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About myself another kind of essay

To begin with, I was born on 4

of November, in 1992, in a small town alled !latina" As
I am writing these words about myself, I am 21 years old, studying law at one of the best and
most #restigious law shools in my ountry , as every law student loves to say"
$as this the thing I wanted to do sine I was little%& 'ou ould say so( when I was
little, I used to love #laying games" To be honest, I still do , the only thing that has hanged sine
then is the stake" !o I think that law shool is the right #lae to be for this"
I know I should desribe myself, but I am not going to talk about looks, I am going to
talk about feelings, e)#etations, dreams, ho#es, goals" $hat truly defines a #erson is not how
she looks, what lothes she #uts on, how muh money she has, but how she thinks, how she ats,
what she dreams of, what she ho#es for" $hat I am trying to say is the fat that material things
don*t define who you are, but the s#iritual ones kind of do"
If somebody had asked me last year to talk about myself, I would #robably have said
this + , I am kind of a ontrol freak" In order for me to be ha##y, I need ontrol, ontrol over
everything I do" 'ou may say I don*t understand the one#t of ha##iness, but for me, that is
what ha##iness means+ #ower, ontrol, vanity" If I end u# the day knowing that everything went
the way I wanted, if I know that my feelings are in the right #lae and by --the right #lae.. I
mean --buried dee# down.., I an slee# tight" The moment I will lose ontrol over my life,
over what affets me in any ertain way( it means that I lost myself"/
0ut I was so wrong( what I was desribing bak then it was not ha##iness, for sure" If
ha##iness is what you are looking for, you should first make #eae with yourself" And that is
e)atly what I did, but in order to do that, I had to take a ste# bak and see the whole #iture"
1hange an be sary sometimes and that is why I thought I need ontrol over everything
in my life" I was afraid of new, I was afraid of taking risks, but now I understand one thing + life
won*t take you anywhere, you are the one who is going to take life wherever you want to" In
order to do that, you have to ae#t that ontrol is not everything" 1ontrol an give you the false
im#ression that you are walking on a #lain, seure road, that everything is in the right #lae2 but
life is not like that, you have to lose ontrol sometimes if you really want to feel alive"
'ou will be wrong in some situations, you will make mistakes, you will find yourself in
#laes you never imagined to go, you will meet great #eo#le, ugly #eo#le, but don*t forget that
they are 3ust #assengers in the train of your life and that the #laes you will see are 3ust #it sto#s
on your way to your true destination" 4ven if you feel like giving u# sometimes, even if you feel
like nothing is in the right #lae, even if you feel that you lost your way, kee# going" 4very #lae
you see, every #erson you meet are 3ust lessons 2 take what you need from it and kee# going"
Never sto#" The road you are walking on has no end, the train you are driving an go anywhere"""
so trust me, the key is sim#le + kee# going"
0eing ha##y is the easiest thing to do as long as you truly want it" I know now that
ha##iness is 3ust a matter of hoie and how I hoose to at, to think is what really defines me as
a human being" !o I finally learnt how to be ha##y with whatever life has to offer me, to
a##reiate every single day and to smile no matter how hard it gets" I learnt to be thankful every
morning 3ust beause I am still alive and able to smile"
To sum u#, I reali5ed that the small things in life are the ones whih ount the most2 the
small things are the ones whih make your ,whole #iture/ ( whole"

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