2 gnae vx 1 gn
mockery gn
mockery genaidecht (genaide)
mockery inchuitbiud
mocking fochmaid
mocking fochuitbed
mocking fonmaidech (fonmat)
mocking gnda (gn)
mocking imm, imb
mocking magad
mocks at grmaid
mocks fochmaigid
mocks fochuitbidid
mocks fo-niti vx follg
mocks magad
mode of hairdressing (?) ? frithlacht (frith-tlacht ?)
mode of life airbert biuth
mode of life airbertach (b) (airbert)
mode mod

model for imitation eisim(p)lir (a)
model angraib
model lorg
moderate persistant routine fota, fata
moderate ? mesairthe
moderate mesarda (mesar)
moderate mesraigthe
moderated mesraigthe
moderates mesraigid
moderating mesrugud
moderation mesardacht
moderation mesraigetu
moderation mesrugud
modest ail 4
modest bthe (b)
modest dna I
modest famach, fimach
modest imm
modest mac(c)nta
modest mtta
modest-minded ailmenmnach
modesty fle (a) (fal 2)
modesty imdergad
modesty innire
modish modmar (mod)
modish modmarach
moist (?) bethrach 2 (bethra 2)
moist ? mothla
moist brenach (bren 1)
moist dobrach 2 (dobur 2)
moist fliuchaide (fliuch)
moist maoi
moistening bocugad
moistening drchtugad (drcht)
moistening intursite
moisture (?) balchad
moisture ? falcecht
moisture bren 1
moisture drchtmar (drcht)
moisture fliche
moisture flichidecht, flichecht (fliuch, fliuchaide)
moisture lachtain (la)
molar (tooth) brinid (br 1)
molar brinidae
mole dalln 1 II (dall)
mole mobhal
molestation baidred (a)
molesting (?) frithardad
molesting frithorcun
molesting fachtain
molests frithardaid

molten legtha
moment of time brathad, brafad = brothad
moment articol, airtecal (e)
moment brothad (brath-)
moment mmint
momentarily fri athlad na henaire
momentary brottae (brothad)
momentum fuinnem
monarch (?) ardrach 1
monarch monarc
monastery eclais, eclas (b)
monastery locn (loc)
monastery mainister
monastic community mainche
monastic diocese fairche
monastic family mainche
monastic life ? mainchige
monastic life manchaine
monastic possession ? mainchige
monastic site locn (loc)
monastic manchaide
Monday lan
money argat (b)
money monad
money monadn
money-changer momotir
monger mangaire
monitor ? monatar
monk (perh. derogatory) bachlach 1 (c) (bachall)
monk living outside a monastery (?) esmanach
monk unattached to a community (?) esmanach
monk manach
monk manchn
monosyllabic word dalt, dealt
monosyllabic daltach, dealtach (dalt)
monster adath
monster aithech 1 (c) (aithe)
monster arracht 1 (b)
monster bast, bist
monster bldmaind
monster fath
monster il
monster michoirthe
monsters bledlochtana
monstrous allmarda (-ae) (allmuir)
monstrous arrachtach = arrachta
monstrous bledech (bled)
monstrous michuirdech
month July bidmis (bad + m)
month of march mart
month of march mrta

month mi
monthly msta
monument (?) ail 1 (c)
monument over the dead mem(m)ra
monument dindgna (b)
monument monameint
moodiness modardacht
moody modarda
moody muad
moody mcna
moon sca(e), isce
moon gelach
moon lan
moon lna
moonstone (?) lunaind
moor ? mongach
moor ? mormuir
moor bocach 2 (boc 1)
moor enach I (a) (en)
moor frech
moor min
moorish mrach
moorland frechrad (frech)
moorland mongach
moping mifrech
moral aberration dall, dell (b)
moral interpretation moril
moral perfection foirbthidecht
moral signification morlus
moral bstae (bs 1)
moral morlda (-ta) (moril)
moral morlus
moral(s) bs 1 (b)
moralist (?) bsaid (bs 1)
morality bsgnae (a) (bs 1 + gn)
morality bstatu
morality moril
morality morltacht
morality morlus
morals bstatu
morals morltacht
more (than, ar) barr 1 (j)
more and more numerous il
more beloved ansu
more numerous than il
more numerous il
more than enough of hunting furthain
more wakeful fuirechair, furachair
more il
more imforil, imfuril
moreover (?) m 1 = im 1

moreover beus (b)
moreover didiu (c)
moreover arma, armo, armu
moreover ille, illei
moreover immach > ammach
moreover immurgu
moreover immurgu
moribund (CW) bathach (bath 1)
moribund epeltnech (epeltu)
morning or evening dusk (?) duitir
morning twilight dedl
morning barach 1 (b + rach)
morning matan and maiten
morning-time matanrad
morose (?) dorchae I (d)
morose dothaim
morose gramda (graim)
moroseness mang
morsel (?) dt 2
morsel blire
morsel boim(m)
morsel greimm
morsel mr
mortal state marbdacht
mortal bsaigthech (bsaigid)
mortal bsamuil (bs)
mortal bstae (bs 1)
mortal donda (a) (don 1)
mortal marbtha
mortal morbdae
mortality marbdacht
mortality (?) duinebs (duine + bs)
mortality of horses echba (ech + ba)
mortality duineba(d) (duine + bath)
mortality marbtu
mortality martarlaic
mortality mortlaid
mortally bstaid (bstae)
mortar moirtl
mortice maisled?
mortification mairbe
mortification mla
mortified marb
mortified morgaigid
most beloved ansam
most glorious (?) dn
most guilty ln
most of airmr (mr)
most responsible (?) aurrada
mote in a sunbeam (?) derc 4

moth mltg
moth-eaten? legamnach (legam)
mother bruin(n)ech (bruinne)
mother mthair
mother`s kin mithre
mother`s tribe mithre
mother-city metrapoll
motherhood mthrathatu
mother-liquor of the dye-vat arcain (? arcin)
mothers brother amnair
motion (?) rma
motion m 2 (t)hm
motion imlat
motion lagal
motion lamain (lui/d)
motion lth
motive damnae III, domnae
motive fth (a)
mound dindgna (a)
mound duma 1, dumae (a)
mound dumach (a) (duma 1)
mound fert 1, fertae
mound forad (-od, -ud)
mount mta
mountain (?) logan
mountain pass bernas (bern)
mountain pass gin
mountain ridge ais 1
mountain sage ibar > iubar, iobar
mountain territory ath
mountain agruin
mountain benn (a)
mountain bliad
mountain moned (monad)
mountain? ? moin
mountain-like sheets (of foam) mullscid
mountainous land drainn (rann)
mountebank fuirsire
mountebank geocach
mounting irge (c)
mounts upwards irgid (c)
mounts for-dring
mounts fris-caib
mounts mta
mourner gubthach (guba)
mournful ? gubadach (guba)
mournful dogar (gar 1?)
mournful doilgesach (doilgius)
mournful dubach 1 (dubae)
mournful muichnech (much-)
mourning for mairg (mairc)

mourning doilgius (a) (doilig)
mourning dubaige 2 (dubach 1)
mourning elchaire (b)
mourning guba
mourning mairgtenach
mourning mifrech
mourns mairgid
mouse ? mir (? mr)
mouse luch
mouse luipist
mouth (?) dd
mouth (of rivers) bun 1
mouth of cavity bl II (a)
mouth 2
mouth bl I (a)
mouth bl I (b)
mouth bil 5
mouth gin
mouth gulba
mouth mn
mouth? dant II
mouthful bolgum
mouthful loimm
mouthful mr
mouthing blastarnach (blas)
movable etarscarthach
movable glasachtach (gluasacht)
move in a game bert 1 III (b) (beirid)
move in a game bertn (bert)
move bann 1 (a)
movement (?) rma
movement (?) fball 1
movement bann 1 (a)
movement imlad
movement in(d)scuchud
movement lagal
movement lamain (lui/d)
movements foscugud (vn. of fo-scuichi)
moves (emotionally) brosnaigid = brosnaid
moves (intrans. and trans.) aithrigid (a)
moves (intrans.) bocaid II (boc 1)
moves (trans.) bocaid I (b) (boc 1)
moves (trans.) do-gluaisi (a)
moves across laidid (lad)
moves around imchimnigid
moves away (?) as-scuichi
moves away from druitid (d) (drut)
moves away fo-scuichi
moves close (to) druitid (b) (drut)
moves forward mrogaid
moves forward mrogaid

moves oneself about imm-beir
moves quickly (?) do-bidci (d)
moves rapidly lamnaigid (lamain)
moves ? for-ladi
moves do-foscaig
moves do-scuich
moves fo-glaisi I (trans)
moves fonnaid vx fonnad
moves glasid
moves glasid
moves imm-beir
moves imm-ladi
moves imm-si
moves in(d)scuchaid, in(d)scuichid
moves laid vx lui/d
moves laidid (lad)
moves laiscid (lasc)
moves lui/d
moving (against) limm
moving (rapidly) limm
moving (towards a point) foram, -aim, -om(o)
moving about ? imbert
moving about aistriugad
moving about imlad
moving about imladail, imlaidil
moving about immarchor
moving about immirge, immirc(h)e
moving against frithselad
moving and interchanging imchlechld, imchlechmd,
moving body of men immirge, immirc(h)e
moving erratically folaimnech (folamain)
moving rapidly folaimnech (folamain)
moving rapidly fonnad
moving sail formna ?
moving to and fro m 2 (t)hm
moving to and fro folamain (abstr. of fo-lu) vx fulumain,
moving to and fro forlaimnech (forlamain)
moving aistriugad
moving athrugad
moving dulach (dul 1)
moving escrad
moving ethamain
moving fball 1
moving foglasacht
moving glaistech
moving glasacht
moving imlat
moving imlad
moving imlad

moving imthechtach (imthecht)
moving indsorgun
moving inglaised
moving lad (lth)
moving lagaillech (lagal)
moving laidrn (lad)
moving lamain (lui/d)
moving lamnach, laimnech (lamain)
moving lth
mows failligid 1
much adorned il
much clamour il
much decoration il
much delay il
much given to abuse imlat
much given to complaining il
much greater mr (mr)
much inlay il
much joy il
much lending il
much merrymaking il
much rejoicing il
much shaming have I got on account of thee imdergad
much variegated il
much variegated il
much wealth il
much il
mud dib
mud lp
mud loth
muddies (of water) baidrid (b) (baidre)
muddled mesc(c)
muddle-headed person meraige (mer)
muddle-headedness? mer
muddy (of water etc.) badarthae (b)
muddy pool lathrach
muffler muifld
muiri-chief muire
mirid vx mraid
mulberry mr
mulct (legal) ric, raic (c)
mulct dchubus (cubus)
mulct dre (b)
mulct midbad (-ba, -baid, -botha)
mulcts in-omblig
mule mille
mule ml
multiplicity ? immadus (?immad)
multiplicity of persons il
multiplicity ilar
multiplicity ilardae (ilar)

multiplicity ilardatu (ilardae)
multiplicity ildatu (ildae)
multiplicity ilrugud
multiplicity lnmaire (lnmar)
multiplies (?) do-im(m)daig- (imbed)
multiplies emnaid 1 (b) (emon 1)
multiplies for-lna
multiplies ilaigidir
multiplies imchlannaigid
multiplies imdaigid(ir) (imdae)
multiplies imdaigid(ir) (imdae)
multiplies imdaigid(ir) (imdae)
multiplying ilrugud
multiplying ilugud
multiplying imdugud
multitude (?) ellabair
multitude (of people or objects) br 1 (b)
multitude il
multitude ilar
multitude immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
multitude ler
multitude lerdacht (lerda)
multitude ln
multitudes ilar
multitudinous dlach II
multitudinous immadamail (immad, vx imbed)
multitudinous ler
multitudinous lerda
multos imbed, imbad
mundane domundae (domun 1)
munificence (?) fonach (diunach, tonach)
munificence fairsinge (b)
munificence flaithemlacht (flaithemail)
munificence mandnmidetu
munificent derlaicthech (derlacad)
munificent dasach (das 1)
munificent flaithemail (flaithem)
Munster`s points and borders imbel?
Munsterman muimnech (mumu)
Munsterwoman muimnech (mumu)
murder duinorcun (duine + orcun)
murder dunmarbad = duinemarbad
murderer duinorcnid (duinorcun)
murderer dunmarbthach (dunmarbad)
murderer dnmarbthir (dunmarbad)
murderer marbthir
murderous forramanda
murders dunmarbaid
murders chtaigid
murex fish murach
murky modarda

murmur aithscs (scs)
murmur godra
murmuring against cndach II
murmuring acallmach
murmuring fochnet (cnet)
murmuring fodord
murmuring monmar (monbar)
murmuring murmur
murmurous (of speech) balb (a)
murmurs fo-labrathar
murrain (?) milliud (milled)
murrain bbath (b + bath 1)
muscle muscuil
music airfitech 2 (airfitiud)
music airfitiud
music ms
music misic (-a, -e)
musical instrument 1 adb
musical instrument 2 adba
musical pause diapsalma
musical pipe fetn (b)
musical sound asnad
musical sound esnad 1
musical stringed instrument (reback or fiddle?) fidil
musical airfitech 1 I (airfitiud)
musical misecda
music-haunted il
musician airfitech 1 II (airfitiud)
musician airfitid (airfitiud)
musicians play (with subj. meaning) ar-peiti
musket muscaet (muscaid)
mustard mustard (musdard)
muster irge (h) amach
Muster mrdl (-dil)
mustering mrad
musters (army) do-inla
musters mraid (mr)
mute wonder maen
mute amlabar (labar)
mute mt
mutilates gerraid (gerr)
muttering (?) dordnach 2 (dordn)
muttering fodord
muttering godra
mutters fo-labrathar
mutual aid imchongnam
mutual aknowledgment immaititiu
mutual alliteration imm-aimm
mutual answering imfrecrae
mutual assault imrachtain
mutual assistance imfortacht

mutual attack imgress
mutual attack imrubad
mutual beating imlssad
mutual blushing imruided
mutual breaking ? imruth
mutual casting imdburcud, imdbracad
mutual cheating imdiupart
mutual choice imthoga, imthuccu
mutual claim immaithbert
mutual clashing imscemgail
mutual combativeness immairgnechus
mutual compassion immairchissecht
mutual compelling etarturtugud
mutual compensation immaisec
mutual complaint imchined
mutual conflict imgleten
mutual conflict imrac
mutual consent imthoga, imthuccu
mutual contending imsergan > imsergnad
mutual converse immacaldam, immacaldaim
mutual correspondence imm-aimm
mutual craft immamainse
mutual crushing imsergan > imsergnad
mutual cutting imslaide
mutual defrauding imdiupart
mutual denial imsna
mutual destruction immesorcon
mutual division imfodail
mutual dragging imtharraing, imtharrang
mutual election imthoga, imthuccu
mutual enmity imfch
mutual envy imthnth
mutual feud imfch
mutual fight imglo
mutual fighting ? imthrot
mutual fighting imtharcon
mutual fitness ? imchomadas
mutual following up of imfoilm
mutual forfeiture imdlse
mutual forgiveness imdlgud
mutual freedom from liability imdlse
mutual gazing (upon) imsilled, imsellad
mutual giving of information imfaisnis
mutual grazing i.e. the right of co-tenants to graze over each other`s lands after the enclosures
were taken down? imgleth
mutual grinding imchommailt
mutual hacking imslaide
mutual hewing imthrastad
mutual jealously imformat
mutual killing imruba(e)
mutual listening immstecht

mutual love imserc
mutual measuring together imchommus
mutual onslaught imracad
mutual parting imscar
mutual pleading immaithbe
mutual pleading imthacra
mutual pledge attends to it imgellad
mutual pledge imgellad
mutual pounding imtharcon
mutual pride immall
mutual promise imgellad
mutual protection ? imdn
mutual pulling imtharraing, imtharrang
mutual reckoning immirem, immairm
mutual redding imruided
mutual regarding imfgad
mutual relation of districts? ? imchrch
mutual rending imsrengal
mutual reproach immaithber
mutual reproach immaithbert
mutual restitution ? immathchor
mutual restitution immaisec
mutual restitution immaithbert
mutual restoration of inter-territoriality ? imchrch
mutual reviling imchined
mutual rivalry imchomairb
mutual separation by choice imscar
mutual separation caused by the disqualification of both parties imscar
mutual separation imscarad
mutual sharpness immamainse
mutual slaughter imslaide
mutual slaying immarbad
mutual smiting together ? imchombalad
mutual smiting ? imchomairt
mutual smiting imbalad
mutual smiting immesorcon
mutual smiting imslige
mutual smiting imthrastad
mutual smiting imthaircnech (imtharcon)
mutual striking down imtharcon
mutual striking immarslaide
mutual stripping imdrech
mutual tearing imsrengal
mutual thrusting with spears at a distance imrubad
mutual thrusting imsdud
mutual vengeance imdgal
mutual violence imforrn > ammarrn vx forrn
mutual wounding imruba(e)
mutually attacks imm-oirg
mutually causing liability to a fine immaclaide, immaclaid
mutually cleaving imthescad

mutually cutting imthescad
mutually forfeited imdles
mutually returning imchlechld, imchlechmd,
mutually reviling imchined
mutually staying immanad
mutually immairiltnigid
mutually immanetar, immenetar
mutually leth
muzzle or snout (of an animal) glomar
muzzle fstrach
muzzle gop
my being treated shabbily ledbach (ledb)
my restoration to my fatherland or my burial idnacul
my spirit swooned away imbdud
my sustenance at night fulang
my two dam vx adam
my wish is to be in bonds id
my ? muin
myriad mars
myrrh birr = mirr
myrrh mirr
myrrh morail
myrtle-shrub? mirte
myself m
mysterious damair 1 I
mystery ? m-
mystery damair 1 II (a)
mystery damracht (damra)
mystery dolb
mystery dorchae II (b)
mystery inchlide, inchl(e)ithe
mystery mistir(e)
mystic lore (?) fithchall
mystic damair 1 I
mystical meaning anagoig
mystical fithchallach (fithchall)
mystical mistemail
mystical mistigthe
mythological cowherd Boirche

nag 1 gerrn gerr
nag? meile
nags meile
nail (of a finger or toe) ingen
nail cl (a)
nail delg (c)
nails barraid 1, bairrid ar (barr 1)
naked (?) folomm
naked in front (?) airnocht (nocht 2)

naked person lomnochtn (lomnocht)
naked dtaig (tach)
naked fornocht
naked lochairthe, -artha, -arda?
naked lomm
naked lomnocht, -nacht
nakedness airnochta (airnocht)
nakedness denocht (b) (d 2 + nocht)
nakedness fle (b) (fal 2)
nakedness imnochtae (imnocht)
nam fortrmach
name for a bell with its voice ath
name for Augustines Commentary on the Psalter decaid
name for the Ogham letter m midiu
name for the vine midiu
name given to "mac fuirmid" muc(c)airbe
name given to (part of?) the ninth years course in the training of a fili fochairich
name given to a cat ach
name given to a group of ogham diphthongs imdruim
name given to second lowest grade of life muc(c)airbe
name imposed fuirmithe vx fuirmiud
name of a ?hill in N.Ireland Mithe (?Meithe)
name of a bad quality in a horse docerrdach
name of a bell 2 glasn (2 glas)
name of a berry mr
name of a bird (?) gocn (gocan ?) xxx
name of a bird 2 gabln
name of a bird besan
name of a board game laingmr
name of a boardgame (associated with fidchell and banfach) brandub
name of a book by Bede? berba
name of a bull Grogin
name of a cat breoinne
name of a cattle murrain maelgarb
name of a class of metre anamain 1
name of a class of verse dan 4
name of a class of women of diminished legal standing batsech (beth)
name of a defect in prosody maes
name of a defect in style? maes
name of a defect cortige
name of a disease of horses sinews cordus
name of a disease of horses deilgnech 2
name of a disease of horses fothach
name of a disease of pigs doach
name of a disease of the eyes cailcn
name of a disease alsites
name of a disease baccach II (b) (bacc 1)
name of a disease maes
name of a disease? ? iubar
name of a division of land calle
name of a drinking horn Litan

name of a drinking-horn angalach angal
name of a famous Firbolg warrior tribe of Irros Domnand gamanrad
name of a feat (underblow) fobim(m)
name of a fish bratn (brat 1)
name of a fountain Banann (b) (ban 1 + finn 1 ?)
name of a game bucluaisc (boc 2 ? + lasc)
name of a goddess (expld. as nurse of warriors) Banann (a) (ban 1 + finn 1 ?)
name of a goddess Ana
name of a goddess badb
name of a halidon msach
name of a herb (chickweed?) flid (flich)
name of a herb frangcn
name of a herb frangcn
name of a joint of meat milgetan (-gitan)
name of a kind of (small) boat bircn
name of a kind of bag corrbolg (corr 1 or 2 + bolg)
name of a kind of barley? midbach
name of a kind of fool boibre
name of a kind of fool boicmell (boc 1 or 2 + mell)
name of a kind of music coblach 2
name of a kind of satire aithirne
name of a kind of ship cnaturbarc, -long
name of a kind of stanza fordan
name of a kind of syllabic verse briling = brilingecht
name of a kind of tonsure imspeilp, imspelp
name of a kind of wool ceinticul
name of a lake daball, doball
name of a measure ? mudorn
name of a measure of land cartn
name of a measure of length (acc. to glossators the fist with thumb extended) airtem
name of a measure or vessel for liquids buign (buide 3)
name of a measure ? 2 glasach
name of a medicinal plant midaige
name of a member of a poetic grade, equated with the cana ballorb (ball + orbb)
name of a metre (fragmentary b.) blogbairdne (blog + bairdne)
name of a metre deibide n-airenn
name of a metre draignech (b) (draigen)
name of a metre dulsa(da)
name of a metre eochraid
name of a metre freslige
name of a metre mimasc
name of a metrical fault dluisnda
name of a monastic office (= ?) derdis
name of a monastic office (erenagh) airchinnech (airchinn?)
name of a pigment bresal 2
name of a place in N.Ireland Mithe (?Meithe)
name of a plant (dittany?) elitronta
name of a plant (with, Meyer Contribb. p. xviii) aucha
name of a plant producing rennet, appar. used to prepare dye binit (b)
name of a plant airenach (e)
name of a plant athrathaid luaid

name of a plant birragn
name of a plant brogaire
name of a plant caegma
name of a plant celach (d) (cel)
name of a plant cartlann
name of a plant dithen
name of a plant dubn 3
name of a plant eimer 2
name of a plant fochlocan
name of a plant madrogen
name of a plant magarln
name of a plant meillisa
name of a plant milbocn
name of a plant milgaibrin (?mil gaibrin)
name of a plant milmecn
name of a plant minbach vx minmach
name of a plant minmach
name of a plant mudomn (mug-)
name of a plant murdraigen
name of a plant: arthemisia bathfalln (baball ?)
name of a plant: rag-weed bathfalln (baball ?)
name of a plant? finnche
name of a poetic grade drisiucn = drisiuc 1
name of a portion of meat milgetan (-gitan)
name of a portion or joint of a cooked animal airchrachait (crachait)
name of a prayer or charm echtrach
name of a pre Goidelic tribe of N. Leinster Gailioin (Gaileoin, Gailiain)
name of a precious stone (chelonites (?)) celen
name of a precious stone antistus
name of a precious stone cerannus
name of a preternatural being haunting the field of battle bnnach (bnn)
name of a radical defect (galar bunaid) in vessels dluigisige
name of a relic msach
name of a river Dael
name of a sea-animal or monster corrcenn
name of a shrine or gospel-case domnach (c)
name of a small bird minntn (menn-)
name of a social institution acc. to which a member of the noble grades had the right to bring a
party with him on a nights coshering visit to each of his servile clients. ce (a)
name of a spear Aithinis
name of a species of dian midthromm (mid)
name of a species of Ogham in which the name of each char. was shifted to the follg. char.
dupartach (c) (dupart)
name of a tree (?) fithrech (b)
name of a tree (aspen?) elenn
name of a type of legal compensation dburdud
name of a type of satire ail 2 (b)
name of a unit of value cumal 1 (b)
name of a war-engine muc(c)
name of a water-plant birar
name of a weapon gol-geth vx gol

name of a weed mael
name of a well dabar
name of an ailment in cattle bedgach 2 (a) (bedg)
name of an ailment of the hair cutum
name of an ancient Irish warrior goddess Morrgan and Morrgu
name of an animal carmac
name of an animal doan
name of an animal malla
name of an early Irish land-measure fertach 1
name of an early Irish land-measure forrach
name of an edible aquatic plant fochlocht (fothlacht)
name of an edible aquatic plant fochluc 2
name of an edible herb melle (mell?)
name of an indisposition to which knock-kneed persons are liable diuthach
name of an inferior type of food aircheln (celn)
name of an ointment arrton
name of ancestor of Ml, builder of B.s Tower Bre(o)gan
name of cattle-disease mael
name of Ciarns bell bardn (bard?)
name of C Chulainn`s shield fuban
name of C Chulainns feats ba 1 braisse
name of C Chulainns sword craidn (craid)
name of disease in cattle dubar
name of disease of live-stock comalne (b)
name of disease of the eyes lipa
name of Finn`s horn Grucn
name of fungus bocn 2 (ab) (boc 2)
name of goddess and saint Brigit
name of group in early three-fold division of the fine (derbfne, arfine, indfne) arfine
name of Ireland fl 5 (b)
name of joint of meat midmr
name of kind of metre anair 1
name of kind of pig (young(?)) cis 1
name of Mercurys wand cadruca
name of Mlid from whom the Milesians derived their name 2 Galam Golam
name of monster or plague ? gerrghar
name of noble next in rank to king nrad (b)
name of ogam sign (letter n) for the doubling of a consonant airnin (nin 1)
name of one of C Chulainn`s feats foram, -aim, -om(o)
name of pagan festival celebrated on the first day of Spring imbolc, imelc
name of part of a harp carr 2 (b)
name of part of a mill cup
name of Patricks bell Bethechan
name of Patricks credence case dergderc (derg + derc 1 or 2)
name of plant or fungus (puff-ball?) bolg(n) belche, bolg(n) belce
name of plant producing rennet, appar. used to prepare dye bintn (b) (binit)
name of plant millsn (<milis?)
name of poetic grade drisbard = drisiuc
name of poetic grade, a dorbard of the third degree drisiuc 1
name of portion of meat midmr
name of principal piece in some boardgame(s) brann (bran 1)

name of rhyme 2 aiccill
name of some (juvenile?) sickness? ? mac(c)rad (-aid)
name of some bird (?) 1 geilt
name of some disease? moirtn
name of some edible plant medbn
name of some kind of sickness congalar (com + galar)
name of some kind of tree (?) allbog
name of some part of a door (door-post?) airchaill
name of some part of a sledge-hammer (?) dimosc
name of some part(s) of a door or entrance b 2
name of some relic, prob. a crozier caimmn (camm)
name of some sea-mammal or fish cerndubn (a) (cern 1 ? + dubn 4)
name of some silken material ciric = siric
name of some twining plant fithle
name of some type of drinking vessel baglenn
name of some type of literary composition airbe 2
name of the case governed by the prep. co (gramm.) ascnam (d)
name of the closest form of association between lord and unfree client ctgallnae (ct- 1 +
name of the commonest Irish metre deibide
name of the diphthong io in the Ogham alphabet iphn, ifn
name of the fourth vowel of the ogam alphabet (i.e. e) edad
name of the hall of the Ulster warriors at Emain Macha. Crebrad (creb + rad)
name of the Irish sea god manannn
name of the letter `g` in Ogham 2 gort
name of the letter a in the ogham alphabet ailm (b)
name of the ogam symbol for e before a broad consonant bad (c)
name of the stone at Temair (Tara) fl 5 (a)
name of the third grade (in ascending order) of students of ecna or wisdom fursaintid
name of type of concubine airech 2
name ainmm (a)
name comainm (a) (ainmm)
name gairm
namely immar
names from as-beir
names 1 gledid (1gled)
names 3 gairid
names ainmmnigidir (ainmm)
names bait(h)sid, baistid (c) (baithis)
names com\.sloinnid (slondaid)
names do-gair II
names gairmid (gairm)
namesake comainm (c) (ainmm)
naming together comainmniugud (comainm)
naming ainmmnigud
naming bait(h)sed, baisted (b)
naming for
naming gairm
nap of cloth l, le
nape (of the neck) cich 2 (coich?)
narration (GHOST) cuad 2

narration airisiu (a)
narration airmnecht
narration aisnis (a)
narration leine (?--)
narrative airmnecht
narrator airisech (airisiu)
narrator aisndedid
narrator aisnitech
narrow around ? imchel
narrow expanse of sea muincend
narrow part of bodies cel II (d)
narrow part of things cel II (d)
narrow part muinl (muin)
narrow passage belach a bel
narrow side of a rectangle, head, end airchinn (cenn)
narrow space cumgae (a) (cumung)
narrow way or passage enach I (b) (en)
narrow 2 accmacc
narrow accras
narrow cel I
narrow cel II (e)
narrow cres 1
narrow cac
narrow cumgach 1 = cumung
narrow cumung
narrowing cumgugad
narrow-mindedness cale (cel)
narrowness cres 1
narrowness cumgach 2 (cumung)
narrowness cumgacht = cumgae
narrowness cumgae (a) (cumung)
narrowness cumgrach (cumung)
narrowness imchumang
narrowness imchumge (imchumang)
narrows celas = cel II (e)
nas folt (falt)
nation cenl (a)
national-etymology Maine
native (?) duthach
native country dthcha(e) (b) (dthaig)
native district domun 1 II
native district dthaig II (b)
native freeman has judgement and proof as against the foreigner imdnam
native freeman aurrae (a)
native land atharda II (athair)
native land dthaig II (b)
native land dthchas (d) (dthaig)
native law aurradus (a) (aurrae)
native of England galldach (gallda)
native of Hy Many mainech
native of Lombardy Lumbardach (Lumbaird)

native of the Burren (Co. Clare) Boirnech (bairenn)
native place d (c)
native place dthchas (d) (dthaig)
native to (of instincts, qualities, etc.) dal 1 (b)
native be, buae
native bunad (e) (bun 1)
native cinedach 1 (ciniud)
native cineolta (a) (cenl)
native dal 1 (a)
native dthaig I (b)
native dthchas (g) (dthaig)
native frnaide
natural (?) atbai
natural bias dthchas (f) (dthaig)
natural fence (?) fidrubae
natural good feeling icht
natural quality dslidecht = dsle
natural right dthcha(e) (a) (dthaig)
natural science fisicecht (fisice)
natural tendency dthchas (f) (dthaig)
natural to (of instincts, qualities, etc.) dal 1 (b)
natural to dthaig I (c)
natural aicnetae
natural comdthaig (dthaig)
natural deithbir 1 I
natural dla
natural ath
natural mit, mt
nature 1 aicned
nature 1 gus
nature cilidecht (cil 1)
nature dliged I (f)
nature dal 1 (f)
nature folud (> fola)
nature indas
nature inne
nature min
nature manach (man)
nature? mintecht
nauseous domblas II (do + mlas, blas)
nautical longda (long)
naval expedition loinges (long)
naval expedition muiriucht
nave crb
navel imlecn
navel imliu, imbliu
navigates imm-r
navigating lamairecht (lamaire)
navigation maraidecht
navigation muiridecht
navigator maraide

nay acc
nay ate
nay n c
neap-tide contracht
near (of place or time) 1 gar
near by coimimellach (immellach)
near to i com(\.f)ocus (do) (ocus 1)
near touches on her fuirmiud, -med
near br 4
near cenntarach (cenntar)
near com(\.f)ocus I (ocus 1)
near com\.fochraib (b)
near comgarach (comgar)
near fochrab 1 I
near focus
near fota, fata
near i com\.fochraib (a)
near i comgaire (gaire 1)
near i fail 2 (b) (+ gen.)
near i fochair 2
near i ndil 2 I (b)
near ingar
nearest comnesa
nearest comnesam (a) = comnesa
nearly emid
nearly? menid
nearness (in a hostile sense) 1 gaire (gar)
nearness (of time or space) 1 gaire (gar)
nearness aicce
nearness com(\.f)oicse (oicse)
nearness comgaire (gaire 1)
nearness comgar II (a) (gar)
nearness fochrab 1 II
nearness fochrabe (a)
nearness foicse
nearness foicserad (foicse)
nearness imm
neat dess (d)
neath the fierceness of Ireland`s ruin imbdud
neccessaries and support are supplied by itself imfolang, imfulang
neccessity aidilccne (a)
necessary thing adlaic
necessary deithbirsech (deithbires 1)
necessary dr 1 (c)
necessary icen (a)
necessity screening the shepherds imdtiu
necessity which calls for a certain action deithbires 1 (deithbir 1)
necessity adlaic
necessity deithbire 1 (deithbir 1)
necessity icen (a)
necessity icentas I

necessity icentatu
neck (of a spear, harp) brga 1 I (b)
neck ? gund
neck bacat
neck brga 1 I (a)
neck coll 3
neck cl (a)
neck muin
neck muinl (muin)
neck muinl (muin)
neckband basc 2
neck-cloth faman, famain
necked muin
necklet allsmand
necklet basc 2
necklet muince (muin)
neck-piece (of armour) coilr 1
necromancy dabolacdacht (dabolacdae)
need (? dthad 2
need aidilccne (a)
need aidilccne (b)
need aidilccnige = aidilccne (b)
need bochtaine (bocht 1)
need icen (d)
need icen (d)
need icentas I
need gd
needful adlaic
needing correction cronaigthi
needing to go dulta
needing to tremble corraigthe
needle (?) fraig
needlewoman druinech (druine 2)
needle-work (?) feis 3
needlework 1 grs
needlework druinechas (druinech)
needs 2 arraid (arar)
needs aidilccnigidir
needy person aidilccnech (b)
needy 1 gand
needy aidilccnech (a)
needy aidliccen
needy dthech 2 (dth)
needy doithcech (do + toicthech)
needy dommae 1
needy esbadach, -aidech (d) (esbaid)
negative diltadach (c) (diltad)
negative diltaigthech (diltaigid)
neglect (?) linad
neglect in guarding a captive imchomt
neglect to comply with legal customs or duties (legal) ld, -d, -d

neglect ilsed
neglect ailsine = ilsed
neglect islis
neglect faill 1 (a)
neglect faillth
neglect follach, falloch (faill)
neglected thing faill 1 (a)
neglectful ilsedach (ilsed)
neglectful dchlech (dchell 1?)
neglecting (a person) follaigid, failligid (follach, faill)
neglecting dchell 1
neglecting dchellad (dchell 1)
neglecting follugud, failligud (-echad)
neglecting licad
neglecting licen
neglects (?) do-callathar
neglects (?, CW) dofollaiger
neglects to comply with lobaid
neglects ilsedaid, ilsid (ilsed)
neglects do-beir islis
neglects do-sn 1 (?)
neglects follaigid, failligid (follach, faill)
neglects licid i n- islis
neglects licaid
negligence (legal, cf. Comments) aircsiu
negligence in complying with (laws etc) lobad
negligence ilsed
negligence ailsine = ilsed
negligence aimlire (lire)
negligence anfochell (fochell 1)
negligence anft (ft 2)
negligence dchell 1
negligence faill 1 (a)
negligence faille (faill 1)
negligence faillige
negligence mainnecht
negligence mainnechtaige
negligence mainnechtna
negligent ilsedach (ilsed)
negligent isledach
negligent isles(s)ach
negligent failligthech
negligent faillthech
negligent follach, falloch (faill)
negligent laiste
negligent mainnechtnach
neighbour (in N.T. sense) cile (e)
neighbour caidrebach (coitreb)
neighbour com(\.f)ocus II (b) (ocus 1)
neighbour com\.fochraib (b)
neighbour comaithche (comaithech)

neighbour comaithe
neighbour comaithech II (a) (comaithe)
neighbour comarsa (a) (airsa)
neighbour comcaid (comcc)
neighbour comnesam (b)
neighbour/friend (?) com\.schna (sthchin)
neighbourhood relationship comaithches (a) (comaithech)
neighbourhood comaithches (b) (comaithech)
neighbourhood comarsa (b) (airsa)
neighbourhood comarsanacht (a) (comarsa)
neighbourhood imfoicse
neighbourhood imm
neighbouring territory coicrch (com + crch)
neighbouring coicrchthae (coicrch)
neighbouring com(\.f)ocus I (ocus 1)
neighbouring imm
neighbourliness comarsanacht (b) (comarsa)
neighbourly relations comaithches (b) (comaithech)
neighbourly comgairsech
neighbours (?, CW) comchomarsnacht (comarsanacht)
neighbours com(\.f)ocus II (b) (ocus 1)
neighbours com\.fochraib (b)
neighbourship comaithches (b) (comaithech)
nerve (CW) colmmne (colum 2)
nervous excitement (?) giglechus (gigil)
nervous excitement gigil
nervous aireclach (eclach)
nervous ftmar
nestling es(s)n, -ne, -ne
nestling gerrcach
net (?) engach 5
nether millstone indein
network lnrad
network mocol
neuter (i.e. gelded) pigs demuca
neuter substantive deime 2
neuter deime 2
neuter dbe (d + be)
neutral-tinted 2 glas
never (with neg. vb.) caidchi (b)
never a cow would graze a bit more than another imforil, imfuril
nevertheless 3 a
nevertheless acht amin
nevertheless ar apa 1
nevertheless beus (c)
nevertheless callic (a)
nevertheless cammaiph (camm 1 + ob)
nevertheless cid ed
nevertheless, however ar apa 1
new covenant athchundrad (cundrad)
new foliage athchlm (clm)

new hound athch (c)
new mate aithchile (cile)
New milk lemnacht
new ollamh athollam (ollam)
new? meoinne
newness athnadaige
news aithesc (b)
news clothbad (cloth)
news imthecht
newsless dsceil (scl)
newt airc luachra
next request (?, CW) athglr (glr)
next time ct\.fecht (ct- 1 + fecht)
next to fri
next to fri
next comnesa
next comnesam (a) = comnesa
nexus ennaidm
nibbles fo-teinn
nibbling gulbniugad (gulba)
nice cel I
nickname of Brian Broimhe Birmech (braime)
nickname forainm
niggard lompuisnech
niggardliness cailte (calad)
niggardliness cesacht (a)
niggardliness cruinne (c) (cruinn)
niggardliness crunnacht (cruinn)
niggardliness dochell (call?)
niggardliness dochle (dochell)
niggardliness dochta 1 (docht)
niggardliness dothchernas (dothchern)
niggardliness dothchernsa = dothchernas
niggardliness lochaillecht (lochaill)
niggardly cailtech (cailte)
niggardly cesachtach (cesacht)
niggardly dbech (dbe 1)
niggardly dbidach = dbech
niggardly dochlech (dochle)
niggardly docht (b)
niggardly dochta 3 = docht
niggardly dothchern(a) (tigern, tigerna)
niggardly lochaill
night 1 adaig
night b 3
nightfall d\.sorche (sorchae)
nights lodging aidchecht (adaig)
nimble athlom
nimble cliste
nimble daith 1
nimble duibel(l)

nimble lthmar (lth)
nimbleness braise (a) (bras)
nimbleness daithe 1 (daith 1)
nimbleness daithius (daith 1)
njuring grsad grs vn. of grsaid
no fruits can be seen on the hill, an attack of decline destroying them imdedail
no one would dare by abusive speaking imchined
no paltry favour icht
no soft hearted coward mathmuine
no warrior was greater il
no acc
nobility airdircus (airdirc)
nobility airechtas (b) (airecht 1)
nobility ardae, airde (d) (ard 1)
nobility foraislidetu
noble (?) dinmech 2 (dnum)
noble (?) diruais 1
noble (?) donn 2 II
noble (?) forclid
noble (?) gorm
noble (of persons) fal 1 (b)
noble (of rank or superior quality) ard 1 I (f)
noble (poet.) donn 2 I
noble in the hope of eternity chtarach (chtar)
noble stock fuilech (fuil)
noble ? gart
noble 1 acrad
noble 1 gartach (1 gart)
noble 2 grta (grd)
noble 2 gaire
noble aife 2 (?)
noble aire 3
noble airech 1
noble airechtae (airecht 1?)
noble airramanta
noble all 4
noble arg 2 I
noble cem 1 II (b)
noble cemach (cem 1)
noble cid 1
noble cimmennach, cimnech (cim)
noble conchar (c + car)
noble dag- 1
noble dattae I
noble elg 2
noble r 1
noble imm
noble imm
noble irn ?
noble ml
noble madach

noble modmarach
noble muad
noble-natured (?) falmar (fal 1)
nocturnal aidchide
nocturnal? religious observance figell
nocturns armrge
noise (?) brasc = brosc ?
noise (in med. texts) dscairnech, -cernech
noise (of water) esgal
noise ... in swallowing blasmarnach = blastarnach
noise of chariot culgaire
noise of clashing bimnech 2 (-mmn-) (bim)
noise of revelry gredan
noise of striking bimnech 2 (-mmn-) (bim)
noise 2 glr (glr) vx glir
noise blosc 1
noise breisim (a)
noise breisimnech (breisim)
noise br 2
noise broscur (a) (brosc)
noise bir(f)edach 2 (biriud, birfid)
noise cobordon
noise donl (do + nall)
noise dursan 1
noise fngal
noise faimm, famm
noise gadn
noise gairmnech (gairm)
noise glaim vx gloimm
noise glaimnech
noise glamm vx gloimm
noise gloimm
noise grafand
noise-feat faimm, famm
noisy (?) bruignech 2 (bruiden 1 or 2 ?)
noisy (?) engach 1
noisy (of sea in storm) cainntech (cainnt)
noisy 1 girech (gir)
noisy 1 girechtach (gir ?)
noisy 2 gledach
noisy 2 glarda (2 glr ?)
noisy 2 achtach (acht)
noisy airlabarthaech (airlabrae)
noisy beoltn (bl)
noisy bir(f)edach 1 (biriud, birfid)
noisy cathaisech (cathais)
noisy coicetlach (coicetal)
noisy coicetlach (coicetal)
noisy congirech (a) (congir)
noisy fograch
noisy glegrach

noisy glrach (2 glr)
noisy gothach (guth)
noisy labarthach (labrad)
noisy mongarach
nomadic herd of cattle ceraigecht (b) (cera)
nominal (gramm.) ainmmde (ainmm)
nominative case (gramm.) ainmmnid (ainmm)
nominative case ainmmnigud
nominative plural ilar
non- an- (a)
nonage ccodnaigetu (ccodnaige)
non-arable land ainetham (2 etham)
non-bissextile year ? fuirbisech, -bisext vx bisech
non-cause anfth (fth 2)
NONCE (?) drbor
NONCE (?, CW) comeirnid
NONCE (?, CW) con 2
NONCE aithchsaige (csaige)
NONCE amfos (foss 1)
NONCE ba 2
NONCE cbail
NONCE cinend
NONCE corb
NONCE? ar-laidi
NONCE? cnois
NONCE? comail
NONCE? conna
non-Christian naming ceremony baithsed, baisted b
non-christian ainchrstaide (crstaide)
non-congenital defects (?) aingenelach (genelach)
non-increase d\.fuilliud (fuilled)
non-king amr (r)
non-liable person indlsech
non-lord anflaith (b) (flaith 1)
non-manifestation (?) duallsige
non-necessity indeithbire (indeithbir)
non-necessity indeithbirius (indeithbir)
non-negative aindiltach (diltach)
non-participant in dthre 2
non-participant esrantaid (rannaid)
non-possession (? dthechte
non-possession dthecht (techt)
non-possession, bad estate (?) ainselb (selb)
non-precedent (?) anfsach (fsach 1)
non-queen amrgan (rgan)
nonsense caidris
non-suing anacra 1 (a) (acrae)
non-virgin ainder (a)
non-witness (legal term used of a person not qualified to act as witness) ainteist (teist)
nook 1 gabln
nook clire

noontide (?) etarthrth
noose 1 goiste
nor mr (mr)
norm dliged I (b)
normal (med.) dlestanach (dlestin)
Norse Lochlannach (Lochlann)
Norseman Lochlannach (Lochlann)
North Britain (later) Albu
North Leinster chtar
north of (?) allans do (alla(e) + ans)
north of allathaid (b) di (alla(e) + taid)
north chtar
north-eastern airthaiscertach (taiscertach)
northern part chtar
northern borta
north-western arthuaiscertach
Norway Lothlainn
nostril cuinnen (cinne?)
not adding d\.fuilliud (fuilled)
not approved iderbtha
not at ease an\.socair I (b) (socair)
not attaining (?) d\.saigid
not be fenced in dime (imbe)
not believing dchretem
not bold dna I
not capable of being a sponsor trebar
not choosing dgu (b)
not clear (fig.) dorchae I (b)
not clear dolir (lir)
not compact dlith
not consonant ccubaid
not deep indomain
not deserted ? indrachtae
not domesticated tegnith
not doomed to death tr
not due indles, indles
not endowed mogthae
not entailing restitution daithgena (aithgin)
not excessive anaibsech (aidbsech)
not excessive d\.furil (furil)
not exempt (?) esser (ser)
not exempt esln (b) (sln)
not fey tr
not fierce amlonn (lonn)
not firm indlith
not fit to report (?) dostechta (tsecht)
not flighty (?) dmer (d- neg. + mr)
not foolish dimbaeth (d- neg. + baeth)
not foot hairy lathchairchech
not forfeit indles, indles
not good dmaith 2 (d- neg. + maith)

not harsh anarnaid (arnaid 1)
not having a contract dchor 2 (cor)
not having eaten for ctlongad (ct- 1 + longud)
not having cen I (b)
not heavy tromm, -umm (a)
not including i n-cmais (e)
not insignificant aimdis (diss)
not keeping (?) dchoimt (coimt)
not knowing the way ainelach (elach)
not lawfully to be paid indles, indles
not legally due indligthech (indliged)
not liable to penalty (legal) dles 1 I (c) (d- + les)
not making a complaint airthasacht
not manifest anfollus (follus)
not many know imdae
not many of us men imdae
not more than mr (mr)
not more mr (mr)
not narrow (?) dong (do + ing)
not native andthchasach (dthchasach)
not obeying an order airthasacht
not of the kin ccoibdelach
not one`s absolute property indles, indles
not ones own aindles (dles)
not ones own comaithech I (comaithe)
not only ... but also emid ... emid
not only mit, mt
not overmuch d\.furil (furil)
not permissible indlmain
not possessing certain legal rights indligthech (indliged)
not possessing valid security trebar
not proper to aindles (dles)
not properly belonging (?) les
not proud aindimmsach (dummsach)
not related comaithech I (comaithe)
not respected esonrach I
not safe esln (b) (sln)
not scanty dgaind
not slight anfill (fill)
not smooth (?) ccomrass
not subject ot claim (legal) dles 1 I (a) (d- + les)
not swift amlath (lath)
not to be borne dbrethe
not to be chosen dthogaide (toga)
not to be expected dig, dig
not to be gainsaid brctha
not to be hoped for dig, dig
not to be matched in combat dchomlaind (comland)
not to be persisted (in) lenta
not to be pursued lenta
not to be repeated (?) athchanta

not to be taken dogabtha (gaibid)
not to becontinued lenta
not to shoot at them, but to come to a close fight without delay imbalad
not to trust these enemies icht
not unfitting aintechta (tachta)
not weakly was it done immar
not without good cause didst Thou assume our blood ibid
not an- (a)
not/very (?) reasonable ainicillide (ccallaide)
not? cani
notable place dind (c)
notable place dindgna (b)
notable airegda (-ae) (aire 3)
notable? menn (mend)
notch (?) ec
notch 2 gnis
notch eng 3
notch inbe ?
notched (?) fairbech
notched inbech (inbe)
note bille 3
noted for blades lannach (lann)
noteworthy (?) gne (> gn, gne, gna, gnaoi)
noteworthy irmech (b) (irem)
notice (?) 6 gaire
notice (appar., legal) allabair, allobair
notice (legal) fasc (-?) (a)
notice during a period of exemption ? imfaesam
notice in the reverse track frithslicht (slicht)
notice air\.fcra(e) (a)
notice aire 1 (b)
notice esgaire, esngaire
notice fis 1, fius I (c)
notice fcrae c
notice furfcra, -facra
noticeable innotai
notices (a fact, state of affairs) aithnid 2 (c) (aithne 2)
notices (a still later use) fo-fera II (c)
notices ad-c
notices airigidir (aire 1)
notices braithid (brath)
noticing airiugad
not-narrow imbas
not-neighbouring ccomaithech
notorious airdirc I (b) (2 derc)
notorious allata (-ae) (allud)
notorious fo-sern (sernid)
notwithstanding di, do is 2 (f)
noun (gramm.) ainmm (c)
noun governed by the prep. do (gramm.) dnad 1 II
nourished ailte

nourishes ? for-ail
nourishes ailid 1
nourishes ar-biatha (a) (biathaid)
nourishes bethaigid (b)
nourishes bathaid 1 (biad)
nourishes cothaigid (b) (coth)
nourishes do-foscai
nourishing (?) bethach 1 (biad)
nourishing airbiathad
nourishing badamail (biad)
nourishing follamnaigid (follom-)
nourishment (?) bethamain 1
nourishment betha (d) (bo)
nourishment follamnugad (follamnaigid)
November 2 gamain
now (of an action commanded or about to begin) festa (a)
now furthermore anau
now then anau
now ale 1
now bodesta = fodechtsa
now dano III
now didiu (b)
now fil (fil) (b) II
now aru
now immurgu
now immurgu
now immurgu
now indorsa
now indosin (ind-foiss-sin)
now indossa
nprm xxx gane
nprm Gabruan
nucleates dlmigid (dlm)
nucleus cer (d)
nucleus dlm
numb with cold liobarnach
number is lowest ? sel
number of animals drem(m) de
number of cattle dne (e)
number of oath-helpers required by a person who was debarred from leading proof himself (legal)
arrae (c)
number of people dne (c)
number of persons drcht I
number of persons fan (b)
number of persons fanlach, fiallach (b)
number sufficient to perform particular deed ln
number irem (a)
number comln (ln 1)
number dne (d)
number fras (fros) > frais
number imbed, imbad

number ln
numbers ad-rmi
numbness (?) fairneim
numbness mairbe
numeral irem (a)
numerous airbrech (airbre)
numerous irmech (a) (irem)
numerous donech (b) (duine)
numerous drchtach (a) (drcht)
numerous il
numerous ilardae (ilar)
numerous imdae
numerous immadamail (immad, vx imbed)
numerous ler
numerous lerda
numerous lnmar (ln)
numerousness irmidetu
numerousness imbed, imbad
numerousness immadamlacht (immadamail)
numerousness lerdacht (lerda)
nun caillech (a) (caille 1)
nun mainches
nuptial bainsecdae (banais)
nuptial bainsemail (banais) = bainsecdae
nuptials inboth
nurse ailtre
nurse banaltra (ben + altra)
nurse buime
nurse buimech (buime) = muim(m)ech
nurse muim(m)e
nurse muim(m)ech
nurses jointly con-ail 1 (ailid)
nurses together con-ail 1 (ailid)
nurses adfirid
nursling daltae I
nurture altram(m)
nurture altrannas (altra)
nurturer ailtrimthid
nurtures ? for-ail
nurturing altram(m)
Nuss dornuinn (dorn)
nut bang 3
nut cn
nut grech
nut mesrad
nut-harvest cnas
nutritious ailemnach (ailemain)
nutritive ailemnach (ailemain)
nutritive badamail (biad)
nutritiveness badamlacht (badamail)
nuts cnas

nut-shell ? greithne (dimin. of grech, greth)
nutshell blesc
nut-shell grech
nuturing gairitecht (goire)

O strange bb
o 1 a
oak sapling durchn (dair?)
oak dair I
oak dairbre I
oaken dairde, daurde (dair)
oaken dairech I (dair)
oaken lecde (lec)
oaken lignide
oakling dairbre I
oak-tree darbile 2
oak-wood (as material) dair II
oak-wood dair-\.fid, dauruth
oak-wood dairbre II
oak-wood dairbrech II (dairbre)
oak-wood daire, doire I (dair)
oakwood daurauth = daur-fid
oar (?) bilga
oarhandle lunnta
oar-hole bur
oath of confirmation airthach
oath of denial airthach
oath of denial dthech 1
oath of rebuttal dthech 1
oath to disprove another frithnoll (noll)
oath to rebut another frithnoll (noll)
oath dindis 1
oath fuit
oath iust
oath luige
oath mind (minn)
oath mit (mid)
oats corca
obdurate (?) coltra 2
obdurate aindiit (diit)
obedience aurlatu
obedience dirnaisce, daurnaisce, dernaisce
obedience foms, oms
obedience mmugad
obedient airlataid
obedient airlithe
obedient clech (cile ? call ?)
obedient galltach (gallad)
obelisk lacn (la)
obesity inmaire (inmar)
obesity mithe

obeying 2 gall
obeying frecra(e)
obeys ad-gall(n)a
obeys airladaigidir
obeys do-gn III (b) ar
obeys gallaid (2 gall)
obeys gallaid (2 gall)
object ? inrige ?
object having many points imrind
object lent (legal) colainn (d) [sic]
object of desire menmarc
object of desire mam
object of dread gasta
object of idolatrous worship dlacht (dal)
object of loathing or horror 1 grin
object of love ? inmaine (inmain)
object of pity deidbln (dedbol)
object of sight amarc 1 (c)
object of the errand immarchor
object of value argat (b)
object of worship da 2 (b)
object or class of objects which has been stipulated for in consideration of a contract arrae
object or class of objects which has been stipulated for in settlement of a debt arrae (b)
object pledged (legal) colainn (d) [sic]
object bire (b)
object ball (c)
object cuspir
object fth (a)
objecting to frecor
objecting frithchest
objecting frithtuidecht, frituidecht
objects fris-tacuirethar
objurgation amastar
obligation (due to someone) dalgas (b) (dalach 1)
obligation (esp. in pl.) fach 1 (b)
obligation comman (b) (com + man)
obligation comman (c) (com + man)
obligation dlechtain
obligation dliged III
obligation dorse (a) (dor)
obligation echt 1
obligation fach 1 (a)
obligation fris-naisc
obligation greimm
obligation infachas
obligation mm
obligations cammaigthiu
obligatory (legal) febrach II (febar)
obligatory service of a tenant in providing food for his lord airbiad (biad)
oblique leb

obliquely airtharsna (tarsna)
obliquity clen II (b)
obliquity fire (far)
obliterates bidid (c)
obliterates mchaid (mch)
obliterating fordbad
oblivion dermat
oblivion dchuimne (cuimne)
oblivion ccuimne
oblivion logad
oblivious dermatach (dermat)
oblong shield ? fotal -scath (f-?)
obscene girseamail
obscene graosda
obscene gresda
obscenity girseamlacht (girseamail)
obscuration fordorchad
obscuration fortched
obscure (?) dorchae I (c)
obscure (fig.) dorchae I (b)
obscure (of meaning) dochallach (call)
obscure airdub (dub)
obscure amdarc (derc 2?)
obscure comdorcha (dorchae)
obscure dall II
obscure d\.solus (solus)
obscure damrach (damair 1)
obscure dobur 1 (b)
obscure dolus (do + ls)
obscure drocht 2
obscure daithnid (daithne)
obscure fordorcha
obscure forramanda
obscure forscthach
obscure fortchedach (fortched)
obscure fortchide
obscure indrocht
obscure ingl
obscured fortchide
obscures (trans.) dorchaigid (b) (dorchae)
obscures dallaid (b) (dall)
obscures fordorchaid
obscures fris-dorchaigedar
obscures fris-temligid (temel)
obscuring airdubad (dubad)
obscuring damrugud (a) (damair 1)
obscuring dorchad
obscuring daithnigud (daithne)
obscurity (CW) dorchaid 2 = dorchae
obscurity ? ingar
obscurity of language dorchacht (c) (dorchae)

obscurity of meaning dorchacht (c) (dorchae)
obscurity cacht (co)
obscurity daille
obscurity dall IV
obscurity damalta
obscurity damair 1 II (c)
obscurity damra (damair 1)
obscurity dobur 1 (d)
obscurity dolire (dolir)
obscurity dorchae II (b)
obscurity dorchatus (dorchae)
obscurity mothar
observance comall
observant comarthamail (comartha)
observant fethemanta (fethem)
observant forfethmech
observant mothaigthech
observer 1 aicsid
observes (?) fostaid
observes (a law, command) comalnaithir
observes (trans.) fethid 1 I (a)
observes ad-c
observes ar-aicci
observes brethnaigid (c) (breth)
observes coimtaid 1 (coimt)
observes do-beir VI (b)
observes fgaid I (a)
observes fo-fera II (c)
observes for-comai
observes forcomtaid (forcomt)
observes forfe(i)thid
observing aithigid 2 (c)
observing fethem (a)
observing forcomt
observing forcomt
observing forcomtas
observing fordcsin
observing forfethem (fethem)
observing indithem, indfethem
observing len(a)main
obstacle frithtaidchor
obstinate anac(c)ar(th)ach (anacair?)
obstinate banasach (banas)
obstruction (med.) dnad 2 (c)
obstruction ailbimm (c)
obstructs (med.) dnaid (b) (dn)
obstructs do-airmesca
obstructs do-rorban 2
obstructs fris-beir
obstructs fris-dna
obtained A.`s inheritance without change (?) imlat

obtained loigthe
obtaining airec (a)
obtaining bain (e) amach
obtaining t 2
obtaining fagbl (a)
obtaining logad
obtains (di = from) crenaid
obtains ad-cota
obtains at-etha (b)
obtains beirid VI
obtains comaimsigid (aimsigid)
obtains do-gn II (p)
obtains ethaid II
obtains fo-gaib, fo-geib (c)
obtains gremmaigid (greimm)
obtains logaid
obtuse ain\.fig (fig)
obtuse mael (moel, mal)
obtuseness male
obvious airdirc I (a) (2 derc)
occasion for complaint cesachtaigecht
occasion for grumbling cesachtaigecht
occasion accais (a)
occasion dul 1 II (f)
occasion fball 1
occasion faill 1 (c)
occasion fecht II
occasion fechtas II (fecht)
occasion fochonn (-unn, -ann)
occasion mana
occasional task folubair (lubair)
occasioning dsacht
occasions (?) (with acc. of thing) fo-beir (b)
occidental fuinedach
occidental fuineta
occult science drudecht (dru)
occupants of a castle lucht
occupation (?) cuird
occupation of a miller ? muilleracht
occupation of adjacent territory comaithches (b) (comaithech)
occupation of grinding meile
occupation ? monarn
occupation aiccidecht
occupation cerd 1 (b)
occupation dn VI
occupation monar (-or)
occupation monarugad (monar)
occupied with i mbun
occupied gablta (gabl)
occupying (?) aithigid 2 (b)
occupying attrab (b)

occupying gabl
occurrence ecmong, ecmoc I
occurring only rarely annam (b)
occurs (intrans.) do-ecmaing III (a)
ocean aibis
ocean bchna
ocean fairrge, fairge II
ocean imbath
ocean ler
ocean linn
octosyllable (metr.) bricht 1
odd 2 grennaigid (grenn)
odd ainingantach (ingantach)
odds forlann, -lonn
odious fathmar (fath) vx athmar
odious grinemail (1 grin)
odious miscaisech
odious miscnech (miscais)
odour bolt(a)nugad
odour boltanad
odour bolthaigthetu
odour midchlos
of (wild) beasts bastaide (bast)
of a bear (?) bethraid, -aige
of a benevolent disposition, esp. towards the poor deerccach (deercc)
of a bout or spell gls
of a Brian Brian-
of a brother brthardae (brthair)
of a fair complexion dathamail (dath 1, daith 2)
of a fine complexion dattae I
of a genealogical tree gabul
of a hazel (CW) collde (coll 1)
of a horn adarcdae
of a little wild place (?, CW) altnach (altn)
of a province cicech (cic)
of a province cicedach (ciced)
of a shield fo-coidli
of a shield fortrenn (> fortrn?)
of a small measure briala
of a year bladnaide (bladain)
of ale cormaide = cormach
of an in-calf cow foclugud
of another place alladon = al(l)a-don
of base kind (by virtue of birth) dochenlach (dochenuil)
of blood fulradach
of books lebarda (lebor)
of books lebrach (lebor)
of both parties ln
of central Meath? midech
of confluences comrach 1 (commar)
of dense vegetation (?) (of terrain, mountains, etc.) cas 1 (a)

of distinguished quality febdae (feb)
of enduring consequences (?) lenamnach (lenamain)
of equal age comesta (comes)
of equal beauty comlaind (laind)
of equal fame comns (ns 2)
of equal worth comindraic (indraic)
of equivalent value for-aicci
of even colour comdathach (dathach)
of every meadow-field ath
of evil deeds dobertach (dobert)
of evil habits dobsach (dobs)
of evil lips dobeil (bl)
of evil report (?) anbladach (bladach)
of eyes bloodshot (?) linnach (linn)
of eyes watery linnach (linn)
of feathers of down clmdae (clm)
of fine material coilerach (coirl?)
of fine presence and bold bearing masclach
of frequent assemblies comdlach (comdl)
of garnering cns(t)uigthech
of genuine Irish stock fnech (Fne)
of good quality febach (feb)
of great deeds ? gnthe
of great sorrow ? ? imchuma
of gross importuning anaslach (aslach)
of hard conditions dltach IIII
of hide coidlide (codal)
of high rank 1 acrad
of hire formlach (formil)
of holly wood cuilendae (cuilenn)
of horses thin in the flank ? foseng
of human birth (?) duinegin (duine + gein?)
of ice casrach 1 (casar)
of ill repute (?) dogairm (gairm)
of imposing presence maerda
of inferior rank dchom (com)
of ivory dt 1 III
of ivory ebernacda
of ivory eboire
of ivory burda
of judgment brethach (breth)
of land formna
of like name com\.foclach (com\.focal)
of low degree sel
of malicious intent elgonach (elgon)
of many battles cocthach (cocad)
of many meanings il
of many problems il
of many races il
of many shapes il
of many territories (?) crchach (crch)

of marriage-alliances clemnach (clamain)
of memory cuimnigthech (cuimniugud)
of mighty deeds glonnach (1 glond)
of milk astae (as 1)
of necessity icin I (a)
of noble presence maerda
of non-eye amrosc (rosc)
of numerous following lnmar (ln)
of old Irish stock fnech (Fne)
of ones own free will dia daim
of or belogning to horns (?) cornach (corn)
of or belonging to fetters gemlech (gemel)
of or belonging to hostages 2 galla (=giallda ?)
of or belonging to wrestling gleccach (glecc)
of or pertaining to the knees 1 glinech (gln)
of red appearance forrad
of red hue forramanda
of russet appearance forrad
of sackcloth cilecda (cilic)
of school (CW) coimligenn (ligenn)
of servile condition dor (a)
of servile condition dorda (dor)
of servile nature dor (a)
of settled character forusta
of small account dimbrgmar (dimbrg)
of song amrnach (amrn)
of stern conditions dltach IIII
of stone leccda (lecc)
of suitable measure fomais
of suitable size fomais
of swaying yews ibrach (ibar)
of symmetrical shape comdelbach (comdelb)
of ten -dcdae
of the accusative plural ildae (il)
of the aimless and erratic movements of a geilt or lunatic fondel (d)
of the bells clocach (cloc)
of the body colnaide I (a) (colainn)
of the breadth of five hands (?) caiclmach (cic + lmach ?)
of the child (?) lelacit
of the Cyclops (CW) Ciclpda
of the darkish side ? luigtheimne
of the faith creitmech (creitem)
of the first time ct\.fechtach (ct\.fecht)
of the games birech 1
of the Lord coimdettae (coimdiu)
of the lower Bann chtarach (chtar)
of the lung fochuasach
of the many camps campaidech (campa)
of the nature of blood fuilide (fuil)
of the nature of yew-wood ibraide (ibar)
of the number 12 ddcdae (d + deec)

of the plains ? magda
of the record cuimnigthech (cuimniugud)
of the same age as comes II (es 1)
of the same blood-relation colnaide I (a) (colainn)
of the same weight comthrom I (a) (trom 3)
of the sea (?) lerda
of the South (?) deissoic
of the spear? ? laigne
of the status of an aithech aithechdae (aithech 1)
of the streams glaisech (glais)
of the sword claidbech I (claideb)
of the troops drmach (drma)
of the two de 3
of the vine (?) fnchi
of the wounds cnedach (cned)
of them 1 a
of two hounds (?) cocung
of unimportance foduine
of valiant deeds gnmchtach
of varied accomplishments il
of varied beauty ? il
of variously wrought gold il
of which someone shall not have been saved ccaid (cc)
of wild beasts bastamail = bastaide
of you for, far, bar (uar)
of de 1, di
off one`s head mer
off ones guard beglach (begul)
off de 1, di
offal (?) conithi
offal garr
offence (?) csel
offence (legal) cin III (a)
offence ailbimm (b)
offence ainchin (cin)
offence anfolad II (c) (folud 1)
offence bim (e) (-mm)
offence fola (fala)
offence frithorcun
offence locht
offends cridid (crd)
offends frithortaid
offensive frithoircnech (frithorcun)
offer airgsin = taircsiu 1
offer coma
offered in entertainment fuirec
offered idbartha
offering (?) cud 2
offering ? fricell (> frith-gell?)
offering again aithidbairt (idbart)
offering for religious purposes idbart

offering terms comthargsin (taircsiu 1)
offering eril (c)
offering idbart
offering idbart
offerings of flesh and blood idbart
offerings to the poor idbart
offers as excuse (legal) airbertnaigid (airbert)
offers up ad-opair
offers ad-opair
offers ad-tluichethar
offers do-aidbir
offers do-fairget (a)
offers fulirid
office held by anyone inad < ined
office of a "muirech" muirigecht (muirech)
office of a bishop epscopite
office of a bishop espocitecht
office of a maer maeraigecht
office of a master maigistrecht
office of a servant gillacht (gilla)
office of a servant gillaidecht (gilla)
office of a teacher forcetlaidecht
office of a teacher maigistrecht
office of a watchman dercaidecht (dercaid 2)
office of an abbot apdaine (ap)
office of an overseer fedmannas
office of doorkeeper doirseracht (doirseir)
office of farming or collecting dues fermrecht
office of justiciary giustsecht (giusts)
office of Lord Deputy iustsecht (? ) (iusts)
office of marshall marasclacht
office of swineherd muc(c)aidecht
office cerd 1 (b)
office dn IV
office feras (fer)
officer rmann
official 1 grdach (1 grd)
official rmann
offscourings (?) escartach (b) (escart)
offscourings escart II
offshoot of a tribe forgabul (gabul)
off-shoot clann (a)
offshoot gsca
off-spring (?) aitherracht
off-spring of calf indlegus (indleg)
offspring ciniud (a)
offspring clann (c)
offspring compert (c)
offspring crislach (cris)
offspring fulus
offspring artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)

offspring inforba(i)rt
offspring mac(c)rad (mac)
offspring? foir (a)
oft struck anvil indsmaigthe (indsma)
Ogam alphabet beithe-luis(-nin)
ogam compound letter cs (= x) emoncholl (a) (emon 1 + coll)
ogam double vowel emoncholl (a) (emon 1 + coll)
oily inmar
oiser? methn (meth)
old age esmaire
old age esmairecht
old age estu
old age arsaidecht (a) (arsaid)
old age crne (crn)
old age crntu (crn)
old age foirbthecht (b)
old age las (lath)
old men lath
old net (?) aithln (ln)
old esta
old arsaid I
old arsanta (arsan)
old arsata(e) I (arsaid)
old crn
old crnna (crn)
old dbell I
old foirbthe I (c)
old forsaid
oldest of woods ibar > iubar, iobar
old-womanish caillchamail (caillech)
ollave? medon
omen cl 1
omen clmaine
omen lth
omen mana
ominous (?) clmar (cl 1)
omission mainnechtna
omit ? ? 4 grith
omits dermataid, dermaitid (dermat)
omits fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (k) immuig
omits follaigid, failligid (follach, faill)
omitting follaigid, failligid (follach, faill)
omitting follugud, failligud (-echad)
omnis oblatio idbart
on for
on (?) ar 1 I (b)
on (emotions, physical or mental state) for
on account of his victory over his enemies imforrn > ammarrn vx forrn
on account of it airi
on account of the clearness of his judgement idnae (idan)
on account of the furiousness and dangerous nature of the person here lasnaige (lasaid)

on account of 3 a
on account of a (as) dalgas (c) (dalach 1)
on account of ar 1 II (c)
on account of de (do) druim(m) IV (d)
on account of fo bth, fo bthin I
on account of for
on account of fri
on account of I
on account of imchommus
on account of imm, imb
on account of la
on account of leth
on account of los
on account of muin
on behalf of ar 1 II (a)
on behalf of fri
on behalf of fri
on behalf of fris-gair, -frecair
on behalf of la
on behalf of lm
on both sides leth
on cooking-hearths fulacht
on gentle Cobhthach`s races icht
on great appropriate festivals imchubaid > imchuibe
on guard coimtach 1 (coimt)
on his field he...angled for salmon linne
on inferiors chtarn (chtar)
on one occasion inbaid
on one`s keeping folachta ?
on ones guard (against) foichligthe
on side of you towards leithne (leth)
on the back of muin
on the both sides leth
on the eastern border allathair (alla(e) + tair)
on the eastern side allanair (a) (alla(e) + anair)
on the farther side of 1 ar
on the flank of the battalion of pirates imbel?
on the further side of allathall di (alla(e) + tall)
on the great Tuesday of the defeat maidmech
on the heel of eing 1 i n- (a h-)eing
on the hither side allaboss
on the ides was the departure of E d
on the look-out (for) foimte
on the look-out frithlmach (frithilem)
on the other side allanall (alla(e) + anall)
on the other side alltarach (alltar)
on the other side leth
on the outside immaig
on the point of (?) (with vn.) do 1 A
on the point of agad
on the side of leth

on the side ar ais
on the southern side allandess (a) (alla(e) + andess)
on the spot d\.ft
on the spot frecnairc, frecndairc
on the spot maigen
on the strength of muin
on the text below chtarach (chtar)
on the top of muin
on the track of fuilliucht (sliucht)
on the west side allasar (alla(e) + sar)
on the whole ar chch (g), a chch, sa chch
on this side allaboss
on this side foss (fos)
on this side illiu
on top of muin
on fo, fa, f I (e)
on for
on I
on imm, imb
on innonn
on innonn
on muin
once more frithissi > (f)ridis(s)i
once more frithissi > (f)ridis(s)i
once upon a time inbaid
one (of the persons of the Trinity) comenda (oenda)
one (of two) indala
one above another druim(m) IV ar druimm (a)
one another cch (b) ... alaile
one attached to a patrimony (?) forbduine
one attached to an estate forbduine
one banished dbertach (dbert)
one bearing arms gaiscedach (gaisced)
one belonging to "muinter" muinter
one bereft dlechtae
one comes overseas murchuirthe (-choirthe)
one coming from overseas murchorthach (< murchuirthe)
one day`s ploughing of land iger
one deprived of a share esrantaid (rannaid)
one deprived of legal rights dlsech (dles, dlse)
one engaged in forays ? immechtraid (immechtar)
one fifth ciced II (cic)
one fit to be adbar
one has it in ones power is arafia do
one has it in ones power is arafie do
one having no possessions dthechtaid (dthecht)
one having order of lector lachtir
one in orders clirech (a)
one incapable of bearing arms midlach (-laech)
one learned in law or in the practice of law aigne
one legally irresponsible (?) finelach, fenelach (?)

one living in woods caillide (caill 1)
one man being in motion imlad
one mind menmnach (manma)
one night a dispute arose imchined
one no longer belonging to the fine apthach 1 (apad 1)
one non compos juris (a child or lunatic) dochonn 1 (cond)
one of a pair leth
one of a poetic band claraige (clar)
one of confused mind bailedach (bailiud see bailiugad)
one of his class coimlebar (lebor)
one of pair of opponents cuing
one of pair of sinews at the back of the neck clad
one of the faithful creitmech (creitem)
one of the lower flanges of the triangular or leaf-shaped spear-head (?) eochair 5
one of the Milesian stock in Ireland or Scotland Godel (Gadel)
one of the officers in an Irish monastic settlement frithsecnap (secnap)
one of the same shape comdelbaid (comdelb)
one of the three kinds or modes of magic music gentraige (1 gen)
one of the three Morrigans Morrgan and Morrgu
one of the three perishable fences grad
one of the three strings of the Dadga`s harp, which caused mirth in the hearers gentargls (1
one of the tribes descended from the Firbolg Garbraige
one of the twelve landmarks that define a boundary gnbla
one of the two indala
one of three sets of circumstances in which honey is due from (the owner of) bees even during
their first three years allabrig, -brug n-a
one of three strings of Scthach`s magical harp, which when touched, moved all who heard it to
sorrow and weeping goltargls (compd. of gol) vx gentargls
one of two or three born together emon 1 (b)
one of two aile 1
one of two darna
one of two in dara 1
one of two leth
one of you indala
one or other (of two or more) cechtar (e)
one orphaned dlechtae
one outside the law e(i)srechtaid
one panic-striken geltn (geilt)
one possessing lands (?) ferannach
one practised (in) augtar (b)
one proficient in arms engnamaid (engnam)
one proficient in knowledge fisid 2 (a) (fis 1)
one proficient in physical (medical) science fisecda (fisice)
one should not bear witness forglithi
one shower of land fras (fros) > frais
one skilled in iboracht ibrracht
one that has an impediment in his speech glugaire
one that pays or makes amends ccaid > ccaide (cc)
one that pays ccaid > ccaide (cc)
one that spins between etersndid (snid)

one transfixed by a spear ingai
one who acts greatly morgnethid
one who allows licthid (liciud)
one who answers objections? fresnidid
one who arbitrates ecailsid
one who barters malartaid
one who bears witness fadnaise (c) (fada 2)
one who beholds faircseir
one who betrays mairntid
one who cannot be (is not) bound (legal) draig (rach)
One who commits depredations foglaid 1
one who composes a clain clanaire (b) (clain 2)
one who composes briling- or brilingecht-type verse brilingid (briling)
one who computes comirmid 2 (comirem)
one who confesses fasitech (fasitiu)
one who dares (?) laimnid
one who deals in riddles cestamnach (ceist)
one who deserved iriltnid (ad-roilli)
one who deserves airigid 1 (e) ar
one who destroys malartaid
one who distributes fodailtech
one who divines fistinech (fistine)
one who does violent deeds chtaid
one who escapes (from battle, hunt or pestilence) ldach, -dach, -dach II (a) (ld)
one who examines ecailsid
one who examines medaigtheir
one who exchanges malartaid
one who exercises himself naked frecorthid (frecor)
one who explains mnigtheir
one who expounds etercertaid (etercert)
one who fails to perform the duties connected with it esert, esirt
one who gazes dicsenach (dicsiu)
one who gives defence dos 1 (b)
one who gives sentence fuigleir
one who gives shelter dos 1 (b)
one who goes mad from terror 1 geilt
one who grinds corn muilleir
one who harrows? foirseiri
one who has arrived at the third of the six ages of man gilla vx gillacht
one who has become a cleric (presum. at a later age than the normal) athlech (lech)
one who has lost his rank of freeman esurrad, -id (airrad)
one who has mastered only part of the legal lore (?) glasaigne
one who has no property d\.selbaid (selb)
one who has not the status of an aurrae anurrad (aurrae)
one who has poor sight doderc (derc 2)
one who has stock but no land carpat (b) ar imram
one who hears testimony fada 2 (a)
one who holds or seizes gabltaid
one who increases metaigtheir
one who inhabits a waste place dthrubach (dthrub)
one who inhabits a wilderness dthrubach (dthrub)

one who injures frithoircnid (frithorcun)
one who injures malartaid
one who interprets etercertaid (etercert)
one who interprets mnigtheir
one who intimidates (?) fubthaire
one who is able to defend himself ln
one who is afflicted with some skin disease lobur, lobor
one who is capable coimsid (b)
one who is competent coimsid (b)
one who is competent coimsigtheir = coimseir
one who is condemned bibdu (a)
one who is guilty bibdu (a)
one who is in good faith iressach, ir(i)sech
one who is known aithnid 3 II (aithne 2)
one who is liable bibdu (a)
one who is liable cintach II (cin)
one who is not a native freeman durraid (airrad)
one who is not acting under necessity indeithbirsech (indeithbirius)
one who is outside or not bound by the law eisrecht (eisdr-)
one who is persecuted ? ingremmach (ingreimm)
one who is sui compos conn (c)
one who is under authority fommaigech
one who is under obligations fchem (a)
one who kindles forsantaid
one who leads armies on a campaign dnadach (dnad 1)
one who leaps or attacks foilngid, foilgid
one who leaps upon ? indlimnech
one who lets blood foladir
one who lies with another fresligthid
one who lights forsantaid
one who listens istidir
one who lives away from his land (?) tir 2
one who looks after the animals aurgnamaid (aurgnam)
one who lops (?) cermnaid 2 (cermnaid 1)
one who lowers sligtheir
one who makes clothes tedach II (tiud)
one who makes greater metaigtheir
one who makes greatly morgnethid
one who neglects his holding esert, esirt
one who offends frithoircnid (frithorcun)
one who permits licthid (liciud)
one who places trust in soothsayers? mathmarcach
one who ponders medaigtheir
one who practises frecorthid (frecor)
one who proclaims facarthaid
one who prognosticates by observing ravens (?) fachaire (fiach)
one who prophesies fistinech (fistine)
one who puts and end (to) foircnithid
one who reckons comirmid 2 (comirem)
one who refrains from interfering licthid (liciud)
one who regulates ? mesraigthid

one who serves fognamaid
one who serves fognamthid
one who sings in accompaniment fochetlaid (a)
one who spurns on his wages ? la
one who stirs up strife? mescbadach (mescbaid)
one who suffers surety 1 aicdech
one who supports fuilngid
one who terrifies fubthaire
one who tramples on his wages ? la
one who trusts divination mathmarcach
one who weighs medaigtheir
one who works evil by means of spells ipthach (ipaid)
one who works for wages formlaide (formil)
one whose wits are confused meraige (mer)
one whose wits are disordered meraige (mer)
one without legal connections ambuae (buae)
one without possessions ambuae (buae)
one amin (b)
one cch (a)
one inunn, in(n)onn
one-eyed person (?, CW) cailg 3
one-eyed person cech II
one-eyed person cechn (cech)
one-eyed person cecharn
one-eyed cech I (a)
one-eyed losc
onerous muirach
ones due dre (c)
ones right dre (c)
ones right dlecht
onesided leth
onion foltchp-chp
onion? mell-cainenn
onion? melle (mell?)
only 1 acht (c)
only amin (a)
only innamm
only mr (mr)
onrush gaise
onset ? muscul
onset broscur (b) (brosc)
onset brach (a)
onset cuinn(d)scle
onset drimm (a)
onset feidm (c)
onset idlann, idlang
onset imbalad
onslaught (?) dergail
onslaught drenn 1
open (?) freitech
open balcony exposed to the sun grann (gran)

open horsewhip in his hand immadad
open hut blscl (bl + scl 2) = blscln
open hut blscln (bl + scln)
open hut blscth (bl + scth) = blscl, blscln
open level space libenn
open space before a city airlann 1 (lann 2)
open space before a fort airlann 1 (lann 2)
open space before a residence airlann 1 (lann 2)
open space in or before a city faithche, faidche
open space airscar (c)
open space airscartad (b) = airscar (b)
open space binsech
open space cite (a)
open stretch of land mag
open to attack i n-etarbegal
open airsclaicthe
open follus
open forslaicthe
open-handed aiscedach (aiscid 2)
opening gin
opening (inlet) gobl (goibhl, gaibhl)
opening for attack(?) lomm
opening in a coast mn
opening to admit light (?) ls
opening airslocud
opening bl II (a)
opening dorus
opening elas, eulas (d)
opening fasclad
opening faslucad
openly cen cleth 2 (b)
openly immach > ammach
opens ar-oslaici (a)
opens as-oilgi
opens do-aithbig, -boing (b)
opens faslaici, fasailci
operation gnmugd
opines do-beir VI (c)
opines do-moinethar
opines mesaigid (<mes)
opining mes(s)
opinion airdmes
opinion ctfaid (c)
opinion comcaisiu
opinion doich (dich?) II (a)
opinion indithem, indfethem
opinion mes(s)
opponent ? frithchathaigthid
opponent comlann II (a)
opponent cotarsnaid (cotarsnae)
opportune (?) etarlam

opportune imech I
opportune i n-im 2, anim
opportuneness (i)mechas
opportuneness imige, imiche (imech)
opportunity (of takin nag cuil(l)esg
opportunity ell 2, eill
opportunity esrais, esrus
opportunity et(a)im, aitim II
opportunity faill 1 (c)
opportunity folmaisse (vn. of fo-lmathar)
opposed ? frithraingech
opposed adbartnaigthech
opposed fritabarthae
opposer frithenech (enech)
opposes ? frithid
opposes adbartaigidir
opposes ithche(id)id (ithched)
opposes ithchid
opposes ar-beir II (b) fri
opposes contrr(d)aigid (contrrda)
opposes do-ben 2 (a)
opposes do-cuirethar III (d) fri
opposes esentaigid (esenta)
opposes fris-beir
opposes fris-cathaigedar
opposes fris-cuirethar
opposes fris-gaib
opposes fris-suidigedar
opposes fris-tabair
opposes fris-tairissethar
opposes fris-tat (fris-to-tet)
opposes frithchathaigthe
opposes faitrid
opposes imresnaigid (imresan)
opposes istech
opposing in argument frthacre
opposing adbartugud
opposing ithche(d)
opposing contrr(d)ugad
opposing contrrda (contrir)
opposing cotarsnach (cotarsnae)
opposing cotarsnae (com + tarsna)
opposing drim II fri (re)
opposing frithbert
opposing frithbertach (frithbert)
opposing frithbruth
opposing frithchathugud
opposing frithtuidecht, frituidecht
opposing faitriud
opposite number cile (e)
opposite position airchomair (comair)

opposite route frithst
opposite them frithchtfaid (ctbuid)
opposite to fo chomardus, i ccomardus (comard)
opposite ? frithraingech
opposite contrir = contrrda
opposite contrrda (contrir)
opposite cotarsnae (com + tarsna)
opposite fri enech 1, ainech I
opposite frithchtfaid (ctbuid)
opposition (?) frithairle
opposition aidbirseirecht
opposition augra (-ae) (a)
opposition com\.fachad (fachad)
opposition contrrdacht (contrrda)
opposition cotarsnatu (cotarsnae)
opposition fresabra
opposition fritabart
opposition frithbert
opposition frithchest
opposition frithchtfaid (ctbuid)
opposition frituttacht vx titacht
opposition imresan
oppressed anridtech (annr)
oppressed dochraitech (dochraite)
oppresses (?) do-scara II ar (for)
oppresses icnigid (a) (icen)
oppresses for-ding (di-n-g)
oppresses goillid
oppresses mchaid (mch)
oppressing (?) formailt
oppressing the saints forbrecht (recht ?)
oppressing cibled (cbla ?)
oppressing dinge
oppressing icnigud (a)
oppressing fordinge
oppressing forrach vx foirrgid
oppression (?) cuimgenrad
oppression inflicted on combroid (brat)
oppression 2 gortugud (vn. of gortaigid)
oppression 3 g
oppression ainicin (icen)
oppression ainlettrom (lettrom)
oppression ainrge (rge)
oppression aintreise (1 treise)
oppression aircur
oppression anbroit (broit)
oppression anforlann (c) (forlann)
oppression anforrn (forrn)
oppression antrom (b) (trom 3)
oppression comicen (icen)
oppression cumgach 2 (cumung)

oppression dechtad 1
oppression dorse (a) (dor)
oppression dorsine (dorse)
oppression ccomlonn
oppression fiscre 1
oppression foricen
oppression foricentach
oppression forlann, -lonn
oppression fornert
oppression immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
oppression lettromn (lettrom)
oppressione fortige (vn. of for-ding)
oppressive disease anforrach (?) (forrach 1)
oppressive exaction forsmailt, fursmailt
oppressive rule ansmacht (smacht)
oppressive service ? ? ingreimm
oppressive suing ? ? imbrathrad
oppressive weight fortrummae (fortromm)
oppressive anforlannach (anforlann)
oppressive icnech 1 (a) (icen)
oppressive foricnech
oppressive fortromm
oppressour millteir
opprobrium masla(maslad)
optative itge, itche
opulence? mainbthige
opulent? mainbthech
or was near (?) fo-lmathar (-limethar ?)
or airg 1
or fa 1 (ba, bo)
oracular fthacda
oral tradition blairecht bl
oral tradition blaites (bl + aites)
oratory dairthech I
orbit (?) fithis (a)
orbit circul
orbit dathir
orchard ? ithlann, ithla (ith)
ordains (trans.) delbaid I (b) (delb)
ordains 2 achtaigid (b)
ordains airlthr(aig)id (airlthar)
ordains do-gn II (l)
ordains for-congair (gairid)
ordeal fr 1 II (c)
order of demons is every thing thou ponderest on midise (?midisiu)
order 1 grd
order aebdus = obdacht
order crugud, crgud
order dath 1 VI
order des
ordered them all to separate imdedail

ordered forngarthe
ordering forcongrad
orderly digemail (doich)
orders to be given (to) facair (fo-acair, fcair)
orders aithnid 1 (d) de
orders facair (fo-acair, fcair)
ordinance insuidigud
ordinance dl 2 IV (a)
ordinance fcra(e) (c)
ordinary coitchenn I (a)
ordure ? mrtraide
ordure balta
ordure camracht (camra)
ordure fochall
ordure garr
ore (?) glith
ore min
ore menaige
ore manach (man)
organ argn 1 = orgn
organ ball (a)
organisation (?) 1 gnm
orifice bl II (a)
origin (of families, etc.) bunad (b) (bun 1)
origin bunad (a) (bun 1)
origin bunadas (bunad)
origin fotha
origin frm > prm
origin indrem, indram
original owner fondire vx fundir
original stock (in Laws) bunad (d) (bun 1)
original stock frm > prm
original aistech (aiste)
original bunad (e) (bun 1)
original bunadach (bunad)
original bunadasach (bunadas)
original bunitech (bunit)
original bunatta (-ae) (bunad)
original ct- 1 (a)
original frnaide
originally ctamus (b)
originates do-icc II
originates gainithir
originating in 7 a II (a)
originator augtar (a)
ornament for personal use fornasc
ornament of noble eyes are his brows imdnam
ornament 1 glir
ornament comecar (ecor)
ornament cumtach (d)
ornament imchumtach

ornament imdnam
ornamental border imdnam
ornamental work imdnam
ornamentation (above, on the surface ?) forbreccad (breccad)
ornamentation (above, on the surface ?) forbrechtad (mrecht) vx forbrechtrad
ornamentation ? imcherd
ornamentation 1 grs
ornamentation forbrechtrad (mrechtrad)
ornamented covering (?) dlta, dlda
ornamented spear crimall (crib + mall?)
ornamented with inlaid work ? intla(i)sse ?
ornamented amlach 1
ornamented brecc 1
ornamented condala
ornamented cumtachtae 1
ornamented cumtachtaide = cumtachtae 1
ornamented delbach 1 (delb 1)
ornamented grsta (1 grs)
ornamented imdnmach (imdnam)
ornamenting cumtach (d)
ornamenting ecrad
ornamenting imdnam
ornaments deisecht (dess)
ornate cumtachtae 1
ornateness cumtachtae 2 (cumtachtae 1)
orphan deidbln (dedbol)
orphan dlechtae
orphan dlechtaid(e) (dlechtae)
orphaned dlechtae
orphaned dlechtaid(e) (dlechtae)
orpiment airgetlam
oscillation lasc
osier 1 gat
osiers falasach
ospray ascaire (asc)
ospraye ascaire (asc)
osprey ascaire (asc)
ossifrage ascaire (asc)
ostentation aidbsiu (b)
ostentation alls
ostentation mmairecht
ostentatious adbchlostae
ostridge ascaire (asc)
other (CW) ailide (1 aile)
other (of two) indala
other one cile (e)
other respite athchairde (cairde)
other than i n-cmais (e)
other weak people ? legamail
other aile 1
other alaile, araile

