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République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire ‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديموقراطية الشعبية‬

Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et ‫وزارة التعليم العالي و البحث العلمي‬

de la Recherche Scientifique

Université Mohamed Lamine Debaghine ‫جامعة محمد لمين دباغين‬

Sétif 2 2 ‫سطيف‬
Faculté des Lettres et Langues
Département de Langue et de Littérature Anglaises
Djarou chahinez

Department of English Language and Literature

Faculty of Letters and Languages

Mohamed Lamine Debaghine, Setif 2 University

Date 30/11/2022

Dear Mr Ttoufik koussa


I am a registered Master’s student in the Department of of English Language and Literature at Mohamed Lamine
Debaghine, Setif 2 University. My supervisor is Ms. KISHOU hanane

The proposed topic of my research is:

Content Analysis of Lexical Density and Grammatical Intricasy In Language Science Thesis Abstracts Case Of
Master Two Students In The Department of English Language and Literature at Mohamed Lamin Debaghine
Setif 2 University

The objective of the study is:

1. To examine the lexical density and grammatical intricacy in master two students thesis abstracts.

I am here by seeking your consent to grant me permission to get access to first year students of English at
Mohamed Lamine Debeghine Sétif 2 University, attend English language lectures and administer my research

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or my supervisor. Our contact details are
as follows:

Email Telephone Number 0779972530

Upon completion of the study, I undertake to provide you with a bound copy of the dissertation.

Your permission to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Djarou chahinez

Supervisor Head of the Department


Téléphones: Faculté: 036661147 Département: 036661154 Télécopieur: 036661148

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