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Brilliant Footsteps Int’l Academy

Teacher AbdulRahim Ibrahim

Lesson Plan
Week: Two Date: 25-09-2021 Class: JSS1 Gender: Boys Duration per period
Teachers Name: Abdul Rahim Ibrahim Total period (per week)
Subject: English Language Theme: L & S, Reading, Grammar, Writing & Literature
Topic: The vowel /I, i:/, Comprehension: Drugs Sub-topic:
[1], Countable Nouns, Narrative Composition &
Introduction to Literature in English
Instructional Materials: New Effective English Course for Junior Secondary
Behavioural At the end of the lesson(s), the learners should be able to:
1. produce the /I/ & /i:/ sounds.
2. identify the sounds in different expressions.
1. state the main points of the passage.
(Affective) 2. answer the comprehension questions on the passage.
3. state the vocabularies highlighted.
1. define countable nouns.
(Psychomotor) 2. state at least 5 examples of countable nouns
3. pluralize countable nouns
1. define narrative composition.
2. define fiction and non-fiction story.
1. define literature.
2. state the importance of literature.
3. Define and list the genres of literature.
Introduction: The teacher introduces the topics by greeting students and uttering few comments on the
previous lesson.

Previous In the previous classes of students they should have been exposed vowel sounds,
Knowledge comprehension passages, nouns, narrative essays, novels, drama and poems which are related to
Teaching Method Discussion and Questioning methods

Student Activity Students will listen to teacher’s explanation and write notes where necessary.

Presentation: The lesson would be presented in the following steps:

Step 1- L&S
Step 1: Teacher introduces the lesson.
Step 2: He pronounces the two sounds.
Step 3: He explains the differences between the sounds.
Step 2- Step 4: Show examples of the sounds in words.
Step 1: Teacher introduces the lesson.
Step 2: He requests a student to read the passage.
Step 3- Step 3: He reads the passage while students concentrate on the text.
Step 4: Teacher guides students to attempt the questions in the passage.
Step 1: Teacher introduces the lesson.
Step 4- Step 2: He reminds students about what noun is.
Step 3: He highlights the different classifications of noun and focuses on countable nouns.
Step 4: State examples of countable nouns.
Step 1: Teacher introduces the lesson.
Step 2: Explains what narrative composition is.
Step 3: Define fiction and non-fiction story.
Step 3: Give examples of a narrative essay.
Step 1: Teacher introduces the lesson.
Step 2: He defines literature.
Step 3: Explains the importance of literature.
Step 4: Lists the genres of literature.
Step 5: Defines the genres and gives examples of them.
Lesson Plan Fear Allah by being good to your parents, teachers and friends.

Evaluation: Students will be asked questions related to the study objectives. The questions will be posed in
a random order.

Conclusion: Teacher prays for blessing in upon himself and his students.

Assignment (take-home or class work)

1. Class work will be given to students to identify /I/ & /i:/ sounds in some words.

2. Passage questions are to serve as homework.

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HOD’s Signature & Date Principal’s Signature & Date

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