other indala
otter (?) dobre 1
otter doburch (dobur 2 + c)
otter lath
ought to abide by anta
ought dligid III
ounce (of metal) mann (mand)
our sufficiency to teach and instruct everyone loure = lrtu
our two cup-bearers perished by each other`s hand imm-apath
our ar 5
ousel eonasc
out from immaig
out of all metals he makes gold ? mitain
out of existence assa corpaib (d)
out of order ? aingls gls
out of the company of i n-cmais (b)
out of the plain mag
out of 7 a
out of lr
out immach > ammach
out immach > ammach
out innonn
out mag
out-building airthegdais (tegdais)
outburst (of anger) idlann, idlang
outburst ? idla
outburst of water murthola
outbursts (of passion, etc ) forrn
outcome dcenn 1 (b) (d + cenn)
outcome fuidel(l)
outcries air\.facarta
outcry (replaced later by sgrch) grch
outcry 1 grith
outcry airigem
outcry comarc (a)
outcry congir (a)
outcry fad
outcry glm
outcry gloimm
outcry gredan
outer border forim(m)el (imbel)
outer covering of some kind meither
outer covering forbrat
outer doorway fordorus
outer edge of bed colba(-ae) (a)
outer garment (CW) cuilcech (cuilche)
outer garment of skins (worn by monks) cuilche
outer garment worn by both sexes deichelt
outer ox immechtraid (immechtar)
outer skin forcroicenn
outer trench (?) airthuile (tuile)

outer trench (?) aurthuili
outer wrap forbrat
outer alltarach (alltar)
outer forim(m)ellach (forimmell)
outer immechtrach (immechtar)
outermost immellach
outgoing estecht, etsecht
outgrows for-beir
outhouse ?* fortech
outlander deorad
outlaw (?) anurrad (aurrae)
outlaw air\.fcarthach
outlaw air\.fcrach = air\.fcarthach
outlaw air\.fcraid 1 (air\.fcrae)
outlaw caillide (caill 1)
outlaw deorad
outlaw dlsech (dles, dlse)
outlaw filn 2
outlaw indarbthir (indarbad)
outlawed furfacarthach
outlawry ceithernas (ceithern)
outlawry fcra(e) (g)
outlet esrais, esrus
outline foscad
out-office airchae (air + cae)
outpost forcomtaid
outpouring (?) eistiu
outpouring of sweat damuscach (b)
outpouring of water damuscach (a)
outrage ainicin (icen)
outrage icen (b)
outrage imchim
outrages do-guin
outraging again ath\.srgud (srugud)
outshines gaibid
outshines gaibid
outside garment ? fortlacht (tlacht)
outside the reach of (?) dthorachta
outside wrap ? fortlacht (tlacht)
outside allamaig (a) (alla(e) + immaig)
outside allamaig (b) do (alla(e) + immaig)
outside anechtair (an +echtair)
outside danechtair (prep. de + an + echtair)
outside echtar
outside i n-cmais (f)
outside immaig
outside immaig
outside immechtar
outside immechtrach (immechtar)
outside mag
outsider comaithech II (b) (comaithe)

outskirts forim(m)el (imbel)
outskirts imbel?
outspread esredach (esrd? or esrad?)
outstanding derscnaigthech (derscnaigthe)
outstanding inchomarthach (inchomartha)
outstretched (of hands or arms, esp. in prayer) fen (a)
outward appearance dath 1 V
outward appearance faicsin II (aicsiu)
outward appearance gn
outward figure figair 2, figar, fiugair (c)
outward form figair 2, figar, fiugair (c)
outwards immach > ammach
outwards mag
outwork clath (c)
over (of rule) for
over against fo chomardus, i ccomardus (comard)
over and above that ille, illei
over and above immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
over and over again attoga (toga)
over dishevelled hair frech
over the fish-abounding Boyle ascach (asc)
over the ivory vessel? ? lait
over the lees of the great brewing imdell
over the meadowy land ath
over the pure ridge of the field idan
over s 2 = s 1
over fo, fa, f I (d)
over for
over for
over for
over for
over for
over for-t
over innonn
overbearing (?) (fig.) derg (d)
overbearing dimann
overbearing forbartach
overbearing fornata
overbearing forsmachtach
overbearing forsmaltach (forsmailt)
overbearing imchumachtach
overbears ? for-tabair
overbinding forsnaidm
over-cautious (?) air\.foichlech (foichlech)
overcome by lnaid (ln)
overcomes (?) ? for-tabair
overcomes (?) barraid 1, bairrid ar (barr 1)
overcomes (?) irgid (h) fo
overcomes (?) gelaid
overcomes ? forrnaid
overcomes ar-fich (b)

overcomes cingid 1(d) [sic]
overcomes for-aisligid(ir)
overcomes gaibid, fo-gaib ell 2, eill
overcomes meilid (melaid)
overcomes mudaigid
overcoming (desires, etc.) cld (f)
overcoming (disease) cld (f)
overcoming cennsugad (b)
overcoming dul 1 II (c) do
overcount immirem, immairm
overflow forbor
overflowing intla
overflows brchtaid (brcht)
overfull forln
overgrown with grass or scrub finnach, -ech (finna)
overgrown with thicket mothrach (mothar)
overgrown with waste mothrach (mothar)
overgrown with wild mothrach (mothar)
overhanging coirnecda
over-hearing forcloisin, -cloistin
overhearing forcloistecht
overhearing forcluaisin (for-cluinethar)
overhearing forcluinsin
overhears for-cluinethar, forcluin
overindulgence in anblasad (blasad)
over-indulgent airerach (airer 2)
overlays fo-slig
over-light forsoillse
overlooking follugud, failligud (-echad)
overlooking forcsi (farc-, foirc-, fairc-)
overlooks dermataid, dermaitid (dermat)
overlooks for-aicci
overlord forflaith
overlordship forflaith
overlordship forflaithius
overmantle fort
overmastering forbartach
overplus barr 1 (j)
overpowering exuberance (fig.) icen (d)
overpowering strength fortamlaige
overpowering bdud (b)
overpowering dobrgad (brg)
overpowering doingabla (ingabl)
overpowering forrach vx foirrgid
overpowering foraisliugad
overpowers bascaid (basc 2?)
overpowers fannaid (fann 2)
overpowers foirrgid 1
over-powers for-brissi (brissid)
overpowers for-cuirethar
overpowers for-aisligid(ir)

overpowers lingid
over-ripe anadbad
overruns ind-reith
overseer (?) epscop 1
overseer curatir
overseer feithmeir (fethem)
overseer fordcsid
overshadowing foscadach (foscad)
overstrict (?) forbannach (forbann)
overswearing fortach
over-swears for-toing (tongid)
overtakes (?) *etar-trat (-reth)
overtakes (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (a)
overtakes ad-reith
overtakes ar-reith
overtakes do-airissedar (d)
overtakes do-etarrat
overtakes do-greinn (a)
overtakes forraid = do-rraid
overtakes gaibid
overtakes gaibid
overtaking rrachtu
overtaking breth (f) for (ar)
overthrow escar 1 II
overthrower comcloti
overthrowing bris(s)ed (c)
overthrowing cld (e)
overthrowing comchloud (d)
overthrowing cor 1
overthrowing coscrad
overthrowing coscrad
overthrowing flgud
overthrowing fuirmiud, -med
overthrowing imthrascrad
overthrowing lecad
overthrows (trans.) bris(s)id I (c)
overthrows (trans.) clod I (c)
overthrows (trans.) escaraid II (escar 1)
overthrows ar-cuirethar (d)
overthrows do-scara I
overthrows fo-ceird I (c)
overthrows for-cuirethar
overthrows fo-ruimi, -fuirmi
overthrows lraigid (lr)
overthrows lecaid
overtook imchasaid
overturning impd, impd
overturns (?) brud 2
overweening immarcrach, imforcrach
overwhelming odds anforlann (a) (forlann)
overwhelming strength imm

overwhelming superiority ? immin
overwhelming bdud (b)
overwhelming tailngech (talaing)
overwhelming talaing (tualang)
overwhelming imbdud
overwhelming(?) foscadach (foscad)
overwhelms bidid (c)
overwhelms con-bidi (bidid)
overwhelms -forlaig
overwhelms mchaid (mch)
oves cetaimni
owes con-dlig (dligid)
owes dligid III
owing from for
owing to the action of fuirired, -iud (fuired)
owing to dthaig I (d)
owing dlechtain
own account agad
own family comchenl (b) (cenl)
own herd comthin (tin)
own bunad (e) (bun 1)
own dles 1 II (a) (d- + les)
owned in common coitchenn I (b)
owner of cows barach 2 (bar 1)
owner of kine? agda
owner fada 2 (d)
owner maigister (maigistir)
ownership dlse (a) (dles)
ownership dlsecht (a) (dlse)
ownership dslidecht = dsle
owns la
ox ag
ox b
ox dam 1 I
ox es(s) 8
ox mart
ox-(cow) carcass mart
oxen (coll.) damrad I
oxen and small cattle dam-scuithe
ox-herding damairecht I

pace as measure of length cim (-mm) I (e)
pace cim (-mm) I (c)
pace coiscim (-mm) (cos + cim)
pace imthecht
paces cingid 1(a)
pacification forsdugud
pacifies do-atailci
pacifying forsdugud

pacing cimniugad
pack (of dogs etc.) caine = can 1
pack (of dogs, wolves, etc.) can 1 (b)
pack (of warriors etc.) cana(i)rt 1, cona(i)rt (b) (can, c)
pack animal im(a)int, iment
pack of hounds cana(i)rt 1, cona(i)rt (a) (can, c)
pack of wolves cana(i)rt 1, cona(i)rt (a) (can, c)
packet cuairsce
packhorse airech 3
pact bid (b)
pact bid (b)
pact caingen (d)
pact cairde (a) (cara 1)
pact cairdes (b) (cara 1)
pact cairdine (cara 1)
pact combid (com + bid)
pact comluige 1 (luige 1)
pact commann
pact comrann (b) (rann, cf. con-ranna)
pact cotach 1
pact cundrad (b)
pad (rider to his horse) cuisian
pad adartn
padded? seat of some kind mellsuide vx suide
padded? seat of some kind mellsuide vx suide
paddles imm-sn
paddock baile 1 (b)
paddock baile 1 (b)
paddock inde
pagan altar indelb (delb)
pagan deity ana(i) (?)
pagan god ana(i) (?)
pagan gentlide
pagan gentlide
paganism gentlidecht (gentlide)
pagans genti
page of a book lethenach
page duillend (b)
page duilleg (b) (duille)
pages (?) arid
paid rnithe
pail derb 2
pail derba 2
pail folderb
pail mrnn
pain ainces (a)
pain airchitecht (airchit)
pain conpre
pain daig II
pain fulangad
pain glfit

pain goim
pain gre (gr)
pain idu
pain idu
painful toil dad
painful algach (alga)
painful doccamlach (doccumail)
painful docht (c)
painful dor (e)
painful daibsech (dabais)
painful gomach (goim)
painful gr
painfulness airchitecht (airchit)
pains dchell 3
pains frithgnam
pains goillid
pains lire (lir)
painstaking dchellach (dchell 3)
painstaking frithgnamach > frichnamach (frithgnam)
paints comdathaigid (dathaigid)
paints con-suidigedar (suidigidir)
pair (in general) emon 1 (c)
pair (of persons) das 2 (a)
pair (of things) das 2 (b)
pair (of yoked animals) crait
pair (or triplet) born at one birth emon 1 (a)
pair of animals dide II (c)
pair of opponents cuing
pair of persons dechenc
pair of persons dide II (b)
pair of scissors deimes
pair of shears deimes
pair of things dide II (a)
pair beirt 1
pair beirt 1
pair conchlann (a)
pair cpla
pair es(s)em
palace cuirt
palatable mn
palatal mn
palate carpat (c)
pale ? sel
pale red cows Iuchna
pale red iuchn
pale red iuchandae (iuchn)
pale bn I (b)
pale bn I (b)
pale eltaide
palebra 1 abra (a)
paleness of death bnad

paleness of death bnad
Palestine feilistin
palfrey falafraigh
paling airbe 1 (a)
palisade aile 2
palisade clethchor (cleth 1 + cor 1)
palisade clath (c)
palisade cora (a)
palisade caillech (caille)
pallet fatlach
palliates glanaid (glan)
pallid 2 glas
pallor bine (a) (bn)
pallor bine (a) (bn)
pallor lxaire (lx)
palm of the hand bas 1 (a)
palm of the hand bas 1 (a)
palm of the hand dernu (a)
palm bucaide
palm bucaide
palm mr
palmer falmaire 1
palmistry dernatracht (dernu)
palpitating crithnaigthech (crithnaigthe)
palpitation (?) fonnam (< fo-snm) vx fondad
palpitation crith
palsy crithlam
paltry (?) dibroig
paltry dedbol
paltry dnnim (snm)
pamphlet duillechn (duille)
pan aigen 1
panacea (?) cath 3
pane (of glass) clr (c)
panegyric sung in chorus cepc
panegyric molad
panegyrist admoltaid
panel lann
pang ? idlann, idlang
pang arrann
pang daig II
pang idu
pang idu
pangs of child birth idu
pangs doig(th)ech (daig)
pangs gre (gr)
panic (?) dible
panic (?) duible (duibell)
panic (?) fenfad (--?)
panic (?) fnscor
panic dsacht I

panic fascor
panic geltachas (geltach)
panic mairbill
panic-madness genidecht (genit)
panic-stricken fondledach (-ethach) (c)
panic-striken fugitive from battle 1 geilt
pannel ? liste
pannier ces 2 (a)
panoply arm (a)
pansy msach
panting anlfadach (b) (anl)
panting bolgfadach (bolg 1)
panting bolgfadach (bolg 1)
pantry 1 arlann (lann)
pantry cuile
pap cch 1 (a)
pap th (?i)
pap mm
pap mama
papal bull bulla 1
parable cosmailecht (b) = cosmailius
paragon caindel
parallel airlann 3
paralyses gaibid
paralytic (?) anfabrachta (anfobracht)
paralytic fodbrachtaige
paramour carthach II (caraid)
paramour drithsech (drth 2)
paramour lennn
parasite c 1 (e)
parcel (?) faistn
parched condition loiscecht
parchment cairt 1 (a)
parchment mem(m)rum(m)
pardon dlgud (a)
pardon logad
pardon maithmechas
pardons dlgaigid (do-luigi)
pardons maithid
parents (in pl.) athair 1
parish fairche
parity com\.suide (suide 2)
parkleaves mes(s)
parsimony (?, CW) cruinnes (cruinn)
parsimony cumgae (b) (cumung)
parsimony gainne (gann)
parsing imchomarc
parsley imus
part (?) leth
part (of a discourse etc.) articol, airtecal (d)
part of a bed crann (c)

part of a book lebor
part of a collar or gorget (?) firsine
part of a harp air\.snaidm (a) (snaidm)
part of a mill milaire
part of a spear mimasc
part of boat beirling
part of boat beirling
part of head (?) forceth
part of its fleece fraig
part of its surface fraig
part of South Connaught Irait, Irt
part of the body of an animal ?midid
part of the body ige 1
part of the body midbac
part of the frame-work of a boat gln
part of the harness of a chariot-horse is(s)e, is(s)i
part airnel 2 = ernail
part airrann (rann 1)
part airrannus (airrann) = airrann
part aisil
part ball (c)
part ball (c)
part blog (b)
part blog (b)
part cethramthu (e) (cethramad)
part comrann (a) (rann, cf. con-ranna)
part cuit
part cuitred (cuit)
part dl 1 I
part drcht I
part ernail (a)
part fodail b
part fodrann
part mr
partakes (of) cuiti(gi)d (a) (cuit)
partaking of a wedding feast bainsiugud
parted dedailte
partial bdach, bidech (bid)
partial bdach, bidech (bid)
partial bad (a)
partial bad (a)
partial ccoitchenn (a)
partial leth
partial lettebach (letteb)
partiality (?) condircle (condircel)
partiality (for a person) cuit
partiality bid (a)
partiality bid (a)
partiality condalbae (condalb)
partiality leithbe
partially mid

participant cuitigthech (cuitigid)
participates (in) cuiti(gi)d (a) (cuit)
participates in (?) con-techta (techtaid)
participates in (fri = with) con-dili (a) (dilid)
participates in con-ranna (b) (rannaid)
participation commaid (d) (com + buith)
participation compirt (pairt)
particle (of dust, dirt, etc.) brod 1
particle (of dust, dirt, etc.) brod 1
particle that is cut off from the bottom of the half chtar
particle crithir 1 (b)
particles casnad
particles? menaige
particular irithe I (b)
particular dirithe (a)
particular dirithe II
particularizing dlsigud, dsligud (a)
particularly dirithe (b)
parting (from) eterdeligud, -delugud (a)
parting after a hostile encounter imscarad
parting injuction fcbil (c)
parting mutually imscarad
parting ordinance (esp. by a saint) fcbil (c)
parting prohibition (esp. by a saint) fcbil (c)
parting dedail I
parting deiliugad (a)
parting dluige (b)
parting etarscarad
parting etarscarthain
partisan muinter
partisans imchor
partition (?) (of a house) airscar (b)
partition or wall of boards (?) fochra
partner (?, Plummer MS notes) aurrannach
partner com\.fer (fer)
partnership (legal) cumthus
partnership comar (ar 4)
partnership commaid (a) (com + buith)
partnership commaid (d) (com + buith)
partnership comrann (b) (rann, cf. con-ranna)
partnership lnamnas
part-pledge ingille
parts (intrans.) dedlaid II (dedail)
parts (intrans.) dedlaigidir II (dedail)
parts (intrans.) deiligidir II (a) (deil 1)
parts (trans.) etar-scara I (scaraid)
parts from (intrans.) deiligidir II (c) (deil 1)
parts with (?) do-gaib (d)
parts celebraid (c)
parts dedlaid I (a) (dedail)
parts in-dloing

parturient? (Plummer MS notes) andaigthe
parturition asat
parturition breth (b)
parturition breth (b)
parturition lmnad
party to a covenant cundradach (cundrad)
party dm I
party facsoin
party ln
party muinter
Pasch csc
paschal feast csc
paschal cscamail (csc)
paschal cscda (csc)
pass (between hills) belach (a) (bel)
pass (between hills) belach (a) (bel)
pass blat
pass blat
pass bern
pass bern
pass cim (-mm) II (b)
pass fuidir
pass gabul
pass. x is due from y dligid II a
pass. x is incumbent on y dligid II b
pass. x is required of y dligid II b
pass. y owes x dligid II a
passable imthechta
passage (in a book or speech) baile 1 (d)
passage (in a book or speech) baile 1 (d)
passage (in a book) itt (a)
passage (of a book) ball (d)
passage (of a book) ball (d)
passage esrais, esrus
passage fithis (b)
passage imlocht
passage imlochtad, imluchtad
passage immarchor
passage inad < ined
passage intairmthechtas (tairmthechtas)
passage lachtu
passes away fuinid
passes beneath ? fo-tt
passes judgement beirid III
passes judgement beirid III
passes the winter gaimigidir (gaim)
passes through forderet
passes under (?) fo-beir (d)
passes istech
passible fuilingthe
passim Marbn

passing away dul 1 II (d)
passing judgement on fuigell
passing over dchell 1
passing the time aithgerrad (aithgerr) aimsire
passing ldach, -dach, -dach I (ld)
passing gabl
passion ainman (1 man)
passion elscothachad (elscothach)
passion fasnad
passion grs
passion lonnus (lonn)
passionate idlannach (idlann)
passionate lasnta (lasn)
passive (gramm.) cstach (csad)
passive sense in them and active construction imfognam
passive voice (gramm.) csad (d)
passive fuilngech, -thech
passiveness trice
past counting il
past the shroud (?) forbbaid
past leth
pastime ? monarn
pastime aithgerrad (aithgerr) aimsire
pastime fastum
pastoral staff bachall (a)
pastoral staff bachall (a)
pasturage ingelt
pasture land ithir
pasture achad
pasture inber
pasture-land clain 1
pastures 1 gelt
pastures geltaid (gelt)
pastures ingelt
pastures ingeltid (ingelt)
pasturing fogeltad
pasturing inber
pasturing ingelt
patch eng 2 (a)
patches (?) fochra
paten desc
paternal relatives aithre (athair)
paternal atharda I (athair)
path ? instaigid
path belach (b) (bel)
path belach (b) (bel)
path ce (b)
path casn 1 (cas 1)
path cite (f)
path conar (a)
path elas, eulas (d)

path in(n)tech
path lorg
pathfinding (?) fithissigud (fithis)
pathless dchonair (conar)
paths il
patience ainmne (a)
patience foditiu (b)
patience foditnige
patient ainmnech (ainmne)
patient ainmnetach (ainme)
patient foditnech (a)
patient fuilngech, -thech
patient, longsuffering foditech
patof butter mescn (mesc)
patriarch arsaid II
Patrick Cothraige
patrimony aiccidecht
patrimony airecht 1 (c)
patrimony atharda II (athair)
patrimony athardacht (atharda)
patrimony comarbus (comarbbae)
patrimony comorbb (orbb)
patrimony d (c)
patrimony dthaig II (a)
patrimony dthchas (c) (dthaig)
patrimony eigrecht, oigrecht (eigre)
patrimony finechas (a) (fine)
patrimony flesc 1 (d) lma
patrimony forbbae
patrimony inmechus
patron (in general) (?) rlam II (c)
patron (of a church or monastery) rlam II (a)
patron saint rlam II (a)
patronage (?) rlam I
patronymic aitherrechtaigthe I
patronymical aitherrechtaigthe II
pattern desimrecht (a)
pattern eisim(p)lir (a)
pattern lorg
patterned brecc 1
patterned brecc 1
paunch mtal
pauper bocht 1 (b)
pauper bocht 1 (b)
pauper bochtn (bocht 1)
pauper bochtn (bocht 1)
pauper deidbln (dedbol)
pauses adantaib
pauses do-airissedar (c)
paved road clochn (cloch)
pavement figimint

pavement fament
pavilion imscing, imsceng
paving-stone lecc
paw ? mc (mca?)
paw crob
paying (debts) infachad ?
paying (for) cc
paying an equivalent for ric, raic (b)
paying attention to indithmigud
paying compensation (for an injury, etc.) ric, raic (b)
paying for anything ccaidecht (ccaid)
paying out ric, raic (a)
paying regard to fgain, fchain (d) do
paying something in place of something else arrae (a)
paying something on behalf of another arrae (a)
paying tithes dechmadach (dechmad)
paying tribute csugud
paying comcc (cc)
paying dl II (b)
paying dlad
paying rned, rniud I
paying rrethach (as-ren)
pay-master formlach (formil)
payment (?) airgais (b)
payment allotted for particular processes in industry (?) fobrithe
payment due cin III (b)
payment due fach 1 (a)
payment of eric-fine (?) racas
payment of fosterage arrathas, arradas (arrath, arrad)
payment airlg (lg)
payment aithe 1 (a)
payment arrae (a)
payment cennach (d) (cenn)
payment coibche 1 (b)
payment comcc (cc)
payment dn VII
payment dlaidecht (dl)
payment fach 1 (c)
payment fochraic (a)
payment cc
payment ccaidecht (ccaid)
payment imnotacht
payment indric, indraic
payment lg also lag
payment ligidecht (lg)
pays (a due) (?) dligid
pays (esp. an honour-price or a fine) do-ren
pays (legal) attairgid
pays (more strictly hands over) on behalf of another ar-ren (renaid)
pays as rent tax ? gablaid
pays attention to (trans.) fethid 1 I (a)

pays attention to indithmigid (indithem)
pays away (freq. as fine or compensation) as-ren
pays equally comccaid (ccaid 1)
pays eric-fine (legal) rcid (ric)
pays for dlaid (d) (dl)
pays for laigid (lg)
pays heed to ar-taisi
pays heed to fgaid I (b)
pays heed to fo-callathar (a)
pays heed to ind-feith
pays over (something) in place of (something else) ar-ren (renaid)
pays comchrecaid (creccaid)
pays dnaid II (dn)
pays dlaid (b) (dl)
pays rnid I (a)
pays rnigid (rnid)
pays fo-cren (b)
pays fris-ben
pays ccaid (cc)
peace (?) ain 1
peace bacc 2
peace bacc 2
peace canchomrac (can 1 + comrac)
peace cairde (a) (cara 1)
peace comsad = com\.fosad ?
peace crae (c) (cir)
peace crus (cir)
peaceable comailt
peaceful canchomracach (canchomrac)
peaceful comailt
peaceful crach (crae)
peaceful cumsantach (cumsanad)
peaceful fthamail (fth 3)
peacock gisechtn (gisecht)
peacock gsachtach (-echtach)
peak or corner of a garment gimn
peak aird 1 (a)
peak benn (a)
peak benn (a)
peak corr 1 II
peak dind (e)
peaked bennach 2 (benn)
peaked bennach 2 (benn)
peaked brainech (a) (braine 1)
peaked brainech (a) (braine 1)
peaked corr 1 I
peal clinn
pearl margrit
peasant aithech 1 (a) (aithe)
peasant botach (bot 1)
peasant botach (bot 1)

peasantry cradaire (cr 1)
peat min
peat-moss min
peat-moss mintech
pebble ridge adart
pebble lecn
peccati idbart
peccatum idbart
pecking (at) creinn = creimm
pecking at giubadh
pecks gobaid (gob)
pectoral bruinnide (bruinne)
pectoral bruinnide (bruinne)
peculiar nature dlsecht (b) (dlse)
peculiar ainingantach (ingantach)
peculiar csamail (b)
peculiarity aiste (a)
pedestrian coisige (cos)
pedigree coibnius (a) (coibne)
pedigree creb (c)
pedigree genelach
pedlar mangaire
peel of an onion inar
peeling (?) fasced
peeling of the skin (?) giba
peeling imscothad
peels imscothaid
peer comnma
peerless anamail
peevish ogmar, ogar
peevishness (?) doirbe (doirb 1)
peevishness ccnestacht
peg on which shields were hung delga (delgu) (a)
peg dalln 3
peg delg (c)
peg delga (delgu) (a)
peg menoc
pell-mell mesc(c)
pellucid? menn (mend)
pelting (us. of missile weapons) dbirciud
pelting with clods cepad
pelts (with obj. of person or thing cast at) do-bidci (b)
pelts comdubraicid (do-bidci)
pelvis (?) fordronn
pen (for animals) airbe 1 (b)
pen (for animals) cr 1 I (a)
pen las
pen mainder
penalty ? indrech
penalty cir 7
penalty dre (b)

penalty fach 1 (a)
penance (religious sense) aithrige (a)
penance etla II
penance fach 1 (a)
penance-fine (?) dchubus (cubus)
pending from fri
penetrating (fig. of mental and moral qualities) fig (f)
penis (?) femm (b)
penis bethul
penis bethul
penis bach
penis bach
penis bot 1 (b)
penis bot 1 (b)
penis comal 1 (b)
penitence doilgius (a) (doilig)
penitence etla II
penitent aithrigech (aithrige)
penitent aithrigech (aithrige)
penitential (?) aithrigech (aithrige)
penitential commutation (eccles.) arrae (d)
penitential diet dobrit(h)
penitential station ailad (b)
penitentiary dairthech I
penny af(f)aing
pension lintas
Pentecost cingciges, -is
penurious 1 gand
penury dochta 1 (docht)
people used to be ferried out and in imlochtad, imluchtad
people ? icht
people 2 es
people blrae I (b)
people blrae I (b)
people comaicme (aicme)
people gent
people lucht
peopled with many races il
pepper (?) cubibe
perceives (a fact, state of affairs) aithnid 2 (c) (aithne 2)
perceives ad-c
perceives ad-gnin
perceives airigidir (aire 1)
perceives braithid (brath)
perceives braithid (brath)
perceives ceta-b (ceta- + subst. vb.)
perceives do-beir VI (b)
perceives imm-acci
perceives mothaigid (moth)
perceiving airiugad
perceiving aithne 2 (a)

perceiving ctfanugud
perceiving mothugud
perceptible leinnne (lenn)
perception airiugad
perception aithne 2 (a)
perception imcaisiu
perception mothugud
perceptive mothaigthech
perdition apthu
perennial (?) bitchai
perennial (?) bitchai
perfect birth indbertad ?
perfect health imm
perfect number for an imperfect foirbthe I b
perfect cen cridim
perfect comimln (imln)
perfect comln (ln)
perfect comlnta
perfect crichid
perfect crchnaigthe
perfect dingblta (a) (dingbil, -la)
perfect foirbthe I (a)
perfect forfoirbthe
perfect imln
perfect inich
perfect lomnn
perfection clithe (h)
perfection comline (comln)
perfection comlinius = comline
perfection dingbltacht (dingblta)
perfection foirbthecht (a)
perfection foirbthetu
perfection forba, forbae
perfection formna
perfection imline (imln)
perfection inichus (inich)
perfective imm-dni
perfective maidid
perfectly obvious airdarcu epirt
perfectly cen cridim
perfects ? ? imm-forfen
perfects imlnaid (imln)
perfervid dgraisech (dgrais)
perfidious menntolach (menntol)
perforated brifnech (brifne)
perforated brifnech (brifne)
perforated comtholl (toll)
performance of feats cles (a)
performance of feats clesamnacht (clesamain)
performance abairt
performance abairt (b)

performance gls
performance imlad
performance indrem, indram
performing (music) imbert
performing feats together cocless (cles)
performing 1 gnm
performing comalnad (-ll-)
performing dnum I (a)
performing gnmugd
performing lad (lth)
performingxxx abartach
performs (a duty, etc.) comalnaithir
performs (with abstr. or vn. as obj.) feraid II (d)
performs ? imm-fuirmi (imb-fo-rim)
performs feats clesit (cles)
performs feats clisid (cles)
performs reciprocal services fris-gn, -frithgn- (-frichn-)
performs aigid (d)
performs ar-clis (clisid)
performs con-clis (clisid)
performs fo-ceird I (i)
performs for-gn
performs gnid
performs imm-beir
perhaps ? immeriuch
perhaps bs 2
perhaps bs 2
peril (?) clind
peril cuntabart (b)
peril gas (guais)
peril gasacht (gas)
peril ing
perilous condition gasachtaige
perilous aicbil
perilous aicbil
perilous gdamail (gd)
perilous gasachtach (gasacht)
perilous gasemail (gas)
period (of time) ed 2 (c)
period fixed by mutual agreement iubaile, iubail
period of dispensation iubaile, iubail
period of exemption (from distress) fer I
period of exemption iubaile, iubail
period of fast corgus
period of fasting an 2
period of five days (legal) cicde
period of four days cethramthu (h) (cethramad)
period of prescription (?) lecc
period of privilege iubaile, iubail
period of time aimser (b)
period of time comairet (airet)

period of time inam
period of twenty (days, years, etc.) fichtige (fichtech)
period 1 es
period aimser (c)
period aimserad (aimser)
period bann 1 (b)
period bann 1 (b)
period bith 1 II
period bith 1 II
period denus (b)
period inbaid
period linn
periodicity aimseracht (aimser)
periods for making good a pledge cc
perishable aiprisc (ad + brisc)
perishable airchradach (airchraide?)
perishes (?) for-beba vx for-boing
perishes (intrans.) dbaid 2 I
perishes (intrans.) dbaigid II
perishes (of things) at-bail(l)
perishes do-tuit 1 (c)
perishes fo-epil
perishes legaid
perishes mudaigid
perishing in a quagmire cechrad
perishing airchrae (a)
perishing epeltnech (epeltu)
perishing epeltu
perishing legad
periwinkle or shell-fish of some kind fechg
periwinkle fechan
periwinkle giritn
perjured thchech (thech)
perjury thech
permanence baine (bun 1)
permanence baine (bun 1)
permanence baines = baine
permanence baines = baine
permanence marthanaige
permanent relation commarthaine
permanent residence conntairisem
permanent soldier banna (ban 1)
permanent soldier banna (ban 1)
permanent bunatta (-ae) (bunad)
permanent bunatta (-ae) (bunad)
permanent comnaidi
permanent fossaigthech
permanent marthanach
permeates lnaid (ln)
permissibility cert 1 (n)
permissible (?) dles 1 II (b) (d- + les)

permissible cetaigthech (cetaigid)
permissible dlmain (a)
permission granted cet 1 I
permission airasacht (asacht)
permission cet 1 III
permission cetugad (a)
permission comairlciud
permission denugud
permission escail
permission logad
permits have licid
permits to do licid
permits ar-fom (d)
permits cetaigid (a) (cet)
permits con-airlici
permits daimid III
permits denaigid (dein 1)
permits dlmainigidir (b) (dlmain)
permits licid
permits licid
permitted (CW) cetaigthe
permitted by law licet
permitted comairlicthe
permitted dlecht
permitting cetugad (a)
permitting comairlciud
permitting imfolang, imfulang
permitting liciud
pernicious (Gloss.) bainnsech
pernicious (Gloss.) bainnsech
pernicious airchitech (aircht)
perpetrates (a deed etc.) as-oirc
perpetrating dnum I (a)
perpetual grsach (2 grs)
perpetually imchana
perpetuating banad (ban 1)
perpetuating banad (ban 1)
perpetuating banugad
perpetuating banugad
perplexed cri(d)te
perplexing question (?) docheist
perplexing cuntar
perplexity ainces (c)
perplexity amgar (b) (gar 1)
perplexity ce 1 (a)
perplexity cridtecht (cridte)
perplexity cuntabart (a)
perplexity doidnge (dodaing)
perplexity eterln, etarln (ln)
perplexity imcheist
perplexity meraigecht (meraige)

persecutes ainlenaid (lenaid)
persecutes cridid (crd)
persecutes ingreimmid, ingremmaid (ingreimm)
persecutes in-greinn
persecuting ainlenmain
persecuting crd
persecuting foilenmain (b)
persecuting ingreimm, ingraimm, ingrimm
persecuting len(a)main
persecution croch 1 (a)
persecution ingreimm, ingraimm, ingrimm
persecution ingremmad
persecution len(a)main
persecutor ingraimmthid (ingraimm)
persecutor ingremmthach (ingremmad)
persecutor ingrentid, ingraintid (in-greinn)
perseverance in chastity congbaidetu (congbaid)
perseverance anainmne (ainmne)
perseverance banugad
perseverance banugad
perseverance feidle (feidil 1)
perseverance feidligthetu
perseverance fossaide
perseveres with lenaid
persevering ban 1
persevering ban 1
persevering banugad
persevering banugad
persevervance foss (fos)
persistence ainlenmain
persistence feidligthetu
persistency (?) ? fostn
persistency fossugud
persistent lenamnach (lenamain)
persistent lista (lis)
persisting feidligud
persists in lenaid
persists in lenaid
persists maraid and mairid
person (category) qualified to give over-riding testimony fortach
person (gramm.) fer (f)
person (man or woman) gc
person from outside the tath ambuae (buae)
person hanged crochaire (b) (crochaid [1])
person in bondage cacht 1 (a)
person maimed in the hand mainchn
person meeted with airis (b)
person not responsible for his actions (legal) drth 2 II
person not skilled in legal procedure (lit. tongueless person) aintengthaid (tengae)
person of equal rank comgrd 1 (b) (grd 1)
person of equal rank compersa (persa)

person of equal rank compersanna = compersa
person of equal standing comchenl (a) (cenl)
person of equal standing comgrd 1 (b) (grd 1)
person of ill intent anduine (b) (duine)
person of inferior position foduine
person of low estate anduine (a) (duine)
person of mean condition (?) duithne
person of rank or standing (?) (in some contexts of persons capable of giving evidence)
airchonn (conn)
person of standing aurrae (a)
person of the same fine coibne (com + fine)
person of the same name comainm (b) (ainmm)
person prohibited airchoillte (a)
person rich in flock-beds coilcthech 2 (colcaid)
person suffering from some kind of wasting disease anfobracht
person that brings healing ccaid > ccaide (cc)
person who gave the fosterage fee cannot take it back meisech
person who is in comaithches and subject to its regulations comaithech II (a) (comaithe)
person with legal connections be, buae
person with legal connections be, buae
person 1 gein
person 1 gein vx geinddae
person ar (for) dreich 1 (d)
person duine
person 6
persons fit to succeed them imchubaid > imchuibe
persons leg
perspiration allas
perspiring aillsech (allas)
persuades bocaigid = bocaid
persuades bocaigid = bocaid
persuades brcaigid = brcaid
persuades brcaigid = brcaid
pertaining to fili fileta (fili)
pertaining to armuimnech
pertaining to a bishop esbogtha
pertaining to a boy mac(c)thae
pertaining to a brother brthardae (brthair)
pertaining to a brother brthardae (brthair)
pertaining to a certain people dthchas (g) (dthaig)
pertaining to a certain territory dthchas (g) (dthaig)
pertaining to a diviner mathmarcde
pertaining to a fan or the Fiana fanachta
pertaining to a fan fanamail
pertaining to a fan fanda
pertaining to a fomir fomrda
pertaining to a fort dnattae (dnad 1)
pertaining to a holiday fril
pertaining to a hostel bruidnech 1 (bruiden 1)
pertaining to a hostel bruidnech 1 (bruiden 1)
pertaining to a mule mldae (ml)

pertaining to a pair emnach (emon 1)
pertaining to a serf dorda (dor)
pertaining to a species gnach (gn)
pertaining to a vine fnemnach (fnemain)
pertaining to a warrior lechda (lech)
pertaining to a warrior mleta (ml)
pertaining to a wedding (CW) bainnside (banais) = bainsecdae
pertaining to a wedding (CW) bainnside (banais) = bainsecdae
pertaining to a woman banda 1 (a) (ben)
pertaining to a woman banda 1 (a) (ben)
pertaining to Aaron (of clothes) rnda
pertaining to an appointed term filemail (fil)
pertaining to an augur mathmarcde
pertaining to an idol daltae, dolde (dal, dol)
pertaining to birds nach 1 (n 1)
pertaining to boats ethrach (ethar)
pertaining to bread bairgenach (bairgen)
pertaining to bread bairgenach (bairgen)
pertaining to Caesar Cesarda (-- ?) (Cesar)
pertaining to cavalry marcsluagach
pertaining to darts goithnech (goithne)
pertaining to death apthach 2
pertaining to dress culuidech (culaid)
pertaining to elements or creatures (lit.) dilech 1 (a) (dil)
pertaining to essence eisichda
pertaining to feet cosach (cos)
pertaining to fetters gemlide (gemel)
pertaining to fir or pine ? gisaide (gis)
pertaining to fir or pine gisda (gis)
pertaining to hair foltnide
pertaining to horseman marcachdae
pertaining to horsewhips echlascach
pertaining to hunters fanach (fan)
pertaining to idols dlaide (dal)
pertaining to judgement me(i)s(s)ide (mes)
pertaining to judgment brethach (breth)
pertaining to judgment brethach (breth)
pertaining to judgment brithemandae (breithem)
pertaining to judgment brithemandae (breithem)
pertaining to Latin Laitind(a)e
pertaining to learning icsech (icse)
pertaining to learning foglamda
pertaining to legs cosach (cos)
pertaining to magic daltae, dolde (dal, dol)
pertaining to man donda (a) (don 1)
pertaining to mead medach
pertaining to monks ? manchach
pertaining to or abounding in glens (?) foithremail
pertaining to or abounding in woods (?) foithremail
pertaining to or consisting of words foclach
pertaining to poetry icsech (icse)

pertaining to rain flechdach (flechud)
pertaining to rapidly flowign streams es(s)ach (es 3)
pertaining to rings finnech I (finne)
pertaining to roots frmach (frm)
pertaining to senses ctfadach (c) (ctfaid)
pertaining to ships longda (long)
pertaining to smith`s work goibnide (gaibnide)
pertaining to sorcery gentlide
pertaining to sound fogurda
pertaining to swine muc(c)ach (muc)
pertaining to swine muc(c)dae (muc)
pertaining to the air aerda
pertaining to the Bible bbalta (bbla)
pertaining to the Bible bbalta (bbla)
pertaining to the church eclastacda
pertaining to the dead marb
pertaining to the dead? marbach
pertaining to the dragon-stone draconda (b) (draic, dracon)
pertaining to the elements dileta (dil 1)
pertaining to the ether etherdae (ethiar 1)
pertaining to the fig-tree fculdae
pertaining to the four elements dilide (dil 1)
pertaining to the law dligtinech (dliged)
pertaining to the Lord coimdettae (coimdiu)
pertaining to the Lord domnachta (domnach)
pertaining to the neck muinde (muin)
pertaining to the ocean aicnta
pertaining to the religious life clirchide (clirech)
pertaining to the shank erochorda (erochuir)
pertaining to the sword claidbech I (claideb)
pertaining to the upper atmosphere etherdae (ethiar 1)
pertaining to twenty fichtech (fiche)
pertaining to visions brinnach (a) (brinn)
pertaining to visions brinnach (a) (brinn)
pertaining to waggons fnach (fn)
pertaining to warrior-bands fanach (fan)
pertaining to waterfalls es(s)ach (es 3)
pertaining to wine fnda (fn)
pertaininname of the ogam symbol for e before a broad consonantg to the symbol or combination
called bad badach
perturbation (?) dochsad (csad)
perturbation baidred (a)
perturbation baidred (a)
perturbation com\.sathad
perturbation fasnad
perturbed anfadach 1 (anfud)
perturbed fasnadach
perturbs fasnaigid
perturbs medraid
perturbs meraid (mer)
perusal lgthracht (-irecht) (lgthir)

perusing (documents, etc.) cartugad (d)
perverse or unjust judgment (?) esbreth, esmbreth
perverse person crostir (crosta)
perverse cas 1 (b)
perverse caplach (capil)
perverse clen I (d)
perverse clenta
perverse cl I (b)
perverse crosnta (cros, crosaid)
perverse crosta
perverse Iblach (? bal)
perverse lebthach (lebad)
perverseness cotarsnacht (cotarsnae)
perversion clen II (b)
perversion clane (e) (clen)
perversion clethrm (b)
perversion imsobad
perversity clentu
perversity mallachtnaige
perverted little wretch clenn (clen)
perverting clenad (d)
perverting cld (b)
perverts (trans.) clenaid I (d) (clen)
perverts clod I (g)
perverts imm-dni
perverts lebaid (leb)
pestiferousness mortlaidecht (mortlaid)
pestilence dotheidm (teidm)
pestilence galrad (galar)
pet cat (?) baircne
pet cat (?) baircne
pet dog mes(s)n
pet drettel (a) = treitell, q.v.
petition ardarc 1 (a)
petition caingen (a)
petition ar(r)atas
petition imchomarc
petition itge, itche
petitioner eisid
petitioner guidech (guide)
petitioner guidedir
petrifies calcaid (cailc)
petrifying ? (CW) cailced = calcad ?
petrifying calcad
pettiness (of appearance) diire (diir)
pettiness disse (diss?)
petty husbandry fothrebad
petty quarter of beef martn
petty river min
petty spurge (name of a plant) esbeorna
petty de\.sruith (sruith)

petty derlach (deril)
petty dchuid (cuit)
petty diir
petty min
petulance dchoisce (dchoisc)
petulant farnach
phalanx (of people or objects) br 1 (b)
phalanx (of people or objects) br 1 (b)
phalanx airbe 1 (b)
phalanx cippe
phantom (?) elpait, elpoid
phantom airdrech 1
phantom fantais
phantom fantaisech (fantais)
phantom? meis
Pharisee farsaid 2
philanthropy donchaire
Philistine felestina
Philistine filistn, -in
Philistine filistnde
Philistine filistnech
philosopher ecna(e) 1 II
philosopher fellsam
philosophic fellsamanda
philosophy fellsaime (fellsam)
philosophy fellsamdacht
philosophy fellsamnacht
phlegm crontsaile (? + saile 1)
phlegm flegma
phrase focal, focull (b)
physical association comentu (b) (oentu)
physical blemish locht
physical constitution (med.) coimplex
physical pain galar
physical adbarda
physical corpthae, -dae
physician (med.) dochtir
physician fithliaig
physician fisecda (fisice)
physician fisice, -id
physician fisid 2 (b) (fis 1)
physician fiside = fisid
physician laig
physician midach
pick comroga (rogu)
pick forglu < forgla
pick gsca
pickles gortaigid (goirt)
picks out do-eclainn
Pict Cruithen
Pict Cruithnech = Cruithnech

Pict(s) Cruithnech (Cruithen)
Picts Cruithne (Cruithen)
pie cste 2
piebald alad
piece (?) badbach (biad)
piece (?) badbach (biad)
piece ? icht
piece of bare pasture lompaire
piece of cloth brit (a)
piece of cloth brit (a)
piece of cloth eng 2 (a)
piece of cloth gibal
piece of cultivated land mruig
piece of food which was put between the teeth of the dead (?) dant-mr
piece of ground where trees have been felled ceppach (a) (cepp)
piece of ground where trees have been felled ceppn (b) (cepp) = ceppach
piece of horn fadarcn
piece of inhabited land mruig
piece of land baile 1 (a)
piece of land baile 1 (a)
piece of land eng 2 (b)
piece of land fonn
piece of land fuithirbe
piece of money bonn 2
piece of money bonn 2
piece of rough moorland lompaire
piece of silver money airgeint
piece of unreclaimed valley foithir, fuither (also fothair (<fo-thr?)
piece of unreclaimed wooded land foithir, fuither (also fothair (<fo-thr?)
piece of wood used in divination fidlann
piece of wood used in yoking cattle deil 2 I (c)
piece of wood menoc
piece of work 1 gnm
piece ball (c)
piece ball (c)
piece blog (a)
piece blog (a)
piece boim(m)
piece boim(m)
piece gbait
piece gbait
piece ledbg (ledb)
pierce pieces of yew-wood ibar > iubar, iobar
pierced with pointed objects imrennach (imrind)
pierced imtholl
piercer (?, CW) congnaid (con-guin)
pierces (with a weapon) cailgid (a) (colg)
pierces barraid 1, bairrid ar (barr 1)
pierces barraid 1, bairrid ar (barr 1)
pierces biraid (bir 1)
pierces biraid (bir 1)

pierces coimthregtaid (tregtaid)
pierces con-goin
pierces do-claid (a)
pierces ercaid 2 (a)
pierces for-gaib
pierces forgonaid
piercing (?) frithgrind ?
piercing (of sounds) fig (c)
piercing ? ? forgomach (forgab ?)
piercing instrument colg (a)
piercing colg (c)
piercing colgad
piercing comthollad (tollad)
piercing forguin
piercing goithnech (goithne)
piercing grot 1
piercing gulbanda (gulba)
piety (CW) cenchaire (cenchair)
piety 2 goire (gor)
piety bade (b) (bad)
piety bade (b) (bad)
piety buidecht 2 (buide 2)
piety buidecht 2 (buide 2)
piety candthracht (can 1 + dthracht)
piety crbud (a)
piety cribdige (cribdech)
piety crsine (crsen)
pig cribais
pig elg 1
pig lupait
pig mait vx mt
pig mt and mta
pig muc(c)
pig`s gut muc(c)recht
pigeon colr
piggery muc(c)lach (muc)
pigin (name of a kind of vessel for liquids or drinking-vessel) ardn 1
pignut curar
pigs muc(c)rad
pig-stye? foir b
pike gonfainne vx gunbuinne
pike lis
pile of cloth clm, clim (d)
pile carn (b)
pile cal (b)
pile daiss
pile duma 1, dumae (b)
pile lth (l)
pile moil (?mil)
piled up crachda (crach 1)
piles (in pl.) (med.) fc (b)

piles up (earth) do-claid (b)
piles up carna(ig)id (carn)
piles up dumaigidir (dumach)
piles up mraid
pilfering (?) foserb
pilgrim ailithir (a)
pilgrim ailithrech 1 (ailithre)
pilgrimage ailithre (ailithir)
pilgrimage ailithrech 2 = ailithre ?
piling up carnad
piling up crachad (crach 1)
pillages draigid (drach 2)
pillaging (land) caithem (a)
pillaging cabg 1
pillaging dberg (a) (d + bergg)
pillar (?) (fig. of a hero, king, etc.) deil 2 II
pillar (?) bodaing
pillar (?) bodaing
pillar (also fig. of people) ige 2
pillar stone 2 Gall
pillar stone galln
pillar coirthe 1
pillar colba(-ae) (d)
pillar columa (-oma, -amu, -umu) (a)
pillar cosach (cos)
pillar gabul
pillar-stone corrcenn
pillar-stone la
pillion ? liste
pillory cepp (c)
pillow adart
pillow adartn
pillow cerchaill
pillow claschn (clasach)
pillow frithadart
pilot loingseir (loinges)
pilot luam
pilotage lamnacht (luam)
piloting lamairecht (lamaire)
piloting luamda (luam)
pilots lamairid (lamaire)
pimpernel ecrim
pimple ballsgit (ball)
pimple ballsgit (ball)
pimple gorn (1 gor)
pimple guirn (gor)
pimples lsach (ls)
pin fastening the mantle on the breast delg (b)
pin 2 graif
pin bretnas (Bretain ?)
pin bretnas (Bretain ?)

pin briar
pin briar
pin brotga (bratt + gae ?)
pin brotga (bratt + gae ?)
pin delga (delgu) (a)
pin e 2
pine gis
pine gisach (gis)
pine-forest gisach (gis)
pine-tree ailm (a)
pinion ette I (a)
pinnacle benn (b)
pinnacle benn (b)
pinnacle dind (e)
pinnacle druim(m)chlae (c)
pious one crsen
pious person cribdech (crbud)
pious 2 gor
pious candthrachtach (candthracht)
pious comgor (cor 2)
pious cribdech (crbud)
pious crdach, -ech (crda 1)
pious credlach = credal
pious creisech
pious crsen
pious crsinech (crsine)
pious eclasach, -aisech (b) (eclais)
pious eclastacda
pious iressach, ir(i)sech
pipe (musical instrument) buinne (b)
pipe (musical instrument) buinne (b)
pipe (of birds) fet 2 (a)
pipe for conveying water, etc. fetn (b)
pipe used for blowing fet 2 (b)
pipe cuisle (a)
pipe duisel
pipe fetn (b)
piper cuislennach 1 (cuisle)
piper cuisleir (cuisle)
piper erdonl, erdanl (donl)
piping cisech 2
piping cuislennach 2
pirate danar V
pirate dberg (c) (d + bergg)
pirate fomrach
pirate loingsech (loinges)
piscina coisrecn
pisses mnaid (mn)
pisses mnigid (mn)
pit (?) corrc (corr 3?)
pit 2 gla

pit brothlach
pit brothlach
pit brach (b)
pit brach (b)
pit clas 1(a) (claidid)
pit crn
pit cuithe (a)
pit cuithech = cuithe
pit dabach II
pit fairthis
pit fochlaid (b)
pit loc
pitch b 1
pitch b 1
pitch bitamain
pitch bitamain
pitcher cilorn
pitches (a camp) gaibid
pitches a camp gaibid
piteous ? imchuma
piteously (?) ciulnach (ciuln)
pitfall brathlang
pitfall brathlang
pitfall cuithe (b)
pith bracht 1
pith bracht 1
pith led
pith legan (led)
pitiable ainrichtach (ainricht)
pitiable attrag (trag)
pitiable conech (cane 2)
pities ar-ceissi (a)
pitiful (?, CW) deidblnach (deidbln)
pitiful bad (b)
pitiful bad (b)
pitiful dimbgach, -bidech (dimbg)
pitiful lach
pitiless (?) anac(c)ar(th)ach (anacair?)
pitiless dchondircil (condarcol)
pitiless dchondirclech = dchondircil
pitilessness dchondircle (dchondircil)
pittance caisced
pity that thou hast not dug the tomb ? l
pity airchissecht (a)
pitying airchis = airchissecht
pitying airchissecht (a)
pivot on which the upper millstone turns milaire
pivot lthrach (lth)
placates cennsaigid (cennais)
place (CW) cor
place (of safety) inad < ined

place belonging to or peculiar to someone d (c)
place belonging to someone maigen
place fit for an ambush enach I (b) (en)
place for courts mta
place for milking cows irge (a) (rach?)
place for the delivery of animals according to a contract forus
place formerly occupied by someone or something itt (b)
place full of rushes ? lacharnach
place in front of a dn airdn
place known elas, eulas (e)
place of abode mennat (mend-, -ur)
place of habitation (oft. of a chiefs residence) domgnas, domnas (dom + gns)
place of origin bunit (bun 1 + itt)
place of origin bunit (bun 1 + itt)
place of pilgrimage (heaven?) ailithir (b)
place of the battlefield lithrech
place strewn with flat stones (?) leccn (lecc)
place suitable for inad < ined
place where destrained cattle might be detained forus
place where rushes grow ? lachrach (lachair)
place where several roads meet blat
place where several roads meet blat
place where the battle is fought imbert
place airm
place itt (a)
place baile 1 (a)
place baile 1 (a)
place ball (d)
place ball (d)
place don 1
place d (a)
place engracus (engraic)
place engraic
place ath
place inad < ined
place inad < ined
place lthar
place loc
place maigen
placed between etarsuidigthe
placed in a very difficult position imm
places (with for, i n-, imm, etc.) fo-ceird I (a)
places after ? armi-suidigedar
places between etar-suidigedar
places himself fo-sern (sernid)
places in (?) ar-suidi (a)
places in the same category as ad-rmi
places over against fris-suidigedar
places together con-l
places under fo-tabair
places under fo-tabair

places ad-aig (b)
places do-beir II
places do-cuirethar I (a)
places fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (i)
places fo-ruimi, -fuirmi
places imm-beir
places inadaid, inaidid
places lid
places lecaid
placid mn
placing (being) side by side com\.sned (a) (sned)
placing between etarsuidigud
placing seats (CW) airacrad
placing things at intervals over a surface airecar (ecor)
placing together com\.suidigud
placing com\.suidigud
placing cor 1
placing cuired (a)
placing fuirmiud, -med
placing lecad
plague of locusts lucaist(e)
plague martarlaic
plague mortlaid
plaice ? lethc
plaid breccn (brecc 1)
plaid breccn (brecc 1)
plain ? macha
plain diet bairgen (b)
plain diet bairgen (b)
plain 1 gl
plain 2 glas
plain bl 3
plain bl 3
plain clr (e)
plain ath
plain imm
plain mag
plain maignes
plainful ? maignech
plainly cen cleth 2 (b)
plainness dmaisse 2 (d- neg. + maisse)
plains maigred
plaint fann 2
plaint golgaire
plaintful ccande (ccan 2)
plaintful ccantech
plaintiff acarthir
plaintiff acraigtheir
plaintiff carthuig(th)eir (cairigid)
plaintiff iligtheir
plaintive call (of a wood-pigeon) cuchern (ci 1 + gern)

plaintive 1 accantech
plaintive cantech (caned)
plaintive muichnech (much-)
plait clecht 2
plait dal 2
plait fige
plaited (?) clechtach 2 (clecht 2)
plaited figthe
plaited fthe I
plaiting clechtad 2
plaiting fige
plaits figid
plan (?) comarc (c)
plan airec (b)
plan airec (b) menman
plan airimbert (b)
plan comairle (a)
plan crugud, crgud
plan int(s)liucht
plane (?) ceram
planet airdrennach (airdrenn)
planing locrad
plank clr (a)
plank crann (c)
plank lesgailte
planking clrad (a) (clr)
planned (?) coibdestar
planning (?) cumdad
planning together ? imchocur
planning cocur (a)
plans brethnaigid (b) (breth)
plans brethnaigid (b) (breth)
plans imm-rdi
plans indlid (indell)
plans menmnaigid (menma)
plans midraid
plant madder madra
plant yielding a blue dye glasen (gla(i)sn, glaisine vx Cin)
plant clann (a)
plant luib
plant luisne (lus)
plant lus
planted together comchlante (clannaid)
planted with oaks dairgech
planting clann (a)
planting clannad (a)
planting clannugud
plant-name griuan
plants clannaid (a) (clann)
plants clannaigid (a) (clann)
plants cuirid 1 (a)

plants frmaigid, prm (frm)
plants luibred (luib)
plants lusrad (lus)
plashing (in a fence, dwelling, etc.) fenamain
plaster ceirn
plaster ceirnech = ceirn
plaster dib
plastered elta
plasters diblaid (dib)
plate (of metal) (?) eccland
plate (of metal) clr (c)
plate of metal (?) dlaind
plate ceirnn(e) (cern)
plate lann
plated (?) ecclandach (eccland)
plated clrdae (clr)
platform along inside walls colba(-ae) (a)
platform forad (-od, -ud)
platform libenn
platform lota
platter mas
plausible? ? melbach
play in a game bert 1 III (b) (beirid)
play in a game bert 1 III (b) (beirid)
play of arms ? indled
play adabair
play ine 1 (d)
play inius (b)
play bes, bas (a) (beth 1)
play bes, bas (a) (beth 1)
play cerrbachas (cerrbach)
play cluiche (a)
play esba(e)
play gnmrad
play? fields mell
play-ball cer (d)
player n a fidil (?) fidlirech (fidil)
player on a flegeolet fetnach II (fetn)
player on a pipe fetnach II (fetn)
player on the cuisle cuislennach 1 (cuisle)
player on the musical instrument buinne buinnire
player on the musical instrument buinne buinnire
player airfitech 1 II (airfitiud)
player imbert(h)ach (imbert)
playful cluichech (cluiche)
playfulness cluichechaire (cluichechair)
playing a boardgame brandaigecht
playing a boardgame brandaigecht
playing a flageolet fetchisech
playing a game imbert
playing a pipe fetchisech

playing false fellad
playing false m-
playing fidchell fidchellacht a fidchell
playing games cocluiche (com + cluiche)
playing on a flageoget fetnacht I (fetn)
playing on a pipe fetnacht I (fetn)
playing together com\.seinm (seinm)
playing maill(e) (a)
playing clesrad (d) (cles)
playing gls
playing immertas (imbert)
play-loving cluichechair (cluiche)
plays (a game) imm-beir
plays (music) in harmony con-seinn
plays (music) ar-seinn (seinnid 1)
plays false ? fris-mairn
plays false mairnid
plays for ar-peiti
plays cluichigidir (cluiche)
plaything illecn (ille)
plaything brcn (brc)
plaything brcn (brc)
playthings aidbden
plea (legal) attach II (c)
plea leithscl
pleached figthe
plead thy travail idu
pleader acarthir
pleader aidbredaid
pleader aigne
pleader dlaige
pleader eperthith
pleading (Laws, Gloss.) fchemnas (fchem)
pleading a cause aicsenach
pleading aignes (aigne)
pleading airbert (d)
pleading airbertnad = airbertnugud
pleads (legal) airbertnaigid (airbert)
pleads for (legal) ar-labrathar
pleads on behalf of (legal) ar-labrathar
pleads aignesaid (aignes)
pleads ar-beir II (a)
pleads csaigid (cs 1)
pleads do-accair (a)
pleads imm-toich (imm-to-saig)
pleasant (?) ernasta
pleasant (?, CW) an 4
pleasant aspect desse (b) (dess)
pleasant fields mell
pleasant legend maisech
pleasant word gribre

pleasant 1 gar
pleasant aerach
pleasant ilgen
pleasant ilgenach = ilgen
pleasant illemail (ille)
pleasant airerda (airer 2)
pleasant aitt (a)
pleasant buidech 2 (buide 2)
pleasant buidech 2 (buide 2)
pleasant dilemail (dil 2)
pleasant fonnmar
pleasant grind
pleasant lagach
pleasant lainne (lainn)
pleasant mlla
pleasant mell
pleasant mellach
pleasant-looking dattae I
pleasantness 1 grinde (grind)
pleasantness inius (a)
pleasantness aitte (aitt)
pleasantness aneb 2 (ob)
pleasantness blthmaire (blthmar)
pleasantness blthmaire (blthmar)
pleasantness cane 1 (a) (can 1)
pleasantness canes (can 1)
pleasantness mella
pleasantness mellchae (mellach)
pleasantry 1 gn, gne
pleasantry bacht
pleased (?) erfetech
pleased buidech 2 (buide 2)
pleased buidech 2 (buide 2)
pleases (with fri, re, and later le) do-aitni (c)
pleases him is dattae III leis
pleasing (?) bdus (bid ?)
pleasing (?) bdus (bid ?)
pleasing (?) dana(i)ch
pleasing to the ear (?) clasach (a) (clas)
pleasing to the taste blasta (-ae) (blas)
pleasing to the taste blasta (-ae) (blas)
pleasing to the taste milis
pleasing binn
pleasing binn
pleasing blasta (-ae) (blas)
pleasing blasta (-ae) (blas)
pleasing buidech 2 (buide 2)
pleasing buidech 2 (buide 2)
pleasing genamail (2 gen)
pleasing il
pleasing ind(f)ar

pleasing? mlla (<mnla)
pleasurable inesach (inius)
pleasure (?) dothal(l)
pleasure (in something) fonn
pleasure inechas (1 ine)
pleasure inius (b)
pleasure airer 2
pleasure aittes (aitt)
pleasure blas (b)
pleasure blas (b)
pleasure cemna (b)
pleasure comprdaige (comprd)
pleasure dein 1
pleasure gairte (garit)
pleasure gne (> gn, gne, gna, gnaoi)
pleasure ilach
pleasure lainne (lainn)
pleasure macnas
pleasure mella
pleasure mellchae (mellach)
pleasure menma
pleated (?) forcipol. forcepol
pleated fillte (b)
pledge for information against a thief imfaisnis
pledge of some kind (?) enuda
pledge 1 gille (gell)
pledge 1 glinne
pledge ad-guid
pledge air\.snaidm (c) (snaidm)
pledge athgabil (b)
pledge brathar (c)
pledge brathar (c)
pledge comgell (gell)
pledge coraigecht (cor 1)
pledge dlse (c) (dles)
pledge fr 1 II (b)
pledge fo-gella a
pledge fonaidm
pledge gell
pledge gellaid
pledges (in rel. contexts) cinnid (a) ige (cenn)
pledges oneself gellaid
pledges airnaidmid (a) (airnaidm)
pledges gellaid
pledges gallnae (2 gall) vx gallae
pledging oneself imgellad
pledging something as security fonaidm
pledging gellaid
pledgling 2 gilln (gell)
pledgling galln (2 gall)
plenitudo imlinius (imline)

plenteous ler
plentiful supply (?) anfotha (fotha 2?)
plentiful inbech (b)
plentiful dgaind
plentiful imdae
plenty and kindliness and art imbed, imbad
plenty darba 1
plenty ln
pliable lthmar (lth)
pliant lebar
plies (a calling) clechtaid (clecht 1)
plies together comimlaidid (imm-ladi)
plies imm-beir
plies ind-aig
plight anforlann (b) (forlann)
plight cs 1 (b)
plight coingell (b) (com+ gell)
plight cor 1
plight dlug (b)
plot of ground laid out for tillage ceppach a cepp
plot of land (?) fobraid
plot lann
plots indlid (indell)
plotter indil(l)teir (indell)
plotting cocur (b)
plotting int(s)liucht
plough arathar (a) (ar 4)
plough ccht 1 (b)
plough-beam (?) ccht 1 (a)
ploughed airthe
ploughing equipment arathar (b) (ar 4)
ploughing partnership comar (ar 4)
ploughing together comar (ar 4)
ploughing ar 4 (a)
ploughland (?) arathar (c) (ar 4)
ploughland mag
ploughman airem
ploughs airid 3 (ar 2)
ploughs dergaid I (d) (derg)
ploughshare 1 arnach
plough-traces cuingelach (cuing)
plover cuircech (cuirce)
plover fedg
plucking boing = bain (a)
plucking boing = bain (a)
plucking giubadh
plucks boingid (b)
plucks boingid (b)
plucks do-boing (a)
pludget adartn
plug dalln 3

plug dulln
plumage (?) faind
plumage cleittech (a) (cleitte)
plumage clm, clim (a)
plumage clmach 2 (clm)
plumbum laide
plume ette II
plum-line laide
plummet laide
plump b(o)laid(e) (boil)
plump b(o)laid(e) (boil)
plump mth > mith
plunder (?) cerbach
plunder athgabil (e)
plunder berg (a)
plunder berg (a)
plunder brat 1 (a)
plunder brat 1 (a)
plunder cin III (c)
plunder crech 1
plunder irc
plundered foglaigthe
plundered fogtha I
plunderer aircheltaid (airchellad)
plunderer airctheir (oirgid)
plunderer berg (b)
plunderer berg (b)
plunderer crechaire (a) (crech 1)
plunderer crechthir (crech 1)
plunderer foglaid 1
plunderer ingrentid, ingraintid (in-greinn)
plunderer inraigthech
plunderer lotaire (lott)
plundering expedition crech 1
plundering berg (a)
plundering berg (a)
plundering brat 1 (a)
plundering brat 1 (a)
plundering cabg 1
plundering comlott (lott)
plundering crechad (a)
plundering crechairecht (crechaire)
plundering fennad (b)
plundering foglugad
plundering lommad
plundering lommarcain
plundering lommrad
plunders brataid (brat 1)
plunders brataid (brat 1)
plunders crechaid (crech 1)
plunders crothaid (c)

plunders fennaid (b)
plunders fodbaigid
plunders fog(h)aid
plunders ind-reith
plunders lommaid (lomm)
plunders lommairgid
plunders lommraid
plunged bitte
plunged bitte
plunges in clannaid (c) (clann)
plunges clannaid (c) (clann)
plunges mescaid
plunging mescad
plural for singular ilar
plural interrogative ilar
plural number il(l)rad (ilar)
plural number ilar
plural number ilardacht (ilardae)
plural number ildae (il)
plural number ilrugud
plural amen (on)
plural ildae (il)
plurality ilardacht (ilardae)
plurality ilardatu (ilardae)
plurality ildacht (ildae)
plurality ildatu (ildae)
plying (a weapon) imlat
plying a horsewhip echlascad (echlasc 1)
plying a tool imbert
plying a weapon imbert
plying backwards and forwards across the sea imlochtad, imluchtad
plying lances lbad
plying the scourges on them fuirmiud, -med
plying immarchor
pod bolg 1 (f)
pod bolg 1 (f)
pod mocol
poem of praise les
poem 1 grs
poem 2 aicde
poem admat
poem airchetal
poem bailir
poem bailir
poem clar (e)
poem comad 2
poem dn III
poem drcht II (b)
poem dan
poem lad
poem lad

poems cairmion
poet (?) dil 2 (a)
poet (mod., esp. in poetry) dru (c)
poet of the fourth grade cana 1 (b)
poet of the second order nrad (a)
poet of the sixth or seventh lowest grade mac(c)fuirmid
poet of the third year or fifth grade dos 2
poet or fili of a lower grade fochloc, -og, -uc, -ug
poet or fili of a lower grade fochlocan (-n) I = fochloc
poet whose metre is crosnacht crosn 1 (cros)
poet airchetlaid 1 (airchetal)
poet bol
poet bol
poet donn 4
poet drth 2 I (b)
poet ices
poet fele (fle?)
poet leiccerd
poetic art icse (b)
poetic composition icse (b)
poetic composition filidecht (b) (fili)
poetic faculty dn II
poetic inspiration 2 a
poetic profession icse (c)
poetic skill icse (b)
poetic talent imbas, imbus
poetic fileta (fili)
poetical composition 1 grs
poetical composition admat
poetical ladech (lad)
poetry (?) aiusa
poetry airchetal
poetry bol
poetry bol
poetry dn II
poetry dil 2 (b)
poetry icse (b)
poetry etan
poetry fel 2
poetry fele (fle?)
poetry filidecht (a) (fili)
poets apprentice icsn
poets apprentice icsne
poets pupil icsn
poets pupil icsne
poets wand flesc 1 (f) filed (fileta)
poets dm II
poets icse (c)
point (?) eograinde
point (?) err 1 II
point (of a weapon) (?) figrn

point (of a weapon) forrind
point (of time etc.) alt 1 III (a)
point (of various forked and pointed objects) benn (e)
point (of various forked and pointed objects) benn (e)
point in which things differ dechor I
point of a rod ind, inn
point of a spear forgrin vx forgrin
point of a weapon (us. of a sword) das 1 II
point of a weapon 1 grinne vx 2 grin, grainne
point of a weapon ind, inn
point of honour (?) geis
point of spear gop
point of the compass aird 1 (b)
point of time aimser (a)
point of time amm 1
point of time articol, airtecal (e)
point of time for
point or edge of weapons (?) gin
point 1 gnod
point aird 1 (a)
point airmtiud
point benn (a)
point benn (a)
point bir 1
point bir 1
point bre
point bre
point bruitne (brot)
point bruitne (brot)
point delga (delgu) (b)
point ecmong, ecmoc I
point e 2
point gead
point gin
point idna, indna
point ind, inn
point ind, inn
point los
pointed (?) (of words) colgdae (colg)
pointed branch (?, CW) cuilend ath\.forbai
pointed implement delg (c)
pointed instruement used for drilling holes menad
pointed instrument fraig
pointed stakes aindelg (delg)
pointed bennach 2 (benn)
pointed bennach 2 (benn)
pointed berach (a) (bir 1)
pointed berach (a) (bir 1)
pointed biraigthe
pointed biraigthe
pointed birda (bir 1)

pointed birda (bir 1)
pointed corr 1 I
pointed delgach (delg)
pointed fachtae
pointed grinnech (1 grinne)
pointing to a blemish ainmech (b) (ainim)
pointless mael (moel, mal)
points out (?) delgnaid 2
points out braithid (brath)
points out braithid (brath)
points out in(d)-ft (in(d)-fiad)
points out in-coisig (in(d)-com-sech)
points out minid
points fachaid
points fachaid
poises (of weapons) certaigid (c) (cert)
poison (poet.) f
poison accais (b)
pole (?) fert 2
pole (strictly of alder?) fern 1 (c)
pole used for measuring land forrach
pole cleth 1 (b)
pole crann (c)
pole caille (cal 1)
pole fertas 1 (c)
poles airechra
polish (?) (of craftmans work) fth 4
polished (?) gllethar
polished (of weapons) grenta (part. of grenaid)
polished with wax cartha (car, see cir)
polished fagairthe
polished glanradach (glanrad)
polished glanta
polished lmtha
polished locartha
polished minte
polishes a poem locraid (locar)
polishes airlmaid (lmaid)
polishes blithigid (blith)
polishes blithigid (blith)
polishes caindlid (caindel)
polishes lmad
polishing caindled
polishing lmad
politeness bsminid (bs 1 + minid)
politeness bsminid (bs 1 + minid)
poll clad
polls fugnachta (-nochta)?
polluted one corbaire
polluted cidech (cide 2)
polluted coirpthe

polluted escmon, escoman
pollutes as-lena
pollutes corbbaid
pollutes ilnigid (ilned)
pollutes ingraigidir (ingor)
polluting ? frithchoirb
pollution ilned, il(l)ed
pommel (?) (of sword) copail
pomp adbchlos
pomp ine 1 (c)
pomp ainmes (1 mess)
pomp mrdl (-dil)
pompous adbchlosach
pompous adbchlostae
pompous gustalach (gustal)
ponders medaigid
pool (?) lundu, lunggu
pool of blood crlinn (cr 1 + linn)
pool corr 3
pool cuithe (d)
pool dabach II
pool linn
pool loch
pool lochn (loch)
poop eros, erais
poor (?) bren 2
poor (?) bren 2
poor creature bochtn (bocht 1)
poor creature bochtn (bocht 1)
poor health docce (cc)
poor person anduine (a) (duine)
poor person bocht 1 (b)
poor person bocht 1 (b)
poor person bochtn (bocht 1)
poor person bochtn (bocht 1)
poor person daidbir I
poor person lorn
poor position imm
poor trick ainreb (reb)
poor aidliccen
poor aindeis (c) (dess)
poor bocht 1 (a)
poor bocht 1 (a)
poor daidbir I
poor delam
poor delb 3
poor deolaid (b)
poor dindba 1 (--?) (indeb?)
poor dnnim (snm)
poor doimm
poor dommae 1

poor failgech 2
poor mindech
populous (?) ? luchtaide
populous (?) dnech 1 (dne)
populous (of places) donech (a) (duine)
populous buidnech (buiden)
populous buidnech (buiden)
populous lnmar (ln)
populousness (?) donechaire (donechair)
populousness lnmairecht
porch airdam (dom)
porpoise muc(c)
porridge cribechn
porridge littiu, lichtiu
porridge lotn
porridge labu
porridge-eating littenach (littiu)
port calad 1
port caladphort (calad + port)
portable altar stone immaltir
portal asnaid = esnaid
portcullis of the castle I am in imdorus
portent cl 1
portent derbairde (derb 1 + airde)
portent figair 2, figar, fiugair (b)
portent figrad, fiugrad
portent mana
portentous derbairdech (derbairde)
porter doirseir (dorus)
portico (Mac Carthy) airfortach
portion (us. of food) cuibrenn (a)
portion of corn for grinding bleithech (bleith)
portion of corn for grinding bleithech (bleith)
portion of food accnabad
portion of food accnamacht = accnabad
portion of food cuit
portion of food mr
portion of surface eng 2 (a)
portion which causes pangs idu
portion 1 gabln
portion airrann (rann 1)
portion airrannus (airrann) = airrann
portion ball (c)
portion ball (c)
portion blog (b)
portion blog (b)
portion comrann (a) (rann, cf. con-ranna)
portion cuit
portion drcht I
portion fodail (b)
portion arracht

portions out dilid I (a) (dl 4)
portrays fathaigid (fath)
position held by anyone inad < ined
position of a chief`s son? mac(c)acht
position of an aire (legal) airechas 1 (airech 1)
position of an erenagh airchinnecht (airchinnech)
position of body with arms outstretched in imitation of cross cros\.figel(l) (cros + figell)
position or function of an eirr eirredacht
position itt (a)
position inad < ined
position inad < ined
position lthar
position locdacht (loc)
positive affirmation derbforgell (derb 1 + forgell)
positive degree fothugad
positive demand geis
positive injunction geis
positive aindiltach (diltach)
positive iubaile, iubail
posses by force fo-ling
posses by stealth fo-ling
possessed of knowledge fthach (a)
possessed of many qualifications ? il
possessed of many qualities il
possessed of skill fthach (a)
possesses (?) do-ceil (c)
possesses ad-aittreba
possesses ad-treba
possesses ar-treba = ad-treba
possesses con-tethaig
possesses la
possessing ?farm-lands mruigech
possessing a hundred ctach 1 (ct 1)
possessing art (?) fethach (--?)
possessing authority follomda
possessing boats ethrach (ethar)
possessing glens ? foithremach
possessing homesteads bailech 1 (baile 1)
possessing homesteads bailech 1 (baile 1)
possessing homesteads bailtech (baile 1)
possessing homesteads bailtech (baile 1)
possessing honour mes(s)ach (mes)
possessing hunters fanach (fan)
possessing islands ailnach (ailn)
possessing judgment and discernment dscritech (b) (dscrit)
possessing knowledge eladanta (elada)
possessing knowledge fthacda
possessing knowledge fthamail (fith, fth)
possessing lands or territories athach (ath)
possessing lands mruigech
possessing learning (?) fethach (--?)

possessing magical powers (?) dolbthach (dolb)
possessing many beauties ilar
possessing many charms il
possessing many encampments longphortach (longphort)
possessing many enchantments il
possessing many excellences ilar
possessing many forms ? ilardae (ilar)
possessing many mantles (?) lennach (lenn)
possessing many powers il
possessing miraculous powers fertach 3, firtach (fiurt)
possessing nothing dthachtach (d + techtach?)
possessing or exacting hostages (?) gallamail (2 gall)
possessing property foltach (folud) vx anfoltuch
possessing qualifications foltach (folud) vx anfoltuch
possessing repute? mes(s)ach (mes)
possessing sheep cerchach (cera)
possessing skill eladanta (elada)
possessing skill fthamail (fith, fth)
possessing superior strength fornertmar
possessing to cavalry marcsluagach
possessing treasure manech
possessing varied treasures il
possessing virtues fertach 3, firtach (fiurt)
possessing walls mrach (mr)
possessing warrior-bands fanach (fan)
possessing woods ? foithremach
possession (of) dlse (a) (dles)
possession (of) dlsecht (a) (dlse)
possession of landed property ferannus
possession of many accomplishments ildnaige (ildnach)
possession of gaibid
possession airlm (lm)
possession airlmas (airlm)
possession attrab (a)
possession cron (b)
possession cuit
possession dles 2 (b)
possession dlug (a)
possession dal 1 (c)
possession indlos, indlas
possessions irilliud
possessions airnis
possessions feb I (b)
possessions finechas (a) (fine)
possessions indile
possessions maithes, -ius
possessive (pronoun) aittrebthach (b)
possessive aittrebthach (b)
possessor aittreb(th)aid (ad-treba)
possessor fada 1 (-o, -u)
possibility gas (guais)

possible tir, ter 1
possible fola (fala)
possible folaid
possibly fo-sisedar
post ige 2
post colba(-ae) (d)
post creb (a)
post caille (cal 1)
post farr
posterior gnga
posterior les
posterior ms
posterity (?) athmuinter (muinter)
posterity arbunatattu
posterity argrd (grd)
posterity armairt
posterity armar
posterity arsma
postern fann 1
postern fodorus
postpones (infliction of punishment) in-sndi
postpones (satisfaction of desire) in-sndi
postpones cuirid ar athl
postpones fo-scuiri (scuirid)
postpones licid
postponing (a suit) athchor (c)
postponing esndud
postponing fuirech
pot coire
pot croccn
potion deog, deoch
potion dnech 2 (b)
pot-oven brannrad
pot-oven brannrad
pottage brothchn (brothach)
pottage brothchn (brothach)
pottage th (?i)
potter doilbthid (doilbthe)
pouch (for chess-men?) ferbolg
pouch menbolg
poultice ceirn
pound for cattle fasc (-?) (b)
pounding in pieces brd
pounding in pieces brd
pounding comthairc
pounding comthaircnech (taircnech 2) =
pounds con-bru (brud)
pounds con-tairc
pounds do-fairc
pouring away forsatu

pouring off forsatu
pouring out brcht
pouring out brcht
pouring out brchtad
pouring out brchtad
pouring out drtad
pouring out ecartad
pouring drain
pouring drtad
pouring ferthain (a)
pouring folcud (vn. of folcaid)
pouring frasad
pouring frasugud (fras)
pouring imthinnsaitin
pours (intrans.) bailid, balaid
pours (intrans.) bailid, balaid
pours (trans, rarely intrans.) do-fortai (a)
pours forth do-brchta
pours forth do-fuissim I
pours out (cries, lamentations, etc.) feraid II (b)
pours out (trans, rarely intrans.) do-fortai (a)
pours out (trans. and intrans.) comdortaid
pours out ar-dili (a) (dilid)
pours out dilid I (a) (dl 4)
pours out do-dili
pours out do-fuissim I
pours out imm-essamar
pours brchtaid (brcht)
pours brchtaid (brcht)
pours do-essim
pours do-insam
pours dirtigid = do-fortai
pours feraid II (a)
pours frasaid (fras)
poverty bochta (bocht 1)
poverty bochta (bocht 1)
poverty bochtacht (bocht 1)
poverty bochtacht (bocht 1)
poverty bochtaine (bocht 1)
poverty bochtaine (bocht 1)
poverty bochtainecht = bochtacht, bochtaine
poverty bochtainecht = bochtacht, bochtaine
poverty bochtatu (bocht 1)
poverty bochtatu (bocht 1)
poverty daidbre (daidbir)
poverty daidbres (daidbre)
poverty delbas, delmas (delb 3, delam)
poverty dnnime (dnnim)
poverty dnnimecht (dnnim)
poverty dochnch (do + conch)
poverty dommacht (dommae)

poverty dommae 2 (doimm)
poverty dommatu (dommae 1)
poverty dommatus = dommatu
poverty duana
poverty imnochtae (imnocht)
poverty mindchecht (mindech)
power (?) (legal) cumthus
power (?) fersechas (fersech)
power (?) fersige (fersech)
power (?, CW) cathair 2
power ? luadar
power of consonant in assimilation (gramm.) cumachtae
power of endurance fulang
power of energy lagal
power of inspiring dread 1 grith
power of inspiring dread airath (a) (ath 1)
power of judging? medamnus
power of movement lagal
power of movement lth
power of seizing or catching gabltas
power of seizing gabltaige (gabltach)
power of smelling bolt(a)nugad
power of smelling bolt(a)nugad
power of the keys eochrracht (eochair 1)
power of vigour lagal
power of walking imthecht
power accmacht
power accmaing (b)
power airechtas (b) (airecht 1)
power amm 2 (a)
power art 4
power brg (a)
power brg (a)
power cemacht = cemachtu
power cemachtu
power ccht 2
power commus (b)
power cumachtae
power cumang 1
power forcumang
power greimm
power indeb
power lm
power lthar
power lth
power(s) brgrad = brg
power(s) brgrad = brg
powerful (?) de(i)n
powerful one cumachtaid 1 (cumachtae)
powerful person mochtaid
powerful accmaingech (a)

powerful arrachtach = arrachta
powerful balc I
powerful balc I
powerful blaitnech (blaitne)
powerful blaitnech (blaitne)
powerful brgach (brg)
powerful brgach (brg)
powerful brgmar (brg)
powerful brgmar (brg)
powerful coimsech 2 (commus)
powerful coimsid (a) = coimsech 2
powerful commusach (commus)
powerful comnertmar (nertmar)
powerful cumach 2
powerful cumachtach (cumachtae)
powerful fedmmar (feidm)
powerful fersech
powerful forbar (-bair)
powerful litir
powerful lthamail (lth)
powerless ccumachtach
powerless cmacht I
powerless trn I
powerlessness dchumce (dchumaic)
powerlessness dimbrg I (a) (brg)
practical wisdom gliccus (glicc)
practice 2 grs
practice laig
practice bs 1 (a)
practice bs 1 (a)
practice coinbersid
practice gns (gnth)
practicing airbert (a)
practise of riding marcachas
practised (?) gnsach (gns)
practised in seafaring ? murgnaid
practised in clechtach 1 (clecht 1)
practised airbertach (a) (airbert)
practised clechtach 1 (clecht 1)
practises (a calling) clechtaid (clecht 1)
practises ? cellaid
practises do-aithigi (c)
practises for-comai
practises fris-gn, -frithgn- (-frichn-)
practises gnthaid (gnth)
practises gnthaigid (gnth)
practises gnmaigid (gnm)
practises imm-beir
practises imm-beir
practises imm-forbair
practising law airbert (d)

practising airimbert (a)
practising aithigid 2 (c)
practising frecor
practising gls
practising gnthugud
practising imbert
practising immarchor
praise ? molas
praise adbchlos
praise formolad
praise formoladeulogy
praise imlad
praise les
praise l
praise molad
praised molbda
praised molbthach
praised molta
praise-giving lesech
praises highly admolaid
praises airdircigidir (b) (airdirc)
praises bladaigid (blad 1)
praises bladaigid (blad 1)
praises canaid (a)
praises con-molathar (molaithir)
praises molaid
praises molbaid
praiseworthy molbda
praiseworthy molbthach
praiseworthy molbthaide
praiseworthy moltach
praiseworthy moltaide
praising together commolad (molad)
praising admolad
praising aille
praising etarmolad
praising formolad
praising imlad
praising molad
prancing (of horses) imracad
prancing folim(m)ech (folimm)
prank gane
pratice cerd 1 (b)
prattle (?) golium
prattle Britais
prattle Britais
prattle caibillnacht
prattling (?) belgach
prattling (?) belgach
prattling bilasgech
prattling bilasgech

prattling bresnaigecht (bres 1)
prattling bresnaigecht (bres 1)
pray with me to thy first born geinddae (gein)
prayer containing a profession gnmrad
prayer for the absent cndairc 2
prayer for the dead ? imman(n)
prayer for the dead cndairc 2
prayer offered in position with arms outstretched in imitation of cross cros\.figel(l) (cros +
prayer airnigde
prayer athguide = guide
prayer attach II (c)
prayer brathar (b)
prayer brathar (b)
prayer dthracht (b)
prayer edel
prayer le
prayer etarguide
prayer guide (vn. of guidid)
prayer impide
prayer itge, itche
prayerful airnaigthech (airnigde)
prayerful deiprecitech (deiprecit)
prayer-house in general dairthech II
prayer-house dairthech I
praying (with subj. gen. and ar of person prayer for; fri of person prayed to) airnigde
praying forgiveness dgde
praying together comguide (guide)
praying arguide (guide)
praying cros\.figel(l) (cros + figell)
praying guide (vn. of guidid)
praying, beseeching attach II (b)
prays to ad-teich
prays airnaigid
prays ar-neget
prays guidid
precaution (?) frecomol
precaution coimainche
precaution frither vx forcam
precedence airechas 1 (airech 1)
precedence cennas 1 (cenn)
precedented fsaigthe 1
precedes ar-fet (a)
precept aiccecht
precinct airlise (lis)
precious (?) lecdae (lia)
precious ornamentation lgmaire (lgmar)
precious stone cloch (d)
precious stone gemm
precious thing grith (mod.)
precious cem 1 I (a)

precious canna 1 (can 1)
precious dil 1
precious lgmar (lg)
precious manech
precipitate speed (?) duible (duibell)
precipitate dremun
precipitate mer
precipitates oneself con-clich
precipitation dgirse (dgir)
precipitous cliff ? forall
precise (?) bocht
precise (?) bocht
precise (of numbers) cert 1 (d)
precise becht
precise becht
precise cruinn
preciseness bechta 3 (becht)
preciseness bechta 3 (becht)
precision (in learning) cruinnes (cruinn)
precision cinntecht (cinnte)
precludes fris-ada
predatory nature foglaige 2
predatory party crech 1
predatory foglach (a) 1
predicament cs 1 (b)
prediction cantain (b)
prediction forfcra
predicts for-cain
predicts forfcraid
predisposed (to) ellam 1, ullam, ollam II (c)
pre-eminence airegdacht (airegda)
pre-eminence arrachtas (c) (arracht)
preeminence barr 1 (h)
preeminence barr 1 (h)
pre-eminence baid 1 (b)
pre-eminence baid 1 (b)
pre-eminence derscaigthetu (derscaigthe)
pre-eminence derscugud (a)
pre-eminent ? muirech
pre-eminent person conn (b)
pre-eminent airegda (-ae) (aire 3)
preeminent badach
preeminent badach
pre-eminent derscaigthech (derscaigthe)
pre-eminent errend
preening (?) clmad
preface fasat
prefigured airm\.fiugrad
prefigures figraid, fiugraid (figair)
prefigures figraigid
prefiguring figair 2, figar, fiugair (b)

prefiguring figrad, fiugrad
prefix ad-
pregnant with a female child ? ingenach (ingen)
pregnant with a male-child mac(c)ach
pregnant alacht
pregnant alachtae
pregnant asatech (asat)
pregnant combrit
pregnant donn 5
prehensive gablach (gabal)
prehensiveness gabilche
prehensiveness gabilche
prehensiveness gabltaige (gabltach)
prejudiced forbrethach
prejudiced leth
prejudicial dochanta (dochonn)
preliminary decision (legal) air\.fuigell (a) (fuigell)
preliminary pleading airthacra (tacra)
preliminary? frithpian
prelude cennpha(i)rt, -phort (cenn + pairt, port ?)
premature (of birth) anapaig (a) (apaig)
premature (of death) anapaig (b) (apaig)
premature moch
premonition figair 2, figar, fiugair (b)
premonitory symptoms of death ctca (ct- 1 + c)
premonitory forfgarthach (fcra, facra)
pre-ordained airchillte
pre-ordained airdalta
preparation for a battle imneisse, imnisse
preparation of (?sweetened) curds millsn (<milis?)
preparation of food cuicnecht (cucann)
preparation which they made imbert
preparation airichill (b)
preparation aradu (a)
preparation fairthe (a)
preparation fuirec
preparation indell
prepare food fuirid
prepare for aicclid
prepared fr
prepared (for) foichligthe
prepared (of persons) airlam (a)
prepared for use (of things) airlam (b)
prepared for fr
prepared to risk laimthenach (lamaid)
prepared aurgnaide
prepared ellam 1, ullam, ollam II (a)
prepared foimte
prepared fuiride (-the) firide
prepared fuiride (-the) firide
prepared i n-ellma (c)

prepared innligthe
preparedness airlaime (a) (airlam)
preparedness indilltas (indell)
prepares (?) ar-fura
prepares (a table) do-fcaib I (g)
prepares (food) dessigid, dessaigid (b) (dess)
prepares against (esp. of aniticipating danger) ar-foichlea (c)
prepares food ar-fogni (b)
prepares for ar-elma (ellam)
prepares for fo-callathar (b)
prepares airlamaigid (airlam)
prepares ar-foichlea (a)
prepares armaid 1 (arm)
prepares dessigid, dessaigid (a) (dess)
prepares do-gn II (c)
prepares ellmaigid, ollm-, ullm- (a) (ellam 1)
prepares fo-fera I
prepares fo-fera I (a)
prepares for-gn
prepares fuirid
prepares glsaid (gls)
prepares imm-forgni
prepares indlid (indell)
preparing (food or drink, feast) aurgnam (c)
preparing (for = fri (re)) dullann
preparing (land for new crop) branar 2
preparing (land for new crop) branar 2
preparing for or against aiccell
preparing for airichill (a)
preparing for fochell 1 (b)
preparing airimbert (b)
preparing airithin
preparing airlamad (airlam)
preparing airlamugud
preparing airlad (lad)
preparing airmbertad = airimbert
preparing airmert (a)
preparing aurgnam (a)
preparing ellmugud, ollm-, ullm-
preparing frithilem
preparing fuar
preparing fuiriud, -ed
preparing fr
preparing frad (fr?)
preparing gls
preparing indled
preponderance antrom (b) (trom 3)
preposition com\.focal (foccul)
prerogative airthechta (tchtae?)
prerogative baid 1 (b)
prerogative baid 1 (b)

prerogative dliged IV
prerogatives of a flaith dis I (b)
prerogatives? forsmailt, fursmailt
presage clmaine
presaging figrad, fiugrad
prescribed (?) 1 grdach (1 grd)
prescribed arrangement (legal) crus (cir)
prescribed benta (benaid?)
prescribed benta (benaid?)
prescribes (a course of action) to aithnid 1 (c) do
prescribes airlithir (d)
prescription (?) deithiden II
prescription elas, eulas (g)
prescription iubaile, iubail
prescriptive right augtarts
presence of many il
presence fadnaise (b) (fada 2)
presence frecnarcus
present frecnairc, frecndairc
present death frecnairc, frecndairc
present time indiu
present aiscid 2 (b)
present bronntanas (bronnad 2)
present bronntanas (bronnad 2)
present bronntas (bronnad 2)
present bronntas (bronnad 2)
present dn I
present fadnaisech, -asach (b) (fadnaise)
presentation for religious purposes idbart
presently ? immana(i)r
presents do-aissilbi (b)
presents idbart
preserves cemnaid (cemna)
preserves con-eim
preserves con-gaib (a)
preserves con-o
preserves con-utainc (d)
preserves cothaigid (a) (coth)
preserves do-coisig
preserves do-foscai
preserves for-comai
preserves forcomtaid (forcomt)
preserves fo-rig
preserves imm-comai
preserves lesaigidir (les)
preserving (tradition) imchomt
preserving banugad
preserving banugad
preserving coicill
preserving coimt (a)
preserving comad 1

preserving cothad (a)
preserving forcomt
preserving forcomtas
preserving lesugud
pressed curd fiscre 2
presses (?) doforlaig
presses (against) druitid (b) (drut)
presses (fri (la) = to) dlthaigid (a) (dlth 1)
presses (on) fulirid
presses close to imm-druid
presses down mchaid (mch)
presses forward (intrans.) brogaid
presses forward (intrans.) brogaid
presses hard foirrgid 1
presses on -forlaig
presses on do-immoirg (b)
presses together dlthaigid (b) (dlth 1)
presses dingid (a)
presses do-fsci (fiscid)
presses do-immoirg (a)
presses fiscid (a)
pressing (on) fulirem, fulram
pressing down fortige (vn. of for-ding)
pressing in dinge
pressing on gredughadh
pressing together comdrut (drut)
pressing together dlthad
pressing together dlthugad
pressing drut (b)
pressing est(a)sc
pressing fscud
pressing fordinge
pressing furilem
pressure aircur
pressure imdrong
presumes (late) fo-gaib, fo-geib (i)
presumption andchas (dchus)
presumption dnacht 1 II (danae)
presumption dnatus II (dnae)
presumption esumla (esumal)
presumption esurradas
presumptuous andochasach (andchas)
presumptuous dchusach (dchus)
presumptuous esumal (umal)
presumptuous esurramach (esurraim)
presumptuousness esurramacht (esurramach)
pretence (?) dolbanrad (dolb)
pretence cummatirecht (cummatir)
pretence intamail
pretext adbar
pretext leithscl

pretty dess (d)
prevailing (?) ? fortal(l)ach (fortail)
prevailing badach
prevailing badach
prevailing fortamail
prevails (intrans.) badaigid (a) (baid)
prevails (intrans.) badaigid (a) (baid)
prevails over clisid (cles) (ar, tar)
prevails over for-beir
prevails over gaibid
prevails fortaillid (fortail)
prevails fortallaigid (fortail) vx fortamail
prevails fortamlaigid (fortamail)
prevails for-tt
prevails for-aisligid(ir)
preventable indeithbir
prevented airchoisse
preventing airgaire
preventing baccad (b)
preventing baccad (b)
preventing baccil
preventing baccil
preventing cosc (b)
preventing imthairmesc
preventing liniud, lnad (-e-?)
prevention airgart
prevention derbaid 1
preventive (?) frither vx forcam
prevents x from doing y con-secha di
prevents ar-coat
prevents ar-gair (a)
prevents baccaid (a) (bacc 1)
prevents baccaid (a) (bacc 1)
prevents baccaigid (baccach)
prevents baccaigid (baccach)
prevents bainid (bain)
prevents bainid (bain)
prevents do-airgair
prevents do-rorban 2
previously c(h)ene (c)
prey (living or dead) fadach (b) (fad 2)
prey braime
prey braime
prey inchrechad
prey ingelt
preyer and plunder indrigtheir (ind-reith)
preying upon ingreimm, ingraimm, ingrimm
preying ingelt
preys coimindrid
price cennach (d) (cenn)
price lg also lag

priceless dodla (dl)
pricely dwelling longphort
prick (?) airrinde
prick (?) errend
pricking (?) ercad
pricking pain (?) gribracn
pricking pain bruiternach 2
pricking pain bruiternach 2
pricking bruiternach 1
pricking bruiternach 1
pricking bruiternach 2
pricking bruiternach 2
prickliness delgaige (delgach)
prickly (?) drestaide (dris?)
prickly delgnach (delgn)
prickly delgnach 1 (delga)
pricks bruitid (brot)
pricks bruitid (brot)
pricks ercaid 2 (a)
pride (CW) asc 1
pride aidbsiu (b)
pride anumla (anumal)
pride ardn 2 (ard 1)
pride basal 1
pride basal 1
pride bocsach 2 (bocs)
pride bocsach 2 (bocs)
pride d(u)msaige (dummusach)
pride dummus
pride indocbl, inducbl
pride madaige
pride mrdl (-dil)
pride mrdatu (mrda)
pride mrdatus
prides oneself (on) bigid (c) (bg)
prides oneself (on) bigid (c) (bg)
priest cairnech (b) (corann)
priest cruimther
priest`s amice micht
priesthood clirchecht (clirech)
prima manu fulach (folach)
primal ct- 1 (a)
primary form ctnaide (ctnae)
primary bunatta (-ae) (bunad)
primary bunatta (-ae) (bunad)
primary ct- 1 (a)
primary ctnaide (ctnae)
primary frmamail (frm)
primer airaiccecht (aiccecht)
primitive ctnaide (ctnae)
primitive-origin ctnaidetu (ctnaide)

primordial mass from which creation proceeded mass
prince (poet.) f 2
prince cinedach 1 (ciniud)
prince flaith 1 II
prince flaithem (a) (flaith)
prince ml
prince-like codnachda (codnach)
princeliness flaithemlacht (flaithemail)
princely (?) donn 2 II
princely flaithemail (flaithem)
princely flaithemda (flaithem)
principal (legal) colainn (d) [sic]
principal star airdrenn (ard 1 + rind 2)
principal airegda (-ae) (aire 3)
principal bunadasach (bunadas)
principal bunadasach (bunadas)
principal cenna (cenn)
principle of a law forus
principle dliged I (b)
print (of a book) cl (c)
printer cldadir (cl)
prison 2 gla
prison carcar
prison cr 1 I (b)
prison casal (-ll) (b)
prison cubuc(h)a(i)l
prison cuithe (c)
prison foriata (part. of for-iada)
prisoner airgabach
prisoner airgabthae
prisoner brga 2
prisoner brga 2
prisoner carcrach (carcar)
prisoner cimmid
prisoner gemlech (gemel)
prisoner(?, CW) brsnach = prsnach
prisoner(?, CW) brsnach = prsnach
prison-like brsnta (brsn)
prison-like brsnta (brsn)
privacy derritius (derrit)
private apartment airecal
private possession dles 2 (a)
private property dles 2 (a)
private aithechdaid aithechdae
privation dgbl (b)
privation dth (b)
privative case (gramm.) dingbil III
privative ? indupartach (dupartach)
privilege (?) airdliged
privilege due to heredity or established by tradition dthchas (b) (dthaig)
privilege airthechta (tchtae?)

