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Teacher Rubric: Oral presentations

This is a sample rubric for teachers to assess students oral presentations. The criteria are
based on the standards for LOTE and Communication.
This rubric is designed to be integrated into a scoring sheet. A complete grading sheet
typically has a scoring system attached to performance descriptors, and space for comments.
The criteria, performance levels and performance descriptors are suggestions only and can be
altered to suit specific requirements.
Criteria Below expected level At expected level Above expected level
Introduction of topic
Topic introduced. Topic introduced clearly, and purpose of
tal !as made clear.
Topic introduced clearly and in an
interesting !ay. "urpose of tal !as made
clear. Outline of points !as given.
Development of topic
#ome understanding of topic sho!n.
#ome lins and connections made
bet!een ideas. "oints are usually
developed !ith minimum detail.
$nformation is usually relevant.
%ood understanding of topic sho!n. Lins
and connections bet!een ideas made
clear. $nformation !as relevant and
e&pressed in o!n !ords. "oints !ere
developed !ith sufficient and appropriate
A very good understanding of the topic
sho!n. Lins and connections bet!een
ideas made clear. $nformation !as
relevant and !ell e&pressed in o!n
!ords. "oints !ere !ell'organised and
developed !ith sufficient and appropriate
Ability to engage and
involve audience
#ome eye contact !as made.
Techniques used to engage audience
!ere minimal, or mainly ineffective.
An interesting approach taen to topic.
#peaer used techniques such as visual
aids and props, anecdote, surprising
facts, direct audience participation.
#peaer monitored audience and adapts
presentation accordingly. An interesting or
original approach taen to the topic.
#peaer used techniques such as visual
aids and props, anecdote, humour,
surprising facts, direct audience
Suitability of
presentation for
purpose and
Attempts !ere made to tailor the
presentation content to the intended
purpose of informing, interesting or
The presentation content and structure
!as tailored to the audience and to the
intended purpose of informing, interesting
or persuading.
The presentation content, structure and
delivery !ere closely tailored to the
audience and to the intended purpose of
informing, interesting or persuading.
Voice: clarity, pace,
"resenter occasionally spoe clearly and
at a good pace.
"resenter usually spoe clearly to ensure
audience comprehension. (elivery !as
usually fluent.
"resenter spoe clearly and at a good
pace to ensure audience comprehension.
(elivery !as fluent and e&pressive.
sentence structure,
The vocabulary of the presentation !as
mainly appropriate for the topic. The
presentation content !as occasionally
grammatically correct.
The vocabulary of the presentation !as
appropriate for the topic. #entence
structures !ere usually correct. The
presentation content !as usually
grammatically correct.
The vocabulary of the presentation !as
appropriate for the topic. A variety of
phrases and sentence structures !ere
used. The presentation content !as
grammatically correct.
"ronunciation occasionally correct, but
often hesitant and inaccurate.
"ronunciation and intonation is usually
"ronunciation and intonation is correct
and confident.
Cultural conventions
for oral presentation
%reetings and general presentation are
not culturally inappropriate.
%reetings are culturally appropriate.
)uestions are ans!ered appropriately.
%reetings are culturally appropriate.
%estures, stance and eye contact are
appropriate. )uestions are ans!ered
Use of visual aids
*o visual aids !ere used+ O,
-isual aids !ere occasionally appropriate
and related to the spoen message.
-isual aids supported the presentation
effectively. They clarified and reinforced
the spoen message.
-isual aids !ere carefully prepared and
supported the presentation effectively.
They clarified and reinforced the spoen
message. The aids added impact and
interest to the presentation.
Conclusion of topic
An attempt !as made to conclude the
The presentation !as summed up clearly. The presentation !as summed up clearly
and effectively, !ith ey points
Answering uestions
from audience
*ot all questions could be ans!ered.
)uestions ans!ered !ith difficulty, and
little no!ledge of the topic !as
.ost questions ans!ered.
Ans!ers sho!ed good no!ledge and
understanding of the topic. Language !as
mainly correct.
)uestions ans!ered !ith little difficulty.
-ery good no!ledge of the topic !as
demonstrated. Language !as correct and

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