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Unforgettable experience

From my birth and up to date, my parents have instilled Christian values. My

family is Catholic and 19 years ago, my parents went to a Catholic group called: "
Verbum Dei Community " ( which means " word of God ").Ever since I can recall, I have
been part of that group; that group has had an impressive impact on my life . If it wasnt
because I've been all my life in that group, I wouldnt be as I am right now (Moral
person, Religious), I wouldnt think what comes to my mind every day, things look
completely different .
The summer that just passed, I lived something that had never experienced
before. I experienced things I had ever experienced, and something that whatever
happens I will not forget in my life . What I experienced is called Verano en Mision. The
VEM is a teenagers encounter from different Catholic
communities in Mexico . There is a community of
communities called The Sword of the Spirit. There are
Catholic groups as to which I belong all around the world ,
but in Mexico , they are in different cities , to name a few :
Monterrey , Tampico , Zitcuaro , Acapulco , Merida ,
Xalapa , Veracruz , Mexicali , Cuernavaca, San Miguel de
Allende, among others. This meeting was from June 18 to
July 28, 2013 in Monterrey , Nuevo Len.
Before I know whether or not go to Verano en Mision, there were many things
around and which had influence on my decision. First of all, it was my graduation from
high school and I did not want to miss it . Why? Because it was something unique and
something that I would had enjoyed a lot. If I had decided to go to Verano en Mision, I
would not be in it. This meant that I would miss my delivery of documents, prom and all
those organized parties where it was clearly only for drinking and getting drunk with
your friends. It was something I really did not want to lose; but that didnt stop me from
taking my decision.
The other problem that had an influence on my decision , was the question of the
school. I received a scholarship offer from ITESM Campus Monterrey School to play
football with them. They offered 90 % scholarship , housing, food and a special
scholarship support , so if my parents accepted and authorized me to go to study in that
school, I would have to stay in Monterrey without returning to Mexicali with my family
after the end of the VEM . That was difficult for me because I would not see my family
for a long time and on the other side, I wanted to stay that time in Mexicali to spend
more time with my family instead of going to the VEM and then go to Monterrey to the
Finally , I decided to go to the VEM and to leave behind my high school
graduation. My parents decided not to let me study in Monterrey , so I would stay and
study at CETYS Mexicali .
After I arrived to Monterrey , I was nervous and with high expectations for my
summer. I was hoping that leaving everything behind , would worth it .
At the start of VEM ( June 18 ) we were around 115 teenagers from all communities of
Mexico gathered in one house , This is a retreat house of the Enshrined Marist brothers
. It had all the facilities and necessary services to perform this meeting. It had like 30
bedrooms, each of them with a restroom; A very big kitchen, 2 big conference rooms,
and more than 25 showers.
Verano en Mision is six weeks living together and sharing with the other brothers
. The first 2 weeks are training or preparation. In these two
weeks, we received talks and lessons in order to be better
prepared for the next 3 weeks which are for mission in any
of the different communities that exist in Mexico .The three
next weeks of training after the first 2 weeks, they divided all
the teenagers in squads ( teams) and work with that squad
all remaining summer. I was in Monterrey squad.

My job along with my other brothers and sisters was
to organize summer activities for the teenagers in the community of Monterrey. Since
there were many men and women in middle and high school programs , all activities
were done separately. Men and women were separated as well as middle school and
high school were separated too. Some of the activities we did were: camps , house
training , excursions ( Matacanes Chipinque Forest ) , sports, parties , among others. I
enjoyed a lot the trip to Matacanes, because it is a very beautiful outdoor place, which is
full of vegetation, waterfalls and under water caves.
The truth is that this summer was the best summer of my life and I say it without
hesitating a little bit. I lived things that I had never lived before and I built strong
relationships of brotherhood. This summer had an impact on my life, it made me more
faithful in my personal prayer, better in the musical field, and I learned new songs and
had a development in my playing guitar skills.
To be honest, I would not trade the life experience I had this summer with my
brothers. I havent been surer in my life to say that sacrificing my graduation from high
school and all those things that are involved, was worth it. It was worth it to follow God
and give this summer to Him. This is the most unforgettable experience I had in my life.
It is something I will never forget. This VEM completely exceeded the expectations I
had at the very beginning . I thank God for choosing me to be in their people, in this
way, because without him I dont not know what I would have become . Verbum Dei
Community is the best thing that could have happened in my life.

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