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For your

May 26-27
Half term break
May 22
Athletics Day

We are moving to our final unit of inquiry this
week, although I hope that the childrens
actions will be ongoing. They are currently
discussing the following actions: School wide
recycling program, including having bins for
paper in all classrooms, a fundraiser for Bang Jo
and reusing the left over school food for dog
food and/or composting. Lets see how they
can organize themselves!!!
Our central idea for the upcoming unit is:
Finding peaceful solutions to conflict leads to a
better quality of human life.
The lines of inquiry are:
Causes of conflict
Conflict resolution and management
Living and working together peacefully
We began today by listening to Max and Khiri
in PYP8. Max wrote a pro peace rap song for his
exhibition. The children did a local to global
reflection task on what they heard. They are
already making great connections to our
beliefs unit.
Monday, May 26 and Tuesday 27, are pupil free
days. That means there is no school for any of
the students on these two days. The teachers
will use the 27th for curriculum development
and collaboration.
Have a wonderful and well-deserved long
weekend with your family.

Skate Beach Party
Date: 24 May 2014
Time: 4pm till late
Venue: Gaia Beach Restaurant, Layan Beach
PIADS PYP8 students, Elin Ydmark and Ben Mc
Millan, have created this event to share "The
Joy of Music" (Elin's PYP8 project) and to raise
funds for a skate park to be built on the PIADS
Campus (Ben's PYP8 project). There are some
great prizes available. Hope to see you there!

Dear parents,
Please be reminded that if your child is taking any
action at home to take photos and share with us,
so we can add to our class blog. Ashvin has been
going to the Bodhi Clinic and helping care for the
animals there. Nice action Ashvin! Keep us

We are still practicing regrouping. I have also
introduced a bingo type game, Addo, which
incorporates number, statistics and probability,
reasoning and problem solving. The children love it

Welcome t o PYP5 Newslet t er
May 19, 2014

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