privilege dthcha(e) (a) (dthaig)
privilige (legal) fes(s)am I (c)
privy camra
privy coitchenn I (c)
privy faltech (fal 1?)
prize (?) brab 1
prize (?) brab 1
prize til (b)
prize mr
probability dchus (c) (dig?)
probable coimtig (b)
probable cosmail I (b) (com + samail)
probable doich (dich?) I (a)
probe fraig
probe arratach
problem ceist (a)
problem coiblide
procedure ? ? imrt
procedure cim (-mm) I (j)
procedure cir 8
procedure conar (b)
procedure rimm, raimm (c)
proceeding against indsaigid, innaigid
proceeding cles (c)
proceeding dul 1 II (b)
proceeding dul 1 II (e)
proceeding irge (f)
proceeding forimthecht
proceeding imthecht
proceeding imths
proceeds (intrans.) brogaid
proceeds (intrans.) brogaid
proceeds (intrans.) do-foichell (b)
proceeds to fabair, fbair
proceeds with lenaid
proceeds ad-aig (i)
proceeds ad-cosnai
proceeds beirid bire (a)
proceeds beirid bire (a)
proceeds cimnigid (cim)
proceeds cingid 1(a)
proceeds con-lu
proceeds do-cumlai
proceeds irgid (g)
proceeds fris-cing
proceeds gaibid
proceeds gaibid
proceeds glasid
proceeds imm-tit
process of recovery of debts (legal) athgablad = athgabil
process of recovery of debts etc. by distraint (legal) athgabil (a)

process for
proclaimed > outlawed fcarthach (fo-cair, facair)
proclaimed person air\.fcarthach
proclaimed person air\.fcrach = air\.fcarthach
proclaimed person furfacarthach
proclaimed air\.fcartha
proclaimed esngairthe
proclaimed facartha
proclaimed furfcra, -facra
proclaimed furfacarthach
proclaimed i callairecht (callaire)
proclaiming air\.fcra(e) (a)
proclaiming apad 1
proclaiming fadem
proclaiming fcra(e) (a)
proclaiming fcra(e) (b)
proclaiming fcrach
proclaiming foguirriud, fogurrad
proclaiming foracrae vx furfcra
proclaiming facairt vx fcrae
proclaiming furfcra, -facra
proclaiming furfcra, -facra
proclaiming inbleoga(i)n, inableogain
proclaims (a king etc) 3 gairid
proclaims (a king etc) gairmid (gairm)
proclaims (to = for, later do) ar-fcair (a)
proclaims battle on facair (fo-acair, fcair)
proclaims ad-boind
proclaims ad-fcair
proclaims airdircigidir (c) (airdirc)
proclaims as-congair
proclaims dlomaid (a)
proclaims do-escair
proclaims do-fcair
proclaims do-gair I (d)
proclaims do-inmlig
proclaims esgairid
proclaims facair (fo-acair, fcair)
proclaims facair (fo-acair, fcair)
proclaims laidid (lad)
proclamation 6 gaire
proclamation air\.fcra(e) (a)
proclamation craidail
proclamation escongra (as-congair)
proclamation esgaire, esngaire
pro-consul airchonsul (consul)
procrastinates faddilid
procreates clannaigid (c) (clann)
procreates gainithir
procreation 1 gein
procreation 2 genas

procreation compert (b)
procure ? imthairc ?
procures ad-cota
procures do-irci (c)
procures fo-gaib, fo-geib (c)
prodigal (?) dairithe
prodigal of bounty forscaltech
prodigal son milltn
prodigal dombuilech (bailech)
prodigal gintuillmid (gin-tuillem)
prodigal lemscar (lem)
prodigal milltn
prodigality gin
prodigality gintuillmidecht
produce (?) 2 genas
produce (in general) cnas
produce of calf indlegus (indleg)
produce of cattle los
produce of the earth clas 1(d) (claidid)
produce airthorad (torad)
produce barr 1 (f)
produce barr 1 (f)
produce clann (a)
produce cnasach I (cnas)
produce compert (c)
produce fulus
produce indad, indoth
produce indgnam
produce indlos, indlas
produce inforba(i)rt
produce loige ?
produce monad
produce? fogla
produced gainithir
produces (fig.) do-fuissim III (c)
produces a voiced plosive (gramm.) crad(aig)id (craid)
produces crutha(ig)id (a) (cruth 1)
produces do-irci (b)
produces do-beir I (h)
produces do-cuirethar I (b)
produces do-furgaib I (f)
produces do-gn II (n)
produces fo-fera I (b)
produces gainithir
produces imm-fo(i)lng(a)i
produces -induth
produces lossaid (los)
producing dnmas (b) (dnum)
production genemain
production gnmrad
productive of fish ascmar (asc)

productive clannach (b) (clann)
productive forbarach
productive indmasach (indmas)
productive intorthach
profanation (Fr.) cuirpeirecht (cuirpeir)
profane donda (b) (don 1)
profanes cuiligid (col)
profanes dmanigid (dman)
profess dar-gillim
professes astonishment at ingantus (ingnad)
professes con-ruidethar
professes fo-sisedar
profession (of a calling or art, i.e. avowal of its practice) fasitiu (d)
profession (of faith) fasitiu (a)
profession as represented by its practisers collectively dn V
profession of a nun caillchecht (caillech)
profession of a roving hunter and warrior fanas
profession of a seer icse (a)
profession of a soldier mletacht
profession of arms fnnidecht
profession of crosn crosnacht (crosn 1)
profession or activity of an ammait ammaitecht (a)
profession or status of an advocate aignecht (aigne)
profession dn IV
profession gairm
professional buffoon drth 2 I (a)
professional jester drth 2 I (a)
professional soldier banna (ban 1)
professional soldier banna (ban 1)
professor dochtir
professor lgthir (lgaid)
proffers ad-aig (d)
proffers do-fairget (a)
proficiency cerdaige (cerdach)
proficient in arms engnamach (engnam)
proficient lr
profit be, b(a)
profit be, b(a)
profit breis 3
profit breis 3
profit baid 1 (c)
profit baid 1 (c)
profit buidne
profit buidne
profit til (a)
profit fagltas (fagbl)
profit fognam (b)
profit fuillem
profit fuillmed
profit greimm
profit innlas ?

profit les
profit lg also lag
profitable (?) broigthech
profitable (?) broigthech
profitable dil 1
profitable forsta vx sa
profitable fuillmech (fuillem)
profitable lesach (les)
profitable maith
profitless dtharba (torbae)
profitless dtharbach = dtharba
profits do-rorban 1 II
profits fo-gn I (c)
profits gnaigid (gndhaigid, gnthaigid)
profound domain I (b)
profound duibecnach (duibecn)
profound fudumain
profound fudumanta
profoundity fudumain
profundity duibecnaige (duibecnach)
profundity fudumnae (fudumain)
profuse fairsing (b)
profusion (?) fala
profussionem imbed, imbad
progeny fine 1 (b)
progeny genemain
progeny lorg
progeny maicne
prognostication clmaine
prognostication fachairecht (fachaire)
prognosticator cailleir (callann)
progress bire (a)
progress bire (a)
progress bisech
progress bisech
progress foram, -aim, -om(o)
progressing cimniugad
prohibited airchoillte (a)
prohibited airgarthae
prohibited crosta
prohibiting airgaire
prohibiting airgaired = airgaire
prohibition airchoillte (b)
prohibition airgaire
prohibition airgart
prohibition airmert (c)
prohibition airmit
prohibition aurchail(l)
prohibition cros (d)
prohibition crostil
prohibition geis

prohibits (?) do-urgair
prohibits ar-cuilli (a)
prohibits crosaid (cros)
project airec (b) menman
projecting from indell
projecting part corr 1 II
projecting widely (of objects) clasach (b) (clas)
projecting braine 1
projecting braine 1
projection braine 1
projection braine 1
proletarian (?) dman (c) (man)
prolific (?) 1 glinech (gln)
prolific clannach (a) (clann)
prolific clannmar (clann)
prolific combrit
prolific mothach
prolix faddlach
prolixity emiltius, emeltus I
prolixity faddil
prolixity foitigecht (foite)
prologue brolach = prolach
prologue brolach = prolach
prolongation fordl (-dil)
prolonged fordlach
prolonging fordl (-dil)
prolongs ar-cuirethar (a)
prolongs fo-fuir
prolongs fondaigid vx fondad, fannaigid
prolongs fo-rig
prolongs fotaigid, fataigid (fot, fota) > fait- vx
prominent part braine 1
prominent part braine 1
prominent person arg 2 II
prominent airchendchaide (b) (airchendach)
prominent airchenn (b) (cenn)
promise 1 glinne
promise bg (a)
promise bg (a)
promise brathar (c)
promise brathar (c)
promise cuirrige
promise gellaid
promise gellam
promise gellamain
promise gelltanus
promise ingell
promised aithgellta
promises (?) do-im(m)na (b)
promises repeatedly aithgellaid (gellaid)

promises ad-gella
promises do-airngir (a)
promises do-ingella
promises do-oggell II
promises gellaid
promises in-gella
promises modid
promising gellaid
promising gellamain
promising ingell
promising ingellad
promising modem
promontory imrind
promoter augtar (a)
promoting mutual discord imchossatech (imchossat)
promoting lad (lth)
prompt (?) famann
prompt airlam (c)
prompt anathlam 2 (athlam)
prompt daith 1
prompt im 2
prompt imech II
prompt imid
prompt ellam 1, ullam, ollam I (a)
prompt scaid
prompt fobaid
prompt i n-im 2, anim
prompt moch
promptly i fairthe (b)
promptly i n-ellma (a)
promptness dgirse (dgir)
promptness ime (im 2)
promptness ellmacht (ellam)
promptness scaidecht (scaid)
promptness scus (scs)
promulgates do-inmlig
prone to refuse rthach (raid)
prone to unjust judgements (?) esbrethach, esmb- (esbreth)
prone to clen I (e) fri (chum, do)
prong benn (e)
prong benn (e)
pronged spear (?) forc
pronged 1 gablach (gabul)
pronged fogablach
pronged fogablaige, -gthe
pronoun insce
pronouncement forgell, forgal(l)
pronouncement lad (lth)
pronounces (judgment) brethaigid = brethnaigid
pronounces (judgment) brethaigid = brethnaigid
pronounces (oft. folld. by ar (s) aird) do-beir I (i)

pronounces a verdict fo-gella (b)
pronounces brathraigid (brathar)
pronounces brathraigid (brathar)
pronounces fuiglid (see fo-gella)
pronounces in(d)scothaid (scoth)
pronunciation aisnis (a)
pronunciation Godelc
proof and denial fortach
proof of a charge imdnam
proof 2 gein
proof com\.fromtha (fromtha)
proof comartha (a) (airde 1)
proof cruthugud (b)
proof deimin II
proof derbad (a)
proof derbthas (derbtha)
proof dioscurs
proof fr 1 II (c)
proof formna
prop (?) (fig. of a hero, king, etc.) deil 2 II
prop ige 2
prop cl 1 (b)
prop columa (-oma, -amu, -umu) (a)
prop farr
prop fulach (folach)
prop fulang
prop gln
propagating crasc(r)ad
proper (?) ? fortchtae (tchtae)
proper (?) doich (dich?) I (c)
proper (?) dalach 1 (dal 1)
proper (legal) arrangent (for) cir 8
proper arrangement cert 1 (l) + gen.
proper arrangement cocarus
proper arrangement comecar (ecor)
proper arrangement crtus (cir)
proper arrangement crus (cir)
proper course cim (-mm) I (j)
proper course crtus (cir)
proper for in
proper nature (?) dildetu (dil 1)
proper place of person laithrinn (lthar)
proper place of thing laithrinn (lthar)
proper place inad < ined
proper portion inniud
proper procedure cert 1 (l) + gen.
proper provisions men take with them to traverse it imchubaid > imchuibe
proper redress (?) comles (les 1)
proper regulation drgidetu (drge, cf. drgetu)
proper situation of person laithrinn (lthar)
proper situation of thing laithrinn (lthar)

proper time inbaid
proper to the religious life clirchide (clirech)
proper to dthaig I (c)
proper il b
proper bunad (e) (bun 1)
proper bunad (e) (bun 1)
proper cannta (canin)
proper cert 1 (a)
proper cnesta (cnes)
proper coimtig (c)
proper coindfe
proper cir 2
proper coitechta (-chta?) (com + tchtae)
proper comadas (adas)
proper comchubaid (cubaid)
proper cosmail I (c) (com + samail)
proper cubaid I (b)
proper deithbir 1 I
proper dela 1 (c)
proper d\.furil (furil)
proper dles 1 II (a) (d- + les)
proper dr 1 (a)
proper dlechtach (dlecht)
proper dlechtanach (dlechtain)
proper dlestanach (dlestin)
proper imchubaid > imchuibe
properity maith
properly cir 5
properly ina chirt 1 (h), i cirt, cert
property (?) bethamnas (b)
property (?) bethamnas (b)
property (with subj. gen.) dlse (a) (dles)
property cast up by sea murchuirthe (-choirthe)
property left at death ? argrinde (grinde)
property of a deceased person dbad II
property qualification imfolad
property 1 adba
property irilliud
property betha (e) (bo)
property betha (e) (bo)
property cil 1 (a)
property crod 1 (b)
property cron (b)
property cuit
property dles 2 (c)
property dlsecht (b) (dlse)
property ellach 2
property febtu (feb?)
property folud (> fola)
property foth
property fotha

property imb (imm)
property indile
property indlos, indlas
property innorba
property? imfolad
prophecy clmaine
prophecy fitsine, fithsine (fith)
prophecy fth (c)
prophecy forchanad
prophesies do-airchain
prophesies do-airngir (b)
prophesies fistinid (fistine)
prophesies fistininigid (fistine)
prophesies for-cain
prophesy fidetracht (fith)
prophesying fidetracht (fith)
prophesying fitsine, fithsine (fith)
prophet fith, fid
prophetic wisdom fth (c)
prophetic wise fasatech (fasat)
prophetic fidemail (fith)
prophetic fthacda
prophetic fthamail (fith, fth)
propoal imlad
proportion imchommus
proportionate amount coibne (com + fine)
proportionate amount commit (mit)
proportionate quantity commit (mit)
proportionate size commit (mit)
proportionate to 1 adas
proportionate imchumside (imchommus)
proposal air\.fuigell (b) (fuigell)
proposes ar-berta
proposes ar-drg(a)
proposes mes(s)aid (<mes)
proposing ersuidigud (= air-)
proposition airdrgud 2
proposition imlad
propounder ? lithreir
proprietor muiredach (muire)
propriety certus (cert 1)
propriety cnestacht (cnesta)
propriety cir 6
propriety crae (a) (cir)
propriety crus (cir)
propriety cuibde 1 (cubaid)
propriety dlse (a) (dles)
proscribed person air\.fcraid (air\.fcrae)
proscribed person apthach 1 (apad 1)
proscribing (?) furfcra, -facra
proscribing air\.fcra(e) (b)

proscription fcra(e) (g)
prosecutes a claim arising out of lenaid
prosecutes ad-gair
prosecutes aigid (d)
prosecutes ind-saig ?
prosecuting of a claim ? imfoilm
prosecution armracht
prospect amarc 1 (c)
prosperity is better than superfluity imbed, imbad
prosperity d
prosperity anae
prosperity bal (b)
prosperity bal (b)
prosperity conch
prosperity fechtnaige (a) (fechtnach)
prosperity in(d)mige
prosperity lth
prosperity maith
prosperity maithes, -ius
prosperous (?) forbarach
prosperous balach 1 (bal)
prosperous balach 1 (bal)
prosperous bennachtach (bennacht)
prosperous bennachtach (bennacht)
prosperous fechtnach (a)
prospers bal (d) with prec. vb.
prospers bal (d) with prec. vb.
prospers irgid (h) le (re)
prostitute echlach 2
prostitute meirdrech (meirtrech)
prostitutes cuiligid (col)
prostitution meirdrechas
prostrate fen (a)
prostrate leirc
prostrates (?) fenaid
prostrates oneself before laigid
prostrates fo-lgi
prostrates lecaid
prostrating flgud
prostrating fuirmiud, -med
protected (?) dnach (dn?)
protected by muin
protected cemantach (cemna)
protecting (?) dnach (dn?)
protecting against something imgained
protecting mantle lumman
protecting of life anmchoimt (ainim(m) + coimt)
protecting veteren of the Ulstermen imdegail
protecting aincthe
protecting ainicthe 2 = aincthe
protecting anaclach (anacul)

protecting anacul (a)
protecting cemna (a)
protecting cemnach (cemna)
protecting clithugud
protecting coimge (com + aige 1?)
protecting coimitecht (c)
protecting comdn (dn)
protecting commairge (a)
protecting cosnam (b)
protecting costudach (costud)
protecting crosad
protecting cumtach (b)
protecting cumtacht = cumtach
protecting dn (a)
protecting dtiu
protecting dochoimt (coimt)
protecting etargin, atreagin
protecting etrin II
protecting imdegail
protecting imdtiu
protecting imsndud
protecting ineaclann
protecting ingaire
protection (?) comaid
protection (?) comarggud = commairge
protection (?) comnacal
protection (?) dtnae
protection (CW) cemnachas = cemna
protection (legal) fes(s)am I (c)
protection ? ? imfaesam
protection ? imchomt
protection 1 greis(s)
protection an 5
protection anacht
protection anacul (a)
protection brdacht (brda)
protection brdacht (brda)
protection cdus (b) (cid)
protection cemna (a)
protection cemnugad
protection clith II
protection clithar II (b) (clith ?)
protection clithchae (clithach)
protection clithra (clithar)
protection coim 1 (b)
protection coimge (com + aige 1?)
protection comla (-ae)
protection commairge (a)
protection cosnam (b)
protection cuime 1
protection cl (a)

protection dem
protection dn (a)
protection dupla
protection dius
protection enec(h)rus
protection enech 1, ainech II (b)
protection fes(s)am I (b)
protection fosc
protection foscad
protection imdegail
protection imsndud
protection imthuige, imthugae
protection inilligud
protection inillius (inill)
protection mr
protective (of cloth) clith I (a)
protective enclosure (?) comnacal
protective anaclach (anacul)
protective clithach (clith)
protective clithar I (clith ?)
protective cumtach (e)
protector (?) dtnide = dtnid 1 (?)
protector bachaill (b)
protector bachaill (b)
protector clithar II (b) (clith ?)
protector commairge (c)
protector cosantach (cosaint, see cosnam)
protector cosantaid = cosantach
protector cosantir = cosantaid
protector ddnigtheir (dtiu)
protector dnaigtheir (dn) = dtnigtheoir
protector dnid 1 (dn)
protector dnigtheir (dn(ig)id)
protector dtneir (dtiu)
protector dtnid 1 (dtiu)
protector dtnigtheir (dtiu)
protector dos 1 (b)
protector imddnigtheir
protector inill
protects (?) ar-deim
protects (?) comg(a)id
protects (?) dtnigid = dtnid 2 ?
protects (?) duplaid (dupla)
protects (persons) con-ceil (b)
protects ? imm-anich
protects ad-comai
protects aingid
protects ar-cobrathar
protects cemnaid (cemna)
protects con-anaig (aingid)
protects con-eim

protects con-o
protects con-utainc (d)
protects custoid
protects deimnigid(ir) (b) (deimin)
protects dnaid (dn)
protects dnaigid (dn)
protects dnid 2 (dn)
protects dtnid 2 (dtiu)
protects do-ecrathar
protects do-eim 1 (b)
protects do-ingair 2
protects etargnaid (etargin)
protects felaid
protects for-snidi
protects imdeglaid (imdegail)
protects imm-dben
protects imm-dm (imb-d-em)
protects imm-tecrathar
protects in-gair
protects inilligid (inill)
protests (?) (legal) cronai(gi)d (cron)
proto- ct- 1 (a)
protracted lenamnach (lenamain)
protracted lenamnach (lenamain)
protracting mallnam?
protruding part braine 1
protruding part braine 1
protuberance att 1
protuberance cnocc (a)
protuberance conn (a)
protuberant attmar (att 1)
protuberant mellach
proud (?) brotla (a)
proud (?) brotla (a)
proud flesh (of wounds) ainfeil (feil)
proud man brdmar (brd)
proud man brdmar (brd)
proud person borrach 1 (borr)
proud person borrach 1 (borr)
proud ? indaide
proud airramanta
proud ard 1 I (h)
proud bclach (bcil)
proud bclach (bcil)
proud bocsach 1 (bocs)
proud bocsach 1 (bocs)
proud borr
proud borr
proud borrfadach (borrfad)
proud borrfadach (borrfad)
proud brd

proud brd
proud bacach (baic)
proud bacach (baic)
proud commall (mall)
proud dummusach (dummus)
proud mrdlach
proud muad
proudest airrntamail
proved derbtha (b)
proved fromtha
proven forglide
provencia Maugdornorum mugdorn
provender costus (a)
proverb derbrosc
proverbial saying fsach 1
proves (legal) brogaid
proves (legal) brogaid
proves by oath for-toing (tongid)
proves false (to = for) fellaid (fell 1)
proves false brcnaigid (brc)
proves false brcnaigid (brc)
proves brigaid
proves brigaid
proves crutha(ig)id (b) (cruth 1)
proves derbaid 2 (a) (derb 1)
proves derbaigid (a) (derb 1)
proves do-gn II (q)
proves fraid (b) (fr 1)
proves fromaid
proves imm-dni
proves inderbaid (derb)
proves lommad
provided that 1 acht II (e)
provided with a strap irsech (iris)
provided with doors doirsech (dorus)
provided with metal plates clrach 1 (clr)
provided fuiride (-the) firide
provider fuirec
provides (?) ar-fura
provides (?) con-indle
provides (?) do-inecra
provides (+ acc.) feraid I (b)
provides for (?) lesaigidir (les)
provides for beforehand fo-callathar (b)
provides for ar-foichlea (a)
provides for comrara(ig)id (comrar)
provides for fo-callathar (a)
provides for fossaigid(ir) (foss)
provides refection for (legal) bathaid 1 (biad)
provides refection for (legal) bathaid 1 (biad)
provides con-greinn

provides do-irci (c)
provides fo-callathar (c)
provides fo-fera I
provides fo-fera I (a)
provides fo-suidethar, -fothadar
provides fuirid
provides lin(n)id (ln)
providing (?, CW) airchillech (airichill)
providing (food, entertainment, etc.) airec (c)
providing entertainment cemna (b)
providing food battach 2 (bathad)
providing food battach 2 (bathad)
providing for airichill (a)
providing for fothugad
providing for frithairle
providing airmert (a)
providing aurgnam (a)
providing fuar
providing fr
province of Ireland (one of five) ciced II (cic)
province of Munster Mumu (muma)
province ? icht
province cennadach
provincial dignity cicedachas (cicedach)
provincial king cicedach (ciced)
proving (mutually (?, CW)) coimimdnam (imdnam)
proving false brcnugad
proving false brcnugad
proving ittiugad (c)
proving cruthugud (b)
proving deimnigud (a)
proving dnum I (d)
proving derbad (a)
proving derbugud
proving fadnugad
proving fromad
proving imdnam
provision for entertaining fuirec
provision for feeding fuirec
provision of food battachas (battach 1)
provision of food battachas (battach 1)
provision airechtain
provision airichill (b)
provision cucann (b)
provision cucht 2
provision fairthe (a)
provision fuirec
provision fuiriud, -ed
provision fulang
provision imthairecc
provision ln

provisioner bathaid 2 (biad)
provisioner bathaid 2 (biad)
provisions bethamnas (b)
provisions bethamnas (b)
provisions costus (a)
provisions cotomultus (tomaltus)
provisions ellmugud, ollm-, ullm-
provisions ln
provocation gressacht (2 gress)
provokes do-accrdi
provokes do-duschi (b)
provokes do-drig
provokes frithardaid
provokes gressaid (2 gress)
provoking (?) dresad
prow brainech 2 (braine 1)
prow brainech 2 (braine 1)
prowess in arms armdattus (armda)
prowess ? glonnas
prowess 2 g
prowess airbert (b)
prowess airbertas (airbert)
prowess airbertnugud
prowess comgnm (gnm)
prowess comnairte (comnart)
prowess coradacht, coraidecht
prowess cht III
prowess chtmaire (chtmar)
prowess egnam
prowess engnam (b)
prowess gaisced
prowess gaiscemlacht (gaiscemail)
prowess gratacht (grata)
prowess glonnacht (glonnach)
prowess gnmaige (gnmach)
prowess greit
prowess ldus (lth)
prowess lm
prowessful chtach 2 (cht)
prowling branairecht (branar 1)
prowling branairecht (branar 1)
proximate com(\.f)ocus I (ocus 1)
proximity (a place or time) foicse
proximity (of time or space) 1 gaire (gar)
proximity (to) ctluth
proximity aicce
proximity com(\.f)ocus II (a) (ocus 1)
proximity com(\.f)oicse (oicse)
proximity comaithches (b) (comaithech)
proximity comgaire (gaire 1)
proximity comgar II (a) (gar)

proximity fochrab 1 II
prudence comairle (b)
prudence crnnacht (crnna)
prudence cunnlacht (cunnail)
prudent (?) dles 1 II (b) (d- + les)
prudent aircsinach (aircsiu)
prudent comairlech 1 I (comairle)
prudent crnna (crn)
prudent gesmar (ges)
pruning feathers (of birds) eclaimm
prurience? fogitled
psalm (bibl., eccles.) ctal
pubescent ? infuilt (folt)
public notice esgaire, esngaire
public coitchenn I (b)
published facartha
publishes (?) fo-sern (sernid)
publishes abroad airdircigidir (c) (airdirc)
publishes comairdercaigid (airdircigidir)
pudding indrechtn
pudding mar
puddle (?) esc 1 (eisc?)
puddle ? fal
puddle esca
puddle lathach
puddle lathrach
puddle lodn
puddle millech
puddle mlach
pudenda (?) fescal 2
pudenda denocht (b) (d 2 + nocht)
pudenda fle (b) (fal 2)
pudenta mebal(mebul)
puerile lenbaide (lenab)
puerile lenbda (lenab)
puffing bolgfadach (bolg 1)
puffing bolgfadach (bolg 1)
puffing bolgfarnach = bolgfadach
puffing bolgfarnach = bolgfadach
pugnacious (?) fechtaide (fecht)
pugnacious (?) forrgethach
pugnacious combgach (combg)
pugnacious congalach (congal 1)
pugnacious fchamail (fch 2)
pugnacious fchda (fch 2)
pugnacious fornata
pugnacious gleccach (glecc)
pugnacious mellgalach
puissant (?) forbar (-bair)
puissant ? fortal(l)ach (fortail)
puissant comaccmaic (acmaing)

puissant fornertmar
puissant fortamail
pullet irn(e)
pulling comtharraing (tarraing)
pulls or snatches away gataid
pulls do-srenga I (a)
pulse cuisle (c)
pulverizes min
pumice stone cubar 1 (b)
puncture cailged
punctures (with a weapon) cailgid (a) (colg)
punished dachtae
punisher cirrbaigtheir
punishes craid
punishes damnaid 1
punishes dglaid 2 (dgal)
punishes do-fich 1
punishing cosc (a)
punishing cronugad
punishing crad
punishing damnad 1 (a)
punishing dgailt
punishing dgal
punishment (CW) athchosc = cosc?
punishment cir 7
punishment cosc (a)
punishment dach (b)
punishment dberg (e) (d + bergg)
punishment dgal
punishment fach 1 (a)
punishment frithpian
punishment indechad
punishment lg also lag
puny (?) dimbras (brass)
puny dedbol
puny diss
puny? min
pup cuiln
pupil (of an aite) daltae II
pupil daltn
pupil deiscipul
pupil felmac
pupilage daltus
puppy gaidrne gadar
purblind cech I (a)
purblind goll
purchase-money (esp. in Laws) fochraic (b)
purchase-price lg also lag
purchases mutually (?) imm-cren
purchases cennaigid (cennaige, cennach)
purchases do-cren

purchases do-oggell I
purchases fo-cren (a)
purchasing cennach (b) (cenn)
purchasing cre(i)cc (a)
purchasing crth
pure (?) ech 2
pure abundant food imdae
pure skin idan
pure soil fonn
pure 1 glr (earlier form of gluair)
pure bn I (a)
pure bn I (a)
pure cid 1
pure coman
pure con 4
pure echta 1
pure etal 1, etail
pure genmnaid
pure genmnaide
pure glan
pure glandae (glan)
pure glthech
pure glair (1 glr)
pure idan
pure idan
pure idnaide (idnae)
pure lomm
pure-skinned ? gemann
purgation by lot condacht 2
purgation by ordeal or lot (legal) dun(n)ach
purgative folmaigthech
purgative lacthach (lacad)
purge folmugud (vn. of folmaigid)
purges folmaigid (folam)
purges glanaid (glan)
purging erglanad (r-?)
purging folmugud (vn. of folmaigid)
purging glantach
purification glanad
purification imglanad
purified 1 glrda (1 glr ?)
purifier glanaige
purifier glantir
purifies ? imm
purifies glanaid (glan)
purifies glid (gl)
purifying glantach
purifying glantugud
purity (in moral sense) bine (b) (bn)
purity (in moral sense) bine (b) (bn)
Purity of Ireland idnae (idan)

purity 1 genas (< gein)
purity denma (dainme)
purity enncae (ennac)
purity enncus
purity etla I
purity genmnae
purity idnae (idan)
purloining gait
purloins dthlid (dthle)
purloins fo-serba (serbad)
purloins fo-tien vx tlenaid
purple cloth corcair
purple fish murach
purple flower corcair
purple corc 4 = corcra
purple corcair
purple corcarda (corcair)
purple corcra = corcarda
purple corcrach = corcarda
purple-fish corcair
purport ifecht
purpose corrad (corr 1)
purpose crch (a)
purpose cuspir
purpose in(n)tinn
purpose indithem, indfethem
purpose los
purposeless esbach I (esbae)
purposes ar-icc (d)
purposes menmnaigid (menma)
purposes muinithir
purr crnn
purring crnnach (crnn)
purse bossn
purse bossn
pursuer ingremmthach (ingremmad)
pursuer ingrentid, ingraintid (in-greinn)
pursuer lorgaire (lorg)
pursues (?) do-sechethar
pursues (a matter) lenaid
pursues with hostile intent in-greinn
pursues ainlenaid (lenaid)
pursues do-seinn
pursues engaid (eng 1)
pursues imm-aig
pursues lenaid
pursues lenaid
pursuing (?) len(a)main
pursuing (with) foilenmain (a)
pursuing party fir 3
pursuing party armracht

pursuing with intention to rescue or retrieve armracht
pursuing ? arumthoracht
pursuing airlenmain
pursuing len(a)main
pursuing len(a)main
pursuit armracht
pursuit lorgairecht (lorgaire)
purulent morgaigid
pus 1 gor
pus ingor
pushes ad-aig (b)
put in order craigthe, cirigthe
put to flight madmaid and maidmid
put to flight maidid
put to shame mlachtach
put cuirthe
putrefaction brine (brn)
putrefaction brine (brn)
putrefaction morgaid
putrefies lobaid
putrefies morgaid
putrefying lobad
putrefying lobtha
putrefying morgaid
putrefying? malcad
putrid brn
putrid brn
putrid morgaigid
putrifies (trans.) brnaid (brn)
putrifies (trans.) brnaid (brn)
putrifies brnaid (brn)
putrifies brnaid (brn)
putrifying brnad
putrifying brnad
puts (, etc.) fo-ceird II
puts (with for, i n-, imm, etc.) fo-ceird I (a)
puts (with nouns expressing movement) beirid X
puts (with nouns expressing movement) beirid X
puts a noose around goistigid (goiste)
puts an end to for-cenna
puts an end to for-fen
puts aside do-foscart(a?)
puts away (a wife) licid
puts away do-l 1
puts away licid
puts back (trans.) do-aithchuiredar (b)
puts faith coimchreitid (creitid)
puts force (?) brestaigid (bresta)
puts force (?) brestaigid (bresta)
puts forth ad-aig (f)
puts forth fo-ceird I (e)

puts forth in-snaid
puts forward against fris-tacuirethar
puts forward do-aissilbi (b)
puts forward ind-saig ?
puts in (legal) ecraid III (ecor)
puts in a claim for in-loing
puts in irons arnaigid (arn)
puts in in-cuirethar
puts in indlid (indell)
puts in in-ellaig, inellgither
puts into operation gnmaigid (gnm)
puts into do-ellai(n)g 1
puts into eillgid
puts off fo-scuiri (scuirid)
puts on a level with comairdid (comard)
puts on humane nature dondaigid (donda)
puts on eillgid
puts on tid (c)
puts on gaibid
puts on gaibid
puts out to grass gelid
puts right certaigid (a) (cert)
puts to death bsaid (bs 1)
puts to death bsaid (bs 1)
puts to death bsaigid (bs 1)
puts to death bsaigid (bs 1)
puts to death imm-beir
puts to death mortaigid
puts to flight fataigid
puts to flight madmaigid (maidm)
puts to good effect (?) bal (d) with prec. vb.
puts to good effect (?) bal (d) with prec. vb.
puts to rout (trans.) bris(s)id I (c)
puts to rout (trans.) bris(s)id I (c)
puts to shame imm-derga
puts to shame mlachtnaigid
puts to sleep do-laig
puts to the proof derbaid 2 (d) (derb 1)
puts to the sword claidbid 1 (claideb)
puts together comordaigid (orddaigidir)
puts together in-loing
puts together in-loing
puts towards fris-cuirethar
puts upon (?) for-ceird
puts upon in-loing
puts ad-aig (b)
puts cuirid 1 (a)
puts do-beir II
puts do-cuirethar I (a)
puts fo-cuir, fo-cuirethar
puts gaibid

puts gaibid
puts imm-beir
puts lid
putting away dscor 1 (a)
putting away fretech
putting forward ( a proposition) imlad
putting forward ? indsaigid, innaigid
putting forward airchor (a)
putting in (legal) ecor, ecar III
putting in ellach 1 II (a)
putting into action gnmugd
putting into practice clechtad 1 (a)
putting off dscor 1 (a)
putting off fochartad
putting someone on his guard beglugud
putting someone on his guard beglugud
putting to death bsad
putting to death bsad
putting to death bsugad
putting to death bsugad
putting to rights certugud (a)
putting to shame ainfalad
putting to shame imdergad
putting to shame meblugud
putting to the proof derbad (b)
putting to the sword claidbed
putting up a fence with a proclamation of trespass imbe
putting cor 1
putting cuired (a)
Pyrrhic victory ithes co n-anithes
pyx ampaill

quadrangular cethraimthech (cethramthu)
quadrisyllabic felesach 1 (feles 1)
quadrisyllable feles 1
quaffing ibthech
quagmire (?) crithur
quagmire cechar
quagmire esca
quail gerragort
quail muirial (<? muir)
quaking 2 grend
quaking crothnach
qualified in law inrechta
qualified to estimate? meisemnach
qualified to judge meisemnach
qualified to perform certain legal functions indraic
qualified to perform certain legal functions indraicthi (indraic)
qualities proper to youth maccomdacht
quality (?) dildetu (dil 1)
quality of a champion cclandacht

quality of a non-witness aintestas (a)
quality of being divine deacht I (dia 2)
quality of being lasting baine (bun 1)
quality of being lasting baine (bun 1)
quality of being like Brega bregas (Brega)
quality of being like Brega bregas (Brega)
quality of mind menmnaige (menma)
quality aiccidit
quality airde 1 (b)
quality cil 1 (a)
quality cilidecht (cil 1)
quality gane
quality inne
quality min
quantity of corn for grinding bleithech (bleith)
quantity of corn for grinding bleithech (bleith)
quantity airet II (a)
quantity caindigecht
quantity fras (fros) > frais
quantity mitidecht
quarrel (?) conmarcc
quarrel (?) discell
quarrel aimride (b) (aimrid)
quarrel augra (-ae) (a)
quarrel bruiden 2
quarrel bruiden 2
quarrel campar
quarrel congir (b)
quarrel debuith I
quarrel de-chtfaid
quarrel drenn 1
quarrel esenta (entu)
quarrel frithimbresan (imresan)
quarrel giorac
quarrelling with anbroic (broic)
quarrelling bruidnechas (bruidnech 2)
quarrelling bruidnechas (bruidnech 2)
quarrel-monger mellgalach
quarrels with imresnaigid (imresan)
quarrels debthaigidir I (debuith)
quarrelsome (?) dlechtaide (dlecht)
quarrelsome person imchossatech (imchossat)
quarrelsome person imresnaid (imresan)
quarrelsome aimrid I (b) (rid)
quarrelsome augrach (augra)
quarrelsome bruidnech 2 (bruiden 2)
quarrelsome bruidnech 2 (bruiden 2)
quarrelsome cennaircech (cennairce)
quarrelsome cosatech (cosat)
quarrelsome debthach (debuith)
quarrelsome drennach 1 (drenn 1)

quarrelsome esentadach I (esenta)
quarrelsome essdach (essd)
quarrelsome imresnach, imrisnech (imresan)
quarry cairl
quarry coilr 2
quart crta 1
quartan [fever] cuartana = cartana
quartan fever cartana
quarter aird 1 (b)
quarter crta 1
quarter catar
quarter cethramthu (a-d) (cethramad)
quarter cethramthu (e) (cethramad)
quarterage bannacht (banna)
quarterage bannacht (banna)
quartering coinnmed
quasi for
quaternion (of vellum, paper) caitirne
quaternity cethardatu (cethardae)
quatrain (in Fl.) caiptel (a)
quatrain fuach
quavers forlamainigid (forlamain)
quay cibe
quelling dinge
quells (?) ar-beir II (d)
quells (fig.) dingid (b)
quells ? machaid
quells comdbdaid (do-bdi)
quenches ar-dbdai
quenches bidid (b)
quenches bidid (b)
quenches do-bdi I (b)
quenches mchaid (mch)
quenching (of fire, thirst, etc.) bdud (c)
quenching (of fire, thirst, etc.) bdud (c)
quenching airdbad (a) (dbad)
quenching dbad I (a)
quenching dbdud
quern br 1 (a)
quern br 1 (a)
quern meile
querulous 1 accantech
querulous cesnadach (-aidech) (cesnad)
querulous ccantech
query (?) frecomol
question (for discussion) caingen (b)
question and the solution imchomarc
question GHOST cacht 2
question athchomarc
question ceist (a)
question coiblide

question imchomarc
questioner fochmarcid
questioning fafraigid 1
questioning frecnarcus
questioning frithchomarc
questioning imchomaircech (imchomarc)
questioning imchomairsnech
questions imm-comairc
questions ad-comairc
questions coibsen(aig)idir (cobais)
questions cuntabartaigid (cuntabart)
questions fafraigid 2
questions for-comairc
quick irregular movement (?) fonnad
quick sight? imdissin ?
quick to anger rach (r)
quick to answer frecarthach (frecra)
quick aipil
quick ith 1 I (c)
quick athlom
quick bo (a)
quick bo (a)
quick cliste
quick duibel(l)
quick ellam 1, ullam, ollam I (a)
quick scaid
quick fobaid
quick fras-, frais-
quick grind
quick grip
quick grot 1
quick lath
quickening bethugad (a)
quickening bethugad (a)
quickening inbogud
quickening inbogud
quickens bethaigid (a)
quickens bethaigid (a)
quickens grotaid(grot)
quicken-tree luis
quick-firing (?) gls
quickly cen chairde (c) (cara 1)
quickly crib
quickly mos- (mus-, mo-)
quickness aipile (a) (aipil)
quickness athlaime (athlom)
quickness braise (a) (bras)
quickness braise (a) (bras)
quicksands langa
quickwitted gasta (gas)
quick-wounding ctguinech (ctguin)

quid pro quo aithe 1 (a)
quid pro quo comman (a) (com + man)
quiet (?) fta
quiet antach (anad?)
quiet cldae (cl 1)
quiet ciin
quiet cinas (ciin)
quiet comailt
quietness fthamla(e), fthemlae
quill pen cleitte
quill pen cleittechn
quill etec I (ette)
quilt cuilt
quite whole imm
quite bare and free (from sin ?) imdlmain
quite bare comnocht (nocht 2)
quite empty air\.folam (folam)
quite healthy imm
quite perfect imm
quite sound com\.sln (sln)
quite well com\.sln (sln)
quite whole imm
quitting dedail I
quitting dirge
quitting fcbil (a)
quiver glac (c)
quivering (?) crithir 2
quivering 1 grith
quivering crith
quivering meirblige
quivers (?) driucht(r)aid
quivers forlamainigid (forlamain)
quivers meirbligid
quotes aillid(ig)id (aillidech)
quotes aithligid
quotes do-beir anas (c) (s 1)
quoth for, (far, bar)
quotidian fever cotidiana

rabbit coinn
rabble cuimresc
rabble (?) ainfallach (fanlach)
rabble (?) boidrisg
rabble (of army) cummascach = cummasc
rabble brotursach
rabble drabar\.slg
rabble grisc
rabble grscar
rabble maths/luag
rabid confadach (confaid)

rabies confa(i)d (c + buith)
rabies dsacht I
race (of families, etc.) bunad (b) (bun 1)
race aicme
race cenl (a)
race cenlach 1 (a) = cenl
race cinedach 2 = ciniud
race ciniud (b)
race clann (c)
race conchuire (c + cuire?)
race croba(i)ng (b) (crob)
race cr 1 (b)
race cuimleng
race dne (b)
race fine 1 (b)
race fuil
race genemain
race gent
race grafand
race lne
racecourse cite (b)
race-course cuirrech
races (against = fri) con-reith (reithid)
races 2 graifnid (grafand)
racial cenlach 2 (a) (cenl)
racing (horses) aige 1 (a)
racing with comlas (las)
racing cite (b)
racing comrith (b)
rack for hanging weapons etc. alchaing
rack for hanging weapons alchaill
radiance ine 1 (a)
radiance caindlige (caindlech 1)
radiance gleraidecht
radiance glerdacht (glerda)
radiance lainnrige (lainnrech)
radiance ls
radiance lgrad (l)
radiance loise
radiance lan
radiant (?) cmer
radiant 1 glarda (glair)
radiant com\.solusta (solusta)
radiant forlas(s)arda
radiant gairthe
radiant lgmar (l)
radical defects ? ingu
radical frmamail (frm)
rafter (of a house) gabul
rafter airge 2
rafter bairrn (barr)

rafter capar
rafters (?) drol 1 (b)
rafters dpla
rag ceirt 2
rag certach 1, ceirtech (ceirt 2)
rage ainbthen (b)
rage anfud (b)
rage bire
rage brach (a)
rage crgal
rage colg (e)
rage confa(i)d (c + buith)
rage cuthach
rage frech
rage lonnus (lonn)
rages (?) derdrethar
rages bruthaigid = bruthnaigidir
rages bruthnaigidir (bruth 1)
rages cuthaigid (cuthach)
rages dremnaid (dremun)
ragged or patched garments (?) fochra
ragged gibach (giba)
raging bruth 1 I (a) (berbaid)
raging bruthmar (bruth 1)
raging confadach (confaid)
raging confaite = confadach
raging dechrad 1 I
raging dremna(e) (dremun)
raging fiuchach
raging frechda (frech)
raging lainne
rags certach 1, ceirtech (ceirt 2)
raid (?) dbart 2, duba(i)rt
raid fecht I (b)
raider crechaire (a) (crech 1)
raider foirrgid 2
raiding aithchrech (crech)
raiding crechad (a)
raiding crechairecht (crechaire)
railing graigecht (gr)
rails at cinid
raiment dllat (a)
raiment tach 1
raiment tiud, ted (a)
rain baistech (baithis?)
rain bren 1
rain ferthain (a)
rain flechud (fliuch)
rain? (wet?) flesc 2
rainbow fidbocc (b)
rains brenaid (bren)

rainy weather flechud (fliuch)
rainy inbech (a)
rainy flechdach (flechud)
rainy foilc
rainy frasach, frossach (fras)
raised bank of earth or sand fertas 2
raised surface druim(m)chlae (b)
raised up cumgabthae
raised airthcbaide
raises (?) (trans.) con-ala
raises (a cry etc.) aigid
raises (a point) do-fcaib I (o)
raises (a stone, building, etc.) do-furgaib I (b)
raises (a tribute or tax) do-fcaib I (i) de, for
raises (of stones, buildings, etc.) do-fcaib I (d)
raises (sound, noise) fo-ceird I (h)
raises (the voice) do-fcaib I (l)
raises (the voice, etc.) do-furgaib I (d)
raises a cry achtaigid (acht)
raises an outcry or alarm fo-gi
raises from below fo-rig
raises on high do-csa (-icsa?)
raises up (fri = against) ar-gaib
raises up do-furgaib I (f)
raises ?*for-tcaib
raises ad-aig (f)
raises ar-rcaib
raises ar-tcaib
raises con-ocaib
raises do-ecaib
raises do-fcaib I (a)
raises do-furgaib I (a)
raises do-furgaib I (g)
raises fo-ocaib (gaib-)
raising (together) comthcbil (a)
raising an alarm igid
raising an alarm fogem
raising up cumgabl
raising up imthcbl
raising up indocbl, inducbl
raising airgbl
raising airthcbil
raising ardugad (a)
rith-security fuit
rake cr (a)
raking crad
rallying point 1 adba
ram molt
rambler (?) cairgindach
rampart (poet.) do 3
rampart balla 1

rampart caisel
rampart falbach
rampart frithde
rampart les
rampart mr
rampart mr
rams moltrad (molt)
rancorous accaisech
rancour accais (b)
rancour digugra
rancour foltanas (falt-)
rancour fasat
ranging a territory ? immitecht (imb-in-techt)
rank of a "muirech" muirigecht (muirech)
rank of freeman (legal) flaithem (b) (flaith)
rank of the baire bairechas
rank 1 grd
rank cim (-mm) I (h)
rank dath 1 VI
rank indme (indeb)
rank madlicht
ranked ecortha, ecairthe I (ecraid)
ransacking cabg 1
ransom (sum paid) fasclad
ransom coma
ransom fasclugad
ransoming cennach (c) (cenn)
rapacious crechach (crech 1)
rapacious gablach (gabal)
rapacity gabilche
rape icen (b)
rape forcor
rape forecor
rapicity gabilche
rapid development echrais II
rapid movement to and fro fonnam (< fo-snm) vx fondad
rapid run fatn
rapid dan 1
rapid es(s) 3
rapid merda (mer)
rapidly flowing stream es(s) 3
rapier colg (b)
rapine ? fal
rare (?) dgnais, -as (gns?)
rare deccair IV
rare deccrach (deccair)
rarely of other things foirenn (e)
rarity annaime (annam)
rarity annmacht (annam)
rascal cladaire (b) (clad)
rascality claidrecht (cladaire)

rash attempt liten(a)
rash course bethar (beth 1)
rash proceeding folim (m) (vn. of fo-ling)
rash aincillide (cillide)
rash mer
rash mer
rash, angry fithnesach (fithnes)
rashness bethar (beth 1)
rashness dtlacht (dtlae)
rasp gaoin
rate (?) (of tribute) bim (d) (-mm)
rates con-geil (geilid)
rth forrn
Rathcroghan (royal residence of Connacht) Crachu
ratifies (?) cinntigid (cinnte)
ratifies derbaid 2 (b) (derb 1)
ratifying imglod
ration of food accnabad
ration of food accnamacht
ration of food cucann (b)
ration ? galad
ration fotha vx fothad
ration mr
rational dligthech (b) (dliged)
rattle (? clothra 1
rattle crothal
rattles gnisid (gns)
rattling sound gligar
rattling sound grinniguth
rattling glicurda (glicor)
ravage irc
ravager crechthir (crech 1)
ravages again athairgid (oirgid)
ravages ? for-dchlanna
ravages crechaid (crech 1)
ravages dchlannaid (clann)
ravages fog(h)aid
ravages foglaid 2
ravaging (?) folmugud (vn. of folmaigid)
ravaging cnm
ravaging commilled (milliud)
ravaging foglugad
ravaging inchrechad
ravaging ingreimm, ingraimm, ingrimm
ravaging irc
raved mer
raven lore fachairecht (fachaire)
raven bran 1
raven cubar 2 = caubar = cupar
raven fang
raven fiach

raven-like branda 1 (bran 1)
raven-like fiachdae (fiach)
ravenous cccarach = cccar
ravenous febrach I (b) (febar)
ravens (coll.) feochaine (fiach)
ravens branar 1 (bran 1)
ravens, as some Irish trumpeters did grgaireacht
raven-speech grau-brla
ravishes icnigid (b) (icen)
ravishing icnigud (b)
raw 2 glas
ray (?) desleinn
ray (of the moon) gsca
ray of light lichet
ray etal 2
ray gae
ray gathn (gath)
rayed gscach (gsca)
razes to the ground claidid 1 (b)
razes mraid
razor altan
razor-sharp ailtnide (altan)
re- (with verbs and verbal nouns) aith-, ath-
reach atroich
reaches (a destination) gaibid
reaches (a destination) gaibid
reaches (as far as) (intrans. with co, coricci, or similar prep.) do-acmaing, -aic (a)
reaches (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (b)
reaches (trans.) do-roich I
reaches mutually imm-toirg (imm-to-ro-saig)
reaches round imm-saig(a)
reaches 2 ad-cumaing
reaches ad-roich
reaches dallaid (a) (dall)
reaches do-rorban 1 I
reaches gaibid
reaches gaibid
reaches imm-roich
reaches imrigid
reaches ind-oisci
reaches ind-saig ?
reader lgthir (lgaid)
readily ellam 1, ullam, ollam I (a)
readiness (fig.) fochrabe (b)
readiness for fight elgnas (b)
readiness for mischief elgnas (b)
readiness for mischief elgnatus = elgnas (b)
readiness airichill (b)
readiness airlaime (a) (airlam)
readiness airlatus
readiness dirnaisce, daurnaisce, dernaisce

readiness imige, imiche (imech)
readiness scaidecht (scaid)
reading aloud airlgend
reading aloud lgthracht (-irecht) (lgthir)
reading aloud ligenn
reading guide lee(--?)
reading airlgend
reading lgad
reading lgthracht (-irecht) (lgthir)
reading ligenn
reading ligenn
reading letarthach (letrad)
reading lachtu
reading lachtu
readjusts aithdrgaid (drgid)
reads aloud ar-lga
reads aloud lgaid
reads of lgaid
reads out ar-lga
reads lgaid
ready (?) folam
ready (for) ellam 1, ullam, ollam II (c)
ready (frequ. with follg. vn. constr.) apaig (b)
ready (of persons) airlam (a)
ready (of things) airlam (b)
ready again aithellam (ellam 1)
ready for use (?) fr
ready for use or action glsta
ready knowledge (?) fras-, frais-
ready or bold in vindicating ones claims (?) fchemanda, ta (fchem)
ready or keen in attack fbartach (fabartach)
ready to attack airrechtach (airrecht)
ready to define (?) rcholtech (rcholiud)
ready to injure, never ready to heal cc
ready adblam
ready airlam (c)
ready coimirlam (airlam)
ready daith 1
ready im 2
ready imech II
ready ellam 1, ullam, ollam II (a)
ready fras
ready fuiride (-the) firide
ready i n-ellma (c)
ready innligthe
ready licthe
real value inne
real bunad (e) (bun 1)
real driuch (c)
real frinnech (b) (frinne)
realises (usu. process rather than state) aithnid 2 (a) (aithne 2)

realises beirid (or do-beir) aithniu 2 (b) + acc./clause
realizes ad-c
realizes fraid (a) (fr 1)
realizing frad (a)
really darrib
realm (of a ruler) domun 1 II
realm flaith 1 I (b)
realm flaithemnas (b)
realm flaithius, -es (b)
reaper meithleir
reaping (?) falcairecht
reaping (plants) bain (a)
reaping bin
reaping imbocht
reaping-hook crommn (cromm)
re-appropriates aithdlsigid (dlsigid)
reaps (of crops) benaid I (d)
reaps boingid (b)
reaps bainid (bain)
reaps methlaid
rear cl (a)
rear deired 1 (b)
rear lorg
rear-guard ? arnis
rearguard lorg
rearing ailemain
rearing imthcbl
re-arising es(s)irge
rears (?) domaigidir
rears (children etc) lesaigidir (les)
rears jointly con-ail 1 (ailid)
rears together con-ail 1 (ailid)
rears ailid 1
rears altram(m)aid 1 (altramm)
rears do-fcaib I (h)
rears do-furgaib I (e)
reason 3 g
reason accais (a)
reason adbar
reason argam(a)intensive (a)
reason call (c)
reason conn (d)
reason cis 1 (a)
reason damnae III, domnae
reason deithbir 1 II
reason dliged I (d)
reason fth (a)
reason folud (> fola)
reason fotha
reason mebair
reasonable (of persons) dligthech (c) (dliged)

reasonable cause deithbires 1 (deithbir 1)
reasonable speech (?) callabair (call + labair ?)
reasonable cillid(e), callaid(e) (b) (call)
reasonable codnach I
reasonable deithbir 1 I
reasonableness ciallamlacht (callamail)
reasonableness deithbir 1 II
re-assembles aithtinlaid (aithtinl)
reassembling aithtinl (tinl)
reassures (?) cinntigid (cinnte)
reaver airctheir (oirgid)
reaver fogladach
reaver foglaid 1
rebaptises athbaistid (baistid)
rebaptism athbaisted
rebelling against irge (g) fri
rebellion against impd, impd
rebellion esumla (esumal)
rebellion meirlechas
rebellious aimrarach (aimrar)
rebellious esumal (umal)
rebels ardaid (ard 1)
rebels irgid (f)
rebirth aithgein (a)
re-blinds athdallaid (dallaid)
rebound aithlimm (limm)
rebound aithsceinm (sceinm)
rebounding aithsceinm (sceinm)
rebuilding aitdnam (dnum)
rebuilding athchumtach (cumtach)
re-building athcbil (cbl)
rebuilds athchumtaigid (athchumtach)
rebuke aithber
rebuke athchomsn
rebuke cairiugad
rebuke inchrechad
rebukes cairigid(ir) (caire)
rebukes cronai(gi)d (cron)
rebukes crsagaid
rebukes immaithbirid (immaithber)
rebukes imm-derga
rebukes inchrechaid
rebuking airchron (1 cron)
rebuking aithber
rebuking cairiugad
rebuking cronugad
rebuking immaithber
rebuking indlach
rebuking ingabl
re-bulling athdir
recalling comaithmet (aithmet)

recalling mebrugud
recalls cuimnigid(ir) 1 (a) (cuman)
recapitulates -athchain
recapitulation aithbimm (b) (bimm)
recedes aithinntaigid (inntaigid, see ind-so)
received them ... with honour mornta
receiver glacadir
receives (with a view to protecting) in-gaib
receives a guest fris-ilethar
receives communion commanchigid (comman)
receives thanks buidigid 2 (buide 2)
receives with respect fadaigid 2 (fad 5)
receives airitid 1 (airitiu)
receives ar-eim
receives ar-fom (a)
receives fo-eim, -fom, fem (a)
receives for-fom vx ar-fom, fo-eim
receives fris-ilethar
receives fris-ilethar
receives gaibid
receives gaibid
receives gaibid
receives gaibid
receives gaibid
receives glacaid (glac)
receives ind-eim
receiving a guest airitiu (c)
receiving again athgabil (f)
receiving instruction foglamad
receiving tribute (of nobleman) csach (cs)
receiving airitiu (a)
receiving frestal
receiving frithaigid
receiving gabl
recent (?) absence aithcmais (cmais)
recent (of wounds) anapaig (c) (apaig)
recent didenach, ddenach (b) (diden-, dden)
recently inn
receptacle cern 2
receptacle cril
receptacle gabltir
receptacle glac (c)
reception filtigud (b)
reception glacad
receptive gabltach
recess (?) frithbac
recess cern 1 (a)
recess clit
recess cil
recess clire
recess fulacht

recess glac (c)
recess glotta
recess arcl
recesses fudumain
reciprocal movement imthomas
reciprocal responsibility imm-aimm
reciprocal slaying imguin
reciprocal wounding imguin
reciprocally slaying imguin
reciprocally wounding imguin
recital aiccetal
recitation (CW) airchetlaid 2 (airchetal)
recited (?) budai
reciter airchetlaid 1 (airchetal)
recites (a spell, incantation or magic formula) do-cain (a)
recites ? mebraigid
recites ar-cain
recites ar-lga
recites canaid (a)
recites gaibid
recites gaibid
recites lgaid
reciting (?) aidbsiu (a)
reciting (bibl., eccles.) ctal
reciting aloud airchelebrad
reciting in a lay laded
reciting in chorus claraigecht (claraige)
reciting of poems danaig (dan)echt
reciting aiccetal
reciting cantain (a)
reciting gabl
reckless (?) anac(h)eill
reckless anairech (airech)
reckless beth 1 I (a)
reckless dtlae
recklessness ainbedacht (bedacht)
reckoning (?) dliged I (e)
reckoning among irem i n-
reckoning of time irem (c)
reckoning together comrm (rm)
reckoning with irem la
reckoning with aith\.fgad (a)
reckoning irem (a)
reckoning comirem (a) (irem)
reckoning comrm (rm)
reckoning cuntas
reckons X against y ad-rmi
reckons comirmid 1 (comirem)
reckons inrinid
reckons mes(s)aid (<mes)
reclining lige

recluse dthrubach (dthrub)
recognised etargnad 1 (gnth)
recognised etargnaid
recognises (immediately) (by) aithnid 2 (b) (ar) (aithne 2)
recognises ? gninid
recognises beirid (or do-beir) aithniu 2 (b) + acc./clause
recognises in-gnin
recognising aithne 2 (a)
recognition (of a poet by his patron) aithne 2 (c)
recognition aithne 2 (a)
recognition aititiu (c) do
recognition atmaithe
recognizes ad-gnin
recognizes as-gnin
recognizes con-gnin
recognizing him (?, CW) comaithne 2 (aithne 2)
recognizing ditiu
recollected cuimnigthe
recollecting athchuimnuigud
recollection mebair
recommending comairled
recommending eril (c)
recommends deceitfully anfoclaid (anfocal)
recommends molaid
re-commentary attrchtad (trchtad)
recompense ? ?arbaige
recompense given to poets das 1
recompense aithe 1 (a)
recompense athchomaniugud (comman)
recompense cennach (d) (cenn)
recompense cir 7
recompense citech 2 = citiugad
recompense citem = citiugad
recompense dl II (a)
recompense dlchinne
recompense fochraic (a)
recompense ligidecht (lg)
recompense? aithide = aithe?
recompenses dlaid (b) (dl)
recompenses fo-cren (b)
recompensing citech 1 (citigid)
reconciled adchotadaigidir
reconciliation athchairdes (cairdes)
reconciliation athmuinteras (muinteras)
reconciling cuibdiugud
recondite damair 1 I
reconnoitering immaircse
reconnoitring air\.fchain (fchain)
reconnoitring brath (b)
reconnoitring cartugad (b)
reconnoitring fordcsin

reconnoitring midemain
re-consecration athchoisrecad (coisecrad)
reconstructs (?) con-utainc (c)
record airisiu (a)
record ann(i)l (a)
record annlach = ann(i)l
record annlad (a)
record cuimniugud (a)
record fuilliucht (sliucht)
recorder cigtheir (cuimnigid)
recording airisiu (a)
recording mebrugud
records ad-rmi
records annlaid (ann(i)l)
recounting irem (e)
recounting imrd
recounts ad-rmi
recounts indisid (indise)
recovers (expenditure) fo-fen
recovers (fine or tribute) do-boing (c)
recovers ad-gaib
recovery (after the crisis of a fever) fetham
recovery (from illness) fes(s)am II
recovery of a fine (?) fenelach
recrimination immaithber
re-crucifixion athcrochad (crochad)
recruitment comthcbil (c)
recruits glaslth
rectangular cetharchair (cethair + eochair 7)
rectitude drgetu (drge)
rectitude drgidetu (drge, cf. drgetu)
recurring every month msta
recurring often meinic(c)
recurring aithimpaithech (aithimpaigid)
recurs aithimpaigid (impaigid)
red (?) cera 2
red (?) crn
red (?, CW) bresalach (bresal 2)
red (esp. blood-red) flann (a)
red enamel cran
red hot (an ordeal) airderg (derg)
red on surface forderg
red with blood derg (b)
red with yews ibar > iubar, iobar
red basc 3 (?)
red brech
red coic 5
red derg (a)
red dergthach (derg)
red forramnaide (ramnaide)
reddened dergtha

reddened forramanda
reddening corcrad
reddening dergad
reddening fodergad
reddening fordergad
reddening forramnad vx forramnaid
reddens (soil) dergaid I (d) (derg)
reddens (with shame or anger) dergaid I (c) (derg)
reddens airdergaid (airderg)
reddens corcraid (corcair)
reddens dergaid I (a) (derg)
reddens ercaid 2 (a)
reddens fo-derga
reddens fordergaid (forderg)
reddens fo-roind
reddens forramnaid (ramnaid)
reddens imm-derga
reddish dergaide (derg)
reddish-brown hue? forramanda
reddish-brown crn
red-eared cow erc 4
re-dedicates aithdlsigid (dlsigid)
redeemer aithchennaigid (cennaigid)
redeemer cennaigtheir (cennaigid)
redeemer fascaltaid vx fascaltir
redeemer fascaltir, -ailteir
redeemer faslaictheir
redeeming cennach (c) (cenn)
redeeming fascailt
redeeming fasclad
redeeming faslucad
redeeming cc
redeems (theol.) cennaigid (cennaige, cennach)
redeems do-aithchren
redeems fasclaid
redeems faslaici, fasailci
redeems faslaici, fasailci
redeems ccaid (cc)
re-demonstration (of pronouns) ath\.foilsigud (foilsigud)
redemption aithchennach 1 (cennach)
redemption fasclad
redemption cc
Redemptor cetaigtheir (cetaigid)
red-hot derg (c)
redivision athrann (rann 1)
redness dergadas (derg)
redness derge (derg)
redness imderge (imderg)
redrattle millsn (<milis?)
redress cc
redress les

reduced by one half lethach (leth)
reduced to beggary mindchichthe
reduces to bondage mugsanaigid (mog-) (mugsaine)
reduces to order certaigid (d) (cert)
reduces becaigid (bec)
reduces intrethaid (trethaid)
reducing cennsugad (b)
redundance by one syllable imdugud
redundance imdugud
redundant locks forfolt
reduplication dablad, dablud (a)
reed (?) curchuslach (curchas)
reed ? lach
reed boic\.simin (boc 1 + simin)
reed curchas
reed getal, gedal
reed gilcach
reeds an 1
reef (?) forscamon
re-establishing ath\.suidiugud (suidiugud)
re-exchanging (lit.) aithimlat (imlat)
re-explanation aithmniugud (mniugud)
refashioning athchumma (b)
re-fashionings frithdnta
refection (legal) biad (b)
refection given to a chief as due fuirired, -iud (fuired)
refection bathad
refection fuirired, -iud (fuired)
refection longud
reference imrd
referring especially to fore-knowledge obtained by magic or occult imbas, imbus
referring especially to knowledge obtained by magic or occult imbas, imbus
referring to frecra(e)
refers (to = do) do-aissilbi (a)
refers apparently to tillage or agriculture fodairecht
refined aithlegtha (legtha)
refined bronn- (bruinnid 2)
refined bruinnte
refined bruithe (a)
refined com\.fnilte
refined ciralta
refined forloiscthe
refinedmetal athbruithned (bruithned)
refinement (?) condirclige = condircle
refinement ciraltacht (ciralta)
refines (lit. and fig.) bruinnid 2
refines athglanaid (glanaid)
refining aithlegad (legad)
refining bruith (a)
reflection athsmainiugad = athsmained
reflection mig

reflections consit
reflects (on) imm-rdi
reflects (with ar upon) brethnaigid (c) (breth)
reflux (of sea) aithbe (a)
refolding aith\.filliud (filliud)
reforming lesugud
re-forms athchruthaigid (cruthaigid)
refracted light foscad
refractoriness anduarcas (darcus)
refractoriness dchoisce (dchoisc)
refractory (?) dimblith (d- neg. + blith)
refractory dchoisc (cosc)
refractory dchoiscthe (coiscid)
refraining (from) fulang
refrains (intrans.) con-secha
refrains from (actions) con-ceil (d)
refrains from (with refl. inf. pron.) ar-coat
refrains from interfering with licid
refrains from taking part in licid
refrains from gaibid
refrains from gaibid
refrains from licid
refreshes ar-utaing
refreshing airtach (a)
refreshing ddnad
refreshing etararad, -\.farad
refreshing ind(f)ar
refreshing ind(f)ar
refreshing ind(f)arad
refreshment ddnad
refreshment ind(f)arad
refuge 1 accarda
refuge attach I (a)
refuge clithar II (b) (clith ?)
refuge commairge (a)
refugee ainecid
refulsal (of hospitality) airin (b)
refusal (?) demes
refusal of union frithbruduth
refusal adrac
refusal dbe 1
refusal ra
refusal etech
refusal frithbruduth
refusal locc
refuse (?) escartach (b) (escart)
refuse brodscuad
refuse bruscar
refuse drodar
refuse escart II
refuse muirt

refuses (a request, gift, etc.) do-sluindi (c)
refuses (with acc. of pers. and imm or acc. of thing) etchid, etigid (etech)
refuses (with acc.) dlomaid (c)
refuses again aithimdid (imdid)
refuses again aithraid (raid)
refuses as-boind
refuses as-midethar
refuses as-toing
refuses deraid
refuses dilta(ig)id (diltad)
refuses do-acca(i) (acc)
refuses do-ceil (b)
refuses do-goa 2
refuses imdid, imid, im(d)igid I
refuses raid
refuses fo-mid, for-mid (I) (b)
refuses fris-brudi
refuses gaibid
refuses gaibid
refuses in-drig
refuses in-gaib
refuses loccaid (locc)
refuses loccaid (locc)
refusing (to do something) fm(m)ed (b)
refusing admittance diltad (c)
refusing persistently coim\.sna (sna)
refusing to acknowledge diltad (c)
refusing to believe in diltad (b)
refusing to do diltad (d)
refusing to grant diltad (d)
refusing derad
refusing dlomad (b)
refusing imded, fimded I
refusing ra
refusing rad
refusing etech
refusing fimdechtain
refusing imm, imb
refusing loccad
refutes brcnaigid (brc)
refutes iligid II
refuting ithche(d)
refuting ithchedach = ithche(d)
refuting brcnugad
refuting iligud III
regard mes(s)
regard mes(s)ad
regardful (of) mesamail (<mes)
regarding as irem ar
regards as unworthy aininnracaigidir (aininnraic)
regards as ad-rmi

regards ad-dci
regards aith\.fgaid (fgaid)
regards imm-acci
regenerates aithgeinid (aithgein)
regenerating aithbreith (breith)
regeneration aithgein (a)
regeneration aithgeinemain = aithgein (a)
rgime diet
regimen follamnugad (follamnaigid)
region bruig (b)
region cenntar (b)
region clima (-- ?)
region dthaig II (c)
re-grazing athbronnad (bronnad)
regressed aithescumluithe
regret (?) etere 1
regret 1 argn, argn
regret aithmla (b) (mla)
regret aithmltas = athmla
regret aithrechus (aithrech)
regret elchaire (b)
regret arnduba, arnduibe
regretable lesc
regretful argnithech, argniech (1 argn)
regrets aithrech a
regrets aithrech b
regrets canid (b)
regretting aithrige (b)
regular (med.) dlestanach (dlestin)
regular craigthe, cirigthe
regular dligthech (a) (dliged)
regulates airlithir (d)
regulates mesraigid
regulating drgud (b)
regulating mesrugud
regulation (?) deithiden II
regulation (legal) crus (cir)
regulation (of diet) follamnaigid (follom-)
regulation bsgnae (b) (bs 1 + gn)
regulation cin (a)
regulation forrecht (recht)
regulations (legal) crus (cir)
regwort (?) lustoic
rehearses mebraigid
reign (of specific persons) aimser (c)
reigns ? follamnathir vx follnathir
reigns follnathir
reigns gaibid
reigns gaibid
re-imposes ath\.snaidmid (snaidmid)
rein all 2

rein aradu (b)
re-inflammation of a wound athlasad
reinforcement firithin (c)
re-inforcing commrad (b)
re-injuring athguin (guin)
reins aradu (b)
reins is(s)e, is(s)i
Reisegewand fallgud
reiterates ad-eirrig
reiterates meinicidir
rejected rassaigthe, rsaigthe (rassaigidir)
rejecting athchor (c)
rejecting derad
rejecting dgu (b)
rejecting diltad (c)
rejecting dlomad (b)
rejecting imded, fimded I
rejecting frithbruth
rejecting loccad
rejection comthinsem (tinsem)
rejection dgu (b)
rejection indarba
rejects (intrans.) do-sluindi (d) do
rejects (trans.) clenaid I (e) (clen)
rejects ad-cuirethar
rejects dilta(ig)id (diltad)
rejects dlomaid (b)
rejects do-goa 2
rejects do-l 1
rejects do-lci II (c)
rejects do-sluindi (b)
rejects imdid, imid, im(d)igid I
rejects rassaigidir (raise?)
rejects fris-brudi
rejects fris-cuirethar
rejects ind-rban
rejects in-drig
rejects loccaid (locc)
rejoiced lthgirigid (lthgire)
rejoices (?) filtid (filid)
rejoices (intrans.) filtigid(ir), faltigid(ir) I (filtech, faltech)
rejoices (intrans.) filtnigid, faltnigid II (filte, falte)
rejoices at ad-tluichethar
rejoices at filtigid(ir), faltigid(ir) I fri (a) (filtech,
rejoices with comgirid (girid)
rejoices airgairdigid = gairtigit
rejoices forfaligid
rejoices forfaltigid (forfilid)
rejoices gairtigid (garit)
rejoicing (?) attlugud buide

rejoicing ? ilchach (ilach)
rejoicing airgairdiugad
rejoicing filtigud (a)
rejoicing forfalte (filte)
rejoicing gairdechas (gairdech)
rejoicing gairtiugud
rejoicing ilchugud
rejoicing lth
rejoicing lth
re-joining aithellach (ellach 1)
rekindling athadnad (adnad)
relapse aithlecad
relapses attuitid (do-tuit 1)
relapsing fever (with accompanying jaundice) buide 1
relapsing fever buidech 1 chondaill = buide chondaill
relate -frisnid vx fresnds, fresnsid
related (?) caibnide
related person coibnius (b) (coibne)
related coibdelach I (coibdil ?)
related coibnestae (coibnius)
related fal 3
related gelmar (i gel)
relates (about, of = do, de) as-indet
relates ? -frisnid vx fresnds, fresnsid
relates ad-ft
relates ar-ft
relates do-indet
relates do-rmi (c)
relates in(d)-ft (in(d)-fiad)
relates inaisnidid
relates innidid vx ind-ft
relating (?) aidbsiu (a)
relating (with gen. or ar, for) aithris (a)
relating to meaning cillid(e), callaid(e) (a) (call)
relating to sense cillid(e), callaid(e) (a) (call)
relating to the sun granda (gran)
relating to wheat cruithnechtdae (cruithnecht)
relating to ar 1 II (h)
relating aisnis (a)
relating aithrised
relating indisin
relation of a penitent to a confessor anmchairde (anmchara)
relation of a penitent to a confessor anmchairdes = anmchairde
relation aithris (a)
relation cem 1 II (a)
relation coibne (com + fine)
relation coibnius (a) (coibne)
relation combrthair (brthair)
relations on the mother`s side? maithriugad
relationship (?) cundoman
relationship of a cile to a flaith cilsine (cile)

relationship 1 gel
relationship cairdes (c) (cara 1)
relationship clemnas (clamain)
relationship coib(f)innt(ech)us
relationship coibdelach III (coibdil ?)
relationship coibdelachus (coibdelach)
relationship coibne (com + fine)
relationship com(\.f)ocus II (a) (ocus 1)
relationship com\.falus (a) (falus)
relationship comgel (gel)
relationship condalb(d)us = condalbae
relationship falus (a)
relative seats (in court) impuide, im(p)suide
relative seats (in court) session impuide, im(p)suide
relative 1 gel
relative cara 1
relative coibdelach II (coibdil ?)
relative com(\.f)ocus II (b) (ocus 1)
relative com\.falus (b) (falus)
relative com\.slonnad (slondud)
relative comaicside (com\.foicse?)
relative comgel (gel)
relative comnesam (b)
relative inbleoga(i)n, inableogain
relatives com(\.f)ocus II (b) (ocus 1)
relatives com\.falus (b) (falus)
relaxation logad
relaxed licthe
relaxes (bondage, an obligation, etc.) do-fasailci (e)
relaxes dscalid (c) (scalid)
relaxes tendigidir (tend)
release from licid
release imm-dla
releases (?) ar-faslaici
releases ? for-oslaici (-lic-)
releases ar-lici (a)
releases do-fasailci (a)
releases fasclaid
releases faslaici, fasailci
releases immach > ammach
releases imm-dtnathar (imb-d-don)
releases imm-fuasailci
releases licid
releases licid
releases licid
releasing from liciud
releasing forfaslucud
releasing fascailt
releasing fasclad
releasing faslucad
releasing imddnad

releasing imlecad
releasing liciud
relentless trcar
reliable ? forsaide
reliable coingellach (coingell)q
reliable dles 1 II (d) (d- + les)
reliable frinnech (c) (frinne)
reliance dchus (a) (dig?)
reliance intib
relic cathach 2
relic cretair
relics (on) muinigid
relics of martyrs martir(-r)
relics martrae
relics meinistir
relief (?) fem(m)or
relief (after the crisis of a fever) fetham
relief com\.fortacht (fortacht)
relief cumsanad (b)
relief trummugud
relief fes(s)am II
relief ind(f)arad
relief les
relies on muinigin
relieves (med.) com\.furtachta(ig)id (com\.fortacht)
relieves do-fir
relieves firid (b)
relieves fortaigid, furtaigid
relieves fasclaid
relieving with arms idna, indna
relieving trommad (tromm)
relieving fired
relieving firithin (b)
relieving firithnigud
relieving imddnad
relieving imm
religion baithis, baithes, bathais (a)
religion crbud (a)
religion creitem (b)
religion crsine (crsen)
religion ires(s)
religious chapter caiptel (b)
religious doubt (later) am(a)ires (a) (iress 1)
religious fervour dethach (b)
religious fraternity combrithres (combrthair)
religious life crbud (b)
religious rule crbud (b)
religious credal
religious crsen
religious eclasach, -aisech (b) (eclais)
religious eclastacda

relinguishes liciud
relinquishes fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (b)
reliquary cathach 2
relish (spread on bread) brechtn (a) (brecht)
relish annland
relish blas (b)
reluctance aidleisce
reluctance leisce (lesc)
reluctant ? lonn
reluctant aidlesc
reluctant anathlam 1 (athlam)
reluctant lesc
relying (on) muinignech
relying on for
relying on leth
remaiming (alive) marthanacht (-ainecht)
remainder (?) fait
remainder (?, CW) diruais 2
remainder aithle
remainder corrad (corr 1)
remainder corrlach
remainder deired 1 (a)
remainder fuidel(l)
remainder fuidlech (fuidell)
remainder furgrad
remainder arsma
remainder artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)
remaining (days of winter) fuidel(l)
remaining (in existence) marthain
remaining after ar is 2 (a)
remaining after di, do is 2 (c)
remaining after tar (dar) is 2 (c)
remaining in a (certain) place foss (fos)
remaining quiet foss (fos)
remaining stationary foss (fos)
remaining still fossugud
remaining with len(a)main
remaining airisem (a)
remaining anad (a)
remaining anmain (a) (anamuin)
remaining comairisem (airisem)
remaining comnaide
remaining feidligud
remaining for-t
remaining foss (fos)
remaining fuirech
remaining furgratae
remaining marthanach
remains (?) (intrans.) fethid 1 II (a)
remains (?) ar-said (b) (saidid)
remains (in a place) fossaigid(ir) (foss)

remains (in existence) maraid and mairid
remains (intrans.) fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) II (a)
remains ? ? armartaige
remains alive maraid and mairid
remains constant con-tairisedar (do-airrissedar)
remains in lenaid
remains over ar-t (e)
remains over do-farat
remains stationary fostaid
remains with lenaid
remains anaid 1 (a)
remains apach 1 (a)
remains ar-sissedar
remains comanaid (anaid)
remains comnaigid (comnaide)
remains con-osna
remains do-airissedar (a)
remains do-farat
remains feidligidir (feidil 1)
remains fes(s)id
remains fo-loing
remains fo-rig
remains for-t
remains gaibid
remains gaibid
remains armairt
remains lenaid
remains, remains over (?) fo-dla
remakes athchruthaigid (cruthaigid)
remaking aitdnam (dnum)
remarkable (?) delgnaide 1
remarkable (?) gnach (gn)
remarkable ingantach (ingnad)
remarkable ingnad, ingnth
remarkable ingnthach, ingnithech (ingnth)
remarkable menn (mend)
remarkableness (?) delgnaide 2
remedial action lesugud
remedial cc
remedies firid (b)
remedies lesaigidir (les)
remedy (?) frither vx forcam
remedy ? cce
remedy frepaid
remedy cc
remedy leiges (laig)
remedy les
remedy lesugud
remedying firithin (b)
remembered cuimnech (b) (cuimne)
remembered cuimnigthe

remembered cuman
remembered cuman (a)
remembering foraithmet
remembering comaithmet (aithmet)
remembering cuimnech (a) (cuimne)
remembering cuimniugud (a)
remembering mebrach
remembering mebrugud
remembers ad-muinethar
remembers athchuimnigid = cuimnigid
remembers cuimnigid(ir) 1 (a) (cuman)
remembrance cuimne 1 (cuman)
remembrance cuimnige (cuimnech)
reminding cuimniugud (b) do
reminding cumnd (cuman)
reminds y of x cuimnigid(ir) 1 x do y (b) (cuman)
reminds do-aithmuinedar
reminds modid
remiss dchlech (dchell 1?)
remiss failligthech
remiss lichtach
remiss lintach (linad)
remiss mainnechtach
remiss mainnechtnach
remiss maithmech
remiss mit
remission (?) dn (d)
remission (of a penalty, debt, etc.) dlgud (b)
remission (of punishment) logad
remission of punishment due for sin logad
remission dlgud (a)
remission logad
remission maithem
remission maithemnas
remission maithmige
remissness dchell 1
remissness faillige
remissness mainnechtaige
remissness? maithmige
remits (?) do-maithi (b)
remits (bondage, an obligation, etc.) do-fasailci (e)
remits do-luigi
remits logaid
remits maithid
remits maithid
remnant (?) desti
remnant (?) didan
remnant ? fde
remnant athman (man)
remnant deistiu (distiu?)
remnant fait

remnant fuidel(l)
remnant fuidel(l)
remnant fuidlech (fuidell)
remnant armar
remnant arsma
remnant artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)
remorse aithmla (b) (mla)
remorseful aithmlach (b) (aithmla)
remote (of time or space) etercan (can)
remote corner arcl
remote from immaig
remote place alltar (b)
remote place damair 1 II (b)
remote place arcl
remote derrit, derrait
remote damair 1 I
remote damrach (damair 1)
remote arclach (arcl)
remoteness etercanud (etercan)
remotest part fudumain
removal of a distress from the forus or pound where it ought legally to be imforus
removal airglan(ad)
removal cumscugud
remove (?) doluaiscet
removes (?) ar-scuir
removes (?) fo-cessa
removes (?) fonnaid vx fonnad
removes (?) forbuascaigid
removes (di = from) do-ingaib (b)
removes (legal) brataid (brat 1)
removes secretly as-tlen
removes ad-cuirethar
removes con-oscaigi
removes do-bidci (c) de
removes do-fcaib I (c)
removes do-foscart(a?)
removes do-gaib (a)
removes do-csa (-icsa?)
removes fo-scuichi
removes gataid
removes gataigid (gait)
removes imm-dingaib
removes in(d)scuchaid, in(d)scuichid
removing distrained cattle to a wrong pound fondel (c)
removing airscartad (a)
removing bim (a) (-mm)
removing dingbil I
removing fochsal (foxal) (a)
removing fochslad
removing foscugud (vn. of fo-scuichi)
removing glanad

