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‫الجمهوريــــــــة الجزائريــــــة الديمقراطيـــــة الشعبيـــــة‬

République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire

Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur ‫وزارة التعليــم العالــي والبحــث العلمــي‬
et de la Recherche Scientifique
et de la Recherche cientifique ‫جامعــة بجايــة‬
‫ بجاية‬de Bejaia
Université de Bejaia
Faculté des Lettres et des Langues ‫كليـــــة اآلداب واللغـــــات‬
Faculté des Lettres et des Langues
Aboudaou ‫أبـــوداو‬
Département de Langue et Littérature
Le Doyen
Anglaise ‫قســم اللغــة واألدب االنجليزى‬
Level: Master
Specialty: DLE + Linguistics
Module: Langue and Culture

Materials/Techniques for Teaching Culture

1-Teaching Materials:
Teaching materials refer to materials the teacher can use in order to teach better (transmit his/her
knowledge in a better way) and to develop learners learn the foreign language better (receive and
understand information better). Teaching materials, also called instructional materials, are suppliers and
resources needed by the teacher in order to achieve successfully his/her objectives. They are tools used
in educational lessons. They refer to objects (such as book, picture, maps...) and devices (such as DVD
or computer, CDs, tape recorders...). They are used in order to help learners understand the concepts
introduced Tél.
by Tél.
: :teacher.
Tél Tél : 034/22/15/42
: 034/22/15/42
Fax : Fax : 034 /22/15/47
2-Types ofFax : Fax : 034 /22/15/47
teaching materials:
There are many types of instructional materials that can be categorised according to their nature.
They can be pedagogical in nature (those materials designed for the purpose of teaching and learning,
such as: textbooks, objects, pictures, cards, charts...) or authentic in nature (those materials designed for
social purposes and bought to the classroom in order to provide authentic input to learners, such as:
maps, songs, novels, magazines, newspapers...); authentic materials are taken from real-life and adopted
in class, their first aim is not teaching and learning but integrated in class for the purpose of creating or
being in touch with the real/native language..
2-1-Traditional resources: include textbooks and workbooks used in the classroom. These
materials can help to introduce new concepts. They are used to teach several subject matters;
they can be used for language: reading and writing, vocabulary, grammar... and for other subject
matters. Newspapers, magazines, pictures... are also traditionally used in the classroom.

Faculté des Lettres et des Langues. Campus Aboudaou – Bejaia

Téléphone : 034 22 15 42 / Fax : 034 22 15 47
‫الجمهوريــــــــة الجزائريــــــة الديمقراطيـــــة الشعبيـــــة‬
République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur ‫وزارة التعليــم العالــي والبحــث العلمــي‬
et de la Recherche Scientifique
et de la Recherche cientifique ‫جامعــة بجايــة‬
‫ بجاية‬de Bejaia
Université de Bejaia
Faculté des Lettres et des Langues ‫كليـــــة اآلداب واللغـــــات‬
Faculté des Lettres et des Langues
Aboudaou ‫أبـــوداو‬
Département de Langue et Littérature
Le Doyen
Anglaise ‫قســم اللغــة واألدب االنجليزى‬
2-2-Graphic organisers: a type of visual representation of information such as diagrams, charts,
tables, flow charts, plot diagrams. They help to organise ideas, to compare, to classify
information. They help learners internalise and apply information more easily.
2-3-Teacher-made resources: are created by the teacher for better teaching, such as: handouts,
worksheets, tests, quizzes, projects.... They are used for information transmission and student
2-4-Electronics and media: are technological tools such as computers, interactive whiteboards,
and tablet...used by the teacher and students for educational purposes. This allows students to
manipulate easily information, on the one hand, and to attract students’ attention and interest, on
the other hand.
3-Appropriate materials for teaching culture:
The use and the choice of materials depend largely on the objectives of teaching both the culture
and the language. Because the materials are sources of input for both language aspects and cultural
content, the teacher
Tél. : should pay
Tél attention to which materials to adopt.
: 034/22/15/42
Tél. : Tél : 034/22/15/42
: : FaxFax : 034
: 034 /22/15/47
The teacher should also pay attention to bring materials that provide input about the foreign
culture and the culture(s) of the students.
Examples such as videos, CDs, readings (novels, magazines, newspapers...) internet, oral tales,
idioms, proverbs, collocations, anecdotes, souvenirs, songs, surveys, illustrations, pictures and photos,
maps, textbooks, magazines, maps... are among the materials that are appropriate for teaching culture.
4-Activities in teaching and practicing culture:
Among the activities a teacher can use to teach and practice culture, we find: puzzles, quizzes,
role plays, games, field trips, reading activities, discussion, listening activities, speaking and writing,
singing, classifying, fill in the gaps, mapping, painting, cooking, comparing and contrasting, listing....

Faculté des Lettres et des Langues. Campus Aboudaou – Bejaia

Téléphone : 034 22 15 42 / Fax : 034 22 15 47

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