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Joe Peck and Jacob Minty, Period 2,

Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer is a disease that causes
suffering and death. About 200,000 people
in the United States of America are
diagnosed over the world a year.
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Peck, Joseph Friday, April 4, 2014 9:05: 46034AM ! Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:9c:0d
2 main types of
Lung Cancer
Asbestos fibers
Peck, Joseph Friday, April 4, 2014 9:05: 46034AM ! Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:9c:0d
How big is Lung Cancer?
Every year Lung Cancer
kills about a million people
200,000 people in the
U.S. diagnosed a year
More men than Women
Peck, Joseph Friday, April 4, 2014 9:05: 46034AM ! Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:9c:0d
What are the causes of
Lung cancer?
Second-hand smoke
Asbestos fibers
Peck, Joseph Friday, April 4, 2014 9:05: 46034AM ! Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:9c:0d
What are some effects/
symptoms of Lung Cancer?
Destroys lung tissue
Blocking airways
Coughing, breathing
problems, loss of
appetite, fatigue
Peck, Joseph Friday, April 4, 2014 9:05: 46034AM ! Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:9c:0d
Is Lung Cancer getting
better or worse? Why?
Better in men
Worse in women
Overall better
Peck, Joseph Friday, April 4, 2014 9:05: 46034AM ! Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:9c:0d
What can be done to help
sol ve Lung Cancer?
Dont smoke
Keep away from
second-hand smoke
and air pollution
Test your home for radons
Peck, Joseph Friday, April 4, 2014 9:05: 46034AM ! Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:9c:0d
Why should we care about
Lung Cancer?
It affects many people
in the U.S. and around you
Donating or helping even
a little could save many
lives around the world
Peck, Joseph Friday, April 4, 2014 9:05: 46034AM ! Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:9c:0d
How are WE going to help?
We are going to raise money and donate it to the
Lung Cancer Alliance organization
Peck, Joseph Friday, April 4, 2014 9:05: 46034AM ! Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:9c:0d
"Cancei Facts & Figuies 2u1S Supplemental Bata." 2&.3() 4&3"$ 5 4-67)($ 89:;< =7>>,('(."&, ?&"&. Ameiican Cancei Society, n.u. Web. 1S Feb. 2u14.
"Causes of Lung Cancei: Smoking, Asbestos, anu Noie." @(0A?. WebNB, 18 0ct. uu9u. Web. uS Nai. 2u14.
uainick, Naic B. "Lung Cancei." @*),/ B**C ="7/(."D Woilu Book, 2u14. Web. 14 Feb. 2u14. "BowBoes Lung Cancei Affect Youi Bouy."
2u1S. Web. u6 Nai. 2u14.
"Lung Cancei anu the Enviionment." M(&,"1 G++(3"$. N.p., n.u. Web. u7 Nai. 2u14.
"Lung Cancei." E7.6 2&.3(). Ameiican Cancei Society, n.u. Web. u6 Nai. 2u14.
"Lung Cancei Statistics." 2(."()$ +*) ?-$(&$( 2*.")*, &./ N)(O(."-*.. Centeis foi Bisease Contiol anu Pievention, 2S 0ct. 2u1S. Web. 1S Feb. 2u14.
"Toxicological Sciences." P =1*)" M-$"*)Q *+ E7.6 2&.3(). 0xfoiu }ouinals, n.u. Web. uS Nai. 2u14.
"You Bave Lung Cancei. We'ie Beie to Belp." E7.6 2&.3()R !."(6)&"-O( H)(&"'(." N)*6)&'. Cancei Tieatment Centeis of Ameiica, u1 }an. uuu1. Web.
u6 Feb. 2u14.
2(."()$ +*) ?-$(&$( 2*.")*, &./ N)(O(."-*.. Centeis foi Bisease Contiol anu Pievention, u6 Feb. 2u14. Web. 14 Feb. 2u14.
2(."()$ +*) ?-$(&$( 2*.")*, &./ N)(O(."-*.. Centeis foi Bisease Contiol anu Pievention, 2S 0ct. 2u1S. Web. 12 Feb. 2u14.
"Effects of Lung Cancei." S E-+(:8;. N.p., 1 }an. 2u14. Web. 14 Feb. 2u14.
"Bealth Effects." ='*C(+)((D6*O. N.p., n.u. Web. u6 Nai. 2u14.
"Lung Cancei 1u1 | Lungcancei.oig." E7.6 2&.3() :9: T E7.63&.3()D*)6. N.p., n.u. Web. u4 Nai. 2u14.
"Lung Cancei-Topic 0veiview." @(0A?. WebNB, n.u. Web. 22 Feb. 2u14.
"What Is the Aveiage Age foi Lung Cancei." P0*7"D3*'E7.6 2&.3(). N.p., n.u. Web. 18 Nai. 2u14.
Peck, Joseph Friday, April 4, 2014 9:05: 46034AM ! Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:9c:0d

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