removing imfolang, imfulang
remuneration athchumiled
remuneration dlchinne
re-mutilation (CW) aithletrad (lertad)
renames athbaistid (baistid)
rendering compact dlthugad
rendering impotent lemad (lem)
rendering incurable dleges, -is (leiges)
rendering liable acclaid (b)
rendering of hostages gilsine (giall, gill)
rendering service aicilliugad
rendering service fognam (a)
rendering dnum I (e)
renders (a due) (?) dligid
renders (legal) attairgid
renders (trans.) do-inta II (b)
renders barren dscigid (dsc)
renders common or unclean esconaid
renders futile (?) dmanid (dman)
renders goods fris-gn, -frithgn- (-frichn-)
renders imperfect ccomlnaigid
renders impious ingraigidir (ingor)
renders incomplete ccomlnaigid
renders liable ad-claid
renders service fris-gn, -frithgn- (-frichn-)
renders stinking (trans.) brnaid (brn)
renders unstable daingnigid
renders useless dmanigid (dman)
renders void dscigid (dsc)
renders do-gn II (k) + adj.
rending greatly imrpad
rending nature letarthaige (letarthach)
rending dlochtad
rending dluige (a)
rending imscoltad
rending letrad
rending letrad
rends asunder dluigid 1 (dluige)
rends dlongid (a)
rends fo-dluigi
rends letraid
renewal athnadaige
renewd notice athapad (apad)
renewed captivity athbrat 2 (brat)
renewed fight athchath (cath)
renewed grief athbrn (brn)
renewed madness aithgeltacht (geltacht)
renewed madness aithmire (mire)
renewed sorrow athchuma (cuma)
renewing aithgnmugud
renewing athnugud

renews athnuigid
rennet binit (a)
rennet bintn (a) (binit)
renounces (intrans.) do-sluindi (d) do
renounces (trans.) clenaid I (e) (clen)
renounces dchrechnaigid
renounces do-sluindi (b)
renounces irgid (h) de
renounces fo-caib (fo-ad-gaib) I (b)
renounces fo-ceird (cuirid), do-beir druim(m) IV (e)
renounces fris-toing
renounces maithid
renouncing cl (b) fri
renouncing derad
renouncing dernu (c) fri (re)
renouncing dlsigud, dsligud (b)
renouncing imded, fimded I
renouncing fretech
renouncing lm
renouncing maithem
renown ainmm (b)
renown airdircus (airdirc)
renown allud
renown blad 1
renown clothaige (clothach)
renown comairdercus (comairdirc)
renown glaire (glair)
renown indocbl, inducbl
renown lag
renown mid
renowned airdirc I (b) (2 derc)
renowned allata (-ae) (allud)
renowned bladach 1 (blad 1)
renowned bladmar = bladach 1
renowned clothach (cloth)
renowned clach (cl 1)
renowned clitech (cl 1)
renowned clmar (cl)
rent (esp. in Laws) fochraic (b)
rent apart comscalte (scalte)
rent paid to (land)lord by a bothach bothachas (bothach 2)
rent cnachas (cin)
rent cs
rent letartha
rent lochar
rent? letarthach (letrad)
rent-payer csaige (cs)
rent-paying aithechdae (aithech 1)
renunciation of authority athchommus (commus)
renunciation etla I
repairing aithlesugud (lesugud)

repairing daingniugud III
repairing lesugud
repairs daingnigidir II (daingen)
repairs lesaigidir (les)
reparation dl II (a)
reparation imdnam
reparation lesugud
repast dnr
repast dthat
repaying citiugad
repays (legal) attairgid
repays ad-fen
repays citigid
repeat aithgnm (gnm)
repeated ? meincichtech
repeating (?) frital
repeating (?) frital
repeating aith\.frital (frital)
repeating aitherrach (a)
repeating athchantain
repeating coimreic (reic 2)
repeats (on action) meincigid
repeats ad-eirrig
repeats aithrisid (a) (aithris)
repellent dochoitreba (cotreb)
repelling dingbil I
repelling frecor
repelling frecra(e)
repels (?) fris-slig
repels (trans.) clod I (a)
repels imm-dingaib
repentance (religious sense) aithrige (a)
repentance aithrechus (aithrech)
repentance etla II
repenting (of) aithrige (b)
repents aithirgigid(ir) (aithrige)
repents aithrech a
repents aithrech b
repents aithrigid (b)
repercussion frithbalad
repercussive frithbailtech
repertory of feats cles (a)
repetant adanta
repetition aithchetul (ctal)
repetition aitherrach (a)
repetition aithscl(e) (scl)
repetition atrcud
repetitive atrcadach (atrcud)
replaces ar-gella
replies fris-gair, -frecair
reply aithesc (a)

report cloth (a)
report deilm II
report fsc
report lad (lth)
reports comimridid (imm-rdi)
repose cailm
repose ciine = cinas
repose cinas (ciin)
repose cumsanad (a)
reposing cumsanad (a)
repository for a surety aite 3
representation figair 2, figar, fiugair (d)
representation mig
representative airlabraid (airlabrae)
representing delbad (delb 1)
represents (?) ar-cuirethar (b)
reprimanding cronugad
reprimanding crsagad
reprisal frithbt
reproach (?) aitech
reproach (?) dindis 2
reproach ? inaisc
reproach ail 2 (a)
reproach ailech 2 (2 ail)
reproach ainliad (lud?)
reproach airbernaig
reproach airbire
reproach aisc 1
reproach aithber
reproach aithimrd (imrd)
reproach aithis (a)
reproach armir(e)
reproach athchomsn
reproach beilln = milln
reproach bim (e) (-mm)
reproach dgna(e)
reproach esmail(t)
reproach faimm, famm
reproach imchined
reproach imdergad
reproach inchrechad
reproach lamain
reproach milln
reproach? mithis
reproached cndaithe
reproacher cinteir = cinte
reproaches with modid
reproaches ad-nessa
reproaches aiscid 1 (aisc 1)
reproaches aithbiraid 2, -aigid (aithber)
reproaches cinid

reproaches do-ben 2 (b)
reproaches imm-derga
reproaches in-gaib
reproachful airbirech (airbire)
reproachful athchomsnach (athchomsn)
reproachful dergnech
reproachful imdergthach (imdergad)
reproaching ail 2 (a)
reproaching ailiugud
reproaching airbire
reproaching aisc 1
reproaching cined
reproaching gerrad
reproaching imchined
reproaching immaithber
reproaching immardad
reproaching inchrechad
reproaching ingabl
reproof armir(e)
reproof cosc (a)
reproof masn
reprove imm-derga
reprover aithbirach (aithber)
reproves (trans.) con-secha
reproves certaigid (d) (cert)
reproves con-drig (a)
reproves cronai(gi)d (cron)
reproves imchinid
reproves immaithbirid (immaithber)
reproves inchrechaid
reproves in-gaib
reproving aithbirach (aithber)
reproving certugud (b)
reproving cosc (a)
reproving crsagad
reptile of some kind (lizard?) erc 5
repudiating fretech
repulsed in(d)sathar
repulses raid
repulses fillid I (d)
repulses loccaid (locc)
repulsive andracht
repulsive ccosmail (c)
repulsive tig
repulsive grnda (grin)
repulsiveness 2 grinne (grnda)
reputation ainmm (b)
reputation cil 1 (c)
reputation cloth (b)
reputation cl 1
reputation mes(s)

repute airchlos (clos)
repute irem (f)
repute cil 1 (c)
repute enech 1, ainech II (a)
request (?) domanchess
request (in legal sense; usually made by poet) ilges (a)
request aicsu
request il (a)
request ilges (b)
request aiscid 2 (a)
request ardarc 1 (a)
request athchomarc
request athchuingid 2
request attach II (c)
request cuingid 1
request drinnrosc
request eril (b)
request eril (c)
request foigde, faigde b
request indrosc
request itge, itche
requested doregart
requesting aiscid 2 (a)
requesting athchuingid 2
requesting cuingid 1
requesting eril (b)
requests ilid (b) (il)
requests athchuing(id) 1
requests do-comairc
requests inchuindgid (ind-com-di-saig-)
requests itg(a)id (itge)
requiem cndairc 2
requires of gremmaigid (greimm)
requires 2 arraid (arar)
requires ilid (c) (il)
requires arraigid
requires in(d)-asaig (in(d)-ad-saig)
requiring courage (of actions) dnae 1 II
requisites comopar (opar)
requisites intreb
requisition airrach (a)
requital airlg (lg)
requital aithe 1 (a)
requital citiugad
requital dl II (a)
requital cc
requital imlat
requital immaithbe
requital lg also lag
requites ad-fen
requites citigid

requites dlaid (b) (dl)
requites ccaid (cc)
requiting aithe 1 (a)
requiting citech 1 (citigid)
requiting citiugad
re-raising athcbil (cbl)
re-reading aithlgad (lgad)
rerespect indaitas
rescued airchel(l)tae
rescuers (see tir) fir 3
rescues do-es(s)uirg 1
rescuing comddnad
resembles (intrans.) do-ella 1 I (e) fri
resembles cosmail(ig)id(ir) (cosmail)
resembles dallaid (c) (dall) fri (re)
resembles gallaid (2 gall)
resembling a hostel bruidnech 1 (bruiden 1)
resembling a leaf duillegach (duilleg)
resembling a pipe fetnach I (a) (fetn)
resembling a tube fetnach I (a) (fetn)
resembling one`s mother mthramail (mithremail)
resembling seaweed femnachda
resembling the dragon-stone draconda (b) (draic, dracon)
resembling to a fomir fomrda
resembling dall, dell (c) fri (re, le)
resentfully tailngigthid (tailngigthe)
resentment ? fritnth (tnth)
resentment anfolad II (b) (folud 1)
resentment fch 2
resentment fola (fala)
resentment foltanas (falt-)
reservation (?) gabl
reservation (legal) rosc
reservation frecomol
reserve (?) dlocht
reserve force lm
reserve dochta 1 (docht)
reserved docht (a)
reserved?/sinister? famach, fimach
reserving gabl
re-setting aithinnsmad (indsmad)
reshapes athchummaid 2 (athchumma)
reshaping athchumma (b)
re-sharpening ath\.snaide (snaide)
residence erected for a stranger in kin who undertook the `maintenance` of an aged freeholder
whose surviving relatives were either unable or unwilling to perform this duty inchs ?
residence rus
residence coimthegdais (tegdais)
residence com\.fosad (fossad II, sosad, os(s)ad)
residence domsod
residence etsad, estad, autsad, itsad (b)

resident i + poss. + comnaide
resident inforais
residential comnaidi
residents foss (fos)
resides ad-said
residuary legatee (?) festid
residue (?) desti
residue deired 1 (a)
residue deistiu (distiu?)
residue furgrad
resist or withstand him imchongbl
resistance frithchathugud
resisting anad (b)
resisting frithtairissem
resisting frithtuidecht, frituidecht
resists (fri) anaid 1 (b)
resists fris-beir
resists fris-gaib
re-smelted aithlegtha (legtha)
re-smelting aithlegad (legad)
resolute (of persons and moral qualities) dr 1
resolute arrachta (arracht 1)
resolute bgach (bg)
resolute fta
resolution arrachtas (a) (arracht)
resolution comairle (a)
resolve rcholiud (a)
resolved rcholte (as-rocholi)
resolves (?) ar-oslaici (c)
resolves airlithir (c)
resolves cocraid 1 (cocur)
resolves comairligid (c) (comairle)
resolves do-fasailci (b)
resolves feccaid (d)
resolves ccaid (cc)
resolves mes(s)aid (<mes)
resolving etarscarad
resonance fogrugud
resonant 2 glrda (2 glr)
resonant fograch
resorbent csachtach
resort (?) echrais III
resort of game (late) fadach (c) (fad 2)
resorting to aithigid 2 (a)
resorting to cim (-mm) I (a)
resorts to ad-teich
resounding (?) glommach (gloimm ?)
resounding rapidity ? famaige
resounding fograch
resounding glegrach
resounds (?) derdrethar

resounds fograigid (ir)
resounds faimnigid (faimm)
resourceful glsach (gls)
respect (?) eisimal, eisembul I
respect (?) fochell 1 (a)
respect airmitiu 1 fid
respect airmitiugad = airmitiu 1
respect airraim
respect cil 1 (e)
respect cin III (f)
respect comchta (cttu)
respect fad 5
respect mes(s)
respect mid
respected airmitnech (airmitiu 1)
respectedness (CW) airmitnige (airmitnech)
respectful airramach (airraim)
respectful fomsach
respectful indaitach
respecting airmitiu 1 fid
respectively leth
respects brigaid
respite or period of stay (legal; see note) anad (d)
respite cairde (b) (cara 1)
respite dl 3
respite es(s)omon I
respite etargabl
respite fois
respite laxae (lax)
resplendence lainnred (lainner)
resplendent 1 glrda (1 glr ?)
resplendent attotech (attodiud)
resplendent del(l)radach (del(l)rad)
resplendent dellraigthe
resplendent dellraigthech (dellraigid)
resplendent glraide (1 or 3 glr)
resplendent lainnerda (lainner)
resplendent lcharnach (lchrann)
resplendent la(i)cht(h)ide
resplendent luchair
respondant (?) fresnidid
respondent frithenech (enech)
responding to frecra(e)
responding to frecra(e)
responding ? frithortud (ordad)
responding frecrae
responding frestal
responds to do-incai (b)
responds to fris-gair, -frecair
responds to fris-gair, -frecair
responsibility (?) codnaige (codnach)

responsibility for a fault milln
responsible person (?) (in some contexts of persons capable of giving evidence) airchonn (conn)
responsible person conn (c)
responsiblity cram
responsive frecarthach (frecra)
rest for weapons adart
rest archena
rest com\.fosad (fossad II, sosad, os(s)ad)
rest cumsanad (a)
rest fois
rest foss (fos)
rested (?) assoith
restful cumsantach (cumsanad)
restfulness (CW) cumsantanche (cumsantach)
resting place (?) airdrgaigthe
resting place lecht
resting airisem (a)
resting cumsanad (a)
resting lige
resting-place (?) echrais IV
resting-place in general imdae
resting-place forus
restitution (legal) aithgein (d)
restitution 1 artach
restitution aisec
restitution athchrugad (crugad)
restitution fuillem
restive imm
restless aistrech (b) (astar)
restless an\.santach (san)
restless anfois
restless anfoistinech (foistinech)
restless anforusta (anforus)
restless anfosta (fosta 2)
restless corrach (corr 1)
restless corrach (corr 1)
restless du\.sim (do + sm)
restless cmailt I
restless essdal, -ail (sdal)
restless forlaimnech (forlamain)
restless lamnach, laimnech (lamain)
restlessness (?) failfed
restlessness (CW) corrachus = corraige
restlessness anbsaide (anbsaid)
restlessness anforus (forus)
restlessness anfoss (foss)
restlessness anfost = anfoss
restlessness badraise, badris, badirse (a) (baidrid)
restlessness corraige (corrach)
restlessness corrugad
restlessness forlaimnech (forlamain)

restlessness forlamain
restoration aisec
restoration comaisec (aisec)
restoration idnacul
restoration imdnam
restorative athnaigitech (athnuigid)
restorer laig
restores (?) ar-oslaici (c)
restores ad-cuirethar
restores aisicid (aisec)
restores ar-utaing
restores athnuigid
restores do-aisicc
restores imm-dni
restoring to athchor (b) for
restoring airtach (a)
restoring aisec
restoring aithlesugud (lesugud)
restoring athchor (a)
restoring athchrugad (crugad)
restoring athnugud
restoring imchlechld, imchlechmd,
restrain leithrigid (leithriu)
restrained frithgabthe
restraining (?, CW) bascugad = bascad
restraining baccad (b)
restraining bascad (a)
restraining costud
restraining frithgabl
restraining fuirech
restraining imfastad, imfostad, imfastd
restraining loccad
restrains (trans.) con-secha
restrains ? inchoiscid
restrains ar-fuirig
restrains ar-trotha (traethaid)
restrains bascaid (basc 2?)
restrains cachtaid (b) (cacht 1)
restrains com\.fostai(gi)d (fostaid)
restrains do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a II (b)
restrains do-airmesca
restrains dochtaid 2 (docht)
restrains fris-gaib
restrains gaibid
restrains gaibid
restrains loccaid (locc)
restraint forcomol
restraint frithgabl
restraint imchommus
restrengthens athdaingnigid (daingnigid)

restricted airnascda (airnasc)
restricted cres 1
restricted cumung
restriction cuimrecht
restricts ceppaid (b) (cepp)
rests ar-sissedar
rests con-osna
result (always in a bad sense) arsma
result ? ? armartaige
result of an encounter imscar
result forcindiud
result armairt
result artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)
result los
resulting from di, do is 2 (b)
resulting from tar (dar) is 2 (b)
resulting liability artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)
results from ar-t (d) de
rsum cummair (com + berr)
resurrection irge (b)
resurrection es(s)irge
resuscitates do-fuschi II (c)
retainer (?) gomnach
retainer forbfer vx forbor
retaining (in service) fastd, -d, -d I (b)
retaining (in service) fostad
retaining cunnamain 2
retaining fastd, -d, -d I (a)
retaining forcomt
retaining forcomt
retains in service fostaid
retains for-comai
retains fostaid
retains fostaigid, fastaigid
retaliating aithe 1 (b)
retaliating frecra(e)
retaliation ? ? indch
retaliation aithe 1 (b)
retaliation frithfala
retaliatory attack frithfogail
retaliatory injury frithfogail
retardation (of the moon) inmallugud
retardation mallrugud
retarding mallrugud
retards inmallaigid (mall)
retards mallaigid
retastes ath-blaissi (blaisid)
reticence dochta 1 (docht)
reticent docht (a)
retinue callacht (b)
retinue cuitechta (con + techt 1 or 2)

retinue dm I
retinue dmrad II
retinue falas
retinue arsla, -shile
retinue minne
retinue muirer
retired arclach (arcl)
retiring lepthugud
retreat d\.sert
retreat dthrub
retreat etsad, estad, autsad, itsad (b)
retreating cld (a)
retribution ? lagair
retribution cir 7
retribution dgaltas (dgailt)
retribution dl II (a)
retribution indechad
retribution lg also lag
retribution ligidecht (lg)
retributive citech 1 (citigid)
retrospective claim (?) aithdliged (dliged)
return (?) buidechus = buide 2
return (for something done or suffered) ric, raic (d)
return journey aithechtra (echtra)
return stroke aithbimm (a) (bimm)
return comman (a) (com + man)
return frithire
return frithissi > (f)ridis(s)i
returned to her chamber imdae
returned ad-intai = atonintoi
returning (?) frithchor
returning (a loan) idnacul
returning (CW) athascnam
returning (intrans.) filliud (e)
returning raider athairgnech (oirgnech)
returning to athchor (b) for
returning aith\.filliud (filliud)
returning aithimpd (impd)
returning aittecht (a) (aith + techt 1)
returning athchor (a)
returning cld (a)
returning comthd (a)
returning imchlud
returning impd, impd
returning intd, intd
returns (?) curthaid
returns (?) do-aithrith
returns (?) dodeime
returns (intrans.) clod II
returns (intrans.) do-inta I
returns (intrans.) fillid II (b)

returns ? imm-gn
returns ad-cuirethar
returns aisicid (aisec)
returns athascnaid
returns do-aithchuiredar (a)
returns do-icc II
returns do-tt (a)
returns imm-si
returns ind-si
return-track frithlorg
re-uniting aithellach (ellach 1)
revealed foillsigthe
revealing brath (c)
revealing foillsigud
reveals (?) ? gleithid
reveals ad-daim
reveals ar-oslaici (b)
reveals do-farascaib
reveals do-sc(u)lat (b)
reveals ecnaigid 2
reveals facair (fo-acair, fcair)
reveals lommad
reveals mairnid
revel coml (l 1)
revelation brath (c)
revelation brinn (a)
revelation icse (b)
revelling cathad
revelry? mell
revenge aithe 1 (b)
revenge aithed 2 = aithe
revenge cc
revengeful acairthech
revenging comdgal
revered cdusach (cdus)
revered cttamail (cttu)
reverence airmitiu 1
reverence cdus (a) (cid)
reverence dindaitas
reverence fad 5
reverence imm
reverence indaitas
reverence meild (?meill)
reverences airmitnigid(ir) (airmitiu 1)
reverencing (?) cdugad
reverent dindaitach
reverent foramnach
reverent indaitach
reversal of a contract comchloud (b)
reversal of judgement aithbreithemnas (breithemnas)
reversal imchlud

reverse course frithdruing
reverse course frithlorg
reverse direction frithlorg
reverse direction frithsel (sel)
reverse motion frithdruing
reverse cor 1
reverses (legal) (trans.) do-inta II (c)
reverses imm-si
reversing impd, impd
reversion to? ? intind
reversion aithinntd (intd)
reverted frithrosc
reviler crosn 1 (cros)
reviler cndaigthid
revilers imdergad
reviles aithisigid(ir) (aithis)
reviles cinid
reviles cndaigidir, cn(d)aigid I
reviles glmaid (glm)
reviles imchinid
reviles imm-derga
reviles loiscid
reviling (?) aitech
reviling ? mathcosan
reviling ? mathcosan
reviling ainmech (b) (ainim)
reviling aithis (a)
reviling aithised (aithis)
reviling cined
reviling cinseirecht
reviling cinteirecht (cinteir)
reviling cithiugud
reviling cndach I
reviling glmrad (glm)
reviling imchin
reviling imchined
reviling imdergad
reviling indechad
reviling irchollud
revising (literary work) athnugud
revision glanad
revisits athascnaid
revives (trans.) aithbeaigid (b) (aithbe)
revives aithbeaigid (a) (aithbe)
revives boaigidir (bo)
revivifies (trans.) aithbeaigid (b) (aithbe)
reviving aithbe(a)gad
reviving athaithbeugad (aithbe(a)gad)
revokes imm-si
revoking (?, Plummer MS notes) athgait (gait)
revolt frituttacht vx titacht

revolt impd, impd
revolting frithtuidecht, frituidecht
revolts against fris-cathaigedar
revolts against imm-si
revolts con-irig
revolution cairt 1 I (c)
revolves (in the mind) imm-cuirethar
revolves imm-reith
revolves imm-si
reward ? 2 argn
reward breb
reward cennach (d) (cenn)
reward comthach 2 = coma
reward crod 1 (c)
reward dalgas (e) (dalach 1)
reward das 1
reward dlchinne
reward fochell 2
reward fochraic (a)
reward innarrad
reward ionntrust
reward lg also lag
reward ligidecht (lg)
reward-bestowing dasach (das 1)
rewarder duilgenach (dlchinne)
rewarding (?) athmaned (athman)
rewarding together comdl (dl)
rewarding dasad (das 1)
rewards rnid I (b)
rewashing aithindlat (indlat)
rewounded athlot (lott)
re-wounding aithlenad (lenad)
re-wounding athguin (guin)
rewrites aithscrbaid (scrbaid)
rewriting (of the re-inking of faded letters in a MS) athscrbad (scrbad)
rewriting aithscrbad
rewritten (CW) aithscrbend (scrbend)
rheumatism idu
rhyme (metr.) comardad (c)
rhyme dn III
rhymer leiccerd
rhymes imfrecrae
rhythmic sound coicetal
rhythmical fileta (fili)
rib asna
ribald ainmanach (ainman)
ribbed (usually of clothes, ornaments) asnach 1 (asna)
ribbed druimnech (druimne)
rib-cage (of animal) clath (d)
rib-cage clathach (c) (clath)
ribs (collect.) esnach 1

ribs (of the body) airbe 1 (b)
rich (in kine) basach 2 (bas 2)
rich (of food) inmarda (inmar)
rich folk lucht
rich food inmar
rich in bulls or stags (?) boirchech (Boirche)
rich in corn (?) airmnech
rich in deeds achtach
rich in forts lesach (les)
rich in horses graigech (graig)
rich in horses graigechda (graigech)
rich in lands (?) brugach (bruig)
rich in ships longmar (long)
rich in silver (?) airgdech 1
rich accmaingech (b)
rich basamail
rich imdae
rich indba
rich indmasach (indmas)
rich lgmar (lg)
rich mth > mith
rich-blooded (?) crumainech
riches (?) dindba 2
riches anae
riches briugas (briugu)
riches ciste
riches indbad
richness lgmaire (lgmar)
rick (esp. of corn) daiss
rick crach 1
riddle crathar
riddles crathraid (crathar)
riddling crathrad
rider marcach
rider marcaid
riders marcaigecht
rides a horse imm-rid
rides aloft (intrans.) do-fcaib II (c)
rides around imm-rid
rides *for-rt
rides do-rt
ridge (?) fuithirbe
ridge (separating two plains or depressed surfaces) escir
ridge (usually of elevated ground) druim(m) III
ridge of earth or sand fertas 2
ridge buinne (d)
ridge druim(m)chlae (b)
ridge druimne (b) (druimm)
ridge falbach
ridge immaire
ridge indra, indrad

ridged druimnech (druimne)
ridgeless ddruim
ridge-pole clithe (a)
ridge-pole fice, fic (a)
ridge-poles (?) drol 1 (b)
ridicule gn
ridicules (?) fuirsid
ridicules con-tibi (tibid)
ridiculing cuitbiud
ridiculous ? fuirside
ridiculous cuitbedach (cuitbiud)
ridiculous cuitbide
riding around imrimm
riding airimrim (imrim)
riding rimm, raimm (a)
riding imram
riding imradad
riding marcachas
riding marcaigecht
riever dberg (c) (d + bergg)
right (?) dessa 2
right (?) doich (dich?) I (c)
right (?, CW) comdes 2 = dess (a)
right (?, CW) corachus (cor 1)
right (de = from, do = to) dlestin
right (fig.) dess (c)
right (quasi-legal) cert 1 (i)
right (with subj. gen.) dlse (a) (dles)
right arrangement crtus (cir)
right course crtus (cir)
right hand (poet.) descip
right hand deisred (dess)
right hand desse (a) (dess)
right of stem, left of stem, ...about stem imdruim
right or due that is established or confirmed (?) (legal) bechta 3 (becht)
right over (freq. with obj. gen.) dlse (a) (dles)
right side desse (a) (dess)
right to free billetting coinnem (b)
right to free quarters coinnmed
right to speak airlabrae (a)
right way el 1 I (d)
right airthechta (tchtae?)
right cairt 1 (b)
right cert 1 (a)
right cir 2
right cir 6
right cubaid I (b)
right dess (a)
right driuch (b)
right dlestanas (a) (dlestin)
right dliged IV

right dligthech (a) (dliged)
right dligthenas
right dlug (a)
right dal 1 (c)
right fr 1 II (a)
right fr 1 II (d)
right foth
right iir
righteous (of persons) dligthech (c) (dliged)
righteous fechtnach (b)
righteous frda (fr)
righteous frn, fran
righteous frnach (frn)
righteous frnda (frn)
righteous frnta, -da (frn)
righteousness (?) fechtnaige (b) (fechtnach)
righteousness (fig.) drge, drga (b) (driuch)
righteousness drgas (driuch)
righteousness drgecht (drge)
righteousness drgetu (drge)
righteousness drgidetu (drge, cf. drgetu)
righteousness frnche
righteousness frntacht, -dacht
righteousness frntas
righteousness frinne (a)
rightful ? indolaid
rightful dlecht
rightfulness crtus (cir)
right-hand course dessel (a) (dess + sel)
righthandwise dessel (a) (dess + sel)
rightly ina chirt 1 (h), i cirt, cert
rightness (legal) crus (cir)
rightness cir 6
rightness crus (cir)
rightness desse (b) (dess)
rights fod
rigid dr 1
rigidity dracht (dr 1)
rigor caite 1
rigorous dchondircil (condarcol)
rigorous dchondirclech = dchondircil
rigorous dor (e)
rigorous dr 1
rigour cras (craid)
rigour dchondircle (dchondircil)
rigour dchondirclige (dchondirclech) =
rigour dire (dr)
rigour feochra(e) (feochair)
rigour galma
rim (?) baile 2

rim (?) crislait
rim (of a shield) (?) dul 3
rim bilfhlesc (bl + flesc)
rim bl II (a)
rim bil 1
rim eochair 7, ochair
rim imbel?
rim imbel?
rime cuisne
rimmed (?) brainech (a) (braine 1)
rimmed bordach (bord)
rimmed baledach (baile 2)
rind forcroicenn
ring attached to an object, serving as a handle, staple, etc. drolam (drol 1)
ring inne
ring airdrolam (drolam)
ring airnasc (nasc)
ring brife
ring buinne (c)
ring cairt 1 I (a)
ring fail 1, foil
ring finne I
ring foil
ring id
ring lb
ring mille
ring-dove colmn (colum 1)
ringed (of hair) failgech 1 (a) (fail 1)
ringed brifnech (brifne)
ringed finnech I (finne)
ringing combain (bain)
ringlet (of hair) cairches
ringlet finne II
ringlet id
ringleted finnech II (finne)
rings (a bell) clinnid (clinn)
rings (bell, etc.) benaid I (a)
ringstraked mesctha
rinsing fonach diunach, tonach
riot cenngail (cenn + gal)
ripe (?) (epithet of nuts) fasce
ripe (frequ. with follg. vn. constr.) apaig (b)
ripe (of fruit etc.) apaig (a)
ripe inbadach (inbaid)
ripeness (of fruit etc.) airlaime (b) (airlam)
ripeness aipche (apaig)
ripeness aipchecht = aipche
ripeness buidechus = buide 2
ripening (of vegetation) escar 1 I
ripening aipgigud
ripens (trans.) aipgigid (b) (apaig)

rises (?) (fri = against) dreisid (b)
rises (?) drechtaid
rises (intrans.) ardaigid (b) (ard 1)
rises (intrans.) do-fcaib II (a)
rises (intrans.) do-furgaib II (a)
rises (of noise, emotion) irgid (e)
rises (trans.) ardaigid (a) (ard 1)
rises again aithirgid (irgid)
rises again as-irig
rises against ardaid (ard 1)
rises against fris-rig
rises before (in respect) for-rig
rises in hostility irgid (f)
rises to attack at-reig do
rises to meet at-reig do
rises towards fris-rig
rises up before (as token of esteem) ar-erig
rises aithirgid (irgid)
rises ardaid (ard 1)
rises at-reig
rises con-ocaib
rises dgsigidir (dgas)
rises irgid (a)
rises -fresgaib
rising (against) ardad
rising against comthurcbil (turcbl)
rising against irge (g) fri
rising early (CW) commoichirge (moichirge, see moch
rising in hostility irge (e)
rising out irge (h) amach
rising up in opposition comthcbil (d)
rising up together comirge (irge)
rising up airocbl (--?)
rising up comirge (irge)
rising airirge
rising ardugad (b)
rising cumgabl
rising irge (a)
rising fresgabl
risk bliacail = priacail (see peiriacail)
risk cuntar
risks gasid (gas)
rite (religious) crus (cir)
rival (?) atharrachtaid
rival lord cuitcherna (com + tigerna)
rival love (?) frithserc
rival wooing comthochmarc (tochmarc)
rival adbartaigthe
rival ascae
rival comroga (rogu)

rival cuidedaig
rival frithchondl
rivalling coimmes (com + mes 1)
rivalling comardad (a)
rivalry (fri = with) comardad (a)
rivalry combg
rivalry commrtas (commrad)
rivalry conchlann (b)
rivalry contan
rivalry immad, immaid
rivalry mesbaid
river Barrow Berbae
river bottom grian
river Boyne Bond, Binn
river Ganges 35gand
river Indus ind
river Moy Muad
river 1 ab
river can 2
rivermouth inber, indber
rivet bruth 2
riveting together comindsma (indsma)
riveting indsma
rivets indsmaid (indsma)
rivulet caise 1 (b) (cas)
rivulet glais, glaise, glas
road (?) bel
road of carriage imfeda(i)n
road belach (b) (bel)
road bthar
road cite (f)
road conar (a)
roaming about immin
roams over do-airndret
roar (of water) (?) ergla
roar (of water) esgal
roar 2 gis
roar biccedach = bicced
roar gim
roaring (?) braigled
roaring of a stag damgaire
roaring of the wind esnad 1
roaring biccech
roaring biccech
roaring bicced
roaring bledach 1 (bled)
roaring bledach 2 (bled)
roaring bledgal = bledach 2
roaring blaidrech = bledach 2
roaring blaidredach
roaring biriud

roaring esnad 1
roaring gimnech (gim)
roaring gisecht (gisid)
roars bccaigid
roars biccid
roars bledaid (bled)
roars birgisid
roars birid 1
roars gimid (gim)
roars gisid
roasted fonaithe (part. of fo-no)
roasting (?) gorad (vn. of guirid, goirid)
roasting dd, dd
roasting fuine
roasting fulacht
roasting indenad
roasts dd
roasts fo-no
roasts indenaid (indein)
robber aircheltach 1 (airchellad)
robber aircheltaid (airchellad)
robber berg (b)
robber bithbinech (bith + binech)
robber brataire (brat 1)
robber caillide (caill 1)
robber danar V
robber in(n)tled
robber latrann
robber meirlech
robbery by violence (?) (legal) brat 1 (a)
robbery ? glacachus (glacach)
robbery airchell 1
robbery berg (a)
robbery brat 1 (a)
robbery gait
robbery latrandacht (latranda)
robbery meirle
robbery meirlech
robbing brat 1 (a)
robbing meirle
robe deichelt
robe-maker tidach
robs brataid (brat 1)
robs dthlid (dthle)
robust folln, falln
rock ail 1 (a)
rock ailbech
rock ailech 1
rock carrac
rock cloch (a)
rock coirthe 1

rock crec
rocking lascad
rocky (?) aillde
rocky district bairenn
rocky margin allbrach (all 1 + brach)
rocky shore allbrach (all 1 + brach)
rocky ailchide (ail 1)
rocky cairrcech (carrac)
rocky cairrcide = cairrcech
rocky clochach (cloch)
rod (?) catach 1
rod (?) flescach III (a) (flesc 1)
rod (withe) (?) femen 2
rod of office lorg
rod of yew f 1 (a)
rod 1 gairid
rod bun(n)sach
rod creb (a)
rod flesc 1 (a)
rod goithne (3 goth)
roe (of fish) iuchair
rogue cladaire (b) (clad)
roll about? adcordatar
Roman Britain Bretain b
romance fball 2
roof of a house (whether viewed from within or without) fice, fic (a)
roof airchleithe (cleithe)
roof capar
roof druim(m)chlae (a)
roof druim(m)chl (druim(m) + cl) = druimchlae
roofing dn (b)
roof-tree clithe (a)
roof-tree fice, fic (a)
roof-wattling of a house under the thatch celach (b) (cel)
roof-window forls
room don 1
room inad < ined
roomy luchtmar (lucht)
root of the little finger ltucn = ltu
root frm > prm
root mecon (-an)
rooted clanntae
rooting fochla 2 (a)
roots of a yew-tree ibar > iubar, iobar
root-stock frm > prm
rope for hoisting a sail eibil
rope cbla
rope cadla 2 (a)
rope celach (c) (cel)
rope corda
rope loman

ropes lomancar vx loman
rosary bead (?) cloch (e)
rotates imm-si
rotating shaft mol
rots lobaid
rots morgaid
rotted dreoigthe
rotten brinc(h)ech (brinche)
rotten brn
rottenness brinche (brn)
rottenness brine (brn)
rottenness brntas (brn)
rottenness brntu (brn)
rottenness brntur = brntu
rottenness morgaid
rotting away dre(ga)d
rotting brnad
rotting malcad
rotundity cruinne (a) (cruinn)
rough (?) crach
rough (?) dailgen (ilgen)
rough (?) ccomrass
rough (of ground etc.) aimrid I (a) (rid)
rough land ainmn (mn)
rough land aintrend
rough place aimrid II (a) (rid)
rough place drenn 4
rough place drobl
rough road drobl
rough sand 1 garbn (garb)
rough side escan
rough spleenwort ibar > iubar, iobar
rough 1 garb
rough acarb
rough ainfesach (b) (fesach)
rough ainmn (mn)
rough aintrennda (aintrend)
rough amnas (a)
rough an\.socair I (a) (socair)
rough balcaire (balc)
rough borb (b)
rough comaimrid (aimrid)
rough congnaide (congna)
rough corrach (corr 1)
rough corrach (corr 1)
rough dardain II
rough dblith (blith)
rough doraid 1 I
rough dorr 1
rough drenn 4
rough ccan 1

rough escan
rough fron
rough garbncha (garbn)
rough garbdae (garb)
rough garg
rough grach
rough grendach (1 grend)
rough larda (lar)
rough mothar
rough mothlach
roughens do-acairb (do-acarba?) (acarb)
roughens garbaid (garb)
roughness (in physical and moral sense) garbe (garb)
roughness (of ground) anacair
roughness 2 gairge (garg)
roughness acairbe
roughness aimride (a) (aimrid)
roughness ainmne (mne)
roughness dsacht VI
roughness escanes
roughness frechdacht (frechda)
roughness gairbsin (garb)
roughness gairbthen
round about imma(c)cairt
round about immaig
round again (?) comthimchill (timchell)
round every door-frame imdorus
round mass cruinne (a) (cruinn)
round mass mell
round mass? mocol
round vessel mullc (mull)
round comchruinn (cruinn)
round cruinn
rounded ? imchrn
rounded lump mulba (mul ?)
rounded mass mulba (mul ?)
rounded protuberance ? mulba (mul ?)
rounded ballach (ball)
roundness cruinne (a) (cruinn)
rouses strife (?) drennaigid
rouses do-fcaib I (k)
rousing dsacht
rousing dscad (-ud)
rousing in(n)tlas (tls) > intls
rout breisim (b)
rout breislech
rout bris(s)ed (c)
rout broscur (b) (brosc)
rout fascor
rout imracad
rout maidm

routed maidid
routing imracad
routs (in hostile sense) con-mesca (c)
routs madmaigid (maidm)
roves fo-indlea
roving aistrech (a) (astar)
roving fondel (a)
row of things dne (d)
row cora (a)
row imsreth
rowan-tree certhann
rowan-tree luis
rowdy mellgalach
rowers bench (?) coltra 1
rowing (together) comimram (imram)
rowing imram
rowing inrud
rows across dar-ri
rows against fris-r
rows around imm-r
rows backwards (?) fris-r
rows together con-r (rad)
rows imm-r
royal inrgda
royston crow fennc
royston crow Macha
rubbing (the skin) bleith I (c)
rubbing ? frigec vx frige
rubbing commailt
rubbing foillged I
rubbish brodscuad
rubbish cith
rubs together con-meil
rubs con-meil
rudder falmaire 2
rudder lu (l)
ruddiness derge (derg)
ruddy as the berry mnanda
ruddy bloscach
ruddy derg (a)
ruddy dergthach (derg)
ruddy imderg
rude person bromnach (broimm)
rude 1 garb
rude ainfesach (b) (fesach)
rude anbal (an +fal)
rude borb (a)
rude borb (b)
rude drenn 4
rude dabais
rude garbncha (garbn)

rude garbdae (garb)
rudeness 1 garbad (vn. of garbaid)
rudeness borblach (borb)
rudeness borblachas (borb)
rudeness escanes
rudiments (in pl. also) eilemeint
rug used in a chariot forgemen, -gaimen
rug fortche
rugged (?) drmar
rugged district ath
rugged 1 garb
rugged bachlachda (bachlach 1)
rugged gimach (gim)
ruggedness (of terrain) imdoraid
ruin (?) crntaig
ruin (?) dbell II
ruin (?) dodomnae (damnae)
ruin aidmilled
ruin airchrae (c)
ruin crech 1
ruin dth (a)
ruin etarthothaimm, -thuitimm
ruin lecad
ruin mandar
ruin meis
ruined millte
ruined mudach
ruining mandrad
ruining milliud (milled)
ruinous binemail (bine)
ruinous cailltech 2
ruins (?) ar-cuilli (b)
ruins ad-coilli
ruins malartaid
ruins malartaigid
ruins millid
ruins mudaigid
ruins mraid
rule (?) ed 3
rule of life ires(s)
rule cin (a)
rule coimdemnacht
rule dliged I (b)
rule flaith 1 I (a)
rule flaithemnacht (flaithem)
rule flaithemnas (a)
rule flaithius, -es (a)
rule follamnacht (follom-)
ruler (?) rmach II (rma)
ruler (poet.) donn 2 I
ruler airrechtaid (airrecht)

ruler cumachtach (cumachtae)
ruler flaith 1 II
ruler flaithem (a) (flaith)
ruler follamnaid
ruler follamnaigtheir
ruler forcongarthid
ruler forcongraid
ruler forflaith
ruler forlmaid
ruler goibhernir (also goibhernir)
ruler arla
ruler imper, impir
rules over apdanaigid do (apdaine)
rules over gaibid
rules ? follamnathir vx follnathir
rules ar-folnathar
rules con-midethar (a)
rules cumachta(ig)id(ir) (cumachtae)
rules follnathir
ruling ? follamnach
ruling follamnacht (follom-)
ruling follamnugad (follamnaigid)
rumble of chariot culgaire
rumbling noise in stomach cuirrinecht
rumbling or clatter of carts fngal
ruminating athchocnam
rumour cloth (a)
rumour cl 1
rumour deilm II
rumour imrd
rump buicinn (-enn ?) (boc 1 or 2 + cenn ?)
rump croichet
rump fothin (ton)
rump ln
run dry dsc (d + sesc)
rund (of a ladder) fertas 1 (c)
rung cim (-mm) II (a)
runner cursur
running noose ? 1 goiste race ? icht
running out legad
running round imrith
running together comrith (a)
runs about do-airndret
runs against ?fris-reith
runs along ?fris-reith
runs at him atnarat
runs back aithreithid (reithid)
runs round imm-reith
runs through (?) (trans.) do-reith II (a)
runs together con-reith (reithid)
runs towards ad-reith

runs up to (intrans.) do-reith I
rural district fch 1
ruse muin (? mun)
ruse muinbech
rush (plant) ferna
rush ? fursundud -sannad
rush basket aches (1 an + cess)
rush light tharnae
rush of feeling ell, ella (a)
rush comlasc (lasc)
rush drimm (a)
rush echrais II
rush fatn
rush idlann, idlang
rushes (at) fabair, fbair
rushes in (in hostile manner) (trans.) do-fapair (-fabair, -fbair) (b)
rushes into mescaid
rushes upon mescaid
rushes an 1
rushes bruinnid 1
rushes con-reith (reithid)
rushes lingid
rushes lachair
rushes maidid
rushing (?) drraim (a)
rushing forth in a state of wild fury dechrad 1 IV
rushing into limm
rushing together comrith (a)
rush-light ? idluisne
rushlight adann (a)
rushy place lachair
rust meirg (meirc)
rust meirge
rust merg vx meirg
rsteten (?) airletrad (letrad)
rustic (?) limnech
rustic bachlach 1 (a) (bachall)
rustic botach (bot 1)
rustic botachn (botach)
rusticity bromntas
rustling of their standards streaming and floating imlad
rusty colour meirge
rusty meirgech
rusty meirgide
ruthless angbaid
ruthless anarmartach (armartach)
ruthless frslach
rutting lth

sack bolg 1 (a)
sack cilfing
sackcloth cilic
sacks lommairgid
sacrament cosecarthae
sacrarium coisrecn
sacred wood de-\.fid, deid
sacred cosecarthae
sacrifice of the Mass idbart
sacrifice comidpairt (idbart)
sacrifice idbart
sacrificed idbartha
sacrifices ad-opair
sacrilegious man dal, dol
sacrilegious deochraitech
sacristan clirech (c)
sad (?) dogair
sad he deemed it that the crowd of valiant heroes...should not be employed in avenging his father
sad person brnach (b) (brn)
sad anfann (b) (fann 2)
sad anfann (b) (fann 2)
sad ansae 1 I (b) (ass(a)e)
sad attrag (trag)
sad brnach (a) (brn)
sad csmar (cs)
sad camair
sad cumthach 1 (cuma)
sad drach 1 (dr)
sad dirsan
sad dobrnach (dobrn)
sad dogailsech (dogailse)
sad dogar (gar 1?)
sad dograch (dograe)
sad doilb 1
sad dabais
sad daibsech (dabais)
sad dubach 1 (dubae)
sad imfrich
sad imsnmach (imsnm)
sad inmall
sad muichnech (much-)
sad-coloured (?) donn 1 (b)
saddle dallait, dallat
saddle dllat (b)
saddle-horse ech dla
sadly canach (can)
sadness cathugud (c)
sadness ce 1 (c)
sadness camaire (camair)
sadness dogailse

sadness doilgius (a) (doilig)
sadness gruaim
sadness mifre (mifir)
sadness mifrige
sadness muich (mich, muich)
sadness muichnechas (much-)
sadness muichnige (much-)
sadness mulaid
safe course irithe II (a)
safe bil 2
safe dnmar (dn)
safe fes(s)am I (a)
safe imm
safe inill
safeguard fes(s)am I (b)
safeguard mr
safeguarding ? imnegad
safeguarding anmchoimt (ainim(m) + coimt)
safeguarding coimge (com + aige 1?)
safe-guarding inilligud
safekeeping coimge (com + aige 1?)
safety (?) comaid
safety dlse (e) (dles)
safety inille (inill)
safety inillius (inill)
saffron (?) crchad (crch)
saffron colour crch 1
saffron crch 1
saffron-coloured crchdae (crch 1)
sagacious (?) fthach (a)
sagacious comairlech 1 I (comairle)
sagacity comairle (b)
sage (?) (transfd.) fis 1, fius I (f)
sage (?) ? forlaid
sage curson
sage druch (dru)
sage ecna(e) 1 II
sage ecnaid
sage ecnaide 2 = ecnaid
sage ices
sage felsu
said for, (far, bar)
sail lecaid
sailing maraidecht
sailor muirech (muir)
sailyard fernae = fern 1
sains aithbendaigid (bendaigid)
saint rlam II (b)
salad 2 glasn (2 glas)
sallow (?) lecca
sally echrais II

salmon bratn (brat 1)
salmon 4 = o
salmon icne
salmon e, e 1
salmon erc 3
salmon Iach
salmon maigre
salmon mugna
salmon? ?mes(s)
salmon-bearing Ireland ath
salmon-bearing icnech 2 (icne)
salmon-bearing icnedach
salt butter gruiten
salt meat bluch, blach
salt goirt
salt murluaith
salts gortaigid (goirt)
salutation filte, falte fri (b) (filid, falid)
salutation imchomarc
salute crae (d) (cir)
salutes bennachaid I (b)
salvation cc
salve (?) ele
salve fobairt II
salve cc
same direction comdrge (comdrech)
same form (?, CW) comricht (richt)
same herd comthin (tin)
same name comainm (b) (ainmm)
same track (?) aith\.slicht (slicht)
same way inunn, in(n)onn
same word as 3 gabor 4 gabor (gabur)
same ctnae II
same frithid
same inunn, in(n)onn
same inunn, in(n)onn
sample (of testing of malt; legal) airigid 1 (c)
sample desimrecht (b)
sanctifies con-secra
sanction forus
sanctuary cdus (b) (cid)
sanctuary cell (b)
sanctuary commairge (a)
sand ? geim
sand gainem
sand gainmech (gainem)
sand graibl
sand grian
sand muirgrian
sand mr
sandal accrann

sandal assa(e) 1
sandal assn
sandal brc
sandal allaccrann
sand-bank dumach (a) (duma 1)
sand-bank mr
sandful gainmech (gainem)
sand-pit (?) airthrenn
sandy ground gainmech (gainem)
sandy gainemda (gainem)
sandy gainmech (gainem)
sandy gainmide (gainem)
sanguinary derg (b)
sanguinary felchar (feil)
sanguinary folamail (fuil)
sanguinary forderg
sanguinary fuilech (fuil)
sanguinary fuilechda
sanguinary fuiltech
sanguine constitution fuilech (fuil)
sanguine temperament fuilech (fuil)
sapling buinne (b)
sarcasm? bachtach
sarcastic laugh mangad
Satan dabul 2 (a)
satchel (for chess-men?) ferbolg
satchel bolg 1 (a)
satchel inntile
sated buidech 2 (buide 2)
satiated dithenach (dithin)
satiates lnaid (ln)
satiety (of body or mind) emiltius, emeltus II
satire (?) dulsaine
satire er
satire ailech 2 (2 ail)
satire are
satire cintecht (cinte)
satire clamar
satire glm
satire grma
satires midera
satirical (?) glmach (glm)
satirical cintech (cined)
satirises glmaid (glm)
satirises grmaid
satirising er
satirising ainmed 1
satirising immerad
satirist (CW) cimean
satirist buicell
satirist cinte

satirist cm 2
satirist dul 4
satirist glm
satirizes eraid
satirizes cndaigidir, cn(d)aigid I
satirizing (?) fuinched
satirizing erad
satirizing cined
satisfaction airer 2
satisfaction airfitiud
satisfaction dl II (b)
satisfaction dlaidecht (dl)
satisfaction eneclann, aineclann (b)
satisfaction cc
satisfactory hedge imbe
satisfied buidech 2 (buide 2)
satisfied dithenach (dithin)
satisfies (a claim, summons, etc.) do-incai (b)
satisfies comalnaithir
satisfies dlaid (a) (dl)
satisfies rnid I (b)
satisfying (a debt) dl II (b)
satisfying dlad
satisfying frecra(e)
satisfying cc
satyr geltech (geilt)
saucy betaide
sausage ? muc(c)recht
sausage indrechtn
sausage mar
sausage marc
sausages and flitches are the f. furnaide
savage hound ferch
savage nature fadntas (fadnta)
savage state fadan (-n) II
savage allmarda (-ae) (allmuir)
savage angar = ingor 2
savage bastaide (bast)
savage ccendais (a)
savage feochrach (feochra)
savage fadnta (fadn)
savageness feochracht
savagery bastamlacht (bastamail)
save him in his violent passage (?) imlocht
save that acht amin
save 1 acht (a)
saved airchel(l)tae
saves (from) (?) do-ingaib (c)
saves from cobraithir (cobair)
saves aingid
saves con-ceil (c)

saves do-es(s)uirg 1
saves ccaid (cc)
saves imm-dben
saving coclad
saviour cobarthach II (cobair)
savour blas (a)
savour mlas
savours blaisid
savoury annland
saw do-r 2
sawn etarsoilse (soilse)
saxifrage ecrim
saying rosc
saying comrd (rd)
saying dubartus
saying epert (a)
saying forfuigell
saying indrosc
saying insce
saying(s) brathar (a)
sayingxxx 1 abairt
says (to) (?) do-ben 2 (c)
says to as-beir fri
says as-beir
says do-erdechtim
says for, (far, bar)
says in(d)scothaid (scoth)
says labraithir (labar)
scab on the skin 1 gainech (gainnech)
scab carr 4
scab gerb
scabbard faigen
scabbard intech
scabby wretch carrachn (carrach)
scabby carrach
scabby gerbach (gerb)
scabies bruithida (bruth 1 + idu)
scabies carraige (carrach)
scald crow fennc
scald loscud
scald-crow (?) duis
scald-crow badb
scald-crow ennach 1
scaldcrow fuinche
scale on the eye (?) blosc 4
scale(s) lith
scales drimid (drim) fri
scalloped condala
scalloped condalach = condala
scaly branamail (bran 2)
scandal (CW) diltad (a)

scandal ailbimm (b)
Scandinavian invader 1 Gall
scanning fgad (a)
scanning fgsain (a)
scans (trans.) figlid II (figel)
scans fgaid I (a)
scans grindigid (grind)
scantiness lagat
scanty (?) drenn 6
scanty 1 gand
scapula mael
scar 2 gein
scar mairc
scarcely ing
scarcely m (ma)
scarcely mod
scarcely mr (mr)
scarcity ? losc
scarcity ascalt
scarcity cesacht (a)
scarcity dochma 1 (do + cuma)
scarcity dochmatu (dochma)
scarcity dommae 2 (doimm)
scarcity icen (d)
scarcity gainne (gann)
scarcity ganntan (gand)
scarcity imm
scare away fubthad
scares (?) fo-ceird III (e) drna di
scares (trans.) fo-botha II
scarf brit (b)
scarf faman, famain
Scar-face (?) crosach (cros)
scarifier crechaire (b) (crech 1)
scarlet berry corcrn (corcra)
scarlet basc 3 (?)
scarred comarthach (c) (comartha)
scars ? meirsce
scatheless dlenta (lenaid)
scatter-brained person meraige (mer)
scattered about imscalte
scattered aicmeidech
scattered airscalte
scattered dscaltech (a) (dscaled)
scattered dlith
scattered esrate
scattered esredach (esrd? or esrad?)
scattering (?) esrd
scattering (?) esruth (ess-rith?)
scattering airscaliud
scattering crebscaled

scattering esraen (sron-?)
scattering esriniud
scattering esrdigud
scattering esrdiud, esrodiud
scatters (trans.) deiligidir I (a) (deil 1)
scatters (trans.) esrdid I
scatters widely crebscalid (creb + scalid)
scatters ? gunnataigid
scatters crothaid (b)
scatters esrdigid (esrd)
scatters fo-scali
scatters immarlethaid
Scattery Island idnae (idan)
scene of carnage ft
scent bolad
Scharfsinn \shapness\ ithe (b) (ith 1)
Schaum landgar
scheme condar
scheming? foimsech
schismatic indluigthech (indluiged)
schismatic indluigthid
schismaticos intledaigthid (intledaigid(ir))
Schlachtreihen (?) /line of battle/ aithe 2
Schmucksachen airchumtach (cumtach)
scholar (?, CW) draoitheach (dru)
scholar late form foglamaid
scholar clirech (b)
scholar ecnaid
scholar ecnaide 2 = ecnaid
scholar ecnaidech
scholar ices
scholar foglainnte
scholar lignid (ligenn)
scholars (?) cemthuit
schoolboy fochlocan (-n) II
science of land cultivation itharachas (ithrach, ithir)
science 1 aicned
science dn II
science dil 2 (b)
science elada, elatha (a)
science fel 2
science fele (fle?)
science fellsamnacht
science fethaige
science man
scientia innische
scintillations ? mong
scion (fig.) bengn
scion (of persons) buinnn (buinne)
scion bile 1 (b)
scion creb (c)

scion flesc 1 (c)
scion gas
scion gc
scion gsca
scissors bise 2
scoffing (?) biaiden (biait ?)
scoffing biaidenach (biaiden)
scoffing fuirse
scoffs fuirsid
scold bairsech
scolding anchaint (caint)
scope imthecht
scorch loscud
scorched follscaide (part. of fo-loisci)
scorched foloiscthe (part. of fo-loisci) vx follscaide,
scorches dd
scorches fo-loisci
scorches fris-loisc
scorching airgorad
scorching bruithned (bruithne)
scorching elscoth, elscud (a)
scorching felscuchud, -scugud = felscud
scorching felscud
scorching follscad, foillsged (vn. of fo-loisci) vx
scorching foloscad
scorching gredughadh
scorching loiscnech (loscain ?)
scorching loisct(h)ech (loiscid)
score fiche
scorner dspecach (dspec)
scornful dspecach (dspec)
scorning comthinsem (tinsem)
scorning dspecad (a)
scorning dspectad = dspecad
Scotland (later) Albu
Scottish Albanach (b) Albu)
scourge 1 abann
scourge mlid
scourging esorcon
scouring cartad
scraggy fothana
scraping away surface soil forscrs
scraping away vegetation forscrs
scraping off the surface of the lea grafil
scrapings (?) fobach 1
scratch (of a thorn) drisiuc 2 (dris)
scratching (?) dthlach
scratching of the nails and the cutting by them imled
scratching? imscrpgal

scream igem
scream igme
scream grch
screaming igem
screaming igme
screaming igmech (igme)
screaming igmed
screaming gsachtach (-echtach)
screaming grchach (grch)
screaming grchadh
screams igid
screams igmid
screams grchaid
screecher gsachtach (-echtach)
screeching grchach (grch)
screech-owl corrscredg (corr 1 + scret)
screech-owl crebar (b)
screen dla, dlu (b)
screens imm-ticc
scribbling (?) brobad
scrip, budget made of sheeps pelt bann
script 1 graif
scrub mongach (mong)
scrubby (?) gimach (gim)
scruple af(f)aing
scruple dee 3
scrupulous cuibsech (cubus)
scrutinizes con-fga (fgaid)
scrutinizing mes(s)ad
scuffle gleccach (glecc)
scuffle grscar
scuffling ? imscrpgal
sculptors mig
scum cubar 1 (a)
scum dos 3
scurf ? gainn
scurf 1 gainech (gainnech)
scurfy clam I
scurrility (?) engaige (engach 1)
scurrility doscaire (doscair)
scurrility fuirse
scurrilous jesting enchache (engach 1?)
scurrilous dothengthach (tengae)
scurry faitriud
scurvy (?) clam II (b)
scutching lod
sea abounding in seals ? mulba
sea at a point where a river enters it inber, indber
sea between France and England Icht
sea calf 2 gire
sea calf mulba

sea of Wight Icht
sea tangle (?) langach
sea travel murgnaid
sea voyaging imram
sea ? muirn
sea 1 g
sea 3 geth
sea aibis
sea bath 2
sea bchna
sea can 2
sea dliu, dle (c)
sea far
sea grian
sea imbath
sea imbel?
sea ler
sea linn
sea madg
sea muir
sea murbrath ?
sea-ashes murluaith
sea-bird muirn
sea-birth muirgein
sea-board muiresc
sea-burst murbrucht (muir)
sea-calf mulach
sea-cat ? murchat (muir ?)
sea-child muirgein
sea-eel mulach
seafarer imramach (imram)
seafarer muiride (muir)
sea-faring loingeirecht, -seracht (loingseir)
seafaring muiridecht
sea-fern murraith
sea-grass muirnech
seagull falenn (folenn)
sea-hog muc(c)
seal (?) 2 gire
seal mulach
seals up adaid
seam comaimm (aimm 1 and 2)
seam immaimm (imm+aimm)
seaman loingseir (loinges)
seaman murthaide
sea-monster bled
sea-monster bledmall
sea-monster bledml (bled + ml 1)
sea-monster bloach
sea-monster mn
sea-raven murrech

search 1 arraid
search comthir (tr 1)
search cartugad (b)
search arar, arair
search armracht
searches (trans.) dchaid II (a)
searches for 2 arraid (arar)
searches out ad-rmi
searches out lorgairid (lorgaire)
searches 2 arraid (arar)
searches cartaigid (a) = cartaid
searches dchaid II (b)
searching (a place) cartugad (b)
searching between etergleimm
searching of mind ? fr
searching out eclaimm
searching out lorgairecht (lorgaire)
searching ? fr
searching 1 arraid
searching cartugad (c)
searching dicsiu
searching finditech
searching arar, arair
sea-rover loingsech (loinges)
sea-snail fechan
sea-snail giritn
season (of year) aimser (d)
season after Easter arcsc
season of plenty ? intorad
season inam
season inbaid
seasonable mithig
seasonableness imige, imiche (imech)
seasoning (wood) fagairt
seasons fo-geir 2
sea-spear murga
seat (also fig.) cathar (a)
seat of hide gemen (gaimen)
seat of some kind mellsuide vx suide
seat bord (c)
seat ctad
seat colba(-ae) (a)
seat fuirmiud, -med
seat gemen (gaimen)
seated fochlach 2
seating (in court) session impuide, im(p)suide
seating (in court) impuide, im(p)suide
seats been placed airecraid (airecar)
sea-wave? macht
sea-weed ? murraith
sea-weed fem(m)ach

sea-weed femnach
secluded derrit, derrait
secluded damair 1 I
secluded damarda (damair 1)
seclusion derrite (derrit)
seclusion damaracht (damair 1)
second (measure of time) aibrit(h)iud
second (with nouns) aith-, ath-
second assembly athdl (dl)
second attack ath\.fuabairt (fbairt)
second choice athroga (roga)
second conflict aitdebaid (debaid)
second day athl (l)
second death athbath
second drop athbran (bran)
second fallow attr (tr 2)
second hurt aithlenad (lenad)
second husband aith\.fer (a) (fer)
second leap aithlimm (limm)
second pasture (?) aithmnlech (mnlech)
second sight fidetracht (fith)
second stroke aithbimm (a) (bimm)
second suit attoichid (toichid)
second thoughts athsmained
second thoughts ar(n)ges
second verse aith\.fers (fers)
second wife (?) athmuinter (muinter)
second wound athlad (lad)
second aile 1
second indala
secrecy cuiscle
secrecy derritacht (derrit)
secrecy derrite (derrit)
secrecy derritius (derrit)
secrecy inchleth
secrecy infolach (folach)
secret (?) clithemail (clith ?)
secret communication fuigell
secret departure ld, -d, -d
secret discussion cocur (a)
secret knowledge elas, eulas (g)
secret lore and atrs of the druids drudecht (dru)
secret meaning (?) lothar
secret proceeding fosiubal vx sibal
secret clithe 1
secret cobais
secret coic 2
secret coicell
secret derrit, derrait
secret damair 1 II (a)
secret damlaigthe

secret damrach (damair 1)
secret dchelta
secret dscritech (a) (dscrit)
secret foilches
secret folaigthech
secret fortche
secret inchlide, inchl(e)ithe
secret inchlide, inchl(e)ithe
secret inidil, inithil
secret sel
secretive (?) (of persons) damair 1 I
secretive drocht 2
secretly fo cleth 2 (b)
secretly imm
secretly infechtain
secretly sel
section (of a treatise) (?) disting (b)
section of a treatise dnum II (d)
section drcht I
section fuilliucht (sliucht)
section gbait
section gbait
secular wisdom lechmar (lech)
secular donda (b) (don 1)
secular domundae (domun 1)
secular indoda
secundum (flumen) la
secure place inill
secure 1 glinne
secure glinn
secure glinnide (glinn ?)
secure inill
securely inill
secures (highest place, victory, game, etc.) beirid V
secures (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (e)
secures con-eim
secures dlsigid, dsligid (c) (dles)
secures fostaigid, fastaigid
secures glinnid (glinn)
secures gllinnigid (glinn)
secures gremmaigid (greimm)
securing (a game, etc.) breth (d)
securing deimnigud (b)
securing dlsigud, dsligud (c)
securing imfastad, imfostad, imfastd
securing mac(c)ad (mac)
security of some sort mimasc
security 1 aicde
security 1 glinne
security cemanta
security clithra (clithar)

security coimded
security commairge (a)
security daingen II (d)
security dlse (c) (dles)
security dlse (e) (dles)
security enech 1, ainech II (b)
security fostacht
security gallnae (2 gall) vx gallae
security inill
security inille (inill)
security inillius (inill)
sedate (?) fta
sedate forusta
sedate mlla
sedentry folk foss (fos)
sedgy lachrach (lachair)
sediment (?) fochmur
sediment descad, descaid (a)
sediment lad
seds as payment for driving ? imlad
seduces bocaigid = bocaid
seduces brcaid (brc)
seduces mellaid
seducing mellaid
see fodirc foderc
see fomeilt foimelt
see! (?) ecce
seeable ? imfaicse
seed 1 grinne (grn)
seed ith
seeds grngal (grn)
seeing (?) aircsinach (aircsiu)
seeing that ar 2
seeing aicsiu
seeing dccain
seeing faiceil
seeing faicsenach (faicsin)
seeing faicsin I (aicsiu)
seeing fig (a)
seeking (esp. of lice) aiscid 2 (c)
seeking (to get) 1 arraid
seeking (with gen. of obj.) fochmarc
seeking out airrecht
seeking permission comairlciud
seeking ? fr
seeking ? iniaratus
seeking 1 arraid
seeking 1 arraid
seeking aiscid 2 (a)
seeking ascnam (a)
seeking cartugad (c)

seeking cuingid 1
seeking eis 1
seeking eisied
seeking arar, arair
seeking arfaigid
seeking indsaigid, innaigid
seeking lorgairecht (lorgaire)
seeks (to get) 2 arraid (arar)
seeks (trans.) do-saig II
seeks adventure (?) echtrannaid I (echtrann)
seeks after ad-saig
seeks after armi-foich, armi-foig
seeks out ind-saig ?
seeks out loirgid (lorg)
seeks permission cetaigid (c) (cet)
seeks ad-cosnai
seeks con-deig
seeks con-saig (saigid)
seeks cartaigid (b) = cartaid
seeks imm-saig(a)
seeks ind-saig ?
seemeth good imchubaid > imchuibe
seemliness desse (b) (dess)
seemly (?) delb 2
seemly (of conduct or behaviour) fal 1 (a)
seemly cnesta (cnes)
seemly coimsech 1 (coimse)
seemly digemail (doich)
seems ad-c
seen faicthi
seer 1 aicsid
seer fith, fid
seer fili
sees in front ar-c
sees to do-incai (b)
sees ad-c
sees amarcaid (amarc 1)
sees imm-acci
seethes (intrans.) (of liquids) fichid 2 (a)
seethes bruithid (bruith)
seething bruith (b)
seething fichda (fichid 2)
seething fichdach (fichid 2)
seething fichthech, figth-
seething fichud
seething fiuchach
seige liger
seize an opportunity follaigid, failligid (follach, faill)
seized(?) ? moichid
seizes (esp. of distraint) do-fochsla (a)
seizes forcibly for-gaib

seizes upon adaid
seizes ar-gaib
seizes at-etha (a)
seizes ethaid II
seizes glacaid (glac)
seizes gremmaigid (greimm)
seizes lm
seizing and carrying off forcibly fatach also ftach ?
seizing by force forgabl (forngabl)
seizing with the teeth daintech II
seizing comthetarracht
seizing gabl
seizing glacad
seizing lmugad
seizure (?) ergraimm
seizure of land gabltas
seizure gabl
seizure gabltaige (gabltach)
seizure glacad
seizure greimm
seldom ainmeinic (meinic)
seldom annam (b)
selection eipe II
selects do-eclainn
selects do-glenn
selects do-goa 1
selects for-eclainn (glenn-)
self bodin, bodeisin = fadin
self budin(e) = fadin
self cin 1 = fadin
self fadin, fin
self-confidence bromurradus broimm + aurradus
self-confidence menma
self-confident menmnach (manma)
self-denial etla I
selfish aircesach
self-opinionated (?) airlech 1 (airle 1)
self-restrained mn
self-restraint mesraigetu
self-willed ? imtholtach (imtholtu)
selling back (?, CW) aithreic (reicc)
selling cre(i)cc (b)
sells creccaid (creicc)
sells crenaid
semblance dath 1 V
semblance foirm (a)
semblance foscad
semblance fath
semblance fir
semblence intamail
semen virile genemain

seminal discharge imsitiu
sencleithe mucleithe
send ye him hither before I go ille, illei
sending back frithchor
sending out esfot
sending fot vn. of fodid
sends (?) fo-carta (b) (cartaid)
sends a message imm-archuirethar
sends back (trans.) do-aithchuiredar (b)
sends down in-fidi
sends forth (?) dlongid (c)
sends forth as-fodi
sends out do-lci II (g)
sends out fo-ceird I (e)
sends cartaid
sends do-beir II
sends do-cuirethar I (c)
sends do-fodi
sends fo-cuir, fo-cuirethar
sends imm-cuirethar
sends imm-rdi
sends in-fidi
sends licid
seneschal bollsaire
senility crne (crn)
seniority esmairecht
sense (?) codnaige (codnach)
sense (of persons) call (a)
sense of decorum fle (a) (fal 2)
sense of hearing clas (b)
sense of hearing claschae (clasach)
sense of plurality ildatu (ildae)
sense of propriety fle (a) (fal 2)
sense of seizure 1 grith
sense of smell boltanad
sense of smell boltanas
sense of taste blas (c)
sense of taste blasacht b
sense of touch glacad
sense ctfaid (a)
sense ctfaid (b)
sense callrad = call
sense codnaigetu = codnaige
sense ft
sense inne
sense mothugud
senseless (?) dochtfadach (ctbuid)
senseless aincillide (cillide)
senseless bethnach (bethn)
senseless bethnta (bethn)
senseless borb (a)

senseless dchill (call)
senseless dchuind (cond)
senseless dochill (call)
senseless ccnaid
senseless cconda (ccond)
senseless esconn 2 (conn)
senselessness amchall (call)
senselessness ccall
senselessness ccondacht (ccond)
senselessness escuinde (esconn 2)
sensibility ctfaidecht (ctfaid)
sensible (?) cillech (call) = cillid(e)
sensible adult (legal) codnach II (a)
sensible person (?) (in some contexts of persons capable of giving evidence) airchonn (conn)
sensible person codnaigetu = codnaige
sensible cillid(e), callaid(e) (b) (call)
sensible ctfadach (a) (ctfaid)
sensible callamail (call)
sensible callmar (call)
sensible codnach I
sensible coiceill (call)
sensible comchalla (calla)
sensitive (of mental powers) ith 1 I (b)
sensitive mothaigthech
sensory life mothaigthech
sensory ctfadach (c) (ctfaid)
sensual colnaide I (b) (colainn)
sensuality collaidecht (b) (colnaide)
sensuous colnaide I (a) (colainn)
sent out esfote
sent fote (part. of fodid)
sentence of curs matroga?
sentence dl 2 IV (a)
sentence rcholiud (b)
sentence fuigell
sentient mithech
sentient mothaigthech
sentinel forcomtaid
sentry foraire aire
sentry frithaire
separable etarscarthach
separate dscrit
separate dscritech (a) (dscrit)
separate dlochtnach (dlochtn 2, q.v.)
separate eterdelbtha
separate fodalta
separate leth
separated from i n-cmais (b)
separated dedailte
separated deiligthe
separated etarscarthae

separately leth
separates (?) ar-scuir
separates (from = fri) dedlaid I (a) (dedail)
separates (intrans.) dedlaid II (dedail)
separates (intrans.) dedlaigidir II (dedail)
separates (intrans.) deiligidir II (c) (deil 1)
separates (trans.) dechraigidir IV (dechor)
separates (trans.) dedlaigidir I (dedail)
separates (trans.) deiligidir I (a) (deil 1)
separates (trans.) etar-scara I (scaraid)
separates mutually imm-scali
separates well deg-therbaid
separates ar-dlong (dlongid)
separates comdeiligid (deiligidir)
separates dscalid (a) (scalid)
separates eterdeligid, -delaigid I (deligid)
separates imm-scara
separates in-dloing
separates, deducts(?) fo-dedla
separating (from) eterdeligud, -delugud (a)
separating (two combatants) etargaire I
separating by means of inflection (gramm.) etargaire II
separating from a correlate (tenant and chief, husband and wife etc) imscar
separating airscaliud
separating airscar (a)
separating dedail I
separating deiliugad (a)
separating dscal
separating dscaled (a)
separating dal 3
separating etarscarad
separating etarscarthain
separating etergleimm
separation comdeiliugad
separation comscarad (scarad)
separation deil 1
separation etarscn
separation fescor 2
separation imdedail
separation imdeliugud
separation imscar
separation leithechas
separations airdluige
sept dl 1 II
sepulchis faralach (> far-folach?)
sepulchral monument lecht
sepulchre ? faralach (> far-folach?)
sepulchre adnacul
sepulchre ailad (a)
sequel armairt
sequence (?) dlthaige (dlth 1)

serf (?) duithne
serf bachlach 1 (a) (bachall)
serf botach (bot 1)
serf dor (a)
serf dorn (dor)
serfdom dire = dire
series comtheclamtha (teclaimid)
series dne (d)
serious wound cr 1 (b)
serpent athair 2 nime
serpent colubir
serpent il
serrated condala
serrated condalach = condala
serried edges (?) ammalta
serried rank cora (a)
servant (?) cobari
servant of God cile (b) D
servant 3 gna
servant amus
servant bachlach 1 (a) (bachall)
servant bachaill (c)
servant cile (a)
servant cumal 1 (a)
servant fogantaid
servant gilla
servant mogaid
servant muinter
servant-herenagh fosairchinnech
servants athalaisg = echlaisc
servants fuidir
servants gillanrad (gilla) vx gillanraid
servants gillarad (gilla)
serves (folld. by direct obj. or prep. do) ar-fogni (a)
serves (something) do-im(m)thiret
serves as a soldier mltnigid (mltne)
serves at table masaigid
serves in office fris-gn, -frithgn- (-frichn-)
serves is used (by) fo-gn I (b)
serves ad-gall(n)a
serves aingid
serves do-airgni
serves fo-gn I (a)
serves fris-gn, -frithgn- (-frichn-)
serves fris-indlea
serves gallaid (2 gall)
serves gallaid (2 gall)
serves meilid (melaid)
service manchaine
service (?) eisimal, eisembul I
service as a fnnid fnnidecht

service due from a clansman to his chief in return for stock manchaine
service due from a tenant to his chief in return for stock manchaine
service due to a monastery from a layman manchaine
service due to an abbot from a layman manchaine
service due to the head of a monastic community mainches
service in a fan fanaigecht (a)
service legally due dlestanas (b) (dlestin)
service of a handmaid inaltas (inailt)
service of a slave mugsaine (mog-) (mug)
service rendered to a monastic community mainche
service rendered frithgnam
service ? gillnae
service ? irra
service feidm (b)
service frestal
service frithiled, -lad, -elad
service frithgnam
service gillius
service gilsine (giall, gill)
service gilsinecht (gilsine)
service gillacht (gilla)
service gillaidecht (gilla)
service greimm
service arfeidm
service imfognam
service indrem, indram
service intinnrem
service mainches
service mm
service mod
serviceable fogaintech
serviceable in(n)strumentech
services as payment of his rent to the chief imfolang, imfulang
servile tenure (legal) bothas (both 2)
servile bachlamail
servility insle (insel)
serving as a bondsman mogad
serving for play cluichide (cluiche)
serving com\.fognam (fognam)
serving fognad
serving fognam (a)
serving fognamach
serving frestal
serving frithiled, -lad, -elad
serving imfrithilem
serving indrem, indram
serving-girl caile 1
servitor fognamaid
servitude cumalacht (cumal 1)
servitude dorse (a) (dor)
set apart (for) (legal) dles 1 I (a) (d- + les)

set aside follaigid, failligid (follach, faill)
set of alphabetical symbols aibgitir
set of chessmen foirenn c
set of people dne (c)
set of persons fanlach, fiallach (b)
set of regulations cin (a)
set of teeth cairb
set of teeth cr (a)
set of teeth dt 1 II
set of teeth dtgen
set of ten people deichenbor
set phrase airrosc
set with precious stones leccach
set craigthe, cirigthe
set dglaim
set foirenn a
set i nirithe III
set-off frithrm
sets (a snare) indlid (indell)
sets (trans. (?)) fo-ceird III (b)
sets (with for, i n-, imm, etc.) fo-ceird I (a)
sets about (employment or occupation) gaibid
sets about (an employment ) gaibid
sets about (an employment) gaibid
sets about ad-aig (h)
sets about feccaid (c) for, oc
sets about fabair, fbair
sets about gaibid
sets about gaibid
sets about gaibid
sets about gaibid
sets about gaibid
sets about gaibid
sets about in-tinnscana
sets about monar (-or)
sets again athchtaigid (cttu)
sets against fris-tabair
sets aside fris-cuirethar
sets at variance con-sadi
sets at variance imchossatid (imchossat)
sets down (trans.) dechraigidir IV (dechor)
sets forth do-aisfna
sets forth do-aissilbi (b)
sets forth fasatid (fasat)
sets forth imm-tit
sets free do-fasailci (a)
sets free faslaici, fasailci
sets going (a person or thing) imm-ladi
sets going ad-annai
sets going aigid (d)
sets going monar (-or)

sets in action imm-beir
sets in motion ? for-ladi
sets in motion corraigid (corrach)
sets in motion do-gluaisi (a)
sets in motion fo-glaisi I (trans)
sets in motion glasid
sets in motion imm-forgni
sets in motion -indsoirg (?ind-ess-org-)
sets in motion laidid (lad)
sets in order craigid, cirigid, cirgid (cir)
sets off ascnamaid (ascnam)
sets on fire for-loisci
sets on fire lasaid
sets on inmuillid
sets ones heart on dechraid 3 II (dechair)
sets out for ar-reith
sets out for imm-comlai
sets out on an expedition airthrallaid (airthrall)
sets out as-comlai
sets out beirid bire (a)
sets out con-irig
sets out do-cumlai
sets to rights certaid (cert)
sets up (a stone, building, etc.) do-furgaib I (b)
sets up (of stones, buildings, etc.) do-fcaib I (d)
sets up an establishment con-gaib (b)
sets up ar-rcaib
sets up con-suidi (suidid)
sets up craigid, cirigid, cirgid (cir)
sets up do-fcaib I (p)
sets up insuidigid(ir)
sets do-beir II
sets fo-ruimi, -fuirmi
sets fuinid
sets indsmaid (indsma)
sets lecaid
setting (of the sun) golighe
setting a high estimate (on) mesamail (<mes)
setting about (an undertaking) fpairt, fbairt, fabairt
setting about dul 1 II (b)
setting about irge (f)
setting at logger-heads indlach
setting at variance cosat (b)
setting down dedail IV
setting down fuirmiud, -med
setting forth (?) aidbsiu (a)
setting forth (?) broga 1 = brogad ?
setting forth a charge fasat
setting forth a complaint fasat
setting forth clearly fursundud (-sannad)
setting forth irge (f)

setting forth fasat
setting forth mnigid (mn)
setting going adannad
setting in motion airlad (lad)
setting in motion comlth
setting in motion foglasacht
setting in motion glasacht
setting in motion imlad
setting in motion imlad
setting in motion indsorgun
setting in motion lad (lth)
setting in order ecor, ecar I
setting on fire adannad
setting on inmuilled
setting out (of warriors) comirge (irge)
setting out airthrall (a) (trall)
setting something in motion aidbden
setting the time (for) dlad
setting up clannaid (d) (clann)
setting up cor 1
setting fuin
setting fuined, -iud
setting fuirmiud, -med
setting indsma
setting lecad
settled (?) fuirmigthe
settlement to be made congbathi
settlement congab (a)
settles (dispute etc.) dechraid 2 II (dechor)
settles (freq. of monasteries, churches, etc.) con-gaib (b)
settles (trans. and intrans.) clannaid (e) (clann)
settles (trans.) deiligidir I (c) (deil 1)
settles conditions ar-suidi (b)
settles in ittigid (a) (itt)
settles on do-fuirmi
settles ad-said
settles ittigid (a) (itt)
settles certaigid (b) (cert)
settles cinnid (a) (cenn)
settles cobsaidid (cobsaid)
settles eter-gl
settles fothaigid (fotha)
settles fothaigid (fotha)
settles gaibid
settles gaibid
settles glinnid (glinn)
settles gllinnigid (glinn)
settling forth foillsigud
settling in ittiugad (a)
settling on a basis fothugad
settling the claims of coicertad = coicert

settling ittiugad (a)
settling dglod
settling feisted
settling gleod
seven cases of maintenance imfolang, imfulang
seven occupations ? mnal
seventh mrseised
several fodalta
severally i n-ccuibdes (a) (ccuibde)
severally leth
severe (?) cresach (cres 2 ?)
severe combat aindscle
severe illness dogalar (galar)
severe trial anobair (opar)
severe wound airchrcht (crcht)
severe aicbil
severe amnas (a)
severe arnaid 1
severe cachtach (cacht 1)
severe cotut
severe cradlach (cradil)
severe dltach IIII
severe dedairnn II
severe dchondircil (condarcol)
severe dchondirclech = dchondircil
severe dobtha, dobuigthe (opad)
severe dr 1
severe ccendais (b)
severe feochair
severed comroinnte
severely hacked airletarthach (letarthach)
severely wounded athgote (gote)
severely wounded athgonta = athgote
severely wounded coimchrchtnaigthe (crchtnaigid)
severing dal 3
severing isced
severity (of persons) amainse (a) (amnas)
severity acairbe
severity arnaidecht (arnaid 1)
severity calad 2 II
severity doilge (c) (doilig)
severity eccendsa
severity trcaire
severly wounded athgetaige
severs (intrans.) dedlaigidir II (dedail)
severs (trans.) dedlaigidir I (dedail)
severs dedlaid I (a) (dedail)
severs do-esc (a)
severs eiscid 2
severs imm-tesc
severs letraid

sewer camra
sewers fannacon
sewing all round immaimm (imm+aimm)
sewing together comaimm (aimm 1 and 2)
sewing faigl (aigl)
sewing faigetugud
sews together con-igi (aigid)
sews imfuaigid
sexual activity ctluth
sexual intercourse (in wedlock) lnamnas
sexual intercourse with a woman banach (ben)
sexual intercourse immacaldam, immacaldaim
sexual union (?) 2 genas
sexual union comentu (b) (oentu)
sexual union cummasc (b)
sexually impotent dbreith (breith)
shabbiness dnnime (dnnim)
shabby dnnim (snm)
shackle between the forefeet id
shackles cachtaid (a) (cacht 1)
shade foscad
shade foscad
shade foscad
shade foscadach (foscad)
shaded foscatae (foscad)
shadow foscad
shadowed forth forscthaigthe vx forscithe
shadowed foscatae (foscad)
shadowy forscthach
shadowy foscadach (foscad)
shadowy foscadach (foscad)
shaft (?) fert 2
shaft (?) feth 2
shaft ? gamul
shaft attached to a chariot fertas 1 (a)
shaft of a (horizontal ?) mill-wheel mol
shaft of a weapon colb 1
shaft cos (b)
shaft daiger 2
shaft e 3
shaft gesadn
shaft lorg
shafted weapon colba(-ae) (e)
shaft-trimmer crannaige (crann)
shag cloak futairle
shaggy (?) findchaide
shaggy hair frech
shaggy wolf mongach (mong)
shaggy finnach, -ech (finna)
shaggy finnfadach (finnfad)
shaggy mothlach

shake crith
shaken crithnaigthe
shakes (?) for-critha
shakes (intrans.) bocaid II (boc 1)
shakes (intrans.) crithnaigid (a) (crith)
shakes (trans.) bocaid I (b) (boc 1)
shakes (trans.) crithnaigid (b) (crith)
shakes bertaid 2 (bert)
shakes bertaigid(ir) = bertaid
shakes con-oscaigi
shakes cresaigid (cres 2 ?)
shakes crethaid, crithid (crith)
shakes crothaid (a)
shakes fo-crotha
shakes for-crotha vx fo-crotha, for-critha
shaking (?) cresach (cres 2 ?)
shaking (?) crithir 2
shaking together com\.sathad
shaking violently comchrathad (crothad)
shaking 1 grith
shaking airbertnugud
shaking bertugad
shaking combocad (bocad)
shaking crith
shaking crith(n)ugud
shaking crithach I (crith)
shaking crithnach (crithn)
shaking crithnaigthech (crithnaigthe)
shaking crithur
shaking crothad
shaking cuclaige
shaky (?) critell
shall be astonished lgid
shall be given thee (?) cotrirther
shall be punished conjointly con-pnfither (panaid)
shall be slain in a close contest fochustal
shall drink it up cotenba
shallow ? vessel mullc (mull)
shallow domain
shallowness doimne (domain)
sham fath
shame ainfal (a) (1 fal)
shame aithmla (a) (mla)
shame cthailecht (cthail)
shame dethach (b)
shame dnim
shame enechrucce, ainechrucce II (enech 1 + rucce)
shame imdergad
shame mla
shame mlacht
shamefacedness d/uite (b) (d/uit)

shameful anasal (a) (asal)
shameful grinemail (1 grin)
shameful imm
shameful meblach
shameful mlachtach
shamefulness dochraide (dochraid)
shameless ainfal (a) (1 fal)
shameless amnirech (nirech)
shameless anailcech
shameless anbal (an +fal)
shameless btach (bt)
shameless dscir (a)
shamelessness ainble (anbal)
shames ainfalaid (ainfal)
shames berid enech 1, ainech II (a)
shank of the leg ? gergara (gerrgara)
shank cairn(e) (cara 2)
shank colptae II
shank erochuir
shank lurga
shanked luirgnech (lurga)
shape and form mig
shape ? 3 gnod
shape agad
shape alt 1 III (b)
shape cl (b)
shape cruth 1
shape cruthugud (a)
shape cucht 1
shape cummae
shape delb 1 (a)
shape delbad (delb 1)
shape dnmas (a) (dnum)
shape is 4
shape fath
shape imdnam
shaped cepptha
shaped cumtha
shapeless ccruta (a)
shapeliness (CW) cruthacht (cruth 1)
shapeliness cruth 1
shapeliness cruthaige = cruthacht
shapeliness cumtachtae 2 (cumtachtae 1)
shapely (?) dinmech 2 (dnum)
shapely ? imdnmach (imdnam)
shapely cruthach (cruth 1)
shapely cruthmar (cruth 1)
shapely cuchtach (cucht 1)
shapely cummaide (cummae)
shapely delba
shapely delbdae (a) (delb 1)

shapely dnmach (dnum)
shapely dnmasach (b) (dnmas)
shapely drechach (drech 1)
shapes (trans.) delbaid I (a) (delb)
shapes ceppaid (a) (cepp)
shapes crutha(ig)id (a) (cruth 1)
shapes cummaid (cummae)
shapes damnaigidir 1 (damnae)
shapes delbaigid (delb 1)
shapes dolbaid (a)
shapes fathaigid (fath)
shape-shifting fathugad
shaping ceppad (b)
shaping cruthugud (a)
shaping cummad
shaping cummae
shaping delb 1 (b)
share in the tribute cocin com + cin
share cin III (d)
share commaid (d) (com + buith)
share comrann (a) (rann, cf. con-ranna)
share cuit
share ernail (a)
share fodail (b)
share mr
shared law (?) comrecht (recht)
shares jointly con-fodlai
shares with cuiti(gi)d (b) (cuit)
shares ar-condla
shares con-dili (a) (dilid)
shares con-ranna (b) (rannaid)
shares cuiti(gi)d (a) (cuit)
sharing (?) cumaroind = comrann?
sharing a bed with comdrgud (drgud)
sharing a bed comlepaid (lepaid)
sharing grazing with congelt
sharing in fosterage comaltram (a) (altramm)
sharing the same bed comdirgide
sharing with i cuibrenn (b)
sharing comchaithem (caithem)
sharing compirt (pairt)
sharing comrann (a) (rann, cf. con-ranna)
sharing cuitech (cuit)
sharing cuitiugad (a)
sharp (?) berrthach
sharp (?) ficht
sharp (of weapons, etc.) fig (d)
sharp blade altan
sharp edge (?) err 1 II
sharp edge (of sword or blade, also of shield; seldom of pointed weapons) febar I (a)
sharp edge of anything delga (delgu) (b)

sharp end e 2
sharp knife dagger mebrach
sharp pains doig(th)ech (daig)
sharp point birn (bir 1)
sharp spears of great antiquity ? imchrn
sharp ? gothnedach (gothnat)
sharp 2 acar
sharp 2 glas
sharp ad-rind
sharp aicbil
sharp aicher
sharp ith 1 I (a)
sharp ithide = ith 1
sharp berach (a) (bir 1)
sharp birda (bir 1)
sharp cerb 2 I
sharp delgnach (delgn)
sharp fogr
sharp fachda
sharp gr
sharp goinidech
sharp goirt
sharp grot 1
sharp grotach (grot)
sharp gr
sharp imrinde (imrind)
sharp-beaked gulbnech (gulba)
sharp-bladed weapon febar I (b)
sharp-edged tool febar I (c)
sharp-edged febarda (febar)
sharp-edged febrach I (a) (febar)
sharpen fachaid
sharpened biraigthe
sharpened fachtae
sharpened lmtha
sharpening (weapons) bleith I (b)
sharpening lmad
sharpening lmugud
sharpens ? fachda
sharpens ithigid (ith 1)
sharpens fachaid
sharpens graigid (gr)
sharpens lmad
sharpens meilid (melaid)
sharpness (of persons) amainse (a) (amnas)
sharpness aichre
sharpness ailtnidecht (ailtnide)
sharpness ithe (a) (ith 1)
sharpness ithes (a) (ith 1)
sharpness febar II
sharpness febraige (febrach)

sharpness graigecht (gr)
sharpness gre (gr)
sharp-pointed peg bern (bir 1)
sharp-pointed stake bern (bir 1)
sharp-pointed gerrandach (=gr-rendach ?)
sharp-spoken (?) gaiblach
sharp-sworded il
sharp-tongued berach (a) (bir 1)
sharp-witted (scharfsinnig) airgech 1
shattered ? forbriste (for-brissi)
shattered blogtha
shattered combrit(h)e
shattered minaigid (min)
shattered minta
shattering ? forbriste (for-brissi)
shattering blogad
shattering briscair
shatters blogaid 1 (blog)
shatters maidid
shatters minaigid (min)
shaven behind ar(n)giunnach
shaven giunnach (giunnae)
shaves berraid (a) (berr)
shaving berrad (b)
shaving giunnae
shaving lommad
shavings casnad
shavings casnaide
shawl fola
she came down atdises
she it is that was swallowed in a drink ibid
she met death and surcease imfastad, imfostad, imfastd
she was unable to perceive them imcaisiu
sheaf dornn (dorn)
sheared fachaid
shearer lommarthir
shearing (sheep) lommrad
shearing deimsed (deimes)
shearing giunad
shearing lommad
shears (off) lommraid
shears berraid (a) (berr)
shears do-berra
shears maelaid (mael)
sheath (?) fisgen
sheath (?) fortche
sheath (?) fortched
sheath dbla
sheath faigen
sheath intech
sheath? ferbolg

