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Q80 Valve Industries

Date of training 24/03/2012
Programme API onogram/!ame Plate a""li#ation
De"artment Q$ De"artment% Dis"at#& De"artment
Description of training:
A training was #ondu#ted '( QA/Q$ In #&arge/) on API onogram mar*ing and
engraving of !ame Plates #overing t&e following "oints+
a, AA) 01 raised during API audit on maintaining t&e eviden#e to s&ow t&at API
onogram/!ame Plate &as 'een mar*ed '( aut&ori-ed "erson,
', )oot #ause and a#tion ta*en against t&e a'ove AA),
#, $&anges made in t&e Pro#edure of API onogram a""li#ation as an a#tion against
t&e AA) 01,
$ondu#ted '(+
Attendees + r, Ar.un PV /Q$ 0ngineer1
r, 2&a&-ad A /3itter/4e#&ni#ian1
r, !adeem /Dis"at#& assistant1
Review results:
All t&e "arti#i"ants &ave a#5uired ade5uate *nowledge a'out API onogram/!ame Plate
a""li#ation on valves and also t&e( are now aware of t&eir role in t&e "ro#ess,
$&anges made to t&e onogram a""li#ation "ro#edure &ave reviewed and understood '(
Q$ 0ngineer w&o is aut&ori-ed to a""l( t&e onogram will also maintain eviden#e to t&is
a#tivit( in t&e form of newl( develo"ed formats )0$/QA/!P/01 )ev 00 /name "late
re#ord1 6 )0$/QA/!P/02 )ev 00 /7og for name "late re#ord1,
4raining is found effe#tive and satisfa#tor(% &owever results of t&e same to 'e verified
during internal audit also,
)eviewed '(+
Do# no, )0$/P0)/02 )0V 00

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