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University of Phoenix

College of Health and Human Services

BSHS/462 Building Community in rgani!ations
"ee# ne
Week One Individual Assignment
Characteristics and Environments of a Human Service Organization Paper
"rite a $%&'&( to $%'&&()ord *P* formatted +a+er a,out a human service organi!ation that you have
selected% in )hich you are interested% or of )hich you are a)are- .he organi!ation must ,e a national%
state% or local +rogram- /ou must address the follo)ing 0uestions1
$- "hat are the organi!ation2s vision and mission3
2- Ho) is the organi!ation governed and staffed3
4- "hat are some of its #ey sta#eholders5those that have influence on an organi!ation3 Ho) do these
sta#eholders influence the organi!ation3
4- "hat community colla,orations and mar#eting and +u,lic relations strategies does the organi!ation
em+loy3 "hy are these colla,orations im+ortant to the organi!ation and the community3
'- Ho) does the organi!ation demonstrate the valuing of diversity3
6- "hat environmental trends5+olitical% economic% social% and technological5are they facing3 Ho) )ell is
the agency managing these trends and forces3
4 6 Excellent Performance "or# 0uality is exem+lary and demonstrates conce+tual understanding-
4 6 Above Average Performance "or# exceeds the minimum ex+ectations for the assignments as
discussed in the curriculum-
2 6 Average Performance *ccom+lishes only the minimum re0uirements as outlined in the curriculum- .he
student2s )or# may demonstrate #no)ledge ,ut lac#s a++lication and/or synthesis-
$ 6 Below Average-Failing .he student demonstrates minimal com+etencies- .he student is una,le to
document or demonstrate evidence of meeting minimal ex+ectations for the a++ro+riate college level )or#-
Categor ! " # $
Organization 7a8or +oints and s+ecific
exam+les are clear-
Content is organi!ed )ith
multi+le exam+les that
logically follo) the
+ro8ect and the +a+er is
$%&'&( to $%9'&()ords in
7a8or +oints are clear )ith
some s+ecific exam+les
and details- Content is
organi!ed )ith some
exam+les that logically
follo) the instructor(
a++roved +ro8ect and the
+a+er is $%&'&( to $%9'&(
)ords in length-
7a8or +oints are mostly
clear% ,ut may not include
s+ecific exam+les or details-
Content is organi!ed )ith
minimal exam+les that
logically follo) the
instructor(a++roved +ro8ect
and the +a+er may not ,e
$%&'&( to $%9'&()ords in
7a8or +oints are not
clearly stated and
exam+les are not
+resent or are vague
and lac#ing in detail-
Content is organi!ed
)ith fe) exam+les that
logically follo) the
+ro8ect and the +a+er
is not $%&'&( to $%9'&(
)ords in length-
Introduction :ntroduction clearly
conveys to+ic and
involves reader from the
,eginning- :ncludes
strong o+ening statement
follo)ed ,y organi!ed
:ntroduction conveys to+ic
and has some involvement
for the reader- :ncludes an
effective o+ening statement
follo)ed ,y mostly
organi!ed thoughts-
:ntroduction some)hat
conveys to+ic% ,ut seems to
have a )ea# +ull for the
reader- :ncludes a general
overvie)% ,ut does not have
a logical or organi!ed order-
:ntroduction does not
convey the to+ic or has
little to no +ull for the
reader- Has a nearly
nonexistent overvie)
or illogical order-
%actual Content Pa+er clearly
understanding and
documentation of
information related to the
Pa+er demonstrates an
understanding and
documentation of
information related to the
Pa+er demonstrates some
understanding and
documentation of
information related to the
Pa+er does not
demonstrate an
understanding and
documentation of
factual information
related to the to+ic-
University of Phoenix
College of Health and Human Services
BSHS/462 Building Community in rgani!ations
"ee# ne
Conclusion Conclusion is logical-
:nformation flo)s from
the ,ody of the +a+er and
revie)s ma8or tenants-
Summari!es #ey +oints%
,ut does not add ne)
Conclusion is logical and
flo)s from the ,ody of the
+a+er% ,ut does not revie)
ma8or tenants- 7a8or +oints
may ,e summari!ed and
some ne) information may
,e added-
Conclusion some)hat
logical% ,ut does not seem
to flo) from the ,ody of the
+a+er- ;e) information is
added% )hich o,scures
ma8or +oints covered in the
Conclusion is not
+resent or is illogical in
&eferences and
In'te(t citations
APA Stle
Note. ;o
references or
citations are
re0uired in the

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