she-badger brocnait (brocc)
shed under cover of which beseigers undermined the walls of a city muc(c)
shed damdabach
shedding copiously frasugud (fras)
shedding drops brenach (bren 1)
shedding of tears drfadach 1 (dr)
shedding tears drfartach 2 (dr)
shedding drtad
shedding folcud (vn. of folcaid)
shedding liciud
sheds (blood) dilid I (b) (dl 4)
sheds (tears) dilid I (b) (dl 4)
sheds (trans, rarely intrans.) do-fortai (a)
sheds copiously com\.feraid (feraid)
sheds do-essim
sheds do-lci II (e)
sheds feraid II (a)
sheds fo-ceird I (d) a, de
sheds imm-doirt
sheen comthaitnem (taitnem)
sheen del(l)rad
sheen lainnrech (lainner)
sheen luchair
sheep (?) anm
sheep cera
sheep cet(h)nat
sheep cit 1
sheep moltrad (molt)
sheep-like cerchaide (cera)
sheep-like cerchamail (cera)
sheep-like-ness (CW) cerchamlacht (cerchamail)
sheepskin cloak l, le
sheer glan
sheet of a sail mullscid
sheet of ice lecc
sheet bla 2, ble
sheet mengul vx menglach
sheets? menglach
she-goat erp, eirp, erb
shekels ciclib
shell (of fruit) mocol
shell esc
shell/scale on the eye (?) bla 4
shell-fish ? murach
shell-fish maerach
shelling (?) fasced
shelter (?) didma
shelter (?) ed 8
shelter (for animals) foil (fail) 1
shelter for cattle echlas, echlais II
shelter for horses or cattle echlasc 2, echlaisc

shelter for horses echlas, echlais II
shelter of shields damdabach
shelter blscln (bl + scln)
shelter clithar II (a) (clith ?)
shelter clithar II (b) (clith ?)
shelter clithchae (clithach)
shelter clit
shelter coim 1 (b)
shelter comla (-ae)
shelter cas (ca 1)
shelter dem
shelter damair 1 II (c)
shelter dn (a)
shelter dtiu
shelter dupla
shelter dla, dlu (b)
shelter fochlithar (clithar)
shelter foithin (also fuithin, fothain)
shelter fosc
shelter foscad
shelter inad < ined
shelter lepthanas (lepaid)
sheltered cluthmar
sheltered dnmar (dn)
sheltering clithach (clith)
sheltering clithar I (clith ?)
sheltering clithugud
shelter-loving clithchar (clith)
shelters (?) duplaid (dupla)
shelters dnaid (dn)
shelters dnaigid (dn)
shelters dtnid 2 (dtiu)
shelters do-eim 1 (a)
shelters felaid
shep-herd ? bachlach 1 a bachall
shepherd cerchaire (cera)
shepherd fothrtaid
shepherds staff cammc (a) (camm 1)
shield (made of alder-wood) fern 1 (b)
shield (poet.) finnn
shield of yew-wood ibar > iubar, iobar
shield rim (?) forscemel (scemel)
shield bocit
shield brattach 2 (bratt)
shield finnell
shield fraig (fraic)
shield lumman
shield(s) luibne
shielding airscathad
shielding anacul (a)
shift (gramm.) cumscugud

shifting (position) immirge, immirc(h)e
shifting posture (?) bocfach
shifting laidrn (lad)
shimmering (?, CW) brechtnugud
shimmering (?, CW) brechtugud = brechtnugud
shin colptae II
shin-bone lurga
shines (intrans.) dellraigid
shines around ? imm-luinethar
shines for lasaid
shines forth (intrans.) dellraigid
shines forth as-todi
shines through as-todi
shines do-aitni (a)
shines dofoilset
shines for-osna (for-osnda)
shines gelaid (gel)
shines glanaid (glan)
shines in-sorchaigedar
shines lasaid
shining (?) caindlenach = caindlech
shining light caindel
shining sward ft
shining with frost 2 glas
shining 1 gel
shining at(t)odiud
shining attotech (attodiud)
shining caindeldae (caindel)
shining caindlech 1 (caindel)
shining daithnigud
shining dellraigthe
shining dellraigthech (dellraigid)
shining dellrugud
shining trocht, -acht
shining trochta 1
shining trochtach
shining lainnerda (lainner)
shining lainnrech (lainner)
shining lainnriugad
shining lasamail
shining lcharnach (lchrann)
shining lchrannamail (lcharnn)
shining la(i)cht(h)ide
shinned luirgnech (lurga)
shins luirgnech (lurga)
ship arthrach 1 (b)
ship brc 1 (a)
ship carb
ship ciil 1
ship cnairr
ship es(s) 4 (b)

ship ladeng
ship lestar
ship libern
ship long
ship luchtmar (lucht)
ship-frequented longach (long)
shipping loinges (long)
ships loinges (long)
shipwreck airbdud (bdud)
shipwrecked man combitech (combdud)
shirking (freq. of a refusal due to impotence or fear) fm(m)ed (b)
shirks (mod.) do-eipen (c)
shirks fo-mid, for-mid (I) (b)
shirt caimmse
shirt enech 2
shirts lenn
shivering (?) cresach (cres 2 ?)
shivering 2 grend
shivering cresachtach
shivering driuch (b)
shivers garbaid (garb)
shoal mr
shoals murbrucht (muir)
shoe of a javelin inchasnaidi
shoe accrann
shoe as 2
shoe assa(e) 1
shoe assn
shoe brc
shoe carn (car 1)
shoeing crathed
shoe-leather ? fortche
shoemaker ? manath
shoe-maker cairem
shoemaker grsaide (1 grs)
shoes (horses) barraid 1, bairrid ar (barr 1)
shoes assaigid (assae 1)
shoes berrbrc
shoe-string 1 all
shone ad-annai
shoot (of a tree) bengn
shoot buinnn (buinne)
shoot gas
shoot impa
shooting (of vegetation) escar 1 I
shooting missile caithem (d)
shooting dbirciud
shooting dbraicthech, dibraicech (dbirciud)
shooting imdburcud, imdbracad
shooting lmach (lm)
shoots (with obj. of thing cast) do-bidci (a)

shoots at (with obj. of person or thing cast at) do-bidci (b)
shoots forth (intrans.) escaraid I (escar 1)
shore of lake lerg
shore of sea lerg
shore airer 1 (a)
shore airimell (imbel)
shore bruach (br 3)
shore calad 1
shore trg
shore imbel?
shore lith
shorn giunnach (giunnae)
shorn mael (moel, mal)
short of space (length or distance) garit
short (of space and time) athgairit (gairit)
short (of time or duration) garit
short (of time or space) 1 gar
short ? ? mut
short distance athgairit (gairit)
short lay daineog (dan)
short life 4 gaire (gair?)
short period cummair (com + berr)
short poem daineog (dan)
short quantity in a vowel dinin dsail
short ragged garment (?) gibn (giba)
short section of discourse guin (vn. of gonaid)
short space of time brothad (brath-)
short space 1 gair
short spancel (esp. for the fore-legs of an animal) airchomal
short spear certge (cert 1 or 2 + gae)
short time ago i mbaruch (barach)
short time 1 gair
short trousers berrbrc
short 3 gor vx 1 gair
short berr
short breib
short br 4
short crocc
short cummair (com + berr)
short gerr
shortcoming locht
shortcomings lomm
shortcut athgairit (gairit)
shortcut athgairte = athgairit
shortening aithgerracht (aithgerr)
shortening athgairtigud = gairtiugud
shortening gairtiugud
shortens (gramm.) do-immoirg (i)
shortens cuimbrigid(ir) (cummair)
shortens do-im(m)diben
shortens gairtigid (garit)

shortens gerraid (gerr)
shortens gerraigid (gerr)
short-head 2 Gerrcend
short-lived duthain (do + tan)
shortness (esp. of time) gairte (garit)
shortness of duration duthaine (duthain)
shortness of life duthaine (duthain)
shortness of quantity 1 gair
shortness 1 gair
shortness aithgirra (aithgirra)
shortness cale (cel)
shortness comgar II (a) (gar)
shortness cuimbre (cummair)
shortness dimbaine (dimban)
shortness gairtius
shortness girra, gire (gerr)
shot airchor (b)
should be acted upon here imbert
shoulder blade ? innleth
shoulder 1 gala
shoulder glang (gland)
shoulder imdae
shoulder leithe
shoulder-blade clas 1(e) (claidid)
shoulder-blade imdae
shoulder-blade leithe
shoulder-blade mael
shoulders lethe
shounting lud
shout ? gnth
shout of exultation gredan
shout of lamentation ilach
shout of victory ilach
shout 1 gled
shout 1 gled vx 1 gled
shout 1 grith
shout 1 grith
shout allguth (all 4? + guth)
shout bl 1
shout bled
shout br 2
shout gir
shout gim
shout acht
shouting (?) giriugud
shouting (?) gnsachtach (gns)
shouting (of a magic shield) bicc = bicced
shouting ? gnthech (gnth)
shouting 1 gledach
shouting bicced
shouting biccedach = bicced

shouting bir(f)edach 1 (biriud, birfid)
shouting bir(f)edach 2 (biriud, birfid)
shouting biriud
shouting comgiriugud (giriugud)
shouting congir (a)
shouting ducrae, ducaire
shouting fachas
shouting grednach (gredan)
shouting achtach (acht)
shouting achtad
shouts aloud comigid (igid)
shouts loudly con-gair (a-c)
shouts out con-gair (a-c)
shouts together comigid (igid)
shouts 1 girid
shouts 1 glodid vx 1 gledid
shouts ad-aig (f)
shouts bledaid (bled)
shouts birid 1
shouts con-gair (a-c)
shouts ducraid
shouts do-gair I (e)
shouts grchaid
shovelling fuilged
shower of missiles fras (fros) > frais
shower brenn (bren 1)
shower brengal (bren 1 + gal)
shower cith 1
shower dartan
shower fras (fros) > frais
shower froslach
shower mr
showering ferthain (a)
showering frasad
showers do-snig
showers feraid II (a)
showery sparkling fras-, frais-
showery cithach (cith 1)
showery frasach, frossach (fras)
showiness aidbsiu (b)
showing art eladnach (elada)
showing courage (of actions) dnae 1 II
showing off forcmaise
showing skill eladnach (elada)
showing the teeth drantad (drant)
showing fadnugad
shown foillsigthe
shows (with acc. or subst. clause) do-adbat (a)
shows clearly (trans.) arthraigid(ir) (b)
shows displeasure dimdaigid (dimda)
shows disrespect (to) dmadaigid (dmad)

shows brigaid
shows do-aidbir
shows do-aisfna
shows do-fcaib I (j)
shows enaid
shows minid
showy aidbsech
shred brit (c)
shreds (?) buir
shrewd 1 geth
shrewd glicc
shrewdness glicce (glicc)
shrieker biccech
shrieking grchadh
shrieks gisid
shrieks achtaid
shrill (of sounds) fig (c)
shrine at cross cros (b)
shrine comrar (a)
shrine cumtach (c)
shrine mem(m)ra
shrinking credbad
shrinking feiscre, feiscred
shrinks (intrans.) fedaigid I
shrinks from loccaid (locc)
shrinks crapaid (crap)
shrinks credba(ig)id
shrivelled crapach (crap)
shrivelled crocnaide (croiccend)
shrivelling (?) credba
shrivelling crapad
shrivels crapaid (crap)
shrivels imm-credba
shroud eisline
Shrovetide init
shrunk crapach (crap)
shrunk craptha etc.
shudder 1 grith
shudders grinid (grain)
shuns imm-imgaib (im-gaib)
shuns in-gaib
shut up place foriata part. of for-iada
shut fordnta
shuts down fo-ada
shuts out fris-ada
shuts up for-ada vx iadaid
shuts up fris-dna
shuts druitid (a) (drut)
shuts dnaid (a) (dn)
shuts for-dna
shutting up fodluthad

shutting drut (a)
shutting dnad 2 (a)
shy laugh mangad
shy adanta
shy ail 4
shy ctha(i)l
shyness ile (2 l)
shyness d/uite (b) (d/uit)
shyness d/uitecht (c) (d/uit)
sick maintenance fulacht
sick person imm
sick person lintach (linad)
sick breite
sick esln (a) (sln)
sick lobraigidir
sick lobur, lobor
sickens (?) coimthinnigid
sickens galraigid (galar)
sickle crommn (cromm)
sickliness galarche (galar)
sickliness galraige (galrach)
sickly galrach (galar)
sickly galraigthech (galraige)
sickly loburda (lobur)
sickness breitecht
sickness ces 1
sickness esline (esln)
sickness galar
sickness galrae
sickness indlobrae (indloba(i)r)
sickness lobrae (lobur)
sickness lobrugud
side (?) leithred (leth)
side of hill lecca
side of the house opposite to where the king sat ? arshliss (1 sliss)
side bord (a)
side cara 2
side clathn (a) (clath)
side imbel?
side les
side leth
side leth
side leth
side letteb
-sided leth
sides with gaibid
sides with gaibid
sides with gaibid
sides with gaibid
siege forbais
siege foslongphort (foss + longphort)

siege-tower lithech vx lithe
sieve crathar
siezes (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (c)
sifting crathrad
sifts crathraid (crathar)
sigh of every heart is healed ccaid (cc)
sigh cnet
sighing cnetach (cnet)
sighing guba
sighs cneitid (cnet)
sighs gubaid (guba)
sight transf. of that which is seen fgad b
sight imcaisiu
sightless dradairc (radarc)
sign ? rna (?i)
sign ? muad
sign ? imchomartha
sign airde 1 (a)
sign brath (c)
sign comartha (a) (airde 1)
sign derbairde (derb 1 + airde)
sign descad, descaid (c)
sign fir
sign imcaisiu
sign inchomartha
sign inchosc
sign inchosc
sign mana
signal (usually by sound) caismert (a)
signal- caismertach (caismert)
signal comarc (c)
significance etargne III
significant inchomarthach (inchomartha)
signification airdigud
signification call (d)
signification folud (> fola)
signification inchosc
signification inne
signification int(s)liucht
signifies (usually in pass.) do-beir VI (d)
signifies airdigid 1 (1 airde)
signifies callaid (a) (call)
signifies do-foirndea (a)
signifies for-dingair
signifies fo-rinda
signifies in-coisig (in(d)-com-sech)
signifying airdigud
signifying etargne III
signifying inchosc
signing with the cross crosad
signs comartha(ig)id (comartha)

silence balbae (balb)
silence cinas (ciin)
silences balbaigid, balbaid (a) (balb)
silences dochtaid 2 (docht)
silencing balbad
silent (of creatures) balb (a)
silent (of water, weather, etc.) balb (b)
silent dam 6
silent docht (a)
-silently balbdae (balb)
silliness d/uitecht (b) (d/uit)
silly (?) feth 2
silly beth 1 I (a)
silly borb (a)
silly d/uit (c)
silver (?, CW) (epithet of a horse) airgdech 2
silver airgdech 1
silver airgdide (argat)
silver argat (a)
silver cerb 1
silver cim 1 (-mm?)
similar (?) cosmailse
similar appearance comchruth (cruth)
similar to amail, amal I
similar verse-foot comdeach (deach)
similar comchosmail (cosmail)
similar cominann (inunn)
similar cosmail I (a) (com + samail)
similar innamail
similar inunn, in(n)onn
similarity cosmail II (com + samail)
similarity cosmaile = cosmailius
similarity cosmailecht (a) = cosmailius
similarity cosmailius (a) (cosmail)
similitude comarthaigecht
similitude intamail
simple d/uit (a)
simple d/uit (b)
simple forbeth
simple-minded d/uit (c)
simpleton amal 1
simpleton amln (amal 1)
simpleton ammatn (ammait)
simpleton bethn (beth 1)
simpleton dochonn 1 (cond)
simplicity (of language, etc.) bucae (b) (boc 1)
simplicity d/uite (a) (d/uit)
simplicity d/uitecht (a) (d/uit)
simplicity d/uitius (a) (d/uit)
simulates in-samlathar
simulation cummatirecht (cummatir)

simulation intamail
simultaneous obligations (?) comdolad (dolud)
simultaneously coimnin\.fecht (com + i n-in\.fecht)
sin of sloth leisce lesc
sin ainchin (cin)
sin anfolad II (c) (folud 1)
sin caire 1
sin immarmus, immormus, immorbus
since it is is
since its produce began to multiply ilrugud
since that iubar is an inanimate possession ibar > iubar, iobar
since these Irishmen have departed there is not one to support her (?) imchor
since (in) cin III (a)
since 7 a IV
since ar 2
since boo = 1
since dig 1 II
since dath 4
since dul 1 II (g)
since fo bth, fo bthin II
since ille, illei
sincere d/uit (a)
sincere idan
sincere idan
sincerely darrib
sincerity d/uite (a) (d/uit)
sincerity d/uitecht (a) (d/uit)
sincerity d/uitius (a) (d/uit)
sincerity dlachta(e) 1 (dlacht)
sinew lithech and lthach vx lithe
sinew of a leg lithech and lthach vx lithe
sinew colum 2
sinew cuisle (c)
sinew fith 1 (b)
sinews (coll.) fithech 1 II (fith 1)
sinewy texture (?) fithide
sinewy colomda (colum 2)
sinewy fithech 1 I (fith 1)
sinful (?) cairdech 2
sinful person cuilech = colach
sinful ainetta(i)l (eta(i)l)
sinful cairech (a) (caire 1)
sinful cenach (cin 1)
sinful colach (col)
sinful cuilech = colach
sinful cuilide (col)
sinful lochtach (locht)
sinfulness cairthechus (cairthech)
sinfulness colaige (colach)
sinfulness cuilige = colaige
singed dit(h)e

singed foloiscthe (part. of fo-loisci) vx follscaide,
singer (?, CW) cantaid
singer airchetlaid 1 (airchetal)
singer cantaire
singer ctlaid (ctal)
singes dd
singing (of humans = humming?) esnad 1
singing (of birds) celebrad (d)
singing (of certain birds) esnad 1
singing in chorus claraigecht (claraige)
singing of verses fersaigecht (fersa)
singing the praises of clugud
singing together comgabil (gabil)
singing verses danairecht (danair)
singing amar (a)
singing amrn (amar)
singing canamain (a)
singing cantain (a)
singing ctal
singing danaig (dan)echt
singing fochetal
singing gabl
singing gothn (dimin. of guth)
singing gothgal (guth)
single combat comgleo (gleo)
single hair of a sheepskin (?) l, le
single hair brothairne (brothar)
single lock of wool l, le
single tuft of wool l, le
single d/uit (b)
single in
single in
single-minded d/uit (a)
single-mindedness d/uite (a) (d/uit)
sings (of birds) celebraid (b)
sings in harmony con-ca(i)n (canaid)
sings to fo-acain
sings ar-cain
sings canaid (a)
sings do-cain (b)
sings gaibid
sings gaibid
singularity ainingantus (ingantus)
singularity ainingnad (ingnad)
sinister cl I (b)
sinking (of sun) fuined, -iud
sinking fuin
sinking sliugud
sinks (intrans.) do-airindi II (b)
sinks (of sun) fuinid

sinks down fo-lci (vn. of do-lci ?)
sinks bidid (a)
sinless dlacht (d + locht)
sinless ennac (a)
sinless etal 1, etail
sinner (?) corach 2
sinner colach (col)
sinner cora(i)d etc.
sinning andagud
sins (intrans.) cintaigid I (cin)
sins cinaigid (cin)
sins imm-ruimdethar
sip bolgum
sip loimm
sister by blood derb\.siur (a) (derb 1 + siur)
sister in religion derb\.siur (b) (derb 1 + siur)
sister`s son 2 gor
sister`s son 1 gna
sister-in-law coimchlamain (clamain)
site fir 1
site inad < ined
sits above ? for-suidethar
sits before ar-said (a) (saidid)
sits con-seis etc.
sitting around impuide, im(p)suide
sitting together com\.suide (suide 2)
situated i + poss. + comnaide
situation itt (a)
situation bal (a)
six cows for mill building ibrracht
six cows for working in yew-wood ibrracht
sixe of a cheese on a withe mulach (mul)
size md vx mt
size mite (mte, mide)
size mitidecht
skein of thread rna
skeleton cnmarlach (cnim)
skep ces 2 (c)
sketches grafaid (1 graif)
skewer e 2
skiff curach 1
skiff luchtar (lucht)
skiff luingn (e) (long)
skilful (?) 1 geth
skilful (of person) cerdamail (cerd 1)
skilful (of work) cerdach (cerd 1)
skilful in advocacy or debate (?) fchemanda, ta (fchem)
skilful manipulation (?) aidmbert
skilful adma
skilful airlam (c)
skilful crethach 1 (creth)

skilful druin
skilful gasta (gas)
skilful grat (gr) vx grait
skilful intliuchtach (intliucht)
skilfully fashioned dnta(e) I (a)
skilfully made il
skill (?) elcha
skill (in) el 1 I (a)
skill at arms engnam (b)
skill at arms gaisced
skill in arts dnaige 2 (dnach)
skill in craftsmanship druine 2 (druin)
skill in deception elada, elatha (c)
skill in playing the harp cruittirecht (cruittire)
skill in the art of defence cosnumaige (cosnamach)
skill in war acquired by long practice arsaidecht (c) (arsaid)
skill with weapons lmach (lm)
skill aiccilidecht
skill amainsecht = amainse
skill cerd 1 (b)
skill cerdaige (cerdach)
skill ctfaid (a)
skill clistecht (cliste)
skill dn II
skill ecna(e) 1 I
skill engnam (a)
skill ft
skill glicce (glicc)
skill gliccus (glicc)
skill int(s)liucht
skilled (?) feithemail (a)
skilled (in) ola, ula
skilled (in) olach, ulach (a)
skilled (of person) cerdach (cerd 1)
skilled in arms gaiscedach (gaisced)
skilled in embroidery druinechda (druinech)
skilled in feats clesach I (cles)
skilled in many crafts il
skilled in poetry drchtach (b) (drcht)
skilled in prophecy (?) fithchallaid
skilled in song drchtach (b) (drcht)
skilled in the performance of many deeds il
skilled work creth
skilled airbertach (a) (airbert)
skilled cas 1 (b)
skilled cliste
skilled eladnach (elada)
skilled elgaisech
skilled faitech (d)
skilled glicc
skilled monach (mon)

skillfully constructed eladnach (elada)
skillfully contrived eladnach (elada)
skimmer lach
skim-milk (?) draumce
skin (?) cnesn = cnes?
skin (of animal) codal 1
skin covering in a chariot forgemen, -gaimen
skin disease carraige (carrach)
skin 2 gaim
skin ban
skin can 2
skin cnes (a)
skin croiccenn
skin gemen (gaimen)
skin lethar
skinker deogbaire (deog)
skinned over cnesaigthe
skins fennaid (a)
skirmish debuith II
skirmish imracad
skirts of your clothing chtar
skittish ftmar
skittish geltach (geilt)
skull cloicenn (cloc + cenn)
skull-breaking (?) claicnech (cloicenn ?)
sky clithe (e) nime, etc.
sky coibe(i)s (-(i)s?)
sky fraig
slab mas
slack isledach
slack lax
slack maithmech
slackness (in bad sense) ilgine (ilgen)
slackness condircle (condircel)
slackness laice (lac)
slackness logda ?
slain (pl.) (?) ecta
slain person cht II
slander (?) biaiden (biait ?)
slander guth
slanderer cndaigthid
slanderers abarthaig
slandering cined
slandering cndach I
slandering foiscenach
slandering indlach
slandering lamain
slanders cn(d)athir, cn(d)aid I
slanders cndaigidir, cn(d)aigid I
slant clen II (a)
slant clane (a) (clen)

slants (trans.) clenaid I (a) (clen)
slants (trans.) clenaid I (c) (clen)
slap baisec (bas)
slashed (?) esnadach (esnaid?)
slaughter (?) cos(s)ar
slaughter 3 g
slaughter airlech 2
slaughter airlechas = airlech 2
slaughter r
slaughter rbach
slaughter ceppach (b) (cepp)
slaughter crach 3 (cr 1)
slaughter cht I
slaughter etarairdbe
slaughter felairecht (feil)
slaughter fortbe, fairtbe
slaughter galannas
slaughter imguin
slaughter urad
slaughter mart also mairt
slaughter martrae
slaughtered ? fortchide (fortched)
slaughtered ? fortchide (fortched)
slaughtered ? fortchide (fortched)
slaughtered ones r
slaughtered coscarthae
slaughter-hound rch (a)
slaughtering (?) cennar
slaughtering ? fortched
slaughtering coim\.slechtad (slechtad)
slaughtering coimthescad
slaughtering commarbad (marbad)
slaughtering urthunach (urad)
slaughtering machtad
slaughtering m-
slaughtering mugnechad
slaughterous rmar (r)
slaughters coimthescaid (tescaid)
slaughters con-scara (b)
slaughters crligid (crlige)
slaughters machtaid
slave cacht 1 (a)
slave cumal 1 (a)
slave dorn (dor)
slave dorsech (dorse)
slave dorsinech (dorsine)
slave mog vx mug
slavery dore (a) (dor)
slavery fodore
slavery mamaigthetu
slavery mugraide ?

slavery mugsaine (mog-) (mug)
slavery mursantacht
slaves mugraide ?
slavish (of physical and moral qualities) dor (b)
slayer esorcnid (as-oircc)
slayer marbthir
slaying geognad
slaying a relative fingal
slaying by wounding guin vn. of gonaid
slaying airdbe
slaying bsugad
slaying dasarcuin
slaying cht I
slaying ernbas, -mas (arn + bs)
slaying fortbe, fairtbe
slaying frithguin
slaying imguin
slaying marbad
slays ? imm-ruba (? imm+rubaid)
slays all (?) ar-guin
slays outright dchennaid (b) (cenn)
slays ar-dben
slays ar-oirg (oirgid)
slays ar-slig
slays as-ben
slays bsaigid (bs 1)
slays benaid I (c)
slays do-es(s)uirg 2
slays do-esc (b)
slays dunmarbaid
slays chtaigid
slays esbaigid
slays for-diben vx fortbe
slays loittid (lott)
slays marbaid
sledge-hammer (?) forcar
sleekness (of physical condition) fth 5
sleep cl 1
sleep cotal
sleep cotlud
sleeping (with) foechtain
sleeping bench (of a boat) airide 1
sleeping place lep(th)achas (lepaid)
sleeping places lepthach (lepaid)
sleeping together comluige 2 (lige 1)
sleeping cotal
sleeping cotlud
sleeping feis(s) 2, fess (a)
sleeping fodard
sleeping lige
sleeping lige

sleeping-apartment lepaid
sleeping-chamber cubal 1 (a)
sleeping-quarters cotultech (cotal + tech)
sleeps con-tuili
sleeps laigid
sleepy cldae (cl 1)
sleepy cotaltach (cotlud)
sleeve lmann (lm)
sleeve lmos
sleeve manic
sleeve muinchille
sleeved muinchillech
sleeves (?) braccrad
slender (?) forthana (tana)
slender ? midseng (mideng)
slender beneath fochel (cel)
slender in front air\.seng
slender underneath foseng
slender woman cel II (a)
slender accael
slender cel I
slender cres 1
slender forseng
slender imchress
slender-bodied clabach 2 (clab)
slender-ended arsheng
slender-fingered mr
slenderness cale (cel)
slender-pointed ind, inn
slight danger fogais
slight dedbol
slight tromm, -umm (b)
slight fil (fil) (a)
slighting licad
slightly fo-loisci
slightness fille (a)
sling cranntaball (crann + taball)
slip 2 gem vx gim
slipper as 2
slipper assa(e) 1
slippery ? misclemanach
slippery foilmer, -mir
slips do-fuisli
sliver 2 gem vx gim
sloe (prunus spinosa) draigen
sloe ? ? 3 ar
sloe irne (a)
sloe draignech (a) (draigen) = draigen
sloes mes(s)
slogan comarc (a)
slope (?) afe

slope (?) leithred (leth)
slope of hill lecca
slope clen II (a)
slope cobfn (com + fn)
slope fn
sloping clen I (a)
sloth (?) doos (do + foss?)
sloth leisce (lesc)
sloth ln
sloth listacht
slothful man (?) lesc
slothful leiscemail (leisce)
slothfulness dess
slothfulness laxae (lax)
slough cechar
slough millech
slovenliness luadarthacht (litarda)
slow of speech dulbair (do + labar)
slow to heal dochnesaigthe (cnesaigid)
slow ainscaid (scaid)
slow anathlam 1 (athlam)
slow dimbeoda (beoda)
slow do 5
slow dolam
slow mall
slow mallach
slowly and quietly fil (fil) (b) I
slowly-moving maillech
slow-moving mall
slowness of motion maille (mall)
slowness of speech dulbaire (dulbair)
slowness aidleisce
slowness amlas (las)
slowness dolma (dolam)
slowness emilte (emilt)
slowness foitigecht (foite)
slowness inmaille (inmall)
slowness maille (mall)
slowness malldacht
sluggard ? lorgn (lorg ?)
sluggard cladaire (b) (clad)
sluggard fallsn
sluggard lorgnach (lorgn)
sluggish do 5
sluggish eltesaide
sluggish lesc
sluggish lesc
sluggish lorgnta (lorgn)
sluggish mall
sluggish muirtill
sluggishness of limbs crottball (a) (crott + ball)

sluggishness dess
sluggishness lorgntacht (lorgnta)
sly fil (fil) (b)
smacking (lips) blastarnach (blas)
smal ribbed min
small (?) dimbras (brass)
small (?) finn 5
small `forad` foradn forad
small amount follach, foillech (vn. of fo-slig) vx foillged
small animal bstn (bast)
small attacks minaigecht
small basket clibn(e) (clab)
small basket cummain
small beak gulbnn (gulba)
small beam clethnat (cleth 1)
small bedchamber cubuc(h)a(i)l
small beer arlinn
small bell celn (cel)
small belt ? maelland
small birds minta
small board clirn (clr)
small boat coca 1
small boat cubal 1 (b)
small boat luingn (e) (long)
small boss fochobrad (cobrad)
small branch (used for fuel) (?) foloman (cf. lomman)
small branch dosn (dos 1)
small branches falasach
small breast (CW) cchn (cch 1)
small brooch mlechn
small brooch minesc
small bunch dlochtn 1 (dlocht)
small bush dosn (dos 1)
small cell (CW) cillecn (cell)
small cell bothna(i)t (both 2)
small chest ceistn (ciste)
small clod of earth ftn (dim. of ft)
small coin cang
small company (CW) dmne
small container cummain
small cork arcn (arc 4)
small creek 1 gabln
small crow aidirclec
small cultivated pot (?) ? fothreb
small cup esbicul, escibul
small curds which remain mixed with the whey after the removal of the thicker substance gruiten
small dignity or respect (?) fochatu (cttu?)
small dish misne
small doe brachn (br 2)
small dog cn (c)
small drinking vessel bailln(e) (ball)

small drinking-vessel esbicul, escibul
small firewood fochnod (-nad)
small fish brecc 2
small flock ailbn
small fork gablg
small fragment bruarn (bruar)
small garden lubgortn (lubgort)
small gift mann
small gravel or sand gainmn (gainem)
small harp cis 2
small head-covering atn
small heifer dartn I
small hut boithn (both 2)
small hut boithine = boithn
small hut bothna(i)t (both 2)
small insect dorb
small intestine findrop
small javelin cleittechn
small javelin gothnat (3 goth)
small lake lochn (loch)
small lash gimn
small light javelin cleittne (cleitte)
small loaf bairgenne (bairgen)
small lump mellnach
small lumped mellnach
small mass mellnach
small measure meitrne
small measure modn
small morsel mrn
small neck brigdn (brga 1)
small number (mod.) dornn (dorn)
small of the back (in animals) dronn (a)
small of the back ? ardruimm
small of the back celdruimm (cel + druimm)
small of the back midbac
small offence lai
small offence llai
small ox daimn
small pail derbn(e) (derb 2)
small pail derbc (derb 2)
small part min
small piece mr
small pieces menbach (menb)
small pieces min
small pig banbn (banb)
small pin? minesc
small platter misne
small plot of ground under cultivation indra, indrad
small plot of land fitn (dim. of ft)
small post clethnat (cleth 1)
small pot currn

small quantity becn (a) (bec)
small quantity crithir 1 (b)
small quantity dorn (c)
small ram moltn
small rick crachn (crach 1)
small rick crachne = crachn
small ridge druimnn (druimne)
small ring brifen (brife)
small rodent esc
small ship l
small shoot or twig gasn (gas)
small sieve (?) dlochtn 2
small sod fitn (dim. of ft)
small sod ftn (dim. of ft)
small spear foga
small spearshaft crannn (crann)
small stack gesadn
small starling druitec (druit)
small stick baitn (bata)
small stone airtne (art 2)
small stone cloichn(e), -ne (cloch)
small stone lecn
small strip of hide ledbn (ledb)
small things minbach
small thorn or spike fodelg
small thorn-tree draignn (draigen)
small vessel bige
small vessel ene/ne (ian?)
small vessel folestar (lestar)
small weapon cleisn, clesn (cles ?)
small wood cailln (caill 1)
small wooden vessel for liquids meitrn
small yearling calf gamnn (gamuin)
small bec
small cert 2
small deril
small derlach (deril)
small min
smallage celery meirse
smallage imus
smaller branches (coll.) (?) fochrabech (fo + creb)
smaller laigniu
smallest division of time atam
small-footed coisnech
smallness bec
smallness derile (deril)
smallness derilecht, -lacht (deril)
smallness lagat
smallness mine (min)
smallpox bolgach 2 (bolg 1)
small-rod foslat (slat)

smart (of wounds etc) goim
smart grot 1
smashes (trans.) bris(s)id I (a)
smashes brud 1
smashes con-boing
smashes con-bru (brud)
smashes min
smashing cargad
smashing comorguin
smeared between etarfuillechtae (fuillechtae)
smeared fuillechta
smearing foillged I
smearing follach, foillech (vn. of fo-slig) vx foillged
smears fo-slig
smell bolad
smell bolt(a)nugad
smelling bolt(a)nugad
smells bolt(a)naigid = boltaigid(ir)
smells boltaigid(ir) (bolad)
smelted bronn- (bruinnid 2)
smelted bruithe (a)
smelted forloiscthe
smelter bruithneir
smelting airbruinniud (bruinned)
smelting berbad (b)
smelting bruith (a)
smelting bruithned (bruithne)
smelting legad
smelts bruinnid 2
smelts legaid
smile 1 gen
smile 2 genam (1 gen)
smile fitbiud, fitbe
smile mangad
smiles on fris-tibi
smiles fo-itbi
smiling fitbiud, fitbe
smiling giretach
smiter esartaid
smiter esorcnid (as-oircc)
smiter letarthach (letrad)
smites (?) letraid
smites mutually imm-tairc
smites ar-slig
smites as-ben
smites as-oirc
smites boingid (a)
smites con-ben
smites con-oirg
smites con-sela 1, -lg-, -slechta
smites do-es(s)uirg 2

smites do-indoirg
smites durnid (dorn)
smites for-ben
smites for-diben vx fortbe
smith Goibniu
smith`s craft goibne (gobae)
smiths bellows bolg 1 c
smiths paring-knife butr
smithy cerdchae (cerd 1)
smiting (?) follach (foillech)
smiting severely com\.slaide (slaide)
smiting the foe in battle esorcon
smiting airdbe
smiting bimnech 1 (-mmn-) (bim)
smiting braidred
smiting esorcno(u)d, -argnod, -argnugud (esorcon)
smiting esorcon
smiting esorcud
smiting foillged 2
smiting forbba (-e)
smiting fortbe, fairtbe
smiting fortched
smitten esartae
smock line
smoke from the hearth d 1 II
smoke from the house-fire d 1 II
smoke d 1 I
smoke dend 3
smoke detach
smoke dethach (a)
smoke mch
smoke muich (mich, muich)
smoky (?) detfadach, detbudach
smoky dethaide
smoky dethmar
smoky detmar
smooth (?) fetach
smooth (fig.) blith (b)
smooth (of ground) eichrid
smooth (of objects) can 1
smooth and rapid course? mn
smooth below fochan
smooth finished side can 2
smooth in lower part fochan
smooth airid 1
smooth bthe (b)
smooth blith (a)
smooth comthrom I (d) (trom 3)
smooth lac
smooth lomm
smooth mn

smooth mlith
smooth, treacherous, retreating skirmishes maidmech
smoothed (?) fossaimther
smoothened fthaigthe
smoothing down locrugud
smoothness (?) (of craftmans work) fth 4
smoothness of abodes mne (mn)
smoothness airide 3
smoothness blithe (blith)
smoothness bls (blith)
smoothness canes (can 1)
smoothness? mne (mn)
smooths out craid (cr)
smothered sound formchta, -migthe
smothers for-mcha vx mchaid
snapping (?) bailtech 3 (bailid)
snapping folim (m) (vn. of fo-ling)
snare (?) lemnith
snare 1 goiste
snare airches 1 (a)
snare airndel (indell)
snare dul 2
snare enach I (c) (en)
snare in(n)tled
snare indell
snare ln
snarer goisteir (goiste)
snarl drad
snarler dranaire
snarling grin drad
snarling drannad
snarling drantad (drant)
snarls drantaigid (drant)
snatch of sleep lem
snatches away fataigid
sneaking perjured nimble thieving ? luigdech
sneer fochnm
snipe? minntn menn-
snort bolgfadach (bolg 1)
snorting bolgfadach (bolg 1)
snout (?) gnus
snout gop
snow of the destruction ? mr
snow 2 adar
snow ladg
snowflake ladc (ladg)
snub-nose genc
snub-nosed animal (?) genc
snub-nosed genncach (?genc)
snuffers (of a candle) glantir
so far fil (fil) (b) II

so few lagat
so holy a place comnaemthacht (nobdacht)
so little lagat
so many lacht
so much (of) in airet sin di
so much so that co 3
so much mit, mt
so numerous coimlnmaire (comlnmar)
so swiftly and lightly did they travel imm
so that (CW) co 3
so that no one should make use of it for what was not his own ? imbert
so that the king of Ireland might have the asking of her imchomarc
so that ara 1 (a)
so that ara 1 (b)
so that co 3
so that co 3
so that dul 1 II (g)
so that i cruth
so that i gcil 1 (f) (co n-)
so that indas
so that indas
so ale 1
so amein (b)
so amlaid 1 (a) sin
so amlaid 1 (b)
so ane
so c(h)ene (d)
so dano III
so dano IV
so aru
so immar
soap gallinech
soaring irge (c)
soars (intrans.) do-fcaib II (c)
soars irgid (c)
sober for ctlongad (ct- 1 + longud)
sobriquet of Cormac great grandson of Oilill lum Gaileng
sobriquet drar d + rar 1
sobriquet forainm
sobriquet fortrmach
sociable muintremail
social and legal relationship between two parties lnamnas
social merriment medar (medair)
social relationship between two parties lnamnas
social status feb I (b)
social status febtu (feb?)
society cuitechta (con + techt 1 or 2)
sock carn (car 1)
socket of a weapon alt 1 I (b)
socket cr 1 I (f)
socket indsma

socketing together comindsma (indsma)
sod of earth ft
sod of earth ftbach
sod of gore ft
sod of trembling ft
sod-built stead ft
soft (?) boinne
soft (of objects) can 1
soft (of speech, etc.) can 1
soft (of weather) boc 1
soft place bocn 1 (boc 1)
soft womanly dignity maerdacht
soft ilgen
soft airid 1
soft blith (b)
soft boc 1
soft clm(th)ach (clm)
soft fann 2
soft lac
soft lem
soft maeth (moeth)
soft maethlach
soft maethnaide
soft mn
soft mlith
soft moglaid
soft mothla
soft, mild, pleasant ilgenach = ilgen
softening bocad
softening bocthach 1 (bocad)
softening bocugad
softens bocaid I (a) (boc 1)
softens dscalid (c) (scalid)
softens maethid (maeth)
softens maethigid (maethaigid)
soft-glebed ft
softness (?) airge 1
softness ilgenaige (ilgenach)
softness ailgidecht = ilgine?
softness ilgine (ilgen)
softness ilginecht = ilgine
softness bucae (a) (boc 1)
softness lemne
softness maeithe (maeth)
softness, gentleness, mildness, slackness (in bad sense) ilgine (ilgen)
soil bith 1 I (b)
soil fonn
soil ft
soil riu
soiling damrugud (b) (damair 1)
sojourn feis(s) 2, fess (f)

sojourning foistine
sojourns foaid (c)
solar grandaide (gran)
soldier cnicht
soldier dlmainech (dlmaine)
soldier fnnid
soldier fanaige
soldier ml
soldiership (?) fallachus
sole (of shoe) bonn 1
sole (of the foot) fonn
sole of the foot bonn 1 (a)
sole(s) of footwear) bonnbach (bonn 1)
solemn observance ltatu (lth)
solemnizes airdircigidir (a) (airdirc)
sole-piece bonnbach (bonn 1)
soliciting (with gen. of obj.) fochmarc
soliciting foigde, faigde (a)
solicitous cramach (cram)
solicits ?for-imtht
solicits athchuing(id) 1
solicitude cram
solid daingen I
solid dlmda (dlm)
solid dron 1
solid dr 1
solid fothamail (fotha)
solidifies calcaid (cailc)
solidity druine 1 (dron 1)
solitary place d\.sert
solitary place dthrub
solitude damair 1 II (b)
soller grann (gran)
sollicitude deithiden I
solution (of a problem) cc
solution eochair 1, echair (b)
solution rcholiud (b)
solution rned, rniud II
solution etergled (a)
solved fursunnaigid
solvent dlegud (d)
solves (a question, etc.) do-fasailci (d)
solves rnid II
solves fasclaid
solves faslaici, fasailci
solves faslaicthech
solves ccaid (cc)
solving fasclad
solving (a question) rned, rniud II
solving etergled (a)
solving faslucad

some (referring to an indefinite quantity or number) icin II (b)
some (with follg. gen.) cenlach 1 (b) = cenl
some ... or other icin II (a)
some act unauthorised by law forrecht (recht)
some branch of poetic science (?) fochair 3, -oir (-ir?)
some cross-shaped object cros (c)
some form of satire glasgabail
some form of trespass rad (c)
some herb 2 glasn (2 glas)
some impurity or affection of the skin (?) (med.) fatham
some kind of (edible?) sea-weed fem(m)ain (femman?)
some kind of (goat-like?) supernatural being bocnach (boc 2, bocn 2)
some kind of advocate glasaigne
some kind of animal muclaithe
some kind of aquatic animal? muclaithe
some kind of bird medar
some kind of burrowing animal? muclaithe
some kind of buskin ? folassa
some kind of cheese mulchn
some kind of conveyance rach 2
some kind of cryptic Ogham writing gleselgi
some kind of cryptic saying ann\.focal)
some kind of damage forraite
some kind of dependent (legal) clithe (d)
some kind of edible sea-weed fem(m)ar
some kind of edible water-weed fem(m)ar
some kind of fillet or diadem (?) dil
some kind of fine, appar. equal in value to 1/7 of a persons honour-price (eneclann) except in the
case of kings airer 3
some kind of grain or corn fidbach
some kind of grain maeln (mael)
some kind of headgear cleitme
some kind of herb maeln (mael)
some kind of inarticulate utterance gns
some kind of insect gadmuin
some kind of kindling or timber (?) gainel
some kind of landmark mucnaige
some kind of legal decision compert (a)
some kind of legal judgment compert (a)
some kind of malefic spell or sorcery (?) fidba 2
some kind of night bird (owl?) chtach 1
some kind of noise (appar. a rushing, whizzing sound) fidrn
some kind of outer garment (worn by both sexes) fan
some kind of perishable fence 1 galam
some kind of plant used as fodder? foigdech 2
some kind of plant with edible root murrthach
some kind of poetic composition special to the mac fuirmid or pupil in his second year
mcnach (mecnach?)
some kind of reptile bledml (bled + ml 1)
some kind of sea-monster ? muirdris
some kind of sea-weed (?) femm (a)

some kind of shoe ? folassa
some kind of shoe maeln (mael)
some kind of small fish geasn
some kind of songbird caince (b)
some kind of sorcery or malefic magic fithnais(e)
some kind of sorcery fithnasacht
some kind of spear ? gaithlenn
some kind of spear or weapon fogast
some kind of stone (granite?) eimer 1
some kind of stringed musical instrument cairche 1 (a)
some kind of swift-footed animal famuin
some kind of tenant (legal) clithe (d)
some kind of territory (?) clu 1
some kind of tinder or firewood (?) fithicn (fid?)
some kind of tinder or fuel (?) fitiucan
some kind of tinder or phosphorescence geltine
some kind of trepass forraite
some kind of twining plant (with tough or woody stem) fith 2
some kind of vernim frige
some kind of verse or poem ? forcomad
some kind of vessel or cup (?) 2 gagar
some kind of vessel or measure fodlan
some kind of waste or common land (?) foach
some kind of weed muilche
some marine animal (seal?) focach
some measure of length (?) ? giuirneisi
some metal ornament worn under the necks of horses maelland
some object of rounded form ? mulach (mul)
some of drem(m) de
some of drong de
some part of a chariot (?) etraide
some part of a chariot or its appurtenances (?) fn (b)
some part of a chariot fonnad
some part of a cloak or garment echlaim
some part of a mill apae
some part of a mill gamul
some part of a weaver`s beam ginl (-il, -il) < gin
some part of an army? meithescal
some part of the frame of a chariot focharpat
some part of the shoulder mael
some prickly or adhesive plant gleslige
some quantity of land damaisc
some rich material meleuent
some sort of rattling noise grindegur
some species of berry mucor
some species of haw mucor
some wooden obstacle or danger to cattle crannach (crann)
some alaile, araile
some cuit
some icin II (a)
somehow or other cipindus (b) (ca 1 + indas)

something advantageous be, b(a)
something capable of producing indgnam
something depending (on) brath (d) ar
something different comchloud (c)
something difficult to obtain 1 arraid
something done to harm an\.fochain (b) (fochonn)
something excessive forbrig, fairbrig (brg)
something fastened to the shoulders formnaide
something forbidden geis
something hidden folach
something made 1 gnm
something minute menb
something of considerable value (legal) clithe (g)
something offered idbarthaide (idbartha)
something plaited figeachn (fige)
something pliable methn (meth)
something pointed (?) ail 3
something precious dis (a)
something prohibited airgart
something small l
something small? menb
something sought for 1 arraid
something sought armracht
something surprising machtad
something that cannot be reckoned or recounted drime II (drim)
something to be feared ecal II
something unlawful geis
something valuable dis (a)
something wonderful machtad
something worn to the shoulders formnaide
something woven figeachn (fige)
something dim
sometimes due indracus (indraic)
somewhat bent focham(m) (camm)
somewhat black fodub
somewhat crooked focham(m) (camm)
somewhat curly (curling at the end?) (epithet of hair) fochas
somewhat red, ruddy foderg
somewhat rough fogarb
somewhat sharp fogr
somewhat short fogarit
somewhat variegated fobrecc
son of (the) church mac (macc)
son of a likeness mac(c)samla
son bi, fi
son lan
son mac (macc)
son-bearing mac(c)ach
son-cattle mac(c)slabra
son-dowry mac(c)slabra
song of praise molad

song amar (a)
song amrn (amar)
song andord (dord 1)
song ctal
song clar (e)
song dn III
song dan
song dchann
song fonn
song gothn (dimin. of guth)
song lad
songful ctlach 1 (ctal)
songful danach (dan)
songful ladech (lad)
songful luincech (luinniuc)
song-reciter meiscetlach
songs (in pl.) cel (c)
sons of a cliff mac (macc)
sons of grace mac (macc)
sons mac(c)rad (mac)
sons maicne
soon enough (?) i n-ellma (b)
soon ellam 1, ullam, ollam I (a)
soon i n-ellma (a)
soon m
soon mos- (mus-, mo-)
sooner lath
sooth brcnad = brcnugad
soothes ilgenaigid (ilgen)
soothes do-laig
soothes maethid (maeth)
soothing cennsugad (a)
soothsayer cailleir (callann)
soothsayer deogaire
soothsayer fistinech (fistine)
soothsayer mathmarc
soothsaying mathmarcoracht
sooty dethaide
sophistication (?) fogeth, fogethad
sorcerer astrolaic
sorcerer corrguinech (corrguine)
sorcerer gesadir (geis)
sorceress baislec 1
sorceress ben aupthach (epaid)
sorcery (?) gliccus (glicc)
sorcery astrolaigecht (astrolaige)
sorcery corrguine
sorcery cuiscle
sorcery doilbe (dolb)
sorcery doilbecht (dolb) = doilbe
sorcery dolb

sorcery dolbud (d)
sorcery felmas (-bas)
sorcery fes(s)aige (fessach?)
sorcery gentlidecht (gentlide)
sorcery gesadirecht (gesadir)
sore aillsiu
sore alga
sore algach (alga)
sore algas ? = alga
sore cnedaide = cnedach
sore gr
sore mairc
sorely wounded airchrchtach (c<h>rchtach)
sorrow caused by mairg (mairc)
sorrow ? fuire
sorrow ? mr
sorrow baire
sorrow bt (b)
sorrow brn (a)
sorrow brnn (brn)
sorrow canntlam
sorrow cs 1 (b)
sorrow comachln (uchln)
sorrow cuma 1
sorrow cumarad
sorrow dainit, daithnid
sorrow dimbg, dimbig (-bid) (bg)
sorrow dobrn (brn)
sorrow dogra(e) (dogair, dogar)
sorrow doilge (b) (doilig)
sorrow doilgitiu (doilig)
sorrow doilgius (a) (doilig)
sorrow dls
sorrow drenn 2
sorrow dubachas (dubach 1)
sorrow es(s)acd
sorrow goim
sorrow imned
sorrow ingar
sorrow ingra (ingar)
sorrow ln
sorrow maeith (maoith)
sorrow mairg (mairc)
sorrow mairgne
sorrow mert
sorrow? mathne
sorrowful adanta
sorrowful brocach 3 (broc 1)
sorrowful brnach (a) (brn)
sorrowful comthoisech (toirsech)
sorrowful cumthach 1 (cuma)

sorrowful derchontech (derchoniud)
sorrowful drnamach (drnum)
sorrowful dobrnach (dobrn)
sorrowful dograch (dograe)
sorrowful doilgesach (doilgius)
sorrowful dlsach (dls)
sorrowful drennach 2 (drenn 2)
sorrowful dabais
sorrowful galrach (galar)
sorrowful argnithech, argniech (1 argn)
sorrowful imnedach (imned)
sorrowful imsnmach (imsnm)
sorrowful ingar
sorrowful muichnide (?much-)
sorrowful? mairgindach
sorrowing together comthoise (toirse)
sorrows do-brni (?)
sorry appearance (?) fthn
sorry aspect (?) fthn
sorry condition (?) fainnsel
sort alt 1 III (c)
sort cenl (e)
sort cenle (c) (cenl)
sort mainner (mainer)
sort monad
sorted comchomasctha
sortita accruinte
sought for 1 arraid
soul (as opposed to body) ainim(m) (a)
soul d 1 VI
soul menma
soul-friend anmcharae (ainim(m) + carae)
sound (?) cl 1
sound (?, CW) air\.seinm = seinm
sound (in med. texts) dscairnech, -cernech
sound (of water) (?) ergla
sound of bleating meiglech
sound of the answer..sound of the question imchomarc
sound of the cuckoo c 2
sound or noise ? fogroll
sound 2 glr (glr) vx glir
sound blosc 1
sound cle 1 (b)
sound cobordon
sound donl (do + nall)
sound fogar 1
sound fogrugud
sound fogur
sound folln, falln
sound faimm, famm
sound fam vx faimm

sound gadn
sound guth
sound labra
sounded fograigthe
sounding faimnech (faimm)
soundness folline (folln)
soundness imline (imln)
sounds (a bell) clinnid (clinn)
sounds to ar-peiti
sounds fograigid (ir)
sounds faimnigid (faimm)
soup brothchn (brothach)
sour milk (?) draumce
sour goirt
sour grot 1
sour gramda (graim)
source ? inathar
source bunad (a) (bun 1)
source bunadas (bunad)
source bunadas (bunad)
source fotha
source frm > prm
source genemain
sourness mang
souterrain fotholl (toll)
south of allandess (b) do (alla(e) + andess)
south of allathes (b) di (alla(e) + tes)
south part faitse, foitse (a)
south side faitse, foitse (a)
south wind auster
south descert
south dess (b)
south faitse, foitse (a)
southern (?) desnechde
southern aspect dessebar (dess)
southern part descert
southern deisnechdae (dess?)
southern descertach (descert)
sovereignty airechas 1 (airech 1)
sovereignty airechtas (b) (airecht 1)
sovereignty flaith 1 I (a)
sovereignty flaithemnacht (flaithem)
sovereignty flaithemnas (a)
sovereignty flaithius, -es (a)
sow aithech 3
sow birit (beirid)
sow crin
sow feis 1
sow muc(c)
sow`s lair fothond
sowens cthbruith (? cith + bruith)

sows clannaid (a) (clann)
sows cuirid 1 (a)
sow-thistle blechtn (blicht?)
space (of time) ed 2 (c)
space about a dwelling house les
space between the fingers and the rest of the hand ladar
space between the fingers and the thumb ladar
space between the toes ladar
space of a day denus (a)
space of ten days dechmad II (a)
space of time (?) ethad 3 = athad
space of time aga
space of time linn
space of two days didenus (d + denus)
space of unappropriated ground between two territories methas, -us
space airet I (a)
space athaig, athach, athad
space ed 2 (a)
space inad < ined
spacious (?) duinech (duine)
spacious fairsing (a)
spacious forfairsing
spacious maignech
spade or similar tool used for digging fec (a)
spade lige and lga
spade? fodad?
span aimser (b)
spancel (for cows at milking time) barach 1 (b + rach)
spancel aircholl
spancel id
spancel id
spancellings feidlech 2
spare 1 gand
spared ainicthe 1
spares (persons) con-ceil (b)
spares con-ceil (c)
spares con-itet
sparing airchissecht (a)
sparing anacul (b)
sparing coiceltach (coicill)
sparing coicill
sparing dn (c)
sparing imnegad
sparing lompuisnech
spark crithir 1 (a)
spark. drithle (-liu)
spark-emitting drithlech (drithle)
sparkles drithlid (drithle)
sparkling at(t)odiud
sparkling crithrech (crithir)
sparkling drithlech (drithle)

sparkling drithlennach 1 (b) = drithlech
sparkling drithlenta = drithlech, drithlennach 1
sparkling glerach (gler)
sparks drithlennach 2 (drithle)
sparrow gelbann
spasm (?, CW) basmus = spasmus
spasm 1 grith
spate la
spawn iuchair
spawn? magar
spawning iuchrach (iuchair)
speaker (in Parliament) clamaire
speaker aisndedid
speaker labraid (labra)
speaking (?, CW) dolabra (labra)
speaking ill anchaint (caint)
speaking on behalf of another airlabrae (a)
speaking airlabrae (c)
speaking brathrad (brathar)
speaking cainnt
speaking caintiugad
speaking frital
speaking labra
speaking labrad
speaks against fris-labrathar
speaks for ar-labrathar
speaks in an undertone fo-labrathar
speaks of do-rmi (c)
speaks of labraithir (labar)
speaks of labraithir (labar)
speaks on behalf of ar-labrathar
speaks the same language combrlaid (combrla)
speaks threateningly bacraid (bacar)
speaks to ad-gldathar
speaks as-beir
speaks brathraigid (brathar)
speaks canaid (b)
speaks in(d)scothaid (scoth)
speaks labraithir (labar)
speaks labraithir (labar)
spear (?) 2 gabair
spear (?) cil 2
spear (?) felmad (b)
spear or missile of some kind deil 2 I (b) chliss
spear whose point is slender frithds
spear 2 gabair
spear 2 g vx gae
spear 3 goth
spear bir 1
spear carr 2 (a)
spear celtair 2

spear ces 3
spear cleth 1 (c)
spear cnairsech
spear crann (c)
spear cranngal (crann + gal)
spear crisgeo
spear crusech
spear daiger 2
spear duillend (c)
spear franc, frangc
spear gae
spear gath vx goth
spear gonfainne vx gunbuinne
spear gunbuinne
spear idna, indna
spear lige and lga
spear ligen
spear luibne
spear muirenn
spear-blade (?) gathlann
spear-like (?) ? gothnedach (gothnat)
spearman (?) clithem
spearman gaithlennach II
spearpoint 2 grin
spear-points (?) ? 3 glinne
spears idna, indna
spearshaft crann (c)
spearshaft cranngal (crann + gal)
spear-shaft dcheltair 2
spearsman (?, CW) crannadir = crannaige?
spearsman crannaige (crann)
spear-wielding manasech
special attribute baid 1 (b)
special equipment anchulad (culad)
special exploit airopair (opa(i)r)
special measures of butter imb (imm)
special operation airopair (opa(i)r)
special payment lg also lag
special quality aiste (a)
special quality baid 1 (b)
special sign airde 1 (a)
special units of butter imb (imm)
special wish cridiscl (cride + scl)
special irithe I (b)
special dirithe (a)
special dirithe II
special leth
special, particular, a certain dirithe (a)
species (of animals) cenl (d)
species of bird 3 adaig
species of bird merc

species of fish (eel?) escmug, escmong
species of large bird (falcon or sea-eagle?) errach 2, errech
species of literary composition fursundud (-sannad)
species of satire glm dcenn 2 (b)
species of verse emon 2, emain
species 1 gnis
species dal 1 (g)
species ccosc (b)
species ernail (b)
species gn
specific charge or amount of metal (for melting or shaping) bruthdamnae (bruth 1 +
specific language blrae I b
specific name for a pig at a certain age foir (c)
specific place ftn (dim. of ft)
specific gnach (gn)
specified quantity mes(s)ar
specified airdbide (b)
specimen of skill elada, elatha (d)
specimen desimrecht (b)
specious (?) fechamail
specious? foglas (b)
speck of ash laithne (laith)
speck of ashes minde
speck brod 1
speckled (?) dupall
speckled (CW) breccda = brecc
speckled eagles il
speckled fish erc 3
speckled thing breccn (brecc 1)
speckled ballach (ball)
speckled brecc 1
speckled brechtach (brecht)
speckled combrecc (brecc)
speckled erc 2
speckled fecur
speckled forbrecc (brecc)
speckles ballaigid (ball)
speckles breccaid (brecc)
speckling breccad
speckling briccne (brecc)
spectator amarcach 1 (amarc1)
spectator faircseir
spectral (?) ? gudamnach (gudemain)
spectral (orig.) arrachta (arracht 1)
spectral fantaisech (fantais)
spectre allcaille
spectre ammait (a)
spectre arracht 1 (b)
spectre fath
spectres gudemain

speech (in general) aithesc (c)
speech with comacallam (acallam)
speech air\.fuigell (c) (fuigell)
speech airlabrae (b)
speech blrad = blrae
speech blrae I (a)
speech bsgnae (c) (bs 1 + gn)
speech br 3
speech bran
speech brathar (a)
speech cainnt
speech canamain (b)
speech cantain (b)
speech cobrae
speech combrla (brla)
speech comrd (rd)
speech frital
speech fuigell
speech Godelc
speech insce
speech labairt
speech labrad
speech medar (medair)
speechless dbeil (bl)
speechless dlabar (labar)
speed (?) drecma
speed dine (dan)
speed deithnes
speed ime (im 2)
speed ellmacht (ellam)
speed scaidecht (scaid)
speed laithe (lath)
speed las (lath)
speedily i fairthe (b)
speedily i n-ellma (a)
speedily maille (mall)
speedily? mag
speeding cudnd, -ud (b) = congnam
speeds fabair, fbair
speedy n 2 I
speedy ellam 1, ullam, ollam I (a)
speedy scaid
speedy moch
spell rendering invisible dcheltair 1
spell aimser (b)
spell airchosc (cosc)
spell airmert (c)
spell dchetal
spell dres 1
spell elas, eulas (g)
spell epaid, aupaid

spell felmas (-bas)
spell geis
spelling litred (liter)
spells brechtrad 2
spelt 2 ad
spender caithech
spending the night in camp forbais
spending the night feis(s) 2, fess (a)
spending caithem (a)
spendour trochta 2, -achta
spends (of time) do-meil (b)
spends (time) beirid VII (a)
spends the night con-fo
spends the night fes(s)id
spends the night foaid (a)
spends time aigid (f)
spends x against y caithid 1 x fri y (b)
spends anchaithid (caithid)
spends bronnaid 1 (a)
spends caithid 1 (a)
spends do-caithi
spends fo-gaib, fo-geib (g)
spends istech
spent coal (?, CW) athgal (gal)
spent dthre 1
sperm compert (d)
spews forth (from below) fo-brchta (brchtaid)
sphere comchruinne (comchruinn)
sphere lathrit
sphere mell
sphere mocol
spice arime
spice ms
spiced decoction of wine claird
spider damn allaid
spies braithid (brath)
spigot (of a vat) cennbcc (cenn + bcc)
spike (?) err 1 II
spike or spear forming the central boss of a shield (?)gilech
spike ?irell, irall
spike airmtiud
spike bir 1
spike bre
spike brot
spike bruitne (brot)
spike clobae
spike delg (c)
spike delga (delgu) (b)
spike fertas 1 (c)
spikes brdine (brot)
spiky delgnach 1 (delga)

spiller dortech (do-fortai)
spills do-lci II (e)
spills imm-doirt
spindle fertas 1 (b)
spindle-tree feorus
spindrift mr
spinner abairsech
spins comchasaid (casaid)
spire benn (b)
spirit 1 aicned
spirit bratn bethad (brat 1)
spirit cuisle (d)
spirit feramla
spirit gsta
spirit meisnech
spirit menma
spirit menmanrad
spirited (?) bairnech (b) (barainn see barae 1)
spirited aicnetae
spirited airrechtach (airrecht)
spirited bresta (bres 1)
spirited rmach I (rma)
spirited menmnach (manma)
-spirited menmnach (manma)
spirited mer
spirited mergnta
spirited muirnech (muirn)
spirited, swift (epithet of horses) (?) aignech
spiritless (?) dochtfadach (ctbuid)
spirits bitille
spiritual direction anmchairdine = anmchairde
spiritual director anmchairdine = anmchairde
spiritual director anmcharae (ainim(m) + carae)
spiritual physician laig
spiritual thirst t(t)u
spiritually dead marb
spiritus asper dasian
spit of land between two rivers gabul
spit bir 1
spit inber, indber
spite (?) elcmaire
spite aingidecht (aingide)
spite goim
spiteful (?, CW) anfala
spiteful elcmar (a)
spittle crontsaile (? + saile 1)
splashes cechraid (cechar)
splashing cechrad
splay-footed ladrach (ladar)
spleen dressn
spleen la

splendid (?) brotla (a)
splendid (?) forn
splendid person n 2 II
splendid laind
splendid n 2 I
splendid bladach 1 (blad 1)
splendid bladmar = bladach 1
splendid gorm
splendid lemda (lem)
splendid lainne (lainn)
splendour (?) ? luchait
splendour 1 glir
splendour ine 1 (c)
splendour inius (a)
splendour n 2 II
splendour fornam (nam)
splendour lemdacht (lemda)
splendour lainnerdacht (lainnerda)
splendour lxaire (lx)
splendour lgrad (l)
splendour loise
splinter of rock ailcne (ail 1)
splinter brod 1
split airdlochtae
split dlochta
split fodluigthe
splits ar-dlong (dlongid)
splits dlongid (a)
splits dluigid 1 (dluige)
splits fo-dluigi
splitting mightily imthescad
splitting dluige (a)
splitting imscoltad
spoil (?) cobartach
spoil athnam
spoil brat 1 (a)
spoil til (b)
spoiler coillid 2 (coillid 1)
spoiler fogladach
spoiler malartach
spoiling coll 2 (a)
spoiling folmugud (vn. of folmaigid)
spoiling indred
spoiling milliud (milled)
spoil-laden fodbach
spoils (?) cern 3
spoils coscar
spoils crechaid (crech 1)
spoils dchlannaid (clann)
spoils fo-ben
spoils fodb (fadb) (1)

spoils loittid (lott)
spoils malartaid
spoils mandraid
spoils millid
spoke (?) fertas 1 (a)
spokesman airlabraid (airlabrae)
spoliation lochar
spoliation lochrad
sponge machdual
sponsor arnaid 2
sponsor cairdes (d) (cara 1)
sponsor goistibe
sponsorship of Christ cairdes (d) Crst (cara 1)
spontaneously indeithbirech (deithbirech)
spoolstick lgarman
spoon lach
spoonful lach
sport 1 gen
sport 1 gn, gne
sport adabair
sport aer
sport ine 1 (d)
sport inius (b)
sport aireras (airer 2)
sport aittes (aitt)
sport bes, bas (a) (beth 1)
sport cluiche (a)
sport cluiche (b)
sport fastum
sport imbert
sport macnas
sport mell
sporting maill(e) (a)
sporting clesrad (d) (cles)
sporting gnmrad
sportive cluichech (cluiche)
sportive cluichechair (cluiche)
sport-judgement? mellbreth
sports cluichigidir (cluiche)
spot apart ft
spot of earth ft
spot of ground ftn (dim. of ft)
spot ball (d)
spot ball (e)
spot bocit
spot breccar (brecc)
spot brod 1
spot caile 2
spot d (a)
spot gaIle
spot gead

spot gron
spot inad < ined
spot maigen
spot mennar(-air?)
spotless dainim (ainim)
spotless diamuin = diainim
spotlessness denma (dainme)
spotlessness dainme (dainim)
spots bricce (a) (brecc)
spotted and grisled mesctha
spotted cow erc 4
spotted orchis? magarln
spotted ballach (ball)
spotted brecc 1
spotted forbrecc (brecc)
spouse airnastaid
spouse ctmuinter
spouse lennn
spout duisel
spread out lectha
spread cosartha
spreading (out) lethad
spreading a couch drgud 1 (a)
spreading it about imlad
spreading lethnugud
spreads (coverings, a couch) drgid
spreads (intrans.) esrdid II
spreads ? in-sern
spreads abroad (a report) imm-ladi
spreads abroad ? in-sern
spreads abroad crebscalid (creb + scalid)
spreads abroad fo-sern (sernid)
spreads anew aithdrgaid (drgid)
spreads out comlethaid (lethaid)
spreads out con-sern
spreads out immarlethaid
spreads out lethaid (leth, lethan)
spreads out lethaid (leth, lethan)
spreads out lethnaigid(ir) (lethan)
spreads over (?) conletha (lethaid)
spreads crathraid (crathar)
spreads drgaigid
spreads folethaid vx folethnaid, -naigid
spreads fo-lethna (lethan) vx folethaid
spreads for-scali
spreads gablaid (gabul)
spreads... over fo-luigi
sprig of heather frochne
sprig buinne (b)
sprig buinnn (buinne)
sprig creb (a)

sprig gas
sprightly gasta (gas)
sprightly inscnech (inscne)
sprightly menmnach (manma)
spring (?) et(a)im, aitim I
spring back adribaigedar
spring bedg
spring bir 2
spring dein 2
spring errach 1
spring far
springer foilngid, foilgid
springing (as epithet of hair) clannach (c) (clann)
springing locks clann (b)
springing up (of vegetation) escar 1 I
springing up borrad
springing up irge (a)
springlike errchamail (errach 1)
springs forth brchtaid (brcht)
springs forth bruinnid 1
springs from ingeinid
springs up at irgid (h) do (1)
springs up irgid (a)
springs up maidid
springs bidgaid (bedg)
springs clisid (cles)
springs do-ling
springs do-sceinn
springs foinsi
springs fo-ling
springs fo-sceinn vx fo-scain
sprinkler esrat
sprinkles as-sri
sprinkles brenaid (bren)
sprinkles crothaid (b)
sprinkles esraid (esair?)
sprinkles imchraithid
sprinkling (CW) assreud
sprinkling brengal (bren 1 + gal)
sprinkling crothad
sprinkling esrdigud
sprite airdrech 1
sprite-like creature genit
sprites luchorpn = luchorp
sprout baillec (ball?)
sprout buinne (b)
sprouted geinte
sprouting 1 geint
spruce fthgrind (fth 4?)
spruce fulnta
spurge msach

spurning dgu (b)
spurning dnsem
spurns comobaid (opaid)
spurns con-nessa
spurns dnsemaid (dnsem)
spurns do-goa 2
spurns do-nessa 1
spurns la
spurt of flame crithir 1 (a)
Spy Wednesday (W. before Easter) ctan (ct 1 + an 2)
spy brathatir (brath)
spy mairntid
spying brath (b)
spying mert
squall derdan, dertan
squanders dimbailid (dimba(i)l)
squanders? mandraid
square (?) airlr (lr)
square sods used for building sod fences dartaire
square cite (e)
square cetharchair (cethair + eochair 7)
squealing grithugud
squeals grithaigidir (1 grith)
squeezes do-fsci (fiscid)
squeezes fiscid (a)
squeezing est(a)sc
squeezing fscud
squint (of eyes) clane (b) (clen)
squinting (of eyes) clen I (c)
squinting (of eyes) clane (b) (clen)
squirrel ? aru
squirrel lora (--?)
srtengthens airdaingnigid (daingen)
St. Catherine Caitir
St. Jerome Cirine
St. Johns wort (plant) bithnua (bith 1 + na)
stab (?) airrinde
stab colg (c)
stabbing colg (c)
stabbing goithnech (goithne)
stabilises cobsaidid (cobsaid)
stability cobsaide (cobsaid)
stability deimne (deimin)
stability forus
stability fossaidecht (fossaid)
stable ? inforais
stable for horses inde
stable position fossad
stable fochobsaid (cobsaid)
stable fossaigthe
stack (esp. of corn) daiss

stack of corn crach 1
stacking crachad (crach 1)
stacks crachaid (crach 1)
stae of being a daughter ingenacht (ingen)
staff bachall (a)
staff bata
staff bun(n)sach
staff crann (c)
staff drol 1 (a)
staff lorg
staff maide
staff? mtn
staffs (?) airechra
staff-sling cranntaball (crann + taball)
stag ag
stag braichem
stag cairr\.fiad (carr 4 + fad ?)
stag dam 1 II
stage in a process cim (-mm) I (g)
stage of self-mortification 2 glas
stage or gallery of a siege engine? gaillr
stage 1 es
staggers greifel
stag-hound archocaid
stagnant (of water) dorbach (dorb)
staid fornaide
stain brell
stain brodrad (brod 1)
stain cim
stain ce 1 (b)
stain gaIle
stain gron
staining dathad 1
staining forramnad vx forramnaid
stains purple corcaid (corc 4)
stains red corcaid (corc 4)
stains ballaigid (ball)
stains dathaigid (dath 1)
stains fo-roind
stains forramnaid (ramnaid)
stair drep(p)
stake (strictly of alder?) fern 1 (c)
stake bir 1
stake cleth 1 (b)
stake caille (cal 1)
stake fertas 1 (c)
stake gell
stakes ? indlach
stakes caillech (caille)
stakes imm-beir
stale butter gruiten

stalk (?) guiseg (gas)
stalk buinne (b)
stalk coin(n)ln(e) (condall)
stalk coinnle
stalk condall
stalk cuisle (a)
stalk guisn (gas)
stalk lurga
stalking foram, -aim, -om(o)
stall crescae
stall cr 1 I (a)
stall echlas, echlais II
stall echlasc 2, echlaisc
stall mainnsr
stallion cullach (b)
stallion midach
stallxxx aibenn
stalwart (?) colptae I
stammer minde
stammering (?) etnge
stammering (?) fotnge
stammering (?) luith (--?)
stammering (of speech) balb (a)
stammering person (?) etnge
stammering 1 got
stammering balbae (balb)
stammering brit(t)ach (Britt)
stammering formenn
stammering forminde
stammering luithe (luith)
stammering menn (mend)
stammering minde
stamp monad
stampede (?) fnscor
stampede fascor
stamping imracad
stand for a cup? aibinn
standard ? idna, indna
standard character indracus (indraic)
standard of a mighty chieftain ? imchomartha
standard quality indraic
standard quantity indraic
standard brattach 2 (bratt)
standard camlinne
standarte idna, indna
standing crop 1 gort (gart)
standing on end frithrosc
standing stone 2 Gall
standing stone coirthe 1
Standing stone la
standing together with com\.sesam (sessam)

standing up irge (a)
stands apart dechraigidir II (dechor)
stands apart -dithat
stands by a decision daimid II
stands by gaibid
stands by gaibid
stands by gaibid
stands fast ar-sissedar
stands forth do-rscai I
stands in awe of ad-gathar
stands onend (of hair) driuchaid (driuch)
stands under fo-sisedar
stands up irgid (a)
stands do-airissedar (a)
stanza dar
stanza forrann
stanza fuach
staple corrn (corr 1)
staple? mimasc
star airdrennach (airdrenn)
staring lebach
stark naked (?) airnocht (nocht 2)
stark naked (?) airnochtach = airnocht
stark naked (?) airnochtaigthe = airnocht
stark naked denocht (a) (d 2 + nocht)
stark naked imnocht
stark naked lomnocht, -nacht
stark naked lomnochtach (lomnocht)
starling druit 2
start bedg
start bidgad
start clisiud (b)
started clowning fuirseracht
starting game glasacht
starting up irge (f)
starting bedgach 1 (bedg)
starting bidgad
starting bidgamail (bedg)
starting bidgarnach (bedg)
starts (?) driucht(r)aid
starts (game or prey) do-fuschi II (b)
starts (in hunting) do-duschi (b)
starts up (?) (fri = against) dreisid (b)
starts up (?) do-bidci (d)
starts up irgid (g)
starts as-comlai
starts bidgaid (bedg)
starts con-clich
starts do-sceinn
starved (?) etlaide I (etla)
starved 1 gand

starved bln
starved goirt
starving gortach (gortae)
state of a widow fedbdacht
state of a widower fedbdacht
state of affairs bal (a)
state of being a bedfellow (esp. to a king) ctluth
state of being a bothach bothachas (bothach 2)
state of being a comarbbae (= heir) comarb(b)acht
state of being a dartaid dartadas (dartaid)
state of being a dog? mataidecht
state of being a herd bachaillius (bachaill)
state of being a minor ccodnaigetu (ccodnaige)
state of being a veteran in war arsaidecht (c) (arsaid)
state of being accustomed to clechtad 1 (b)
state of being an aurrae aurradus (b) (aurrae)
state of being bald male
state of being bedridden crlige (cr 1 + lige)
state of being blind in one eye cache (cech)
state of being common property coitchinne (coitchenn)
state of being crop-headed male
state of being disinherited dorpus (orba)
state of being fettered arnachad
state of being hard to loosen doscalte 2
state of being humped dronnaige (dronnach)
state of being in-calf indlegus (indleg)
state of being incurable docce (cc)
state of being legally disqualified by reason of mental incapacity bethlachas (bethlach)
state of being mortally injured crlige bis (cr 1 + lige)
state of being non-compos eselbaige (eselbach)
state of being one-eyed cache (cech)
state of being oppressed dochraite (b) (dochrait)
state of being possessed by ungovernable rage dechrad 1 I
state of being ridged dronnaige (dronnach)
state of being severely wounded crlige (cr 1 + lige)
state of being shorn male
state of being stripped of all worldly goods imnochtae (imnocht)
state of being the master or mistress of a house aithechas (aithech 2)
state of being tonsured foltmaise
state of being under a pledge or condition gallcherdacht (gallcherd)
state of growing old arsaidecht (a) (arsaid)
state of having cracks or chips ggaige (ggach)
state of having left ones husband or being put away by him (of a married woman) (legal) debuith
state of having mithre maithriugad
state of having no head or chief (?) dcennacht (dcenn 3)
state of heedlessness faill 1 (b)
state of inertia ces 1
state of mental perturbation meraigecht (meraige)
state of mind menma
state of mind menmanrad

state of mind menmnaige (menma)
state of quietude foss (fos)
state of rest foistine
state of rest foss (fos)
state or process in the preparation of glaisin-dye cru
state alt 1 III (d)
state bal (a)
state cor 1
state dl 2 V (a)
state for
state indme (indeb)
state indrem, indram
stately (?) dmais(s) (d- intens. + mass)
stately dattae I
stately inmlla
stately maerda
stately mlla
stately modmar (mod)
stately modmarach
stately modmarach
statement (legal) brathar (d)
statement ? in(n)scas (?insce)
statement of a general principle forus
statement ceilebar
statement dlomad (a)
statement forgell, forgal(l)
statement indidit (ind-fiad-)
statement insce
states (v. freq. in neg.) ceilid (c)
station forus
station fossad
stationary (?) len(a)main
stationary condition fossaidecht (fossaid)
stationary foss (fos)
stationary fossad
stationary fossaigthech
stationary i + poss. + comnaide
stationed them fossaigid(ir) (foss)
stations fossaigid(ir) (foss)
statue delb 1 (b)
statue mig
status as a cleric (?) deodatu (da 2)
status of a cile cilsine (cile)
status of a fuidir fuidrius
status of a gor-mac gormacas
status of a layman (?) dondatu (donda)
status of a nun caillchecht (caillech)
status of a warrior lthus gaile (lth)
status of an abbot apdaine (ap)
status of pope apdaine (ap)
status of the baire bairechas

status gallnae (2 gall) vx gallae
staunching (of wounds) cosc (b)
stave flesc 1 (f) filed (fileta)
stay fostad
stay (?) ataut
stay and staff fulang
stay outside immaig
stay feis(s) 2, fess (f)
stay fossugud
staying (in a place) fodrb
staying still comairisem (airisem)
staying airrech 1
staying anad (a)
staying anmain (a) (anamuin)
staying comanad 1 (anad)
staying comnaide
staying drb (a)
staying fossad
staying furnaide
stays (?) ar-said (b) (saidid)
stays (?) fostaid
stays attached to lenaid
stays with lenaid
stays anaid 1 (a)
stays ar-net (d)
stays ar-sissedar
stays do-airissedar (a)
stays drbaid (drb)
stays foaid (c)
stays fo-rig
stays fulang
stays furnaidid (furnaide)
stays ind-ne/at
stead dind (c)
stead engracus (engraic)
stead engraic
stead maigen
steadfast (of a person) (?) airmaisnech (airmaisiu)
steadfast banasach (banas)
steadfast cobsaid (com + fossad)
steadfast deimnech (deimin)
steadfast dochumscaigthe (con-oscaigi)
steadfast fossad
steadfast fossaid
steadfast fosta
steadfast innasda
steadfastness ? fostn
steadfastness dingbltacht (dingblta)
steadfastness fossugud
steadiness foiste ; foistecht (fossad) vx fosta, fostacht
steadiness foistinecht

steadiness foss (fos)
steadiness fosta (fossad)
steadiness fostacht
steading inad < ined
steady (?) dmer (d- neg. + mr)
steady ? fostn
steady cobsaid (com + fossad)
steady com\.fos(s)aid = cobsaid
steady cothaigthech (cothaigthe)
steady fta
steady foistinech
steady forsaid
steady forusta
steady fossaid
steady fossaigthe
steady fosta
steady fostadach, fostodach
steady mall
stealing airchell 1
stealing airchellad
stealing tla, tld II
stealing meirle
steals (?, CW) do-robrar
steals away (trans.) tla(id) III
steals away tla(id) I
steals ar-cela
steals do-alla 1
steals do-etlen
steals do-tlen 1
steals fo-serba (serbad)
steals fataing (fo-uss-deng)
steals gataid
stealth (?) 4 geth
stealthily fil (fil) (b) I
stealthy departure ld, -d, -d
steam (arising from heat) d 1 III
steam 1 gal
steam detach
steam dethach (a)
steams galaigidir (gal)
steed cursun (--?)
steed ech dla
steeds echra
steeds echrad, echraid I
steeds meile
steel cradn (craid)
steel craid II
steel-colour glase (2 glas)
steering a way lamairecht (lamaire)
steering-oar crann (c)
steering-oar lu (l)

steers a course crsilid (crsa)
steers lamairid (lamaire)
steersman luam
stem (of plant, tree) (CW) clobdae (clobae)
stem of a drinking horn ? los
stem of a plant luibne (luib)
stem cos (b)
stem cuisle (a)
stem e 3
stem lurga
stems (of vegetation) (?) cnmarlach (cnim)
stench brine (brn)
stench brntas (brn)
stench brntu (brn)
stench dobolad (bolad)
stench mosar
step by step eing 1 i n- (a h-)eing
step 2 greis(s)
step cim (-mm) I (c)
step cim (-mm) II (a)
step coiscim (-mm) (cos + cim)
step fochim(m)
stepping mincingly gerrad
stepping towards cim (-mm) I (a)
stepping cimniugad
stepping-stone (?) clochrn (clochar 1?)
steps (leaps) up fo-clich
steps forward ar-cing (air-cing-)
steps forward do-cing
steps leading to a house airdrochat (drochet)
steps cimnigid (cim)
steps cingid 1(a)
steps dringid
steps fris-cing
sterile ? ganna
sterile dthre 1
sterile toirthech
stern (of persons) doilig (c)
stern craid I
stern dimboc (boc)
stern daibsech (dabais)
stern dairc
stern eros, erais
stern feochair
stern inir > infir
stern mcna
sterness inire (inir)
sterness mcnatu
sternness aindiitecht (aindiit)
sternness airspraic = forspraic
sternness driuch (a)

sternness feochra(e) (feochair)
stertorious breathing anlfadach (b) (anl)
steward in a household fert(h)igsid = ferthiges [r. ferthigis]
steward in a household ferthigis I
steward barn
steward fedmannach (feidm)
steward fedmantach
steward maer
stewardship (in wide sense) fedmannas
stewardship fedmantas
stewardship gabltas
stick (?) feth 2
stick (?) flescach III (a) (flesc 1)
stick ? foslat (slat)
stick etc. that is curved or bent (forward) bronbachall
stick used for winding or spinning yarn fertas 1 (b)
stick bata
stick bun(n)sach
stick fidot II
stick flesc 1 (a)
stick lorg
stick maide
Stickfaden (?) cruitne (crott?)
stickiness gumamlacht (gum)
sticking glenamon
sticks in lenaid
sticks to glenaid
sticks 2 glodid vx 2 gledid
sticks gremmaigid (greimm)
stiff (?) crannda (crann)
stiffening cradugud
stiffens (trans. and intrans.) crad(aig)id (craid)
stiffens cataigid (cotut)
stiffness caite 1
stiffness cras (craid)
stifles for-mcha vx mchaid
stifling ? fuidbech
stifling vapour mch
stifling formichdetu
stigmata futhu
stiletto(?) fraig
still (of water, weather, etc.) balb (b)
still longer fs (bs, bes)
still more fs (bs, bes)
still to come fuidel(l)
still beus (a)
still fs (bs, bes)
stillness (esp. at sea) fth 3
stillness balbae (balb)
stills balbaigid, balbaid (a) (balb)
stimulates gressaid (2 gress)

stimulating brostad, -d, -d
stimulating brostaigthech (brostaigid)
stimulating brostugad
stimulation brostad, -d, -d
stimulus gressacht (2 gress)
sting (of an insect) celg (c)
sting colg (c)
sting gulban
stinginess cailte (calad)
stinginess dbe 1
stinginess dothidnacal (tindnacol)
stinginess gainne (gann)
stinging bruiternach 1
stinging delgnach (delgn)
stings (of insect) celgaid (c) (celg)
stings cailgid (b) (colg)
stingy (of persons) calad 2 I (a)
stingy diltadach (b) (diltad)
stink brntas (brn)
stinking (?) fuluthur
stinking brn
stinking brnad
stinking forbrn
stinking morgaigid
stinking mosach
stinks brnaid (brn)
stinks ceilid (e)
stint (?) doinnme (doinnim?)
stipend crod 1 (c)
stipend innarrad
stipulates as a condition 2 achtaigid (b)
stipulates ar-suidi (b)
stipulates echtaigid
stipulates in-l
stipulating achtugad
stipulation (?) fomatu
stipulation (legal) rosc
stipulation 3 acht
stipulation achtugad
stipulation coingell (a) (com+ gell)
stipulation coraigecht (cor 1)
stipulation echt 1
stipulation echtugud
stir up? fo-glaisi II (intrans)
stir m 2 (t)hm
stirring (up) brostugad
stirring up mutual recrimination or strife (between two persons) etarchossat (cossat)
stirring up strife imchossat
stirring up adannad
stirring up brostad, -d, -d
stirring up baidred (b)

stirring up com\.fachad (fachad)
stirring up comthcbil (b)
stirring up corrad (corr 1)
stirring up dsacht
stirring up dscad (-ud)
stirring up imlad
stirring corraige (corrach)
stirring corrugad
stirring foglasacht
stirring glasacht
stirring imlad
stirs (?) clichid
stirs up (of water) baidrid (b) (baidre)
stirs up strife (?) fchaigid (fch 2)
stirs up ad-annai
stirs up brostaid
stirs up con-sadi
stirs up imm-ladi
stirs con-glaisi (glaisid)
stirs corraigid (corrach)
stirs fo-glaisi I (trans)
stirs glasid
stitch of pain barrc (barr 1)
stitch of pain daig II
stitch arrann
stitch greimm
stitching faigl (aigl)
stoat es 5
stoat aru
stock (of families, etc.) bunad (b) (bun 1)
stock belonging to the family (in Laws) bunad (d) (bun 1)
stock of cattle blacht (b + lacht)
stock airnis
stock com(\.f)ocus II (b) (ocus 1)
stock crann (c)
stock crod 1 (a)
stock cr 1 (b)
stock ellach 2
stock fuil
stock indiles (indile)
stockily-built man (?) cepach (cepp)
stock-master baire (b + aire 3)
stock-owner baire (b + aire 3)
stocks (for confinement) cepp (c)
stolen property (?) fatn
stolen property donn 3
stomach bolg 1 (b)
stomach clicht
stomach eclas
stomach gaile
stone (?) cerd 2

stone (gloss.) art 2
stone (in the kidneys) cloch (c)
stone building clochrad (cloch)
stone covering or enclosing an aperture billic (bl + lecc)
stone did not sink chtar
stone enclosure cathair 1 (a)
stone fence cora (a)
stone fort caisel
stone quarry coilr 2
stone structure indelb (delb)
stone used as missile cloch (b)
stone wall caisel
stone irne (b)
stone carra
stone cloch (a)
stone cluipit
stone la
stone-mason caisleir (caisel)
stone-pillar lacn (la)
stones clochaid (a) (cloch)
stone-work (?) clochrad (cloch)
stoning clochad (a)
stony (?, CW) fochloch
stony place clochar 1 (cloch)
stony shore cladach 2
stony ailchide (ail 1)
stony cairrcech (carrac)
stony cairrcemail (carrac)
stony carnnach (carnn)
stony clochach (cloch)
stony clochamail (cloch)
stony clochda (cloch)
stony leccach (lecc)
stony leccda (lecc)
stony lagnach (lacn)
stoop (?) clane (a) (clen)
stoop clen II (a)
stooped clen I (a)
stooped cromm
stooping crommad
stoops (intrans.) fillid II (a)
stoops to (?) dallaid (b) (dall)
stoops crommaid (cromm)
stoops feccaid (a)
stop ! ist
stop anad (c)
stoppage (med.) dnad 2 (c)
stopper dalln 3
stopper dulln
stopping (?) erchailed
stopping (CW) airismech (airisem)

stopping places adantaib
stopping airisem (a)
stopping airisem (b)
stopping anad (a)
stopping anad (c)
stopping anmain (b) (anamuin)
stopping comanad 1 (anad)
stopping foss (fos)
stopping fossugud
stopping fostugud (fast-)
stops (from) (intrans.) con-secha
stops (in a place) fes(s)id
stops ad-suidi var: adsuigidter
stops anaid 1 (c)
stops ar-net (d)
stops con-osna
stops do-airissedar (c)
stops fossaigid(ir) (foss)
stops fostaid
stops imm-ana
store of corn airmnige (airmnech)
stored up fuste
storehouse etsad, estad, autsad, itsad (a)
storehouse ithlann, ithla (ith)
storeroom cuile
storeroom lanntaoir
stores up cistigid (ciste)
stores ld
storing of corn ithalachas (?ithla)
stork corr 2
storm ainbthen (a)
storm anfud (a)
storm derdal
storm derdan, dertan
storm esgal
storm gaillim
storminess ainbthinche (ainbthenach)
storminess gailbige (gailbech)
stormy weather doinenn
stormy ainbthech (anfud)
stormy ainbthenach (ainbthen)
stormy anfadach 1 (anfud)
stormy doinennta (doinenn)
stormy gailbech
stormy lithnech (lithne)
story (?) ca 2 (b) = ce (b) or (c) ?
story airisiu (a)
story aus
story coiscla
story dl 2 V (b)
stout (?) colptae I

stout person balcaire (balc)
stout balc I
stout comremar (remar)
stout dabchach
stout for-beir
stout imdaingen
stout laice (lac)
stout-branched gc
stout-hearted dnae 1 I (a)
stout-hearted menmnach (manma)
stout-heartedness dnatus I (dnae)
stoutness bailce (balc)
stoutness dgainde (dgaind)
stoutness dgaindecht (dgaind)
straggler ? lorgn (lorg ?)
straight (of things) cert 1 (c)
straight out immach > ammach
straight cir 1
straight comdrech (drech)
straight driuch (a)
straight droch 3
straight drocht 1
straight e 5 (?)
straightaway ar (an m)ball (d)
straightening drgud (a)
straightens (trans.) drgid I (a) (driuch)
straightforward driuch (b)
straightness drge, drga (a) (driuch)
strain of music adbann
strain of music caince (a)
strain of music cairche 1 (b)
strain doic
strain feidm (a)
straining imscacad
strains licid
strait hold cumangrach (cumung)
strait aidilccne (b)
strait aidilccnige = aidilccne (b)
strait airc 1
strait cel II (e)
strait celas = cel II (e)
strait cradc (craid)
strait cumgae (a) (cumung)
strait cumgae (b) (cumung)
strait cumgrach (cumung)
strait dchumang
strait dograing (dodr-)
strait doilig (b)
strait ccomlonn
strait icen (d)
strait ing

strait muincend
straitened 1 gand
straitened cac
straitening cumgugad
straitly cradgach (cradc)
straitness cumgach 2 (cumung)
straitness cumgae (a) (cumung)
straits anforlann (b) (forlann)
straits cs 1 (b)
strand (?) (of hair) fathmann
strand ? muirthend
strange (?, CW) dingnathach
strange (esp. of places, roads etc.) aineil
strange district (?) allmag (al 1 + mag)
strange land andthchas (dthchas)
strange ? igra
strange ainetargnaid (etargnaid)
strange aistech (aiste)
strange aitt (b)
strange allmarda (-ae) (allmuir)
strange anaithne 1 (aithne 2) = anaithnid
strange anaithnid, anaichnid (aithne 2)
strange barbarach (a)
strange deccair IV
strange decmaing I
strange deorata (deorad)
strange dingna 2
strange doaithennta (aithne, etc.)
strange daithne (aithne)
strange echtrann
strange csamail (b)
strange ingantach (ingnad)
strange ingnad, ingnth
strange ingnthach, ingnithech (ingnth)
strangeness allmardacht (allmarda)
strangeness anaicentacht (anaicenta)
strangeness annaime (annam)
strangeness comaithches (c) (comaithech)
strangeness ingantae (ingnad)
strangeness ingantaige (ingantach)
strangeness ingantus (ingnad)
strangeness ingnithche (ingnthach)
strangeness ingnithe (ingnth)
strangeness ingnthaige (ingnthach)
stranger kindred ainfine 1 (fine)
stranger tribe deoradas (deorad)
stranger ailithir (a)
stranger andthchasach (dthchasach)
stranger comaithech II (b) (comaithe)
stranger danar III
stranger deorad

stranger echtrann
stranger echtrannach (echtrann)
stranger ingnad, ingnth
strap 1 all
strap iris
strap lainder
strapping irsech
stratagem celg (a)
stratagem cles (c)
stratagem int(s)liucht
straw or rushes used for bedding es(s)air I (a)
straw or rushes used for floor-covering es(s)air I (a)
straw pannel ? liste
straw brod 1
straw connlach (condall)
straw cuisln (cuisle)
strawbery tree caithne
straying ? imchoss
straying errid (errit)
straying fordallach (fordul)
straying fordul, -dal
straying immarchor
straying imroll
straying imrollach (imroll)
strays from (trans.) clenaid I (e) (clen)
strays do-della
strays ellaid
strays laiscid (lasc)
stream (of water) bas 1 (a)
stream 1 glaise vx glais
stream 1 glasse vx glais
stream 3 geth
stream 3 glas vx glais
stream bir 2
stream buinne (a)
stream caise 1 (b) (cas)
stream fras (fros) > frais
stream gaise
stream glais, glaise, glas
streaming forth imthinnsaitin
streamlet 2 glaisn (glais)
streamlet glais, glaise, glas
streckte es nieder (?) filgid
strength (?) blataige (blatach)
strength (archaic or poetic word) firse 1
strength ? lithige (lithech)
strength of claw croibnert (crob + nert)
strength of crew luchtmaire (luchtmar)
strength of hand croibnert (crob + nert)
strength of my eye ? la
strength arrachtaige (arrachtach)

strength arrachtas (a) (arracht)
strength art 4
strength bailce (balc)
strength balc II
strength blaitne (blat)
strength blat
strength brg (a)
strength calma 2
strength calmacht = calma 2
strength calmatus = calma 2
strength coimthreise (treise)
strength comnert (nert)
strength cuisle (d)
strength cumachtae
strength cumang 1
strength daingne (daingen)
strength druine 1 (dron 1)
strength litire (litir)
strengthening calmugud
strengthening comnert(ug)ad
strengthening daingniugud I (b)
strengthening lidriogad
strengthens (faith etc.) calmaigid (calma)
strengthens mutually imm-nerta
strengthens bailcid (balc)
strengthens comdaingnigid (comdaingen)
strengthens comnerta(ig)id (nertaid 2, nertaigid)
strengthens con-nerta (nertaid)
strengthens daingnigidir I (b) (daingen)
strengthens imnertaid
strengthless dnertach (dnert 2)
strenuous dedairnn I
strenuousness dedairne (dedairnn)
stress (fig.) icen (d)
stress feidm (a)
stress gd
stretch (?) leithet
stretch of grassland mnlech (mn)
stretch of pasture mnlech (mn)
stretch of sea muirdrecht (-drcht ?)
stretcher clath (d)
stretcher fat
stretcher fatlach
stretches (of motion away from the agent) do-srenga I (e)
stretches about imracht ?
stretches about? imm-sn
stretches as-cid
stretches imrigid
stretches lecaid
stretching eiscsiu
strewing (with rushes, etc.) esrad (esair?)

strewing with sand (?) gainmed
strewing es(s)air I (a)
strewing fosair
strewn with slabs of rock leccach (lecc)
strewn es(s)artha, e[s](s)arda
strews under fo-sern (sernid)
strews con-sern
strews esraid (esair?)
striaghtness drgidetu (drge, cf. drgetu)
strict order (?) comsmacht (smacht)
strict silence dedarn-tuae
strict cachtach (cacht 1)
strict craid I
strict dedairnn II
strict docht (c)
strict lomm
strict mcna
strictness cale (cel)
stride 2 greiss
stride cim (-mm) I (c)
strident (of sounds) bras
strides forward do-cing
stridor cchanach 1
strife (?) coma(i)rb
strife (poet.) dorar
strife with each other coimesenta (esenta)
strife achrann (b)
strife airgal (b)
strife augra (-ae) (a)
strife bresal 1 (bres ?)
strife cidiol
strife cellach
strife cennairc(e)
strife coinglecc
strife com\.fachad (fachad)
strife combg
strife comdebaid (debaid)
strife conas
strife congir (b)
strife contan
strife cosat (b)
strife cosnam (a)
strife cummasc (c)
strife debach = deibech
strife debthaige (debthach)
strife deibech
strife deibed 1
strife dberg (d) (d + bergg)
strife esenta (entu)
strife essd, -th
strife essdchin (sdchin)

strife gleten
strife imchaisde vx imchossit
strife immad, immaid
strife immarbg
strife immargal
strife imresan
strife lis
strike imm-esoirg vx imma n-
striker imgonaid (imguin)
strikes (?) dupgaid
strikes (fire) benaid I (a)
strikes (trans.) bailid, balaid
strikes (with obj. of person or thing cast at) do-bidci (b)
strikes again athbailid (bailid)
strikes against fris-ben
strikes at do-ben 2 (a)
strikes away do-boing (a)
strikes dumb balbaigid, balbaid (a) (balb)
strikes from do-bidci (c) de
strikes off do-boing (a)
strikes together con-oirg
strikes with a sword claidbid 1 (claideb)
strikes 1 ad-cumaing
strikes ad-cuimben
strikes ailid 5
strikes aimsid (ammus)
strikes airmaisid (a) (airmaisiu)
strikes ar-midethar (a)
strikes benaid I (a)
strikes boingid (a)
strikes birid 1
strikes con-tairc
strikes do-boing (a)
strikes do-ecmaing I
strikes do-slaid
strikes for-ben
strikes for-nessa
strikes gredaid (mod.)
strikes imm-slig
strikes letraid
striking blows buillech (buille)
striking each other combalad
striking round about imgonach (imguin)
striking together comart
striking with the sword claidbed
striking aimsiugud (a)
striking bim (a) (-mm)
striking bimnech 2 (-mmn-) (bim)
striking bin
striking bth
striking br 4

striking balad 1
striking comtharcon (tarcon)
striking derscnaigthech (derscnaigthe)
striking esorcon
striking esorcud
striking follach (foillech)
string loman
stringed musical instruement mennchrott
stringent (fig. of mental and moral qualities) fig (f)
strip (of metal) clr (c)
strip for writing on duillend (b)
strip of cloth brit (a)
strip of cloth eng 2 (a)
strip of leather ledb
strip of skin ledb
strip eng 2 (a)
striped stuff breccn (brecc 1)
striped crosach (cros)
stripling (of persons) buinnn (buinne)
stripling flesc 1 (c)
stripling gas
stripling gasne
stripped bare lochairthe, -artha, -arda?
stripped ? fomael
stripped drechta
stripped drechtach (drechtae)
stripped drechtae
stripped fennta
stripped fodbaigthe
stripped fodbtha
stripped fogtha I
stripped lommartha, -da
stripper gamnach
stripping giba
stripping (?) dirge
stripping (?) dirgech
stripping (clothes, etc.) bim (a) (-mm)
stripping (the slain) fodbugud
stripping a bed imdae
stripping away surface soil forscrs
stripping away vegetation forscrs
stripping of the surface soil forscrath vx forscrs
stripping of the surface turf forscrath vx forscrs
stripping or despoiling the slain fodbad
stripping speech imscothad
stripping wealth lommrad
stripping dirgal
stripping drach 2
stripping drgud 2
stripping drech 2
stripping fennad (b)

stripping folom (m) rad
stripping fuidrech
stripping imlommad
stripping imscothad
stripping lommrad
stripping lomnochtad
strips (off) lommraid
strips away do-alla 1
strips draigid (drach 2)
strips do-rig 1 (b)
strips do-rig
strips femaid
strips fennaid (b)
strips fodbaid
strips fodbaigid
strips fornochtaid
strips imscothaid
strips lommaid (lomm)
strips lommartaigid (lommairt, vx lommrad)
strives about imchothaigid
strives after ? in-midethar
strives against crinchnaid (crncn)
strives for (?) fo-cosnai
strives for ad-cosnai
strives for con-saig (saigid)
strives for con-sn
strives towards do-ascnai
strives ar-cosnai = ad-cosnai
strives cennairgid (cennairce)
striving for lands in provision for his brethren ? macdata
striving for lands in provision for his brethren ? macdata
striving for cosnam (a)
striving for imchosnam
striving towards ascnam (a)
striving bg (b)
striving crncn
striving frithgnam
stroke (of feeling, emotion) bim (e) (-mm)
stroke bim (b) (-mm)
stroke balad 1
stroke buille
stroke flesc 1 (b)
stroke gred
strolling musician geocach
strong (?) (of things) dles 1 II (e) (d- + les)
strong (?) blatach (blat)
strong (?) dainnech
strong (?) de(i)n
strong (?) drenn 5
strong body of troops daingen II (c)
strong desire ilges (c)

strong liquor medan (-n)
strong man midach
strong soldiers franc, frangc
strong thing daingen II (a)
strong will imtholtu
strong wish ilges (c)
strong ? fortal(l)ach (fortail)
strong aintrennda (aintrend)
strong amnas (a)
strong arrachta (arracht 1)
strong arrachtach = arrachta
strong balc I
strong blaitnech (blaitne)
strong borr
strong brgach (brg)
strong brgda (brg)
strong brgmar (brg)
strong brogda (bruig)
strong brogmar = brogda
strong calma 1
strong coimsech 2 (commus)
strong coimsid (a) = coimsech 2
strong crant
strong daingen I
strong dnae 1 III
strong dedairnn I
strong dedairnn II
strong dchrach (dchra)
strong docht (d)
strong fersech
strong forbar (-bair)
strong forc
strong fortail (foirtil(l))
strong fortamail
strong grind
strong imfolang, imfulang
strong litir
strong lonn
strong lthamail (lth)
strong medb
stronger il
strong-gated comlach (comla)
stronghold (?) duir 2
stronghold cloch (f)
stronghold daingen II (a)
stronghold daingnech (daingen II)
stronghold daingniugud II
stronghold dcenn 1 (d) daingin (d + cenn)
stronghold dind (b)
stronghold dindach (dind)
stronghold dindgna (c)

stronghold dnphort (dn + port)
stronghold inill
stronghold longphort
strongholds (coll.) dindach (dind)
strongly built (?) cuchtglinde, cuithglind
strongly mag
strop (?) fraig
struck (?) ? longais
struck bthe (a)
structure made of yew ibrach (ibar)
structure 1 gnm
structure 2 aicde
structure dnmas (c) (dnum)
structure dnta(e) II
structure forgnem, -gnam
structure imdnam
struggle such as I have not experienced since I became king, fighting against an invisible form?
struggle coimescar (escar 1)
struggle es(s)ach
struggle glecc (gleic)
struggle grscar
struggles against imresnaigid (imresan)
struggles together imm-tascra (imm-to-scar)
struggles cuimlenga(ig)id (cuimleng)
struggles gleccaid (glecc)
struggling coradacht, coraidecht
stubble coin(n)ln(e) (condall)
stubble condall
stubble connlach (condall)
stubborn (?) ? fortal(l)ach (fortail)
stubborn (?) gusmar (gus)
stubborn person arrachtaid (arracth 1)
stubborn aindiit (diit)
stubborn anac(c)ar(th)ach (anacair?)
stubborn anacarda = anacarthach
stubborn coimlesc (lesc)
stubborn dochoisc (cosc)
stubborn dominte (minid)
stubborn imresnach, imrisnech (imresan)
stubbornness comthairisem
stubbornness craid II
stubbornness dedairne (dedairnn)
stuck in len(a)main
stuck up (of a rejected lover) fata
stud of a drinking cup imliu, imbliu
stud of horses furthain
stud cobrad 1
studded ship cnaplong
studded with diamonds imchengal
studded airecartha

studded cobradach (cobrad 1)
studding or setting a surface with a number of objects airecar (ecor)
student of poetry icsn
student of poetry icsne
student felmac
studies (?, CW) con-sern
studies lgaid
study cos(s)ar
study foglaimm (a)
study frithgnam
study lgthracht (-irecht) (lgthir)
study ligenn
studying on triumph`s slope lergn (lerg)
studying foglaimm (a)
studying forcetal (-cital) (vn. of for-cain)
studying lgad
studying ligenn
stuff or material out of which something is wrought or created damnae I, domnae
stumbles ailbimnigid (ailbimm)
stumbles do-fuisli
stumbling against a stone ailbimm (a)
stumbling foilmire
stump of the neck airsce
stump ceppn (a) (cepp) = cepp
stupendous mothach
stupid person dalln 1 I (dall)
stupid ainglicc (glicc)
stupid beth 1 I (a)
stupid borb (a)
stupidity aimecna (ecne)
stupidity aimglicce (aimglicc)
stupidity aimgliccus = aimglicce
stupidity burbacht = burbae
stupidity burbae (a) (borb)
stupidity dallbach 1 (dall)
stupidity duthe (du)
stupor moth
sturdy (?) colptae I
sturdy person balcaire (balc)
sturdy balc I
sturdy calad 2 I (b)
sturdy comras = combras
Strmer birid 2 (bire)
stuttering brit(t)ach (Britt)
stuttering formenn
stuttering fotnge
stuttering minde
sty cr 1 I (a)
style of cutting of hair berrad (d)
suable for (debt, fine, etc.) irentach (as-ren)
suave address mn

suave milis
suavity maeithe (maeth)
suavity millse
subaqueous fodobarda
sub-award (?) fobrithe
subcontract (?) fochor
subdivided gaibid
subdivides (?) fo-dedla
subdivides fodeiligid
subdivision of a book alt 1 II (a)
subdivision of a tribe or race fochenl
subdivision of land indle
subdivision fodedail
subdivision fofodail
subdivision fothorand
subdivision fuilliucht (sliucht)
subduction fothudchestu
subdued cluidsius
subdued ctha(i)l
subdued mn
subdues (?) ar-beir II (d)
subdues (?) do-scara II ar (for)
subdues (?) fo-beir (a)
subdues (of desires, vices) clod I (h)
subdues (trans. and fig.) do-airindi I (b)
subdues (trans.) clenaid I (b) (clen)
subdues (trans.) fannaigid I (fann 2)
subdues ? forrnaid
subdues cennsaigid (cennais)
subdues certaigid (d) (cert)
subdues damnaid 2
subdues do-immoirg (e)
subdues fobaigid
subdues for-boing vx forbach
subdues fris-clo
subdues intrethaid (trethaid)
subdues mnigid (mn)
subduing brd
subduing cennsugad (b)
subduing cld (e)
subduing damnad 2 II
subduing damnand, domnand
subduing forrach vx foirrgid
subduing sliugud
subduing lecad
subduing mnigid (mn)
sub-erenagh fosairchinnech
sub-fraction fobach 1
sub-grade fograd -grd?
subject of inquiry armracht
subject of a search 1 arraid

subject of praise ln
subject of talk bl I (d)
subject to a pledge (?) gellach (gell)
subject to change malartach
subject to death morbdae
subject to fo, fa, f II (d)
subject argam(a)intensive (b)
subject cile (a)
subject dor (c)
subject fth (b)
subject fo chuing
subject fommaigech
subject fommaigthe
subject chtarn (chtar)
subjection (?) comrad
subjection foammmugud
subjection fommugud (vn. of fommaigid)
subjection fommus
subjection mamaigthetu
subjection mmugad
subjection mmus
subjection mursantacht
subjection? foilge
subjection? mmud
subject-matter (of a composition) fth (b)
subject-matter caitirne
subjects lesech
subjects mem(m)rad (< memar)
subjects? fo-indarban
subjoins fo-accomla
subjoins fommaigid vx follg
subjugated foammmaigthe
subjugates cachtaid (a) (cacht 1)
subjugates fo-ammmaigedar (mm)
subjugates fommaigid vx follg
subjugating mmugad
subjugation fommugud vn. of fommaigid
subjunction (gramm.) foacomol
subjunctive foaccomailtech
subjunctive itge, itche
submarine fomuiride
submerged bitte
submerges ar-bidi (bidid)
submerges bidid (a)
submerges fo-bdi
submerges fobdaigid
submerges fo-beir (c)
submerging bdud (a)
submerging combdud
submerging fobdud
submerging fobdud (-od)

submerging fobdugud
sub-ministers fo-timmthirid
submission gallnae (2 gall) vx gallae
submission aititiu (c) do
submission aurlatu
submission comrar (rar)
submissive (CW) aititnech 1
submissive airlithe
submissive aititech (aititiu)
submissive fomsach
submissive galltach (gallad)
submits to (?) dallaid (b) (dall)
submits to a judgment daimid II
submits to ad-gall(n)a
submits to ar-fom (c)
submits to ar-galla
submits to daimid III
submits to fo-daim (daimid) (b)
submits to fo-eim, -fom, fem (c)
submits gallaid (2 gall)
submitted to deliberation mes(s)e
submitted to investigation mes(s)e
submitted lm
submitting to aititiu (c) do
submitting to lige
submitting fodmachtain
subordinate art or craft fodn
subordinate branch (of a family or race) fochrab 2
subordinate clan fochlann
subordinate course of study or instruction foaccept, -accecht
subordinate food-rent fobiad
subordinate labour (?) folubair (lubair)
subordinate point focheist
subordinate question focheist
subordinate wind fogaeth I
subordinate chtarn (chtar)
sub-payment for the sword ? fuluach (=fo-luach ?)
sub-payment ? fuluach (=fo-luach ?)
sub-prior air\.secnap (secnap)
sub-refection fobiad
subscript fuilred
subsequent contract arcor
subsequent to muin
subsequent foilenmnach (-lenmanach)
subsequent arumchor
subsequently whole or healed arsln
subsequently frithissi > (f)ridis(s)i
subsides aithinntaigid (inntaigid, see ind-so)
subsides do-tuit 1 (b)
subsidiary frithpian

subsidy given by the chief to the tenant in return for the tenant`s riara, rents and services frithrar
subsists for-beir
substance of which an article is made (legal) colainn (d) [sic]
substance 2 aicde
substance bracht 1
substance corp (f)
substance ifecht
substance febtu (feb?)
substance folud (> fola)
substance folud (> fola)
substance folud (> fola)
substantial dron 1
substitute athchara (cara)
substitute les
substituted article (legal) anarra (arrae)
substitutes fo-suidigedar
substitutes fo-tairci
subtle (?) etlaide I (etla)
subtle cel I
subtle caolrach
subtle fil (fil) (b)
subtle grchisech
subtlety (?) foges
subtlety (?) gethrige (1 geth ?)
subtlety (in good sense) amainse (b) (amnas)
subtlety (of speech) ciraltacht (ciralta)
subtlety fogeth, fogethad
subtlety fille (a)
subtlety fille (b)
subtracts fo-tien vx tlenaid
sub-tutor frithoide (aite)
sub-vassalage fogalna
succeeding to di, do is 2 (b)
succeeding to tar (dar) is 2 (b)
succeeds (in) irgid (h) le (re)
succeeds in doing something ar-midethar (b)
succeeds in airmaisid (b) (airmaisiu)
succeeds gnaigid (gndhaigid, gnthaigid)
succeeds imm-airicc
success d
success cin III (c)
success conch
successful feat ithes (b) (ith 1)
successful in obtaining legal remedy lesach (les)
successful dmar
successful ithesach (ithes)
successful ar bail (bal)
successful balach 1 (bal)
successful fagblach (fagbl)
succession comarbus (comarbbae)

successor fothoscaigid
successor (?) comarba
successor comarb(b)ae (orbbae)
successor eigre, oigre, eiger, eigir, oigir
successor lenamnach (lenamain)
succinct estoaiscthe
succour fortacht
succouring (?) fortach
succouring firithin (a)
succouring firithnech
succouring fortacht
succours (trans.) do-reith II (b)
succours cobraithir (cobair)
succours do-fir
succours firid (a)
succours firithnigid
succours fo-reith (reth-)
succours fortachtaigid(ir) (fortacht)
succours fortaigid, furtaigid
succours for-tt
succulent forthais
succulent mth > mith
such lg also lag
sucked in imm-sloic
sucker baillec (ball?)
sucking (?) dine
sucking pig deileng (deil 3)
sucking del
suckling (another persons cow) (of a calf) coinndiul (del)
suckling ? gicne
sucks delaid (dil-) (del)
sucks dinid (denid)
sudden and excessive feeling of alarm dsacht VII
sudden and excessive feeling of fear dsacht VII
sudden and excessive feeling of panic dsacht VII
sudden and excessive feeling of terror dsacht VII
sudden death baten
sudden death moirtchenn
sudden emotion ell, ella (a)
sudden flood of rain farlach vx loch
sudden movement clisiud (b)
sudden pain greimm
sudden pang or pain ell, ella (c)
sudden quick movement bidgad
sudden rush (of feeling) etal 3
sudden tumour (?, CW) att dcenn 2 (a)
sudden aipil
sudden duibel(l)
sudden ellam 1, ullam, ollam I (b)
sudden fuisceta
suddenly (?) dothain (tan?)

suddenness aipile (a) (aipil)
suddenness fuisceta
sued aidbrithe
sues mutually imm-acair
sues ad-firi
sues ad-gair
sues do-accair (a)
sues iligid I
sues imm-toich (imm-to-saig)
sues ind-saig ?
suet (?) geraine (geir ?)
suet of a cow annlantus (annland)
suet 1 geir
suety gerthide (geir)
suffered ad-ruib
sufferer fuilngid
suffering (?) d\.fothach
suffering (?) dochsad (csad)
suffering discomfort an\.socair I (b) (socair)
suffering csachtu = csad
suffering csad (a)
suffering csad (b)
suffering cstugud = csad
suffering coicsed
suffering dot 2
suffering talang
suffering fochaid (b)
suffering fochaide
suffering foditiu (c)
suffering fulang
suffering fulangad
suffering cc
suffering imchor
suffering imchor
suffering immachor, immochor
suffering imned
sufferings fulangad
suffers (death) ? fordaim
suffers (in atonement) ccaid (cc)
suffers (trans. and intrans.) csaid (a)
suffers jointly com\.fuilngid (fuilngid)
suffers con-cesa
suffers daimid I
suffers fo-daim (daimid) (a)
suffers foditnigid
suffers fo-loing
suffers fo-loing
suffers galraigid (galar)
suffices feraid I (a)
suffices folortnaigid
suffices lrtnaigidir (lrtu)

sufficiency coimsetu (coimse)
sufficiency dl II (b)
sufficiency dithin
sufficiency firithin (d)
sufficiency folortad
sufficiency folortatu
sufficiency folortnaid
sufficiency folortnaige
sufficiency folortnugud
sufficiency lrdatu
sufficiency lrtu
sufficient amount furthain
sufficient amount furthain
sufficient accmaingech (b)
sufficient lr
sufficiently lr
suffocates imm-mcha
suffocates mchaid (mch)
suffocation formichdetu
suggesting indsaigid, innaigid
suggestion of terms for agreement air\.fuigell (b) (fuigell)
suing again attoichid (toichid)
suing prosecuting bringing an action urging a claim acra(e)
suing aidbred
suing aidbriugud = aidbred
suing ilem
suing iligud II
suing fcra(e) (d)
suing indsaigid, innaigid
suit (?) caise 2
suit of armour deise (dess)
suit of clothes deise (dess)
suit caingen (a)
suit cula(i)d
suit armracht
suitability of age ? imchomadas
suitability comadas (adas)
suitability cuibde 1 (cubaid)
suitability imchuibde (imchubaid)
suitable (gs.) dingbil II
suitable ? imnairc
suitable age ? imchomadas
suitable amount ? inniud
suitable amount coimse
suitable for riding (of ground) eichrid
suitable 1 adas
suitable ada(e)
suitable attchta (ath + tchtae)
suitable cem 1 I (b)
suitable cineolta (a) (cenl)
suitable coimse

suitable coimtig (c)
suitable cir 2
suitable coitechta (-chta?) (com + tchtae)
suitable comadas (adas)
suitable dla
suitable foimse
suitable imchubaid > imchuibe
suitable immaircide
suited for (?) waggons fnach (fn)
suits ailid do
suits comadasaigidir (comadas)
suits gaibid
suits gaibid
suits imm-airicc
sulkiness ? muisech
sulky dothaim
sullen demeanour dochell (call?)
sullen domenmach (domenma)
sullen drocht 2
sullen gramda (graim)
sullen gruamnach (gruaim)
sullenness (?) doirbe (doirb 1)
sullenness gramdacht (gramda)
sum of the replies imbed, imbad
sum irem (b)
sum forar
sum ildae (il)
summary (of what follows) ccosc (f)
summary procedure (?) fuisceta
summary athchummair (cummair)
summary cummair (com + berr)
summer grazing for cattle bailtechas (baile 1)
summer pasture for cattle bailtechas (baile 1)
summer when corn is in the blade gemrach (gemar)
summit (?) fossad
summit (of a hill) ind, inn
summit of a hill mual ?
summit benn (a)
summit baic
summit dindgna (a)
summit druim(m)chlae (c)
summit fice, fic (b)
summit forclithe (clithe)
summit formullach (mullach)
summit foss (fos)
summit immard
summit mulba (mul ?)
summoners furfcra, -facra
summoning fcra(e) (d)
summoning gairm
summons to a tryst (trans.) dlaid I (dl 2)

summons 2 arraid (arar)
summons 3 gairid
summons con-gair (d)
summons do-cuirethar IV
summons do-gair I (a)
summons do-im(m)gair (b)
summons fis 1, fius I (c)
summons fcra(e) (c)
summons forcongra
summons forcongur (for-congair)
summons furfcra, -facra
summons gairm
summons gairmid (gairm)
summons ingairmid (gairm)
sumus il(l)rad (ilar)
sumus ildae (il)
sun ? molc
sun catn
sun gran
sunbeam etal 2
Sunday domnach (a)
sundering dscaled (a)
sundering dluige (b)
sundering fodb (fadb) (2)
sunders (from) dlongid (b)
sunders ar-dlong (dlongid)
sunders dscalid (a) (scalid)
sunny bright grannach
sunny chamber grann (gran)
sunny 1 granach (gran)
sunny grannda
sunny granda (gran)
sunrise fir
suns granaid (gran)
sunset fuin
sunset fuine = fuined
sunset fuined, -iud
sunt ildae (il)
sunwise dessel (a) (dess + sel)
sup (?) caingn
sup of wine fnn
supasses do-farcai (b)
superabundance comimmad (imbed)
superabundance foril, furil, (fulir)
super-abundance immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
superabundant immarcach (immarca)
super-abundant immarcrach, imforcrach
superficial (?) forblas
superficial ? indomain
superficies forgnis
superfluity anbarr (barr)

superfluity forcraid
superfluity immarcach (immarca)
superfluity immarcrach, imforcrach
superfluity immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
superfluous law forbann
superfluous satire foraer
superintendence (?) gelltaidecht
superior (over-riding) authority forsmacht
superior chief (?) forar
superior force forln
superior gender forinnsce
superior number fortailln (fortail+ln)
superior power fornert
superior prowess fortamlacht (fortamail)
superior rank foraisle
superior service air\.fognam (fognam)
superior strength fornert
superior strength fortallus (fortail)
superior strength fortamlacht (fortamail)
superior airchinnech (airchinn?)
superior barr 1 (i)
Superior generl
superiority (over) immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
superiority in numbers forlann, -lonn
superiority in power fortamlus (fortamail)
superiority in strength forlann, -lonn
superiority in strength fortamlus (fortamail)
superiority of number (?) fortlise
superiority of rank foraislidetu
superiority airechas 1 (airech 1)
superiority arrachtas (c) (arracht)
superiority barrachas (barrach 1 or 2)
superiority cennas 1 (cenn)
superiority immin
superiority murrach
superlative degree formoladeulogy
superlative airdircach = airdirc
superlativeness brab 1
superlunar forscaide
supernatural being da 2 (b)
supernatural form fath
supernatural airdrachda (-ae) (airdrech 1)
superseded aitherrad = aitherrach
supersedes athordaigid (ordaigid)
superstition (?) ? forbannus (forbann ?)
superstition forbann
superstition gesrg
superstitious forbannach (forbann)
superstitious gesrgach
supine fen (a)
supper feis(s) 2, fess (c)

supper fuirired, -iud (fuired)
supplanter (?) atharrachtaid
supple ? imm
supple lebar
supple lugaid
supplement imthrmach
supplementary name forainm
supplementary species (?) foraicme
supplementary tribe foraicme
supplementing fuilled, -iud, -ned
supplementry services rendered by furnishing food supplies imthach
suppliant (?) forguidech
suppliant gessid (< gesse, part of guidid)
suppliant itge, itche
supplicant foigdech 1
supplication dbart 1, duba(i)rt
supplication edel
supplied with arteries airteirech (airtire)
supplied foiride
supplier of food battach 1
supplies (+ acc.) feraid I (b)
supplies food-rent (to) (legal) ar-biatha (b) (biathaid)
supplies of beef martaigecht
supplies bethamnas (b)
supplies do-irci (c)
supplies fo-lna vx fuillid
supplies fo-tairci
supply (of milk) (?) ? galad
supply imthairecc
supplying (food, entertainment, etc.) airec (c)
supplying frestal
supplying frithilem
support (?) (fig. of a hero, king, etc.) deil 2 II
support (?) airocbl (--?)
support (a crook ?) for hanging a cauldron gabul
support (in a structure) (?) bodaing
support of a royal thigh fulach (folach)
support or shaft gabul
support cl 1 (b)
support colba(-ae) (b)
support columa (-oma, -amu, -umu) (b)
support comthennta (tennta 1)
support cos (b)
support fossugud
support fostad
support fothad, -ud
support fulach (folach)
support fulach (folach)
support fulang
support gln
support immarchor

support ln
supported (CW) cothaigthe
supported by for
supported by for
supported fulachtae
supporter colamnach 1 (columa)
supporter columa (-oma, -amu, -umu) (c)
supporter fuilngech, -thech
supporter immarchorthid
supporters imchor
supporting (?) fes(s)am I (a)
supporting staff (?) lorg
supporting us beneath fulang
supporting bethugad (b)
supporting comim\.fulang (im\.folang)
supporting congblach (congbil)
supporting cothad (a)
supporting cothaigthech (cothaigthe)
supporting cumtach (b)
supporting fothugad
supporting fulach (folach)
supporting fulacht
supporting fulachtain (fulach)
supporting fulang
supporting fulang
supporting fulang
supporting imchongbl
supporting imchor
supporting imfolang, imfulang
supporting immachor, immochor
supporting immarchor
supporting lesugud
supports mutually imm-cumtai(n)g
supports ar-net (c)
supports bethaigid (b)
supports bathaid 1 (biad)
supports con-gaib (a)
supports con-utainc (c)
supports cothaigid (a) (coth)
supports do-foscai
supports fo-loing
supports fossaigid(ir) (foss)
supports fothaigthech
supports imm-cuirethar
supports imm-fo(i)lng(a)i
supposes cuirid i cs 1 (c)
supposes do-moinethar
supposes mes(s)aid (<mes)
supposes midithir
supposing mes(s)
supposition dchus (b) (dig?)

supposition doich (dich?) II (a)
suppresses (?) brud 2
suppresses bidid (c)
suppresses ceilid (e)
suppresses mchaid (mch)
suppresses mchaid (mch)
suppressing bdud (b)
suppressing fuidbech
suppression of (carnal) desires credbad
suppuration lned
supra migin, mgin
supremacy aurradus (b) (aurrae)
supremacy barr 1 (h)
supremacy brab 1
supremacy cennacht (cenn)
supremacy forflaithius
supremacy forlamus, -lmus
supremacy fortallus (fortail)
supremacy fortamlus (fortamail)
supreme command generlacht (generl)
sure irithe I (a)
sure becht
sure deimin I
sure derb 1 I
sure dles 1 II (d) (d- + les)
surely adama(i)r
surely certo
surely icin I (b)
surely in demin I
sureness of aim? foimsige
surety (legal) cor 1
surety whose contracts are not in confusion mescrach
surety 1 aicde
surety 1 glinne
surety aitire (b)
surety arnaid 2
surety aurrae (c)
surety commairge (c)
surety coraigecht (cor 1)
surety forsaide
surety gell
surety inbleoga(i)n, inableogain
surety mac(c)
suretyship aitire (a)
suretyship aitirecht (aitire) = aitires
suretyship aitires (aitire)
suretyship aurradus (c) (aurrae)
surface (?) bruinne (c) (br 1)
surface (of the sea) libenn
surface (of things, places) drech 1 (b)
surface ? ( of water) ind, inn

surface ? muinech (muine)
surface colour fordath
surface of sea mong
surface of sea muincend
surface vegetation forrsc
surface agad
surface airchleithe (cleithe)
surface br 1 (c)
surface clr (e)
surface cnes (a)
surface druim(m) II
surface formna
surface fossad
surface immurlr
surface ind, inn
surface lr
surface lr
surface lerg
surfaces muin
surgical probe cr 1 I (g)
surliness drdacht (drda)
surliness gruaim
surly (?) brichnech
surly packman lastaire (last?)
surly person? mcnaid (mcna)
surly dorrda
surly douragall (air\.fuigell)
surly dairc
surly goirgech
surly modarda
surmise menmarc
surname fortrmach
surnamed (?) foranmach (forainm)
surpasses (intrans.) derscnaigid (a) = derscaigid
surpasses (trans.) do-rscai II
surpasses ar-t (b)
surpasses as-ingaib (a)
surpasses cingid 1(d) [sic]
surpasses clisid (cles) (ar, tar)
surpasses for-beir
surpasses for-aisligid(ir)
surpasses gallaid (2 gall)
surpassing barrad, bairred
surpassing derscnugud (a)
surpassing derscugud (a)
surpassing rrgna (rer-?)
surplus barraigecht (barr 1)
surplus corrad (corr 1)
surplus corrlach
surplus immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
surprise machtnad

surprising csamail (b)
surprising machdatae
surprising machtnaigthi
surrender logad
surrendering dlsigud, dsligud (b)
surrenders do-airbir II
surrounded by a ditch cladach 1 (a) (clad)
surrounded by fair lands ath
surrounded by many angels il
surrounded by yews ibrnach
surrounding mound ? immellach
surrounding wall ? immellach
surrounding airchell 2
surrounding immaig
surrounding immellach
surrounding imthacmang, imthacmac
surrounding imthimchell
surrounding imthimchell
surrounds aigid (e)
surrounds do-airmchella
surrounds do-immchella (b)
surrounds imm-cella
surrounds imm-druid
surrounds immid (imbe)
surrounds imm-said
surrounds imm-tabair
surrounds imm-tacmaing
surrounds imm-timairchella
surrounds imm-timchella
surrounds muinithir
surveying air\.fchain (fchain)
surveying fgain, fchain (a)
surveying forcsi (farc-, foirc-, fairc-)
surveying fordcsin
surveying imcaisiu
surveying immaircse
surveying midem
surveying midemain
surveyor faircseir
surveys ? fordercaid
surveys for-aicci
survives for-t
survives lenaid
survives maraid and mairid
surviving di, do is 2 (c)
surviving tar (dar) is 2 (c)
survivor ? 1 arlaithe (? laithe)
survivor aithbe (be)
survivor laigthech
survivor ldach, -dach, -dach II (a) (ld)
survivor arsma

survivors armar
suspended in the air etarbasach (etarbas)
suspicion am(a)ires (b) (iress 1)
suspicion doich (dich?) II (c)
suspicion icht
sustainable by testimony (?) bechta 1
sustainer gln
sustainer immarchorthid
sustaining (?) coinechar
sustaining (?) dindasad
sustaining bethugad (b)
sustaining comim\.fulang (im\.folang)
sustaining congbil (-l) (a)
sustaining cothad (b)
sustaining follamnugad (follamnaigid)
sustaining imfolang, imfulang
sustains (?) bethaigid (b)
sustains ar-net (c)
sustains cothaigid (a) (coth)
sustains fo-loing
sustains fo-loing
sustains fothaigid (fotha)
sustains fothaigthech
sustains imm-cuirethar
sustains imm-fo(i)lng(a)i
sustenance for fo-suidethar, -fothadar
sustenance betha (d) (bo)
sustenance comairbert (airbert) biuth
sustenance coth
sustenance fossugud
sustenance fothad, -ud
sustenance ln
sustenance ln
sustenance mann
sustenance marthanacht (-ainecht)
swaddling-clothes ? fuilce
swaggerer balcaire (balc)
swaggering gustalach (gustal)
swallow (?) filtec
swallow illec
swallow ainnel
swallow fainlec
swallow fannall
swallowing up com\.slucud (slucud)
swallow-like (?) ainlemail (ainnel)
swallows diurnaid
swallows do-slucai
swallows for-diuclainn
swallows fordiuclammaid (fordiuclaimm)
swamp ? mualach
swamp 1 grellach

swamp enach I (a) (en)
swamp fith 3
swamp gethlach (3 geth)
swamp gothlach vx gethlach
swamping (a boat) imbdud
swampy (?) fithech 2
swampy luimpre
swan 1 gis
swan 3 Gall
swan 4 a
swan ela 1
swan-haunted elach (ela 1)
swanlike (?) gessda (gssda <gis ?)
swan-like gisemail (gis)
swarm fras (fros) > frais
swarm murbrucht (muir)
swarming (?) meirbligthe
swarming meirbligud (-iud)
swarms do-lin (b)
swarms? meirbligid
swarthiness (?) imtheimel
swarthy (?) dobrach 1 (dobur 1)
swarthy dolach (dol)
swarthy dub I (a)
swarthy ethiopacdae
swarthy fordonn
swarthy gorm
sway cuing
sway forlamus, -lmus
sway greimm
swaying lasc
sways ? for-ladi
swear by these reliquaries ath
swearing about imthach
swearing jointly comluige 1 (luige 1)
swearing aeded
swearing luige
swears about imm-toing
swears around imm-toing
swears away do-toing 2
swears mutually imm-coitget
swears on behalf of (?) ar-toing
swears as-fena
swears as-no
swears con-toing (tongaid)
swears do-toing 1 = tongaid
swears luigid (luige)
swears minnaigid
sweat ? lth
sweat allas
sweaty aillsech (allas)

sweeps away fataing (fo-uss-deng)
sweet of sound adnall
sweet binn
sweet blasta (-ae) (blas)
sweet combinn (binn)
sweet cumrae
sweet cumraide = cumrae
sweet milis
sweetbriar (name of plant) engleter
sweetens millsigid
sweetheart lennn
sweetheart lennat
sweetmeat millsn (<milis?)
sweetness (of music) can\.fairrige (can\.fairrech)
sweetness of sound binnius (binn)
sweetness binne (binn)
sweetness blthmaire (blthmar)
sweetness millse
sweetness millsecht
sweet-smelling boladmar (bolad)
sweet-smelling boltnaigthe
sweet-smelling cumrae
sweet-songed athchan (can)
sweet-sounding binnech 1 (binn)
sweet-worded milis
swelling (?, CW) borrfadaigid (borrfad)
swelling (med.) cnocc (a)
swelling (on the body) cern 1 (b)
swelling up borrfad (borr)
swelling att 1
swelling attmar (att 1)
swelling ballsgit (ball)
swelling borr
swelling borrad
swelling borrfadach (borrfad)
swelling bacach (baic)
swelling cnapn (cnap)
swelling corr 1 I
swelling inbolgad
swelling infisse
swelling maoilenn
swells attaid (att 1)
swells bolgaid (bolg 1)
swells borraid (borr)
swells inbolgaid (bolg)
swerving dall, dell (a)
swift (?) meirn
swift and mighty maige
swift as a weasel or squirrel arannta (? aru)
swift cutting crephnas
swift in furious foray idlann, idlang

swift over lands (?) fonn
swift stream mer
swift airlam (c)
swift n 2 I
swift crib
swift daith 1
swift dan 1
swift imech II
swift imid
swift scaid
swift famann
swift grind
swift grip
swift inescland
swift lath
swift lthmar (lth)
swift-footed (?) fonn
swiftly crib
swiftness ine 1 (e)
swiftness ithe (b) (ith 1)
swiftness daithe 1 (daith 1)
swiftness dine (dan)
swiftness gripe (grip)
swiftness laithe (lath)
swiftness las (lath)
swift-running dulach (dul 1)
swimming (in competition) com\.snm (snm)
swimming air\.snm = snm
swimming fosnam
swims about imm-sn
swineherd muc(c)aid
swinging motion lasc
swinging lascach (lasc)
swinging lascad
swishing sound fetgaire
switch 1 gairid
swollen (?) bolgach 1 (bolg 1)
swollen state attmaracht (attmar)
swollen attmar (att 1)
swollen borr
swollen crachda (crach 1)
swoon anfainne (b) (anfann)
swoon fanntaise (fann + taise?)
sword (?) collann
sword 1 genam vx genum
sword 4 gen
sword claideb (a)
sword- claidebdae (claideb)
sword colg (b)
sword genum
sword glaidis

sword lann
sword mudorn
sword-hilt dornchla 1 (dorn + cl?)
sword-hilt dornchur (dorn + cor)
swordless (?) dchloidem (claideb)
sword-play (?) claidrem
swords lannach (lann)
swordsman claidbech II (claideb)
swordsman claidbid 2 (claideb)
sword-wielding claidbech I (claideb)
swore atluig
syllable boundary alt 1 II (b)
syllable dalt, dealt
syllable(s) as a metrical unit deach
syllogism comargn (argin)
sylvan caillide (caill 1)
sylvan fidbadach (fidbad)
symbol comartha (a) (airde 1)
symbol figair 2, figar, fiugair (a)
symbolic figairemail
symbolic figurda, -arda (figair)
symbolising callugad
symbolism figurdacht
symbolizing figrad, fiugrad
symbolizing figrugad
symmetrical cosmailse
sympathiser airchissid 2 (ar-ceissi)
sympathising coicsed
sympathy com\.fulang (fulang)
sympathy comaiditiu (doditiu?)
sympathy combid (com + bid)
sympathy comrichne
sympathy condalbae (condalb)
sympathy dondaidecht (dondaide)
symptom airde 1 (a)
symptom comartha (b) (airde 1)
symptom descad, descaid (c)
synchronising comrm (rm)
synchronism coimgne
synchronism comaimser (b) (aimser)
synchronism comaimser(d)acht (comaimserdae)
synchronization comaimser(d)acht (comaimserdae)
synchronizing comaimser(d)acht (comaimserdae)
synchronizing comaimserad
syncopated? gerr
syncope gerrad
synod? ? fotail
synonym com\.focal (foccul)
synonymous comainmnigthech (comainm)
synopsis berrad (a) airechta

table of contents clr (f)
table spread with food losat
table bein(n)se, binse
table bord (b)
table mas
tableland com\.forusta (forusta)
taboo airmert (c)
taboo airmit
taboo airmitiu 1
taboos gorm
tabor bodrn (bodar)
tabu geis
taciturn douragall (air\.fuigell)
tackle frithiled, -lad, -elad
tackle lomancar vx loman
tackles fris-ilethar
tail of an animal los
tail of an animal lu (l)
tail ? losnaid
tail bot 1 (a)
tail cairchech 2 (cairche 2)
tail cod 1
tail erball
tail err 1 I
tail-end buicinn (-enn ?) (boc 1 or 2 + cenn ?)
tails abblaib
tainted lochtach (locht)
take care! aire!
taken as the equivalent of gablta (gabl)
taken up gablta (gabl)
taken up gablta (gabl)
takes (away) benaid I (f)
takes (responsibility) gaibid
takes (with one) beirid IV
takes a path gaibid
takes a path gaibid
takes a path gaibid
takes a resolution airlithir (c)
takes a wife ad-aig (g)
takes advantage of gaibid, fo-gaib ell 2, eill
takes after (intrans.) do-ella 1 I (e) fri
takes alarm (?) forscthaigid
takes away (di = from) do-ingaib (b)
takes away (trans.) tla(id) III
takes away (with acc. of thing and imm of pers.) eterimdibid
takes away again (?) do-aithbeir
takes away by stealth do-etlen
takes away illegally fataigid
takes away ar-cela
takes away as-tlen

takes away do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a I
takes away do-alla 1
takes away do-ben 1 (*d-ben)
takes away do-fcaib I (c)
takes away do-gaib (a)
takes away do-opir
takes away do-tlen 1
takes away fochslaigid
takes away focoisle (a)
takes away fodiubaid
takes away fo-tien vx tlenaid
takes away gaibid
takes away gataid
takes away gataigid (gait)
takes back (?) do-aithbeir
takes back ad-gaib
takes by force gaibid
takes by force gaibid
takes by storm do-fich 2
takes by storm lingid
takes captive doraid (a) (dor)
takes care (not to) as-midethar
takes care of (for) fo-callathar (a)
takes care of ar-foichlea (b)
takes care of manigid
takes counsel (concerning) comairligid (a) (comairle)
takes counsel con-airlethar (airlithir)
takes effect gaibid
takes effect gnmaigid (gnm)
takes fire lasaid
takes flight ? ladain
takes heed (esp. of aniticipating danger) ar-foichlea (c)
takes heed of ar-elma (ellam)
takes heed foimtenaigid
takes heed fo-moinethar vx foimnidi, foimte
takes hold of (mental condition) gaibid
takes hold of ar-gaib
takes hold of gaibid
takes hold of gaibid
takes hold gaibid
takes hold gaibid
takes into account (intrans.) fgaid II (b) do
takes into account ad-rmi
takes into account do-aith\.fga
takes into account fgaid I (b)
takes into service (?) gilsigid
takes leave (of) do-im(m)na (d) celebrad (do)
takes off do-csa (-icsa?)
takes on oneself (responsibility) gaibid
takes ones leave celebraid (c)
takes oneself off do-ingaib (d)

takes pains (intrans.) deithidnigidir (b) (deithiden)
takes place (intrans.) do-ecmaing III (a)
takes place do-cuirethar III (f)
takes place do-icc II
takes place do-tt (c)
takes possession of in-loing
takes possession ad-selba
takes precedence of (esp. legal) do-fed (b)
takes precedence of ? for-suidethar
takes precedence of ar-fet (a)
takes precedence for-tt
takes root frmaigid, prm (frm)
takes shape (trans.) delbaid II (delb)
takes the edge off formelaid
takes the place of ar-gella
takes the place of engraicigidir (engraic)
takes to (intrans.) do-ella 1 I (c) for + vn.
takes to oneself gaibid
takes up (employment or occupation) gaibid
takes up arms against ? idna, indna
takes up arms irgid (f)
takes up one`s abode (esp. founder of a religious community) gaibid
takes up one`s abode gaibid
takes up residence imm-attrebea
takes up do-fcaib I (b)
takes up do-fcaib I (m)
takes ar-fom (a)
takes at-etha (a)
takes beirid VI
takes do-beir IV
takes do-fcaib I (b)
takes gaibid
takes glacaid (glac)
taking (away) bin
taking (holy orders) dul 1 II (c) fo
taking (off, away) bim (a) (-mm)
taking (with one) breth (c)
taking away (?) deim 2
taking away (by stealth or unfair means) tla, tld II
taking away from bain (c)
taking away airchell 1
taking away airchellad
taking away dgbl (a)
taking away dingbil I
taking away dscor 1 (a)
taking away dthle
taking away fochsal (foxal) (a)
taking away fogait
taking away gait
taking away gatail
taking by force glacad

taking captive dorad (a)
taking care of ? imgaire
taking care of gairitecht (goire)
taking charge of (under, or in place of another) foimditiu
taking counsel for frithairle
taking counsel airle 1 (b)
taking counsel comairliugud (a)
taking counsel crd 1
taking due measure or precautions? foimsiu
taking great heed (?, CW) caemail (ce)
taking hold of airgabl
taking into account aith\.fgad (a)
taking into account fgad (c)
taking into consideration fgain, fchain (d) do
taking off ones clothes dtgud (tgud)
taking off the surface of the lea grafadh
taking off dscor 1 (a)
taking part in dall, dell (d) fri (re, le)
taking part with cuitiugad (b)
taking possession of attrab (b)
taking possession of ellach 1 II (b)
taking responsibility for frecra(e)
taking stock of indrithne, indrichne
taking the place of engracugud
taking unawares beglugud
taking up (an occupation, etc.) dul 1 II (c) fri
taking up arms irge (e)
taking allad 1
taking gabl
taking gabl
taking gabltaige (gabltach)
tale aithscl(e) (scl)
talebearer aithrisech (aithris)
talk brathar (a)
talk cainnt
talk celebrad (c)
talk medar (medair)
talkative airlabarthaech (airlabrae)
talkative cainntech (cainnt)
talkative com\.foclach (com\.focal)
talkative comritech (comrd)
talkative labar
talkative labarthach (labrad)
talkative, nonsensical fellow glugaire
talkativeness brasairecht (bras)
talked about ? fuiglecht
talked about imritech (imrd)
talked wildly mer
talking about imrd
talking at the same time as someone else folabra(d)
talking or conversing in an undertone folabra(d)

talking raven (?) locfiach
talking comrd (rd)
talks like a fool betha(ig)id (beth 1)
talks labraithir (labar)
tall fair woman fota, fata
tall garmnach (garman)
tall lebar
tallow 1 geir
talon (?) fuinche
talon (?) grb
talon (?) grb
talon fuince
talon ingen
talons ingnech (ingen)
tame (?) cunnamanta
tame cennaid
tame mn
tames cennsaigid (cennais)
tames mnigid (mn)
taming mnigid (mn)
tampered with millte
tampering with ? fuba
tangle rna
tangled mass mothar
tangled problem mothar
tangled undergrowth achrann (a)
tangled comaimrid (aimrid)
tangled cross-aidlennach
tankard giusta
tanned coirtchide (coirt 1)
tanned coirtigthe
tanning coirtigthech (coirtigthe)
tans coirt(ig)id (coirt 1)
tansey briscn (brisc)
taper adann (a)
tapering downwards fochel (cel)
tapering corr 1 I
tap-root mecon (-an)
tardiness maill (moill)
tardiness maille (mall)
tardiness malldacht
tares cocal
target cuspir
target lmach (lm)
tarries furnaidid (furnaide)
tarrying fuirech
tarrying furnaide
task bert 1 III (a) (beirid)
task cim (-mm) I (k)
task, etc. to which ones powers are not equal ccomnart
tassel luban

taste blas (a)
taste blasacht (c)
taste blastacht (blasta)
taste forblas
taste fromad
taste mlas
taste mlassacht (mlas)
tastes blaisid
tastes blasaigid (mlas, blas)
tastes fromaid
tasting (noisily or greedily) blasachtach (blasacht)
tasting blas (d)
tasting blasacht (a)
tasting blasad
tasting fromad
tasting mlaissiud
tatling bodnach
tatter ceirtn (ceirt 2)
tatter ledbg (ledb)
tattered gibach (giba)
tatters (in pl.) brit (c)
taught foircthe
taunt airbire
taunt r(i)n
taunting gerrad
taunting modem
taunts (with) do-ben 2 (b)
taunts imm-derga
tax (?) gaiblinne
tax ? 2? gabal
tax 2 gabal
tax cabalach (cobail ?)
tax cin (b)
tax cs
tax dliged V
tax gerrad
teacher aite 1 (b)
teacher dochtir
teacher fithidir
teacher fochetlaid (b)
teacher forcetlaid (forcitlaid)
teacher forcetlir
teacher inchosthaid (inchosc)
teacher maigister (maigistir)
teacher mintid
teacher? ? maguth
teacher? foglaimm d
teaches dechtaigid II
teaches do-inchoisc
teaches felaid
teaches for-cain

teaches forcetlaid (forcetal)
teaches in-coisig (in(d)-com-sech)
teaches ligenn
teaches minid
teaching felad 1
teaching forcetal (-cital) (vn. of for-cain)
teaching mnad
teaching? aicidecht
team cuingir (cuing)
tear aidirbe
tear dr (a)
tear fand
tear lochar
tearful drach 1 (dr)
tearful derchontech (derchoniud)
tearful drfadach 2 (dr)
tearful drfartach 1 (dr)
tearful golnach (goln)
tearing (?) dthlach
tearing apart comscaled (scaled)
tearing apart coscrad
tearing greatly imrpad
tearing nature letarthaige (letarthach)
tearing letarthach (letrad)
tears (away) do-boing (a)
tears (of remorse) etla III
tears coimrpaid (rpaid)
tears lachtacht (lacht)
teat dela 1 (a)
teat did
teats of a cow bdela (b + dela)
techn. term in laws for a certain kind of minor flescach III (b) (flesc 1)
technical name for a testamentary disposition made in full bodily health imna
technical name in prosody for a type of dnad in which part of the first word of a poem is
repeated at its end ascnam (c)
technical skill (?) fth 6 (feth?)
technical skill (esp. of occult or druidic lore) fisidecht (fisid)
technical term for a type of syllabic verse with inperfect rime and imperfect consonance
tedious (?) aitsechda
tedious (?) anamalla
tedious athmulta
tedious emilt I
tedious lista (lis)
tediousness emilte (emilt)
tediousness emiltius, emeltus I
tediousness listacht
teeming folcmar (falc-) (folc)
-teen (in 11 to 19(th)) deec, deac, dc
tell her...that she may seek counsel from herself imm-teich
telling (GHOST) cuad 2

telling (with gen. or ar, for) aithris (a)
telling ? indiuth
telling of lad (lth)
telling stories of the fana fanaigecht b
telling aisnis (a)
telling aithrised
telling forndisse
telling fornis
telling frital
telling imlad
telling indisin
tells (about, of = do, de) as-indet
tells a lie gaigidir (gu)
tells of indisid (indise)
tells on mairnid
tells ad-ft
tells aithrisid (a) (aithris)
tells ar-ft
tells canaid (b)
tells con-scara (c)
tells do-accair (b)
tells do-rmi (c)
tells for-cain
tells for-indet vx forndis, forndisse
tells -frisnid vx fresnds, fresnsid
tells in(d)-ft (in(d)-fiad)
tells indisid (indise)
tells innidid vx ind-ft
tells inrinid
tells ionrinid
temper of their sharp spears fulang
temper minne
temperament min
temperate character mesardacht
temperate condition mesardacht
temperate mesraigthe
tempered fobride
tempered foibrigthe
tempered mesraigthe
tempering (metal) fagairt
tempering fobairt I (b)
tempering mesrugud
tempers fo-geir 2
tempers mesraigid
tempest ainbthen (a)
tempest anfud (a)
tempest doinenn
tempestous gethmar (2 geth)
tempestuous doinennta (doinenn)
tempestuous gailbech
temple of idols dal, dol

temple of the forehead) ara 2 (-ae)
temple dal, dol
temples (?) cammc (b) (camm 1)
tempoal good maithes, -ius
temporal artery ? malland
temporal aimserdae (aimser)
temporal indoda
temporary cattlefold baile 1 (a)
temporary dwelling listn
temporary possession asacht
temporary stronghold longphort
temptation aidbirseirecht
temptation ammus (b)
temptation aslach
temptation cathugud (c)
tempter (of the devil) cathaige 1 (cath 1)
tempter cathaigtheir
tempting aimsiugud (a)
tempting ammus (b)
tempting aslach
tempting aslaigthech (ad-slig)
tempting fochaid (a)
tempts ad-slig
tempts aimsigid (a) (ammus)
ten deich n- 2 (a)
ten deich n- 2 (b)
tenacious (?) congbaid
tenacious congblach (congbil)
tenacious lista (lis)
tenant is entilted to give back his fief whenever he wishes meisech
tenant of church-lands manach
tenant that pays or makes amends ccaid > ccaide (cc)
tenant aiccid
tenant dis I (a)
tenant fuidir
tenants mem(m)rad (< memar)
tendency to anger lasntacht (lasnta)
tendency to stray imfaenledaige
tendency to yawn mnfadach (mn)
tender shoot maethn (maeth)
tender woman maeth (moeth)
tender bad (a)
tender boc 1
tender inmar
tender lem
tender maeth (moeth)
tender maethnaide
tender moglaid
tender muirnech (muirn)
tenderness bade (a) (bad)
tenderness felles

tending ? imgaire
tending a sick person in the pangs of death idu
tending cattle (at a pound) (legal) bleith II
tending of folds lasrad (las)
tending of pens lasrad (las)
tending to dul 1 II (c) i n-
tending aire 1 (a)
tending airitiu (d)
tending arfaigid
tending ingaire
tending lesugud
tending lesugud
tendon colum 2
tendon lithech and lthach vx lithe
tends (?) ar-fet (b)
tends in-gair
tends lirigid(ir) (lir)
tends lesaigidir (les)
tenfold deichde (deich)
tent for a wound indrach
tent for wound ? indrige ?
tent for wound cr 1 I (g)
tent blscln (bl + scln)
tent blscth (bl + scth) = blscl, blscln
tent cbn
tenth day (CW) deicimm
tenth part of an hour minit
tenth dechmad I
tenth dechmad II (b)
tenuity fille (a)
tenuous (?) etlaide I (etla)
tenure of a bothach bothachas (bothach 2)
ten-yearly dicionilech
tepid elte
tepid eltesaide
tepidity eltes
tepidity eltesaidecht
term for a young female deer mang
term of abuse conadmairt c?
term of appreciation applied to a warrior dbinn
term of contempt coinmile
term of endearment daltn
terminating foircnedach
termination of fosterage dailtir
termination of fosterage dailtre = dailtir
termination of fosterage daltrom = dailtir
termination cenn II
termination clsal 1 (a)
termination forba, forbae
terms offered immarchor
terms coingell (a) (com+ gell)

terms cundrad (b)
terrace libenn
terraces (?) forscamon
terrible (?) crgalach (crgal)
terrible (?) dabair (-ur)
terrible (of a weapon) anbil (an + fill)
terrible adathmar
terrible aicbil
terrible igthide
terrible anapaig (d) (apaig)
terrible anfill (fill)
terrible famach, fimach
terrible gibthech
terrible gibthech
terrible grnda (grin)
terrible imm
terribleness aicbile
terribleness airath (a) (ath 1)
terribleness gibthige
terrified comeclach (eclach)
terrifies (?) famnigid
terrifies airgrinid (airgrin)
terrifies coimchrith(naig)id (crith(naig)id)
terrifying igthech (igthiu)
terrifying imm
territorials fonn
territory (in poetry with follg. gen.) fad 3 II
territory house forus
territory of lorc
territory 1 gort (gart)
territory airecht 1 (c)
territory bith 1 I (b)
territory cennadach
territory cenntar (b)
territory comindell (indell)
territory crch (b)
territory cairt 1 I (b)
territory dthchas (c) (dthaig)
territory eng 2 (b)
territory fag
territory ferann
territory fonn
territory ft
territory ath
terror 1 grin
terror gasta
terror ainecla (ecla)
terror airecla (ecla)
terror airgrin (grin)
terror airath (b) (ath 1)
terror crephel

terror cridenas (cride? crith?)
terror eclugud
terror geltachas (geltach)
terror grindell
terror-inspiring fascrach (fascor)
test (of testing of malt; legal) airigid 1 (c)
test fr 1 II (c)
testament aidacht
tested derbtha (b)
tested forglide
tested fromtha
testes ceinn, cenni
testicle bach
testicle caull
testicle macrall
testicles ? maca
testicles magarla
testifier fuirglid vx forglid
testifies ad-selba
testifies forclidid
testifies for-gella
testifies gellaid
testifying fadnaisiugad
testifying forgell, forgal(l)
testimony (?) conod(a), -ud
testimony (legal) brathar (d)
testimony fadnaise (a) (fada 2)
testimony forgell, forgal(l)
testing period itself iubaile, iubail
testing derbad (b)
testing derosc
testing fagairt
testing fgain, fchain (c)
testing fgsain (c)
testing fobairt I (b)
testing fromad
tests derbaid 2 (d) (derb 1)
tests fromaid
tests inderbaid (derb)
testudo libenn
testy ogmar, ogar
tether comchubrech (cuimrech)
tethering-post echlasc 1, echlaisc
tetrad cethardae (cethair)
tetrarchy cethrachus (cethair)
text (gramm.) coibge
text ligenn
text lachtu
texture glsnithe (glnthe, glnsnithe,
than (after compar.) fu II (a)

than is ats
than is indaas, inds
than to inquire concerning our race imchomarc
than indaas, inds
thanes brugthaid
thankful buide 2 (c) with prepp.
thankful buidech 2 (buide 2)
thanking buidechus = buide 2
thankless dobuidech (buidech)
thanks (are due) to buide 2 (a) fri
thanks to be rendered buidigthi
thanks beirid buide 2 (d)
thanksgiving attlugud buide
that (it) is not is
that accords protection (?) fasemach (fesam)
that acquires gain fuillmech (fuillem)
that acquires profit (?) fuillmech (fuillem)
that attests fadnaisech, -asach (a) (fadnaise)
that avenges dgaltach (dgailt)
that avenges dglach (dgal)
that bears witness fadnaisech, -asach (a) (fadnaise)
that beats back frithbailtech
that cannot be checked dchoiscthe (coiscid)
that cannot be coped with do\.frestall (frestal)
that cannot be felt domothuigthe (mothaigid)
that cannot be gainsaid do\.frecartha (frecraid, fris-gair)
that cannot be listened to dostechta (tsecht)
that cannot be loosened doscalte 1 (scalid)
that cannot be misshapen or transformed (?) dodelbtha (delbaid)
that cannot be opened dthaslaicthe (do-fasailci)
that cannot be paid derrethe
that cannot be parted doscalte 1 (scalid)
that cannot be reached (?) dthorachta
that cannot be renewed doathnaduigthe (nadaigid)
that cannot be replaced doathnaduigthe (nadaigid)
that cannot be rowed on dorm (rm)
that cannot be shown d\.foillsigthech (foillsigidir)
that cannot be sustained do\.frestall (frestal)
that cannot be told doaisnis(e), do\.faisnis(e) (ais\.nds)
that cannot be warded off dodingbla (dingbl)
that crushes cnmtha
that denies diltadach (a) (diltad)
that does not allow of pleading at law (?) dchaingen (caingen)
that flies etel(l)ach 1 (etel(l))
that frequent various mates il
that goes swift dulmar (dul 1)
that goes well dulmar (dul 1)
that grows forbartach
that he as well as thou may drink it ibid
that he could defend himself against damage imchosnam

that he himself had a prescriptive title to the sword and its trappings (?) and ornament
that he may explain fursunnaigid
that he might have an army large enough to go furthain
that he should be retained in service of arms and armour and attendance till death imfrithilem
that he should have been made to blush imdergad
that he will drink it ibid
that he would not perform the penance ccaid (cc)
that I would suffer any one to fall fulang
that impairs dgbaigthech (dgbaigid)
that increase forollat
that is not great mr (mr)
that is strewn fosair
that Judas was his betrayer f(o)bas
that keeps vigil figlech (figel)
that lessens dgbaigthech (dgbaigid)
that makes the wheels go laite
that mumbles or mutters fodordach
that must be guarded against foimnidi
that must be prefiared for foichlidi
that of which one is ignorant (frequ. of way, place) ainel (el)
that opens faslaicthech
that ought to be found out fissi
that ought to be known fissi
that punishes dgaltach (dgailt)
that punishes dglach (dgal)
that refers to (?) the septenary grades frecra(e)
that rejects diltadach (a) (diltad)
that remembers foraithmetach (foraithmet)
that renders service fognamach
that satisfied (answered) their nine discourses ccaid (cc)
that satisfied (resolved) their nine discourses ccaid (cc)
that signifies many senses and many meanings il
that signifies many senses... il
that suffers injury foichedach
that takes precuations? foichlech I
that the man come to thee whole and sound imline (imln)
that the Spirit`s gifts are many il
that their gifts may be secured to them by their prayers imdtiu
that they live as Jews digte
that they may not make a commotion (?) imm-aig
that this might help the woman to prove it against him imdnam
that turns afterwards (or back ?) arimpas
that which binds fastthach
that which cannot be answered d\.frecra
that which causes a blush imderg
that which causes a reproach imderg
that which causes fear or apprehension ecail
that which causes mutual violence ? imserg
that which causes mutual wasting imserg
that which causes shame fle (b) (fal 2)

that which disintegrates (med.) dscaltech (c) (dscaled)
that which dissolves (med.) dscaltech (c) (dscaled)
that which distinguishes eterdeluigthech (eterdeligid)
that which goes in a counter direction frithstaigthe
that which has no precedent anfsach (fsach 1)
that which has nothing corresponding to it d\.frecra
that which is above (certain limit or standard) forcraid
that which is born 1 gein
that which is encountered frithstaigthe
that which is fitting comadas (adas)
that which is fitting dal 1 (d)
that which is found frth, frthe
that which is free dlmain (a)
that which is gained fagbl (b)
that which is good maith
that which is known or familiar el 1 I (c)
that which is known fis 1, fius I (b)
that which is left over fuidel(l)
that which is made dnmas (c) (dnum)
that which is made forcmachtae
that which is meet dal 1 (d)
that which is natural dal 1 (d)
that which is not chosen dgu (a)
that which is obtained fagbl (b)
that which is peculiar (to) dlsetu (dles)
that which is pleasant to the senses mellchae (mellach)
that which is proper cir 6
that which is provided fairthe (a)
that which is right cir 6
that which is right dal 1 (d)
that which is secret derritacht (derrit)
that which is seen faicsin II (aicsiu)
that which is something (?) dimde (dim)
that which is stable forus
that which is stolen gait
that which is supplementary fuidel(l)
that which is unpleasant aneb 1 (ob)
that which is upon forbbaid
that which makes red imderg
that which marks out eterdeluigthech (eterdeligid)
that which relaxes (med.) dscaltech (c) (dscaled)
that which retains fastthach
that which takes or apprehends gabltach
that which 4 a
that which cach, cech II (c)
that will not be in a lofty place ? forcleth
that ara 1 (a)
that ara 1 (b)
that ca 2 I (b)
that co 3
that is

thatch dn (b)
thatch dla, dlu (b)
the (+ comp.) de 5, -te, -ti
the ablative case fochslaid
the act of inciting ? ? fomuillid vx muillid
the act of sending foded (-iud)
the act of using foim(m)rimm (b)
the Alps Alp
the Alps Alpae
the Ascension desgabl (dess + gabl)
the author, however, is plural ildae (il)
the Belgic (?) language belgaid
the best (of a class or number) forba, forbae
the best part formna
the best forg(g)u, forgo
the better of maith
the canonical hour of prime anteirt
the choice (folld. by gen.) dgrais II (a) (d + gress 2)
the choicest (with follg. gen. us.) baid 1 (b)
the Christian church as an institution eclais, eclas (a)
the clerical order clar (a)
the collective leading nobles of a territory airecht 1 (b)
the concave surface of a shield ? 1 gail
the Conqueror Concur
the Conqueror cuncr
the contrary comchloud (c)
the Cross croch 1 (a)
the crosspieces at right angles to the blade and hilt elta 2
the Crucifixion croch 1 (a)
the cusp or point of spear or pointed weapon fogrin
the day before yesterday arbu ind
the deeds (prowess) of his hands (?) glonnudh (1 glond ?)
the defendant has power of avoiding imgabil
the Devil dabul 2 (a)
the Divinity deacht II (dia 2)
the earth riu
the east airther I (b)
the east fir
the ecce has been put here to indicate abundance imdugud
the effecting of any deed imfolang, imfulang
the end of winter falech
the Englishry galldacht (gallda)
the eponymous ancestor of the Gaels Godel (Gadel)
the equivalent of (folld. by gen., less oft. acc.) fu I (c)
the Fates faithe 1
the fee for them is given in proportion to (that for) men whom (the rule of) nursing in Irish law
excludes imchommus
the final resurrection es(s)irge
the firmament on the side towards us ille, illei
the first time ctir
the food is not the more plentiful il

the four elements cethardil (cethair + dil)
the four points of the compass cetharaird (cethair + aird)
the four quarters cetharaird (cethair + aird)
the four townlands nearest to the cetharaird claird (cl + aird)
the fourth day of the ides of cuartd
the function of an echlach echlachus (echlach 1)
the future (?) attain
the glanders fothach
the god Mars Mairt
the Gradual (psalm) dgrd 1
the greater part of airmr (mr)
the greater part forglu < forgla
the greater part formna
the greater mr (mr)
the greatest part forba, forbae
the guards imchomt
the half of leth
the head of all in the fine...he who is most powerful to sue imfoichid, imfochaid
the hereafter (oppd. to cenntar) alltar (a)
the heroes multiply deeds of valour imdugud
the human hand amm 2 (a)
the impious in abundance and prosperity imbed, imbad
the impugning took place before the period of annulling contracts generally imfoichid,
the inferior part dgu (a)
the inferior share dgu (a)
the iris of gladiolus gloriam
the king had not more people il
the king lamented over him imchaned
the last Judgement brth
the left lower (particle) chtar
the letter `g` in linn-ogam 3 gabal
the letter b beithe (b)
the letter f ef
the letter f fern 1 (d)
the letter q in Ogam ceirt 1
the letter s es 1
the like of aithgein (b) + gen.
the like leithit
the lintel of a door imdorus
the liquor that causes forgetfulness of God shall not be drunk here ibid
the Lord coimdiu
the main body ? imdatus (?imda)
the majority forglu < forgla
the male of various birds cailech 2
the malt was mashed in one of the two tubs and it was set to ferment in the other imdell
the man will succour me that I may be released imddnad
the man`s neuter selected attributes fulang
the manna was not more plentiful to him imdae
the mark of long quantity forsail
the monastic refectory cena

the moon ig
the more lengthy il
the more il
the multiplicity of the time ilardatu (ilardae)
the nature of man dondacht (a) (don(d)a)
the next morning admatain
the next world (oppd. to cenntar) alltar (a)
the Noachian deluge dliu, dle (a)
the North (esp. the North of Ireland) fochla 1 I
the obligation of the scourge (is) the use of water imbert
the office of governor goib(h)ernracht (goibhernir)
the Old (Jewish) Law or Testament fetarlaic, -e
the one ... the other cch (b) ... alaile
the one cch (a)
the open sea fairrge, fairge II
the Origines or Etymologiae of Isidorus cuilmen
the other towards leithne (leth)
the other cile (i)
the outher surface of a wall etc. can 2
the pick forg(g)u, forgo
the place where bail 1 b
the place where fail 2 a
the point on which a millshaft turns airmtiud
the position of a comlthar comlithre (comlthar)
the possessing of many languages ? ilblras (il-blrae)
the present frecnarcus
the privies (?, CW) cammralann
the quality of being divided fodlaidetu
the raised part of a ship eros, erais
the rear ? armracht
the refuse dgu (a)
the rest cch (a)
the rest cch (d)
the right lower (particle) chtar
the right cert 1 (g)
the right faitse, foitse (a)
the ring or hoop with which the hurdles of an enclosure or pound were fastened together aidemm
the river Blackwater daball, doball
the road back (CW) athbthar (bthar)
the rock crushed both horses and men imbrid
the same (person, thing, etc.) ctnae III
the same clothing (CW) comtgud (tgud)
the same colour comdath (dath)
the same nature comaicned (aicned)
the same vowel may stand in the corresponding part of the endings imfrecrae
the same ath\.foilsigthech (ath\.foilsigud)
the same ctnae II
the same ibrracht
the season of autumn fogamar (a)
the seat of honour in a kings of chiefs hall fochla 1 II (a)
the seat of the warrior in a chariot fochla 1 II (b)

the second darna
the second in dara 1
the small guts cadla 2 (b)
the smith of the Tuatha D Danann Goibniu
the south dessebar (dess)
the stench of the offering idbart
the sweetness of the healing cc
the teeth dt 1 II
the Ten Tribes of Israel deichthriub
the thick stalks of some kinds of brown sea-weed (?) femm (a)
the third highest in rank of the fili-grades cl 2
the third letter of the Ogam alphabet coll 1 (b)
the third of the six ages of man gillacht (gilla)
the traditional customs and regulations of the Fni = native customary law fnechas
the transitory world domnn (domun)
the travels and wanderings imlad
the truth of God is to decide the case imdnam
the Two Tribes (Benjamin and Judah) dthriub (d + triub)
the underside of a sod of grass fescal 1
the universe cetharaird (cethair + aird)
the upper heaven ? ? fornem
the very best (folld. by gen.) dgrais II (a) (d + gress 2)
the very centre airmedn (medn)
the very centre comlr (lr)
the very middle airmedn (medn)
the very top imm
the whole imln
the woof indech
the world cetharaird (cethair + aird)
the world riu
the worst dgu (a)
theft airchell 1
theft dthle
theft donn 3
theft foserb
theft fatn
theft gait
theft gataigecht (gataige)
theft gatail
their convention is on the fourth of the ides d
their feasts and their cookings fulacht
their foes in their warlike border imbel?
their great prerogatives il
their movement against soldiers imlad
their reaping be on a Tuesday imbocht
their shield of defence imdegail
their 2 a
theirs 1 a
them -das-
them -dos- (b)
them -dus-

theme argam(a)intensive (b)
then ? immana(i)r
then 1 ar
then ale 1
then amein (b)
then amlaid 1 (a) sin
then ane
then asennad
then c(h)ene (d)
then dano II
then dano III
then di\.sin
then didiu (d)
then im 1, m
then arma, armo, armu
then arma, armo, armu
then armoth
then aru
then aru
then immurgu
then immurgu
then immurgu
theologian dadaire (dadae)
theology dadacht (c) (dadae)
theory dliged I (a)
there are many imdae
there are no warriors assailing him ? imfoichid, imfochaid
there are ten days for proclaiming the cairderegulations, and a month for ratifying them
there are do-coissin
there ensues for-t
there is desolation ? migne
there is enough in it for all of you furthain
there is room for do-alla 2 (a)
there is assin (sin)
there is asst (st)
there is do-coissin
there isn`t a sufficient number to save him from me imgabil
there scurvy came upon him, and therefrom he became a scald imbuille
there was a promise of battle imbalad
there was not such a distance of land between them imchan
there will be a little cloak of spoils around someone because of the many feats of Cuanu ?
thereafter 1 ar
thereafter i ndead, i ndiad (c)
thereafter aru
therefore airi
therefore ane
therefore dano II
therefore didiu (a)
therefore arma, armo, armu

thereupon 1 ar
thereupon dano III
thereupon di\.sin
thereupon didiu (d)
thereupon fo deud, fo diud (b)
thereupon i ndead, i ndiad (c)
thereupon arma, armo, armu
thereupon aru
these become untrue maillte
these three parties are able to disturb the contracts of their husbands imfoichid, imfochaid
they are gathered together by the beating to and fro of the waves outside imbalad
they comprise plurality in their signification ilardatu (ilardae)
they considered the curtailing of that green imdibe
they continued gazing on the place of the battle imdicsiu
they cook it, thery broil it imfuine
they cook the largest of the salmon and they filled their boat with them imfuinid
they estimate them *for-midethar
they got an advantage at one difficult ford imdoraid
they prevent judgement and mutual adjusting imfastad, immastad
they resorted to pressing forward their bucklers imbert
they seized him lm
they tryst with daltait
they were sustained by the ardour of their toil fulang
they will be hardy in enduring the assaults of every one upon them imfoichid, imfochaid
they will turn away ? the attack of the army from us imm-cuir(a)
they wore themselves away (?) cotaruibset
they 2, h
they eat
thick end of anything bun 1
thick fleeced mongach (mong)
thick part of leg between knee and ankle colptae II
thick part of the hoop of a torque (?) id
thick borr
thick-edged imbel?
thicket (?) fidrubae
thicket achrann (a)
thicket daire, doire II (dair)
thicket dos 1 (a)
thicket dristenach (dristen)
thicket falasach
thicket falasach
thicket mongach (mong)
thicket mothar
thickets (?) ? gradailsech
thickets (?) garfaillsig
thickness comthiget (tiget)
thief aircheltach 1 (airchellad)
thief bithbinech (bith + binech)
thief brataige 1 (brat 1)
thief brataire (brat 1)
thief donnach (donn 3)

thief gataige (gait)
thief latrann
thieving (?) dthlech (dthle)
thievish gatach (2 gat)
thievishness donnaige (donnach)
thigh ? ? innud
thigh les
thighs (?) les
thighs gabul
thighs lesrach (les)
thighs? fathrc
thin plate lann
thin strings of the ancient harp golc
thin bln
thin cel I
thin celda = cel
thin fothana
thing hidden foilches
thing lent asacht
thing of a small value l
thing of no profit tarbae
thing prohibited airchoillte (a)
thing resembling a leaf duille (b)
thing that brings healing ccaid > ccaide (cc)
thing dil 1
things strewn about in disorder es(s)air I (b)
things which replace others inadach (inad)
thinker intliuchtach (intliucht)
thinking faculty menma
thinking imrdud
thinks (of) imm-rdi
thinks again athsmainid (smainid)
thinks fit indraicigidir (indraic)
thinks little of ceisid 1 (d) for (ar)
thinks of brethnaigid (b) (breth)
thinks do-beir VI (c)
thinks gaibid
thinks gaibid
thinks menmnaigid (menma)
thinks mes(s)aid (<mes)
thinks midithir
thinness cale (cel)
thinning gannugud (vn. of gannaigid ?)
thirst ? tfa
thirst dbe 2
thirst t(t)u
thirst tmaire (tmar)
thirst luga(e) (l?)
thirstiness tbadaige ? (tbadach)
thirsting tugud
thirst-producing tmarach

thirst-quenching t(t)u
thirsts for tadaigid(ir) (tu)
thirsty person otach (ota vx t(t)u)
thirsty person tadach (itu)
thirsty tadach (itu)
thirsty tbadach (tfa)
thirsty tmar (tu)
this day have I paid my vows ccaid (cc)
this is no defence levying a distress on him? imdtiu
this many formed animal il
this morning i mbaruch (barach)
this was another of his pains idlann, idlang
this world cenntar (a)
this c 1
thistle fethan(n)
thistle fogbann -fann
thistle fothannn
thither d 2
thither illna
thither innonn
thong (used for a belt or a garter) ferenn
thong which bound the spear-head to its shaft ? ?irell, irall
thong work ? irsech
thong 1 all
thong iris
thong lainder
thong loman
thonged shoe allaccrann
thongs 1 allach (1 all)
thorn delg (a)
thorn-brake muinech (muine)
thorn-bush dris
thorns (?) airer 5
thorns deilgnech 1 (delga)
thorns drisech 2 (dris)
thorns muinech (muine)
thorny (?) deilgthide (delg)
thorny (?) drestaide (dris?)
thorny delgnach 1 (delga)
thorny drisech 1 (dris)
thorny drislech 1 (dris)
thorough dron 1
thorough glan
those inhabiting lucht
those loud shouts loisgne
those occupying lucht
those possessing lucht
those who (perform certain actions) lucht
those who (perform certain occupations) lucht
those who die muinter
those who elaborate historic lore imdnam

those who 2 es
those who mit, mt
those whom mit, mt
thoses who are waiting for him furnaide
thou art a bad compensation to me for cc
thou hast bidden me to get my cattle out of your way imgabil
thou must not proceed in(d)saire
Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop imchraithid
thou soul full of complaints il
though but a child and no fierce warrior lonnda = lonn
though his hair be long like a poet`s imdae
though it is very feeble imdis
though it were better to return it idnacul
though not (with indic.) cen IV co (b)
though not (with subj.) cen IV co (c)
thoughout fo, fa, f I (d)
thought 1 aicned
thought coicell
thought consit
thought imrdud
thought menma
thought menmanrad
thoughtful camair
thoughtful domain I (b)
thoughtless beth 1 I (a)
thoughtless fortromm
thoughts consit
thousand mle
thousandth mlmad (mle)
thrashing ledbad
thread in the shuttle in weaving englaimm
thread abras (b)
thread abras (b)
thread brothairne (brothar)
thread dlth 2
thread ln
threadbare ? ? longach
threadbare garment lomm
threadbare lomm
threadbareness lomm
threadbareness lommus (lomm)
thread-like (?) (of hair) fathmannach (fathmann)
threat bacar
threat bg (a)
threatening (?) brachairecht
threatening (?) baibthech (bafad)
threatening of a battle imneisse, imnisse
threatening bacar
threatening bacrad
threatening bgach (bg)
threatening bagairt

threatening bagrach (bacar)
threatening badnasach 1 (badnas)
threatening combagar (bacar)
threatening fasat
threatening fubthad
threatening modem
threatens (?) gaibid
threatens bacraid (bacar)
threatens bigid (b) (bg)
threatens do-maithi (a)
threatens modid
three bleeding boils foluchta
three days grace imchimnigud
three days of walking round imchimnigud
three remedies which cure them ccaid (cc)
three signs of obstinacy imgellad
three times the size of the ordure imbed, imbad
three-quarters dodar
threnody marbnad
thresher bailteir (bailid)
threshes imm-tairc
threshing floor ithlann, ithla (ith)
threshing-floor libenn
threshold bl II (b)
thrift cruinne (c) (cruinn)
thrives with irgid (h) le (re)
throat (?) forcrach
throat brga 1 I (a)
throat dbechn
throat geolbach
throbbing bruiternaige (bruiternach 1)
throng (?) drraim (b)
throng imdrong
thronged congirech (b) (congir)
through grief for thee idu
through irritation (?) folim (m) (vn. of fo-ling)
through multiplying the months ilugud
through superiority of rank foraisle
through the agency of la
through the ample dress imdae
through the conjunction of many elements il
through the extent of fait
through the gates of Tara imdorus
through the medium of ? immaltar
through the multitude of the gifts in the multitude of the persons ilar
through their incapacity to hold them imchongbl
through their multitude ilar
through which many may be saved il
through ar 1 II (g)
through fo, fa, f I (b)
through fot, fat

through fri
through fri
through I
through imm, imb
throughout the day caidchi (a)
throughout ar (dar) farlat
throughout ar (dar) farut
throughout fot, fat
throughout fait
throughout imm, imb
throw (as measure of length) airchor (c)
throw (in wrestling) cor 1
thrower lmaid (lm)
throwing (to the ground) lecad
throwing at dbirciud
throwing away athchor (d)
throwing light on fursundud (-sannad)
throwing one another imthrascrad
throwing out athchor (d)
throwing athchor (d)
throwing cor 1
throwing immarchor
throwing imthelcud
throwing liciud
throws (?) cepaid (cep)
throws (missile) caithid 1 (c)
throws (often of missiles) fo-ceird I (b)
throws down (?) fenaid
throws down fo-lgi
throws in a shower frasaid (fras)
throws into confusion ? forfasnaigid
throws into confusion m-
throws into disorder mescaid
throws off do-lci II (c)
throws off fo-ceird I (d) a, de
throws oneself on imm-beir
throws out do-lci II (f)
throws to the ground lecaid
throws upon for-cuirethar
throws do-cuirethar I (c)
throws do-lci II (a)
throws fo-cuir, fo-cuirethar
throws lid
throws licid
thrust (?) et(a)im, aitim I
thrust bann 1 (a)
thrust colg (c)
thrust fasma
thrust fuirmiud, -med
thrusting in indsma
thrusting in int(s)dud, int(s)thud

thrusting ? forgomach (forgab ?)
thrusting clannad (b)
thrusting imforgab > imforgam
thrusts away fo-carta (a) (cartaid)
thrusts down (fig.) dingid (b)
thrusts in clannaid (c) (clann)
thrusts in indsmaid (indsma)
thrusts in insdaim
thrusts mortally imm-ruba (? imm+rubaid)
thrusts out ? in-snaid
thrusts ad-aig (b)
thrusts clannaid (c) (clann)
thrusts dingid (a)
thrusts for-gaib
thumps fris-tuairc
thunder brosc
thunderbolt cer (e) thened, theintide
thunderbolt forcha (farcha)
Thursday dardin, dardin
Thursday dardan
thus are distinguished the vowels and the diphthongs imdeligid
thus far cos(s)e (co 1 + so)
thus amein (a)
thus amla 1
thus amlaid 1 (a) sin
thus amlaid 1 (b)
thus ane
thus immar
thus immar
thus imm-t
thy da 2 = do
tiara barr 1 (e)
tibia buinne (b)
tickling sensation gigil
tickling sensation giglechus (gigil)
tidal wave murthola
tidal-wave murbrucht (muir)
tidings aus
tidings cloth (a)
tidings deilm II
tidings firdel
tidings fsc
tidings imthecht
tie beam fornasc
tie arnaid 2
tie bcla
tie cengal (a)
tie cengaltn (cengal)
tie conchlann (c)
tie fonasc
tie forchengal

tie indell
tied together com\.faigthe (aigthe)
tied cengalta
ties cenglaid (a) (cengal)
ties con-rig
tight grip barrc (barr 1)
tight shut coimatta (adaid)
tight dlthach (dlth 1)
tight docht (c)
tightness (of units in a mass or crowd) dls (dlth 1)
tightness dochta 1 (docht)
tightness inge (? ing)
till after co his 2
till I come back frithissi > (f)ridis(s)i
till it found a level shore of Erin ath
till night caidchi (a)
till the bowl stopped in front of C. imfossaigid
till the end of co his 2
till they perish or recover maid
till co 1
till con(n)icci
till cot (co 3 + t)
tillage (?) arathar (c) (ar 4)
tillage itharachas (ithrach, ithir)
tilled land (?) aired
tiller of the soil coloman
tiller airem
tilling ar 4 (a)
tilling branar 2
tills airid 3 (ar 2)
tilting cuclaige
tilts (trans.) clenaid I (a) (clen)
timber (coll.) fidradach (fidrad 1)
timber crann (b)
timber cranngal (crann + gal)
timber crett
timber fid (b)
timber fidach II (fid)
timber maide
time (?) ed 4
time (?) esnad 2
time before the dawn irrir
time of delivery (of a woman) inbaid
time of the beginning of summer Bel(l)taine
time ige 3
time amm 1
time dta
time denus (b)
time dul 1 II (f)
time fball 1
time fecht II

time fechtas II (fecht)
time inam
time inbaid
timely im 2
timely i n-im 2, anim
timely mithig
times fo, fa, f II i
timid aireclach (eclach)
timid airmetta (metta)
timid l 2
timid eclach II (ecla or ecal)
timid dna I
timid faitech (b)
timid geltach (geilt)
timid insamain
timid met(t)a
timid midlachda
timidity ile (2 l)
timidity dnacht
timidity dnus
timidity met(t)acht (meta)
timorous ecal I
timorous dna I
timothy-grass (pheum pratense), the best kind of fodder-grass airthend (b) (tend)
Timus ibar > iubar, iobar
tin which ale is drunk ibid
tinder (?) frithadd, -atd
tinder ? molc
tinder adann (a)
tinder fochnod (-nad)
tinder foithne
tinge fordath
tinkling cluicnacht (cluicne)
tinkling cluicnech (cloc)
tint dath 1 II
tip (of plants) barr 1 (b)
tip of the tail ? los
tip 1 gnod
tip barr 1 (a)
tip cr (b)
tip delga (delgu) (b)
tip ind, inn
tired (of doing something) emilt II
tired cuirthe
tiredness cor 1
tires coirid 1 (cor)
tiring cor 1
tis a healer of every disease ccaid > ccaide (cc)
tit-for-tat ctamus (a)
titillation fogitled
title given to the hereditary guardians of certain relics maer

title foth
title gairm
title-deed (?) lebor
titles of dignity madlicht
titmouse minntn (menn-)
to (?) ar 1 I (b)
to (introducing a dative) do 1 B
to a great extent mr (mr)
to adorn the two battalions imchumtach
to arrest the rape imfastad, imfostad, imfastd
to attend on the chiefs ? irra
to avoid a marriage with A. imgabil
to await the ebb furnaide
to be abandoned coillti
to be advised (?) dodcois
to be avoided dna II
to be believed creiti
to be blamed cairigthi
to be bound (CW) cuimrechtai
to be built (CW) cumtachtaib
to be carried (CW) breithi
to be compared comfoiride
to be compared condelcthai
to be compared in(n)tamlaigthech (intamlugud)
to be competent lr
to be composed dechtaide
to be concealed ceilte
to be concealed cleithi
to be condemned dmicthi
to be counted irmidi
to be defeated (CW) cloithi
to be defiled ilnithi
to be deplored cndaigthe
to be desired indilemia
to be distributed fodlaidi
to be eager for lainnigidir (lainn)
to be emendated (CW) cocarti
to be examined ecailsi
to be examined eclastai
to be expected doich (dich?) I (a)
to be feared gasta
to be feared beglach (begul)
to be feared dna II
to be fleed from airngabthi
to be forcibly removed (of spoils) athchumman (comman)
to be fulfilled comallaidi
to be grown fsta
to be heard cloisti
to be heeded foimti
to be indulged comitesti
to be joined com\.srithi

to be lamented (CW) ccante
to be lamented cndaigthe
to be left fcaibthi
to be made false brcnaigthe
to be master of several branches of building ilardae (ilar)
to be moved cumscaichthi
to be neglected ? (of women) follaigthi
to be paid for irrithi
to be permitted comairlicthi
to be placed cuirthi
to be praised molta
to be profaned ilnithi
to be put cuirthi
to be rated mesta (mes)
to be reborn aithbiraid 1
to be reckoned irmidi
to be requested ilti
to be said eperthi
to be searched out ecailsi
to be seen faicthi
to be settled cocraide
to be slept with fathi (-e)
to be sought for fissi
to be stored or put away fusti
to be sued for in
to be supposed mesta (mes)
to be taught foircthi
to be thought mesta (mes)
to be warded off dingbaide
to be watched feiti
to be wondered at machtnaigthi
to be buithi
to be? reproached comainsi
to begin with ctamus (b)
to begin with ctneithib (ct- 1 + n 2)
to boiled mutton lunu
to carry out chattels libedain
to choose forglu < forgla
to confuse meirbligud (-iud)
to convey them idnacul
to count a greater number imbed, imbad
to cross the sea twice ? imderc, ? imtherc
to deny or prove his wound imdnam
to desert a chief who pronounces false judgement upon his tenant imchim
to die marb
to encounter i comairc(h)is
to enhance significance (?) imdugud
to entertain without asking questions imchomarc
to escort her idnacul
to every king his province meithe?
to express the dativus incommodi for

to find out (if, whether, etc.) ds 1
to flee from the fortune (death) that God had decreed for him imgabil
to foster battle between kings imlad
to frisk and frolic ? lusrad
to fumigate fo-timmthirid
to gaze upon them imcaisiu
to grant protection maithem
to have licid
to hear always (?) bithclosi
to help the giant in his unequal contest imfortacht
to hide them imchumtach
to his etc. d 2 = dia
to ignore imfoichid, imfochaid
to impel battering rams imlad
to individuals who had loss their right to indracus (indraic)
to individuals who had no right to indracus (indraic)
to justify? adf.rnugad
to know if in
to know if in
to leave with (someone) fcbil (d) oc (ag)
to let fall on liciud
to loins of fat lunu
to magnify (?) the house of the lord imdugud
to make amusement for them il
to make their number abound ? forul
to meet (?) i comairsi
to meet frithagaid, -aigid
to meet frithst
to meet i coinne (b)
to meet i comairc(h)is
to mix meirbligud (-iud)
to moderate the seasons foluchtugad
to move by day imlad
to no purpose madach (madae)
to pay their way cc
to play with him lthugad
to prepare indell
to prove clearly fursundud (-sannad)
to prove his share with respect to the kiln imdnam
to provide fothugad
to put service upon kings(?) fuirmiud, -med
to remain blockaded in it imchumang
to scatter meirbligud (-iud)
to see (if, whether, etc.) ds 1
to send us on a mission fot (vn. of fodid)
to set off one claim against another (legal) comarda(ig)id (b) (comard)
to signify many substances il
to signify many il
to speak of will be sad lugair
to stir up musclaid
to such a degree mit, mt

to suffer a friar to steal fulang
to suffer the people with crimes among them in the territory imfolang, imfulang
to support our life imfolang, imfulang
to take a town without striking a blow innioc ?
to take the bare use of them lompuisnech
to take upon himself icht
to thank him buidigud
to that side innonn
to the advantage of maith
to the central lower point beneath the earth chtarach (chtar)
to the east allanair (a) (alla(e) + anair)
to the edges of the cold icy frigid zone in the north imbel?
to the extent of co (go) fu I (d)
to the extent that co 3
to the extent that mit, mt
to the native stem ? laraid
to the north of ataid (b) fri (taid)
to the outer door of the entrance porch of the fortress imdorus
to the south of inns
to the utmost extent fraig
to the wall fraig
to the west allathar (alla(e) + tar)
to their etc. d n-, da n- I = dia n-
to transfer imlocht
to tremble? meirbligud (-iud)
to use violence towards kings (?) fuirmiud, -med
to wait for the result of the expectation furnaide
to which is dan, dn = diand, dianad, dianid
to whom the sun arose withpaeans ilach
to whom were damsat = diamtar
to ar ammus
to co 1
to con(n)icci
to degaid 1 (c)
to do 1 A
to dochum I
to for
to for
to imm, imb
to indsaigid, innaigid
toad bufa
toad frog
toad loscann
toad`s poison lingur
today indiu
toe mem(m)ar
toes luibne
together in the chase com\.selg (selg)
together with coim\.slige (slige)
together with i cuibrenn (b)
together with immaren

together ais re hais
together coimnin\.fecht (com + i n-in\.fecht)
together com- 1
together eing 1 i n- (a h-)eing
together immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
together immaren
toil gnugud (gnthugud)
toiling aistrech (a) (astar)
toilsome daibsech (dabais)
token ? imchomartha
token airde 1 (a)
token comairce 2
token comarc (c)
token comartha (a) (airde 1)
token fir
token inchomartha
tolerant foditnech (b)
tolerates fo-daim (daimid) (b)
tolerates foditnigid
tolerates imm-cuirethar
tolerating fulang
toll drechda (drech 2?)
tomb (?) e 6
tomb of a saint martrae
tomb ailad (a)
tomb faralach (> far-folach?)
tomb imdae
tomb lecht
tomb lechtn (lecht)
tomb mem(m)ra
tombstone billic (bl + lecc)
tombstone lecc
tongue of flame (?) cairche 2
tongue eochair 2
tongue ligur
tongueless etngad
tongue-tied dulbair (do + labar)
tonsure berrad (c)
tonsure corann (a)
tonsure cornugad
tonsure foltmaise
tonsure giunnae
tonsured cairnech (a) (corann)
tonsured cornta
tonsures berraid (b) (berr)
tonsures cirnigid (corann)
tonsures corna(ig)id (a)
tonsuring berrad (c)
tonsuring cornugad
too fat is his body for the work lubrad (lubair)
too late i n-antrth (trth)

too many immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
too much investigation (of a mystery) anscrtad (scrtad)
too much ainimmat (immat)
too dano I
took place arecaim
tool of wood crann (c)
tool aidemm
tools (collect.) airnise
tooth dant I
tooth dt 1 I
tooth fec (b)
tooth facail
toothed faclach (facail)
toothful (?) dt 2
toothless folcthech
toothless mantach
top (of a tree) ind, inn
top (of head) clithe (f)
top (of trees) barr 1 (b)
top of a hill mual ?
top of a house (whether viewed from within or without) fice, fic (a)
top of the head ind, inn
top surface forclithe (clithe)
top barr 1 (a)
top barr 1 (h)
top bas 2
top baic
top dindgna (a)
top druim(m)chl (druim(m) + cl) = druimchlae
top fice, fic (b)
top forcle (far-, foir-, fair-)
top formna
top ind, inn
top mual ?
top muin
topaze (?) bus 2
topboot bat(a)is
topmost part mullach (mul)
topmost imm
toppings (of trees) barrgal (barr 1)
tops (of plants and trees) barrach 2 (barr 1)
tops (of trees and flowers) barrn (barr 1)
tops (of trees) barrgalach (barrgal)
tops of the vessels had been covered over, until the arrival of the king for whom the preparations
were made imdellaid (imdell)
top-surface forcle (far-, foir-, fair-)
topsy-turvy druim(m) IV tar druimm (b)
torch ide
torch lichet
torment csad (a)
torment conpre

torment crd
tormented badarthae (a)
tormented cri(d)te
tormenting (CW) capil
tormenting crd
tormentor csatir (csaid)
torments csaid (b)
torments capa(ig)id
torments cridid (crd)
torn letarthach (letrad)
torpid marbnda
torpidity marbacht
torpidity marbdatu
torpor cotaltaige (cotaltach)
torque (?) fail 1, foil
torrent 2 garb vx gairb
torrent buinne (a)
torrent dliu, dle (d)
torrent gairb
torrent inescland
torrent mer
torrential rain dliu, dle (b)
torrential dlennda (-ta) (dliu)
tortoise? mata (mta?)
tortuous (of road or pass) dobeil (bl)
tortuous and Jewlike villain`s trick Iblach (? bal)
torture (?, CW) branndn
tortured csta
torturer cstnach (csad)
torturer crochaid 2 (croch 1)
tortures csaid (b)
torturing (?) comhlmad (tlm)
torturing in many ways il
torturing in various ways il
tosses about imm-ladi
tosses bertaid 2 (bert)
tosses fo-scanna
tossing of the waves lascn = lasc
tossing cuclaige
tossing foscnad (fo-scanna)
tossing ladrad
totality imline (imln)
tottering cuclaige
touches do-aidlea
touches glacaid (glac)
touches lmaigid (lm)
touchet adaircin
touching against fri
touching against fri
touching bad (b)
touching glacairecht

touching imthadall
touching la
touching lmachtad
touching leth
tough colomda (colum 2)
toughness (?) fithide
tour cairt 1 I (d)
tourney comine (ine 1)
tourney giustl
tow barrach 2 (barr 1)
tow escart I
towards us hither ille, illei
towards agad
towards ar ammus
towards dochum I
towards fo, fa, f I (b)
towards for
towards for
towards fri
towards fri
towards fri
towards fri
towards i comairc(h)is
towards i n-arrthaisc
towards i ndil 2 I (b)
towards imm, imb
towards indsaigid, innaigid
towards leth
towards leth
towards leth
towered clocsach (clocs)
towered gairdach (gaird)
towers over do-farcai (b)
town baile 1 (b)
town borg
townland baile 1 (c)
toy ? illn = illecn ?
toy javelin (as oppd. to weapons used by adults) bun(n)sach
toy spear (as oppd. to weapons used by adults) bun(n)sach
toy illecn (ille)
toy brcn (brc)
toys aidbden
trace comartha (b) (airde 1)
trace is 2
trace fuilliucht (sliucht)
trace inad < ined
trace lthrach
trace lorg
traces (a design, site, etc.) do-foirndea (b)
traces fris-tirndea
track (?) fam 2

track aithilte = aithle
track aithle
track bthar
track eng 1
track lorg
tracker lorgaire (lorg)
tracker? foillechtaid
trackless doelais (elas)
tracks engaid (eng 1)
tract caitirne
trade of leather-worker cairemnacht (cairem)
trade of shoe-maker cairemnacht (cairem)
trade cennaigecht (cennaige)
trade cundrad (a)
trade dn IV
trader cennaige 1
trader creccir (creicc)
trades (CW) cundraiged (cundrad)
trading comchennach (cennach)
trading cre(i)cc (c)
trading cundrad (a)
traditional right dalgas (a) (dalach 1)
traditions armairt
traffail of a ship lipting
traffic cennaigecht (cennaige)
trafficker malartaid
trafficker marg(g)laidh
trafficking ? meircit
trafficking imchennaigecht
trafficking marg(g)il
trail lorg
train (of events etc.) rimm, raimm (c)
train clar (b)
trained (of living beings) dnta(e) I (b)
training foglamacht
trains an animal indlid (indell)
trains of non-combatants and cattle, escorted by special troops immirgech
trains to the yoke ? in-l
trains ? for-ail
trait cil 1 (b)
traitor mairntid
traitorous braithemdae (braithem)
tramp esert, esirt
tramp fonnad
trampler comainsid
tramples (?) for-nessa
tramples on do-nessa 2
tramples under foot con-nessa
trampling under foot comainsem (a)
trampling bonngal (bonn 1 + gal)
trance extais

trangresses imm-ruimdethar
tranquility ? fostacht
transaction cennach (a) (cenn)
transcendence barr 1 (h)
transcript lebrn (lebor)
transcription aithscrbad
transept cruisde
transference (gramm.) cumscugud
transferring? immord
transfixed with pointed objects ? imrind
transfixes do-claid (a)
transformation through grief, rage or fear ccruth
transformation fathugad
transformative impidech (impd)
transforming imlat
transforms oneself into (trans.) delbaid II i n- (delb)
transgresses (intrans.) cintaigid I (cin)
transgresses (oath, pledge, justice, etc.) (trans.) bris(s)id I (d)
transgresses do-rogaib
transgresses immach > ammach
transgresses immarmusaigid (immarmus)
transgressing dul 1 II (c) tar
transgressing imchim
transgressing imchim
transgressing imthecht
transgression immarmus, immormus, immorbus
transgression impartan
transient nature forbs
transition intairmthechtas (tairmthechtas)
transitoriness dimbaine (dimban)
transitoriness duthaine (duthain)
transitory airchradach (airchraide?)
transitory airchraide
transitory dimban (ban)
transitory duthain (do + tan)
transitory ldach, -dach, -dach I (ld)
translate ind-si
translates (trans.) do-inta II (b)
trans-marine allmuirede = allmarda
transmits ad-cuirethar
transmutative clechlaigt(h)ech (clechlaigid, see con-
transmuting impidech (impd)
transparent (?) fuindecach
transport imlat
transporting imfeda(i)n
transporting imlocht
transporting imlochtad, imluchtad
transports laidid (lad)
transposition immord
transposition imths

transposition inchumscugud (cumscugud)
transversely airtharsna (tarsna)
trap (?) ccell
trap for animals cuithe (b)
trap 1 goiste
trap airches 1 (a)
trap airndel (indell)
trap celg (b)
trap cuithech = cuithe
trap dul 2
trap enach I (c) (en)
trap fornel
trapper cuthchaire
trapping airches 1 (a)
trappings congab (c)
trappings escrimm
travail ? idnacht
travail asat
travail astar
travail idu
travail inbaid
travel astar
traveller ? imthechtaid
travelling immadall
travelling imrimm
travels about imm-r
travels on imm-tit
travels ? instaigid
travels aistrigid (b) (astar)
travels ascnamaid (ascnam)
travels imm-tit
traverse (?) documnet
traverse cocengait (cingid)
traverses (?) (trans.) do-reith II (a)
traverses (trans.) do-foichell (a)
traverses in running (?) ?fris-reith
traverses cartaigid (a) = cartaid
traverses gaibid
traverses gaibid
traverses imm-tit
traverses laidid (lad)
traversing cartugad (a)
traversing imthecht
tray mas
treacherous (?) dochommaind (communn)
treacherous braittech (braithid)
treacherous breflech (brefal)
treacherous camm 1 I (c)
treacherous celgach (celg)
treacherous felltach (fellaid)
treacherous intledach (intled)

treacherous intlide (intled)
treacherous lang
treacherous mairnech
treacherously fellad
treacherousness mraithemnacht
treachery brataige 2 (brat 1)
treachery brath (a)
treachery brathlang
treachery brefal
treachery celg (a)
treachery fell 1 (a)
treachery felle
treachery imdell
treachery lang
treachery mebal(mebul)
treachery menntol (-toil)
treachery mrath
treading iunad
treads his way cingid 1(b) cim
treads iunaid
treasure cillg
treasure ciste
treasure dile (dil 1)
treasure dis (a)
treasure indmas < indbas (indeb)
treasure man
treasures luchtrad (lucht)
treasures manigid
treasury etsad, estad, autsad, itsad (a)
treated with chalk or lime (?) (epithet of shields) alenda
treating kindly (?) cemad
treating of immarchor
treating superciliously imchined
treating with contempt comainsem (a)
treating with contumely dmad (mad)
treating leiges (laig)
treatment airle 1 (c)
treatment aradu (a)
treatment dnum II (b)
treatment dl II (c)
treatment imbert
treatment indrem, indram
treats as a main manigid
treats as polluted (?) (Plummer MS notes) ar-corpai
treats kindly cemaid (cem 1)
treats of imm-rdi
treats roughly (?) gairigid (1 gaire)
treats with contumely esonraigid
treats x with y caithid 1 x fri y (b)
treaty of friendship cotach 1
treaty coraigecht (cor 1)

tree (?) cranngal (crann + gal)
tree (sense in Glosses) fid (a)
tree bile 1 (a)
tree cleth 1 (a)
tree creb (b)
tree crann (a)
tree cubus 2
tree dos 1 (a)
tree e 3
tree gsca
tree(or branch) stripped of its bark and/or leaves and /or twigs lommn (lomm)
tree-fruit mes(s)
tree-fruit mesrad
trees (coll.) fid (c)
trees (coll.) fidach II (fid)
trees (coll.) fidba(i)d
trees crannach (crann)
trees fidrad 1 (a) (fid)
tree-stump cepp (a)
tree-trunk (?) bile 1 (a)
tree-trunk cleth 1 (a)
trekking immirge, immirc(h)e
tremble crith
trembled comscair
trembles (intrans.) crithnaigid (a) (crith)
trembles crethaid, crithid (crith)
trembling (?) grindell
trembling terror cretn
trembling violently coimchrith (crith)
trembling combocad (bocad)
trembling crith
trembling crith(n)ugud
trembling crithach I (crith)
trembling crithach II (crith)
trembling crithn (crith)
trembling crithnach (crithn)
trembling crithnaigthech (crithnaigthe)
tremendous aidbsenach = aidbsech
tremulous crithmar (crith)
trench (of the waves of the sea) clad (b)
trench brach (b)
trench clad (a)
trench claide (b)
trench clas 1 (a) (claidid)
trench dc
trench fotholl (toll)
trenches dgaid (dc)
trenches do-claid (b)
trenching claide (a)
trespass (legal) cathach 3
trespass foachta

trespasser ? lengach
trespasses fo-fich (a)
trespassing ? ingreimm, ingraimm, ingrimm
trespassing foglaige 2
tress (of grass, straw, etc.) dla, dlu (a)
tress (of hair) rna
tress (of hair, flax. etc.) dal 2
tress of hair bachall (c)
tress airla
tress cairches
tress cach 1 (b)
tressed (of hair) crebach 1 (creb)
tresses (?) bachlannas
tresspass ainran (ran)
trial 1 arraid
trial cathugud (c)
trial comthrall (trall)
trial fochaid (b)
tribal name gailenga
tribal or family name ? girnassaig
tribe (CW) cinedacht = cinedach 2
tribe land fintiud, fintiu
tribe of many subdivisions languished il
tribe ? icht
tribe aicme
tribe cenl (a)
tribe cenl (b)
tribe cenle (b) (cenl)
tribe cinedach 2 = ciniud
tribe ciniud (b)
tribe comaicme (aicme)
tribe conchuire (c + cuire?)
tribe dl 1 II
tribe dne (b)
tribe fine 1 (b)
tribesman cinedach 1 (ciniud)
tribulation (?) foditiu (c)
tribulation amlad (lad 1)
tribulation baidred (a)
tribulation fochaid (b)
tribulation imned
tribulator fochtaide
tributary king (in native conntexts) airr (a) (r)
tributary to thee cc
tributary aithechdae (aithech 1)
tributary csaige (cs)
tribute (?) cera 3
tribute (?) csel
tribute (due to someone) dalgas (b) (dalach 1)
tribute of food (legal) biad (b)
tribute rendered to a monastic community mainche

tribute 2 ?gabal
tribute 2 gabal
tribute bs 1 (c)
tribute bsad (b) (bs 1) = bs 1 (c)
tribute braime
tribute cabalach (cobail ?)
tribute cin (b)
tribute cnachas (cin)
tribute cim 1 (-mm?)
tribute cs
tribute cobach 1 (a)
tribute coicd
tribute cir 7
tribute cairt 1 I (f)
tribute dliged V
tribute gerrad
tribute ml
tribute monad
trick abairt
trick abairt (a)
trick bert 1 III (a) (beirid)
trick cles (c)
trick clesrad (a) (cles)
trick mon
trick muin (? mun)
trick muinbech
trickery (?) maill(e) (b)
trickery calaois
trickery clesaigecht (b) (clesaige)
trickery clesrad (c) (cles)
trickery immertas (imbert)
trickery mangairecht
trickles do-bruinn
trickles do-eprinn
tricks clesrad (a) (cles)
trickster (?) bertaid 1 (bert)
trickster celgaire (celg)
trickster clanaige (clain 2)
tried forus
tries to induce ad-slig
tries fo-saig
tries inderbaid (derb)
trifle brodlan(n) (brod 1)
trifle fodl
trifling (?) forbaise (-baise ?)
trifling part brotlom(m)
trifling dedbol
trifling diir
trifling tromm, -umm (b)
trim fulnta
trimmed fachaid

trimming cermnad
trims (?) blad
trims cermnaid 1
tripe findracht
tripe indbe
trisyallable arcomarc, arcomrac
trisyllabic arcomarcach, arcomracach
trite muinterda
triumph (CW) badnasach 2 = badnas
triumph ? ilach
triumph aithchen (cin)
triumph badnas (baid)
triumph badugud
triumph baid 1 (a)
triumph caithrim (cath + rimm)
triumph cern 3
triumph commadem (modem)
triumph commadmige (commadmech)
triumph comram
triumphal badach
triumphant badach
triumphant caithrimech (caithrim)
triumphant cernach 2 (cern 3)
triumphant comramach (comram)
triumphant cosc(a)rach (coscar)
triumphant ilchach (ilach)
triumphing (over) badugud
triumphs (for, di over) (intrans.) badaigid (a) (baid)
triumphs (pl.) blad 1
triumphs over commadid (modid)
triumphs commadid (modid)
trivet brannrad
trivial min
troop of mercenaries amsach 2 (amus)
troop of soldiers 2 grinde
troop of soldiers coibden (com + fedan)
troop 2 all
troop cath 1 (b)
troop clar (b)
troop cip (b)
troop connln
troop cr 1 I (d)
troop cairt 1 I (a)
troop cuire
troop cuitechta (con + techt 1 or 2)
troop drimm (b)
troop drma
troop is 1
troop ell 3
troop fednach 2 (a) (fedan)
troop foirenn (b)

troop lorg
troop mocol
troop muirn
troopful drmannach (drimm)
trope dolbud (c)
trophied comramach (comram)
trophy coscar
trophy lann
trot forim m
trouble (?) armarg = anmarg (?)
trouble ainces (b)
trouble anacair
trouble anmaill (maill)
trouble anbain 1 (ain 2)
trouble ansae 1 II (ass(a)e)
trouble anain (uin 2) = anbain 1
trouble baidirthecht = buaidred
trouble baidred (a)
trouble ceist (b)
trouble cesnad = ceisnem
trouble deccair III
trouble deithiden I
trouble doccair II
trouble doccamlacht (doccamlach)
trouble doccracht (doccair)
trouble doidnge (dodaing)
trouble doilge (a) (doilig)
trouble doilgius (b) (doilig)
trouble doraid 1 II
trouble dad
trouble icen (d)
trouble eterln, etarln (ln)
trouble galrugad
trouble glfit
trouble imchor
trouble imsaeth
trouble mert
trouble mulaid
troubled badarthae (a)
troubled combaidertha
troubled galrach (galar)
troubled imsnmach (imsnm)
troubles (trans.) deithidnigidir (a) (deithiden)
troubles bodraid (bodar)
troubles baidrid (a) (baidre)
troubles combaidrid (baidrid)
troubles daas
troublesome (?) (attrib.) ansae 1 I (c) (ass(a)e)
troublesome entreater (?) doguittech (guidid)
troublesome amgar (a) (gar 1)
troublesome anbainech (anbain 1)

troublesome caingnech (caingen)
troublesome deccair I
troublesome dedairnn II
troublesome doccair I
troublesome doilig (a)
troublesome imnedach (imned)
troubling baidred (a)
troubling combaidred
troublous cesnadach (-aidech) (cesnad)
troublous cestach (ceist)
trough (?) bacur (-ch-?)
trough cisl
trough lthar
trout brecc 2
trout erc 3
trowel lach
trowel lagn (lach)
truce cairde (b) (cara 1)
truce com\.fosad (fossad II, sosad, os(s)ad)
truce es(s)omon I
truce immithisse
true (?) dan 3
true (i.e. correct) deposit or pledge (?) (legal) frgille
true (in moral sense) finn 1 (e)
true (of people) dles 1 II (c) (d- + les)
true faith iress
true to its nature cineolta (a) (cenl)
true fr 1 I (a)
true fre (a) (fr)
true frinnech (a) (frinne)
true forglide
truely noble ? irn ?
truly (?) ang (gu)
truly noble (?) gorm
truly m 1 = im 1
truly ate
truly im 1, m
trumpet baball (a)
trumpet corn (b)
trumpet guthbuinde (compound of guth+buinne)
trumpeter coirne
trumpeter cornaire (corn)
trumpeter erdonl, erdanl (donl)
truncates mael (moel, mal)
truncates maelaid (mael)
trunk (of trees etc.) bun 1
trunk colainn (b)
trunk crett
trussed custal
trust icht
trust intib

trust muinigin
trusted do-roisinn
trustful credlach = credal
trusting erbud (a)
trusts (in) muinigid
trusts in erbaid 2 (a) i n-
trusts in muinigin
trusts creitid
trusts digid 1 (doich)
trustworthy (of people) dles 1 II (c) (d- + les)
trustworthy fes(s)am I (a)
trustworthy frinnech (c) (frinne)
trustworthy forglide
trustworthy indraic
trusty inill
truth without addition fuillem
truth bn II (c)
truth fr 1 II (a)
truth fre (fr)
truth frinne (b)
truthful utterance fuide ?
trying to effect imthaircsiu
trying cirtiugad (cirt, see cuirt)
trying doirb 1 (b)
trying fgain, fchain (c)
trying fgsain (c)
trying fochaid (a)
tryst airis (b)
tryst coinne (a)
tryst comdl (dl 2)
tryst cumsanad (b)
trysts aircisid (airches)
tub drochta
tub lthar
tube cuisle (a)
tube fetn (b)
tucker ? hice
Tuesday mairt
tuft (?) cuirce
tuft of hair mong
tuft cairchech 2 (cairche 2)
tuft copp
tuft dla, dlu (a)
tufted (?) cairchech 1 (cairche 2)
tufted head of tent or probe copga
tug (?) feirtche
tug fuirmiud, -med
tumour aillsiu
tumour att 1
tumult (?) griccas
tumult ainfth 1

tumult giorac
tumult grafand
tumultuous sound muirn
tumultuous muirnech (muirn)
tumultuous, turbulent ainfta (fta)
tumulus duma 1, dumae (a)
tumulus fert 1, fertae
tune adbann
tune cor 1
tune luinniuc
tuneful corach 1
tuneful fonnmar
tunes (in pl.) cel (c)
tunic fan
tunic inar
tunic line
tunica crosar
tuning (?) gls
turbid (of water etc.) badarthae (b)
turbid water dorbuisce (dobur 1 + uisce)
turbid dorbshile (dobur 1 (q.v.) + sile)
turbidity baidred (b)
turbulence anfud (b)
turbulence badraise, badris, badirse (a) (baidrid)
turbulence cuiligthe
turbulent stream inescland
turbulent caismertach (caismert)
turbulent fasnadach
turbulent idlannach (idlann)
turf forscrath vx forscrs
turf min
turf-bank min
turfy fitech (ft)
turkey-cock frangcach
turmoil ainfth 1
turmoil ainfthaige (1 ainfthach)
turmoil essdchin (sdchin)
turn around cairt 1 I (c)
turn away (?) artai
turn 2 gres (s)
turn casad (b)
turn dres 1
turn dul 1 II (f)
turn fechtas II (fecht)
turned aside while under instruction inbuilg ?
turned to fri
turned to fri
turners lathe deil 2 I (e)
turning (back, around, aside) filliud (d)
turning afterwards (or back ?) arimpd
turning aside cld (a)

turning aside dall, dell (a)
turning away from ingabl
turning away impd, impd
turning back (intrans.) filliud (e)
turning back cld (a)
turning black dubad
turning into intd, intd
turning livid imglassad
turning ones back on cl (b) fri
turning out impd, impd
turning pale bnad
turning round impd, impd
turning to cld (d) fri
turning to dul 1 II (c) fri
turning yellow buidiugad
turning casad (a)
turning cld (a)
turning comthd (a)
turning imchlud
turning impidech (impd)
turning impd, impd
turning intd, intd
turning-point (in a fever of illness). fethugud
turns (intrans.) clod II
turns (intrans.) con-to (b)
turns (intrans.) do-so II
turns (trans.) clod I (a)
turns (trans.) con-to (a)
turns about imm-cli
turns about imm-si
turns against feccaid (b) for
turns against imm-si
turns against imm-si
turns aside (from allegiance) ind-si
turns aside (intrans.) do-ella 1 I (a)
turns aside (legal) (trans.) do-inta II (c)
turns aside (trans.) do-ella 1 II (a)
turns aside fo-ella
turns away (?) ar-cuirethar (c)
turns away as-so
turns away imm-cuir(a)
turns back (?) ar-cuirethar (c)
turns back (?) do-ertrat
turns back (intrans.) clod II
turns back (intrans.) do-inta I
turns back (intrans.) fillid II (b)
turns back (trans.) clod I (a)
turns back (trans.) do-inta II (a)
turns back fillid I (d)
turns black (intrans.) dubaid (a) (dub)
turns black (trans.) dubaid (b) (dub)

turns dark (trans.) dubaid (b) (dub)
turns discoloured (intrans.) dubaid (a) (dub)
turns down (?) brud 2
turns from dallaid (a) (dall)
turns into fillid I (e) i n-
turns livid lathaid (lath)
turns on (intrans.) do-ella 1 I (d) for
turns ones back on comdlsigid (comdlse)
turns out dlomaid (b)
turns pale (trans. and intrans.) bnaigid, bnaid (a) (bn)
turns round imm-cuir(a)
turns round imm-si
turns round imm-si
turns sour graid (gr)
turns the edge (of weapons) (trans.) clod I (b)
turns to (intrans.) do-ella 1 I (c) for + vn.
turns to dropsy idropis > or(a)pais
turns to winter geimrigid (geimred, gemred)
turns to dallaid (a) (dall)
turns towards con-so (sod)
turns up (soil) dergaid I (d) (derg)
turns upon imm-si
turns y into x do-gn II (g) x de y
turns caraid (car 1)
turns do-im(m)pi
turns do-so I (a)
turns fillid I (d)
turns fonnaid vx fonnad
turns ind-si
turret built for military operations ids
turret built for military operations above a defending wall ids
turret built for military operations above a raft ids
turret built for military operations above a ship ids
turrets mul
turretted gairdach (gaird)
turves fatne
Tuseday mairt
tusk (?) clomar
tusk claideb (b)
tusk fec (b)
tusk facail
tusked cib\.faclach (cb(aid) + faclach)
tustan mes(s)
tutelage (?) rlam I
tutor (?) degan, dedan, deaan
tutor ? maguth
tutor aite 1 (b)
tutorage aitecht 1 (aite 1)
twentieth fichetmad (fiche)
twenty deca = *dcha
twenty fiche

twice as d II
twig (used for fuel) (?) foloman (cf. lomman)
twig baillec (ball?)
twig gas
twig luibne (luib)
twig maethn (maeth)
twig methn (meth)
twigs (?, CW) celbach ? = celach
twigs celach (a) (cel)
twigs falasach
twigs, used for fuel or bedding (coll.) fidnach
twilight (?) etarfos
twilight crepuscul
twilight crnugad
twilight d\.sorche (sorchae)
twilight dorb\.solus (dobur 1 (q.v.) + solus)
twilight dorblus
twilight etar\.solus
twilight etarsoilse (soilse)
twin emon 1 (b)
twin geman
twining plant fithlenn
twinkling (of the eye) brathad, brafad = brothad
twinkling of an eye aibrit(h)iud
twins of cattle deiche (d?)
twist (in wrestling) cor 1
twist (of hair) cairches
twist casad (b)
twist cor 1
twist frenc
twisted ? imchassda
twisted halter gatrach
twisted or matted twigs (?) gatsnm
twisted camarsach
twisted camm 1 I (a)
twisted camm 1 I (b)
twisted casta
twisted cisse
twisted lbtha
twisting wheel fuinnem
twisting casad (a)
twisting lbach (lb)
twists (intrans.) faraid
twists round imm-naisc
twists casaid (cas)
twists caraid (car 1)
twists fengaid
twists lbaid (lb)
twitches? meirbligid
twitching bidgarnach (bedg)
twitching clisemnach

twitter gringur
two (people) beirt 1
two constituents dchongbil (congbl)
two full thirds of corn and butter imb (imm)
two knock-knees glicurda (glicor)
two single flames ? ? losnaid
two syllables dchongbil (congbl)
two things cechtardae (d)
two things dide II (a)
two thirds (?, CW) bisse
two views of analysis..according to the meaning...according to the method imchomarc
two withes id
two d I
two dana 1
twofold (with sg. noun) cechtardae (b)
twofold dabul 1 I
twofold dabulta
twofold dbalta
twofold dblaide
two-horsed chariot driad (d + rad 1)
tying rach 1 (a)
tying cengal (b)
type (of performance) aiste (a)
type of cattle trespass airlimm
type of drinking vessel balln (ball?)
type of drinking vessel ballc = balln
type of marriage (where a simple acknowledgement by the father or family of the girl sufficed)
aititiu (a)
type of ulcer linnida
type cenl (e)
type cenle (c) (cenl)
type figair 2, figar, fiugair (a)
type foscad
typifies figraigid
typifying eisimlugad
typifying eisimplrugad (eisimplir)
typifying figrugad
tyrannical power anchumacht (cumacht)
tyrannical power fornert
tyrannical aintigernamail (tigernamail)
tyrannical an\.flaithech (anflaith)
tyrannizing (over) forbrig, fairbrig (brg)
tyrannous airramanta
tyranny ainrge (rge)
tyranny aintreise (1 treise)
tyranny anflaith (a) (flaith 1)
tyranny ansmacht (smacht)
tyranny icen (b)
tyrant anflaith (b) (flaith 1)
tyre (?) fonnad

belgehaben do\.folaid (do + folad)
udder linn
ugliness (?) dab (d 1 + ab)
ugliness (?) tches (tig?)
ugliness 2 grinne (grnda)
ugliness dochraide (dochraid)
ugliness dochraidecht (dochraid)
ugliness domaisse (maisse)
ugliness tche (tig)
ugliness grinecht (1 grin)
ugliness grndatu (grndae)
ugly (?) doithir
ugly (?) ccruthach (b)
ugly (?) grach
ugly (?, CW) duithbir
ugly dochraid (do + cruth)
ugly dodelbach (dodelb)
ugly dodelbda (dodelb)
ugly domaissech (domaisse)
ugly ccan 1
ugly tig
ugly grinemail (1 grin)
ugly grnda (grin)
ulcer (med.) cnocc (a)
ulcer alga
ulcer crcht
ulcerated fuilsce
ulcerating crchtnugud
ulterior world ardoman
ultimately fo deud, fo diud (a)
umpire (?) frmedach
un- an- (a)
un- di/(- 1, de/(-
unabashed anbal (an +fal)
unabating logda ?
unable to control oneself eselbach
unaccompanied annam (a)
unaccustomed cmailt II
unadulterated (?) lomm
unalterable 1 glinne
unaltered form of a word (gramm.) cotut
unamiable d\.serc (serc)
unanimity comthoil (tol)
unanimous menmnach (manma)
unappeasable do\.ssaigthe (ssaigid)
unarmed ainitid (tiud)
unarmed anarma (arm)
unarmed dairm (arm)
unarmed es(s)airm

unassailable dgrais I (d + gress 2)
unassuming 2 glas
unattached (of persons) dlmain (d)
unattached followers foslag
unaustere amthend (tend)
unavengable (?) dodgla (dgal)
unavoidable do\.sechna (sechna)
unbalanced lettrom
unbearable oppression talang
unbearable d\.fulachta (fulachtae)
unbearable d\.fulaing (fulang)
unbearable d\.fulaingthe (fo-loing)
unbearable do\.frestall (frestal)
unbearable tailngech (talaing)
unbecoming anairches (a) (airches 2)
unbecoming techta (tchtae)
unbelief ainc(h)reitem (creitem)
unbelief ccretem
unbelief inderbamnacht (inderb)
unbeliever ainc(h)reitmech 2 (ainchreitem)
unbeliever amairsech (c) (amaires)
unbelieving (in relig. sense) amairsech (a) (amaires)
unbelieving ainc(h)reitmech 1 (ainchreitem)
unbelieving ainirisech (irisech)
unbelieving dchretmech (a) (dchretem)
unbelieving ccretmech
Unbemittelter (?) dscor 2
unbiased (legal) deorata (deorad)
unblemished (?) diriud
unblemished dainim (ainim)
unbounded ccin(n)tech (b)
unbreakable dobriste (brissid)
unbroken (usu. of oxen, horses) aimrata ( 1 rata)
unbroken eddamna
un-called for satire foraer
uncanny airdrachda (-ae) (airdrech 1)
uncanny dabulda, dabulta (dabul 2)
uncertain ? indrosc
uncertain ainbecht (becht)
uncertain anairchend (airchend)
uncertain anirdalta (airdalta)
uncertain cuntabartach (a) (cuntabart)
uncertain ccin(n)te (a)
uncertain ccin(n)tech (a)
uncertain igrinn
uncertain indeimin
uncertain inderb
uncertainty (lit.) andarbus (derb)
uncertainty ainbechta (ainbecht)
uncertainty ce 1 (a)
uncertainty cuntabart (a)

uncertainty ideimin
uncertainty iderb
uncertainty imresc
uncertainty indeimne (indeimin)
uncertainty indeirbe (inderb)
uncertainty inderbamnacht (inderb)
uncertainty inderbus (inderb)
uncertainty inglinne
unchangeable anscuichthe (scuithe)
unchangeable dochlachluigthe (clachlaigid)
uncharitableness dchondircle (dchondircil)
unchaste drisech (drs)
unchaste drisemail = drisech
unchaste drth 1
un-christian ainchrstamail (crstamail)
unclean (?) cuilech = colach
unclean dobur 1 (a)
unclean escainte
unclean escmon, escoman
unclean esconn 1, escon
unclean esidan (idan)
unclean inglan
uncleanness inglaine (inlan)
unclear aingel 3 (1 gel)
unclear anfollus (follus)
uncleared places (?) dimbithe
unclothed aintgud (tgud)
uncomeliness dchruth (cruth)
uncomeliness dmaisse 2 (d- neg. + maisse)
uncomeliness tche (tig)
uncomely (?) donim (nam)
uncomely dchom (com)
uncomely tig
uncomfortable an\.sda(i)l (sda(i)l)
uncomfortable dochrach (dochor)
uncomfortable essdal, -ail (sdal)
uncommon csamail (b)
uncompassionate dochonnercil (condercil)
uncompounded form (CW) (gramm.) d/uitius (b) (d/uit)
uncompounded d/uit (b)
unconfined forscalte
unconquerable doingabla (ingabl)
unconscientious dchuibsech (cuibsech)
unconscious (?) ccuibsech
unconstrained deid II
uncontrolled dochundrig (cuindrech)
uncorrected dochertuigthe (certaigid)
uncouth person aithech 1 (b) (aithe)
uncouth bachlachda (bachlach 1)
uncouth borb (a)
uncouth arclta (arcl)

uncouth larda (lar)
uncovered (?) frithnocht
uncovered la
uncovering dnochtad
uncovering drech 2
uncovers dnochtaid (nocht)
uncovers do-nochta (nochtaid)
uncultivated land fad 3 I
uncultivated fadamail (b) (fad 2)
uncultivated fadan (-n) I
uncured dochertuigthe (certaigid)
undefined number dirmide, -the (b) (irmide)
under (= less than) fo, fa, f II (f)
under (a name, head, rubric, etc.) fo, fa, f II (e)
under (fig., abstr.) fo, fa, f II (a)
under age ? inesa
under an debt fachach (fach 1)
under an obligation fachach (fach 1)
under compulsion ar icin (c)
under cure ar airceng
under necessity deithbirsech (deithbires 1)
under the authority of mmus
under the guarantee of muin
under the protection of the torrent? imchomt
under the protection of fo choim 1 (c)
under the protection of fo enech 1, ainech II (b)
under the protection of icht
under the sky (?, CW) fo choim 1 (c)
under the support of the turrets fulang
under fo, fa, f I (a)
under fo, fa, f II (d)
under fo, fa, f III (b) (f, fo)
under fo-t
under s
under-charioteer foara
undergoes fo-gaib, fo-geib (e)
undergoes fo-loing
undergoing burial lifeless in his earthy bed furmiil
underground cavity fotholl (toll)
underground dwelling lusca
underground hollow fotholl (toll)
undergrowth ? gradailsech
under-herdsman fothrtaid
underlying fo, fa, f II (c)
undermines claidid 1 (b)
undermining fochlaid (a)
underrated dmicnithe
under-rod foslat (slat)
undershaped (?) fodrechda
undersrap fobrit
understanding ctfaid (a)

understanding engnae, ingnae
understanding rgna
understanding fomatu
understanding menma
understands (usu. process rather than state) aithnid 2 (a) (aithne 2)
understands as-gnin
understands do-beir VI (a)
understands do-icc IV
understands ecnaigid 1
understands etar-gnn
understands fo-itsi
understands in-gnin
understood etargnaid
understood etargnaigthe
understood foitsecht
undertake lm
undertaken indermill (? ind-air-mill)
undertakes (responsibility) gaibid
undertakes the construction of in-gaib
undertakes the protection of in-gaib
undertakes ad-aig (h)
undertakes ar-folmathar
undertakes bigid (a) (bg)
undertakes do-furgaib I (g)
undertakes do-inscanna I (b)
undertakes gaibid
undertakes in-l
undertakes lm
undertakes lm
undertakes lmaigid (lm)
undertakes monar (-or)
undertaking (?) ? fritecht
undertaking certain of success lm
undertaking airthrall (b) (trall)
undertaking bg (a)
undertaking cim (-mm) I (k)
undertaking comthrall (trall)
undertaking feidm (a)
undertaking frecra(e)
undertaking gestal
undertaking imthrall
undervaluing dmess 1 (neg. d- + mess)
underwood minbach
undescribable daisnise = daisndse
undescribable daisnithe, dasnte = daisndse
undeserved anirilled (irilliud)
undesirable (with nouns) an- (b)
undesirable dthogaide (toga)
undesired lesc
undetermined ccin(n)tech (a)
undignified anergnaid (airgnaid)

undiscerning ainrgnaid (rgnaid)
undisclosed ar cleth 2 (b)
undistinguished anergnaid (airgnaid)
undistinguished dergna
undistinguished dergnaid (d + ergnaid)
undistressed deid II
undoes mandraid
undoing mandar
undoing mandrad
undoing? mell
undomesticated (of animals) d/uit (a)
undomesticated animal allaid (b)
undomesticated allaid (a)
undoubted deimin I
undressing dtgud (tgud)
undue exaction forsmailt, fursmailt
undue power forbrig, fairbrig (brg)
undulating (hair) cladach 1 (b) (clad)
undulating engach 3
undulating etrigech (etarche)
undulating? meirblige
unduly ceremonious (?) forbannach (forbann)
unduly strict ordinance of law forbann
undutiful person ingor
undutiful ingor
undutifulness ingoire (ingor)
uneasiness corraige (corrach)
uneasiness meiriden
uneasy (sleep) corrach (corr 1)
uneasy du\.sim (do + sm)
uneasy essdal, -ail (sdal)
uneasy gibthech
uneasy gibthide (gbud)
uneasy galrach (galar)
unembarrassed deid II
unemployed deid I
unencumbered imdlmain
unending dochrchnaigthe (crchnaigid)
unendurable do\.fulachta (fulachtae)
unendurable do\.fulingthe (fo-loing)
unequal combat ccomlonn
unequal ccum(m)a
unequal ccutrumma
unequal leth
unequally balanced ccomthromm I
uneven (in metrics) clen I (f)
uneven (of ground etc.) aimrid I (a) (rid)
uneven place aimrid II (a) (rid)
uneven side escan
uneven ainmn (mn)
uneven clen I (a)

uneven corrach (corr 1)
uneven doraid 1 I
uneven ccomthromm I
uneven ccutrumma
uneven leth
unevenness (of ground) anacair
unevenness aimride (a) (aimrid)
unevenness clane (a) (clen)
unevenness imdoraid
unevenness immard
unfair domination forlann, -lonn
unfair odds ccomlonn
unfair or disadvantageous contract (legal) dochor II (cor)
unfair use forfomailt
unfair ccomthromm I
unfairly used lettromach (lettrom)
unfairness ? in(n)igthecht
unfairness ainfr (b) (fr)
unfairness ccomthromm II
unfairness forlannus
unfaithful tarisse 1 (tarisse)
unfaithfulness tarisse 2 (taraissiu)
unfaithfulness tarissinius (tarisse 2)
unfamiliar (?) dgnais, -as (gns?)
unfamiliar (esp. of places, roads etc.) aineil
unfamiliar anaithnid, anaichnid (aithne 2)
unfamiliar ingnad, ingnth
unfamiliarity ainetargnaide (ainetargnaid)
unfathomable duibecnach (duibecn)
unfavourable time anaimser (aimser)
unfilial ingor
unfit person (?) dodamna (damnae)
unfit to plead tenga (tengae)
unfit ccmadais
unfitting (?) aintchta (tchtae)
unfitting espousal ainlamain (lamain)
unfitting ainimchubaid (imchubaid)
unfitting ainimmaircide (immaircide)
unfitting dodeithbir (deithbir)
unfitting ccnesta
unfitting ccir, ccir I
unfitting ccubaid
unfledged bird (?) luma(i)r
unfledged bird es(s)n, -ne, -ne
unfledged bird gerrcach
unflinching (of a person) (?) airmaisnech (airmaisiu)
unfolding fasat
unforeseen peril (?) ccell
unfortunate (?) esbach III (esbae)
unfortunate (of things) daig (g?)
unfortunate ainfechtnach (fechtnach)

unfortunate andmar (dmar)
unfortunate ansae 1 I (b) (ass(a)e)
unfortunate dobarthanach (dobarthu)
unfortunate dodcadach (dodcad)
unfortunate dodchaid
unfortunate doinnim (indeb?)
unfortunate doithcech (do + toicthech)
unfortunate dona (-ae)
unfortunate mairg (mairc)
unfortunates? mchnic?
unfree person anser (ser 1)
unfree dor (a)
unfree esser (ser)
unfrequented ainmeinic (meinic)
unfriendliness ainchin (cin)
unfriendly ain\.serc
unfriendly ainsercach = ainserc
unfriendly esmuinterda (muinterda)
unfriendly imderg
unfruitful essuthach (suthach)
unfruitful toirthech
unfruitfulness toirthige (toirthech)
ungainly aindeis (b) (dess)
ungainly gngach (gnga)
ungenerous ainfal (b) (1 fal)
ungenerous lochaill
ungentle (?) dailgen (ilgen)
ungentle amchan (can)
ungentle dblith (blith)
ungentle dimblith (d- neg. + blith)
ungentle doblith (blith)
ungentle tlith 1
ungentleness ccnestacht
ungeschickt ansta
ungovernable dchoisc (cosc)
ungracious (?) dimbladach (dimblad)
ungracious dchom (com)
ungrateful dimdach (dimda)
ungrateful dobuidech (buidech)
ungrateful dombuidech (buidech)
unguarded condition begul (a)
unguarded condition faill 1 (b)
unguarded place islinn
unguarded position etarbegal
unguarded beglach (begul)
unguent balsam(m), balsaime
unhabitable doaittreb(th)a (aittreb)
unhampered (of agent or instrument) dlmain (b)
unhappiness anabnes (anabinn)
unhappiness dabais
unhappy end artaige, ardaige ( >ardraige, ardraoi)

unhappy ? imchuma
unhappy ainfechtnach (fechtnach)
unhappy an\.socair I (b) (socair)
unhappy inraithech
unhealed wound cr 1 I (g)
unheard of anaithnid, anaichnid (aithne 2)
unhelpful d\.firithnech (frithnech)
unholy dablaide (dabul 2)
unhurried ainscaid (scaid)
unimpeachable (?) doiligthe (iligid)
unimportant tromm, -umm (b)
uninhabited (of places) fs 1 (a)
uninhabited place dthrub
uninhabited region fsach 2 I (fs 1)
uninhabited spot fsach 2 I (fs 1)
uninhabited daitrib (d 1 + ait(t)reb)
uninhabited dthrubda (dthrub)
uninhabited fsach 2 II (fs 1)
uninherited (?, CW) aindbad (dbad)
unintelligibility dothuicse (tuicse 2)
unintelligible gabbling gib-gab
unintentional indthrachtach
union accomol
union comaccomol (a) (accomol)
union comal 1 (a)
union comar (ar 4)
union comchimthe
union comchaitreb (coitreb)
union comchengal (cengal)
union commmus (mmus)
union commann
union ellach 1 I (a)
unison comguth (guth)
unit of ecclesiastical organization eclais, eclas (b)
unit of spatial measurement ed 2 (d)
united force comchablach
united forces (?) cumn
united joy comgairdes (gairdes)
united accomoltae
united comentadach (comentu)
united comchengailte
united ellachte
unitelligible fordorcha
unites (?) congaigend
unites (of persons) con-mesca (b)
unites in friendship cairdinigidir (cairdine)
unites with (?) coitchenna(ig)id (coitchenn)
unites ad-comla
unites com\.faigid (aigid)
unites comentaigid (comentu)
unites comththaid (tthaid 1)

unites imm-naisc
unites in-loing
uniting cemnta
uniting comaccomol (a) (accomol)
uniting ellach 1 I (a)
unity coimthecht (com + techt)
unity comentu (a) (oentu)
universal cenlach 2 (b) (cenl)
universal comchoitchenn (coitchenn)
universal generlta (generilte)
universality coitchinne (coitchenn)
universe cethardil (cethair + dil)
universe cruinne (b) (cruinn)
unjust deed aindliged (dliged)
unjust judgement ainbreith (breith)
unjust person ainrechtach (1 rechtach)
unjust person clen II (e)
unjust suing anacra 1 (b) (acrae)
unjust ainbrethach (ainbreith)
unjust ainchert (cert)
unjust aindligthech (dligthech)
unjust ainfrn (frn)
unjust ainfrnach (frnach)
unjust clen I (d)
unjust ccertach
unjust ccir, ccir I
unjust ccomthromm I
unjust ccrach (ccir)
unjust indrech
unjust indligthech (indliged)
unjustifiable ccnesta
unkindly ccaem
unkindly ccenl (b) (cenl)
unknown (?) dorchae I (c)
unknown (esp. of places, roads etc.) aineil
unknown path ainel (el)
unknown place ainel (el)
unknown 1 abaid
unknown 1 adair
unknown 1 adairt
unknown 2 abaid
unknown 2 adaig
unknown 2 adair
unknown 2 adall
unknown 2 aice
unknown 5 acht
unknown abae
unknown abairbthiu
unknown abnaire
unknown abru
unknown abrut

unknown abull
unknown abull
unknown acair
unknown acaite
unknown accai
unknown acetpellach cf aiced
unknown achu
unknown acraide
unknown acraidi cf ad-gair
unknown ctegim
unknown adcuinti
unknown adcutis
unknown addanigfea
unknown adgair
unknown ad-gl
unknown admairt
unknown ad-osnai
unknown adrlad
unknown adroumde
unknown adroumde
unknown ad-sail
unknown aeitil
unknown elamail
unknown aerchaid
unknown agailtech
unknown agnamail
unknown ah
unknown aicdid(e)
unknown aicert
unknown aidcgled
unknown ainetargnaid (etargnaid)
unknown ainfes (with copula)
unknown anaithne 1 (aithne 2) = anaithnid
unknown anaithnid, anaichnid (aithne 2)
unknown daithnid (daithne)
unknown? adgair vx adgaire
unknownxxx aid
unlawful (?) amban (ban 2)
unlawful (?) delgnaide 3
unlawful (?) dching
unlawful seizure gabl
unlawful wedlock lnamnas
unlawful aindles (dles)
unlawful aindligthech (dligthech)
unlawful techta (tchtae)
unlawful indlmain
unlawful indles, indles
unlawfulness aindliged (dliged)
unlawfulness amdrataid
unlawfulness amdrataige = amdrataid
unlawfulness indlse (indles)

unlearned person ainecnaid (ecnaid)
unlearned person du 1
unlearned ainecnaid (ecnaid)
unlearned ainelach (elach)
unlearned anfoircthe (foircthe)
unlearned borb (a)
unleavened cake ablann var oblae
unleavened de\.serbde
unlenited lomm
unless m (ma)
unless indeed m (ma)
unless it be m (ma)
unless there is honour of evil not unsafe is a seated chieftain ? ? indemain
unless 1 acht II (b)
unless muna vx m
unless munach
unlike ccosmail (a)
unlikelihood ingnthaige (ingnthach)
unlikeliness decmainge (decmaing)
unlikely to be done decmaing II
unlikely amdig (dig)
unlikely decmaing I
unlikely ccoimtig
unlikely ccosmail (b)
unlikely dig, dig
unlikely indig
unlimited dchrchide (crch)
unlimited ccrchdae
unlimited ccrchnigthe
unlimitedness ccrchdatu
unlit d\.solus (solus)
unlovely ccaem
unlucky (?) de-bil
unlucky (?) dobail
unlucky amantrach (amantur)
unlucky amrathmar (amrath 1)
unlucky dirsan
unlucky dobarthanach (dobarthu)
unlucky dodcadach (dodcad)
unlucky dona (-ae)
unlucky dabais
unmaintainable d\.folaig (fulach)
unmanageable dochennsa (cennsa)
unmanageable dochoisc (cosc)
unmanifestness an\.foillse (foillse)
unmanly person aith\.fer (b) (fer)
unmanly ccalma
unmanning fannugud
unmarried dlnamain (lnama)
unmeasured ainmesarda (mesarda)
unmelodiousness dombinne (binne)

unmerciful trcar
unmitigated quality lommae (lomm)
unnatural ? imchuma
unnatural ? icht
unnatural dingna 2
unnatural ccenl (b) (cenl)
unnatural tig
unnatural toich
unnavigable dorm (rm)
unneccessary indeithbir
unnecessary circumstance indeithbirius (indeithbir)
unnecessary event indeithbirius (indeithbir)
unobtrusive (?) dimbras (brass)
unoccupied (of land) bn I (c)
unoccupied (of land) folam, falam vx folomm
unoccupied dman (b) (man)
unoccupied esbach II (esbae)
unoccupied fodlmain
unpalatable domilis (milis)
unparalleled d\.frecartha = d\.frecra
unparalleled d\.frecra
unpeace ancrae (crae)
unpeace essd, -th
unpeaceful essdach (essd)
unpleasant fate, plight aided
unpleasant form ainricht (a) (richt)
unpleasant to behold doaircsina (aircsiu)
unpleasant an\.sairc (sairc)
unpleasant anebda (aneb 1)
unpleasant anabinn (obind)
unpleasant anaitt (aitt)
unpleasant ansae 1 I (b) (ass(a)e)
unpleasant daibsech (dabais)
unpleasant goirgech
unpleasing indatta
unprepared anfirithe 1 (firithe, see fuiride)
unprepared anullam (ullam 1)
unprepared anurlam (airlam)
unprepared eismech 2
unpreparedness anfirithe 2 (anfirithe 1)
unprepossessing aincoisc (co(i)sc)
unpretentious 2 glas
unprivileged dneimed (neimed)
unproductive land aintrend
unproductive folam, falam vx folomm
unprofitable (rhet.) dootair
unprofitable ainbisig (bisech)
unprofitable ainlesach (b) (lesach)
unprofitable dall I
unprofitable dman (a) (man)
unprofitable dmanech (dman)

unprofitable tarbach
unprofitable toirthech
unprofitableness tarbaige (tarbach)
unprofitableness toirthige (toirthech)
unpromising ccosmail (c)
unpropertied (?) dman (c) (man)
unpropitious (?) dobail
unprosperous doinmech
unqualified (?) do\.foltach (do\.folaid)
unquenchable dobite (bidid)
unquiet ain\.sescar (seca(i)r)
unquiet cmailt I
unquiet essdal, -ail (sdal)
unratified (?) dchomond (comann)
unready ainerlam
unready anurlam (airlam)
unreason anfth (fth 2)
unreasonable (?) dchisech (cis)
unreasonable anfthach (anfth)
unreasonable dodeithbir (deithbir)
unreasonable indeithbir
unreasoning (?) ccuibsech
unrecognised ainetargnaid (etargnaid)
unrecognizable anaithnid, anaichnid (aithne 2)
unrecognizable doaithennta (aithne, etc.)
unrecognizable daithne (aithne)
unreflecting (?) ccuibsech
unreliable witness aintestach (ainteist)
unreliable anfossaid
unremitting cen chairde (c) (cara 1)
unrest ainfth 1
unrest anbain 1 (ain 2)
unrest ccumsanad
unrestrained? fuirech
unrewarded (CW) atdnaigthe
unriddles rnid II
unrighteous ainfrn (frn)
unrighteous eisinnraic
unrighteous esidan (idan)
unrighteous indrech
unrighteousness ainfrinne (frinne)
unrighteousness eisinnracus
unrighteousness indrge (indrech)
unripe (of fruit etc.) anapaig (a) (apaig)
unruliness aimragail (ragail)
unruliness dchoisce (dchoisc)
unruliness dochoisce (dochoisc)
unruly ainfgthach
unruly dchoisc (cosc)
unruly dchoiscthe (coiscid)
unruly dorarach (dorar)

unruly dorartha (raraid)
unruly esumal (umal)
unsafe place eisin(n)ill
unsafe eisin(n)ill
unsafe islinn
unsafe islinnech (islinn)
unsatisfied dimdach (dimda)
unsavoury domblasta (domblas)
unscanty amgann (gann)
unscathed imm
unscrupulous dchuibsech (cuibsech)
unscrupulousness (legal) ccubus
unsearchable dospnta (spnaid)
unseasonable (?) ainmithiu
unseasonable hour antrth (trth)
unseasonable time anam(m) (am(m))
unseemliness dochraide (dochraid)
unseemliness dodath (dath)
unseemliness ccnestacht
unseemliness grinemlacht (grinemail)
unseemly anairches (a) (airches 2)
unseemly dochraid (do + cruth)
unseemly domaissech (domaisse)
unseemly ccan 1
unseemly ccnesta
unseemly tig
unseemly indr
unsettled an\.sda(i)l (sda(i)l)
unsettled anfossaid
unsettled ccobsaid 1
unsettled faitriud
unsettles fasnaigid
unshaped ccruthaigthe
unshapeliness dchruth (cruth)
unshapeliness dodelb (delb)
unshapeliness dodelbe (dodeilb)
unshapely dochraid (do + cruth)
unshapely dodelbach (dodelb)
unsheathes (a sword) do-fasailci (c)
unsightly dochraid (do + cruth)
unsightly dodeilb (delb)
unsightly ccosmail (c)
unsilent ? inbalbda
unskilled person aineladnach (eladnach)
unskilled ainelach (elach)
unskilled do (do + a 2)
unsmooth escan
unsocketing (?) etallugud
unsound esln (a) (sln)
unsound lochtach (locht)
unsoundness esline (esln)

unsoundness eslinte (esln)
unsoured de\.serbde
unspeakable d\.foillsigthech (foillsigidir)
unspeakable daisndse (aisnis, as-indet)
unspeakable daisnise = daisndse
unspeakable daisnithe, dasnte = daisndse
unstable airtrom(m) (tromm)
unstable anfossaid
unstable cumscaigthech (cumscaigthe)
unstable d\.foisse (foss)
unstable ccobsaid 1
unstable lobur, lobor
unsteadiness an\.foistine (foistine)
unsteadiness anforus (forus)
unsteadiness corraige (corrach)
unsteady aistrech (b) (astar)
unsteady an\.sda(i)l (sda(i)l)
unsteady anbsaid (fossaid)
unsteady anfois
unsteady anforusta (anforus)
unsteady corrach (corr 1)
unsteady crithnach (crithn)
unsteady dimban (ban)
unsteady ccobsaid 1
unsteady dlith
unsteady fonachtaide
unstinted eslabar
unstintingly anairches (b) (airches 2)
unsubdued eddamna
unsubdued inathdomant(a)e
unsubmissiveness aimrar (1 rar)
unsubstantial (?) etlaide I (etla)
unsuitable (?) anaith
unsuitable (with nouns) an- (b)
unsuitable person (?) dodamna (damnae)
unsuitable ainimchubaid (imchubaid)
unsuitable ainimmaircide (immaircide)
unsuited dcheil (cel)
unsuited ccomadais
unsure indeimin
untameable dochennsa (cennsa)
untameable dochennsaigthe (cennsaigid) = dochennsa
untameable dosmachtnaigthe (smachtaigid)
untamed (?) eng 4
untamed (usu. of oxen, horses) aimrata ( 1 rata)
untamed condition fatacht (fata)
untamed ccendais (a)
untamed feochrach (feochra)
untamed fadan (-n) I
untamed fata
untamed locrugud

untaught anfoircthe (foircthe)
unteachable dothecuisc (tecosc)
untidy litter es(s)air I (b)
untidy woman ledbg (ledb)
unties dchenglaid (cenglaid)
unties do-aithbig, -boing (b)
until he be cured of murmuring ccaid (cc)
until its prices be paid to her ccaid (cc)
until cin co III (b)
until co 3
untilled (of land) bn I (c)
untilled land bn II (b)
untimeliness anaipche (aipche)
untimely (of death) anapaig (b) (apaig)
untimely antrthach (antrth)
untowardly anbuinide
untrained soldiers glaslth
untruth ainfr (a) (fr)
untruth dalb 1
untying dchenglad
unused to cmailt II
unusual (of natural phenomena) anaicenta (aicenta)
unusual aitt (b)
unusual comaithech I (comaithe)
unusual ccoimtig
unusual cmailt II
unusual ingnad, ingnth
unusual ingnthach, ingnithech (ingnth)
unusualness ingantae (ingnad)
unutterable doinniste (indisid)
unutterable dolabartha (labraithir)
unvaliant ccalma
unvisited place damair 1 II (b)
unwariness tachle (tachail)
unwary anfaitech (faitech)
unwary tachail (tachail)
unwavering fosta
unweariedness scus (scs)
unwelcome lesc
unwholesome an\.follin (folln)
unwilling (?) ? lonn
unwilling (?) aithches 2
unwilling aindenach (aindein)
unwilling andaigrar (dagrar)
unwilling anumal (umal)
unwilling lesc
unwillingness aindein (dein)
unwillingness aindenacht (aindein)
unwillingness leisce (lesc)
unwise person ainecnae 1
unwise person ainecnaid (ecnaid)

unwise person du 1
unwise aimglicc (glicc)
unwise ainecnae 1
unwise ainecnaid (ecnaid)
unwise ainecnaide = ainecnaid
unwise ccrnna
unwise ingeth
unwomanly dobanda (ben)
unwonted proceeding angns (gns)
unwonted ccoimtig
unworthiness aininnracas (indracus)
unworthiness eisinnracus
unworthy conduct aininnracas (indracus)
unworthy aininnraic (indraic)
unworthy domadach (domad)
unworthy eisinnraic
unyielding clochamail (cloch)
unyielding fossaigthech
unyokable ainindle
unyoked ainindle
unyokes (a chariot) dscuirid (dscor)
up from below (with verbs of motion) ans (b) (s 1)
up to the present fs (bs, bes)
up to this m (ma)
up to con(n)icci
up agad
up for
up for
upbraiding milln
upheaval airgal (a)
upheld for
upheld for
upholder columa (-oma, -amu, -umu) (c)
upholder congbaide
upholder congblaid (congbil)
upholding fothugad
upholding fulang
upholds ar-net (c)
upholds con-gaib (a)
upholds inchongbaid
uplifted airgbaide
uplifted fortcbalta
uplifts do-fcaib I (e)
uplifts do-furgaib I (c)
upon every contributor ccaid > ccaide (cc)
upon his renown ? lithe
upon which dano III
upon for
upon for
upon for
upon for

upon I
upper air ethiar 1 (-?)
upper arm do 1 (a)
upper hand lm
Upper millstone la
upper part muin
upper part of back between shouldiers and the neck muin
upper part of hip lrac
upper part of leg lrac
upper part of the hip croichet
upper part of the hip crachait = croichet
upper part of thigh lrac
upper part airard (ard)
upper room cennacuil
upper room grann (gran)
upper storey lota
uppermost imm
upraiding modem
upright supporting a roof beam deil 2 I (d)
upright comdrech (drech)
upright cuibsech (cubus)
upright driuch (b)
upright indraic
upright indraicech, indracach (indraic)
uprightness (fig.) drge, drga (b) (driuch)
uprightness drgas (driuch)
uprightness drgecht (drge)
uprising indocbl, inducbl
uproar 1 gein
uproar 1 grith
uproar breisim (a)
uproar bres 1 (b)
uproar congir (a)
uproar fachas
uproar glaim vx gloimm
uproar glaimnech
uprooting (earth) fochlaid (a)
uproots do-claid (a)
upsets con-oscaigi
upside down druim(m) IV tar druimm (b)
urbane catharda 1 I (cathair 1)
urgent deithbirech (deithbir 2)
urgent icnech 1 (b) (icen)
urges (?) do-urruid
urges (an action, etc., on a person) erilid (a) (eril)
urges (as a claim) upon (?) ? fris-saig
urges again athgressaid (gressaid)
urges an action on (for) ar-ili (a)
urges ad-slig
urges brostaid
urges brostaigid = brostaid

urges comgresid (gressaid)
urges do-immoirg (b)
urges fulirid
urges gressaid (2 gress)
urging on coimgresacht (gresacht)
urging to blow strongly (?, CW) combrost(ug)ad (brostad)
urging 1 achain cf accane
urging iled (il)
urging brogad
urging brostad, -d, -d
urging brostugad
urging brotad (brot)
urging eril (a)
urging fulirem, fulram
urging furilem
urging gressacht (2 gress)
urging laded
urin immilse
urine ? imsitiu
urine buidm
urine fal
urine fargg
urine mn
us -dan-
us dar 5
usage (?) comdeddaid
usage bsgnae (a) (bs 1 + gn)
usage coinbersid
usage comacnabad (accnabad)
usage gns (gnth)
usage gnth
usage gnthaige (gnthach)
usage imbert
usages (?) imbert
use (of an implement, industry, calling) feracht
use airbert (e)
use airbert biuth
use feidm (d)
use fognam (b)
use gnthugud
use greimm
used clothes aithtach (tach)
used of a fierce or vicious dog anrath
used to carry greetings from her to the sons of life imchomarc
used to practise (?) forarg
used to rise early moch
used to wind (?) it atcortad
used up dmelte
used washing water ath\.fothrucud (fothrucud)
useful fogaintech
useless (?) dlim (lm)

useless land aintr (tr)
useless thing tarbae
useless d\.firithnech (frithnech)
useless dman (a) (man)
useless dmanech (dman)
useless raise
useless rassaigthe, rsaigthe (rassaigidir)
useless esbach I (esbae)
useless tarbach
uselessness dmanche (dmanech)
uselessness dmane (dman)
uselessness esba(e)
uselessness tarbaige (tarbach)
uselessness feles 2
uses mutually ? imm-airbeir
uses up (of time) do-meil (b)
uses up fo-meil
uses up for-fen
uses up imm-tomail
uses violence on imm-beir
uses x against y caithid 1 x fri y (b)
uses ar-beir I (c) biuth
uses caithid 1 (a)
uses gnthaid (gnth)
uses imm-beir
uses imm-beir
uses meilid (melaid)
uses methlaid
using (?) bronnad 1 (b)
using a bacc (1) baccad (a)
using the glaith upon a road imbert
using the same washing-water as someone else aithindlat (indlat)
using up caithem (a)
using airbert (a)
using airbert biuth
using fomeilt, -mailt (vn. of fo-meil)
using gnthugud
using imbert
using meilt
usual hospitality les
usual practice clechtad 1 (b)
usual procedure bs 1 (a)
usual acnapthe
usual coimtig (a)
usual coitchenn I (a)
usual gnth
usual gnthach (gnth)
usualness gnthe (gnth)
usurpation ? forrecht recht
usurper anflaith (b) (flaith 1)
usurpers will satirise one another immeraid

utensil in(n)struimint, indstraimint,
in(n)strum(a)int, indstruiment
utensils (collect.) airnise
utensils fointreb
utensils gustal
utensils intreb
utility be, b(a)
utility fognam (b)
utmost depth imm
utmost endeavour dchell 3
utmost limit dead
utmost part of the people imbel?
utmost dcenn 1 (e) (d + cenn)
utter bareness imnochtae (imnocht)
utter nakedness lomnochtaige (lomnochtach)
utter shrill cries (?) longaraid
utter immechtrach (immechtar)
utterance air\.fuigell (c) (fuigell)
utterance aithesc (c)
utterance brathar (a)
utterance clmaine
utterance comrd (rd)
utterance dubartus
utterance epert (a)
utterance forfuigell
utterance Godelc
utterance labairt
utterance labra
utterance labra
utterance labrad
uttering cries fadiud (fad)
uttering many complaints ? il
uttering plaints fadech I (fad)
uttering cantain (a)
uttering epert (a)
uttering inscigud (insce)
utterly destroys 1 gl
utterly destructive? aindsc (dsc)
utterly naked dscir (b) derglomnocht
utterly ruining comlott (lott)
utterly imbrid
utters (?, CW) -cobrad
utters (a cry or shout) do-fcaib I (l)
utters (oft. folld. by ar (s) aird) do-beir I (i)
utters (sound, noise) fo-ceird I (h)
utters (spells) do-inchain
utters a dchetal dchetlaid (dchetal)
utters an incantation dchetlaid (dchetal)
utters in harmony con-ca(i)n (canaid)
utters words brathraigid (brathar)
utters bigid (a) (bg)

utters canaid (b)
utters do-furgaib I (d)
utters do-lci II (g)
utters fuiglid (see fo-gella)
utters labraithir (labar)
utters labraithir (labar)
utters laidid (lad)

vacancy folmugud (vn. of folmaigid)
vacant (of land) folam, falam vx folomm
vacant (of places) fs 1 (a)
vacates (a place) folmaigid (folam)
vacillating lonnach (lonn)
vacillation laidrn (lad)
vacillation lascn = lasc
vagabondage fondledacht
vagrancy fondel (b)
vagrancy fondled
vagrancy fondledacht
vagrant (?) fonnad
vagrant of the road fonnad
vagrant esert, esirt
vagrant fondledach (-ethach) (a)
vagrant? fondlid
vain (transf, fig.) fs 1 (b)
vain endeavour (?) escomol
vain formality ? forbannus (forbann ?)
vain thing tarbae
vain balamail
vain dman (a) (man)
vain dmanech (dman)
vain rassaigthe, rsaigthe (rassaigidir)
vain esbach I (esbae)
vain folam, falam vx folomm
vain forbannach (forbann)
vain forbs
vain madach (madae)
vain madach (madae)
vainglorious glrmar (glir)
vaingloriousness aidbsige
vainglory (?) dmolta (molad)
vainglory adbchlos
vainglory dummus
vainglory indocbl, inducbl
vainglory modmige (modmech)
valerian certhann curraig
valiant (of warrior) conamail (c)
valiant in battle fuilech (fuil)
valiant warrior calmach = calma 1
valiant 1 galach (gal)
valiant gamail

valiant anglondach (anglond)
valiant nradach (nrad)
valiant nrata (nrad)
valiant argda (arg 2)
valiant calma 1
valiant congalach (congal 1)
valiant cosnamach (cosnam)
valiant crdae (cr 1)
valiant gaiscedach (gaisced)
valiant gaiscemail (gaisced)
valiant grata (grat)
valiant glonnach (1 glond)
valiant gnmchtach
valiant idnach, indnach (idna, indna)
valiant lemda (lem)
valiant lomanta (-da) (lo)
valid ar bail (bal)
validity brg (b)
valley etharlice
valley fl 6
valley gibis
valley gim(h)eas
valley glenn
valleyed gibsech (gibis)
valorous (?) cclanda
valorous deed engnam (b)
valorous gmar
valorous btach (bt)
valorous ctfadach (b) (ctfaid)
valorous delbgosa (delb 1 + gus?)
valorous ferchonta (ferch)
valorous grbda (grb)
valour (?) cron 1
valour (?) grat (gr) vx grait
valour 1 gal
valour 2 g
valour gmaire
valour nratacht (nrata)
valour arrachtas (b) (arracht)
valour bruth 1 I (b) (berbaid)
valour calmatu = calmatus
valour cride (d)
valour crdacht (crdae)
valour cradil (cra(id) + dl 2)
valour cras (craid)
valour curatacht (curata)
valour dechraidecht I
valour cclandacht
valour eisimal, eisembul II
valour engnam (b)
valour gaisced

valour gaiscemlacht (gaiscemail)
valour galann (gal ?)
valour gallacht (galdae)
valour galus (gal)
valour gratacht (grata)
valour greit
valour grs
valour indsaigid, innaigid
valour inclachus (inclach)
valour lechas (lech)
valour lechdacht (lechda)
valour lm
valour mltne (ml)
valuable article man
valuable cup (B. na f.?) fethal (d)
valuable drinking-horn (B. na f.?) fethal (d)
valuable possession man
valuable ? forst
valuable dor (f)
valuable lgmar (lg)
valuable manech
valuables of foreign origin (so Laws Comm.) allmuir (b)
valuables of foreign origin allmairecht = allmuir (b)
valuables ? armaisi
valuables imb (imm)
valuation frithmius (mess)
valuation mes(s)
value brg (b)
value cttu (cid)
value dile (dil 1)
value lg also lag
value ligidecht (lg)
valued mata
valve of door comla (-ae)
valve of window comla (-ae)
vanguard of army aidbden
vanguard airin (a)
vanguard braine 1
vanguishes (?) ? for-diboing
vanishes (of things) at-bail(l)
vanishes do-rni (b)
vanity (?) balamlacht (balamail)
vanity (?) balamlae (balamail)
vanity besrad (bes)
vanity bethn(t)acht (bethn)
vanity dmanche (dmanech)
vanity dmane (dman)
vanity dmanes (dman)
vanity esba(e)
vanity esbatu (esba)
vanity feles 2

vanity forbs
vanquished cloithe 1
vanquishes (intrans.) badaigid (a) (baid)
vanquishes (trans.) clod I (c)
vanquishes ar-fich (b)
vanquishes fris-clo
vanquishes maidid
vanquishing badugud
vanquishing cld (e)
vaporosity dethmaracht, dethmairecht (dethmar)
vaporous dethmar
vapour (?) anlach
vapour (arising from heat) d 1 III
vapour caused by mental exertion or emotion dethach (b)
vapour 1 gal
vapour detach
vapour dethach (a)
vapour dethmaracht, dethmairecht (dethmar)
variable ? imchlithech (imclud)
variable athraigthech (athrugad)
variable clechmithech (clechmd, see
variable malartach
variance debuith I
variation gneiugud (gn)
variations (?) frithdnta
varied (?) brianach
varied appearances il
varied beasts il
varied choice imthoga, imthuccu
varied colouring il
varied enchantments il
varied mystery ? il
varied pains il
varied shapes il
varied skill il
varied tricks il
varied weapons il
varied wisdom mm
varied brecht
varied brechtnaigthe
varied ilardae (ilar)
variegated (above, on the surface?) forbrecc (brecc)
variegated arrangement together (of a service-set) combreccad (breccad)
variegated alad
variegated amlach 1
variegated bomman(n)ach (boimm)
variegated brecc 1
variegated brecht
variegated brechtach (brecht)
variegated brechtar-

variegated brechtnaigthe
variegated mesctha
variegated mrecht
variegates breccaid (brecc)
variegating brechtad
variegation (?) amlad
variegation brechtrad 1
variegation forbreccad (breccad)
variegation forbrechtad (mrecht) vx forbrechtrad
variegation forbrechtrad (mrechtrad)
variegation forbricce (forbrecc)
varies csamlaigid
varies imm-tit
varies mrechtnigidir (mrecht)
variety (of performance) aiste (a)
variety aitherrach (d)
variety aladas (alad)
variety breccrad (brecc)
variety brechtrad 1
variety bricce (b) (brecc)
variety deibe
variety csamlacht
variety forbricce (forbrecc)
variety mrechtrad (mrecht)
various deeds il
various parts il
various snakes il
various tortures il
various brecht
various brechtnaigthe
variously wrought il
varying brechtar-
vasal fognamaid
vassal tribute (?) disis (dis)
vassal aithech 1 (a) (aithe)
vassal aithechdae (aithech 1)
vassal basille
vassal cile (a)
vassal cile (d)
vassal coicile (a) (com + cile)
vassal dis I (a)
vassalage gilsine (giall, gill)
vassalry dis I (a)
vassalship gilsinecht (gilsine)
vast number anmrn (mrn)
vast number dirmide, -the (b) (irmide)
vast plain immurlr
vast adbal
vast aidbsech
vast allmar = ollmar
vast anba 1

vast borr
vast dmr (d- intens. + mr)
vast dmesraigthe
vast dmr (mr)
vast mall
vastness aidble (adbal)
vastness aidbsige
vastness dermire (dermr)
vat containing an aam amdabach (dabach) = damdabach
vat made of yew ibar > iubar, iobar
vat buing 1
vat coimde 1
vat cuife (a)
vat lthar
vault (of a cellar) boutain
vault of sky fraig
vault irse
vaults bobtaidib, bobtib
vaunting (?) bafad
vaunting braise (b) (bras)
vaunting commadmech (commadem)
vaunting modem
vaunts commadid (modid)
vaunts modid
vegetable garden lubgortn (lubgort)
vegetable offerings lubaide (luib)
vegetable lus
vegetation clm, clim (e)
vehemence (?) dend 1
vehemence bruth 1 I (b) (berbaid)
vehemence badraise, badris, badirse (a) (baidrid)
vehemence dechraidecht I
vehemence dine (dan)
vehemence dgire (dgir)
vehemence dgirecht = dgire
vehemence dsc(i)re (dscir)
vehemence dscirecht (dscir)
vehemence luinne (lonn)
vehemence lthbas (lth)
vehement (?) bairnech (b) (barainn see barae 1)
vehement (?) dend 1
vehement (?) famann
vehement fury dechrad 1 II
vehement barbarach (b)
vehement cathach 1 (cath)
vehement deinmnech (deinmne)
vehement denachta
vehement denocht (a) (d 2 + nocht)
vehement dan 1
vehement dchra
vehement dchrach (dchra)

vehement dgir
vehement lonn
vehement lthbasach (lthbas)
vehicle? immachor, immochor
veil (in wide sense) fal 2
veil brit (b)
veil caille 1
veiled (?) falach (fal 2?)
veiled copchaillech (copchaille)
veils falaigid (fal 2)
vein of ore manach (man)
vein cuisle (c)
veined (?) fithech 1 I (fith 1)
velvet? meleuent
venerable (?) amdoid
venerable cdusach (cdus)
venerable cttach = cttamail ?
venerable cttamail (cttu)
venerated object mind (minn)
venerates ar-muinethar (+/- fid)
vengeance ? indch
vengeance aincride (a) (cride)
vengeance dberg (d) (d + bergg)
vengeance dgal
vengeance dgaltas (dgailt)
vengeance indechad
vengeful dbergach (b) (dberg)
vengeful dgaltach (dgailt)
vengeful dglach (dgal)
vengeful dglaide (dgal)
venom (poet.) f
venom accais (b)
venom goim
venomous accaisech
venomous aincesach (ainces)
venomous gomach (goim)
venomously ? friuchaigbech
venous cuislennach 1 (cuisle)
vent gethaire
vent-peg (of a vat) cennbcc (cenn + bcc)
ventricle (?, CW) bronnat (br 1)
vents (a feeling, etc.) feraid II (b)
vents anger on imm-beir
venture liten(a)
ventures on ar-folmathar
ventures do-fairget (b)
ventures lamaid
venturesome dtlae
venturesome litenach (liten-)
venturing lamachtain
verb (gramm.) brathar (e)

verbal (gramm.) brathardae (brathar)
verbena berbena
verbose (somet. in unfavourable sense) brathrach (brathar)
verbose? molach
verdant frnach (fr)
verdant foraine
verdict birdicte
verdict brad
verdict derosc
verdure 2 glaise vx glase
verified frtha
verifies brigaid
verifies derbaigid (a) (derb 1)
verifies fraigid (fr)
verifying frugud
verily ! indeo
verily adde
verily amae, -ai
verily darrib
verily aru
verily immurgu
verily immurgu
verily in demin I
veritable bunad (e) (bun 1)
veritable fre (b) (fr)
vernal errchaide (errach 1)
vernal errchamail (errach 1)
versatility? foilte, foiltige?
verse (of Scripture or poetry) fers
verse dn III
verse fersa
verse fersad
verse metardacht (metar)
versed in el 1 II
versed in mebrach
verse-foot deach
versifier fersaigtheir
version (legal) cantain (b)
version fuilliucht (sliucht)
vervain beirbene
very abundant drime I (drim)
very acomplished il
very active airscaid (scaid)
very active airgeslach (geslach)
very active airspraicthech (airspraic)
very active anathlam 2 (athlam)
very active comdaith (daith)
very active former
very afraid imm
very alert imm
very ancient imchrn

very austere airthend (a) (tend)
very awful adathmar
very badly wounded ? il
very bare comlomm (lomm)
very bare imm
very bashful imm
very beautiful airchan (can)
very beautiful airmass (mass)
very beautiful com\.sochraid (sochraid)
very beautiful il
very beautiful imm
very beautiful imm
very beginning (of day, night, etc.) airthosach (a) (tosach)
very beginning fortosach
very bent airchrom(m) (cromm)
very big combras (bras)
very big dermil
very black andub
very bleak imm
very blue agglas
very bold andna (dna)
very bold comdna 2 (dnae 1)
very bold imm
very brave adlechda
very brave airgeslach (geslach)
very brave comchalma (calma)
very brief aithgerr (gerr)
very brief imchummair
very bright aingel 2 (1 gel)
very bright airgel (gel)
very bright airthaitnemach (taitnemach)
very bright com\.solus (solus)
very bright comgel (gel)
very bright forsolus
very bright il
very bright imm
very bright imm
very brilliant comglair (glair)
very brink airbrach (1 brach)
very broad comlethan (lethan)
very broad imm
very brown comdonn (donn)
very brown fordonn
very certain comdemin (deimin)
very clear air\.follus (follus)
very clear airecna (ecna(e) 2)
very clear airmenn (menn)
very clear coimrill (rill)
very clever aithglicc (glicc)
very clever coimchliste (cliste)
very close imm

very close imm
very cold adar
very cold imm
very cold ind(f)ar
very compact imm
very concerned (?) anmargach 1
very confined imm
very conspicuous airairgna (airgnae)
very conspicuous imm
very convient ? imm
very covetous il
very crooked airchrom(m) (cromm)
very cunning imm
very curly ? imchass
very curly airchass (1 cass)
very cutting and very keen were the deeds of the lad imscoich
very dark airdub (dub)
very dark comdorcha (dorchae)
very dark fordorcha
very dark fordub
very dark imm
very dark imm
very dark imm
very dear imdil
very deep airdomain (domain)
very deep ddomuin (domain)
very deep imm
very delightful inmellach
very dense comdgainn (dgaind)
very dense comthiug (tiug 2)
very desirous ainmanach (ainman)
very desirous air\.santach (santach)
very dexterous imm
very difficult airannsa (1 ansa)
very difficult ding
very difficult imdoraid
very difficult imm
very difficult imm
very distant airchan (can)
very distant imchan
very distinguished il
very dreadful imm
very eager air\.santach (santach)
very eager il
very eager imm
very easy airasda = airassa
very easy airassa (2 assae)
very end airdead (dead)
very end airdeired (1 deired)
very equally blue comglas 2 (glas 2)
very equally green comglas 2 (glas 2)

very equally grey comglas 2 (glas 2)
very exact comgrinn (grind)
very excellent infebda
very expansive com\.fairsing (fairsing)
very extended com\.snte (snte 1)
very extensive com\.fairsing (fairsing)
very fair comchem (cem)
very fair comgel (gel)
very fair forfinn (finn)
very fair imm
very false imchil
very famous comairdirc (airdirc)
very famous imm
very far aithchan (can)
very far imchan
very fearful airgrinemail (grinemail)
very fearful imm
very fearful imm
very fearful imm
very feeble anarrachta 1 (arrachta)
very feeble imm
very fierce adlond
very fierce ainicnech (ainicin)
very fierce airamnas (amnas)
very fierce airgarg (garg)
very fierce airlond (lond)
very fierce airmer (mer)
very fierce athgarb (garb)
very fierce com\.fachta (fachtae)
very fierce comborb (borb)
very fierce comgarg (garg)
very fierce il
very fierce imdscir
very fierce imm
very fierce imm
very fierce imm
very fierce ingarg
very fiery il
very fine (?) dmais(s) (d- intens. + mass)
very fine ? formadach
very fine forn
very firm comchobsaid (cobsaid)
very firm comdaingen (daingen)
very firm ddaingen (daingen)
very firm imm
very firm imm
very fit for mating ? imm
very foolish forbeth
very fore-part (of place) airthosach (b) (tosach)
very frenzied ? il
very fresh adna

very frightening (CW) airscthach (airscth)
very full imln
very full lomnn
very furious airlond (lond)
very furious commer (mer)
very gifted ? imm
very gifted il
very glad forfalid, forb(f)aelid
very good airmaith (maith)
very good commaith (maith)
very great (?) anadbul (adbul)
very great knowledge coimgne
very great aidbil
very great airmr (mr)
very great anba 1
very great anbil (an + fill)
very great athmochta (mochta)
very great commr (mr)
very great dermil
very great dermr (der- + mr)
very great dmr (d- intens. + mr)
very great dobtha, dobuigthe (opad)
very great foroll
very great imm
very great mr (mr)
very great mr (mr)
very greedy ainmanach (ainman)
very green adglasn
very green forglass
very guileful imchlen
very guilty airchuilech (cuilech)
very hard ding
very hard il
very hard imm
very harsh imm
very heavy antrom (a) (trom 3)
very heavy attrom (trom 3)
very heavy fortromm
very heavy imm
very heroic adlechda
very hideous il
very high airard (ard)
very high comard (a) (ard 1)
very high forard
very high imm
very high-spirited comaicnetae (aicnetae)
very horrible airgrnda (airgrin)
very horrible inath
very huge comadbal (adbal)
very huge imm
very ill adlobar

very important airard (ard)
very inconsiderable imdis
very ingenious anaircech (aircech)
very jealous imm
very keen imfaebrach (imfaebar)
very keen imm
very keen imm
very lasting airban (1 ban)
very learned aithelach (elach)
very level comrid (rid)
very level imm
very light airtrom(m) (tromm)
very light aithtrom (trom)
very light fortromm
very light imm
very little mr (mr)
very long ? imchan
very long air\.fota (fota)
very long airchan (can)
very long com\.fota (fota)
very long imchan
very long imm
very long? mr mr
very loving com\.sercach (com\.serc)
very loving comgrdach (grdach)
very low airsel (sel)
very lowly and briefly imchummair
very lowly imm
very lustful ainmanach (ainman)
very malignant imm
very many il
very many il
very many il
very many immarcraid, immforcraid, immarcaid
very meek adilgen
very melodious ? il
very mighty ? imm
very miserable comthrag (trag)
very modest adn(i)r
very modest adnirech
very modest comnr (nr 1)
very modest comnrach = comnr
very moist ? imm
very narrow (?) dchress (cress)
very narrow 2 accmacc
very narrow accras
very narrow imchel
very narrow imchress
very narrow imchumang
very near imfochraib
very near imm

very new adna
very nimble airscaid (scaid)
very nimble airgasta (gasta)
very nimble imm
very noble ? formadach
very noble adardd
very noble anasal (b) (asal)
very noble dermad (der- + mad)
very numerous ? il
very numerous airimda 1 (imda 1)
very numerous comimda (imdae)
very numerous erimmda (r- or air-?)
very numerous il
very old anarsaid 2 (arsaid)
very old foraesta
very old forarsaid
very oppressive imm
very pious il
very pitiable airthrag (trag)
very plain air\.follus (follus)
very pleasant airabind (abind)
very pleasant airmellach (mellach 1)
very pleasant com\.sairc (sairc)
very pleasant imm
very pleasant inmellach
very pointed ad-rind
very poisonous aithneimnech (neimnech)
very powerful airchumachtach (cumachtach)
very powerful athmochta (mochta)
very powerful dchomsid (comsid)
very powerful imchumachtach
very presumtuous andna (dna)
very princely il
very productive il
very profitable ainlesach (a) (lesach)
very proud anaibrech (anabar)
very proud anallach (allach)
very proud foraibrech
very proud imm
very provocative imm
very pure ?forglan
very pure imm
very pure inglan
very quarrelsome il
very quick il
very quick imm
very ready airasda = airassa
very red (esp. colour of blood) forderg
very red adrad
very red airderg (derg)
very red comderg (derg)

very rough place imm
very rough airgarb (garb)
very rough athgarb (garb)
very rough forgarb
very rough imm
very safe imm
very scanty imm
very secure imm
very sensible imchallda
very shallow forthana (tana)
very shallow imm
very shameful adn(i)r
very shapely ? il
very shapely admas(s)
very sharp ? infaebrach
very sharp aithgr (gr)
very sharp imm
very short (of space and time) athgairit (gairit)
very short aithgerr (gerr)
very short aithgirrach = aithgerr
very short imm
very short imm
very short imm
very sick imm
very similar airchosmail (cosmail)
very skilful il
very skilled il
very slender (?) dchress (cress)
very slender accael
very slender comthana (tana 1)
very slender imm
very slow 1 admall
very slow dermall (der- + mall)
very slow imm
very slow inmall
very small man duinenet (duinn)
very smooth ? imm
very smooth aithrid (rid)
very smooth comrid (rid)
very smooth forrid
very smooth imm
very soft imm
very sorrowful imm
very spacious air\.fairsing (fairsing)
very spare imm
very spirited (?) ardrot
very splendid il
very spotted il
very stiff imm
very stout imm
very straight airdrech (drech)

very strict airthend (a) (tend)
very strong adrad
very strong ainnertmar (ainnert)
very strong aintrn (trn)
very strong aintrend
very strong airbras (bras)
very strong anarrachta 2 (arrachta)
very strong comdaingen (daingen)
very strong comnart (nert)
very strong comthailc (tailc)
very strong comthrn (trn)
very strong ddaingen (daingen)
very strong fortenn
very strong fortrn
very strong imbalc
very strong imchomnart
very strong imdaingen
very strong imm
very strong imm
very strong imm
very suitable imchubaid > imchuibe
very summit airachtar (achtar 1)
very surly forgruamda
very sweet aidbinn
very sweet combinn (binn)
very sweet comthaidiir (taidiir)
very sweet il
very swift athlath (lath)
very swift imm
very tall airard (ard)
very tall imm
very tasty il
very thick comremar (remar)
very thick imm
very thin comthana (tana 1)
very thin forthana (tana)
very thin imm
very timid imm
very timorous imm
very top airachtar (achtar 1)
very tough coimrigin (rigin)
very tough imm
very troublesome imm
very ugly aditig
very ugly ainitig (tig)
very ugly il
very untrue immargach (immarg)
very unwell imm
very unwholesome ? inanfolln
very vast airadbul (adbul)
very vast il

very vast imm
very vigorous airspraicthech (airspraic)
very vigorous combras (bras)
very vigorous comdan (dan)
very violent ainicnech (ainicin)
very visible imm
very weak person imm
very weak anfann (a) (fann 2)
very weak imdis
very weak imm
very weak imm
very weak imm
very wealthy air\.saidbir (saidbir)
very wealthy il
very weary aithscth (scth)
very weary aithscthech = aithscth
very wet forfliuch
very white abbn
very white air\.find (finn 1)
very white forfinn (finn)
very white imm
very white? adbn
very wide forfairsing
very wild ainmer (mer)
very wily ? il
very withered airchrn (crn)
very withered com\.fedaigthe
very wolfish il
very wonderful adamrach
very wonderful adamrae
very wondrous airamra (amra)
very wrathful ainfergach (fergach)
very wretched imm
very wrong imchil
very yellow apuide (buide)
very zealous comdthrachtach (dthrachtach)
very an- (c)
very dag- 1
very der-
very d- 2, de-
very r-, &er-
vespers esparta, espart
vespers fescor 1 (a)
vespertinal fescorda (fescor 1)
vessel (?) cum
vessel (?) groipn
vessel containing twelve times the full of a hen`s egg-shell? meisrn
vessel for baling or dispensing water escand
vessel for dispensing (water, wine, or other liquids) escra
vessel for holding drink balln (ball?)
vessel for holding liquid lthar

vessel for holding liquids muide
vessel for holding milk muide
vessel for liquids derb 2
vessel in which a measure of ale can be brewed imdellaid (imdell)
vessel made of yew ibar > iubar, iobar
vessel of yew-wood ibrach (ibar)
vessel used as a measure mes(s)ar
vessel used for liquids milan
vessel which was in a secret place ibrach (ibar)
vessel ? mucra
vessel 3 gand
vessel airdech
vessel brelln (b) (brell)
vessel cann
vessel cilorn
vessel cochmae
vessel coim 1 (a)
vessel coite 1
vessel creithir
vessel croccn
vessel cachn (cach, see cach)
vessel cad
vessel drochta
vessel es(s) 4 (a)
vessel esc 2
vessel folderb
vessel gasg
vessel ladeng
vessel lestar
vessel lestar
vessel long
vessel long
vessels (collect.) airnise
vessels for holding liquids lestrae (lestar)
vessels of butter imb (imm)
vessels in(n)struimint, indstraimint,
in(n)strum(a)int, indstruiment
vestibule airdam (dom)
vestibule airlr (lr)
vestige aithle
vestige lorg
vestment errad 1, erriud (-ed), irrad II
vestry beistri
vestry bestir
vestured (?) tgudach, tgothach
vestures of soil fonn
vetches (coll.) fadail, -e, fat(g)al
veteran (mercenary?) dulchannach (dlchinne?)
veteran esmar
veteran arsaid II
veterancy esmairecht

veterans lath
vetula cetech
vexation ainces (b)
vexation broc 1
vexation domenma (menma)
vexed cri(d)te
vexes fo-ceird III (d) for
vexes gortaigid (goirt)
vexes laidid (lad)
vibration 1 grith
vicar bicire
vicarage bicirecht (bicire)
vicarship bicirecht (bicire)
vice versa is
vice dobs, dobus (bs)
vice dalig
vice dubilce
vice locht
viceroy (in foreign contexts) airr (b) (r)
vices anilchi
vicinity ? imforad
vicinity comarsanacht (a) (comarsa)
vicious (?) forrgethach
vicious dobertach (dobert)
vicious tradach (trad)
viciously ? friuchaigbech
viciousness in a horse merechduin
viciousness dobsaige (dobsach)
vicissitude aistechas (aistech)
victim cimmid
victim cimmidecht (cimmid)
victim martrae
victor badach
victor badaigtheir (badaigid)
victorious (?) cachtach (cacht 1)
victorious (?) forbasach (forbais ?)
victorious (CW) cobthach 1 (cob)
victorious ithesach (ithes)
victorious brogach 1 (bruig ?)
victorious cernach 2 (cern 3)
victorious cobda (cob)
victorious commadmech (commadem)
victorious comramach (comram)
victorious cosc(a)rach (coscar)
victorious cosgedach
victorious fortail (foirtil(l))
victoriousness coscraige (coscrach)
victorous badach
victory (?) galais (gal ?)
victory ithes (b) (ith 1)
victory bire (b)

victory badchas (badach)
victory badugud
victory baid 1 (a)
victory caithrim (cath + rimm)
victory cern 3
victory cin III (c)
victory cob
victory cod 2
victory commadem (modem)
victory comram
victory coscar
victory cuib 2
victory ilach
victualler battach 1
victuals bitille
victuals marthanacht (-ainecht)
view amarc 1 (c)
view fgsain (b)
view in(n)tinn
viewing from afar fot, fat
viewing on all sides (?) com\.faircsech
viewing air\.feithem
viewing com\f.gad (a) (fgad)
viewing comcaisiu
viewing dchsain II
viewing dicsiu
viewing fgsain (a)
views (?) air\.feithid (fethid 1)
views (trans.) dchaid II (a)
views amarcaid (amarc 1)
vigil (eve of a holy day) bigil
vigil (fast on the eve of a feastday) an 2
vigil figel(l)
vigil fot, fat
vigil frithaire
vigil fuirechair, furachair
vigilance ft
vigilance fuirechras, furachras
vigilant ? frithrach
vigilant cathaisech (cathais)
vigilant forfethmech
vigilant frithairech (frithaire)
vigorous (?) banda 2 (bann 1?)
vigorous (of horses) comras = combras
vigorous shaking (?) etarcrothad
vigorous shout (?) lthgir(e)
vigorous ainmer (mer)
vigorous aithnertach (nertach)
vigorous anathlam 2 (athlam)
vigorous arrachta (arracht 1)
vigorous arrachtach = arrachta

vigorous balc I
vigorous bodae (a) (bo)
vigorous borrfadach (borrfad)
vigorous brgach (brg)
vigorous brgda (brg)
vigorous brgmar (brg)
vigorous bruthach (bruth 1)
vigorous comdan (dan)
vigorous croibnertmar (croibnert)
vigorous dron 1
vigorous tlith 1
vigorous glonnmar (1 glond)
vigorous gnmarthach (gnmrad)
vigorous grind
vigorous gusmar (gus)
vigorous lithech (lth)
vigorous lthmar (lth)
vigorously lonnmar = lonn:ech
vigour 1 gus
vigour airspraicemlacht (airspraic)
vigour anathlam 2 (athlam)
vigour arrachtas (a) (arracht)
vigour balc II
vigour bodacht (bodae)
vigour bodas (bodae)
vigour brg (a)
vigour brgmaire (brgmar)
vigour coibled 2
vigour cuisle (d)
vigour ifecht
vigour feramla
vigour forspraic (spraic)
vigour fuinnem
vigour lthar
vigour luadar
vigour lithige (lithech)
vigour ls (lth)
vigour lth
viking in general danar II
vile (?) dergnaid (d + ergnaid)
vile dscir (c)
vile dochla (do + cl)
vilifies doscairigid (doscair)
vilifying (?) airchined
vilifying crimcaire
village biliste
village dorp
village fch 1
village grgn
village grig-baile
villainous cladartha (cladaire)

villainy claidrecht (cladaire)
vindication immardad
vindictive dbergach (b) (dberg)
vindictive dgaltach (dgailt)
vindictiveness acarthaige
vindictiveness indechad
vine fne
vine fnemain (a)
vine muin
vinegar aigd
vinegar biniger = fingra
vinegar fngra
vines fnime
vine-stake fulacht
vineyard fnemain (b)
vineyard fntan
viol bol
violated coirpthe
violates (law, etc.) con-boing
violates (oath, pledge, justice, etc.) (trans.) bris(s)id I (d)
violates (trans.) clenaid I (d) (clen)
violates as-lena
violates coillid 1 (a) (coll 2)
violates do-guin
violates icnigid (b) (icen)
violates loittid (lott)
violates millid
violating (?) durbaide
violating (laws, etc.) bris(s)ed (d)
violating collud
violating icnigud (b)
violating forbrissiud (for-brissi)
violating foricnigud
violating imchim
violating imchim
violating imm, imb
violating lott
violation (of a law, etc.) coll 2 (d)
violation (of a rule) lott
violation of a mans protection through the wounding and slaying of another dguin
violation col (a)
violation icen (b)
violation forcor
violation imchim
violator (i)lnithid
violence (?) forndecht
violence on imm-beir
violence ainbthen (b)
violence ainfthach 1 (1 ainfth)
violence ainmesair (mes(s)ar)
violence ainnert (nert)

violence anforlann (d) (forlann)
violence barbardacht (barbarda)
violence borblachas (borb)
violence burbae (b) (borb)
violence icen (b)
violence icnige (icnech 1)
violence foricen
violence foricnech
violence foricnige
violence gailbige (gailbech)
violence gailidecht (gal)
violence gredughadh
violent (CW) coimignigthech
violent aggression forrn
violent aggressive effort fuirmiud, -med
violent attack (?) ergraimm
violent death aided (a)
violent death cr 1 (b)
violent death idnach, indnach (idna, indna)
violent death martrae
violent effort (?) firt 2
violent heat bruth 1 I (a) (berbaid)
violent threatening imthomad
violent wind imgaeth
violent wrath fasnad
violent barbarach (b)
violent btach (bt)
violent borb (b)
violent bras
violent danardae III
violent dsachtach (dsacht)
violent denachta
violent icnech 1 (a) (icen)
violent esentach II (esenta)
violent esentadach II (esenta)
violent forrnach
violent fortrommda (fortromm)
violent fachtnaigid
violent gablach (gabal)
violent gusmar (gus)
violent lonn
violently excited fasnadach
violently pulling imtharraing
violently stirring up com\.fachad (fachad)
violet fobuirge
virgin ainder (b)
virgin ingen
virgin maigden
virginal mn
virginity ingenas
virginity maigdenas

virile ferda(e) (fer)
virile masclach
virility (?) ferachas
virility ferdacht (a) (ferda)
virtual brgach (brg)
virtue laig
virtue brg (a)
virtue baid 1 (b)
virtuous ilgech (laig?)
vis maior d\.foichid D
viscous blood ? fuiltech
viscous gledamail (2 gled)
visibility caisacht
visibility foillse
visible would be my qualities ? imfaicse
visible aicside
visible ecna(e) 2
visible ecnach 2
visible fodirc
visible foidreich
visible foillsech
visible forcsenach (forcsi)
visible fordarc
visible inecnach
visible la
visible leinnne (lenn)
visible menn (mend)
vision (?) badraise, badris, badirse (b) (baidrid)
vision (?, CW) caisin
vision (esp. one of symbolic or prophetic import) fs
vision aislinge
vision amrae II (c)
vision baile 2
vision brin(n)glid = brinn
vision brinn (a)
vision imcaisiu
visionary bailedach (bailiud see bailiugad)
visit cilide (cile)
visitation of God d\.foichid D
visitation cairt 1 I (d)
visitation fisraige
visiting company coinnem (a)
visiting for (a person) (?) fisrachan
visiting party dmrad I
visiting together comaithigid 2 (aithigid 2)
visiting 1 adall
visiting aithigid 2 (a)
visiting aithros
visiting cilide (cile)
visiting com\.fis (a) (fis)
visiting cartaigecht (cartaigid)

visiting cartugad (a)
visiting fisrugad (b)
visiting immaithigid
visiting imthathaige, imthathaigid
visitor fisatir
visitors (coll.) dmrad I
visits (an offence) (on = ar, for) (trans.) do-airret, do-irret I (f)
visits (intrans. with prep. or adv. of place) do-aithigi (b)
visits (trans.) do-aithigi (a)
visits ad-ella
visits aithigid 1
visits comthaigid (commaid)
visits cartaigid (a) = cartaid
visits do-aidlea
visits do-etha
visits fisraigid (b) (fis 1)
visits immaithigid
vital (?, CW) boaigthech (boaigthe, see boaigidir)
vivacious (?) amnas (b)
vivacious imladailech (imladail)
vivacity (?) dersaide (dersaid?)
vivavious, mettlesome disposition (?) elgnas (b)
vivifies boaigidir (bo)
vivifies forbeoid
viviousness dubilceas (dubilce)
vocable focal, focull (a)
vocalism guttas
vociferation glraige (glrach)
vociferous (?) engach 1
vociferous 1 girechtach (gir ?)
vociferous 2 glarda (2 glr ?)
vociferous glrach (2 glr)
vociferous gothach (guth)
voice (?) gadn
voice ? 2 gn
voice 2 glr (glr) vx glir
voice cada
voice clois
voice guth
voice moth
voiced (of consonant) (gramm.) craid I
voicing (gramm.) cradugud
void (?) dodomnae (damnae)
void (?) raise
void cobs (com + s, fs 2 ?)
void cocae (com + cae)
void cuindbech
void fs 1 (a)
void folmaigecht
void forbs
volatile lamnach, laimnech (lamain)

volatility forlamain
volley(of missiles) fras (fros) > frais
voluble medraid
volume lebor
voluntarily in(n)tinnech (in(n)tinn)
voluntary denach (dein 1)
vomiting out brchtach = brchtad
vomiting air\.slucad (slucud)
vomits ar\.sloigid
voracious aimir(t)ne
voracious felchar (feil)
voracious ginmar (gin)
voracious ithemail (ithe)
voracity ? fuillnedche
voracity aimir(t)ne
voracity duilnedche
voracity ginach (gin, ginech, genech, genach)
voracity ithemraige
vouchsafes daimid I
vouchsafes denaigid (dein 1)
vouchsafing denugud
vow not to do something fretech
vow brathar (c)
vow dar-gillim
vow gellamain
vow ingell
vow mind (minn)
vow mit (mid)
vowel ? guthach
vowel guth
vowel guthaige
vowel guthaigthe
vowel gutte (=guth+de)
vowing ingell
vows ad-gella
vows gellaid
vows in-gella
vows minnaigid
voyage by sea loingeirecht, -seracht (loingseir)
voyage airthrall (a) (trall)
Vulcan Bolcn
vulgar doscair (b)
vulnerability begul (a)
vulture (?) echtbran (-?)
vx gaibid gabl
vying coimmes (com + mes 1)
vying comthcbil (d)

wage (war) fordiglammad
wage fochell 2
wage lg also lag

wage-earner fuillmech (fuillem)
wager gell
wages war imm-goin
wages fo-ceird I (i)
wages formil
wages formlach (formil)
wages innarrad
wagging tails abblaib
waggon baigin
waggon boigin
waggon carpat (a)
waggon carr 1
waggon fn (a)
waggon fnae
waging (battle) comlad (lad)
waging war (against = for, fri) cocad (com + cath)
waging war imguin
waging commrad (c)
wail ? lud
wailing continually athgol (gol)
wailing together comgern (gern)
wailing amar (b)
wailing ca 1
wailing dogra(e) (dogair, dogar)
wailing donl (do + nall)
wailing girfedach (gir)
wailing gern
wailing gol
wailing goln (gol)
wailing golnach (goln)
wailing golfadach (golfad ?)
wailing golfartach
wailing golgaire
wailing golmaircc
wailing golmairccnech (golmaircc)
wailing mairgindach
wailing mairgnech
wails golaid (gol variant of guilid)
wails guilid
wainage arathar (b) (ar 4)
waist clicht
waist coim 1 (a)
waiting behind ar is 2 (a)
waiting behind di, do is 2 (c)
waiting for (with for, ar fri (re, le)) fethem (d)
waiting for airnaide
waiting for fuirech
waiting for furnaide
waiting for imfuirech
waiting on (with gen. or for, ar) fethem (c)
waiting on com\.frestal (frestal)

waiting on forruma
waiting on frestal
waiting on frithilem
waiting upon guests ferthigis II
waiting anmain (a) (anamuin)
waiting fethem (d)
waiting indnaide
waits (?) (intrans.) fethid 1 II (a)
waits for (co) anaid 1 (a)
waits for (with ar, re) (intrans.) fethid 1 II (b)
waits for ar-net (b)
waits on fris-indlea
waits do-naith
waits forfethmigid
waits furnaidid (furnaide)
waits imm-ana
waits ind-ne/at
wakes (intrans.) do-fuschi I
wakes (trans.) do-fuschi II (a)
waking frithaire
Wales Bretain (b)
walk imthecht
walker ladaige (lad)
walking about forimthecht
walking around imchimnigud
walking foim(m)thecht
walks about imchimnigid
walks imm-tit
wall (?) (of a house) airscar (b)
wall viewed from inside fraig
wall aul
wall balla 1
wall cora (a)
wall mr
walled (?) forche
walled town dind (b)
walled mrdae (mr)
wallet bossn
wallet clera (-- ?)
wallet adach
wallet inntile
wallet inntile
wallowing and bathing imbert
wallowing imbdud
wall-pennyworth cornn (corn)
walls of dwellings ? fraigred (fraig)
wan 2 glas
wan eltaide
wand of office lorg
wand creb (a)
wand flesc 1 (a)

wand goithne (3 goth)
wanderer deorad
wanderer deoradn (deorad)
wanderer fonnad
wanderer imramach (imram)
wanderer loingsech (loinges)
wandering (?) meraigthech (meraige)
wandering (over or about) foim(m)rimm (a)
wandering about (in nomadic fashion) ? immitecht (imb-in-techt)
wandering abroad deoraidecht, -adacht (deorad)
wandering nature imfaenledaige
wandering troop immirge, immirc(h)e
wandering anfoss (foss)
wandering de-\.fordol (emph. de + for-dol)
wandering fondel (a)
wandering fondled
wandering fondledach (-ethach) (a)
wandering fordul, -dal
wandering imladail, imlaidil
wandering immin
wandering immarchor
wandering immirge, immirc(h)e
wandering imramach (imram)
wandering imrollach (imroll)
wandering imthecht
wandering imthechtach (imthecht)
wandering merbal(l)
wandering merugad
wanders fo-indlea
wane fescor 1 (b)
wane guin (vn. of gonaid)
waning airbernach (bernach)
want of affection dgrd 2 (grd 2)
want of age anestacht (anesta)
want of astuteness tachle (tachail)
want of capacity anaccmaing (accmaing)
want of congruity ccuibdes (a) (ccuibde)
want of conscience (legal) ccubus
want of dexterity amlaigecht
want of faith dchas
want of firmness daingne (daingen)
want of foresight (?) ccondus
want of friends dochraite (a) (dochrait)
want of harmony ccuibdes (a) (ccuibde)
want of hope dchas
want of love dchin 1 (cin)
want of matter (?) dodomnae (damnae)
want of means anaccmaing (accmaing)
want of moderation ainmesardacht (mesardacht)
want of power tracht 2
want of respect dmadaige (dmad)

want of sense or reason ccodnaige (ccodnach)
want of sense dchall (call)
want of sense dthuisce (tuicsiu)
want of strength nirte, narte, inirte (n(a)irt)
want of strength tracht 2
want of taste dimblas (d- neg. + blas)
want of union ccuibdes (a) (ccuibde)
want airchrae (b)
want an\.sd (sd 1)
want bochta (bocht 1)
want dgbl (b)
want dth (b)
want dommatu (dommae 1)
want foilme
want gainne (gann)
wanting husbandry trebar
wanting in judgment ccillid, -e
wanting in sense ccillid, -e
wanting in sense ccond
wanting self-control eselbaige (eselbach)
wanting sense ccallach
wanting sense ccallaid, -e (a) (call)
wanting dthech 2 (dth)
wanting esbadach, -aidech (a) (esbaid)
wanton (?) ccobsaid 2
wanton behaviour (?) dulaige
wanton mischief elgnas (a)
wanton besach, basech (bes)
wanton beth 1 I (c)
wanton btach (bt)
wanton betaidecht (betaide)
wanton drth 1
wanton girseamail
wanton inglicc
wanton macnasach (macnaisech)
wanton meranach (-nach?) (<-mer?)
wantoness macnas
wantonness bes, bas (c) (beth 1)
wantonness ctludche (ctludach)
wantonness ctluth
wantonness dchall (call)
wantonness esba(e)
wantonness forbes
wants aidilccnigidir
wants il(gi)gid (il)
war (?) dchon
war (GHOST) cuad 1
war cathlann
war cocad (com + cath)
warbles (of birds) celebraid (b)
warbling (of birds) celebrad (d)

warbling (of birds) celchaire (celchar)
warbling ceilebar
war-chariot carpat (a)
ward (?) brda
ward (under the care of an aite or a muime) daltae I
warden of the marches caithchid crche(e) (cathach 3 ?)
warden brda
warden doirseir (dorus)
warden dorsaid (dorus)
warden dorsaire = dorsaid
wardenship brdacht (brda)
warding off airchlige
warding off airsclaige
warding off dingbil I
warding off impd, impd
warding something off from imgained
wards off (di = from) do-ingaib (a)
wards off airimmid (airimme)
wards off airsclaigid (airsclaige)
wards off ar-clich
wards off etrinid
wards off fris-ilethar
wardship brdas (brda)
wardship eochrracht (eochair 1)
ware errad 2, irrad
warercress birar
warfare (?) blipecht
warfare as a calling (esp. of roving, or irregular warfare) fanas
warfare cathaigecht (cathaige)
warfare dlmaines (c) (dlmaine)
war-horse ech dla
war-hound rch (a)
warlike (?) (of warriors) colgdae (colg)
warlike (?) fechtach
warlike action engnam (b)
warlike ardour 1 gal
warlike array ? inclachus (inclach)
warlike attire tiud, ted (b)
warlike bravery armgal (arm + gal 1)
warlike deeds (?) galann (gal ?)
warlike effort feidm (c)
warlike fury fchdacht (fchda)
warlike qualities (?) bg (c)
warlike rage dsacht V
warlike rage dechrad 1 II
warlike strain feidm (c)
warlike gach
warlike gamail
warlike gda(e)
warlike gmar
warlike airgalach (airgal)

warlike anglondach (anglond)
warlike nradach (nrad)
warlike nrata (nrad)
warlike cathaigthech
warlike catharda 1 I (cathair 1)
warlike catharnaid (cath 1 + arnaid 1 ?)
warlike cennselach (cennsel)
warlike cocthach (cocad)
warlike cogamail = cocthach
war-like coinglecach (coinglecc)
warlike curata (caur)
warlike cclandach
warlike chtmar (cht)
warlike fanachtach
warlike fanamail
warlike fanda
warlike fchamail (fch 2)
warlike fornata
warlike gaiscemail (gaisced)
warlike galdae (gal)
warlike idnach, indnach (idna, indna)
warlike idnach, indnach (idna, indna)
warlike idnach, indnach (idna, indna)
warlike indsaigthech, innsaigech (indsaigid,
warlike longphortach (longphort)
warlike matnamail
warlike mldemail
warm gairthe
warming gorad (vn. of guirid, goirid)
warms gerta (gertha, giarta, giartha)
warms in the sun granaid (gran)
warms gerid
warms guirid (goirid)
warmth goirthige (goirthech)
warn off fubthad
warning note (?) begaln (begul)
warning notice forngaire, forgaire
warning air\.fcra(e) (a)
warning ath\.foircetal (foircetal)
warning beglugud
warning bagrach (bacar)
warning fait(g)igud (faitches)
warning fubthad
warning furfcra, -facra
warns (doubtful) gaibid
warns off dlomaid (b)
warns facair (fo-acair, fcair)
warns gaibid
warp (of cloth) inne
warp cnis

warp dlth 2
warrant coraigecht (cor 1)
warrant dl II (d)
warrant dlse (c) (dles)
warrior (?) indle
warrior (esp. one of prowess or skill) gaiscedach (gaisced)
warrior armed with casting-stones lecnach (lecn)
warrior 1 galgat
warrior 2 gna
warrior angcl
warrior nrad (c)
warrior- armamail (arm)
warrior balar
warrior cathaige 1 (cath 1)
warrior caur
warrior cermnaid 2 (cermnaid 1)
warrior cing 1
warrior cleth 1 (e)
warrior cnicht
warrior cocthach (cocad)
warrior cuingid 3 (cuing)
warrior drettel (b) = treitell, q.v.
warrior eirr
warrior fnnid
warrior ferg 2
warrior gercc
warrior lech
warrior lth
warrior longphortach (longphort)
warrior midach
warrior-like lechda (lech)
warriors calling fanachas
warriors calling fanaigecht (a)
warriors of Meilge of Imlech imlech
warriors lechrad (lech)
wars cocthaigid (cocad)
war-sheath ? intech
wart faithne
warty (?) faithnemail
warty, full of warts fogartach
wary (?) frithlmach (frithilem)
wary faitech (a)
wary fethmech (fethem)
wary foichlech I
wary fuirechair, furachair
was about to (as impers. vb.) do-armairt (b)
was about to do-armairt (a)
was adjudged (?) doruigled
was borne (?) ? librid
was brought about imm-forgnair
was consigned to licid

was displeased lr
was evolved imm-forgnair
was fain to (?) fo-lmathar (-limethar ?)
was from childhood the name of lenmus (lenab)
was greatly ashamed of that imloscud
was made calm mn
was near (doing) fabair, fbair
was on the point of fabair, fbair
was overcome for-aisligid(ir)
was rescued doraimbecht
was thus blockaded imchumge (imchumang)
wash folcud (vn. of folcaid)
washed in a pool ? lundu, lunggu
washes away do-fonaig
washes between etar-folcai
washes the feet indlaid
washes the hands indlaid
washes ad-aim
washes con-nig
washes do-fonaig
washes do-nig 1
washes folcaid
washes fo-nig (fonach, funech)
washes fothraicid
washes ind-aim > indmaid
washing again aithnige (nige)
washing feet indmat
washing hands indmat
washing of feet mandl, mandil
washing the feet indlat
washing the hands indlat
washing the head folcud (vn. of folcaid)
washing vessel (?) enag
washing esclad
washing anach 2
washing dnech 2 (a)
washing dun(n)ach
washing folcud (vn. of folcaid)
washing fonach diunach, tonach
washing fothrucud
washing geimus
wash-tub cindruim
wasp foich b
waste (of land) bn I (c)
waste (of places) fs 1 (a)
waste land drainn (rann)
waste land fsrach
waste lands (after the pillage)? ? ganna
waste spot fad 3 I
waste cith
waste dimba(i)l (bail)

waste fsach 2 I (fs 1)
waste fsach 2 II (fs 1)
waste min
wasted and gaunt through asceticism (?) etlaide I (etla)
wasted cnate
wasted cnmach
wasted fedaide, feige
wasteful dblsach (dbls)
wasteful dimbailech, -balach (dimba(i)l)
wasteful dombuilech (bailech)
wasteful malartnach
wastefulness (?) malartchae
wastes (intrans.) fedaid
wastes away lobaid
wastes away lommaid (lomm)
wastes dedaid I
wastes dimbailid (dimba(i)l)
wastes do-meil (e)
wastes fo-cn
wastes frescrid (frescre)
wasting away crnad
wasting away dchaithim (caithem)
wasting away dscaled (c)
wasting away lobad
wasting of a building dlgend, dlgen (b)
wasting of a country dlgend, dlgen (b)
wasting cna(ded)
wasting cnadtech (cnaded)
wasting cnm
wasting fed
wasting meth
wasting methach (meth)
wasting methaid (meth)
watch ? forairechad
watch cathais (cath + feis)
watch faire
watch foraire aire
watch forcomus
watch frithaire
watch imfaire
watchdog (?) rch (b)
watchdog (?) brotch
watcher (?) figleir
watches (?) do-ingair 1 (b)
watches (trans.) fethid 1 I (a)
watches over (ar = against) (trans.) fethid 1 I (b)
watches through the night foaid (d)
watches coimtaid 1 (coimt)
watches for-c
watches forfe(i)thid
watchful (?) aircsinach (aircsiu)

watchful catharnaid (cath 1 + arnaid 1 ?)
watchful coimtach 1 (coimt)
watchful fairech (faire)
watchful fchsanach (fchsain)
watchful fethemanta (fethem)
watchful fethmech (fethem)
watchful forairech (foraire)
watchful frithairech (frithaire)
watchful fuirechair, furachair
watchful imcaisnech (mcaisiu)
watchful imchomtach (imchomt)
watchfulness is a sign of greed imcaisiu
watchfulness airige (airech 4)
watchfulness ft
watchfulness frithaire
watchfulness imcaisiu
watchfulness imchomt
watching (at night) airnn = airne
watching (esp. at night) airne
watching over aire 1 (a)
watching over imchomt
watching over ingaire
watching over ingaire
watching together com\.faire (faire)
watching together com\.ft (ft 2)
watching ? forairechad
watching coim\.feithem (fethem)
watching com\.feithem (feithem)
watching com\f.gad (a) (fgad)
watching faire
watching fethem (a)
watching figled
watching foraire (aire)
watching forcomt
watching forcomtas
watching fot, fat
watchman dercaid 2 (derc 2)
watchman dercthaid (dercaid 1)
watchman fgthaid
watchman feithmeir (fethem)
watchman fethmid (fethem)
watchmen foraire (aire)
watchtower gaird
water (?) brainne
water (?) eder
water for washing indlat
water aca
water an 2
water bethra 2
water bir 2
water bal 1

water dobur 2
water dr 2
water en
water esc 1 (eisc?)
water fal
water l
water-boundary linn
watercress(?) 2 glasn (2 glas)
water-diet (?) dobrit(h)
water-diet (for penitents) doborfit (dobur 2 + pit)
watered (?) bethrach 2 (bethra 2)
water-hemp madrogen
water-pot idre
waters of the oceans dliu, dle (c)
waters can 2
water-sprite luchorp
water-tank ? iaene
watery (?) escach
watery drfartach 1 (dr)
wattle panels clath (b)
wattles (in a fence, dwelling, etc.) fenamain
wattles celach (a) (cel)
wattling cel II (b)
wattling indugud
wave (of hair) claidn (clad)
wave buinne (a)
waved (of hair) cimmennach, cimnech (cim)
waved drimrech (drimire)
wavelet? mocht
wavering lobur, lobor
wavering lamnach, laimnech (lamain)
waves lamnaigid (lamain)
waviness (?) (of hair) clane (c) (clen)
waviness (of hair) clenrad (clen)
waviness (of hair) claide (c)
waving (?) (freq. of hair) clen I (b)
waving lascach (lasc)
waving lascad
wavy (?) (of hair) druimnech (druimne)
wavy (?) comrach 1 (commar)
wavy (?, CW) conchlannach (conchlann)
wavy (hair) cladach 1 (b) (clad)
wavy (of hair) far
wavy camm 1 I (b)
wavy clechtach 2 (clecht 2)
wax cir
waxed cartha (car, see cir)
waxen carach = cartha
waxes strong for-beir
way (?) feb I (c)
way of life cerd 1 (b)

way of thinking ctfaid (c)
way alt 1 III (e)
way belach (b) (bel)
way bs 1 (a)
way ce (b)
way ce (c)
way cil 1 (e)
way conar (a)
way conar (b)
way doich (dich?) II (d)
way elas, eulas (d)
way in(n)tech
way indas
way mod
waylayers ? intledaigthid (intledaigid(ir))
waylaying irge (h) sliged
wayward (of animals, wind) beth 1 I (a)
we are destroyed imdibatai vx imma n-
we are guiltless idan
we bless fulang
we have drunk ibid
we have heard one another but we have not seen one another imm-cluinethar
we many il
we suffer fulang
weak (?) tlith 2
weak in faith lobur, lobor
weak little ones (?) loibrne (lobur)
weak person fann 2
weak person lobrn (lobur)
weak person lorn
weak position in defence or attack bern
weak spot (of persons or things) lang I
weak aimnertach (aimnert 1)
weak aimnertmar = aimnertach
weak aimnirt (nert)
weak banda 1 (b) (ben)
weak cutal
weak dimbrgach (dimbrg)
weak dnerta (dnert)
weak dnertach (dnert 2)
weak dthracht (tracht)
weak dthrachta = dthracht
weak ccalma
weak ccraid
weak daingen I
weak iglide
weak elcmar (b)
weak nirt, nairt, inirt (nert)
weak trn I
weak trerach
weak fann 2

weak indenim
weak indloba(i)r
weak indron
weak lobur, lobor
weak meirb
weak, mixed beverage englas, anglas
weakened indenmigthe (indenim)
weakened licthe
weakening nirt(n)igud
weakening fannugud
weakening lacad
weakens (trans.) fannaigid I (fann 2)
weakens aimnertaigid (aimnert 1)
weakens anfainnigid (anfainne?)
weakens bre(a)id (b) (bre)
weakens dthrachtaid (dthracht)
weakens ccraidigid (ccraid)
weakens daingnigid
weakens nirtigid, nartaigid, nirtnigid, inirtnigid
weakens fannaid (fann 2)
weakens laca(ig)id (lac)
weakens lobraigidir
weakens meirbigid
weakling anraige = fannraige
weakling deidbln (dedbol)
weakling fannach (fann 2)
weakling lobrn (lobur)
weakling methach (meth)
weakling midlach (-laech)
weaklings (?) fannraige
weakness (?) lagar
weakness (?) lemne
weakness aimnert 1 (nert)
weakness aintreise (1 treise)
weakness dnert 2 (nert)
weakness dnnimus (dnnim)
weakness donairte
weakness ccomnart
weakness ccras
weakness iglidecht
weakness nirte, narte, inirte (n(a)irt)
weakness trn II
weakness treir
weakness fainne (fann)
weakness indenme (indenim)
weakness indgs
weakness indlobrae (indloba(i)r)
weakness intlas
weakness lacatus (lac)
weakness laice (lac)

weakness lem
weakness lobrae (lobur)
weakness meirbe
weakness meirbes
weal ledb
wealth (in kine) baische (basach 1 or 2)
wealth (in kine) bas 2
wealth accmaing (d)
wealth irilliud
wealth anae
wealth athnam
wealth conch
wealth costus (b)
wealth crod 1 (b)
wealth crodach (crod 1)
wealth til (a)
wealth feb I (b)
wealth febtu (feb?)
wealth folud (> fola)
wealth indeb
wealth indlos, indlas
wealth indmas < indbas (indeb)
wealth indme (indeb)
wealth inmechus
wealth inne
wealth intlem
wealth iostas
wealth mainbthige
wealth maith
wealth maithes, -ius
wealth monad
wealth-bringing tlach (til)
wealthy (in kine) basach 2 (bas 2)
wealthy ? maith
wealthy accmaingech (b)
wealthy basamail
wealthy costusach (costus)
wealthy gustalach (gustal)
wealthy mainbthech
wealthy manech
weaning (?) dal 3
weapon (?) ail 3
weapon (with which a feat was performed) cles (b)
weapon discharged airchor (d)
weapon of iron arn
weapon arm (b)
weapon athargab
weapon clesrad (b) (cles)
weapon arnaide (arn)
weapon idna, indna
weapon? aiblis

weapon? mind
weaponless dairm (arm)
weapon-loving armchar (arm)
weapons armrad (arm) ?
weapons athargab
weapons congab (c)
weapons gaisced
weapons idna, indna
weapons ingna
wearer of motley (?) breccnach (breccn)
wearied meirtnech
wearies meirtnigid
weariness (of body or mind) emiltius, emeltus II
weariness derbile
weariness gestal
weariness meirten (mertan)
weariness meirtne
weariness meirtnige
wearing ... a brooch bretnasach (bretnas)
wearing a collar muincech (muince)
wearing a hood cochlach (cochall)
wearing a necklet muincech (muince)
wearing an inar inarach (inar)
wearing apparel fr
wearing away credbad
wearing cloaks clcach (clca)
wearing down comchaithem (caithem)
wearing long hair at the back in the Irish fashion clnach (cln)
wearing shoes (CW) carnach (carn)
wearisome emilt I
wearisome inmall
wearisome lista (lis)
wears (of clothes) do-meil (c)
wears away legaid
wears out do-meil (e)
wears imm-archuirethar
weary (of doing something) emilt II
weary of dognasach (dognas 2) de
weary imfrich
weasel blthnait 1
weasel blthnait 2
weasel es 5
weasel esc
weather aimser (d)
weather molt
weathercock bile 2
weave? ad-sn
weaver figedir
weaver figige
weaver`s beam ? forgarmain
weaver`s beam garman (garma)

weavers quill ? cleittech b cleitte
weavers reed fethgeir (-gr?)
weaves together con-fig
weaves figid
weaves innigid (indech)
weaving comrade affection beyond their deserts ? lusaid
weaving fige
weaving indugud
web or film in the eye finn 3
web lnrad
web mocol
wedding banais (a) (ben + feis 2)
wedding inboth
wedding inbothugud
wedge ding
wedge geind vx genn
wedge geinn vx genn
wedge geinntech
wedge genn (geinn)
wedges gennaid (genn)
wedging dechtad 1
wedlock coiblige
wedlock commm (a) (mm)
wedlock commmdacht (commm)
wedlock comragal (ragal)
Wednesday ctan (ct 1 + an 2)
weds inbothaigidir
weed (?) ? glam
weeds (coll.) fadail, -e, fat(g)al
weeds luibrech = luibred
weeds lutharnach
weekday dlach III
weeping (?) ? golugud
weeping together comchui (ca 1)
weeping with comgul (gol)
weeping ca 1
weeping cane 2
weeping caned
weeping drfadach 1 (dr)
weeping drfadach 2 (dr)
weeping drfartach 2 (dr)
weeping gol
weeps (intrans.) cid I
weeps at canid (b)
weeps for (trans.) cid II
weeps golaid (gol variant of guilid)
weeps guilid
weft indech
weighing comthrom(ug)ad
weighing medachn
weighing-balance ? muad

weighs down do-tromma (trom 3)
weighs heavily fortrommaigid
weighs on fo-ceird III (d) for
weighs comthroma(ig)id (comthrom)
weighs do-lci IV
weighs do-midethar 1
weighs medaid
weighs medaigid
weighs mes(s)aid (<mes)
weighs midithir
weight used as a standard drna (a)
weight comthrumma (cothrom)
weight med
weight medachn
weights (and measures) comtartaib (toirt)
weights comthrom II (b) (trom 3)
weighty ifechtach II (ifecht)
weir aire 4
weir cora (b)
weir imbe
weird creature genit
weird airdrachda (-ae) (airdrech 1)
welcome to the kindling of my outburst idlann, idlang
welcome es(s)amnae (b) (essamain)
welcome es(s)omon II
welcome filte, falte fri (a) (filid, falid)
welcome filtigud (b)
welcome meild (?meill)
welcome! foicert
welcomes (late) gaibid
welcomes filtigid(ir), faltigid(ir) I fri (b) (filtech,
welcomes fadaigid 2 (fad 5)
welcomes forfaltigud
welcomes gaibid
welcoming filtigud (b)
welcoming fadugad 2
welcoming frestal
welding closely imm-aimm
welding dlthad
well cared for lesaigthe
well fashioned cummaide (cummae)
well finished locartha
well grazed pastures lompaire
well jointed (?) ailtech
well known fo-sern (sernid)
well qualified foltach (folud) vx anfoltuch
well trained (?) comrata (rata 1)
well watered intursite
well ale 1
well bir 2

well corr 3
well cuithe (d)
well dag 1
well dein 2
well fofor
well immurgu
well mad
well-adjusted craigthech (crugud)
well-aimed airmaisnech (airmaisiu)
well-armed (?) aidlennta
well-arranged comecartha (ecartha)
well-arranged dess (d)
well-attended congirech (b) (congir)
well-attended ler
well-attested fadnach (fada 2)
well-balanced foistinech
well-behaved bsach (bs 1)
well-bred (of persons) fal 1 (b)
well-bred minte
well-built cumtachtae 1
well-constructed cumtachtae 1
well-covered b(o)laid(e) (boil)
well-cut cummaide (cummae)
well-disposed buidech 2 (buide 2)
well-doing cangnm
well-founded fothamail (fotha)
well-grounded forusta
well-guarded flda
well-informed fes(s)ach (a)
well-informed fisid 2 (a) (fis 1)
well-kneaded com\.saite
well-knotted (?) cruacharach
well-known airdirc I (a) (2 derc)
well-known airgnae
well-known airgnaid = airgnae
well-known fadnach (fada 2)
well-known gnth
well-known gnthach (gnth)
well-known ath
well-made (?) dinmech 2 (dnum)
well-manned luchtmar (lucht)
well-mannered mnla
well-mannered modamail (mod)
well-mannered(?) gnsach (gns)
well-prepared (frequ. with follg. vn. constr.) apaig (b)
well-proportioned cir 1
well-proportioned cumtachtae 1
well-proportioned cutrummae 2
well-regulated mesraigthe
wells foinsi
well-sewn com\.faigthe (aigthe)

well-stocked (?) luchtmar (lucht)
well-watered brenach (bren 1)
well-watered glaisech (glais)
well-wooded bilech 2 bile 1
Welsh language Bretnas (Bretain)
Welsh language combrec(c)
Welshman Bretnach (Bretain)
wen guirn (gor)
wench bradg (brat 2 ?)
wenching (?) lotrad (lot)
went away ? imm-rualaid (? imb-ro-oss-luid)
went to (trans.) do-rlaid
went to ? fris-saig
went cotluid (tit)
were eagerly pursued imchomaircech (imchomarc)
werewolf fulla
wergild corpdre (corp + dre)
West Munster armuna
west of allanar di (alla(e) + anar)
west Saxons fuinedach
west arthar
west arus
western part of house ardom
western part arthar
western part arus
western world ardoman
western fuinedach
western fuineta
western artharach
wet (?) foscadach (foscad)
wet weather inbech (c)
wet weather dliu, dle (b)
wet weather fliuch (a)
wet weather fliuchnus (fliuch)
wet weather folc vx foilc
wet inbech (a)
wet brenach (bren 1)
wet flichidecht, flichecht (fliuch, fliuchaide)
wet fliuch (a)
wet fliuchnus (fliuch)
wet foilc
wet maoi
wethers moltrad (molt)
wetness (?) ? falcecht
wetness fliuchaidetu
wets brenaid (bren)
wets fliuchaid (fliuch)
wetting fliuchad
whale bled
whale bledml (bled + ml 1)
whale bloach

whale? mn
what are the ridings in absence(?) that incur expropriation? formmenn
what comes by chance amantur (b)
what is broken small minbach
what is capable of sustaining innarsan
what is carried on a trekking immirge, immirc(h)e
what is carried on an expedition immirge, immirc(h)e
what is collected dglaim
what is destined forcenn
what is due dlecht
what is favourable dessel (b) (dess + sel)
what is fitting dl II (d)
what is gleaned dglaim
what is in store (for) forcenn
what is incumbent dliged III
what is lawful dliged III
what is lucky dessel (b) (dess + sel)
what is necessary dth (c)
what is needful aidilccne (a)
what is needful dth (c)
what is proper cert 1 (g)
what is propitious dessel (b) (dess + sel)
what is sufficient to sustain innarsan
what is the nature of? cote
what is true fr 1 II (a)
what is worthy dl II (d)
what is cote
what is cote
what kind of cindas (a)
what may be cropped (of plants, corn, etc.) barrgal (barr 1)
what may be cut off (of plants, corn, etc.) barrgal (barr 1)
what serves to conceal the truth dathugud III
what 4 a
what ca 1 A I (a)
what car(r)icc, cer(r)icc
what cindas (b)
what cindas (c)
what cich (b)
what cote
what crt (a)
whatever the amount lagat
whatever cach, cech II (b)
whatever ca 1 B (b)
whatever crt (c)
wheat cruithnecht
wheat dag 2
wheedler clanaire (a) (clain 2)
wheedles (in favourable sense) celgaid (b) (celg)
wheedles mairnid
wheedling speech magar
wheedling bladar

wheedling mellaid
wheel droch 2
wheel drocht 4 = droch 2
wheel-rim (?) fonnad
whelp cana 1 (a)
whelp cuiln
when (temporal conjunction) amail, amal II (c)
when he goes from us on a journey ? imderc, ? imtherc
when he wrought the monstrous slaughter mudacht
when it was decided (?) atastormus
when the blockade of Epirus befell you imchumang
when the Lord shall bring all this to pass ? fuireba
when the nimble folk of Munster feast ibid
when the people complained imchossatid (imchossat)
when (in) cin III (a)
when 6 a
when cuin (a)
when cuin (b)
when cuin (c)
when d n-, da n- II = dia n-
when da n- 1 (a)
when immar
when inbaid
whence (?) cuin (b)
whence can
whenever cuin (c)
whenever inbaid
where is cit (ca 1 + itt)
where is cote
where (in) baile (e), (a) baile (e)
where airm
where cairm
where ca 1 A I (c)
where i n-itt (a)
where immar
where mal
where? cairm
where? ca airm
whereever leth
wherever (in) baile (e), (a) baile (e)
wherever ca 1 B (a)
whether each man...was sufficiently pure idnae (idan)
whether few or many have consented to swamping imbdud
whether in fear or in hurt let us pray to Christ ? inchride
whether imm (imb)...imm (fa, ba)
whether in
whether in
whets graigid (gr)
whetstone airnem
whetstone la
whetting (?) brined

whetting airlachtad
whetting airnem
whetting clochad (b)
whetting lmad
whey englas, anglas
whey fothna vx fothana
whey medc (medg)
which arrive ? for-rig vx fo-ricc, fo-rig
which can be lured away (?) dochelgtha (celgaid)
which cannot be levied (?) dthcbil (tcbil)
which cannot be made good dce, -id (ccaid)
which causes (caused) fo-fera II (a)
which has failed the test iderbtha
which has shed blood cruess
which he finds ? ? for-rig vx fo-ricc, fo-rig
which is handed over imreilgi
which is not feasible cmacht II
which is offered atoibenar
which it is not proper to enter idan
which it would be pleasant to exchange another for imlat
which no storm of bloodshed mars imchri
which one wreaks upon many il
which quickens bis
which will put my soul to hazard imbert
whichever cach, cech II (b)
whichever cich (c)
while (temporal conjunction) amail, amal II (c)
while remaining fuirech
while they were thus perplexed imlad
while 6 a
while an comgairit (gairit)
while denus (b)
while dres 1
while dres 1
while fithisin
while in com\.fot
while mithis and mithise
whining goln (gol)
whinny (?) gns
whip 1 abann
whip lascaid
whip mlid
whipping a horse to increase his speed forbaigh
whipping flescad
whirling about cuclaige
whirlpool coire
whirlpool cuithe (d)
whirlwind cle 1 (a)
whirlwind imgaeth
whiskey bitille
whisper cocur (c)

whisperer cocarnach 2 (cocur)
whispering allabair, allobair
whispering cocarnach 1 (cocur)
whispering cocur (c)
whispering folabra(d)
whistle fetn (a)
whistling sound fet 2 (a)
whistling sound fetgaire
whistling cisech 2
whistling fedalach (fet)
whistling fetgal (fet)
whistling fetugud (fet)
white (?) finnemail (finn 1?)
white (?) fr 2
white (gen. bright white = Lat. candidus) finn 1 (a)
white as foam cubarda (cubar 1)
white colour ltis (l?)
white fire geltine
white in front (?) air\.find (finn 1)
white of an egg glir
white 1 gel
white 3 gabor
white abbn
white aigfind
white bn I (a)
white gelmar
white? vessel findchoire
white? water-pot findchoire
white-faced (?) aigfind
white-faced cenann (cenn + finn 1)
white-headed cenann (cenn + finn 1)
whiteness (?, CW) binine = bine (?)
whiteness ? 2 galla
whiteness ? geldod
whiteness bine (a) (bn)
whiteness candadas
whiteness geln (gel)
whiteness gile (1 gel)
whiteness ltis (l?)
whitens ? gelcaid (gel)
white-paven lecc
whitethorn ailbe spne
white-tipped loisinnn
white-toppped (of horses) barrann (barr 1 + finn)
white-twisting gatsnm
whitish (?) finnemail (finn 1?)
whitish (of blighted corn) finn 1 (g)
whitish, nearly white fogel
Whitsunday cingciges, -is
Whitsuntide cingciges, -is
whizz (of bullets) fet 2 (a)

whizz etigud (ette?)
whizzing etigud (ette?)
whizzing fetugud (fet)
who (which) is not is
who always acted on behalf of the queen imbert
who are maintained according to the (standard of maintenance) of a boaire fulach (folach)
who aroused their anger ? forglaim
who bring shame due to insulting to his face imdergad
who filled a bier fatln?
who gambles imbert
who had been quick and vivacious in his mind imladailech (imladail)
who has so many li
who intervenes (?) etargairech (etargaire)
who is in the household of a lord inol
who is not able to give security meisech
who is one of the two parties to a legal relationship lnamanda
who keep the covenant cotaige 1
who loathed a lazy lounger lairne
who makes bad contracts (?) fochorach
who mediates (?) etargairech (etargaire)
who minded courtesy mebraid
who seduce them millid
who serves jointly con-mancha
who slays a relative fingalach (fingal)
who wast fostered by sages lachtaide (lacht)
who were most terrible in the borders and flanks imbel?
who ca 1 A I (a)
who cich (b)
whoever cach, cech II (b)
whoever ca 1 B (b)
whoever cich (c)
whole imln
whole ln
whole-hearted dthrachtach (c) (dthracht)
wholeness imline (imln)
wholesome folln, falln
wholesomeness folline (folln)
wholesomeness follinecht (folline)
wholly cut (?) esleir
wholly free imdlmain
whom his rage serves (?) gallaid (2 gall)
whomever they may attack in-ruiret ?
whoops of rout comthinnenas (tinnenas)
whortle-berry mnann (min)
whose gear and armour irra
whose is cich (a)
whose land is uncultivated ath
whose race is the best as regards increase ? ? icht
whose 2 a (b)
whose dana 3
why (?, CW) fo, fa, f II (m)

why cair 2 (b)
why car(r)icc, cer(r)icc
why crt (b)
wick bacais, baicis
wick maiste
wicked (?) delgnaide 3
wicked (?) deochraid
wicked (Gloss.) anbil
wicked man dal, dol
wicked airchitech (aircht)
wicked an(d)gaid (andach 1) I
wicked angbadach = angbaid
wicked angbaid
wicked coirpthe
wicked colach (col)
wicked crosta
wicked cuilech = colach
wicked dnae 1 I (c)
wicked Iblach (? bal)
wickedness (?) deochrad
wickedness ainble (anbal)
wickedness clane (e) (clen)
wickedness colaige (colach)
wickedness dnacht 1 II (danae)
wickedness dablaidecht (dablaide)
wickedness indrge (indrech)
wicker-work (in a fence, dwelling, etc.) fenamain
wicker-work coracle ces 2 (b)
wide expanse forlethet
wide forlethan
wide lethan
wide-bordered brachach (bruach)
wide-gaping comoslaicthe (oslaicthe)
wideness imfairsinge
widening fairsingad, -ed
widening fairsingechad, fairsengachad = fairsingad
widens fairsingid (-engaid), fairsingigid
widens lethnaigid(ir) (lethan)
wider (?) lethanaige (lethan)
wide-spread lethan
widow baintrebthach (ben + trebthach 1)
widow fedb
widowed fedbda (fedb)
widowhood baintrebthachas (baintrebthach)
width fairsinge (a)
width forlethe vx forlethne
width leithe (lethan)
width leithet
width leithne (lethan)
wielding (a weapon) imlat
wielding weapons imlad

wielding lamairecht (lamaire)
wields follamnaigid (follom-)
wields imm-beir
wife (usually) ctmuinter
wife had instructed him furilid (furil)
wife of an aithech aithches 1
wife ben II
wife cile (h)
wife commm (b) (mm)
wight gracach (grac)
wild (?) derisc
wild (?) duthair
wild (?) eng 4
wild (?) fidbadach (fidbad)
wild (of animals, wind) beth 1 I (a)
wild (usu. of oxen, horses) aimrata ( 1 rata)
wild animal allaid (b)
wild animals fad 2
wild are the stories of a half witted man ? ? meisceill
wild beast bast, bist
wild bee? ath
wild boar (?) clabach 1
wild carrot mudomn (mug-)
wild carrot? milbocn
wild celery meirse
wild condition fatacht (fata)
wild creature baiscell
wild desire dsacht IV
wild excitement of play or work dechraidecht II = dechrad 1 III
wild garlic leek crem
wild goose (?) giraing (B. na Filed)
wild goose cadan
wild goose gigrann, giugrann
wild land drainn (rann)
wild mountainous place frith
wild mustard garbg
wild ox baball (a)
wild rose feirdris
wild spot dubthair (dub + tr?)
wild vines feadinne
wild allaid (a)
wild allta
wild alltaide = allaid, allta
wild alltamail = allaid
wild dscir (a)
wild dthrubda (dthrub)
wild ccillid, -e
wild tegnith
wild feochair
wild fadamail (b) (fad 2)
wild fadan (-n) I

wild fadnta (fadn)
wild fata
wild former
wild mer
wild, ungovernable anger dsacht V
wild, ungovernable anger dechrad 1 II
wilderness (?, CW) ainnem
wilderness dthrub
wilderness dubthair (dub + tr?)
wilderness fsach 2 I (fs 1)
wilderness fsrach
wilderness mothar
wildness alltacht (allta)
wildness fadan (-n) II
wildness fadntas (fadnta)
wile cles (c)
wile elada, elatha (c)
wile meng
wile muin (? mun)
wiles lthar
wilful injury (?) elgainecht
wilful mischief (?) elgainecht
wilful imtholtanach
wilfulness imtholtu
will be broken up dobrisfiter
will be mutual killing commuirfi (marbaid)
will receive them -it
will aidacht
will cet 1 III
will dein 1
will imthol
will in(n)tinn
willing (of persons) airlam (a)
willing denach (dein 1)
willing dthrachtach (a) (dthracht)
willing scaid
willingly ar is
willingly in(n)tinnech (in(n)tinn)
willingly mit (mid)
willingness airlatus
willingness dthrachtaige (dthrachtach)
wily (?) clestae (cles)
wily airbertach (a) (airbert)
wily ceirdech (cerd)
wily clesach I (cles)
wily fochelgach (celgg)
wind 2 geth
wind fogam
windberry frechg (frech)
windfall amantur (b)
winding (?) bypath frithchassn

window to admit light (?) ls
window fenister
window fuindec
windpipe dbechn
winds caraid (car 1)
windy gethach (2 geth)
windy gethmar (2 geth)
wine (?choice tasted) forclid
wine fim
wine fn 1
wine-bottle ? muinir (? muiner)
wing of a fleet benn (c)
wing of an army benn (c)
wing of an army ette I (b)
wing etec I (ette)
wing ette I (a)
winged creature aithid 2
winged creature ethait, ethaite
winged thing nchendach
winged etegail I
winged ettech, ittech I (a)
wings (collect.) ettech, ittech II
wings and feathers unto the ostrich ascaire (asc)
wings nchendach
wink of sleep loccad ?
wink inchosc
winning (a game, etc.) breth (d)
winning utterance gribre
winning badugud
winning gnugud (gnthugud)
winnower (?) grinseir
winnowing cthad
winnowing crathrad
winnowing foscnad (fo-scanna)
winnows fo-scanna
wins (highest place, victory, game, etc.) beirid V
wins (trans.) badaigid (b) (baid)
wins beirid bire (b)
wins con-sn
wins do-beir IV
wins do-gn II (p)
wins gnaigid (gndhaigid, gnthaigid)
winter 1 gaim
winter 1 gem vx 1 gaim
winter gemred, gaimred
winter glan vx 1 gaim
winter-night ? ? gaimche
winters geimrigid (geimred, gemred)
winter-storm 1 gaim
wintry weather (?) dublocht
wintry gemrech

wintry gemreta (gemred)
wipes out do-rodba
wipes out fo-glana (b)
wipes out legaid
Wirkung (?) cuisrinn (cos + rinn?)
wisdom (?) gase (geth ?)
wisdom after the event ar(n)ges
wisdom crnnacht (crnna)
wisdom ecna(e) 1 I
wisdom ecnaide 1
wisdom ecnaidecht
wisdom egnam
wisdom icse (a)
wisdom forsaide
wise (?) fithchallaid
wise (?) fthach (a)
wise (?) gracach (grac)
wise after the event ar(n)gesach (arnges)
wise after the event ar(n)geth
wise man ecna(e) 1 II
wise man ecnaidech
wise 1 geth
wise aithnech (aithne 2)
wise ctfadach (a) (ctfaid)
wise callach (call)
wise crnna (crn)
wise dimbaeth (d- neg. + baeth)
wise ecna(e) 1 II
wise ecnach 1 (ecna(e) 1)
wise ecnaid
wise ecnaide 2 = ecnaid
wise ecnaidech
wise fellsamanda
wise festae
wise forsaid
wise gesmar (ges)
wish accobar (a)
wish accor
wish aicsu
wish il (a)
wish ilges (b)
wish bit = mit
wish drinnrosc
wish dthracht (a)
wish indrosc
wish mit (mid)
wished for ecguiste
wishes ad-cobra
wishes asa-g(si)
wishes do-futhraccair
wishful manach (man)

wishing dthracht (a)
wisp curchas
wisp dla, dlu (a)
wisp dlocht
wit ine 1 (b)
witch (?) ammeit = ammait (?)
witch ammait (a)
witch caillech (c) (caille 1)
witchcraft (?) gliccus (glicc)
witchcraft ammaitecht (a)
witchcraft dabultacht (dabulda)
witchcraft dabultanacht = dabultacht
witchcraft dolbud (d)
witches ? maidi
with equal vigour comlthmar (lthmar)
with ... necks brigdech 2 (brga 1)
with [distaff] material cuicellach (cuicl)
with a champion`s temper icht
with a view to comair (c)
with a view to dochum II
with agile grace icht
with all the fulness of God imline (imln)
with antlers congnach (congna)
with bared breasts aurchch (cch)
with bent heads (?) cromanaig
with big manes mongach (mong)
with bridle of horn congan\.sranach (congna + sranach)
with bushy hair cabach (cab)
with buzzing carsnach (carsn)
with certainty cen cuntabart (a)
with closed doors foriata (part. of for-iada)
with complete purging imln
with consent daimech
with dark blow (?) ? leng
with enough butter for the meal furthain
with evil intent mailsech
with fervour fuirechair, furachair
with fingers mr
with firkins of butter imb (imm)
with foreign connections or ways gallda ( 1 gall)
with full breasts cchta (cch 1)
with his good taste lis
with insertion ? intla(i)sse ?
with irony of interrogation imchomarc
with its coating of tallow imchassal
with layers croicnech (croiccenn)
with long meditation fot, fat
with loops (?) brifne = brife
with many hundreds imbed, imbad
with mind astray meraigthe
with much bad-weather il

with my reversed fate imchlud
with outhouses for defending ids
with poop cronngach (crannc)
with power ? ?folla
with prominent joints (?) deilech 1 (deil 2?)
with red enamelling cranata (cran)
with regard to ar 1 II (h)
with regard to fri
with regard to fri
with respect to cuitir = cuit 9
with respect to fri
with respect to fri
with respect to leth
with respect to leth
with respect to leth
with rich magnificant colour lr
with rings (?) brifech (brife)
with the acquiescence of i comaititin (aititiu)
with the agreement of i comaititin (aititiu)
with the exception of ingnas
with the increase of the cattle imbed, imbad
with the strangeness of the battalion of the champions imdrong
with the strength of nine icht
with the tongs iolgaib
with varied vestures il
with 7 a II (b)
with ct- 2
with co 2
with comair (a)
with i fochair 2
with immalle(i), immelle(i) > ma(i)lle
with la
with la
with la
with la
with la
with la
with la
withdrawal from sight cndarcus
withdrawing fothla(e)
withdraws (?) forassaigid
withdraws do-aircheil, do-airchel(l)a I
withdraws do-foscaig
withe (?) delan (deil 1?)
withe (bound around some object) id
withe 1 gat
wither ? loat
withered branches crnach
withered brinc(h)ech (brinche)
withered com\.fedaigthe
withered crn

withered feo
withered feda
withered fedaide, feige
withered lochairthe, -artha, -arda?
withering crnachad = crnad
withering crnad
withering fed
withering fedaidecht (fedaide)
withering fedugud
withers (intrans.) fedaid
withers (intrans.) fedaigid I
withers (trans.) fedaigid II
withers away crnaid (crn)
withers ara-chrin
withers crnaid (crn)
withe-twisting gatsnmach (gatsnm)
withholding licad
withholding maithem
withholds ? inchoiscid
withholds ceilid (e)
withholds con-ceil (c)
withholds gaibid
withholds gaibid
withholds licaid
withholds maithid
within a household generous, a welcome of red, firm-fed men, around the fire inic(h)in ?
within the grasp of the other ? glocan
within medn
without (of things) i n-cmais (c)
without a covenant dchondelg (condelg)
without a great round by land imchan
without a story dsceil (scl)
without accordance (in metrics) clen I (f)
without alloy (?) ? fubudur
without asking dchmairc (comarc)
without borders in which to maintain cattle imbel?
without cause of shame methol?
without clothing dtaig (tach)
without comeliness ? idus
without concealment cen cleth 2 (b)
without conscience ccuibsech
without constraint mit (mid)
without decay log
without delay fuirech
without detriment (?) ddail (d + dl 2?)
without dissolution of her virginity (?) indaithmech
without doubt ? ingabras
without doubt imresan
without dross ? fubudur
without falseness? methol?
without fat ? l

without fleece (?) ? l
without fruit dthoraid (torad)
without good (?) esbach III (esbae)
without great exxageration in speech ? imsechfaid
without hindrance dlmain (a)
without honor dergnaid (d + ergnaid)
without inflicting intentional injury on them imbert
without injury (?) ? fubudur
without light d\.soillside (di\.soillse)
without light do\.solus (solus)
without light fursundud (-sannad)
without male issue dbdaide
without penalty dlmain (a)
without permission dchmairc (comarc)
without precedent d\.fsaig (fsach 1)
without progeny dthoraid (torad)
without putting to the blush imdergad
without questioning imchomaircech (imchomarc)
without reasoning power ccond
without reproach (?) ddail (d + dl 2?)
without rest an\.saimnech (saimnech 1)
without self-command eselbach
without shape ccruthach (a)
without shunning cacophony imgabil
without stain methol?
without strength dthracht (tracht)
without strength nirt, nairt, inirt (nert)
without support d\.faesaim (fessam)
without surety drith (rth 1)
without that cen IV co (a)
without the action of the family imlad
without their plough-harness amlach 2
without vow mit (mid)
without wealth or prosperity doana (ana)
without wealth delam
without can airesbaid
without cen I (b)
without cen II
without echtar
without immaig
without immaig
without ingnas
withstanding anad (b)
withstanding frithilem
withstanding frithtairissem
withstanding imchongbl
withstands (fri) anaid 1 (b)
withstands frithchathaigthe
withy ? foloman cf. lomman
withy rope celach (c) (cel)
witless esconn 2 (conn)

witness (?) findaid
witness fada 2 (a)
witness fadnaise (a) (fada 2)
witness fnn
witness foirclid
witness forglid, forclid (for-gell-) vx fuirglid
witness fuirglid vx forglid
witnesses ar-aicci
witnesses/is witnessed (?) ar-fuirgle
witnessing (?) frescisiu, frescsiu
witnessing fadnaise (b) (fada 2)
witty 2 grennaigid (grenn)
witty aistech (aiste)
witty grind
wizard astrolaic
wizard cumachtach (cumachtae)
wizard cumachtaid 1 (cumachtae)
wizard deogaire
wizard draoidtheir (dru)
wizard dru (b)
wizard-like gracach (grac)
wizardry dablaidecht (dablaide)
wizardry drudecht (dru)
wizardry gentliucht
woad 1 glaisn vx glasen
woad bd
woad glasen (gla(i)sn, glaisine vx Cin)
woe to him who has got a new craft imlat
woe to me mairg (mairc)
woe to the mother that bore me idu
woe worth the land that absent is satirized ? ath
woe 5 (b)
woe lach
woe mairg (mairc)
woe mairge
woe mairgne
woe monuar
woe monuar
woe! fae 1
woe! f 1 (b)
woeful airchradach (airchraide?)
woeful ciulnach (ciuln)
woeful glfitech (glfit)
woeful golfartach
woeful lenntach (linn)
woeful mairg (mairc)
woeful mairgnech
wolf (?) cuib 1
wolf (?) frech
wolf (?) gladem (1 gled)
wolf brch

wolf criun
wolf c 1 (b) (allaid)
wolf fel 2
wolf felch (fel 2)
Wlfe bekmpfende conchaid
wolfhunter (?) felaire (fel 2?)
wolfish felda (fel 2)
wolflike (?) conach 2
wolf-like condae (c)
wolf-man felur (= fel + fer?)
wolves at their rending ? legairecht
woman (?) airgen
woman in religion caillech (a) (caille 1)
woman of Meath midech
woman suffering from some skin-disease claimsech (clam)
woman with fetid breath declam
woman with supernatural powers ammait (a)
woman ? gric
woman 3 gen
woman b 1
woman ben I (a)
woman benacn
woman biairt
woman brann 2
woman cuiniu
woman frac (frag)
woman gean vx 3 gen
womanhood bandacht (a) (banda 1)
woman-in-wating cumal 1 (a)
womanish banda 1 (b) (ben)
womanish inbanna
womanliness banas (ben)
womanliness bandacht (a) (banda 1)
womanly banamail (ben)
womanly banda 1 (a) (ben)
womans activities, etc. banas (ben)
womans property bandtaig (banda 1?)
womb (fig. of cup?) n 3
womb crislach (cris)
womb gaile
womb macloc
womb mtharlach
wonder adamrae
wonder adamrugud
wonder amrae II (a)
wonder deccair V
wonder ingantus (ingnad)
wonder ingnad, ingnth
wonder ingnad, ingnth
wonder machtad
wonder machtnad

wonder mrbail
wonder mrbaldacht
wonderful ? ? igra
wonderful thing amrae II (a)
wonderful work fiurt (firt, fert)
wonderful adamraigthe
wonderful amrae I
wonderful deccair IV
wonderful deccrach (deccair)
wonderful ingantach (ingnad)
wonderful ingnad, ingnth
wonderful machdatae
wonderful machtnaigthi
wonderful machtnamh
wonderful mrbail
wonderful mrbailech
wonderfulness ingantus (ingnad)
wonderfulness mrbaldacht
wondering adamrugud
wondering machtnugad
wonders at ingantaigid (ingnad)
wonders at ingantus (ingnad)
wonders at ingnad, ingnth
wonders ad-amraigedar
wonders ingantaigid (ingnad)
wonders machtaigid (machtad)
wonders machtnaigid (machtnad)
wonder-struck ingantach (ingnad)
wonder-working mrbailech
wondrous banners dlaide (dal)
wondrous ingnthach, ingnithech (ingnth)
wondrousness ingantae (ingnad)
wondrousness ingantaige (ingantach)
wondrousness ingnithche (ingnthach)
wondrousness ingnithe (ingnth)
wondrousness ingnthaige (ingnthach)
wont (?) gnssad (gns)
wont clecht 1
wont gnth
wont gnthach (gnth)
wont gnthaige (gnthach)
wont gntham (gnth)
wont gnthche (gnthach)
wont gnthugud
wonted (of instincts, qualities, etc.) dal 1 (b)
wonted gnthmar (gnth)
wood (forest) fid (c)
wood (material) crann (b)
wood of (Italian) oak escalchaill
wood of the holly-tree cuilenn
wood that kindles ? molc

wood caill 1
wood clrach 2 (clr)
wood cit
wood fid (b)
wood fidba(i)d
wood fidrad 1 (a) (fid)
wood fat
wood maide
woodbine (?) edlenn
woodbine (?) fithle
woodbine (?) fithlenn
woodbine fithleg (a)
wooded place crannach (crann)
wooded promontory (?) *fidros
wooded cailltech 1 = caillide
wooded crannda (crann)
wooded fidach I (fid)
wooden (?) measure fidlan(n)
wooden (?) vessel fidlan(n)
wooden bowl? masal
wooden building (?) clrad (c) (clr)
wooden cover clr (b)
wooden drinking-container crannc (a) (crann)
wooden floor (?) clrad (a) (clr)
wooden knocker basc(h)rann (bas + crann)
wooden lake-dwelling crannc (b) (crann)
wooden musical instrument crann (c)
wooden object cranngal (crann + gal)
wooden palisading (?) clrad (b) (clr)
wooden piece used in casting lots crann (d)
wooden stretcher fat
wooden structure cranngal (crann + gal)
wooden structure crannc (a) (crann)
wooden tablet cranntaball (crann + taball)
wooden vessel with rings or handles attached at the sides drolmach 1
wooden vessel with rings or handles dronglach = drolmach 1
wooden vessel an
wooden vessel ibrach (ibar)
wooden vessel metar
wooden yoke for oxen feidil 2
wooden crandach = crannda
wooden crannda (crann)
woodlands mong
woodpecker (?) calchenn (cel + cenn)
wood-pigeon colmn (colum 1)
woodwork clrad (a) (clr)
woof englaimm
woof fige
wooing comthochrad (tochra? tocrd?)
wooing imthochmarc
wool l, le

wool-combing crmairecht crmaire
woolen smocks ? loar
woolly substance canach
word (?) cuib 2
word (?) fuidir
word (CW) ana 1
word (of God) insce
word (poet.) ferb 3
word in opposition frithsuide
word made to correspond is the same in vowel imfrecrae
word of ill omen m-
word of similar declension (gramm.) brthair (d)
word or verse containing three syllables arcomarc, arcomrac
word or verse-line of seven syllables (metr.) claidemnas
word 2 gair
word br 3
word brathar (a)
word brathar (c)
word cainnt
word canamain (b)
word dar
word epert (a)
word feith 3
word focal, focull (a)
word fuach
word guth
word indrosc
word(s) bl I (d)
word(s) bran
word-feat bri(a)mon smet(h)rach
words labairt
words midrera
wordy (?, CW) comurlabra (airlabrae)
wordy dispute immarbg
wordy brathardae (brathar)
wordy brathrach (brathar)
wordy molach
work of art 1 grs
work of one ox icht
work or service involved in furnishing of produce (legal) aurgnam (b)
work 1 gnm
work 1 grs
work feidm (b)
work gestal
work gnmrad
work gnmrad
work gnugud (gnthugud)
work lagal
work lubair
work mod
work monar (-or)

worked gestlach, geslach (gestal)
worker 3 gna
worker gnthid (gnid)
working horse 1 gerrn (gerr)
working in yew-wood ibrracht
working together comthairbert (tairbert)
working monarugad (monar)
workmanship 1 grs
workmanship cerda(ige)cht (cerd 1)
workmanship elada, elatha (b)
workmanship gnmaige (gnmach)
workmen ? forbor
works (?) airbertnaigid (airbert)
works against frithoibrigid
works in (of a metal) imm-beir
works on (CW) do-airmil(li)
works on imm-beir
works gnid
works gnaigid (gndhaigid, gnthaigid)
workshop cerdchae (cerd 1)
world bith 1 I (a)
world cenntar (a)
world cruinne (b) (cruinn)
world domun 1 I
worldly domundae (domun 1)
worm cruim
worm dorb
wormwood bormont = mormnt(-a)
wormwood mormnt (-a)
wormy (of water) dorbach (dorb)
worn at the rim imbel?
worn away cnmach
worn by la
worn out (of clothes) athchaitte (caitte)
worn out athchnaite (cnad)
worn out caillemnach (caillemain)
worn out caillemnach (caillemain)
worn out caitte 1
worn out dbell I
worn out dbelta (dbell)
worn out dblide (dbell)
worn out dmelte
worn cremmannach (creimm)
worn-out millstone (as term of reproach) athbr (br)
worrying cattle (of dogs) airbach
worrying frithirecht (frithir)
worship dthracht (b)
worshipping 1 adrad
worships 1 adraid
worships fris-cuirethar
worsts do-ben 2 (a)

wort (of brewing-malt) braichles (-lis) (braich)
worth (?) fa 2
worth (folld. by acc.) fu I (b)
worth knowing fissi
worth lamenting canti
worth seeing ? ? imfaicse
worth airgnas (airgnae)
worth bres 1 (d)
worth brg (b)
worth dingbil IV
worth lg also lag
worth maithes, -ius
worthiness dingbltacht (dingblta)
worthiness indracus (indraic)
worthiness indracus (indraic)
worthless army ath\.slag (slag)
worthless fellow lionnsca
worthless object anman (man)
worthless folam, falam vx folomm
worthless lem
worthlessness andach 1
worthlessness esbatu (esba)
worthwhile (somet.) fu I (a)
worthy of (gs.) dingbil II
worthy of esteem mes(s)ach (mes)
worthy of love inmain
worthy of praise molta
worthy of quality innide (?inne)
worthy of in
worthy fu I (a)
worthy fintach
worthy indraic
worthy indraic
worthy indraicech, indracach (indraic)
would contest (?) -aircsenad
would that abamin
would that afameinn
wound guin vn. of gonaid
wound (?) 2 gein
wound (?) 3 gel
wound (?) cna
wound (inflicted) by a fool in combat imbil
wound requiring a tent ? indrige ?
wound with breaking of bones cnmbach (cnim + bach, see bongaid)
wound lad 1
wound cned
wound crcht
wound forguin
wound fuil
wound letrad
wound lott

wound lott
wound-abounding brgainech (-o- ?)
wound-dealing crchtnaigthech (crchtnugud)
wound-dealing gontach
wound-dealing guinech (guin)
wounded cnedach (cned)
wounded comchirrtha
wounded crchtach (crcht)
wounded crchtnaigthe
wounded forderg
wounded letartha
wounded -loitte, -loittithe
wounder (?) athgonaid 2 (ad-goin)
wounder of many athchomach (athchumma)
wound-giving cnedach (cned)
wound-inflicting crchtach (crcht)
wound-inflicting crchtaide = crchtach
wound-inflicting gonach (gon, guin)
wounding geognad
wounding guin vn. of gonaid
wounding (?) ? fothuind
wounding (?) fulachtad
wounding (?) gonfadach
wounding (?) lethad
wounding (a person) coscrad
wounding a relative fingal
wounding athchumma (a)
wounding bascad (b)
wounding bth
wounding cnedugad
wounding coimthregtad
wounding crchtnugud
wounding crach 3 (cr 1)
wounding foguin
wounding fordergad
wounding forguin
wounding goinidech
wounding lenad
wounding lenad
wounding lothach (lod)
wounding letarthach (letrad)
wounding letrad
wounding letrad
wounding lott
wounds (intrans.) dergaid II (a) (derg)
wounds again ad-goin
wounds ad-cuimben
wounds benaid I (c)
wounds cnedaigid (cned)
wounds coimthregtaid (tregtaid)
wounds con-goin

wounds crchtnaigid (crcht)
wounds cummaid (cummae)
wounds ercaid 2 (a)
wounds fo-crchtnaig
wounds fo-goin
wounds fordergaid (forderg)
wounds forgonaid
wounds gelaid
wounds getaid (past pass. of gonaid)
wounds lnaid (ln)
wounds letraid
wounds loittid (lott)
wounds? ? meirsce
woven (?)/plaited (?) -ces
woven fence clath (c)
woven casta
woven figthe
woven fthe I
wrangle conspid
wrangler cestamnach (ceist)
wrangling clampar
wrap fortched
wrap imscing, imsceng
wrapped tightly custal
wrapped craptha etc.
wrapping (of a garment) (?) fathi (--?)
wrapping airdrgud 1 = drgud 1
wrapping catd
wrapping fortche
wrappings (?) drgud 1 (c)
wrath aintes (2 tess)
wrath dberg (d) (d + bergg)
wrath domblas I (b) (do + mlas, blas)
wrath ferg 1
wrath frech
wrathful aindaraid
wrathful aindarda = aindaraid
wrathful dric
wrathful fergach
wrathful rach (r)
wrathfulness fergaige (fergach)
wreaking imbert
wreaks meilid (melaid)
wrecks bidid (a)
wrekage mda(-u)
wren dren
wren dreol(l)n
wrench (?) feirtche
wrench (?) firt 2
wren-lore drenacht (dren)
wrestler gleccaide (glecc)

wrestles with someone imm-serna
wrestles gleccaid (glecc)
wrestling bout ? imsreng
wrestling bout imthrascrad
wrestling together imthrascrad
wrestling coradacht, coraidecht
wrestling glecc (gleic)
wrestling gleccach (glecc)
wrestling imrascil, imarscil
wrestling imrascar
wrests (someth. from someone) do-boing (c)
wrests do-boing (a)
wretch anduine (a) (duine)
wretch bill, bell (bille ?)
wretch bochtn (bocht 1)
wretch cladaire (b) (clad)
wretched (?) donaide (dona)
wretched abode dairthech III
wretched body corpn (corp)
wretched deed (?) beillicht
wretched life dobethu (bethu)
wretched ? imchuma
wretched aicbil
wretched aindeis (c) (dess)
wretched anacrach (anacra 2)
wretched anridtech (annr)
wretched attrag (trag)
wretched dblide (dbell)
wretched dochma 2
wretched doimm
wretched doinmech
wretched dona (-ae)
wretched lach
wretched lochairthe, -artha, -arda?
wretched mindech
wretchedness (?) beille
wretchedness (?) eismecht
wretchedness aindeise (aindeis)
wretchedness bochtaine (bocht 1)
wretchedness dblidecht (dblide)
wretchedness milin?
wringing fscud
wrings do-fsci (fiscid)
wrinkle casad (b)
wrinkle gruc
wrinkled (?) grgnach vx grcnach
wrinkled grcnach (grcn)
wrinkled? mergach
wrist mudorn
writer of Latin Laitneir
writer augtar (c)

writer lebrir (lebor)
writes down con-scrba (scrbaid)
writes 3 graifnid (1 graif)
writes dechtaid 2
writes inscrbid
writing tablet manuail
writing 1 graif
writings lgthracht (-irecht) (lgthir)
written (Christian) law liter
written above fosgenid ?
written charter cairt 1 (b)
written law ligenn
written life of person betha b bo
written lebrach (lebor)
wrong decision anfuigell (fuigell)
wrong designation immarsloinned
wrong inflection ainrimm (1 rimm)
wrong judgement ainbreith (breith)
wrong judgement ambreith (breith)
wrong judgement anfuigell (fuigell)
wrong track, bad example (?) ainslicht (slicht)
wrong aimricht (b) (richt)
wrong aincride (a) (cride)
wrong aindlecht (dlecht)
wrong ainfr (b) (fr)
wrong ainrecht 1 (1 recht)
wrong anfolad II (a) (folud 1)
wrong col (a)
wrong dochert (cert)
wrong ccert I
wrong ccert II
wrong ccir, ccir I
wrong ccir, ccir II
wrong ccire
wrong geis
wrong indred
wrong-doing bine
wrongdoing dobedg (bdeg)
wrong-doing fr
wrongful contract (?) fochor
wronging imm, imb
wrongness ? imresc
wrought (?) ? gnthe
wrought with skill (?) druinech (druine 2)
wrought dnmach (dnum)
wry cerr (a)

x does not care about y is cummae la x y
x fails y coillid 1 (c) x for y (coll 2)
x is consumed tid caithem for (i n-) x (b)
x is like y is cummae x fri y

x is the same as y is cummae x fri y
x is used up tid caithem for (i n-) x (b)
x makes no distinction between y (and something else) is cummae la x y
x remembers y is cuman (b) la x y
x takes pity on y do-icc cride (a) x for y
xxx midise (?midisiu)

yard baile 1 (b)
yard garrda ON garor
yarn abras (b)
yarn ceirtln (ceirtle)
yarn-spinning abras (b)
yawning mnagud
year having an intercalary month ambolis
year an 3
year and(a)
year ann 1
year annaid
year bellit
year bladain
year eng 5 (?)
yearling calf gamuin
yearling deer gamuin
yearling heifer colp(th)ach 1 (colp(th)ae)
yearling bladnaide (bladain)
yearly bladantamail = bladnamail
yearly bladnamail (bladain)
yearning elchaire (a)
yearning inmaille (inmall)
year-old wine esarn, esern
year-old bladnaide (bladain)
years 1 es
yeast descad, descaid (b)
yelling bledach 2 (bled)
yellow plague buidechair
yellow bl 2
yellow buide 1
yellow-cheeked lecca
yellowish fobuide
yellowness buidecht 1 (buide 1)
yellowness buidetu (buide 1)
yelping (of dogs etc.) donl (do + nall)
yelping amastrach (amastar)
yelping donlach (donl)
yelping donlad = donlach
yelps glommaid gloimm
yeoman briugu
yes cet 1 I
yesterday ind
yet (with neg.) callic (b)
yet awhile fil (fil) (b) II

yet beus (a)
yet beus (c)
yet cedacht
yet fil (fil) (b) II
yew tree ida(d)
yew wood work ibrracht
yew ibar > iubar, iobar
yew-tree ibar > iubar, iobar
yew-wood ibar > iubar, iobar
yield of milk blegon
yield of milk blicht 1
yield of milk mlicht
yielding homage 2 gallcackling, imitating the croaking of
yielding milk blechtugad
yielding milk blichtmar (blicht 1)
yielding milk comblicht (blicht)
yielding isech (is)
yielding damthain
yielding maeth (moeth)
yielding maithem
yielding? maethlach
yields justice daimid IV
yields to con-itet
yields to laigid
yields beirid II
yields coimreicid (see reicc 1)
yields daimid IV
yields do-airbir II
yields do-beir I (h)
yields fo-eim, -fom, fem (d)
yields lossaid (los)
yoeman gomnach
yoke (of two working animals) crait
yoke ? muintend
yoke fellow? immechtraid immechtar
yoke cuing
yoke cuingelach (cuing)
yoke cuingir (cuing)
yoke mm
yokes indlid (indell)
yokes in-l
yoking indell
yoking indell
yoking mmugad
yolk of an egg buidn (buide 1)
yolk buidecn (buide 1)
yonder alla(e)
yonder allanall (alla(e) + anall)
yonder aract
yonder innonn
yore (of time) anall

you are cauterised loiscid
you cannot challenge him to combat if he defaults imguin
you two add vx 2 a
you -dat-
young animal bethn (beth 1)
young animal menn
young boy blaicce
young boy fochlocan (-n) II
young child lenbn (lenab)
young cleric macclirech
young corn in the blade fochan, -ann, -enn
young deer arndoe, arroe
young girl dairt 1 II
young kid mannn
young man lenab
young men gasrad
young of animals fulus
young of animals lubn
young of cattle indad, indoth
young of cattle los
young ox damnae IV daim
young person flesc 1 (c)
young pig arc 1 = orc 1
young pig banb
young pig cumlachtaid
young pig lupait
young servant 1 gilln gilla
young student felmacn
young warrior gas
young warriors gasrad
young woman femder
young woman feme
young 2 glas
young anesmar (esmar)
young anesta (esta)
young anarsaid 1 (arsaid 1)
young, tender grass fochnocn (fochan)
young? nun maccaillech
youngster fothlucc
your complete certainty of the ownership of the sword ? imdemna
your kingdom is yours ? forasselbthai
your do 2
your for, far, bar (uar)
yours is dear to him lais
youth (?) blaicce
youth of an age to bear arms gilla
youth under age 2 gairid gairig, garaid
youth anarsaidecht (anarsaid 1)
youth bachaill (d)
youth franc, frangc
youth gillacht gilla

youth lenab
youthful prowess ? maccomdacht
youthful vigour ? maccomdacht
youthful anesach (esach)
youthful flescach II (flesc 1)
youthful gasta gas
youthful mac(c)nta
youthful maccomda
youthfulness anestacht (anesta)
youths gillanrad gilla vx gillanraid
youths gillarad gilla
youths mac(c)rad (mac)

zany forcuitbid
zeal (?) fiuchairecht (fiuchair)
zeal (on behalf of) dthracht (c)
zeal daillsigud (allus?)
zeal dchracht (dchra)
zeal dgirse (dgir)
zeal dgrais II (b) (d + gress 2)
zeal dgraisige (dgraisech)
zeal tugud 1
zeal gringat
zeal indmus
zeal lasardacht (lassardae)
zeal lire (lir)
zealous ilgesach (ilges) (a)
zealous dedgair
zealous dchra
zealous dgraisech (dgrais)
zealous dubartach (dubart, see dbart 1, dbartach)
zealous dthrachtach (c) (dthracht)
zealous leinnne (lenn)
zealously ? luinn
Zeugung copur
Zodiac sign Gemini geimin = Lat. Gemina
zone circul
zone clima (-- ?)

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